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Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines

Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarships Program: Master's Scholarships Awarded for 2011-12 Programme de bourses d'tudes suprieures du Canada Joseph-Armand-Bombardier : Bourses de matrise attribues en 2011-2012
Administering Organization / Organisme administrateur

Applicant / Candidat(e)

Application Title / Titre de la demande

Amount / Montant

Abd El-Salam, Sarah

University of Ottawa

Tensions et enjeux de l'oralit et de l'crit dans l'oeuvre potique des Loco Locass Examining preference for abusive partners: identifying personality traits of victims and perpetrators of intimate partner violence


Aberback, Alisa

University of Toronto


Adams, Courtenay J.

University of Calgary

The apocalypse is coming: dispensational premillennialism and the Southern Baptist convention in early 20th century United States


Adams, Lynette

University of Toronto

When the wall comes crumbling down: a fiction about personal grief and collective nostalgia


Adelman, Laura E.

York University

Bodily integrity: the influence of eugenic discourses on transgender experiences of reproductive justice


Adler, Patrick

University of Toronto

Couriers, cities, and economic vitality: an economic geography of fast delivery


Adsett, Daniel E.A.

Martin Heidegger's early reading of Duns Scotus and Memorial University of Newfoundland Thomas of Erfurt


Ahmadi Hashemi, Seyedeh Bahar

York University

Iranian immigrant women's experiences of intimate partner abuse in Toronto


Alarcon, Krystle

The University of British Columbia

The mental health and psychological impact of the live-in caregiver program on Filipino Canadian women and their children Who is allowed to speak: a look at self-accounts of autism Do infants understand the bidirectional relation between emotions and desires: a longitudinal examination of theory of mind development


Alcock, Jessica

Brock University


Aldercotte, Amanda M.

Concordia University


Alexander, Melissa

Carleton University

Prudence Heward and Edwin Holgate: the influence of the Beaver Hall Group on the Group of Seven and the Canadian Group of Painters


Alix, Jonathan

Universit de Montral

L'minence du possible sur l'actuel chez Heidegger


Allen Demers, Maria

Universit Laval

La formation des paroisses en Bourgogne au Moyen ge central IXe-XIIIe sicle


Alonso, Jennifer

McMaster University

The history of pregnancy and birth in a late Medieval and early modern Europe context


Alwani, Khalilah

University of Victoria

Re-building sustainable economies: the resurgence of indigenous land-based practices


Amrov, Sabrien

University of Ottawa

Non state actors and the course of war


Anderson, Janice

York University

Dragons harvest in the House of Stone: South-South development initiatives China's engagement with Zimbabwe From family farm to agricultural corporation: the growth of factory farming in twentieth century America


Anderson, Katharine

University of Guelph


Anderson, Paul F.B.

University of Toronto

The role of the Ontario government's cultural policy in regard to identity and economic development


Anderson, Robin J.

University of Ottawa

Historicist and anti-historicist readings of Dante and Virgil: C. S. Lewis's negotiation of modernity Tributaries: exploring the personal water stories of new Canadians in Waterloo Region


Anderson, Sarah C.

University of Waterloo


Anderson, Stephanie G.

The University of Western Ontario

Use it or lose it: Inuit art and the Northern dimension of Canada's foreign policy


Andr, Marilou

Concordia University

L'art public : facteur de cohsion sociale The influence of an experimenter's reliability on 18month-old infants' empathic responses and prosocial behaviours


Andreadakis, Eftichia

Concordia University


Andrew, Kristina L.

University of Victoria

Andrews, Zvi H.

University of Calgary

Achievement goals, feedback, social comparison and their interactions Rabbinic theology: an examination of ancient Jewish rabbinic writing which will assess whether there are in fact systematic theological trends within the non legalistic literature Aggadah



Andronowski, Janna M.

University of Toronto

The evaluation of bone area as a histomorphometric variable for estimating adult age at death The effectiveness Pacific carbon trust as a social policy instrument Pratiques de la reprise : inventivit romanesque et distance historique dans HHhH de Laurent Binet et Du bon usage des toiles de Dominique Fortier This isn't your grandfather's pension: a look at Canada's pension plan sustaining the baby boomer generation Study of national identities: comparing unitary and federal states Oeuvres d'art en conditions d'hypermodernit : la dmesure miniaturise Constructing a creative Vancouver: identifying the challenges to retaining local artists as members of the creative class social group


Annesley, Allison J.

Royal Roads University


Ars, Simon

McGill University


Argiropoulos, Natalie Armstrong, Tabatha

University of Toronto Queen's University

17,500 17,500

Arpin, Marjolaine

Universit du Qubec Montral


Arthurs, Kerri E.

The University of British Columbia


The labyrinth of dissonance: ethnic conflict and the Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan tude acoustique de problmes de prononciation des voyelles du franais par des immigrants adultes hispanophones dans leur processus d'acquisition dans le cadre d'un programme de francisation Dating relationships and use of communication technology while under the influence of alcohol using a high school sample La voix subalterne et le tmoignage (testimonio) hispanoamricain : problmatisation des liens entre littrature, pouvoir, reprsentation et construction de la modernit

Asey, Ahmad F.

The University of British Columbia


Asselin, Josiane

Universit Laval


Attewell, Valerie D.

Mount Saint Vincent University


Auger, Frdric

Universit de Montral


Augustine, J. Skye

University of Victoria

Climate change and dive tourism in Phuket, Thailand: assessment of industry sustainability


Au, Harry Ayers, Gillian E.

University of Toronto University of Lethbridge

Youths and nightclubs: sexuality, class-reproduction and the scientific discourse Childfree by choice: a qualitative study of voluntary childlessness

17,500 17,500

Backhouse, Frances H. Bailey, Katharine M. Bailey, Leigha K. Baillargeon, Danielle M.

University of Victoria Trent University McMaster University University of Calgary

Beaverland: in search of a North American icon Mental state understanding and social problem solving in children with idiopathic epilepsy Intimate control: the relation between eighteenth century gender and racial roles The role of the wife in early Christianity Mindful awareness practice as a method for improving self-regulation in elementary school children

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Baker, Lesley A.

University of Victoria


Insights into the individual education plan: exploring multiple perspectives to enhance effective implementation

Baker, Sarah J.

Brock University


Baldeo, Sashendra

York University

Exploring effective policing strategies to detect and prevent securities fraud crimes in Canada The ideological motivations of the early birth control movement in Central Canada: a comparative study of the Parents' Information Bureau and the Birth Control Society of Hamilton Puppeteer as god, puppet as god: an examination of metatheatricality in the works of Ronnie Burkett The allocation of feedback in the workplace: informal and formal feedback directed towards minority members


Baldwin, Jillian H.K.

Carleton University


Bandfield, Timothy G.

University of Manitoba


Baratta, Patricia

The University of Western Ontario


Barber, Benjamin J.

University of Victoria

The cloud of unknowing: symbolic thought and deviated transcendency Eat the flesh of the son of man and drink his blood: John 6:53 through the lens of Rene Girard's mimetic theory


Barber, Peter John

The University of British Columbia


Barker, Katherine

From saints to superheroes: culting the hero in AngloMemorial University of Newfoundland Saxon England Improving relationship dynamics to enhance the functioning of dependent individuals A paleographical study of previously unedited Latin and Ancient Greek manuscripts


Barnes, Caroline E.

York University


Barrales-Hall, Andrea Lynn

University of Waterloo


Making good decisions: roles of temporal discounting and delay of gratification From community to collectivity: new approaches to public art in North America A moral inquiry into opposing ethical theories of immigration, with implications for Canadian immigration policy The discourse of teenagehood, as portrayed by teen television A critical analysis of the adoption of maize agriculture across Northeastern North America Loosening the double bind: a theoretical study of university student writing in Canada Welling up before the mind's eye: esoteric influences on the life and works of W.B. Yeats The examination of narrative typologies and the victim - survivor paradigm in women survivors of psychopaths Lutte pour la reconnaissance et mouvements sociaux : recherche sur la dynamique politico-identitaire contemporaine au Qubec

Basile, Alexandra G. Batzios, Alysa

York University McGill University

17,500 17,500

Bauman, Jesse David Cober Baxter, Sarah M. Beales, Eric J.

University of Victoria The University of Western Ontario Trent University

17,500 17,500 17,500

Beatty, Jessie S. Beauchesne, Nicholas L.

University of Windsor Simon Fraser University

17,500 17,500

Beaudette, Janelle N.

Carleton University


Beaudoin Guzzo, Samuel

Universit du Qubec Montral


Beaudry, Marie-Hlne

Universit Laval

L'ducation relative l'environnement pour les Autochtones du Qubec


Beaulieu, Pierre-Luc

Universit Laval

Transgressing the last frontier: crisis of selfdefinition in postmodern American literature A critical analysis of the Ontario secondary health and physical education curriculum: the forgotten literacy


Beaulne, Courtney C.M.

University of Ottawa


Anishinaabe education in the seventh fire: learning and connecting histories at Shingwauk Kinoomaage Gamig

Beaulne-Stuebing, Rebecca L. York University


Beauregard-Gurin, Iseut

cole nationale d'administration publique

tude du positionnement stratgique de la scurit civile au sein du gouvernement qubcois


Beausjour, Dahud

La structure d'autorit familiale en littrature pour la Universit du Qubec Trois-Rivires jeunesse : d'hier aujourd'hui Posie qubcoise contemporaine : analyse idologique des pomes parus en 2010 dans les priodiques littraires qubcois de langue franaise Exploration de la multisensorialit et de l'interactivit dans une pratique Assessing barriers to public transit use among the elderly in retirement homes La contribution du contexte la cration de sens dans la rsolution des ambiguits syntaxiques en langue seconde l'crit Les dfis de l'intgration des identits multiples chez les couples homosexuels masculins ayant adopt un enfant Dessin et dessein de l'imitation dans la littrature La figure du narrateur-constructeur dans L'anne de la mort de Ricardo Reis de Jos Saramago et dans le diptyque Un an et Je m'en vais de Jean Echenoz : une tude de l'autorit narrative


Beausjour, Gabriel Bchard, Catherine

Universit du Qubec Montral Universit du Qubec Montral

17,500 17,500

Beck, Thomas

University of Toronto


Bdard, Francis

Universit du Qubec Montral


Bedard, Isabelle Bgin, Jol

Universit du Qubec Montral Universit Laval

17,500 17,500

Blanger, David

Universit Laval


Blanger, Marc-Andr

Universit Laval

Les changements dans l'ethos du travail en Amrique du Nord Placing the peripheral body in contemporary Montreal fiction


Belcher, Michael Ross

Concordia University


Bell, Celine

York University

Perspective and unreliability: flashback and firstperson narration in 1940s film noir Lone motherhood, isolation & mental health outcomes; outcomes of children/families involved with social services; family violence & mental health outcomes; body image, culture & eating disorders


Bellai, Kaitlin E.

Wilfrid Laurier University


Bellamy, Leanne

University of Saskatchewan

Language and the transcendent: using images to say the unsayable tude sur l'influence des facteurs socioculturels en rapport avec la motivation dcroissante dans l'apprentissage de l'anglais en milieu rgional tude de la mthode iconographique de Aby Warburg pour valuer la pertinence de sa rhabilitation dans l'histoire de l'art du XXIe sicle En marge : rapports entre textes et arts visuels dans l'oeuvre de Denis Vanier


Bellemare, Caroline

Universit du Qubec Chicoutimi


Belley, Anne-Marie

Universit du Qubec Montral


Belliard, Evelyne M.

Universit de Montral


Belus, Jennifer M.

University of Ottawa

Relational and individual factors related to extramarital involvement


Benacquista, Laura M. University of Windsor The value of sophistry for contemporary social change Translating aboriginal traditional knowledge into environmental policy: the case for the Canadian fisheries Phenomenology and problems in the philosophy of mind A qualitative investigation of role acceptance among athletes The history of immigration in post-Franco Spain as a part of public discourse The role of attention in the decision making process of framed messages 17,500

Bencharif, Sarah-Tassir Benoit, Andre E.

Ryerson University McMaster University

17,500 17,500

Benson, Alex

Wilfrid Laurier University


Benson, Kaitlyn L.

Carleton University


Berenbaum, Erin

Queen's University


Berger, Laura Bergmann, Brett

York University University of Toronto

Raunch culture and girls' series fiction Vision beyond video: artists' explorations of video software codecs Power, authority and labour standards in African manufacturing La peau comme interface transformable dans les pratiques d'esthtisation des corps Narco-violence and persecution: examining the basis for Mexican asylum claims in Canada La nouvelle subrogation consentie par le dbiteur comme lment d'une politique de dirigisme contractuel

17,500 17,500

Bernards, Nicholas A.

McMaster University


Bernier-Chabot, Maude

Concordia University


Berry, Joanna R.

The University of Western Ontario


Berthold, Gabriel-Arnaud

Universit Laval


Bevan-Baker, Kate E. McGill University If a violin sings and a fiddle dances, can I do both 17,500

Beveridge, Jessica P.

Queen's University

Bezanson, Brianne

Dalhousie University

Investigating emotional development in adolescence The use of images of unstable female bodies, deconstructed female identities, and imprisonment as resistance strategies in a selection of Buchi Emecheta's fiction Fear of compassion: media coverage of Tamil asylum seekers Le logement social destin aux ans dans le cadre du projet Villes amies des ans au Qubec : dveloppement d'alternatives et d'innovations grce l'accompagnement d'un groupe d'ans issu du milieu L'immigration en rgion : les facteurs de rtention des immigrants de la rgion du Saguenay Lac St-Jean Bridging the digital divide - revolutionizing rural education with e-learning Les squats politiques en France : pratiques, stratgies et reprsentations sociospatiales des squatteurs libertaires Lives to live and stories to tell - sharing the lives of the residents at Black Rock Terrace housing for seniors facility through a variety of media Facteurs d'influence pour les acteurs internationaux dans l'mergence des stratgies de reconstruction aprs un dsastre naturel : le cas d'Hati aprs le tremblement de terre du 12 janvier 2010



Bezic, Samantha

Ryerson University


Bigonnesse, Catherine

Universit de Sherbrooke Institut national de la recherche scientifique


Bilodeau, Annie


Bilodeau, James J.

Royal Roads University


Bilodeau, Yan

Universit du Qubec Montral


Bilyk, Donna M.

University of Saskatchewan


Binette, Louis-Felix

HEC Montral


Bingley, Jennifer

Laurentian University

Home literacy practices and the development of reading ability in children


Birkett, Deborah L. Wilfrid Laurier University Conversion to Islam in the Greater Toronto Area since September 11, 2001 17,500

Biron-Ouellet, Xavier

Universit du Qubec Montral

Affectivit, rhtorique et morale dans la Chronique d'Otton de Freising au XIIe sicle La mmoire matrielle : tude de l'instantanit de la mmoire chez Annie Ernaux


Bissonnette, Karine

Universit de Montral


Bitacola, Lisa

Simon Fraser University

Environmental inequality in Canada Regulation and productivity: a comparative study of Canada and the United States Post-minimalist sound mass; poly-stylism for the twenty-first century Participatory planning and community-based social marketing: an integrative approach to designing and implementing a public bike share program in the City of Vancouver Feminist pornography, cyber-identity formation and marginalized peoples' non-assimilationist resistance to systems of oppression Analyse conjointe des reprsentations dans le discours public et des expriences subjectives des femmes voiles dans le contexte qubcois The social psychological consequences of labelling human rights violations as genocide La place accorde l'intention pdagogique dans la planification et le pilotage d'activits pdagogiques exploitant les TIC chez les enseignants du primaire


Black, Carl W.

The University of British Columbia


Blackley, Douglas J.

Simon Fraser University


Blair, Erik J.

The University of British Columbia


Blondin-Doan, Emily M.

York University


Blondin-Gravel, Raphalle

Universit de Montral


Boese, Gregory D.B.

University of Manitoba


Boily, Andre

Universit de Montral


The degenerate body of Flicien Rops: science, sickness, and sexuality in late nineteenth century France Le dossier d'opportunit et plan d'affaires : valuation et comparaison Faire carrire dans la crise : comment les artistes musicaux s'adaptent aux changements de leur industrie Comparative analysis of Shuswap and Okanagan First Nations plant gathering protocols Stable isotopic analysis of Ontario Iroquoian ritual fauna

Boisjoli, Sylvie Boldireff, Mathieu

McGill University HEC Montral

17,500 17,500

Bonneau, Martin Bonneau, Nancy M. A.

Universit Laval Simon Fraser University

17,500 17,500

Booth, Laura E.

The University of Western Ontario


Borden, Joshua P.W.

Queen's University

Subject to change: electoral reform in Canada Representation and gender relations: portraiture and the active female gaze The Africville relocation: an organic interpretation of structural racism Le Portugais populaire du Brsil : des vidences sociohistoriques et morphologiques qui confirment son statut de Crole


Born, Shauna M.

University of Waterloo


Bos, Jacob W.

Queen's University


Bouchard, Marie-Eve

Universit Laval


Bouchard, Pierre-Olivier

Universit Laval

Boucher, Catherine

Universit de Sherbrooke

Balzac selon Butor : portrait de l'artiste en crivain moderne Mesure de mise en mouvement des jeunes de 16-17 ans en situation de prcarit : facteurs personnels et contextuels associs l'atteinte des objectifs d'intervention Pour une relecture du scepticisme moderne : le scepticisme acadmicien de Simon Foucher (16441696)



Boudreault, Jol

Universit de Sherbrooke


Organisations non gouvernementales et communauts locales aux Philippines : y a-t-il dpolitisation du dveloppement tude des relations entre les comptences et intrts professionnels de jeunes adultes ayant une dficience intellectuelle lgre et leur insertion professionnelle Le contact franco-amrindien la pointe Callire de Montral, 1683-1688 : fourrures, guerres et projet apostolique Vers une dialectique de l'imaginaire : entre narrativits photographiques et photographies narratives dans les oeuvres de Denis Roche, Duane Michals et Robert Frank Media, policy and public responses to Tamil refugees in Canada Les effets des activits psychomotrices et des arts plastiques sur le dveloppement de la capacit reconnatre et exprimer ses motions chez les lves du prscolaire

Boulianne Lagac, Clara J

McGill University


Bourget Bilodeau, Genevive Bourguignon-Ttreault, Justine

Universit de Sherbrooke


Universit de Montral


Boyadjian, Mirna

Universit du Qubec Montral


Boyd, Ryan

Carleton University


Braney, Valrie

Universit du Qubec en Outaouais


Brason, Amanda T.

York University

Curating after modernism Comparaison de l'activit crbrale de novices et d'experts dans l'apprentissage de concepts en physique mcanique Exploring our roots: traditional food knowledge in rural Canadian communities Recovering Eurydice: exploring the intelligibility of the unsayable


Brault Foisy, Lorie-Marlne

Universit du Qubec Montral


Braun, Jennifer Breit, Susan Patrick

University of Alberta University of Waterloo

17,500 17,500

Brent, Liana J.

McMaster University

Urban planning in the ancient Roman cemetery at Vagnari in southern Italy


First Nations land tenure and environmental planning on reserves: an institutional analysis Les grands mythes de l'Antiquit dans trois romans d'mile Zola : la cure, l'assomoir et au bonheur des dames Pour une rinterprtation de la rationalit au sein des thories sur le raisonnement logique Tradition and modernity among Sufi Brotherhoods in Toronto: an examination of brotherhood identity and western Pan-Sufism Impact de la cohrence entre les pratiques ducatives du pre et de la mre d'une mme famille sur le dveloppement des comptences sociales de leur enfant d'ge prscolaire Exploring the interaction between sport participation and sexual identity formation among nonheterosexual female athletes The effect of resilience factors on recidivism in youth offenders An evaluation of the community based coastal resource management approach employed by the Misali Island Conservation Association

Brinkhurst, Marena F.E.

Simon Fraser University


Brisebois, Gabrielle

Universit Laval


Brisson, Janie

Universit du Qubec Montral


Brisson, Jeremie

University of Toronto


Brochu, Annie

Universit de Sherbrooke


Brockman, Melanie A. Brodersen, Etta M.

University of Saskatchewan Simon Fraser University

17,500 17,500

Brooks, Fiona K.

Dalhousie University


Brown, Chloe L. Browne, Daniel M.

Simon Fraser University Ryerson University

Finding alternative solutions for the forest sector in McBride, B.C Creation of a feature-length experimental film and photographic installation Policing in the era of camera phones, blogs, and YouTube

17,500 17,500

Brown, Gregory R.

University of Ottawa


Brown, Jason A.

University of Manitoba

Course-based MA


Brown, Lisa C. Bruce, Crystal A.

University of Toronto Carleton University

A preliminary analysis of postmortem changes to blunt force, sharp force, and projectile trauma of the skull Adapting information retrieval systems for natural language queries I have worked all my life and all I have now is my broken body : une analyse de la reprsentation de la vieillesse aux tats-Unis travers les photographies de la Grande Dpression, 1930-1943 Facteurs explicatifs du choix professionnel et du maintien aux tudes et en emploi dans le domaine des soins infirmiers La perception de l'hritage Britannique dans la construction identitaire Qubcoise et son influence sur les relations internationales du Qubec dans les les Britanniques de 1960 2010

17,500 17,500

Bruneau-Poulin, Anne

Universit de Sherbrooke


Brunel, Jose

Universit de Sherbrooke


Brunelle-Hamann, Camille

Universit Laval


Brunet, Caroline R.

Saint Mary's University

Canadian girls and their friendships Teaching kindergarten children phonics: developing evidence-based interventions Investigating insecurities: jealous mothers, tempting daughters, and the destruction of the family Undergraduate education as a mechanism for normalizing exclusion in the engineering profession Honntet ou mensonge chez l'adolescent : une analyse cots-bnfices en fonction du style parental


Bryant, Katelyn J. Brydon, Aiden M. Buitenhuis, Amy J. Bureau, Julien

University of Toronto McMaster University Queen's University Universit de Montral

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Burkinshaw, Kelly D.

Phonological categorization in child language: a Memorial University of Newfoundland corpus-based, cross-linguistic investigation


Burnett, Allison

University of Windsor

After the underground railroad: 1850s race relations in the Windsor-Essex and Chatham-Kent region


Bush, Leslie Buteau, Melanie

University of Lethbridge Carleton University

Is there a correlation between the strength of democracy and oil prices in oil reliant economies in the developed world Examining the art and mind of Caravaggio: a cognitive behavioural psychological analysis

17,500 17,500

Butler, Michael G.

Ryerson University

Phenomenology of mass culture Profiles of youth and divorce: an exploration of the harmonization of case study and quantified measures At the limits of knowledge: approaches to the transcendent in later Heidegger and medieval mysticism Fortune and the medieval mind: using cognitive linguistics to analyze a literary trope Bukavu, Democratic Republic of Congo: peacebuilding and the representations and roles of women in broadcast media- case study and new media project They had it coming: how films justify vigilante justice The maternal body and the book in Candian women's literature from 1960 to the mid-1980s Role of lexical stress in verb acquisition Prejudice: individually cooperating to dominante


Buttinger, Pamela R.

University of Saskatchewan


Buzzard, Laura I.

McMaster University


Byrne, Adriana G.

The University of British Columbia


Byrnes, Erin M.

Ryerson University


Cake, Susan E.

York University


Cameron, Julie L. Campbell, Jennifer C. Campbell, Paulette

University of Toronto University of Calgary York University

17,500 17,500 17,500

Virgin, wife and widow: sanctity and the roles of women in the writings of Margery of Kempe and Saint Birgitta of Sweden

Canella, Laura I.

University of Toronto


Canete, Glenis Cannon, Kailey L. Card, Amanda Caron, Marie-Andre

The University of British Columbia University of Ottawa Simon Fraser University Universit du Qubec Chicoutimi

The impact of policy on stormwater management typologies: a case study of Southeast False Creek Reclaiming local governance in rural Alberta: structure, agency, and Gramsci Improving labour market outcomes through immigration selection policy Affaiblissements narratifs : agir, rcit et personnage chez Toussaint, Modiano et Nicol Impacts des difficults langagires l'crit et l'oral sur l'insertion professionnelle des enseignants La distribution alimentaire alternative, un choix sens : l'tude du comportement d'achat des consommateurs membres d'un march de solidarit au Qubec La transitivit en inuktitut Les retombes aux plans personnels et interpersonnels d'un programme d'aventure thrapeutique chez une clientle dlinquante Inuite Contesting the denial of racism: black organizations in Lima, Peru, 1950-2007 L'valuation des comptences en franais crit des futurs enseignants : effet sur les attitudes linguistiques et le rapport la langue Differential hiring of immigrants: the influence of individual differences Strangers in a strange land: exploring the experiences of rural/Island university students through the lens of the Writing Centre

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Carpentier-Bujold, Genevive Universit du Qubec en Outaouais

Carpentier-Gauthier, Ariane Carrier, Julien

HEC Montral Universit du Qubec Montral

17,500 17,500

Carroll, Maxine G. Carroll, Natacha M.

Universit du Qubec Chicoutimi University of Alberta

17,500 17,500

Carter, Nathalie Cary, Lindsey A.

Universit du Qubec Chicoutimi Brock University

17,500 17,500

Casey, Erin

University of Prince Edward Island


Ceraldi, Ashley Arden Royal Roads University Inter-group dialogue as a conflict intervention in the integration of refugees in Canada Social judgments directed toward pregnant women with HIV/AIDS: the role of stigma and casual attribution The political ramifications of visual representation, the creation of, and resistance to, dominant ideology and its effect on social justice and oppression L'chelle multi-ethnique de l'identit rvise : un test d'invariance selon l'ge Holocaust memorials as sacred space in contemporary Judaism Music, composition, and community Dangerous Sexualities: Reimagining the Prostitute in 19th Century North India Determining the social costs of natural resource use and methods by which to improve environmental policy tools in the developing world The joke's on who: humour and racialization in diasporic Canadian literature Institutionalizing intervention: humanitarian intervention and the logic of preventive war L'Angleterre en Irlande International students: attraction, retention and adjustment factors Evaluating the collaborative processes underway in social impact assessment: a case study of the Dunvegan Hydroelectric Project public review in Alberta Novel word learning during shared storybook reading in children with down syndrome 17,500

Cey, Emma J.

University of Saskatchewan


Chabot, Kevin R. Chalifoux, Mathieu Chalmers, Jason Chan, Caleb H.L. Chang, Sandy F.S.

University of Toronto University of Ottawa Queen's University University of Toronto The University of British Columbia

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Chan, Mons Chan, Sunny Charles, Gavin T.A. Chartrand, Alix G. Chavoshi, Seyed Saeid

University of Toronto The University of British Columbia The University of British Columbia University of Toronto York University

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Chenard, Carolyn M. Chiddenton, Kathleen L.

University of Alberta Dalhousie University

17,500 17,500

Choi, Bryan York University Emotion and narrative change in anaclitic and introjective personality structures The knowability of the Christian God in the thought of Thomas Aquinas: a review in the light of the 14th c. Byzantine Hesychast polemical debates Art/work: a critique of funding structures for creative careers Terrorism as signaling: a critical study of organizations that use suicide attacks The Alberta tar sands project: the potential of criminal sanctions to respond to environmental harm Identity, nation, and activism: investigating hegemony, respectability, and power relations in the interaction between Canadian marijuana counterculture and the mainstream La perception des motions de dtresse chez les psychopathes : un protocole exploratoire l'aide de l'immersion virtuelle Mathematics anxiety in pre-service secondary teachers The condensation of time: an exploration of technology, time, narrative and installation in film 17,500

Choly, Olena M. Chomko, Sarah Chowdhury, Mannu Church, Daniel M.

Dominican University College University of Windsor University of Toronto University of Manitoba

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Cichosz, Maria

University of Toronto


Cigna, Marie-Hlne Clark, Megan Claytor, Jon H. Cline, Kayleigh

Universit de Montral University of Toronto York University University of Alberta

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Cloutier, Cathy Coad, Diotima R. Coates, Elizabeth A. Coburn, Patricia

The trick question: finding a place for literary tricksters in indigenous literary nationalism Des unions en danger : les bris de promesse de mariage et les annulations de mariage au Qubec, Universit du Qubec Trois-Rivires 1900-1950 University of Victoria Pauline Christianity as a stoic interpretation of Judaism The use of Facebook in public libraries: useful tool or distraction Perspective taking in school aged children: can errors in theory of mind and hindsight bias be avoided

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

University of Toronto The University of British Columbia

Coderre, Charles-Andr Cohen, Madeleine R. Collard, Juliane Collins, Jamie L. Universit de Montral University of Toronto The University of British Columbia The University of Western Ontario Dserts : film ethnographique et cinma exprimental Etiquette and nation building in 19th and 20th century America Violent exclusions: the politics of space, citizenship, and knowledge in the downtown eastside Impact of alcohol intoxication on executive cognitive functioning in violent offenders La frquentation de la garderie peut-elle amliorer la prparation l'entre scolaire des enfants provenants de familles vulnrables True north strong and scandal free: addressing the causes and effects of political scandals and ethics policy in Canada Bridging the known and the unknown: Robert Aller, Canadian artist and teacher A study of the organizational structure of the British command in Canada during the War of 1812 Ruptures et continuits dans la filiation - les reprsentations de l'inceste dans deux romans contemporains : l'obissance (1991) de Suzanne Jacob et De (2002) de Michael Delisle The animal hybrid: from Victorian photocollage to the royal art lodge Understanding the photographs of Sir Aurel Stein's expeditions to Central Asia An examination of the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources policy implementation for the disposal of contaminated fish carcasses on First Nations Land in Lake Simcoe The pain has to come out sometime: Aboriginal identity, colonialism and alcohol abuse Measuring the impact of United Nations peacekeeping operations on the number of battle deaths in postCold War armed civil conflicts 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Comeau, Stephanie

Universit de Montral


Conley, Brodie A. Conner, Emma Connors, David V.

University of Guelph York University Brock University

17,500 17,500 17,500

Constant, Marie-Hlne Cooley, Alison R. Cooper, Hila

Universit de Montral York University Ryerson University

17,500 17,500 17,500

Cooper, Kira J. Cooper, Megan E.

University of Waterloo McGill University

17,500 17,500

Cooper, Tara L.

Simon Fraser University


Collateral effects of the media on sex offender reintegration: Perceptions of sex offenders and mental health professionals Determinants of decision: the formation of opinions on a permanent status agreement by Palestinian refugees La harangue de Pierre Plaoul devant le parlement de Paris : un exemple vivant des rhtoriques franaises et latines au Moyen ge tardif tude des relations entre les croyances pistmologiques des enseignants en thique et culture religieuse au secondaire, et l'espace accord la mobilisation de l'esprit critique des lves Self-regulation in relationships: is having a lot of it as good as we thought tude de l'volution et de l'impact des exportations des papiers et cartons recyclables issus de la collecte slective au Qubec L'autonomie chez les animaux non humains : une valeur morale Les enfants exposs la violence conjugale : analyse fministe des pratiques la socit d'aide l'enfance d'Ottawa

Corabian, Gabriela

University of Alberta


Cordes, LeeAnna J.

Royal Roads University


Cormier, David

Universit de Montral


Cornut, Josiane Cortes, Kassandra A.

Universit du Qubec Chicoutimi Wilfrid Laurier University

17,500 17,500

Ct, Amlie Ct-Boudreau, Frdric

Universit de Sherbrooke Universit de Montral

17,500 17,500

Ct, Isabelle Ct, Marie-Jolle Cotton Lizotte, Nicholas Counsell, Alyssa Courtney, Jonathan E. Couse, Jeffery E.

University of Ottawa

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

L'industrie du sexe en Mauricie (Qubec), 1850-1920: Universit du Qubec Trois-Rivires pratiques sociales et rpression tatique Universit de Montral University of Ottawa Carleton University University of Toronto conomie de la perversit baudelairienne : une lecture de donner le temps de Jacques Derrida Reliability of the nutrition environment measures survey in stores (NEMS-S) in a Canadian sample Moral psychology and the foundations of ethics Ronald Reagan's foreign policy and the Central American crisis

tude gochimique et micromorphologique de maisons semi-souterraines inuites du Nord du Labrador Le courriel comme extension de la mmoire humaine : reconfiguration, dsindividuation et contrle A proposal to research views of corruption among the population of Kandahar city Contesting Colonialism through art: the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development's collection of Eastern Canadian indigenous art, 19641985 Violin, viola, and ensemble performances The relationship between self-esteem and gender role attitudes and the effect on women who have experienced sexual violence Understanding and overcoming the one-dimensional mode of interpretation in literary theory and criticism Musculature of a male experimenter on selfpresentational concerns and maximal strength performance for the chest press and leg press Outside the walls: the north shore of Louisbourg St. Gregory of Nazianzus' inheritance of Callimachus The revolving door: describing the correctional and mental health care system involvements of criminal inmates with a mental illness The woman who understood completely: an analysis of the image of Mary in the dialogue of the Saviour La thse de l'occasionnalisme de Nicolas Malebranche comme rponse au dualisme de Ren Descartes Can social stories modify behaviour in an integrated classroom

Couture, Andranne Couture, Genevive Couture, Tylere

Universit Laval Universit de Montral Royal Roads University

17,500 17,500 17,500

Craig, Mathieu J. Craig, Steven W.

Carleton University The University of Western Ontario

17,500 17,500

Crann, Sara Cristache, Vladimir A.

University of Guelph University of Toronto

17,500 17,500

Crozier, Scott A. Currie, Jenna U. Curry, Elizabeth R.

Brock University Dalhousie University Dalhousie University

17,500 17,500 17,500

Curts, Brittany L. Cwikla, Anna Dabrowski, Antoine S. Dadd, Lisa M.

University of Ottawa University of Alberta University of Ottawa University of Toronto

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Comportements autodestructeurs et difficults svres dans les relations interpersonnelles en lien avec les structures de la personnalit du modle de Masterson Dealing with violence and insecurity: the changing socialization of young adults in Morelia, Mexico Mastering lucidity: ethnographic perspectives of lucid dreaming in Blackfoot Shamanic practice The ritual in performance: an examination of the nature of performance in the work of contemporary indigenous artist Rebecca Belmore Mobilit sociale chez les vietnamiens de deuxime gnration : mesurer l'cart entre la mobilit objective et subjective

Daelman, Sacha Dahlin, Miranda Dahl, Shayne

Universit de Montral McGill University Trent University

17,500 17,500 17,500

Daigle, Kristen C.

York University


Daigneault, Jade-Emilie D'Alessandro, Laurie D.

McGill University University of Windsor

17,500 17,500

Daniel, Sharone

Daniels, Jennifer K.

Dauvern, Marie Davidson, Joshua

War, regimentation and individuality Uncovering the relationship between taking action for a cause, the self-view one has of being a person who takes action and the relationships one has which support one to take action, in the context of cyberAthabasca University activism Investigating connections between Mi'kmaq territory, identity and place-based resource governance in Memorial University of Newfoundland Newfoundland Installation tactique dans l'espace public : performances urbaines comme vecteur alternatif Concordia University d'change esthtique et politique Concordia University Retracing the mealscape: an intermedia investigation into collaborative recipemaking Reconsidering the everyday object through replication: critique of mass production and consumption Environmental justice for all beings



17,500 17,500

Davies, Candice Dawe, Jessica V. Dean, April L.

Concordia University York University

17,500 17,500 17,500

Nova Scotia College of Art and Design Intimacy, alienation and transcendence in the University everyday: a visual exploration

DeBeyer, Michaela J. de Blois, Sarah deCatanzaro, Evan DeFalco, Randle University of Alberta Ryerson University Carleton University University of Toronto The effects of presenting static versus animated story stimuli on the stories told by 4 to 5 year old children Cultural considerations in nonverbal communication Warrior culture and military organization in AngloSaxon poetry Addressing famine under public international law Que(e)rying gentrification: urban change and neighbourhood vitality in Toronto's Church-Wellesley village Exploring the impact on correctional officers who are behind a camera during an emergency response to offender self-harm or suicide in progress Local knowledge, state policies and climate change: an examination of climate hazards, food security and livelihood sustainability among ethnic minorities in the northern uplands of Vietnam Integrating a metaphysical aesthetics into the modern scientific world-view The long-term cognitive effects of habitual media multitasking in school-aged children Made from scratch: domestic fantasy in the context of modernity The other in each other: teacher-student relations through an ethical lens The informal microfinance industry and women's empowerment in Uganda La nature est dans le panier : discours et pratiques des agriculteurs solidaires en quateur Impact et adquation du protocole d'valuation multidimensionnelle de l'adolescent (PEMA) sur l'intervention offerte aux jeunes prsentant des difficults de comportement en milieu scolaire 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

De Franco, Antonio

University of Toronto


Delahunt, Dale

Simon Fraser University


Delisle, Sarah G. Della Zazzera, Anthony Delorey, Brienna DeLorey, Janine M. DeMartini, Ashley E. Denega, Meghan J. Derome, Maude

McGill University University of Toronto University of Toronto York University York University York University University of Ottawa

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Desautels, Julien

Universit de Sherbrooke


Deschamps, Johanne M.F. Saint Paul University L'abus sexuel des enfants : un problme social Bridging the gap between education and innovation: investigating creative problem solving and critical thinking programs in schools Opportunities and limitations in design methods of professional interaction designers with respect to creating products that support design-in-use Dveloppement d'une conscience internationale et rconciliation au XXe sicle : les jardins de la paix, lieux physiques du pacifisme citoyen The effects of perfectionism and optimism on attention The securitization of development in the Great Lakes region of Africa Raconter et dpasser les frontires du genre : le rcit dans trois femmes puissantes de Marie Ndiaye et dans perspolis de Marjane Satrapi tude de l'effet de la dsirabilit sociale et de l'autodvoilement sur l'valuation psychomtrique de la personnalit par internet A study of the role of music in Shamanistic practices of Central Asia Communicating the ecstatic in Wordsworth's Tintern Abbey The alien and the magically strange: combatting otherness in science fiction and fantasy literature Edwin Landseer and the animal body as excess: taxidermy, zoos, and sporting in nineteenth-century Victorian animal painting The interaction between identity and place in visual culture at the Banff Centre The use of plainchant melodies in the music of Peter Maxwell Davies 17,500

Descours, Katherine M.

University of Toronto


Desjardins, Audrey

Simon Fraser University


Desjardins, Marianne Desnoyers, Amanda De Souza, Roxanne

Universit de Montral Laurentian University University of Toronto

17,500 17,500 17,500

Desrochers, Stphanie

Universit Laval


Desroches, Kim Dessiatnitchenko, Polina deTombe, Jon A. Dickeson, Maxwell

Universit de Sherbrooke University of Toronto University of Saskatchewan The University of British Columbia

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Diez d'Aux, Lauren Diggon, Elizabeth Dillabough, Natasha L.

McGill University Queen's University McGill University

17,500 17,500 17,500

Dineen, Emily A.M. University of Ottawa The evolution of cultural representations of the American Civil War in American media tude de l'effet de la minimisation du biais d'ambigut sur les prvisions probabilistes dans un choix conomique sous diffrentes conditions de paiement, d'enjeux et de risque associ Social structures in Canadian visual history: the emergence of a Canadian aesthetic I look like that!: motivational influence of negative appearance imagery The changes to realism and spectator identification brought about by computer-generated imagery Strengths and successes of male international students Influences on Anishinabe perspectives towards socioeconomic development From the ground-up and the top-down: new/activist and mass/mainstream media coverage of the Toronto G20 protests The Hundred Year Old Man: a novel exploring the medical establishment's impact on perceptions of dying and death in contemporary Canadian and Australian societies Nature affiliation: associations with well-being and environmental behaviours Enqute sur les pratiques actuelles des conseillers et conseillres d'orientation du Qubec en matire d'valuation psychomtrique en milieu scolaire Dveloppement de l'explication causale en contexte narratif chez l'enfant sourd d'ge prscolaire You rre what you eat: investigating the life and diet of nineteenth century Belleville population through stable isotope analysis of hair 17,500

Dionne-Simard, Dominique Dipede, Cheryl Divine, Alison L. Dobbs, Jennifer E. Dohadwala, Ali A. Dokis, Darren G.

Universit Laval York University University of Windsor Carleton University University of Victoria The University of Western Ontario

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Domitrek, Julie A.

Brock University


Donahoe, Christopher E. Dopko, Raelyne L.

The University of British Columbia Carleton University

17,500 17,500

Dorceus, Sabruna Dor, Nathalie

Universit de Sherbrooke Universit Laval

17,500 17,500

D'Ortenzio, Lori L.

McMaster University


The negotiation of space: a consideration of gender in the domestic spaces of ancient Delos, Halos, and Kallithea Rethinking adolescent girl residential care in small cities Applications of neighborhood consistency to children's learning of number facts The geographical evolution of European witchcraft belief in the fifteenth-century Can the strong program really be reconciled with scientific realism Curbing auto-dependency in power retail: a GIS study of power centres and driver behaviour in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton area Municipal government and labour union relations in Southwestern Ontario and how they affect municipal elections The function of sexuality in the formation of the Vancouver working class Du singulier au pluriel : la notion d'auteur chez Robert Morin Influence des facteurs culturels, psychosociaux et physiologiques sur la performance acadmique des tudiants et tudiantes universitaires de premier cycle Absurdly Alice, or spoofing proofing: reductio ad absurdum in Alice in Wonderland La socialisation des jeunes l're du numrique : tude de cas - les Hikikomori au Japon Gouffre humain : la misre sexuelle dans les romans de Houellebecq Des wedge politics au Canada : le cas du gouvernement Harper, 2006-2010

Dosser, Alexandra K.J. Dovbniak, Emily K. Dowd, Roxanne R. Doyle, John C. Dragos, Ioan C.

University of Alberta McGill University University of Saskatchewan University of New Brunswick Ryerson University

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Dror, Boaz Mike

Queen's University


Drouillard, Andrew J.V. Drury, Ivan Dub, Sophie

University of Windsor Simon Fraser University Universit de Montral

17,500 17,500 17,500

Dubuc, Marie-Maude Duggan, Jennifer Dumas, Gabriel Dumas, Isabelle Dumouchel, David

Universit du Qubec Montral Queen's University Universit du Qubec Montral Universit du Qubec Rimouski Universit Laval

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Dumouchel-Trudeau, Jade Duncan, Alexandra K. Dwyer, Patrick T. Dyck, Jonathan A. University of Ottawa York University Carleton University University of Alberta Le franais crit des jeunes Gatinois : des discours mtalinguistiques aux usages Graffiti in the gallery vs. in the streets Medicine and power in Canadian carceral contexts Paradise regain'd - to which is added Samson Agonistes: the fitness of the restoration reader Sibling involvement in autism spectrum disorder intervention as a mediator for parenting style and quality of sibling relationship Tracing the representations of gender politics through the early 20th century using Djuna Barnes's Nightwood and Virginia Woolf's Orlando Resiliency factors in the sexually abused-sexual abuser cycle in female victims of childhood sexual abuse Examining young children's ability to report the frequency of repeated events The very short story in our time The meaning of third places and their relationship to neighbourhood sense of place for single women across the life course Communication for communities: media by the people for the people Queer resistance : lesbianism, female activism and anti-apartheid struggle in South Africa Reading for conflict transformation between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal peoples of Canada: the challenges and possibilities of a truly post imperialistic engagement with indigenous literatures Examining ableism in the immigration policies of the Canadian state 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Dykshoorn, Kristy L.

Trinity Western University


Dykstra Dykerman, Katelyn J. University of Manitoba


Dyshniku, Fiona Earhart, Rebecca J. Earnshaw, Michael J.

Ryerson University Wilfrid Laurier University University of Toronto

17,500 17,500 17,500

Eby, Jeanette A. Edey, Susan M. Egerdie, Molly B.

McMaster University Concordia University Queen's University

17,500 17,500 17,500

Eliasson, Caitlin M. El-Lahib, Yahya

University of Toronto Ryerson University

17,500 17,500

Stable and radiogenic isotope analysis of human remains from an 18th century mass burial site at the Memorial University of Newfoundland Fortress of Louisbourg McMaster University The role of forest renunciates in the formation of Mahayana Buddhism Les modes de reconnaissance au travail et la construction identitaire d'aprs l'exprience de tltravailleurs Dostoevsky and English modernist novelists Canadian equity returns and volatility Ethical, sustainable, profitable: examining corporate communications of environmentalism and their influence on public environmental discourse The influence of francophilia and francophobia on the reign of Alexander I L'enfant de la nature : le littral et le littraire, animalit et jeunesse Le dveloppement du sens du nombre chez le jeune enfant Theraplay: the use of controlled therapeutic touch with children who have been sexually abused and the restorying of the victim narrative Families as authentic partners in literacy programs Using Photovoice to explore young women's experiences of control in their educational experiences while receiving treatment for bulimia Le rle de puissance rgionale sur l'intgration : le cas du Brsil The art of globalization: seeing the world through the lens of China's artists

Ellerbrok, Brittany A. Emms, Christopher D.

17,500 17,500

Enel, Lucie Ennis-Booth, Andrea L. Exarhos, Nicolaos

Universit du Qubec Montral University of Toronto University of Toronto

17,500 17,500 17,500

Eyles, Natasha E. Fairholm, Meagan Fairweather, Erin P. Falappa, Adriana Patricia

University of Victoria University of Toronto University of Victoria Universit de Sherbrooke

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Farr, Alicia L. Farrell, Sarah

The University of Western Ontario Brock University

17,500 17,500

Fauchoux, Laurissa M. Fauteux Bessette, Karl Fearon, Alyssa C.

University of Saskatchewan Universit de Sherbrooke York University

17,500 17,500 17,500

How visuals influence learning in multimedia instruction from a cognitive perspective: an investigation of visual attention using eye-tracking Grammars of resistance: collective organizing against the Madeira River Dams Cause, the new science and the emergence of Kant's practical philosophy Motivational mechanics of ideological aggression and religious radicalization Second and third generation Holocaust memory: constructing a Canadian Holocaust legacy Hardboiled anxieties: gender, mass culture and modernism in Black Mask magazine Perfectionism and subjective well-being: a longitudinal test of the social disconnection model Mr. Big: a qualitative analysis of police tactics in an undercover operation Efficiency or equity: how short term inflation rate decisions are affecting the long term health of Canada's economy and determining who benefits from it Bringing culture to market: an analysis of the incursion of creative industries discourse onto the Canadian cultural landscape Exploring out-of-tuneness: the use of microtonal scales in generating new ways of musical expression Liberalism and economic liberty: extending democracy to economic enterprises La place, le rle et la signification de la musique, en particulier celle de l'aulos, dans les rites sacrificiels de la Grce antique Planting seeds: political visual art in the United States, Mexico, and Palestine

Fenesi, Barbara Fernandes, Sabrina Fernando, Nigel Ferriday, Chelsea Finkleman, Ilana S. Fitzpatrick, Kathleen A. Fitzpatrick, Skyler S. Fitzsimmons, C. Lindsay

McMaster University Carleton University University of Toronto York University The University of British Columbia McGill University Simon Fraser University York University

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Fizer, Adam

University of Waterloo


Flach, Stephen M. Flanagan, Beavan Fleming, Cameron S.

Simon Fraser University McGill University University of Toronto

17,500 17,500 17,500

Fleury, Sandra Flinn, Kelly

Universit de Montral University of New Brunswick

17,500 17,500

Foley, Eric J. Fonseca, Lianne University of Guelph University of Waterloo Icon: a novel Postcolonial mimicry: identity production and nationhood in Canadian comedy Identit et stratification sociale en contexte d'intgration continentale : une tude comparative des frontires nationales en Amrique du Nord Influence de la mise en chec corporelle sur la performance de jeunes joueurs de hockey sur glace Towards a more inclusive children's literature: the picture book as a site of queerness Designing effective Canadian climate change policies: towards potential US-Canadian policy coordination Mieux comprendre la conciliation sports-tudes afin de prvenir le dcrochage scolaire et sportif chez les adolescents du secondaire Exchange and social interaction during the contact period on British Columbia's North Coast Personality and mood interactions on emotional evaluation Examining images of Old Testament women as political propaganda: the case of Esther Jewish South African identity in apartheid-era literature How business cooperatives impact social capital: a comparative case study of social enterprise as a tool for community development in Canada Canadian Mosaik vs. German Multikulti: re-evaluating Canada's place in a post-multiculturalist discourse Leonard Bernstein: sex, snobbery, and the merging of musical traditions in twentieth-century America The regular role of the tribunes of the Plebs in the political system of late republican Rome 17,500 17,500

Forcier, Mathieu Fortier, Kristine Fournier, Lauren F. Fox, Jacob S.

Universit du Qubec Montral Universit Laval Simon Fraser University Simon Fraser University

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Franche, Vronique Freeland, Travis A.C. Freund, Sabrina Fric, Kathleen A. Friedman, Kathy L.

University of Ottawa The University of British Columbia University of Windsor Queen's University University of Guelph

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Fritsch, Brittany A. Fritze, Christine E. Frost, Mishona K. Furtado, Kathryn E.R.

Carleton University University of Victoria Dalhousie University University of Alberta

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Gabbay, Nicolas University of Ottawa Comprendre la violence conjugale chez les dyades de mme sexe par le biais de la thorie de l'attachement L'identification un rle sexuel et son impact sur l'adaptation des couples modernes intactes et recomposs Far more than frivolity: fashion and feminist tensions in postwar Canada La complmentarit entre les relations de scurit et d'activation chez le pre et chez la mre : tude de cas de l'adaptation sociale des enfants Portrait of a Canadian film composer: exploring the work of Eldon Rathburn at the national film board as a representation of Canadian culture Longitudinal predictors and outcomes of selfforgiveness in close relationships Re-configuring the postcolonial literary scene: the hysteric and Maghrebi women's narratives International macroeconomics Systems of time and timelessness in the discourse of modernist novels Knowledge to action: aboriginal engagement with research for community benefit What the cyclist sees: a study using mental mapping of cyclists to explore the navigability of downtown Toronto Impacts of funding partners on cross-movement partnerships between environmental and social justice NGOs: a case study approach L'intgration thorie-pratique en horticulture : analyser l'activit d'enseignants en vue de contribuer une didactique de la formation professionnelle Comment le milieu de provenance des adolescents influence-t-il leurs prfrences de marques 17,500

Gagn, Annie Gagnon, Elizabeth P.

University of Ottawa University of Waterloo

17,500 17,500

Gagnon Lafond, Kristine

Universit de Sherbrooke


Gailey-Snell, Fletcher R.F. Gallagher, Scott M. Gamache, Mylene Gao, Boka Gardner, Rachael J.M. Garraway, Leana

University of Ottawa The University of British Columbia University of Toronto McMaster University The University of British Columbia University of Northern British Columbia

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Garrett, Jacob T.

University of Toronto


Garvie, Kathryn H.

York University


Gauthier, Chantal Gauthier, Emilie

Universit Laval HEC Montral

17,500 17,500

Gavin, Melissa J. Gehrels, Benjamin University of Ottawa Simon Fraser University Elder blogging and the emerging cyberculture of elder online identity Kindle-ing the fire: literary materiality and the rise of e-books How ethnodrama can assist students with learning disabilities voice their experience of integration in mainstream classes Personality traits underlying costly and non-costly aggressive behaviour The cognitions and motivational relationships between youth suicide, suicide ideation, and nonsuicidal self-harm The role of rejection in relationship-initiating behaviour for anxiously attached individuals Re-placing the university in a changing climate: the role of place-conscious pedagogy in post-secondary educational responses to climate change The role played by women in economic development and the link between enhancement of women's status and economic growth Female opinion writers and the world wide web: a Canadian case study The impact of an acquired disability on males in emerging adulthood and their families Construction des identits et rcriture de l'histoire dans un don de Toni Morrison Foucualt's theory of neo-liberal government raitionality and the 2008 financial crisis: a change in outlook Beyond the environmental meaning of "eco" Men on the home front: the construction of masculinity in three novels of the London Blitz 17,500 17,500

Gendron-Langevin, Maud Geniole, Shawn N.

Concordia University Brock University

17,500 17,500

Gentile, Petrice George, Meghan L.

University of Guelph McGill University

17,500 17,500

Gerum, Natalie T.E.

Lakehead University


Ghaedi, Alieh Ghorbani Nejad, Ronak Giacomin, Ginelle R. Gibeau, Ariane

Queen's University Ryerson University University of Manitoba Universit du Qubec Montral

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Gibson, Keegan G.F. Gies, Heather M. Giffen, Sheila

University of Alberta Simon Fraser University McGill University

17,500 17,500 17,500

Gignac, Richard J. York University Thomas Szasz and anti-psychiatric sentiment in 20th century America La rue comme maison, lieu de travail et terrain de jeux : appartenances et identits chez les enfants en situation de rue Dakar Examining endangered sound: toward an analysis of, and organizational approach to archiving and providing access to disappearing sound Identifying violent and psychopathic behaviours from thin slices of behaviour Counterfactuals, relational boredom and selfforgiveness The cultural authority of the novel in contemporary American fiction tude de l'quivalence des structures factorielles entre les versions internet et papier-crayon d'un inventaire de personnalit Entre la rvolte et la soumission : violence et htronormativit dans le puits de solitude (1928) de Radclyffe Hall et Alexis ou le Trait du vain combat (1929) de Yourcenar Le partage des pouvoirs et la coopration interethnique en Bosnie-Herzgovine Effects of changing public opinion on brownfield redevelopment and future policy directions Cicero in eighteenth-century Britain Conformity motives and drinking frequency as sequential mediators of the relationship between social avoidance and alcohol-related problems Mobility, community and experience of urban environments in transportation planning To attend or not to attend: PTSD and attention over time in youth 17,500

Gilbert, Vronique

University of Ottawa


Gillean, Daniel W. Gillen, Christopher T.A. Gillen, Nathalie R. Gill, Trent A.

The University of British Columbia Carleton University Carleton University The University of Western Ontario

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Gingras, Vronique

Universit de Sherbrooke


Girard, Guillaume Giroux, Isabelle Gkotsis, Tony Glasbergen, Thomas

Universit du Qubec Chicoutimi Universit du Qubec Montral Queen's University Brock University

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Glowacka, Maria M. Godin, Daniel G. Goegan, Lauren D.

Concordia University York University University of Calgary

17,500 17,500 17,500

Perceived academic control and emotions: interacting effects on academic performance in a high school setting Facteurs associs la persistance et la rsorption des problmes de comportement svres chez les lves du primaire On our concept of dignity: perspectives from Aristotle, Kant, and Nussbaum Western discourse on genital cutting A human-centred description of argumentation and dialogue tude longitudinale du rle des traits de personnalit dans la prdiction des problmes intrioriss durant l'adolescence Dental oxygen isotope analysis: an inter-tissue comparison standard and implications for migration in past Danish populations The internet as a transnational social space for Canada's diasporic communities Le choix du mode des verbes subordonns : un apport smantique et pragmatique facilitant l'acquisition de l'espagnol langue seconde pour les francophones L'effet de l'habilet en lecture, selon la structure narrative ou informative du texte, sur la comprhension et la rsolution d'un problme crit d'arithmtique The economic profitability of the British Empire, 1689-1914 Social planning and community development: the settlement, attraction, and retention implications of international immigration to cities and towns in Northern Ontario

Goldberg, Daniella

McGill University


Goodfellow, Melissa Goodine, Elliot J. Gore, Toni M. Gorman, Julie M.

Universit de Sherbrooke University of Alberta University of Toronto University of Windsor

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Gosselin, Marie-Jolle

Universit de Montral


Gough, Hilary B. Gouigah, Mohammed Lotfi

University of Manitoba McGill University

17,500 17,500

Goulet-Jobin, Josiane

Universit Laval


Goulet, Marie-Pier Goussev, Sergei P.

Universit du Qubec Rimouski York University

17,500 17,500

Gradeen, Lindsey S.

University of Guelph


Graham, Alyssa D.S. University of Waterloo Caregivers' of cancer survivors: the role leisure plays in improving quality of life Hebrew synonyms in the poetic parallelism of ancient Biblical wisdom poetry: their Semantic nuances and etymologies On the migration and settlement patterns of rural Canadians in Brant County, 1840-1940 La potique du chemin de fer, essai documentaire en anthropologie visuelle Political cinema: re-constructing identity from liminal spaces La relation mre-enfant dans un contexte de violence conjugale Suicide bombers: social cohesion, peer pressure and western society Young adults after foster care: sharing experiences through digital storytelling Marine biodiversity goes to market: the role of markets in the evolution of marine biodiversity conservation The landscape and memory of de-industrialization la diffrenciation des pratiques professionnelles des enseignants de diffrentes coles multiethniques au primaire An examination of dopamine's role in persuasion by celebrity experts Controversy and the construction of natural facts in seventeenth century natural philosophy Defining boundaries: an investigation into the English and the French use of Native peoples to promote legal land claims on the frontier of the colony of New York 17,500

Graham, Mark E. Graham, Robyn L. Grandbois Bernard, Laurence Grant, Trevor R. Gratton, Julie Greco, Maria Teresa Green, Amy R.

University of Toronto University of Guelph Universit du Qubec Montral University of Regina University of Ottawa York University The University of British Columbia

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Greenberg, Shannon E. Green, Heather D.

University of Guelph University of New Brunswick

17,500 17,500

Grenier, Naomi Gretton, Jeremy D. Grier, Jason

Universit de Sherbrooke Queen's University University of Saskatchewan

17,500 17,500 17,500

Griffin, Kathryn B.

University of Calgary


Grills, Samantha R. Grise, Ketri S. Alleviating poverty: the role of international Memorial University of Newfoundland organizations in developing nations University of Waterloo Busy intersections: attitudes towards urban working women in late medieval England Climate change policy in Liberal and Social Democratic welfare states: an inter- and intraregime comparison of Anglophone and Nordic nations Les paradoxes discursifs de l'immigration dans le ventre de l'Atlantique, de Fatou Diome I hear white women are popular over there: others with access and relational value in international development An examination of political involvement in the Eleusinian Mysteries in Classical Greece Understanding the needs of high risk youth and how advocacy services provide for these youth in need City in ruins: aesthetic and authentic imagery in Camilo Jose Vergara's America An American eve: the twentieth-century construction of a native heroine and adventuress in Kate Chopin's The Awakening, Ernest Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises, and Carolyn Cassady's Off the Road French migrs in Britain: refugees, allies and the transformation of international relations 17,500 17,500

Groenewegen, Tracy Groleau, Catherine

The University of British Columbia Universit Laval

17,500 17,500

Gross, Zo E. Grouchy, Susan Groves, Denise M. Grummitt, Julia A.

Carleton University University of Toronto Lakehead University Trent University

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Guay-Weston, Jennifer Ann Guenette, Salam Guertin-Armstrong, Simon

Universit Laval University of Victoria Universit de Montral

17,500 17,500 17,500

Guilbert, Sabrina

Guillemette, Mikal Guillois-Cardinal, Raphaelle

Institutions dmocratiques et crise cologique : les droits environnementaux constitutionnels valuer le lien potentiel entre les croyances, les attitudes et l'intlligence motionnel des ducatrices Universit du Qubec en Outaouais en milieu de garde au Qubec La justification de la ncessit d'une allocation universelle la lumire des thses de Jean-Jacques Universit du Qubec Trois-Rivires Rousseau sur la libert et l'galit Universit du Qubec Chicoutimi Sensibilit contemporaine des narrateurs-personnages chez Christian Oster


17,500 17,500

An analytical comparison of the tenor arias Ecco ridente, Quanto bella, and Una furtiva lagrima as published in the score vs. performance practice Reducing psychological discomfort through helping behaviour and an interdependent self-view The implications arising from the modifications introduced to the Normae de gravioribus delicts and its impact on Catholic women The Route of Heroes: the practice of militarized mourning in downtown Toronto Gallery hopping and window shopping: the relationship between installation art and window display Ancient DNA analysis of archaeological horse remains from Central Asia Le rle des relations humaines dans l'entreprise de la connaissance : interprtation dtaill du contexte dramatique, des personnages et des thses du Lysis de Platon Forgiveness tendencies according to levels of eating disorder symptoms Improving academic performance in vulnerable university students using psychotherapeutic interventions Orthodoxy and parochialism: customary practices and orthodox requirements in the formation of lay religiosity in north-central France, 1215-1348 The representation of visible minorities in Canadian cinema Optimism in modern technological societies: using technologies to expand human capabilities Canadian battlefield tourism: uses of and responses to space Women in Canada's municipalities: challenges in representation

Haboczki, Sebastian Hachey, Timothy T.

The University of Western Ontario University of Manitoba

17,500 17,500

Hagel, Sarah F. Hale, Jordan C.

University of Regina University of Toronto

17,500 17,500

Hall, Julia A. Halseth, Cara L.

University of Guelph Simon Fraser University

17,500 17,500

Hamel, Nicolas Hamilton, Lauren B.

University of Ottawa University of Windsor

17,500 17,500

Hamm, Jeremy M.

University of Manitoba


Handren, Kara L. Hanley, David W. Hanna, Lauren M. Hareuther, Lisa Harland, Fraser A.M.

University of Toronto Concordia University University of Victoria Simon Fraser University University of Ottawa

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Differences in emotional development as a function of depth of emotional processing in an expressive writing task Parental divorce and conflict: mediating factors in child-father relationships Extraordinary aliens: a novel about immigration and the arts Perfectionism, procrastination, and performance: the perils of striving for perfection in the workplace La couverture mdiatique de l'Islam au sein de la presse afro-amricaine, 1965-81 : le mouvement noir en regard de l'mergence de l'islamisme politique au Moyen Orient et de l'islamophobie aux tats-Unis The i, a theatre: subjectivities in the translational poetries of contemporary Canadian writing A study of corporate influence on contemporary social movements Understanding Sri Lankan Tamil diasporic politics: political activism for a separate Eelam both at home in Canada and back home in Sri Lanka Assessing the impact of free speech on post-conflict reconstruction: the case of post-genocide Rwanda Interlacing mediums: cinematic dance neighborhood, from my window to yours Francophone-hybride is an interdisciplinary artistic project that explores identity formation and cultural endurance in francophone communities living in minority situations in Manitoba Contemporary architecture of North American cultural institutions in relation to conceptions of public space Semi-public domain: fair use and artistic engagement in the Disney underground art series

Harrington, Shawn J. Harris, Bryanne M. Hartenberger, Laura Hartling, Nikola C.

University of Windsor University of Ottawa University of Toronto Saint Mary's University

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Harvey Savard, Samuel Haslam, Bronwyn D. Hastings, Colin

Universit du Qubec Montral Universit de Montral York University

17,500 17,500 17,500

Hay, Deborah Hayward, Dana M. Hbert, Claudia

University of Toronto University of Ottawa York University

17,500 17,500 17,500

Hbert, Jacquelyn R.C.

Concordia University


Heckel, Caylen F. Hemminger, Peter J.

Queen's University University of Calgary

17,500 17,500

Hernandez, Yann-Manuel Heystee, Bryan W. Universit de Montral Dalhousie University La reprsentation de l'identit qubcoise dans trois oeuvres rcentes de l'office national du film 17,500 17,500

Higgins, Sophie

Higuerey Nunez, Julian Hilder, Matthew J. Hillebrandt, Annika Hill, Simon Hill, Teresa A.

Plato's account of virtue in the Protagoras and the Meno valuation d'une technologie d'assistance la gestion d'un horaire chez les lves prsentant une dficience Universit du Qubec Trois-Rivires intellectuelle From Robinson Crusoe to Gilligan's Island: understanding the relationship between labor and the Ontario College of Art and Design creative process in the era of open source York University University of Guelph McMaster University University of Saskatchewan Driving politics: automobiles, citizenship, and the social relations of suburban space Empathy and altruistic helping behaviour within work teams Dreaming as a result of frontal lobe development A qualitative study regarding the impact of physically active programming and resilience in young women An examination of language use in Nunavut: heritage language maintenance of an English-speaking country and the global power of English Vancouver cycle-commuting 1988-2011: discourses of change The Zeita Lands case: law, administration and production in mandate Palestine Expanding our understanding of informal roles in sport Predicting violence: an evaluation of the validity of risk assessment instruments on a high-security forensic psychiatric unit


17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Hinnell, Jennifer Hirschberger, Erica L. Hoffman, Martin G. Hoffmann, Matthieu D.

Simon Fraser University Simon Fraser University University of Victoria Wilfrid Laurier University

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Hogan, Neil R. Hogan, Rachel J.

Simon Fraser University

17,500 17,500

Death of the industry: examining political action of Memorial University of Newfoundland workers in Grand Falls-Windsor post mill closure

Hogue, Tarah F. Hohenadel, Rachel M. Holmes, Andrea Holmes, Jonathan A. Holte, Heather D. Honcharik, Hailley S.M. Hooper, Juhli Y. Hooshmand, Setareh Hope, Nora H. Horner, Matt Horsford, Sarah G. Hosker, Rebecca A. Hossack, Fiona Hoszko, Sheena Houlihan, Robin E. The University of British Columbia University of Guelph University of Toronto University of Alberta University of Alberta University of Alberta Carleton University Queen's University McGill University Brock University The University of Western Ontario Carleton University University of Alberta Concordia University McGill University First Nations performance art and the aesthetics of diaspora Resilience in youth: the role of positive and negative cognitive schemas Boundless democracy: regulating Canada's interest groups Valuing ecosystem services in the upper bow region of Alberta Home program for adults with language disorders associated with brain injury Exploring cultural distinction in innovative, durable design A place for muti: reconceptualizing medicine murder in South Africa Risk taking and depressive symptoms: a longitudinal study across adolescence Individual differences in life aspirations, and the contribution of mindfulness to intrinsic aspirations The influence of body posture on children's emotional perception Coping strategies of women who have experienced domestic violence and trauma Improving our selves: a sociological investigation into the rise of cosmetic surgery in Canada Determinants of the adoption of new production systems of traditional crops in Southern India Research practice in contemporary sculpture A critical analysis of western perceptions of Muslim women's movements 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Houshmand, Sara Howlett, Tim Huang, Mu-Qing McGill University Carleton University University of Toronto Subtle indignities that target international students Unelected representatives: private sector agents in the public policy process Assessing the economical and social motivation of the Canadian farmers in ecological restoration Louis Hachette et le chemin du livre : dimensions de la diffusion de l'imprim au milieu du XIXe sicle franais The painted surface as depth: reprising the role of painting as an exercise in collapsing opposites Image and terrain, history, concept and the viewer in contemporary painting Young caregivers and their education: how having to provide informal care impacts the educational trajectories of young carers in Canada Belief in ultimate justice and revenge behaviour Howard Zinn and his challenge to historians Determined character and moral responsibility Sport, conflict management and youth in Northern Uganda Airmindedness in the fiction of World War Two Eye contact in people with social anxiety: an eye tracking study to assess attention and threat processing Evaluating Toronto's avenues policy as a means of urban intensification Mindfulness in the early years: a study of the integration of mindfulness practices into full-day early learning-kindergarten 17,500 17,500 17,500

Huberman, Isabella Hubert, Steven M. Hucal, David C.

Universit de Sherbrooke Simon Fraser University University of Guelph

17,500 17,500 17,500

Hudyma, Samantha V. Hughes, Jeffrey Hughes, Ronald N. Hulbert, Shelley Ann Hunt, Erin L. Hu, Shanjie Jane

York University The University of British Columbia Simon Fraser University Simon Fraser University Royal Roads University McGill University

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Hyatt, Ashley Iannucci, Anna

University of Waterloo University of Toronto

17,500 17,500

Iggers, Kelly

University of Toronto


Irish, Philip A. Irvin, Casey York University Ryerson University Locating empathy Creative closed captioning in online user generated content communities Female young offenders in British Columbia: the prevalence of disorders and the likelihood of crime in an understudied population Estimation des effets de pairs sur l'offre de travail des tudiants, et rpercussions sur les performances scolaires American transcendentalism in a postcolonial and transnational perspective New music according to Webern and Adorno: critical theory in the second Viennese school Cooking colonially: the intersection of food, imperialism and words in England's seventeenth century print culture Media: communication of climate change issues that would foster more and effective television media coverage in Canada on climate change and its ripple effects on issues such as biodiversity Standing in the shadow of the scar up in the air: spatial practices and the places of postmemory Still straddling two worlds: diasporic women's creation of home in the Canadian multicultural context The Philosopher King: a dystopian novel My walk a monstrous, mountain'd thing: Henry Vaughan's Silex Scintillans and the politics of the seventeenth century religious lyric Lucius Aelius Sejanus: his role in his historiography The Augustine Mound copper assemblage 17,500 17,500

Isaak, Richelle J.

Simon Fraser University


Isabelle, Maripier Isenberg, Sarina R. Ivanova, Velia

Universit Laval McGill University University of Ottawa

17,500 17,500 17,500

Iverson, Jonathon W.L.

University of Toronto


Iyer, Sangita Izio, Laryssa

Royal Roads University University of Alberta

17,500 17,500

Jackson, Amelie Jacobsen, Robert B.

Concordia University University of New Brunswick University of Northern British Columbia The University of British Columbia University of New Brunswick

17,500 17,500

Janzen, Brycen D. Janzen, Darrel C. Jarratt, Tricia L.

17,500 17,500 17,500

Javier, Christine Jay, Alayna Wilfrid Laurier University University of Toronto Profiles of language abilities in English as a second language children English MA in twentieth-century literature, focusing on mysticism in modernism Intgration d'immigrants la communaut religieuse et intgration de la communaut religieuse chez les migrants : le cas de la seconde gnration d'immigrants juifs issus de l'ex-Union sovitique Berlin Understanding change in deep culture through education: a critical analysis of transformative learning experiences in a volunteer setting A comparison of single-lap-sequential, multiple-lapsequential, and simultaneous lineups Mapping long-distance trade at the transition from the Bronze to Iron Age in the Eastern Mediterranean The public sphere and spectacle: gothic tendencies in the information age Friendship stability and dissolution: the impact of popularity, friendship quality and victimization in school settings L'galit des droits humains aux nations unies : l'influence d'une idologie (1990-2010) volution de l'aisance communiquer oralement chez les tudiants du secondaire en anglais langue seconde au Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean La persvrance scolaire des tudiants innus : facteurs de russite aux tudes postsecondaires Interracial couples: exploring the matrix through drama therapy Finding meaning in the canon of public monument with technology and textile To quest or not to quest - the role of the quest in The Elder Scrolls IV: oblivion 17,500 17,500

Jean-Maltais, Gabriel

Universit de Montral


Jeffrey, Kory J.P. Jehu, Michael A. Joblonkay, Darren M. Johnston, Mitchell W.

University of Toronto University of Ontario Institute of Technology University of Toronto The University of Western Ontario

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Joly, Melanie Joly, Philippe

Queen's University Universit de Montral

17,500 17,500

Jomphe, Sylvain Joncas, Jo-Anni Jones, Lois Jones, Thea K. Jong, Carolyn K.F.

Universit du Qubec Chicoutimi Universit du Qubec Chicoutimi Concordia University York University Concordia University

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Jozsa, Gabor D.A. York University A sense for humour: how amateur stand-up comedians learn to perform culture Civil society under the totalitarian state: a study of mass labour activism during the Chinese cultural revolution The effects of a threat to collective identity on one's ability to control his/her behaviour Lost human capital: an exploration of underemployment in Canada Relating passion and perfectionism in varsity ice hockey players Computer-mediated parent-teacher communication in special education Supervsion of school age children: how do parents decide how much is enough Riot Grrrl 2.0: teen feminists and the new social media Richard the Third and the culture of disability: from a medical perspective to a social model Twitter and the formation of counter-discourses: social citizenship rights in the twenty-first century The impact of dance students' self-control of different videod model types on their physical performance and self-regulation Private and public: Yvonne Vera's nationalism From the ground up: Canadian media concentration and the challenge from new media in the 21st century Urban spaces and healing: unmapping colonial alienation and psychiatric control 17,500

Jud, Michael Kachanoff, Frank J. Kaeser, Michelle Kainulainen, Kaylin M. Kalenchuk, Darla D. Kane, Alexa L. Kane, Laura S. Kane, Lynn M. Kann, Travis

University of Toronto McGill University The University of British Columbia Lakehead University University of Saskatchewan University of Guelph The University of British Columbia The University of British Columbia Ryerson University

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Karlinsky, April D. Kastner, Sarah J. Katz, Shawn Kaur, Amardeep Kavanagh, Shawn J.

University of Ottawa Trent University Carleton University University of Toronto

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Understanding attitudes towards immigration in Memorial University of Newfoundland Newfoundland and Labrador

Kaye, Anna L. Kelley, Erin The University of British Columbia The University of British Columbia Transnational Chinese: literary short fiction by an immigrant's daughter How can Bangladesh best adapt to climate change Chronic compensation: how low trait autonomy, competence and relatedness influence daily motivation Youth, consumption and social change in Cuba Virtual dimensions of Canada's Asia-Pacific gateway and corridor initiative: pursuing value through innovation and knowledge economy infrastructure The effects of a degraded speech signal on infant speech perception Introducing a theoretical learning framework: providing insight to the career development experience of new and professional immigrants in training programs Can Canada accommodate polygamy: a new approach to the polygamy question Re-visioning history: feminism and the historical novel Les sanctions, leurs interprtations et leurs effets sur la dlinquance routire The gift of mythmaking in Australian storytellers: a psychoanalytic, literary anthropology of mythic cognition and consciousness Life cycle assessment of organic and conventional apple production in Nova Scotia The effect of thinking categorically versus singularly on the self-concept and on associating the self with social group, such as Blacks and Asians Priority areas in Toronto: a comparative study of funding in Flemingdon Park and Kingston Galloway 17,500 17,500

Kellman-McFarlane, Kirstie Kelly, Monica

McGill University The University of Western Ontario

17,500 17,500

Kelly, Simon J.D. Kennedy, Lisa D.

University of Toronto McGill University

17,500 17,500

Kennedy, Tara Kennedy, Tyson D. Kennedy, Victoria E.M. Kerdevez, Gabriel

University of Toronto University of Calgary York University Universit de Montral

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Kernan, Luke Keyes, Sarah K.

The University of British Columbia Dalhousie University

17,500 17,500

Khan, Beenish Khimani, Noreen

York University University of Toronto

17,500 17,500

Khim, Jean-Pierre Khoury, Jennifer E. Khraishi, Sarah M. Universit du Qubec Montral University of Toronto Dalhousie University L'effacement de dettes des pays pauvres lourdement endetts et les facteurs en jeu Making sense of self-esteem: a multiple sociometer perspective The value of values: philosophy of biology, social responsibility, and conservation You look good, have you lost weight - an in-depth analysis of the factors which influence body dissatsifaction in heterosexual and lesbian women populations A study of Korean contemporary music in Europe focusing on Isang Yun's Glisses (1970) The role of photography in early British Columbia in defining communities and culture Narrative experimentation in East Asian-North American literature Breaking the cycle of academic failure: a longitudinal, intergenerational study Transitional justice for aboriginal people: inquiry, truth and reconciliation in Canada and Australia Autobiography today: exploring the challenges of autobiographical writing in the postmodern age Gardens, parks and the urban environment in Imperial Rome Associations between children's deceptive behaviours, relational aggression, and physical aggression Resiliency in skilled immigrants during career transition Does the Veterans Transition Program mitigate traditional masculine ideology Beauty in Plato's dialogues: reconciling tensions 17,500 17,500 17,500

Kidwai, Ammaar A. Kim, Sinae Kinakin, Kathleen A. King, Eliza P. Kingdon, Danielle K. Kingston, Charlotte Kinney, Ian G. Kirby, Alexander Kirmayer, Miriam H. Kisinger, Kelly L. Kivari, Carson A. Klassen, Marie-Claire

University of Toronto University of Ottawa Ryerson University The University of British Columbia Concordia University McGill University University of Calgary University of Toronto McGill University The University of Western Ontario The University of British Columbia Dalhousie University

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Klassen, Theodore J. Klein, Kerri York University Royal Roads University Theories in crisis: the history of political economic thought, 1970-2010 Learning for change: capacity building for local government leadership on climate change Drama and theatre in adult literacy: fostering the affective dimensions of learning of social connection, self confidence, and motivation through the dramatic arts in an adult literacy classroom Interactive performance system for music, dance, and visual media Creating identity: an archaeological approach to immigration and settlement in New Iceland 1875 to 1910 Mitigating danger: investigating censorship practices of sexually explicit material of different media Antagonism, vice, economy: satire and contemporary London in Will Self's, Liver Writing missing links: rewriting women's history through literature Engaging populations at risk - a community outreach model for Thunder Bay Aboriginal legal identity in Canada: a politics of power Defensive tactics in men and women: an analysis of Canadian data Self as concept and mediator in child and youth care practice and education Pathways to belonging: assessing immigrant experiences of becoming Canadian The impact of place: urban expansion and it's effect on the natural environment 17,500 17,500

Kneeland, Dayna M. Kobayashi, Yota

The University of British Columbia The University of British Columbia

17,500 17,500

Koblun, Candice C. Koepke, Elizabeth Kolezar, Kristina M.E. Koller, Brenda Koller, Heather Kolopenuk, Jessica A. Korosec, Lauren M. Kouri, Scott A. Kraft, Molly R. Krauss, Meghan R.L.

University of Saskatchewan Simon Fraser University McMaster University University of Northern British Columbia Lakehead University University of Alberta The University of Western Ontario University of Victoria The University of British Columbia University of Windsor

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Krebs, Lynette D. Simon Fraser University The integration of NPM in BC social policy From the bush to the courtroom: greater-than-human socialities, bureaucratic power and political struggle in Mitchikanibiko'inik Territory A longitudinal evaluation study of Aboriginal head start programs in Alberta Invented past: a creative work about the search for identity within the reconstructed memories of a British war bride Offense to the senses and the library: Feinberg's offense principle and public library Policy How much information is too much: the role of complexity in decision-making among backcountry enthusiasts Theories and practices of literary editing and publishing of modernisms in Canada and the United States The need to form tangible models of abstract concepts The impact of intellectual property law on humanitarian aid technologies Shen Yuan, d'expert-conseil sociologue chinois de l'action : approche sociohistorique pour comprendre la dmarche intellectuel de l'homme Dynamiques de redistribution intra-mnage du revenu en milieu rural Picturing the North: indigenous and non-indigenous ways of seeing the Canadian Arctic through the camera's lens 17,500

Kristjansson, Matthew L. Kubas, Hanna A.

McGill University University of Calgary

17,500 17,500

Kuipers, Melissa A. Kundrik, Sara M.

University of Toronto University of Alberta

17,500 17,500

Kux, Stephen R.J.

Simon Fraser University


Labelle, Amanda L. Labonte, Braden J. Lach, Anna A.

Dalhousie University York University Carleton University

17,500 17,500 17,500

Lachapelle, Francois Lacombe, Alexis

The University of British Columbia Universit de Sherbrooke

17,500 17,500

Ladon, Agnes E. Laforge-Bourret, Marie-Pier Lafortune, Stphanie

Queen's University

17,500 17,500 17,500

Potique, pratiques et discours ditoriaux dans la Universit du Qubec Trois-Rivires revue de posie exit 1995-2010 Universit du Qubec Montral Analyse des programmes d'tudes en sciences et technologies sous un point de vue neuroducatif

Lakoff, Jeremy The University of British Columbia Channelling history: technology in Joyce's Ulysses Comptences parentales en contexte de toxicomanie : dveloppement socio-affectif du parent et de son enfant Intgration d'un blog scientifique unissant des lves du premier cycle et des lves du troisime cycle dans un processus collectif de rsolution de problmes scientifiques Submission or resistance to self-attacks in individuals with high trait self-criticism Socialist identity in the German Democratic Republic: an analysis of the children's cartoon unser sandmnnchen" (Our Sandman) Merleau-Ponty: hyperdialectic on the problem of passivity Intervenir sur les reprsentations linguistiques des jeunes acadiens en milieu scolaire : vers un veil sa propre langue The potential of decentralized developmental governance to improve the lives of the poor: a case study of the implementation of the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act by the local level state institutions in Northern India La chasse ou l'exploitation minire : enjeux contemporains sur le territoire Baker Lake au Nunavut Neo-film noir and ideology Listening closely: themes of receptivity, openness and poetic confrontation in Heidegger, Derrida and Don Mckay Kids, place and narrative: the use of media in participatory planning with children l'intersection des rapports de genre et des relations interethniques : la construction identitaire et la participation politique des femmes de minorits 17,500

Lalande, Clyne

Universit de Montral


La Madeleine, Catherine Lambert, Christine E.

Universit de Montral McGill University

17,500 17,500

Lam, Henry Landreville, Danielle R.

University of Calgary Concordia University

17,500 17,500

Landry, Jonathan

Universit de Moncton


Landry, Leah

York University


Laneuville, Pascale Lang, Cody

Universit Laval University of Alberta

17,500 17,500

Langille, Caleb D. Langlois, Natalie A.

University of Guelph University of Toronto

17,500 17,500

Laperrire, Marie

Universit de Montral


culturelles Formulating electronic voting policy recommendations in the Canadian election milieu by performing a comprehensive international comparative content analysis La perception de l'autre dans l'univers montralais : le cas du monde arabe 1882-1960 Uncovering the specifics of the nonspecificity of female sexuality A creative study in Canadian literature, environment, and sustainability in the form of a collection of short stories The cost of surrender: Roman-Italian relations as a result of the Hannibalic War Violence, vulnrabilit et rsilience : exploration des trajectoires de vie de personnes transidentifies Reducing the carbon footprint of urban transport in Montral: the role of policy Visual conversations: cross-continental works by Jose Pedneault Evaluating potential spatial access to social services and public amenities using geographic information systems Far-flung fungus: social transformation and the SinoNepali yarchagumba market Judicial discretion and the nature of the Quebec family: the judicial application of the youth protection act in the determination of child custody and adoption matters The intersection between experimental forms and the effort to reach a working-class consciousness: how American Proletarian writers deploy modernist literary strategies for a clear political purpose

LaPierre, Victor J.W. Larochelle, Catherine Larson, Erin

Ryerson University Universit du Qubec Montral The University of British Columbia

17,500 17,500 17,500

Last, Jennifer V. Latour, Lisa M. Lavoie, Kevin Lavoie, Mitchell Lawrence, Toby K.

University of Toronto University of Toronto Universit du Qubec en Outaouais McGill University The University of British Columbia

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Lawson, Fiona L. Lawson, Liam A.H.

Simon Fraser University University of Toronto

17,500 17,500

Lazare, Jodi Marissa

McGill University


Lazarevic, Irena

Queen's University


Leach, Jamie A. Concordia University Construction of shared meanings during pretend play Laboratory life: exploring the interconnections of science, society and culture in a synchrotron research laboratory Investigating advertising: a critical look at disability in sport advertising Les rapports entre littrature et peinture dans Sylvie, oeuvre de Grard de Nerval, crivain franais du dbut du XIXe sicle Les aspirations extrinsques et intrinsques et leur apport dans l'laboration des buts Dterminer sur le produit intrieur brut du Canada l'influence d'un systme financier compos uniquement de cooprative Le parc sans nom : tude sur les impacts qu'ont les installations temporaires d'art public sur l'appropriation de l'espace urbain Blind leading the blind: challenging disability through the adept navigation of Carol Saylor's sculptures Small pleasures 17,500

Leader, Joelena S. Leavitt, Stacey L.

University of Saskatchewan University of Lethbridge

17,500 17,500

LeBlanc, Reno G. LeBlanc, Samuel Y.

Universit de Moncton McGill University

17,500 17,500

Leblond-Ltourneau, Martin

Universit du Qubec Montral Institut national de la recherche scientifique Concordia University The University of British Columbia


Leduc-Primeau, Laurence Leedahl, Taylor Rae Lee, Karin L. Leendertse, Nikola A.

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Lee, Steven J. Lefebvre-Mass, FranoisXavier Legault, Sol L.

Where have all the sex workers gone: the commercial Memorial University of Newfoundland sex trade in St. John's Impact of the proposed Mackenzie Valley Pipeline: Aboriginal sovereignty, economic transformation and Brock University political change in the Northwest Territories Universit du Qubec Montral Ryerson University La thorie du sujet de David Hume Evolution of the uses of photography for expression of transgender identity Investment and input device effect on home-based, computer delivered aural rehabilitation programs for senior first time hearing aid users

17,500 17,500 17,500

Leighton, Danielle E.

University of Toronto


Life on the outer limits of the Roman Empire: Hadrian's wall and the Austrian Danube Limes exploring the commonalities of Roman boundary areas in Austria and Great Britain Poetics and power in English folklore: a study of sixteenth and seventeenth-century poetry and drama Cendres, nouvelles, suivi de sacr fminin et initiation chez Aude et Carole David Le cabinet de curiosit Paris au XVIIIe sicle : vitrine du savoir, rseau social et culture des apparences Les blogues et les nouvelles formes de la critique d'art Offrir une performance de service la clientle optimale : l'impact de facteurs organisationnels et individuels ainsi que de celui de la motivation des employs rguler leurs motions Planting community power: a critical investigation of community gardens in Toronto Perceptions of fairness in children: how unfair outcomes can lead to selfish behaviour L'intersectionnalit et les immigrantes d'origine africaine au Qubec : analyse des stratgies d'intervention fministe Reconstructing historic Fort Dufferin, Manitoba: an innovative approach to cultural landscape tourism Comics as community: building relationships for LGBTQ youth Faits et objets de la fiction : tude ontologique des gants de J.M.G. Le Clzio Envisioning resistance: how responding to resistance affects new teachers' self concepts Farmers' markets as political sites

Leisser, Catherine R.K. Lemay, Kristen Lemieux, Joanie

Concordia University McGill University Universit de Sherbrooke

17,500 17,500 17,500

Lemonnier, Marie Lonard Brouillet, Karine

Universit de Sherbrooke Universit de Montral

17,500 17,500

Lpine, Marie-Claude Lepper, Laura B. Le, Tam Doan

HEC Montral York University University of Waterloo

17,500 17,500 17,500

Lvque-Samoisette, Justine Levesque, Marie E. Levesque, Michel B. Levesque, Simon Levytskyy, Lindsay H. Lewis, Carly A.

Universit du Qubec Montral University of Manitoba Concordia University Universit du Qubec Montral University of Alberta University of Victoria

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Does the social construction of black females impact their academic achievement and upward mobility within the educational system, particularly in high school The effect of interpersonal trust on children's social decision-making in kindergarten An examination of the socioeconomic and political factors contributing to conservation success Queering my religion: subversive biblical metaphors in queer literature

Lewis, Sonia H. Lim, Tania C. Litvack, Emily R. Livesey, Sarah G. Lizmore, Michael R.

York University University of Toronto McGill University York University The University of British Columbia

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Lockau, Laura M.

Lock, Hilary M. Lockwood, Ilana E.

A path analysis of the relationship between passion and coping and performance for elite athletes Examination of patterns of health in an ancient Roman rural population through the analysis of McMaster University trauma and pathology in adult skeletal material An analysis of the English components from the Dos de Cheval site and an investigation of the nature of relationship between the French and anglo Irish Memorial University of Newfoundland fishers at Crouse on the Petit Nord University of Toronto Children's rights in 20th century Canadian children's literature Hope for a peaceful transition: reducing prejudice in South Sudanese secondary schools as a tool for building peace A twenty-first century search for the lost art of performing Redefining the eh: reading a colonial narrative in the Dictionary of Canadianisms on Historical Principles Les mots de l'enfant : le grotesque et la place de l'enfance dans l'oeuvre littraire d'Albert Laberge Deconstructing the physical attractiveness stereotype in personality impressions


17,500 17,500

Loewen, Sarah E.P. Loftus, Gili Lo, Katrina H.F. Loranger, Caroline Lorenzo, Genevieve L.

University of Saskatchewan McGill University The University of British Columbia McGill University The University of British Columbia

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Examining perceived values of physical education and the impact of those values on current and future physical education A contemporary critique of Leibniz's theodicy Northern Italian female immigrant experience in Canada Investigating communication as a mediator in the relationship between stress and marital satisfaction in conflict and nonconflict interactions Investigating the role of environmental factors on a victim's response to forgive, acquiesce, or revenge Determining strategies for reducing resistance to discrimination An examination of representations in Canadian literature: identifying and escaping manifestations of biopower in male-white Canada's immigrant communities Conducting techniques and rehearsal methods for teaching children's choirs The Landsknecht mercenaries of the Holy Roman Empire: the relationship between military culture and tactics Engaging stakeholders through social media: how Vancouver foundation uses Facebook and Twitter to increase awareness and involvement Issues in analysis and performance of Frederic Chopin's ballades The Woodwards district: a planning model for social sustainability Negotiating the global food regime: co-operative spirit in rural Ontario

Lorusso, Jenna R. Lougheed, Kirk S. Lovisa, Vanessa E.M.

Brock University Trinity Western University York University

17,500 17,500 17,500

Lowden, Samantha Lozinov, Petre Luca, Stephanie

University of Calgary Brock University Wilfrid Laurier University

17,500 17,500 17,500

Ludolph, Rebekah E. Luftspring, Cassandra J.P.

University of Victoria University of Toronto

17,500 17,500

Lukas, Benjiman T.

University of Toronto


Lundy, Taylor A. Luong, Vivian W.H. Lupton, Lauren M. Luymes, Melisa J.

Royal Roads University McGill University McGill University University of Guelph

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Lynch, Kellie R. Lynch, Molly T. Lynn, Maria C.G. Lyons, Kimberly J. Measuring Canadian caution comprehension in a mock Memorial University of Newfoundland crime paradigm University of Toronto University of Alberta University of Waterloo Against the force of history: a literary exploration of Canadian resistance to WWI The effects of leisure travel on Latin American immigrant's acculturation and well-being Nurturing spirituality in therapeutic recreation: an ethnodrama An age old problem: effects of different age estimation techniques on demographic profiles and the consequences for interpretation Focus on the edge: contemporary rural art practices and exhibitions The lasting affect Nuit Blanche is having on the city of Toronto Communicational ontology and epistemology: reinterpreting phenomenological Marxism for contemporary ideology studies Maze use in children's narratives Changing conceptions of space in a Papua New Guinean migrant community Neocolonialism, conflict and the commodification of warfare: private military companies in Africa Perfectionistic self-presentation in friendship dyad interactions: behavioural indices and the influence on relationship quality, satisfaction, and maintenance behaviours Local exchange trading systems: building alternative food economies in Nova Scotia Canine companions: a source of social support and well-being La construction de l'identit professionnelle des personnes handicapes ayant une mobilit rduite au Qubec 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Lytle, Jessica L. MacDonald, Mary F. MacGregor, Gwen E.

University of Toronto Ontario College of Art and Design University of Toronto

17,500 17,500 17,500

Mackenzie, Graham S. MacLurg, Amanda R. MacMillan, Angela M. MacNeil, Leah

Simon Fraser University University of Alberta The University of Western Ontario York University

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Macneil, Matthew A. MacSwain, Kayleigh Maharaj, Nandini

McGill University Concordia University The University of British Columbia

17,500 17,500 17,500

Mailhot, Sophie

Universit de Sherbrooke


Identification des usages des tlphones cellulaires dans le cadre acadmique des collgiens de 17-25 ans : cerner l'influence de ces usages sur la russite Universit du Qubec Trois-Rivires scolaire Couverture de risque ou spculation : le choix d'exposition au taux d'intrt de la dette corporative HEC Montral des firmes Canadiennes University of Calgary Commentary on Pappus of Alexandria Contextual, developmental, and intra-individual factors of emerging orthographic awareness in second language prereaders The influence of various contextual factors on male arousal to, and attitides toward, sexual coercion Entre discours et ralit : les femmes sous le IIIe Reich et la propagande nazie, 1933-1945 Making the invisible visible: exploring why some teachers struggle to address sexual orientation through literacy instruction Displaced identities: how identities are effected by the fracture between individuals and place inherent in the refugee experience

Mailloux, Caroline


Mailloux, Pierre-Luc Maki, Jeff A.

17,500 17,500

Mak, Joyce Yan Lok Male, Dana A. Malenfant, Emilie

University of Toronto University of Lethbridge Universit de Sherbrooke

17,500 17,500 17,500

Malins, Pamela M.

The University of Western Ontario


Malischewski, Charlotte-Anne L. Queen's University Malone, Meaghan H.

17,500 17,500

Maltais-Lapointe, Genevieve Mandel, Jordan

Lusty ingnues and men of sensibility: Jane Austen Memorial University of Newfoundland and Charlotte Dacre's revision of masculinity Accuracy and precision of skull reconstruction using computed tomography scans: archaeological and University of Manitoba forensic application The University of Western Ontario Updating the message for a new medium: music and the iPod in the twenty-first century International networks and cultural hybridity in the Eastern Mediterranean during the Early Iron Age: 10th - 7th centuries B.C We stand on guard: Canadian securitization of refugee flows

17,500 17,500

Manolova, Tzveta V. Manson, Daniel

McGill University University of Victoria

17,500 17,500

Marchinko, Elan T. Marcinkow, Alissa Marcoux, Gabrielle York University University of Alberta McGill University Remembering through the body: movement as remediation in Bharatanatyam dance Effects of animated vs. static picture stimuli on children's storytelling Sustaining what: research on aesthetics and ethics of sustainability in architecture Le rseau de regards entre le modle nu, l'artiste et le spectateur travers les dessins rotiques d'Egon Schiele : ralit sociale, morale et sexuelle Vienne au dbut du XXe sicle Risk factors that make children and youth vulnerable to sexual exploitation over the internet: a Canadian perspective The analysis of pitch in Stravinsky's neoclassical music South branch to Fort Belknap: the gros ventres on the northwest plains, 1794-1888 Beauty, transcendence and the sublime in nature Diasporic identity and historical memory within Canada's Chinese migrant community Analyse des processus communicationnels lis la sexualit dans des familles affectes par le VIH Revolutionary women: religious agency and the public sphere Mapping the domestication and dispersal of the common bean throughout the Americas: investigating the relationship between beans and maize in Prehispanic diet Hidden power: a study of atomic film at the National Film Board of Canada The effects of age, criminal trajectories, previous incarceration, and treatment on general and specific recidivism 17,500 17,500 17,500

Marcoux, Gabrielle

Universit de Montral


Mark, Lisa Marshall, Daniel Marsh, Christopher J. Martinello, Linda C. Martin, Laurence Martin, Nancy Martin, Valerie

University of Toronto McGill University University of Calgary University of Waterloo University of Toronto Universit du Qubec Montral Brock University

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Masur, Lindi J. Mathers, Jeremy D.

The University of British Columbia York University

17,500 17,500

Mathesius, Jeffrey R.

Simon Fraser University


Conflits entre souverainet populaire et droits et liberts fondamentaux : le cas de l'initiative populaire du 29 novembre 2009 concernant l'interdiction de la construction de minarets en Suisse Urban or urbane: justice and authenticity in Hamilton's James Street cultural district planning A meta-analysis of reading intervention studies for early primary students The relationship between perceived partner regard and appearance as influenced by attachment anxiety and partner rejection Interaction among employers' economic and ethical considerations in the mediation of labour disputes A study of the role of psychological autonomy in immigrant youths' adaptation, acculturation, and identity development Might personality traits related to the dark triad modulate stalking violence and recidivism Stable isotope analysis of marine and terrestrial resource use at Helike, Greece Split City: political, economic, and racial tensions in Civil War era New York City surrounding the debate over the abolition of slavery Vulnerability to climate change in coastal regions of the South Pacific and Canadian Arctic: adaptive capacity of local communities Field work on Inuktitut noun incorporation Deserting politics: exploring the implications of the war on terror for contemporary governance and political theory Post-colonial effects of English as the primary language within the Caribbean education system The prospects for a pluralistic realism about the species concept and its implications for describing evolutionary lineages

Mathieu, Catherine Maxted, Allison M. Maxwell, Bonnie M.

Universit Laval The University of British Columbia University of Alberta

17,500 17,500 17,500

Maxwell, Jessica A. May, Brendan S.L.

Queen's University Queen's University

17,500 17,500

McCallum, Kendra McCarthy, Andrea McConnan Borstad, Courtney

University of Saskatchewan Simon Fraser University University of Alberta

17,500 17,500 17,500

McConnell, Sean P.

Dalhousie University


McCubbin, Sandra G. McCulloch, Gretchen

University of Guelph University of Toronto

17,500 17,500

McDonald, Dakin A. McDonald, Natalie N.

University of Victoria York University

17,500 17,500

McDonough, Michael

The University of Western Ontario


McDougall, Lauren McDougall, Sarah Elizabeth Mc Duff, Stphanie McElgunn, Hannah R. McEwan, Desmond McFadzean, Cassidy C. McFarland, Jami L. McGurk, Thomas J. University of Calgary York University Universit du Qubec Montral McGill University McMaster University University of Regina University of Ottawa Concordia University The Museum in the age of digital reproduction Gender and education in the context of the millennium development goals in Tanzania L'aventure au fminin : analyse comparative du statut d'aventurire chez Dumas, Mal et London The hidden city: the ritualized creation of place and new technologies in Montreal The effects of depleted self-regulation on athletic performance The sky roars and other fragments: fragmentation and loneliness in the short story Vampires in the closet: queering the vampire narrative Evaluating web-based tools in assessing population density and land uses relative to sustainable transport Applying an existential framework to the career development experience of new professional immigrants to Canada Does class matter: exploring the negotiation of butch and femme identity in Vancouver Constructing community support systems around youth returning to the community from prison Group cohesion in youth athletics: the importance of social cohesion in youth sport Indigenous voices in Canadian literature Computers and Sir Orfeo: the role of the digital humanities in determining the authorship and audience of anonymous medieval texts 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

McInnes, Taylor McKenna, Emma J. McKenzie, Andrew M.F. McLaren, Colin D. McLaren, Katlynd

University of Toronto The University of British Columbia University of Toronto Wilfrid Laurier University Dalhousie University

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

McLeod, Alyssa McMorran, Jasmine P.

University of Toronto

17,500 17,500

Irish fiddling in Southern New Brunswick: constructs Memorial University of Newfoundland of tradition and cultural heritage

McNutt, James J. McPherson, Malcolm J. University of Toronto The University of Western Ontario Reading between the lines: waging the war of independence through literary propaganda The un-solitary work: the constitution of the social as place Jean-Luc Nancy Examining a model of emotion regulation and negative affect in a nationally representative sample of adolescents The limits of scepticism The effects of body image and self-esteem on student success The efficacy of a school-based media literacy program in reducing the negative consequences of the sexualisation of young girls The influence of the granddaughter of Prophet Muhammad, Zaynab Al Kubra, on Muslim women who wear the hijab within Toronto's Pakistani and Indian Shiite Muslim diasporas La dmarche de coaching individuel comme levier de performance auprs des gestionnaires de la fonction publique qubcoise Canada-Guatemala solidarity: social justice and mutuality in an era of globalization Une pistmologie du nationalisme : essai sur les limites de l'objectivit scientifique The female-bildungsroman and the formation of identity in Mosionier's In Search of April Raintree and Robinson's Monkey Beach Les dynamiques de la perception par l'opinion publique amricaine du Japon et des japonais durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale La planification militaire franaise et britannique avant la Premire Guerre mondiale Winning in emerging markets - a high technology perspective 17,500 17,500

McPhie, Meghan L. McQuaid, Colin R.E. Meek, Fiona

York University McMaster University University of Toronto

17,500 17,500 17,500

Mehak, Lisa

University of Toronto


Mehboob Hirji, Ali Abbas

York University


Melanon, Isabelle Melanson, Jennifer Melkevik, Asbjorn

HEC Montral Mount Saint Vincent University Universit Laval

17,500 17,500 17,500

Meloche, Katherine E.

The University of Western Ontario


Mnard, milie Mercure-Gauvin, Julien Mian, Omer

Universit de Montral Universit Laval York University

17,500 17,500 17,500

Michalyshyn, Chelsey A. Michaud, Alyssa Michaud O'Grady, Liam Milczarek, Malgorzata Milde, Clara M. Milech, Michael S. Miles, Kelly L. University of Manitoba University of Ottawa Concordia University The University of Western Ontario The University of Western Ontario University of New Brunswick University of Prince Edward Island Teaching children with developmental disabilities to indicate their preferences using pictures Take two: Canadian artists and the emergence of magnetic-tape recording technology Criminalizing risk: sexual minority appeals to criminal and penal law in Canada Emotional geographies of the foster home experience A problematic conception: Sen on justice The Never-Again Club: a play Young writers as philosophers: teaching writing through natural enquiry and community dialogue Technological change and the empowerment of women in rural India: how do women in rural India reallocate their time in response to technologies that reduce the drudgery of agricultural production Superheroes, sacrifice, and salvation: themes of redemption in the modern comic book tude de l'association entre les facteurs financiers, personnels et familiaux et la persvrance acadmique au premier cycle universitaire Negotiating livelihood: local market vendors in Asuncion, Paraguay Being well in the digital age: sociological examination of the interplay between the internet and personal well-being in New Brunswick Exploration of a scale-free student evaluation method in an undergraduate medical education program setting La mdiation enseignante dans l'tude des textes littraires au secondaire : tat de l'utilisation de pratiques signifiantes pour accompagner adquatement l'lve dans sa lecture d'oeuvres littraires 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Miller-Tait, Evan J. Miller, Thomas E.

University of Alberta McMaster University

17,500 17,500

Milliard, Marjorie Millman, Heather L.

Universit de Sherbrooke University of Guelph

17,500 17,500

Miltsov, Alexandre

University of New Brunswick


Min, Cynthia Shu

McGill University


Miquelon, Alexie

Universit du Qubec Montral


Mireault, Julie Mistry, Reena Mitchell, Joshua Mocanu, Alin McGill University McGill University University of Toronto McGill University Le rle de la musique dans l'anim japonais : le cas de la franchise Evangelion Disaster resilient affordable housing for families in rural Bangladesh Ethnic tourism and its socio-cultural impact on urban ethnic enclaves in New York City Le mlange des genres dans la 8e et la 12e pode d'Horace Refugee movement and re-settlement: exploring the dynamic of state security & individual security from a legal and humanitarian perspective The Vancouver 2010 Olympic winter games: a case study in nation branding L'impact du programme gouvernemental de discrimination positive sur la communaut afrobrsilienne : le cas de l'Universit fdrale de Rio de Janeiro Public and private self-consciousness and selfdisclosure on Facebook Antoine Volodine et ses htronymes, ou comment constituer soi seul une communaut d'crivains Impact des perceptions du rle de l'enseignant associ sur le sentiment d'auto-efficacit du stagiaire La dynamique d'unequipe de gestion du changement : le rle particulier des facilitateurs du changement Creating resilient First Nation communities through housing policy and practice Essences and energetics: the entangled lives of people and plants Beyond box office: measuring value of communitybased cultural institutions as it relates to policy making 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Mohammadi, Samaneh Moir, Aidan

Carleton University York University

17,500 17,500

Moisan, Genevive Molema, Seija Moncion, Isabelle Monfette, Olivia Mongrain, Amlie Monk, Lindsay Monteiro, Sherylann

McGill University Wilfrid Laurier University University of Ottawa Universit du Qubec Montral HEC Montral University of Victoria York University

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Montes, Jonathan E.

York University


Montgomery, Douglas G. Moore, Isabelle A. Moore, Melanie Karin Mora, Vivian-Sofia Morden, Hilary Kim Morelli, Didier Morency, Rbecca Morgan-Feir, Caoimhe M. Morgan, Holly J. Morgan, Sally E. University of Calgary University of Toronto University of Ottawa York University Simon Fraser University University of Toronto Universit Laval Ontario College of Art and Design Lakehead University York University Angry enigmas: the terrorist as literary construct Importance of dominant language in multilingual children Documenting the document: towards a poetics of Canadian documentary theatre Building social cohesion: Latin American arts organizations and political involvement in Canada Diathesis-stress: a bio-behavioural model for integrated research into crime and criminal behaviour Corporality and modernity, from stage to stadium L'Autonomie du Directeur gnral des lections du Qubec entre 1990 et 2010 The writing on the wall: generational shifts in Canadian conceptual art Querying the closet in literature of the South Asian Diaspora Understanding creative identity through dance, embodiment and experience of the environment Comparaison de diffrentes approches qui emploient les cartes conceptuelles pour valuer les apprentissages d'lves en science et technologie Neoliberalization of water governance: the effects of water privatization on vulnerable communities in Accra, Ghana Social competence in withdrawn or aggressive adolescents: an evaluation of responses to social provocation Solitariness and meaning in Julian of Norwich's a revelation of love Race and racism in Alberta's petroleum industry 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Morin, Maxim G.

Universit de Montral


Morinville, Cynthia

The University of British Columbia


Morningstar, Michele A. Morrill, Natalie M. Morris, Michael A.

McGill University Concordia University The University of British Columbia

17,500 17,500 17,500

A framework for community-based conservation: bison reintroduction and Aboriginal community involvement in North America Examination of adult cyber-bullying: a developmental perspective using attachment theory Workplace ostracism The effect of literacy and leisure activity participation on language development and literacy in adults with down syndrome Tracing connections and changes in Roman private and public religion from the Late Republic to the Early Empire Examining how the Athenian and Roman empires developed in response to military and political events and the effects they had on their subjects Elite power and urban development in post-socialist Sarajevo Equality of education opportunity of children in polygynous societies in Africa Social heterogeneity, the state, and set theory The sensory body: performance and video art in North America since 1970; embodiment of otherness in the contributions to our collective cultural fabric Exploring contested historical evidence in the Toronto District School Board's course genocide: historical and contemporary implications Elevating craft Kinds of science in a democratic society Luck, blameworthiness, and moral responsibility

Morrison, Katherine M. Morrison, Kristen L. Morrison, Rachel

University of Calgary Trent University University of Waterloo

17,500 17,500 17,500

Morrissey, Andre-Anne

Dalhousie University


Morton, Nigel J.

University of Toronto


Moser, Benjamin D.M. Moses, Zev L.F. Muir, William A. Mulcahy, Niamh A.G.

University of Toronto University of Toronto Queen's University University of Alberta

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Mullen, Faye C.

University of Toronto


Munn, Caitlin Munro, Shawna Lynn M. Murphy, Taylor Shaw Murphy, Tess L.

Brock University University of Manitoba University of Alberta University of Calgary

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Murray, Katherine Mushayandebvu, ShunguElaine Myketiak, Tara L. Mykytyshyn, Cynthia University of New Brunswick The University of British Columbia Concordia University Queen's University Sketches of Medusa Examining the effects of self-conscious emotions on perceptions of risk Global justice and open borders: redefining the rights and responsibilities of immigrants in Canada The artist as environmental scientist: a critical investigation A new cultural identity in Bolivia: the impacts of the new economic policy on the culture of the Indigenous peoples Reconnecter les futurs enseignants avec les mathmatiques de la classe : tude d'une intervention en formation des matres par la didactique des mathmatiques Queering the gaze: fantasy literature's subversive power to challenge normative perspectives On the brink of change: internet business strategy at Canadian community newspapers Sex-selective abortion in Indo-Canadian Sikh communities Femmes musulmanes face aux valeurs de la charte canadienne des droits et liberts Creating home: an exploration of transition and identity development among immigrant and refugee youth Analyse comparative des droits des travailleurs trangers temporaires au Canada et aux mirats Arabes Unis (EUA) Le choix des parents : ducation, identit et religion en Ontario Franais An investigation of positive emotion and its long-term effect on self-regulation 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Mynen, Tonianne

Saint Mary's University


Nadeau, Dborah Nadon, Natalie Nagel, Tyler W.S. Nagpal, Sugandha Najmi, Sabah

Universit du Qubec Montral Wilfrid Laurier University Royal Roads University York University Laurentian University

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Naraghi, Negin M.

The University of British Columbia


Naud-Arcand, Constance Nault, Jean-Franois Nealis, Logan J.

University of Ottawa University of Ottawa Carleton University

17,500 17,500 17,500

Neave, Marissa J. Nediger, Will Neudorf, Kim T. Concordia University University of Toronto The University of Western Ontario Cultural policy and collective action: how artist-run centres respond to the challenge of funding Spanish syntax and semantics The facial and cinematic affect in painting The formalization of ecclesiastical structures, practices and attitudes in Swiss and Dutch Anabaptism, 1550-1650 Virtual model effectiveness in the reconstruction of social and economic behaviours within ancient societies Impacts of increased military presence on humanitarians during disaster response Vocal preservation for teachers through singing techniques The relationship between female offenders' contact with children and successful prison adjustment Les interfrences grammaticales dans l'apprentissage de l'espagnol comme langue trangre Evaluating local climate change plans in the Columbia River Basin, British Columbia Mining and minding the land: an articulation of artisanal gold mining and global environmentalism in central Mozambique Adult children and their elderly parents: the impact of attachment dimensions and caregiver burden A study of the organ and culture: reconciling organ traditions of the past with the popular culture of today English travellers in the libraries of early modern Europe 17,500 17,500 17,500

Neufeld, David Y.

University of Waterloo


Neufeldt, Christopher k. Nevraumont, Rebecca Newberry, Tamera E. Newman, Jennifer E. Nginios, Triantafilian Ng, Polly P.Y.

University of Manitoba Royal Roads University The University of Western Ontario Ryerson University Universit de Montral The University of British Columbia

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Nham, William Nieuwenhuis, Ruth J.

Carleton University Wilfrid Laurier University

17,500 17,500

Nieuwenhuis, Wendy J. Nilsen, Karl A.

University of Alberta University of Toronto

17,500 17,500

Noble, Joshua F. Noble, Kevin L. Simon Fraser University University of Guelph Reclaiming Marcuse in the digital age: towards an understanding of self and technology The social-emotional aspects of learning disorders Women who went door-to-door: faith and preaching work in the daily lives of women in the Jehovah's Witness movement, 1879-1931 L'Hybridit gnrique chez Milan Kundera : rflexion sur l'interaction entre le roman et l'essai chez Milan Kundera valuation et classification des agresseurs sexuels selon leurs thories implicites et ces impacts sur la reconnaissance des motions The influence of parental support for autonomy on children's peer relationships Effective choral communication: the effect of acoustic space on text intelligibility Research into the history and evolution of information design in educational settings Figuration et dfiguration : l'ironie verbale comme oprateur de renversement identitaire Picking up the pieces: identity formation in postmodernist fictions of development Meaning making in music: compositional applications of aural signification La Junte des Philippines : regard de Goya sur le pouvoir colonial espagnol Locating Canada's identity through online practices of landscape photography Shadows at work: theatricality and personal narrative in constructed sculpture The development of private military companies since the Vietnam conflict 17,500 17,500

Noddings, Timothy R.

University of Victoria


Nol, Alex

McGill University


Nolet, Kevin Norman, Julie Norris, Alison E. Noussis, Angela Nugent, Genevive O'Brien, Sean J. O'Callaghan, James D. Occhietti, Raphaelle Ochoa, Rafael O'Connor, Rory E. Ogglesby, Matthew T.

Universit de Montral University of Windsor University of Alberta York University Universit du Qubec Montral McGill University Universit de Montral Universit de Montral York University University of Calgary The University of Western Ontario

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Ogilvie, Chelsea Ohberg, Lisa A. University of Calgary University of Toronto War and international law in Hegel's philosophy of right Investigating barriers to increasing local food production and consumption Adolescents and self-esteem: a school-based intervention to improve self-image, critical media awareness and self-esteem Moving in and moving out: virtual identities and the politics of selfhood War and justice: ethical obligations in times of war Perceptual biases in shy children as a moderator of socio-emotional functioning Morality, mythology and priests in George Eliot's Middlemarch, Adam Bede, and Daniel Deronda Accounting for structural unemployment using a capital model that takes into account construction time Nerve of the cinema: the psychological power and philosophical implications of editing The impact of free-market economic policies on human development in Afghanistan The spatial behaviour of offenders in vehicle theft Nobody's fool: power, exclusion and resistance in French Medieval Sotties La perception et l'utilisation de la rhtorique dans l'Histoire Auguste Dveloppement communautaire, conomie sociale et consommation responsable : le cas des jardins collectifs qubcois La lacit en question : une analyse des travaux de Marcel Gauchet et Charles Taylor 17,500 17,500

Ohlmann, Chelsea K.F. Ois, Shelagh E. Ollenberger, Adam L. Ooi, Laura L. Oprea, Patricia

Trinity Western University York University University of Alberta Carleton University University of Toronto

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Orr, Patrick Scott Ortlieb, Paulina E. Orya, Mohammad Aziz Oziel, Sandra Pageau, Francois V. Pageau, Valrie

Queen's University University of Victoria York University Ryerson University University of Alberta Universit Laval

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Panneton, Amlie Paradis Simpson, Franoise

Universit du Qubec Montral Universit du Qubec Rimouski

17,500 17,500

An examination of the relationship between childhood maltreatment and gambling problems in emerging adulthood Race, difference and identity in Canada: decentering whiteness through autobiography Aristotelian philosophy and the crisis of faith in George Eliot's early fiction The relationship between the author and reader of postmodern fiction The elimination lineup and its effect on children's accuracy for cross-race identifications Racial hegemony: identity, conflict and struggle over ice-hockey in small town Canada The negative side of collegial relationships: the relationship between received incivility and instigated incivility Master's thesis on the history of 19th and 20th century Canadian meat production from a labour and environmental perspective Autorit narrative et vraisemblance dans le roman l'exprience interdite, d'Ook Chung Given the existence of global injustice, can we be motivated to act virtuously: resolving the conflict between the self-interested individual and the motivation to be virtuous Drawing mathematical attitudes and beliefs Searching for a: just society - Max Saltsman and the era of social change in Canada, 1964-79 From Brussels to Addis Ababa: whither a United States of Africa Canadian child welfare policies between 1960 and 1980 and the effects on Aboriginal culture

Parikh, Preeyam K. Parkatti, Kelly E. Parker, Nora M. Partridge, Shawna D. Pascal, Lisa M. Patola, Ulysses A.

University of Toronto The University of British Columbia University of Toronto Laurentian University Simon Fraser University Lakehead University

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Patterson, Ashlyn M.

Saint Mary's University


Paulson, Timothy A. Pearson, Luc

York University Universit Laval

17,500 17,500

Peck, Hannah E. Penn, Alexandra M. Penney, Jaimi Pereira, Ashley F. Peristerakis, Julia

University of Toronto Queen's University Lakehead University University of Toronto University of Manitoba

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Perras St-Jean, Gabrielle Universit du Qubec Montral Travail domestique et exclusion sociospatiale : le cas des migrantes Philippines Singapour La prise de dcision partage entre experts et novices en ducation : consquences sur les sentiments de confiance personnelle et de comptence chez les deux groupes concerns Ethnographie du rituel de la roda au sein des pratiques traditionnelles afro-brsiliennes de la capoeira Angola, de la samba de roda et du candombl Salvador de Bahia au Brsil The implications of the North American Free Trade Agreement for public environmental policy Investigating political levers to overcome car-oriented development patterns in Canada Information accessibility: meeting users' needs through adaptive systems Being and weightlessness: performance and the virtual self Social status and aggression L'influence de la qualit de gestion sur risque et le rendement boursiers An analysis of the effects of media on Canada's foreign policy decisions Ontario political culture after the 1995 common sense revolution and the election of the Harris government Modernism in early twentieth-century British literature Changements sociaux et conversions religieuses chez les Cris. Recherche sur les causalits sociales des changements religieux tude de la rpartition spatiale des firmes partir de donnes micro-gographiques et application l'tude des incitatifs intgrer des normes environnementales dans les secteurs manufacturiers 17,500

Perreault, Dominique

University of Ottawa


Perron-Dufour, Genevive Peters, Erin Peterson, Evan F. Peterson, Todd Petro, Erika Pettersen, Cathrine Picher, Emmanuelle Pierce, Sean D. Piersig, Elsa Sophie Pietrosanu, Sabina

Universit Laval University of Ottawa The University of British Columbia The University of British Columbia The University of British Columbia Carleton University Universit Laval Queen's University St. Thomas University University of Victoria

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Pineault, Hubert

Universit de Montral


Pineault, Katherine

Universit du Qubec Montral


Pineault-Montminy, JeanPhilippe Les soeurs du Bon-Pasteur de Montral et la prise en charge des jeunes dlinquantes durant les annes 1950-1971 Investigating social pain and stress as potential consequences of ideal partner-current partner discrepancies in romantic relationships George Herbert's temple from scribal to print publication Re-innovating library databases for children in a digital world The effect of perceived threat on use of force decision making: a study of conducted energy weapon use Building bridges: exploring the development of new pedagogies in the emerging social literacy of the 21st century Experimental exposure to thin women portrayed in the media: self-affirmation and the reduction of a self-discrepant body image La commission Bouchard-Taylord et l'arbitrage religieux en Ontario : des couvertures mdiatiques tributaires des rapports entre majorits et minorits nationales au Canada Le nationalisme flamand, organisation, mouvement et identit The city of lights: flnerie and the Latin American vanguard Processus de reconnaissance mutuelle des qualifications professionnelles : l'entente FranceQubec The Middle Palaeolithic of present day Romania: a review and reassessment of the data Constitutional narratives: between the organic and the voluntarist ideal-types

Universit de Sherbrooke


Pink, Jennifer C. Pistruga, Philip Pitcher, Alison J.

The University of Western Ontario Simon Fraser University University of Alberta

17,500 17,500 17,500

Plunkett-Latimer, Jacob

Carleton University


Pogorelsky, Agata Ivanna

University of Toronto


Poirier, Chantal J.

Lakehead University


Poirier, Guillaume Poitras, Dave Polanica, Monica A.

University of Ottawa Universit de Montral The University of British Columbia

17,500 17,500 17,500

Poliquin, Myriam Pop, Cornel M. Popescu, Monica Elena

Universit de Sherbrooke The University of British Columbia McGill University

17,500 17,500 17,500

Porteous, Sheila E. Posie, Thomas A. Post, Ruben M. Potter, Gwendolyn F. University of Victoria Ryerson University McGill University York University Child and youth workers in BC's education system: a mixed methods research proposal The interdisciplinary education debate in a Canadian context The spread of the Celtic shield in the Hellenistic East and its historical impact Redeveloping citizenship in redevelopment planning Mavis Gallant, Alice Munro and the New Yorker: how an American institution edited Canadian short stories for the world Elements of Wagner in Messiaen's La Nativit du Seigneur Michel de Broin et l'application des notions thoriques de son propos dans la mise en exposition rtrospective de son oeuvre Juggling work and family: correlating personality factors with positive vs. negative outcomes of workfamily interaction Political parties and the use of social media in the legislator/citizen relationship: implications for representative democracy in Canada Le rle du coach dans le dveloppement des habilets mentales (incluant la force mentale) chez les joueurs junior de tennis Sociolinguistic study of the Franco-Ontarian speech community in Ottawa within the framework of variationist theory Breaking the news: the impact of content aggregators on the audiences of major journalistic websites Eco-poetics of the Okanagan Local design identity in the Canadian prairies: developing a framework for contemporary industrial design based on a study of the hand-made material culture of prairie settlers 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Potter, Laura K. Potter, Shawn A.

University of Toronto McGill University

17,500 17,500

Poulin, Alexandre

Universit du Qubec Montral


Powell, Nea C.

University of Guelph


Power, Nicole

Carleton University


Prairie-Caron, Genevive

McGill University


Prazeres, Robert

University of Ottawa


Preuss, Julio R.G. Priegert, Portia

University of Toronto The University of British Columbia

17,500 17,500

Prochner, Isabel M.

Universit de Montral


Prochuk, Alana E. Proulx, Jean-Martin Pryor, Todd G. Pulman, Victoria McMaster University HEC Montral University of Northern British Columbia Dalhousie University Child-to-child charity in schools: an ideological analysis valuation de la rentabilit des btiments durables au Canada The role of spirituality, flow, and mindfulness in the identity processes of emerging adults Attitudes and action: Canadians' views and policy change today To stay or to leave: what are the critical factors for Cape Breton University graduates in deciding their future A qualitative exploration of service use experiences among parents of gender non-conforming children Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) students: perspectives of homophobia from racial/ethnic minorites in school Alcohol use and abuse: adolescent resiliency profiles On the acquisition of prefixes of verbal aspect in San Lucas Quiavin Zapotec L'tre et le temps dans le roman Gatsby le magnifique, de Scott F. Fitzgerald The effect of exposure to emoticons on affect Female singers in Iran: an insider's critical view of a forcibly concealed community's practices Measuring structural unemployment in the United States after the recession of 2008 Refugee students' experiences with the education system: a case study on the Toronto District School Board's practices, procedures and policies with its refugee student body 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Pyke, Sarah J. Pyne, Jake

Cape Breton University Ryerson University

17,500 17,500

Quach, Ivan Quaife, Terra D. Quinn, Lauren F. Racine, Julie Rain, Marina Raissadat, Sepideh Rai, Vikram

University of Toronto University of Saskatchewan The University of British Columbia Universit du Qubec Chicoutimi York University University of Toronto University of Toronto

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Rajput, Vicky

Ryerson University


Ramirez Serrano, Maria Carolina Carleton University Grassroots development: a study of sustainable development strategies and foreign aid Precarious employment, precarious lives: Canada's temporary foreign worker program and the production of a liminal immigration status Domestic political determinants of Iranian nuclear proliferation efforts Beyond the march: examining Canada's 2003 antiinvasion movement for solutions to declining civic engagement An examination of the effect of perfectionism on performance anxiety and subsequent performance in student-athletes Regard sur le corps : sexualit et spiritualit vues par deux cinastes fminines contemporaines d'Argentine : Maria Luisa Bemberg et Lucrecia Martel Some notes in passing: representations of trans bodies in modern age comic books Disponibilit des armes feu, homicides et crimes violents au Canada : une analyse spatio-temporelle (An as yet untitled) collection of poetry exploring the effects of an increasingly virtual and vicarious existence upon the psyche and the body-identity of the individual Improvising Aboriginal identity: sustaining Ainu cultural identities through self-teaching and popular music Social fisheries: challenges and adaptive responses of indigenous fishers along Lake Winnipeg The something else of big city travel: Irmgard Keun, Elizabeth Gilbert and the implications of performative travel literature No return to silence: activism in Canadian literary and dramatic representations of the Rwandan genocide 17,500

Ranford-Robinson, Corey J. Rankin, Evan D.

University of Victoria University of Toronto

17,500 17,500

Raso, Kathleen

Simon Fraser University


Rasquinha, Allison M.

University of Alberta


Ravary-Pilon, Julie Raymond, Justin M. Reeves-Latour, Maxime

Concordia University The University of Western Ontario Universit de Montral

17,500 17,500 17,500

Regehr, Kyeren R.

University of Victoria


Renner, Nathan A. Rennie, Dean S.

University of Toronto University of Manitoba

17,500 17,500

Revell, Stephanie M.

The University of British Columbia


Richards, Kimberly S.

University of Calgary


Richert, Ruth E.V. University of Calgary Universit du Qubec en AbitibiTmiscamingue Friend or foe: deconstructing the US-Pakistan alliance Identification et description de l'lve inuit : le foss entre le connu et l'inconnu pour l'enseignant qui arrive au Nunavik Les figures de Pierre Michon : potique du fragment dans Trois auteurs, Corps du roi et Matres et serviteurs A divine imperative: the role of religious beliefs and experiences in the human rights discourses of the Toronto Baha'i community tudes de la sensibilit du budget des mnages Qubcois risque face aux variations de certaines variables conomiques The culture industry gone green: politics and ecocriticism in an era of participatory media The bilingual text: self-translation and the relation of writing to language International intelligence sharing and national security, and the role of signals intelligence Developing effective techniques to recover DNA from archaeological sediments Mainstreaming a gender perspective in policymaking in the Peruvian Amazon: reshaping feminine identities for women's empowerment The United States and interwar naval arms control: the successes and failures of American diplomacy between the wars Narrating the transition from cohabitation to marriage Death and burial practices in the Roman province of Hispania Naturaliser la phnomnologie 17,500

Riel-Roberge, Dominique


Riva, Magali

Universit de Montral


Robert, Louise A.

University of Toronto


Robert, Pierre-Frdric Roberts, Dylan J.B. Robichaud, Genevieve J. Robson, Maria A. Rodrigues, Antonia T.

HEC Montral York University Concordia University University of Calgary Simon Fraser University

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Rodriguez Rosales, Itzel

Concordia University


Roe, David P. Rogers, Marnie D. Rohrig, Samantha Romano, Alexandre B.

Dalhousie University University of Calgary Brock University Universit du Qubec Montral

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Citizenship and belonging: the immigration experiences of Filipina live-in caregivers outside of major Canadian metropolitan spaces From the tomb of Lazarus: archival, orphan and found footage as cinematic resurrection The use of guided imagery in the creation of memory narratives Postmodern suburban planning trends: a re-creation of historical spaces in contemporary cities Labyrinths of waste: mapping waste management practice in informal settlements The study of how the Romans perceived and conveyed geography and its concepts Technology and readers: cultural responses to the digitization of children's literature Exploring the costs, benefits and implications of decisional and emotional unforgiveness L'identit individuelle et le rapport l'engagement conjugal chez les jeunes adultes Analyses de la matire lithique prhistorique Barbuda : nouvelles recherches en prhistoire Political legitimacy, public violence, and television news: the 1972 British Columbia election Investigating the efficacy of introducing mixed-tenure housing to alleviate the symptoms of concentrations of urban poverty in the redeveloped Regent Park Combining First Nations content with multimedia to increase literacy among First Nations/Metis/Inuit students Efficacy of environmental impact assessment in Saskatchewan's forest resource sector All-American boy: juvenile delinquency, race, and the aesthetics of cool in postwar New York, 1950-1964

Romano, Norielyn Romphf, Joshua J. Rosciszewska, Joanna Rosenberg, Laine Rosensweig, Brahm Ross, April M. Ross, David M.J. Ross, Rachel Rousseau, Kevin Rousseau, Vincent Roussin, Della S.

Dalhousie University University of Toronto Concordia University York University University of Toronto University of Toronto York University University of Calgary Universit Laval Universit Laval The University of British Columbia

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Rowe, Daniel J.

McMaster University


Rowluck, William Rushton, Risha-Jaide G. Russell, Kaitlin L.

University of Saskatchewan University of Saskatchewan University of Toronto

17,500 17,500 17,500

Exploring the relationship between organizational citizenship behaviours and attitudes and acculturation of Aboriginal Canadians working on- and off-reserve Behavioural economics strategies in a social marketing context: how to increase the savings of low-income Canadians Ali Hatami, a visual raconteur from the east: a critical study Recognizing facial expressions of emotion in infancy: the role of face familiarity How intimate partner violence survivors experience their sexuality: a grounded theory approach Exploring the reasons and functions of non-suicidal self-injury within Canadian society Veiling practices amongst Iranians: Shi'i Islam, politics, history Hegel, Sartre and Merleau-Ponty on the ethical imperatives within experience The sexualization of girls in the media: limiting opportunities and constraining agency

Rutherford, Twiladawn

University of Windsor


Rutledge, Daniel Sadegh Khanjani, Ramin Safar, Kristina Safinuk, Danaka R. Sagle, Tiffany A. Salari, Forouz Saleh, Jehangir Sampson, Janis R. Samson, Hubert

University of Lethbridge Carleton University Ryerson University University of Regina University of Guelph University of Toronto University of Guelph Saint Mary's University

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Samson, Marie-ve

Sanader, Daniella E.

Sanderson, Jessica K.

Sanschagrin, David

Les Attikameks et la cration du rservoir Gouin en Universit du Qubec Trois-Rivires Haute-Mauricie, 1910-1930 Anthropologie de la migration force et de l'art : intgration et reconstruction identitaire de rfugis cambodgiens de retour Phnom Penh travers le Universit Laval rcit d'artistes sur leur dmarche en arts visuels Exceeding the limits: examining the feminist politics of bodily excess through contemporary art and visual McGill University culture The role of immigrant services organizations in promoting integration and multiculturalism in McGill University Canada: a Montreal case study La judiciarisation du politique au Canada : les critiques de l'cole de Calgary et ses effets sur les Universit du Qubec Montral politiques anti-chartistes du gouvernement Harper





Preparedness on the front lines: improving willingness and ability of response in the front line worker to disasters through preparedness La dmocratie l'heure de la finance mondialise : tude sur le processus dcisionnel et la place de la socit civile lors du sommet du G20 Toronto Les buts d'accomplissement chez les lves de diffrents niveaux de l'cole primaire : un portrait de l'volution de la motivation apprendre La rsurrection de Marques Mortes travers les communauts de Marques An inquiry into the effectiveness of youth programs at increasing educational achievement and stimulating economic development Pushing the metric envelope: hearing large-scale rhythms in the music of Olivier Messiaen The true picture of the past flits by: re-reading Italian literature of the fascist and postwar period as historiographic meta-fiction Tarification d'un produit prissable : rponses stratgiques du consommateur The politics of urban aesthetics Toward fisheries governance: assessing consumer responses to sustainable seafood retail in Canada Are you a reader: the effect of theory of mind on motivation and achievement in reading Byzantine influence on Viking society Beddoes, Davy, and Faraday: transforming public chemistry in Britain Between a rock and a hard place: hybridity and diaspora in the works of Dany Laferrire

Saunders, Shannan

Royal Roads University


Savard, Alain

Universit du Qubec Montral


Savard, Lucia Savignac, Benoit-Mykolas

Universit du Qubec Rimouski HEC Montral

17,500 17,500

Sawatzky, Benjamin A.A. Sawatzky, Grant M.

University of Toronto The University of British Columbia

17,500 17,500

Scardellato, Matteo A. Scarfone, Sonny Schaffer, Nathan J. Schmidt, Dominique Schmidt, Katie A. Schrama, Grant C. Schranz, Kristen M. Schroeder, Angela D.

University of Toronto HEC Montral York University University of Guelph University of Toronto Brock University University of Saskatchewan University of Waterloo

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Schumann, Lyndall A. Schut, Kirsten J. Queen's University University of Toronto The built social environment's influence on bullying and victimization Metaphysics of light in the Middle Ages La banalit extraordinaire : le rle des objets dans la face cache de la lune et La trilogie des dragons de Robert Lepage First language differences in the social competence of young children Jazz rhythm and the external effects of the jazz drum solo Parent-child shared emotional experiences during a storytelling task: predicting child social skills and language development The semiotics of performance in contemporary North American folk literature Examining self-talk in planning behaviour: an implementation intention intervention Exploring the links between shyness, attachment, and the development of biased social cognitions in childhood Entrepreneuriat culturel : coexistence de valeurs et caractristiques contradictoires chez l'entrepreneurdirigeant Impact of active involvement in creative process on self-confidence, social skills, and cognition Investigating the relationship between implicit attitudes and consumer purchase behaviour Incorporating public perceptions into water policy South Asian women's negotiations of hybrid identities 17,500 17,500

Schwartz, Jennifer G. Schwartz, Sara Schwonik, Karl E.

Queen's University University of Toronto University of Toronto

17,500 17,500 17,500

Scott, Shawna A. Sehl, Katherine Selzler, Anne-Marie

University of Windsor Concordia University University of Alberta

17,500 17,500 17,500

Sengsavang, Sonia

University of Toronto


Sergerie, Vronique Sevcikova, Zuzana Shabaga, Rebecca D. Shah, Timothy Shaikh, Hafsah

HEC Montral Concordia University University of Guelph The University of British Columbia Brock University

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Shapiro, Carolyn T. Shaw, Christina J. University of Toronto University of Waterloo Hannah Arendt and Martin Heidegger: public life or private freedom Community based approaches to water resource management An analysis of the relation between the mind-body problem, ritual practices, traditional knowledge, and modernity in Kerala, India Disappearing histories: a study of the effect of marginalized oral traditions in the contemporary world First Nations language recovery, esteem and cultural identity Discursive (dis)continuities: a genealogy of eugenics and women with disabilities The Toledot Yeshu literature and anti-Christian polemics in late antiquity The relationship between ancient philosophy and rhetoric Prairie Freigeld: Alberta Social Credit and the political geography of funny money, 1935-1938 Contributing factors to the social exclusion of Canadian Muslim youth: the role of media discourses Examining the cultural displacement of digital technology The frequency of which individuals who are high in sensation seeking engage in unhealthy risk taking in communities with a variety of healthy risk taking opportunities compared to communities without these opportunities Actual versus perceived risk of tornadoes in southern Ontario Personality, anxiety and aggression in a longitudinal youth sample 17,500 17,500

Sheldon, Victoria L.C.

University of Alberta


Sherman, Amanda J. Sherry-Kirk, Laurie A. Shields, Rachel H. Shier, Kimberley M. Shirazi, Ava Short, Victor M. Siddiqui, Sana A. Siemens, Luke P.

University of Toronto Brock University University of Lethbridge University of Ottawa University of Toronto University of Toronto York University York University

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Sifnakis, Tonya Silver, Amber Silver, Ariel

Ryerson University University of Waterloo University of Toronto

17,500 17,500 17,500

Simmons, Jonathan S. University of New Brunswick Martin Seligman's positive psychology: a case study in the sociology of ideas tude historiographique sur deux tableaux produits dans le Bas-Canada autour de 1840 : paysage au monument Wolfe de Joseph Lgar et Zacharie Vincent de Antoine Plamondon Children's voices in the full-day early learning kindergarten program: photographs, drawings and puppet interviews Addressing Agamben's paradox of sovereignty according to Fichte's political philosophy Semantic theory and the exploration of language through logic Skeletal age determination: charting the aging process in humans through the re-evaluation of current methods and development of new techniques L'enseignement du travail corporel au niveau pruniversitaire : une recherche ethnographique portant sur les pratiques et les reprsentations d'un(e) enseignant(e) Sexual orientation and (self-reported) height: a physical difference, a psychosocial difference, or both Public consultation on municipally driven land development projects: are citizen's groups doing a better job The relationship between conformity and generativity mediated by social comparison Re-conceptualizing community economic redevelopment through the lens of ecological succession The downtown Eastside: on cultural cognitive dissonance and the myth of Vancouver Embodying tourism: yoga, gender and sexuality among female tourists and transnationals in Costa Rica 17,500

Simoneau, Suzanne

Universit du Qubec Montral


Simons, Kadria A. Singer, Jacob Siriwardena, Shyane S.

University of Toronto University of Guelph University of Calgary

17,500 17,500 17,500

Sivakumaran, Rajitha

University of Toronto


Skelling Desmeules, Marie-Eve University of Ottawa Skorska, Malvina Nina Brock University

17,500 17,500

Skoworodko, Carolyn Sleightholm, Melissa M.

Queen's University Wilfrid Laurier University

17,500 17,500

Slight, Penny J. Slobodian, Mayana C.

Dalhousie University York University

17,500 17,500

Smandych, Amelia K.

University of Manitoba


A journalistic study of the Russian liberal parties' leverage within the country's political system with a particular focus on the parties' recent switch to dissident tactics Understanding liveability in practice: investigating the exclusionary nature of planning discourse Dirty pop: boy bands, sexuality and the politics of feminine pleasure Sol tax and the rise of public anthropology The water supply system of St. John's, Newfoundland: a historical geographic account, 1888-2009 Critical museology in community-based artistic practice Reflections of social change: historical literature of the British Industrial Revolution, 1789-1920 Teaching perspective: talking to children with autism using live confederates How do Chinese migrants view the society in which they live: Canada and Germany compared The use of social networking websites to develop a contemporary model of the social network Exploring the use of 19th century Franco-Louisianan poetry and song in the preservation of Louisiana French in contemporary Louisiana Amliorer l'efficacit en sant et scurit au travail au niveau du domaine minier Evaluating the role of social stimuli in creating and maintaining social withdrawal An exploration of a parent's experiences implementing a multimodal at home program for ADHD-LD: a case study

Smirnova, Elena Smith, Emily D. Smith, Jocelyn M. Smith, Joshua J. Smith, Kyle C. Smith, Laura K. Smith, Meaghan A. Sobie, Victoria Solcz, Ryan Michael Soles, Samantha

The University of British Columbia The University of British Columbia Ryerson University The University of Western Ontario York University The University of British Columbia Algoma University University of Manitoba University of Toronto Concordia University

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Sommerfeldt, David R. Soumis, Sophie-Anne Sousa, Christine G.P.

University of Alberta Universit du Qubec en AbitibiTmiscamingue University of Manitoba

17,500 17,500 17,500

Spark, Carol R.

University of Saskatchewan


Springer, Lindsay M. University of Regina Secrecy and ethics in anthropological research Forum theatre and development: a case study with young women in Jacmel Haiti: workshop and live forum-performance exploring the link between gender equity and sustainable development, filmed by Haitian students at the local Cine Institute Digital autonomy and music ecologies: online communities, racism and ideology in the 21st century Le rle de la continuit des attributions lors de changements importants pour la rsilience et le bientre The role of social symptomatology in the classification and etiology of the dark triad personality traits Parental leave among working class and professional men An examination of economic perceptions and its effect on voting preferences for non-incumbent parties between 2004 and 2008 17,500

Spring, Lauren Stadnicki, Daniel A.

York University Carleton University

17,500 17,500

Stawski, Melissa Stead, Rebecca Stecy-Hildebrandt, Natasha

Universit de Montral Queen's University The University of British Columbia

17,500 17,500 17,500

Steffen, Alexander Stelnicki, Andrea

McGill University Queen's University

17,500 17,500

Ste-Marie-Gaudry, Marianne Stephenson, Eleanor S. Steuart, Lori E.

The effect of investigator variables on postidentification feedback volution de la consommation de substances psychoactives chez des adolescents toxicomanes une fois devenus jeunes adultes ainsi que leurs stratgies Universit du Qubec Trois-Rivires de coping A GIS analysis of landscape change in the Canadian Rockies using repeat photographs, 1880 to present A plurality of bodies: the function of space and time in the posthuman experience Can a level of perceptual experience that is inacessible to introspection stand in justifactory relations to conscious beliefs about the world Exhortations to individual agency in a global society: using post/apocalyptic narrative as an epistemological tool for imagining the future

17,500 17,500 17,500

McGill University University of Victoria

Stevens, Christian P.G.

University of Guelph


Stewart, Anne C.

The University of British Columbia


Stewart, Julia K. Stielow, Tim M. St-Laurent, Caroline St. Louis, Chasity St-Michel, Vronique Stockill, Zachary St-Onge, Vronique Stowe, Connie Lynn Strachan, Megan E. Strey, Streven J. Stromdahl, Alec N. University of Guelph Simon Fraser University Universit du Qubec Montral University of New Brunswick HEC Montral McMaster University HEC Montral Brock University University of Toronto Lakehead University The University of British Columbia An evaluation of injury prevention software for children Japanese fishers in the Steveston strike of 1900 tudes sur le dtournement de performances sportive dans la production d'installations multidisciplinaires In the water: stories of Cockawit and Pombcoup La gestion des aliments et la rduction des pertes dans les centres de la petite enfance du Qubec Decolonizing the mind: British society, India and the end of Empire, 1947-1970 Utilisation du Web 2.0 dans les entreprises qubcoises lors du processus de recrutement An autoethnographic journey between two worlds The challenges and opportunities of the new Arctic: the role of the Arctic's indigenous peoples Ecocritical examination of the poetry of Archibald Lampman An analysis of ethical tragedy and its relation to ethical deliberation Captains of industry piloting the ship of state: the Department of Munitions and Supply and the Dollar-aYear Men Standing up to their men: women in country music Organisational attitudes of empowerment within BRAC microcredit programs and the impact on experiences of gender based violence among microcredit participants in the Mymensingh District of Bangladesh 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Stuart, Jeremy G.P. Stubley, Amanda Lynn

University of Calgary The University of Western Ontario

17,500 17,500

Suggett, Iris J.

York University


Channel swap as global brand expansion strategy: implications for multinational corporations from emerging economies Dorothy Livesay's sensory strain of Canadian modernism Learning languages during study abroad: acting appropriately in a foreign language A Canadian inside the Red Army: H. K. Newcombe and the Russian Civil War Stepping onto the entangled bank: a feminist encounter with Darwin's fertile indeterminacy The love that cannot speak its name: the resisted articulation of homoerotic desire in late nineteenthcentury literature From the ashes of the Civil Rights Movement, emerged the historical development of political thought in hip-hop music (1982-1992) Narrating childhood identities: Japanese-Canadian children in post-war Montreal, 1946-1965 The relationship between intrusive thoughts, perfectionism, and attention: a moderation model Gender, myth, and history: Ovid's Heroides and the politics of suppression Did Fred buy the apple or did Sally buy the apple: understanding the effects of elaboration and selfgeneration on preschoolers' source monitoring Fur clothing and the extinction of the Neanderthals How adolescent moral identity development relates to conceptions of social justice Storytelling: examining hybridity of form, genre, and storytelling techniques in contemporary literature

Sun, Daniel Sundberg, Jacquelyn S.D. Surtees, Victoria Sutton, Thomas S. Swift, Jessamyn F.

University of Manitoba McGill University Concordia University University of New Brunswick The University of British Columbia

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Szaefer, Joel

The University of Western Ontario


Taalat, Yassen Tabakow, Elizabeth Taillefer, Stephanie E. Tandon, Shalini

University of Windsor Concordia University Ryerson University University of Toronto

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Tan-MacNeill, Kim Michelle Tarle, Lia Taylor, Jessica Taylor, Jessica E.

University of Calgary Simon Fraser University University of Toronto University of Guelph

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Taylor, Maura C. University of Toronto Multimodality and the interaction between verbal and visual cues in children's and young adult literature Differentiating undergraduate students' susceptibility to two different types of false memories based on individual differences The impact of vocational counseling on economic independence in intimate partner violence survivors La participation des femmes de l'lite quant la consommation, la culture matrielle et la sociabilit Philadelphie durant l're rvolutionnaire amricaine The impact of deliberative dialogue in supporting policy change related to community food security in Nova Scotia Typifying spousal abusers along interpersonal styles Traditional Indian values and their influences on the educational and professional experiences of Indian diasporic women in Canada Cration de dialogues avec les publics partir d'oeuvres interdisciplinaires, ludiques et interactives Athalie, ractualisation du tragique Blinded by transparency: Mexico's right to information law An abosolute act of daring: the representation of care in contemporary art Gender, bullying, contemporary culture and visual arts The role of Medea and Ariadne in male heroic performance For the love of "o-fi: exploring issues of authenticity, masculinity, and technology in rock music 17,500

Taylor, Pamela J. Taylor, Whitney D.

University of Guelph University of Regina

17,500 17,500

Templier, Sarah

Universit de Montral


Terrio, Carrie A. Tessier, Danielle M.R.

Mount Saint Vincent University University of Calgary

17,500 17,500

Tharakkal, Sowmini Thberge, Marie-Pier Throux, Jean-Michel Thirsk, Lisane B. Thomas, Aislinn Z. Thompson, Bruce Thomson, Heather D. Thorson, Garrett E.

University of Toronto Universit du Qubec Montral Universit de Montral York University Concordia University Brock University The University of Western Ontario Dalhousie University

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Tidgwell, Tracy E. Trent University Extraordinary worlds: fantasy in contemporary Canadian art An examination of the support given to conceptions of social and economic equality on organic farms in Sao Paulo, Brazil Familiarity with sexual media and female patterns of sexual arousal Have discursive practices conveyed the Mexican drug cartel war into the realm of Canadian and American national security: the securitization of cartel-related violence and crime in Canada and the United States The changing relationship between society and mental health, psychiatry and mental institutions in 19th and 20th century Canada The struggle of becoming: the formation of hybrid identities in Asian American literature Un cinma de l'entre-deux : identit, altrit et construction de la nation indienne dans les films d'Ashutosh Gowariker Public reason, political legitimacy, and democratic deliberation Les subventions publiques aux entreprises : l'impact sur la productivit The assassin's mace: Chinese naval strategy and asymmetric warfare in the 21st century A unified theory of law: resolving issues with equality rights analysis L'imprim et la formation de l'opinion publique en Grande-Bretagne pendant l're de la rvolution amricaine : la rhtorique de l'esclavage et les sources de l'antiesclavagisme britannique valuation de l'impact des caractristiques linguistiques des travailleurs qubcois sur leur revenu de travail 17,500

Timm, Tobias Timmers, Amanda D.

Simon Fraser University Queen's University

17,500 17,500

Tishler, Nicole A.

Carleton University


Todd, Elizabeth D. To, Fiona Meng Yen

McMaster University McMaster University

17,500 17,500

Tomasi, Josselin Tonkin, Ryan J. Topaloski, Majda Topping, Vincent Toth, Adryan J.W.

Universit de Montral University of Victoria HEC Montral University of Calgary University of Saskatchewan

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Tourangeau, Catherine

Universit de Montral


Tousignant, Julien

Universit de Montral


Toye, Megan P. The University of British Columbia Trauma and collective unconsciousness in contemporary art Les relations interethniques dans les rseaux de sociabilit de l'lite qubcoise entre 1855 et 1926 : l'exemple de la famille Marchand Teaching trauma history: how can documentary film bring the Holocaust to the youtube generation Sister city development: exacerbating economic and cultural disparities Le monument funraire royal : pour une approche de la sculpture entre pratique cultuelle et champ artistique tude paloethnobotanique du site iroquoien Droulers La relation entre les diffrents mtiers du thtre et les mathmatiques applique des situationsproblmes en enseignement Incremental delay of gratification in children Aboriginal correctional programming in Canada Stylistic preferences in the translation of focus structures The body and the city: the relationship between the body and architecture: an exploration of our individual fit into an architecture and the city's representational obligation to this relationship Adult attachment relationships: the role of others in the experience of pain Rewriting the canon: J.M Coetzee's recreations of works by Kafka, Dostoyevsky and Defoe Effects of a school mentoring intervention on outcomes for children in care of the state 17,500

Tremblay, Alex Tremblay-Sher, Myriam Tromsness, Rebecca J.

Universit Laval Concordia University The University of British Columbia

17,500 17,500 17,500

Trottier, Maude Trottier, Stphanie

Universit de Montral Universit de Montral

17,500 17,500

Trudel, Josianne Truong, Grace Truswell, Kayla E. Tucker, Karen E.

Universit du Qubec Rimouski Dalhousie University Simon Fraser University University of Ottawa

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Tufts, Henry J. Turcotte, Kara Turner, Christina L.B. Turri, Mary G.

University of Manitoba The University of British Columbia Dalhousie University The University of British Columbia

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

What are the ethical implications of internet law: exploring the ethical issues inherent in EULA's and the exchange of monetary funds online volution de la fiscalit qubcoise dans la transition du fordisme au nolibralime Using the broaden and build theory to determine the stability of resilience Designing multimedia materials: disentangling word and image L'emploi subversif de strotypes dans Villes mortes, de Sarah Berthiaume : dvoilement d'un imaginaire de la ville fantme Conflict between emerging adults and their parents: a domain specific approach The role of external actors in the post-conflict political development and reconstruction operation in Afghanistan Redefining womanhood: student life in nineteenthcentury American women's colleges Varsity athlete's perceptions of effective teambuilding strategies The future of primary source education: adapting visual thinking strategies for use in public history settings A comparative analysis of the Seattle and Winnipeg General Strikes of 1919 valuation de la comptence mtaorthographique d'lves dyslexiques du primaire The effects of media images on queer male body image: a quantitative and qualitative analysis tude des difficults des lves et des enseignants lies l'enseignement-valuation de l'oral rflexif dans les cercles de lecture entre pairs

Urquhart, James T. Vadeboncoeur, Julien Valcheff, Danielle R. Valley, Michelle A.

Dalhousie University Universit du Qubec Montral Laurentian University Acadia University

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Vallires, Stphanie Vandenberg, Erika F.

Universit du Qubec Montral University of Guelph

17,500 17,500

van den Boogaard, Vanessa VanderHeide, Jessica E. Vander Laan, Anthony

University of Toronto Trinity Western University University of Windsor

17,500 17,500 17,500

Van Dyk, Lindsay E. Van Mulligen, Kiefer J.H. Varin, Jolle Vasilovsky, Alex T.

The University of Western Ontario University of Victoria Universit de Montral Ryerson University

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Vega, Myriam

Universit de Montral


La musique mtal : un hymne la vie saine en collectivit par un partage cathartique, thique et Universit du Qubec Trois-Rivires artistique commun Carleton University University of Windsor Universit Laval Youth overseas volunteerism: an educational outreach experience Hackers, crackers, cyberpunks, and cyber-users: techno-crime and terror against private users Citoyennet d'entreprise et devoir d'assistance : des nouvelles responsabilits des multinationales The effects of a self-controlled, self-modeling intervention on the physical performance, selfefficacy, and motivation of competitive trampolinists Exploring feminist discourses as intertext in Angela Carter's The Bloody Chamber An investigation of peer interactions and positive development in youth sport Waste sorters in montevideo, Uruguay: negotiating spaces and resources Train lger sur rail en milieu urbain : quelles sont les bonnes pratiques transfrables - une comparaison Ottawa/Washington Sortir de la prostitution : quels sont les besoins spcifiques des femmes qui dsirent quitter l'industrie du sexe, ou qui en sont sorties, et comment y rpondre Du Sturm und Drang au romantisme franais : Werther et l'volution transfrontalire d'une esthtique de la mlancolie Pharmaceutical consumption and ideal sexual lifestyle Disability and the network society: how assumptions of ability and experiences of the body operate online The impact of national economic policies on the natural environment: a comparative study

Veilleux, Jean-Franois Verardi, Cassandra Verbora, Antonio Verret-Hamelin, Antoine

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Vertes, Kelly A. Verton, Naomi Vierimaa, Matthew Villar, Catherine E.

University of Ottawa Brock University Queen's University The University of Western Ontario

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Villeneuve, Dominic

University of Ottawa


Vinet-Bonin, Ariane

Universit de Montral


Viroly-Desjardins, Philippe Vogels, Shannon C. Volgina, Anna Volkhammer, Jaclyn

Universit de Montral Simon Fraser University Ryerson University York University

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Voyer-Messier, Marie-Claire Vu, Ngan T.T. Universit Laval Simon Fraser University Syncrtisme religieux et dynamiques d'intgration sociale sur l'le de Java en Indonsie Preventing negative effects of stress during immigrant transition period Economic returns by educational obtainment of first, second, and third generation visible minority Canadians, 1990-2005 Drumcree and community dynamics in Northern Ireland, 1995-2000 Learning for sustainability through participation in community based strategic environmental assessment in Kenya The Dead Letters: a collection of epistolary poetry Uncovering the real: exploring urban fantasy in contemporary culture Seek peace and pursue it: Christian peacemaking in Israel/Palestine Ethically unemployed: an investigation of the moral regulation of Canadian manufaturing workers' responses to displacement and unemployment The impact of agricultural liberalization on developing countries: assessing the evidence for the liberal approaches to development Participation of Canadians and Americans in the fair trade coffee movement: a multidisciplinary analysis A poetic exploration of ecology, home, and ethical identities State power and ethnoreligious conflict in Southwest China: the aftermath of the Shadian massacre Killing the Southern belle: Poe's gender agenda 17,500 17,500

Waite, Sean F.J. Walisser, Andrea M.

The University of Western Ontario Simon Fraser University

17,500 17,500

Walker, Heidi M. Wallace, Jade A. Wall, Clare E. Wall, Katherine M.

University of Manitoba University of Toronto York University Carleton University

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Walsh, Christopher A.

York University


Walsh, Evan P. Walter, Cherida Wang, Phoebe K. Wang, Xian Warje, Anna H.

Queen's University York University University of Toronto Simon Fraser University The University of British Columbia

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

The development of unitizing: a longitudinal study of the mathematical principles needed and the strategies and the models used as children construct this pivotal mathematical concept Social and physical isolation in rural Alberta communities contribute to the disadvantage and disempowerment of female Filipino live-in caregivers The formation of an ethnic identity among secondgeneration South Asian Canadians living in Toronto Modernism and the welfare state: perspectives on dependency Aux fondements d'une relation en rupture avec l'esprit colonial : la reconfiguration du processus de ngociation de traits par le recours la pense politique autochtone contemporaine Predictors of intergenerational involvement with the child welfare system Bioart and traditional printmaking: a study of the grotesque Murky colors: reinterpretation of the other American dream Sustainable energy and building research and policy Investigations into the bioarchaeology of childhood at the Sacred Heart Cemetery in Ingersoll, Ontario using isotopic anthropology L'essor du tourisme de masse dans les parcs nationaux des montagnes Rocheuses sous la direction de James B. Harkin entre 1911 et 1936 Stamped with Sameness: (un)queer gender performance, race, and identity politics in queer culture Constant craving: food, consumption, and the market economy in nineteenth-century literature

Wark, Heather A.

Lakehead University


Watson, Catherine L. Watson, Kaitlyn B. Watters, Siobhan M.

University of Calgary University of Toronto University of Toronto

17,500 17,500 17,500

Wawanoloath, MaximeAuguste Webster, Anna L. Webster, Tokio F. Wei, Casey X. Weiler, Scott A.

University of Ottawa University of Guelph Concordia University Simon Fraser University York University

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Wells, Emily E.A.

The University of Western Ontario


Welsch, Katarina

University of Alberta


Wheadon, Rebekah K. White, Zaren H.

McMaster University McGill University

17,500 17,500

Whiting, Brittany F. Whitten, Elizabeth Wilken, Brooke F. The University of Western Ontario York University University of Victoria Reduction of stereotype activation in people who are highly prejudiced Gender and the case of Caster Semenya Social music-making: perspectives of a Vancouver Island First Nations community Moving Canada closer to sustainable water managment: overcoming implementation barriers to soft paths for water The Redtail site: an examination of post-McKean occupation levels at a multicomponent precontact habitation site Literary losers: the loser figure in contemporary North American fiction Tone assignment in Mandarin Chinese and Vietnamese to loan words originating in non-tonal languages Three-dimensional investigation of nonmetric trait expression: how a greater understanding can lead to more accurate identification of human skeletal remains in both forensic and bioarchaeological contexts Art for the soul: Wassily Kandinsky's theories and artistic explorations into the fine arts as a means to progressing the spiritual development of humankind Focusing hope through collage Detection of the lack of mutual knowledge during conversations among adolescents with and without Asperger's Syndrome Stereotype threat: the effect of gender priming on women's math choices and attitudes The art exhibition as field of intimacy: repositioning binary visual relationships 17,500 17,500 17,500

Wilkes, Taylor B.

University of Waterloo


Williams, Leilani G.M. Williams, Robert J. Williams, Stephanie A.

University of Saskatchewan McGill University University of Toronto

17,500 17,500 17,500

Wilson, Chelsea

University of Victoria


Wittich, Stephanie J. Wittig, Carmen A.C.

The University of Western Ontario University of Northern British Columbia

17,500 17,500

Wong, Brenda Iok Wong, Elizabeth Woodley, Eric C.

University of Windsor York University University of Toronto

17,500 17,500 17,500

Wood, Megan Woods, Erin V. Woo, Mai-Lei Workman, Trent W. Worton, S. Kathleen Wray, Britt D. Wright, Caitlin Wright, Eric Wright, Jessey A.K. Wu, Charley M.S. Wu, Dao Wyatt, Rachael A. Xu, Sheng-Jun Yachison, Sarah R. Yaraskovitch, Alyson A. Concordia University University of Toronto The University of British Columbia University of Manitoba Wilfrid Laurier University Ontario College of Art and Design University of Waterloo The University of Western Ontario The University of Western Ontario McGill University University of Toronto University of New Brunswick The University of British Columbia McGill University University of Ottawa Does anxiety affect friendship quality during preadolescence Musical sound-use in English poetry Reconsidering hunger: exploring food narratives in Southeast Tanzania Cinematic perception and the urban landscape The effect of social integration and financial situation on subjective well-being in undergraduate students Synthesizing discourse in synthetic biology: engaging the general public through the graphic novel The influence of social concerns on attention to emotional faces in individuals with social anxiety Consciousness and the subjective character of experience in humans and animals Reconciling quantum mechanics and the theory of relativity Conceptual frameworks in the social sciences: revising the theory of communicative action Empirical analysis of regulation fair disclosure on probability of informed trading Exposing the linguistic sociological barriers between science and society The application of real options in energy conservation projects The influence of difference questioning styles on children's true and fabricated reports Fear of crime in a spatial context 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Implications of dominant approaches to development on political and economic actors situated in the space of the developing world - in particular, the experience of East Asia in the context of a new world order driven by the neoliberal paradigm Reshaping nature and community: ecotourism in Northern Thailand Our stories, our words: act up oral histories and the evolution of AIDs cultural activism Entrepreneurs' perceptions of tourism: a case study of rural communities in Northern Ontario Examined how regulations diffuses in an economy and how it affects a country's rate of growth and uncertainty with special focus on the US market Reprsentations de la relation d'attachement envers les mres et les pres chez les enfants prscolaires The first comprehensive history in English of the Polish folk dance, the mazurka Canadian archaeology as everyday practice: locating memory and heritage in contemporary cultural spaces The Firdawsi millennium congress, Iranian nationalism, and the reorientation of Orientalism Giving Kibera a voice Traduction assiste par ordinateur et reconnaissance vocale : vers une nouvelle re de la traduction professionnelle Exploration of power, gender, and forgiveness in an organizational setting From growth to sustainabilty: an investigation of the change in governance in the resort municipality of Whistler, British Columbia

Yoo, Ji-Eun Youdelis, Megan Young, Jessica R. Youroukos, Nicholina

University of Toronto York University Concordia University Lakehead University

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Yu, Chong Yurkowski, Kim Zaborowski, Monika Zagar, Catherine Mary Zahiremami, Parisa Zaki, Ghada

University of Toronto University of Ottawa University of Victoria McMaster University University of Toronto McGill University

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Zapata Rojas, Julian

University of Ottawa


Zarina, Tatiana

The University of Western Ontario


Zavarce, Carlos I.

Simon Fraser University


Zebarjad, Negin York University Shirin Neshat's visual appropriations The great Moravian and Bohemian resurrection: early medieval Czech rotundas and the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem Performing race: staging Tomson Highway's plays with non-native performers Market reactions to bank acquisitions Caricatures of Napoleon III in Punch, 1851-1854 A study of the royal inscriptions of Sargon of Akkad and their applicability in the historical reconstruction of the Early Akkadian Period The forgotten history of Afrocentric schooling in Ontario The relationship between perceived social support and quality of life in women who have experienced intimate partner violence 17,500

Zemanova, Kristyna Zess-Funk, Lindsey J. Zhang, Eric Zhou, Carson Y.

The University of British Columbia University of Calgary University of Toronto The University of British Columbia

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Zhou, Ruoying Zingano, Lameck L.

University of Toronto York University

17,500 17,500

Zorn, Kimberley G. Zubczyk, Kate

University of Regina University of Guelph

17,500 17,500

Zurek, Nadia

A difference of miles: Norse settlement in Orkney and Shetland in the middle ages Analyse de l'criture d'Yvonne Le Matre, une chroniqueuse franco-amricaine de la premire moiti du vingtime sicle : son style, ses opinions et Universit du Qubec Trois-Rivires ses influences culturelles


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