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I. Soil and Climatic Requirement Closely relative of the onion, shallots and garlic. Chives are perennial plants which grow grass-like clumps about 20-30cm tall. They grow well in sun or semi-shade and are ideal plants for pot culture, probably in a relatively large pot about 2!0mm diameter". The chopped leaves are useful in salads, soups, stews and egg dishes. Chives re#uire well-drained loams, with a high level of organic material are generally suitable for their growth. The plants are adapted to a wide range of temperature and can be grown in lowland areas with temperature greater than 2$C. II. Variety developed by Known You Taiwan %ien &wa - plants are vigorous, tolerant to both heat and cold, dry and wet. &as long thick stem with very little fiber and delicious taste. 'road (eaf - long thick white stem with large 'road (eaves can be cut several times per season. blanching. III. Seedlin Care *eeds of Chives are sown either in containers, seedling tray or in a seedbed. +n seedling trays, sow the seeds in ,gri-plas seedling tray .2/ holes, filled with 0rowell 1edium. +t can be transplanted 2$-30 days after sowing. IV. Tran!plantin and !pacin The area to be planted with Chives should be well prepared. +t should be free of weeds and soil is plow and harrowed twice. 2repare a plot . meter wide and about 3 -/ inch high. 1ake a canal about 0.$ meter in each plot. +t is better to apply basal fertili4er to the plot. Cover plot with silver 5 black plastic mulch to avoid weeds to grow, maintain soil moisture and avoid soil erosion. )ery vigorous and good for

Transplanting should be done late in the afternoon to avoid stress in the plant. +f you use large variety is should be spaced 30 5 60 cm. 1ake sure to water newly transplanted seedlings. IV. "ertili#ation ,. The following are recommended for basal fertili4ation in every 20 meter plot. 2 sacks organic 2 kilo complete . kilo calcium nitrate .00-.$0 grams boron .00-.$0 grams magnesium $. %renc&in *hould be done 7 5 .0 days after transplanting . 8issolved the recommended fertili4er in .3 liter of water. 9sing a sardines tin can regular si4e", fill it up with dissolved fertili4er and apply it in the base of each plant. 'ee( . 2 3 6 $ C. Side %re!!in ,pply $0 5 .00g of urea in every . meter s#uare planting area. This is done every .$ days , for varieties that can be harvested 30 5 3$ days after transplanting. V . Irri ation and %raina e +rrigation should be applied at regular intervals to maintain constant growth rate. :ater consistently when flower buds start to form. ;bserve drainage during wet season. Calcium nitrate 7$g .$0g 22$g 300g 300g

VII )e!t and %i!ea!e! )e!t ,rmyworm Cutworm *nail < slugs 8iseases *hallow heart (eaf spot =oot rot *tem rot VII. Harve!tin &arvesting can be done by detaching the outer leaf from the main cluster without disturbing the roots of the parent plant., or may uproot and separate the whole cluster. harvesting 30-.20 days characteristics of the cultivars. 2lants are normally mature enough for after transplanting, depending on the Control *elecron 1alathion *nail bart Control 1anco4eb 8ithane 8ithane =edeem

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NienHwa Fl Chives from Known You Seed Co. of aiwan

HARBEST AGRIBUSINESS CORPORATION No. 5 Rosemarie Lane, Brgy. Kapitolyo, Pasig City Tel. No. 67 7! to ! "a# No. $%&' 67 &&(& email) it#* , -arbest*

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