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University of Bedfordshire

Individual Portfolio of Business Research

Review and Reflection on Research Methods and Case Studies Answers
Lingge Li


TASK.1 Understanding Business Research Method

Business Research
Research is an extensive academic term including various kinds of researches. And business research is included in it playing a big role in the business development. Business research is an activity to seek truth from business phenomenon by using scientific skills and methods, and activities include finding business problems and seeking business opportunities to analysis problems by using generated ideas, observing business performances and trying to know business procedures (Zikmund, et al 2013). Three topics have been chosen to make an analysis for making a better understanding of what a real business research is. Session one, session seven, session ten are included.

Nature of Business and Management Research

Business and management research often go wrong and being incomplete, it should be considered in a different way and often beyond our filed of the common sense when we use it to do business activities. In study of Zikmund, et al (2013), highlights that research sometimes is to defense for truth and reality instead of common sense. Once the research is being done with special goals by using various methods, the consequences will be shown systematically to solve the managerial problem with success. And the purpose of doing business research is trying to describe, explain, understand, criticize and analyze. This is the process of finding problem and making advancement in business and management filed.

Feature of Business and Management Research

It is said that four things need to be combined to make business and management research compared with the general one (Easterby-Smith et al, 2009). The first one is that researchers should refer to trans-disciplines knowledge instead of limiting one-discipline knowledge only. Secondly, most of researchers are busy men with energy; they have to make sure that they can

get benefits and decent results from researches before doing target research with no wasting time. Thirdly, all the researchers must be well-educated, and the good education background can make researches conduct smoothly and successfully. Finally, the requirement is that practical consequences have to be got and the findings or researches of the consequences are supposed to complete the virtuous circle of theory and practice (Saunders, M et al, 2012).

Basic Research VS Applied Research

Basic research is about trying to find out something and understanding something in order to expand knowledge of the process of the business and management. About the basic research, researchers will choose some topics interested to them; they are trying to figure out the answers that are applicable and assessable to current issues without getting unnecessarily answers, but just for learning. As for the applied research, it is a process of addressing the practical problems nowadays and to improve knowledge of the particular business and management problem; meanwhile, results need to be found eventually. Such as cancer disease has already been regarded as a current issue, and the process of finding solution to end cancer is called applied research (Website, Education Space 360, 2010).

Process of Research
There are different statements about how many process are included in the research, but the precise number is six if we are trying to mention important processes. they commonly involves formulating and clarifying a topic, reviewing the literature, designing the research, collecting data, analyzing data and writing up. Some opinions that appeared are not totally correct all the time followed by with involvement of new knowledge and ideas (Saunders and Lewis, 1997). We would better review and revisit each thing more than once. Each time when u review, some new ideas will be refined naturally, but it has to be based on practical research. Therefore, doing a good plan with using these six processes seem valuable.

Issues in Research
Several issues need to be considered when we doing researches. When we begin to do a research according to follow all the processes we have decided, we need to take account of some issues

like personal feelings, beliefs, access to data, the validity and reliability of the data, time and other resources, but the essential one is ethical issues. Ethical issues involve the issue of privileged access, the issue of intrusion and vulnerable populations. There will be ethical dilemma when you are in different position is one organization. For example, if someone is a team leader who charges of a group of people, and this position will place you in a privileged position to communicate with that team, and the team members will be so active when the research plan is being put forward. On the other hand, if someone is in an upper status among the team, and it might be that team members cannot refuse to accept research, but with less willingness (Quinlan,C, 2011).

Collecting Primary Data Using Semistructure, In Depth Interviews

Research Interview
An interview is a discussion with target purposes between two people or a group of people (Riach, K 2009). Research interview can help researchers to collect valid and reliability data to find enough proof to support researches. Research interviews can be showed in different ways. Interviews can be read, listened to and watched.

Types of Interview
Structured interview
Structured interview is to make a good preparation and predetermination before interview about what questions would be asked. A series of questions are created with a limited set of response classification, and each question is the same asked by interviewer to every respondent. Additionally, this type is lacking of the flexibility of responses and the free flow of amiable conversation. All the questions are standardized and arranged in a fix order consistently from one interview to next. But the interviewers cannot exert personal affection and feeling on the structured questions, that is to say, they have to keep neutral attitude during the interview. This

type of interview is used to collect quantifiable data; therefore, it is regard as quantitative research interviews (Saunders, M et al, 2012). The one has a good validity and reliability.

Semi-structured interview is a flexible research process; researchers will choose a series of relevant questions which vary one interview from the other one, but sometimes, these kinds of questions can be changed by interviewers, which mean interviewers would delete some unnecessary questions randomly. Moreover the questions set forehead are for fixing a topic or a theme, and the order of questions also can be changed sometimes according to different situations. On the other hand, additional questions might be involved to explore a deeper region where interviewers want to know about and play a big role into researches (Saunders, M et al, 2012). This type has less valid and reliable than the structured interview.

Unstructured interview is an informal interview process, interviewees mostly has opportunities to talk freely when interviews give a topic. Something they talked can be covered with various regions like events, religion, habits which are relevant to the theme area. The environment will be friendly and peaceful under the unstructured interview format. Additionally semi-structured and unstructured interview are qualitative research interviews, but the unstructured type is the least valid and reliability one among three (Saunders, M et al, 2012).

Forms of Interview
Standardized is a form to gather data and collect information, and it is used into the quantitative analysis. For example when we make a survey strategy, we need to make questionnaire at first, and send those to everyone and get feedback to make a final analysis. This is a so-called purposed research, and that questionnaires have already been administrated before; how to fill the blanks, answer the questions on the questionnaires about the interviewees is an essentials. This form can get over ninety percent successes in the business interview (Quinlan,C, 2010).

Non-standardized can be divided into two small forms which include one to one and one to many. One to one interview involves three formats, and those are face to face interviews, telephone interviews and Internet and Intranet mediated interviews. During the one to one interview, the interviewers can observe carefully how interviewees react and can do exploration on the responses so that creating a good environment and get results they need (Quinlan,C, 2010).

Analysing Quantitative Data

Quantitative Data Analyses
According to the concept of Saunders, M et al (2012), quantitative data is basically related to the raw material which is later use to transform to into meaningful information. Quantitative data use for analysis in the form of graphs, charts and bars. It covers the numerical part to answer the research question. Moreover Quinlan, C (2011) gives the additional insight by stating that the most common quantitative analysis is follow by the computer software SPSS (Statistical Package of Social Science). SPSS interpret data in form of statistical analysis which assists data to develop bar chart, pie chart, histogram etc. e.g. to answer the research topic, researcher wants to use questionnaire approach then the respondent data can be analyse through the Excel and SPSS software which can provide the authenticity to the aims and objectives of research question.

Preparing, Input and Checking Data

In this area the concern is about the quantitative analysis with help of following process which include the type of data, use of format for input analyses, use of coding and checking of data errors (Saunders, M et al 2012). Type of data: Mostly researchers and textbook writers use the types of data technique in quantitative data analysis because it provides the hierarchal measurement in the form of numerical. These different kinds of numerical measurement follow the expression of abstract, presentation and analysis which can support to answer the research topic

Use of format for input analyses: In different requirements researchers use various format to support of input analyses e.g. in primary data collection method, for instance computer aided online questionnaire and in telephonic interviewing automatically data save into the computer at the time of collection. Use of coding: Almost mostly types of data can be recorded in the numerical codes. Coding data make researcher capable to enter data in computer with the help of numeric key on keyboard. This is also made the subsequent analyses; in scrupulous those that need the re-coding of data develop extra clear-cut and new variables. Checking of data error: No matter how the perfect research code but there are some error occur because of entering data e.g. difference between 1 one and I, 0 zero and o etc can generate error. Further errors can be reduce for re-check the codes, relationships and with the filters of questions. (Saunders, M et al 2012)

Exploring and Presenting Data

Once the data has been checked and cleared from the errors then the next step is for further analyses of exploring and presenting data. The research expert Tukey, J (1977) explained about the exploratory data analysis (EDA) is the method to bring new information into the research which can target the aims and objectives of research question. This approach uses the diagrams and visuals to express the data in more informative way. In addition, by doing analyses with the help of exploratory data process researcher needs to keep in mind that it requires proper labeling of diagrams and expression of content which is use in data analyses. Saunders, M et al (2012), suggests that several steps are significant when start with exploratory analyses to seeking at unique variables and their components. To follow the aims and objective of research question some key aspects are influential which include Specific Value, maximum and minimum values, trends over time, proportions and distributions.

Describe Data Using Statistic

The use of statistical approach in describing the information is considers essential for answer the research question. Here the focus highlights the two main aspects of statistics variables which include the central tendency and the dispersion (Chavent, M, & Saracco, J 2008). The central tendency: Mostly available explanation in statistical textbooks about central tendency is that when describing the data of samples and population with the help of mode (values that occur most frequently), median (mid-point after the data ranked) and mean (values, also called average that involves complete data values in its computation) can provide the value of central tendency. The dispersion: In this regard its essential to explain the data values are dispersed just about the central tendency. It can follow the steps if the data is in numerical form. There are two commonly used methods of explaining dispersion are Inter-quartile range (variation within the middle 50% of values) and standard deviation (degree to which values fluctuate from the mean). (Chavent, M, & Saracco, J 2008)

Chavent, M, & Saracco, J 2008, 'On Central Tendency and Dispersion Measures for Intervals and Hypercubes', Communications In Statistics: Theory & Methods, 37, 9, pp. 1471-1482, Business Source Premier, EBSCOhost Easterby-Smith, M, Li, S, & Bartunek, J 2009, 'Research Methods for Organizational Learning: The Transatlantic Gap', Management Learning, 40, 4, pp. 439-447, Business Source Premier, EBSCOhost Education space 360, 2010, Differences between Basic and Applied Research Basic Research Applied Research Research Types re. Followed by URL Accessed, 14/01/2014 Quinlan, C 2011, Business Research Methods, UK, Cengage Learning EMEA Riach, K 2009, 'Exploring Participant-centred Reflexivity in the Research Interview', Sociology, 43, 2, pp. 356-370, Business Source Premier, EBSCOhost Saunders, M, Lewis, P & Thornhill, A 2012, Research Methods for Business Students 6th Edition. UK, Pearson Education Limited Saunders M & Lewis, 1997, Research Methods for Business Students UK, Pearson Education Limited Tukey, J 1977, Exploratory Data Analysis US, Addison-Wesley Zikmund, Babin, Carr and Griffin 2013, Business Research Methods, US, South-Western

Case.3a The development of discount warehouse clubs
1. The important aspects here is actually not presence of educational literature in her initial

draft of literature review to conquer the requirement of articles she might have which include the research of massive number of database. She showed her essay to the tutor, and tutor asked that why she just chose some material just from magazines and newspapers without any academic support. After that, tutor recommended that she need to use Internet and search engine to find academic articles. She just followed that advises and used the tertiary literature review to solve that problem.
2. She cannot use original contents what authors have written directly, she needs to make

sentences change in a different way, but express the same meaning, that is to say, she need to do some paraphrase. Moreover she didnt know what item basically she can be use for begin the literature review. Further her requirement was bibliography instead of referencing list.
3. Few key lessons bring significant learning thoughts from Janes

experience. These involve: Its not good habit to rely most of the time on newspaper and magazines only. Paraphrase and make the structure of authentic journals can bring good results on front. Revision and redraft the literature review can impact the significance of study. Making notes of various items e.g. where it can be found like database.

Case.8a The involvement of auditors in preliminary profit announcements

1. A. Most importantly two main sources which they used were Full Annual Reports and Audit Accounts. Tony and Jim were good in literature of previous researches , which assisted them in share price and stock market of company analysis for the significance of prelims information. Secondly the issue of Stock Exchange Regulatory News Services (RNS) manages the distribution of price-sensitive information to the financial market. B and C. Primary Data: Primary data was data which was gathered particularly for the study task being undertaken. Secondary Data: Data which is utilised for a study task or project that were initially gathered for few other purpose which include the survey based secondary data, documentary and multiple source secondary data. 2. A and B. Firstly, Since its highlighted, that prelims utilised as knowledge for trading, so they possibly will get data from trade of various shares of various businesses from the moment of prelims issues until the genuine accounts have been circulated. Therefore they

possibly viewed the changes and impact on published accounts. Secondly again the stock trading was vital in this concern. Jim and Tony arranged a focus group and the member of that group might be involved financial analysts and stock traders. 3. They were experienced in their field but still they faced some problems in Quality of Research, Incomplete Information and Time consuming issues. In learning point of view both Tony and Jim search for educational and interesting material which they managed to research and develop successfully hypothesis for the data. Further the significant think which was appreciable that they didnt follow extensive preliminary research of the topic.

Case.10b Students use of work based learning in their studies

1. There were some significant reasons which includes Support research (advantage of WBL students), Highly Complex topic (create positive knowledge about research topic) and Discovers application of academic information to the specifies and experiences if WBL were actually utilised. 2. There were some main purposes to plan and manage interviewed because they can accomplish the efficiently and creatively the outputs of discussion, which assist them to highlight the recent research topic and bring the importance to the formal discussion. 3. The ethical research was not compulsory but they got the permission from students and instructors to accomplish it. Moreover they searched for the authentic data for all students and collected all relevant information which was kept confidential. 4. In this case the results of conversation between Jim and students were very blowing. So, he had frequent questions to the instructor to reply. Finally provide the recommendation to alter the way of encouragement. 5. A and B. Research Publication and Books (searching the new process to gather information and refining his techniques) Research Material (Obtaining reliability and preliminary conceptualisation) Study Journal (Use of reflective work to illustrate ending) 6. Strength: Recommendations, Best learning (Kolbs 1984) and implementation of academic information to their experiences. Weaknesses: Work based learning is not utilised completely, Limitation of the study and the topic is vastly complicated.

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