Online Account Opening Instructions For SBI

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1. Features of the Product: This facility is available only for Regular Savings Bank Account. There are two parts of the Account Opening Form (AOF): A. Customer Information Section (CIS) and B. Account Information Section (AIS). Part A of the AOF will have to be filled in completely before proceeding to Part B. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) are placed at Annexure II, which will enable the applicant to know about this product.

2. The process-flow: i. A link stating Online Account Application will be provided on the home page of our Corporate website viz., for online application. A similar link will also be available on the home page of Internet Banking Portal viz. This link, when clicked, will open the Account Opening web page in a new window. ii. All the fields in the physical version of Account Opening Form will be present in the online version and the applicant will be systematically guided through the form filling process in such a way that none of the mandatory fields can be left blank. iii. After filling in the personal information the system will generate and display a Temporary Customer Reference Number (TCRN). An SMS conveying the TRCN will be generated and sent to the applicants mobile number given in the application form. Then the applicant will be asked to give additional details and details of the KYC documents that he will be presenting as a part of the account opening procedure. The applicant will be given time period of 30 days to apply to any branch of his choice and present the originals and copies of these documents at the branch, failing which the application will be discarded by the system automatically. iv. Upon successful completion of the Customer Information Section the details of the application will be stored in the INB server.

v. Thereafter, the applicant will proceed to the Account Information Section where he/she has to enter the TCRN (Annexure II, page 9). Upto three TCRNs can be entered in case applicant(s) want to open a joint account. The system will prompt him/her to fill in information for detail of the account (A/C type, ATM/INB/Mobile Banking detail etc). Successful completion of the filling up process of the AIS will generate a Temporary Account Reference Number (TARN), which will be sent through SMS to the 1st applicants mobile number. vi. The applicant(s) has the option of printing the Account Opening Form (AOF) with help of TARN and 1st applicants date of birth. The print out of the Account Opening Form has to be taken only on A 4 size white paper.

The applicant(s) gives the printed AOF to SBI branch with the relevant KYC documents. After verification of the documents at the branch, the applicant(s) will be asked to sign on the print out of the application form and submit his /their passport size photographs and KYC documents. The Branch Official will invoke Create Personal Customer (Screen No. 62001) (Annexure III) in the CBS and enter the TCRN in the Reference No. field to fetch all the data from INB server to the CBS. The CIF will be set up after the branch teller checks this data, amends it if necessary and transmits it in CBS. After creation of the CIF in CBS account will be opened by branch in the usual manner as is being done presently.

Annexure I: FAQs
Q.1.WhocansubmitinformationonlineforopeningaSavingsBankaccount? Ans:AnyresidentIndiandesirousofopeningaSavingsBankAccountwithanybranchofStateBank ofIndia. Q.2.CanIopenanaccountjointly? Ans:Yes.Youmayopenanaccountjointly,withuptothreeapplicants. Q.3.WillKYCdocumentsberequiredforallaccountholders? Ans:Yes.KYCdocumentsinrespectofalljointaccountholderswillberequired. Q.4.CantheKYCdocumentsbedifferentforthejointaccountholders? Ans:Yes,providedeachsubmitsasetofKYCdocumentsasstipulatedbytheBank. Q.5.CanaminorsubmitinformationonlineforopeningaSavingsBankaccount? Ans:AminormaysubmitinformationonlineforopeningaSavingsBankaccountprovidedhe/sheis morethan10yearsoldandcansignuniformly. Q.6.Cananaccountbeopenedinthenamesofmorethanthreepersons? Ans: Yes, but in such cases you cannot submit the information online. Please approach the branch foropeningsuchaccounts. Q.7.IsthereatimelimitwithinwhichImustapproachabranchaftersubmittingtheinformation online? Ans:Yes.Youmustapproachabranchwithin30daysofsubmittingtheinformationonline.Ifthe accountisnotopenedwithin30days,yourcustomerinformationwillbedeletedfromourrecords. Q.8.Iwillhavetosubmitmypersonalinformationonline.Isitsafe? 3

Ans:Yes.ThepageyouwillsubmittingyourinformationisVeriSignsecuredandtheinformationwill beencryptedbeforetransmission. Q.9.CanIsubmitthedocumentstothebranchbyemail? Ans: No. Each person who wishes to be an account holder will have to visit the branch personally, showhisKYCdocuments,andsigntheAOFinthepresenceofanauthorizedofficialoftheBank. Q.11.IhaveforgottentheTARN(TemporaryAccountReferenceNumber).CanIretrieveit? Ans:WhentheTARNisgenerated,itisalsosenttoyoubySMS.IfthatSMSisnotavailablewithyou, youwillneedtoentertheinformationagainandgenerateanewTARN.

Annexure II: Online Application Form

Contact Person: Anurag Tiwari Branch Manager SBI IISER CAMPUS Vill.Bhouri, Indore By Pass Road Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh

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