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Power and Powerlessness Mark 10:32-45

Turning toward God Why is it difficult to build community with others when we are also trying to impress people and prove ourselves? Hearing God through the Word - Read Mark 10:32-37 1. How did the band of disciples final approach to Jerusalem lead James and John to make their request (vv. 35, 37)? Read Mark 10:36-45 2. What was Jesus referring to when he said, Can you drink the cup I drink or be bapti zed with the baptism I am baptized with? (See Mk 14:36 ; Romans 6:3 -8) 3. What motivated Jesus refusal to grant the brothers request? 4. Why do you think the other ten disciples were upset? Breakout Session Questions: 5. What roles of power and honor do ordinary people dream about? 6. God urges us to seek power but not position (Ephesians 3:14-21; Matt. 23:6-10). Think of examples of persons without high position that have high power in Gods Kingdom. Meditation Question for Next Week: If Jesus were to ask you, What do you want me to do for you? what would your reply be? a. b. c. d. e. To be known as ________ To hold the position of ______ To own _______ To be friends with ________ To have children who ________

f. Other Transformation Exercises Sit quietly and hold your car keys or city bus pass. Picture yourself driving your car or sitting on a bus. Imagine what you would you or think differently if you chose to practice the discipline of submission and thus community in your car or on the bus: let another car in front of you? Scoot over to share the seat? How might you view differently the irritating person driving or sitting next to you? Pray about an upcoming meeting, casual lunch, family dinner, or date asking: show me how to treat this other person with dignity. Show me how to offer a sense that this person is honored and loved. Show me how to take seriously whatever they are struggling with even if they don't feel free to talk about it. Fall 2013 Schedule 10/23 - Power and Powerlessness I (Mark 10:32-45) 10/30 Power and Powerlessness II 11/6 When I Think I'm Right I (Philemon 1-21) 11/13 When I Think Im Right II (Philemon 1-21) 11/20 Listening I (Mark 5:21-34) 11/27 THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY 12/4 Listening II 12/11 Welcoming the Stranger I & 2 (Matthew 25:31-40)

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