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Lecture No. 04

IT302: Mathematical Methods

Spring 2014

Institute of Information Technology Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad Monday 24th February, 2014

Dierentiability at a point A function f is said to be dierentiable at x0 if the following limit exists

h 0

Solution The dierence quotient is f (1 + h) f (1) 16(1 + h)2 16(1)2 = = 16(h + 2) h h When we take the limit as h 0 f (1) = lim 16(h + 2) = 32
h 0


f (x0 + h) f (x0 ) h

The above limit is called the derivative of f at x0 and is denoted by f (x0 ), i.e., f (x0 ) = lim
h 0

f (x0 + h) f (x0 ) h

Example If f (t) = 16t2 , then nd f (1).

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Interpretation as slope of tangent In reference to the denition f (x0 + h) f (x0 ) f (x0 ) = lim h h 0 consider the following illustration.

Showing that f (x0 ) is the slope of the curve y = f (x) at x = x0 . Example Find the slope of the curve y = 1 at any point x = a x What is the slope of the curve at x = 1? 0.

Solution Here f (x) = f (a) = = 1 and the slope at x = a is x f (a + h) f (a) lim h h 0

h 0

= =


1 a(a + h)

1 1 lim a + h a h h 0 1 a2

Moreover f (1) = 1.

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Instantaneous rate of change The dierence quotient f (x0 + h) f (x0 ) h is the ratio of the change in dependent variable to the change in the independent variable. So the quotient represents the average rate of change of f w.r.t. x when x varies in the closed interval [x0 , x0 + h]. When we take the limit as h 0, the interval [x0 , x0 + h] reduces to the singleton {x0 }. Showing that f (x0 + h) f (x0 ) f (x0 ) = lim h h 0 is the instantaneous rate of change of f w.r.t. x at x = x0 .

Example An object is dropped from the top of a 100-m-high tower. Its height above ground after t s is 100 4.9t2 m. What is the average velocity of the object in the rst two seconds? How fast is it falling 2 s after it is dropped? Solution The height h of the object as a function of time is h(t) = 100 4.9t2 The average velocity of the object is vavg = h(2) h(0) 80.4 100 h = = = 9.8 m/s t 2 2

The instantaneous velocity of the object is dh = 9.8t dt Hence v(2) = 19.6 m/s. v(t) =

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The tangent to y = f (x) at x = a, where f is dierentiable, passes through the point (a, f (a)), so its equation in slope-point form is y f (a) = f (a) (x a) y = f (a) + (x a)f (a)

Thus, this tangent line is the graph of the linear function L(x) = f (a) + (x a)f (a) For as long as this line remains close to the graph of f , L(x) gives a good approximation to f (x). Linearization If f is dierentiable at x = a s.t. f (a) approximating function L(x) = f (a) + (x a)f (a) is the linearization of f at a. The approximation f (x) L(x) of f by L is the standard linear approximation of f at a. The point x = a is the center of the approximation. 0, then the

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Example Find the linearization of f (x) = x = 0. Solution Here f (0) = 1 and f (0) = 1 1 2 1+x x 2 =

1 + x with center at

1 2

Giving the linearization L(x) = 1 + x Approximation x 1+ 2 1.1 1.025 1.0025 True value 1+x 1.095445 1.024695 1.002497 Error < 102 < 103 < 105

The adjacent table shows how accurately the x approximation 1 + x 1 + is for some values of x 2 near 0.

0.2 0.05 0.005

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Example Find the linearization of f (x) = Solution The linearization of f with center x = 3 is given by 5 x + 4 4 At x = 3.2 the linearization gives 5 3.2 = 2.050 1 + x = 1 + 3.2 + 4 4 which diers from the true value 4.2 2.049390153 by less than 0.1% L(x) = f (3) + f (3)(x 3) = The linearization with center at x = 0 x L(x) = 1 + 2 gives the following approximation at x = 3.2 1 + x at x = 3.

3.2 1 + x = 1 + 3.2 1 + = 2.6 2 a result that is o by more than 25% Example Find the linearization of f (x) = sin(x) with center at x = 0. Solution The linearization of f with center at x = 0 is = L(x) L(x) = = f (0) + f (0)(x 0) = sin(0) + x cos(0) x

Showing that for values of x close to 0 we have sin(x) x

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Dierentials Now we investigate the change in the dependent variable corresponding to some change in the independent variable. Consider the adjacent gure, when there is change dx in the independent variable at x = a, the corresponding exact change in the dependent variable y = f (x) is y = f (a + dx) f (a) And the corresponding change in the linearization L of f with center at x = a is L = L(a + dx) L(a) As L(x) = f (a) + (x a)f (a), therefore

L = f (a) + (a + dx a)f (a) f (a) = f (a)dx


Thus, the dierential of the function, denoted by df is df = f (a)dx Showing that the dierential df depends not only on the change dx in the independent variable but also on the point x = a, where the change dx takes place.

This change f (a)dx in linearization is an approximation to the change in f and is called the dierential of f .

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Estimating with dierentials Suppose we know the value of a dierentiable function f (x) at a point a and want to estimate how much this value will change if we move to a nearby point a + dx. Since f (a + dx) = f (a) + y, the dierential approximation gives Thus the approximation y dy can be used to estimate f (a + dx) when f (a) is known and dx is small. Example The radius r of a circle increases from a = 10 m to 10.1 m. Use dA to estimate the increase in the circles area A. Estimate the area of the enlarged circle and compare your estimate to the true area found by direct calculation. f (a + dx) f (a) + df

Solution As A(r) = r2 , therefore the estimated increase is dA = A (a)dr = 2adr = 2(10)(0.1) = 2 m2 Since A(a + dr) A(a) + dA, we have A(10 + 0.1) A(10) + 2 = 102 + 2 = 102

The area of a circle of radius 10.1 m is approximately 102 m2 .

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The true area is A(10.1) = (10.1)2 = 102.01 m2 The error in our estimate is 0.01 m2 , which is the dierence A dA. Remark As we move from a to a nearby point a + dx, we can describe the change in f in three ways: True Absolute Relative Percentage f = f (a + dx) f (a) f f (a) Estimated df = f (a)dx df f (a) df 100 f (a)

Sensitivity to change The equation df = f (a)dx tells how sensitive the output of f is to a change in input at a. The larger the value of f (a), the greater the eect of a given change dx. Example You want to calculate the depth of a well from the equation s(t) = 16t2 ft by timing how long it takes a heavy stone you drop to splash into the water below. How sensitive will your calculations be to a 0.1 s error in measuring the time? Solution The size of ds = 32tdt depends upon how big t is. At t = 2 s, the error caused by dt = 0.1 is only ds = 32(2)(0.1) = 6.4 ft Three seconds later at t = 5 s, the error caused by the same dt is ds = 32(5)(0.1) = 16 ft

f 100 f (a)

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