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Quiz 1 Question 1: There are six (6) reasons that make for a compelling case for the NEED

for Interdisciplinary Studies in higher education and the world at large, in general. Choose ONE of the six (listed below), state/explain what you think this reason means (given your experience and knowledge of Interdisciplinary Studies), and tell why you think this particular reason is the MOST compelling reason for the need for Interdisciplinary Studies. Your answer should be in paragraph form including complete sentences, proper punctuation, grammar, spelling, etc. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The complexity of nature, society, and ourselves. The complexity of the globalized workplace. The need for systems thinking and contextual thinking. The changing nature of the University The public world and its pressing needs. A knowledge society's need for BOTH disciplinarity and Interdisciplinarity.

Answer: In reference to the public world and its pressing needs, Interdisciplinary Studies can be utilized to address and provide solutions for these multidimensional problems. Issues including but not limited to economic and racial inequality, slow job production, demand for greater national security, and need for of technological developments are pressing topics found in the media and daily conversations. The masses have been looking toward the Obama Administration to provide every solution. However, people should be looking toward universities for proposed solutions. The whole point of attending an institution of hiring learning is to make the knowledge learned applicable to societal needs. If one cannot demonstrate such ability, than higher education is failing its students and society, in which students will eventually matriculate into. Students are spending thousand each year to expand their epistemology in hopes of providing a pathway to the next great break through. Because of this, each class should have some type of real life applicability. For instance, in my botany, the study of plants, lab we conducted a study of the growth hormone benzyladenine on the growth of Phaseolus vulgaris, kidney bean. We wanted to see if the growth hormone would grow the plant larger than a plant that was untreated. We also talked about the ethical circumstances in treating food sources. Such applications can be applied to genetic modification of our food source. Question 2: There are four (4) main reasons that support why we should engage in interdisciplinary studies. They are as follows: The pedagogical reason is that "learning is not hindered by fragmentation in the curriculum." The practical reason is that "problems of the world are not organized according to academic disciplines." The dogmatic reason is that "two heads are better than one." The intellectual reason is that "ideas in any field are enriched by theories, concepts, and methods

from other fields." Choose what you consider to be the strongest reason; then clearly defend/explain/discuss and support it in a well-defined essay. Answer: The strongest reason I believe one should engage in interdisciplinary studies is because the practical reason: "problems are not organized to academic disciplines." As a current college student, I recognize that my university is neatly split into colleges in which the disciplines exist. As humans we attempt to categorize everything into clear cut groups. Often times our efforts don't work out as easily as we would expect. Every life reality is based heavily on perception which means circumstances aren't absolute but rather local. For instance, sometimes a stock price, cost of purchasing security on an exchange, can be influenced by the popularity of a company. Apple, one of the most popular computer and smartphone provide, high stock price is partially due to its demand and popularity. As history states, the once popular as Blackberry had a valued stock price to validate its success. Question 3: There are four (4) metaphors often used to define/describe Interdisciplinary Studies. CHOOSE ONE (from the list below), explain the metaphor and tell how it helps to define describe Interdisciplinary Studies. Include examples, when necessary to support. Your answer should be in paragraph form, with complete sentences, grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc. 1. 2. 3. 4. Interdisciplinary Studies is like a smoothie. Interdisciplinary Studies is like boundary crossing. Interdisciplinary Studies is like a stew. Interdisciplinary Studies is like bridge building.

Answer: Interdisciplinary Studies is like a smoothie. Each discipline may be represented by a fruit. If I am making a strawberry, kiwi, banana smoothie I could be drawing from the disciplinary perspectives of computer science, economics, and sociology. Once blended into a smoothie the disciplines become integrated so much that the once seemingly incompatible disciplines are well blended and complementary to one another. In addition the strawberry and kiwi, and banana have become visually indistinguishable so in a sense they create a new product. Interdisciplinary studies integrate disciplines to the point that collective knowledge provides a new solution. Question 4: "Disciplinarity makes interdisciplinary possible. The disciplines are bricks an interdisciplinarian uses to create new knowledge." Clearly discuss and expound upon this statement by Dr. Andrew Arroyo. Provide a detailed explanation with examples to support.

Answer: Some may assume that Interdisciplinary Studies is dependent of the disciplines, but that the prefix "inter" suggests differently. According to Rekpo, the prefix inter" means between space which literally suggests interdisciplinary means in between disciplines. Basically there is knowledge gap between each discipline. Interdisciplinary studies explores the gap not by disregarding the disciplines, yet instead, it utilizes the large knowledge base of two or more disciplines to reexamine overlooked intellectual gaps. Without the disciplines, interdisciplinary would not be able to create new knowledge because it is necessary to draw from existing disciplinary frameworks. Interdisciplinary studies is an innovative field that integrates intellectual frameworks from multiple disciplines and requires the interdisciplinarian to reexamine existing knowledge and nodes, produce new concepts or expand current ones, and offer alternate solutions for new and already answered problems. It places an emphasis on analytical, creative and practical intelligence, critical thinking, and integration as these instances help to create a more comprehensive knowledge base. Question 5: Provide YOUR OWN definition of Interdisciplinary Studies. It should be clear to understand and demonstrate how you conceptualize and present interdisciplinary studies to the public. Include an example (and/or metaphor) to support and/or further explain to ensure comprehension from your audience. Your answer should be in complete sentences. Answer: Interdisciplinary studies is an innovative field that integrates intellectual frameworks from multiple disciplines and requires the interdisciplinarian to reexamine existing knowledge and nodes, produce new concepts or expand current ones, and offer alternate solutions for new and already answered problems. It places an emphasis on analytical, creative and practical intelligence, critical thinking, and integration as these instances help to create a more comprehensive knowledge base. INT is like a house. You have the critical structural components: foundation, roof, walls, floor and ceiling, windows and doors, fireplace and stairs. Each structural component represents a separate discipline. Disciplines are associated with a set of theories and prevailing knowledge. In this regard, each structural component makes use of various apparatuses that contribute to the overall functioning and practicality of the structure. For example, a window (the discipline) may several apparatuses (theories) include the frame, glass, and sill. If the frame was excluded the glass wouldnt stay in place. The same logic is applicable if the glass was missing; there wouldnt be any protection from the outside environment. Each theory is appropriate for each discipline and without them there wouldn't be any insights into disciplinary perspectives. In reference to interdisciplinary studies, when you take two seemingly unrelated disciplines, stairs and fireplace, one can integrate them and conclude some overlapping commonalities. In order to be functional the disciplines rely on elevation. One utilizes each step to reach the second or third floor of a structure. Likewise, a chimney transports smoke outside the structure. Here is an instance where there are two different mechanisms that provide mobility, but, in both cases, the

direction of mobility is up. The common ground that ensures a fireplace and stairs are practical is the concept of elevation.

Multiple Choice: Question 6 Two English professors are co-authors on a book of literary analysis. One focuses on protest literature of American women and the other focuses on literature of the anti-Apartheid movement in South Africa. These two professors are engaging in what type of work? a.) Interdisciplinary b.) Multidisciplinary c.) Intradisciplinary d.) Transdisciplinary Question 7 Interdisciplinary Studies efforts suggest abolishing the distinction between the existing disciplines and for a total recognition of the University advocated False True Question 8 Which of the following is not a component if Interdisciplinary Studies? a.) INT builds bridges of communication, research and understanding. b.) INT solves problems efficiently and holistically, c.) INT accepts the authority of disciplines. d.) INT achieves new and more complete units of knowledge Question 9 Which is an accurate description of transdisciplinary studies? a.) Seeks unity of concepts and frameworks beyond the perspectives of any one discipline b.) Contributions of several disciplines are integrated c.) Provides a perspective of each discipline on a problem d.) Examines the issue(s) from within the discipline Question 10 Which of the following is not a definition of Interdisciplinary Studies? a.) An integration of knowledge b.) Critical Thinking c.) A consciousness raising awareness and sharing of knowledge. d.) A holistic, multicultural, international, and integrative, gender sensitive (liberating) theory Question 11 Which of the following is not a reason why many people confuse multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary studies a.) Both integrate multiple perspectives and knowledge rom different disciplines

b.) Both approaches involve several disciplines working n a shared topic of interest. c.) Both approaches call for multiple perspectives and paradigms to be utilized d.) Both provides multiple solutions Response Feedback: Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary differ on one main level. Interdisciplinary integrates the knowledge. Interdiscipilnary Studies goes a step further and works to engage the different perspectives/disciplines in work that is shared, integrated, combined and utilized together, forming a holistic conclusion, analysis, question, idea, etc. It is easy for us to work on multidisciplinary projects and never really learn about the other disciplines involved, whereas in interdisciplinary projects, we work together to view the multiple ideas/perspectives and combine from each for a complete response.

Question 12 Interdisciplinary Studies recognizes that information is determined by factors. Which of the following is such a factor? a.) Culture, including language, socialization, morals and beliefs b.) Context, including historical, social, political, economic and cultural. c.) Metal readiness, including acceptance of differences and similarities, as well as the varying epistemological levels d.) All of the above Question 13 Epistemology is important to Interdisciplinarians because a.) It provides a substantive foundation for an integration of ideas. b.) It provides definitive descriptions c.) It provides a substantive foundation for an integration of ideas d.) It provides a universal and practical truth e.) It provides support for styles and movements in society Question 14 The greatest problem in interdisciplinary ventures s the development of coordination and cooperation among people who can pull together, instead of being pulled asunder, by disciplines, schools, and organizational pressures. a.) True b.) False Question 15 Match the following definitions with their corresponding arguments for Interdisciplinary Studies a.) Learning is hindered by fragmentation in the curriculum Pedagogical b.) Problems of the world are not organized according to academic disciplines Practical c.) Two heads are better than one Dogmatic d.) Ideas in any field are enriched by theories, concepts and methods from other fields Intellectual

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