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Intentional Community Matt 26:36-45, Sept 18 & 25, 2013

Pretend it is before the time Jesus came to earth. You are an angel and a member of the Redemption Strategy Team. Your input is requested: how do you think the gospel should be spread? Will it work to let generations of human creatures so frequently self-centered, discouraged and confused about the gospels meaning be strategically involved in communicating the gospel? When you consider that Jesus had three short years to set the plan of redemption in place, its amazing that he spent so much time hanging out with an entourage of simple men and women. By this choice, Jesus set in place the centrality of community. Through it, the disciples learned the discipline of trusting and submitting to other people, imitating the persons of the Trinity who do not haggle for authority. Dallas Willard says, God is in himself a sweet society of love, with a first, second and third person to complete a social matrix where not only is there love and being loved, but also shared love for another. Because of who God is, there is no such thing as private or individual Christianity. The diversity among the disciples tells us that community is never about like thinkers patting each other on the back. (Imagine a discussion between Simon the Jewish political zealot and Matthew the tax-collection puppet of the Roman government.) One of the best ways to learn to truly love others (*and thus let God change our character) is to work side by side with someone who needs to grow up! As we continually surrender such persons to God, we allow God to speak to us through them, and we learn to treat them as we would treat Christ himself (Matthew 25:40). Is this really possible? Definitely, as we train ourselves behind the scenes by practicing community and mutual submission on a regular basis. Turning toward God In what ways do other people help us connect with God? Hearing God through the Word - Read Matthew 26:36-38
1. Describe what happens in this scene. 2. Based on what you know of the Gospels, why would Jesus have separated Peter, James

and John from the group to sit closer to him while he prayed? 3. Usually we are tempted to push away those who brag and act spiritually arrogant. What does Jesus example of love show us to do instead?

4. If you had been one of the these three disciples with Jesus in the darkness of this

familiar olive orchard, how might you have responded to hearing your leader admit: My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death? Read Matthew 26:36-38
5. How would you put Jesus prayer in your own words? 6. What does it tell us that, when Jesus prayed this difficult prayer, he addressed God with

the affectionate, down-to-earth Aramaic term Abba wording so ordinary that to the Jewish mind the use of this familiar household term would have been considered disrespectful in prayer? 7. What reason did Jesus give the disciples for why they should stay awake (v.41)? Read Matthew 26:42-45
8. How did Jesus show love for his disciples in this scene? How did he show respect and 9.




submission (not imposing his will on them)? Where on this continuum are you in your attitude toward what the will of God is like? a. A horrible thing to be endured b. The most positive possibility to pursue What do people desire from church that shows they hold mistaken ideas about what community involves? That church people should a. Be best buddies b. Agree on most issues c. Have interests in common d. Other? Think of a current situation of community for you (family, friendship, small group, local church, work or volunteer setting). Which of the following descriptions of community are helpful to you as you interact with that community? a. Community is the constant recognition of the Spirit of God in each other. b. In community, we reveal to each other the real presence of God in our midst. c. Celebrating together, working together, paying together these are all ways in which the discipline of community can be practiced. d. But whatever its concrete shape or form, the discipline fo community always points us beyond the boundaries of race, sex, nationality, character, or age, and always reveals to us who we are before God and for each other. Which the transformation exercises would be most helpful for letting God work within you?

Transformation Exercises Experiment with one or more of the following: Talk to someone about forming an intentional friendship where you meet weekly or biweekly. You may wish to show them some of these comments made by Friends (Quakers) involved in Spiritual Friendship groups: o Its very intentional. I can get to the heart of the matter. I really like having that time set aside just to compare notes and ask about, What do you pray for? o Being a Spiritual Fried to someone else is a great privilege . . . to come to know about somenes personal struggle with the Spirit. It does not require great wisdom, just good listening, openness, and a willingness to hold the person in the light. o There is always that permission to open the spiritual dimension and not have that be awkward or considered unconventional. Look back on opportunities for community youve previously experienced. Journal (or talk with someone) about what you did that helped build community and what you would need to do more of (or better) next time. Another option is to make a photo album or video diary depicting ways youve experience community. Encourage or simply grin at someone who behaves in a spiritually arrogant way. Say noting to them, but do pray for them. Study the community relationship of the Trinity in Luke 10:22-23; John 3:34-36; 6:57-63 and 14:14-17; Galatians 4:4-6; and 1 John 4:6-15; 5:5-8. Look for themes such as love and truth. What other theme do you find?

SCHEDULE 9/11 Opening Night :: Meet and Greet/Fellowship/General Discussion 9/18 Intentional Community I (Matthew 26: 36-45) 9/25 Intentional Community II 10/2 The Grittiness of Community I (1 Corinthians 12:12-27) 10/9 The Grittiness of Community II 10/16 Power and Powerlessness I (Mark 10:32-45) 10/23 Power and Powerlessness II 10/30 Mens Fellowship Night (TBA) 11/6 When I Think Im Right I&II (Philemon 1-21) 11/13 Listening I (Mark 5:21-34) 11/20 THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY 11/27 Listening II 12/4 Welcoming the Stranger I (Matthew 25:31-40) 12/11 Welcoming the Stranger II

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