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ea"e The Malawi Chapter of the Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) and the entire media fraternity in the country is shocked with the untimely death of veteran writer and media trainer, Mr Tito Banda Banda, who hailed from Chi!ude "illa!e, T A #ampin!o Si$ande, M%im$a, passed on at Mwaiwathu &rivate 'ospital in Blantyre on Tuesday, March ((, )*(+ 'e was until his death a lecturer in lan!ua!e and literature at M%u%u ,niversity Tito, as he is fondly called in the media fraternity, will $e remem$ered as a man who trained and mentored many media practitioners in Malawi and a man who emphasised on the need for -ournalists to adhere to ethics and professionalism It is undisputa$le that Tito helped in shapin! the media in Malawi throu!h initiatives such as #.T school of /ournalism and &en &oint School of /ournalism MISA Malawi Chapter will miss Tito for his contri$ution towards the esta$lishment of the chapter The deceased will also $e remem$ered as a !reat resource person who was until his death active in steerin! MISA Malawi as an or!ani%ation that promotes media freedom and freedom of e0pression Tito1s life remains a source of inspiration to many -ournalists 'is death, only reminds us to carry on his !ood work in promotin! media freedom 'is le!acy in Malawian media development and literature will remain memora$le as an ethno2writer3 a lecturer3 award winner3 a founder of &en &oint School of /ournalism3 and a mentor MISA Malawi Chapter -oins the media fraternity, M%u%u ,niversity and the rest of Malawians in mournin! the demise of this !reat son of Malawi and e0tends the most heartfelt condolences to the $ereaved family and friends 'owever, MISA Malawi and the entire media fraternity will continue to cele$rate Tito1s life throu!h his achievements in media development in Malawi which include3 Authorin! of many Malawian literature includin! his three novels3 Sekani1s Solution in (45*, Bitter 6isapproval in (457 The 8uke Charm in )*(( 8ecturin! at Malawi School of /ournalism (MI/) and until his lecture at M%u%u ,niversity 2 department of lan!ua!es and literature )*() 9irst Merchant Bank: Malawi ;riters ,nion Short story award winner 9ounder and lecture of &en &oint school of /ournalism 2 <ne of the earliest -ournalism schools A mentor of many upcomin! and e0cellent -ournalists in Malawi Tito also authored <verlooked and Su$lime= An introductory poetic !enre escapes political incorporation3 and <ld nyaviyuyu performance= Seven Tales from northern Malawi as told $y master performer of oral narrative in )**5 later translated to Tum$uka as "idokoni vya >yaviyuyu in )**(

May the soul of our $eloved mentor, teacher and source of inspiration, Tito Banda, rest in eternal peace Si#$ed A$tho$% &a"'$da MISA MALAWI (HAI )E SON

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