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The Importance of Stress Stress conveys a lot of meaning depending on how much stress we place on a sentence and which

word that stress is placed on. Stress adds emphasis. Take for example the following sentences: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. I did not steal your idea. I did not steal your idea. I did not steal your idea. I did not steal your idea. I did not steal your idea. I did not steal your idea. I did not steal your idea.

Breakdown of the meanings of the sentences: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The subject did not steal the idea Implies that someone else, not the subject, stole the idea The subject shows strong anger and denial of the accusation The subject shows strong anger and denial of the accusation The subject did not steal, but may have done something else, like borrowed the idea 6. Implies that the idea that was stolen wasnt the accusers idea but was someone elses 7. The subject did not steal the idea but may have stolen something else from the accuser.

More Information on Stress Patterns In English, specific words can be stressed in order to change the sentences meaning. Stress patterns also occur in words the syllables that make up the words can receive primary, secondary, or no stress. Here are some general rules regarding stress patterns: 1. With verbs made up of 2 syllables, the second syllable is stressed if the second syllable of the verb contains a long vowel or a dipthong, or if it ends with more than one consonant. a. Examples: apply, attract, complete, arrive, resist 2. With verbs made up of 2 syllables, the first syllable is stressed if the final syllable contains a short vowel and one (or no) final consonant a. Examples: enter, open, equal, borrow, profit 3. There are some suffixes (word endings) that usually carry stress. Words with these endings usually carry stress on the last syllable a. ain as in entertain b. ee as in refugee c. eer as in mountaineer d. ese as in Portuguese e. ette as in marionette f. esque as in picturesque 4. The main or primary stress usually falls on the syllable before these endings: a. ion as in decision b. ious/-eous as in contentious and courageous c. ity as in simplicity d. ive as in extensive e. graphy as in photography f. meter as in thermometer g. logy as in biology 5. In compound word or words made up of 2 elements, there are some general patterns a. If the first part of the word is a noun, then the first element will normally carry more stress: i. Examples: typewriter, suitcase, tea cup b. If the first part is an adjective, then the second element will carry more stress i. Examples: loudspeaker, bad-tempered, black market, young learner

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