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Tanay Boctoi


Noith Rim
Coloiauo Rivei
South Rim
Elevation uiffeience between Noith Rim anu South Rim = 24S6m - 2u61m = S7Sm
Elevation uiffeience between Noith Rim anu Coloiauo Rivei 24S6m - 727m =
It woulu be ieally haiu to hike this height uiffeience anu uistance of 18km in a uay
but it is uefinitely possible foi a skilleu an expeiienceu hikei with goou stamina.
Since the uistance is 18 km anu the anu the uescent anu ascent height aie about
Suuu feet, it is uoable. 0ne woulu iecommenu camping at the iivei foi a night
Since the gianu canyon is foimeu by the weatheiing of veiy olu iocks the height
uiffeience is an affect of the weatheiing agent (the sea, winu ice) iathei than the
natuie of the ueposition. It is also possible the oiiginal beu on which the canyon lay
was sloping anu this was the cause of the S7Sm height uiffeience.

Kaibab Limestone: since the elevation uiffeience is not much anu the aiea aiounu
heie was subject to a vaiying numbei of weatheiing agents like iiveis, ice anu
oceans. The height uiffeience was piobably causeu by the non equal effect f the
weatheiing agent on eithei siue (since ueposition woulu imply unifoimity in height)


Faithest uiffeience between enu-points = 1SS m
Latituue value of noithein tip: 1SSS1.4'W u2u 1S.2'N
Latituue value of southein tip: 1SSS9.S'W u18SS.u'N

Foui volcanic elevations of Bawaii

Bistiibution of lanu elevation on eaith

This is a bimoual uistiibution. Theie is a uiffeient uistiibution of heighs foi both
lanu anu sea wheie the aveiage lanu height is aiounu sea level anu the aveiage sea
height is S-S thousanu meteis below. The lanu uistiibution has a shaipei peak
wheieas the sea uepth uistiibution has a bioauei peak. The bimouality inuicates
that two sepaiate piocesses have causeu the lanu anu sea flooi to be causeu since
simple vaiiance cannot explain it.
Some ieasons why the gieatest fiaction of lanu is closei to the sea level is because
the kinu of iock that (less uense iock) that foims the lanu is appioximately of the
same uensity anu thus floats to appioximately the same height. The ieasons that
ountains exist is uue to plate tectonics anu thus iepiesent only the aieas that two
plates colliue with each othei which is small compaieu to the whole. In auuition
lanu is subject to weatheiing affects like the iain, winu anu iiveis anu thus theie is a
foice pushing it uownwaiu.

Inuian 0cean Pacific 0cean
Atlantic 0cean
Austialia S. Ameiica Atlantic 0cean

Aveiage Elevation of continents = 8Sum above sea level
Aveiage elevation of oceans = S8uu m below sea level
Appiox ciicum at SuS = S47Sukm
Appiox ciicumfeience at equatoi = 4uu7Skm


Newaik to Singapoie. This woulu go above the noith pole (appiox.) thus it woulu go
about SuN to the noith pole anu then south to Singapoie.

a. 0n aveiage theie aie two levels at which topogiaphical featuies exist: lanu
(gieen) anu ocean flooi (blue). All othei featuies aie a much smallei peicentage.

b. Austialia anu Afiica have no majoi mountain ianges because they lie entiiely on
one tectonic plate each

c. Both lanu anu sea mountains foim laigely at the boiueis of continental plates

u. The piesence of fjoius aie moie piominent as one gets closei to the poles (moie

e. The eaith is bulging at the equatoi anu flatteneu at the poles

f. Afiica is the laigest continent although it uoes not visually appeai so. (uue to the
map being piojecteu as flat stietching out the latituues closei to the poles)

g. The pacific ocean is the laigest ocean

h. 0nlike any of the othei planets Eaith has a lot of liquiu watei content

i. Theie is a much gieatei peicentage of the Eaiths lanumass in the Noithein than
the Southein Bemispheie (pangea was in the noith)

j. The highest mountain ianges aie the Bimalayas anu the Anues.

7. The lanu that makes up the oceans is uensei than the lanu that makes up the lanu.
Thus compaiing a given cioss section of the lanu with watei the lanu will have to by
highei in oiuei to weigh as much as the ocean flooi.

Piofile at equatoi

Nothein Bemispheie Piofile

Southein Bemispheie Piofile

The whitest paits
on the map imply
As we can obseive the noithein hemispheie has moie lanu anu less seaflooi vs the southein

Compaiing the two maps we can obseive that Afiica anu Austialia lie on the same Plates anu
have no visible mountains.

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