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Exodus For Followers Of Jesus

Dr. Bradley D. Smith Pastor Dr. Mark E. Durrett Associate Pastor Rev. Lynn A. Grandsire Associate Pastor Rev. Jeffrey S. Smith Associate Pastor Dr. James I. St. John Parish Associate Rev. Jonathan S. Wagner Associate Pastor Mr. Croskeys Royall Director of Childrens Ministries Mrs. Fredna Lee Director of Music Ministries Mr. William L. Collins, Jr. Business Administrator
Our Missionaries: Rev. & Mrs. Donald Marsden-Virginia/Russia Steven & Natalie Hall - Alaska Sarah Snapp - Bolivia Rev. John McCall - Taiwan Steve & Kathy Amar - Virginia/Muslims in the US George & Anne Harper - Philippines Cindy Correll - Port au Prince, Haiti Dr. John and Gwenda Fletcher - Congo

From Wilderness To Wonder


803-256-1654 /
Volume 38 Number 12 March 16, 2014

Eastminster Presbyterian Church, Columbia, South Carolina

Dear Eastminster Family,

Bits and Pieces.

1. Photo Directory Pictures are to beTaken Beginning March 25. Now is the time to sign up! Dates are March 25-29, April 1-5, and April 8-12. Visit to claim a time (or contact the church office at 256-1654 if you are not a computer user). 2. Hospitals and Pastoral Care. If you are aware of someone needing pastoral support, please contact Mary Baldauf (256-1654) or any of the pastors. Because of new Federal privacy laws, hospitals are less able to share patient names. If you, or someone you know, are hospitalized, please let us know so we can be of support. 3. Sermons Available On-line. Miss a Sunday? Want to hear a sermon again? Click Resources on the church website (, then click on Sermon Archive and pick the sermon you want. 4. Construction Update. Ground-clearing related to the porte-cochere construction and demolition work to make way for the elevator is underway. Thanks for your cooperation in reserving the parking lot immediately behind the sanctuary for people with mobility challenges. See you Sunday, Brad
Making way for the porte-cochere construction

9:00 & 11:15 a.m. - Sanctuary 11:15 a.m. Jubilee Dr. Bradley D. Smith Looking at Lent Through the Psalms Wrecked or Reckoned Psalm 121

Wall Goes Up in the Parlor

Breezeway Door Blocked for Elevator Installation

8:00 Celebration Choir Rehearsal 9:00 Worship & Childrens Church 10:00 Sunday School Classes Jubilee Band Practice Worship Discovery Eastminster First Step Confirmation Examination 10:05 Chancel Choir Rehearsal 11:15 Worship & Childrens Church Jubilee Worship 12:15 Home Communion 2:00 Cub Scouts Mtg. 4:00 Bahama Mission Mtg. 5:00 Elementary Programming Sunday@5 Childcare Sr. Highs MS Youth

The Savvy Seniors will meet on March 25 at 11:45 a.m. for lunch with an enjoyable musicfilled program. Joshua Evanavich and Sarah Jackson will provide music on the piano and cello in the Adult Reception Hall. Joshua Evanavich is our church organist. Sarah Jackson is the Cello Coordinator of the Suzuki Strings at the University of South Carolina. Call Mary (2561654) or email to sign up for lunch. All middle and high school students and parents are invited to come for a special evening of worship in the sanctuary, on Sunday, March 23 from 5:30 - 6:30 p.m., when Dylan Thompson will be sharing his journey of faith with us. It doesnt matter if youre a fan of the Gamecocks or the Tigers Dylan is a strong Christian who is excited about sharing how God has worked in his own life and is coming to encourage us in our own walk of faith. Because this is a special evening, we will not have our usual dinner, and we will meet in the sanctuary from 5:30-6:30 p.m. We will be inviting other local Presbyterian youth groups to join us, from Shandon, Forest Lake, Spring Valley, and Lake Murray. We invite everyone to bring a canned good with them that evening to donate to Harvest Hope Food Bank. One of our greatest privileges and responsibilities at Eastminster is the election of church officers. Your input is an essential and critical part of the process by which the Nominating Committee puts forth its recommendations to the congregation. The Book of Order (G2.0104) states that church officers ...should be persons of strong faith, dedicated discipleship, and love of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Their manner of life should be a demonstration of the Christian gospel in the church and in the world. Based on these criteria, prayerfully consider those members whom you feel are called by God to serve. Using the Nomination Form you received in the mail, please submit names and information for further consideration to Carol Sutton in the church office. If you prefer, you can also e-mail names for consideration, sending the persons name as well as your understanding of their gifts and involvement to Please submit any names by Monday, March 24, 2014. The Eastminster 2013 Annual Review is available at the church for pick-up, or viewing on line under Quick Links on the front page. Hard copies can be found in the narthex, reception area, and CLC. Please pick up your copy today or view on line! On November 24, children, youth, adults, and friends of Eastminster packed 30,000 meals in about 90 minutes, with Stop Hunger Now. The event was very well received, and many of you asked, When can we do it again? Here is your chance! Sunday, April 6 we will again partner with Stop Hunger Now to pack 30,000 meals which will go to schools, orphanages, and medical clinics. We need 20 people to help unload the truck and get the materials set up in the gym, beginning at 4:30 p.m. At 5:00 p.m., we have space for 300 folks to pack the bags. Minimum age requirement is 5 years old. Childcare for children infant - 4K is offered beginning at 4:30 p.m. in the CLC nurseries. The meals cost 25 cents per bagor $7,500 for the 30,000 meals. Cost to participate is $10 per person, or a family maximum of $25. Sign up on the website! Or contact Julie McDaniel at 256-1654 x 143. Beginning on Thursday March 20-May 8, from 9:00 - 10:15 a.m. in room E-353 of the Education Building. Designed especially for EDS and Drop-Off Nursery mamas, this small group is limited to 12 participants. Sign up by contacting Caroline Bennett at

Savvy Senior Music Program

Special Evening of Worship with Dylan Thompson, USC Quarterback

Monday, MARCH 17

7:00 Lenten Prayer Breakfast 9:00 Count Team Fifty Plus Exercise Class 10:00 Senior Fitness 1:00 Easter Planning Mtg. 2:00 Pastors Mtg. CHAMPS Tutoring 2:30 Program Staff Mtg. 3:30 Staff Mtg. 5:30 Yoga Cub Scouts Mtg. Personnel Mtg. 6:30 BSF Stephen Ministry Training Class 7:00 Sr. High Girls D-Group

Officer Nominations for 2017

7:15 9:00 10:00 11:45 12:00 12:30 1:00 3:00 5:00 5:30 6:00 7:00

MS Prayer Breakfast Drop-In Nursery COA Mtg. Senior Fitness EPW Bible Study Tuesday Lunch Finance Mtg. Bradley Lunch Buddies Visistation Mtg. Footcare Ministry Exercising for Arthritis Tai Chi CLC Comm. Zumba Fitness Handbell Rehearsal Scottish Country Dancing Zumba Fitness

2013 Annual Review Available


9:00 Drop-In Nursery Fifty Plus Exercise Class 9:30 Prayer Shawl Ministry EDS Chapel 11:00 Psalm Bible Study 12:00 EDS Council 5:00 Angel & Junior Choir 6:00 WE@EPC Dinner 6:30 Childcare 7:00 Senior High Guys D-Group Chancel Choir Practice 9:00 Drop-In Nursery Praying Moms bible Study 10:00 Senior Fitness 12:00 Communications Committee 3:00 Exercising for Arthritis 4:30 Transitions 5:00 Yoga 7:00 Zumba Fitness Eagle Board of Review 7:30 Jubilee Band Practice

Its Back! Stop Hunger Now


Praying Moms Bible Study


9:00 Fifty Plus Exercise Class 11:00 Support Staff Mtg.

SATURDAY, march 22

The Psalms is our focus for our Lenten study culminating with Easter, April 20. Daily devotionals reflecting on the Psalms will be distributed throughout the forty days of Lent, and Sunday sermons will come from the Psalms, as well. Please contact Dr. Mark Durrett about writing a devotional (mdurrett@ and contact Julie McDaniel ( if you would like to order a copy of N.T. Wrights book, The Case for PsaLms. The cost of the book is $13.00.

Looking at Lent through the Psalms


EPC Prayer List Part of what it means to be a Family of Faith is to be in prayer for one another. Contact the church office at 256-1654 to be included on this Prayer List. EPC Special Concerns Boots Fuller, Remer Waguespack, Dr. Mary Tobin, Bill McInnis, Dave Steven, and those serving in our military, Stephen Ministers & their care receivers and all those in need of Gods special care. Births Congratulations and love to:

Psalms Daily Readings for Week of March 17 - 22

Mon. - Mar. 17: Tue. - Mar. 18: Wed. - Mar. 19: Thur. - Mar. 20: Fri. - Mar. 22: Sat. - Mar. 23: Psalm 37 Psalm 42 Psalm 46 Psalm 48 Psalm 49 Psalm 51

Everyone is invited to our Lenten Bible Study at 7:00 a.m. each Monday morning during Lent as one of our pastors teaches on the book of Psalms. We gather in Thompson Hall for a full breakfast, for an enriching, enlightening Bible study, for great fellowship, and for prayer. We conclude at 8:00 a.m., so that everyone can get on to the office or begin their day. No reservations needed. The Flower Guild is accepting memorials and honoraria for Easter lilies to decorate the sanctuary for Easter. Please write the wording you wish to have printed in the bulletin and enclose a check for $15.00 made out to the Eastminster Flower Guild for each lily. Checks may be mailed to the church or placed in the Flower Guild box in the workroom. Forms are available in the reception area. The deadline for your order is Wednesday, April 9 . Lilies may be removed by the donor from the sanctuary after the 10:30 a.m. service on Easter. A special Womens Self Defense class will be offered at Eastminster on Saturday, April 12, from 9:00 a. m. to 1:00 p. m. in CLC rooms 271-273. The class, open to Eastminster members and the community, is conducted by the Richland County Sheriffs Office, with sponsorship by STS of the Midlands. There is no cost to participants. For more information or to sign up, contact Bill Ketchin at bketchin@ or call (803) 256-1654. Be sure to sign up early as class size is very limited! On Wednesday, May 7, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. the Shred 360 truck will be in the CLC parking lot accepting up to 5 boxes or bags of paper to be shredded. Staples, clips, binders, checkbooks, hanging files, and all other document-related items are acceptable - no separation is required. This event is open to the community and is a food drive for Harvest Hope Food Bank. When you come to shred, bring canned food to donate!

Lenten Monday Morning Breakfast Bible Study

Laura & Justin Self, on the birth of their son, Bascom Self, March 7, 2014. Grandparents, Harvey & Martha Studstill.
Deaths Congregational love and sympathy are extended to: Courtney & John Curnias, on the death of her sister, Sarah Porter, February 19, 2014.


Bosie & Beth Martin, on the death of his brother, Johnny Martin, February 26, 2014. Billy & Kim Newsome, on the death of his grandmother, Ernestine Dickerson, February 28, 2014. Great grandchildren, Ann & Emily Dickerson. Marjorie Wallace, on the death of her husband, Joe Wallace, March 4, 2014.
On weekends a minister is on call. If you have a crisis which one of the ministers needs to know about, phone 256-1654 and leave a message. A minister will return your call.

Special Self Defense Class for Women

Shred 360 at Eastminster - May 7

Dont miss out! Send your information to share with the congregation to Please have your information in by Wednesday, March 19, to be shared in our next newsletter on March 23, 2014.

Deadline for UPDATE

Eastminster Presbyterian Church 3200 Trenholm Road Columbia, South Carolina 29204

Nonprofit Org. US POSTAGE PAID Columbia, SC PERMIT No. 27

Update for March 16, 2014

Thank you to those of you who have sign-ups for a photography session for our new directory. BUT if you have not yet taken the time to do so, please do. Our directory will not be complete without YOU! Dates: March 25 - 29 April 1 - 5 April 8 - 12 Tuesday - Friday - 2:00 - 9:00 PM Saturday - 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Photos will be taken on the second floor of the CLC in rooms 265 - 263. Each participating family will receive a complimentary 8x10 portrait and directory and have the opportunity to purchase additional portraits to share with family and friends. We look forward to seeing you!

Photo Directory Sign Ups . . .

Serving on Sunday March 16

OFFICERS PRAYER: Elder Charlie Weston DEACONS: Sharon Besley, Carol Hill Elder Tara Barr (Jubilee) Deacon Ginger Bates (Jubilee) Ushers: Don Helms& Milton Moore GREETERS: (9:00) Butch & Susan Jones Don & Sherry Davis Albert & Harper James Amy Bolin (11:15) Mary Frances Jowers Buddy & Ann John Charles & Caroline Jenkins John & Mandy McCabe INFANT ROOM - CLC 115 (9:00) Leslie & Jordan Myers (11:15) Erin & Brad Dampier TODDLER ROOM - CLC 117 (9:00) Caroline & Thomas Rhodes (11:15) Kelty & Matt Riddle 2-K ROOM - CLC 119 (9:00) Ned & Kerry Boykin (11:15) Barbrey Family CHILDRENS CHURCH 101 - 3K (9:00) Stephen & Holly Van Horn (11:15) Kit & Amy Williams CHILDRENS CHURCH 103 - 4K (9:00) Doug & Tracy Stursberg (11:15) Chad & Laura Voyles CHILDRENS CHURCH 106 - 5K (9:00) Staff (11:15) Staff

Jesus Rocks - March 23!

First - fifth graders, join us! Jesus Rocks is from 5:00 6:30 p.m. on Sunday, February 23. Dylan Thompson, USC Quarterback, will be stopping by to greet you, and Kevin Cartee, Director of Camp Fellowship, will be here to lead camp games and share information about the opportunities Camp Fellowship is offering this summer. It will be an action-packed evening, with fun and food. Please remember to bring $3.00 for pizza.

Sportsmens Banquet - April 3

The Sportsmens Banquet is Thursday, April 3, beginning at 5:30 p.m. with dinner at 6:30 p.m. This years speaker, Dan Reeves, spent 23 years coaching for the Denver Broncos, New York Giants and Atlanta Falcons. He played or coached in a record nine Super Bowls. He attended the University of South Carolina, where he played quarterback from 1962-1964. In 1977 he was inducted into the schools Athletic Hall of Fame. In addition to wild game and not-so-wild game, there will be door prizes and a silent auction. The cost is $10.00 for adults and $5.00 for children 8 years of age and under. Sign-up on line at or call Mary (256-1654.) If you would like to help with promoting the event or cooking, please contact Kit Pound at

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