Seven Wastes Eliminate Targeted by Lean Manufacturing

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International Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Sciences

2013; 1(2): 68-80 Published online April 2, 2013 (http://www.s ien epublishin!!roup. o"/#/i#e$") doi: 10.116%8/#.i#e$".20130102.12

Seven wastes elimination targeted by lean manufacturing case study gaza strip manufacturing firms
Khalil A. El-Namrouty, Mohammed S. AbuShaaban
&ep't o$ ( ono"i s )nd politi )l * ien e, Al-+") ,ni-esit., /sl)"i ,ni-ersit.- 0)1), P)lestini)n 2)tion)l Authorit.

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3n)"rot.4iu!)1) (5. A. (l-2)"rout.), )bush))b)n4hot")il. o" (6. *. Abu*h))b)n)

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5h)lil A. (l-2)"rout., 6oh)""ed *. Abu*h))b)n. *e-en 7)stes (li"in)tion 8)r!eted b. 9e)n 6)nu$) turin! :)se *tud. ;0)1) *trip 6)nu$) turin! <ir"s'', International Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Sciences. =ol. 1, 2o. 2, 2013, pp. 68-80. doi: 10.116%8/#.i#e$".20130102.12

Abstract: 8he rese)r h p)per )i"s to in-esti!)te )nd )n)l.1e the urrent situ)tion o$ w)stes eli"in)tion o$ the ")nu$) turin! $ir"s in 0)1) *trip )nd its i"port)nt role $or redu in! the produ tion ost; in )ddition it )i"s to pro"ote le)n thin3in! throu!h! the se-en w)stes th)t )re t)r!eted b. the le)n ")nu$) turin! philosoph.. 7)stes >el)tions 6)tri? (7>6) w)s i"ple"ented to )n)l.1e the e$$e t o$ e) h w)ste on the other si? w)stes. 8he ")in $indin!s )re th)t le)n ")nu$) turin! (w)stes eli"in)tion) )$$e ts positi-el. on redu in! the produ tion ost $or the ")nu$) turin! business in 0)1) strip.

Keywords: 9e)n 6)nu$) turin!, 6)n)!ers, Produ tion :ost, 0)1) *trip

1. Introduction
A new -o )bul)r. h)s de-eloped in the p)st de )de th)t ste"s $ro" the 8o.ot) Produ tion *.ste". 9e)n ")nu$) turin! is ) on ept whereb. )ll produ tion e"plo.ees wor3 to!ether to eli"in)te w)ste (6e.ers )nd *tew)rt, 2002). 6)nu$) turers throu!hout industries )re "o-in! to ) di$$erent s.ste" o$ produ tion )lled 9e)n 6)nu$) turin!. /t is not t)l3in! )bout )ddin! so"e new te hni@ues onto how to build produ ts, but ) tu)ll. h)n!in! the w). o$ thin3in! )bout ")nu$) turin! (Abdull)h, 2003). 8he se-en w)stes th)t )re t)r!eted b. the 9e)n 6)nu$) turin! Philosoph. )re: +-erprodu tion, /n-entor., +-er-pro essin!, 6otion, 7)itin!, &e$e ts, )nd 8r)nsport)tion (Poppendie 3, 2002). P)lestini)n o"p)nies th)t )re see3in! the )bilit. o$ )n e$$e ti-e o"petition in the lo )l )s well )s the !lob)l ")r3etpl) e should be in superiorit. o$ produ in! their produ ts within the le)st possible osts to ) hie-e e? ellen e in pri e )nd @u)lit.. 8here )re 33A33 wor3in! est)blish"ents in 0)1) *trip in ludin! 3B2A ")nu$) turin! $ir"s. /n re)lit., the ")nu$) turin! ) ti-ities in 0)1) *trip represent 10.%C o$ the tot)l e ono". in 0)1) *trip (P:D*, 2008).

Table 1. No. of the Manufacturing Firms Operating in Gaza Strip and their Distri ution ! the Emplo!ment Group Size. Economic Acti#ity The Em loyment !rou Si"e Total 1-) 2883 &-' %%2 1$-1' 1B8 ($-)' 36 &$-'' B 1$$% B

6)nu$) turin! 3B2A

"Source# $%&S, '())*+. $opulation, ,ousing and Esta lishment %ensus '())-+, .he Economic Esta lishments, .he Final /esults, /amal0 lah0$alestine".

(. *istory o+ ,ean
A$ter 7orld 7)r //, E)p)nese ")nu$) turers were $) ed with the dile"") o$ -)st short)!es o$ ")teri)l, $in)n i)l, )nd hu")n resour es. 8hese onditions resulted in the birth o$ le)n ")nu$) turin! on ept. 8o.ot) "otor o"p)n., led b. its president (8o.ot)), re o!ni1ed th)t A"eri )n )uto")3ers o$ the er) were out-produ in! their E)p)nese ounterp)rts; in the "id 1A%0's A"eri )n o"p)nies were outper$or"in! their E)p)nese ounterp)rts b. ) $) tor o$ ten. /n order to ")3e ) "o-e tow)rd i"pro-e"ent e)rl., E)p)nese le)ders, su h )s, *hi!eo *hin!o )nd 8)ii hi +hno, de-ised ) new, dis iplined, pro ess-oriented s.ste", whi h is 3nown tod). )s ;8o.ot) Produ tion *.ste"F or ;9e)n 6)nu$) turin!F (Abdull)h, 2003). 8)ii hi +hno, who w)s !i-en the t)s3 o$ de-elopin! ) s.ste" th)t would enh)n e produ ti-it. )t 8o.ot), is !ener)ll. onsidered to be the pri")r. $or e behind its s.ste".

/ntern)tion)l Eourn)l o$ ( ono"i s, <in)n e )nd 6)n)!e"ent * ien es 2013, 1(2) : 68-80


A$ter so"e e?peri"ent)tion, the 8o.ot) produ tion s.ste" w)s de-eloped )nd re$ined between 1A%B )nd 1AG0, )nd is still !rowin! tod). )ll o-er the world.(9i3er, 200%). /n 1A80s, produ ts were bein! brou!ht to the ")r3et with hi!her @u)lit. )nd lower pri e. :onsu"ers )"e to e?pe t hi!her @u)lit. )nd lower pri es )s ) re@uisite $or pur h)se. *o"e ")nu$) turers $)ded )w). while others be!)n to loo3 dili!entl. $or better w).s to o"pete (Hobbs, 200%). /n order to o"pete in tod).'s $ier el. o"petiti-e ")r3et, ,* ")nu$) turers h)-e o"e to re)li1e th)t the tr)dition)l ")ss produ tion on ept h)s to be )d)pted to the new ide)s o$ le)n ")nu$) turin! be )use the E)p)nese o"p)nies de-eloped, produ ed )nd distributed produ ts with h)l$ or less hu")n e$$ort, )pit)l in-est"ent, $loor sp) e, tools, ")teri)ls, ti"e, )nd o-er)ll e?pense (5h)tri, et.)l, 2011).

-. ,iterature .e#iew
8he e$$e t o$ le)n ")nu$) turin! on ost o$ produ tion h)s been )ddressed b. ) nu"ber o$ rese)r hers. *)leh (2011) $ound th)t the $i-e studied /r)@i ")nu$) turin! $ir"s possibilities o$ est)blishin! the le)n $ound)tions )re di$$erent ) ordin! to the )-)il)bilit. o$ thin3in! )pit)l )nd there is ) positi-e rel)tionship between the thin3in! )pit)l )nd le)n $ound)tions $or )ll o$ the studied $ir"s. D)dr)n (2010) onluded th)t ")n)!in! the produ tion pro esses is -er. i"port)nt $or )ll 3inds o$ or!)ni1)tions in *.ri) (0ener)l )nd pri-)te or!)ni1)tions, ")nu$) turin! )nd ser-i e or!)ni1)tions). <orrester, et.)l. (2010) st)ted th)t ")n)!ers o$ the )!ri ultur)l ") hiner. se tor in Dr)1il h)-e supported ) tr)nsition tow)rds the )doption o$ le)n ")nu$) turin! pr) ti es )nd the. h)-e shown ) si!ni$i )nt i"pro-e"ent in their business per$or")n e in ludin! the produ tion ost. (l-5ourd (200A) on luded th)t usin! le)n onstru tion in 0)1) *trip redu ed the nu"ber o$ steps in the whole pro#e t b. BGC, the non--)lue )dded de re)sed $ro" 81C to 1%C in the pro#e t dur)tion, )nd the tot)l . le ti"e o$ the pro#e t w)s redu ed b. GBC. (n)!h)ni, et.)l. (200A) illustr)ted th)t le)n is ) ulture $or @u)lit. i"pro-e"ent st)rtin! with re-olutioni1in! the "inds o$ e"plo.ees while 8P6 is ) "ethod in /rel)nd )nd *weden. H)ll!ren )nd +lh)!er (200A) $ound th)t le)n ")nu$) turin! h)s ) si!ni$i )nt i"p) t on ost per$or")n e $or the studied pl)nts in G ountries, where)s )!ile ")nu$) turin! h)s not, )nd )!ile ")nu$) turin! h)s ) stron!er rel)tionship with -olu"e th)n does le)n ")nu$) turin!. >)thi (200A) on luded th)t unneeded pro essin!, tr)nsport)tion o$ ")teri)ls )nd 7/P in-entor. w)stes )re si!ni$i )nt in #ob P/ )nd r)w ")teri)l in-entor. w)s the "ost pre-)lent w)ste $or the pro ess industr. se tor. Al&)bb)!h )nd H)ss)n (2008) st)ted th)t the studied o"p)n. in /r)@ h)s )n ) ep8)ble (3nowled!e on ernin! le)n ")nu$) turin!, )nd the b)si re@uire"ents to )ppl. le)n ")nu$) turin! )re )-)il)ble in this o"p)n.. Pier . )nd >i h (2008) illustr)ted th)t ser-i es )ll enters $or the studied 3 $in)n i)l ser-i es o"p)nies in the ,5 )n ser-e the tr)dition)ll. o"petin! priorities both o$ oper)tion)l ost redu tion )nd in re)sed usto"er ser-i e @u)lit..

:1)b3e (200G) on luded th)t )ll pl)nts be )"e "ore e$$iient )nd hen e "ore ost e$$e ti-e )nd pro$i8)ble ()$ter i"ple"entin! le)n ")nu$) turin! in the ,* )nd 0er")n.. 6 0r)th (200G) $ound th)t both /rish o"p)nies h)-e ")de so"e !re)t i"pro-e"ents in ter"s o$ the -)lue stre)"s o$ their respe ti-e pl)nts )nd )lso in the redu tion o$ w)ste )nd in-entor.. Another result h)s been re) hed th)t le)n ")nu$) turin! is ) onsidered )s ) str)te!i tool to i"pro-e the o"petiti-e position o$ the or!)ni1)tion. Der! )nd +hlsson (200B) st)ted th)t o-erprodu tion is the "ost serious w)ste be )use it ontributes to the other si? w)stes where produ tion osts "one. )nd there is no re)son to produ e ite"s th)t )re not de")nded. 5oh, et.)l. (200%) h)s re) hed to the on lusion th)t lower produ tion osts )n be ) hie-ed when le)n produ tion ")nu$) turin! pr) ti es, su h )s, 8I6 )nd E/8, )re used. *tephen (200%) showed th)t the slow r)te o$ orpor)te i"pro-e"ent is not due to l) 3 o$ 3nowled!e o$ si?-si!") or le)n. >)ther, the $)ult lies in ")3in! the tr)nsition $ro" theor. to i"ple"ent)tion. J)")shit) (200%) on luded th)t hi!her @u)lit. produ ts with less resour es )nd )pit)l )re ) hie-ed b. i"ple"entin! le)n ")nu$) turin! )nd le)n ")nu$) turin! le)ds to redu tions in s r)p, rewor3, returns, )nd w)ste. Abdull)h (2003) onluded th)t the dri-in! $or e behind i"ple"entin! le)n in the ,* w)s the ost redu tion $or the steel o"p)nies ()"on! others). 5ilp)tri 3 (1AAG) on luded th)t in-entor. in re)sin! le)d to e-er in re)sin! osts in the $or" o$ in-ested )pit)l, d)")!ed $inished !oods, s r)pped produ t, )nd ostl. in-entor. ontrol s.ste". Also, eli"in)tin! )ll de$e ts is ru i)l to "ini"i1e le)d ti"e w)s )nother onlusion. Eoin! (1AAB) on luded th)t on-ti"e deli-er. )nd usto"er s)tis$) tion i"pro-ed while le)d ti"es )nd in-entories dropped si!ni$i )ntl..

). /roblem and *y othesis

6)n)!ers o$ the ")nu$) turin! $ir"s in 0)1) *trip )re $o usin! on the ")nu$) turin! pro esses or the -)lue-)dded ) ti-ities in order to i"pro-e their business pro$it)bilit.. +n the other h)nd, the. ne!le t the i"port)n e )nd e$$e ts o$ the non--)lue )dded ) ti-ities (w)stes) whi h )re usu)ll. not e?pli itl. -isible. 8here$ore, the rese)r h ")in @uestion is: 7h)t is the e$$e t o$ le)n ")nu$) turin! on the produ tion ost $or the ")nu$) turin! $ir"s in 0)1) *tripK 8he rese)r h p)per tested the stud. proble" b. usin! the $ollowin! h.potheses: 8here is ) si!ni$i )nt st)tisti )l e$$e t $or the se-en w)stes eli"in)tion t)r!eted b. le)n ")nu$) turin! (o-erprodu tion, in-entor., o-er-pro essin!, "otion, w)itin!, de$e ts )nd tr)nsport)tion) on the produ tion ost $or the ")nu$) turin! $ir"s in 0)1) *trip.

&. 0b1ecti#es
8he ")in !o)l o$ the present rese)r h wor3 is to in-esti!)te the urrent situ)tion o$ w)stes eli"in)tion in the ")nu$) turin! $ir"s in 0)1) *trip )nd its i"port)nt role $or


5h)lil A. (l-2)"rout. et al.: *e-en w)stes eli"in)tion t)r!eted b. le)n ")nu$) turin! )se stud. ;!)1) strip ")nu$) turin! $ir"s''

redu in! the produ tion ost. Also, it )i"s to pro"ote 9e)n thin3in! in 0)1) *trip ")nu$) turin! $ir"s, )lso, the rese)r h see3s to pro-ide ) o"prehensi-e pi ture o$ the re)lit. o$ the w)stes eli"in)tion ")n)!e"ent )nd its "ultiple di"ensions in the ")nu$) turin! $ir"s )nd p)-in! the w). $or o$$i i)ls to ")3e steps )nd to de-elop poli ies to ensure the o"petition o$ the P)lestini)n industr..

@u)lit., )nd enh)n in! the e$$e ti-eness o$ wor3 $or eL (9i3er, 200%). Another de$inition $or le)n ")nu$) turin!: Lit is ) s.ste")ti )ppro) h to identi$. )nd eli"in)te w)ste (non--)lue )dded ) ti-ities) throu!h ontinuous i"pro-e"ent b. $ollowin! the produ t )t the pull o$ the usto"er in pursuit o$ per$e tionL (:1)rne 3i )nd 9o.d, 1AA8).

2. ,ean Manu+acturin3 4e+inition

9e)n ")nu$) turin! is de$ined )s LA philosoph., b)sed on 8o.ot) Produ tion *.ste", )nd other E)p)nese ")n)!e"ent pr) ti es th)t stri-es to shorten the ti"e line between the usto"er order )nd the ship"ent o$ the $in)l produ t, b. onsistent eli"in)tion o$ w)steL. All t.pes o$ o"p)nies, ")nu$) turin!, pro ess, distribution, so$tw)re de-elop"ent or $in)n i)l ser-i es )n bene$it $ro" )doptin! le)n philosoph.. As lon! )s ) o"p)n. )n identi$. ) -)lue stre)", $ro" when the usto"ers order produ t to when the. re ei-e it, le)n prin iples )n be )pplied )nd w)ste re"o-ed (*in!h, 1AAA). Also, le)n ")nu$) turin! is: LAddin! -)lue b. eli"in)tin! w)ste, bein! responsi-e to h)n!e, $o usin! on

5. Traditional #s. ,ean Manu+acturin3

<or .e)rs ")nu$) turers h)-e re)ted produ ts in )nti ip)tion o$ h)-in! ) ")r3et $or the". +per)tions h)-e tr)dition)ll. been dri-en b. s)les $ore )sts )nd $ir"s tended to sto 3pile in-entories in )se the. were needed. A 3e. di$$eren e in 9e)n 6)nu$) turin! is th)t it is b)sed on the on ept th)t produ tion )n )nd should be dri-en b. re)l usto"er de")nd (/br)hi", 2011). A le)n or!)ni1)tion )n ")3e twi e )s "u h produ t with twi e the @u)lit. )nd h)l$ the ti"e )nd sp) e, )t h)l$ the ost, with ) $r) tion o$ the nor")l wor3-in-pro ess in-entor.. 9e)n ")n)!e"ent is )bout oper)tin! the "ost e$$i ient )nd e$$e ti-e or!)ni1)tion possible, with le)st ost )nd 1ero w)ste (6in!!u, 200A).

Table 2. Methods of Manufacturing of .raditional Mass $roduction and 1ean Manufacturing. Manu+acturin3 Methods Produ tion s hedules )re b)sed on Produ ts ")nu$) tured to Produ tion . le ti"es )re 6)nu$) turin! lot si1e @u)ntities )re Pl)nt )nd e@uip"ent l).out is Iu)lit. is )ssured 7or3ers )re t.pi )ll. )ssi!ned 7or3ers e"power"ent is /n-entor. le-el )re /n-entor. turns )re <le?ibilit. in h)n!in! ")nu$) turin! s hedules is 6)nu$) turin! osts )re Traditional Mass /roduction <ore )st-produ t is pushed throu!h the $) ilit. >eplenish $inished !oods in-entor. 7ee3s/"onth ,ean /roduction :usto"er order-produ t is pulled throu!h the $) ilit. <ill usto"er orders (i""edi)te ship"ents) Hours/d).s

9)r!e, with l)r!e b)t hes "o-in! between oper)tions; produ t*")ll, )nd b)sed on one-pie e $low between +peris sent ) h)rd o$ e) h oper)tion )tions D. produ t $low, usin! ells or lines $or produ t D. dep)rt"ent $un tion $)"ilies 8hrou!h lot s)"plin! 100C )t the produ tion sour e +ne person per ") hine 9ow-little input into how oper)tion is per$or"ed 7ith one person h)ndlin! se-er)l ") hines Hi!h-h)s responsibilit. $or identi$.in! )nd i"ple"entin! i"pro-e"ents Hi!h-l)r!e w)rehouse o$ $inished !oods, )nd entr)l storeroo"9ow-s")ll )"ounts between oper)tions ship $or in- pro ess st)!in! +$ten 9ow-6-A turns per .e)r or less Hi!h 20M turns per .e)r 9ow-di$$i ult to h)ndle )nd )d#ust to >isin! )nd di$$i ult to ontrol Hi!h-e)s. to )d#ust to )nd i"ple"ent *t)ble/de re)sin! )nd under ontrol

"Source# %I$, '())2+. "1ean Manufacturing 3 1ean $roduction". http#33444.d!namic iz.us35223article0leanmanufacturing.html".

6. Main Kinds o+ 7astes

*e-en ")in t.pes o$ w)stes were identi$ied )s ) p)rt o$ the 8o.ot) Produ tion *.ste". Howe-er, this list h)s been "odi$ied )nd e?p)nded b. -)rious pr) titioners o$ le)n ")nu$) turin! )nd !ener)ll. in ludes the $ollowin!: 8.1. Overproduction /t is unne ess)r. to produ e "ore th)n the usto"er de")nds, or produ in! it too e)rl. be$ore it is needed. 8his in re)ses the ris3 o$ obsoles en e )nd the ris3 o$ produ in!

the wron! thin! (:)pit)l, 200%). /t tends to le)d to e? essi-e le)d )nd stor)!e ti"es. /n )ddition, it le)ds to e? essi-e wor3-in-pro ess sto 3s whi h result in the )l dislo )tion o$ oper)tions with onse@uent poorer o""uni )tion (Hines )nd >i h, 200G). 8.2. Defects /n )ddition to )l de$e ts whi h dire tl. )dd to the osts o$ !oods sold, this "). in lude errors in p)perwor3, l)te deli-er., produ tion ) ordin! to in orre t spe i$i )tions, use o$ too "u h r)w ")teri)ls or !ener)tion o$ unne ess)r. s r)p (:)pit)l, 200%). 7hen de$e t o urs, rewor3

/ntern)tion)l Eourn)l o$ ( ono"i s, <in)n e )nd 6)n)!e"ent * ien es 2013, 1(2) : 68-80


"). be re@uired; otherwise the produ t will be s r)pped. 0ener)tion o$ de$e ts will not onl. w)ste ")teri)l )nd l)bor resour es, but it will )lso re)te ")teri)l short)!es, hinder "eetin! s hedules, re)te idle ti"e )t subse@uent wor3st)tions )nd e?tend the ")nu$) turin! le)d ti"e (>)w)bdeh, 200B). 8.3. Inventory /t "e)ns h)-in! unne ess)ril. hi!h le-els o$ r)w ")teri)ls, wor3s-in-pro ess )nd $inished produ ts. (?tr) in-entor. le)ds to hi!her in-entor. $in)n in! osts, hi!her stor)!e osts )nd hi!her de$e t r)tes. (:)pit)l, 200%). /t tends to in re)se le)d ti"e, pre-ents r)pid identi$i )tion o$ proble"s )nd in re)se sp) e re@uire"ents. /n order to ondu t e$$e ti-e pur h)sin!, it is espe i)ll. ne ess)r. to eli"in)te in-entor. due to in orre t le)d ti"es (>)w)bdeh, 200B). 8.4. Transportation /t in ludes )n. "o-e"ent o$ ")teri)ls th)t does not )dd )n. -)lue to the produ t, su h )s "o-in! ")teri)ls between wor3st)tions. 8r)nsport)tion between pro essin! st)!es results in prolon!in! produ tion . le ti"es, the ine$$i ient use o$ l)bor )nd sp) e (:)pit)l, 200%). An. "o-e"ent in the $ir"s ould be -iewed )s w)ste. &ouble h)ndlin! )nd e?essi-e "o-e"ents )re li3el. to )use d)")!e )nd deterior)tion with the dist)n e o$ o""uni )tion between pro esses (Hines )nd >i h, 200G). 8.5. Waiting /t is idle ti"e $or wor3ers or ") hines due to bottlene 3s or ine$$i ient produ tion $low on the $) tor. $loor. /t inludes s")ll del).s between pro essin! o$ units (:)pit)l, 200%).7hen ti"e is bein! used ine$$e ti-el., then the w)ste o$ w)itin! o urs. 8his w)ste o urs whene-er !oods )re not "o-in! or bein! wor3ed on. 8his w)ste )$$e ts both !oods )nd wor3ers, e) h spendin! ti"e w)itin!. 7)itin! ti"e $or wor3ers "). be used $or tr)inin! or ")inten)n e ) ti-ities )nd should not result in o-erprodu tion (Hines )nd >i h, 200G). 8. . !otion /t in ludes )n. unne ess)r. )l "otions or w)l3in! b. wor3ers whi h di-ert the" $ro" ) tu)l pro essin! wor3. 8his "i!ht in lude w)l3in! )round the $) tor. $loor to loo3 $or ) tool, or e-en unne ess)r. or di$$i ult )l "o-e"ents, due to poorl. desi!ned er!ono"i s, whi h slow down the wor3ers (:)pit)l, 200%). /t in-ol-es poor er!ono"i s o$ produ tion, where oper)tors h)-e to stret h, bend )nd pi 3 up when su h ) tions ould be )-oided (>)w)bdeh,
( ono"i A ti-it. 6)nu$) turin! 1AAA 12.8 2000 6.0 2001 13.8 2002 16.B 2003 1%.8

200B). 8.". Over#processing /t is unintention)ll. doin! "ore pro essin! wor3 th)n the usto"er re@uires in ter"s o$ produ t @u)lit. or $e)turessu h )s polishin! or )! $inishin! in so"e )re)s o$ produ t th)t will not be seen b. the usto"er (:)pit)l, 200%). +-er-pro essin! o urs in situ)tions where o-erl. o"ple? solutions )re $ound to si"ple pro edures. 8he o-er- o"ple?it. dis our)!es ownership )nd en our)!es e"plo.ees to o-erprodu e to re o-er the l)r!e in-est"ent in the o"ple? ") hines (Hines )nd >i h, 200G).

'. /alestinian Manu+acturin3 Sector

8he de-elop"ent o$ the P)lestini)n ")nu$) turin! se tor si!ni$i )ntl. led to ) si!ni$i )nt in re)se in its ontribution to the 0&P in P)lestine th)t )rri-ed the proportion o$ (8C) durin! the /sr)eli o up)tion in the period $ro" 1A6G to 1AA1, )nd (16C) be$ore Al-A@s) /nti$)d) o$ *epte"ber,2000 (2o$)l, 2001). Howe-er, the ")nu$) turin! se tor still su$$ers $ro" dependen e on the /sr)eli industr. whi h )$$e ts its de-elop"ent. /n )ddition, the P)lestini)n industri)l se tor h)s $)llen subst)nti)ll. )s ) result $or the /sr)eli ) tions sin e Al-A@s) /nti$)d) till now be )use o$ the losure )nd sie!e on the P)lestini)n )re)s in 7est D)n3 )nd 0)1) *trip (P:D*, 2008). Produ tion h)d been de re)sed in )ll o$ the P)lestini)n industries in the 7est D)n3 )nd 0)1) *trip. 8he industri)l se tor proble"s were not onl. due to the /sr)eli ) tions, but )lso the in)bilit. o$ the P)lestini)n Authorit. to de-elop )n industri)l str)te!. w)s ) ")in )use. /n )ddition, there were ")n. obst) les th)t h)-e pre-ented the sel$-de-elop"ent o$ this se tor )nd its de-elop"ent, su h )s l) 3 o$ r)w ")teri)ls, @u)lit. proble"s, l) 3 o$ e?perien e, the )bsen e o$ re!ul)tion, the s )r it. o$ n)tur)l ")teri)ls, the proble"s o$ l)bor, )nd )uthorit. orruption (P:D*, 2008). 8he short)!e o$ r)w ")teri)ls led to the deterior)tion o$ the pri-)te se tor )nd the losure o$ e ono"i est)blish"ents. 8he proportion o$ est)blish"ents oper)tin! in the ")nu$) turin! se tor stopped on ) te"por)r. b)sis w)s G0C, while the nu"ber o$ est)blish"ents oper)tin! in p)rt w)s )ppro?i")tel. B0C (/&*, 2010). &)")!es o$ e ono"i ) ti-ities led to ) rise in une"plo."ent to 3A.GC durin! the $irst @u)rter o$ the .e)r 2010, )nd the sie!e h)s led to the hi!h ost o$ li-in! inde?, the )-er)!e pri es durin! the $irst @u)rter o$ 2010 is )bout 131.3% points, i.e., the inde? rose b. B1.%C o"p)red to 200A (/&*, 2010).

Table 3. $ercentage %ontri ution to GD$ ! Manufacturing in Gaza Strip for the 6ears 'From 7888 to ())8+ ())9 is the ase !ear. 200% 13.2 200B 12.% 2006 A.G 200G G.0 2008 10.6 200A G.A

"Source# $%&S, '()7)+. .he :nnual Statistics of $alestine, 77th Edition".


5h)lil A. (l-2)"rout. et al.: *e-en w)stes eli"in)tion t)r!eted b. le)n ")nu$) turin! )se stud. ;!)1) strip ")nu$) turin! $ir"s''

Table 4. .he :dded ;alue 'in <=SD million+ ! Manufacturing in Gaza Strip for the 6ears 'From 7888 to ())8+ ())9 is the ase !ear. ( ono"i A ti-it. 1AAA 2000 %6.% 2001 10G.6 2002 10A.3 2003 132.1 200% 113.A 200B 126.3 2006 8B.2 200G 33.3 2008 28.1 200A 28.2

6)nu$) turin! 1G%.A

"Source# $%&S, '()7)+. .he :nnual Statistics of $alestine, 77th Edition".

1$. .esearch Methodolo3y

/n order to test the rese)r h h.pothesis )nd ) hie-e the ob#e ti-es, the rese)r hers used se ond)r. d)t) su h )s boo3s, #ourn)ls )nd do u"ents, thesis, )nd s ienti$i websites spe i)li1ed in eli"in)tin! w)stes. 8wo sour es were used to olle t the pri")r. d)t). <irst, 7)stes >el)tions 6)tri? (7>6), w)s i"ple"ented throu!h ondu tin! ) br)instor"in! session with three pro$ession)l ")n)!ers to )nswer spe i)l @uestions. 7>6 w)s illustr)ted )nd )n)l.1ed to show the rel)tions )"on! the se-en w)stes; this illustr)tion )nd )n)l.sis )re b)sed on liter)ture re-iew )nd the )nswers o$ the br)instor"in! !roup. /t w)s used to test the ")in rese)r h h.pothesis. *e ond, ) @uestionn)ire (shown in Appendi? A) w)s distributed to the top ")n)!e"ent o$ )ll o$ the ")nu$) turin! $ir"s h)-in! "ore th)n nine $i?ed e"plo.ees in the 0)1) *trip, )nd the rese)r her o$$lo)ded )nd )n)l.1ed the results )nd resolution throu!h the use o$ the st)tisti )l pro edures. 8he l)st ensus o$ the ")nu$) turin! $ir"s in the 0)1) *trip prep)red in 200G shows th)t the tot)l nu"ber o$ the rel)ted $ir"s h)-in! "ore th)n nine $i?ed e"plo.ees is 20%. As ) result o$! ")n. $ir"s b. the "ilit)r. )!!ression in the 0)1) *trip (&e ., 2008 to E)n., 200A) )nd losure o$ other $ir"s durin! the l)st period, the rese)r her sur-e.ed )ll o$ the $ound rel)ted $ir"s in the 0)1) *trip )nd their tot)l nu"ber w)s 11%. (>espondents were AA out o$ 11%). *tud. popul)tion: the top ")n)!e"ent o$ )ll o$ the ")nu$) turin! $ir"s h)-in! "ore th)n nine $i?ed e"plo.ees in the 0)1) *trip, the rese)r hers sur-e.ed )ll o$ the popul)tion )nd their tot)l nu"ber w)s 11%. (>espondents were AA out o$ 11%). 8he rese)r hers thin3 th)t )ll t.pes o$ w)stes )re dependent, sin e e) h o$ w)ste h)s its own in$luen e on others )nd )t the s)"e ti"e is in$luen ed b. others )nd resultin! in in re)sin! the ost o$ produ tion. <or testin! this ide), e) h o$ w)stes w)s denoted usin! its $irst letter, where (+: +-er-produ tion, /: /n-entor., P: +-er-pro essin!, 6: 6otion, 7: 7)itin!, &: &e$e ts, 8: 8r)nsport)tion). 8hen, e) h rel)tion w)s )ssi!ned b. the s."bol LiN#L, where: O (i): one o$ the se-en w)stes O (#): the other si? w)stes <or inst)n e, L+N/L indi )tes the dire t e$$e t o$ o-erprodu tion on in-entor., )nd so on. 2ote th)t so"e rel)tions will not be dis ussed be )use the br)instor"in! !roup thin3s th)t there is no dire t e$$e t o$ (i) on (#).

11. 7astes 4e endence

11.1. Overproduction Waste L+N/L: +-er-produ tion "e)ns hi!h r)w ")teri)l in-entor., in re)ses the wor3-in-pro ess, )nd re@uires "ore stor)!e o$ e@uip"ent )nd h)ndlin! tools. Also, produ in! "ore produ ts re@uires hi!h $inished produ ts stor)!e. L+N&L: De )use o$ the hi!her produ tion r)te, the prob)bilit. o$ r)w ")teri)ls de$e ts in re)ses. 7hen the oper)tor produ es "ore, less e$$ort will be spent on e) h unit whi h le)ds to less @u)lit. )nd "ore de$e ts. L+N6L: +-er-produ tion )uses e? ess wor3ers "otions durin! pro ess. 7hen the oper)tor produ es "ore, i"proper er!ono"i s "otions in re)se. L+N8L: +-er-produ tion "e)ns "ore tr)nsport)tion $ro" the r)w ")teri)ls store to the produ tion $loor, "ore tr)nsport)tion between the -)rious produ tion st)!es. Also, o-erprodu tion "e)ns "ore tr)nsport)tion o$ the $inished produ ts to w)rehouse. L+N7L: +-er-produ tion in re)ses the w)itin! o$ se"i-$inished produ ts between ") hines. 6e)nwhile o-erprodu tion in re)ses oper)tor w)itin! durin! the produ tion pro ess. +-erprodu tion "). in re)se ") hines bre)3down, whi h "e)ns w)itin! $or ")inten)n e. 11.2. Inventory Waste L/N+L: Hi!h le-el e?isten e o$ r)w ")teri)ls in in-entor. pushes $ir"s to produ e not ) ordin! to the ")r3et @u)ntit. de")nded. L/N&L: >)w ")teri)ls in-entor. $or ) lon! ti"e in re)ses de$e ts. /n-entor. between produ tion pro esses on the shop $loor in re)ses the prob)bilit. o$ se"i-produ t d)")!e. *torin! o$ the $inished produ ts in w)rehouse $or ) lon! ti"e "). )use produ t d)")!e. L/N6L: Hi!her le-els o$ wor3-in-pro ess in re)se the ti"e $or se)r hin!, sele tin!, !r)spin!, re) hin!, "o-in!, )nd h)ndlin!. L/N8L: Hi!h le-els o$ in-entor. "e)n "ore tr)nsport)tion between the store )nd the produ tion $loor. Hi!h le-els o$ wor3-in-pro ess in-entor. in re)se the tr)nsport)tion between wor3st)tions )nd obstru t the "o-e"ent on the shop $loor. 11.3. Defects Waste L&N+L: /n re)sin! the nu"ber o$ de$e ts pushes to produ e "ore p)rts to onsu"e the loss. L&N/L: As de$e ti-e p)rts in re)se, the 7/P le-el inre)ses.

/ntern)tion)l Eourn)l o$ ( ono"i s, <in)n e )nd 6)n)!e"ent * ien es 2013, 1(2) : 68-80


L&N6L: &e$e ti-e p)rts re@uire ) rep)irin! pro ess $or the" whi h re@uires wor3ers "otion. L&N8L: >ep)irin! de$e ti-e p)rts in re)ses tr)nsport)tion e$$orts. L&N7L: Produ in! de$e ti-e p)rts re@uires to e?plore the )uses o$ errors )nd to t)3e orre ti-e ) tions there$ore, other p)rts will w)it to be pro essed. 11.4. !otion Waste L6N/L: /nsu$$i ient wor3ers "otions )use ) u"ul)tin! wor3-in-pro ess. L6N&L: /nsu$$i ient wor3ers "otions durin! produ tion in re)se nu"bers o$ de$e t p)rts . ,ns3illed )nd untr)ined proper "otions wor3ers in re)se de$e ts. L6NPL: 7hen #obs )re non-st)nd)rdi1ed, there will be )n opportunit. o$ o-er-pro essin!. Pro ess w)ste will )lso be in re)sed due to l) 3 underst)ndin!, the )-)il)ble te hnolo!. )p) it.. L6N7L: 7hen there )re no st)nd)rd "otions o$ the wor3ers durin! produ tion pro ess, the re@uired ti"e to pro essed ne?t p)rt in re)ses. 11.5. Transportation Waste L8N+L: /te"s )re produ ed "ore th)n needed to $ill ")teri)ls h)ndlin! e@uip"ent in order to redu e the tr)nsportin! ost per unit )nd to "ini"i1e the nu"ber o$ tr)nsports. L8N/L: /$ there )re no su$$i ient "ethods )nd nu"ber o$ e@uip"ents $or tr)nsport)tion, wor3-in-pro ess in-entor. in re)ses. L8N&L: /nsu$$i ient tr)nsport)tion "ethods )nd uns)$e tr)nsport)tion e@uip"ents in re)se the prob)bilit. o$ produ tion de$e ts, )lso i"proper h)ndlin! o$ the produ ts "). )use p)rts d)")!e. L8N6L: insu$$i ient )nd non-st)nd)rdi1ed tr)nsport)tion "ethods in re)se the wor3ers "otions b. double h)ndlin! )nd se)r hin!. L8N7L: 7hen the tr)nsport)tion is not on ti"e or ine$$e ti-e, w)itin! ti"e $or p)rts to be tr)nsported in re)ses. 11. . Overprocessing Waste LPN+L: An i"port)nt )spe t o$ pro ess w)ste in order to redu e oper)tion ost per ") hine ti"e, ") hines )re pushed to oper)te $ull ti"e shi$t whi h $in)ll. results in o-erprodu tion. LPN/L: :o"binin! oper)tions in one ell will de re)se 7/P )"ounts be )use o$ eli"in)tin! bu$$ers. LPN&L: /nsu$$i ient )nd i"proper pro esses le)d to produ e de$e ts. LPN6L: 2on-st)nd)rdi1ed pro ess re@uires "ore wor3er "otions LPN7L: ,nsui8)ble (te hnolo!. used, b. "e)ns o$ hi!h setup ti"es )nd )d#ust"ents or repetiti-e downti"es, le)ds to hi!her w)itin! ti"es. 11.". Waiting Waste L7N+L 7hen ) ") hine is w)itin! be )use its supplier is

ser-in! )nother usto"er, the ") hine is $or ed to produ e "ore #ust to 3eep runnin!. L7N/L 7)itin! o$ p)rts between wor3st)tions in re)ses wor3-in-pro ess. Also, w)itin! o$ the $inished ite"s in w)rehouse in re)ses in-entor.. L7N&L: 7)itin! o$ p)rts in wor3-in-pro ess in-entor. "). )use de$e ts due to the surroundin! onditions. L7N6L: 7)itin! o$ p)rts in wor3-in-pro ess in-entor. "). )use unne ess)r. "otion o$ wor3ers )nd ") hines.

1(. Stren3th o+ 7aste .elations

8he nu"erous t.pes o$ rel)tions )nd e) h n)ture su!!ests th)t, )ll o$ these rel)tions )re not e@u)l wei!hts. 8he need to )ssi!n wei!hts rel)tions, is #usti$ied b. 3nowin! whi h o$ w)ste ontributes "ore to the w)ste$ul ) ti-ities in the shop $loor. :riterion w)s set to "e)sure stren!th o$ w)ste rel)tions.

1-. Measurement 8riterion 4e#elo ment

8he :riterion onsists o$ si? de-eloped @uestions; e) h )nswer h)s ) ert)in wei!ht $ro" one to $i-e )s $ollows: 2ote: LiL st)nd $or )n. o$ w)ste )$$e ts on L#L, whi h is the other o$ w)ste.
9uestion 17ei3ht 4oes i roduce 1: ). Alw).s b. *o"eti"es . >)rel. 7hat is the ty e o+ the relation between i and 1: B ). As i in re)ses, # in re)ses 3 b. As i in re)ses, # re) hes ) onst)nt le-el 1 . >)ndo" rel)tion ) ordin! to ondiB tions 3 The e++ect o+ 1 due to i: 1 ). Appe)rs dire tl. )nd le)rl.. B b. +$ten )ppe)rs, but needs ti"e to do 3 . >)rel. )ppe)rs with )lon! ti"e 1 Eliminatin3 the e++ect o+ i on 1 is achie#ed by: B ). (n!ineerin! )nd o"ple? "ethods 3 b. *i"ple )nd dire t 1 . +nl. b. )n instru tion 1 The e++ect o+ 1 due to i, mainly in+luences on: 1 ). Iu)lit. o$ produ ts onl. 1 b. Produ ti-it. o$ >esour es onl. 3 . 9e)d ti"e onl. 3 d. Iu)lit. )nd produ ti-it. 3 e. Produ ti-it. )nd le)d ti"e B $. Iu)lit. )nd le)d ti"e B !. Iu)lit., produ ti-it. )nd le)d ti"e 3 In which de3ree does the e++ect o+ i on 1 increas1 es Manu+acturin3 ,ead time: ). Hi!h de!ree b. 6ediu" de!ree . 9ow de!ree







5h)lil A. (l-2)"rout. et al.: *e-en w)stes eli"in)tion t)r!eted b. le)n ")nu$) turin! )se stud. ;!)1) strip ")nu$) turin! $ir"s''

1). Measurement 8riterion Analysis and .esults

8he riterion w)s )pplied on )ll o$ the rel)tions )nd the )n) were )rried out usin! the $ollowin! steps: *tep (1): Answerin! e) h @uestion with respe t to e) h dis ussed rel)tion. 8he )nswer o$ @uestions (1-6), with respe t to o-erprodu tion )nd in-entor. (+N/), where ;bF $or @uestion (1), ;bF $or @uestion (2) )nd so on.
9uestion 1 .elations +N/ +N& Scor .elaAns 7t Ans 7 Ans 7t Ans 7t Ans 7t Ans 7t e tion . . . t . . . . . . . . D : D : D : ) ) ( : ( ) & 2

6e)sure"ent :riterion Iuestion's Answers (done b. br)instor"in!):

Table . .he Measurement %riterion ?uestion@s :ns4ers. 9uestion1 .elations +N/ +N& +N6 +N8 +N7 /N+ /N& /N6 /N8 &N/ &N+ &N6 b ) b ) b ) ) ) b b b Scor .elaAns 7t Ans 7t Ans 7t Ans 7t Ans 7t Ans 7t e tion . . . . . . . . . . . . b 3 1 3 3 3 1 3 B 3 B 3 B B B 1 b ) b b b b ) b 3 B 3 3 3 3 B 3 1 1 b b b b ) ) 3 3 3 3 B B 1 ) ) ) b b ) b ) ) ) ) b ) b ) b ) ) ) b 3 1 B 1 B 1 1 B 3 B 1 B B B B 3 B 3 1 3 1 3 B 1 3 1 1 1 B B B 1 D : A : D : D A D A D A A D D D A A : D A A D D D D : A D A A : 3 1 B 1 3 1 3 B 3 B 3 B B 3 3 3 B B 1 3 B B 3 3 3 3 1 B 3 B B 1 ) b ) b b b b b b b b ) ) b b b ) b ) b ) ) ) ) ) B B B B B 1 3 B 3 B 3 1 3 3 1 B B 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 B 1 B 1 $ $ e e ! e e b e ) ! e b b ! ) ! e e e e e ! e d e e e e 3 1 1 B 3 1 1 B 1 B 3 3 3 3 3 B 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 3 B 3 3 1 b b b b b b b b b b ) ) b ) b b b ) ) b b 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 B 1 B 3 3 3 B 1 B B 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 3 1 18 10 20 18 22 6 12 30 1% 30 16 22 2% 2% 16 2% 28 18 12 18 18 20 20 12 1% 16 10 18 2% 22 26 6 / , / / ( , + A + A / ( ( ( / ( A / + / / / / + + / , / ( ( A , ( ) & 2

Ste ;(<: e) h )nswer w)s )ssi!ned its own wei!ht "entioned in the "e)sure"ent riterion. () h nu"ber besides e) h h)r) ter represents the wei!ht o$ the )nswer. All nu"bers were sep)r)ted in sin!le olu"ns representin! wei!hts.

9uestion 1 .elations +N/ +N&

( ) & 2 Scor .elaAns 7t Ans 7 Ans 7t Ans 7t Ans 7t Ans 7t e tion . . . t . . . . . . . . D : 3 D 3 D : 1 3 ) B B ( : 3 1 1 1 : 1 : )

&N8 &N7 6N/ 6N& 6N7 6NP 8N+

Ste ;-<: the wei!htin! o$ )ll )nswers o$ e) h rel)tion were )dded to!ether, resultin! to the o-er)ll su"")tions.

9uestion 1 .elations +N/ +N&

( ) & 2 Scor .elaAns 7t Ans 7 Ans 7t Ans 7t Ans 7t Ans 7t e tion . . . t . . . . . . . . D : 3 D 3 D : 1 3 ) B B ( : 3 1 1 1 18 10 : 1 : )

8N/ 8N& 8N6 8N7 PN+ PN/ PN& PN6

Ste ;)<: the s ore indi )tes the stren!th o$ e) h rel)tion. /n order to distin!uish )"on! the di$$erent rel)tions, it w)s noti ed th)t the hi!her s ore represent stron!er rel)tion )nd -i e -ers).
Table 5. .he /ange Di>isions of Strength of Direct /elations.

PN7 .an3e 26 8o 30 21 8o 2B 16 8o 20 11 8o 1B 6 8o 10 Ty e o+ .elation Absolutel. 2e ess)r. (spe i)ll. /"port)nt /"port)nt +rdin)r. :loseness ,ni"port)nt Symbol : E I O = 7N6 7N/ 7N& 7N+

Ste ;&): the s ores were tr)nsl)ted into s."bols representin! the di$$erent rel)tions. 8)ble (6) shows the

1&. *y othesis Testin3 by A


/ntern)tion)l Eourn)l o$ ( ono"i s, <in)n e )nd 6)n)!e"ent * ien es 2013, 1(2) : 68-80


15.1. W$! %cores 7>6 or!)ni1es wh)t w)s obt)ined throu!h the riterion.
Table ". Aaste /elation MatriB. </8 + / & 6 8 P 7 , / P + + ( A / / + ( ( / / A / , , P P P =>T + / & 6 8 P 7 2 6 0 % % 8 10 6 6 % 8 %0 20.% 8 6 6 10 36 0 + / / & , + 6 / A ( 8 / + ( P P P P P / P 7 ( P ( A / / Ty e o+ relation A ( / + , P

Table 8. MatriB ;alue. 7ei3ht 10 8 6 % 2 0

8he wei!hts o$ e) h row )nd olu"n were )dded to obt)in the s ore, )nd then the per ent)!es were )l ul)ted b. di-idin! e) h s ore b. the tot)l s ore. 8hese per ent)!es represent the prob)bilit. th)t ) ert)in o$ w)ste will )$$e t others or be )$$e ted b. others. 8)ble (A) su"")ri1es the pre-ious )n)l.sis:
Table (. Aeights of Direct Aaste /elations. I 6 4 2 % M 6 10 8 T 6 % 8 0 6 2 2 3% 1G.3 0 0 20 10.2 0 6 3.1 38 1A.% / 0 0 0 6 0 7 8 0 8 10 6 6 Score ? 28 20 %0 30 28 22 28 1A6 100 1%.3 10.2 20.% 1B.3 1%.3 11.2 1%.3 100

Note# .he s!m ol "C" indicates that there is no direct effect of 'i+ on 'D+.

() h row shows the e$$e t o$ ) ert)in w)ste on the other si? w)stes; si"il)rl. e) h olu"n shows to wh)t de!ree ) ert)in o$ w)ste is )$$e ted b. others. 15.2. !atri& 'alue 8he w)ste ")tri? represents re)l rel)tionships )"on! w)stes. /t "). be used in se-er)l de ision-")3in! pro esses )i"in! tow)rd w)ste )llo )tion in the ")nu$) turin! $ir"s, to pro-e this, wei!hts were )ssi!ned to the rel)tions. <urther"ore, si"il)r rel)tions were )ssi!ned ) new s ore out o$ 10; these s ores )re shown in 8)ble (8).

* ore 22 C 11.2


15.3. W$! $esults 8)ble (A) on$ir"s th)t there is ) si!ni$i )nt e$$e t $or )ll o$ the se-en "entioned w)stes on the produ tion ost $or the ")nu$) turin! $ir"s in 0)1) *trip.

Table 1). .he /anEing of the Aastes that :ffect on the Other Aastes. The 1st 7aste /rimary Source 7>6 &e$e ts (nd 7aste 6otion -rd 7aste )th 7aste &th 7aste 2th 7aste Pro essin! 5th 7aste /n-entor.

() h o$: 7)itin!M 8r)nsport)tionM +-er-produ tion Table 11. .he /anEing of the Aastes :ffected ! the Other Aastes.

The /rimary Source 7>6

1st 7aste /n-entor.

(nd 7aste 7)itin!

-rd 7aste &e$e ts

)th 7aste 6otion

&th 7aste +-er-produ tion

2th 7aste 8r)nsport)tion

5th 7aste Pro essin!

12. .esults and 8onclusions @sin3 9uestionnaire

8he rese)r hers used @u)ntit)ti-e d)t) )n)l.sis "ethods. 8he &)t) )n)l.sis will be ")de utili1in! (*P** 18). 8he rese)r her would utili1e the $ollowin! st)tisti )l tools: 1. Alph) :ronb) hQs )nd *plit-H)l$ 6ethods $or >eli) bilit. *t)tisti s.

*pe)r")n >)n3 orrel)tion $or =)lidit.. <re@uen . )nd &es ripti-e )n)l.sis. 2onp)r)"etri 8ests (*i!n test, )nd 5rus3)l-7)llis test). B. *i!n test is used to deter"ine i$ the "e)n o$ ) p)r)!r)ph is si!ni$i )ntl. di$$erent $ro" ) h.pothesi1ed -)lue. 3 (6iddle -)lue o$ 9i3ert s )le). /$ the P--)lue (*i!.) is s")ller th)n or e@u)l to the le-el o$ si!ni$i )n e, = 0 .0 B ,

2. 3. %.


5h)lil A. (l-2)"rout. et al.: *e-en w)stes eli"in)tion t)r!eted b. le)n ")nu$) turin! )se stud. ;!)1) strip ")nu$) turin! $ir"s''

then the "e)n o$ ) p)r)!r)ph is si!ni$i )ntl. di$$erent $ro" ) h.pothesi1ed -)lue 3. 8he si!n o$ the 8est -)lue indi )tes whether the "e)n is si!ni$i )ntl. !re)ter or s")ller th)n h.pothesi1ed -)lue 3. +n the other h)nd, i$ the P--)lue (*i!.) is !re)ter th)n the le-el o$ si!ni$i )n e, = 0.0B , then the "e)n ) p)r)!r)ph is insi!ni$i )ntl. di$$erent $ro" ) h.pothesi1ed -)lue 3. 5rus3)l-7)llis test is used to e?)"ine i$ there is ) st)tisti )l si!ni$i )nt di$$eren e between se-er)l "e)ns )"on! the respondents tow)rd 9e)n 6)nu-

$) turin! )ttributed to ()!e, *pe i)li1)tion, * ienti$i @u)li$i )tion, )nd Position). *y othesis *1: There is a si3ni+icant statistical e++ect o+ lean manu+acturin3 on the roduction cost. 8)ble (12 shows the "e)n o$ )ll p)r)!r)phs o$ the @uestionn)ire e@u)ls %.0G (81.32C), 8est--)lue R A.08, )nd P--)lueR0.000 whi h is s")ller th)n the le-el o$ si!ni$i )n e = 0 .0 B . 8he si!n o$ the test is positi-e, so the "e)n o$ )ll p)r)!r)phs o$ the @uestionn)ire is si!ni$i )ntl. !re)ter th)n the h.pothesi1ed -)lue 3.

Table 12. sho4s# .he /anEing of the Aastes that :ffect on the Other Aastes. /rimary Source 1st 7aste (nd 7aste 6otion -rd 7aste )th 7aste &th 7aste 2th 7aste Pro essin! 5th 7aste /n-entor.

7)stes &e$e ts >el)tionships 6)tri?

() h o$: 7)itin!M 8r)nsport)tionM +-er-produ tion

8his $indin! )!rees with <orrester, et.)l. (2010) who in-esti!)ted the rel)tionship between the )doption o$ le)n ")nu$) turin!, ")r3et sh)re, )nd -)lue re)tion o$ o"p)nies in the )!ri ultur)l ") hiner. )nd i"ple"ents se tor in Dr)1il )nd re) hed to the on lusion th)t Dr)1ili)n $ir"s )nd ")n)!ers in this se tor th)t h)-e supported ) tr)nsition tow)rds the )doption o$ le)n ")nu$) turin! pr) ti es h)-e shown ) si!ni$i )nt i"pro-e"ent in their business per$or")n e in ludin! the produ tion ost. 6oreo-er, this $indin! )!rees with H)ll!ren )nd +lh)!er (200A) who in-esti!)ted intern)l )nd e?tern)l $) tors th)t dri-e the hoi e o$ le)n )nd )!ile oper)tion )p)bilities )nd their i"p) t on oper)tion)l per$or")n e. /n this rese)r h, the i"p) t on @u)lit., deli-er., ost, )nd $le?ibilit. per$or")n e w)s )n)l.1ed usin! e@u)tions "odelin! $or ) tot)l o$ 211 pl)nts $ro" 3 industries )nd G ountries. /n this rese)r h, the rese)r her h)s re) hed to the on lusion th)t le)n ")nu$) turin! h)s ) si!ni$i )nt i"p) t on ost per$or")n e. Also, this result )!rees with :1)b3e (200G) who identi$ied the o""on )nd indi-idu)l pit$)lls )nd di$$i ulties durin! le)n i"ple"ent)tion $or two le)n le)der o"p)nies $ro" ,* )nd )nother two le)n le)der o"p)nies $ro" 0er")n., where person)l inter-iews -with the s)"e @uestions- o$ hi!h le-el ")n)!e"ent were the ")in sour e o$ in$or")tion. 8he rese)r her $ound th)t )ll pl)nts be )"e "ore e$$i ient )nd hen e "ore ost e$$e ti-e )nd pro$i8)ble (b. i"ple"entin! le)n ")nu$) turin! te hni@ues. 8his result is onsistent with 6 0r)th (200G) who deter"ined the e?tent to whi h the ")in prin iples o$ le)n ")nu$) turin! h)-e been )nd/or still bein! )rried out on two "edi )l de-i e o"p)nies b)sed in the *outh o$ /rel)nd. /nter-iews were )rried out there, )nd the respondents were hosen $or their e?perien e )nd e?pertise in le)n ")nu$) turin! )nd produ tion )re)s, )nd the rese)r her re) hed to the on lusion th)t both o"p)nies h)-e ")de so"e !re)t i"pro-e"ents in ter"s o$ the -)lue stre)"s o$ their respe ti-e pl)nts )nd )lso in the redu tion o$ w)stes. Also, 8his result is supported with >)w)bdeh (200B) who in-esti!)ted the w)ste in ) #ob shop en-iron"ent )nd proposes )n )ssess"ent "ethod )i"ed )t helpin! o"p)nies to identi$. root )uses o$ w)ste, )nd the rese)r her h)s de-eloped ) "odel th)t ser-es )s ) !uideline $or si"pli$.in! the

se)r h o$ w)stes proble"s )nd identi$ies opportunities $or w)ste eli"in)tion to i"pro-e the #ob shop per$or")n e. 6oreo-er, this $indin! )!rees with 5oh, et.)l. (200%) who re-e?)"ined i$ le)n produ tion ")nu$) turin! pr) ti es inter) t with the o"pens)tion s.ste" )nd in$or")tion s.ste" to redu e produ tion osts, )nd re) hed to the onlusion th)t lower produ tion osts )n be ) hie-ed when le)n produ tion ")nu$) turin! pr) ti es, su h )s, 8I6 )nd E/8, )re used. Also, this result is onsistent with J)")shit) (200%) who deter"ined how the onsult)nt o$ (*A6A) is i"ple"entin! the le)n ")nu$) turin! pro ess b)sed on the o"p)n. )nd $o used on beh)-iors th)t or!)ni1)tions "ust e?hibit to orre tl. i"ple"ent )nd sust)in le)n ")nu$) turin! pr) ti es in 6inne)polis )re). 8he rese)r her $ound th)t hi!her @u)lit. produ ts with less re ourses )nd )pit)l )re ) hie-ed b. i"ple"entin! le)n ")nu$) turin! whi h )lso le)ds to redu tions in s r)p, rewor3, returns, )nd w)ste. Also, this result is onsistent with Abdull)h (2003) who in-esti!)ted how le)n ")nu$) turin! tools )n be )d)pted $ro" the dis rete to the ontinuous ")nu$) turin! en-iron"ent on ) l)r!e steel ")nu$) turin! o"p)n.. 8his rese)r h on luded th)t $or the steel o"p)nies ()s with others), the dri-in! $or e behind i"ple"entin! le)n w)s ost redu tion. *o, it is so le)r now th)t le)n ")nu$) turin!, whi h is ) s.ste")ti )ppro) h to identi$. )nd eli"in)te w)ste (non--)lue )dded ) ti-ities) throu!h ontinuous i"pro-e"ent b. $ollowin! the produ t )t the pull o$ the usto"er in pursuit o$ per$e tion, results in ) si!ni$i )nt ost. /n the 0)1) *trip, the rese)r her thin3s th)t $ollowin! the "entioned tools )nd te hni@ues in h)pter2 would )lso le)d to hi!h i"pro-e"ents in le)d ti"e, produ ti-it., wor3-in-pro ess in-entor., @u)lit., sp) e utili1)tion, pro essin! errors, st)$$in! de")nds, opportunities $or new ")r3etin! )"p)i!ns, s r)p, ross-tr)ined e"plo.ees, sel$-dire ted wor3 te)"s, $)st ")r3et response, lon!er ") hine li$e, usto"er o""uni )tion, $le?ibilit. in re) tin! to h)n!es, )nd str)te!i ")n)!e"ent $o us.

/ntern)tion)l Eourn)l o$ ( ono"i s, <in)n e )nd 6)n)!e"ent * ien es 2013, 1(2) : 68-80


=ield +-er-produ tion /n-entor. +-er-pro essin! 6otion 7)itin! &e$e ts 8r)nsport)tion

Mean %.0A 3.A8 %.02 %.1B %.11 %.18 %.10

/ro ortional mean Test #alue ;?< 81.GA GA.BG 80.33 83.01 82.10 83.B6 81.A% 81.32 8.A6 8.30 8.%% A.02 8.86 8.AG 8.B0 A.08

/-#alue ;Si3.< 0.000S 0.000S 0.000S 0.000S 0.000S 0.000S 0.000S 0.000S


:1)rne 3i, H. )nd 9o.d, 2.,( 200%). *i"ul)tion o$ 9e)n Asse"bl. 9ine $or Hi!h =olu"e 6)nu$) turin!, >ese)r h P)per Published b. ,ni-ersit. o$ Al)b)") in Hunts-ille. &ennis P. Hobbs, (200%). 9e)n 6)nu$) turin! /"ple"ent)tion: A o"plete e?e ution ")nu)l $or )n. si1e ")nu$) turer, Published b. E. >oss. &i"ple 5h)tri, P)rdeep &hull, >)#ender 5u")r, )nd =inod &hull, (2011). >edu e the 7or3 in Pro!ress b. ,sin! =)lue *tre)" 6)ppin!, >ese)r h P)per Published b. /ntern)tion)l Eourn)l o$ 6e h)ni )l (n!ineerin! Appli )tions >ese)r h, =ol.2. <orrester, P., *hi"i1u, ,., 6eier, H., >, E., )nd D)sso, 9., (2010). 9e)n Produ tion, 6)r3et *h)re, )nd =)lue :re)tion in the A!ri ultur)l 6) hiner. *e tor in Dr)1il, >ese)r h P)per Published b. Eourn)l o$ 6)nu$) turin! 8e hnolo!. 6)n)!e"ent, =ol.21, 2o.G, pp.8B3-8G1. Hi)n :h.e 5oh, 5hi" 9in! *i", )nd 9)rr. 2. 5illou!h (200%). 8he /nter) tion ($$e ts o$ 9e)n Produ tion 6)nu$) urin! Pr) ti es, :o"pens)tion, )nd /n$or")tion *.ste"s on Produ tion :osts, >ese)r h P)per Published b. Eourn)l o$ Ad-)n es in 6)n)!e"ent A ountin!, =ol.12, pp.11B-13B.



All p)r)!r)phs o$ the %.0G @uestionn)ire


8)ble (12; 6e)ns o$ )ll p)r)!r)phs o$ the @uestionn)ire As ) result o$ this rese)r h, the role o$ le)n ")nu$) turin! in de-elopin! the ")nu$) turin! business w)s e"ph)si1ed, )nd e-iden e w)s pro-ided to support the on eptu)l "odel to lin3 between w)stes eli"in)tion )nd redu in! produ tion.
Table 13. sho4s# .he /anEing of the Aastes :ffected ! the Other Aastes. The /rimarySource 7>6 (nd 1st 7ast 7aste e /n-en- 7)ittor. in! -rd 7ast e &e$e ts )th &th 7aste 7aste 2th 7aste 5th 7aste


6o- +-er-produ t 8r)nsport)- Pro essi tion ion tion n!

T10U /br)hi" >)w)bdeh, (200B). A 6odel $or the )ssess"ent o$ 7)ste in Eob *hop (n-iron"ents, >ese)r h P)per Published b. /ntern)tion)l Eourn)l o$ +per)tions )nd Produ tion 6)n)!e"ent, =ol.2B, 2o.8, pp.800-822.. T11U Eor!e 9eon, (1AAA). 8o.ot) Produ tion *.ste" )nd 9e)n 6)nu$) turin!, Published b. 8e?)s AV6 ,ni-ersit.. T12U 6)r. Poppendie 3, (2002). Prin iples o$ 9e)n 8hin3in!, Published b. Poppendie 3.99:. T13U 6)tti)s H)ll!ren )nd E)n +lh)!er, (200A). 9e)n )nd A!ile 6)nu$) turin!: (?tern)l )nd /ntern)l &ri-ers )nd Per$or")n e +ut o"es, >ese)r h P)per Published b. /ntern)tion)l Eourn)l o$ +per)tions )nd Produ tion 6)n)!e"ent, =ol.2A, 2o.10, pp.AG6-AAA. T1%U 6oh)""ed Al&)bb)!h )nd *)$w)n H)ss)n, (2008). 8he >e@uire"ents o$ /"ple"entin! 9e)n 6)nu$) turin! $or the /r)@i /ndustries, Published b. ,ni-ersit. o$ 6osul. T1BU 2i)ll Pier . )nd 2i 3 >i h, (2008). Hi!h Iu)lit. )nd 9ow :ost: 8he 9e)n *er-i e :entre, >ese)r h P)per Published b. (urope)n Eourn)l o$ 6)r3etin!, =ol.%3, 2o.11/12, pp.1%GG-1%AG. T16U +s)") 2o$)l, (2001). 8he P)lestini)n /ndustri)l *e tor: An)l.sis o$ the /ndustri)l /ndi )tions ($ro" 1AA% to 2000), Eourn)l o$ the P)lestini)n Pl)nnin!, 8he 1st /ssue. T1GU P)lestini)n :entr)l Dure)u o$ *t)tisti s, (2008). Popul)tion, Housin! )nd (st)blish"ent :ensus (200G), 8he ( ono"i (st)blish"ents, 8he <in)l >esults, >)")ll)h-P)lestine. T18U Peter Hines )nd 2i 3 >i h, (1AAG). 8he *e-en =)lue *tre)" 6)ppin! 8ools, Published b. /ntern)tion)l Eourn)l o$ +per)tions )nd Produ tion 6)n)!e"ent. T1AU *in!h, >., (1AAA). 9e)n 6)nu$) turin!: :h)n!in! P)r)di!"s in Produ t 6)nu$) turin!, the third /ntern)tion)l :on$eren e on Iu)lit. 6)n)!e"ent, &elhi, /ndi). T20U Andre)s Der! )nd <redri3 +hlsson, (200B). 9e)n 6)nu$) turin! )t =ol-o 8ru 3 Produ tion, 6)ster 8hesis, 9ule) ,ni-ersit. o$ 8e hnolo!..

1. /t is hoped th)t this rese)r h will pro-ide the ")nu$) turin! ")n)!ers within the sui8)ble (tools )nd te hni@ues o$ eli"in)tin! w)stes, su h )s, B*Qs s.ste", =*6, 8P6, )nd E/8. Also, it is so ne ess)r. $or the" to i"ple"ent these te hni@ues whi h le)d to hu!e i"pro-e"ent in their produ tion. 2. 6)n)!ers should tr)in )ll o$ their e"plo.ees in )ll o$ the ")n)!eri)l le-els )bout )! le)n ")nu$) turin! tools )nd te hni@ues. 3. All o$ the w)stes in the ")nu$) turin! $ir" h)-e to be studied )nd )n)l.1ed sep)r)tel. to be )ble to )ppl. le)n ")nu$) turin! tools )nd te hni@ues to redu e the produ tion ost. %. 8he ")nu$) turin! $ir"s should de-elop their !ener)l pl)ns )nd s hedules ) ordin! to the n)ture o$ their produ tion to be )ble to redu e produ tion osts. B. 8he produ tion ost ")n)!e"ent "ust be in luded into the t)s3s o$ ) dep)rt"ent in the ")nu$) turin! $ir". *o"eti"es, it is needed to be ) spe i)l dep)rt"ent.

T1U T2U T3U T%U Ee$$re. 5. 9i3er, (200%). 8he 8o.ot) 7)., Published b. 8)t) 6 0r)w-Hill, /*D2 0-0G-13A231-A. 6e.ers, <., )nd *tew)rt, E., (2002). 6otion )nd ti"e stud. $or le)n ")nu$) turin!, 3rd (dition. 8he P)lestini)n :entr)l Dure)u o$ *t)tisti s, (2010). 8he Annu)l *t)tisti s o$ P)lestine, 11th (dition. :)pit)l, 6., (200%). /ntrodu tion to 9e)n 6)nu$) turin! $or =ietn)", Published Arti le b. 6e3on! :)pit)l 9td.


5h)lil A. (l-2)"rout. et al.: *e-en w)stes eli"in)tion t)r!eted b. le)n ")nu$) turin! )se stud. ;!)1) strip ")nu$) turin! $ir"s'' T28U Philip *tephen, (200%). Appli )tion o$ &6A/: to inte!r)te 9e)n 6)nu$) turin! )nd *i? *i!"), 6)ster thesis, 8he =ir!ini) Pol.te hni /nstitute )nd *t)te ,ni-ersit.. T2AU >)")d)ne 6. (l-5ourd, (200A). A *tud. o$ 9e)n :onstru tion in 0)1) *trip, 6)ster thesis, 8he /sl)"i ,ni-ersit. o$ 0)1). T30U 7illi)" 6 0r)th, (200G). /"p) t An)l.sis o$ 9)r!e * )le 9e)n 6)nu$) turin! /niti)ti-es ,pon 6)nu$) turin! Pro ess /nno-)tion /n /rish :o"p)nies, 6)ster thesis, 7)ter$ord /nstitute o$ 8e hnolo!.. T31U :ontiuous /"pro-e"ent Pro$ession)ls, (2006). L9e)n 6)nu$) turin! / 9e)n Produ tionL. http://www.d.n)"i le-le)n")nu$) turin!.ht "l. T32U /br)hi", 6., (2011). L9e)n Produ tion =s. 8r)dition)l Produ tionL. T33U http://www.s ribd. o"/do /%A200AB0/le)n--s-tr)dition)l-)ss i!n"ent. T3%U 6in!!u, (200A). LA Drie$ Histor. o$ 9e)n 6)nu$) turin!L. T3BU http://) ube3)s.blo!spot. o"/200AN02N01N)r"l.

T21U Abdull)h, <., (2003). 9e)n 6)nu$) turin! 8ools )nd 8e hni@ues in the Pro ess industr. with ) $o us on *teel, Ph& thesis, ,ni-ersit. o$ Pittsbur!h. T22U Eo hen :1)b3e, (200G). 9e)n 8hin3in! in the *e ond)r. 7ood Produ ts /ndustr.: :h)llen!es )nd Dene$its, 6)ster 8hesis, +re!on *t)te ,ni-ersit.. T23U 5)1uhiro J)")shit), (200%). /"ple"ent)tion o$ 9e)n 6)nu$) turin! Pro ess to PJW :o"p)n. in 6inne)polis Are), 6)ster 8hesis, ,ni-ersit. o$ 7is onsin-*tout. T2%U 9).l) D)dr)n, (2010). 8he 9e)n 6)nu$) turin! Philosoph. $or the 6)nu$) turin! )nd *er-i e +r!)ni1)tions, 6)ster thesis, &)")s us ,ni-ersit.. T2BU 6. (n)!h)ni, 6. Ar)shpour, )nd 6. 5)ri"i., (200A). 8he >el)tionship between 9e)n )nd 8P6, 6)ster 8hesis, ,ni-ersit. o$ Dor)s. T26U 6out)se" *)leh, (2011). 8he >ole o$ 8hin3in! :)pit)l in the Possibilit. o$ (st)blishin! 9e)n 6)nu$) turin! <ound)tions, 6)ster 8hesis, ,ni-ersit. o$ 6osul. T2GU 2)-een >)thi, (200A). A <r)"ewor3 $or the /"ple"ent)tion o$ 9e)n 8e hni@ues in Pro ess /ndustries, 6)ster thesis, 8e?)s 8e h ,ni-ersit..

Means and .est ;alues for FO>erproductionG. No =ield 1 2 3 % B 6 G 8 Mean /ro ortional Test /-#alue .anA mean ;?< #alue ;Si3.< 8B.11 80.21 83.%0 81.68 82.A8 G8.%A GA.G8 81.GA 8.6A 0.000S 1 G.3% 0.000S B 8.21 0.000S 2 8.18 0.000S % 8.62 0.000S 3 G.62 0.000S G G.2A 0.000S 6 8.A6 0.000S

6ini"i1in! o-erprodu tion in .our o"p)n. le)ds to pre-entin! ) u"ul)tion o$ units within the store. %.26 6ini"i1in! o-erprodu tion in .our o"p)n. le)ds to redu in! de$e ts in .our produ ts. %.01

6ini"i1in! o-erprodu tion in .our o"p)n. )llows "ore sp) e within the wor3 th)t )n be e?ploited %.1G 6ini"i1in! o-erprodu tion in .our o"p)n. redu es the st)$$ )nd ") hines w)itin! in the other units. %.08 6ini"i1in! o-erprodu tion in .our o"p)n. le)ds to better e?ploitin! o$ the )-)il)ble hu")n )nd %.1B ")teri)l resour es. D. the n)ture o$ .our wor3, "ini"i1in! o-erprodu tion in .our o"p)n. redu es tr)nsport o$ ")teri)ls 3.A2 between wor3 st)tions )nd ") hines. A ordin! to .our e?perien e, "ini"i1in! o-erprodu tion in .our o"p)n. redu es the need $or 3.AA re-")nu$) turin! o$ the produ t. All p)r)!r)phs o$ the $ield L +-erprodu tionL %.0A H .he mean is significantl! different from 5. Means and .est ;alues for FIn>entor!G.

No =ield 1 2 3 % B 6 G 8


/ro ortional Test /-#alue .anA mean;?< #alue ;Si3.< 80.00 G8.30 82.3% G8.B1 80.%3 G8.30 GA.1% GA.BG G.G2 0.000S 3 G.2A 0.000S 6 G.81 0.000S 1 G.0% 0.000S B G.16 0.000S 2 6.GB 0.000S 6 G.0G 0.000S % 8.30 0.000S

(? ess in-entor. "ini"i1)tion b)l)n es the $low o$ ")teri)ls throu!h the st)!es o$ produ tion so )s to %.00 ensure there is no idle )p) it.. 7hen .ou "ini"i1e the e? ess in-entor. throu!h wor3in!, .our produ tion de$e ti-e units )re less. 3.A1 Poli . o$ "ini"i1in! the e? ess in-entor. le)ds to lower $ollowin!-up )nd onditionin! osts o$ pro%.12 du tion units. 7hen .ou "ini"i1e the e? ess in-entor. throu!h wor3in!, .ou )re better e?ploitin! )re)s o$ the 3.A3 wor3pl) e. (? ess in-entor. "ini"i1)tion redu es the nu"ber o$ wor3ers needed in .our produ tion. %.02 D. the n)ture o$ .our wor3, e? ess in-entor. "ini"i1)tion redu es the ")teri)ls tr)nsport between 3.A1 wor3 st)tions )nd ") hines A ordin! to .our e?perien e in .our wor3, e? ess in-entor. "ini"i1)tion redu es the 3.A6 re-")nu$) turin! o$ the produ t. All p)r)!r)phs o$ the $ield 3.A8 L /n-entor.L H .he mean is significantl! different from 5. Means and .est ;alues for FO>er0processingG.

/ntern)tion)l Eourn)l o$ ( ono"i s, <in)n e )nd 6)n)!e"ent * ien es 2013, 1(2) : 68-80


No =ield 1 2 3 % B 6 G +-er-pro essin! "ini"i1)tion le)ds to ) better use o$ ti"e )nd e$$orts.

Mean %.03

/ro ortional Test /-#alue .anA mean;?< #alue ;Si3.< 80.6% 80.8B 80.21 82.AB 83.6% 80.%2 GA.1B 80.33 G.68 0.000S % G.A% 0.000S 3 G.A% 0.000S 6 G.GB 0.000S 2 G.8% 0.000S 1 G.BA 0.000S B G.B0 0.000S G 8.%% 0.000S

+-er-pro essin! "ini"i1)tion helps in redu in! the "o-e"ent b)rriers o$ people )nd ")teri)ls durin! %.0% the wor3. +-er-pro essin! "ini"i1)tion b)l)n es the $low o$ ")teri)ls throu!h the st)!es o$ produ tion so )s to %.01 ensure there is no idle )p) it.. +-er-pro essin! "ini"i1)tion in .our o"p)n. )n redu e the wor3ers useless "o-e"ents. +-er-pro essin! "ini"i1)tion redu es the ")teri)ls used in .our produ t line. %.1B %.18

D. the n)ture o$ .our wor3, o-er-pro essin! "ini"i1)tion redu es the ")teri)ls tr)nsport between %.02 wor3 st)tions )nd ") hines. A ordin! to .our e?perien e in .our wor3, o-er-pro essin! "ini"i1)tion redu es the wor3ers stress. 3.A6 All p)r)!r)phs o$ the $ield L +-er-pro essin!L H .he mean is significantl! different from 5. Means and .est ;alues for FMotionG. %.02

No =ield 123%B6G7or3ers "otion "ini"i1)tion $) ilit)tes the t)s3 o$ ")n)!e"ent in ontrollin! the wor3.

Mean %.13

/ro ortional mean;?< 82.B3 83.26 83.66 8%.83 8%.%A 81.BG 82.2G 83.01

Test /-#alue .anA #alue ;Si3.< 8.0A 0.000S B 8.G3 0.000S % 8.%6 0.000S 3 8.BB 0.000S 1 8.33 0.000S 2 8.0% 0.000S G G.GB 0.000S 6 A.02 0.000S

7or3ers "otion "ini"i1)tion in .our o"p)n. redu es the w)itin! ") hines )nd le)ds to !re)ter %.16 e?ploit)tion o$ the potenti)l. 7or3ers "otion "ini"i1)tion redu es the in#uries )t wor3. 7or3ers "otion "ini"i1)tion in .our o"p)n. redu es the ener!. w)sted. 7or3ers "otion "ini"i1)tion le)ds to better e?ploitin! o$ the )re)s. %.18 %.2% %.22

D. the n)ture o$ .our wor3, wor3ers "otion "ini"i1)tion redu es the produ tion o$ de$e ti-e units. %.08 A ordin! to .our e?perien e in .our wor3, wor3ers "otion "ini"i1)tion redu es the %.11 re-")nu$) turin! o$ the produ t. All p)r)!r)phs o$ the $ield L 6otionL H .he mean is significantl! different from 5. Means and .est ;alues for FAaitingG. %.1B

No =ield 123%B6G-


/ro ortional Test mean;?< #alue 83.23 81.A1 81.2A 82.GG 83.62 81.B1 80.6% 82.10 8.2% 8.03 8.3% 8.6G 8.60 8.06 G.81 8.86

/-#alue .anA ;Si3.< 0.000S 2 0.000S % 0.000S 6 0.000S 3 0.000S 1 0.000S B 0.000S G 0.000S

7or3ers )nd ") hines w)itin! "ini"i1)tion help in !re)ter e?ploit)tion o$ the potenti)l o$ wor3in!.%.16 7or3ers )nd ") hines w)itin! "ini"i1)tion durin! .our produ tion redu e the wor3 in#ur.. %.10

7or3ers )nd ") hines w)itin! "ini"i1)tion i"pro-e the s3ills o$ o""uni )tion between dep)rt%.06 "ents, )nd thus redu e errors durin! the produ tion pro ess. 7or3ers )nd ") hines w)itin! "ini"i1)tion $) ilit)te the t)s3 o$ ")n)!e"ent in the ontrol o$ hu%.1% ")n resour es. 7or3ers )nd ") hines w)itin! "ini"i1)tion $) ilit)te the "onitorin! o$ produ t @u)lit.. %.18 D. the n)ture o$ .our wor3, wor3ers )nd ") hines w)itin! "ini"i1)tion redu es the ")teri)ls %.08 tr)nsport between wor3 st)tions )nd ") hines. A ordin! to .our e?perien e, wor3ers )nd ") hines w)itin! "ini"i1)tion redu es the produ t %.03 re-")nu$) turin!. All p)r)!r)phs o$ the $ield L7)itin!L %.11 H .he mean is significantl! different from 5. Means and .est ;alues for FDefectsG.

No =ield 1-


/ro ortional Test /-#alue .anA mean;?< #alue ;Si3.< A1.%0 8B.8G 81.G% A.1G 0.000S 1 8.AB 0.000S 2 8.10 0.000S B

&e$e ts "ini"i1)tion le)ds to better reput)tion with usto"ers )nd in re)sin! the ")r3etin! o$ the %.BG produ t. &e$e ts "ini"i1)tion redu es the bottlene 3s th)t i"pede the "o-e"ent o$ wor3ers )nd ")teri)ls 2%.2A durin! the wor3. 3- &e$e ts "ini"i1)tion redu es re-")nu$) turin! the s)"e produ ts. %.0A


5h)lil A. (l-2)"rout. et al.: *e-en w)stes eli"in)tion t)r!eted b. le)n ")nu$) turin! )se stud. ;!)1) strip ")nu$) turin! $ir"s''

%- &e$e ts "ini"i1)tion redu es the e? ess "o-e"ent o$ wor3ers. B- &e$e ts "ini"i1)tion le)ds to the opti")l use ")teri)ls )nd hu")n resour es.

%.12 %.06

82.3% 81.1% 80.6B 82.1B 83.B6

8.22 0.000S 3 6.A8 0.000S 6 G.BA 0.000S G G.81 0.000S % 8.AG 0.000S

D. the n)ture o$ .our wor3, de$e ts "ini"i1)tion redu es the ")teri)ls tr)nsport between wor3 st)6%.03 tions )nd ") hines. A ordin! to .our e?perien e in .our wor3, de$e ts "ini"i1)tion redu es the re-")nu$) turin! o$ G%.11 the produ t. All p)r)!r)phs o$ the $iled L &e$e tsL H .he mean is significantl! different from 5. Means and .est ;alues for F.ransportationG. No =ield 123%B6GMean %.18

/ro ortional Test /-#alue mean .anA #alue ;Si3.< ;?< 83.1A GA.GA 80.6% 82.1B 83.%% 83.%0 82.11 81.A% 8.36 0.000S 3 G.13 0.000S G G.G8 0.000S 6 8.33 0.000S % 8.62 0.000S 1 8.21 0.000S 2 G.%% 0.000S B 8.B0 0.000S

6)teri)ls )nd produ ts tr)nsport)tion "ini"i1)tion redu es the ne ess)r. ener!., su h )s, nu"ber %.16 o$ wor3ers )nd ele tri it.. 6)teri)ls )nd produ ts tr)nsport)tion "ini"i1)tion redu es the bottlene 3s th)t i"pede the 3.AA "o-e"ent o$ people )nd ")teri)ls durin! the wor3. 6)teri)ls )nd produ ts tr)nsport)tion "ini"i1)tion in .our o"p)n. redu es the ris3 o$ d)")!ed %.03 units or de$e ts. 6)teri)ls )nd produ ts tr)nsport)tion "ini"i1)tion redu es the w)itin! wor3ers )nd ") hines. %.11 6)teri)ls )nd produ ts tr)nsport)tion "ini"i1)tion le)ds to better e?ploitin! o$ the )re)s. %.1G D. the n)ture o$ .our wor3, ")teri)ls )nd produ ts tr)nsport)tion "ini"i1)tion $) ilit)tes the %.1G ontrol o$ ")teri)ls )nd hu")n resour es. A ordin! to .our e?perien e in .our wor3, ")teri)ls )nd produ ts tr)nsport)tion "ini"i1)tion %.11 redu es the re-")nu$) turin! o$ the produ t. All p)r)!r)phs o$ the $iled L 8r)nsport)tionL %.10 H .he mean is significantl! different from 5.

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