60 Testing Parameters

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FAX/E~MAIL . No: HAL/ED-KPT /PROJ/P1-8/2014/&O To: JSCRosoboronexport, Moscow FAX No: 007-495-5346153/6379700 To: JSC"OBORONPROM" Fax: 007-495-797-55-48 Fax: 007-495-233-64-14 RPT: JSC NPO Saturn, Moscow FAX No: 007-495-7836635 FAX No: 007-495-6830243 RPT: JSCUMPO, UFA FAX: 007 3472 2382636 RPT: RM, MOSCOW FAX: 007 495 9177523 Sub: Requirement of testing characteristics



Date: 01/02/2014 Kind Attn: Mr. I. M. Goncharenko (First Deputy Director General) Kind attn: Mr. Igor Chechikov (Dy. Director-General for cooperation with India)

Kind Attn: Mr. V. I. Mamonko (Head of the Division, Military Technical Co-operation) Kind Attn: Mr. A N Permiakov (Director Of License Programmes) KIND AnN: MR. BH V SESHAGIRI RAO

of AL-551 engine to facilitate



Test bed equipment

for AL-551 engine has been supplied

by Russian side vide SA

03561231168, Dt. 30.01.2012 and the installation and commissioning works. are underway by UMPO specialists. The test bed shall have to undergo calibration with respect to an engine already tested at Russia which is supposed to be done using Ph-O engine. 2. It may be noted that even after repeated requests from Indian side, Russian side is yet to submit DSA for supply of phase-O engines, linking it to assignment of 300 hrs of life to the engine. The engine life of 300 Hrs has been assigned by Russian side in Dec 2013 only. This delay is affecting the commissioning of test bed and will delay the project considerably. In the absence of a Phase-O engine, it is required to take up one of the engines due for supply against SA 935634211650 for calibration of test bed. However, all the requisite , data needs to be provided/supported by Russian side (NPO Saturn).


15/1, ~~~
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m :_ / Phone:


/ Cubbon

Road, Bangalore - 560 001

/ Fax: 91-80-2232 0758

Office: 91-80-2232 0701, 2232 0376, ~~ / ~ ~l:I" ;rl~1J:> / ~ / Website: www.halindia.com


Accordingly, the requirement of the requisite data' has been informed to NPO S"turn through ARDC vide letter No, D/HOFG(IJT}/658H/13, Dt. 28.11.2013, 31.12.2013 and D!HOFG(IJT}/658H/14, Dt. 18.01.2014. Th.e requirement of data was reiterated vide HAL/ED-KPT/PROJ/Pl-3/2014/38, Dt: 1a.01.2014..However there is no response from . NPO Saturn in this regard. .' .


It is vyorth mentioning here that, the functionality of Koraput test bed systems will be ensured by doing shake down test by a'nother engine with small residual life, before taking up the engine meant for calibrating the testbed.



the acceptance test of the last batch of 2 engines (SA 1650) has been

commenced at NPO Saturn, Rybinsk, in presence of our representative, Mr. Seshagiri Rao, ResidentManager, HAL office,Moscow. In spite of repeated requests, NPO Saturn is not willing to &erierate and provid~ tes,t data'for the engines under testing. 7. Your interve~tion is highly solicited in 'ad~i~ing NPO Saturn to generate and supply the desired test data, without any financial implications and pre conditions, as the present situation of seeking test data from NPO Saturn has arisen due to delay in supply of Ph 0 engine which is consequential'to delay in Design & Development and Life extension of the Engine.


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(Aniruddh Kumar) Executive Director

& Sukhol Engine Division


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