Q1 Formula Writing (Muet)

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Q1 Formula: TITLE 1) OV + CI 2-3) KFs 4) P(i) + P(ii) 1. Extract the TITLE from the question and underline it.

2. First paragraph- min 2 sentences: the OverView (OV) and Controlling Idea (CI). OV- What does the stimuli present? Answer: a bar graph, diagram, pie chart, pictograph, newspaper headline or article, some notes etc. CI- What is the general trend of all the stimuli combined? Answer: Increasing, Decreasing, Consistent or Fluctuating (NOTE: These are the FOUR main trends) 3. 2nd and/or 3rd paragraphs- identify the Key Features (KFs) which are the MOST OUTSTANDING ideas from the stimuli. (NOTE: report will be marked DOWN if students just LIST ALL FEATURES and information from the stimuli without choosing the MOST IMPORTANT AND OUTSTANDING details, students must be SELECTIVE of which details to include) *There is no set number of KFs that need to be identified. Therefore, this report writing is more difficult to perfect as it depends heavily on the students' understanding and proficiency. **Also ensure that students do not make any external ASSUMPTIONS! Do not give your own ideas and opinions no matter how plausible they may be. ***You may write in just 1 paragraph but 2 or 3 paragraphs are also accepted, generally it depends on what kind of stimuli is given. Begin each paragraph with phrases like: i) According to the... ii) Based on the... iii) With reference to... 4. Closing - min 2 sentences, Prediction (Pi) and Proposal (Pii). P(i)- What future trend can you predict? Answer: If x happens, then y will continue to increase, decrease, stabilise or fluctuate. P(ii)- What recommendation can you propose? Answer: The government/company/United Nations can... *P(ii) is not compulsory but it will differentiate the higher bands from the lower ones. NOTE: While the word limit suggested is 150 to 200 words, you can write more without being penalised. However, writing more means there may be more grammatical errors which will cause you to be marked down. Besides, it will leave less time for you to complete the 350 word academic essay needed. So act wisely. ;-)

Answers: Frequency of Visits to the Three Music Websites by Teenagers

The stimuli present a bar graph on visits to the 3 music websites by teenagers in August and a table on promotional activities of the three sites within the same period. In general, visits to the music websites especially Music Connect increased in direct proportion to the frequency and type of promotional activities provided by the websites. According to the bar graph, Music Connect was the most popularly visited website by teenagers as it recorded a total of about 133 000 visitors for the month of August. This was followed closely by Music Network which had 125 000 visitors while the least visited of the three websites was Era Music with only 50 000 visitors. The numbers of visitors fluctuated from week to week and website to website depending on how attractive were the promotional activities carried out by each website each week. Based on the table, Music Network was the only website that had a promotional activity called 'Name that tune' in the first week therefore it scored the highest hits with 40 000 visitors compared to Music Connect (15 000) and Era Music (10 000). In week 2, Music Connect organised free music CDs for its visitors which gave them 35 000 hits. This promotion was more attractive than 'Name the singer' by Music Network and 'Name the movie' by Era Music therefore the type of promotional activity carried out is a major factor to draw more visitors to the websites. Week 3 showed the least hits for all three websites as there were no promotional activities carried out at that time. Finally, in week 4, visits to Music Connect skyrocketed to 55 000 hits because they organised free concert tickets for its visitors. Music Network came in second after carrying out a 'Whose line is it' promotion compared to Era Music which attracted only 10 000 as they did not plan any promotional activity for their website. In conclusion, if websites carry out exciting and attractive promotional activities such as those conducted by Music Connect, then the number of teenage visitors will continue to increase. The websites should increase promotional activities that can capture the attention of more teenagers by providing free gifts or meet the celebrity tickets because it will directly affect their website's popularity especially among the younger generation.

Question: The world today is turning more to electronic communications such as the e-mail, Facebook and Short message System (SMS). What is your opinion of this growing trend? Discuss. You should write at least 350 words.

Answer: Everywhere we turn today, the world is crowded with people busy typing SMSes on their Nokias or iPhones or someone is staring unblinkingly at a Facebook or Yahoo page on the computer screen. Whether you like it or not, the age of Information Technology is upon us, and we can either learn new skills and adapt to this new technology, or be forever lost and stuck in the older generation. In my opinion, I am fully convinced that this growing trend is the way of the future, and it brings countless benefits to mankind. In this essay, I will discuss three positive effects of electronic communication, namely its efficiency, enhances communication and creates a borderless world community. First and foremost, more and more people are relying on e-mail, Facebook, Short Message System (SMS) and other types of electronic communication tools because of its high efficiency. This is because in today's age of globalisation, we need information at the tip of our fingers. Moreover, with the use of these tools, we can increase the speed of getting the necessary and relevant information within seconds and this will increase our productivity. For example, gone are the days of using 'snail mail' or regular letters using stamps and envelopes and many more examples of 'old' technology because it is simply too slow and inefficient. Therefore, these e-communication tools increase the access to important information which is why the new generation is fully accepting this growing trend. Secondly, this form of technology enhances communication among people today. This means that when we use SMS, e-mails and websites like Facebook, we are able to communicate clearly and directly to our target audience. Furthermore, people today find that the message is more important than the form it comes in as an e-mail in short but clear sentences is just as good as or even better than a long and formal letter. For instance, an SMS can give clear instructions in just a few words and this communicates what needs to be done quickly and directly. Thus, when the intended message can be spread clearly using short and clear information like in SMSes and emails, communication can be enhanced and there will be less problems of miscommunication. Last but not least, e-communication creates a borderless community in the world we live in today. This is due to the fact that the boundaries that separate each country become less relevant when information is transferred without limitations. In addition, the world would be a better place because there is a sense of 1-World commitment, respect and tolerance for the global community through efficient and clear e-communication. Take for example; we are able to connect with people on an international basis using Facebook, Friendster, Tagged, Hotmail, Yahoo and others. Hence, these tools will enhance global unity and create a more peaceful world. In a nutshell, this growing trend has many positive effects not just to individuals but the global society in terms of efficiency, enhancing communicative skills and shaping a borderless community. In my opinion, I still firmly believe that this latest trend is the best way forward and if we do not catch up, we will be left behind by the tide of development. Our government can encourage the proper usage of electronic communications by increasing communication amenities and broadband accessibility especially in rural areas so that they can enjoy the same facilities as city-folks therefore balancing the development of our country towards achieving Vision 2020.

(577 words)

Situation Introductions
Write two sentences to describe the two sides of the present situation. The third sentence the Thesis sentence - will describe what you are going do in your essay.

Sentence 1 Sentence 2 Sentence 3

One side of the present situation The other side of the present situation Thesis: What you are going to do in your essay Who should take care of our old people?

Sentence 1 Sentence 2 Sentence 3 (Thesis)

In my country, most old people live happily with their children. Increasingly however, many families cannot take care of their parents This essay will describe some of the problems involved with taking care of old people, and discuss who should be responsible. Does Aid to Poor Countries Work?

Sentence(s) 1 Sentence 2 Sentence 3 (Thesis)

For the last fifty years, poor countries have been receiving huge sums of money from rich donor countries. Some of this money has improved lives, while much of it has disappeared or made no difference. In this essay, I will discuss some arguments for and against foreign aid. Should dangerous sports be banned?

Sentence 1 Sentence 2 Sentence 3 (Thesis)

Every year, thousands of people are injured or killed in sports such as boxing or motor-racing. Because of this, many people are opposed to such sports, and want them to be stopped or controlled. This essay will look at some of the arguments for and against banning dangerous sports.

Opinion Introductions In this kind you give two opposite opinions in the first two sentences. The third sentence says what you are going to do.

Does space exploration benefit mankind? Sentence For Sentence Against Sentence 3 (Thesis) Many people are excited about space exploration. However, others feel it is a massive waste of money This essay will look at some of the arguments for and against space exploration.
(32 words)

Does space exploration benefit mankind? Sentence For Sentence Against Sentence 3 (Thesis) Space, for many people, really is the final frontier. They are excited by the exploration and potential of space. However, not everyone agrees that this money is well-spent. Many people feel that we should solve problems here on earth before beginning our journey to space This essay will look at some of the arguments for and against space exploration.
(58 words)

Do Athletes Deserve Their High Salaries?

Sentence(s) 1

Everyday, we read about new record contracts and salaries earned by sportsmen and women. Some people do not agree with these huge payments Others believe that our sports heroes deserve every penny. This essay will look at some of the arguments for and against the high salaries of athletes.

Sentence 2 Sentence 3 (Thesis)

Thesis Statement
A thesis statement is a sentence (or two) that states what you are going to do in your essay. It is a kind of signpost or map that shows the reader what direction you will take. It usually comes at the end of the Introduction. In this essay, I will outline the arguments for and against sex education in schools. In this essay, I will examine some reasons for the growth of the tourism industry.

You can leave out "I."

This essay looks at ideas in favour of and against early marriage. This essay will discuss the benefits of having universal free health care.

Show how many parts your essay will have

Sometimes the reader can tell which paragraphs will follow the thesis statement. I am going to analyse the effects of drugs on the individual, the family, and society. In an essay with the thesis statement above, there will clearly be three parts - one on the effects of drugs on the individual, one part with the effects on the family, and another with the effects on society.

Be Strong
Sometimes you don't need a "will" or "going to". Your thesis statement is so strong that it is clear what your opinion is. Beating children brutalizes parents, damages the parent-child relationship, and is completely unnecessary. In an essay with the thesis statement above, there will clearly be

The conclusion is the end of the essay. It is the last part of the essay and it is the part that the reader may remember most. It should be clear and avoid confusing the reader. The reader expects the conclusion to do some or all of the following

rephrase the question summarize the main ideas give your opinion, if you haven't given it already look to the future (say what will happen if the situation continues or changes)

The reader DOES NOT expect new information in the conclusion. Never add a new idea just because you have thought of it at the end! You must do all of this in just three or four sentences!

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