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Tier Security Training provide 3dvanced" non accredited training courses. The courses are designed to provide Security" +ilitary and Police with 3dvanced techni*ues that they can utili4e operationally to provide themselves a #etter chance of surviving. .ourses Provided5 .om#at Pistol .ourse 6 day pistol course designed to provide advanced handgun skills. )ight,7ow 7ight Shooting .ourse )ight pistol course designed to provide operators with e(perience in shooting at night,low light and the use of torches. Simulation Training Simulation Training is the most realistic and advanced training availa#le to Security Operators. /t places operators in real life situations and tests their operational safety training as if it were real life. This course is tailored to the .lients needs. .$1 .ourse 0our day course providing instruction in .lose $uarter 1attle Techni*ues" /nternal Search techni*ues and operating in small teams.

Jason Spivey is the founder of TSG and in association with Dynamic Training provides certified operational safety & survival tactics training. Jason worked as a Police Officer for ! years" three of which were as a mem#er of a tactical police unit with the $ueensland Police Special %mergency &esponse Team. 'e has e(tensive e(perience working in hostile environments and the training provided #y Jason is #ased on operational e(perience" )OT classroom study. Jason was a *ualified +arksman,O#server" %ntry Team mem#er" -ater Operations Specialist and S%&T +edic prior to taking up a Security .ontractor position in /ra*. 'e has instructor *ualifications in 0irearms" 1atons" 'andcuffs and defensive tactics and in con2unction with his operational e(perience" is a#le to provide the latest in operational safety training techni*ues. Jason still performs operations internationally and continually improves his own skills to ensure his training is relevant and operationally sound.


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Operational Safety
Professional Officers operate with confidence" which is a product of training and e(perience. -hen situations e(ceed a#ility" officers can #e in 2eopardy" physically and legally. Safety is a#out #eing prepared for any situation. Our programs empower officers to survive the reality of the operational environment Tactical training must fulfill : criteria A it must #e simple" effective and defensi#le. Our programs are designed around a singular concept A Btotal officer safetyC A and com#ine what officers Bmust doC with what they actually Bwill doC under the stress of actual confrontation. Theses courses will #enefit 377 Officers" regardless of e(perience" and progressive organisations serious a#out the safety and professionalism of officers. .ontent can #e customi4ed to suit specific operational re*uirements and organisations can re*uest specific BclosedC courses for their staff only. -e can also assist with annual reDcertifications and provide regular opporutunities to further develop officer survival skills in a positive environment with the guidance of *ualified" e(perienced and professional instructors. Train with confidence. Our programs are designed for 3ustralian operational conditions using field proven strategies #enchmarked against current international #est practice standards for operational use of force and are fully approved #y 7icensing &egulation Division" 9ictoria Police. Programs include e(tensive full colour manuals with clear e(planations and visuals" providing a valua#le reference for officers and organisations. 1e proactive a#out operational safety.

.ontrol Persons Esing 1aton .overs the control of persons with a #aton. /t re*uires the a#ility to present #atons confidently" to use #atons to defend self or another" to direct persons within lawful parameters" and knowledge of #ehavior in conflict situations where force is likely to #e used. Code: CPPSEC3014A 0/&%3&+S .ontrol Security &isk Situations Esing 0irearms .overs identifying when to use a firearm to respond to a life threatening situation. /t re*uires the a#ility to analyse risk factors" to maintain and store firearms and ammunition in accordance with legislative re*uirements" and knowledge of use of force guidelines and incident reporting procedures. Code: CPPSEC3008A S/+E73T/O) T&3/)/)G The most effective training method availa#le" ena#ling officers to proactively participate in reality training" safely. Simulation Training can #e adapted to cvoer most operational scenarios. %n*uire today and discover how Simulation Training will #enefit your organi4ation. These courses are conducted in association with DYNAMIC T AININ! who are a e"istered Trainin" #r"anisation and a $icensed Securit% Trainer with $icensin" e"u&ation Di'ision( )ictoria Po&ice*

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