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Labor area summaries

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Labor area summaries

Labor area summaries provide labor market information for metropolitan areas and counties in Washington state. We refresh these data once a month, following a federal Bureau of Labor Statistics schedule. View the schedule on the Monthly Employment Report page. For more information or analysis of local labor markets, contact an economist.

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Kitsap County (Bremerton MSA)

Unemployment rates | Nonfarm industry employment | Employment and unemployment | Total nonfarm employment | Glossary Unemployment rates

Year 2012 2013 2014

Jan 8.1% 7.8% 6.4%

Feb 8.4% 7.9%

Mar 8.2% 7.5%

Apr 7.4% 6.8%

May 7.6% 7.0%

Jun 7.5% 7.1%

Jul 7.5% 6.7%

Aug 7.5% 6.4%

Sep 6.8% 6.2%

Oct 6.5% 6.3%

Nov 6.6% 6.0%

Dec 7.0% 6.0%

Source: Washington State Employment Security Department, Labor Market and Performance Analysis


Nonfarm industry employment

Year 2012 2013

Jan 82,400 82,400

Feb 82,300 82,500

Mar 82,700 82,500

Apr 83,100 83,000

May 84,200 83,500

Jun 84,400 84,300

Jul 84,000 83,900

Aug 83,900 83,500

Sep 83,500 83,300

Oct 84,200 81,500

Nov 84,200 82,000

Dec 83,900 84,900

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Labor area summaries



Source: Washington State Employment Security Department, Labor Market and Performance Analysis


Employment and unemployment

Employment and unemployment, not seasonally adjusted, in Kitsap County (Bremerton MSA)
Labor force classification (place of residence) Civilian Labor Force Employment Unemployment Unemployment Rate % Preliminary Jan-14 116,630 109,210 7,420 6.4% Revised Dec-13 116,830 109,860 6,970 6.0% Revised Jan-13 118,480 109,270 9,210 7.8% Dec-13 Jan-14 -200 -650 450 0.4% Jan-13 Jan-14 -1,850 -60 -1,790 -1.4% Jan-13 Jan-14 % -1.6% -0.1% -19.4% -17.9%

Source: Washington State Employment Security Department, Labor Market and Performance Analysis


Total nonfarm employment

Show all industries Click on a column heading in the table below to sort the column either in ascending order or in descending order.

Total nonfarm employment, not seasonally adjusted, in Kitsap County (Bremerton MSA)
NAICS industry title (place of work) Total Nonfarm Total Private Goods Producing Mining, Logging, and Construction Manufacturing Service-Providing Private Service Providing Trade, Transportation, and Utilities Retail Trade Professional and Business Services Leisure and Hospitality Government Federal State government Local government Workers in Labor Management Disputes Preliminary Jan-14 83,300 54,700 5,700 3,600 2,100 77,600 49,000 12,100 10,200 6,800 7,600 28,600 16,300 2,000 10,300 0 Revised Dec-13 84,900 55,800 5,900 3,800 2,100 79,000 49,900 12,600 10,600 6,900 7,800 29,100 16,500 2,000 10,600 0 Revised Jan-13 82,400 53,100 5,400 3,400 2,000 77,000 47,700 12,100 9,900 6,900 7,500 29,300 16,700 2,000 10,600 0 Dec-13 Jan-14 -1,600 -1,100 -200 -200 0 -1,400 -900 -500 -400 -100 -200 -500 -200 0 -300 0 Jan-13 Jan-14 900 1,600 300 200 100 600 1,300 0 300 -100 100 -700 -400 0 -300 0 -2.8% 3.0% -1.4% 1.3% -2.4% -2.4% Jan-13 Jan-14 % 1.1% 3.0% 5.6% 5.9% 5.0% 0.8% 2.7%

Source: Washington State Employment Security Department, Labor Market and Performance Analysis Branch

Top MD = Metropolitan Division MSA = Metropolitan or Micropolitan Statistical Area * = County not available separately from MSA

Employment (Current Population Survey) Persons 16 years and over in the civilian noninstitutional population who, during the reference week, (a) did any work at all (at least 1 hour) as paid employees; worked in their own business, profession, or on their own farm, or worked 15 hours or more as unpaid workers in an enterprise operated by a member of the family; and (b) all those who were not working but who had jobs or businesses from which they

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Labor area summaries

were temporarily absent because of vacation, illness, bad weather, childcare problems, maternity or paternity leave, labor-management dispute, job training, or other family or personal reasons, whether or not they were paid for the time off or were seeking other jobs. Each employed person is counted only once, even if he or she holds more than one job. Excluded are persons whose only activity consisted of work around their own house (painting, repairing, or own home housework) or volunteer work for religious, charitable, and other organizations. Labor force (Current Population Survey) The labor force includes all persons classified as employed or unemployed in accordance with the definitions contained in this glossary. North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) The successor to the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) system; this system of classifying business establishments is being adopted by the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Not seasonally adjusted This term is used to describe data series that have not been subjected to the seasonal adjustment process. In other words, the effects of regular or seasonal patterns have not been removed from these series. Total nonfarm employment (Current Employment Statistics) Employment is the total number of persons on establishment payrolls employed full or part time who received pay for any part of the pay period which includes the 12th day of the month. Temporary and intermittent employees are included, as are any workers who are on paid sick leave, on paid holiday, or who work during only part of the specified pay period. A striking worker who only works a small portion of the survey period, and is paid, would be included as employed under the CES definitions. Persons on the payroll of more than one establishment are counted in each establishment. Data exclude proprietors, self-employed, unpaid family or volunteer workers, farm workers, and domestic workers. Persons on layoff the entire pay period, on leave without pay, on strike for the entire period or who have not yet reported for work are not counted as employed. Government employment covers only civilian workers. With the release of NAICS-based estimates in June 2003, the scope and definition of Federal Government employment estimates changed due to a change in source data and estimation methods. The previous series was an end-of-month federal employee count produced by the Office of Personnel Management, and it excluded some workers, mostly employees who work in Department of Defense-owned establishments such as military base commissaries. Beginning in June 2003, the CES national series began to include these workers. Also, Federal Government employment is now estimated from a sample of Federal establishments, is benchmarked annually to counts from unemployment insurance tax records, and reflects employee counts as of the pay period including the 12th of the month, consistent with other CES industry series. The historical time series for Federal Government employment was revised to reflect these changes. Unemployment (Current Population Survey) Persons aged 16 years and older who had no employment during the reference week, were available for work, except for temporary illness, and had made specific efforts to find employment sometime during the 4-week period ending with the reference week. Persons who were waiting to be recalled to a job from which they had been laid off need not have been looking for work to be classified as unemployed. Unemployment rate The unemployment rate represents the number unemployed as a percent of the labor force. Top

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