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Environmental Scan Journal

Cultural and Social Issues

1. Education, crime problems give Las Vegas a bad rap Las Vegas is known for the bright lights and shows, but there are over two million people that live in the metro area of Las Vegas. Unfortunately, it isnt a great place to raise a family. Las Vegas is the ninth worst place in the United States to raise a family. Las Vegas ranks extremely high in the numbers of sexual offenders and missing children per capita. Furthermore, Las Vegas has an extremely low high school graduation rate, number of advanced degrees per capita, and state spending per student. These recent reports generate extremely bad press for Las Vegas. Las Vegas tends to rank very poorly when it comes to any type of social indications especially when it comes to those under eighteen. Many people considering moving to Las Vegas will see these reports and might not want to move here anymore, which is an extremely bad thing. 2. Gun control, death penalty among social issues before Nevada lawmakers Las Vegas is in the midst of an extreme social battle. Gay marriage, the death penalty, driving privileges for illegal immigrants, and medical marijuana dispensaries are all some of the big time issues being discussed by Nevada lawmakers. Gay marriage has always been an extremely controversial issue in terms of those who support it and those who oppose it. 48% of United States citizens are for gay marriage. The death penalty is also an extremely controversial issue. There are many people that are for the death penalty, but there are also many that arent. Driving privileges for illegal immigrants is a very touchy subject, especially in Las Vegas because of the extremely high numbers of hispanic residents. Gun control and marijuana are also right on the edge of yes and no. These issues affect Las Vegas, because anything passed by the Nevada lawmakers becomes a law in Las vegas.

3. LV teens tackle social problems Las Vegas teens are tackling extremely heavy social problems. Many teens in the valley have grown up in an extremely fast paced or battleground like atmosphere. Many students complain about the teachers in the valley stating that theyre just paid babysitters rather than teachers. However, many students who attend magnet schools are very satisfied with their education. However, there's one aspect that many students arent satisfied with, sexual education. Sexual education in the valley is usually just teaching about how babies are made, not the consequences of having sex. Many teens are worried about things like HIV and AIDS, which are extremely easy to pass to another person.

Questions: 1) Why do you think there are there so many cultural/ social problems in the city of Las Vegas? 2) Why do you think so many of the cultural/ social problems in the City of Las Vegas have to do with minors (18-)?

References (Cultural and Social Issues) 1. Blasky, M. (2009, September 21). Education, crime problems give las vegas a bad rap.

Retrieved from 2. Damon, A. (2013, February 13). Gun control, death penalty among social issues before nevada lawmakers. Retrieved from 3. Havas, A. (n.d.). Lv teens tackle social problems. Retrieved from

Ethical Issues in Las Vegas

1. Insurance Industry Need for Strict Ethical Standards The insurance industrys in Las Vegas have shown a need for a stricter ethical market. Ethical business standards and practices are more than just the right thing to do, it is more effective and efficient in a business as well as creating a strong consumer protections based on

the realities of todays life. Ethics are a key to the future of market conduct regulation. To change the strong standing ethics that the insurance companies have had over the years, companies need to review their internal and external policies regarding marketing, sales, and servicing. New ethical standards will need to be kept in place after this such as being fair, honest and correct when advertising and selling their products/services. New ethical procedures are in a high demand for Vegas to keep these companies, especially insurance companies, to remain standing.

2. American Gem Society: Core values are a big priority when it comes to the American Gem Society of Las Vegas. Their core values promote education and ethics not only in the business world but as an individual. AGSs core values mirrors the ethics and integrity that the first owners had at the start of the business. Some of the most important topics in a business is communicating with the consumer. AGS sales come from the emotional connection that the employees and the consumers have. Their main goal is to have a place where education and ethics come together.

3. Ethical Hacking With technology becoming such a big source of information and communication, the government is responding by realizing that the likeliness of hackers has gone up tremendously over the years. In the state of Nevada, the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department has started a training camp for ethical hacking to protect against online crime. The course provides expert instructors to teach the students how to identify signs of hacking, and to trace activity to the

initiator. This division is called the Cybercrimes unit of Las Vegas; Cybercrimes are extremely proactive to gain the latests skills and understanding on the newest technologies in an effort to fight crime.

Questions: 1. When did businesses start losing their ethics? 2. How do businesses keep their ethics through even the toughest of times? 3. Has the ethics of business change over the years?

References (Ethical Issues): Ethics Is a Bottom-Line Issue, IMSA Leader Says; Investigations Highlight Need for Strict Ethical Standards. Business Wire 26 Oct. 2004. General OneFile. Web. 3 Nov. 2013

Johnson, Emma. Education and ethics are top of mind for new AGS president. National Jeweler 1 June 2004: 10. General OneFile. Web. 3 Nov. 2013

Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department Books The Training Camp for Ethical Hacking Course; Boosting Specialist Security Skills and Certification For Cybercrimes Unit. Business Wire 17 May 2004: 5638 General OneFile. Web. 3 Nov. 2013.

Government Impact in Las Vegas

1. Government Shutdown Impact on Southern Nevada: Despite the wide conflict of the government shutdowns impact on services, the senate's office decided to reject a proposal to stop it all. The shutdown had a big impact on Las Vegas-as most of the Sin Citys thriving businesses are services-. The shutdown forced hundreds of employees to stay home from their jobs and temporarily close the tourists attractions that all visitors would love to see. With this predicament, the economy of Las Vegas is in a downhill

spiral, losing half a million dollars in one day for Boulder City. Whether its losing a perfectly good vacation time to Las Vegas- or anywhere for that matter- or employees of the affected government shutdown areas, this issue is not fun for anyone.

2. Green Power RRCI members in the Las Vegas area are prompted to promote ENERGY STAR programs and join the green power partnerships for renewable energy. This helps companies and its members to stay up to date on business practices that impact their industry. Consumer energy demand is increasing every year striving to attain efficiency and renewable efforts in a national movement. the goal is to have buildings that produces as much energy with renewable as it consumes. Apparently, if this holds true, all new residential construction in California will be zero net energy within this century. This is an amazing thought to look forward to especially in Vegas with so many consumable energy sources in the valley. More renewable energy will be an amazing construction for any high electrical dependent city.

3. Legal Gaming Legalized gambling is on the rise and is bringing in tons of cash to Las Vegas, as gambling is a top priority in this lovely Sin City. Over the years legal gaming has been discussed; however the government is now legalizing it across the US. The government has rushed to legalize lotteries and casinos as a method of raising money without upping taxes. The economic impact of gaming operations is a huge success, however it is a cause for some concern. Compulsive-gambling area a major public health concern, especially with the family population. As much as legal gambling is great for money making, it may not be so great for the health of the

citizens. Knowing what the government chooses shows what they care about more as well. Will it be money, or the people?

Questions: 1. Why is the government so naive? 2. When will they be putting the Green Power into effect? 3. Did the government choose to make gambling legal across the country?

References (Government Impact in Las Vegas): Cullen, N. (2013, September 30). Government shutdown could have major impact on southern nevada. Retrieved from

Watts, Tom. Reflective roof coatings institute holds annual meeting in Las Vegas. Roofing Contractor Apr. 2011: 8. General OneFile. Web. 3 Nov. 2013.

MEDIA GAMING: Media Roundup - Business stories trump jackpots in gaming coverage. PR Week [US] 15 Apr. 2002: 11. General OneFile. Web. 3 Nov. 2013.

Legal Issues in Las Vegas:

1. Online Poker Mr. Whyte the executive director of the National Council on Problem Gambling says that Nevada is playing with fire, as the nations first legal, pay-to-play poker website starts on a 30 day trial. Nevadas control board is concerned about the minors trying to play illegally online, saying, Everybodys going to be trying to test it, hack it, get into it. Even opponents have expressed their concern about minors using the site. Along with the massive concern for minors and the site, there are also concerns with addictive behaviour. Frequent gambling, especially online, where things go-for the most part- unnoticed by officials can lead to a problem with gambling. When the site was finally posted, it sky rocketed in a matter of weeks.

2. Legal Matters Online Non-Lawyers can now find solutions to legal issues over the internet at many newspapers websites. This means that its almost a do-it-yourself legal solutions for consumers and small businesses and companies. There are over 800 legal articles to help citizens online from the nations newspapers. This is very beneficial for Las Vegas as there are many legal issues pertaining to small businesses and consumers every day. These legal issues that the online library carries, range from hundreds of different topics and solutions for each individuals need.

3. Expansion of MDMC Mortgage Data Management Corporation (MDMC) opened a new location in Las Vegas. MDMC reviews all different types of mortgage loans for federal, state and local compliance. The Las Vegas office increases MDMCs capabilities while the company is able to travel easily and have on-sight locations in the western region . With the new location, the company also has a large pool of underwriters in the valley. Overall this was a great choice for MDMC.

Questions: 1. Why are legal things so complicated? 2. Why is online poker even considered in the world today?

References (Legal Issues): Pratt, Timothy. Las Vegas Web Site Is Test For Legal Online Gambling. New York Times 3 May 2013: B5(L). General OneFile. Web 3 Nov. 2013.

"Legal Notice Registry to Provide Nolo Legal Content." PR Newswire 26 Jan. 2007. General OneFile. Web. 3 Nov. 2013.

Simpson, Alton Gary. MDMC Expands Business Presence in Las Vegas. Mortgage Servicing News Sept. 2007: 31. General OneFile. Web. 3 Nov. 2013.

Business Trends
1. Herbst Gaming reports profit increase amid cost-cutting effort The economy has taken a huge toll on many businesses, especially casinos. Herbst Gaming has reported profit increases after cutting their costs dramatically. Herbst Gaming has emerged from their 2009 bankruptcy filing in March of 2009. Filing for bankruptcy has eliminated all but 350 million dollars from their 1.1 billion dollar long term debt. Herbst Gaming has been able to record profit increases, because of 3.4 million dollars worth of Las Vegas based layoffs. Also, Herbst Has cut their operating expenses by 9 million dollars, which included the 3.4 million in layoffs. This has affected the Las Vegas area quite a bit, because although there were 3.4 million dollars in layoffs, hopefully soon more people will be hired back. 2. Gambling Conference Looks at Trends, Social Gaming The biggest names in the gaming industry were recently in Las Vegas for the International Conference of Gambling. Many casinos are starting to develop their own forms of online gaming. For example, Station Casino INC. owns Ultimate Gaming, which happens to be one of the more successful online gaming companies. At The International Conference of Gambling this year, the biggest and best thing there was the online gaming area. More and more

people each year are turning to online gambling. The effect of online gambling on Las Vegas will be very miniscule. People are still going to want to come to Las Vegas for the food, shows, shopping, and everything else Las Vegas has to offer. Furthermore, online gaming is being heavily promoted by a few big name casino companies in Las vegas, which is clearly a huge generator in terms of users. 3. Hospitality Industry Growth in Las Vegas 2012 Hoteliers Are Smiling Many people are starting to increase a slow increase in the Las Vegas economy. Las Vegas was hit extremely heavily by the 2008/2009 recession. Many people in the media noted that it would be years before Las Vegas was back on their feet again. However, according to recent numbers, there was a 4.3% increase in visitors from 2010 to 2011. Also, profit increased by an extremely healthy 5.3% from 2010 to 2011. Improving numbers at hotels and casinos are extremely encouraging. Las Vegas casinos have slightly cut prices due to the recession in hopes of attracting more people to come and visit. However, most of the increases are due to people getting back on their feet and having money to spend. Las Vegas is directly affected by these increases, because more people may be getting hired. Questions: 1) Why do you think so many people are attracted to gambling? 2) Why is the Las Vegas economy slowly coming back, even though analysts said it would be many years before any improvement?

References (Business Trends)

1. Green, S. (2010, November 17). Herbst gaming reports profit increase amid cost-cutting efforts. Retrieved from


Drawhorn, A. (2013, May 28). Gambling conference looks at trends, social gaming. Retrieved from

3. hmgmanagement. (2012, June 03). Hospitality industry growth in las vegas 2012 hoteliers are smilling. Retrieved from

Economic Conditions
1. Las Vegas now topping neighboring cities in economic recovery, report notes Summary: This article talks about how in 2013, Las Vegas recovered better than most of its neighboring cities. According to the report, the main reason for Las Vegass better recovery is because it had more ground to cover. Las Vegas fell significantly harder than its neighboring cities, so it was logical that it had better recovery due to having more to recover. Las Vegass improved economic stability throughout the year also helped. According to the article, although Las Vegas has picked up on its recovery, it still has a long way to go to reach pre-recession levels. Las vegas had good growth in job numbers and house-prices, but unemployment stayed virtually the same. 2. Las Vegas housing recovery stalls after 19 months Summary: This article focuses on the housing prices, and although it has been on a steady incline, has somewhat stalled in September. The average price went down from 182,000 to 180,000. This, according to the article, was the first month-to-month decline since January of 2012. The number of single family houses in September went up 3.7 percent from August; from 14,472 houses to 14,659. by the end of September, there were 6,330 houses up for sale without an offer, which was 12.8 percent compared to August. Apparently one reason this happened was that cash investors are starting to run out of cash. 3. Job layoffs as mortgage refinance boom slows Summary: As refinances of mortgages start to slow down due to interest rates spiking recently, people have been getting layed off. The jobs in question have to due with mortgage loans, which

relies heavily on refinancing. Experts estimate that in the third quarter of 2013, roughly 10,000 mortgage-related jobs were cut. Refinancing has gotten popular over the past 20 years, changing the mortgage business drastically. According to the article, 20 years ago 80 percent of mortgage loan applications were for new home purchases. Nowadays, its around 30 percent, the rest being applications for refinancing. Now that the mortgage business relies heavily on refinancing, its been suffering due to these interest rate spikes. Questions 1. How good is the Las Vegas economy doing in terms of the rest of the country? 2. Are doing as good as we thought we would in terms of economic progress, or are people disappointed? 3. What does our economy need to get back to pre-recession days?

References (Economic Conditions)

Las Vegas housing recovery stalls after 19 months. (2013, October 8). Las Vegas RJ. Retrieved October 30, 2013, from Robinson, J. (2013, October 1). Las Vegas now topping neighboring cities in economic recovery, report notes. Las Vegas RJ. Retrieved October 30, 2013, from c-recovery-report-notes Sieroty, C. (2013, October 19). Job layoffs as mortgage refinance boom slows. Las Vegas RJ. Retrieved October 30, 2013, from

Global Relationships

1. Las Vegas Global Economic Alliance releases strategic plan, plans to raise $7.5 million Summary: The Las Vegas Global Economic Alliance, which wants to make southern Nevada a global business location, plans to raise 7.5 million dollars. Theyre going to start with a budget of 5.4 million, and raise the rest. This is the organizations biggest budget theyve ever worked with. They say they need to do this to compete with other cities in the region, because they have budgets to go global as well. This is their biggest push to turn southern Nevada into a global business hub yet. 2. LAS VEGAS GLOBAL BUSINESS DISTRICT UNVEILED TODAY (Feb. 26, 2013) Summary: On February 26th, 2013, it was unveiled that Las Vegas would be working on a new global business district, a hub for everything global and business-related. It was envisioned to be completed in phases. The purpose of this new district is to renovate the convention center, to create an international business center, and to create a centralized transportation hub. The global business district is still in progress.

3. LVCVA takes critical steps in Las Vegas Global Business District development (Oct 10) Summary: The Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority calls for more land for the Las Vegas Global Business District. The Business District has been greatly improved since initially unveiled, but is still no where near where it is planned to be. According to the article, one part of it should be done around 2030.

Questions 1. Is the global business district the biggest thing Las Vegas has done for global relations?

2. What kind of global relationships does Las Vegas have? 3. When should the Global Business District be done?

References( Global Relationships) TOTTEN, K. (2013, October 02). Las vegas global economic alliance releases strategic plan, plans to raise $7.5 million. Retrieved from

strategic-p lan-plans-raise-75-million Las vegas global business district unveiled today. (2013, February 26). Retrieved from Obeng, K. (2013, October 10). Lvcva takes critical steps in las vegas global business district development. Retrieved from

Technology Article 1: Cutting Through the Cloud


Cloud computing is when a larger company buys tons of computing technology and servers and rent out space from those servers or provide storage and hosting services. This includes companies such as Google Apps,, Oracle, and Amazon. These services help many businesses large and small. For example, my parents company, MK House Consulting, is a contracting company. We have our accounting systems on the cloud, we use a

cloud-based database program for our job and customer management, and we are piloting Google Apps for our email, Google Drive, and Google Sites. The benefits of using cloud computing is that we do not have to purchase the equipment ourselves, maintain that equipment, and also perform software and hardware upgrades. It allows for small businesses like us to have the computing power as a enterprise, and not have to spend as much money. Its a wonderful technology and helps many business and even schools to be successful.

Article 2: Need a Prototype? 3D Printer Coming to UPS Stores


Sometimes companies, especially design and manufacturing companies, need to make a model of what they will make or they need to see in real life a prototype of what they designed. One way is to make it out of clay, but not that accurate. You could design it on a computer, but you cant feel it. What if you used a 3D Printer? It would be precise, accurate, and you can feel and touch it. The only problem is that 3D printers cost thousands of dollars. The UPS store is offering 3D printing services at some of their locations in the near future. This would help local businesses because they wont have to pay a big, up-front cost for the equipment, and they dont have to maintain it. It would also allow them to have models that they can hold and feel, so they can make changes as they see fit. Companies would be able to make better products for less cost, and be more successful. UPS is currently piloting the program, and will soon come to all UPS locations.

Article 3 - Switch Communications Data Center Expanding


Switch Communications, a new datacenter here is Las Vegas, is expanding again to 2.2 million square feet. These data centers rent out storage space to other businesses to store data, or use their computing power. This is helping many businesses have the servers and storage of big companies for almost 1/8 the cost when it comes to purchasing, maintenance, and upgrades. Switch is also a local company based here in Las Vegas, so they are helping the Vegas economy directly by providing almost instant connections to the valley. In addition, they are providing many jobs to the valley in technology. They are also helping many local businesses be successful by having the computing power they need to be successful.

1. How important is technology in a office? 2. Why is it important to keep this technology up to date and upgraded?

Technology References Clifford, C. (2013, August 2). Need a Prototype? 3-D Printers Coming to UPS Stores. Entrepreneur. Retrieved November 3, 2013, from Hardy, Q. (2013, September 22). Cutting through the Cloud. The New York Times. Retrieved November 3, 2013, from Robinson, J. (2011, September 21). Switch Communications data center expanding to 2.2 million square feet.Las Vegas Review Journal. Retrieved November 3, 2013, from

Topic 2 - Global Trade

Article 1 - Plush trade show
From: The World Market Center is one of the biggest Global Trade centers in Las Vegas. They primarily trade fabric and furniture with other states and all over the world. Next year, the Plush trade show is coming to the World Market Center where hundreds of people will come to trade at one of the biggest trade shows for the industry. This is going to help the Vegas market because it will increase our connections to the world and also bring in tons of money in taxes. The World Market center was chosen when organizers were taking a tour of the building and found it an amazing location to host the show. Tons of trade shows come to the World Market Center and the center operates daily for global exports. Its definitely a big connection to global trade.

Article 2 - CES 2014

From: Next year, the Consumer Electronics Show will return to Las Vegas. This is another global trade show event held right here in Las Vegas. This show brings in technologies from all over the world from companies all over the world to present their new ideas and innovations for investors and future consumers. This conference is always the biggest conference in Las Vegas because of the trade. In addition, it helps the economy here so much with all of the casinos being booked out, tons of people flooding to restaurants and clubs, and the nice big payoff from the Las Vegas Convention Center. It also provides hundreds of people jobs to run the conference and

make sure everything goes smoothly. This is a unbelieveable conference that is a big boost to the valley.

Article 3 - World Trade Center to be established in Las Vegas

From: In 2010, the organizers for CES have obtained the trademark rights for the World Trade Center and will be choosing a location to build a all new World Trade Center to be based here in the Las Vegas Valley. The president said that Las Vegas is becoming a bigger player in International Trade, and we needed a World Trade Center to fill the void. With CES being a big success every year, since 1978, they definitely proved the concept. Many business people are saying that having a World Trade Center would prove to the world that Vegas is both a business and leisure destination. This will also bring in hundreds of jobs for construction and operation of the center. Right now, they dont know the full design and operations yet, but securing the trademarks means one big step forward.

1. How would a World Trade Center affect the business market in the valley? 2. Are there some other ways that Las Vegas can get more involved in global trade?

References(Global Trade)

Carroll, L. (2013, October 16). Plush trade show lassoing exhibitors for 2014 show. Las Vegas Review-Journal. Retrieved November 3, 2013, from Fizsimmons, M. (2013, October 29). CES 2013 news and reviews. TechRadar. Retrieved November 3, 2013, from Velotta, R. N. (2010, March 9). World Trade Center to be established in Las Vegas. Retrieved November 3, 2013, from

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