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Waterways Project Publication

Jlarhflra ri_~ •. hcr &; ruch.a.rd Spi ~cl

Gnmt 'Houses Susan CostiganWaterways Teacher Paul Hicks -Site Writing Teacher Sear Spivey - Paraprofessional Sharon Carnpbeau - Community Service Aid

John Economos - Advisor

Thomas PerryC.U.N.Y. Intern

Stephen E. Phillips, Superintendent

Office of Alternative High Schools and Programs

Richard Organisciak - Principal

G) 1991 The \"wIlYli frt,jec:L of'Dm Penny 12'/aycnI,. Inc,

Suppun. (elf the Waterway_ PnticcL ill pnreided by

purtie:ip.lting 9;;holllll

the N'r:w '.dJrk StaLe Counc-1l6ll the Arta

\he OniCI! P( All..t:f"ru.t.i\le lligh S~hooJll and PtUgTUfDll

, .

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Harshinia Harris .....•...•............ 3 Amanda Lattimore ..............•....... 4

Sandra Bryant 5

AlethiCj. Lew,·is· -, 6

T .i na Well·s 7

T Ls'ha Herndon ..•• ' •...•.•..•...•••.•... 8 A'narea Edwards .....................•.. 9

Keila Rodriquez ...•••.•••••••.....••• 10 Renee Mitcfl'ell. ....•.......•........• 11 MGhique Washington/Aaron Thomas ....•. 12

Amanda La'ttimore 13

Omayra N:egroni .......•...•....•..... '. 1'4 candy 'Pete·rs ••••.•••• ~ ••••••.•• ~ ••••• 15

Earl W,. Amaker 16

Tisha Herndon .••..•.••.....••••....•• 17

'I'Lmo't.hy Pe t.e rs 18

omayr a N·eg.roni ..................•... ' 19

Ma rk J·ones .. ' _ 2-D

Linda WiLl.iams ~ ................•.. 21

Al'be'rt.Gaskins 22

Anonymous ••••••.•.•••••••••••••..•••• 23

Jam'mie 'Davis .......................•. 24

Keila Rodriquez ,.25

Tina Wells 2-6


Ke i 1 a Rodr iqtie z . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 27

E'arl Ama'ker ..••....••....••.•.•....•. 2'8

Courtenay Valdes 29

VaJ:.encia Jackson .......•.••........... 3:0

Mark J.ones ....................•...... 3'1 Paul H Leks ...••.............•••..•••• 32

omayr-a Neqjroni 3 J

Susan Costigan/Timothy Pe·ters •••.•.•• 34

Marilyn Ma~tinez~ 35

Earl Ama·ker 3·6

3 1~
, 1 ~
~ Love Is 7

Love is like a cherry pie

Or maybe a moon in the sky /

Love is a gift to one another .

To share the company with each


Love is like the stars in the sky When looking at you

) It lightens my eyes. ~




My favorite dog was named BlacKie. ge was a terrific dog. I lOved him so much. :t remember going to my grandmother's house every day just to see Blackie. I would take him walking every day. I would play with him at least four hours a day. And if I was sick or could not come outside my uncles would bring him td my house so that I could see him. And he would sometine spend the night at my house. Usually in the morning t would take him walking for my aunt. He was a pretty black dog. My brG>ther did not like him at all because he was much big.ger than him. i was eight yea:r;'s old when Blackie was

killed. I remember it like if was yesterday. I can still see us playing in the street and then all of a sudden there we·re gun shots. And the next thing we knew Blackie had been shot by a mistake. He was,a lovely dog and everyone loved hlm. It was ~ad to say i1bye" to someone we all loved so much.



What I Feel About Love

When I was young I was taught that love was a good feeliBg. I was taught all the good things about love as far as hugs and kisses from family and friends and that was a feeling that comes naturally. But when I grew into an adult I realized that there was another kind of love that can be one of the worst experiences of a person's life. you see, I met this guy and something about,this guy caught my eye ancl I did everything I could to gtat this guys attention. Finally I got it and we lived toge.t:her ·for a few years and in these years 'my lov-e grew stronger and stro:nger. Then all of a sudden another girl caught his attention and he left me to be with he r; At ttlat point I couldn't eat 01:" sleep_ I didn't want to be bothered with anyone or leave my house. I went into a de:ep depression. This went on for a year. I felt a~ i£ I s'hou Ld lay d cwn and have a doctor look at me and he woul,d tell my family I was dead.

That was one of the worst experiences of my life and I wish my mother could have tolp me about the bad as well as the good 50 I ,could have tried to prepare ~yself for this but even if sh:e had, it is hard to control the heart.



My First Accident

My first accident was when I was only five years old. I was going to the store with my cousin and thi~ man had ~ dog in his store because he got robbed a lot. He did not know the dog was in the store that day. When we got in front of the store the dog came running out and the next thing 1 knew was that the dog was on my back biting me. I had to have twenty tive stitGhes and learn how to walk at.r a i qht; allover again. That was the f~rst time! was in the hospital.

I also got into another accident that I uill aiways remember. I was outside playing bn ci merry-go-r6und with some other kids and I was pushing it and ~omehow I got caught under it and had to have ten stitches on the other side of my back... I think these two accidents I will always remember as long as I live.



I ca-n remember the first time when I first came to the united states. I was only years old when I first arrived. It was different from where I wa s , I had to become accustomed to the environment as well as other t'hings.

It vias very frightening because tho.ugh I was y.oung I was aisosca'Led. When I ·firstgot here I was too young to go ·to school plus I was not aware of the type of language that was being said.

As I grew older I ·grew wiser. I understood mOTe and more. The reason for me coming is bha·t m'i' parents wante.d me to be in a country or city where I wou Ld have more opportunities and more things to learn. It was hard bec auae I did not know what :f.rom what . When I became four years old Ienter-ed school. Before I knew it I was ih elementary s.choo I •. P. S. 154 where my mother worked. That made things even more dif·ficult for me. But I got ahead.

As I grew older :t begaBto like it here bmt there are 81so times when I vrished I had s t ayad over in Enq Land instead of being here. England; you

- see, is a very quiet place an.d here it's loud. But I ·g<rew to like it. I cannot say it was easy because I -would be lying.



The Love Betw.een Us

The l'ove between us is ·a strong love. A Love that will neve r part us. Each. day our friendship grows as we take steps to the futu·re.

A 'First Love

A first love is the heginning of a world full·of memories. It's like the first kiss tha·t you'll never forget. It's the experience of a lifetime that you can"! t go without. But most of all there's the person. you'll never be without. There in your minG, there in y.our heart the love tha,t you had will neveT bz-e a'k apart.



HDreams II

One time I was dr-ea.·ming about my friend 1 s boyfriend. He passed away .My two friends., my sisters and I were at my friend I s house. 'l~here was a ca.rparked in her bedroom. I was scared because I was wondering what a ·car was doing in the room. So my friend Kim (that was her b0y.fri·end.) went over to the Gar. I said frarrtically., .11 Don .It Kim. II But f'o r some re"3isGn sh€. :was:n'·t S-C i!l red . She

-Taoked in'to U1B window and Lt; wa-s her

b8yfri-encl Bre_DdOp.. He wasri I t a ·pers·on

he was in the form of hubbies. So I left ,them iH the room t.c t a.Lk , Then mv friend called me into 'the room and I wis -tall<ing tf) Brancl,oJ:l ·t.elling him how th·€. bab¥, w\:isa:rld how the baby Looks 1 i.kB

hiIn. I:t,s1?:-e;ms tha:t t a Lway s dre.a.m Zlbout

Br<il.Tldon.Maybe hecausewe were close and t-le never expected Brandon to go. It was boo soon ..



PG~:m of Love

It's good to see £rGTI\ you iii arn i Le . It I sgGod .Lo Have f rom you a ki,ss f

But i·t I s bet'ter to b.e loving YGU Po.r.ev e r and ever

Love is true when You do it seriously Love is fantasy when You want to have a Good time. Bet lave still being love .. When two pe.op l.e love each ,



"\,"1- ....


GrO,wiHg Up

.when I was maybe twel ve or thirteen years old my mother was very hard on

me. Meaning all 'the other kids were outside playing and I wa's upstairs leaa::-ning how to cook and clean house . I used to think they didn't love me" hecause I wasm't ol:ltside playing the other -kids.

But in the long run'I found out she loved me very much. She did that fOT my OV!fi good. Bec-au5e now as a young woman, r can take c az-e G:f my own house and not depend on anyone else.

Now I hiJ.ue my' own. responsibility as a parent and I hope that I am a good mother .li ke my mother is, to this day

still. '




Emotion - Love

Love is tha .. t t.wo people share even though the other one's not there. But when they're together they are happy , When they r r e apa-:l::t they I re

l:l·nha:!';py. So thor:: b(:::=--t. H2Y '~Q stay happy

is to stick togather.

W.hen my love one I s no-t the·re

I feel down allover eve:UY'(Ilh,ere But v·,hen my love. is here

Hy tears and sorrow disappe:3T

Aaron and Monique, sister a.nd brother

• I


Bad. Aceident

When I was six years old I remember p1aying with my sister in my living room having fun. we were playing.nouse, that was my favori:te qame , I remember my brother came oyer to me with a handful of blood arid I thought t.hat; he had: cut himself real bad. My oldest sister ran over to him and asked him what: had . happened. He told my sis·ter that he picked the blood up off the floor and that he· w"Ould sbow us where he got it from'. When we g,ot· to where he qot; the blood from I rea-liz"2d that that

v 'here I was playing and I did not remember Gutting myself. But I did not kn.ow it. I looked down a·t my foot and it was cove r ed w:ith blood. My sister carried me over t:o the couch and sat me

. ·down. she was 'more scared than I wa s .

I didn't even feel pain. My mother came in the house crying. and rushed me to the haspi where I got twenty sti tche·g in my .foot. Later on that day my father asked me what had' happened. I told him I did not know. He thought that I wacs too scared to teLl him, but I really did not know..


My First Love

My first love was when I W?s eleven years ol,d. To be in lpve is the best thing inth,is world. I was in love with q 'boy who was living across the street. Every d~y I talked to Mim. for me it was wonderful. We a~ways shared togethe~. ~ut one day I heard that we wer~ go:i,ng to anothE?r country. For me it was like a nightmare. ~ felt bad pecaus~ I thought J never would be with tpat boy a9,ail1: ~nd ~t" s t rue I never Wa9 with that boy again. But I never ~org~t t~e day 1 said goodbye to him.

He was the first love of my life. I'll never forget him.




-, ~,. .-


S'Otnething Li-ke An adventur.e

I remember last year I was with my brDther arid his friend Chris and his sister Toni. We were on 125th street wn-erea good friend -of -my brother's work at. His name is Kalil.

Anyway we all were lauGjhing a-nd talkin9 when suddenly this boy walked up in Kalil"s face and started popping shit about an incident. ,that happened at. a party. At first me -and my friend Toni thought they were playing around. Then Ka;Lil pull-ed Gut a ma-chete em the hoy and his friend to:ld -him to run. Fi-rst he didn't I cause 'he di.dn I t think Kalil would -cut him ·but he sterr-ted 'running a-nd Kalil ran after him. We all r an behind Kalil but the boy got away . So we came back. ,Th:.en maybe 1 ike a wee·k or two la-t'er ·the boy -started making peace with Kalil.


Marilyn ,


The Pain of Love

In the beginning· it was cool,

I tell for the Lies like a fool.

Ali the night~ you said never to leave The bullshit sl~pped out of you mouth and down your sh.i·l;"ts·leeve

Now you're gone, it's in the past I kne:w the love I felt would never


I face a.nother love

it at a whQle·differ~nt pace.



The first time I ev~r took a plan, ride was when I went to Florida. It w raining and what I remempeJ::' the mos t, w, the turbulence. At ~irst it was somewhat scary but afteJ.:" a while it seemed to calm down and S0 did I. vlhe: we landed there wasn't a cloud in th~ sky, it was so different for me, I lovi it. I went straight tp my sist~r'$ house in Orlando and starteq my visit. The first day was great. I went. to Wa:

Disney World" and Epcot Center. I sPen' the day there with my sister aD! her family. The memoJ;:'able moment down there" was when I toqk long wa Lk.s on thl beach in the pac~ of my ho~se alone. guess it was because it was a beautifu sunset and 1" had time to" thin}: and c1rG,; to mY$elf. vi~iting ?lorida is one oi the best memories I have and that I'll always have.






Love ip lik~ a flower drifting Abov~ tpe clouds the wind Blows the shores on our Beautiful b09ies you and

I ~+e making out kissing

And hugging like two birds rn a tree for our love

Will never fall apart for We will be together forever In the future


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When I was tWelve years old I got a bad dream. I was in the street riding a bicyc~e with my f+iends. I saw a dog in the middle of the str,eet. I was riding the bicycle very fast and I couldn't stop. I killed the dog and I stqrted screaming, nWhy did I kill the dog?1I Then I woke up.


' •. ~ II


The Experience of Love Love is good

Love is bad

When you Lose-

Then you ·are sad

To pick .it back up

YoU f~eel it·'·s good

but too get hurt again

You knoW" you lose!

I used to love someone in this room bu-t we ,broke up

I bhink it's good

She had my kids and t·ha;t I 1 ike BHt we cannot

Be together for the rest o,f our 1 ife .



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Happy Days

The fir~t day I h~d a boyfriend Wi ??? 80 one clay I found the be$t f'l;."ienl was a man named, Mr. Ronald Evan and hi is so nice to me that I don not want tl go i: nywhere without him. So -now I livi with him today. I love you tomorrow. Your always a day away.

Now he works in a Harlem restoration of furniture and c19thing s t o r e , I love where he works. There are nice people who worJ\ ther~ toq.



S·inging star

Last night I dreamed I wasisinqing star. For Epic records. And I' did a song with A. Ba.ker called, III Love You T·oo. II It was number One on thevR & B cha.r t s .


;. -.j



I was sixteen or seventeen years old when I g..D.t pregnant for the first time in my life. I wa-s five months and I did not want to believe t.ha t; at all. My aunt Diane told nxe that I was pregnant and I did not believ,;? th'at_ from her _ So I Il/eTI-t to the lro sp it.a I and t:'he do.ctcrr said I really was fiv·e months. I told my mother that I was pregnant and shiZ.

sa id , [I Y. ou. camno t 1 i ve here anym;ore at t.his time. I~ I had a girl and 5h:e i.,z-as so bea.utiful and gorg; She was seven pounds and eight ounces. Her name ~'fas Ebony ElizabeUl, 6-11-87. I was happy to hav e her for my baby.'· she is three years Old and very nice to nt:a antil her fatlJ.,E;r.


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Love is like a passionate feeling that makes you feel li'k~ .f Loat i.nq on air

Love is a true feeling

that makes yo:u want to confess anything that comes to mind

Love is a moment of thought

that has a·way fGr caring and sharing



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My Dream

I r:emember one d:ream when I w.asten years .o Ld , I ·r.emerrrbel:" tha·t in that d,ream there was an old walking on' the sidewalk. But that was no 'simple o Ld woman, She was st.r anqe , I couldn't see her f.aoe . I:Je,;r.- c.Lot.hc.swes-e dirty and uq l.y , I just could see something evil in her. Arter that I saw my neighbors trying to kill. that old woman, but I didm't let them. I stopped them and I sav'em her life. After all tha.t the MOlnan laughed and d"isa:ppear·ed hut she l'eft frer oJed and dirtycb:;>the,sin tha~pl.ace. Then I woke up,



Not Being Able ·to Dream

I am one girl ·who does' no.tdream.

I do not; dream .but I oft·en w.onder. I wonder what it I S li~k:e to dreamt wha-t you

think about Dr how it happened~ . .

Does it just pop up in yur mind or is it som&thi~g that comes natarally? I v.londer! I also wonder if it. is possible that a dreum ·ca·n lead to wGnders or possibly be real.



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I remember one night when I was seven years old. At that age my sisters and I slept in the same bedroom. We had many dolls. Some of them were tail, and -t.hey were put on the wall. Everybody who entered our bedroom liked our

dolls.. They l'ovedthem. But th,ere was one p rob.l-em , Every nig'htwhen I woke up and I sat on the bed just to check the dolls to see if they were in the same place. I did that every single night. 'But one night when I woke up and sat on the bed, I lOOKEd ·at one of my

best dolls. I saw that doll mGving her eye. I thought that happened in my imagination, but ·tha.-t was real. That doll moved her eye and looked arGund the bedroom. I was scared. I woke up my sisters and sta~ted screaming. 'The

next morning we burned t.hat, .do l L,



David and Goliath

In the Dark., in 't.he Cold standing tall, and Standing Bold.

Out from the trees the giant ArGse with great big hands, In it could fit a big Symphony Band.

"I must kill him.," David said. He tOGk out a hra

FIe places a rock in the sup And slings it .i nt;o the .gia:n:t 1 s Head.



Alisn Child

On a warm 81.l·. ,,".2r night I was looking at a movi~ eating some popcorn. It was an alien pi,ture on television.

I was three month:=:- pregnant. I started hearing weird noi~~s. I got scared.' I yelled to see if ~: was my husband coming in but it . ··sn't. The nOises stopped. So I co~~inued looking at the movie. All of a ~Hdden my body f~lt numb. I couldn't ~ove. It was like I was in a trance. :. tried to get up. I couldn't. The tel~vision exploded and out came an alien I was so Scared I couldn't move. Y ~ut his hands on my stomach and rubbe~ it. I thought that was strange. The: ~e disappeared. I. was terrified. I', ::,rer told anyone about it. Six mO:··.'".:'-lS later I went,

into labor to have my baby. I was on the examining tabls and when I pushed my baby out. The doc~~r5 became scared.

It was after that, that I realiZed that my horrid adventu~e was true.


There was a man by the name of -Mark. Mark had a normal family., a wife named Sharon, and a four year old daug-hter by the ·name of Terry. One day Mark just couldn't cope with every day life anymore. He wanted a be tt.e.r job so he could do better for his family. As the days went by his problem got worse and worse. Eventually he ·turned to the bottle. Every day after wor}e he would go to the first bar he could get to. Mark also s.tayed 'till the bartender had to kick him GUt.. He would come home to his wife and child with cold p i.zz.a, His wife was also getting tiTeG of him coming home drunk every day, waking up their daughter and disturbing their

home . So she t.oLd l).i.m· to go to a dbctor who Gould help him w.ith .h Ls drinking .problem. Of course he would say he didT'l't have a problem. But eventually his wife convinced him to go. Doctor Smith was not an ordinary doct.o.r . His solutions dealt with the scientific or not 0·[ the ordinary. Dr. Smith gave Mark a ·pill to take. He said it would help him' stop dr Lnk Lnq , but he a Lso had to help himself~ The type of pill Dr. Smith gave him works like this: If he drinks any liquor at all {the pill is like a worm) the worm inside him will grow bigger aBd bigger. The idea was to s.t a r-ve the worm inside him because it

f ead.s off alcohol. In other words Mark had to go Cold ·Turkey. Mark had to' send his wife .and kid away because the doctor said it's not a pretty sight for his family. to see him coming off his addiction frbm alcohol. If Mark doesn't stop drinking a Lcorio L he will d i.e., The worm would grow bigger and ,bigger and. just bu r st.. When he does finally starve it will come out of his mouth. MarJe stayed in the house for three weeks. He was always sweating" vomiting. He even was losing his mind. sometimes he would sit in a corner for hours. Finally Mark did it. He starved the worm. He gD,t his family back and things went bac.k to normal. Lucky enough he had the strength and will to accomplish his 8oal.



The Incredible

Just imagihe youl~e £al~ing asleep and all of a sudden you start to fall apart. Now this is not a dream. :tt is true to you. Your hand starts to fall off. people are looking at you wondering what ia happenihg to you.

They see your head ju~t break apart. They are running and screaming and you are wondering what they are screal~iil'1g about. But; they just keep on running away from you. Your feet fall apart then you start growing par~s iike ~ head with four eyes and an arm with th:t~e hands and feet with claws. That is enough for people to run away.



The Feet

I was a novice, very, very green in fact, and there was a need for me to be initiata~. Artct so th~ elders and the p~ers that were my seniors decided to break me in at night and they could do it bytarrtishing liThe Feetll

It happened in the latrine .•. a filthy, disgusting place at best, and . the odor had to be the werst stench that had ever entered my nostrils. And so they brought me there one night and they made me walk in the green slime. "The Feet, i, my feet actually touched the mess. I walked in it ... it touched my feet. The vomit, the mess, the snot, it was gross, it was disgusting and it touched my feet. The d9-do actually touched my feet ... "The Feet"

And later 1: found out that it was onlY a bag with toilet tissue and other substances that felt like do-do. But it was tbo late for me, tor the feeling ha~ already impinged upon my senses. And forever, evert until today, I will always be concerned that somelDhe's bowel movement had actuallY touched liThe Feet."


" ,.... . ~


strange Shadow

When my sister was fifteen years old she was in a f r i.erid ' shouse. S'omething bad happened to her. She was sleeping in anot.her bedrQom. In that bedroom she had 'her own television.

The first night she was sitting on the bed. She saw a -shadow but that wasn't her "because the light was on and she saw it coming from the door. On the other night .shw saw t"he same shadow but in a di-ferent place. She lsokep at the T.V. It was off but she saw that shadow on the T.V. Every night something happened, something difIernt and strange. S.o she decided to move from that bed. She was so ,scared and told my maher all that happened.



The Cheek

Timothy was sitting in class one day thinking about what to write. He had scratched himself while moving furniture for his mother the'day

beiore. It was just a little scratch, but it ~as ~ight on his cheek (just below his aye) and a little bloody, so Timothy had put a band-aid over it. Everyone was quietly writing but Timothy Was having tr6uble coming up with an id~a. Suddenly he had art idea and bent his head to write. No one noticed but hoW Timothy's cheek began to swell. It puffed and puffed and split the band-aid which fell to his chin and hung there. Ti~othYI unaware of the trouble, picked the band-aid off and continued to work, But hOW his chaek began to bubble and foam. It grew and grew, like some crea,t.t1re with a life of its own. Now Timothy knew samething was wrong. He put his hand to his cheek ~nd realized with horror that the bone had grown almost as far as his shoulder. IIGod! What's happening. to me?1I thought Timothy. IIHe11; live got to get out of here before anyone sees nie." He bent his he&d low~r and stared at the page before him. Now there were gurglingr popping ndises coming from his cheek. His skin, stretched tight as a drum, snapped! Out spewed blood and water allover this classmates.

As Timothy ~an screeching from the room his cheek bone, now as long as an arm, knOcked over chairs and desks. Suddenly, for no reason at all, it came back .to size, sto~ped bleeding and Timothy put the bandage over it and returned to class as if nothing had happened.

He never did finish that piece 6f writing·. he started when the horror-ofthe-cheek began

Susan and Timothy



My Scary Adventure

OnGe upon a time there was a big hill. My friend and 1 had to climb it to g-et to the other side of the park. But there was a rock in the middle ·of _this hill (which was I·ike a mountain) and it was ge~tting darker and darker and later.

1 had to be home fo-r supper. 1 was g.etting kind of sca,red. 1 ·thought I was never going t.oclimb that hill and ana he Lf my friends were already up there. Each time I. climbed I fell down and down 'till 1 went baok to where I started. I was crying andqrying. I said to mys:elft"Oh, ·God,wha·t can'1 do now?l' 1 was screaming for help. calling my girlfriend's name. out loud. No sound was he.ard. I star-bed to climb again.' Every inch of my. climb I fell 'back q,own and then 1 looked up and there .v1as a man standing on the top ,of the hill with my friends saying, "You 'll never climb this hill, lit·tie girl.·11 1 ,said, "Pi~as-e help! II' he said,uIf I vias .you 11d run home to my mo:ther.11 ·1 s a i.d , HI want to go to the at·her 5 ide ·to go home. 11 He said ,"Dh really, if you get up here

you ~ re not go ing t.o the other ·side. You,111 s't.ay with me. II I said, 1IGh., no

I won' t. II Then I saw a man s+and Lnq behind him just -k·nock him and my fr i.ende down the hill. My friends and I ran for our lives.


S~~angers IB the Night

It was 11:30 p.m. All was quiet and all was ~ark. ~t the age 9~ eig~teen, ~ ~eaTed nQthifl~, until I me~ the~nga Bunga. It was Qlg, green, slimy, his nose was on his forehead and eyes on his chin. He grabs me w~th his green, slilny hand and asks me, "Where is food?" He didn't notice that I was ~i!ding ~hrQu~h the ~lirne iR his hand.

I got free and ?tqrted hom~. Then I met Bootsky. He Was a s~ort, little, midget with very 0ig boots on hi~ feet. He .grabs ~y foot, and tyips me. He pulls out a knite and me not knowing my shoe i's not ti~d, he pu Ll s it off and cuts off my big toe. And that's h0W I ended up here iri the hospital from meeting strangers lfi the Night.


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