Name: - Eric Stevens - Grade: - Out of 15 Points Unit 5A Assignment: Serial Literature Searching

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Name: ___Eric Stevens____________

Grade: __ out of 15 Points

Unit 5A Assignment: Serial Literature Searching

Directions: Get familiar with using the SUNY ESF databases to search for serials/journal articles and then using the steps given search at least two databases. lease note the wa! !ou access the databases has dramaticall changed since the S!ring "#1" semester ended " here are the new steps. S$EP 1 % Get setu! so ou can access the SUN& ES' Data(ases from )herever ou are* #f !ou are off campus which most of !ou are !ou will need to set up something called $% &are on !our computer/laptop' etc. (EF)*E !ou start to search the SUNY ESF +atabases. ,ere is the lin- to the SUNY ESF .omputer and Networ- site with the instructions on setting up remote use of the SUNY ESF databases http///!*esource1ccess.asp2 1nd here is the te2t from the page regarding remote access to 0ibrar! *esources. +emote access to Li(rar resources: ESF users can now connect from home to the ESF .ampus and gain &eb access to all electronic resources that %oon 0ibrar! has to offer. 3his service gives the user access to all ESF electronic subscriptions. 3his service is intended to be used onl! when the user is off .ampus. lease do not use while on .ampus. (efore gaining access to this service' users need to download and install one of the following $%ware $iew client programs. lease choose the client below that best meets the re4uirements of !our personal s!stem 5 . or %ac6 and install it/ &indows 5789bit6 &indows 5:;9bit6 %ac 5)S< =>.7.?@6 Notes: 9 .onfused about whether !our &indows version is :; or 789 bitA .lic- here to help figure out which !ou have. 9 3he $%&are $iew client for i ad or 1ndroid 3ablets is a free download available through the appropriate 1pps Store. 1dditional re4uired information/ =6 You will need a server name to direct the $%&are $iew client to. 3his is/ vss*esf*edu ;6 You will need a username and password to ma-e the initial connection and see the available des-tops/ , 'acult -Staff: Use !our ESF username and password , Students: .ontact the %oon 0ibrar! reference des- 5<7B==' )n9.ampus access number onl!' or email circulationCesf.edu6 to obtain this information.

........../E+E 0S $/E 0N'1+2A$01N '1+ L1GG0NG 0N '1+ SUN& ES' S$UDEN$S-

Note this log in is onl to (e used ( SUN& ES' students* Username: ES',moon Pass)ord: 2##nremote Domain: ES'AD20N 3)here # is the num(er 4ero5

)nce connected' use !our SU Net#+ to log on 5for D0og on to/D location' select D1+D6 and use an available des-top in the 2oon,+emote pool of des-tops. .onnections to this service are currentl! limited to => concurrent users. #f !ou are unable to ma-e a connection' please wait a while and tr! connecting again. lease disconnect when !ou are finished using !our connection in order to free up a des-top for someone else. Please Note: Need to save something while using a $iew des-topA Your SU ,/ drive storage is full! available for saving data while using this s!stem. #n addition' !our ESF Google +ocs/+rive can be accessed and used for storage/retrieval while connected to an! remote access des-top' including those for %oon 0ibrar! remote resource access. .lic- here for access to !our ESF Google +ocs site. Enown #ssues/ 9 3he main tabbed search function on the %oon 0ibrar! page does not alwa!s wor- when using #nternet E2plorer. lease use Firefo2 at this time when using a $iew des-top as described above. 9 *esiFing the des-top area using the %ac $iew client can sometimes cause instabilit!. ...Please note the 2oon Li(rar staff also created an online li(rar guide that )al6s ou through setting u! remote access " it is called .hanges at %oon and here in the lin- http/// 1nd here is a video about this guide http///www.! vG*HgI(+J*241KlistG 0=F;I>F.(1FI?>+FEKinde2G=IKfeatureGplppJvideo &e have detailed *emote 1ccess setup instructions http/// pidG::?>B;KsidG;B78BB7 1nd a screencast and video on setting up remote access http///>B;KsidG;B78BBB #f !ou need an! help with setting up the remote access on !our computer/laptop contact the SUNY ESF .omputing and Networ- Services helpdesEmail , .all the ,E0 +ESE C :=I98B>97?7=

S$EP " % Get to a list of Data(ases )e su(scri(e to* )nce !ou have !our $%&are " *emote access setup " log in and get to our SUNY ESF +atabases.

3o note there are several wa!s !ou can do this " ,ere is a video that reviews the wa!s http///www.! vGU: tjt8.(c%KlistG 0=F;I>F.(1FI?>+FEKinde2G=8KfeatureGplppJvideo and then below are the steps written out. Go to 9 .lic- on the (U33)N/31( at the top that sa!s 0#(*1*Y SE*$#.ES.

From the 0#(*1*Y SE*$#.ES pull down menu choose .)00E.3#)N %1N1GE%EN3.

3here are two wa!s !ou can get to the SUNY ESF +atabases from this page " clic- on the (0UE ,)30#NE for ESF +131(1SES 53his is under the heading *ES)U*.E 0#S3S6 " )* " scroll down a bit on the .ollection %anagement page and !ouLll see a list of E0E.3*)N#. *ES)U*.ES. Some but not all of the +atabases have hotlin-s here.

Ste! 7 % $here8s one more )a to get to the SUN& ES' su(scri(ed data(ases*

1gain 9 here is a video that reviews the steps http///www.! vGU: tjt8.(c%KlistG 0=F;I>F.(1FI?>+FEKinde2G=8KfeatureGplppJvideo From the %oon 0ibrar! websit e www.esf. e d u/ m o o nlib loo- for the SE1*., .1310)G bo2 " see below.

'rom the Search dro! do)n menu choose $0$LE and then t !e in the name of the data(ase ou )ant to search* .. 9E SU+E $1 :/11SE $/E EN$+& '1+ SUN& ES' 211N L09+A+& /ere are some SUN& ES' Data(ase names: 1gricola Environmental Sciences and ollution %anagement Fish' Fisheries K 14uatic (iodiversit! &orldwide Greenwire &eb of science &ildlife and Ecolog! Studies &orldwide

MMNote please do not use the +131(1SES tab and EH)U*N10S tab and 1*3#.0ES tab.

S$EP ; Search $<1 Data(ases Using the direction s from the previous pag e s " tr! and find two SUNY ESF subs crib e d dat a b a s e s and answ e r the below 4ue s tion s as !ou do !our searc h. # und e r s t a n d that the dat a b a s e s that we now hav e available ma! not hav e !our topic " so if !ou canLt find a SUNY ESF subscrib e d dat a b a s e that will wor- for !our topic " tr! an ) EN 1..ESS dat a b a s e " here a lin- to a gre a t list of ) EN 1..ESS " F*EE dat a b a s e s for journ al articles. http///re s e a r c h g ui d e s .libr a r !.s !r. e d u / c o n t e n t . p h p A pi d G : : : 7 B : K sid G ; B : > N > 8 1nd a video abou t searc hin g ope n acce s s journ als http///www.!o u t u b e . c o m / w a t c h A vG =HtFfI+*B1#Kfeat u r e G r e l m f u Ple a s e an s ) e r th e s e =u e s t i o n s as ou s e a r c h in our dat a ( a s e of ch oi c e % it ca n ( e a SUN& ES' su ( s c ri ( e d dat a ( a s e or an o! e n acc e s s - f r e e dat a ( a s e * =.Search a database with !our topic that !ou choose for !our topic selection assignment. Your goal is to local journal articles on !our topic. &hat is the database !ou choseA 0 chose the Pro=uest Environmental Sciences and Pollution 2anagement data(ase* #s it a SUNY ESF subscribed database or an open access/free databaseA 0t is a SUN& ES' su(scri(ed data(ase* &hat is !our topicA 2 to!ic is geothermal energ > ho) it is harnessed> and the results of its develo!ment in different countries* ;.&hat search options are available in the databaseA 5basic' e2pert' advancedA6 $here is a (asic and advanced search o!tion* :.0oo- for ,E0 or Search tips and list out two useful tips !ou find there. :lic6 the Sho) more lin6 to access additional limiters> such as Source t !e or Document t !e* Ever document in ever Pro?uest data(ase is inde@ed to ca!ture individual (its of information a(out the document* &ou can use inde@ed search fields to create ver !recise searches* 'or e@am!le> AU3smith5 )ill retrieve onl documents )here smith a!!ears in the author field* Similarl > AU3smith5 and $03food5 )ill retrieve onl documents )ith food in the title and smith as the author* 8.+oes this database provide full te2tA $he data(ase does not !rovide full te@t> (ut has lin6s to !laces )here the full te@t version can (e found* I. Using one of the search options provided' search for information on a topic of !our choice. &hat search option did !ou chose and wh!A &rite out !our search 5including an! connections or punctuation used6. 0 chose the (asic search o!tion Aust to get a feel for searching on the data(ase> and to see the (road range of results 0 )ould get* Search: Geothermal energ

7.1fter conducting the search choose one Aournal article and record the citation information below. a5 1uthor5s6/ Paris> LB Sca!!ini> U (5 ublication date/ 1CDE

c5 3itle of article/ Geothermal Energ in 1CDE: Situation and Pros!ects d5 eriodical 3itle 5journal or magaFine name6/ Elettrotecnica

e5 $olume and issue/ Fol G5 - 0ssue 5 f5 age numbers/ 7GC

D. #s the full te2t of the article availableA &es> the full te@t is availa(le* No) Search a SE:1ND data(ase % Ple a s e an s ) e r th e s e =u e s t i o n s as ou s e a r c h in our dat a ( a s e of ch oi c e % it ca n ( e a SUN& ES' su ( s c ri ( e d dat a ( a s e or an o! e n acc e s s - f r e e dat a ( a s e * =.Search a database with !our topic that !ou choose for !our topic selection assignment. Your goal is to local journal articles on !our topic. &hat is the database !ou choseA 0 chose the <e( of Science data(ase* #s it a SUNY ESF subscribed database or an open access/free databaseA 0t is a SUN& ES' su(scri(ed data(ase* &hat is !our topicA 2 to!ic is geothermal energ > ho) it is harnessed> and the results of its develo!ment in different countries* ;. &hat search options are available in the databaseA 5basic' e2pert' advancedA6 $he data(ase offers a (asic> advanced> and cited reference search* :.0oo- for ,E0 or Search tips and list out two useful tips !ou find there. $he default search limits are: All Languages All Document $ !es Selected limits sta in effect until ou clear them ( clic6ing the :lear (utton* &ou can use u! to G>### terms in a search =uer *

8.+oes this database provide full te2tA $his data(ase does not !rovide full te@t* I. Using one of the search options provided' search for information on a topic of !our choice. &hat search option did !ou chose and wh!A &rite out !our search 5including an! connections or punctuation used6. 0 chose the (asic search (ecause the advanced search function )as not )or6ing* Search: Geothermal energ 7.1fter conducting the search choose one Aournal article and record the citation information below. a5 1uthor5s6/ / 9u> H9 39u> Hian(iao5B 2a> <9 32a> <ei(in5B Li> /S 3Li> /uashan5 (5 ublication date/ "#1"

c5 3itle of article/ Geothermal energ !roduction utili4ing a(andoned oil and gas )ells d5 eriodical 3itle 5journal or magaFine name6/ +ene)a(le energ

e5 $olume and issue/ Folume ;1 f5 age numbers/ E#,E5

D. #s the full te2t of the article availableA &es> the full te@t of the article is availa(le*

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