Neuroanatomy L Amrein Wajib

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Institute of Anatomy

Neuroanatomy l
Irmgard Amrein HS12


Page 1

Table of Contents
The central nervous system (CNS): an overview Meninges Ventricles Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) Blood supply of the CNS Spinal cord: segmental organization, white and grey matter Cranial nerves CNS: white and grey matter Telencephalon (lobes, cortical hemispheres, basal ganglia, hippocampus, amygdala) Diencephalon (thalamus, hypothalamus, subthalamus, epithalamus) Midbrain (Mesencephalon) Pons Medulla oblongata

Page 2

The central nervous system (CNS): an overview

superior Telencephalon Thalamus Pineal gland

Telencephalon (Cerebrum) Diencephalon Midbrain (Mesencephalon)


Tectum rostral anterior

Pons and Cerebellum (Metencephalon) Medulla oblongata Medulla spinalis (spinal cord)

inferior, basal Hypothalamus Pons Medulla oblongata ventral, anterior Caudal

Schematic sagittal section. Adapted from Sobotta 23 Ed.


dorsal, posterior Medulla spinalis

Page 3


Dura mater leather-like, inflexible layer surrounding the CNS and spinal cord duplications of the dura mater contain large venous sinuses Arachnoid mater delicate membrane in direct apposition to the dura mater subarachnoidal space contains cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) Arachnoid granulations for controlled resorption of CSF

Picture: Prof. Wolfer

Schematic coronal section. Adapted from Grays Anatomy (39 Ed)

Pia mater Translucent, thin membrane directly attached to the brains surface, follows all sulci and gyri
Page 4


Ventricles 1st and 2nd ventricles = lateral ventricles in the cerebral hemispheres 3rd ventricle (diencephalon) cerebral aqueduct (midbrain) 4th ventricle (pons, rhombencephalon), apertures below cerebellum connect inner spaces with subarachnoidal space central canal (spinal cord)

Picture adapted from Greys Anatomy 39 Ed.

T1 weighted coronal volumetric MRI at 1.5 tesla showing atrophy in Alzheimers disease patients compared to dementia with Lewy bodies (B) . Scott et al. (2011) BMJ 343 Page 5

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)

CSF clear fluid, high content of NaCl, contains glucose and K+, low proteins, no cells produced by choroid plexus in the ventricles turnover three times a day resorption by arachnoid granulations

Picture: Prof. Wolfer Page 6

Blood supply of the CNS

Arteries Main branches of the internal carotids Anterior cerebral artery Middle cerebral artery Main branches of the vertebral / basilar arteries 3 arteries supplying the cerebellum Posterior cerebral artery

Veins and Sinuses

Brain areas supplied by
Anterior cerebral artery Middle cerebral artery Posterior cerebral artery

Pictures adapted from Sobotta 23 Ed.

Page 7

Spinal cord segmental organization

8 cervical segments Cervical enlargement

Bony pedicles of the vertebral arches 12 thoracic segments Dorsal root ganglion

5 lumbar segments 5 sacral segments 3 coccygeal segments Lumbar enlargement

Cauda equina (horses tail) Cauda equina (horses tail)

Pictures adapted from Sobotta 23 Ed.

Page 8

Spinal cord white matter

White matter consists almost entirely of myelinated axons of motor and sensory neurons -> organized in columns (tracts and funiculi) carrying information to and from the CNS

Posterior horn Anterior horn Gray commissure

Source: Authors : Selket and Mikael Hggstrm Page 9

Spinal cord grey matter

Grey matter consists of cell bodies of interneurons, motor neurons, and synaptic connections, organized in nuclei and laminae. Delivers motor commands to muscles (and motor neurons) and receives sensory information from dermatomes.

4 1 2 3
1 Nuclei, organized in columns 2 Ventral root fibers 3 Nervous plexus 4 Muscles with pluri-segmental innervation

Picture adapted from Neuroanatomie, Thieme 2008

Page 10

Spinal cord grey matter Reflex

monosynaptic Dorsal root fibers (afferent) DORSAL Dorsal root ganglion of afferent (sensory) neurons Posterior horn Grey commissure Anterior horn Spinal nerve (mixed) VENTRAL Sensory stimulus (skin) Ventral root fibers (efferent) polysynaptic

Page 11 Picture adapted from Sobotta 23 Ed.

Cranial nerves

l ll lll lV V Vl Vll Vlll lX X Xl Xll

olfactory nerve optical nerve oculomotor nerve trochlear nerve trigeminal nerve abducens nerve facial nerve vestibulocochlear nerve glossopharyngeal nerve vagus nerve accessory nerve hypoglossal nerve

Pictures adapted from Sobotta 23 Ed.

Page 12

CNS: White matter

2 3 4

Schematic coronal section at pons level. Picture adapted from Nieuwenhuys, 1988

Diffusion Spectrum MRI (DSI) of the human brain from Wedeen et al.(2012) The Geometric Structure of the Brain Fiber Pathways. Science, 335, 16281634.

Association fibers link cortical areas of the same hemisphere (e.g. Arcuat fibers 1; cingulum bundle 2 (pink)) Commissural fibers link areas in both hemispheres (e.g. Corpus callosum 3 (green)) Projecting fibers link the cortex with subcortical areas of the brain and the spinal cord (e.g. Sagittal stratum (orange), internal capsule 4 )

Page 13

CNS: Grey matter

l ll


l ll lll lV V Vl

plexiform layer (molecular) external granular layer pyramidal layer internal granular layer ganglionic layer multiform layer (polymorphous)

lV V

Pictures from Grays Anatomy 39 Ed.

Nissl stain of sensory (5) cortex

Page 14

Telencephalon: lobes
2 3 4
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 medial longitudinal fissure frontal lobe central sulcus parietal lobe temporal lobe occipital lobe lateral fissure (diencephalic structures) limbic lobe (midbrain) cingulate gyrus corpus callosum thalamus uncus

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 7 5 9 2 2

6 7 5

12 11

3 9

6 14 13 10 6
Pictures adapted from Sobotta 23 Ed. Page 15

Telencephalon: cerebral cortical hemispheres

3 4 2 1

Pictures from Grays Anatomy 39 Ed.

Anterior commissure

Gyri precentral gyrus postcentral gyrus pars triangularis angular gyrus cingulate gyrus parahippocampal gyrus

Sulci central sulcus lateral fissure parieto-occipital sulcus calcarine sulcus

Commissural fiber tracts corpus callosum

1 Genu 2 Rostrum 3 Truncus 4 Splenium

anterior commissure

Page 16

Primary, secondary and associative brain areas

m n a b c d e f l k i g h
Pictures adapted from Sobotta 23 Ed.

n l

b c d g h h

a b c d e f g

primary motor cortex primary somatosensory cortex secondary somatosensory cortex parietal associative cortex WERNICKE area associative cortex vision secondary visual cortex

h primary visual cortex i secondary auditory cortex j primary auditory cortex k BROCA area l prefrontal associative cortex m secondary motor cortex (pre-motor cortex) n secondary motor cortex (suppl. motor cortex)

Page 17

Basal ganglia
Coronal section Horizontal section
8 1 15 16 3 4 7 1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13

9 10 6 13 14 8 caudate nucleus, caput caudate nucleus, cauda putamen globus pallidus nucleus accumbens capsula interna 5
amygdala lateral ventricle corpus callosum septum pellucidum fornix thalamus lateral fissure

1 6 3 12 18 19

9 8 10 11 17 11 8

2 12 7
14 15 16 17 18 19 anterior commissure claustrum insula 3. Ventricle coroid plexus pineal gland Page 18

Hippocampus and Amygdala

Page 19

Epithalamus Epithelial roof of the third ventricle, habenula, pineal body and afferent/efferent connections, including striae medullares. (dorsal) Thalamus Large mass of relay nuclei for reciprocal information flow between subcortical areas and telencephalon. Subthalamus Continuation of the tegmentum, with several nuclei including the pars reticulata of the substantia nigra. Functionally part of the basal ganglia. Hypothalamus Extends from the optic chiasm to the mammillary bodies. Contains a multitude of nuclei (e.g. suprachiasmatic nucleus, mammilary bodies)
Picture adapted from Nieuwenhuys, 1988. Page 20

1 Tectum (roof) Superior colliculus (visual and oculomotor reflexes) Inferior colliculus (relay auditory tract) 2 Tegmentum (floor) Multisynaptic network, contains (among others!) 3 reticular formation 4 red nucleus 5 substantia nigra

1 2 3 4 5

Picture adapted from Nieuwenhuys, 1988.

Page 21




Pictures adapted from Nieuwenhuys, 1988

Page 22

Medulla oblongata

Olive C. heart/ circulation C. respiration Pyramid


Olive Pyramid

Nucleus cuneatus Nucleus gracilis Reticular formation

Pictures adapted from Anatomie, Martini et al. Page 23

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