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World War I: The Great War

Define the following terms using Chapter 10 Section 5 (pp 370-373).

1. Neutral 2. Propaganda 3. Armistice 4. Central Powers 5. Allied Powers 6. Woodrow Wilson 7. The Lusitania 8. Zimmermann Telegram 9. Camp Benning, Fort McPherson, & Camp Gordon

Create a title for this political cartoon

Archduke Ferdinand

While visiting the city of Sarajevo, in the AustroHungarian territory of Bosnia,

Austrian archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by

a man connected with a Serbian terrorist organization. Blaming Serbia for the murder,

Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. In turn, Russia, an ally of Serbia, declared war on Austria-Hungary.
According to the cartoonist, who did the European countries blame for the conflicts in Europe?

Archduke Ferdinand
Austria-Hungarys ally Germany then declared war on both Russia and its ally France.


Germany attacked France by marching through the neutral country of Belgium. As a result Great Britain, which had promised to protect Belgium, also entered the conflict.
European countries took sides! Whose side was Spain on?

Causes of WWI
A N I Alliance
Get people to join you

Pride in your country

Control other peoples land to create an empire

M A L-

Form armies, build up arsenal

No control Before WWI there was NO peace keeping organization

Was poor/weak in many countries

Who is this poster target audience?

What feature is drawn to show who this beast represents?
What message was being sent in this WWI cartoon? American men needed to enlist in the US army to save America from the brutish animal of Germany and their allies.

New Technologies of War

Machine guns Poison Gas Airplanes Tanks Submarines
The Industrial Revolution introduced mass production techniques to greatly increase the number of guns, cannons, artillery shells and therefore deadliness of war!

What conflict was the USA facing?

Who: Woodrow Wilson, U.S. President Where: Toward Justice Trying to avoid war and intervention Wilson attempted to stay neutral. However, Germany will provoke the United States: 1. Lusitania sunk by Germany 2. Zimmerman Telegram asking Mexico to attack US

German U-boats sank many ships without warning. President Wilson told the Germans that they would be responsible for any American lives lost. On May 7, 1915, a German U-boat sank the British luxury liner, the Lusitania. Approximately 1,200 people perished, 128 of them Americans. The Germans claimed the liner was illegally carrying weapons from the USA to Great Britain.

Zimmerman Telegram
German foreign secretary Zimmerman sent a letter to Mexico proposing an alliance.
Mexico would attack the United States and regain territories lost to the United States in 1848.

Americans were outraged.

Germany began sinking neutral ships again. Wilson urged Congress to declare war!

Americans at War
The United States took over the privately owned railroads to ensure that resources needed for the war reached their destinations. Labor unions gained more respect because striking workers would slow down much needed production. African Americans migrated from southern farms to work in northern factories. Mexican immigrants settled in the southwestern United States, becoming farmers, laborers and miners.

The armistice was signed between the Central Powers and the Allies and went into effect on November 11, 1918 This date was known by the following phrase: On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th monthWorld War I ended. The war was known at the time as The Great War and Americans called it the War to End All Wars

Treaty of Versailles
Woodrow Wilson created the Fourteen Points to ensure lasting world peace. He attempted to create a world peacekeeping organization which later became known as the League of Nations. His allies did not agree with many his points:
France & Britain wanted Germany to PAY, PAY, PAY reparations! Germany was forced to pay for the entire cost of the war 33 billion dollars! The war meant the end of the booming wartime economy. Many industrial workers were laid off and returning soldiers had a hard time finding jobs.

Post WWI Europe

Georgias Role in WWI

Trained troops at Camp Benning, Fort McPherson, & Camp Gordon GAs men volunteered to fight (between 85,000 & 100,000 GA men; 3,000 died) Other contributions:
Farms produced crops and food Textiles mills made uniforms Grew their own vegetables in victory gardens so there would be more food for the troops from farms Worked for the Red Cross Bought & sold war bonds

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