Field Guide in Celery Revised Nov

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CELERY (Apium graveolens)

I. Soil and climatic Requirement Celery is commonly grown in a mild cool places with a temperature range 18 24C. But some variety can e grown in hot area! that can tolerate too much heat. "enerally celery grows well in a well drained! high in organic matter soil. # soil p$ ranging %rom &.' &.8 suit the growth o% celery. (% planted in clay soil it is suita le to mi)ed it w* lots o% organic matter to ma+e it loose. ,repared drainage canals specially during rainy seasons to avoid %ungal diseases. II. Variety developed by Known You Taiwan 1. -all .tah plant are tall with thic+ light green petioles slow olting! good %or up land planting 2. /ummer plant are medium to small in height suita le in close planting! stal+ are thic+ and %i er less w* dar+ green leaves grown in hot places. III. Seedlin Care. Celery seed usually grown in container e%ore transplanting into the %ield. .sing seedling trays 1'4 and growell medium lessen mortality! uni%orm growth! save seeds as well as avoid stress during transplanting. ,lace seedling into a nursery %or etter growth. /eedlings are ready %or transplanting 2' 021 days a%ter sowing. IV. Tran!plantin and !pacin 2ield to e planted with celery should e well prepared. (t should e %ree o% weeds and soil are plow and harrowed twice. ,repare a plot 1 meter wide and a out & 08 inch high. 3a+e a canal a out '.1 meter in each plot. (t is etter to apply asal %ertili4er to the plot. Cover plot w* silver lac+ plastic mulch to avoid weeds to grow! maintain soil moisture as well as soil erosion. -ransplanting should e done in the a%ternoon to avoid stress in the plant. (% you use large variety is should e spaced 5' 4' cm each plant while small celery variety can e planted 2'cm a part. VII )e!t and %i!ea!e! Side %re!!in #pply 1' 1''g o% urea in every 1 meter s8uare planting area. -his is done every 11 days ! %or varieties that can transplanting. V . Irri ation and %raina e Celery re8uired lots o% water during its entire growth specially during summer %or having a short roots .2arrow irrigation or lay sprin+ler are some ways %or watering the plants. (rrigate plants a%ter applying %ertili4er to e easily a sor ed y the plants. ,repared drainage canal specially during rainy season to avoid water logging in the area. e harvested &' &1 days a%ter $. %renc&in /hould e done 6 1' days a%ter transplanting . 7issolved the recommended %ertili4er in 1& liter o% water. .sing a sardines tin can (regular si4e)! %ill it up with dissolved %ertili4er and apply it in the ase o% each plant. 'ee( 1 2 5 4 1 Calcium nitrate 61g 11'g 221g 5''g 5''g IV. "ertili#ation #. -he %ollowing are recommended %or asal %ertili4ation in every 2' meter plot. 2 sac+s organic 2 +ilos complete 1 +ilo calcium nitrate 1''011' grams oron 1''011' grams magnesium

)e!t #rmyworm Cutworm /nail * slugs 7iseases /hallow heart 9ea% spot :oot rot /tem rot VII. *arve!tin

Control /elecron 3alathion /nail art Control 3anco4e 7ithane 7ithane :edeem

Harbest communications

Celery can e harvested &' &1 days %or some variety. ;thers can e harvested as early as 4' 1' days %rom transplanting. $arvesting should e done early in the morning or late in the a%ternoon to avoid the plant %rom wilting . $arvested celery can e wrapped y plastic or paper e%ore transporting to mar+et. (% re%rigerated harvested celery stay crisper %or up to a wee+.

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Summer Celery from Known You Seed Co. of Taiwan


HARBEST AGRIBUSINESS CORPORATION No. 5 Rosemarie Lane, Brgy. Kapitolyo, Pasig City Tel. No. 67 7! to ! "a# No. $%&' 67 &&(& email) it#* / ,arbest*,,

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