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ACCIDENT - [noun] /ksidnt/ something unpleasant and damaging that happens unexpectedly or without intention

There is a huge traffic jam on the motorway, because there has been an accident. Don't be angry with me! It was just an accident.


ADVERTISEMENT - [noun] /dv:tismnt Because of the growing number of advertisements, AmE: dvtaizmnt / something used to people buy more goods than they really need. inform people about some product, event, It's not the first time the advertisement has persuaded service etc.; for example a poster on the wall, you to buy another useless thing! a leaflet, or a short film on television
Our car is breaking all the time and we should buy a TO AFFORD - [verb] to have money for; to new one. Unfortunately we can't afford it now. be able to meet the expense of; to be able to He won 1 mln dollars last week! Now he can afford a give / spare sth trip wherever he wants!



TO APOLOGIZE / also APOLOGISE [verb] /paldzajz AmE: p:ldzajz / to say that you are sorry for doing something
TO APPLY - [verb] to request something, especially in writing

She apologized to her teacher for being late. When he realized how much he had hurt her, he apologized to her with a bunch of roses. They've applied to one of the biggest companies for financing their project. When I saw the job advert it was already too late to apply for it. He joined the French army in World War II and was killed in the battle. The army of riders and archers has won the battle. We are expected to assist the guests with interpreting during the conference and their free time. Foreign armies arrived to asist in restoring peace. Please attach your photograph to your application form. She's always been more attached to her grandmother than to her parents. His attitude towards me has changed recently. He was rather cold at first. Now, it seems that he really likes me. The attitudes towards Blacks are becoming better. Nevertheless, they still may have to face indignities and the threat of violence. People in Poland live, on average, 75 years. The average income in Poland reached 2000 zlotys a month. We used to keep bikes in the basement, because there was not enough space in our flat. I'm afraid of basements and I never go down there. I consider them dark and unpleasant. The wind was blowing all night long, making it impossible for me to fall asleep. I blew off the dust from the shelf. Has anyone ever cleaned this room? I'm afraid of dogs since one bit me when I was a child. He bit his extraordinarily white teeth into the apple. The tea is bitter. Do you have some sugar? She felt very bitter after she'd been left by her boyfriend.



ARMY - [noun] the military force of a country trained to fight for it TO ASSIST - [verb] to help
ATTACHED - [adjective] to be joined to something; to be fond of someone




ATTITUDE - [noun] a way of feeling or behaving towards somebody or something


AVERAGE - [noun] a standard or level which is regarded as usual or ordinary


BASEMENT - [noun] a part of a house, building which is below ground level TO BLOW - [verb] to send air out through your mouth; to cause a current of air TO BITE - [verb] to cut or seize something with your teeth BITTER - [adjective] having a sharp, unplesant taste; angry and unhappy





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Page 2 EXAMPLE Don't blame me for losing the way! You should have TO BLAME - [verb] to state or believe that taken the map. It's easier to blame the others when something goes somebody is responsible for something bad wrong. He was very weak, because he'd lost a lot of blood in BLOOD - [noun] the red liquid which flows an accident. My sensitive sister faints every time she sees blood. It's through your body ridiculous that she wants to study medicine. DEFINITION



TO BOIL - [verb] /bo:l/ to cause a liquid to reach the temperature at which it changes into a gas; to cook food in water at 100C
TO BOTHER - [verb] to annoy or worry somebody

Water boils at 100C and freezes at 0C. Boil the potatoes for 30 minutes in salt water.






I'm busy, don't bother me today, ok? The winter frost bothers me a lot. I really want the spring to come soon. The key to success is to build brand awareness among BRAND AWARENESS - [noun phrase] the customers. People easily associate Nokia with mobile phones and knowledge that consumers have of a brand Levis with jeans due to the high brand awareness. I dropped the glasses and they all broke, making a lot of TO BREAK - [verb] to separate into pieces noise and mess. They died in the mountains when their rope suddenly suddenly broke. Their marriage broke up after 3 years, because Jane TO BREAK UP - [verb] to end a relationship, was cheating on Tom. He couldn't recover after she broke up with him after 4 for example a marriage years of being together. Let's cross the river here. I think it's the only bridge in BRIDGE - [noun] something built over a the village. river, road or railway, to get to the other side The bridge collapsed and people had to take boats to of it get to the other side of the town.


TO BURN - [verb] to be on fire; to damage, The fire started at 6 p.m. and the whole city was destroy/hurt something/somebody by means burning after only 4 hours. If you play with the matches, you will burn yourself! of fire or heat BUSY - [adjective] having a lot of work or other things to do TO CALL - [verb] to give somebody or something a name; to telephone somebody CANDLE - [noun] a stick of wax with a string, which gives light when you burn it
Since he took up his new job, he's extremely busy and has no time for friends and family. Are we going to the cinema tonight? No, sorry, I'm busy. I have to finish the project for tomorrow. His name is Thomas. He was called after his grandfather. Tell him to call me when he comes back.







When there was no electricity, people used candles, which were the only source of light. I dream of a romantic candle-lit dinner with my husband. CARELESS - [adjective] showing not It was very careless of her to lose the keys! enough concern about something; taking not It's the most careless haircut I've ever got. I'm not going to visit this hairdresser any more! enough care of something If you finish your studies, you will have good career CAREER - [noun] a job or profession in prospects. which you get better and earn more money as She doesn't want to have children. She'd rather focus the time goes on on her career in law. The yesterday's tornado resulted in damaged roofs and big holes in the ceilings. CEILING - [noun] the inner surface of the When I saw a water stain on my ceiling and a puddle of top of a room water on the floor, I realised that there's something wrong with the roof.


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CURRENTLY - [adverb] now; at the present time

CHECKOUT - [noun] a place in a selfservice shop where you pay for goods



CLASSIC BRAND - [noun phrase] a well known brand with a long history

Page 3 EXAMPLE All the options are currently available. You can choose whatever you want. Your question is currently being discussed. You will get an answer in a short time. People get furious with the long queues at the checkout. Every time I pay at the checkout I realize how expensive life is. Levis is perceived as a classic brand in the clothing market. People often choose classic brands that they've known for ages, because they seem reliable for them.



CLOUD - [noun] a white or grey mass of I opened the door and walked into a cloud of dust. The room hadn't been cleaned for ages. small drops of water floating in the sky; a Black clouds are gathering. It's going to rain today. mass of smoke or dust COMMERCIAL - [adjective/noun] related What drives me mad while watching films is a to buying and selling / advertisement on TV commercial break every 20 minutes. Commercials are the main source of media income. or radio
Mary competed for a place at a university, but she didn't get in because of her poor exam results. Because there were only 3 horses competing, it was not a very exciting race. Football is one of the most competitive sports in the COMPETITIVE - [adjective] involving world. The market of electronic devices is very competitive desire to be more successful than the others because of high innovation. What a lovely dress! Oh, thanks for the compliment. COMPLIMENT - [noun] an expression of He couldn't take his eyes off her and was telling her respect, admiration, praise etc. many compliments at the party. The story concerns a young girl who lived in Britain a TO CONCERN - [verb] to be about; to be of long time ago. The king's private life concerned all the people who lived importance or interest to somebody in the country.


TO COMPETE - [verb] try to win with somebody or gain something in competition with somebody else





CONDITION - [noun] /kndin/: a state that sb or sth may be in; the situation in which people may live in TO CONNECT - [verb] to join two or more things or places TO CONSULT - [verb] get advice or information from somebody or something with better knowledge or source of information of a particular subject

Her car is in an excellent condition. They used to live in a small damp flat but recently they improved their living conditions. The railway line connects the biggest cities of England. Connect the CD player to the loudspeaker. If you may have any problem with the project, please consult our experts. I have no idea of how to get there. I'll consult the map.




If you want to sell your car, you'll probably have to draw CONTRACT - [noun] a formal legal up a sales contract. agreement between people or organisations, I'd rather sign the employment contract as soon as usually in writing possible not to be cheated and paid nothing.


COST - [verb; noun] to be at a certain price; This dress costs $120. I can't afford it. the amount of money needed to buy, produce The cost of living in a big city is much higher than in a village. or do something
I always pack my suitcase at the end of June and spend COTTAGE - [noun] a small house, usually in holidays in my cottage in the mountains. I'm tired of living in a big city. I dream of leaving my flat the country and moving to a small cottage in a village. He wrote a set of poems about the English countryside COUNTRYSIDE - [noun] land outside the its meadows, rivers and forests. I always spend weekends in the countryside to rest cities and towns after the stressful week. Page 3 3/11/2014






CRIME - [noun] illegal activity which is punishable by law

Page 4 EXAMPLE He was sentenced to prison for having committed a terrible crime. Those who sell drugs commit a serious crime.


CROSS - [noun/verb] a shape of 4 arms I marked the place that we are going to with a cross on meeting in the centre; to go, pass, travel from the map. The hunters took 5 days to cross the forest. one side to another
The city parade drew crowds of people eager to take part in it. There were crowds of people at the cinema when James Bond returned to the big screen in "Quantum of Solace". All the options are currently available. You can choose CURRENTLY - [adverb] /crntli/ now; whatever you want. Your question is currently being discussed. You will get at the present time an answer in a short time. There are many customs on St Andrew's Day, but they CUSTOM - [noun] an activity or a ceremony vary a lot from country to country. that is a part of living or a culture of some I cannot understand some ancient tribal customs. They particular group of people were so brutal. Darkness fell across the land as the clouds covered the DARKNESS - [noun] absence of light, the sun. They used to meet in the darkness, when nobody could state of being dark see them. I really liked the red dress, but the price was too high TO DECIDE - [verb] /disaid/ to make a and I decided to buy the green one. Honey, let's decide where to go on holidays! Spain or choice or judgment Italy? CROWD - [noun] a large number of people gathered together, mainly for a specific purpose







TO DECLARE - [verb] to announce something to the public

TO DECLINE - [verb] to move to a worse position, or from higher to lower

The US government declared war on Mexico in 1846. She was declared the winner of the first prize.








His health has declined a lot recently, so he's gone to the hospital. The standards of living in the city have declined. Nowadays, it's suburbs that are inhabited by the rich. I rarely buy on the Internet, because the delivery of DELIVERY - [noun] the act of taking goods often takes too long. goods, letters etc. to people's houses or The biggest advantage of this company is its quick workplaces delivery of services. There's always a huge mess on my desk at the time of my exams. It's covered with notes, books, notebooks and DESK - [noun] a table at which you work, cups of coffee. write, read, study etc. My desk stands in front of the window, because it makes me relaxed to look through it while learning. I haven't read the novel in detail yet. I only know the general plot. DETAIL - [noun] a small point or fact The painting is perfect, down to the smallest detail! New printing method is being developed by his TO DEVELOP - [verb] /divelp to grow or company. It'll probably be two times faster than currently used solutions. to change into something more important / Our new house is being developed by a German stronger / better; build new houses company. I hope it'll be finished soon. The tsunami was the worst natural disaster that the DISASTER - [noun] a sudden event country has ever suffered. The party was a disaster. There were hardly any people resulting in a great loss or harm; a failure I know and the music was terrible. TO DISCUSS - [verb] /discs / to talk over We are meeting today to discuss our problems. The book discusses English literature. or to write about sth


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DISEASE - [noun] illness of people, animals, plants

TO DROWN - [verb] /Draun/ to die under water; to make somebody die under water

The first symptoms of a disease are headaches and high temperature. Poverty and disease kill thousands of people in Africa.




All the passengers drowned in the shipwreck. She drowned in the lake. It is believed to have been an accident, but some people say that it's her husband that drowned her. The government should improve the state of the ECONOMY - [noun] a system by which a economy. particular country's money, industry, trade The high unemployment resulted from the economy are organized crisis of 2008-09. I felt so embarrassed when my boyfriend came in and EMBARRASSED - [adjective] feeling saw that terrible mess in my room. ashamed, uncomfortable, nervous in front of I think he was too embarrassed to ask me out, although other people he's not a shy person. Have you ever seen such an enormous house? It must have at least 200 rooms. This film was an enormous success and earned $ 1.000.000 in one week.



ENORMOUS - [adjective] extremely large; outrageous (enormous crimes)


ENVIRONMENT - [noun] / invairnmnt / Our natural environment is regularly threatened by oil spills and pollution. the natural world of land, sea and air in If you sort out rubbish, you help the environment. which people, plants and sea live
TO ERASE - [verb] to rub out or remove something completely I couldn't erase the stain from the wall. It was too big. All of my songs were erased when I restarted the computer. I need to have it repaired.



TO ESCAPE - [verb] to succeed of getting Two serious criminals managed to escape from prison. out of a place where you are kept by force; to She went abroad to escape her responsibilities in her country. avoid something dangerous or unpleasant TO EXHAUST - [verb] /igzo:st/ to tire somebody out; to have no energy; to use something up or consume completely
What an exhausting day! All I want to do is go to bed. The travellers have nearly exhausted their water supplies, so they decided to go back home.





The exhibition of Pablo Picasso's paintings was a great EXHIBITION - [noun] a show of objects, success. It drew people from all Europe. works of art., etc. which is open to the public There's a free exhibition of post-war photographs in our library. Are you going to see it? If you expose your skin to the sun for so long, you'll get TO EXPOSE - [verb] to uncover something; a sunburn. to put somebody in a dangerous situation He was exposed to a great danger during the war. We visited the sweets factory and we had our stomachs FACTORY - [noun] a building where goods full of chocolate. Nobody wants to live here because it's an area of are produced in large quantities factories, full of noise and smoke.


TO FALL - [verb] to move towards the ground; to move from being in a standing position to lying on the ground
FAMILIAR - [adjective] known, seen or experienced before; informal, easygoing (familiar style)

Snow was falling all night long. He lost his balance, fell from the stairs and broke his arm.



Are you familiar with Tennyson's poetry? I think he's a great poet. Your face seems familiar to me. Have we ever met before? She has a great fear of fire, because she got burned as FEAR - [noun] an unpleasant feeling that a child. you get when you expect some danger or evil His fear that she may hurt herself is completely unfounded. She is not insane, after all.


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FEVER - [noun] a condition in which the body temperature is high; great excitement TO FILL - [verb] /fil/ to make something full FLOOR - [noun] the surface on which you stand indoors; a level of a building

Page 6 EXAMPLE Doctor, I am having a headache, fever and cough. Am I having a flu? The whole city seems to be in the football fever of EURO 2012. When the travellers found a water source in the desert, they filled all their bottles with water. Crowds of tourists fill the streets of Paris every summer.





I spilt the hot coffee onto the floor, which resulted in a big, dark stain on it. My flat is on the 8th floor of the block. God, bless the lifts! You fool! Where did you leave the keys? FOOL - [noun] a stupid or silly person He's a fool! How could he live the baby alone?! Smoking is strictly forbidden in this room. TO FORBID - [verb] to tell smebody not to She forbade him to tell us the news, but he did it do something anyway.


TO FORECAST - [verb] to say what is expected to happen in the future

The experts forecast a huge rise in unemployment due to the economic crisis. A lot of snow has been forecast for the following week.


FOREIGN - [adjective] /frn AmE: fo:rn He can speak two foreign languages: English and / not native; not from your own country or French. Remember to take your passport. The tour goes the country somebody is talking about; through four foreign countries. carried on abroad
Many forests are cut down nowadays, which increases


FOREST - [noun] an area of land with trees the greenhouse effect. Many building sites used to be beautiful forest areas growing close together
one day. The explorers might have died for thirst, because the TO FREEZE - [verb] /fri:z/ to make or water in their bottles froze in the cold weather. become hard because of cold Water freezes at 0C. The garden gates are closed at nights to prevent GATE - [noun] a wide door outside used to ourselves from burglary. The gate opened and we all noticed a beautiful park full close some open space of people. It's very generous of you to give so much money to GENEROUS - [adjective] willing to help, charity. He's a very generous man. He always lends me his car liberal in giving or sharing, kind when I need it. Don't look so frightened as if you've seen a ghost! It's GHOST - [noun] /gust/ the spirit of a dead only an exam! People say that the castle is haunted by the ghosts of person that appears again former residents. Don't look so frightened as if you've seen a ghost! It's GHOST - [noun] the spirit of a dead person only an exam! People say that the castle is haunted by the ghosts of that appears again former residents. My New Year's resolution was to give up smoking and TO GIVE UP - [verb] to stop doing start living a healthier life. something; to realise that you cannot do I tried so hard to discourage her from marrying him, but something and so stop trying to do it she was so stubborn that I finally gave up.








GLASSES - [noun] two pieces of glass that you wear in front of your eyes to see better GLORY - [noun] great fame, admiration, honour; splendid, beautiful appearance

She needs to wear glasses for reading and watching tv. The man at the corner is a famous film star. He wears dark glasses not to be recognised. The moonlight lit up the gothic church showing all its glory. The soldiers died bravely in the battle and earned themselves never ending glory.



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DEFINITION GRADUATE - [noun] a person who has completed a university, college, school etc.


Page 7 EXAMPLE It's a great prestige to be a graduate of Harvard Law School. When the unemployment rises, even the university graduates have difficulties to find a well-paid job.


GRASS - [noun] /gra:s Ame: grs/ a very Children love playing with a ball on grass in the common low-growing green plant that covers summer. The sheep were grazing on the green grass of the hill. wide areas of ground GUARD - [noun] somebody or a group of people that watches over somebody or something
We all went to watch the changing of the guard of the Buckingham Palace. The murderer was brought to the prison under a numerous guard.



GUIDE - [noun] somebody who takes you to You need a guide to show you the city, because you the interesting places and tells you about don't even know the language. If you want to climb the Matterhorn, you need a special them, somebody who helpes you travel in guide to go there with you. dangerous areas TO HAPPEN - [verb] to take place
What will happen if your parents find out that you're here? What happened to you? You look terrible!



HELL - [noun] in the Christian and Muslim Do you believe there's Heaven or Hell after death? religion, a place where the souls of evil We were late for the flight, but we needn't have worried. people are to be punished after death; a very It was cancelled. If that's not enough, Tom lost his luggage and it started to rain. The journey was hell! unpleasant situation or event
HERD - [noun] a number of animals of one kind assembled together; people thought of acting or thinking alike HINT - [noun] a suggetion; a small sign or amount of something I was spellbound when I saw a herd of elephants of about 30 drinking water from the lake. Why do you always follow the herd? It's high time you thought of yourself and did what you really want! I can feel a hint of spring in the air, although it's only February. There's a hint of garlic in this soup, isn't there?





TO HIRE - [verb] to pay somebody to use How much does it cost to hire a car for 2 days? He was hired for a short period of time to help with the something that belongs to them; to employ new project. somebody TO HIT - [verb] to bring your hand or something that you hold in your hand against She hit the thief on the stomach. somebody or something to defend yourself or The ball hit the ground and the match was over. to express anger
He lost his job and he had to sell his house. He's HOMELESS - [adjective] having no place to homeless now. I pity the homeless people begging for money and live sleeping on benches. He hurt his leg when he fell from the tree. TO HURT - [verb] to cause pain or damage She hurt him so much, when she left without a word of to one's body explanation.




ILL - [adjective] feeling bad, suffering from told me to stay in bed. a disease You're ill sever times a year. It's time to go to the doctor.
TO IMPROVE - [verb] to become better; to make something better The standars of living have improved a lot. Almost everyone can afford a TV and a computer nowadays. The fortification of the town had to be improved in order to protect people against the enemy. The light went out and I had difficulties to insert the key in the lock. She inserted the letter between the books hoping that her husband won't find it.

I'm not going to work tomorrow. I'm ill and the doctor



TO INSERT - [verb] to put something inside something else


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TO INVOLVE - [verb] /inval/ to include something as a necessary part; to affect something or somebody

What does the job involve? Will I have to travel a lot? Schools involve parents in their children education.



He's jealous of his girlfriend when somebody else even JEALOUS - [adjective] feeling angry towards looks at her. somebody, because they have something She was a jealous child and never got on with children that you want who had more than she did. JUSTICE - [noun] fair and morally right Although she's a boring teacher, she has a strong sense treatment of other people; the system of a of justice. She always grades fairly. country that makes laws and punishes those He was taken to the court of justice for a serious crime. who break them


KNIFE - [noun] a sharp blade in a handle normally used for cutting or as a weapon

I can't cut anything with this knife. Sharpen it! He got stabbed with a knife during tha street fight last night. The Lake District, a rural area in North West England, is famous for its beautiful lakes surrounded by mountains. We took a boat to cross the lake, whereas the others swam across it. You can't drink alcohol in the street according to the law. They imposed a law that forbids smoking in restaurants. She took advice from the lawyer to petition for divorce. He's a great trial lawyer. He managed to defend even those accused of a murder. She won't work, she's too lazy. I've never seen such a lazy person before. He lies in bed all day and does nothing. The winter is over and the trees are in leaf again.


LAKE - [noun] a large mass of fresh water surrounded by land


LAW - [noun] set of rules made by government of a particular country

LAWYER - [noun] a person whose job is to advise people about laws and to represent them in court



LAZY - [adjective] avoiding activity, work, effort


LEAF - [noun] one of the parts of a tree that I love going for walks in autumn, when the colourful is joined to its branch and falls in autumn leaves are everywhere.
There was water on the floor, because the bucket got TO LEAK - [verb] to let a liquid or gas in or damaged and leaked. out of a hole; to pass through a hole or crack There was an explosion, because the petrol was leaking out of the tank and somebody dropped a cigarette. LEISURE - [noun] free time, when one can enjoy hobbies, rest, etc. There's a wide variety of leisure activities available in big cities. I'm going to take up some sport in the leisure centre, because I'm tired of studying all the time. Don't believe in what he says. He's a liar. I'm divorced, because my dear husband turned out to be a liar Ordinary students don't have money to buy new books, so they borrow them from a library. When I'm bored, I go to the local library to borrow something interesting to read. He lied about his age to get this job. You lied to me! You were not at school yesterday, were you?




LIAR - [noun] a person who tells lies


LIBRARY - [noun] a building or a room with books and magazines that you can borrow or look at TO LIE - [verb] to say something that you know is not true



LOAN - [noun] an amount of money Unfortunately, I can't afford a car without taking a loan. Many young people from poor families take the borrowed from a bank that has to be paid back with some extra money being a charge opportunity of studying in big cities by taking student loans to cover the costs of professional education. for borrowing TO LOCK - [verb] to fasten something, usually with a key; to put something in a place and close it with a key He had never locked the door for a night before there was a burglary in his flat. Pirates locked all their treasures in a chest.



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216257585.xls.ms_office Page 9 DEFINITION EXAMPLE She will be looking after my baby when I'm at work. TO LOOK AFTER - [noun] to take care of Will you look after my business if I die? somebody or something The advertisement is manipulating people into buying TO MANIPULATE - [verb] to influence things that they don't need. somebody or something in order to control He manipulated his friend in order to get an important them piece of information from him. My mother loves village landscapes with meadows and MEADOW - [noun] a field, usually a plain horses grazing on them. I spent my childhood in a village, playing and picking one, with grass and flowers flowers on meadows. We've measured the damages caused by the TO MEASURE - [verb] to judge the effect, unqualified workers to show the importance of employing importance, value, quality etc. of something professional staff only. They carry out a detailed survey to measure the Examples of use customers' satisfaction with their products. Oh, sorry I wasn't listening. My mind was somewhere MIND - [noun] your way of thinking or the else. I've just read the new fantasy book and my mind is full thoughts in your head of strange images and ideas now. MINE - /main/ [noun] a deep hole or a According to fantasy stories, dwarves are believed to have lived and worked in a mine. number of holes under the ground from There was an explosion in Halemba mine in which 23 which mineral substances are dug (coal, men died. gold, tin etc.)


TO MISS - [verb] to fail to do something Sarah missed her son so much, after he had gone that was intented or possible; to feel unhappy abroad. He shot at her but missed. because you are not with a certain person MISTAKE - [noun] /misteik/ something incorrect TO MISUNDERSTAND - [verb] /misndstnd/ to understand something wrongly; misinterpret
Marrying him was the biggest mistake of her life. He isn't the man she thought he was at the beginning. There are some mistakes in your work. You need to learn more. Don't take offence! You must have misunderstood me. The main reason for conflicts in a family is that members of different generations tend to misunderstand each other. In Warsaw you can see old and modern buildings next to each other. His company is successful, because its employees have many modern ideas of how to develop the business. Just leave me alone, OK? I had a stressful day and I'm not in the mood for joking! Warm summer days always put her in a happy mood. It takes a lot of time to travel across Poland. The quality of roads is rather poor and the number of motorways is unsatisfactory. The craziest thing he did in his life was riding a bike on a motorway, what is simply hard to imagine. I prefer spending holidays at the seaside rather than in the mountains. I'm rather a lazy person. I love standing at the top of a mountain and looking down to the world.




MODERN - [adjective] belonging to the present time


MOOD - [noun] the state of feelings at a particular time


MOTORWAY - [noun] /mutrwei AmE: mutwei/ a very wide road used for fast long-distance travel


MOUNTAIN - [noun] a high hill


Many multinational companies set up their subsidiaries MULTINATIONAL COMPANIES in Asia to benefit from its cheap labour force. [noun] large companies which produce and Multinational companies contribute essentially to sell goods and services in different countries globalization.


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DEFINITION MYSTERIOUS - [adjective] difficult to understand or find out



MYSTERIOUS - [adjective] difficult to understand or find out

Page 10 EXAMPLE Nothing is known about the mysterious disappearence of her brother. They are always so mysterious about their plans. We know nothing about what they are going to do. Nothing is known about the mysterious disappearence of her brother. They are always so mysterious about their plans. We know nothing about what they are going to do. Her small daughter woke up in tears, because she had a nightmare. The journey home was a nightmare! Traffic jams every freaking five minutes, and then the car broke down. Leave him a note on the wall, or he will forget to turn off the lights again! Take notes, because it's impossible to remember everything from the lecture. She had a new blouse, but her husband didn't even notice it. I noticed that they were looking rather nervous and asked them what had happened.


NIGHTMARE - [noun] a terrible dream; a terrible event or experience


NOTE - [noun] a written reminder of something TO NOTICE - [verb] to see and pay attention to



NUCLEAR - [adjective] concerned with the Nuclear power might be the main future source of energy that could reduce carbon emissions. powerful force which is produced by There was an accident in Chernobyl Nuclear Power breaking atoms up Plant, which still has a negative impact on living beings.
Soldiers are expected to obey the rules and regulations TO OBEY - [verb] to do what you are told to of the army. do If you don't obey the law, you will get into trouble.



TO OFFER - [verb] to ask somebody whether they would like to do or to have something

Can I offer you a drink? He offered that we go to the cinema tonight, but I refused.



He didn't understand the book, because he omitted one TO OMIT - [verb] to leave something out on very important chapter. I was worrying all day long, because she omitted to tell purpose or by mistake; not to do something me when she was leaving. My new job gives me a great opportunity to travel a lot OPPORTUNITY - [noun] an occasion that and meet new people. She comes from a poor family, which gave her no allows you to do something opportunity to develop her talent.


OUTSTANDING - [adjective] /oustndi/ Sarah is an outstanding student. She held the highest good / distinguished / excellent; unpaid / grade point average at the end of the last semester. continuing in existence / remaining unsettled Mary applied for housing at several places, but was't accepted due to outstanding debts. (outstanding debts)
TO OVERPAY - [verb] to give too much money for something which is not worth it She prefers doing shopping in corner shops, which are more expensive than supermarkets. She doesn't care that she overpays. If I had waited with buying the new pair of jeans until the Winter Sale, I wouldn't have overpaid. My knee is so painful today. I've already taken 3 pills, but they don't help at all. The photo from their wedding evokes painful memories after they've got divorced. People tend to believe that when they die, their souls will go to the Paradise. I opened the gate and saw the most beautiful, paradiselike garden I'd ever seen.



PAINFUL - [adjective] /feinfl/ causing pain or hurting; difficult (a painful life) PARADISE - [noun] a place of perfect happiness, usually surrounded by beautiful nature



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DEFINITION PARTICULAR - [adjective] special, this one, not the others


PATIENCE - [noun] the ability to stay calm / quiet without complaint, loss of temper, irritation
PATIENT - [adjective] showing ability to wait and deal with difficulties



PAVEMENT - [noun] the side of a street for people to walk on PEACE - [noun] quiet conditions with nothing to worry about; a period in which there is no war PLEASANT - [adjective] nice or enjoyable

Page 11 EXAMPLE There was nothing of particular importance at the meeting. I might have stayed at home. In this particular case I decided to go to bed earlier. Surely that can't be repaired in a few seconds so please stay patient. We'll do our best to finish it as soon as possible. If you want to be a good poker player, patience is a key element of success. Try to be patient. They should be here in a moment. Because of long queues, you need to be patient to do shopping at this time of the day. Pavements in our city are terribly dirty and littered by passers-by. Don't ride your bike on the pavement or you will hurt someone! All I want is to have some peace after the stressful day. Terrorism is a serious problem that threatens world peace.





What a pleasant weather! Let's go for a walk. I love tulips for their pleasant smell. I know you don't like them, but you should be more POLITE - [adjective] having good manners, polite to them anyway. Teachers complain that there are no polite pupils showing respect for the others nowadays. It's a very poor country. Hardly anyone can afford a car POOR - [adjective] having little money and there. They were too poor to afford even a pair of new shoes, low standard of living whereas their children were living in a luxury.


POWERFUL - [adjective] /paufl AmE: G8 is a group of the most powerful nations in the world. The new Prime Minister made such a powerful speech paurfl / having great power and a lot of strength; having a strong effect on somebody that everybody listened carefully.
Experiments and measurements carried out on a human must be very precise. Any mistake could be fatal. He is very precise in his calculations. That's why he rarely makes mistakes. Products normally sell lower than the price list,


PRECISE - [adjective] exact and correct; careful; fixed; definitely or strictly stated


PRICE LIST - [noun] a price of a particular especially when the demand is low. There are some goods in high demand and not easily good suggested by the manufacturer
available which will sell much higher than the price list. He was sent to prison for 25 years for killing a young woman. He got used to being kept in the prison. He finally became aware of the fact that he's going to spend the next 13 years in a prison cell for his terrible crime. His company produces mobile phones. There's a slump in producing luxury goods, because people don't buy as many of them as in the past.


PRISON - [noun] /prizn/ a large building where criminals are kept locked up as a punishment for their crimes TO PRODUCE - [verb] to manufacture (goods)



PURPOSE - [noun] /p:ps/ : aim; goal; the The purpose of this article is to show people how to reason for which something is done / used / lose weight effectively. She went out with the purpose of buying a new dress. made / exists etc. TO PUSH - [verb] to use strength to move somebody or something
He pushed her into the water, as he didn't know that she can't swim. They pushed the door open and went in making all the people look at them.



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Page 12 EXAMPLE We had to put up with our noisy neighbours for 3 years, TO PUT UP WITH - [verb] to suffer someone but that's enough. We're moving out! He's the only one who puts up with her nasty behaviour or something without complaining and recklessness. I won't visit this restaurant again. The food is of such QUALITY - [noun] how good or bad a thing poor quality. If you buy top quality products with a lifelong guarantee, or a service is you have to pay more. She got a cold, because she went out in the rain without RAIN - [noun] water falling in separate a coat. Heavy rain, which was falling all night, destroyed all drops from the clouds plants in my garden. The rainbow is a symbol of the alliance with God. RAINBOW - [noun] an arch of colours that I've never seen such a beautiful rainbow with all seven appears in the sunny sky immediately after saturated colours extending from the heavy clouds to the the rain ground. He fired a few random shots, killing a woman who was RANDOM - [adjective] chosen or done passing by. They chose a random sample of people for the without any aim, plan or pattern psychological experiment. DEFINITION TO REACH - [verb] to get to a place or person; to stretch out your arm in order to touch or catch something They reached the North Pole after three-month journey. The customer reached for a bottle of milk, but he was not tall enough.




Have you seen Helen recently? She looks so different TO RECOGNIZE / also RECOGNISE that I hardly recognized her! [verb] /rekgaiz/ to know somebody or This is the castle that we visited ten years ago when something that you have seen or heard before you were a child. Do you recognize it?


TO RECOMMEND - [verb] to suggest or advise something as being good for some purpose TO REDUCE - [verb] to make something smaller in size, importance, amount etc.
TO REFUSE - [verb] to say firmly that you won't accept or do something

Can you recommend me a good place to go on holidays? I recommend that you read this book if you want to pass the exam. You'll find the most important facts there. Our company really need to reduce expenses at this difficult time. Many shops reduce their prices before Christmas to attract customers. He proposed, but she refused to marry him. He refused to do overtime, so the boss dismissed him.








TO REGRET - [verb] to feel sorry about I deeply regret my decision not to have children. something you did; to feel sorry to announce We regret to inform you that your flight has been cancelled. some bad news Remind me to call Sue in the evening, will you? TO REMIND - [verb] to make somebody I was enjoying myself at the party, when she had to remind me that I must get up early to work. So I left and remember something went home angry. I'm not afraid of lending him money or my car, because he's a very responsible person. RESPONSIBLE - [adjective] worthy of trust We're looking for a responsible babysitter to look after our daughter. I'm not afraid of lending him money or my car, because RESPONSIBLE - [adjective] worthy of he's a very responsible person. We're looking for a responsible babysitter to look after trust our daughter. She returned home after 5 years of travel. TO RETURN - [verb] to come back We all hope the good weather returns soon.


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DEFINITION REVENGE - [noun] an action taken against someone who has done something to harm you REVIEW - [noun] a judgement of a magazine, newspaper or article on a thing like new books, films, plays




RICH - [adjective] having a lot of money, property, certain desirable thing TO RIDE - [verb] to travel in a vehicle TO RIDE - [verb] to travel in a vehicle RING - [noun] a metal circle made of gold, silver etc. usually worn on a finger; something in the shape of a circle



Page 13 EXAMPLE Her flat was burnt in revenge for informing the police on what she saw last night. All he wants now is to take revenge on whoever killed his beloved wife. If you want to know what's new at the cinema and whether it's worth watching, read a page of film reviews in a good magazine. I'm going to see this film tomorrow. It was given a lot of favourable reviews. She married him, because he's rich and able to give her everything she'd always dreamt about. Fruits are rich in vitamines. She rides a bicycle to work to avoid traffic jams. He rides to work on a bus, because he hasn't passed his driving test yet. She rides a bicycle to work to avoid traffic jams. He rides to work on a bus, because he hasn't passed his driving test yet. After they had got divorced, she sold her wedding ring. Children seldom dance in pairs. They usually dance in the ring. He sits on the roof of his house and watches stars



ROOF - [noun] the covering on the top of a every night. They're quarrelling all the time. They shouldn't live building or a vehicle
under the same roof. He decided to take up this job, because he gets a good SALARY - [noun] money that you receive salary of about $3000 a month. My salary makes it hardly possible to earn out a living. If every month for doing your job they don't pay me more, I'll give it up! The collection of clothes that we saw last week is on 50% sale now. SALE - [noun] a special offering of goods at There are crowds of people in shopping malls at the lower prices than usual time of sales. No wonder, everyone wants to buy something at lower price. Every winter I dream of the hot sands of the Caribbean SAND - [noun] material of many small Islands. grains which many beaches and deserts are Most children love playing in the sand on a beach or in made of a sandpit. We'll go sailing if the sea becomes quieter. The wind is SEA - [noun] a large area of salty water, too strong and the waves are too high. smaller than an ocean, partly surrounded by They went to America by sea, not by air. It was much land cheaper. SELFISH - [adjective] caring only about yourself, not caring about the others at all Don't be so selfish! Share the sweets with your sister! He helps me for a purely selfish reason: he wants my sister to marry him.







SENSITIVE - [adjective] /sensitiv/ showing My skin is very sensitive to cold. It becomes red every time the temperature is below 0. delicate feelings; easily offended; quickly Why are you crying? I didn't say anything wrong. For showing the effect of something goodness sake, don't be so sensitive!
TO SETTLE DOWN - [verb] to become used Have you already settled down in your new school? How are you settling down as a wife and mother? Is to a new place, way of life etc.; to become there anything I can help you with? calm or quiet



SHAME - [noun] an unpleasant feeling that He was filled with shame, when he was told about all you have when you have done something the stupid things he had done at the party. Her daughter was expelled from school again. It's such wrong or silly, or when a relative or close a shame! friend has


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Page 14 EXAMPLE There are not enough copies. Some of you will have to TO SHARE - [verb] to join the others in share. using or doing something Everybody in our flat shares the same bathroom. He shouted at me to look at my child. It was playing in TO SHOUT - [verb] to say something very the street! loudly or to speak very loudly There's no need to shout! I can hear you very well. The milk is not fresh. Can you smell it? TO SMELL - [verb] to use the sense of your He got a cold and couldn't smell very well, so he nose couldn't notice the smell of fire from our kitchen. DEFINITION



SMOKE - [noun] something that is produced There was a lot of smoke coming from the bonfire when something burns; to light something made by our neighbours. Do you mind if I smoke here? No, I'd rather you go out, I with tobacco and breathe in the smoke from can't stand the cigarette smoke. it SNOW - [noun] white, soft pieces of frozen water that fall from the sky during the winter
Snow was falling all night causing troubles in the street. There is no skiing without snow.




Do you believe in unhappy souls that wander over the SOUL - [noun] a part of a human being earth trying to find peace? which is believed to exist after the body has He was a man of honour. I am sure that his soul looks died down upon us from heaven. Speak up please, because people at the back don't TO SPEAK UP - [verb] to speak louder; to hear you. If you disagree with the others, you should speak up express your opinion freely now. TO STAB - [verb] to make a wound by a sharp tool, for example knife He died after being stabbed in the chest by a burglar. When he found out that his wife cheated on him, he stabbed her lover with a kitchen knife.



She sat down staring into space and I knew she was TO STARE - [verb] to look fixedly and deeply thinking about what had happened that day. intently at somebody or something for a long The guy in the corner is staring at you all the time. Do time you know him?


STORE MANAGER - [noun] a person responsible for the management of the store STRANGER - [noun] a person that you don't know SUDDEN - [adjective] coming quickly and unexpectedly
SUITE - [noun] a set of rooms in a hotel (usually 2 rooms with a kitchen and a bathroom)





SUMMARY - [noun] a short account of something, including only the main points SUMMARY - [noun] a short account of something, including only the main points TO SUNRISE - [verb] the time of the day when the sun appears



All employees of the store are subordinate to the store manager. Store manager shall achieve sales goals and produce maximum profits. A tall, dark-skinned stranger waved to me in front of the shop. Do you know him? The quietness of the village was disturbed by the arrival of the stranger from an unknown land. His sudden illness made us cancel our trip to Paris. There was a sudden increase in the price of oil. I couldn't afford a suite during my last holidays. I was forced to put up with a single room. Hello! I would like to make a reservation of two rooms with a kitchen and a bathroom. --- No problem, Sir. We can offer you a lovely suite. I need a summary of this book. There's not enough time before my exam to read the whole novel. Here is a summary of the article. If you're interested, I'll give you the full version. I need a summary of this book. There's not enough time before my exam to read the whole novel. Here is a summary of the article. If you're interested, I'll give you the full version. She finished studying for her exam at sunrise. We set off early at sunrise.


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Page 15 EXAMPLE The army suffered a great loss, so the captain decided TO SURRENDER - [verb] to admit that you to surrender. have been beaten; to allow something to She was on a diet, but she finally surrendered to the control you temptation of a delicious cake. Four people were killed in the accident, she was the TO SURVIVE - [verb] to continue to live or only one to survive. They somehow managed to survive the difficult time of exist after a difficult situation the war. One of her New Year's resolutions was to tackle all her financial problems. TO TACKLE - [verb] /tlk/ to take an When he was a child he was perfectly able to tackle all action; to deal with sth; to cope with sth difficulties he came across. Now, he is not strong enough and gets depressed very often. She was getting bored with her life, so she took up TO TAKE UP - [verb] to start doing some parachuting. I took up piano lessons last month, because I'm really activity, especially for pleasure keen on music. My grandmother used to tell us tales of adventure. TALE - [noun] a story of imaginary or real The Lord of the Rings is a magical tale of friendship and events love. His company has failed to meet its development TARGET - [noun] a result which you hope targets. to reach; something which is aimed at, Underground stations are expected to be the terrorists' especially with a gun or bomb targets. I really like the spicy taste of Mexican food. TASTE - [noun] /teist/ the sensation of This cake has no taste, perhaps you should add more sugar? You must be right. I've got a cold and I've lost my saltiness, spiciness, bitterness, sweetness etc. sense of taste. DEFINITION



TEAR - [noun] a small drop of salty liquid I saw tears streaming down her face. Why is she sad? My mum couldn't hide her tears when she saw me in a that runs from the eye (when you are happy, white wedding dress. uphappy or in pain) TECHNIQUE - [noun] the way of doing some specialist activity
I want to practise some new photographic technique. Psychologists develop new learning techniques. After he'd visited us, we realised that a considerable



THIEF - [noun] a person who steals money sum of money was gone. We couldn't believe that such an elegant guy might be a thief! and goods, but usually without using I belive that even young shoplifters taking sweets from violence
supermarkets without paying are nothing but thieves


TICKET - [noun] /tikik/ a printed piece of If you want to see the latest play in the theatre, you paper or card that you have to buy in order to need to buy the tickets in advance. The play is very use public transport, to travel by train, plane popular. I'm sorry, you don't have a ticket, Sir. You are not or ship, or to enter a place like cinema or allowed to get on board. theatre TIDY - [adjective] /taidi/ orderly; clearly organized and systematic (tidy mind)
TO ACCUSE - [verb] to say that somebody has done something wrong or has broken the law Look at the mess in your room! If only you could be tidier! She's an extremely tidy girl. She gets furious every time she finds some rubbish on the floor. He was accused of a murder and sentenced to death. Mother accused her little son of breaking her new vase. It was not the first time he had broken something. She denied telling her father with whom she spent the last night. She told him that it's not his business. He denied all the rumours that he got engaged with Christine and said that he's not going to marry her.




TO DENY - [verb] to say that something is not true


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Page 16 EXAMPLE We ask all visitors not to touch the sculptures and the TO TOUCH - [verb] to feel something with paintings. your body, especially hands Don't touch me, or I'll call the police! I was late again, because I had stuck in a huge traffic jam for an hour. I shouldn't have gone by car during rush TRAFFIC JAM - [noun] /trfikdzm/ a hours. long line of vehicles that move slowly The main road in the centre of the town has been blocking the road closed recently causing terrible traffic jams on estate roads. The supervising staff was transferred to their subsidiary TO TRANSFER - [verb] to move somebody in Geneva. Large quantities of our products were transferred to the or something from one place to another new, bigger store outside the city. There are many wonderful art treasures in the National Gallery. TREASURE - [noun] a very valuable object The pirates could finally stop robbing ships when they found treasure. TWILIGHT - [noun] the time during the day Don't go out at twilight! Several girls have been when the night is about to come, especially attacked here recently. the period between sunset and dark; a He's facing the twilight of his great career nowadays. period of decline after the time of glory, People say he's already too old to be that popular. success, growth etc. DEFINITION



UNDERGROUND - [noun] a mean of transport in which trains run under the surface of the ground TO UNDERLINE - [verb] to draw a line under a word; to show the importance of something

Underground in London and Madrid used to be a target of terrorists, because a lot of people use it. I go to work by underground to avoid traffic jams. Read the text and underline the words that you don't understand. The director underlined the need for a better cooperation at work.




UNIT - [noun] a measure used to express The standard unit of currency in Germany is the euro. amounts of something; a single item or a part The book is divided into 12 units, each focused on different area of English grammar. of something bigger
UNIVERSE - [noun] all space with everything that exists in it Are there any other life forms in the universe? Every time I watch the night sky, I think about the universe. It makes me realise how small and unimportant I am. Your bus ticket is valid for three months starting now. I'm sorry, Sir, we must keep your car. Your driving licence is no longer valid. He has led his party to the victory in the last election. The victory of Britain over Germany in the Battle of Britain weakened the German Air Force considerably. I'd like to live close to the nature, perhaps in a village in the mountains. They were tired of living their lives full of noise and rush of a big city, so they decided to move to the village at the seaside. There is a lot of violence on television and in the Internet nowadays. Robbery is the act of stealing with the use of violence. Graduating from university cannot guarantee high



VALID - [adjective] that can be legally used at a certain time; authoritative; well-founded


VICTORY - [noun] the act of winning


VILLAGE - [noun] a group of houses and other buildings in a country area VIOLENCE - [noun] /vailns/ the using of physical force in order to harm or hurt somebody



WAGES - [noun] an amount of money paid wages nowadays. to an employee usually every week She's too proud to work for low wages.


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TO WAKE UP - [verb] /weikp/ to stop being asleep WALL - [noun] the side of a bulding or a room WAR - [noun] a period of conflict and fighting between countries or nations WARDROBE - [noun] /wo:drub AmE: wo:rdrub/ a piece of furniture in which you hang up clothes; collection of clothes belonging to one person WEDDING - [noun] a marriage ceremony, especially with a party afterwards


Page 17 EXAMPLE Wake up, Tom! It's 8 o'clock! You're going to be late! I'm tired, because I was woken up by someone knocking at the door. Hang this picture on the wall. We painted the walls green, because this colour makes us calmer. His father left the country when it was at war, whereas his friends were fighting with the enemy and dying. Some people are afraid that the global economic crisis may result in the 3rd World War. You buy too many clothes. Your wardrobe is too small for it. I decided to change my summer wardrobe, because all my clothes are so monotonous. Their unusual wedding took place in the shop in which they had met. They are freaks! There's a custom that the wedding shouldn't be organised in a month without the letter "r" in the name. But I don't care and I'm getting married in July. Many days have passed since the days we were together, but I still remember him and weep at nights. Why are you weeping? What these tears on your cheeks mean? The trip was cancelled due to a 130-mile-an-hour wind. A sudden gust of wind blew the window shut. Traudl Junge was the secretary of Adolf Hitler who witnessed his fall. You have witnessed the accident, haven't you, Sir? You need to tell me what exactly happened. Many people die each day, because they don't cross roads on zebra crossing. I failed my driving test, because I forgot to slow down before zebra crossing.





TO WEEP - [verb] to let your tears fall from your eyes


WIND - [noun] a strongly moving current of air TO WITNESS - [verb] to see something happen ZEBRA CROSSING - [noun] white lines painted on a road to show that people have the right to cross the road in that place



Ngay 13/7/2010

The story concerns a young girl who lived in Britain a TO CONCERN - [verb] to be about; to be of long time ago. The king's private life concerned all the people who lived importance or interest to somebody in the country. ATTACHED - ngay 13/7/2010


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CURRENTLY All - [adverb] the options /crntli/ are currently now; available. at the present You time can choose whatever you want. Your question is curre CUSTOM - [noun] Therean are activity many or customs a ceremony on St that Andrew's is a part Day, of but living they or vary a culture a lot of from some country particular to country. group of I cann peop DARKNESS Darkness [noun] absence fell across of light, the land the state as the of clouds being dark covered the sun. They used to meet in the darknes TO DECIDE -I [verb] really liked /disaid/ the to red make dress, a choice but the or price judgment was too high and I decided to buy the green one. Honey TO DECLARE The - [verb] US government to announce declared something warto on the Mexico public in 1846. She was declared the winner of the first p TO DECLINE His - [verb] health tohas move declined to a worse a lot recently, position, so or from he's gone higher toto the lower hospital. The standards of living in the DELIVERY - [noun] I rarelythe buy act onof the taking Internet, goods, because lettersthe etc. delivery to people's of goods houses often or takes workplaces too long. The biggest adv DESK - [noun] There's a table always at which a huge you work, messwrite, on my read, desk study at the etc. time of my exams. It's covered with notes, books, DETAIL - [noun] I haven't a small read point the or novel fact in detail yet. I only know the general plot. The painting is perfect, down TO DEVELOP New - [verb] printing /divelp method to grow is being or to developed change into by his something company. more It'll important probably be / stronger two times / better; faster build than ne cu DISASTER - The [noun] tsunami a sudden wasevent the worst resulting natural in a disaster great loss thator the harm; country a failure has ever suffered. The party was a TO DISCUSS We - [verb] are meeting /discstoday / to talk to over discuss or to our write problems. about sth The book discusses English literature. DISEASE - [noun] The first illness symptoms of people, of a animals, diseaseplants are headaches and high temperature. Poverty and disease kill TO DROWN All - [verb] the passengers /Draun/ to die drowned under in water; the shipwreck. to make somebody She drowned die under in the water lake. It is believed to have be ECONOMY - The [noun] government a system by should which improve a particular the state country's of themoney, economy. industry, The trade high unemployment are organized resulted fro EMBARRASSED I felt so [adjective] embarrassed feeling when ashamed, my boyfriend uncomfortable, came in and nervous saw that in front terrible of other mess people in my room. I think 0 0 ENORMOUSHave - [adjective] you ever extremely seen such large; an enormous outrageous house? (enormous It must crimes) have at least 200 rooms. This film was ENVIRONMENT Our -natural [noun] environment / invairnmnt is regularly / the natural threatened world of byland, oil spills sea and and pollution. air in which Ifpeople, you sort plants out rubbish and se TO ERASE -I [verb] couldn't to rub erase out the or stain remove from something the wall. It completely was too big. All of my songs were erased when I restart TO ESCAPE Two - [verb] serious to succeed criminals of getting managed outto ofescape a placefrom where prison. you are She kept went by force; abroad to to avoid escape something her respons dang TO EXHAUST What - [verb] an exhausting /igzo:st/ today! tire somebody All I want to out; do to is have go to no bed. energy; The travellers to use something have nearly up or exhausted consumetheir com EXHIBITION The - [noun] exhibition a show of Pablo of objects, Picasso's works paintings of art., etc. was which a great is open success. to the It drew public people from all Europe. Th TO EXPOSEIf- you [verb] expose to uncover your skin something; to the sun to put for so somebody long, you'll in a get dangerous a sunburn. situation He was exposed to a great da FACTORY - [noun] We visited a building the sweets wherefactory goods and are produced we had our in stomachs large quantities full of chocolate. Nobody wants to live TO FALL - [verb] Snow to was move falling towards all night the ground; long. He to move lost his from balance, being in fell afrom standing the stairs position andto broke lying his on the arm. ground FAMILIAR - [adjective] Are you familiar known, with seen Tennyson's or experienced poetry? before; I thinkinformal, he's a great easygoing poet. (familiar Your face style) seems familiar to m FEAR - [noun] She an has unpleasant a great feeling fear of fire, that because you get when she got you burned expectas some a child. danger His orfear evil that she may hurt hers FEVER - [noun] Doctor, a condition I am having in which a headache, the body temperature fever and cough. is high; Am great I having excitement a flu? The whole city seems to b TO FILL - [verb] When /fil/ the to make travellers something found a full water source in the desert, they filled all their bottles with water. Cro FLOOR - [noun] I spilt the the surface hot coffee on which onto you the floor, standwhich indoors; resulted a level inof aa big, building dark stain on it. My flat is on the 8th f FOOL - [noun] You a stupid fool! Where or sillydid person you leave the keys? He's a fool! How could he live the baby alone?! TO FORBID Smoking [verb] to is tell strictly smebody forbidden not toin do this something room. She forbade him to tell us the news, but he did it anyw TO FORECAST The- experts [verb] to forecast say what a is huge expected rise in to unemployment happen in thedue future to the economic crisis. A lot of snow has FOREIGN - [adjective] He can speak /frn two AmE: foreign fo:rn languages: / not native; English notand from French. your own Remember country or to the take country your somebody passport. Th is FOREST - [noun] Many an forests area of are land cut with down trees nowadays, growingwhich close increases together the greenhouse effect. Many building sit TO FREEZE The - [verb] explorers /fri:z/ to might make have or become died for hard thirst, because because of the cold water in their bottles froze in the cold weath GATE - [noun] The a wide garden door gates outside are used closed toat close nights some to prevent open space ourselves from burglary. The gate opened and GENEROUSIt's - [adjective] very generous willing ofto you help, to give liberal soin much giving money or sharing, to charity. kind He's a very generous man. He alway GHOST - [noun] Don't /gust/ look so the frightened spirit of aas dead if you've person seen that aappears ghost! It's again only an exam! People say that the castle i GHOST - [noun] Don't the look spirit so frightened of a dead as person if you've that seen appears a ghost! again It's only an exam! People say that the castle TO GIVE UP My - [verb] Newto Year's stop doing resolution something; was to give to realise up smoking that you and cannot start do living something a healthier and life. so stop I tried trying so hard to do GLASSES - [noun] She needs two pieces to wear of glasses glass that foryou reading wearand in front watching of your tv.eyes The toman see better at the corner is a famous film GLORY - [noun] Thegreat moonlight fame,lit admiration, up the gothic honour; church splendid, showing beautiful all its glory. appearance The soldiers died bravely in the battl GRADUATEIt's - [noun] a great a person prestige who to be has a graduate completed ofaHarvard university, Law college, School. school When etc. the unemployment rises, eve GRASS - [noun] Children /gra:slove Ame: playing grs/with a very a ball common on grass low-growing in the summer. green plant The sheep that covers were wide grazing areas on of the ground green GUARD - [noun] We somebody all went to watch or a group the changing of peopleof that thewatches guard ofover the Buckingham somebody orPalace. something The murderer was b GUIDE - [noun] You somebody need a guide whoto takes show you you tothe thecity, interesting because places you don't and even tells you know about the language. them, somebody If you who want he TO HAPPEN What - [verb] will tohappen take place if your parents find out that you're here? What happened to you? You look ter HELL - [noun] Do in you the Christian believe there's and Muslim Heaven religion, or Hella after place death? where the Wesouls wereof late evil for people the flight, are to but be we punished needn't h a HERD - [noun] I was a number spellbound of animals when of I saw oneakind herd assembled of elephants together; of about people 30 drinking thought water of acting from or the thinking lake. alike Why HINT - [noun] I can a suggetion; feel a hint a of small spring sign in or the amount air, although of something it's only February. There's a hint of garlic in this soup TO HIRE - [verb] Howto much pay somebody does it cost to to use hire something a car for 2 that days? belongs He to was them; hired tofor employ a short somebody period of time to help w TO HIT - [verb] She to hit bring theyour thiefhand on the orstomach. something The that ball you hit hold the inground your hand andagainst the match somebody was over. or something to HOMELESS He - [adjective] lost his job having and he nohad place to to sell live his house. He's homeless now. I pity the homeless people begg TO HURT - [verb] He hurt to cause his legpain when orhe damage fell from to the one's tree. bodyShe hurt him so much, when she left without a word o ILL - [adjective] I'mfeeling not going bad, tosuffering work tomorrow. from a disease I'm ill and the doctor told me to stay in bed. You're ill sever time TO IMPROVE The - [verb] standars to become of living better; have improved to make something a lot. Almost better everyone can afford a TV and a computer now TO INSERT -The [verb] light to went put something out and I had inside difficulties something to insert else the key in the lock. She inserted the letter betwe TO INVOLVEWhat - [verb] does /inval/ the job to include involve? something Will I have asto a travel necessary a lot?part; Schools to affect involve something parents orin somebody their children e JEALOUS - [adjective] He's jealous feeling of his angry girlfriend towards when somebody, somebody because else even they looks have at something her. She was that a you jealous want child and JUSTICE - [noun] Although fair she's and morally a boring right teacher, treatment she of has other a strong people; sense the of system justice. of She a country always that grades makes fairly. laws He and KNIFE - [noun] I can't a sharp cut anything blade in a with handle this knife. normally Sharpen used for it! cutting He got or stabbed as a weapon with a knife during tha street fight LAKE - [noun] The a large Lakemass District, of fresh a rural water areasurrounded in North West by land England, is famous for its beautiful lakes surrounded LAW - [noun]You set of can't rules drink made alcohol by government in the street of according a particular to the country law. They imposed a law that forbids smok

LAWYER LAWYER - She [noun] took a person advice whose from the job lawyer is to advise to petition people for divorce. about laws He's and a great to represent trial lawyer. them He in managed court to de LAZY LAZY - [adjective] She won't avoiding work, activity, she's too work, lazy. effort I've never seen such a lazy person before. He lies in bed all day LEAF LEAF - [noun] The one winter of theis parts overof and a tree the that trees isare joined in leaf to its again. branch I love and falls going infor autumn walks in autumn, when the co LEAK TO LEAK - [verb] There to was let a water liquid on orthe gas floor, in orbecause out of a hole; the bucket to pass got through damaged a hole and or leaked. crack There was an explo LEISURE LEISURE - [noun] There's free a wide time,variety when one of leisure can enjoy activities hobbies, available rest, etc. in big cities. I'm going to take up some sport i LIAR LIAR - [noun] Don't a person believe who in tells what lies he says. He's a liar. I'm divorced, because my dear husband turned out to b LIBRARY LIBRARY - [noun] Ordinary a building students or a don't room have withmoney books to and buy magazines new books, that so you they can borrow borrow them or look fromat a library. Whe LIE TO LIE - [verb] He to lied say about something his age that to you get this know job. is not You true lied to me! You were not at school yesterday, were you LOAN LOAN - [noun] Unfortunately, an amount of I can't money afford borrowed a car without from a bank taking that a loan. has to Many be paid young back people with some from poor extrafamilies money be tak LOOK TO LOCK - [verb] He had to fasten never locked something, the door usually for a with night a key; before to put there something was a burglary in a place in his and flat. close Pirates it with locked a key a LOOK AFTER TO LOOK AFTER She will - [noun] be looking to take after care my ofbaby somebody when I'm or something at work. Will you look after my business if I die? MANIPULATE TO MANIPULATE The advertisement - [verb] to influence is manipulating somebody people or something into buying in order things to that control they them don't need. He manipulat MEADOW MEADOW - [noun] My mother a field, loves usually village a plain landscapes one, with with grass meadows and flowers and horses grazing on them. I spent my child MEASURE TO MEASURE We've - [verb] measured to judgethe thedamages effect, importance, caused byvalue, the unqualified quality etc. workers of something to show Examples the importance of use of emp MIND MIND - [noun] Oh, your sorry way I of wasn't thinking listening. or theMy thoughts mind was in your somewhere head else. I've just read the new fantasy book a MINE MINE - /main/ According [noun] a deep to fantasy hole or stories, a number dwarves of holes are believed under the to ground have lived fromand which worked mineral in a substances mine. There are w d MISS TO MISS - [verb] Sarah tomissed fail to do her something son so much, that was afterintented he had gone or possible; abroad. to feel He shot unhappy at her because but missed. you are not wit MISTAKE MISTAKE - [noun] Marrying /misteik/ him was something the biggest incorrect mistake of her life. He isn't the man she thought he was at the begi MISUNDERSTAND TO MISUNDERSTAND Don't take offence! - [verb] /misndstnd/ You must have misunderstood to understand me. something The main wrongly; reason misinterpret for conflicts in a family MODERN MODERN - [adjective] In Warsaw belonging you can see to the old present and modern time buildings next to each other. His company is successfu MOOD MOOD - [noun] Just the leave state me of alone, feelings OK? at a I had particular a stressful time day and I'm not in the mood for joking! Warm summe MOTORWAY MOTORWAYIt- takes [noun] a lot /mutrwei of time to AmE: travel mutwei/ across Poland. a very The wide quality road of used roads for is fast rather long-distance poor and the travel number o MOUNTAIN MOUNTAIN -I [noun] prefer a spending high hill holidays at the seaside rather than in the mountains. I'm rather a lazy person. MULTINATIONAL COMPANIES MULTINATIONAL ManyCOMPANIES multinational companies - [noun] large set companies up their subsidiaries which produce in Asia and to sell benefit goods from and itsservices cheap labour in differe for MYSTERIOUS MYSTERIOUS Nothing - [adjective] is known difficult about to the understand mysterious or disappearence find out of her brother. They are always so myster MYSTERIOUS MYSTERIOUS Nothing - [adjective] is known difficult about to the understand mysterious or disappearence find out of her brother. They are always so myster NIGHTMARE NIGHTMAREHer - [noun] smalladaughter terrible dream; woke up a terrible in tears, event because or experience she had a nightmare. The journey home was a n NOTE NOTE - [noun] Leave a written him reminder a note on of the something wall, or he will forget to turn off the lights again! Take notes, because it NOTICE TO NOTICE -She [verb] had toasee new and blouse, pay attention but her husband to didn't even notice it. I noticed that they were looking ra NUCLEAR NUCLEAR - [adjective] Nuclear power concerned might be with the the main powerful futureforce source which of energy is produced that could by breaking reduce carbon atoms up emissions. OBEY TO OBEY - [verb] Soldiers to do are what expected you are totold obey to the do rules and regulations of the army. If you don't obey the law, y OFFER TO OFFER - Can [verb] I offer to ask you somebody a drink? whether He offered theythat would welike go to the do or cinema to have tonight, something but I refused. OMIT TO OMIT - [verb] He didn't to leave understand something the out book, on because purpose or heby omitted mistake; one not very to important do something chapter. I was worrying a OPPORTUNITY OPPORTUNITY My new - [noun] job an gives occasion me a great that allows opportunity you to todo travel something a lot and meet new people. She comes from OUTSTANDING OUTSTANDING Sarah - [adjective] is an outstanding /oustndi/ student. good She / distinguished held the highest / excellent; grade point unpaid average / continuing at thein end existence of the last / res OVERPAY TO OVERPAY She - [verb] prefers to doing give too shopping much money in corner for shops, something which which are more is not expensive worth it than supermarkets. She d PAINFUL PAINFUL - [adjective] My knee is /feinfl/ so painful causing today. pain I'veor already hurting; taken difficult 3 pills, (a painful but they life) don't help at all. The photo from th PARADISE PARADISE - People [noun] a tend place to of believe perfect that happiness, when they usually die, their surrounded souls willby gobeautiful to the Paradise. nature I opened the gate PARTICULAR PARTICULAR There - [adjective] was nothing special, of particular this one, importance not the others at the meeting. I might have stayed at home. In this p PATIENCE PATIENCE - Surely [noun] the thatability can't be to stay repaired calmin / quiet a fewwithout seconds complaint, so please loss stay ofpatient. temper, We'll irritation do our best to finish it PATIENT PATIENT - [adjective] Try to be patient. showing They ability should to wait be and here deal in a with moment. difficulties Because of long queues, you need to be pa PAVEMENT PAVEMENT Pavements [noun] the side in our ofcity a street are terribly for people dirty to and walk littered on by passers-by. Don't ride your bike on the pa PEACE PEACE - [noun] All Iquiet wantconditions is to have with some nothing peaceto after worry theabout; stressful a period day. in Terrorism which there is a is serious no war problem that thre PLEASANT PLEASANT - What [adjective] a pleasant nice or weather! enjoyable Let's go for a walk. I love tulips for their pleasant smell. POLITE POLITE - [adjective] I know you having don't good like manners, them, but showing you should respect be more for the polite others to them anyway. Teachers complain th POOR POOR - [adjective] It's a very having poor little country. money Hardly and low anyone standard can afford of living a car there. They were too poor to afford even POWERFUL POWERFUL G8 - [adjective] is a group /paufl of the AmE: most powerful paurfl /nations havingin great the world. power and Theanew lot of Prime strength; Minister having made a strong such a effe po PRECISE PRECISE - [adjective] Experiments exact and and measurements correct; careful; carried fixed; out definitely on a human or strictly must stated be very precise. Any mistake could PRICE LIST PRICE LIST -Products [noun] a normally price of asell particular lower than good the suggested price list,by especially the manufacturer when the demand is low. There are so PRISON PRISON - [noun] He was /prizn/ sent a tolarge prison building for 25 years wherefor criminals killing a are young keptwoman. locked up He asgot a punishment used to being for kept theirin crimes the p PRODUCE TO PRODUCE His - [verb] company to manufacture produces mobile (goods) phones. There's a slump in producing luxury goods, because pe PURPOSE PURPOSE - [noun] The purpose /p:ps/ of :this aim; article goal;is the to reason show people for which how something to lose weight is done effectively. / used / made She went / exists outetc. with th PUSH TO PUSH - [verb] He pushed to use her strength into the to move water,somebody as he didn't orknow something that she can't swim. They pushed the door ope PUT UP WITH TO PUT UP We WITH had - [verb] to put to up suffer with our someone noisy neighbours or something forwithout 3 years, complaining but that's enough. We're moving out! He QUANLITY QUALITY - [noun] I won't how visit good this or restaurant bad a thing again. or a The service food is is of such poor quality. If you buy top quality products RAIN RAIN - [noun] She water got falling a cold, in because separateshe drops went from out the in the clouds rain without a coat. Heavy rain, which was falling a RAINBOW RAINBOW - [noun] The rainbow an arch is of a symbol colours of that the appears alliance in with the God. sunny sky I've immediately never seen such after a the beautiful rain rainbow with RANDOM RANDOM - [adjective] He fired a chosen few random or done shots, without killing any a woman aim, plan who or was pattern passing by. They chose a random sample REACH TO REACH They [verb] reached to get to the a place North or Pole person; after three-month to stretch outjourney. your armThe in order customer to touch reached or catch for something a bottle of mil RECOGNIZE TO RECOGNIZE Have / also you seen RECOGNISE Helen recently? - [verb] She /rekgaiz/ looks so todifferent know somebody that I hardly or something recognized that her! you This have is seen the ca RECOMMEND TO RECOMMEND Can you - [verb] recommend to suggest me or a good advise place something to go on asholidays? being goodI for recommend some purpose that you read this book REDUCE TO REDUCEOur - [verb] company to make really something need to smaller reduce expenses in size, importance, at this difficult amount time. etc.Many shops reduce their pric REFUSE TO REFUSEHe - [verb] proposed, to saybut firmly shethat refused you won't to marry accept him. or He do something refused to do overtime, so the boss dismissed hi REGRET TO REGRET Ideeply [verb] regret to feelmy sorry decision about something not to haveyou children. did; to feel We sorry regretto toannounce inform you some that your bad news flight has been REMAIND TO REMIND Remind - [verb] to me make to call somebody Sue in the remember evening, something will you? I was enjoying myself at the party, when she ha


RESPONSIBLE I'm not [adjective] afraid ofworthy lending of him trust money or my car, because he's a very responsible person. We're lo RESPONSIBLE I'm not [adjective] afraid ofworthy lending of him trust money or my car, because he's a very responsible person. We're lo TO RETURNShe - [verb] returned to come home back after 5 years of travel. We all hope the good weather returns soon. REVENGE - [noun] Her flat an was action burnt taken in revenge againstfor someone informing who the has police done onsomething what she saw to harm last you night. All he wants n REVIEW - [noun] If youa want judgement to know ofwhat's a magazine, new at newspaper the cinema or and article whether on ait's thing worth like watching, new books, read films, a page plays of film RICH - [adjective] She married having a him, lot of because money,he's property, rich and certain abledesirable to give her thing everything she'd always dreamt about. TO RIDE - [verb] She to rides travel a bicycle in a vehicle to work to avoid traffic jams. He rides to work on a bus, because he hasn't p TO RIDE - [verb] She to rides travel a bicycle in a vehicle to work to avoid traffic jams. He rides to work on a bus, because he hasn't p RING - [noun] After a metal theycircle had got made divorced, of gold, she silver sold etc. her usually wedding worn ring. on aChildren finger; something seldom dance in the inshape pairs. of They a circ us ROOF - [noun] He the sits covering on the roof on the of his tophouse of a building and watches or a vehicle stars every night. They're quarrelling all the time. T SALARY - [noun] He decided money that to take youup receive this job, every because month he for gets doing a good your salary job of about $3000 a month. My sala SALE - [noun] The a special collection offering of clothes of goods thatat we lower saw prices last week than isusual on 50% sale now. There are crowds of people SAND - [noun] Every material winter of I many dream small of the grains hot sands which of many the Caribbean beaches and Islands. desertsMost are made children of love playing in th SEA - [noun] We'll a large goarea sailing of salty if thewater, sea becomes smaller than quieter. an The ocean, wind partly is too surrounded strong and by the land waves are too high. T SELFISH - [adjective] Don't be so caring selfish! only Share aboutthe yourself, sweets not with caring your about sister!the He others helpsat me allfor a purely selfish reason: h SENSITIVE - My [adjective] skin is very /sensitiv/ sensitive showing to cold. delicate It becomes feelings; redeasily every offended; time the temperature quickly showing is below the effect 0. Why of som are TO SETTLE DOWN Have you - [verb] already to become settled down used in toyour a new new place, school? way ofHow life etc.; are you to become settling calm downor as quiet a wife and m SHAME - [noun] He was an unpleasant filled with shame, feeling that when you hehave was told when about you have all the done stupid something things hewrong had done or silly, at the or when party. a TO SHARE -There [verb]are to join not the enough others copies. in using Some or doing of you something will have to share. Everybody in our flat shares the sa TO SHOUT - He [verb] shouted to say at something me to look very at my loudly child. orIt to was speak playing very in loudly the street! There's no need to shout! I ca TO SMELL - [verb] The milk to use is not the fresh. sense Can of your you smell nose it? He got a cold and couldn't smell very well, so he couldn SMOKE - [noun] There something was a lot that of smoke is produced coming when from something the bonfire burns; madeto by light oursomething neighbours. withDo tobacco you mind and if breat I sm SNOW - [noun] Snow white, was soft falling pieces all night of frozen causing water troubles that fall infrom the street. the sky during There the is no winter skiing without snow. SOUL - [noun] Do a you part believe of a human in unhappy being which souls is that believed wander toover exist the after earth thetrying body to has find died peace? He was a man TO SPEAK UP Speak - [verb] up to please, speak because louder; to people express at the your back opinion don't freely hear you. If you disagree with the others, yo TO STAB - [verb] He died to make after a being wound stabbed by a sharp in thetool, chest for by example a burglar. knifeWhen he found out that his wife cheated TO STARE - She [verb] sat to down look fixedly staring and intointently space and at somebody I knew she or was something deeply for thinking a long about time what had happened th STORE MANAGER All employees - [noun]of a the person store responsible are subordinate for the to management the store manager. of the store Store manager shall achieve s STRANGER A - [noun] tall, dark-skinned a person that stranger you don't waved know to me in front of the shop. Do you know him? The quietness SUDDEN - [adjective] His sudden coming illness quickly madeand us cancel unexpectedly our trip to Paris. There was a sudden increase in the price o SUITE - [noun] I couldn't a set ofafford rooms ain suite a hotel during (usually my last 2 rooms holidays. with I was a kitchen forced and to put a bathroom) up with a single room. Hello! SUMMARY - I[noun] need a summary short account of this of book. something, There's including not enough only time the main before points my exam to read the whole novel SUMMARY - I[noun] need a summary short account of this of book. something, There's including not enough only time the main before points my exam to read the whole novel TO SUNRISE She - [verb] finished the time studying of the for day her when exam the at sun sunrise. appears We set off early at sunrise. TO SURRENDER The army - [verb] suffered to admit a great that loss, you have so the been captain beaten; decided to allow to surrender. something She to control was on you a diet, but she f TO SURVIVEFour - [verb] people to continue were killed to live in the or exist accident, after she a difficult was the situation only one to survive. They somehow manag TO TACKLE One [verb] of her /tlk/ Newto Year's take an resolutions action; towas deal to with tackle sth; all toher cope financial with sth problems. When he was a child TO TAKE UPShe - [verb] wasto getting start doing boredsome with her activity, life, so especially she tookfor uppleasure parachuting. I took up piano lessons last mo TALE - [noun] My a grandmother story of imaginary used or to real tell us events tales of adventure. The Lord of the Rings is a magical tale of frien TARGET - [noun] His company a result which has failed you hope to meet to reach; its development somethingtargets. which is aimed Underground at, especially stations with are a expected gun or bom to TASTE - [noun] I really /teist/ like the the sensation spicy taste of saltiness, of Mexican spiciness, food. This bitterness, cake has sweetness no taste, perhaps etc. you should add mo TEAR - [noun] I saw a small tears drop streaming of salty down liquid her thatface. runs Why from is the she eye sad? (whenMy you mum are happy, couldn't uphappy hide heror tears in pain) when sh TECHNIQUEI -want [noun] to the practise way of some doing new some photographic specialist activity technique. Psychologists develop new learning techn THIEF - [noun] After a person he'd visited who steals us, we money realised and that goods, a considerable but usuallysum without of money using violence was gone. We couldn't believ TICKET - [noun] If you /tikik/ wantato printed see the piece latest of play paper in or the card theatre, that you have need to to buy buy in the order tickets to use in advance. public transport, The playto i TIDY - [adjective] Look/taidi/ at the orderly; mess in clearly your room! organized If onlyand yousystematic could be tidier! (tidy mind) She's an extremely tidy girl. She gets TO ACCUSEHe - [verb] was accused to say that of somebody a murder and hassentenced done something to death. wrong Mother or has accused broken the her law little son of breaking TO DENY - [verb] She denied to say that telling something her father is with not true whom she spent the last night. She told him that it's not his bus TO TOUCH -We [verb] ask to all feel visitors something not to with touch your thebody, sculptures especially and the hands paintings. Don't touch me, or I'll call the p TRAFFIC JAM I was - [noun] late again, /trfikdzm/ because a Ilong had line stuck of in vehicles a hugethat traffic move jam slowly for an blocking hour. I shouldn't the road have gone by ca TO TRANSFER The - supervising [verb] to move staff somebody was transferred or something to theirfrom subsidiary one place in Geneva. to another Large quantities of our prod TREASURE There - [noun] are a many very valuable wonderful object art treasures in the National Gallery. The pirates could finally stop rob TWILIGHT - [noun] Don't go the out time at twilight! during the Several day when girls the have night been is about attacked to come, here recently. especiallyHe's the period facing between the twilight sun o UNDERGROUND Underground - [noun] a in mean London of and transport Madrid in used whichto trains be a run target under of terrorists, the surface because of the ground a lot of people use 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TO UNDERLINE Read - [verb] the text to and draw underline a line under the words a word; that to show you don't the importance understand.of something The director underlined the ne 0 0 UNIT - [noun]The a measure standard used unit to of express currency amounts in Germany of something; is the euro. a single The book item or is divided a part of into something 12 units,bigger each fo UNIVERSE -Are [noun] there allany space other with life everything forms in the that universe? exists in it Every time I watch the night sky, I think about the u VALID - [adjective] Your bus that ticket can be is valid legally for used three atmonths a certain starting time; authoritative; now. I'm sorry, well-founded Sir, we must keep your car. Your VICTORY - [noun] He has the led act his ofparty winning to the victory in the last election. The victory of Britain over Germany in the VILLAGE - [noun] I'd like a group to live of close houses to the and nature, otherperhaps buildings inin aa village country in the area mountains. They were tired of living

VIOLENCE WAGES WAKE UP WALL WAR WARDROBE WEDDING WEEP WIND WITNESS ZEBRA CROSSING 0 Ngay 13/7/2010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

VIOLENCE - There [noun]is /vailns/ a lot of violence the using on of television physical and force in the in order Internet to harm nowadays. or hurt somebody Robbery is the act of stealin WAGES - [noun] Graduating an amount from ofuniversity money paid cannot to an guarantee employeehigh usually wages every nowadays. week She's too proud to work fo TO WAKE UP Wake - [verb] up,/weikp/ Tom! It's 8 too'clock! stop being You're asleep going to be late! I'm tired, because I was woken up by some WALL - [noun] Hang the side this picture of a bulding on the orwall. a room We painted the walls green, because this colour makes us calme WAR - [noun] His a period father of left conflict the country and fighting when it between was at war, countries whereas or nations his friends were fighting with the enemy an WARDROBEYou - [noun] buy too /wo:drub many clothes. AmE: wo:rdrub/ Your wardrobe a piece is too of small furniture for it. in which I decided you to hang change up clothes; my summer collectio wa WEDDING - [noun] Their unusual a marriage wedding ceremony, took place especially in the with shop a in party which afterwards they had met. They are freaks! There's a TO WEEP - [verb] Manyto days let your havetears passed fall since from your the days eyeswe were together, but I still remember him and weep at n WIND - [noun] The a strongly trip wasmoving cancelled current due to of a air 130-mile-an-hour wind. A sudden gust of wind blew the window TO WITNESS Traudl - [verb] Junge to see was something the secretary happen of Adolf Hitler who witnessed his fall. You have witnessed the a ZEBRA CROSSING Many people - [noun] die white eachlines day, painted because on they a road don't tocross showroads that people on zebra have crossing. the right to I failed crossmy thedrivin road TO CONCERN The - story [verb]concerns to be about; a young to begirl of importance who lived inor Britain interest a long to somebody time ago. The king's private life conce ATTACHED - ngay 13/7/2010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

ver you want. Your question is currently being discussed. You will get an answer in a short time. a lot from country to country. I cannot understand some ancient tribal customs. They were so brutal. They used to meet in the darkness, when nobody could see them. ecided to buy the green one. Honey, let's decide where to go on holidays! Spain or Italy? was declared the winner of the first prize. pital. The standards of living in the city have declined. Nowadays, it's suburbs that are inhabited by the rich. en takes too long. The biggest advantage of this company is its quick delivery of services. xams. It's covered with notes, books, notebooks and cups of coffee. My desk stands in front of the window, because it makes me relaxed to look throu plot. The painting is perfect, down to the smallest detail! probably be two times faster than currently used solutions. Our new house is being developed by a German company. I hope it'll be finished soon. has ever suffered. The party was a disaster. There were hardly any people I know and the music was terrible. iscusses English literature. mperature. Poverty and disease kill thousands of people in Africa. d in the lake. It is believed to have been an accident, but some people say that it's her husband that drowned her. The high unemployment resulted from the economy crisis of 2008-09. at terrible mess in my room. I think he was too embarrassed to ask me out, although he's not a shy person.

at least 200 rooms. This film was an enormous success and earned $ 1.000.000 in one week. nd pollution. If you sort out rubbish, you help the environment. my songs were erased when I restarted the computer. I need to have it repaired. e went abroad to escape her responsibilities in her country. ravellers have nearly exhausted their water supplies, so they decided to go back home. ss. It drew people from all Europe. There's a free exhibition of post-war photographs in our library. Are you going to see it? burn. He was exposed to a great danger during the war. of chocolate. Nobody wants to live here because it's an area of factories, full of noise and smoke. m the stairs and broke his arm. poet. Your face seems familiar to me. Have we ever met before? ld. His fear that she may hurt herself is completely unfounded. She is not insane, after all. ng a flu? The whole city seems to be in the football fever of EURO 2012. filled all their bottles with water. Crowds of tourists fill the streets of Paris every summer. rk stain on it. My flat is on the 8th floor of the block. God, bless the lifts! could he live the baby alone?! to tell us the news, but he did it anyway. e economic crisis. A lot of snow has been forecast for the following week. Remember to take your passport. The tour goes through four foreign countries. reenhouse effect. Many building sites used to be beautiful forest areas one day. n their bottles froze in the cold weather. Water freezes at 0C. rom burglary. The gate opened and we all noticed a beautiful park full of people. He's a very generous man. He always lends me his car when I need it. n exam! People say that the castle is haunted by the ghosts of former residents. exam! People say that the castle is haunted by the ghosts of former residents. ving a healthier life. I tried so hard to discourage her from marrying him, but she was so stubborn that I finally gave up. e man at the corner is a famous film star. He wears dark glasses not to be recognised. The soldiers died bravely in the battle and earned themselves never ending glory. When the unemployment rises, even the university graduates have difficulties to find a well-paid job. he sheep were grazing on the green grass of the hill. gham Palace. The murderer was brought to the prison under a numerous guard. en know the language. If you want to climb the Matterhorn, you need a special guide to go there with you. What happened to you? You look terrible! e late for the flight, but we needn't have worried. It was cancelled. If that's not enough, Tom lost his luggage and it started to rain. The journey was hell! drinking water from the lake. Why do you always follow the herd? It's high time you thought of yourself and did what you really want! y. There's a hint of garlic in this soup, isn't there? ed for a short period of time to help with the new project. d the match was over. ow. I pity the homeless people begging for money and sleeping on benches. much, when she left without a word of explanation. to stay in bed. You're ill sever times a year. It's time to go to the doctor. can afford a TV and a computer nowadays. The fortification of the town had to be improved in order to protect people against the enemy. e lock. She inserted the letter between the books hoping that her husband won't find it. ols involve parents in their children education. at her. She was a jealous child and never got on with children who had more than she did. stice. She always grades fairly. He was taken to the court of justice for a serious crime. ed with a knife during tha street fight last night. ous for its beautiful lakes surrounded by mountains. We took a boat to cross the lake, whereas the others swam across it. hey imposed a law that forbids smoking in restaurants.

great trial lawyer. He managed to defend even those accused of a murder. person before. He lies in bed all day and does nothing. ng for walks in autumn, when the colourful leaves are everywhere. ed and leaked. There was an explosion, because the petrol was leaking out of the tank and somebody dropped a cigarette. s. I'm going to take up some sport in the leisure centre, because I'm tired of studying all the time. use my dear husband turned out to be a liar ey borrow them from a library. When I'm bored, I go to the local library to borrow something interesting to read. ere not at school yesterday, were you? y young people from poor families take the opportunity of studying in big cities by taking student loans to cover the costs of professional education. burglary in his flat. Pirates locked all their treasures in a chest. u look after my business if I die? that they don't need. He manipulated his friend in order to get an important piece of information from him. s grazing on them. I spent my childhood in a village, playing and picking flowers on meadows. rkers to show the importance of employing professional staff only. They carry out a detailed survey to measure the customers' satisfaction with their p I've just read the new fantasy book and my mind is full of strange images and ideas now. ved and worked in a mine. There was an explosion in Halemba mine in which 23 men died. He shot at her but missed. man she thought he was at the beginning. There are some mistakes in your work. You need to learn more. main reason for conflicts in a family is that members of different generations tend to misunderstand each other. ch other. His company is successful, because its employees have many modern ideas of how to develop the business. the mood for joking! Warm summer days always put her in a happy mood. ads is rather poor and the number of motorways is unsatisfactory. The craziest thing he did in his life was riding a bike on a motorway, what is simply h ountains. I'm rather a lazy person. I love standing at the top of a mountain and looking down to the world. a to benefit from its cheap labour force. Multinational companies contribute essentially to globalization. brother. They are always so mysterious about their plans. We know nothing about what they are going to do. brother. They are always so mysterious about their plans. We know nothing about what they are going to do. htmare. The journey home was a nightmare! Traffic jams every freaking five minutes, and then the car broke down. ights again! Take notes, because it's impossible to remember everything from the lecture. I noticed that they were looking rather nervous and asked them what had happened. at could reduce carbon emissions. There was an accident in Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, which still has a negative impact on living beings. e army. If you don't obey the law, you will get into trouble. a tonight, but I refused. important chapter. I was worrying all day long, because she omitted to tell me when she was leaving. meet new people. She comes from a poor family, which gave her no opportunity to develop her talent. point average at the end of the last semester. Mary applied for housing at several places, but was't accepted due to outstanding debts. expensive than supermarkets. She doesn't care that she overpays. If I had waited with buying the new pair of jeans until the Winter Sale, I wouldn't ha y don't help at all. The photo from their wedding evokes painful memories after they've got divorced. to the Paradise. I opened the gate and saw the most beautiful, paradise-like garden I'd ever seen. might have stayed at home. In this particular case I decided to go to bed earlier. patient. We'll do our best to finish it as soon as possible. If you want to be a good poker player, patience is a key element of success. e of long queues, you need to be patient to do shopping at this time of the day. s-by. Don't ride your bike on the pavement or you will hurt someone! rorism is a serious problem that threatens world peace. or their pleasant smell. hem anyway. Teachers complain that there are no polite pupils nowadays. . They were too poor to afford even a pair of new shoes, whereas their children were living in a luxury. e new Prime Minister made such a powerful speech that everybody listened carefully. st be very precise. Any mistake could be fatal. He is very precise in his calculations. That's why he rarely makes mistakes. en the demand is low. There are some goods in high demand and not easily available which will sell much higher than the price list. . He got used to being kept in the prison. He finally became aware of the fact that he's going to spend the next 13 years in a prison cell for his terrible producing luxury goods, because people don't buy as many of them as in the past. ght effectively. She went out with the purpose of buying a new dress. 't swim. They pushed the door open and went in making all the people look at them. hat's enough. We're moving out! He's the only one who puts up with her nasty behaviour and recklessness. ality. If you buy top quality products with a lifelong guarantee, you have to pay more. oat. Heavy rain, which was falling all night, destroyed all plants in my garden. r seen such a beautiful rainbow with all seven saturated colours extending from the heavy clouds to the ground. ng by. They chose a random sample of people for the psychological experiment. customer reached for a bottle of milk, but he was not tall enough. hardly recognized her! This is the castle that we visited ten years ago when you were a child. Do you recognize it? recommend that you read this book if you want to pass the exam. You'll find the most important facts there. time. Many shops reduce their prices before Christmas to attract customers. o overtime, so the boss dismissed him. o inform you that your flight has been cancelled. ying myself at the party, when she had to remind me that I must get up early to work. So I left and went home angry.

a very responsible person. We're looking for a responsible babysitter to look after our daughter. a very responsible person. We're looking for a responsible babysitter to look after our daughter. good weather returns soon. t she saw last night. All he wants now is to take revenge on whoever killed his beloved wife. s worth watching, read a page of film reviews in a good magazine. I'm going to see this film tomorrow. It was given a lot of favourable reviews. rything she'd always dreamt about. Fruits are rich in vitamines. o work on a bus, because he hasn't passed his driving test yet. o work on a bus, because he hasn't passed his driving test yet. ldren seldom dance in pairs. They usually dance in the ring. ht. They're quarrelling all the time. They shouldn't live under the same roof. y of about $3000 a month. My salary makes it hardly possible to earn out a living. If they don't pay me more, I'll give it up! le now. There are crowds of people in shopping malls at the time of sales. No wonder, everyone wants to buy something at lower price. ds. Most children love playing in the sand on a beach or in a sandpit. trong and the waves are too high. They went to America by sea, not by air. It was much cheaper. elps me for a purely selfish reason: he wants my sister to marry him. he temperature is below 0. Why are you crying? I didn't say anything wrong. For goodness sake, don't be so sensitive! re you settling down as a wife and mother? Is there anything I can help you with? pid things he had done at the party. Her daughter was expelled from school again. It's such a shame! . Everybody in our flat shares the same bathroom. eet! There's no need to shout! I can hear you very well. ouldn't smell very well, so he couldn't notice the smell of fire from our kitchen. our neighbours. Do you mind if I smoke here? No, I'd rather you go out, I can't stand the cigarette smoke. ere is no skiing without snow. rying to find peace? He was a man of honour. I am sure that his soul looks down upon us from heaven. . If you disagree with the others, you should speak up now. n he found out that his wife cheated on him, he stabbed her lover with a kitchen knife. thinking about what had happened that day. The guy in the corner is staring at you all the time. Do you know him? ger. Store manager shall achieve sales goals and produce maximum profits. . Do you know him? The quietness of the village was disturbed by the arrival of the stranger from an unknown land. was a sudden increase in the price of oil. to put up with a single room. Hello! I would like to make a reservation of two rooms with a kitchen and a bathroom. --- No problem, Sir. We can offer y ore my exam to read the whole novel. Here is a summary of the article. If you're interested, I'll give you the full version. ore my exam to read the whole novel. Here is a summary of the article. If you're interested, I'll give you the full version. arly at sunrise. render. She was on a diet, but she finally surrendered to the temptation of a delicious cake. e to survive. They somehow managed to survive the difficult time of the war. cial problems. When he was a child he was perfectly able to tackle all difficulties he came across. Now, he is not strong enough and gets depressed v ng. I took up piano lessons last month, because I'm really keen on music. of the Rings is a magical tale of friendship and love. nderground stations are expected to be the terrorists' targets. o taste, perhaps you should add more sugar? You must be right. I've got a cold and I've lost my sense of taste. mum couldn't hide her tears when she saw me in a white wedding dress. hologists develop new learning techniques. money was gone. We couldn't believe that such an elegant guy might be a thief! I belive that even young shoplifters taking sweets from supermarkets uy the tickets in advance. The play is very popular. I'm sorry, you don't have a ticket, Sir. You are not allowed to get on board. he's an extremely tidy girl. She gets furious every time she finds some rubbish on the floor. her accused her little son of breaking her new vase. It was not the first time he had broken something. ght. She told him that it's not his business. He denied all the rumours that he got engaged with Christine and said that he's not going to marry her. gs. Don't touch me, or I'll call the police! an hour. I shouldn't have gone by car during rush hours. The main road in the centre of the town has been closed recently causing terrible traffic jams eneva. Large quantities of our products were transferred to the new, bigger store outside the city. y. The pirates could finally stop robbing ships when they found treasure. e recently. He's facing the twilight of his great career nowadays. People say he's already too old to be that popular. rrorists, because a lot of people use it. I go to work by underground to avoid traffic jams.


The director underlined the need for a better cooperation at work.

book is divided into 12 units, each focused on different area of English grammar. watch the night sky, I think about the universe. It makes me realise how small and unimportant I am. orry, Sir, we must keep your car. Your driving licence is no longer valid. ictory of Britain over Germany in the Battle of Britain weakened the German Air Force considerably. mountains. They were tired of living their lives full of noise and rush of a big city, so they decided to move to the village at the seaside.

wadays. Robbery is the act of stealing with the use of violence. wadays. She's too proud to work for low wages. ed, because I was woken up by someone knocking at the door. because this colour makes us calmer. ends were fighting with the enemy and dying. Some people are afraid that the global economic crisis may result in the 3rd World War. I decided to change my summer wardrobe, because all my clothes are so monotonous. had met. They are freaks! There's a custom that the wedding shouldn't be organised in a month without the letter "r" in the name. But I don't care and ut I still remember him and weep at nights. Why are you weeping? What these tears on your cheeks mean? udden gust of wind blew the window shut. d his fall. You have witnessed the accident, haven't you, Sir? You need to tell me what exactly happened. n zebra crossing. I failed my driving test, because I forgot to slow down before zebra crossing. e ago. The king's private life concerned all the people who lived in the country.

use it makes me relaxed to look through it while learning.

pany. I hope it'll be finished soon.

started to rain. The journey was hell! what you really want!

ople against the enemy.

costs of professional education.

he customers' satisfaction with their products.

bike on a motorway, what is simply hard to imagine.

gative impact on living beings.

to outstanding debts. ns until the Winter Sale, I wouldn't have overpaid.

y element of success.

r than the price list. years in a prison cell for his terrible crime.

n a lot of favourable reviews.

mething at lower price.

m. --- No problem, Sir. We can offer you a lovely suite.

strong enough and gets depressed very often.

ers taking sweets from supermarkets without paying are nothing but thieves

d that he's not going to marry her.

d recently causing terrible traffic jams on estate roads.

illage at the seaside.

n the 3rd World War. "r" in the name. But I don't care and I'm getting married in July.





ACCIDENT - [noun] - [ksidnt] something unpleasant and damaging that happens unexpectedly or without intention
ABSENCE - [noun] - ['bsns] the state or time of not being in a particular place TO ACHIEVE - [verb] - ['ti:v] to succeed in doing something

There is a huge traffic jam on the motorway, because there has been an accident. Don't be angry with me! It was just an accident. I asked my neighbours to look at my house during my absence. Your absence last week does not justify your not being prepared for today's classes. You won't achieve anything in your life unless you work harder. They were completely exhausted, but they felt that they achieved a lot winning the championship. Because of the growing number of advertisements, people buy more goods than they really need. It's not the first time the advertisement has persuaded you to buy another useless thing! Our car is breaking all the time and we should buy a new one. Unfortunately we can't afford it now. He won 1 mln dollars last week! Now he can afford a trip wherever he wants! Students discussed the arguments for and against capital punishment during the lecture. Our team is playing against the best team in Manchester next week.




ADVERTISEMENT - [noun] [dv:tismnt AmE: dvtaizmnt] something used to inform people about some product, event, service etc.; for example a poster on the wall, a leaflet, or a short film on television
TO AFFORD - [verb] - ['f:d] to have money for; to be able to meet the expense of; to be able to give / spare sth AGAINST - [preposition] - ['geinst] in opposition to somebody or something




TO APOLOGIZE / also APOLOGISE She apologized to her teacher for being late. [verb] - ['pldaiz] AmE: p:ldajz] When he realized how much he had hurt her, he to say that you are sorry for doing apologized to her with a bunch of roses. something
TO APPLY - [verb] - ['plai] to request something, especially in writing They've applied to one of the biggest companies for financing their project. When I saw the job advert it was already too late to apply for it. He joined the French army in World War II and was killed in the battle. The army of riders and archers has won the battle. We are expected to assist the guests with interpreting during the conference and their free time. Foreign armies arrived to asist in restoring peace. Please attach your photograph to your application form. She's always been more attached to her grandmother than to her parents. His attitude towards me has changed recently. He was rather cold at first. Now, it seems that he really likes me. The attitudes towards Blacks are becoming better. Nevertheless, they still may have to face indignities and the threat of violence. People in Poland live, on average, 75 years. The average income in Poland reached 2000 zlotys a month. A healthy diet will help you avoid many diseases. He left the house to avoid answering his mum's questions.



ARMY - [noun] - [':mi] the military force of a country trained to fight for it TO ASSIST - [verb] - ['sist] to help
ATTACHED - [adjective] - ['ttt] to be joined to something; to be fond of someone




ATTITUDE - [noun] - ['titju:d] a way of feeling or behaving towards somebody or something AVERAGE - [noun] - ['vrid] a standard or level which is regarded as usual or ordinary TO AVOID - [verb] - ['vid] to make en effort not to do something




Page 35





BASEMENT - [noun] - ['beismnt] a part of a house, building which is below ground level
TO BELONG - [verb] - [bi'l] to be owed by somebody; to be in the right place



TO BLOW - blew - [verb] - [blou / blu:] to send air out through your mouth; to cause a current of air TO BITE - bit - bitten - [verb] - [bait] to cut or seize something with your teeth BITTER - [adjective] having a sharp, unplesant taste; angry and unhappy

Page 36 EXAMPLE We used to keep bikes in the basement, because there was not enough space in our flat. I'm afraid of basements and I never go down there. I consider them dark and unpleasant. This bike belongs to me. Give it to me or I'll call the police! They are different than me. I don't really feel I belong here. The wind was blowing all night long, making it impossible for me to fall asleep. I blew off the dust from the shelf. Has anyone ever cleaned this room? I'm afraid of dogs since one bit me when I was a child. He bit his extraordinarily white teeth into the apple.




The tea is bitter. Do you have some sugar? She felt very bitter after she'd been left by her boyfriend. Don't blame me for losing the way! You should have taken the map. TO BLAME - [verb] to state or believe that It's easier to blame the others when something goes somebody is responsible for something bad wrong.


BLOOD - [noun] the red liquid which flows through your body TO BOIL - [verb] /bo:l/ to cause a liquid to reach the temperature at which it changes into a gas; to cook food in water at 100C
TO BOTHER - [verb] to annoy or worry somebody

He was very weak, because he'd lost a lot of blood in an accident. My sensitive sister faints every time she sees blood. It's ridiculous that she wants to study medicine. Water boils at 100C and freezes at 0C. Boil the potatoes for 30 minutes in salt water. I'm busy, don't bother me today, ok? The winter frost bothers me a lot. I really want the spring to come soon. The key to success is to build brand awareness among customers. People easily associate Nokia with mobile phones and Levis with jeans due to the high brand awareness. I dropped the glasses and they all broke, making a lot of noise and mess. They died in the mountains when their rope suddenly broke. Their marriage broke up after 3 years, because Jane was cheating on Tom. He couldn't recover after she broke up with him after 4 years of being together. Let's cross the river here. I think it's the only bridge in the village. The bridge collapsed and people had to take boats to get to the other side of the town. I think both parents should bring up the child. She's a kind and well brought up child.




BRAND AWARENESS - [noun phrase] the knowledge that consumers have of a brand TO BREAK - [verb] to separate into pieces suddenly
TO BREAK UP - [verb] to end a relationship, for example a marriage




BRIDGE - [noun] something built over a river, road or railway, to get to the other side of it
TO BRING UP - [verb] to care for a child, its growth and education



TO BURN - [verb] to be on fire; to The fire started at 6 p.m. and the whole city was damage, destroy/hurt burning after only 4 hours. something/somebody by means of fire or If you play with the matches, you will burn yourself! heat


Page 36





BUSY - [adjective] having a lot of work or other things to do TO CALL - [verb] to give somebody or something a name; to telephone somebody CANDLE - [noun] a stick of wax with a string, which gives light when you burn it
CARELESS - [adjective] showing not enough concern about something; taking not enough care of something





CAREER - [noun] a job or profession in which you get better and earn more money as the time goes on CEILING - [noun] the inner surface of the top of a room



CURRENTLY - [adverb] now; at the present time

CHECKOUT - [noun] a place in a selfservice shop where you pay for goods



CLASSIC BRAND - [noun phrase] a well known brand with a long history
TO CLIMB - [verb] to move towards the top of something, such as a tree or mountain



CLOUD - [noun] a white or grey mass of small drops of water floating in the sky; a mass of smoke or dust
COFFIN - [noun] a box in which a dead person is buried



COMMERCIAL - [adjective/noun] related to buying and selling / advertisement on TV or radio TO COMPETE - [verb] try to win with somebody or gain something in competition with somebody else COMPETITIVE - [adjective] involving desire to be more successful than the others



Page 37 EXAMPLE Since he took up his new job, he's extremely busy and has no time for friends and family. Are we going to the cinema tonight? No, sorry, I'm busy. I have to finish the project for tomorrow. His name is Thomas. He was called after his grandfather. Tell him to call me when he comes back. When there was no electricity, people used candles, which were the only source of light. I dream of a romantic candle-lit dinner with my husband. It was very careless of her to lose the keys! It's the most careless haircut I've ever got. I'm not going to visit this hairdresser any more! If you finish your studies, you will have good career prospects. She doesn't want to have children. She'd rather focus on her career in law. The yesterday's tornado resulted in damaged roofs and big holes in the ceilings. When I saw a water stain on my ceiling and a puddle of water on the floor, I realised that there's something wrong with the roof. All the options are currently available. You can choose whatever you want. Your question is currently being discussed. You will get an answer in a short time. People get furious with the long queues at the checkout. Every time I pay at the checkout I realize how expensive life is. Levis is perceived as a classic brand in the clothing market. People often choose classic brands that they've known for ages, because they seem reliable for them. She is so small that she has to climb up the ladder to reach the books from the upper shelf. I used to climb trees when I was a child. I opened the door and walked into a cloud of dust. The room hadn't been cleaned for ages. Black clouds are gathering. It's going to rain today. I can't understand the custom of opening the coffin at the church. I'd rather remember somebody as they were alive. I couldn't believe that he's dead until I saw the coffin with his name on it. What drives me mad while watching films is a commercial break every 20 minutes. Commercials are the main source of media income. Mary competed for a place at a university, but she didn't get in because of her poor exam results. Because there were only 3 horses competing, it was not a very exciting race. Football is one of the most competitive sports in the world. The market of electronic devices is very competitive because of high innovation.


Page 37






COMPLIMENT - [noun] an expression of He couldn't take his eyes off her and was telling her respect, admiration, praise etc. many compliments at the party.

What a lovely dress! Oh, thanks for the compliment.



The story concerns a young girl who lived in Britain a TO CONCERN - [verb] to be about; to be of long time ago. The king's private life concerned all the people who importance or interest to somebody lived in the country. CONDITION - [noun] /kndin/: a state Her car is in an excellent condition. They used to live in a small damp flat but recently they that sb or sth may be in; the situation in improved their living conditions. which people may live in


TO CONNECT - [verb] to join two or more things or places TO CONSULT - [verb] get advice or information from somebody or something with better knowledge or source of information of a particular subject

The railway line connects the biggest cities of England. Connect the CD player to the loudspeaker.


If you may have any problem with the project, please consult our experts. I have no idea of how to get there. I'll consult the map.










If you want to sell your car, you'll probably have to draw CONTRACT - [noun] a formal legal up a sales contract. agreement between people or organisations, I'd rather sign the employment contract as soon as usually in writing possible not to be cheated and paid nothing. COST - [verb; noun] to be at a certain This dress costs $120. I can't afford it. The cost of living in a big city is much higher than in a price; the amount of money needed to village. buy, produce or do something I always pack my suitcase at the end of June and spend COTTAGE - [noun] a small house, usually in holidays in my cottage in the mountains. I'm tired of living in a big city. I dream of leaving my flat the country and moving to a small cottage in a village. He wrote a set of poems about the English countryside COUNTRYSIDE - [noun] land outside its meadows, rivers and forests. I always spend weekends in the countryside to rest the cities and towns after the stressful week. He was sentenced to prison for having committed a CRIME - [noun] illegal activity which is terrible crime. punishable by law Those who sell drugs commit a serious crime. CROSS - [noun/verb] a shape of 4 arms I marked the place that we are going to with a cross on meeting in the centre; to go, pass, travel the map. The hunters took 5 days to cross the forest. from one side to another The city parade drew crowds of people eager to take CROWD - [noun] a large number of people part in it. There were crowds of people at the cinema when gathered together, mainly for a specific James Bond returned to the big screen in "Quantum of purpose Solace". All the options are currently available. You can choose CURRENTLY - [adverb] /crntli/ now; whatever you want. Your question is currently being discussed. You will get at the present time an answer in a short time. There are many customs on St Andrew's Day, but they CUSTOM - [noun] an activity or a ceremony vary a lot from country to country. that is a part of living or a culture of some I cannot understand some ancient tribal customs. They particular group of people were so brutal. We knew that she was wrong, but nobody dared to tell TO DARE - [verb] to be brave enough to do her. She doesn't like to be criticised. something If you dare tell anyone about my secret, I will kill you!



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DARKNESS - [noun] absence of light, the state of being dark TO DECIDE - [verb] /disaid/ to make a choice or judgment TO DECLARE - [verb] to announce something to the public
TO DECLINE - [verb] to move to a worse position, or from higher to lower


Page 39 EXAMPLE Darkness fell across the land as the clouds covered the sun. They used to meet in the darkness, when nobody could see them. I really liked the red dress, but the price was too high and I decided to buy the green one. Honey, let's decide where to go on holidays! Spain or Italy? The US government declared war on Mexico in 1846. She was declared the winner of the first prize.











His health has declined a lot recently, so he's gone to the hospital. The standards of living in the city have declined. Nowadays, it's suburbs that are inhabited by the rich. I rarely buy on the Internet, because the delivery of DELIVERY - [noun] the act of taking goods often takes too long. goods, letters etc. to people's houses or The biggest advantage of this company is its quick workplaces delivery of services. There's always a huge mess on my desk at the time of my exams. It's covered with notes, books, notebooks and DESK - [noun] a table at which you cups of coffee. work, write, read, study etc. My desk stands in front of the window, because it makes me relaxed to look through it while learning. I haven't read the novel in detail yet. I only know the general plot. DETAIL - [noun] a small point or fact The painting is perfect, down to the smallest detail! New printing method is being developed by his TO DEVELOP - [verb] /divelp to grow company. It'll probably be two times faster than currently or to change into something more used solutions. important / stronger / better; build new Our new house is being developed by a German houses company. I hope it'll be finished soon. TO DISAPPOINT - [verb] to make somebody The king was disappointed at losing the battle. I was disappointed to hear that she had failed her feel unhappy, because things are not as driving test again. good as they hoped them to be I disapprove of his reckless plan and I'm not going to be a part of it. TO DISAPPROVE - [verb] to think that We strongly disapproved of the new government and something is wrong its ideas. The tsunami was the worst natural disaster that the DISASTER - [noun] a sudden event country has ever suffered. resulting in a great loss or harm; a failure The party was a disaster. There were hardly any people I know and the music was terrible. TO DISCUSS - [verb] /discs / to talk We are meeting today to discuss our problems. The book discusses English literature. over or to write about sth


DISEASE - [noun] illness of people, animals, plants

TO DROWN - [verb] /Draun/ to die under water; to make somebody die under water

The first symptoms of a disease are headaches and high temperature. Poverty and disease kill thousands of people in Africa.



All the passengers drowned in the shipwreck. She drowned in the lake. It is believed to have been an accident, but some people say that it's her husband that drowned her. The government should improve the state of the ECONOMY - [noun] a system by which a economy. particular country's money, industry, The high unemployment resulted from the economy trade are organized crisis of 2008-09.


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Page 40 EXAMPLE I felt so embarrassed when my boyfriend came in and EMBARRASSED - [adjective] feeling saw that terrible mess in my room. ashamed, uncomfortable, nervous in front of I think he was too embarrassed to ask me out, although other people he's not a shy person. DEFINITION Have you ever seen such an enormous house? It must have at least 200 rooms. This film was an enormous success and earned $ 1.000.000 in one week.




ENORMOUS - [adjective] extremely large; outrageous (enormous crimes)


ENVIRONMENT - [noun] / invairnmnt Our natural environment is regularly threatened by oil / the natural world of land, sea and air spills and pollution. If you sort out rubbish, you help the environment. in which people, plants and sea live
TO ERASE - [verb] to rub out or remove something completely I couldn't erase the stain from the wall. It was too big. All of my songs were erased when I restarted the computer. I need to have it repaired.



TO ESCAPE - [verb] to succeed of Two serious criminals managed to escape from prison. getting out of a place where you are kept She went abroad to escape her responsibilities in her by force; to avoid something dangerous country. or unpleasant
EXCITEMENT - [noun] the condition of being full of strong feelings The audience's excitement increased at the end of the game. Life seems so quiet after the excitements of my wild journey last year. Please excuse my bad behaviour last night. I just drank too much. I can't excuse him for his being rude. It's unbearable!



TO EXCUSE - [verb] to forgive somebody for something not very serious


TO EXHAUST - [verb] /igzo:st/ to tire What an exhausting day! All I want to do is go to bed. somebody out; to have no energy; to use The travellers have nearly exhausted their water supplies, so they decided to go back home. something up or consume completely
The exhibition of Pablo Picasso's paintings was a great success. It drew people from all Europe. EXHIBITION - [noun] a show of objects, works of art., etc. which is open to the public There's a free exhibition of post-war photographs in our library. Are you going to see it? If you expose your skin to the sun for so long, you'll get TO EXPOSE - [verb] to uncover something; a sunburn. to put somebody in a dangerous situation He was exposed to a great danger during the war. We visited the sweets factory and we had our FACTORY - [noun] a building where stomachs full of chocolate. Nobody wants to live here because it's an area of goods are produced in large quantities factories, full of noise and smoke.





TO FALL - [verb] to move towards the ground; to move from being in a standing position to lying on the ground
FAMILIAR - [adjective] known, seen or experienced before; informal, easy going (familiar style)

Snow was falling all night long. He lost his balance, fell from the stairs and broke his arm.



Are you familiar with Tennyson's poetry? I think he's a great poet. Your face seems familiar to me. Have we ever met before? She has a great fear of fire, because she got burned as FEAR - [noun] an unpleasant feeling that a child. you get when you expect some danger His fear that she may hurt herself is completely or evil unfounded. She is not insane, after all.


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Page 41 EXAMPLE Doctor, I am having a headache, fever and cough. Am I FEVER - [noun] a condition in which the having a flu? body temperature is high; great The whole city seems to be in the football fever of excitement EURO 2012. When the travellers found a water source in the desert, TO FILL - [verb] /fil/ to make something they filled all their bottles with water. Crowds of tourists fill the streets of Paris every full summer. I spilt the hot coffee onto the floor, which resulted in a FLOOR - [noun] the surface on which big, dark stain on it. My flat is on the 8th floor of the block. God, bless the you stand indoors; a level of a building lifts! You fool! Where did you leave the keys? FOOL - [noun] a stupid or silly person He's a fool! How could he live the baby alone?! Smoking is strictly forbidden in this room. TO FORBID - [verb] to tell smebody not She forbade him to tell us the news, but he did it to do something anyway. DEFINITION



TO FORECAST - [verb] to say what is expected to happen in the future FOREIGN - [adjective] /frn AmE: fo:rn / not native; not from your own country or the country somebody is talking about; carried on abroad FOREST - [noun] an area of land with trees growing close together

The experts forecast a huge rise in unemployment due to the economic crisis. A lot of snow has been forecast for the following week. He can speak two foreign languages: English and French. Remember to take your passport. The tour goes through four foreign countries.








Many forests are cut down nowadays, which increases the greenhouse effect. Many building sites used to be beautiful forest areas one day. The explorers might have died for thirst, because the TO FREEZE - [verb] /fri:z/ to make or water in their bottles froze in the cold weather. become hard because of cold Water freezes at 0C. The garden gates are closed at nights to prevent GATE - [noun] a wide door outside used ourselves from burglary. The gate opened and we all noticed a beautiful park full to close some open space of people. It's very generous of you to give so much money to charity. GENEROUS - [adjective] willing to help, He's a very generous man. He always lends me his car liberal in giving or sharing, kind when I need it. Don't look so frightened as if you've seen a ghost! It's GHOST - [noun] /gust/ the spirit of a only an exam! People say that the castle is haunted by the ghosts of dead person that appears again former residents. My New Year's resolution was to give up smoking and TO GIVE UP - [verb] to stop doing start living a healthier life. something; to realise that you cannot do I tried so hard to discourage her from marrying him, but something and so stop trying to do it she was so stubborn that I finally gave up.


GLASSES - [noun] two pieces of glass She needs to wear glasses for reading and watching tv. that you wear in front of your eyes to see The man at the corner is a famous film star. He wears dark glasses not to be recognised. better
The moonlight lit up the gothic church showing all its


GLORY - [noun] great fame, admiration, glory. The soldiers died bravely in the battle and earned honour; splendid, beautiful appearance
GRADUATE - [noun] a person who has completed a university, college, school etc. themselves never ending glory. It's a great prestige to be a graduate of Harvard Law School. When the unemployment rises, even the university graduates have difficulties to find a well-paid job.



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GRASS - [noun] /gra:s Ame: grs/ a very common low-growing green plant that covers wide areas of ground
GRATEFUL - [adjective] thankful, deeply appreciative of something received (help, kindness) from somebody

Children love playing with a ball on grass in the summer. The sheep were grazing on the green grass of the hill.




She was so grateful to him for giving her money. I'd spent a lovely weekend with them, so I wrote them a grateful letter after I got home. We all went to watch the changing of the guard of the GUARD - [noun] somebody or a group of Buckingham Palace. people that watches over somebody or The murderer was brought to the prison under a something numerous guard. GUIDE - [noun] somebody who takes You need a guide to show you the city, because you don't even know the language. you to the interesting places and tells If you want to climb the Matterhorn, you need a special you about them, somebody who helpes guide to go there with you. you travel in dangerous areas


TO HAPPEN - [verb] to take place

What will happen if your parents find out that you're here? What happened to you? You look terrible!


HELL - [noun] in the Christian and Do you believe there's Heaven or Hell after death? Muslim religion, a place where the souls We were late for the flight, but we needn't have worried. of evil people are to be punished after It was cancelled. If that's not enough, Tom lost his death; a very unpleasant situation or luggage and it started to rain. The journey was hell! event
HERD - [noun] a number of animals of one kind assembled together; people thought of acting or thinking alike HINT - [noun] a suggetion; a small sign or amount of something I was spellbound when I saw a herd of elephants of about 30 drinking water from the lake. Why do you always follow the herd? It's high time you thought of yourself and did what you really want! I can feel a hint of spring in the air, although it's only February. There's a hint of garlic in this soup, isn't there? How much does it cost to hire a car for 2 days? He was hired for a short period of time to help with the new project. She hit the thief on the stomach. The ball hit the ground and the match was over.





TO HIRE - [verb] to pay somebody to use something that belongs to them; to employ somebody TO HIT - [verb] to bring your hand or something that you hold in your hand against somebody or something to defend yourself or to express anger






He lost his job and he had to sell his house. He's HOMELESS - [adjective] having no place to homeless now. I pity the homeless people begging for money and live sleeping on benches. He hurt his leg when he fell from the tree. TO HURT - [verb] to cause pain or She hurt him so much, when she left without a word of damage to one's body explanation. I'm not going to work tomorrow. I'm ill and the doctor ILL - [adjective] feeling bad, suffering told me to stay in bed. You're ill sever times a year. It's time to go to the from a disease doctor. The standars of living have improved a lot. Almost TO IMPROVE - [verb] to become better; to everyone can afford a TV and a computer nowadays. The fortification of the town had to be improved in order make something better to protect people against the enemy. The light went out and I had difficulties to insert the key TO INSERT - [verb] to put something in the lock. She inserted the letter between the books hoping that inside something else her husband won't find it.


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TO INVOLVE - [verb] /inval/ to include something as a necessary part; to affect something or somebody

What does the job involve? Will I have to travel a lot? Schools involve parents in their children education.






He's jealous of his girlfriend when somebody else even JEALOUS - [adjective] feeling angry towards looks at her. somebody, because they have something She was a jealous child and never got on with children that you want who had more than she did. JUSTICE - [noun] fair and morally right Although she's a boring teacher, she has a strong treatment of other people; the system of a sense of justice. She always grades fairly. country that makes laws and punishes those He was taken to the court of justice for a serious crime. who break them KNIFE - [noun] a sharp blade in a I can't cut anything with this knife. Sharpen it! He got stabbed with a knife during tha street fight last handle normally used for cutting or as a night. weapon The Lake District, a rural area in North West England, is famous for its beautiful lakes surrounded by LAKE - [noun] a large mass of fresh mountains. water surrounded by land We took a boat to cross the lake, whereas the others swam across it. You can't drink alcohol in the street according to the LAW - [noun] set of rules made by law. They imposed a law that forbids smoking in government of a particular country restaurants. LAWYER - [noun] a person whose job is to advise people about laws and to represent them in court She took advice from the lawyer to petition for divorce. He's a great trial lawyer. He managed to defend even those accused of a murder. She won't work, she's too lazy. I've never seen such a lazy person before. He lies in bed all day and does nothing. The winter is over and the trees are in leaf again. I love going for walks in autumn, when the colourful leaves are everywhere.



LAZY - [adjective] avoiding activity, work, effort LEAF - [noun] one of the parts of a tree that is joined to its branch and falls in autumn



There was water on the floor, because the bucket got TO LEAK - [verb] to let a liquid or gas in or damaged and leaked. out of a hole; to pass through a hole or crack There was an explosion, because the petrol was leaking out of the tank and somebody dropped a cigarette. LEISURE - [noun] free time, when one can enjoy hobbies, rest, etc. There's a wide variety of leisure activities available in big cities. I'm going to take up some sport in the leisure centre, because I'm tired of studying all the time. Don't believe in what he says. He's a liar. I'm divorced, because my dear husband turned out to be a liar Ordinary students don't have money to buy new books, so they borrow them from a library. When I'm bored, I go to the local library to borrow something interesting to read. He lied about his age to get this job. You lied to me! You were not at school yesterday, were you?



LIAR - [noun] a person who tells lies


LIBRARY - [noun] a building or a room with books and magazines that you can borrow or look at TO LIE - [verb] to say something that you know is not true



Unfortunately, I can't afford a car without taking a loan. LOAN - [noun] an amount of money Many young people from poor families take the borrowed from a bank that has to be paid back with some extra money being a charge opportunity of studying in big cities by taking student for borrowing loans to cover the costs of professional education.


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216257585.xls.ms_office Page 44 DEFINITION EXAMPLE He had never locked the door for a night before there TO LOCK - [verb] to fasten something, was a burglary in his flat. usually with a key; to put something in a Pirates locked all their treasures in a chest. place and close it with a key She will be looking after my baby when I'm at work. TO LOOK AFTER - [noun] to take care of Will you look after my business if I die? somebody or something The advertisement is manipulating people into buying TO MANIPULATE - [verb] to influence things that they don't need. somebody or something in order to He manipulated his friend in order to get an important control them piece of information from him. My mother loves village landscapes with meadows and horses grazing on them. MEADOW - [noun] a field, usually a plain I spent my childhood in a village, playing and picking one, with grass and flowers flowers on meadows. We've measured the damages caused by the TO MEASURE - [verb] to judge the unqualified workers to show the importance of employing effect, importance, value, quality etc. of professional staff only. something They carry out a detailed survey to measure the Examples of use customers' satisfaction with their products. Oh, sorry I wasn't listening. My mind was somewhere MIND - [noun] your way of thinking or else. I've just read the new fantasy book and my mind is full the thoughts in your head of strange images and ideas now. According to fantasy stories, dwarves are believed to MINE - /main/ [noun] a deep hole or a have lived and worked in a mine. number of holes under the ground from There was an explosion in Halemba mine in which 23 which mineral substances are dug (coal, gold, tin etc.) men died.


TO MISS - [verb] to fail to do something Sarah missed her son so much, after he had gone that was intented or possible; to feel abroad. unhappy because you are not with a He shot at her but missed. certain person MISTAKE - [noun] /misteik/ something incorrect TO MISUNDERSTAND - [verb] /misndstnd/ to understand something wrongly; misinterpret
Marrying him was the biggest mistake of her life. He isn't the man she thought he was at the beginning. There are some mistakes in your work. You need to learn more. Don't take offence! You must have misunderstood me. The main reason for conflicts in a family is that members of different generations tend to misunderstand each other. In Warsaw you can see old and modern buildings next to each other. His company is successful, because its employees have many modern ideas of how to develop the business. Just leave me alone, OK? I had a stressful day and I'm not in the mood for joking! Warm summer days always put her in a happy mood. It takes a lot of time to travel across Poland. The quality




MODERN - [adjective] belonging to the present time


MOOD - [noun] the state of feelings at a particular time


MOTORWAY - [noun] /mutrwei AmE: of roads is rather poor and the number of motorways is unsatisfactory. mutwei/ a very wide road used for The craziest thing he did in his life was riding a bike on fast long-distance travel
a motorway, what is simply hard to imagine. I prefer spending holidays at the seaside rather than in the mountains. I'm rather a lazy person. I love standing at the top of a mountain and looking down to the world.


MOUNTAIN - [noun] a high hill


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MULTINATIONAL COMPANIES - [noun] in Asia to benefit from its cheap labour force. large companies which produce and sell Multinational companies contribute essentially to goods and services in different countries globalization.
MYSTERIOUS - [adjective] difficult to understand or find out

Many multinational companies set up their subsidiaries


Nothing is known about the mysterious disappearence of her brother. They are always so mysterious about their plans. We know nothing about what they are going to do. Her small daughter woke up in tears, because she had


NIGHTMARE - [noun] a terrible dream; a a nightmare. The journey home was a nightmare! Traffic jams every terrible event or experience
freaking five minutes, and then the car broke down. Leave him a note on the wall, or he will forget to turn off the lights again! Take notes, because it's impossible to remember everything from the lecture. She had a new blouse, but her husband didn't even notice it. I noticed that they were looking rather nervous and asked them what had happened. Nuclear power might be the main future source of


NOTE - [noun] a written reminder of something TO NOTICE - [verb] to see and pay attention to



NUCLEAR - [adjective] concerned with energy that could reduce carbon emissions. the powerful force which is produced by There was an accident in Chernobyl Nuclear Power breaking atoms up Plant, which still has a negative impact on living beings.
Soldiers are expected to obey the rules and regulations TO OBEY - [verb] to do what you are told to of the army. do If you don't obey the law, you will get into trouble. TO OFFER - [verb] to ask somebody Can I offer you a drink? He offered that we go to the cinema tonight, but I whether they would like to do or to have refused. something He didn't understand the book, because he omitted one TO OMIT - [verb] to leave something out on very important chapter. I was worrying all day long, because she omitted to tell purpose or by mistake; not to do something me when she was leaving. My new job gives me a great opportunity to travel a lot OPPORTUNITY - [noun] an occasion and meet new people. She comes from a poor family, which gave her no that allows you to do something opportunity to develop her talent.






OUTSTANDING - [adjective] /oustndi/ good / distinguished / excellent; unpaid / continuing in existence / remaining unsettled (outstanding debts)
TO OVERPAY - [verb] to give too much money for something which is not worth it

Sarah is an outstanding student. She held the highest grade point average at the end of the last semester. Mary applied for housing at several places, but was't accepted due to outstanding debts. She prefers doing shopping in corner shops, which are more expensive than supermarkets. She doesn't care that she overpays. If I had waited with buying the new pair of jeans until the Winter Sale, I wouldn't have overpaid. My knee is so painful today. I've already taken 3 pills, but they don't help at all. The photo from their wedding evokes painful memories after they've got divorced. People tend to believe that when they die, their souls will go to the Paradise. I opened the gate and saw the most beautiful, paradiselike garden I'd ever seen.



PAINFUL - [adjective] /feinfl/ causing pain or hurting; difficult (a painful life) PARADISE - [noun] a place of perfect happiness, usually surrounded by beautiful nature



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Page 46 EXAMPLE There was nothing of particular importance at the PARTICULAR - [adjective] special, this one, meeting. I might have stayed at home. not the others In this particular case I decided to go to bed earlier. Surely that can't be repaired in a few seconds so PATIENCE - [noun] the ability to stay please stay patient. We'll do our best to finish it as soon as possible. calm / quiet without complaint, loss of If you want to be a good poker player, patience is a key temper, irritation element of success. Try to be patient. They should be here in a moment. PATIENT - [adjective] showing ability to wait Because of long queues, you need to be patient to do and deal with difficulties shopping at this time of the day. Pavements in our city are terribly dirty and littered by PAVEMENT - [noun] the side of a street passers-by. Don't ride your bike on the pavement or you will hurt for people to walk on someone! DEFINITION



PEACE - [noun] quiet conditions with All I want is to have some peace after the stressful day. nothing to worry about; a period in which Terrorism is a serious problem that threatens world peace. there is no war PLEASANT - [adjective] nice or enjoyable
What a pleasant weather! Let's go for a walk. I love tulips for their pleasant smell. I know you don't like them, but you should be more POLITE - [adjective] having good polite to them anyway. manners, showing respect for the others Teachers complain that there are no polite pupils nowadays. It's a very poor country. Hardly anyone can afford a car POOR - [adjective] having little money there. They were too poor to afford even a pair of new shoes, and low standard of living whereas their children were living in a luxury. TO POSSESS - [verb] to own or have something The police asked me if I possessed a gun. He possesses everything I've always dreamed about: a big house with a pool and millions of dollars. I envy him.






POWERFUL - [adjective] /paufl AmE: G8 is a group of the most powerful nations in the world. paurfl / having great power and a lot of The new Prime Minister made such a powerful speech strength; having a strong effect on that everybody listened carefully. somebody
PRECISE - [adjective] exact and correct; careful; fixed; definitely or strictly stated Experiments and measurements carried out on a human must be very precise. Any mistake could be fatal. He is very precise in his calculations. That's why he rarely makes mistakes. Products normally sell lower than the price list, especially when the demand is low. There are some goods in high demand and not easily available which will sell much higher than the price list. He was sent to prison for 25 years for killing a young



PRICE LIST - [noun] a price of a particular good suggested by the manufacturer


PRISON - [noun] /prizn/ a large woman. building where criminals are kept locked He got used to being kept in the prison. He finally became aware of the fact that he's going to spend the up as a punishment for their crimes TO PRODUCE - [verb] to manufacture (goods)


next 13 years in a prison cell for his terrible crime. His company produces mobile phones. There's a slump in producing luxury goods, because people don't buy as many of them as in the past.


PURPOSE - [noun] /p:ps/ : aim; goal; The purpose of this article is to show people how to the reason for which something is done / lose weight effectively. She went out with the purpose of buying a new dress. used / made / exists etc.


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Page 47 EXAMPLE He pushed her into the water, as he didn't know that TO PUSH - [verb] to use strength to she can't swim. They pushed the door open and went in making all the move somebody or something people look at them. We had to put up with our noisy neighbours for 3 years, TO PUT UP WITH - [verb] to suffer someone but that's enough. We're moving out! He's the only one who puts up with her nasty behaviour or something without complaining and recklessness. I won't visit this restaurant again. The food is of such QUALITY - [noun] how good or bad a poor quality. If you buy top quality products with a lifelong thing or a service is guarantee, you have to pay more. She got a cold, because she went out in the rain RAIN - [noun] water falling in separate without a coat. Heavy rain, which was falling all night, destroyed all drops from the clouds plants in my garden. The rainbow is a symbol of the alliance with God. RAINBOW - [noun] an arch of colours I've never seen such a beautiful rainbow with all seven that appears in the sunny sky saturated colours extending from the heavy clouds to the immediately after the rain ground. He fired a few random shots, killing a woman who was passing by. RANDOM - [adjective] chosen or done They chose a random sample of people for the without any aim, plan or pattern psychological experiment. DEFINITION TO REACH - [verb] to get to a place or person; to stretch out your arm in order to touch or catch something They reached the North Pole after three-month journey. The customer reached for a bottle of milk, but he was not tall enough. Have you seen Helen recently? She looks so different that I hardly recognized her! This is the castle that we visited ten years ago when you were a child. Do you recognize it? Can you recommend me a good place to go on




TO RECOGNIZE / also RECOGNISE [verb] /rekgaiz/ to know somebody or something that you have seen or heard before


TO RECOMMEND - [verb] to suggest or holidays? advise something as being good for I recommend that you read this book if you want to some purpose pass the exam. You'll find the most important facts there.
Our company really need to reduce expenses at this


TO REDUCE - [verb] to make something difficult time. Many shops reduce their prices before Christmas to smaller in size, importance, amount etc.
attract customers. TO REFUSE - [verb] to say firmly that you won't accept or do something He proposed, but she refused to marry him. He refused to do overtime, so the boss dismissed him.






I deeply regret my decision not to have children. TO REGRET - [verb] to feel sorry about something you did; to feel sorry to announce We regret to inform you that your flight has been cancelled. some bad news Remind me to call Sue in the evening, will you? TO REMIND - [verb] to make somebody I was enjoying myself at the party, when she had to remind me that I must get up early to work. So I left and remember something went home angry. I'm not afraid of lending him money or my car, because RESPONSIBLE - [adjective] worthy of he's a very responsible person. We're looking for a responsible babysitter to look after trust our daughter. She returned home after 5 years of travel. TO RETURN - [verb] to come back We all hope the good weather returns soon.


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Page 48 EXAMPLE Her flat was burnt in revenge for informing the police on REVENGE - [noun] an action taken against what she saw last night. someone who has done something to harm All he wants now is to take revenge on whoever killed you his beloved wife. If you want to know what's new at the cinema and whether it's worth watching, read a page of film reviews REVIEW - [noun] a judgement of a in a good magazine. magazine, newspaper or article on a thing I'm going to see this film tomorrow. It was given a lot of like new books, films, plays favourable reviews. She married him, because he's rich and able to give RICH - [adjective] having a lot of money, her everything she'd always dreamt about. property, certain desirable thing Fruits are rich in vitamines. She rides a bicycle to work to avoid traffic jams. He rides to work on a bus, because he hasn't passed TO RIDE - [verb] to travel in a vehicle his driving test yet. She rides a bicycle to work to avoid traffic jams. He rides to work on a bus, because he hasn't passed TO RIDE - [verb] to travel in a vehicle his driving test yet. DEFINITION



RING - [noun] a metal circle made of After they had got divorced, she sold her wedding ring. gold, silver etc. usually worn on a finger; Children seldom dance in pairs. They usually dance in the ring. something in the shape of a circle
He sits on the roof of his house and watches stars


ROOF - [noun] the covering on the top of every night. They're quarrelling all the time. They shouldn't live a building or a vehicle
under the same roof. He decided to take up this job, because he gets a good SALARY - [noun] money that you salary of about $3000 a month. My salary makes it hardly possible to earn out a living. receive every month for doing your job If they don't pay me more, I'll give it up! The collection of clothes that we saw last week is on 50% sale now. SALE - [noun] a special offering of There are crowds of people in shopping malls at the goods at lower prices than usual time of sales. No wonder, everyone wants to buy something at lower price. Every winter I dream of the hot sands of the Caribbean SAND - [noun] material of many small Islands. grains which many beaches and deserts Most children love playing in the sand on a beach or in are made of a sandpit. We'll go sailing if the sea becomes quieter. The wind is SEA - [noun] a large area of salty water, too strong and the waves are too high. smaller than an ocean, partly They went to America by sea, not by air. It was much surrounded by land cheaper. SELFISH - [adjective] caring only about yourself, not caring about the others at all Don't be so selfish! Share the sweets with your sister! He helps me for a purely selfish reason: he wants my sister to marry him.








My skin is very sensitive to cold. It becomes red every time the temperature is below 0. Why are you crying? I didn't say anything wrong. For goodness sake, don't be so sensitive! TO SETTLE DOWN - [verb] to become used Have you already settled down in your new school? How are you settling down as a wife and mother? Is to a new place, way of life etc.; to become there anything I can help you with? calm or quiet

SENSITIVE - [adjective] /sensitiv/ showing delicate feelings; easily offended; quickly showing the effect of something


SHAME - [noun] an unpleasant feeling that you have when you have done something wrong or silly, or when a relative or close friend has

He was filled with shame, when he was told about all the stupid things he had done at the party. Her daughter was expelled from school again. It's such a shame!


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DEFINITION TO SHARE - [verb] to join the others in using or doing something


TO SHOUT - [verb] to say something very loudly or to speak very loudly TO SMELL - [verb] to use the sense of your nose


Page 49 EXAMPLE There are not enough copies. Some of you will have to share. Everybody in our flat shares the same bathroom. He shouted at me to look at my child. It was playing in the street! There's no need to shout! I can hear you very well. The milk is not fresh. Can you smell it? He got a cold and couldn't smell very well, so he couldn't notice the smell of fire from our kitchen.



SMOKE - [noun] something that is There was a lot of smoke coming from the bonfire produced when something burns; to light made by our neighbours. Do you mind if I smoke here? No, I'd rather you go out, something with tobacco and breathe in I can't stand the cigarette smoke. the smoke from it SNOW - [noun] white, soft pieces of Snow was falling all night causing troubles in the street. frozen water that fall from the sky during There is no skiing without snow. the winter
We all felt great sorrow at his death. There are many sorrows of an old age. Do you believe in unhappy souls that wander over the SOUL - [noun] a part of a human being earth trying to find peace? which is believed to exist after the body has He was a man of honour. I am sure that his soul looks died down upon us from heaven. Speak up please, because people at the back don't TO SPEAK UP - [verb] to speak louder; hear you. If you disagree with the others, you should speak up to express your opinion freely now. SORROW - [noun] unhappiness TO STAB - [verb] to make a wound by a sharp tool, for example knife He died after being stabbed in the chest by a burglar. When he found out that his wife cheated on him, he stabbed her lover with a kitchen knife.






She sat down staring into space and I knew she was TO STARE - [verb] to look fixedly and deeply thinking about what had happened that day. intently at somebody or something for a long The guy in the corner is staring at you all the time. Do time you know him? All employees of the store are subordinate to the store manager. Store manager shall achieve sales goals and produce maximum profits. A tall, dark-skinned stranger waved to me in front of the STRANGER - [noun] a person that you shop. Do you know him? The quietness of the village was disturbed by the don't know arrival of the stranger from an unknown land. SUDDEN - [adjective] coming quickly His sudden illness made us cancel our trip to Paris. There was a sudden increase in the price of oil. and unexpectedly I couldn't afford a suite during my last holidays. I was forced to put up with a single room. SUITE - [noun] a set of rooms in a hotel Hello! I would like to make a reservation of two rooms (usually 2 rooms with a kitchen and a with a kitchen and a bathroom. --- No problem, Sir. We bathroom) can offer you a lovely suite. I need a summary of this book. There's not enough SUMMARY - [noun] a short account of time before my exam to read the whole novel. something, including only the main Here is a summary of the article. If you're interested, I'll points give you the full version. TO SUNRISE - [verb] the time of the day She finished studying for her exam at sunrise. We set off early at sunrise. when the sun appears


STORE MANAGER - [noun] a person responsible for the management of the store







Page 49



DEFINITION TO SURRENDER - [verb] to admit that you have been beaten; to allow something to control you



TO SURVIVE - [verb] to continue to live or exist after a difficult situation


TO TACKLE - [verb] /tlk/ to take an action; to deal with sth; to cope with sth


TO TAKE UP - [verb] to start doing some activity, especially for pleasure TALE - [noun] a story of imaginary or real events


Page 50 EXAMPLE The army suffered a great loss, so the captain decided to surrender. She was on a diet, but she finally surrendered to the temptation of a delicious cake. Four people were killed in the accident, she was the only one to survive. They somehow managed to survive the difficult time of the war. One of her New Year's resolutions was to tackle all her financial problems. When he was a child he was perfectly able to tackle all difficulties he came across. Now, he is not strong enough and gets depressed very often. She was getting bored with her life, so she took up parachuting. I took up piano lessons last month, because I'm really keen on music. My grandmother used to tell us tales of adventure. The Lord of the Rings is a magical tale of friendship and love. His company has failed to meet its development


TARGET - [noun] a result which you targets. hope to reach; something which is aimed Underground stations are expected to be the terrorists' at, especially with a gun or bomb targets. TASTE - [noun] /teist/ the sensation of saltiness, spiciness, bitterness, sweetness etc. TEAR - [noun] a small drop of salty liquid that runs from the eye (when you are happy, uphappy or in pain) TECHNIQUE - [noun] the way of doing some specialist activity THIEF - [noun] a person who steals money and goods, but usually without using violence
I really like the spicy taste of Mexican food. This cake has no taste, perhaps you should add more sugar? You must be right. I've got a cold and I've lost my sense of taste. I saw tears streaming down her face. Why is she sad? My mum couldn't hide her tears when she saw me in a white wedding dress. I want to practise some new photographic technique. Psychologists develop new learning techniques. After he'd visited us, we realised that a considerable sum of money was gone. We couldn't believe that such an elegant guy might be a thief! I belive that even young shoplifters taking sweets from supermarkets without paying are nothing but thieves.






TICKET - [noun] /tikik/ a printed piece If you want to see the latest play in the theatre, you of paper or card that you have to buy in need to buy the tickets in advance. The play is very order to use public transport, to travel by popular. I'm sorry, you don't have a ticket, Sir. You are not train, plane or ship, or to enter a place allowed to get on board. like cinema or theatre
Look at the mess in your room! If only you could be


TIDY - [adjective] /taidi/ orderly; clearly tidier! She's an extremely tidy girl. She gets furious every time organized and systematic (tidy mind)
she finds some rubbish on the floor. TO ACCUSE - [verb] to say that somebody has done something wrong or has broken the law He was accused of a murder and sentenced to death. Mother accused her little son of breaking her new vase. It was not the first time he had broken something. She denied telling her father with whom she spent the last night. She told him that it's not his business. He denied all the rumours that he got engaged with Christine and said that he's not going to marry her.



TO DENY - [verb] to say that something is not true


Page 50











We ask all visitors not to touch the sculptures and the paintings. Don't touch me, or I'll call the police! I was late again, because I had stuck in a huge traffic jam for an hour. I shouldn't have gone by car during rush TRAFFIC JAM - [noun] /trfikdzm/ a hours. long line of vehicles that move slowly The main road in the centre of the town has been blocking the road closed recently causing terrible traffic jams on estate roads. The supervising staff was transferred to their subsidiary TO TRANSFER - [verb] to move in Geneva. somebody or something from one place Large quantities of our products were transferred to the to another new, bigger store outside the city. There are many wonderful art treasures in the National Gallery. TREASURE - [noun] a very valuable object The pirates could finally stop robbing ships when they found treasure. TWILIGHT - [noun] the time during the day Don't go out at twilight! Several girls have been when the night is about to come, especially attacked here recently. the period between sunset and dark; a He's facing the twilight of his great career nowadays. period of decline after the time of glory, People say he's already too old to be that popular. success, growth etc. UNDERGROUND - [noun] a mean of Underground in London and Madrid used to be a target of terrorists, because a lot of people use it. transport in which trains run under the I go to work by underground to avoid traffic jams. surface of the ground Read the text and underline the words that you don't TO UNDERLINE - [verb] to draw a line understand. under a word; to show the importance of The director underlined the need for a better something cooperation at work.

TO TOUCH - [verb] to feel something with your body, especially hands



UNIT - [noun] a measure used to The standard unit of currency in Germany is the euro. The book is divided into 12 units, each focused on express amounts of something; a single different area of English grammar. item or a part of something bigger
UNIVERSE - [noun] all space with everything that exists in it Are there any other life forms in the universe? Every time I watch the night sky, I think about the universe. It makes me realise how small and unimportant I am. Children are always upset about their parents' divorce. Tom was really upset about another failed exam, so he decided to give up studying. Your bus ticket is valid for three months starting now. I'm sorry, Sir, we must keep your car. Your driving licence is no longer valid. He has led his party to the victory in the last election. The victory of Britain over Germany in the Battle of Britain weakened the German Air Force considerably. I'd like to live close to the nature, perhaps in a village in the mountains. They were tired of living their lives full of noise and rush of a big city, so they decided to move to the village at the seaside.



UPSET - [adjective] unhappy and anxious about something


VALID - [adjective] that can be legally used at a certain time; authoritative; well-founded


VICTORY - [noun] the act of winning


VILLAGE - [noun] a group of houses and other buildings in a country area


VIOLENCE - [noun] /vailns/ the using There is a lot of violence on television and in the of physical force in order to harm or hurt Internet nowadays. Robbery is the act of stealing with the use of violence. somebody


Page 51





WAGES - [noun] an amount of money wages nowadays. paid to an employee usually every week She's too proud to work for low wages.

Graduating from university cannot guarantee high


TO WAKE UP - [verb] /weikp/ to stop I'm tired, because I was woken up by someone being asleep knocking at the door.
Hang this picture on the wall.

Wake up, Tom! It's 8 o'clock! You're going to be late!


WALL - [noun] the side of a bulding or a We painted the walls green, because this colour makes room us calmer. WAR - [noun] a period of conflict and fighting between countries or nations
His father left the country when it was at war, whereas his friends were fighting with the enemy and dying. Some people are afraid that the global economic crisis may result in the 3rd World War.



WARDROBE - [noun] /wo:drub AmE: You buy too many clothes. Your wardrobe is too small wo:rdrub/ a piece of furniture in which for it. I decided to change my summer wardrobe, because all you hang up clothes; collection of my clothes are so monotonous. clothes belonging to one person WEDDING - [noun] a marriage ceremony, especially with a party afterwards
TO WEEP - [verb] to let your tears fall from your eyes Their unusual wedding took place in the shop in which they had met. They are freaks! There's a custom that the wedding shouldn't be organised in a month without the letter "r" in the name. But I don't care and I'm getting married in July. Many days have passed since the days we were together, but I still remember him and weep at nights. Why are you weeping? What these tears on your cheeks mean? The trip was cancelled due to a 130-mile-an-hour wind. A sudden gust of wind blew the window shut.




WIND - [noun] a strongly moving current of air

WING - [noun] a part of the body of a bird which it uses for flying



ZEBRA CROSSING Ngay 10/8/2010

The falcon unfolded its wings and flew away. We found a lying bird. One of its wings was hurt and it couldn't fly for a month. Traudl Junge was the secretary of Adolf Hitler who TO WITNESS - [verb] to see something witnessed his fall. You have witnessed the accident, haven't you, Sir? happen You need to tell me what exactly happened. ZEBRA CROSSING - [noun] white lines Many people die each day, because they don't cross roads on zebra crossing. painted on a road to show that people I failed my driving test, because I forgot to slow down have the right to cross the road in that before zebra crossing. place

ATTACHED - ngay 10/8/2010


Page 52


ACCIDENT ACCIDENT - [noun] - [ksidnt]

something unpleasant and damaging that happens unexpectedly or without in ABSENCE ABSENCE - [noun] - ['bsns]
the state or time of not being in a particular place ACHIEVE TO ACHIEVE - [verb] - ['ti:v]
to succeed in doing something ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT - [noun] [dv:tismnt AmE: dvtaizmnt] something used to inform people about some OFFER TO OFFER - [verb] to ask somebody whether they would like to do or to have something AFFORD TO AFFORD - [verb] - ['f:d]
to have money for; to be able to meet the expense of; to be able to give / spare s AGAINST AGAINST - [preposition] - ['geinst]
in opposition to somebody or something INSERT TO INSERT - [verb] to put something inside something else APOLOGIZE TO APOLOGIZE / also APOLOGISE - [verb] - ['pldaiz] AmE: p:ldajz]
to say that you are sorry for doin APPLY TO APPLY - [verb] - ['plai]
to request something, especially in writing ARMY ARMY - [noun] - [':mi]
the military force of a country trained to fight for it PAVEMENT PAVEMENT - [noun] the side of a street for people to walk on #REF! #REF! LIAR LIAR - [noun] a person who tells lies MEADOW MEADOW - [noun] a field, usually a plain one, with grass and flowers MOOD MOOD - [noun] the state of feelings at a particular time JUSTICE JUSTICE - [noun] fair and morally right treatment of other people; the system of a country that makes laws and ASSIST TO ASSIST - [verb] - ['sist] to help ATTACHED ATTACHED - [adjective] - ['ttt]
to be joined to something; to be fond of someone ATTITUDE ATTITUDE - [noun] - ['titju:d]a way of feeling or behaving towards somebody or something AVERAGE AVERAGE - [noun] - ['vrid]
a standard or level which is regarded as usual or ordinary PATIENCE PATIENCE - [noun] the ability to stay calm / quiet without complaint, loss of temper, irritation AVOID TO AVOID - [verb] - ['vid]
to make en effort not to do something PLEASANT PLEASANT - [adjective] nice or enjoyable BASEMENT BASEMENT - [noun] - ['beismnt]
a part of a house, building which is below ground level PAINFUL PAINFUL - [adjective] /feinfl/ causing pain or hurting; difficult (a painful life) MINE MINE - /main/ [noun] a deep hole or a number of holes under the ground from which mineral substances are d BELONG TO BELONG - [verb] - [bi'l]
to be owed by somebody; to be in the right place BLOW TO BLOW - blew - [verb] - [blou / blu:]to send air out through your mouth; to cause a current of air POLITE POLITE - [adjective] having good manners, showing respect for the others BITE TO BITE - bit - bitten - [verb] - [bait]to cut or seize something with your teeth BITTER BITTER - [adjective] having a sharp, unplesant taste; angry and unhappy BLAME TO BLAME - [verb] to state or believe that somebody is responsible for something bad LOOK AFTER TO LOOK AFTER - [noun] to take care of somebody or something BLOOD BLOOD - [noun] the red liquid which flows through your body BOIL TO BOIL - [verb] /bo:l/ to cause a liquid to reach the temperature at which it changes into a gas; to cook food i BOTHER TO BOTHER - [verb] to annoy or worry somebody NOTE NOTE - [noun] a written reminder of something OVERPAY TO OVERPAY - [verb] to give too much money for something which is not worth it BRAND AWARENESSBRAND AWARENESS - [noun phrase] the knowledge that consumers have of a brand BREAK TO BREAK - [verb] to separate into pieces suddenly BRIDGE BRIDGE - [noun] something built over a river, road or railway, to get to the other side of it BRING UP TO BRING UP - [verb] to care for a child, its growth and education BURN TO BURN - [verb] to be on fire; to damage, destroy/hurt something/somebody by means of fire or heat LIE TO LIE - [verb] to say something that you know is not true MEASURE TO MEASURE - [verb] to judge the effect, importance, value, quality etc. of something Examples of use HIRE TO HIRE - [verb] to pay somebody to use something that belongs to them; to employ somebody BUSY BUSY - [adjective] having a lot of work or other things to do CALL TO CALL - [verb] to give somebody or something a name; to telephone somebody CANDLE CANDLE - [noun] a stick of wax with a string, which gives light when you burn it LEISURE LEISURE - [noun] free time, when one can enjoy hobbies, rest, etc. CARELESS CARELESS - [adjective] showing not enough concern about something; taking not enough care of something CARRER CAREER - [noun] a job or profession in which you get better and earn more money as the time goes on LIBRARY LIBRARY - [noun] a building or a room with books and magazines that you can borrow or look at CEILING CEILING - [noun] the inner surface of the top of a room CERRENTLY CURRENTLY - [adverb] now; at the present time CHECK OUT CHECKOUT - [noun] a place in a self-service shop where you pay for goods MYSTERIOUS MYSTERIOUS - [adjective] difficult to understand or find out #REF! #REF! CLASSIC BRAND CLASSIC BRAND - [noun phrase] a well known brand with a long history CLIMB TO CLIMB - [verb] to move towards the top of something, such as a tree or mountain CLOUD CLOUD - [noun] a white or grey mass of small drops of water floating in the sky; a mass of smoke or dust INVOLVE TO INVOLVE - [verb] /inval/ to include something as a necessary part; to affect something or somebody COFFIN COFFIN - [noun] a box in which a dead person is buried COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL - [adjective/noun] related to buying and selling / advertisement on TV or radio

COMPETE TO COMPETE - [verb] try to win with somebody or gain something in competition with somebody else COMPETITIVE COMPETITIVE - [adjective] involving desire to be more successful than the others COMPLIMENT COMPLIMENT - [noun] an expression of respect, admiration, praise etc. CONCERN TO CONCERN - [verb] to be about; to be of importance or interest to somebody CONDITION CONDITION - [noun] /kndin/: a state that sb or sth may be in; the situation in which people may live in LAZY LAZY - [adjective] avoiding activity, work, effort CONNECT TO CONNECT - [verb] to join two or more things or places OPPORTUNITY OPPORTUNITY - [noun] an occasion that allows you to do something POSSESS TO POSSESS - [verb] to own or have something CONSULT TO CONSULT - [verb] get advice or information from somebody or something with better knowledge or source LOAN LOAN - [noun] an amount of money borrowed from a bank that has to be paid back with some extra money be NUCLEAR NUCLEAR - [adjective] concerned with the powerful force which is produced by breaking atoms up CONTRACT CONTRACT - [noun] a formal legal agreement between people or organisations, usually in writing COST COST - [verb; noun] to be at a certain price; the amount of money needed to buy, produce or do something COTTAGE COTTAGE - [noun] a small house, usually in the country KNIFE KNIFE - [noun] a sharp blade in a handle normally used for cutting or as a weapon ILL ILL - [adjective] feeling bad, suffering from a disease JEALOUS JEALOUS - [adjective] feeling angry towards somebody, because they have something that you want COUNTRYSIDE COUNTRYSIDE - [noun] land outside the cities and towns CRIME CRIME - [noun] illegal activity which is punishable by law CROSS CROSS - [noun/verb] a shape of 4 arms meeting in the centre; to go, pass, travel from one side to another POWERFUL POWERFUL - [adjective] /paufl AmE: paurfl / having great power and a lot of strength; having a strong effe CROWD CROWD - [noun] a large number of people gathered together, mainly for a specific purpose CURRENTLY CURRENTLY - [adverb] /crntli/ now; at the present time CUSTOM CUSTOM - [noun] an activity or a ceremony that is a part of living or a culture of some particular group of peop DARE TO DARE - [verb] to be brave enough to do something LEAF LEAF - [noun] one of the parts of a tree that is joined to its branch and falls in autumn DARKNESS DARKNESS - [noun] absence of light, the state of being dark DECIDE TO DECIDE - [verb] /disaid/ to make a choice or judgment OMIT TO OMIT - [verb] to leave something out on purpose or by mistake; not to do something DECLARE TO DECLARE - [verb] to announce something to the public DECLINE TO DECLINE - [verb] to move to a worse position, or from higher to lower MISTAKE MISTAKE - [noun] /misteik/ something incorrect DELIVERY DELIVERY - [noun] the act of taking goods, letters etc. to people's houses or workplaces LAW LAW - [noun] set of rules made by government of a particular country DESK DESK - [noun] a table at which you work, write, read, study etc. DETAIL DETAIL - [noun] a small point or fact DEVELOP TO DEVELOP - [verb] /divelp to grow or to change into something more important / stronger / better; build ne DISAPPPOINT TO DISAPPOINT - [verb] to make somebody feel unhappy, because things are not as good as they hoped the LAKE LAKE - [noun] a large mass of fresh water surrounded by land DISAPPROVE TO DISAPPROVE - [verb] to think that something is wrong DISASTER DISASTER - [noun] a sudden event resulting in a great loss or harm; a failure DISCUSS TO DISCUSS - [verb] /discs / to talk over or to write about sth IMPROVE TO IMPROVE - [verb] to become better; to make something better MANIPULATE TO MANIPULATE - [verb] to influence somebody or something in order to control them DISEASE DISEASE - [noun] illness of people, animals, plants PATIENT PATIENT - [adjective] showing ability to wait and deal with difficulties DROWN TO DROWN - [verb] /Draun/ to die under water; to make somebody die under water PARTICULAR PARTICULAR - [adjective] special, this one, not the others ECONOMY ECONOMY - [noun] a system by which a particular country's money, industry, trade are organized HOMELESS HOMELESS - [adjective] having no place to live OBEY TO OBEY - [verb] to do what you are told to do EMBARRASSED EMBARRASSED - [adjective] feeling ashamed, uncomfortable, nervous in front of other people ENGINE 0 ENORMOUS ENORMOUS - [adjective] extremely large; outrageous (enormous crimes) MULTINATIONAL COMPANIES MULTINATIONAL COMPANIES - [noun] large companies which produce and sell goods and services in differe PEACE PEACE - [noun] quiet conditions with nothing to worry about; a period in which there is no war ENVIRONMENT ENVIRONMENT - [noun] / invairnmnt / the natural world of land, sea and air in which people, plants and se ERASE TO ERASE - [verb] to rub out or remove something completely HERD HERD - [noun] a number of animals of one kind assembled together; people thought of acting or thinking alike ESCAPE TO ESCAPE - [verb] to succeed of getting out of a place where you are kept by force; to avoid something dang NOTICE TO NOTICE - [verb] to see and pay attention to BREAK UP TO BREAK UP - [verb] to end a relationship, for example a marriage EXCITEMENT EXCITEMENT - [noun] the condition of being full of strong feelings EXCUSE TO EXCUSE - [verb] to forgive somebody for something not very serious


TO EXHAUST - [verb] /igzo:st/ to tire somebody out; to have no energy; to use something up or consume com EXHIBITION - [noun] a show of objects, works of art., etc. which is open to the public TO MISUNDERSTAND - [verb] /misndstnd/ to understand something wrongly; misinterpret TO EXPOSE - [verb] to uncover something; to put somebody in a dangerous situation FACTORY - [noun] a building where goods are produced in large quantities TO FALL - [verb] to move towards the ground; to move from being in a standing position to lying on the ground FAMILIAR - [adjective] known, seen or experienced before; informal, easy going (familiar style) #REF! TO HIT - [verb] to bring your hand or something that you hold in your hand against somebody or something to TO MISS - [verb] to fail to do something that was intented or possible; to feel unhappy because you are not wit FEAR - [noun] an unpleasant feeling that you get when you expect some danger or evil MOTORWAY - [noun] /mutrwei AmE: mutwei/ a very wide road used for fast long-distance travel PARADISE - [noun] a place of perfect happiness, usually surrounded by beautiful nature MODERN - [adjective] belonging to the present time MOUNTAIN - [noun] a high hill FEVER - [noun] a condition in which the body temperature is high; great excitement HINT - [noun] a suggetion; a small sign or amount of something LAWYER - [noun] a person whose job is to advise people about laws and to represent them in court NIGHTMARE - [noun] a terrible dream; a terrible event or experience TO FILL - [verb] /fil/ to make something full FLOOR - [noun] the surface on which you stand indoors; a level of a building FOOL - [noun] a stupid or silly person TO FORBID - [verb] to tell smebody not to do something MIND - [noun] your way of thinking or the thoughts in your head TO FORECAST - [verb] to say what is expected to happen in the future FOREIGN - [adjective] /frn AmE: fo:rn / not native; not from your own country or the country somebody is FOREST - [noun] an area of land with trees growing close together TO HURT - [verb] to cause pain or damage to one's body TO FREEZE - [verb] /fri:z/ to make or become hard because of cold POOR - [adjective] having little money and low standard of living GHOST - [noun] /gust/ the spirit of a dead person that appears again GATE - [noun] a wide door outside used to close some open space GENEROUS - [adjective] willing to help, liberal in giving or sharing, kind TO LOCK - [verb] to fasten something, usually with a key; to put something in a place and close it with a key TO GIVE UP - [verb] to stop doing something; to realise that you cannot do something and so stop trying to do GLASSES - [noun] two pieces of glass that you wear in front of your eyes to see better GLORY - [noun] great fame, admiration, honour; splendid, beautiful appearance OUTSTANDING - [adjective] /oustndi/ good / distinguished / excellent; unpaid / continuing in existence / re GRADUATE - [noun] a person who has completed a university, college, school etc. GRASS - [noun] /gra:s Ame: grs/ a very common low-growing green plant that covers wide areas of ground GRATEFUL - [adjective] thankful, deeply appreciative of something received (help, kindness) from somebody GUARD - [noun] somebody or a group of people that watches over somebody or something GUIDE - [noun] somebody who takes you to the interesting places and tells you about them, somebody who he TO HAPPEN - [verb] to take place HELL - [noun] in the Christian and Muslim religion, a place where the souls of evil people are to be punished a TO LEAK - [verb] to let a liquid or gas in or out of a hole; to pass through a hole or crack PRECISE - [adjective] exact and correct; careful; fixed; definitely or strictly stated PRICE LIST - [noun] a price of a particular good suggested by the manufacturer PRISON - [noun] /prizn/ a large building where criminals are kept locked up as a punishment for their crimes PRECISE - [adjective] exact and correct; careful; fixed; definitely or strictly stated PRICE LIST - [noun] a price of a particular good suggested by the manufacturer PRISON - [noun] /prizn/ a large building where criminals are kept locked up as a punishment for their crimes TO PRODUCE - [verb] to manufacture (goods) TO TACKLE - [verb] /tlk/ to take an action; to deal with sth; to cope with sth 0 0 0 0 #REF! TO TAKE UP - [verb] to start doing some activity, especially for pleasure TALE - [noun] a story of imaginary or real events TARGET - [noun] a result which you hope to reach; something which is aimed at, especially with a gun or bom #REF! #REF! 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

t happens unexpectedly or without intention

ng used to inform people about some product, event, service etc.; for example a poster on the wall, a leaflet, or a short film on television

pense of; to be able to give / spare sth

to say that you are sorry for doing something

em of a country that makes laws and punishes those who break them

body or something

of temper, irritation

rom which mineral substances are dug (coal, gold, tin etc.)

to cause a current of air

it changes into a gas; to cook food in water at 100C

ody by means of fire or heat

of something Examples of use ; to employ somebody

aking not enough care of something re money as the time goes on u can borrow or look at

e sky; a mass of smoke or dust affect something or somebody

ment on TV or radio

petition with somebody else

tion in which people may live in

hing with better knowledge or source of information of a particular subject paid back with some extra money being a charge for borrowing ed by breaking atoms up ations, usually in writing to buy, produce or do something

ve something that you want

s, travel from one side to another a lot of strength; having a strong effect on somebody a specific purpose

ure of some particular group of people

important / stronger / better; build new houses s are not as good as they hoped them to be

stry, trade are organized

front of other people

and sell goods and services in different countries hich there is no war and air in which people, plants and sea live

ple thought of acting or thinking alike ept by force; to avoid something dangerous or unpleasant

o use something up or consume completely

g wrongly; misinterpret

nding position to lying on the ground going (familiar style)

d against somebody or something to defend yourself or to express anger eel unhappy because you are not with a certain person

d for fast long-distance travel

to represent them in court

n country or the country somebody is talking about; carried on abroad

g in a place and close it with a key o something and so stop trying to do it

unpaid / continuing in existence / remaining unsettled (outstanding debts)

nt that covers wide areas of ground ed (help, kindness) from somebody body or something s you about them, somebody who helpes you travel in dangerous areas

s of evil people are to be punished after death; a very unpleasant situation or event

up as a punishment for their crimes

up as a punishment for their crimes

med at, especially with a gun or bomb

hort film on television











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