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Now Ive Heard It All by Rob McConnell


John Ventre, PA State Director Of MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) Claims Malaysia Flight 370 Was Abducted By Extraterrestrials!

Although the sub- title of this article is John Ventre, Pa State Director Of MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) Claims Malaysia Flight 370 Was Abducted By Extraterrestrials! seems to be from the front page of those seedy tabloid newspapers that are found at every grocery checkout stand, this is an email that I received this morning from John Ventre, the Pennsylvania State Director of MUFON, the selfproclaimed Earthbound experts on UFOs, wrote, the plane (Malaysia Airlines Flight 370) and its

passengers were abducted by extraterrestrials. Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, a Boeing 777 with 239 people on board, departed Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia on March 8 at 12:43 a.m. local time en route to Beijing, China, according to FlightAware, which published a minute-by-minute tracking log of the flight . The plane was at 35,000 feet at 1:01 a.m. Saturday morning. Below is the email that I received:

From: John Ventre [mailto:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] Sent: March-11-14 10:01 AM To: John Ventre Subject: Malaysia Flight 370 Solved

Malaysia Flight 370 Solved By John Ventre

Although authorities are baffled, the fact is that large aircraft cannot just disappear; or can they? Between black boxes, transponders, radar, debris fields, explosion and missile strike signatures, evidence is always left behind. The one explanation that hasnt been mentioned by mainstream media is that the plane and its passengers were abducted by Extraterrestrials. This truth has a long history: 1. December of 1945, five bombers from Fort Lauderdale took off and disappeared in clear weather. A large Martin Mariner was sent up to find flight 19. They disappeared also. Six planes and twenty seven crew vanished. 2. In 1953 General Benjamin Chidlaw said, We have stacks of flying saucer reports. We take them very seriously when you consider how many men and planes we have lost trying to intercept them. 3. On November 23 1953, an F-89C Scorpion jet was scrambled from Kinross AFB to intercept a UFO. On radar, the 2 merge and the jet and its 4 member crew vanish. The US military monitors everything using sonar, radar and satellites. Im certain our satellites observed what really happened but thats a truth that cant be revealed. John v xxx xxx xxxx So let men try and understand the logic behind making such a statement and then having the gall to actually send this email stating that the media and the government is responsible for explaining to the public that Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, complete with crew and passengers were abducted by extraterrestrials? What evidence does the PA State Director of MUFON and self-professed UFO expert have to make such a claim? Well, after receiving the above email, I sent the following to Mr. Ventre:

From: [] Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2014 10:43 AM To: 'John Ventre' Subject: RE: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370Solved Hi John - so, what are you implying that there is a "UFO Connection" or Greater Conspiracy Connection, and if so, what is the evidence that leads you to your conclusions?

Rob McConnell, Host & Executive Producer The 'X' Zone Radio/TV Show Broadcasting Since 1992 (Div. REL-MAR McConnell Media Company) Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Toll Free: Rob's Office - (800) 610-7035 Ext 852 Toll Free: Studio Line (800) 610-7035 Ext 0
The following is the email I received from Mr. Ventre in response to my inquiry in the above email:

From: John Ventre [mailto:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] Sent: March-11-14 11:07 AM To: Subject: RE: Malaysia Flight 370 Solved Very well could be. The evidence is no evidence of a crash.
Lets take a look and see who John Ventre and what credentials he has to make such a statement.

John Ventre is the retired State Security and Public Affairs Director for UPS and was his Companies liaison to his local Congressman. John and other Executives would meet quarterly with 4 Senators and 22 Congress people. John used to also head up his companies crisis management team for 3 states. John is a member of the FBIs InfraGard group and the DHS Regional Business Coalition. ( FBI InfraGuard: Each FBI Field Office has a Special Agent Coordinator who gathers interested individuals to form a chapter. Any individual can join InfraGard. Local executive boards govern and share information within the membership. Chapters hold regular meetings to discuss issues, threats and other matters that impact their companies. Speakers from public and private agencies and the law enforcement communities are invited.) John is the Pennsylvania State Director for the Mutual UFO Network. John is the author of 4 novels about UFOs and the Mayan 2012 Prophecy. John is a lifetime member of the NRA (watch out Aliens!)

John sits on the Board of Directors for JDRF, the Westmoreland Economic Growth Connection, MUFON, and Rotary. John is the co-inventor of the Thor Wood Splitter and owns the UFO themed Mexican restaurant trademark Flying Salsa. John appeared in UFOs over Earth series in 2008, UFO Hunters in 2009, the Anderson Cooper show in 2012, Destination America in 2013 and "Hangar 1' in 2014. John has appeared on numerous radio shows and is a speaker at various UFO and Paranormal conferences such as the MUFON and Paradigm Symposiums, UFO Congress and Fortean Conferences John has also lectured at Duquesne and Drexel Universities. John gives four different presentations: End Time Prophecy, The Case for UFOs, UFOs in Art and History and the 2008 Pa UFO Wave.

Now, after reviewing his credentials above, which were on his website at, I see no experience, training, or professional certification that would qualify Mr. Ventre to be an expert or authority on the disappearance or crash of an aircraft. A UFO themed Mexican restaurant, writing about UFOs, lecturing on UFOs, radio and television appearances on UFOs YES - training, certification, credentials, authority or experience in aircraft crash and disappearance investigation - NONE. The fact that the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 was within the range of civilian and military radar tracking systems, in many countries, and if in fact there was any evidence what-so-ever that there was another craft (terrestrial or otherwise) in the area of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, how come there has been no mention of a UFO - Unidentified Flying Object or Bogey by civilian or military officials from the multi-nation search and rescue coalition? Because there is none. These people deal in reality not in a world where every unexplained event that cannot be explained at the speed of the internet is the work of UFOs and extraterrestrials being protected by a worldwide government conspiracy. There were no reports of any UFO sightings or reports found anywhere in the area on the date and time where Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 was last reported. No matter what the UFOnatics (UFO Fanatics) claim, there is no conspiracy or cover-up by any nation or corporate entity that Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 was abducted by extraterrestrials. If there is a conspiracy involving UFOs, extraterrestrials or alien abductions, it is the UFO Community and all their members who are responsible for keeping the conspiracy / cover-up story alive. After all, as long as they claim there is a conspiracy and/or cover-up by the government and/or media, they do not have to supply evidence to support their ludicrous and fact less claims as the one made by the PA State Director for MUFON, John Ventre that Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 was abducted by extraterrestrials. So let me ask you who is more credible :

A : Malaysia Airlines, The Malaysian Government, The Malaysian Military, The NTSB, The FBI, Boeing, Interpol with hundreds of thousands of hours of professional experience, professional aircraft crash/search & rescue credentials and investigative experience with worldwide assets and resources; Or B: John Ventre, PA State Director for The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) . You be the judge and go to and enter your answer in our online poll which is located directly beneath our current worldwide listener map. I do not profess to be an expert or authority on aircraft crashes or aircraft investigations but based on my grasp of reality, my review of documents and statements pertaining to Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 from credible sources, I believe that the crash location of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 will be found along with the recovering of remains of crew and passengers, the black box voice recorder and the black box flight data recorder. The cause of the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 has yet to be determined, but one thing I am certain of is that Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, its crew and passengers were NOT abducted by extraterrestrials. It will be yet, another very sad day, black eye, continuing loss of any credibility that may be left for the UFO community, UFOnatics, UFO Glory Seekers, UFO Woo Woos, and those members of the sub-media (internet audio shows) when the crash of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 is found And what about all those psychics who claim to have the ability to see into the future? There were no psychic predictions on the events surrounding of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 nor have any psychics come forward with predictions to the location of the crash location. My thought and prayers go to those who have lost a loved one in the horrible loss and highest regard and respect for the men and women who are working so hard to bring this mystery to an end and closure to those who have lost loved ones. Whats next? Will Bigfoot, the Lochness Monster, Angels, Demons, Ghosts, Leprechauns, Satan, the Crop Circle Makers be blamed for the disappearance of Malaysia Flight 370? For The X Zone Radio/TV Show and The X Chronicles Newspaper, I am Rob McConnell.

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