Michael Jackson Biography

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The biography of Michael Jackson.

Student: Roco Beln Maimo Course: 5to 3ra Devotion Date: Thursday November !" #!3$ Matter: %n&lish$

Michael Jackson
Michael 'ose(h 'ac)son *as born on +u&ust ," !-5, in .ary" /ndiana$ 0ell1)no* sim(ly as Michael 'ac)son" *as a si&ner" son&*riter and dancer (o( music and its variants$ 2e *as reco&ni3ed durin& his career *ith the nic)name o4 the 56in& o4 7o(5" bein& the (o( music su(erstar most success4ul *orld*ide" but his music also included a broad understandin& o4 sub1&enres as rhythm and blues 8soul and 4un)9 disc and dance$ +lso durin& his li4e served as a musical in4luence 4or do3ens o4 artists$ Michael 'ac)son throu&hout his career has &arnered multi(le a*ards" has been included t*ice in the 2all o4 :ame Roc)" has bro)en many records in the .uinness 0orld Records and has received t*enty1si; +merican Music +*ards and 4i4teen .rammy +*ards in various musical &enres" o4 *hich t*o are (osthumous$ 2e holds the record 4or the most a*arded artist in the history o4 music" *ith more than <## a*ards$ 2e has been reco&ni3ed a4ter their acts o4 (hilanthro(y" holds the record 4or the artist *ho has donated more money to charity" *ith hundreds o4 millions o4 dollars donated to 3- institutions o4 this ty(e$ 2is contribution to music" dance and 4ashion" also to his (ublici3ed (ersonal li4e made him a (o( culture 4i&ure$ 2e be&an his career *ith his brothers in the band =The 'ac)son 5> in the mid1!-?#s" *hich (ublished *ith them 4or ten albums until !-@5$ /n !-@! he started his solo career" thou&h he continued to belon& to the band o4 brothers$ Due to the e;traordinary im(act o4 (artial album Thriller 8!-, 9" the bi&&est sellin& album in the history o4 music 8even in #!39" became the bi&&est star in (o( music at the time$ Some o4 his albums (ublished as A44 the 0all 8!-@-9" Bad 8!-,@9" Dan&erous 8!--!9 or 2/STARB: 7ast" 7resent and :uture" Boo) ! 8!--59" are amon& the best sellin& albums o4 all time" it that hel(ed him &et into the Roc) and Roll 2all o4 :ame$ /n addition" thirteen o4 the -, sin&les 'ac)son reached the to( o4 the Billboard !##$ /t is estimated that Michael 'ac)son has sold bet*een 35# to more than <## million o4 its musical (roductions" ma)in& it one o4 the best1sellin& musicians o4 recent times$ Brother o4 (o( star also 'anet 'ac)son and sin&er CaToyah" Michael 'ac)son *as 4or several years the lead sin&er o4 the 'ac)son :ive" 4amily &rou(" in one time or another" all the children *ere (art o4 the 'ac)son 4amily men $ /n the nineties" edit Dan&erous" in !--!" alon& *ith a lar&e international tour" as on (revious occasions$ But shortly a4ter a scandal over alle&ed (edo(hile inclinations" that lead to the sus(ension o4 some concerts and a retreat o4 *hich only &oes to announce his marria&e to Cisa Marie 7resley" dau&hter o4 %lvis 7resley" a union that lasted until early !--?$ Brother o4 (o( star also 'anet 'ac)son and sin&er CaToyah" Michael 'ac)son *as 4or several years the lead sin&er o4 the 'ac)son :ive" 4amily &rou(" in one time or another" all the children *ere (art o4 the 'ac)son 4amily men $

/n the nineties" edit Dan&erous" in !--!" alon& *ith a lar&e international tour" as on (revious occasions$ But shortly a4ter a scandal over alle&ed (edo(hile inclinations" that lead to the sus(ension o4 some concerts and a retreat o4 *hich only &oes to announce his marria&e to Cisa Marie 7resley" dau&hter o4 %lvis 7resley" a union that lasted until early !--?$ /n November o4 the same year" Michael 'ac)son remarried to Debbie Ro*e" a nurse he had met 4i4teen years earlier and *ith *hom he had a son$ Be4ore mid1 'une !--5" Michael released his double CD 2istory" com(ilation o4 his &reatest hits (lus some ne* son&s" *ith an un(recedented advertisin& cam(ai&n$ /n +u&ust" the idol (artici(ated in an /nternet session" res(ondin&" 4or about an hour" to the Duestions o4 all those *ho *ere able to access it throu&h the service /n November o4 the same year" Michael 'ac)son remarried to Debbie Ro*e" a nurse he had met 4i4teen years earlier" and *ith *hom he had a son$ Be4ore mid1 'une !--5" Michael released his double CD 2istory" com(ilation o4 his &reatest hits (lus some ne* son&s" *ith an un(recedented advertisin& cam(ai&n$ /n +u&ust" the idol (artici(ated in an /nternet session" res(ondin&" 4or about an hour" to the Duestions o4 all those *ho *ere able to access it throu&h the service +4ter si; years o4 silence" the record label Sony Music announced in the 4all o4 ##! the *orld*ide release o4 /nvincible" the ne* *or) o4 the sel41(roclaimed 6in& o4 7o($ Cater" he *as involved in t*o controversial cha(ters: the 4irst in !--3 and later in ##3$ /n both cases the sin&er *as accused o4 (edo(hilia throu&h se;ual abuse alle&ations to t*o children 4rom thirteen years in each case$ 2o*ever" the char&es *ere *ithdra*n a4ter (ayin& a sum o4 over t*enty million dollars in order to avoid a trial in the 4irst case" and in the second" to be acDuitted at trial 4or lac) o4 evidence$ These events had a &lobal im(act and a44ected the 4inal years o4 his li4e and career$ +n ima&e battered" economic hardshi( and health (roblems *ould mar) his later years$ :inancial di44iculties caused the closure o4 the residence o4 the sin&er" the 4amous Never land 84rom Never ever" as the island o4 7eter 7an in *hich children did not &ro*9" containin& a 3oo and an amusement (ar)$ To avoid the media (ressure" 'ac)son moved to Bahrain" invited by the ruler o4 this small 7ersian .ul4 country$ +lmost a decade later" *as (ublished /nvincible 8 ##!9" *hose launch *as reco&ni3ed as a total 4ailure" since sales *ere lo*er than the costs and the artist *as involved in a dis(ute *ith his disco&ra(hy$ +4ter more than ten years since their last tour" Michael 'ac)son announced his comebac) *ith a tour to be called =This is /t>" ho*ever" almost t*enty days be4ore the start o4 the tour" on 'une 5" ##-" the sin&er died o4 a cardiac arrest$ :orensic De(artment Cos +n&eles County declared his death a homicide" and his (ersonal (hysician (leaded 5not &uilty5 to char&es o4 involuntary manslau&hter in court and (osted bail 4or not enterin& (rison" his trial *as (ost(oned by 'anuary #!!$ The sudden death o4 the artist led to an avalanche o4 &lobal shame" and to more than t*o billion (eo(le *atched his (ublic memorial service on live television$ /n #!# Sony Music %ntertainment si&ned a contract *ith his 4amily 4or E 5# million to retain distribution ri&hts and (ublish their discs seven (osthumous albums until #!@$

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