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Blood is made up: 1.

Plasma (55%): matrix consisting of water, salts, and a variety of dissolved proteins Water (90% of plasma) Gases (O2, CO2 and N) Dissolved solids - Proteins: fibrinogen, albumin and globulin (synthesized in the liver) - Supplies for cells (glucose, fats, amino acids and salt) - Cell products (enzyme, hormones and antibodies) - Cellular waste products (urea and uric acid) 2. Formed elements (45%): produced by bone marrow Red blood cells (erythrocytes): biconcave; transport of O2 and CO2; nucleated in fish, amphibians, reptiles and birds White blood cells (leukocytes) - Agranular/Polymorph
Type % 2025 Nucleus Large, spherical with some indentations and slightly concentric Nuclei varies; idented ovals to horse-shoe shaped Cytoplasmic granule Narrow rim of cytoplasm Large amount of cytoplasm Features Smallest; antibody production Biggest; becomes macrophage; phagocytic

2. Skeletal Cylindrical and striated cells with multiple nuclei (syncitial) Occurs in muscles attached to skeleton Single innervation by motor nerve Function: voluntary movement *Syncytium- undergoes mitosis but does not undergo cell division; cells fuse together 3. Cardiac Cylindrical but branching striated cells with single nucleus each Double innervation by Parasympathetic and Sympathetic system Occurs in the wall of the heart Function: pumping of the blood Muscle fibers (surrounded by endomysium) -> fascicle (surrounded by perimysium) -> muscle (surrounded by epimysium) *Parasympathetic: works when a person is at rest *Sympathetic: works when a person jogs Both works for digestion Nervous Tissue irritability and conductivity; senses stimuli and transmits signals from one part of the animal to another *Neuron functional unit of nervous tissue Consists of: Dendrite transmits nerve impulses from their tips toward the rest of the neuron Axon transmits impulses toward another neuron or toward an effector, such as a muscle cell Direction of signal: dendrite-> central soma-> axon Nerve structure: neuron (surrounded by endoneurium) -> fascicle (surrounded by perineurium) -> nerve (surrounded by epineurium) Types of neurons: Sensory (afferent) Motor (efferent) Interneuron Animal Body Plans Symmetry - refers to balanced proportions - correspondence in size and shape of parts on opposite sides of a median plane Spherical Symmetry - any plane passing through the center divides a body into equivalent or mirrored halves - unicellular forms - best suited for floating and rolling; no directional movement and for aquatic environment Radial Symmetry - body can be divided into similar halves by more than two planes passing through the longitudinal axis - sponges, hydras, jellyfish, sea urchins - for sessile(immobile organism) and free floating




- Granular/Mononuclear
Type % 6075 Nucleus 2-5 or more thin lobes connected by slender chromatic threads 2 oval lobes linked by thread-like chromatin nuclei stain very faintly, often obscured by cytoplasmic granules; U or Jshaped Cytoplasmic granule Fine; dont stain Coarse granules; stain pinkish red with acid stain Stains blue with basic dye Features





Against helminthic infection



Inflammatory Reaction

Muscular Tissue - composed of long cells called muscle fibers that are capable of contracting when stimulated by nerve impulses to produce muscle twitch, which leads to movement - muscle contraction accounts for most of the energyconsuming cellular work in active animals - primary role: movement Types 1. Smooth Spindle-shaped cells w/ single nucleus each Non-striated; Involuntary Double innervation by Parasympathetic and Sympathetic system Found in the walls of blood vessel and digestive tract Function: movement of substance in lumen

Biradial Symmetry - only two planes passing through the longitudinal axis produce mirrored halves because of some part that is single or paired - comb jellies Bilateral Symmetry - body can be divided along a sagittal plane into mirrored portions = right and left halves - for directional (forward) movement - associated with cephalization(formation of the head) Segmentation - metamerism - serial repetition of similar body segments along the longitudinal axis of the body - segment (metamere or somite) - ex. spinal cord, spine and muscles

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