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1 BRIEF POINTS Delivery of oil tanks and spark plugs for engines delivered under General Contract No. P/235611233623. BRIEF DETAILS il tanks and spark plugs !ave "# /total life less t!an t!e engine$s. %n vie& of t!at t!e '.(. !as agreed to deliver additional )uantities of t!e articles in order to *aintain e+ploitation of t!e engine till run out of "# . "ill no& '.(. !as supplied 2, oil tanks -./120 and 6. spark plugs -16/11/110. Clai* 'eport No. 234/5P"/'D633 ('.3/2,13/,378 Dt.1,.,5.2,13 for replace*ent of oil tanks 9 spark plugs &as for&arded to 'ussian side via letter No. 234/:D/5P"/P' ;/P12/2,13/26,8 dt. 1,.,5.2,13. During <"' of 3,t! %'(3 *eeting 'ussian side !ave pro*ised to supply a =atc! of 12 oil tanks and 5, spark plugs =y Dec 2,13 and also plan for ne+t =atc! of supplies. >ide 3ir&ay =ill No. 1?665212 11,,8 11.12.2,13 a =atc! of 12 oil tanks and spark plugs !as =een received. D(3 13561123,,36 for a*end*ent Contract No. P#/.3561123132? 15.11.1777 &as !anded over to t!e %( 4etter No. P%123/2?611,6 Dt. 25.,6.2,12. Dt. 5, of Dt. via "!e *atter is under discussion &it! t!e custo*er. STATUS >ide letter No.P1123/2?6 1,1.51Dt. 21.,1.2,11 'ussian side !ave proposed t!e sc!edule to deliver t!e =alance il "anks 9 (park Plugs in 2,1162,16.


(ettle*ent of issues under Contract No. P#/.3561123132?8 Dt. 15.11.1777 for *odification of fla*e tu=es of '2563,, :ngine.

During <"' of 2.t! %'(3 t!e '( !anded over a revised D(3 13561123,,36. During 3,t! %'(3 *eeting %ndian (ide infor*ed Page 1 of 2

SL. No.


BRIEF DETAILS '.(. to take all possi=le steps to co*plete pay*ents =y <"' of t!e 3,t! %'(3. 'ussian side vide a letter No. 1123/2?611163?8 Dt. 1?.1,.2,13 re)uested %ndian side to pay t!e =alance a*ount as per t!e contract at t!e earliest. During <"' of 3,t! %'(3 *eeting %ndian side infor*ed t!at8 t!e *atter is under discussion &it! t!e custo*er and &ill take *easures for settle*ent of pay*ent =y @e= 2,11.


Discrepancies in 4"D of 'D6338 (er.3 *anufacturing ProAect -'ef letter No. 234/:D6 5P"/P' ;/P162/2,13/52.8 Dt. ,./1,/2,13.0

n a study of 4"D of aggregates of 'D6338 (er.3 engine8 &!ic! are supplied =y 'ussian side against General Contract No. P/235611233623 Dt. 21/,1/2,,?8 certain deficiencies are o=served. %t is found t!at t!oug! engines &ere supplied &it! 2P6573B2". "ec!nical Docu*ents received is for 2P6573. (i*ilarly8 :ngines &ere supplied &it! unit 1,33#"18 for &!ic! 4"D is not received. During <"' of 3,t! %'(3 *eeting 'ussian side !ave pro*ised to for&ard a reply =y ;an 2,11. @urt!er vide letter No. P1123/2?6151?7. Dt. 2,.,1.2,11 'ussian side !as infor*ed t!at c!ange notice No6C6,,162,11/D"E/2P dt. 2?.,5.2,11 regarding introduction of 4"D for production of aggregate N'6573B2" instead of aggregate N'6573 &as for&arded to %ndian side vide letter No. 6,6,6/616,5/137%4 dt. 31.,5.2,11.

>ide letter No. 234/:D6 5P"/P' ;/P276 1/2,11/1.8 Dt. 21/,1/2,11 'ussian side is re)uested to for&ard letter No. 6,6 ,6/616,5/137%48 Dt. 31.,5.2,11 along &it! c!ange notice No6C6,,16 2,11/D"E/2P dt. 2?.,5.2,118 as it &as not received =y t!e %ndian side. 'ussian side is also re)uested to for&ard reply regarding 1,33#"1.

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