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The Banshees Embrace

The Banshees Embrace Trilogy Book One

Victoria Richards
Copyright 2012

Copyright 2014, Smashwords Edition by Victoria Richards !ictoria"richards#com$# %&& rights reser!ed, inc&'ding the right to reprod'ce, distrib'te, or transmit in any (orm or by any means# )or in(ormation regarding s'bsidiary rights, p&ease contact the p'b&isher# This is a wor* o( (iction# %&& names, characters, p&aces and incidents either are the prod'ct o( the a'thor+s imagination or are 'sed (ictitio's&y# %ny resemb&ance to act'a& persons either &i!ing or dead, as we&& as any e!ents or &ocations is entire&y coincidenta&# ,n accordance with the -#S# Copyright %ct o( 1./0, any means o( reprod'ction, either e&ectronic or physica&, o( any part o( this boo*, witho't written permission is 'n&aw('& piracy and deemed a the(t o( the a'thor+s inte&&ect'a& property# 1o' may 'se the materia& (rom this boo* (or re!iew p'rposes on&y# %ny other 'se re2'ires written permission (rom the a'thor or p'b&isher# Smashwords Edition, License Notes Than* yo' (or down&oading this eboo*# This boo* remains the copyrighted property o( the a'thor, and may not be redistrib'ted to others (or commercia& or non"commercia& p'rposes# ,( yo' en3oyed this boo*, p&ease enco'rage yo'r (riends to down&oad their own copy (rom their (a!orite a'thori4ed retai&er# Than* yo' (or yo'r s'pport#

Table of Contents

The Banshee %wa*ens 5i4ard Tr'ths The Bo6 o( So'&s Command 7e So'& Reaper %'thor ,n(o

The Banshee Awakens

The rain how&ed down, ca'sing 8ac2'e&ine+s s*irt to stic* to her as i( it were a second s*in# She didn+t notice, nor did the po'nding rain ca'se her any discom(ort# 9er attention was (oc'sed on the body ne6t to her, her mind trying to ma*e sense o( e!erything that she+d seen# Eric is dead# The tho'ght tore at her heart# Someone had 3'st *i&&ed her h'sband# E!en tho'gh she *new that, e!en tho'gh her mind *new she needed to r'n, to get the hell o't o( danger, 8ac2'e&ine co'&d do nothing b't stare down at the man who had somehow managed to sa!e her (rom death# B't how: 9ow had he done it: The deep ache in her chest where she+d been hit was proo( something happened, b't had she imagined the spar*s she+d seen (&ying (rom his (ingertips, the spar*s that had sai&ed thro'gh the wet night and at the mysterio's man who+d attempted to assa'&t her# ;o# ,t wasn+t possib&e# 9er mind was p&aying tric*s# ,t had to ha!e been a g'n, some sort o( new techno&ogy# Eric was a cop# 9e wo'&d ha!e had access to those things# ,t had on&y &oo*ed &i*e< 7agic# The m'rderer had ta*en o(( into the night, not bothering to see i( his !ictim was a&i!e or dead# 9er mind rep&ayed the e!ents o( the past (ew min'tes# 8ac2'e&ine had been certain that death was going to c&aim her, b't as she+d &ain on the

soa*ed gro'nd, Eric+s worried (ace appeared abo!e her# The wind had pic*ed 'p, carrying with it an odd, a&most me&odio's how&# =;o, 8ac*ie>= Eric+s !oice was stern, tho'gh b&ood dripped down the side o( his (ace# =?on+t &isten to the song# ,t+s not yo'r time to become one o( them#= =Eric, baby<= She co'&d (ee& the strength s&ipping (rom her body# ,t (e&t &i*e something dar* t'gged at her spirit, something that wanted !ery bad&y (or her to &et go o( &i(e# What a weird thought =;o>= 5ith a deep breath, Eric had raised his head to the night s*y and beg'n chanting strange words# 9is hands g&owed with a so(t, com(orting white &ight, and as he p&aced them on her chest, 3'st abo!e her heart, heat s&id into her s*in# The t'gging (ee&ing e!aporated# =Eric:= %s she sat 'p, he (e&& onto his side, eyes wide and empty# 9er emotions were n'mb with dread, and tho'gh her mind had a&ready darted and de&!ed its way into a mi&&ion 2'estions, she wi&&ed herse&( to be sti&& 3'st a moment &onger# 8'st a &itt&e whi&e more# ,( she sat !ery, !ery sti&&, e!erything wo'&d go bac* to norma&# She+d wa*e 'p (rom the horror, (rom the tr'th# Eric is dead# She reached (orward and to'ched the body o( the man she+d been married to (or (i!e years# 9e was a&ready co&d# The rain &ashed against him, and s'dden&y 8ac2'e&ine threw herse&( against his chest, ready to shie&d him (rom the harsh drops# ?esperate&y, she breathed in his scent#

9er s*in ting&ed# %n6iety danced in her stomach, and the oddest sensation o( power ripp&ed thro'gh her abdomen# The spot on her chest where the man had hit her, that Eric had hea&ed, ached# 9er heart raced and di44iness washed o!er 8ac2'e&ine, mi6ing with the sensation o( rain on her s*in# She co'&d &itera&&y (ee& this new energy rising thro'gh her body 'nti& it reached the esophag's# 8ac2'e&ine &i(ted her (ace to the s*y# ,( she co'&d ha!e seen herse&(, she wo'&d ha!e been shoc*ed to see that her eyes were a deep, &'minescent green# 9er mo'th opened and a &ong wai& (&ew (ree (rom within her# @n&y it wasn+t rea&&y a wai&# ,t had me&ody# ,t &i(ted 'p thro'gh the air, s*imming the rain and dancing across the night s*y, carrying a&ong the so'nd o( her &ament#


Three mi&es away, Toby 5i&&iams r'bbed at his co'nter top with a damp towe&# 9e+d 3'st (&ipped o(( the neon sign (or 7er&yn+s Bar when the so'nd came to him# %t (irst, it was (aint, a so(t song that so'nded !ag'e&y (ami&iar# 9e mo!ed to the window and stared o't, c'rio's# The bar was &ocated at the end o( an o&d dirt road that ran para&&e& to the ri!er# ,t was the &ast stop (or ri!er ra(ters and t'bers be(ore they 3o'rneyed into the Ba&esb'rg )a&&s, a more dangero's stretch o( water# Trees &ined the &one&y road on both sides, bending down &ow and creating a t'nne& &i*e e((ect at night# Tonight as Toby &istened to the strange song he became aware o( how &ist&ess and sti&& the air was, a&most as i( it too had pa'sed to &isten to the mysterio's me&ody# B't as Toby watched, one by one the trees r'st&ed as a g'st wind b&ew thro'gh them# 9e p'shed open the bar door and stood o'tside# @ne sni(( o( the air to&d him that rain was coming which was odd (or 8'&y# ;orma&&y, this part o( the state didn+t see rain again 'nti& @ctober# The &i&ting me&ody grew &o'der, carried by the (orce o( the wind, 'nti& the me&ancho&y song itse&( seemed to wrap aro'nd him, ca'sing his cynica& heart to beat a &itt&e (aster# 9is eyes narrowed and he p'&&ed gent&y at the b&onde beard he+d been growing (or the &ast (ew months# 5hat was ma*ing that so'nd: There was mo!ement to his &e(t# Something or someone was hiding in the b'shes# =Re!ea&,= he said, wa!ing his hand in the air as i( parting a c'rtain#

The b'shes opened ob&iging&y, disp&aying a sma&& man tremb&ing behind the br'sh# =5ho are yo':= Toby ca&&ed o't# The man 3'mped 'p, c&apped his hands together, and witho't a word, disappeared into thin air# =Shit,= Toby m'ttered# =%nother wi4ard# 5hat the he&& is going on now:= Toby 5i&&iams stepped bac* inside 7er&yn+s Bar# Tho'gh he didn+t need to, he &oc*ed the door behind him# 5ith a so(t sigh, he res'med his acti!ity o( c&eaning the co'nter, b't dread and c'riosity brewed in his stomach# The other wi4ards wo'&d be paying him a ca&& soon#


@ne 1ear Cater<#

8ac2'e&ine was dr'n*# She *new it and didn+t gi!e a damn# So what i( she was being &o'd and obno6io's: So what i( she wasn+t ma*ing sense: She was 8ac2'e&ine 9'ston and she co'&d do whate!er the he&& she p&eased> %t &east when she was drin*ing# =%nd another thing,= she said to her (riend %nge&a who was e2'a&&y dr'n*# =, thin* that st'pid Be&&a sho'&d ha!e pic*ed the wo&(# , mean, come on> 5hy wo'&d yo' pic* a dead g'y (or a boy(riend:= =9e is pretty damn se6y,= %nge&a &isped# =So se6y> B'ys that se6y sho'&d be i&&ega&#= =Edward is a whiner,= 8ac2'e&ine insisted# =5hine, whine, whine a&& the time#= She tapped her empty red p&astic c'p on the bar (or emphasis# =Spea*ing o( wine#= 8ac2'e&ine &eaned o!er the bar and sho'ted down at the bartender# =9ey, Toby> , need some more wine down here# Bring me the good st'((> 1o' *now, the *ind o't o( a bo6#= Both women crac*ed 'p, &a'ghing hysterica&&y# 8ac2'e&ine noticed Toby mo!ed s&ow&y towards them# 9e was coo& and co&&ected, something she en!ied abo't him# ,n the year that she+d been (re2'enting 7er&yn+s Bar, she+d yet

to see him &et a sit'ation get o't o( hand# %ny attempt at a bar (ight was nipped in the b'd be(ore the (irst p'nch was thrown# 9e e6'ded power, and 8ac2'e&ine had to admit it was a !ery se6y trait# ;ot that she tho'ght o( him that way, o( co'rse# She+d on&y been widowed a year# Sti&&, sometimes when she was drin*ing, odd &itt&e tho'ghts wo'&d come to her, spar*ing her imagination# =1o' ye&&ed:= Toby &eaned bac* against the wa&& o( the bar, his arms crossed as he ga!e them both the once o!er# =1es# Co'&d we p&ease ha!e another g&ass o( yo'r best Chardonnay:= %nge&a as*ed# She smi&ed at the bartender, tossed her &ong red hair, and attempted a (&irtatio's win* that somehow made her &oo* &i*e she was ha!ing a brain sei4're# 8ac2'e&ine co'&dn+t he&p &a'ghing# =, thin* yo' two ha!e had eno'gh# 5ho is dri!ing home:= Toby as*ed# =,+m cabbing it#= %nge&a grinned# =,+m not st'pid eno'gh to drin* and dri!e# %gain#= =@*ay# @ne more g&ass (or yo'#= Toby t'rned to 8ac2'e&ine, and she co'&dnt he&p b't notice how his b&'e eyes spar*&ed 3'st a &itt&e bit# =5hat abo't yo':= =,+m wa&*ing# ,t+s not &i*e , &i!e that (ar#= =9mmm<, thin* yo' mean staggering# , do'bt yo' can do a reg'&ar wa&* at this point#=

=%w<c+mon, Toby# Be a sport# 8'st one more g&ass o( wine:= 8ac2'e&ine ga!e him her best smi&e# =D&ease:= =?oes that tactic 's'a&&y wor* (or yo':= Toby as*ed# =5hat tactic:= She batted her eyes and tried to &oo* innocent as she p&ayed with a piece o( her b&onde hair# Since it was c't in a pi6ie bob, it didn+t come o(( as coo& as %nge&a+s hair tosses did# =The one where yo' attempt to &oo* &i*e a simpering !irgin:= =@h shit# , wasn+t going (or !irgin# 8'st cheap s&'t#= Toby grinned, ma*ing 8ac2'e&ine happy# Betting Toby 5i&&iams to smi&e or &a'gh was no easy (eat# She+d tried eno'gh times to *now# =%&right# % sma&& g&ass# Sip it s&ow,= Toby warned# 9e prod'ced a wine bott&e (rom the (ridge behind the bar and e6pert&y po'red them each a drin*# =1o' are both c't o(( a(ter this one tho'gh# ,t+s a&most c&osing time#= =1es sir>= %nge&a sa&'ted# =5hat she said>= 8ac2'e&ine a&so sa&'ted# %s Toby mo!ed away, she &eaned towards %nge&a# =,sn+t he c'te:= =Toby:= =;o# )rea*in+ %tti&a the 9'n# 1eah, Toby# 9a!e yo' e!er noticed what a great b'tt he has:= %nge&a &eaned o!er the bar to get a better &oo*# =, g'ess it+s a&right i( yo' &i*e g'ys with beards and m'staches# That+s ne!er been my thing,= %nge&a said#

=7aybe yo'+!e ne!er had a beard and m'stache to'ch yo' in the right p&ace,= 8ac2'e&ine s'ggested# =8ac*ie>= Both women gigg&ed# =Serio's&y, yo' don+t thin* there is something tota&&y se6y abo't that g'y, %nge&a:= =5e&&, i( yo' &i*e big m'sc&es and tight b&ac* T"shirts that show o(( ripped abs, then yes, , thin* there is some de(inite hotness going on with Toby# , pre(er my &atest boy(riend tho'gh# 9e+s the strong, si&ent type with ama4ing s*i&&s in the bedroom#= %nge&a sipped her drin*# =Toby+s too 2'iet (or me# 9e+s a thin*er# %nd he &i*es women with big boobs#= She g&anced down at her breasts and then o!er at her (riend+s amp&e chest# =1o'+re probab&y his type, 8ac*ie#= =@h h'sh,= 8ac2'e&ine said with a &a'gh# =9e+s ne!er &oo*ed at my breasts#= =;ot when yo' were paying attention#= 8ac2'e&ine sipped her wine and cast another appraising &oo* down the bar at Toby# 9e was &eaning (orward now, ta&*ing with some g'ys# Shit# She was probab&y cra4y, b't she co'&dnt deny the sma&& cr'sh she had on him# =-h oh#= %nge&a+s (ace t'rned pa&e# =, don+t (ee& so good# , thin* , need to ma*e a pit stop at the bathroom#=

=@*ay#= 8ac2'e&ine watched her (riend stagger o(( towards the &adies room, *nowing that %nge&a wo'&d spend the ne6t (ew min'tes worshipping the porce&ain god as she threw 'p a&& the a&coho& they+d cons'med# =?r'n* bitch#= The o&der &ady sitting two stoo&s down (rom 8ac2'e&ine g&ared at her and then st'c* 'p her midd&e (inger# =, didn+t mean yo', 7ati&da,= 8ac2'e&ine said with a sha*e o( her head# =1o'+re 3'st a dr'n*#= 7ati&da, who was indeed 2'ite dr'n*, nodded her head and went bac* to n'rsing her beer# 9er sho'&ders h'nched 'p and to 8ac2'e&ine, it appeared 7ati&da was trying hard to become in!isib&e# 8ac2'e&ine had o(ten wondered how o&d the other woman was# )i(ty: Si6ty: ,t was hard to te&&, and the &ines in 7ati&da+s (ace grew deeper e!ery day# 9er b&ac* hair had &ong strea*s o( gray in it# 9ad it &oo*ed &i*e that a year ago when she+d (irst met 7ati&da: 8ac2'e&ine didn+t thin* so b't she co'&dn+t remember# So m'ch abo't the &ast year had been a b&'r# So many things had changed# E6cept (or the depression# That c&'ng to her &i*e bad per('me, coating her with s'ch a hea!y (ee&ing that 8ac2'e&ine o(ten wo*e 'p in the midd&e o( the night gasping (or air# 9er doctor said she was ha!ing an6iety attac*s, b't deep down, she *new it was something more, something her doctor co'&dnt begin to 'nderstand# Something was changing inside her# Be(ore she co'&d dwe&& on the tho'ght, the &o'd b&are o( ban3os b'rst (rom the 3'*ebo6# 7'm(ord and Sons started p&aying the opening notes to Little Lion Man# % &o'd co&&ecti!e groan ran thro'gh the bar#

=C&osing time>= Toby sho'ted, cran*ing 'p the t'ne# Deop&e s&ow&y began to mo!e (rom their seat, some tossing money down at the bar or on the tab&e# % (ew reg'&ars, (ami&iar with the song, grabbed a partner and danced to the 3a'nty (o&* me&ody# Sitting at the bar, 8ac2'e&ine h'mmed a&ong and watched as the 5i&sons made their way 'p to the bar to pay their tab# Be&inda and Sean 5i&son were the bar+s resident (ighting co'p&e# They started o't each night doci&e and ca&m, b't as the e!ening wore on and the &i2'or (&owed more (ree&y, the co'p&e wo'&d in!ariab&y start to arg'e# -s'a&&y the arg'ment was abo't Be&inda+s inabi&ity to stop (&irting with other g'ys# Sometimes it was abo't her need to (&irt with other women# Regard&ess, they were a&ways entertaining# %s &ong as they didnt drag yo' into the arg'ment# Tonight they were arg'ing abo't the b&o'se Be&inda had chosen to wear# ,t was a bri&&iant ye&&ow that stood o't in the dim bar and dipped down &ow to show a (air amo'nt o( c&ea!age# =1o' wo'&dn+t be co&d i( yo'+d co!er 'p a &itt&e bit,= Sean said, p'&&ing his money o't# =, am co!ered#= Be&inda crossed her arms and tossed her pretty b&ac* hair# =E!eryone can see yo'r tits#= =;o, they can+t# 1o' can beca'se yo'+re standing c&ose to me#= =Be&inda, e!eryone can see yo'r goodies# E!eryone> 1o' might as we&& 3'st (&ash the who&e damn bar and be done with it,= Sean g&ared#

8ac2'e&ine &et o't a &ow whist&e, a&ready *nowing what was coming ne6t# ,t was ne!er good to p't ideas into Be&inda+s dr'n*en &itt&e brain# =)ine#= 5hi&e Sean co'nted o't his money, Be&inda too* her top o((, re!ea&ing that she wore no bra 'nderneath# She tapped him on the sho'&der and raised her arms so that her na*ed breasts were thr'st (orward# =5hat do yo' thin*: ,s that better:= )or the c'stomers eyeing Be&inda+s bare bosom, the who&e night had 3'st gotten better> =?ammit>= Sean swore# =Be&inda>= Toby+s stern !oice co'&d be heard abo!e the m'sic# =D't yo'r shirt on or ,+&& throw yo'r ass o't and *eep the shirt inside#= % cheer went 'p (rom the crowd which was 2'ic*&y si&enced by a g&are (rom Toby# =Sean, man 'p and get yo'r woman o't o( here#= 5ith a sigh, Sean p'shed Be&inda o't the door as she str'gg&ed to p't her shirt bac* on# =E!erybody o't>= Toby ho&&ered# =The boobs are o'tside now#= =5ow#= 8ac2'e&ine gigg&ed at how 2'ic*&y e!eryone e6ited# =That was some cra4iness#= Toby g&ared at her# =5hat are yo' sti&& doing sitting there: , to&d e!eryone to get o't#= =,+m waiting (or %nge&a# She+s in the bathroom#=

=1o' get (i!e min'tes# Then ,+m going in the bathroom to drag her o't by her hair#= =5hat are yo', a ca!e man: 9a!e yo' been watching too m'ch Bame o( Thrones again:= Toby said nothing, b't she co'&d te&& by the way he tossed bott&es into the trash can that he wasn+t in a great mood# =5hat are yo' so pissed abo't: ,t+s not &i*e Be&inda ta*es her top o(( e!ery night#= 8ac2'e&ine got 'p and grabbed a (ew empty bott&es (rom a nearby tab&e# She handed them to him# =% &itt&e n'dity is good (or the so'&#= =B't not good (or my bar i( she started a riot#= =D&ease# 9er ta"tas weren+t that great#= =Ta"tas:= =8'st a &itt&e nic*name %nge&a and , ha!e (or o'r &ady parts#= The beginning o( a smi&e &i(ted the corner o( Toby+s mo'th# 8'st as she was abo't to comment on it, 8ac2'e&ine (e&t a (ami&iar ting&ing in her stomach# 9er heartbeat increased and di44iness washed o!er her, ca'sing her head to begin to ache# She swayed a &itt&e and grasped the bar (or s'pport# =-h"oh,= she whispered# =8ac2'e&ine, i( yo' are gonna throw 'p, p&ease do it in the bathroom#= Toby+s !oice came (rom (ar away# She bare&y heard it# ,n (act, another noise, one on&y she co'&d hear, danced aro'nd in her head# =5hat+s wrong with yo':=

=, need some air#= She mo!ed 'nsteadi&y to the door# The 'rge to be o'tside was strong, b't she+d &earned that it was important to (o&&ow the (ee&ing, to not (ight it# )ighting 3'st made it worse# Toby came aro'nd (rom the bar and grabbed her arm be(ore she co'&d &ea!e# @ne o( his hands came 'p and gent&y t'rned her head towards him# 8ac2'e&ine &oo*ed into his deep b&'e eyes which were (i&&ed with concern and something e&se<wonder# =1o'+re eyes,= he said, st'dying them# =They+re so green# %re they a&ways &i*e that:= =7y eyes are brown#= She p'&&ed away# 5hat was he ta&*ing abo't: Breen eyes: The need to get o'tside was stronger, and the aw('& noise in her head was abo't to come b'rsting o't, c&ashing with the (ast paced rhythm o( 7'm(ord and Sons# Oh, god. Please don't let me be a total freak in front of Tob # The night air coo&ed her s*in as she ran into the par*ing &ot o( 7er&yn+s Bar# The words o( Citt&e Cion 7an (&oated behind her# She co!ered her ears, on&y dim&y aware o( the peop&e p'&&ing o't o( the &ot in their cars# 9ead&ights (&ashed in her eyes and then passed# The sense o( deep (oreboding that a&ways accompanied her c'rrent state s'rro'nded her# Someone was going to die#


She co'&d 3'st ma*e o't Be&inda and Sean at the edge o( the road, sti&& arg'ing# ,n the dim &ight o( the moon, Be&inda s&apped Sean, the harshness o( it brea*ing thro'gh the aw('& roar in 8ac2'e&ine+s head# 9e staggered and then reached (orward to ret'rn the s&ap with a harder one o( his own# The strength o( it ca'sed Be&inda to (a&& to the road# E!erything happened in s&ow motion# Be&inda &oo*ed 'p at Sean, astonished to (ind herse&( on the gro'nd# Car head&ights headed her direction, i&&'minating her e6pression which changed (rom anger to tota& (ear# The screech o( bra*es rang o't, b't it was too &ate# Be&inda+s body was tossed in the air &i*e a do&& be(ore it crashed to the gro'nd with a sic*ening th'd# That+s when the song sprang (rom 8ac2'e&ine+s throat, (reed (rom its con(ines# The me&ody soared thro'gh the air, a wai&ing high pitch *eening that ca'sed e!eryone to t'rn and &oo* at her# 5ind b&'stered 'p, &i(ting her hair, and ripp&ing thro'gh the si&*y s'ndress she wore# 8ac2'e&ine *new no one e&se co'&d see what was rea&&y happening# The more she sang, the more a sma&& ye&&ow &ight p'&sed aro'nd Be&inda+s body# 8ac2'e&ine reached o't her hands, imagining (or a moment that she co'&d p'&& the &ight (ree# %(ter a moment, it did re&ease (rom the body, 3'st a bri&&iant g&obe which dri(ted 'p towards the hea!ens be(ore gent&y (ading away# @n&y then did 8ac2'e&ine stop singing and co&&apse to the gro'nd, e6ha'sted# @ther noises were r'shing thro'gh the night""!oices ca&&ing .11, the screams o( Sean, the screech o( tire and bra*e as peop&e stopped to see what happened#


=8ac*ie: @h my god, 8ac*ie: 5hat happened: %re yo' h'rt:= %nge&a+s terri(ied !oice c't thro'gh e!erything e&se# She (e&t the coo& hands o( her (riend as the br'shed bac* the &oose hair on her (orehead# =1o'+re b'rning 'p# 5hat+s going on o't here:= =There+s been an accident#= Toby pointed at the chaos brewing by the tree &ine# =The amb'&ance is on its way#= =5hat+s wrong with 8ac*ie: 5hy is she staring &i*e that: %nd her eyes""=%nge&a+s !oice was c't o(( by Toby# =Ta*e 8ac2'e&ine inside to my o((ice,= Toby said# =She saw the who&e thing# , thin* she+s in shoc*#= =Shoc*: Then we sho'&d ta*e her to the ER, too,= %nge&a started to p'&& 8ac2'e&ine 'p# =;o>= The word was sharp eno'gh (or 8ac2'e&ine to t'rn and stare# =Ta*e her into my o((ice# %nd then ,+&& ca&& yo' that cab# ,+&& ta*e 8ac2'e&ine home#= Toby commanded# %nge&a wanted to protest# 8ac2'e&ine co'&d see (rom the tight set o( her 3aw and the way her eyes spar*ed with anger that her (riend wanted to &et &oose a !oca& trai& o( (ire on Toby 5i&&iams, b't something in the man+s ga4e stopped her# 9e &oo*ed (earsome, somehow ta&&er, as i( he wo'&d not hesitate to stri*e them i( his orders were disobeyed# )r'strated, %nge&a p'&&ed 8ac2'e&ine bac* into Toby+s bar and headed down the side ha&&way to his o((ice# ,t was with a sma&& sigh o( re&ie( that 8ac2'e&ine p&opped down onto the red &eather &o!e seat in the room, and &et her eyes sh't, b&oc*ing o't the so'nd o( sirens and the echo o( her song# ,n the past year, she+d &earned that the on&y c're

(or how she c'rrent&y (e&t was s&eep, and it (e&t good to &et the dar*ness o( it ta*e her# %s she dri(ted o((, she co'&dn+t he&p b't thin* abo't Be&inda+s &ight# There were so many things she sti&& didn+t 'nderstand# ?eep inside, 8ac2'e&ine *new she+d witnessed a so'& passing o't o( this dimension# B't how had she been ab&e to see it: 5hat did it mean: %nd why was she singing when it happened:


Toby appreciated &oya&ty in (riends, b't it had ta*en e!erything he had not to strang&e %nge&a# She+d wanted to hang aro'nd, wanted to ma*e s're 8ac2'e&ine was o*ay# C'c*i&y, %nge&a had sti&& been dr'n* eno'gh to pers'ade into a cab# 5ith a &ong sigh, Toby had watched the red tai&&ights o( the car win* o't o( sight# The par*ing &ot had sti&& been a mess o( a crime scene with po&ice o((icers e!erywhere, b't e!ent'a&&y they &e(t, too, &ea!ing 7er&yn+s Bar to stand a si&ent sentry at the end o( the road# Toby g&anced at his watch which showed it was past (o'r in the morning# )atig'e crept 'p on him, b't he menta&&y swatted it away# There was sti&& wor* to be done# Bac* in his o((ice, Toby stared down at the woman s&eeping on his co'ch# 9er short b&onde hair (ramed her pa&e (ace and her eyes mo!ed 'nder her c&osed &ids as i( she were dreaming# Bent&y, he reached a hand (orward and to'ched her chee*# So so(t# 9er eyes (&'ttered open and he yan*ed his hand away# =5hat are yo' doing:= she as*ed, trying to sit 'p# =, was trying to (ig're o't the best way to wa*e yo' 'p#= =5hat time is it:= =)o'r#= =Be&inda<is she<dead:= There was something a &itt&e desperate in her words# Toby noticed she had been correct abo't her eyes# They weren+t the emera&d green he+d seen ear&ier# Right now they were a deep, choco&ate brown# ,t

was an odd contrast (or a b&onde# 7ost gir&s with her co&oring had b&'e eyes, &i*e his own# =5hat do yo' thin*:= Toby sat down behind his des* and stro*ed his beard# =1o' were singing to her#= =%bo't that<'h<= Embarrassment and 'ncertainty t'rned her (ace pin*, and (or some reason her discom(ort ro'sed (ee&ings o( tenderness in him# =, dont *now what came o!er me#= =?on+t yo':= =;o# @( co'rse not# , don+t typica&&y start singing when someone dies#= =?id yo' *now it was going to happen:= =@( co'rse, not>= B't Toby tho'ght 3'st a to'ch o( g'i&t crossed her (ace# =5hy wo'&d yo' e!en thin* that:= 8ac2'e&ine br'shed o(( her o't(it, swiping at in!isib&e &int# =,+m not psychic or anything#= =1o' s're abo't that:= =5hy do yo' as* so many damn 2'estions:= She stood 'p and ran a hand thro'gh her short hair# =, sho'&d go# , don+t (ee& good# Too m'ch a&coho&, , g'ess, b't than*s (or &etting me ta*e a nap on yo'r co'ch#= =Seeing a woman die does tend to ta*e it o't o( yo',= Toby said# =So she is###dead:=

=1es#= 9e watched her ta*e a deep breath and then sh'dder# S&ow&y she san* bac* down to the co'ch, a&& the (ire gone o't o( her as she began to weep# The sight start&ed Toby# 9e ne!er &i*ed seeing women cry, and was ne!er s're what to do# %w*ward&y, he c&eared his throat# =?on+t do that#= 9e made himse&( stand and go to her# =E!erything wi&& be o*ay#= =,+m sorry,= she whispered# =, 3'st don+t 'nderstand what+s going on# ,+m e6periencing a&& these changes, ha!ing weird dreams# %nd<, thin* ,+m t'rning into a &'sh# , spend way too m'ch time at this bar#= She cried harder, and Toby str'gg&ed not to grin at her &ast statement# 9e p't a hand on her sho'&der, a &itt&e ta*en abac* when she &eaned into his chest and rea&&y &et &oose with the tears# Toby+s wrapped his arms aro'nd her# =,+m sorry,= she whimpered# =,+m 3'st worn o't , g'ess# %nd dr'n*#= =1o'+re (ine,= he said# =E!erything wi&& be o*ay#= =;o# 1o' don+t 'nderstand# Something+s wrong with me#= =8ac2'e&ine, , promise that there is nothing wrong with yo'#= =1o' don+t get it, Toby# ,+m weird# , do odd things, things , can+t contro&#= =That+s 3'st part o( the change,= he said, patting her bac*# =E!ent'a&&y, it won+t be so bad#=

=5hat change:= She &oo*ed 'p at him, con('sed# @h he&&# 5as it his p&ace to te&& her what was going on: E!er since the damn Brotherhood had paid him a !isit and said to *eep an eye on her, he+d worried abo't how to e6p&ain what was happening to 8ac2'e&ine# ?readed it, act'a&&y# 9e wasn+t (it to be the g'ardian that the Brotherhood wanted him to be# ?r'n*s and (ighters""that was his specia&ty# ;ot women with s'pernat'ra& powers and emotiona& prob&ems# 9e wasn+t e!en s're she was ready to *now what she rea&&y was# 9ow to bac* peda& o't o( this potentia& disaster: =The change# 1o' *now, the change in &i(e#= 9e immediate&y regretted the words at her &oo* o( o'trage# =The change in &i(e: ?o yo' thin* ,+m o&d eno'gh to be going thro'gh menopa'se:= 8ac2'e&ine stood 'p# =5e&&, yo' m'st be p'shing at &east<(orty:= 9e shr'gged, hoping the (ire he saw in her eyes wo'&dn+t t'rn physica&# =)orty: 1o' thin* ,+m (orty: ,+&& ha!e yo' *now, assho&e,= 8ac2'e&ine 3abbed at his chest# =, am on&y thirty one#= =7y mista*e#= =, thin* , sho'&d be going,= she said# =Than*s again (or &etting me rest (or a (ew min'tes#= =%nytime#= =)orty<#= She stomped o't the room, swiping at the tears &e(t on her (ace#

9e heard her m'ttering as she wa&*ed thro'gh the bar and grinned# 5e&&, at &east he hadn+t needed to e6p&ain what was rea&&y happening to her# Tr'e, te&&ing her that she was going thro'gh menopa'se may not ha!e been the best idea# B't hey, crying damse&s in distress weren+t rea&&y his bag either# They were 3'st so<teary# %nd sad# %nd needy# Tho'gh he had to admit, ho&ding her hadn+t been terrib&e# ,t had been a &ong time since he+d done that (or any woman# % scream o( terror c't thro'gh his re!erie# Toby ran into the dar* bar, a&ready m'ttering a de(ensi!e spe&&# 8ac2'e&ine stood in the center o( the room, her ga4e (i6ed on the window# 9e s'c*ed in his breath at seeing what (&oated on the other side# ,t was an o&d woman, what the o&d boo*s wo'&d ha!e ca&&ed a hag# 9er thin, stringy hair rose and (e&& in the bree4e o'tside# The s*in on her (ace was weathered and wrin*&ed, and as he &oo*ed c&oser, Toby co'&d see that some it was rotting# %ct'a& bone pee*ed o't in some p&aces# % green g&ow i&&'minated her body which was co!ered in a torn and tattered b&ac* robe# The hag raised her arms, re!ea&ing more twisted and warped s*in# Cong, b&ac* (ingernai&s scratched on the window, sending shi!ers down his spine# The hag+s deep green eyes searched thro'gh the pane, &oo*ing into the dar*ness o( the bar# 9er 3aw wor*ed an6io's&y, opening and c&osing as i( h'ngry# =8ac2'e&ine, dont mo!e,= Toby whispered# 9er body sti((ened, b't she didn+t t'rn away (rom the dist'rbing sight# =Be sti&&# ,+&& ta*e care o( this#= Toby mo!ed c&oser, hoping that his dar* b&ac* shirt wo'&d he&p c&oa* him (rom the hag+s power('& ga4e#

=Toby, what the he&& is that:= 9er !oice shoo* with (ear# =?o yo' thin* someone escaped (rom the o&d (o&*s home down the road:= =,t+s a hag, a dead spirit, a see*er o( &ost so'&s,= Toby said# =,t+s &oo*ing (or someone+s essence to ta*e#= =Shit#= =, (ee& the same,= he said with a sma&& smi&e# =8'st don+t do anything that wi&& attract its attention#= =-m<, don+t *now i( , can do that,= she said# =,+m (ee&ing<strange again#= =?on+t sing,= Toby said, worried# 9e had a good idea o( what the woman wanted, b't he+d been as*ed by the Brotherhood to pre!ent it (rom happening# =, don+t *now i( , can stop myse&(# The 'rge is<so strong#= 9er !oice was starting to ta*e on a detached so'nd# ,n that moment, Toby *new he was going to ha!e to re!ea& his powers to her# ?amn# 5hy did a&& the charity cases come to him: ;ow she+d ne!er &oo* at him the same way# =@*ay# ,+m going to do something that may shoc* yo',= Toby said# =, do'bt yo' can do anything that wi&& rea&&y s'rprise me,= 8ac2'e&ine+s !oice too* on dreamy 2'a&ity# She was s&ipping away# 9e co'&d see the green creeping bac* into her eyes# =Things ha!e been rea&&y weird (or me this past year#= =,+m going to go o'tside,= he said# =,+&& dea& with this woman#=

=;o> ,t+s dangero's>= The so'nd o( her raised !oice ca'ght the attention o( the hag who peered into the window# 9er eyes widened and a grim smi&e sett&ed o!er her rotting (eat'res# 9er nai&s scratched e6cited&y at the window as she opened her mo'th# % &ow song came o't o( her, s'rprising&y bea'ti('&# Toby co'&d (ee& the power o( it tic*&ing at his so'&, and as he watched, the hag trans(ormed into a yo'ng, bea'ti('& woman# 9er wrin*&ed s*in (aded away, rep&aced by the n'bi&e (&esh o( yo'th# 9er (ace morphed into a &o!e&y &ady with red &ips and &ong eye&ashes that comp&imented her e6otic green eyes# ?ar* &oc*s o( chestn't hair (e&& to her sho'&ders, comp&imenting her rosy comp&e6ion# E!en tho'gh he *new the danger the woman possessed, Toby co'&dn+t he&p the se6'a& thri&& that ran thro'gh him at the sight o( her# =;o,= 8ac2'e&ine grabbed his arm as he too* a step (orward# =;o# She wants to h'rt yo'#= =, *now#= =1o' do: Then why the he&& wo'&d yo' go o't there:= =Things aren+t a&ways what they seem, 8ac2'e&ine#= 5ith that Toby strode o't the (ront door o( the bar# 9e pa'sed and &oo*ed bac*# =;o matter what yo' see, don+t come o't 'nti& , te&& yo' it+s sa(e#= 5itho't waiting (or her response, Toby sho!ed thro'gh the door and (aced the hag# 9er eyes g&eamed at the sight o(

him, and she &ic*ed her &ips# The action was odd&y se6'a& and yet rep'&si!e at the same time# =5e&&, &oo* what we ha!e here# % (ine strapping yo'ng &ad#= The woman+s !oice carried the so(t &i&ting so'nd o( the ,rish with it# =Come to gi!e me a *iss, ha!e yo':= =,+m don+t rea&&y &i*e *issing dead things,= he said# 9er eyes narrowed# =?ead things: 7y boy, yo' are protecting one ha&("dead as we spea*# Send the &itt&e &assie o't so , can proper&y meet her#= =, don+t thin* so# ,n (act, , thin* it+s time (or yo' to head bac* to yo'r nati!e home#= Toby *ept his hands at his side, b't his (inger twitched, ready (or the coming (ight# =B't my home is so (ar#= She smi&ed and too* a step c&oser to him# =So (ar# %nd &i*e the poet+s say, , ha!e mi&es to go be(ore , s&eep#= =Cea!e# 1o'+re not we&come here#= =Si&&y boy>= The woman+s rich &a'gher p&ayed ha!oc with his senses, c&o'ding his mind# =,+m we&come e!erywhere that ?eath !isits, and &et me te&& yo' something""he+s setting 'p camp in yo'r town# 7a*e no mista*e abo't it# 7y we&come here has 3'st beg'n# Send the woman o't to me#= =Stay away (rom her#= =5o'&d that , co'&d, b't it doesn+t wor* that way# She+s an anoma&y# % (rea* o( nat're# , m'st ha!e her#= She &owered her !oice# =9e says , m'st#=

=5ho does:= =@ne &i*e yo', o( co'rse>= The woman &a'ghed so(t&y, b't her eyes were ('&& o( disdain as she spit o't the words# =@ne &i*e yo' who sings o( ancient powers and spe&&s# 7y master# , get him what he wants# , don+t ha!e to be po&ite yo' *now# , co'&d ta*e her by (orce#= =, won+t &et yo'#= =9a!e it yo'r way, my handsome man#= The woman &oo*ed at him tho'ght('&&y, and then s&ow&y raised her hands# =9a!e it yo'r way#= % b'rst o( green &ight shot (rom her hands, and Toby 2'ic*&y side stepped it# ,t b'rned a ho&e into the wa&& o( the bar# 7o!ing (ast, he m'ttered his own spe&& and threw a white (ireba&& at the woman, which hit her in the arm# %ngered, she dropped a&& pretense o( being yo'ng and bea'ti('&# The o&d hag g&ared at him be(ore tossing a green ray o( &ight# Toby parried it with another (ireba&&# =1o' can+t *eep her>= The hag sho'ted# Thin*ing 2'ic*&y, Toby tossed two (ireba&&s in a row at her# They s&ammed into her midsection, &ighting her robes 'p# She &oo*ed down at herse&( and then (e&& to her *nees# Danic (&ashed in her eyes as she reached towards him# Ca'tio's, he stepped c&oser# That had been a&most too easy# =,+m her c&an spirit,= the hag whispered# =She m'st ta*e on the mante& , &ea!e behind# ,t+s been a year# 5hat+s happened to her isn+t nat'ra& and the others want her bad&y#= =@thers:= Toby *nee&ed, ready to hit her with another spe&&#

She &oo*ed at him, sti&& c&'tching her midsection, b't her (ace was bac* to the &o!e&y yo'ng woman+s g'ise# =D&ease# She has to die# ,t+s the on&y way she+&& be sa(e# 1o' know , spea* the tr'th#= Toby stared at her and nodded# 9e 'nderstood precise&y what she meant, tho'gh the 'nderstanding didn+t ma*e things easier# =There wi&& be others coming,= the woman said, sad&y# 5ith a &o'd, mo'rn('& cry, she e6p&oded# The sme&& o( b'rnt s'&('r h'ng hea!y in the air# The odd sense o( somebody watching (rom the b'shes reminded him o( a year ago, when 8ac2'e&ine had (irst come to his attention# Toby t'rned his head to st'dy the area# =Re!ea&,= he whispered and wa!ed his hand# ;othing o't o( the ordinary appeared# 5ith a &ong sigh, he h'rried bac* into the bar# 8ac2'e&ine stood in a&most the same p&ace he+d &e(t her, b't now her (ace (i&&ed with wonder# =5hat are yo':= she as*ed# Toby (&inched at the 2'estion# Bod, how he hated ha!ing to e6p&ain what he was# ;ow that she *new abo't his powers, no do'bt she wo'&d t'rn tai& and r'n# 5omen were a&& the same# =5hat are yo':= she as*ed again, a &itt&e more (orce('&&y# =%re yo' o*ay:=

=?ammit, Toby, 3'st answer my 2'estion#= =,+m a wi4ard#= She (rowned and ti&ted her head to the side# =;o, rea&&y# 5hat the he&& are yo':= =Rea&&y# ,+m a ('&&"(&edged, card carrying member o( the Brotherhood#= 9e p'&&ed o't his wa&&et and handed her a white card with go&d edging# =B#@#7,= she read o't &o'd# =Bomb: 5hat do yo' g'ys do: Shoot o(( e6p&osi!es:= =;o,= he said, trying to sti(&e a smi&e# =,t stands (or Brotherhood o( 7er&yn#= She stared at him again# =So'nds &i*e a c&'b (or gamers# ?o yo' g'ys do a &ot o( ro&e p&aying games:= She &a'ghed, b't the so'nd was tinged with hysteria# =7aybe dress 'p in wi4ard hats with pointy stars at the top:= =,+m a wi4ard, b't , don+t ha!e a hat#= She handed him bac* the card# =Coo* , don+t *now what was 'p with the cra4y &ight show o'tside, b't , thin* yo' sho'&d consider coming 'p with a better &ine than the ,+m % 5i4ard thing#= =Rea&&y: Then what do yo' ca&& yo'rse&(: , *now yo'+re going thro'gh changes that ha!en+t e6act&y been the norma& rites o( passage#=

=, sho'&d go#= She &oo*ed ner!o's&y at the window behind him# =,t+s &ate and ,+m con('sed abo't a &ot o( things# ,s that woman gone: 5hat did yo' do to her:= =, sent her to a better p&ace#= 9e watched as her (ace pa&ed# =1o'+re right tho'gh# ,t+s &ate and yo' sho'&d go on home# Bet some rest, Banshee#= 9er body sti((ened# =5hat did yo' ca&& me, Toby:= =Banshee#= 9e ga!e her a second to process that and then added, =, saw what yo' did tonight# , *now that yo' p'&&ed Be&inda+s so'& (rom her#= =1o' co'&d see that:= 9ope &it 'p her eyes# =So ,+m not cra4y:= =The 3'ry is sti&& o't on yo'r cra4iness, b't , *now what , saw# ,+!e been as*ed to *eep an eye on yo', too#= =5hy:= Toby stro*ed his beard, debating how m'ch he sho'&d te&& her# Te&&ing her too m'ch co'&d send her r'nning to the wrong peop&e# ;ot te&&ing her eno'gh co'&d get her *i&&ed# ;either were p&easant to thin* abo't# =1o' are specia&, 8ac2'e&ine,= he said# =1o' aren+t a ('&& b&ooded banshee yet# That ma*es yo' 'ni2'e, power('&, and !ery wanted#= =, tho'ght banshees were dead spirits,= she whispered and s'n* down in a chair#

=They are# %nd that+s why yo' are so !a&'ab&e to certain peop&e# 1o' aren+t dead, and yet yo' can stea& so'&s#= =, don+t stea& them#= =;ot yet# 1o' ha!en+t &earned how#= She wrapped her arms aro'nd herse&( and then stared at him with her big brown eyes# =5hat do yo' mean:= =1o' are a so'& stea&er, 8ac2'e&ine, destined to he&p peop&e cross beyond the !ei& and into the ne6t dimension#= =5hat abo't the o&d woman: 5as she a<banshee<too:= =1es#= =5hat did she say to yo':= 9e warred with himse&(# The o&d woman had spo*en the tr'th, b't he wasn+t s're how 8ac2'e&ine wo'&d ta*e it# 5hy was he the one that had to dea& with this: 5ith a sma&& grow& o( (r'stration, he too* a deep breath# =8ac2'e&ine, yo' are going to ha!e to die, and ,+m the one who+s going to ha!e to *i&& yo'#=

Wizard Truths
8ac2'e&ine g'&ped and too* a step bac*# =?id yo' say yo' were going to ha!e to *i&& me:= She stared at Toby, 'nab&e to hide her shoc*# 9e (rowned and stepped towards her# She co'ntered by ta*ing another step away# =, thin* yo' sho'&d stay right there,= she said# =, ha!e a ce&& phone in my poc*et, and ,+m not a(raid to 'se it#= =5hat are yo' going to do: , co'&d ta*e it (rom yo' be(ore yo' e!en had a chance to dia&#= Toby &oo*ed am'sed by her threat# =@h yeah:= 8ac2'e&ine p'&&ed the phone o't her poc*et, trying to ignore how sha*y his words made her# =Ta*e that>= She threw the phone at Toby+s head, chi&dish&y p&eased when it hit him s2'are in the (orehead# The &oo* on his (ace o( p're astonishment wo'&d ha!e made her &a'gh, b't right then she decided to 'se his shoc* to her ad!antage and ta*e o(( r'nning# =@h, shit,= she heard him m'tter# She+d 3'st reach (or the hand&e o( the bar+s door when a t'gging sensation stopped her# 9er body mo!ed in s&ow motion, as i( (ro4en in some sort o( in!isib&e ge&# Tho'gh

she tried with a&& her might, she co'&dn+t seem to reach the door# 5hat was going on: Toby wa&*ed 'p ne6t to 8ac2'e&ine, 'na((ected by whate!er (orce he&d her# =S'c*s, doesn+t it:= 9e shoo* her ce&& phone# =,+m a wi4ard, 8ac2'e&ine# Tho'gh , admire yo'r tactic, a ce&& phone to the head is hard&y going to stop me#= She tried to open her mo'th, to say something, b't nothing came o't# =?on+t bother trying to ta&*# This spe&& *ind o( p'ts e!erything in &imbo#= Toby stro*ed his beard and ga!e a &ong sigh o( (r'stration# =Coo*, yo' didn+t gi!e me a chance to e6p&ain what , meant# , don+t intend to act'a&&y m'rder yo' tonight or anything &i*e that# So yo' can re&a6 where that st'(( is concerned# B't &i*e it or not, yo' are a banshee and we need to ta&* a &itt&e bit abo't what that means, how it happened, yo'r h'sband, and who&e b'nch o( other 'np&easant shit that wi&& be to'gh (or yo' to wrap yo'r mind aro'nd#= 9er h'sband: 5hat did Eric ha!e to do with anything: B't e!en as she tho'ght that, the memory o( those cra4y spar*s she+d seen (&y (rom his hands the night o( his death came bac* to her# She+d tried hard to (orget abo't that st'((, tried to pretend she+d imagined it# ?enia& he&d more appea& than (acing the (act that something strange had happened to her# B't now< %nd what did Toby+s omino's words abo't not m'rdering her tonight mean: That he wo'&d *i&& her tomorrow: Two wee*s (rom now:

=,+m going to re&ease yo' (rom &imbo, b't , want yo' to sit down# Bi!e me a chance to e6p&ain#= 9e wa!ed his hand in (ront o( her saying, =Re&ease#= ,mmediate&y the t'gging sensation stopped# 8ac2'e&ine breathed deep&y and t'rned to Toby# 9e ga!e her a sma&& smi&e and gest'red (or her to ha!e a seat# 5ary, she (o&&owed his direction, trying hard to (ight o(( the e6ha'stion and di44iness that threatened to o!erta*e her# =;ow &et+s start (rom the beginning# 5hen did yo' (irst become a banshee:= he as*ed, sitting down opposite her# =% year ago today#= She watched him nod, as i( this wasn+t rea&&y news to him# =This is the anni!ersary o( my h'sband+s death#= =,+m sorry,= Toby+s !oice was a &ow r'mb&e# =9ow did it happen: , remember reading abo't it in the papers, b't the detai&s are ('44y# 9e was a cop, right:= 8ac2'e&ine nodded# =,+d been o't with some (riends, a gir&+s night thing# 5hen , t'rned on to my street, , noticed right away that something was o((# ,t was raining, b't<we&&, it &oo*ed &i*e it was raining on&y at my ho'se#= She pa'sed and r'bbed at her temp&es# =, didn+t *now what to ma*e o( it# , p'&&ed into o'r dri!eway, and 3'st as , was getting o't o( my car, a man grabbed me#= She sh'ddered at the memory and Toby &eaned (orward# =Bo on, 8ac2'e&ine# Te&& me the rest# ,+&& be&ie!e yo'#= She ga!e him a ha&( smi&e# =Sometimes , don+t e!en be&ie!e it#=

=Bi!e me yo'r hand,= Toby instr'cted her# =, can ma*e this easier#= 9esitant, 8ac2'e&ine he&d o't her hand# Tho'gh he grasped it gent&y, a sma&& spar* o( e&ectricity 3'mped at their to'ch# S'rprise crossed his (ace, b't he gripped her hand tighter# =5hat was that:= she as*ed# =E!er been to'ched by someone and then gotten a &itt&e shoc*: That means they ha!e some magic in them somewhere#= =That happens to e!eryone tho'gh#= =E!eryone has a &itt&e bit o( the gi(t#= 9e smi&ed at her do'bt# =, can+t be&ie!e yo'r h'sband ne!er e6p&ained any o( this to yo'#= =5hy wo'&d he:= Eric had been a cop and whi&e he wo'&d ta&* abo't his day, he+d ne!er been graphic in the detai&s# She+d ne!er wanted him to be# =Beca'se he was a wi4ard &i*e me#= 9er eyes widened# Eric: % wi4ard: ?o'bt('&# =, see yo'r do'bt# C&ose yo'r eyes,= Toby said# =,+m going to &oo* at yo'r memory o( the past# , want to see that night (or myse&(#= She c&osed one eye# =1o' aren+t going to *i&& me, right:= =5o'&d , rea&&y te&& yo' i( , was: Re&a6# Ta*e a deep breath,= he said# =Thin* bac* to when the man grabbed yo'#=

8ac2'e&ine breathed deep&y, c&osed both eyes, and tried to remember#


The man had anked her so hard she stumbled, falling to her knees. Thinking !uickl , she's screamed Eric's name, managing to get it out before the sla" to her face knocked her com"letel to the ground. The man leaned o#er her, a look of wonder in his e es. $%o ou're what the fuss is all about,$ he said. $& thought ou'd be more of a fighter.$ 's she'd fallen, her hand had gra(ed against one of the hea# rocks that lined the walkwa to the house. %he swung her arm, "leased when the rock connected with the stranger's head. )e stumbled back with a cr of "ain. %he "ulled herself u" and ran to the house. Eric o"ened the door *ust as she reached for the handle. $)el" me,$ she gas"ed. Eric's ga(e went o#er her shoulder. With a grim face, he "ushed her in the house and then ste""ed out into the rain. $%ta here,$ he ordered, not waiting for her answer. $+all the station.$ Eric strode across the grass to where the other man la on the ground. ,rabbing the man b the shirt collar, he roughl hauled him u". -lood dri""ed from a dee" gash on the side of his face. .ee"ing an e e on the action outside, /ac!ueline grabbed Eric's cell "hone from the hall table and dialed 011. %he thought the man said something to Eric, but she couldn't make out the words. $011, what is our emergenc 2$ The o"erator's #oice cut through her thoughts.

$&'d like33$ %he sto""ed. The strange man had "ushed her husband, freeing himself, but his hands333the s"arkled with red light. %hocked b the oddit of the sight, /ac!ueline could onl stare as the man thrust his bla(ing hands at Eric. E#en more shocking was when her husband, raised his own hands which also glowed with a strange, white light. 's she watched, the two men a""eared to fight each other, the streams of their inde"endent lights "ushing between them. $What the hell$/ac!ueline said. $&'m sorr , ma'am. What did ou sa the nature of the emergenc was2$ The o"erator's #oice was im"atient, but /ac!ueline ignored that. %he "laced the "hone on the table again and ste""ed back into the rain. $There's our "rett bride,$ the man who attacked her shouted. $4id ou reall think we wouldn't find her2$ $/ac!ueline5 ,et back in the house5$ Eric ordered. $6o need for that5$ The man darted behind her car, breaking the streams of light. Then he tossed a new stream at her. The edges of the light seared at her chest, causing a stinging sensation. )owe#er, it was Eric who took the brunt of the blow b *um"ing in the "ath of the light. )e howled in "ain and thrust a fireball at the stranger before dro""ing to the ground.


=Eric,= she whispered# =9e rea&&y was a wi4ard#= =1es#= Toby watched the emotions strea* across her (ace which was ringed with e6ha'stion# =?o yo' *now what happened to the man that attac*ed yo':= =9e m'st ha!e tho'ght , was dead# , remember (a&&ing to the gro'nd, the pain in my chest 'nbearab&e at (irst# ,t was a (ew min'tes be(ore , e!en was ab&e to mo!e to Eric#= =7aybe yo' were dead#= =5hat do yo' mean:= =5hat yo'r memory 3'st showed is that yo' were hit with a !ery power('& b&ast o( magic# ,( Eric hadn+t ta*en most o( it, yo' wo'&d ha!e died# 9owe!er, maybe yo' got 3'st eno'gh to trigger yo'r inner banshee,= Toby m'sed# =5here is yo'r (ami&y (rom:= =They+re (rom here,= she said# =7y (o&*s ha!e &i!ed in Ba&esb'rg )a&&s a&& o( their &i!es#= =5hat+s their &ast name:= =Breen#= =%nd what abo't yo'r ancestors: 5here do they come (rom:= 9e watched her chew on her &ip, ob!io's&y dist'rbed by his 2'estion# )or some reason he (o'nd himse&( distracted by her &ips, wondering how they wo'&d (ee& to to'ch# 9e 2'ic*&y shoo* the tho'ght o((#

=, don+t *now# 7y mom ne!er rea&&y wanted to ta&* abo't that,= she admitted with a sma&& yawn# E,s it possib&e yo' may ha!e been adopted:F Toby as*ed# E5hat: ;o< ,< , dont thin* so#F B't by now she co'&d bare&y *eep her eyes open# %dopted: That co'&d e6p&ain a (ew things# 9e sighed and g&anced at the c&oc*# %s bad&y as he wanted to 2'estion her, she rea&&y needed to rest# 9er (ace was drawn and pinched with e6ha'stion, and he co'&dn+t he&p b't (ee& sorry (or her# The rest o( the disc'ssion co'&d wait a (ew ho'rs &onger# 9owe!er, he didn+t want her to stay a&one# Too many dangero's things &'r*ed in the night# The sa(est p&ace wo'&d be (or her to stay with him at his cottage down the road, b't somehow he didn+t thin* she was going to go (or that# 5omen tended not to want to go bac* to yo'r p&ace once yo' to&d them yo' were going to ha!e to *i&& them# =5e&&, yo'r bio&ogica& (ami&y+s roots may be something we need to &oo* in to,= Toby said# =The banshee (rom ear&ier is connected to them# 5e 3'st need to (ig're o't which (ami&y that is#= =This is too o!erwhe&ming#= =1o' need rest#= =That+s an 'nderstatement#= =,+&& ta*e yo' home#= She &oo*ed him, the worry in her eyes a&most pa&atab&e# =,s it sa(e at my p&ace:=

9e *new what she rea&&y meant# 're ou safe2 Will ou tr to kill me2 =,+&& ma*e it sa(e#= =9ow:= =,+&& stay the night with yo'#= 9e wo'&d ha!e gi!en anything to *now her tho'ghts 3'st then# )ear mi6ed with a s&ow b&'sh crept o!er her (ace# 9mmm<maybe she+d been more aware o( him than he+d tho'ght# Co'&d it be that she was attracted to him as he was to her: ;o# @( co'rse not# 5omen &i*e 8ac2'e&ine did not go (or g'ys &i*e him# Especia&&y with his 2'ir*s# %nd what was he thin*ing anyway: 9e wasn+t attracted to her# 9e 3'st &i*ed her<hair# =, ha!e a spare bedroom,= she said so(t&y# =1o' co'&d stay there#= =So'nds good#= 9e c&eared his throat# =,+&& wea!e some protection enchantments (or yo'r ho'se, too, a(ter ,+!e had some rest#= She st'died him a moment as i( trying to ma*e 'p her mind, and then grabbed her p'rse# =Coo&# 1o' ma*e protection spe&&s and ,+&& ma*e brea*(ast#=


The man pressed c&oser to the o'tside wa&& o( 7er&yn+s Bar and smi&ed# The simp&e c&oa*ing spe&& he+d cast a (ew min'tes be(ore had a&&owed him to escape the ga4e o( Toby 5i&&iams and *eep his presence a secret 3'st a &itt&e &onger# @h, s're, he *new that he+d ha!e to introd'ce himse&( to the woman e!ent'a&&y, b't years o( e6perience had ta'ght him the art o( obser!ation# ,t was ama4ing what one co'&d &earn 3'st by *eeping si&ent, by &etting others o!er &oo* yo' e!en# ,n(ormation in his s&y hands had a habit o( becoming a tr'e weapon# ,( on&y his partner had ta*en his ad!ice and been more discreet# B't no# Trenton had gone to the woman+s ho'se and a&&owed things to get o't o( contro&# %s a res'&t, they now had a power('& weapon that was on the Brotherhood+s radar# ?amn# %h we&&# Some things co'&dn+t be he&ped and as he watched 8ac2'e&ine be escorted o't o( the bar by the other wi4ard, he *new that she wo'&d soon be his# There was no do'bt abo't that at a&&# ;o one co'&d resist him# The man (rowned as he watched Toby 5i&&iams start 'p the woman+s car and then dri!e o((# Tob is another little "roblem & can't wait to deal with. B't e!en as he tho'ght that, 'nease grew in his be&&y# Toby wo'&d be tric*y# To deny his ta&ent as a wi4ard was 'nthin*ab&e# ,n (act, most wi4ards *new to *eep their distance (rom the (ormidab&e bartender#

B't he wasn+t most wi4ards# 9e was ?ere* Spar*, son o( the great 8onathan Spar*, who was head o( the high co'nci& o( the Brotherhood# ;o one wo'&d dare c&assi(y him as any ordinary wi4ard, e!en i( he was an o'tcast# ?ere* Spar* was specia&# %nd soon, e!eryone wo'&d *now it#


She (e&& into a deep s&eep# B't it wasn+t peace('&# %&& sorts o( images c&'stered aro'nd her in the dream and 8ac2'e&ine co'&dn+t 2'ite get (ree o( them# @!er and o!er, she rep&ayed pieces o( the night Eric died, on&y in her dreams, she saw herse&( t'rning into the terrib&e hag that had been o'tside 7er&yn+s Bar# She wo*e 'p, bare&y ab&e to sti(&e the cry o( terror that threatened to come o't# Ta*ing a (ew deep breaths, 8ac2'e&ine str'gg&ed to get contro&# %(ter a moment, her heartbeat s&owed and she &ay bac* against her pi&&ow# Banshee# The word ro&&ed aro'nd in her head# =,+m a banshee,= she whispered# ,t so'nded too si&&y to be rea&# ,n (act, it co'&dn+t be rea&# She was a norma& person and no norma& person wo'&d ca&& themse&!es a banshee# Then again, most norma& peop&e didn+t go aro'nd singing when someone died# +an ou sa freak show, /ac!ueline2 )rowning, she p'shed bac* the co!ers, got 'p and went to her comp'ter# Banshee# She typed the word into her search engine and scro&&ed thro'gh the in(ormation that came 'p# There was m'ch to choose (rom# 8ac2'e&ine c&ic*ed on a site ca&&ed M ths and Legends of &reland.

' banshee is a feminine s"irit who is seen as an omen of death and a messenger from the 7nderworld# =Breat,= she said# =,+m an omen o( death#= The banshee can take on the guise of a oung or old woman and is often attached to a "articular branch of an &rish famil . =@*ay, what e&se yo' got:= 8ac2'e&ine scro&&ed ('rther down and read o't &o'd# =Banshees were origina&&y tho'ght to be (airies 'nder the watch o( the goddess, 7orrigan# They+re 3ob is to (orete&& o( a person+s death and to escort &ost so'&s to the other side#= She sat bac*# The site indicated that banshees were '&timate&y spirits# 8ac2'e&ine *new she was !ery m'ch a&i!e# ;one o( this e6p&ained who was a(ter her and why her banshee tendencies had been acti!ated# 9er be&&y r'mb&ed, reminding her o( her promise to ma*e Toby brea*(ast# =Cet+s go see i( the wi4ard is h'ngry and then (ind o't what the he&& is going on,= she said, her stomach tightening with ner!es# 5i4ards were rea&# She co'&dn+t 2'ite accept that as she descended the stairs, and yet, she co'&dn+t ignore it either# Something had happened the night her h'sband died, and &ast night, o'tside o( Toby+s bar""the o&d hag had been rea&# So why was she ha!ing s'ch a hard time accepting e!erything that had occ'rred: =Beca'se it+s not &ogica&,= she m'ttered, be(ore catching sight o( Toby in the &i!ing room#

%&& &ogic r'shed away# 9e was seated cross &egged on the (&oor, (acing the stairs# 8ac2'e&ine wo'&d ha!e tho'ght he was meditating, e6cept that there were se!era& ob3ects (&oating in the air aro'nd him# They appeared to be some sort o( spinning b&'e crysta&s# %t her gasp o( s'rprise, the crysta&s &owered s&ow&y to the gro'nd, ma*ing a circ&e aro'nd Toby# 9e opened his b&'e eyes and smi&ed# =8'st practicing a (ew spe&&s,= he said# =9ow did yo' s&eep:= =)ine,= she managed to get o't# =5hat are those: Crysta&s:= =1es# They are 3'st 'sed (or c&arity# Dretty harm&ess st'((#= =9arm&ess# Bood,= she stammered, aware o( his warm ga4e watching her# =%re yo' h'ngry:= =, co'&d eat#= =Bacon: Eggs: 5hat wo'&d yo' &i*e:= =5hate!er yo' ma*e wi&& be (ine# , don+t 's'a&&y eat m'ch (or brea*(ast#= Toby stood 'p, and she co'&dn+t he&p b't once again notice how broad his sho'&ders were, how his biceps strained against the s&ee!es o( his b&ac* T"shirt# =5hat+s 7astodon:= she as*ed, pointing at the &ogo on his shirt# =% meta& band#=

9e (o&&owed her into the *itchen, seeming h'ge in the tiny room# Eric had been ta&&, b't he ne!er (i&&ed the space in 2'ite the same way that Toby did# =?o yo' &i*e m'sic:= Toby as*ed, sitting at the *itchen tab&e# ,n the so(t morning &ight, his b&onde hair g&istened go&d, and 8ac2'e&ine had to (orce herse&( to &oo* away (rom it# =1eah# , do# , don+t rea&&y &isten to meta& tho'gh# ,+m more o( a pop person, , g'ess#= =, g'ess , can (orgi!e one or two (&aws in yo'#= =5e&&, than*s# 9ow do yo' &i*e yo'r eggs:= =Ci*e my women# @!er easy#= She grinned at him, tho'gh she *new she was s'pposed to be o((ended# =There+s a smi&e,= he said, with an answering grin o( his own# =1o' don+t smi&e eno'gh, 8ac2'e&ine#= =5ith a&& that goes on in yo'r bar, ,+m s'rprised yo'+!e e!er noticed#= =, notice more than yo' thin*#= 8ac2'e&ine was si&ent, thin*ing abo't his words, abo't him# 9ow di((erent he seemed (rom her e6periences with him in 7er&yn+s Bar# 9e a&ways came across as gr'((, gro'chy e!en, b't this morning""it was &i*e he was a who&e di((erent person# =5hat are yo' thin*ing:= he as*ed#

=;othing, rea&&y# 8'st that yo' seem so<di((erent o'tside o( the bar#= 9e (rowned# =5hat do yo' mean:= =5hen yo' are at wor*, yo' are tenser# 1o' don+t &i*e to &et peop&e c&ose to yo'#= She t'rned her bac* and crac*ed the eggs# =;ow yo' seem re&a6ed# ,t+s nice#= 5hen Toby didn+t say anything, she g&anced o!er her sho'&der at him# 9e was staring at her spec'&ati!e&y# 5hat co'&d he be thin*ing: Something in his ga4e 'nsett&ed her, and she b'st&ed aro'nd the *itchen, trying to gi!e o(( a semb&ance o( contro&# =,t won+t wor*, yo' *now#= Toby spo*e so(t&y# =, can te&& yo'+re worried#= She stopped and t'rned to him# =5o'&dn+t yo' be:= =Drobab&y# B't ,+!e been dea&ing with oddities a&& my &i(e#= =, g'ess so#= =?oes it h'rt to do what yo' do:= 9e ti&ted his head to the side, the spec'&ati!e g&eam in his eyes growing# =, mean, when yo' are in ('&& banshee mode, does it h'rt:= =,t ma*es me sad,= she said# =,+m so o!erwhe&med by the grie( that it (ee&s &i*e ,+m drowning in it#= =1o' are !ery power('&# , don+t thin* yo' e!en rea&i4e it#= =Dower('&:= She &a'ghed and t'rned bac* to the sto!e# =Singing to dead peop&e doesn+t seem &i*e m'ch o( a power to me#=

=That+s beca'se yo' ha!en+t tapped into what yo' can rea&&y do#= Toby had mo!ed 'p behind her, and she 3'mped at his s'dden nearness# 9ow had he done that witho't her hearing: 5as he part cat: She co'&d a&most (ee& his warm breath on the bac* o( her nec*, and it ga!e her ting&es in p&aces that had been dormant awhi&e# 8ac2'e&ine was tempted to &ean bac*, to p&ace her head against his chest, to in!ite his teeth to nip a&ong the de&icate &ine o( her nec*# =?o yo' *now what yo' can do:= Toby whispered and to'ched a strand o( her hair# =1o' can ca&& o't peop&e+s so'&s# 1o' can ta*e e!i& (rom the wor&d and eradicate it# %nd yo' don+t e!en ha!e to wait (or peop&e to die#= 5hat was he ta&*ing abo't: Eradicate e!i&: =5hat the he&& are yo' doing:= The deep !oice came (rom the doorway o( the *itchen# Start&ed, 8ac2'e&ine t'rned to see Toby standing there, an angry g&ower on his (ace# Then who was behind her: 5ho had she been ta&*ing to: %s she t'rned to (ace the person she+d tho'ght was Toby, he grabbed her so that she co'&dnt mo!e, pinning her body to his# =Thin* abo't what ,+!e said, &itt&e banshee,= the !oice in her ear no &onger so'nded &i*e the gr'(( bartender# =1o' are on&y &earning what yo' can do# ?on+t waste yo'r ta&ents by &istening to the demands o( the Brotherhood# 1o' can be more#= 7ist s'rro'nded 8ac2'e&ine, carrying with it the (aintest scent o( moss and earth# The arms ho&ding her seemed to disso&!e, b't not be(ore the &ightest o( *isses was p&aced on

her sho'&der# Then the air c&eared and the rea& Toby stood be(ore her# =8ac2'e&ine, are yo' o*ay:= Bent&y, Toby to'ched her (ace and ti&ted her chin so he co'&d see her eyes# =Coo* at me#= She did and then as*ed, =5ho was that:= =Someone who wants yo' dead#= =9ow come he &oo*ed 3'st &i*e yo':= =Beca'se that+s his specia&ty, changing shapes# 9owe!er, he needs something that be&ongs to the person he wants to &oo* &i*e in order to do it#= Toby &oo*ed aro'nd the *itchen# =5onder what he 'sed# %nd how he got in#= =5hen , came down the stairs he was (&oating b&'e crysta&s# , thin* he &e(t them in the &i!ing room#= 8ac2'e&ine watched the (rown stretch deeper across his (ace# =5hat are those crysta&s:= =?i!ination too&s#= 9e went in to other room, ret'rning with the b&'e crysta&s which he p&aced on the tab&e# =9e was ab&e to mimic me based on these# They+!e been in my (ami&y a &ong time so my essence is imprinted on them, b't his essence sho'&d be &e(t behind now too# 5e can (ind o't who he is#= =?o yo' thin* he+s the wi4ard who *i&&ed Eric:= Toby met her ga4e and (or a second, something (&ic*ered in his eyes# Sympathy maybe: She co'&dnt be s're# 5itho't answering her 2'estion, Toby chanted some words in a &ang'age she didnt recogni4e# The crysta&s shoo* on

the tab&e, a&most as i( they were (ighting against an 'nseen (orce# Then a co&or o( &ight b'rst (orth (rom themG red# =8'st as , tho'ght#= Toby r'bbed at his beard# =This essence be&ongs to a Spar*#= =Spar*: 5hat does that mean: , 3'st see red &ight#= =That+s beca'se yo' aren+t a wi4ard# %&& members o( the Brotherhood carry the co&or o( their (ami&y essence# ,t may &oo* &i*e p&ain red to yo', b't it carries a distincti!e shade to it# This be&ongs to a member o( the Spar* ho'seho&d#= =%re they bad:= =1o' gonna eat those eggs:= Toby pointed behind her to the eggs sti&& on the sto!e# 5ith a swear, she t'rned the b'rner o(( and s&id the eggs onto a p&ate# =, was coo*ing them (or the other yo'# 1o' want them:= She handed him the p&ate and watched him sit down in the same chair as his imposter had been in# =That+s 3'st creepy# , can+t be&ie!e , was ta&*ing to<a (a*e yo'# 9ow did he e!en get in: , tho'ght yo' p't a protection thingy on the p&ace &ast night#= =,t+s ca&&ed a spe&&, not a thingy, and ,+m g&ad , came in the room in time# ,( this wi4ard is the Spar* , thin* he is, then he+s pretty dangero's#= % s&ice o( (ear stabbed at 8ac2'e&ine+s heart# She+d been so easi&y tric*ed, e!en attracted to an imposter# She co'&d (ee& herse&( b&'sh with embarrassment#

=9ey,= Toby said, watching her# =9e co'&d ha!e (oo&ed anyone#= =, sho'&d ha!e *nown he wasn+t yo'#= =9ow wo'&d yo' ha!e: The resemb&ance is pretty strong#= =The way he was acting sho'&d ha!e been eno'gh#= =@h yeah: 9ow was he acting:= ;ice# %pproachab&e# )riend&y# %&& o( the words were on the tip o( her tong'e to say, b't she *ept them to herse&(# =Cet+s 3'st say, his demeanor was a &itt&e more re&a6ed than yo'rs,= she said with a smi&e# Toby gr'nted in response# =E6act&y#= 8ac2'e&ine pic*ed 'p the pan (or the eggs and rinsed it o(( in the sin*# =%ren+t yo' going to eat:= =,+!e &ost my appetite#= =1o'+!e been thro'gh a &ot# 1o' need to eat to *eep 'p yo'r strength#= 8ac2'e&ine grabbed an app&e and too* a big bite whi&e &oo*ing in his direction# =Toby, what am , s'pposed to do with a&& this new in(ormation:= =Tho'ght yo'+d ne!er as*#= 9e p'shed bac* his chair and too* the empty p&ate to the sin*# 9is arm br'shed hers, sending o(( a sma&& shoc* o( e&ectricity# =)irst, we need to

protect yo'r ho'se# Then we need to ha!e a &ong ta&* abo't yo'r h'sband#= 9e br'shed past her again, sending o(( another shoc*# =%nd, 8ac2'e&ine, whate!er my demeanor may be, 3'st remember, that ,+m on yo'r side#=


5omen# 9e ne!er co'&d seem to (ig're them o't# Toby sighed and p'&&ed o(( his T"shirt# Tossing it onto the bathroom (&oor, he stepped into the hot shower# ,t had ta*en a (ew ho'rs, b't the spe&&s had been p't in p&ace that wo'&d protect the perimeter o( 8ac2'e&ine+s home# 9e sho'&d ha!e p't a stronger one in p&ace than the one he+d con3'red hasti&y the night be(ore# @b!io's&y, it wasn+t strong eno'gh to *eep a Spar* wi4ard o't# She sho'&d be sa(e now 'nti& he had a chance to sort o't what was going on# B't damn, the woman was a pain in the ass# %&ways as*ing 2'estions# %&ways wanting to ma*e con!ersation# %&ways in the way# %&ways tossing her hair or swishing her hips or bending o!er to pic* st'(( 'p# ,t was eno'gh to dri!e anyone to madness# 9ow had her h'sband stood her: Eric 9'ston m'st ha!e been a saint# @r at &east !ery patient# Toby (rowned as he tho'ght abo't the deceased copHwi4ard# 9e hadn+t *nown Eric we&&, b't he+d *nown abo't his presence in Ba&esb'rg )a&&s# %(ter a&&, wi4ards weren+t that common# Two in one town were practica&&y 'nheard o(# Technica&&y, Toby had been there (irst, b't he+d ne!er been one to snipe o!er territory# Besides, the 9'ston branch o( wi4ards were *nown to be peace('&, watcher types# B'ardians# 5as that why Eric 9'ston had married 8ac2'e&ine: To g'ard her: S're&y, it wasn+t coincidence that a wi4ard had married a woman o( banshee heritage# The 2'estion was< what had he been p&anning:

7'rder seemed 'n&i*e&y# 9e co'&d ha!e done that witho't marrying 8ac2'e&ine# T'rning her into a ha&( banshee hadn+t been part o( his p&an either# ,n (act, that had appeared to be an accident as a res'&t o( Eric trying to protect her# Then what: 5as it possib&e that he rea&&y hadn+t *nown what he was marrying: ;ope# Toby 3'st co'&dn+t b'y that# There was a&ways a method to a s'pernat'ra&+s madness# %&ways# %s he scr'bbed soap e!erywhere, tho'ghts o( 8ac2'e&ine popped into his mind that was not re&ated to her h'sband# Seeing her co4ied 'p to the imposter in the *itchen had a((ected him more than he wo'&d ha!e imagined# ,n the stranger+s arms, something abo't her appeared di((erent# She+d been<t'rned on, aro'sed maybe# %nd by the person she tho'ght was him# The steam in the shower grew hotter, bi&&owing 'p into white p'((s in the air# 9e ind'&ged himse&( in a sma&& spe&& that made the mist ta*e the (orm o( a woman# -sing magic, he sc'&pted a water image o( 8ac2'e&ine, p&eased when it smi&ed at him# 9e co'&d (ee& a (ami&iar tightening in his groin as he &oo*ed at her# ?esire co'&d be s'ch a bitch# =Toby:= 8ac2'e&ine+s !oice thro'gh the bathroom door ca'sed the misty (ig're to disso&!e with the soap b'bb&es# =?o yo' need a towe&:= % towe&: 5hat he needed, she co'&dn+t gi!e him# %t &east, Toby didn+t thin* so# Sti&&, he co'&dn+t he&p b't rep&ay the image o( her in the imposter+s arms# She hadn+t seemed too 'nhappy#

=,+m (ine, 8ac2'e&ine# ,+&& be o't in a min'te,= he ca&&ed o!er the so'nd o( the shower# ,et our head back in the game, Tob . %he could ne#er be interested in ou. ?rying himse&( o((, Toby st'died his re(&ection in the mirror# 9e was so&id&y b'i&t and than*s to the gym, his body was toned# The mar* o( the Brotherhood was the on&y thing that marred his s*in, and it was something that he didn+t mind# 5hi&e he may not ha!e had m'ch to do with the Brotherhood, he wo'&d ne!er be ashamed o( his heritage# The mar*# @( co'rse> ,t was a way to *eep 8ac2'e&ine (rom e!er being (oo&ed again# S&ipping on his pants, he ca&&ed (or her# =5hat+s 'p:= she as*ed, coming to the open bathroom door# She b&'shed at his shirt&ess chest# =@h, sorry# Tho'ght yo' were dressed#= =See this mar* on my arm:= 9e pointed to the tiny b&ac* bird that had been branded on his s*in so &ong ago# =That+s the symbo& that represents my (ami&y# ;o one can imitate it# ;ot e!en a shape shi(ter# ,( yo'+re e!er 'ns're abo't whether or not yo' are ta&*ing to me, &oo* (or that mar*#= She nodded and then h'rried away, her eyes &oo*ing e!erywhere b't at him# 9e co'&dn+t he&p b't grin# ?amn, she was c'te when she wasn+t in his way#


=@*ay, te&& me e!erything#= They were bac* in the *itchen, seated across (rom each other# Between them sat a n'mber o( itemsG the b&'e di!inity crysta&s and a gray bo6 that had be&onged to Eric# Toby pic*ed 'p the crysta&s and p&aced one in each o( 8ac2'e&ine+s hands# =9a!e yo' e!er seen these aro'nd yo'r ho'se be(ore:= =;o# , don+t thin* so#= =%nything simi&ar:= 8ac2'e&ine tho'ght (or a moment# =1eah, act'a&&y , ha!e seen something simi&ar now that yo' mention it# 7y h'sband &i*ed to co&&ect roc*s# , thin* he has a co&&ection o( crysta&s somewhere#= =, (ig'red he might# The 9'ston c&an is considered to be g'ardians and hea&ers# Crysta&s are important to them#= =So are a&& o( Eric+s (ami&y members<we&&, are they a&& in the (ami&y b'siness:= 8ac2'e&ine as*ed# =7ost o( the men, b't not the women# The 9'ston+s tend to *eep their women in the dar* abo't magic# They ha!e the &'6'ry o( being ab&e to do that since they aren+t (ighters#= =That can+t be tr'e# Eric was a cop#= =Cops are g'ardians, right: Sworn to protect:= =Tr'e#=

%nd he a&ways had been !ery protecti!e o( her# 8ac2'e&ine smi&ed at the memory o( Eric reminding her to *eep her ce&& phone c&ose or teaching her basic protection mo!es# 9e+d a&ways p't her sa(ety (irst, e!en that &ast night# =?o yo' thin* Eric *new abo't me: Inew what , was:= She watched Toby+s (ace c&ose&y, 'ns'rprised when it became g'arded# 9e was a &itt&e &i*e Eric""a&ways trying to be ca'tio's# =, thin* he might ha!e#= So what did that mean to her: 9ad Eric &o!ed her or had he married her o't o( d'ty: =9e &o!ed yo',= Toby said, as i( he co'&d read her tho'ghts# =,t+s ob!io's to me that he did#= =1eah, he did,= she said, 'nab&e to (ight bac* the tears# =, *now that he did# 7aybe he got interested in me beca'se o( my heritage, b't , *now his (ee&ings (or me were rea&# 1o' can+t (a*e the *ind o( &o!e he showed me#= =, saw the two o( yo' together once,= Toby admitted# =1o' were in the grocery store and , was trac*ing Eric# , *new another wi4ard was in town, b't , didn+t *now i( he posed a threat# So , (o&&owed yo' both aro'nd (or a whi&e# , *new by the way he &oo*ed at yo' that he was in &o!e# ,t+s act'a&&y one o( the reasons , ne!er rea&&y got in to'ch with Eric 9'ston# , (ig'red he was trying to create a norma& &i(e# 5ho was , to stop him: Besides, the Brotherhood wo'&d ha!e to&d me i( there was a prob&em#= =Te&& me more abo't the Brotherhood, Toby#= 9e (rowned and she sensed that she+d to'ched on a sore s'b3ect#

=The Brotherhood is an ancient order# They+!e been aro'nd in some (orm since the medie!a& ages protecting wi4ards#= =So it+s a !ery e&ite c&'b,= 8ac2'e&ine smi&ed# =Very# There are on&y (i(ty *nown wi4ards sti&& a&i!e#= =5hy is the Brotherhood interested in me:= =Beca'se yo' didn+t die when yo' sho'&d ha!e# %nd beca'se banshee b&ood is rare# Rea&&y rare#= =5hat can it do:= Toby &eaned (orward and ran a (inger o!er the si&!er bo6# =% banshee is a harbinger o( death# They appear to peop&e in certain (ami&ies to (orete&& the passing o( an important person# ,t doesn+t matter where the (ami&y is &ocated either# S're, the myth may ha!e started in ,re&and, b't the banshee *nows no bo'ndary# ,( the important person is in ;ew 1or* or Chicago, that+s where the banshee is ca&&ed,= Toby said# 9e *ept his eyes on 8ac2'e&ine, watch('& o( her reactions# =The thing is""yo' aren+t &i*e that# 1o' didn+t die a&& the way and now yo' see the dead so'& o( anyone who is abo't to pass on#= =Breat# , (ee& rea&&y b&essed#= 8ac2'e&ine co'&dn+t he&p the sarcasm that ro&&ed o't o( her mo'th# =So how does that ma*e me a weapon: 1o'+re imposter said , co'&d do more#= The g'arded e6pression c&o'ded Toby+s (ace again# =8'st gi!e it to me straight, Toby# ,+m a big gir&# , thin* , can hand&e it#=

=Can yo':= he as*ed, do'bt('&# =9ere it is# 1o' can *i&& peop&e by thin*ing abo't it#= The si&ence stretched between them &i*e a ten'o's rope whi&e she processed that in(ormation# =;ope,= she (ina&&y said, with a sha*y &a'gh# =,+m not b'ying it#= =,t+s tr'e# 1o' (oc's eno'gh, and yo' can rip the so'& right o't o( another being#= =;o# , wo'&dn+t do that>= =@( co'rse, yo' wo'&dn+t on p'rpose# B't in the right hands, yo' co'&d be s'ch a power('& (orce,= Toby said# =The wi4ards want yo' beca'se it isn+t 3'st peop&e yo' can rip so'&s (rom# ,t+s other s'pernat'ra&s# @ther wi4ards#= 9is (ace was serio's, more serio's than she+d e!er seen it be(ore# Sitting there in the *itchen, &istening to the s'rrea& nat're o( his words, 8ac2'e&ine was str'c* by how handsome Toby was# @dd that s'ch a tho'ght sho'&d occ'r when she+d been gi!en s'ch 'nbe&ie!ab&e news# S'ch pain('& and ridic'&o's news, rea&&y# There was no way she co'&d e!er harm someone the way he was s'ggesting# =Thin* abo't it,= Toby contin'ed# =,( yo' were a wi4ard who wanted to wipe o't other wi4ards, ha!ing someone &i*e yo' that co'&d do the dirty wor* wo'&d be a great thing (or them# ;ot (or yo', o( co'rse# ,+!e a&ready seen what happens when they harness an act'a& banshee#= =The hag:= 8ac2'e&ine tho'ght bac* to the strange woman o'tside the bar the night be(ore# =9ow did they capt're her:=

=, don+t *now, b't , do *now that there can be on&y one (ami&y banshee# That partic'&ar hag""she be&onged to yo'rs# 1o'r +a&most death+ a year ago, made her !'&nerab&e# %ny spirit can be contro&&ed when its powers are sp&it# , bet the wi4ard who wants yo' had been 'sing her to trac* yo'r mo!ements#= =, don+t 'nderstand# ,( ,+d died, what wo'&d ha!e happened to the woman:= =She wo'&d ha!e gone on to the other side, her 3ob comp&eted#= =%nd , wo'&d ha!e become the banshee:= =1eah,= Toby &eaned bac* in his chair# =1eah# , thin* that+s what wo'&d ha!e happened# ,n (act, she probab&y *new yo' were going to die and was e!en there that night, ready to pass on the power# @n&y Eric messed that 'p when he sa!ed yo'# So the power became sp&it#= =, didn+t hear any wai&ing or singing,= 8ac2'e&ine pointed o't# =The rain,= Toby said# =,t was raining, right:= =1es# %nd 3'st on my ho'se#= She said the words s&ow&y, trying to (it the p'44&e pieces together# =So that was her:= =, thin* so,= Toby said# =,+!e ne!er rea&&y enco'ntered a banshee trans(er be(ore so ,m 3'st g'essing here#= %nother short si&ence s'rro'nded them as Toby an6io's&y watched her# She reached o't to to'ch the si&!er bo6# =So what is this:= she as*ed# =, (o'nd it in Eric+s things, b't ha!en+t been ab&e to open it# ,t &oo*s o&d#=

=,t be&ongs to yo'#= Toby pointed to a symbo& etched into the top o( the tarnished bo6# =That represents an ,rish *not, !ery power('& magic# ,t is the symbo& o( one o( the ,rish (ami&ies that banshees be&ong to#= =5hich (ami&y does it represent:= =,+m not s're, b't i( it+s yo'r (ami&y then yo' sho'&d be ab&e to open it#= =,+!e tried, b't it+s st'c*#= To pro!e her point, she &i(ted the bo6 and tried to pry the &id o(( with no s'ccess# =?amn it,= she said, dropping the bo6 bac* on the tab&e# =,+m dying to *now what is inside it#= Toby got 'p and p'&&ed a *ni(e o't o( one o( the cabinet drawers# =Cet+s try this,= he said and handed it to her# ?etermined, 8ac2'e&ine too* the *ni(e and ran it in the groo!e that separated the &id (rom the rest o( the bo6# -n(ort'nate&y, the *ni(e s&ipped, pric*ing her (inger# =@'ch>= She watched as a drop o( crimson b&ood grew on her s*in# Toby reached o't to e6amine the wo'nd, sha*ing his head as a spar* o( e&ectricity ca'sed a drop o( b&ood to (a&& onto the si&!er bo6# 9is to'ch warmed her, and as she watched, he p&aced the (inger in his mo'th and s&ow&y s'c*ed on it# % de&icio's ting&e ran thro'gh her and her breath 2'ic*ened#

Something in Toby+s eyes changed# They warmed and she wondered what he co'&d be thin*ing# 5as she imagining the tension between them: 9er head started to c&o'd with cra4y images o( the two o( them, entwined in a deep *iss, the bed sheets wrapped a&& aro'nd them# =Better:= 9e ga!e her (inger a *iss, be(ore &etting go o( her hand# =1o' need to be more care('&#= =Toby, ,""= B't be(ore she co'&d contin'e the tho'ght, the si&!er bo6 began to sha*e# The ,rish *not s'n* into the bo6, and the top sprang open# =5hat is that:= She pic*ed 'p the bo6# =8ac2'e&ine, wait> ?on+t &oo* inside""= Toby started to say, b't it was too &ate# % b'rst o( &ight shot o't o( the &itt&e chest and with it came the ang'ished how&ing o( a tho'sand !oices, each screaming in horror# Some o( the &ight dri(ted into 8ac2'e&ine+s eyes, t'rning them a deep green# She co'&d hard&y thin*# The scream o( the !oices were so &o'd, so o!erwhe&ming, so tempting< ,n her head, the !oices became one, a wai&ing symphony te&&ing her what to do# She &oo*ed at Toby and smi&ed# =,t+s time (or yo' to die, Toby 5i&&iams#= 9er !oice too* on a strange, a&most cac*&ing tone# =Time (or yo' to become part o( the co&&ection#= Toby p'shed bac* his chair, a&ready m'ttering a spe&&# =;o need (or magic, wi4ard# , can *i&& yo' witho't it#=

5ith a tri'mphant smi&e, 8ac2'e&ine stood# The &ight swir&ed a&& aro'nd her and she breathed it in, &o!ing the power that came with it# 9er conscience raised its head as i( to remind her that what she was abo't to do was wrong, b't this new power, this ama4ing energy o!errode e!erything# =?,E>= she screamed and thr'st her new(o'nd power at Toby# 9is eyes widened with (ear, b't be(ore he co'&d de(end himse&(, the energy o!ertoo* him# Toby dropped to the (&oor, his wide, &i(e&ess eyes staring 'p at her#

The Box of Souls

The power s'rged &i*e a !o&cano thro'gh 8ac2'e&ine# E!ery ner!e in her body !ibrated with the de&icio's ting&e o( energy, and whi&e a sma&& part o( her *new what she was doing was wrong, a &arger part didn+t care# The sensation was 3'st too de&icio's# =5hat the he&& is going on:= The gr'(( !oice was (ami&iar# She t'rned to &oo* at the astonished o&der woman standing in the *itchen doorway# @h, b't she was gi!ing o(( s'ch a pretty g&ow> 8ac2'e&ine co'&d see the bright &ight emanating (rom her, the &i(e essence, and had the 'rge to raise her hands, to t'g at the &ight, to see i( she co'&d yan* it (rom the woman+s body a&so# The &'re was so strong 8ac2'e&ine co'&d a&most taste it, and witho't rea&i4ing it, she &ic*ed her &ips# Be(ore she co'&d (o&&ow thro'gh on her desires, the woman crossed to the tab&e and s&ammed the &id to the si&!er bo6 sh't# =;o,= 8ac2'e&ine gasped, as the de&icio's &ight was c't o((, &ea!ing her co&d and de(ense&ess# =8ac*ie, what do yo' thin* yo' are doing:= The woman+s !oice he&d (ear, b't she mo!ed to 8ac2'e&ine hands o'tstretched# =?o yo' e!en *now who , am:= 8ac2'e&ine b&in*ed and stared at the woman# 1es# She *new her# 9er name was<

<was< % b&inding headache o!erwhe&med her and the edges o( her !ision t'rned gray# She staggered and (e&& to the (&oor# Matilda. The old lad from the bar. The tho'ght had bare&y come to her be(ore she b&ac*ed o't# AAAA

?ere* Spar* watched the action (rom the com(ort o( his hote& room s'ite# 9e+d *nown that sooner or &ater, 8ac2'e&ine wo'&d (ind a way to open the Bo6 o( So'&s, and when she did, the power it ga!e o(( wo'&d be easy to spot# ,t o!errode protection spe&&s and perimeter chants, gi!ing him the opport'nity to pee* bac* into 8ac2'e&ine+s wor&d# %(ter ass'ming Toby+s identity ear&ier that day, ?ere* hadn+t been s're i( he co'&d (ind a way to p'nch a ho&e in the magica& barrier the other wi4ard had p't 'p# B't it had been worth it# 5hat ('n it was to pretend to be Toby 5i&&iams> 9e was 3'st sorry it ended be(ore he had a chance to rea&&y get to *now the &o!e&y 8ac2'e&ine 9'ston# She wo'&d ha!e en3oyed the things he wanted to do with her# %h, we&&# 9e+d *nown there wo'&d be other moments# S're eno'gh, the opening o( the Bo6 o( So'&s had gi!en o(( s'ch a power('& signat're that he+d (e&t its !ibrations# ,t &owered a&& the magica& de(enses he had, which was another reason he was g&ad to be in the sa(ety o( his we&&"appointed hote& room and not aro'nd other s'pernat'ra&s that might not be inc&ined to o!er&oo* his past<indiscretions# ;o sense in being ca'ght in a !'&nerab&e position# Ta*ing ad!antage o( the power increase, he 'sed a simp&e &oo*ing g&ass spe&& on his room mirror# ,t morphed into a porta& that a&&owed him to g&impse into the banshee+s ho'se# %nd what wonder('& things he+d seen> 5hen she+d ripped Toby+s so'& (rom his body, the tri'mph that s'rged thro'gh ?ere* was &i*e nothing he+d (e&t be(ore# =,t+s tr'e>= 9e &a'ghed# =The o&d ones were right>=

Ii&&ing another s'pernat'ra& was di((ic'&t, and 'n(ort'nate&y, wi4ard magic a&ways &e(t a resid'a& imprint o( its owner# B't a banshee"""we&&, that was a di((erent matter# She co&&ected so'&s and &e(t no mar* behind# =, can+t wait to ta*e yo' 'nder my wing,= ?ere* whispered as he watched 8ac2'e&ine+s eyes swir& with a deep green# Then the connection had s'dden&y been c't o((# ?ere* (rowned# The hea!y magic o( the bo6 was si&enced# B't by whom: =?amn#= 9e paced the room, thin*ing# 5ho e&se had been in that room: 9e needed to spea* with 8ac2'e&ine, and now that Toby was o't o( the way, doing so wo'&d no &onger be ha4ardo's to his hea&th# B't how co'&d he go abo't setting 'p a proper introd'ction: The so'nd o( mo!ement in the s'ite+s bedroom came to him# 9e stared at the c&osed door, contemp&ating how to best 'se the woman on the other side o( it# She co'&d he&p him get c&ose to 8ac2'e&ine# S'pposed&y, they were best (riends# %(ter wee*s o( honing his re&ationship with her, this woman wo'&d (ina&&y pro!e to be 'se('& in other ways besides the bedroom# =?ere*:= She ca&&ed# =9a!e yo' seen my bra:= 5ith a sma&& smi&e he pic*ed it 'p (rom o(( the &amp where he+d hasti&y thrown it# There a(ternoon rende4!o's had been (ren4ied and passionate, 3'st the way he *new she &i*ed it# ;o &ingering emotiona& embraces (or her or sweet words o( &o!e# There was 3'st heat and &'st# %nge&a Tat'm was a&ways ready (or a 2'ic* tryst# That made her per(ect (or his p'rposes#

=,t+s in here, %nge&a#= The door crea*ed open and she peered o't at him with a smi&e# =Come and get it#= She p'shed open the door, re!ea&ing that she on&y wore a pair o( b&ac* &ace panties# -nashamed, %nge&a wa&*ed towards him, her &ong red hair 3'st resting o!er the tops o( her breast# 9er pa&e per(ect s*in had him catching his breath as his groin stirred in response# =9and it o!er,= she said, ho&ding o't her hand# =, said come and get it#= ?e&iberate&y, he he&d the bra o't o( her reach# =1o' aren+t going to win this game,= she said# =, *now a&& *inds o( tric*s#= =?o yo': Show me one#= %nge&a smi&ed and pressed herse&( to him# @ne hand reached down and c'pped him gent&y, whi&e her tong'e teased his nec*#### % s&ow r'sh o( heat co'rsed thro'gh his groin# 9e too* a deep breath and &owered the hand ho&ding the bra# ?ere* sensed her (ree hand reaching towards it, ready to snap it away (rom him# That+s when he made his mo!e# Brabbing her hands and 'sing a to'ch o( magic, he had her bo'nd and on the co'ch o( the s'ite in 'nder (i!e seconds# =;o (air,= she said, with a po't# 5ith her wrists bo'nd abo!e her head, she made a de&icio's sight# =9ow is it not (air:= he as*ed#

=, don+t *now,= she admitted with a &a'gh, =somehow yo' a&ways s'rprise me#= ?ere* *ne&t down ne6t to her on the co'ch and ran a (inger across her stomach, watching the way it ga!e o(( the tiniest o( shi!ers# =, &i*e to s'rprise yo',= he whispered and *issed her (&esh, as he ran the (inger down &ower, s*imming o!er the so(tness o( her thigh# =, was wondering i( maybe yo'+d &et me ta*e yo' o't to dinner again tonight#= =7mmm<dinner#= She c&osed her eyes as his (ingers s&ipped into the panties and began to roam in the nest o( c'r&y red hair between her &egs# =7aybe<= =5e co'&d in!ite some (riends,= he said, easing one (inger inside her and watching her nipp&es harden# =,( yo' &i*e#= =, &i*e#= 9er mo'th opened s&ight&y, and she stared at him, eyes co&ored with desire, her &'sh body his (or the ta*ing# =,+d &o!e to meet yo'r (riends,= he whispered# =Cearn more abo't yo'#= 9is (ingers contin'ed wor*ing their magic as he &eaned ('rther 'p and nipped at her breast# She moaned and her hips arched, demanding more# 9e ob&iged by 'sing his th'mb to create a so(t, swir&ing press're on her most sensiti!e part# =, want yo',= she begged# =, *now,= he soothed# =, can (ee& yo'r desire# C&ose yo'r eyes#=

She did so# ?ere* 'sed his (ree hand to con3're a spe&&# ,n an instant his pants were gone# 9e remo!ed his (ingers (rom her, p&eased at her sma&& cry o( ang'ish# =Shh<#&et+s get these o(( yo',= he said and gent&y remo!ed the panties# Da'sing a moment to admire her bea'ti('& na*ed body spread o't be(ore him, ?ere* thr'st himse&( inside her# She gasped in de&ight and g'ided her hips to co'nter his mo!ements# =?ere*,= she moaned and he co'&dn+t hide his grin o( satis(action# ,( he 'sed a &itt&e magic to enhance his s*i&&s, the woman going wi&d with an orgasm be&ow him wo'&d ne!er *now the di((erence# B't as he c&osed his eyes and &et himse&( go, it was 8ac2'e&ine that he saw# ,t was her moans that he wanted to hear, her cries (or more that he wanted to (i&& the room, her !oice saying his name# Soon eno'gh, he to&d himse&( as he c&ima6ed# Soon eno'gh#


Toby (&oated in the dar*# 9e didn+t *now where he was e6act&y, b't he co'&d hear the whimpers and moans o( those aro'nd him# E!ery now and then someone wo'&d &et o't a scream and that wo'&d ro'se the others 'nti& it a&& 2'ieted down again# 7en, women, chi&dren""Toby *new a&& *inds were (&oating with him# B't where: 9is body (e&t &ight, yet he co'&dnt determine i( he was in water or air# 9e reached o't with his senses sme&&ing, to'ching, hearing""yet nothing he&ped him# Time appeared to ha!e stopped, and worst o( a&&, his gi(ts, his magic was gone# 9e co'&dn+t e!en wor* 'p the sma&&est o( spe&&s# ?espair (&ooded him# =Can+t gi!e 'p hope,= a !oice whispered and he 3er*ed at the so'nd# =;ot a&& is &ost#= =5ho are yo':= Toby s2'inted in the dar*ness# =@ne who has been &oc*ed in this bo6 a &ong time#= =Bo6:= =1es# This is the Bo6 o( So'&s#= =9ow do , get o't:= =,t+s a&ways the same set o( 2'estions isn+t it: 5here am ,: 9ow do , get o't:= ,rritation ca'sed the spea*er+s !oice to grow &o'der# =The 2'estion sho'&d be thisG why sho'&d yo' be a&&owed o't: %(ter a&&, yo'r so'& was co&&ected, reaped# That on&y happens to the !ery bad ones# , sho'&d *now#=

=, don+t be&ong here# 8ac2'e&ine p't me in here by mista*e#= =@h, that+s what they a&& say,= the !oice hissed, 'ncom(ortab&y c&ose# =,t+s tr'e#= B't e!en to Toby the words so'nded wea*# There was si&ence and Toby tho'ght the !oice had gone# B't then it spo*e again, =1o' say 8ac2'e&ine p't yo' in here: The specia& one:= =1es# She is de(inite&y specia&,= Toby co'&dn+t 2'ite *eep the gr'mb&e o't o( his !oice, ca'sing the other entity to &a'gh# =9ow do yo' *now abo't her: %nd what are yo' e6act&y:= =, am<= the !oice pa'sed and then anno'nced with (&o'rish, =The Ieeper o( So'&s>= Toby &et the si&ence grow, not s're what to say# =?id yo' not hear me:= the !oice hissed again# =,+m The Ieeper o( So'&s>= =@h, yeah# , heard yo'# Bood (or yo'#= =1o' thin* it+s c&e!er to be b&asJ, don+t yo' boy:= The !oice pressed to his ear# =B't yo' *now what, ,+m the on&y (riend yo'+&& (ind in this p&ace# ,+m the on&y one who *nows what+s what# 1o' better be nice to me#= =, meant no o((ense#= Toby made his !oice more h'mb&e than he (e&t# =,t+s 3'st that ,+m a &itt&e on edge# , can+t see anything, inc&'ding yo'# , don+t s'ppose yo' can do anything abo't that:=

=, co'&d i( wanted to,= the !oice &a'ghed# =B't why wo'&d , want to:= =, &i*e to see who ,+m ma*ing dea&s with#= There was a so(t, r'st&ing so'nd, and then a green &ight g&owed aro'nd Toby# ,t h'rt his eyes at (irst, b't a(ter a moment he grew acc'stomed to it and was ab&e to see the (ig're gi!ing o(( the &ight# ,t was a yo'ng man# 9e b&in*ed and ga!e Toby a wide smi&e# ?ressed in 3eans and a gray T"shirt, he had a&&owed his brown hair to grow shaggy and wi&d# B't it was the eyes that capt'red Toby+s interest# They spar*&ed with mischie!o'sness# =9ow do , &oo*:= the man as*ed# =% &itt&e yo'nger than , e6pected,= Toby admitted, narrowing his eyes# =,s this yo'r tr'e (orm:= =;o, b't yo' can+t hand&e that# ;o one can#= =?o yo' &oo* the same way (or e!eryone:= =;o# , ta*e on the shape that wo'&d be most p&easing (or the one , re!ea& myse&( too#= =5hy this shape (or me:= =Beca'se this is how yo'r own son wo'&d ha!e &oo*ed had he &i!ed#= Toby s'c*ed in his breath# 9e hadn+t e!er to&d anyone abo't his son# ;ot e!en his own (ami&y""not that they wo'&d ha!e cared# ,( Tre!or had &i!ed, he wo'&d ha!e been

abo't twenty now# 9e p'shed the pain o( that rea&i4ation away and (oc'sed on the boy be(ore him# =So yo'+re The Ieeper o( So'&s#= Toby crossed his arms# =%nd what is yo'r 3ob e6act&y:= =-h<, *eep so'&s# , sort o( thin* the answer to that 2'estion is in the 3ob tit&e#= =9ow &ong ha!e yo' been doing this:= =Se!era& cent'ries# , thin* the &ast time , saw the rea& wor&d it was aro'nd 1010#= Toby ga!e a &ow whist&e# =5ow# 1o'+!e missed a &ot#= =;ot rea&&y# , ha!e my ways o( connecting with the o'tside wor&d#= The man smi&ed, b't it didn+t reach his eyes# =5hen , drain a so'&, , get a g&impse o( their &i(e# ,t a&&ows me to *eep c'rrent with the times#= =?rain a so'&:= =@h yeah# 5hoe!er contro&s the bo6 traps the so'&s in here, and then it+s my 3ob to p'nish them#= =, don+t 'nderstand#= =1o' aren+t e6act&y the brightest wi4ard aro'nd, are yo':= The man shoo* his head# =Coo*, my (ami&y comes (rom a &ong ,rish ancestry# That means we+!e got a &ot o( bad b&ood, a &ot o( enemies that need to be p'nished# The Ieeper o( the Bo6 (inds these enemies, s'c*s their so'& into the !oid, and then it+s my 3ob to tort're them#= =9ow did yo' get this 3ob:=

=E!ery K00 years, there is one person in o'r (ami&y who is the &'c*y one destined to do the 3ob# ,t was my t'rn#= =That s'c*s,= Toby said# =, *now# The ne6t so'& *eeper isn+t d'e (or another h'ndred years#= =9ow do so'&s get in the bo6:= =The (ami&y banshee has to co&&ect them# See, the good so'&s in the (ami&y go to the ne6t rea&m# They are the &'c*y ones# The bad ones in the (ami&y a&& end 'p here#= The yo'ng man stepped a &itt&e c&oser to Toby# =1o'r energy &oo*s c&ean tho'gh# , don+t e!en see the @+Brady mar* on yo'#= =That+s beca'se ,+m not (rom one o( the ,rish (ami&ies#= =5here does yo'r (ami&y originate then:= =Bermany#= =Bermany: 5hat a cesspoo&#= =So now that yo' *now ,+m not part o( yo'r (ami&y, how do , get o't:= Toby &oo*ed aro'nd, b't dar*ness sti&& &ay e!erywhere# =Ci*e , said, 8ac2'e&ine p't me in here by mista*e#= =She+s an interesting one# 9eard a bit o( b'44 abo't her#= =)rom who:= =)rom the so'&s her predecessor dropped in here recent&y#= The man nodded as Toby &oo*ed con('sed# =E!en tho'gh the banshee had her powers sp&it with 8ac2'e&ine, she has sti&& been doing her 3ob (or the &ast year# She co&&ects the

bad so'&s that pass on in o'r (ami&y tree# B't most o( them ha!e heard abo't this new hybrid thing that 8ac2'e&ine is# She+s pretty pop'&ar, e!en i( she doesn+t *now it#= =The wi4ards a&& want her (or themse&!es,= Toby said# The man &a'ghed# =?on+t be naL!e# ,t isn+t 3'st the wi4ards# %&& the s'pernat'ra&s want her (or the same reason# She can destroy an enemy 3'st by singing to them> E!en o'r (ami&y wo'&d &i*e to ta*e ad!antage o( that#= =Some (ami&y#= =Door gir& won+t e!er be sa(e as &ong as she stays sp&it""one (oot in the &i!ing wor&d, one (oot in the gra!e#= The man ga!e Toby a &e!e& &oo*# =The on&y option (or her is death# ,( she dies, she becomes a reg'&ar banshee, a reaper who 3'st co&&ects so'&s, b't can+t remo!e them#= Toby &owered his ga4e# This was e6act&y what the hag had indicated to him# 9e+d *nown she+d ha!e to die, had e!en to&d her so, b't *nowing didn+t ma*e it any easier# The tho'ght o( 8ac2'e&ine+s death""it twisted his insides and made him want to (ind another way# ;o# 9e co'&dnt a((ord to thin* &i*e that# ,t wasn+t &i*e he had (ee&ings (or her# %bo't her, yes> B't (or her<no# =1o' are a man at war with himse&(#= The man watched Toby with interest# 9e ti&ted his head# =1o' want o't:= =1es#= =)ine, , can grant that# B't ,+m coming with yo'#=

=,s that a good idea:= Toby peered into the dar*ness# =5hat wi&& happen to the so'&s in here i( yo' &ea!e: , heard them screaming and moaning a &itt&e whi&e ago#= =Sorry# That was 3'st so'nd e((ects (or yo'r bene(it# , &i*e to gi!e the newcomers something to worry o!er when they (irst get here# ?ar*ness, wind, shrie*s, moans and groans"" that+s 3'st standard protoco& here in the bo6# The so'&s , drained &ast wee* are &ong gone#= The man ga!e him another impish smi&e#= Besides, ,+m bored# , need stim'&ation#= Toby debated a moment, trying to (ig're o't what the man+s game p&an co'&d be# 9ow m'ch ha!oc co'&d he create o'tside the bo6: ,n the end, he nodded his head# =)ine# 5hat sho'&d , ca&& yo': Ieeper o( So'&s doesn+t e6act&y ma*e (or a good introd'ction#= =8'st ca&& me Babe,= the man said# =1o' ready:=


=5a*e 'p#= 8ac2'e&ine (&'ttered her eyes, b&inded a &itt&e by the harsh (&'orescent &ights o( her *itchen# She became aware o( the coo& ti&e beneath her and the sp&itting headache digging its way into the bac* o( her head# =5a*e 'p>= Someone s&apped both sides o( her chee*s# =Stop,= she moaned and opened her eyes ('&&y# =7y head<= =, bet it h'rts &i*e a son o( a bitch> That was a rea& h'mdinger o( a (a&& yo' too*#= 8ac2'e&ine sat 'p and (oc'sed on the woman s2'atting down ne6t to her# =7ati&da: )rom 7er&yn+s Bar:= 8ac2'e&ine stared# =5hat are yo' doing here: 5hat happened:= =, was &oo*ing (or Toby#= 7ati&da ga!e a deep, raspy co'gh# =, need him to open 'p shop#= =So yo' came here:= =5e&&, yeah# , (o&&owed his sme&&#= 8ac2'e&ine r'bbed her head, con('sed# Sme&&: =5hat are yo': % dog or something:= 8ac2'e&ine 3o*ed and managed to stand 'p with the he&p o( the *itchen chair# =1eah#=

Be(ore 8ac2'e&ine co'&d respond, she spotted Toby+s body on the (&oor# =@h my god>= 8ac2'e&ine r'shed to his side, dist'rbed by the &i(e&ess b&'e eyes that stared 'p at her# =@h, he+s dead,= 7ati&da ca&&ed o't, 'nconcerned# =1o' *i&&ed him pretty good#= 8ou killed him# The words ripped at 8ac2'e&ine+s heart, and she tried to remember what had happened be(ore she b&ac*ed o't# 9er ga4e went to the si&!er bo6 on the tab&e# =?on+t open that,= 7ati&da ad!ised# =,t+s bad (or yo'r hea&th#= =5e sho'&d ca&& .11#= =5o'&dn+t do a bit o( good# 9e+s dead#= =?on+t say that>= =9oney, ,+m 3'st te&&ing it &i*e it is# %t my age, yo' ha!e to#= 7ati&da co'ghed again, the hac*ing noise o( a &ong time smo*er# =Besides, yo' didn+t mean to do it# ,t was an accident, right: 9ow are yo' s'pposed to *now what the Bo6 o( So'&s can do: ,t+s not &i*e it comes with instr'ctions#= =9ow do yo' *now abo't it:= 8ac2'e&ine to'ched Toby+s (ace# Co&d# 9is chee* was co&d# 9er (ingers tremb&ed#

=1o' hang o't at 7er&yn+s Bar &ong eno'gh, yo' hear things# ,+!e been a reg'&ar patron there since Toby+s (ather owned the 3oint bac* in 1.0M#= 7ati&da+s words bare&y registered# 8ac2'e&ine co'&dn+t be&ie!e that Toby was dead or that she+d *i&&ed him# She had a memory tho'gh, a memory o( an o!erwhe&ming power r'shing thro'gh her# ,t had come (rom that si&!er bo6# 9ow had it opened: =So &i*e , was sayin+ , came to get Toby beca'se , need a drin*#= 7ati&da wa&*ed o!er to Toby+s body# =1o' thin* he has the *ey to the bar on him: Sometimes when , get desperate , go to his ho'se and he &ets me open the bar 'p myse&(#= =?on+t yo' to'ch him>= 8ac2'e&ine said, her !oice ('&& o( warning as 7ati&da reached (orward to search (or the *ey# =9e+s dead and a&& yo' can thin* abo't is the damn *ey to the bar:= =9e ain+t comp&ete&y dead,= 7ati&da to&d her with a sma&& smi&e# =, can sme&& &i(e in him and it+s getting stronger#= =1o'+re cra4y,= 8ac2'e&ine whispered# =1o'+re a dr'n* and yo'+!e &ost yo'r mind#= =9ey, now# Cet+s not go naming ca&&ing, sweetheart# , may drin* a &itt&e, b't , ne!er get dr'n*> %nd , s're as he&& ha!en+t &ost my mind>= 7ati&da tapped on her nose# =This hon*er ne!er &ets me down# , te&& yo' that , sme&& &i(e, then there m'st be &i(e in him>= =%nd what,= 8ac2'e&ine gritted her teeth, =does &i(e sme&& &i*e:= 7ati&da sni((ed# =Dean'ts and beer#=

%t that moment, Toby sat 'p with a gasp# Both 8ac2'e&ine and 7ati&da screamed# Then 7ati&da &eaned (orward# =5here+s the *ey to the bar:= =7ati&da> Stop that>= 8ac2'e&ine admonished# She mo!ed to Toby who &oo*ed at both o( them, con('sion in his eyes# =%re yo' a&right: , tho'ght yo' were dead>= =,+m<o*ay<= he r'bbed at his head# E5here is he:= =5ho:= =The Ieeper o( So'&s#= Toby &oo*ed aro'nd# =9e was coming o't with me#= 8ac2'e&ine &oo*ed aro'nd as 7ati&da sni((ed deep&y# =9mm<#yo'+re right# There is another presence here#= 7ati&da wrin*&ed her nose# =,t sme&&s sort o( m'sty#= She snee4ed as i( to pro!e her point# =9e+s pretty o&d, tho'gh he doesn+t &oo* it#= Toby got 'p o(( the (&oor, and 8ac2'e&ine s'pported him by grabbing an arm# =1o' a&right:= =,+m (ine,= she said, and d'c*ed her head# =,+m sorry<that ,<*i&&ed yo'#= =1o' didn+t *now#= 9e s2'ee4ed her hand# =, sho'&d ha!e g'essed that b&ood wo'&d acti!ate the bo6# %(ter a&&, it+s be&ongs to yo'r (ami&y &ine# The @+ Bradys#= =@+ Brady: That wasn+t my maiden name#=

=1o' may want to ta&* with yo'r parents abo't yo'r heritage#= =So can , ha!e the *ey to the bar or what:= 7ati&da tapped her (oot# =, need a drin*#= =@h h'sh> Bi!e the man a chance to catch his breath>= 8ac2'e&ine g&ared at the o&d woman# =,( yo'+re that thirsty, get a beer o't o( my (ridge#= =5hy didn+t yo' say yo' had beer in the (irst p&ace:= 7ati&da he&ped herse&( to a beer and sat down at the *itchen tab&e# Sni((ing &o'd&y, she said, =, thin* yo'+!e got incoming>= % g'st o( wind bree4ed thro'gh the *itchen, bringing with it the scent o( decay and d'st# =This sho'&d be my new (riend#= Toby gritted his teeth# =Be on a&ert# , don+t *now what his game p&an is#= 8ac2'e&ine watched as a yo'ng man materia&i4ed# Something abo't him was (ami&iar, as i( she+d seen him be(ore# B't where: =9e&&o,= he said and nodded at her# =This is Babe,= Toby said# =This is""= =8ac2'e&ine# @h, , *now#= Babe nodded to her, a bright smi&e on his (ace# 8ac2'e&ine (e&t herse&( grow co&d# She had seen this g'y be(ore# ,t had been po'ring down rain and she co'&d ha!e sworn he &oo*ed a &itt&e o&der, b't"""

=Toby, get away (rom him,= she said, her !oice ('&& o( warning# =This is the wi4ard that *i&&ed my h'sband#= Toby stared, his (ace dar* and 'nreadab&e, b't he didn+t mo!e# =?id yo' hear what , said: This is who *i&&ed Eric>= =, don+t thin* that+s possib&e,= Toby said# =1es, it is# , *now what , saw# ,+&& ne!er (orget that (ace#= Babe stepped (orward with raised hands# =8ac2'e&ine, my dear, yo' are mista*en# , ha!e not been o't o( the bo6 in h'ndreds o( years#= =1o' s're:= She bac*ed away, wary# =Tr'st me# That+s something yo' don+t (orget#= Babe ga!e her a sma&& smi&e# =,+m The Ieeper o( So'&s# 5e+re act'a&&y re&ated#= =Toby, co'&d , ta&* to yo' in the other room:= 8ac2'e&ine wasn+t interested in (ig'ring o't the &in*s on her (ami&y tree# She *new that the other g'y was a m'rderer# 9er concern was getting Toby a&one and ma*ing him see reason# =D&ease#= Toby nodded and &et her &ead him o't o( the room# =5hat the he&&>= she whispered once they were a&one# =5hat are yo' doing: That g'y *i&&ed Eric>= =;ot possib&e, 8ac2'e&ine#= =1es, possib&e, Toby# , *now that (ace#=

=, do'bt yo' do# That (ace be&ongs to someone yo' co'&dn+t possib&y ha!e seen, someone who died a &ong time ago#= Toby+s 3aw had a st'bborn set to it that 8ac2'e&ine (o'nd both appea&ing and (r'strating# =Toby, ,""= =That is the (ace o( my son>= 8ac2'e&ine &et the words die in her mo'th# -h"oh# This was a ma3or prob&em# 8'st one more in a &ong chain o( prob&ems she co'&dn+t begin to comprehend# She watched the st'bbornness on Toby+s (ace t'rn into misery, and she co'&dn+t he&p b't wonder abo't his son, his past &i(e# 9e+d on&y been a de!astating&y c'te bartender to her 'nti& yesterday# ;ow she (o'nd herse&( wondering abo't this strange man, this wi4ard, who seemed to be getting 'nder her s*in# =Toby, te&& me what+s going on#= =1o' *i&&ed me# , went into the Bo6 o( So'&s# , met Babe# 9e appeared to me in the (orm , wo'&d be most com(orted by" that o( my dead son# ,( he+d &i!ed, Babe+s c'rrent appearance is what he wo'&d ha!e &oo*ed &i*e# So yo' see, there is no way yo' co'&d ha!e seen him# 9e co'&dn+t ha!e *i&&ed Eric,= Toby said# There was a deep sadness in his !oice when he said the word son that made 8ac2'e&ine+s own heart ache a &itt&e# =7aybe ,+m wrong then#= She (rowned# =B't there is a strong resemb&ance to the g'y , saw#= Toby sighed# =Coo*, , don+t *now why Babe wanted o't o( the bo6, b't part o( the reason ,+m bac* is beca'se , made a dea& that he co'&d come with me i( he &et me (ree# , thin* he

rea&&y wanted to meet yo'# 1o'+!e sort o( become the ta&* o( the 'nderwor&d#= =Breat# 8'st what , a&ways wanted#= She &oo*ed him in the eye# =,+m g&ad yo'+re o*ay# , was rea&&y scared yo' were dead#= =,+m (ine# ;o harm done#= =Sti&& i( anything had happened<, mean, yo'+!e gone o't o( yo'r way to he&p me<= She &owered her head, (ee&ing at a &oss (or words# To her s'rprise, he &i(ted her chin with his (inger# 9is b&'e eyes were warm as they &oo*ed into hers# Something in the way he st'died her made her body ting&e with an o&d (ami&iar sensationG desire# =;othing happened to me that , co'&dn+t hand&e,= Toby said# =,t was yo' , was worried abo't# Sti&& am, act'a&&y#= )or a moment they 3'st stared at each other# =@h to he&& with it>= 8ac2'e&ine c&osed her eyes and p't a&& her energy into p&anting a deep, passionate *iss on his &ips# She co'&d te&& he was s'rprised, b't as she heated 'p the action, grad'a&&y his body re&a6ed and the ne6t thing she *new, he had her pressed against the wa&& o( the &i!ing room as he h'ngri&y de!o'red her mo'th# The &itt&e e&ectric spar* that occ'rred whene!er they to'ched danced aro'nd them, a c'rrent o( heat and passion that intensi(ied as she wrapped her arms aro'nd his strong body# More. Please gi#e me more.

%s i( hearing her tho'ghts, he a&&owed his hands to s*im 'nderneath her shirt and to'ch her s*in# 9is (ingers practica&&y si44&ed with heat as he stro*ed her (&esh# She co'&d (ee& herse&( &etting go, co'&d imagine them (a&&ing into bed together# =5ow>= 7ati&da stood in the doorway# =;ow that is some cra4y shit with a&& the spar*s and st'((#= Start&ed, Toby and 8ac2'e&ine bro*e apart and &oo*ed at the o&der woman# There were tears g&istening in her eyes# =That reminds me o( the (irst time yo'r (ather and , *issed, Toby# 9e was a he&&'!a good *isser#= 7ati&da grinned and &oo*ed at 8ac2'e&ine# =Te&& me, sweetie, is my son any good at *issing: , (ig're he m'st be since yo' g'ys were &itera&&y spar*ing>= =7om>= E6asperated, Toby re&eased 8ac2'e&ine# 9e d'g in his pants poc*et and p'&&ed o't a set o( *eys# =Ta*e the *eys and go>= 5ith a cry o( de&ight, 7ati&da grabbed them# =7om:= 8ac2'e&ine ti&ted her head, st'dying Toby# =7ati&da is yo'r mother:= =-h"h'h#= =9ow come , ne!er *new that:= =Beca'se she+s not e6act&y###= Toby &owered his !oice# =She+s not right in the head#= =, heard that>= 7ati&da st'c* her tong'e o't at them#

=1eah, she to&d me ear&ier that she thin*s she+s a dog,= 8ac2'e&ine said# =, am a dog>= To 8ac2'e&ine+s s'rprise, 7ati&da seemed to shrin* down, &osing her h'man (orm and changing into the shape o( wo&("&i*e dog# The *eys to Toby+s bar were in her mo'th and she ti&ted her head to the side as i( to say, =See: , to&d yo' so>= =,s she a Siberian 9's*y:= 8ac2'e&ine as*ed# =1eah#= Toby nodded# =That+s my mom# 7y dad married a shape shi(ter# Beca'se he was a wi4ard they had a&& *inds o( iss'es with the Brotherhood# 5i4ards aren+t s'pposed to marry other s'pernat'ra&s#= 7ati&da bar*ed and wagged her tai&# =B't yo'r dad isn+t &i!ing anymore:= =;o he passed a &ong time ago#= 8ac2'e&ine tho'ght a bit o( (rost come into Toby+s tone at the mention o( his (ather# =5ow#= 8ac2'e&ine went to sit down on the co'ch, (anning herse&(# =, thin* , might need a brea*#= =5hat do yo' mean:= Toby as*ed# =5e&&, in the &ast 24 ho'rs, , (o'nd o't ,+m a banshee and that yo' and my h'sband are wi4ards# There is another wi4ard trying to capt're me so that he can contro& my new gi(ts# 1o'r mother is a dog# There+s a *id in the *itchen that &oo*s &i*e yo'r dead son and the m'rderer o( my h'sband#

5hen we *issed 3'st now, there were &itera&&y spar*s 3'mping aro'nd e!erywhere and not &ess than thirty min'tes ago, , accidenta&&y *i&&ed yo'#= 8ac2'e&ine ga!e him a tight smi&e# =, need a (ew ho'rs to process a&& this#= =9mm< , see what yo' mean#= Toby+s (ace was serio's, b't she tho'ght there was a hint o( h'mor in his eyes# =9ow abo't yo' ta*e a &itt&e time to<what did yo' ca&& it: Drocess: Ta*e the time to do that and then we+&& (ig're o't a game p&an#= =So'nds good# , thin* ,+&& ca&& my mom and (ind o't abo't this @+Brady thing, too#= Toby stared at her, 'ncertainty in his eyes# ;e6t to him, 7ati&da wagged her tai& and panted# =-m, Toby, , can+t process with yo' in the ho'se# 1o' need to go open 'p yo'r bar,= 8ac2'e&ine said# =B't"""= =D't 'p a spe&& aro'nd the ho'se or something, b't , need yo', yo'r mom, and the cra4y *id in the *itchen to go,= she said, not bothering to ho&d bac* her (r'stration# =,+&& be (ine#= 9e (rowned and (or a moment, 8ac2'e&ine tho'ght he wo'&d protest, b't maybe he sensed that she was at her brea*ing point# 5ith a nod, he started to &ea!e b't then pa'sed# =5e sho'&d ta&* abo't< that *iss &ater,= Toby said# =, don+t want to ta&* abo't it,= 8ac2'e&ine said, p&eased when disappointment (&ashed in his eyes# =, want to do it again#= she said with a mischie!o's smi&e#

The sma&& smi&e he ga!e her warmed her heart as he co&&ected the dog# She heard him spea*ing in &ow tones in the *itchen and a (ew seconds &ater, the bac* door opened and sh't# Si&ence descended on the ho'se# =%&one at &ast#= She p&opped down on the co'ch and too* a co'p&e o( deep breaths be(ore (ishing her ce&& phone o't o( her poc*et# =9i, honey>= 9er mom+s !oice b'bb&ed o!er the phone &ine#= , 3'st &o!e this Ca&&er ,? thingy on the smart phone# %nd to thin* that a&& my other phones were d'mb phones> ;ow , a&ways *now who+s ca&&ing#= =That+s great, mom# B&ad yo'+re &i*ing yo'r new phone#= 8ac2'e&ine too* a deep breath# =So mom, there+s something , want to as* yo'#= =S're, honey#= =%m , adopted:= 8ac2'e&ine co'&d a&most (ee& the happy energy seep (rom her mother# =7om:= =5hy wo'&d yo' as* that:= =Beca'se there is some strange things going on and , rea&&y need to *now the tr'th# %m , adopted:= 8ac2'e&ine waited (or her mother to spea*# =1es#= =?o yo' *now my birth parents: %re they ,rish:=

=8ac*ie, how do yo' *now that: 5here is this coming (rom:= Tears strained her mother+s !oice and 8ac2'e&ine (e&t bad (or ca'sing her mother pain, b't she needed to *now the tr'th# =7om, , can+t e6p&ain e!erything to yo' right now, b't ,+!e r'n into someone who *nows abo't my birth (ami&y# ,+m 3'st trying to con(irm i( what they say is tr'e#= =@h, 8ac*ie, yo' *now how m'ch yo'r dad and , &o!e yo', right: 5e 3'st wanted a baby so bad&y and we co'&dn+t ha!e one o( o'r own#= =, 'nderstand, mom# Rea&&y , do# 5as the (ami&y ,rish:= =1es# 1o'r bio&ogica& mother+s &ast name was @+Brady# , *now that (or s're beca'se her story 3'st abo't bro*e my heart#= 8ac2'e&ine+s mom sni((&ed# =She was a yo'ng gir& who+d gi!en birth to yo', b't had been *i&&ed in a car accident# , g'ess she didn+t ha!e m'ch (ami&y to he&p her o't# The adoption agency ga!e me the impression that she was sort o( the b&ac* sheep o( the (ami&y and !ery m'ch on her own#= 8ac2'e&ine s'c*ed in her breath, (ee&ing di44y# So it was tr'e# She was part o( the @+Brady &ine# =9oney: 1o' sti&& there:= =1es, mom#= She managed to get o't# =, need to hang 'p tho'gh# ,+&& ta&* to yo' &ater#= 8ac2'e&ine ended the ca&&, despite the (act that her mother was protesting and trying to e6p&ain what had happened# She wo'&d dea& with that &ater# Right now, on&y one thing was important#

She was an @+ Brady, one o( the most prominent (ami&ies in ,rish history# Rationa&&y, she *new that it didn+t change m'ch""her adopti!e parents wo'&d a&ways be her (ami&y and they+d &o!ed her, gi!en her the best o( e!erything# She co'&dn+t (ind it in her heart to b&ame them (or *eeping the secret# Sti&&, the con(irmation o( her heritage was a game changer# ,t meant that she co'&dn+t deny what she was or how she (e&t# %bo't anything or anyone# Toby# She pict'red him and (e&t her body ting&e in response# That was an area o( her new &i(e she wanted to e6p&ore in detai& e!en tho'gh it seemed his &i(e was a mess o( comp&ications# &9m the one who's going to ha#e to kill ou. 9is words (rom the night be(ore came bac* to her# 5hy wo'&d he thin* that: S're&y, she co'&d contro& her banshee side eno'gh to not be t'rned into a weapon# She was a strong woman# ;o one wo'&d boss her aro'nd> The doorbe&& rang# 5hen she didn+t immediate&y get 'p to answer it, someone *noc*ed on the door# =8ac*ie: 1o' in there:= %nge&a+s !oice dri(ted thro'gh the door# Re&ie!ed, 8ac2'e&ine opened it# %nge&a stood on the other side, her (acing beaming with happiness# =9ey, gir&> 8'st tho'ght ,+d drop by and chec* on yo'# ,+!e been o't and abo't this a(ternoon with my new g'y that ,+!e been te&&ing yo' abo't,= %nge&a g'shed# =9e+s in the car right now# ,sn+t he gorgeo's:=

8ac2'e&ine &oo*ed o!er her (riend+s sho'&der# She co'&d bare&y ma*e o't the co'ntenance o( a yo'ng man sitting behind the whee& o( %nge&a+s car# The man wa!ed at her# =S're, , g'ess so# ,t+s hard to te&& (rom here,= 8ac2'e&ine said# =So are yo' o*ay: , was worried abo't yo' a(ter the cra4iness o( &ast night# That Toby didn+t h'rt yo' or try to get too (riend&y, did he:= %nge&a as*ed# =5e&&<##= 8ac2'e&ine b&'shed and her (riend ga!e a s2'ea& o( g&ee# =9e did try to get (riend&y, didn+t he: , *new he had a thing (or yo'>= =,t isn+t e6act&y &i*e that<= she began, b't %nge&a c't her o((# =5ait> ?on+t gi!e me the detai&s yet> , ha!e to go, b't ?ere* and , are ha!ing dinner tonight and we tota&&y want yo' to come# Say yes>= %nge&a p&eaded# =,t wi&& be so m'ch ('n>= =,+&& thin* abo't it#= @h god# Boing o't with %nge&a in a norma& sit'ation wo'&d ha!e been (ine, b't so m'ch had changed# 8ac2'e&ine didn+t *now i( it was sa(e to ma*e p&ans# =, need to chec* with someone (irst#= =5ho:= %nge&a+s eyebrow &i(ted# =@h# 5ait# ?o yo' ha!e to chec* with Toby: %re yo' a&ready<we&&, yo' *now#= =;o# , mean, yes, , do need to ta&* to him (irst, b't not (or the reasons yo' thin*# 9ow abo't , ca&& yo':=

=9mm<#= %nge&a po'ted# =@*ay, b't ,+m not ta*ing no (or an answer# , e6pect yo' to come with me# 1o'+&& 3'st &o!e ?ere*> = The car horn hon*ed# 5ith a wa!e and a promise to harass her i( she didn+t ca&&, %nge&a &e(t# 8ac2'e&ine watched her dri!e o(( and then stepped bac* into the ho'se# She headed 'pstairs to the bedroom# 5ith a sigh, she &ay on the bed and c&osed her eyes# 8'st a (ew min'tes to thin*, to p&an# That was a&& she needed# 1et, e!en as she &ay there, she had the (ee&ing that something was o((# 8ac2'e&ine opened her eyes and then co!ered her mo'th to *eep (rom screaming# There at the (oot o( her bed stood Babe, The Ieeper o( So'&s# 9is green eyes g&ittered with rage, o((set by the dead&y &oo*ing *ni(e he carried in his hand# =1o' sho'&d ne!er ha!e been born,= he whispered angri&y# 5ith the b&ade pointed at 8ac2'e&ine+s heart, he &'nged (or her#

Command Me
5orry gnawed at Toby# 9e+d been wor*ing (or thirty min'tes and co'&dn+t get the (ee&ing to go away# ;orma&&y, the c&eaning 'p o( 7er&yn+s Bar was eno'gh to get him into the ro'tine o( the day, b't the &ast twenty (o'r ho'rs had been a &itt&e cra4y# Banshees, rog'e wi4ards, so'& *eepers and near death e6periences wo'&d ta*e a to&& on e!en the best o( men# & shouldn't ha#e left /ac!ueline alone# There# That was the tho'ght that b'gged him# 1es, he 'nderstood that she needed a &itt&e breathing room, and he p&aced his best and strongest spe&&s aro'nd her home in order to protect her, b't something abo't it 3'st (e&t<o((# The Ieeper the So'&s, Babe, had insisted on staying behind, saying he co'&d *eep a watch on the p&ace and wasn+t ab&e to wander too (ar (rom the bo6 anyway# That made him (ee& a &itt&e better# & like her, banshee freakiness and all. @h shit# That was another tho'ght that p&ag'ed him# 9e co'&d sense an attachment (orming towards the woman, one that he sho'&dn+t ha!e a&&owed to grow# The e6p&osi!e *iss they+d shared had ca'ght him o(( g'ard, and he co'&dn+t he&p b't imagine her in his bed# The tho'ght o( that so(t b&onde hair, resting on his pi&&ow, the way her p&'mp &ips wo'&d t'g at his""it made him a &itt&e di44y# B't as (ar as he

co'&d see, there was no happy e!er a(ter in this story# 8ac2'e&ine wo'&d ha!e to die in order to become who&e# 7nless ;o# There was no 'n&ess in the scenario# She was going to die and (ace her destiny, and (or Toby, that meant no ('rther attachments to her# )rom now on, 8ac2'e&ine 9'ston was 3'st a s'pernat'ra& who needed assistance# She was not the ob3ect o( his a((ections# She was not a woman he intended to ha!e any ('rther tho'ghts abo't that weren+t strict&y pro(essiona&# 9e+d done as the Brotherhood had instr'cted a year ago" *eep an eye on the ha&( banshee and made s're she stays o't o( tro'b&e# 9owe!er, the Brotherhood had to&d him that i( tro'b&e came, it wo'&d be 'p to him to dea& with the (a&& o't# %tillshe is reall hot# Toby shoo* his head, mad at ha!ing tho'ghts that 3'st wo'&dn+t go away# =5hat+s the matter, Toby:= 7ati&da sat in her 's'a& spot at the bar, sipping on a co&d beer# =1o' got it bad (or that gir&, don+t yo':= =;o, , don+t#= =1o' don+t ha!e to pretend with me#= =Bood# ,+m not pretending# 8ac2'e&ine means nothing to me#= =Rea&&y: , saw yo' *issing her# ?idn+t &oo* &i*e nothing#= 7ati&da smi&ed, her eyes rimmed red (rom e6cessi!e a&coho& 'se#

=7om, it can+t happen# 8ac2'e&ine+s (ate is on a di((erent path#= =1o'+re 3'st a(raid#= Toby g&ared# =%(raid:= =S're# 1o'+re thin*ing abo't Babrie&&a and how that didn+t wor* o't# 1o' don+t want to be attached again#= 7ati&da sipped her beer# =, co'&d ha!e *i&&ed yo'r (ather (or inter(ering# 9e sho'&d ha!e 3'st &e(t yo' two *ids a&one# Then maybe yo' wo'&dn+t be so g'n shy abo't re&ationships#= =9e got his way in the end#= Toby grabbed his broom and stabbed the (&oor with it# =7aybe#= )or a (ew min'tes there was nothing b't the so'nd o( the bar+s te&e!ision# ;o other patrons had (o'nd their way in yet, and the shadows (rom the trees o'tside ga!e the p&ace a co4y (ee&# 7ati&da grabbed Toby+s arm as he swept the broom past her# =, wish yo'r son had &i!ed# , wo'&d ha!e been pro'd to see him#= 9er eyes (i&&ed with 'nshed tears# =, ne!er co'&d &oo* at yo'r (ather the same a(ter a&& that mess died down#= =7om#= Toby gathered his co'rage, not &i*ing these intimate con!ersations with 7ati&da, b't (or once, he wanted to get to the bottom o( something that had a&ways bothered him# =?id my (ather *i&& my son:= 7ati&da &oo*ed him, her e6pression b&an*#

=, thin* he meant to *i&& the baby# 1o' *now how yo'r dad was abo't mi6ing wi4ard b&ood &ines# 9ow many times did we hear him say that doing so ca'sed an 'nthin*ab&e ba&ance in power: B't , don+t thin* he did it# , ta&*ed with Babrie&&a, yo' *now# She to&d me the baby was sti&&born,= 7ati&da spo*e so(t&y# =, be&ie!ed her#= =That spirit that came o't o( the Bo6 o( So'&s, Babe, he says he &oo*s &i*e Tre!or wo'&d ha!e i( he+d &i!ed to be this age,= Toby said# 7ati&da t'rned away, si&ent again# Toby res'med sweeping, care('& to *eep his tho'ghts (rom straying too (ar towards the &o!e&y, 8ac2'e&ine 9'ston# @r his dead son#


=5hat are yo' doing>:= 8ac2'e&ine screamed as she ro&&ed to the side o( her bed# The *ni(e Babe he&d s&id into the mattress instead o( her# =1o' sho'&d ha!e died> ,+m he&ping yo'>= Babe p'&&ed the *ni(e (ree and t'rned to her# =1o'r *ind sho'&d ne!er ha!e been born# ,t+s an abomination>= =, can+t he&p that my parents concei!ed me, yo' (rea*>= =, don+t mean that *ind o( birth# , mean yo'r ha&( banshee nat're>= =, can+t he&p that either>= She screamed as he &'nged at her again# =Can+t we 3'st ta&* abo't this:= 8ac2'e&ine as*ed be(ore d'c*ing thro'gh the bedroom door# Trying not to (a&&, she ran down the stairs, heading (or the (ront door# =Shit>= Babe materia&i4ed in (ront o( her, a sma&& smi&e on his handsome (ace# =1o' can+t get away (rom me# , *now how to trac* yo'# 5e+re b&ood, 8ac2'e&ine#= =Then why are yo' trying to *i&& me: , mean, (ami&y is s'pposed to be the one thing yo' can co'nt on,= she said as she bac*ed away# =That+s why , want to *i&& yo'# Coo* at it as the '&timate (ami&y gi(t#= =Bi(t: 9ow do yo' (ig're stabbing me is a gi(t:=

=Beca'se then yo'+&& be dead and we can carry on with o'r respecti!e 3ob ('nctions within the (ami&y tree#= Babe tapped his (oot# =9asn+t that wi4ard e6p&ained to yo' that yo' are too dangero's the way yo' are now: 1o' are 'psetting the ba&ance> ,( yo' die, e!erything wi&& be as it sho'&d be#= =, don+t want to die>= %nger s'rged, b'bb&ing 'p &i*e a !o&canic &a!a (&ow that had been repressed in the core o( her being (or too &ong# Babe+s eye widened# =5hat do yo' thin* yo'+re doing,= he as*ed# =1o' *now yo' can+t act'a&&y h'rt me, right: ,+m way too power('&#= =1o'+re pissing me o((,= she answered# Energy p'&sed beneath her s*in and she raised her hands# ;ow it was his t'rn to step bac*# 8ac2'e&ine tho'ght she saw 3'st a hint o( (ear in his eyes, and she *new instincti!e&y that he was &ying to her abo't his inabi&ity to be harmed# 5hat e&se might he be &ying abo't: 9e p&aced the *ni(e on the tab&e ne6t to the (ront door and he&d 'p his hands# =@*ay, &oo*# ,+!e p't the *ni(e down#= B't the anger had ta*en ho&d, and the energy she (e&t reminded her o( the same strong (ee&ing she+d gotten when the si&!er bo6 was opened# E&ectricity spar*ed (rom her (ingers# =5hy are yo' scared:= She narrowed her eyes# =%(ter a&&, yo're a&ready dead# ,t+s on&y &i!ing peop&e , can harm# 1o' said yo'rse&( that yo' are a more power('& being# Right:=

9e nodded 2'ic*&y, b't his eyes to&d a di((erent story# =5rong#= She mo!ed to him with sma&& s&ow steps# =, bet , can h'rt yo'# 7aybe e!en tear yo'r pathetic spirit apart#= She &i(ted her hands, a part o( her s'rprised at the crac*&e o( energy that spar*ed (rom her (ingers# =,+!e wanted to e6periment with my powers# Than*s (or he&ping me o't#= The pa&ms o( her hands (aced each other with 3'st a sma&& space in between# She (oc'sed her tho'ght on that space, p&eased when the spar*s connected# 8ac2'e&ine g&anced 'p at Babe who watched in (ascination and horror, and then s&ow&y she p'&&ed her hands apart, imagining that it was him she was stretching# =5ait>= Babe p&eaded and to her s'rprise, it did appear that his essence was being p'&&ed apart 3'st as her hands widened the space between them# =D&ease, 8ac2'e&ine#= =5hat wo'&d happen i( yo' , p'&&ed my hands apart as (ar as , co'&d:= 8ac2'e&ine ga!e him a co&d smi&e# =, bet , co'&d destroy yo', sp&it yo'r !ery being# ?oesn+t so'nd &i*e a p&easant option to me#= =,+m sorry#= Babe &oo*ed &i*e a b&oated (r'it ready to e6p&ode# =, was on&y trying to he&p#= This isn+t the *ind o( person yo' are, 8ac2'e&ine# 5hat wo'&d Toby say i( he saw this side o( yo':= Toby# She (&inched at the name# Se&("do'bt crept into her conscio'sness# =Toby wo'&dn+t< want< yo'< to< *i&& me#= Babe !oice became garb&ed as he str'gg&ed desperate&y to spea*# 9is essence was (at, reminding 8ac2'e&ine o( the o!er"3'iced Vio&et (rom Will Wonka and the +hocolate :actor #

=1o' don+t *now anything abo't Toby#= B't she did# %nd she *new that (or a&& his gr'((ness, his to'gh ta&*, Toby was a *ind person on the inside# 9e probab&y wo'&dn+t want her to end Babe this way e!en i( he had attac*ed her# %nd wasnt this e6act&y why the other wi4ards wanted her: To *i&&: ;o> She was not a *i&&er# Care('&&y and with a&& the concentration she co'&d m'ster, 8ac2'e&ine bro'ght her hands c&oser together 'nti& Babe was no &onger stretched o't# She imagined the spar*s in her hand being do'sed with water, and to her re&ie(, they died o't, &ea!ing on&y a sma&& scorch mar* behind on each pa&m# =1o' did it#= Babe ga!e her a &oo* (i&&ed with awe# =1o' act'a&&y contro&&ed the power#= =5ho says , co'&dnt:= =E!eryone in the (ami&y# The &ast time there was a case &i*e yo'rs, the ha&( banshee destroyed most o( E'rope be(ore she was (ina&&y stopped#= =5e&&, i( my ancestors hand&ed her the way yo' were trying to hand&e me, maybe she 3'st (rea*ed o't#= 8ac2'e&ine too* a deep breath, e6ha'stion hitting her# =B't yo' didn+t (rea* o't, 8ac2'e&ine# 1o' can contro& it>= Babe sat down on the co'ch# =This is ama4ing#= =?oes it mean yo'+re going to stop trying to *i&& me:=

=, don+t *now# 5ait>= he said hasti&y as her eyes narrowed again# =5hat , mean is, i( yo' can contro& yo'r power witho't the he&p o( anyone e&se maybe there is hope#= 8ac2'e&ine tho'ght abo't that (or a min'te# 9ope# ,t was a word to c&ing to, a word she desperate&y had needed a&& these &ong months o( being a&one and con('sed by the odd changes occ'rring within her# =9ow can , test this idea that , can contro& what ,+m doing:= she as*ed# =, don+t want to h'rt anyone#= =Simp&e# 5e set a trap and then yo' 'se yo'r power on someone who might deser!e to ha!e their so'& ripped o't,= he said# =That way i( yo' can+t contro& it, then it+s sti&& a win"win#= =-m<, don+t *now i( , want to *i&& someone e!en i( they are bad# That+s not my decision to ma*e,= 8ac2'e&ine said, a&armed by the idea# =5hat i( it was the wi4ard who *i&&ed yo'r h'sband:= 8ac2'e&ine gasped, shoc*ed at the idea and yet<tempted, too# =;ot that ,+m agreeing to do that, b't how wo'&d , (ind him:= she as*ed# =1o' need to be somep&ace where he can be &'red o't into the open# @b!io's&y, he+s been watching yo', so why not he&p him o't:= %nge&a# 9adn+t she in!ited her to dinner that night: 8ac2'e&ine re&ayed the in(ormation to Babe who nodded# =1es# That co'&d be per(ect,= he said#

=B't what abo't %nge&a: , don+t want to get her h'rt# @r her (riend, (or that matter#= 8ac2'e&ine sighed# =;o# This is a bad idea# Too ris*y# 5e sho'&d ta&* to Toby#= =Coo*, no wi4ard is going to attac* yo' in (ront o( an entire resta'rant ('&& o( peop&e# 9e+&& wait ti&& yo'+re a&one# @n&y yo' won+t be beca'se ,+&& be there to g'ide yo'# Cet+s &ea!e Toby o't o( it (or now#= Babe grinned# =, thin* this is the way to pro!e yo' can contro& yo'r gi(t and get the others wi4ards to bac* o((# See, they thin* a&& they ha!e to do is p't a command spe&& on yo', and then yo' wi&& do whate!er they want# B't i( yo' show them that yo' are the one in command, they might gi!e 'p on their idea#= =5e&&, , &i*e any p&an that doesn+t in!o&!e me dying or being contro&&ed by others# ,+m in,= 8ac2'e&ine said# =,+&& go ca&& %nge&a#=


=8ac2'e&ine, this is my (riend ?ere*,= %nge&a said# 8ac2'e&ine reached to sha*e his hand, b't instead o( o((ering his in ret'rn, ?ere* ga!e her a gent&e h'g# Re(&e6 made her ret'rn the h'g, tho'gh she didn+t &i*e being pressed against some stranger# 5hen he p'&&ed away, both o( his hands rested on her sho'&ders and he ga!e her a shy grin# =, (ee& &i*e , a&ready *now yo',= he said# =%nge&a is a&ways ta&*ing abo't her best (riend 8ac2'e&ine#= =5e&&, we+!e been (riends (or a &ong time#= 8ac2'e&ine ret'rned his smi&e and then &oo*ed at %nge&a who beamed with happiness# =Than*s (or in!iting me to dinner#= =@'r p&eas're# Come# The tab&e is ready (or 's#= ?ere* &ed them into the dining room o( %ntoine+s )rench Resta'rant# 8ac2'e&ine co'&dn+t he&p b't notice how heads t'rned to &oo* at %nge&a and her boy(riend# They were a pretty good &oo*ing co'p&e, she tho'ght# 8ac2'e&ine g&anced at the simp&e green s'ndress she+d worn and sighed# She+d ne!er o'tshine %nge&a who a&ways &oo*ed radiant# B't as they sat down, she saw more than one woman in the room stare &onging&y at ?ere*# 7h3oh. 'ngela's got to kee" her e e on this one# ?ere* seemed ob&i!io's to it, ma*ing s're that both &adies were seated be(ore he too* his own chair# The ne6t (ew min'tes were a r'sh o( &ightheartedness and sma&& ta&*, b't 8ac2'e&ine co'&dn+t he&p b't g&ance aro'nd the room#

Co'&d the wi4ard who+d *i&&ed her h'sband be here: 5o'&d he come o't to p&ay: % shi!er ran down her spine and she tried to (oc's on the con!ersation# =5hy don+t we ta*e ?ere* to 7er&yn+s Bar a(ter this:= %nge&a s'ggested# =@h, , don+t *now# 5e had so m'ch e6citement there &ast night#= 8ac2'e&ine &oo*ed at her men'# The &ast thing she wanted was to go to 7er&yn+s Bar where Toby wo'&d ha!e a chance to (ig're o't what she was 'p to and the rog'e wi4ard probab&y wo'&dn+t go# The more she tho'ght abo't it, the more she *new he wo'&d not appro!e o( her p&an# =E6citement: 5hat happened:= ?ere* smi&ed at %nge&a# =1o' didn+t mention anything ear&ier#= =That+s beca'se , was so swept o(( my (eet by yo' this a(ternoon#= %nge&a b&'shed# =B't someone was *i&&ed there &ast night# 8ac2'e&ine saw the who&e thing#= =5e&&, then , co'&d see why she wo'&dn+t want to go bac*# That wo'&d be a &ot to ta*e in#= =@h, yes<o( co'rse<,+m sorry 8ac*ie, , wasnt thin*ing#= %nge&a patted 8ac2'e&ine+s arm#= 1o' are (ee&ing better, right: , 3'st tho'ght yo' might want to see<= =1eah# , had some tro'b&e s&eeping, b't ,+m o*ay# , thin* we sho'&d go somewhere e&se (or a(ter dinner drin*s, tho'gh#= 8ac2'e&ine ignored the comment abo't who she might want to see# ?inner went smooth&y a(ter that, b't abo't ha&(way thro'gh it, she began to get an odd (ee&ing o( being watched# @n a&ert, she scanned the resta'rant#

=Coo*ing (or someone:= ?ere* as*ed, sipping his wine# =;o# ,+m 3'st a peop&e watcher#= =7e, too,= he con(ided and patted her hand# % spar* o( e&ectricity (&ew between them# 5hat had Toby said abo't spar*s being a way to recogni4e another s'pernat'ra& being: Ca'tio's, she &oo*ed at ?ere*# 9e ga!e her a sma&& smi&e and ti&ted his head to the side, a c'rio's e6pression on his (ace# 5itho't hesitation, 8ac2'e&ine p't her other hand on top o( his# The spar* happened again# =5ow, that+s some static e&ectricity yo' ha!e there,= %nge&a commented# =Si&ence#= ?ere* wa!ed his hand in a broad circ&e and a&& the so'nd in the resta'rant &owered, as i( someone had t'rned the !o&'me down on a stereo# =)ree4e#= %s 8ac2'e&ine watched in st'nned si&ence, the wor&d aro'nd them s&owed# 5aiters (ro4e in mid"step, and the other diners sat &i*e stat'es, some with (or*s ha&(way raised to their mo'ths# =%nge&a,= 8ac2'e&ine whispered# 9er (riend sat si&ent and sti&&, a s&ight p'44&ed e6pression on her (ace# =?on+t worry, 8ac2'e&ine,= ?ere* said# =She+s (ine#= =1o'+re a wi4ard#= =Very good#=

=1o' were in my *itchen this morning, pretending to be Toby#= ?ere* grimaced# =1es, tho'gh as m'ch , &o!ed (ina&&y meeting yo', being in the g'ise o( that hac* was not to my &i*ing#= =5hy are yo' doing this: %re yo' the one trying to *i&& me:= =5hy wo'&d , do that: 1o' are more 'se('& a&i!e# 1o' 3'st need a &itt&e g'idance# ,t+s the Brotherhood that wants yo' dead# The Spar* (ami&y has no desire to see that happen#= =The Spar* )ami&y: So Toby was right# 9e tho'ght yo' were one o( them#= 8ac2'e&ine tried to *eep ca&m# She eyed the door, wondering i( she co'&d r'n (or it# %nd 3'st where the he&& was Babe: 5asn+t he s'pposed to be watching (or this: =Toby 5i&&iams and , go way bac*,= ?ere* said# =9e was once in!o&!ed with my sister, Babrie&&a# The Spar* and 5i&&iams c&ans no &onger mi6 tho'gh# 5e had a<how can , p't this: % parting o( the ways#= =Sorry to hear that# 7aybe we co'&d go to 7er&yn+s Bar a(ter a&& and patch things 'p between the two o( yo'#= =;o#= ?ere* ga!e her a grim smi&e# =, ha!e p&ans that on&y inc&'de yo'#= She swa&&owed hard, a(raid# 5hat was she going to do: 9ow co'&d she de(end herse&(: That+s when it occ'rred to her that she co'&d do something# 5asn+t that the point o( this o'ting she and Babe had schemed abo't: To draw o't the wi4ard who *i&&ed her h'sband: To test her powers:

=?id yo' *i&& Eric:= 8ac2'e&ine watched ?ere*+s (ace tighten# =Eri* 9'ston was in my way# 9e was trac*ing me and another associate# 9owe!er, , was not the one that *i&&ed him#= =B't yo' wo'&d ha!e#= 8ac2'e&ine nodded, certain she was right# %nger we&&ed in her and with it came the (ami&iar sense o( power# ,( she co'&d 3'st channe& it< =;one o( that#= ?ere*+s (ace twisted into an 'g&y sneer as he grabbed her arm# =Sa!e yo'r energy#= 9e c&osed his eyes and whispered something# The words made the wor&d grow dim and the &ast thing she saw be(ore passing o't was ?ere* &eaning c&oser to her, his &ips pressing gent&y to hers#


,t had been a strange dinner# %nge&a sat in her car, contemp&ating the weirdness o( it# E!erything had been (ine and then it was &i*e<we&&, &i*e she+d missed part o( the con!ersation or do4ed o((# @ne moment they were ta&*ing abo't !isiting 7er&yn+s Bar and the ne6t thing she *new, 8ac2'e&ine was gone# ?ere* had gone on chewing his (ood, po&ite as e!er# =5here did 8ac*ie go:= she as*ed, &oo*ing aro'nd the resta'rant# =She &e(t, remember: She was comp&aining abo't a headache#= ?ere* ga!e her a smi&e and pointed at her p&ate# =, g'ess yo' were so b'sy eating, yo' didn+t e!en notice#= =That+s weird# , don+t remember her saying anything#= =7aybe yo' sho'&d s&ow down on the wine then#= %nge&a &oo*ed at her wine g&ass which was empty# 5ow# S're&y, that hadn+t ca'sed her to &ose some time< The rest o( the dinner had (e&t o((# ?ere* didn+t seem &i*e his 's'a& se&( either# 9er attempts at sma&& ta&* had been met with po&ite =yes= or =no= answers# %(terwards, she+d been e6pecting to go bac* to the hote& room, b't instead, he+d dropped her o(( at her ho'se with a short *iss and sped away# So strange# %nge&a c&imbed into her car, not ready to ca&& it a night, b't not s're what e6act&y had happened# She+d dri!en to 7er&yn+s Bar, ha&(way e6pecting to see 8ac*ie+s car o'tside

o( it# She dr'mmed her (ingers on the steering whee&, debating on whether or not to go in# =5hat the he&&,= she m'ttered# Toby nodded at her when she wa&*ed in, a&ready getting o't the red c'ps he 'sed to po'r wine in# =9ow+s it going %nge&a:= =%&right# ,s 8ac2'e&ine here:= =;o# 5hy wo'&d she be:= =She &e(t dinner so 2'ic*&y# , 3'st tho'ght she might ha!e come here#= =?inner:= Toby (rowned# =She went to dinner with yo':= =1eah# 5ith me and my new g'y, ?ere*# B't she &e(t 2'ic*&y# ,n (act,= 8ac2'e&ine ga!e an embarrassed &a'gh, =, don+t e!en remember her &ea!ing#= =1o' didn+t see her get 'p and go:= =;o# %nd , didn+t rea&&y thin* , had that m'ch to drin*#= She sipped the wine he handed her and made a (ace# =5hen the he&& are yo' going to get something worth drin*ing aro'nd here: 5o'&d it *i&& yo' to pay an e6tra three do&&ars (or the ha&(way decent wine:= B't Toby wasn+t &etting the ta&* o( her (ai&ed dinner go# =?id anything weird happen: ?id 8ac2'e&ine seem o*ay:= =-h"oh<do , detect a bartender with a case o( p'ppy &o!e:=

=8'st te&& me how she was acting# ,t+s important, %nge&a>= =@*ay> Bee4<= She &eaned bac* in her chair# =She did seem a &itt&e tired to me and on edge#= =B't yo' didn+t see her &ea!e:= =;o>= %nge&a g&ared# =, to&d yo'# ,t was &i*e , do4ed o(( or time stopped or something# @ne second she was there and the ne6t, poo(> Bone#= =Time stopped<= Toby shoo* his head# =5hat+s yo'r boy(riend+s name again:= =?ere* Spar*#= %nge&a &et o't a &ong sigh# =B't , don+t see what that has to do with anything#= =?ere* Spar*:= Toby+s (ace went ashen# =This is not good#= =?o yo' *now, ?ere*:= 9e was 2'iet a min'te, staring o(( into space# =9ey, yo' o*ay:= She wa!ed her hand in (ront o( his (ace# =1eah# ,+m (ine#= 9e (oc'sed his attention bac* on her# =9ow wo'&d yo' (ee& abo't p&aying bartender (or a &itt&e whi&e:= =5hat do yo' mean:= =, need to r'n an errand# ,+d &i*e yo' to r'n the bar (or an ho'r or so#= Toby came o't (rom behind the co'nter# =-h<, did some bartending bac* in co&&ege, b't that was a &ong time ago#= %nge&a stood 'p as he p'&&ed her (rom the stoo& she+d been sitting on#

=1o'+&& be (ine#= 9e &ed her behind the bar, handing her a ca&c'&ator and a beer opener# =-se this to add 'p the tabs and this to open the beer# Show some c&ea!age and yo'+&& ha!e better sa&es#= =?o , get to *eep my tips:= She ca&&ed a(ter him as he strode away# =S're#= %nd with that he was o't the door# %nge&a shr'gged# @h we&&# She &i*ed ad!ent're# -nb'ttoning her b&o'se a &itt&e more, she sho'ted, =,+m r'nning a drin* specia&, boys> 5ho+s thirsty:=


Toby wa&*ed to his ho'se, ('ming# The woman had gone to dinner# She+d &e(t the ho'se and now was in the hands o( ?ere* Spar*# ?ammit> 5hy had he e!er &e(t her in the (irst p&ace: 5hat had he been thin*ing: Bi!e her space: 9e sho'&d ha!e c&osed in tighter> 5hat i( she was dead: @h, god# =;o,= he m'ttered o't &o'd# =Spar* wo'&dn+t *i&& her# 9e wants her to be his weapon#= B't Toby was ready to *i&& ?ere*# Tho'ghts o( Babrie&&a dri(ted thro'gh his mind, b't he p'shed them away# :ocus on the here and now with 4erek. 4on't let him take another innocent woman and hurt her. @nce inside his ho'se, Toby went direct&y to his ce&&ar# ?an* and dar*, it was per(ect (or storing his a&chemy too&s# % wo'&d be b'rg&ar, a nosey neighbor""neither wo'&d want to spend time in s'ch a creepy p&ace# 9e b&ew d'st o(( the top o( one o( his boo*s and began searching thro'gh it (or a scrying spe&&# =There yo' are#= 9e tapped the spe&& on one o( the pages and then p'&&ed o't an o&d si&!er am'&et (rom a nearby bo6# Raising it high, he chanted, =7aster o( 5isdom and (ierce s*ies, &et the one , see* materia&i4e# %s , wi&& it, &et it be done>= The am'&et shoo* in his hand# 9o&ding tight to it, Toby watched steam s&ow&y s&ip (rom the meta&# 5ispy tendri&s

o( smo*e (ormed a pattern in the air and one word become !isib&eG 9arrington# 9arrington# The on&y p&ace he *new ca&&ed that was the &oca& cemetery# 5hy wo'&d ?ere* ta*e 8ac2'e&ine there: ,t didn+t matter# %&& he needed was to stop the other wi4ard# 9e 3'st hoped it wasn+t too &ate#


=5here am ,:= 8ac2'e&ine+s head h'rt and she co'&dnt ('&&y open her eyes# The &ids (e&t too hea!y# =Some p&ace sa(e#= She *new that !oice# ?ere*# The wi4ard who+d capt'red her# )ear grew in her heart# =1o' don+t need to be (rightened#= 9e p&aced a hand on her &eg and caressed it so(t&y# =1o'+re 3'st (ee&ing the a(ter e((ects o( a &itt&e spe&& , p't on yo'# ,t+s power('& st'((#= =7y head h'rts#= She tried to sit 'p and (orced her eyes to open# =@h it wi&& (or a whi&e# That+s part o( the process#= 8ac2'e&ine &oo*ed aro'nd# They were in a sma&& room with &ots o( &ong tab&es with whee&s# Something abo't them was (ami&iar, b't she co'&dn+t 2'ite p't her (inger on it# % sharp stab o( pain in her head ca'sed her to cry o't# =There, there#= ?ere* soothed, contin'ing to r'b her &eg# =,t wi&& pass# The spe&& ta*es time to get 'sed to# ?on+t (ight it#= 9is !oice was hypnotic# She co'&d &isten to it a&& day# ;ice# Re&a6ing# =There yo' go,= he whispered and mo!ed c&oser to her, to'ching her hair and massaging her head# =That+s better# ?on+t (ight and 3'st &isten to me#= =%&right#= She stared into his eyes# They were so pretty< s'ch a nice ha4e& co&or#

=1o' are 'nder my command now,= he said# =1o' wi&& do as , te&& yo'#= =1es#= She nodded# =, can do that#= =?o yo' *now where we are:= 8ac2'e&ine st'died the p&ace more care('&&y# =Some sort o( ER room or doctor+s o((ice:= 9e &a'ghed so(t&y and then ga!e her a brie( *iss on the &ips# =;o# This is the emba&ming room at 9arrington+s )'nera& 9ome# ,t+s owned by a (riend o( mine, one yo'+!e met, , be&ie!e#= ?ere* nodded to someone behind her# Babe mo!ed into her &ine o( !ision# =9ey, 8ac2'e&ine,= he said, with a sarcastic smi&e# =Bet yo' wish ,+d *i&&ed yo' now#= =Babe:= 9is smi&e grew bigger and he shoo* his head# =;o# 7y name isn+t Babe and ,+m not the rea& Ieeper o( So'&s# , was on&y in that bo6 as part o( a bargain , made with yo'r (ami&y banshee""yo' *now, the hag that Toby *i&&ed (or 's,= Babe said# =1o' sho'&d rea&&y &oc* 'p yo'r ho'se more care('&&y (rom now on# ,t was easy to brea* in and (ind the bo6# % &itt&e magic he&ped the hag open it#= =5ho are yo' rea&&y:= 8ac2'e&ine str'gg&ed to stay (oc'sed, to (ight the e((ects o( ?ere*+s spe&&# =, am the g'y that *i&&ed yo'r h'sband#= Babe &eaned in c&oser to her# =1o' were right when yo' said that the (irst

time yo' saw me# , was there to stop Eric (rom h'nting ?ere* and myse&(, b't yo' got in the way# See, ?ere* here is on the o'ts with his hoity toity (ami&y# 9e+s the b&ac* sheep who pissed them o(( roya&&y a whi&e bac*# 1o'r h'sband was he&ping them (ind ?ere*# 5ho *new that a&most *i&&ing yo' wo'&d t'rn o't to be s'ch a bon's: 1o'+re 3'st what ?ere* needs to get bac* into his (ami&ies good graces#= =That+s eno'gh#= The harshness in ?ere*+s !oice made 8ac2'e&ine (&inch e!en tho'gh her heart po'nded with (ear and rage# Energy began to (rom aro'nd her# =8ac2'e&ine, ca&m down#= %nd she did# ,mmediate&y, her heart rate s&owed and the rage &essened# She &onged to hear ?ere* spea* again# =;one o( what this man has said matters right now# 1o' are a b&essing that wi&& ma*e my (ather pro'd#= ?ere* *issed her again# =%nd yo' wi&& ma*e me !ery happy, too#= =1o'+!e got her wrapped aro'nd yo'r (inger pretty good,= Babe said# =,t+s the spe&&#= =Cet+s try her o't, see what she can do#= Babe r'bbed his hands together# =, want to see what we+!e been ris*ing o'r &i!es (or now that she is (ina&&y 'nder o'r contro&# She a&most *i&&ed me today, yo' *now# %&& , wanted to do was wo'nd her a &itt&e so she+d be easy to bring to yo'#= 8ac2'e&ine &istened to them ta&*, her mind a whir& o( emotions# She co'&dn+t seem to *eep 'p with the con!ersation tho'gh# 7aybe it wasn+t important to# Sitting 2'iet&y (e&t good and besides, it ga!e her a chance to &isten to the soothing r'mb&e o( ?ere*+s !oice#

=Come with me,= ?ere* said to her# @bedient, she (o&&owed him 'p a set o( stairs, past 2'iet rooms and o't into the night air# The tombstones were i&&'minated by the ('&& moon, and she had the strangest 'rge to mo!e among them, to sing so(t &'&&abies (rom a &and she+d ne!er e!en see# 9ow odd# B't she (orced herse&( not to ind'&ge in s'ch pastimes# ?ere* hadn+t gi!en her permission to do that# =%re yo' s're he+s coming:= Babe+s !oice was an6io's# =, didn+t bother to hide where we are#= ?ere* &oo*ed aro'nd the 2'iet cemetery# =, *now he cares abo't 8ac2'e&ine# ,+m s're he 'sed a scrying spe&& and is on his way#= =, sho'&d stay o't o( sight then,= Babe said# =?on+t yo' want to see the death o( yo'r (ather:= 8ac2'e&ine (rowned# 5hat were they ta&*ing abo't: Babe+s (ather was coming: ,( on&y she co'&d get her head on straight< B't be(ore she co'&d gi!e it more tho'ght, a &ight (&ic*ered to the &e(t o( where they stood# The wind pic*ed 'p, carrying with it a bitter chi&& and a scent<something (ami&iar and warm to 8ac2'e&ine+s mind# ,nstincti!e&y, she mo!ed towards the wind, c'rio's# The &ight drew c&oser to them 'nti& it bobbed and wea!ed amongst the tombstones# =9e+s here,= ?ere* anno'nced# =5ho:= 8ac2'e&ine g&anced at him, noticing that there was no sign o( Babe now# =1o'r o&d (riend,= ?ere* said#

The &ight twisted and grew 'nti& it became the so&id (orm o( a man# =, *now him,= she said, so(t&y# =Bet away (rom her>= The man+s &o'd !oice echoed in the cemetery, and the wind contin'ed to s'rge aro'nd them, as i( somehow re(&ecting his (ee&ings# =;ow, now, Toby# 1o' m'st ca&m down# ,t+s been a &ong time since we+!e seen each other#= ?ere* stood c&ose behind her and &owered his !oice so that on&y she co'&d hear# =,n a moment, yo' m'st go with this man# Te&& him whate!er yo' want abo't o'r time together, b't do not te&& him , p't a spe&& on yo'#= 8ac2'e&ine nodded# =?ere*, , *now what yo'+re 'p to,= Toby said# =8ac2'e&ine isn+t going to he&p yo' rec&aim yo'r ties to yo'r (ami&y# 1o' &ost those &ong ago#= =@h, , thin* she might he&p# Dower is, a(ter a&&, a&ways a commodity#= =,s that what yo' to&d yo'rse&( when yo' betrayed yo'r sister Babrie&&a:= Toby+s eyes (&ashed with anger and the wind g'sting thro'gh the o&d cemetery (e&t strong eno'gh to *noc* e!en the hea!iest tombstones o!er# =5ere yo' thin*ing abo't power then:= =Babrie&&a was a whore# The who&e (ami&y *new# 1o' sho'&d be g&ad yo'r chi&d died be(ore it co'&d ta*e a breath# @therwise, yo' wo'&d ha!e been sadd&ed with my sister and a m'tant chi&d that the Brotherhood wo'&d ha!e h'nted down anyway#= ?ere* spat the words at him#

=Sh't 'p>= Toby threw a (ire bo&t which ?ere* easi&y dodged# 8ac2'e&ine (e&t ?ere* sho!e her Toby+s direction as he shie&ded himse&( (rom the assa'&t# She (e&& to the gro'nd and craw&ed a (ew paces away, hiding behind one o( the &arger tombstones# She co'&d hear the men sho'ting c'rses and chants, b't none o( it seemed to matter# 9er head (e&t m'dd&ed and she on&y wanted to c'r& 'p into a ba&& that no one wo'&d ta*e notice o(# What is wrong with me2 %(ter a (ew min'tes, the noises died down# Sti&&, she co'&dn+t bring herse&( to mo!e (rom her spot# =8ac2'e&ine:= Toby s2'atted ne6t to her# =1o' o*ay:= =Toby:= She peered 'p at him# =Come here,= he said and p'&&ed her to him# =,t+s o!er# 9e+s gone# 1o'+re sa(e now#= B't e!en as she (e&& into his warm embrace, 8ac2'e&ine *new something wasn+t 2'ite right# She 3'st co'&dn+t 2'ite remember what made her (ee& that way# =Ta*e me home,= she whispered, c&osing her eyes#


Toby watched her s&eep# She seemed so right, nest&ed into his bed, s'rro'nded by the c&'tter o( his bedroom# ,t was a p&ace that he didn+t o(ten bring women, pre(erring to *eep it as his pri!ate sanct'ary# 5hen he had physica& re&ationships with women, it was 's'a&&y at their p&ace or some other &ocation that didn+t mean anything to him# Cess comp&ications that way# B't right now, seeing 8ac2'e&ine &ying there in what appeared to be a tro'b&ed s&eep, it 3'st (e&t right# 9e sat in the rec&iner by the window waiting (or her to wa*e 'p# ,t was sti&& night and she+d on&y been as&eep a (ew ho'rs# Tho'ghts o( what %nge&a was doing to his bar crossed his mind, b't he tried not to worry abo't it too m'ch# 8ac2'e&ine was more important# 9e smi&ed at the rea&i4ation# 8ac2'e&ine was more important than his wor*""or anything e&se# 5hen the he&& had that happened: 9er eyes opened and he &eaned (orward, an6io's# =8ac*ie:= =Toby,= she m'rm'red# =That yo':= =1es, ,m here#= 9e mo!ed to the bed, sitting on the side# =9ow do yo' (ee&:= =, don+t *now#= She r'bbed her head# =Sort o( h'ng o!er# 5hat happened:= =?ere* Spar*#= Toby watched her e6pression change to one o( distaste# =?o yo' remember him:=

=1eah# 5e were at the resta'rant, and he to&d me that he wanted me (or his persona& weapon# 9e p't a spe&& on peop&e at the bar so that it seemed &i*e time stood sti&& and then<, don+t *now what happened# , wo*e 'p in a morg'e or something#= =That+s where , (o'nd yo'# %t 9arrington Cemetery+s ('nera& home# ?o yo' *now why he bro'ght yo' there:= Toby had been as*ing himse&( the same 2'estions whi&e she s&ept# ,t had been too easy to get 8ac2'e&ine bac*# Something e&se was going on# =,### , don+t *now# There was another man there#= 8ac2'e&ine+s eyes grew wide with the memory# =9e was the one that *i&&ed my h'sband# 9e to&d me so>= =5ho was he:= B't she co'&dn+t get the words o't# ,nstead, 8ac2'e&ine began to cry, deep sobs that bro*e Toby+s heart to hear# 9e p't his arms aro'nd her, saying nothing# %(ter a (ew min'tes, she ca&med down, b't he co'&dn+t bring himse&( to &et her go# The sme&& o( her hair, the warmth o( her body, the c'r!e o( her against him""it was into6icating# She &oo*ed 'p and he co'&d see the desire in her eyes# Bent&y, he wiped away a stray tear and then &owered his &ips to hers# She ret'rned his so(t *iss, b't the heat between them began to ignite, and her hands gripped his body as i( she were drowning# Bod, she (e&t so per(ect in his arms# The taste o( her *isses was sweet, &i*e an e6otic whis*ey he co'&d ha!e s'r!i!ed on (or days# She bro*e away (rom his embrace, and then p'shed him so that he &ay on the bed as she stradd&ed him#

)or a moment, 8ac2'e&ine st'died Toby and he tho'ght there was 3'st a (&ic*er o( 'ncertainty in her eyes# =?on+t thin*,= he whispered# 5ith a grin, she s&ipped the sho'&der straps o( her green dress down# 9e reached 'p and ran his hands down her nec* and o!er her bared s*in# ,t was nothing to yan* the dress down so that her breasts (e&& (ree o( the (abric# -nab&e to stop himse&(, he to'ched the si&*y s*in, de&ighted when her nipp&es grew hard# She ga!e a &ow moan and the so'nd ripped thro'gh him, t'rning him on, stirring his desire# ;ot caring what she tho'ght, Toby (&ipped her o!er onto her bac*, and s&ipped the rest o( the dress o((# The sight o( her in nothing b't green, &acy panties had him h'rried&y ripping o(( his own T"shirt and pants# She gigg&ed a &itt&e as he ('mb&ed to remo!e his c&othes# =S&ow down,= she teased# =,+m not going anywhere#= =;o, yo'+re not#= Toby ran his hands a&ong the &ength o( her &egs# So(t and smooth, 3'st &i*e he+d imagined# 9er stomach 2'i!ered beneath his to'ch as he stro*ed and caressed her# 5hen his mo'th connected with her nipp&e, she ga!e another one o( those moans that dro!e him cra4y# Eager&y, he s'c*&ed at her whi&e his hands roamed where they p&eased# The dampness he (e&t between her &egs enticed him, ca'sing him to mo!e &ower# =Remo!e,= he whispered and the panties disappeared# 9e grinned at the per*s o( being a wi4ard and he s&ow&y, gent&y began to taste her# 9is tong'e (&ic*ed at the most de&icate

part o( her, ca'sing her breathing to grow hea!ier# She twisted her pe&!is as i( to brea* away, b't his strong arms he&d her (irm&y whi&e he &et his mo'th s'c* and p'&& 'nti& he co'&d (ee& her sh'dder with p&eas're beneath him# =Toby>= she cried o't, arching as an orgasm b'rst thro'gh her, t'rning her s*in a so(t shade o( pin*# =Shhh<= 9e soothed# =,+m not done with yo'#= Toby co!ered her body with his own, and she c&'ng to him, desperate and wanton# 9er hands on him were a&most eno'gh to ma*e him &ose contro& as she g'ided him into her waiting chamber# 5hen he entered her, he co'&d ha!e sworn the room &it 'p with e&ectrica& energy# @r maybe that was 3'st how she made him (ee&""&i*e together they created a c'rrent o( power that (e&t too good to t'rn o((# 8ac2'e&ine wrapped her &egs aro'nd his body, (orcing him to go deeper sti&&, to to'ch the core o( her being# Spar*s si44&ed o(( their s*in as their magic 'nited, b&ending them together# ,t (e&t a&most as i( they were (&oating, and Toby became aware that they act'a&&y were# Coc*ed together, their bodies had &i(ted o(( the bed# =5hoa,= he whispered# =;o,= 8ac2'e&ine said# =?on+t stop#= She s'rprised him then by ta*ing contro& o( the magic and somehow pinning him against the wa&& abo!e the bed# ;ow she he&d the power, riding him, *issing his s*in, (anning the (&ames o( the (ire, 'nti& they both (o'nd re&ease in an e6p&osion o( passion that shoo* the entire ho'se#

Danting, Toby care('&&y wi&&ed the magic to (&oat them bac* to the bed# 8ac2'e&ine wrapped her arms aro'nd him, her head nest&ed to his chest as they &ay on the r'mp&ed sheets# =That was cra4y,= she m'rm'red# =Cra4y good#= =1eah#= 9e co'&dn+t 2'ite catch his breath, b't he tightened his ho&d on her# E!en with Babrie&&a, there hadn+t been that *ind o( magic# =?id , see act'a& spar*s:= 8ac2'e&ine as*ed# =5ere we rea&&y (&oating:= =1eah#= =5i4ard se6 is awesome#= Toby grinned, tempted to point o't that her h'sband had been a wi4ard, too# B't he tho'ght better o( it# 9'sbands, e6"gir&(riends""that wo'&d spoi& the mood and he didn+t want that# )or a (ew min'tes, they &ay there in si&ence# =Toby,= she said at &ast# =, thin* there is something yo' sho'&d *now#= =5hat: 1o'+re not a !irgin:= =9a"ha,= she said and he co'&dn+t he&p b't grin# =;o# This is more serio's#= =@*ay#= 9e sat 'p in bed and (aced her# =The man who *i&&ed my h'sband<yo' *now him, too#= =5ho was it:=

She chewed on her &ip and ga!e him a worried &oo* be(ore spitting it o't# =,t was Babe# 9e+s not rea&&y The Ieeper o( So'&s#= =Then who is he:= he as*ed# =1o'r son#=

Soul Reaper
=8ac2'e&ine, my son co'&d not ha!e *i&&ed yo'r h'sband#= Toby *ept his words ca&m, b't inside he co'&d (ee& a s&ow r'sh o( heat at her acc'sation# The s'b3ect was a pain('& one to begin with, one he tried not to dwe&& on# 9e+d tho'ght more abo't his past, inc&'ding the &oss o( his dead son in the &ast day than he+d e!er done be(ore# =Toby, , *now it so'nds cra4y and ,+m not trying to h'rt yo',= 8ac2'e&ine began, b't he c't her o(( and got o't o( bed# =Then don+t#= 9e g&ared at her, 'nab&e to stop himse&(# =?on+t ta&* abo't things yo' don+t 'nderstand#= =Coo*, whi&e , was trapped in the ('nera& home with ?ere*, Babe came to me and said that he wasn+t rea&&y The Ieeper o( So'&s# ,n (act, he made it so'nd &i*e he+d made some sort o( dea& with the hag to get into the bo6# 9e *new ,+d open it e!ent'a&&y# ,t was his way o( appearing to be part o( my (ami&y, so , wo'&d tr'st him# , don+t *now what happened to the rea& Ieeper o( So'&s, or e!en i( there e!er was one# , don+t thin* , can be&ie!e m'ch o( anything that Babe says#= 8ac2'e&ine too* a breath# =The thing is, when yo' were coming to sa!e me, ?ere* as*ed Babe i( he wanted to stic* aro'nd and see the death o( his (ather#= Toby (rowned# =That doesn+t mean""=

=?ere* was ta&*ing abo't yo'> %nd then Babe too* o((#= =9e didn+t want to get ca'ght# 1o' 3'st said yo'rse&( we can+t tr'st anything he says#= =Coo*, , *now this is hard to be&ie!e, b't , *now what , heard#= She crept 'p behind him and p't her hands on his sho'&der# =5i&& yo' te&& me the story o( yo'r son and Babrie&&a:= Toby tho'ght abo't that as she massaged his sho'&ders# 9e ne!er &et anyone in when it came to the past# There were times when he (e&t &i*e he needed to ta&* abo't it, b't there had been no one he tr'sted that m'ch# -nti& now# 9e (e&t comp&ete&y com(ortab&e with 8ac2'e&ine# 7aybe it was beca'se he+d spent the &ast year secret&y watching her, obser!ing her in his bar or on the street, b't he (e&t &i*e he rea&&y *new her# ?eep in his heart, Toby *new she wo'&d ne!er betray the tr'st o( a (riend# She wasn+t that *ind o( person# =7aybe i( yo' can+t ta&* abo't it,= 8ac2'e&ine whispered, =yo' co'&d show the past to me# Sort o( &i*e what yo' did when , ta&*ed abo't the night Eric died#= 9e p'&&ed away (rom her so(t to'ch and t'rned to *iss her# ?esire stirred in him again as she caressed his chest and then wrapped her arms aro'nd him# ,t was tempting to throw her down on the bed and ma*e &o!e to her again# B't instead, he chose to &et her into his &i(e#

=C&ose yo'r eyes#= She did as he as*ed and he *issed the tip o( her nose# =;ow 3'st re&a6# ,+m going to show yo' e!erything# %nd then yo'+&& see that Babe can+t be my son#= 9e p&aced his hands on her arms and too* a breath# =Cet the past and the present be one (or a time#= Toby began to chant< % g'st o( wind b&ew thro'gh the room, bringing in the past#


$,et out of m sister's life.$ 4erek %"ark sneered at Tob , his contem"t for the man ob#ious. $%he doesn't need ou to "rotect her. That's what famil is for. 8ou are not a %"ark5$ $8ou're the one who betra ed us to our famil . We had e#er thing under control until ou butted in like ou alwa s do.$ Tob fumed. ,abriella's brother had alwa s been unreasonable. Wh couldn't he look "ast the rules of the -rotherhood and see that things could change.$ &'m a Williams and soon ou'll ha#e a ne"hew with the last name.$ $6ot one that & would acknowledge5$ $Then don't. We don't need ou in our li#es, 4erek. &t will hurt our sister to cut ou out, but she'll sur#i#e.$ $Will she2 & don't see how. Li#ing with ou and our kind would be enough to kill her5$ Tob sighed and things were !uiet for a moment. $& can't lea#e her or the bab , 4erek. & lo#e her.$ Tob grabbed 4erek's arm, tr ing to make him understand. $'ll this stuff about wi(ard bloodlines not mi;ing is *ust old fashioned nonsense. & doubt it's e#en true.$ $What would the -rotherhood sa if the knew about our new found #iew"oint2$ 4erek asked. $4o ou think the 'd be as o"en minded as ou are2 & doubt it. The 'd be down here to kill the child and "robabl m sister in a heartbeat. 8ou ma belie#e in change, but the -rotherhood clings to its archaic notions. 'nd rightl so5$

$+'mon. 4on't tell me ou reall bu into the stor the tell about what would ha""en if ou mi;ed wi(ard blood2 &t's *ust a m th, a rumor created b some old wi(ards a long time ago who were "robabl "issed off about something. The idea was to kee" their children awa from each other.$ Tob watched 4erek's face flush a dee" red. $,abriella and & didn't set out to def the -rotherhood. We fell in lo#e. %he didn't think she could e#en ha#e children5$ $8ou fell in lo#e2$ 4erek glared. $Then if ou lo#ed her, ou should ha#e left her. 6ot carried on with this.$ $&t's too late now.$ $&s it2$ The !uestion didn't come from 4erek. -ut Tob knew that #oice, and his heart sunk. )e turned to face his father who stood solemnl in the doorwa . $What are ou doing here2$ Tob asked. $Who told ou2$ $8our mother.$ The older Williams stared at his son, dis"leased. $What are ou going to do2$ Tob rarel felt fear, but looking at his father, the feeling began to o#ertake him. )is father ne#er went against the -rotherhood. )e often re"resented them in matters of wi(ard law, which was wh Tob had not told his famil about ,abriella. )e had no doubt /osiah Williams would do whate#er the -rotherhood commanded. E#en if it meant killing his own grandson.

$Where is ,abriella2$ /osiah asked. $%he's in the deli#er room,$ 4erek said. $& will see her at once.$ /osiah ga#e his son a stern look. $8ou sta here, Tob .$ $What are ou going to do2$ $What & must.$ $6o5$ Tob could see it in his father's face33/osiah would kill both mother and child. )e mo#ed to sto" the older wi(ard, but found himself "inned to a chair, bound b the restraints of magic. )is father's magic was far more "owerful than his own. 4erek laughed. $E;cellent5$ )e smiled at Tob . $& belie#e &'ll assist our father.$ $That's "robabl a good idea. -rotherhood laws "refer a witness from each famil .$ Was that s m"ath drifting through his father's e es2 Tob couldn't tell for sure and he didn't care as rage "oured o#er him. $+ome on then, %"ark. Let's go.$ /osiah left the room, followed b 4erek. &t was the longest ten minutes of his life. &t seemed the hos"ital had gone !uiet. Tob knew it was due to a time altering s"ell. &t would allow a wi(ard to do whate#er needed to be done without mortals e#er knowing. Tob had

used it himself on se#eral occasions, ne#er dreaming that it would be used to murder his child. )e thought about ,abriella and the bab and contem"lated killing his father. -ut in the end Tob could do nothing but wait until /osiah returned. /osiah entered the room and nodded at Tob . $&t is done.$ 's the binding s"ell faded, Tob "ushed himself to a standing "osition. )e ran down the hall, "assing doctors and nurses who were *ust beginning to catch u" with time. ,abriella's room was *ust around the corner. Ma be there was still time -ut the moment he saw her, his "rett dark haired ,abriella, he knew it was too late. $%tillborn,$ she said, looking at him with dull e es. $'ll that worr between our families was for nothing. We didn't end u" creating a "owerful new breed of wi(ard. 8our father came here for nothing.$ $%tillborn2$ Tob let the words register, not sure how he felt. $The bab didn't e#en cr .$ -ut ,abriella did. )er sobs filled the room, making Tob 's heart ache. )e mo#ed to comfort her, but she would ha#e none of it. $6o5 4on't touch me. /ust*ust lea#e me alone5$ %he glared.

$This is our fault, Tob 5 We ne#er should ha#e done this. & told ou that our lo#e was forbidden, but ou ke"t "ushing at me, breaking me down5 'nd nowlook5 We ha#e nothing5$ $,abb , & lo#e ou. 8ou're grie#ing right now. &n time33$ $&n time2 &n time &'ll forget ou. ,o. & can't look at ou.$ Tob was shocked b her words, but "ressed on. $,abb , where did the take the bab 2 & want to see m son.$ $& asked 4erek to take it awa .$ %he sobbed again. $M son is dead.$ Our son, Tob wanted to sa . Our son. -ut he didn't. &nstead he backed out the door, numb with shock o#er the death of his child. %tillborn2 Or had his father done something to the bab 2 &t was a !uestion that would haunt him fore#er.


=@h, Toby# ,+m so sorry#= 8ac2'e&ine+s heart ached (or the stoic man, and she wrapped her arms aro'nd him, wishing she co'&d hea& the wo'nds o( his past# 9ow aw('& to &ose a chi&d in the (irst p&ace, b't then to a&so ha!e to wonder abo't whether or not yo'r own (ather had p&ayed a part in it# She co'&dnt imagine how Toby had dea&t with that a&& these years# =5hat happened to Babrie&&a:= she as*ed# =She died a (ew months &ater# S'icide#= Toby &oo*ed at her, the pain in his eyes raw# =, co'&dn+t he&p her, 8ac2'e&ine# She 3'st sh't me o't# , didn+t 'nderstand it#= =@h, Toby#= She *issed his chee*# =9ow aw('& (or yo'#= =, ne!er got to see my son+s body# The Spar* (ami&y had a pri!ate ('nera&# B'ess who wasn+t in!ited: 7e# 7y (ather and , ne!er rea&&y spo*e again# E!en i( he hadn+t *i&&ed my son, , co'&dn+t &oo* him in the eye# That+s when my mom started drin*ing, too# 5hen my (ather died a (ew years &ater, , didn+t e!en go to his ('nera&#= 9e (e&& si&ent and 8ac2'e&ine contin'ed to ho&d him, her mind whir&ing in a tho'sand directions# ?ere* had ta*en the baby+s body away# The more she tho'ght abo't it, the more con!enient an e6c'se that seemed#

5hat i( 8osiah 5i&&iams had 3'st remo!ed the prob&em, b't not *i&&ed it: ,( he co'&d cast a spe&& on Toby (ree4ing him in p&ace, s're&y he co'&d cast a spe&& on Babrie&&a ma*ing her (orget or become 'naware o( the tr'th abo't her chi&d# ,n (act, that made per(ect sense# %(ter a&&, ?ere* had cast a spe&& on her to do his bidding# 9er mo'th tightened at the tho'ght# 9e+d to&d her not to te&& Toby abo't that# %nd she co'&dn+t# The mere tho'ght o( te&&ing him ca'sed a sharp pain to race thro'gh her head as a warning# 5hat was ?ere* going to ma*e her do: She didn+t want to be the one to brea* Toby+s heart again# 7aybe there was a way to warn him witho't act'a&&y te&&ing him what had happened# ,( she co'&d 3'st (ind a magica& &oopho&e< B't one thing at a time# She was certain that Babe was Toby+s son# ,( ?ere* had ta*en the chi&d and he wasn+t dead, then that opened a wor&d o( possibi&ities# The tric* was getting Toby to see them# =Toby#= ;er!o's, she too* a deep breath# =5hat i( the baby wasn+t sti&&born:= 9e stirred in her arms, b't said nothing# Enco'raged, she contin'ed# =5hat i( yo'r (ather had a change o( heart: Co'&d he ha!e p't on a spe&& on Babrie&&a, ma*ing her say those things or ma*e her think that the baby was dead:=

=, don+t *now,= he said, so(t&y# =7aybe yo'r (ather ga!e the baby to someone e&se#= She (e&t Toby tense# =%re there spe&&s that a&&ow a person to command someone e&se to do things, b't the person being commanded can+t ta&* abo't it:= % sharp ache rose in her head as she as*ed the 2'estion, b't despite the pain she persisted# =1es# Command spe&&s are power('&#= 9e p'&&ed o't o( her arms and t'rned to (ace her, (rowning# =5hat are yo' getting at:= =5e&&, yo' said that yo' *new Babrie&&a &o!ed yo', b't then she sh't yo' o't o( her &i(e, wo'&dn+t e!en ta&* to yo', right:= 9e nodded and she p&'nged on# =5hat i( a command spe&& had been p&aced on her so that she co'&dn+t te&& yo' the tr'th abo't what rea&&y happened: , mean, that+s how it wor*s, isn+t it: 1o' *now abo't the spe&&, b't yo' can+t ta&* abo't it:= Toby nodded# =So what i( yo' *new yo' were 'nder a spe&&, b't weren+t ab&e to ta&* abo't it: @r i( yo' *new yo'r chi&d was a&i!e, b't co'&dn+t do anything to he&p him beca'se o( a spe&&:= 8ac2'e&ine stopped spea*ing, a(raid to say the rest o( her tho'ghts<the pain in her head increasing with each heartbeat# She didn+t ha!e to worry# Toby saw them#

=1o' thin* Babrie&&a *i&&ed herse&( beca'se she co'&dn+t te&& me the tr'th and she co'&dn+t get to o'r chi&d:= Toby as*ed# 8ac2'e&ine nodded# =Toby, maybe she rea&&y did &o!e yo', b't had been commanded to stay away 3'st to h'rt yo'# 7aybe her wi&& wasn+t her own,= 8ac2'e&ine said# =, don+t *now< , ne!er<= =Bi!e it some tho'ght,= she said# =, rea&&y be&ie!e that Babe is yo'r son# 9e&&, he e!en has the ma&e !ersion o( the name Babrie&&a# Babe is short (or Babrie&#= Toby stared o(( into space, a tro'b&e e6pression on his (ace be(ore he stood 'p# =)orgi!e me, 8ac2'e&ine# , need a (ew min'tes to thin*# 5o'&d yo' mind i( , too* a shower: Then , need to go bac* to the bar and ma*e s're yo'r (riend, %nge&a, didn+t b'rn the p&ace down#= =1o' &e(t %nge&a in charge:= =,t was a sp'r o( the moment decision#= =Bo ta*e yo'r shower,= 8ac2'e&ine said, b't worry washed o!er her# 5o'&d ?ere* do anything to h'rt %nge&a: =9'rry, Toby# , want to ma*e s're %nge&a is o*ay#= 9e nodded, b't as he disappeared into the ne6t room, 8ac2'e&ine co'&dn+t he&p b't as* herse&( the 2'estion that tormented herG 5hat was ?ere* going to ma*e her do:


,n the shower, Toby p'44&ed o!er the sit'ation# Co'&d it be tr'e: Co'&d his son be a&i!e: 8ac2'e&ine+s &ogic made sense# Thin*ing bac* to that night, he rea&i4ed he had no reason to s'spect that his chi&d had &i!ed# ,n his mind, he+d a&ways ass'med that i( the chi&d hadn+t been sti&&born, 8osiah wo'&d ha!e *i&&ed the boy anyway# Sa!ing him, gi!ing the baby a chance at &i(e""that wo'&d ha!e gone against the Brotherhood+s wishes# 9is (ather ne!er bro*e the r'&es# Sti&&<something (e&t o((# %nd then there was 8ac2'e&ine# She+d been trying to te&& him something# 9e+d sensed the an6iety in her, b't cha&*ed it 'p to her being (rightened abo't her e6perience with ?ere*# Toby had been a(raid to p'sh her abo't what had happened e!en tho'gh he rea&&y needed to *now# 5hy had he been ab&e to get her so easi&y: 5hat tric* did ?ere* ha!e 'p his s&ee!e: T'rning o(( the shower, he grabbed a towe& and dried o((# ,n some ways, it didn+t matter# 9e had 8ac2'e&ine bac* and nothing was going to get to her# ;ot ?ere*# ;ot Babe# ;ot e!en the Brotherhood# 1es, they co'&d present a prob&em, b't he was ready# 9e+d made 'p his mind# 8ac2'e&ine was not going to die#

;ot i( he co'&d he&p it#


The bar was sti&& b'sy e!en tho'gh it was c&ose to c&osing time# 5hen Toby wa&*ed in, a co&&ecti!e groan had gone 'p# ;o one wanted to go home# =9ey> , tho'ght yo' were gone (or the night>= %nge&a sho'ted at him# There were se!era& one do&&ar bi&&s stic*ing o't o( the top o( her shirt# 5hen she saw him &oo*ing at them, she added, =That+s where , *eep my tips> ;o change" 3ar (or me#= 9er e6pression changed when she saw 8ac2'e&ine step in behind him# =8ac*ie>= She came aro'nd (rom behind the bar, br'shed past Toby, and ga!e her (riend a h'g# =%re yo' a&right: 1o' &e(t so s'dden&y , was worried#= =,+m (ine# , 3'st had a headache,= 8ac2'e&ine said, gi!ing her a tight smi&e# Coo*ing o!er %nge&a+s sho'&der, she co'&d see Toby going behind the bar# =?on+t (orget o'r arrangement#= The !oice in her ear was not %nge&a+s# ,t be&onged to ?ere* Spar*# Start&ed, 8ac2'e&ine p'&&ed bac*# %nge&a smi&ed at her b't her eyes""those eyes be&onged to another person# =%re yo' ready to do as , command:=

,t was weird seeing %nge&a+s &ips mo!e b't ?ere*+s !oice come o't# =%re yo' ready, 8ac2'e&ine:= =D&ease<, don+t want to h'rt him#= =,t+s what , want that matters# , &et yo' go (ree beca'se , *new Toby had (ee&ings abo't yo'# , certain&y hope yo' showed him a good time# % man needs to ha!e se6 one &ast time be(ore he dies# , can+t wait to see the &oo* on his (ace when he (inds o't that once again, his &ady &o!e has betrayed him#= ?ere* ga!e her another h'g# =Bet ready (or some ('n, my dear#= 5ith that he p'&&ed away and sti&& &oo*ing &i*e %nge&a, sa'ntered bac* towards the bar# 8ac2'e&ine+s heart po'nded# Toby was so c&ose to his enemy, and she was power&ess to te&& him the tr'th# Stric*en, she co'&d on&y watch them interact and wonder what she co'&d do to stop ?ere*# =Something wrong:= 7ati&da had wa&*ed 'p to her, 'nnoticed# =1o' &oo* worried#= =, am#= =5ant to ta&* abo't it:= =, can+t#= =,s it abo't my son:= =1es#= 7ati&da st'died her and 8ac2'e&ine tried to thin* o( a way to con!ey the danger that Toby was in# She 3'st had to (ind

the magica& &oopho&e that wo'&d a&&ow her to ta&* abo't what was happening# =5hat are yo' thin*ing abo't, 8ac2'e&ine:= =% &oopho&e# , need one#= =, don+t 'nderstand# %re yo' ta&*ing abo't &i*e a &ega& &oopho&e or something:= 7ati&da wrin*&ed her nose# =, hate &aw shit#= =1eah, b't sometimes in &aw peop&e don+t go to 3ai& beca'se o( &ega& &oopho&es#= She t'rned so that she (aced 7ati&da# 7aybe this was her chance to get he&p# ,( she co'&d 3'st get 7ati&da to 'nderstand< =7ati&da, did yo' e!er ta&* to Babrie&&a a(ter she had the baby:= The other woman+s eyes narrowed# =9ow do yo' *now abo't Babrie&&a: ?id Toby te&& yo' abo't her:= =1es# 9e to&d me the who&e story abo't how the wi4ard b&ood&ines aren+t s'pposed to mi6 and how the Brotherhood wanted yo'r h'sband to *i&& the baby# @n&y it came o't sti&&born#= 8ac2'e&ine watched 7ati&da# The o&d woman seemed s'rprised to hear that her son had shared part o( his pain('& past# =%(terwards, Babrie&&a re3ected Toby, b't , thin* there was more to it# , thin* something e&se happened#= =Ci*e what:=

=5hat i( Babrie&&a had been 'nder a command spe&&, one that wo'&d not a&&ow her to ha!e anything to do with Toby:= 8ac2'e&ine pa'sed# =,t a&so wo'&dn+t &et her ta&* abo't who too* her newborn baby#= =The baby was born dead#= =;o# , don+t thin* so# , thin* it was !ery m'ch a&i!e, b't her brother ?ere* too* it#= =Toby didn+t ma*e her gi!e the baby away:= =@( co'rse not>= 5hat was 7ati&da ta&*ing abo't: =7y theory is that 8osiah p't a spe&& on Babrie&&a# She co'&d remember e!erything, b't co'&dn+t ta&* abo't it,= 8ac2'e&ine e6p&ained# =7aybe that+s why she *i&&ed herse&(#= Tears (i&&ed 7ati&da+s eyes# =@h, ,+m sorry# , didn+t mean to be insensiti!e, 7ati&da# , *now that was yo'r grandson#= 8ac2'e&ine r'bbed 7ati&da+s arm# =B't yo' see, he+s sti&& a&i!e# 9e co'&d be part o( yo'r (ami&y#= &f he isn't com"letel e#il because of 4erek's influence# 8ac2'e&ine *ept that tho'ght to herse&(# =Dart o( the (ami&y: %(ter what this (ami&y p't him thro'gh:= 7ati&da 3er*ed her arm away# =, was better o(( being raised by strangers than with Toby#= Shoc*ed, 8ac2'e&ine co'&d on&y stare at 7ati&da#

The tr'th hit her# This wasn+t 7ati&da# 8'st &i*e %nge&a, the rea& 7ati&da had been rep&aced# =Babe:= she whispered and g&anced at Toby who was b'sy co'nting receipts# =Come with me,= Babe instr'cted# =-n&ess yo' want to *i&& the two women ?ere* and , stashed in the bac* o((ice#= %nge&a and 7ati&da# %t &east she *new they were a&i!e# She (o&&owed Babe to a booth in the bac* corner, one 3'st o't o( Toby+s sight&ine# =5hat are yo' p&anning to do:= 8ac2'e&ine as*ed# =-se yo' to *i&& Toby, o( co'rse#= Babe ro&&ed his eyes at her# =?on+t te&& me yo' hadn+t (ig'red o't that part yet, ;ancy ?rew# 9onest&y, yo' and yo'r &itt&e (riend, %nge&a are so d'mb# ,+m shoc*ed that , got away with pretending to be ?ere* d'ring the &ast ha&( o( that miserab&e dinner , had to share with her tonight# B't she ne!er s'spected a thing#= =Toby is yo'r (ather# , don+t *now what ?ere* did to yo' a&& these years, b't Toby had no idea yo' were a&i!e#= =?on+t &ie to me# ?ere* sa!ed me (rom the 5i&&iams c&an# 8osiah was going to *i&& me>= Babe &eaned (orward# =5hat the he&& *ind o( grand(ather does that: %nd he had my (ather+s b&essing# ?ere* to&d me e!erything#= =9e &ied to yo'# Toby *new nothing#= =,( it weren+t (or ?ere*, , wo'&d ha!e died# 9e sn'c* me o't o( the hospita& and made s're the 9arrington (ami&y adopted me# 9e wo'&d !isit me (rom time to time, and

when my parents were *i&&ed in a car accident, ?ere* became my o((icia& g'ardian# That+s when he to&d me the tr'th abo't my (ather, how Toby *i&&ed my mother, too* away e!ery chance , had to grow 'p norma&#= Babe+s 7ati&da persona disso&!ed as he got angry# Bood# 7aybe i( his g'ard was down, Toby wo'&d catch wind o( what was going on# =These are a&& &ies,= 8ac2'e&ine whispered# =?ere* on&y too* yo' beca'se he wanted to h'rt Toby# 9e didn+t e!en care abo't his own sister#= =1o' weren+t there>= =B't ,+!e seen it>= %n idea came to her# =Cisten, , saw a memory o( that night# 1o' can+t (a*e a memory, Babe# Can+t yo' 'se yo'r own wi4ard powers to see it:= Babe contemp&ated the re2'est# =5hat do yo' ha!e to &ose:= she pressed# =Bi!e me yo'r hand#= She did so and (e&t a sharp 3o&t go thro'gh her as Babe c&osed his eyes and ri(&ed thro'gh her brain# ,t was an odd sensation, b't one she hoped wo'&d be worth it# %ro'nd her, the bar was starting to sh't down# Deop&e were st'mb&ing to the door as the 's'a& 7'm(ord and Son anthem o( Citt&e Cion 7an began to p&ay# Soon Toby wo'&d come to chec* her on# 5o'&d she be commanded to do something beyond her contro&:

Babe+s eyes opened, b't she co'&dn+t 2'ite read the e6pression in them# =This pro!es nothing# The 5i&&iams (ami&y sti&& wanted me dead#= =B't not Toby#= She s2'ee4ed his hand gent&y# =D&ease, Babe# 9e&p yo'r (ather# 9e wanted yo' desperate&y# , don+t *now who p't the spe&& on yo'r mother, b't , do *now that ?ere* has been &ying to yo'#= The bar was a&most empty to now# 9er heart po'nded# 5hate!er ?ere*+s p&an was, the time had come (or it to 'n(o&d# 9owe!er, she wasn+t going to wait (or ?ere* to ma*e a mo!e# She was going to 'se a &itt&e magic o( her own# 8ac2'e&ine stood and too* a deep breath# Babe didn+t notice# 9e stared at the tab&e, deep in tho'ght# Toby wiped the co'nter o( the bar in s&ow circ&es, a s&ight (rown on his (ace whi&e %nge&a stood s&ight&y behind him# She smi&ed at 8ac2'e&ine# =Something wrong, 8ac*ie:= =;o#= She &et the power she tried to *eep in chec* the &ast year b'i&d within her# ?ere* hadn+t gi!en her any commands yet# 7aybe there was sti&& time (or her to e6ert her (ree wi&&# 8ac2'e&ine co'&d (ee& the h'm begin deep within the core o( her being# 9er banshee b&ood (&ooded her morta& ce&&s, gi!ing her an incredib&e r'sh o( power as she &et her

s'pernat'ra& side ta*e o!er# ,t (e&t so good to s'rrender to the 'rges she+d been str'gg&ing to repress the &ast year# % song began to come (rom her, so(t and &ow# 8ac2'e&ine co'&d see the o't&ine o( ?ere*+s &i(e essence s'rro'nding him# She concentrated on p'&&ing that g&ow away (rom his body# =8ac*ie# 5hat are yo' doing:= ?ere* had dropped his %nge&a !oice# =,t+s not time (or the big show 'nti& , say so#= =,t+s time (or my show,= she m'ttered, sending a&& her energy at the p'&sating g&ow# Toby (&'ng o't his arm# The action ca'sed ?ere* to s&am into the coo&ers behind him# 9is %nge&a (aNade disappeared# =Tho'ght that was yo', ?ere*# , &i*e %nge&a, b't i( she were sti&& r'nning the bar, a&& the wine wo'&d be gone# 5hat did yo' do to her:= Toby as*ed# =%nd what *ind o( spe&& did yo' p't on 8ac2'e&ine: , tho'ght her escape came a &itt&e too easi&y#= =?oesn+t matter#= ?ere* &i(ted his hands# % (ireba&& g&owed between them# =1o' sho'&d be worried abo't what ,+m going to ha!e her do to yo'#= B't the threat was wea*# 9is (ace grew pa&e as more and more o( his &i(e essence was p'&&ed away# Toby wa&*ed o!er to him# S'mmoning a great breath, he b&ew o't the (ireba&&#

=, thin* my gir& has e!erything 'nder contro&,= he said# =?oes she:= ?ere* ga!e him an e!i& smi&e# =8ac2'e&ine, , command yo' to *i&& Toby#= ,mmediate&y, 8ac2'e&ine (e&t the change in her powers# 9er intention shi(ted tho'gh she hadn+t intended (or it to# She &et ?ere*+s essence go, watching it bo'nce bac* into him# B't she co'&dn+t stop the energy, co'&dn+t stop the ha'nting me&ody that sprang (rom her &ips, p'&&ing at the so'& o( the man she &o!ed# =,sn+t she bea'ti('&,= ?ere* m'rm'red# =9er song is abso&'te&y hypnotic# She+&& ma*e a &o!e&y banshee when the time comes# @nce my (ami&y has no ('rther 'se (or her, we+&& gi!e her a magni(icent death# B't 'nti& then, she and , are going to ha!e some ('n times together#= Toby sagged against the wa&&# 9is (ace contorted with pain, b't his eyes"""oh how they begged and p&eaded with her to stop# ,t was as i( she was another person and this new persona didn+t care abo't anything b't reaping so'&s# =)ight it,= Toby gasped# =)ight it>= Tears streamed down 8ac2'e&ine+s (ace# =8ac2'e&ine, , &o!e yo'# , *now yo' (ee& it# D&ease< (ight the spe&&# 1o' can do it,= he enco'raged e!en as his strength (aded# 9is words p'&&ed at her heart# She had to get contro& o!er her powers, had to brea* the spe&&>

-ut it can't be done. Think about what it did to ,abriella, her mind whispered# There was mo!ement in her periphera& !ision, b't it didn+t distract her (rom what she was doing# Citt&e by &itt&e, Toby+s so'& p'&&ed (ree o( his body# 9er song grew &o'der, ('&& o( &ament# % hand c&amped down on her mo'th whi&e another reached across her eyes, b&inding her# The 'rge to sing contin'ed, b't it was &essened witho't a target# =?ere*, be(ore , a&&ow this woman to *i&& my (ather, , want yo' to e6p&ain a (ew things,= Babe said# =8ac*ie, remember how yo' were ab&e to contro& the power ear&ier this morning: 1o' can brea* this spe&&# There is hope#= =5hat are yo' doing: Cet her (inish Toby> This is what we+!e waited (or# = =?id yo' p't a spe&& on my mother:= Babe as*ed, sti&& ho&ding tight to 8ac*ie# =@( co'rse not# She was my sister>= =?id she *now that , was a&i!e:= =5ho has been te&&ing yo' these things:= =Babe, , don+t *now what happened to Babrie&&a# 7y (ather intended to *i&& yo', b't it didn+t happen# , don+t *now why, tho'gh ,+m !ery g&ad#= Toby+s wea* !oice reached his ears# =The on&y way to *now the tr'th is i( we wor* together#= 5hat was happening: )r'strated, 8ac2'e&ine wished she co'&d see the action#

This was so ridic'&o's# 5hy co'&dn+t she 3'st contro& her powers: She was a ha&( banshee a(ter a&&# The other ha&( o( her was morta& and sti&& in contro& o( her (ree wi&&# , %7 in contro&, she tho'ght# , ha!e to stop this spe&&# There is hope> She pict'red Toby+s so'& going bac* into his body, (ighting the stabbing pains in her head as she wor*ed against the command spe&&# To her de&ight, 8ac2'e&ine heard Toby say, =The spe&&# She+s brea*ing the spe&&# , can (ee& it#= =,mpossib&e,= ?ere* sneered# =,( the hag co'&dn+t brea* (ree, than this &itt&e ha&("breed certain&y can+t#= =Re&ease her, Babe,= Toby 'rged# Babe remo!ed his hands# Toby stood at the bar, a smi&e on his (ace# She no &onger had the 'rge to reap his so'&# ?ere* stared at her, open"mo'thed, whi&e the other two wi4ards in the room t'rned their attention on him# %s i( one, they c&osed in# 9e attempted to ma*e a brea* (or it# ?arting aro'nd the bar, ?ere* headed (or the door# =@h, no yo' don+t>= 8ac2'e&ine ca&&ed o't# 9er power b&a4ed to &i(e and she yan*ed at the edge o( ?ere*+s &i(e essence# 9e staggered and she p'&&ed harder, ama4ed at the strength o( her s*i&&s# =O'ic*&y, boys, be(ore he has time to come 'p with a spe&&#= Babe and Toby r'shed to him and both began chanting#

They were s'c*ed into the past# $& can't do this.$ /osiah Williams stared down at the small bab ,abriella held in her arms. $M grandson must li#e.$ $What2$ 4erek looked stunned. $8ou would go against the -rotherhood2 The won't allow a wi(ard of mi;ed blood to be born. The 'll kill ou.$ $Then we need them to think the bab is dead.$ /osiah looked at ,abriella. $'nd ou must ne#er tell the -rotherhood or m son an different.$ $What are ou going to do2$ ,abriella clung to the bed, tr ing to "rotect her bab as best she could. $& won't let ou murder m child.$ $6o. We'll tell e#er one the bab was stillborn.$ /osiah !uickl chanted a command s"ell. ,abriella's e es dulled and she sobbed uncontrollabl as the older wi(ard took the bab from her. $4erek, will ou "rotect our families or do & ha#e to s"ell ou, too2$ 4erek stared at the wi(ard, the hate in his e es ob#ious. ' lesser wi(ard though, he didn't dare fight /osiah. $What do ou want me to do2$ he asked. $Take the bab and find it a home. Let it grow u" far from our clans, ne#er knowing about its "owers or heritage. This is the wa to "rotect it and our families from the wrath of the -rotherhood.$ /osiah handed the bab to 4erek. $&f ou s"eak a word of this to an one, & will "ersonall hunt ou down and e;act m own brand of "unishment.$ 4erek took the bab and disa""eared into the corridor.

/osiah bent o#er the wee"ing woman and stroked her hair. $&t is for the best, m dear. 8ou and Tob ma lo#e each other, but the -rotherhood doesn't understand such things. 'll the see is the "otential for our "owerful bloodlines to cross and create something that the can't control.$ )e got u" and headed towards the door. $Tob reall lo#es ou though. Take comfort in that, e#en if ou can't be with him.$ ,abriella onl cried harder. The past r'shed away, ret'rning them to the 7er&yn+s Bar# =1o' &ied,= Babe whispered, staring down at his 'nc&e# =1o' &ied (rom the moment , met yo'#= =, was protecting yo',= ?ere* said# =;o, yo' wanted to p'nish my (ather# So yo' bided yo'r time didn+t yo':= Babe shoo* his head# =That+s what this has a&ways been abo't#= =5hy did yo' *i&& my h'sband:= 8ac2'e&ine as*ed# =5hat does that ha!e to do with re!enge:= =, to&d yo' the tr'th abo't that# 5e were trac*ing Eric beca'se he had been &oo*ing (or 's# ?ere* was e6comm'nicated (rom his (ami&y# They *ic*ed him o't and wanted him dead#= Babe said# =B't why Eric: 5hy wo'&d they hire someone o'tside o( their (ami&y:= =Eric m'st ha!e been part o( the Spar* (ami&y,= Toby said# =% co'sin, maybe:=

=That+s what ?ere* said#= Babe *ic*ed at his 'nc&e who remained si&ent on the gro'nd# =5e needed to *i&& Eric so he+d &ea!e 's a&one# @n&y thing is, we hadn+t co'nted on the wi(e getting in the way# , tho'ght he was in the car that night, not yo' 8ac2'e&ine# %nd who *new he+d married a ('t're banshee: , *new his 3ob was protecting s'pernat'ra& beings, b't to marry one: 9e m'st ha!e rea&&y &o!ed yo', 8ac2'e&ine# @nce we rea&i4ed what we+d 'n&eashed with Eric+s death, ?ere* tho'ght he had a way to get re!enge on Toby and ha!e something that wo'&d get him bac* into his (ami&y+s good graces#= =Re!enge: Beca'se he &o!ed yo'r sister:= 8ac2'e&ine shoo* her head, meeting ?ere*+s de(iant ga4e# =1o'+re rea&&y a 3er*, yo' *now that:= =Toby bro'ght shame to my (ami&y,= ?ere* said# =@h, p&ease#= 8ac2'e&ine ro&&ed her eyes# =9e did no s'ch thing# 9e &o!ed yo'r sister#= =,t doesn+t matter,= ?ere* said to Babe# =1o' were sti&& re3ected by yo'r (ather+s (ami&y# , was the one who (o'nd the 9arringtons# They were good to yo' and when they died, who was there (or yo': , was# , he&ped yo' a&ong the way# , e!en ta'ght yo' how to ass'me the (orms o( di((erent peop&e# ,( , hadn+t done that, yo' wo'&d ha!e been ca'ght by Toby the night yo' *i&&ed Eric#= =1o' were the man in the b'shes,= Toby said to Babe# =, saw yo', b't yo' didn+t &oo* &i*e this#= =, ta'ght him we&&,= ?ere* &a'ghed# =5i&&iams wi4ards can+t e!en begin to ass'me other identities with the ease that a Spar* can# C'c*y (or me, they boy has at &east some o( my sister+s genes#=

=?id yo' *i&& my adopti!e (ami&y:= Babe as*ed# =, a&ways tho'ght their deaths were s'spicio's# ,t seemed too con!enient to ha!e yo' swoop in at e6act&y the right time to he&p me o't#= ?ere* said nothing, b't the way his eyes shi(ted g'i&ti&y was proo( eno'gh (or Babe# %ngered, Babe s'dden&y &et o't a shrie* o( prima& rage> Dower &i(ted his body into the air and e&ectricity crac*&ed (rom his (ingertips, e!en as it po'red (rom his mo'th and eyes# 9e aimed a&& o( that energy at ?ere*# =1o' betrayed me, 'nc&e>= he sho'ted# =%nd yo' *i&&ed the mother and (ather , &o!edPthe ones who rea&&y raised me>= The bo&t o( energy hit ?ere* in his chest, and as Toby and 8ac2'e&ine too* co!er behind the bar, they saw him writhe in pain, a &oo* o( shoc* on his (ace# B't Babe+s power was no match (or anything ?ere* co'&d ha!e m'stered# 5ithin a moment ?ere* Spar* e6p&oded# There was nothing &e(t b't ashes# E!erything in the room shoo*# Bott&es (e&& and pieces o( the b'i&ding crashed down aro'nd them# 5hen the d'st sett&ed, 8ac2'e&ine pee*ed o't (rom behind the bar# =%nd yo' were worried abo't my powers going cra4y:= she said to Toby# Together they stood, br'shing each other o((# Babe &ay on the (&oor#

=;o>= Toby ran to his son, *nee&ing ne6t to him# 9e breathed a sigh o( re&ie(# =9e+s a&i!e# , don+t want to &ose him a&& o!er again#= =9e+s going to need some he&p contro&&ing his powers,= 8ac2'e&ine said# Toby &oo*ed 'p at her# =Spea*ing o( contro&, do yo' rea&i4e that yo' bro*e a command spe&& on yo'r own: That ta*es incredib&e wi&& power,= Toby said# =9ow did yo' brea* it:= =, 3'st tho'ght abo't yo'#= 8ac2'e&ine smi&ed# =, co'&d ne!er h'rt someone , &o!e#= The smi&e Toby ga!e her made her (ee& as &ight as air# ,n (act, as soon as his &ips met hers she (o'nd herse&( &itera&&y (&oating# =;ow that+s my *ind o( magic,= she said# =?o yo' rea&i4e that none o( the wi4ards can h'rt yo' now: They can+t contro& yo',= Toby pointed o't# =, a&ways tho'ght death wo'&d be yo'r on&y escape# @nce yo' were a ('&& b&oodied banshee, no one wo'&d want to h'rt yo' since a&& yo' co'&d ta*e then were dead spirits#= =, didn+t want to die,= 8ac2'e&ine whispered# =, want to be with yo'#= She tho'ght abo't a&& the things that wo'&d need to be ta*en care o(# E6p&aining what had ta*en p&ace in the bar to %nge&a and 7ati&da whi&e they+d been tied 'p in the o((ice was going to

be interesting# Betting Babe to contro& his powers wo'&d probab&y be another hard tas*""not to mention (ig'ring o't how to get past the (act that he had m'rdered Eric# Cearning abo't the best way to 'se her new (o'nd s*i&&s was going to ta*e time, too# 9e&&, disco!ering e!erything there was to *now abo't the s'pernat'ra& wor&d was going to be a cha&&enge> B't as she &oo*ed into Toby+s eyes, she (o'nd she was ready (or anything# The ('t're didn+t seem so da'nting in his arms# )or his part, Toby co'&d hard&y be&ie!e that he+d (o'nd s'ch an ama4ing woman# 9e wo'&d *eep her sa(e (rom any &ingering threat (rom the Brotherhood or anyone e&se# B't those were worries (or another time# %t that moment, a&& he co'&d do was *iss his banshee and en3oy her warm embrace# The End#

?ont stop now> Contin'e reading the second boo* in the tri&ogy" The Banshees Desire#

Author Info
)or more o( Victoria Richards boo*s yo' can !isit her b&og, read abo't her &atest de!e&opments, or 3oin her emai& &ist to (ind o't abo't 'pcoming promos or to connect with her !ia Twitter or )aceboo*# httpGHHVictoria"Richards#com

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