Lesson Plan XII

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DATE: the 25th of April 2013 CLASS: XII B LEVEL: beginners CLASS SIZE: students LESSON UNIT: Vote for me! LESSON TOPIC: politics and democrac TYPE OF LESSON: combined TEXTBOOK: !rospects Ad"anced TIME: 50 minutes LESSON OBJECTIVES : to read te#t related $ith politics and democrac % to match some $ords in italics from the te#t $ith their correct definitions% to ans$er the &uestions from the te#t% to discuss about some indi"idual lines from the reading e#tract% to sol"e an e"aluation test% SKILLS: spea'ing( reading( $riting(

METHODS: con"ersation( e#planation( obser"ation( e#ercise( e#ample TEACHING AIDS: blac'board( te#tboo's( sheets of paper $ith the e"aluation tests ORGANIZATION OF THE CLASS: loc'step( group $or'( indi"idual $or'


Stage /0 1a". (2 Tea !e"#$ a t%&%t' )he teacher greets the students* + ,ood morning e"er one! + -ho is absent toda . )he teacher chec's the home$or'* 30 ): )oda $e $ill continue the unit about I*t"+)( %*g politics and democrac and $e are going *e4 t+2% to read an e#tract from a no"el called 12torm $eather3% after that $e $ill tr to match some $ords $ith their definitions( $e $ill ans$er some &uestions from the te#t and discuss about some indi"idual lines from it* ): I/ll $rite the title of the lesson on the blac'board 50C+..(*% a ): 4pen the boo's on page 56 t%+* +6 t!e ): Before $e read the te#t( let/s loo' at the *e4 $ords in italics* 7ead them in sentence ,*+4-e)ge conte#ts( and tr to match them $ith the 7 "ea)%*g follo$ing definitions: a t%&%t'8 1* 8ad 2* In theor 3* 0ot full of 9* :npleasant people( main chancers 5* 0oise( trouble ;* :ncontrolled 5* A period of time 6* -orsen( get dr St()e*t$# a t%&%t' )he students ans$er the teacher/s greeting* + 0o one/s absent* )he students listen to the teacher* I*te"a t%+* teacher+ students teacher+ students S,%--$ spea'ing T%.e 5/

$riting spea'ing


2: -rite the title in their noteboo's )he students $or' in pairs and then go to the blac'board and $rite the $ords $ith their correct definitions: 1* 8entall unstable 2* 4n paper 3* :ncluttered 9* )he bar'ers( pimps and fast+ change artists 5* :proar ;* :nbridled 5* 2tint 6* 2hri"eled

students+ teacher teacher+ students students+ teacher $riting spea'ing

): I/ll as' the students to read the te#t and find the follo$ing information: 1< =o$ $as >linton ) ree different from pre"ious go"ernors of state. 2< -hich state $as he from. 3< =o$ did he impress people at the time of his election. 9< -as there an thing in his past that he might be ashamed of. 5< -h is it a problem if a candidate has had an academic career. ;< =o$ $as ) ree different from $hat he appeared to be. 5< After he $as elected( $hat 'ind of people did he upset. 6< -hat did he do that upset them.

2: 7ead the te#t and then ans$er the &uestions: 1* =e $as bright( intelligent and honest* 2* ?lorida 3* =e spo'e spontaneousl and didn/t need to refer to notes* 9* 0o* But his academic bac'ground $as considered embarrassing b others* 5* )he "oters thin' an academic candidate is too broad+minded* ;* =e appeared to be a perfect candidate( but in practice he clashed $ith a corrupt s stem* 5* =e upset the people $ho build and pro"ide for ne$ residents* 6* =e suggested slo$ing the gro$th of the state* =e also informed the police $hen someone tried to bribe him* 2tudents recei"e the test and sol"e it*

reading teacher+ students spea'ing

90 E&a-(at%+*

): )oda I/ll gi"e ou an e"aluation test* )he test is on page 60+61: !rogress chec' 3* @ou ha"e to sol"e e#ercise 1 a< and b< A 60( e#ercise 3 and 9A 61 ): I/ll e#plain the e#ercises Bre&uests ): I/ll gi"e students sheets of papers $ith the test

25/ teacher+ students Indi"idual $riting

:0 G%&%*g !+.e4+",; .a",%*g t!e $t()e*t$

=ome$or': the students ha"e to $rite e#ercise 5A61* )he teacher gi"es good mar's to the students $ho ha"e participated most acti"el to the class*

2: -rite do$n $hat the ha"e to do for the ne#t time*

teacher+ students


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