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JAN 23

Entered in Pott Office at Denver, Colo. a

second clots matter under Act of March 8. J879.

Harold McFarland
BOX 963

Vol. VII




Number ,1:

New Year-New Opportunity

The New Year .symbolizes a new hope a clean sheet a fresh start. Isn't it satisfying to lay aside the wor ries of the past year knowing that what is behind is completed and twelve months of opportuiity lie ahead of us? God must have given us tlie New Year for just that purpose, for we often be
come "bogged down" in failure and

MlSSiOH SchOOlS CIOS8 flnOthef YeOr

discouraged in unsuccessful attempts. We need to start all over again! And now llie year of 195G is before usvoid of mistakes, full of promise, pulsating with expectancy. What will
it contain for us? For the Brazil Chri.s-

room for three months of summer vacation.

tian Mission? We can spend some re flective moments evaluating the work of the past year and then set down some resolutions and aims for the per iod ahead. This is the usual procedure and one which has become accepted be cause it has brought forth worthy

cola Biblica". Dressed

a smiling tropical sun

in (heir best and with

The first building of the Christian Institute of Goiania ready for classes to open February 27.

fir^t h,.

or cts

But have you ever opened a new year with the exciting Christian experience of laying the past to rest on its own
merits and committing the events of

overhead, both morning and afternoon d afternoon -sessions united for the last chapel of t chapel of the year and to receive report ;port cards, cards,

Special songs, poems and Bible verses were presented by each of the classes








the year ahead to the Lordoffering

yourself as a tool for whatever He

church windows for the occasion.

The Bible Institute closed its doors

on December 3rd with a final service

wills? It is more absorbing than fic tion to write with your own life the story of how God can use one year in the life of a man. It is an exciting ad venture to see just what God can do

1. For the uneasy political I situation situation a missions. 2. For the needed living-links to Ifs to cover cover
salary raises for the missionaries. sionaries 3. Support for the Mathis and Knowlnrt ^now/k'nr.u,/ no es families and opened doors doors for for their arrival in Brazil early early this this year, and for the Sanders 'ers return . 4. funds to complete our financial onciaf ob ooligation on the first building 7ng of the the
Christian Institute and funds nds to be be-rtnd gin construction of the second.
to the field.

in Brazil, and that the new leaders 2W leaders will be favorable to Evangelical vnno/.>/

with a frail vessel and it will surprise

you how the Lord can make useful

held in the church sanctuary. The Institute a capella choir presented a recital of religious numbers "ancTBrdtfrSr" Ewing gave the message; a cliallenge looking forward to the coming year.
After the service the Christian En-

your most unlikely abilities. Each day will unfold a beautiful part of the
Lord's plan, for He has so few vessels willing to be usedHe will not let

your life go idle a single hour!

As God can use each individual life,

so He can use the Brazil Christian Mis sion-a combination of individual lives working together for the cause of Christ in central Brazil. The mission

is made of its workers in Brazil and on

the home front as well those who

support it with prayers, offerings and

sacrificial labor. Its success or its fail ure rests upon the whole of those wiiom the .Lord has called to service through its channels.

5. Proper documents to allow entrance Ventrance of mission plane and station bn wagon
into Brazil.

deavor Society of the Vila Nova church sponsorcd a party in honor of the dejjarting students. A highlight of the final service for the Institute was the initiation of the attractive dark blue a cappella choir robes. Members of the choir purchased the robes from regular dues which they have been paying throughout the year. Mission schools offer classes from kindergarten through first year Tnsli(specialized preacher training). The Christian Day School, directed by missionary Ruth .Spurgeon, offers kindergarten through fourth year, the total of Brazilian elementary education. The

First, let us evaluate briefly the year behind us. We knew many heartbreaks,
we did not accomplish all that we had hoped to: we have not yet paid for the (Continued on Page 2, Col. 1)

6. Dedicated 6raz///on C/ir/stions dions who 1... ,j' will remain faithful in the Lord's rne Loras work and opened doors s for the

Institute will eventually offer five years elementary school, of buttraining this yearabove offered a special
course for older students who are not
capable of passing the entrance exara(Continued on Page ,% Col. 2)




V. Operaria Church Grows
What Must I Do To Be Saved?
The little church of Vila Operaria is

Brazil Christian Mission

Entered in Post Office at Denver, Colo, as second class mutter under Act of March S, 1879.

rapidly increasing its roll of cliarter

members. Five persons were bajjtized
into Christ on November 20, four of them to be Iiste<i among the first mem bers of the Vila Operaria cluirch. The other candidate was from the Vila
Nova congregation.

gave His only begotten Son, that who

soever believeth in Him should not per

"For God so loved the world, that He

ish, but have everlasting life."John

"Repent, and be baptized every one
the remission of sins, and yc shall re ceive the gift of the Holy Spirit."Acts

of you in the name of Jesus Christ for

1664 Poplar, Denver. Colorado

Published Monthly Subscription rate25c per year

Office of Publication

Two of the Vila Opei aria candidates were former Presbyterians, and with them was emersed their son, David.

slon. This enables the Mission to mail the bulletin at 1/12 the cost charged if it is not
sent as second class subscription. Send all contributions to:
Missionaries in Brazil:

Twenty-five cents of the reuular annual of fering shall be considered payment of one year's subscription to the Brazil Christian Mis.

"'Tf thou Shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in thine
heart that God hath raised Him from

the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with

the heart man believeth unto righteous

made unto salvation."Romans 10:9,


ness, and with the mouth confession is

"Know ye not, that so many of us as
wci'e baptized into Jesus Christ were

Wm. A. Cook. Box .786, Guymon, Oklahoma.

Caixa Postal 201. Goiania Goiaz. BrMil

J. Richard Ewing "1

Ruth M. Spurgeon

Carolee J. Ewing

i . ^1

baptized into His death? Therefore we

Op tur'oiieh: Lloyd David , and Ruth Sanders. c/o Harlic Snodgrass, 4016 Met
ropolitan, Kansas City, Kansas.

are buried with Him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up

Recruits: Kenneth and


Franklin Avc., Council Bluffs,

Clarice Mathis,


by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in the newness of
life."Romans 10:3, 4.

The other young man is from a strong

Edwin and Lula Knowles, 1420 No. ^-'12th, Grand Junction, Colorado.
Concerning contributions to:

spiritualist family and had to liide his Bible and hymn book in the house of a friend, slipping out secretly to attend gospel services. It was a truly wonder
ful witness when his si)iritualist moth er attended tlie bapti.smal service.

lation 2:10.

will give thee a crown of life."Reve-

"Be thou faithful unto death, and I


B. C. M. Annual Meeting

Wm. A. Cook. Box 386, Guymon, Oklahoma

Concerning B.C.M. Publication to:

Over 100 people attended the baptism

at a nearby stream, most of them com

Broadway Christian Church, Wich ita, Kunsa.s was host to the annual
meeting of the Board of Representa
tives of the Brazil Christian Mission on November 8 and 9. Six members of the

Mrs. Vicky Hanson, 1664 Poplar,

Denver 20, Colorado

Concerning Promotional Materials:

Dale McAfee, Straight Christian Church,

RFD it4

plete strangers to the Christian Church. Many of them were hearing their first gospel sermon. Brother Dick Rwing
officiated at the baptism and was as sisted by national worker Valdori Pena who read Scripture between the bap

Board, two missionaries, four recruits and four prospective recruits attended
Those representatives attending were: W. 0. French, Scoltsbluff, Nebraska;
the activities of the meeting.

Guymon. Oklahoma

If you are not sure to whom your correspondence

should be directed send it to Mr. Cook and he will be glad to forward it to the correct address.

New YearNew Opportunity

(Continued from Page 1)

Endeavor summer conference in Brazil.

first Institute building, the hundreds we had hoped would come to the Lord did not respond, some who started the race fell by the wayside. But it was

We have held four enthusiastic Daily Vacation Bible Schools and made sev eral evangelistic trips. Two new fa

Wm. A. Cook, Guymon, Oklahoma; Earl Heald, Grand Junction, Colorado; Floyd Strater, Enid, Oklahoma; Dale McAfee, Straight, Oklahoma and Ting Champie, Wichita, Kansas. Missionaries
L. David and Rutli Sanders attended the meeting along with recruits Ken neth and Clarice Mathis and Edwin and Lula Knowles. Prospective recruits Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Shields and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Haglebarger met with the missionaries and the board preliminary to submitting application for affiliation.
Blowers Elected to Board

milies have, in the past year, committed

themselves to the task here in Brazil. And that points to the future! The harvest hands should consider

also a year of victories. We rejoiced

to witness nearly 40 jiersons buried
with their Lord in Christian baptism.

(.\t this writing, Dec. 8, there have been 37 baptisms during the year with
at least 3 more expected this month and news has not yet reached us con

ably increase in 195G with the Sanders family due to return from furlough and two new missionary families
scheduled to arrive on the field in the

coining year. The Bible Institute is

scheduled to open its doors in the new

cerning baptisms at Porangatu.) We have seen a new congregation take shape in Vila Operaria, one organized maintained a preaching point and one greatly strengthened at Colonia Agricnla where regular twice monthly ser vices arc now held by a -missionary. We have felt the pride of seeing two buildings go up: the Vila Operaria at Silvania where we had previously

building and the second building on the campus .should be well under way, if not completed, by Die end of 1950.
Another chapel is .scheduled to be con structed within tlie year, somewhere in the field. The Vila Operaria congrega tion will begin a roll of charter mem bers and formal organization in Janu

Russell Blowers of Indianapolis, In diana was elected to the Board of Rep resentatives after being nominated by the missionaries. He will serve a three
the meeting. Meeting in May

year term beginning with the date of

The next meeting of the Board of

ary. It is hoped that several new preaching points will be established

during the year.

Representatives has been called for May 12, 1950 at Wichita, Kansas. The
host church has not yet been determ

chapel and the first building of the

Christian Institute of Goiania. We have

These are the tentative plans but

what wonders will the Lord be able to


given a year's education to 74 students and liave made approximately 22,394 j contacts for the gospel. vSome 1000 pcr' sons have received medical treatment

Mission? Perhaiis the Lord lias in mind

perform through the Brazil Christian

a cloud of witnesses, lay aside ev

from missionary nurse, Ruth Spurgeon, and four regular Sunday Schools have
been maintained. We have translated,

a far more extensive program than we liave even dreamed! Will you join us

printed and distributed many tracts on the gospel and have begun work on translating a book. We have renewed
the women's work at Vila Nova and conducted the first official Christian

- so easily beset us, and let us run . with patience- the race that is set in offering ourselves a vessel for Hi.s / before us, looking linto Je.sus the author and perfccter of our faitli. use? Will you face the new year giving of yourself completely that through us, who for the:joy that was set before Him endured The cross, despising the Lord may make 1956 a year of shame, and hath set down at the spiritual victories? right hand of the throne of God." "Therefore let us also, seeing we Hebrew 12:1-2 are compassed about with so great

ery weight, and .the sin which doth

Attendance Record Smashed
The former attenclance record of




Christmas Drama Breaks Record

The largest attendance for any evan gelical service in the history of the ancient and strongly Roman Catholic
center of Silvania was realized Decem ber 19 when the Goiania Christians

sliglitly more than 100 was smaslicd into tiny bits Sunday, November 28, when tlio Vila Nova Sunday School, li!" ' built to aceommos

Ewing spoke a few words in behalf of the gospel work being done by the Sil
vania Church of Christ and distributed






K .,.9

' well over 350 peo-

overflowing w i t h



presented the drama, "The Meaning of


More than 150 persons crowded the

municipal building where the large corri<lor served for an auditorium. Courte

over 50 gosiiels of Matthew. The Scrip ture portions seemed to be well re ceived and only two were found torn into shreds the following day, a testi mony of tlie "padres" firm hold upon
the receivers. It is felt that the drama

? J
. Sr. Claudimiro

' pie! The official - count taken in the

classes revealed 304, {jiti jiot begin to accommodate the mill

ous cooperation was obtained from^

the town mayor who declared. "Sil vania must have" as he of fered the use of the municipal building. At his suggestion no advance publicity was given the drama in order that the local priests would not have oonortunity to launr'h a countcr-nropaganda program. The afternoon of the presen tation the cast of ten youth walked through the streets of town singing carols and- announcing the time andidace of the drama.
At rurtnin time the fact limiting the

was another important step in bringing the light of gospel to this spiritually
deprived community.

The cast of gospel players, accom

panied by their .sponsors Mr. and Mrs.

ing crowd from outside who were try ing to make their way in to participate
in the lesson.
for this reason.

It was estimated that

Dick Ewing and Miss Ruth Spurgeon, went in a body to Silvania via of train, whicli, for interior Brazil, is a inex(Contiiiuecl on Page 4, Col. 2)

well ovei' 50 persons were not counted The phenomonal attendance was the
result of a contest to see who could in

Additional Funds Needed The Sanders- family,.- -no\\L_on.,

vite the most guests for the month of November. The winner. Sr. Claudi miro, had a total of 14(3 invited guests

lough, arc .seeking the extra ?100.00 per

montli living-link needed to cover this

present for the month. None of these

guests were counted twice during the

size of the audience

the Inck of

month. The second place winner, Sun day School teacher Carmelinda Carvalho had 90 invited guests present for
the month.

fach'tios to accommodate a larger asseniblv. Tho n-\v and extremrtlv =matl






The secret of success for Sr. Claudi

miro was his extraordinary ability to organize and contact new persons. The guests that came on the Sunday were revisited during the week and told that they could no longer count as guests but were asked if they would mind calling on a list of persons to ac company them to Sunday Scliool the next Sunday morning. He then gave them a list .of persons he had visited and obtained i)roniise.s for attendance on the next Sunday. Each Sunday his list grew, and with his plan of telling eacli family that he was sending a friend to go with them, they could neither refuse nor forget! His method certainly proved effective 1 We challenge YOU to surpass this
record of Sr. Claudimiro!

Christ of Silvania nurchased 24 chairs and furniched several trenches, but these onlv seated a small portion of
the spectators. A much Inraer number crnwdetl into tlie hack of the half and the aisles to u'atch the colorful On the field are Ruth Spurgeon, in need of an additional $25.00 per month, and the Ewing family, now SIOO.OO per montli short of the new al lotment. We ask your consideration particularly of those on' the field who are unable to campaign personally for
pledge.s to cover the raise. If the full salary amount is taken from funds now pledged, it will not leave Die mission
aries with service-link funds on which

mas imescntation.

'Che eifv was Avithoiit eleetrioity the

niffht of the drama and .so lights were

furnkshed by one lantern, one aladdin

lamp and a number of small oil burners

to oijerate the mission program. Your immediate attention to this matter is earne.stly sought.

(the type used in B'ble times). The stage was a temporary platform built
over the steps leading into a second portion of the building. But in suite of the handicaps, it was a lovely presen

making a much belter showing during the coming year.. We ask'your prayers first that the facilities may-be made available to those earnestly seeking to train for Ihe nunistry .and secondly,

tation to an appreciate audience.

At the close of the drama Brother

Mission Schools To Close

(Continued from Page 1)

Sanders Plan On February

The Sanders family recently stated they are still planning on returning to the field in late February and have faith that the necessary fund.s will be on hand by their departure date. Mr. Sanders is now visiting the churches
in the U. S. in behalf of the Brazil work

illation, a course-called "exam" which

is preparatory to taking the examina

tion (a review of the elementary

grades) and the year in the In stitute course. Next year second year
will be offered in addition to the "nre-

and their personal funds for the return trip and |)ledges for their support for
their third term.

exam", "exam" and first year. Miss Snurgeon and Mr. Ewing co-directed
the school.

Kansas City, (Ruth's parents) has been their headquarters, but the family spent Christmas in Iowa with Lloyd David's family. .After Christmas they began immediately on final prepara tions for their departure, though Mr. Sanders is accepting speaking engage
ments until the final week of their furlouglu

Escola Biblica began with 100 chil dren at the opening of the school year

but only 53 completed tlie course in

November. The Institute opened in
March with 30 students and 14 complet

ed the year. The mission schools a much more rigid course with a ing grade of 70 as compared to a ing grade of from 40 to 50 in most

have pass pass state

and private schools. Of the 53 grade

school students only 18 received pass ing grades and of the 14 Institute stu dents, only 1 finished the year with satisfactory grades in all subjects, though several made good records with the exception of one or two classes. It is felt tliat studying at night has been a great handicap to tiie rnstilute students and we hope to find pupils

Ruth reports the new son, Daryl 3ruce, doing nicely. She describes him as "\y.onderfur' and "such a good baby!" Starla thinks her little brother is pretty nice too and loves to help mama care for him. Big brother Amancio (their adojited Brazilian son) can hardly wait for him to get big enough to go fishing with him!



models ajed completely by



new Institute choir






ployed on the teaching staff of the Day

School and three on the staff of the Institute. Three missionaries also

.served on the teaching staff of the In




(Continued from Page 3)

November Contributions

Activity Progress Report

Attendance Averages;

pensive but rather disagreeable means

sn nn 60.00
. b.n

Sept. Oct. Nov.

- :Ben Davis Christian Church. Indianapolis. Ind.

^First Christian Church, McKces Rock. Pa... liadics Aid Christian Church,

Womans Miss. Soceity FCC. Canton, Ohio..? 60.00 Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Clover. Mutual. Okla... 6.00

of travel. The old fashioned trains with their woodburning engines spit live coals, soot and ashes into the cars, are more often extremely late than on

Vila Nova (congregation of 55

active members)
S. S

.. 74
.. 5!) .. 22 . 14 .. 7 60 .. 25

Eve. Preaching
Sr. C. E.

, Rushville. Missouri ix-Sx BethanyChristian Church, Anderson, Ind..... 60.00 Ines E. Ward, lola, Kansas Mrs; Frank Shuck, Mooreland. Okla; ..... 6.00
H. T. B'owh' Odessa, Texas
Kansas City. Kansas Kansas City. Kansas

time and do not provide the modern comfort usually associated with travel

Jr. G. E Women's

by rail. But the lively group of youth brightened the voyage with songs and games that entertained the other pass engers as well. Silvania Christians fur
mission at the local inn.

Meeting Prayer Meeting

Open Air services in market

Four day revival

71 66 16 14 12 49 26

Emerson Park Christian Church.


considered the trip a rare treat and

131 64 19 16 10 41 30 99

Botofogo (Preaching Point)

S. S


(KumJoin. Us) , Emerison Park Christian Church.

Special service

Emerson Park Christian Church, Kansas City, Kansas

. (Loy Chi Wok)

nights' lodging was provided by the


nished the group with meals and the

Drama Presented Four Times

28 30 60 60 16 .12 90

Vila Operaria (New congregation)

S. S -

Prayer service

Ladi^'Ai'dEalem Church.-Richmond, Ky._.. 17.56 W. G. Flint,. Norfolk. ,Neb. 10.00

EWINGS W. E. May. Chanute. Kansas Doyle Sovems, Anderaon, Ind.

Tues. preaching Combined Baptismal services

Silvania (congregation of 5
active members)

, 81 ... 10 ... 14 80

34 18 16 50

Silvania was the second presentation


r n

Pleasant Vale S; S.. Enid, Okla. West Side Christian Ch.. Denver, Colo Lenita Steward, Oklahoma City, Okla

Mrs. M; M. Doney. Hiawatha, Kan^

N. 0. Gardner. Wheatland. Wyo. ............ 6.00 Mr; and-Mrs. Larry Watt, LaCyBne. Kan 6^00 Fairmount Christian Church, iKnon
Nellie J. Ambler. Denver. Colo.

Wiwnari. Council Christian Ch^eh,__ Creek, Okla.

16.60 ... 25.00 2.00 6.00

played to a full house in the Protestant chapel of the Leper Colpny outside
in Vila Nova. This is the fifth consecu

of the drama by the Vila Nova youth this year. Sunday, December 18th it Goiania. December 24th it was sched uled to go to the chapel in Vila Operaria and December 25th to the church
sented. Many of the characters were

S. S. (twice monthly) Sat. preaching

... 26 16

26 15

28 16

Colonia Agricnla (Preaching point) ... 26 S. S. (twice monthly) Thurs. preaching ... ... Fri. preaching

Total contacts through services-.1388

... SchoolsPrimary (2) Preacher training (1)... . . .

1367 2

28 20 2398 8

14 72

Khnsas City. M^ouri


tive year that the drama has been pre

Central Christian Ch.. New Castle, Penn... 36.00 Alice May Vawter. Englerwood.Uolo. .......... lO.oo Mr. and Mrs. S. Fisher. Peru, Kansas ........ 10.00
Christian Church, Laughlintown, Penn
Christian Church. Robinson, Kansas. Chester Powers, Kansas City, Mo. Willard Crouch, Denver, Colo


Total students



played by those who performed the same parts in previous years. The role
girl who has done the part since its
first presentation five years ago.

le.oo 1.00 20.00

_ -i i o on
. ..


of "Peregrina" was played by the same

The Logic of the New Testament

Position "It is, to us, a pleasing consideration
that all the Churches of Christ which

Christian Womens Fellowship. Laiiirhlintowtij Penn.


Tri C Brdwy Christian, Wichita, Kansas.... 110.00 Christian Bible School. Girard. Kansas 20.00

Lehita Steward. Oklahoma Cit^ Okla... 6.00 ChrisHan Church, Clay Center, Iten^ .... 10.00
First Christian Church, Scottsbluff, Neb... 100.00 Normaruth-Jacob, Council Bluffs.-Iowa 6.00
MrSi T. H. Johnson, Manhattan, Kansas .... 6.00

Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Titas, Scottebluff, N^. ^^1.00


Hi L. Whicker, Lay, Colo

.....~. _ 6.46

The Preventative Revolution

Southwestern Christian Conv., Albuquerque, New Mexico


Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Smith. Kansas City, Ks.


Army ..troops .equipped with tanks, rifles, bazookas, and machine guns put
Brazil on the map in technicolor the

mutually acknowledge each other as such, are not only agreed in the great doctrines of faith and holiness, but are also materially agreed as to the positive ordinances of Gospel institution; so that our differences, at most, are about the things in which the kingdom of God does not consist, that is, about mat ters of private opiriion or human in vention. What a pity that the kingdom
of God should be divided about such

things! Who, then, would not be the

Donald Yatea, Enid, Oklahoma



Wm. Dean Robins, Boise City, Okla

past month as the "preventative revo

hrst among us to give up human inven

. . , E. R. Lteher, Hot Springs, S D

!D. L; Zwerk, Moline,' Kansas

Walter A. Hargroves, Pratt, Kansas .;



C;' S; Bates; -Newark, Ohio



cOup", they reasoned. Or as War Min ister Henrique Teixeira Lott explained,
"We made a small slit in the constitu tion to keep it from being torn to pieces." .

lution" kept Brazil true to South Amer ican reputation. "A coup to prevent a

Mr< and Mrs. Jadk Laymoh, Manhattan, Ks. 50.00 " Mrs; ;Ethel'Howe; Wheatland, ;Wyo..60.00 WilHhg Workers C. C., DeKalb. Mo . 26.00 . .AinsworthvChaoma'n; Joplin, Mo. . 20.00 ; Vi..;.Colleser^MhnhattAh. 'KansBS
.: A

tions in the worship of God, and to cease from imposing his private opin ions upon his brethren, that our breach es might thus be healed? Who would not willingly conform to the original pattern laid down in the New Testa ment, for this happy puimose? Our
dear brethren of all denominations will

Student 'Council 'Manhatten Bible



Junior Endeavor Broadway, Christian

Church; Wichita, Kansas
Bill'and Ronnie Wadsack. Wichita; Kansas..


It is a long arid complicated story of Brazilian politics which biily a Brazil ian politician can understand. There
seems to be raiore than two sides to

the story and none of them too clearly

defined, but in them figure the recent

please to consider that we have Our educational prejudices and particular customs to struggle against as well as they. But this we do sincerely declare, that there is nothing we have hitherto
received as matter of faith or practice

- Kansas City, Kansas ...............................i

CWF. Emerson Park C. C.,. ,


. First. Christian Church',

Mrs. .Lila Simmons,. Junction City,,';Kan.

election, the "golpistas" (military and keel) President-elect Juscelino ' Kubitscheck from taking office next Janu;
civilian leaders who favor a coup to

. "Junction- City. Kansas

The'!Church at .Bryant,. Scottsbluff,: Neb. .... '10.00

M-m' Pwirl Wilson. LaCrdsse.' Kansas

which is not expressly taught and en joined in the Word of God, either in express terms or approved precedent,

. 6.00

Mr. -ahd MrsJ-H." J. Wisner,, ; Scottsbluff, Neb. First-Christian Church;! Scottsbluff,. Neb....;

Christian'Church, Hartford;-Kansas . 1 6 . 0 0


ary), "anti-gblpistas", the Army, Naivy, Airforce, Comniunists arid the former president Cafe filho's recent heart atIdclc*

constitutional unity of the Christian Church; and, in this happy unity, en

that we wopld not heartily relinquish, that so we might return to the original
joy full communion with all our breth ren, in peace and charity. The like duti
ful condescension we candidly expect of all that are seriously impressed with a sense of the duty they owe to God, to each other, and to their perishing brethren of mankind. To this we call, we invite, our brethren of all denom


Christian- Church, Hartford;. Kansas 16.20 'BarbararSeymore, El Dorado, Kansas lO.OO Mr. and Mrs. Prank- Adams, -ElDorado, '-Ks. 10.00 Mr. and Mrs. Byron Ricky.;. ElDorado, Ks,;. '10.00 -Mrs. Edith- Bayer. ElDorado;, Ks......... 3,00

Mrs;.Bertha-.Courter.,ElDorado. Ks. ..;

Christian -(jhurchf.-Bluff City, Kansas

. ; Christian Church, LaCrosse, Kansas '!! Christian Chiirch, Goddland. Kansas

B, C. M. -

Wip, a-Couple Class;; Bluff City, Kansas .... 60.00

41.00 160.00




So far it has been a bloodless revolu tion. The nation at this date (Dec. 8) is in a state Of seige, a modified form of inartial law,' For a time'it included cen

sorship of mails but that restriction was Your.missidnari riot in ariy vis ible danger nor has the governmental situation yet effected mission activities in any way. You will want to keep in
formed of affairs in Brazil through your

lifted a fe>V days ago.

Mrs. Claude Craig, Bohner Springs, Ks


inations, by all the sacred motives

which we have avouched as the im

. Christian Church, Laughlintown, Pa 20.00 Elsie Shipley.-Deer Creek. Okla. 20.00 CWF First Ch. Church, Shelby. Ohio ........ 27.50 "First Ghriatiah'Church, Coffej^ille, Ks. 25.00 Lelan Akins,' Oklahoma Citv, Okla . 60^00

pulsive reasoris of our thus addressing


local neiy^cast and please remember

biir internal lirirest in your prayers'.

Thomas Campbell:
Declaration and Address

Juanita Dixson, Orchard. Neb


Entered in

Post Office at Denver, Colo, at

second class matter under Act of Morch 8, 1879.






Vol. VII


Number 2


Joint Womens' Meeting
To help organize the women's society of llie new Vila Operaria congregation,
the women of the Vila Nova Church of

Christ presented a program in the Vila

Operaria church on Thursday after noon, January 12. Twenty four women of the combined congregations attend ed the meeting. Many were visitors in the area of the newly organizer! church.
Four were members of Uie new church
and 9 women from Vila Nova came

devotions, and circle 2 witii Carmelinda

Carvalho in charge, presented the pro gram. Ana Dias of the Vila Operaria congregation officiated for the hosts and missionary Cay Ewing was in charge of the meeting. Afterward guests

with missio'naries Cay Ewing and Ruth Spurgeon. Circle J of the Vila Nova church, in charge of Ruth Spurgeon, presented the

Ruth, Staria and Lloyd David Sanders The Lloyd Da^dd Sanders family are
scheduled to leave the United States

1. For a safe journey for the Sanders family in returning to Brazil. 2. For support fgr,_the Mathis and Knowles families and opened doors for their arrival in Braz/7 early this

on February 28th to return to Brazil for their third term of missionary ser
vice with the Brazil Christian Mission.

They will fly via Aerovias (a Brazilian

airline) Troni'MIamir "Florida "to BelemV

Brazil. There they will revisit the work
of the Richard Robisons with the Ama

zon Valley Christian Mission, before

continuing their air trip on interior to
'Goiania where the Brazil Christian Mis

3. For ^'Operations Victory" that the mission plane may be replaced and put into action for the Lord in

4. Funds to complete our financial ob ligation on the first building of the

Christian Institute and funds to be
attended a "coffee" in the ho^mc of a

sion centers its work. Jn Coiania they will visit for several days and partici pate in important Field Association (B.CjM. mi.ssionaries on the field) meet ings before going to three months of

language "brush up" at the language

school in Campines, Sao Paulo.

neighbor to the cliurch who is very in terested in the gospel and is expected
to come soon with her ihusband to ac

cept Christ as
tion assisted

her Savior. All


gin construction of the second building. 5. For the Lord's blessing upon the Daily Vacation Bible Schools plan
ned for Silvania and Vila Nova

At the completion of their language

course in June, the Sanders will return-

women of the Vila Operaria congrega

refreshment hostess Da.

to iGoiania to occupy their small apart ment in the newly constructed Insti tute building and take over duties at the Preacher Training School and Vila
Nova church. Until their return the J.

Julia, in providing coffee, sweet bread,

cheese bread and coffee cake. The sim

plicity of the little adobe hut was a crude tarpaulin siheltering an area in front where coffee was served, was not
(Continued Page 4, Col. 2)

during the months of January and February. 6. For the Institute students as fhey prepare to begin another school year March first.

Richard Ewings and Miss Spurgeon will

continue to share the Sanders work in
addition to their own.

Watch the -March issue of the B.CjM.

for details of the Sanders trip.

(Continued Page 4, Col. 3)


Recruits Report
Tlie Knowles reported recently tliat they have applied for passage in late Marcii or early April to arrive in Bra zil some two weeks later ready to be-

Something You'd Like To Know?


The pages of the BRAZIL OHRISTiIAN

'MISSION are dedicated to bringing to

you, the supporters of the mission, a complete report money is being used in the We know you must have work of this of how your Lord's work. many ques

Christian Mission
Entered in Post Office at Denver. Colo, as
second class matter under Act of March 8. 1879.
Office of Publication


1664 Poplar, Denver, Colorado

tions concerning the work, tiie policies of the mission, concerning Brazil and
its people, the missionaries, the internal "workings" of the organization, fur ther information on reports of field activities', etc.
The Brazil 'Christian Mission is found

of missionary ser-

8"^ their first term

Published Monthly

Subscription rate25c per year fering

Twenty-five cents of the regular annual of

The family spent

'Christmas in Great

shall be considered payment of


Falls, Montana and


year's subscription to the Brazil Christian Mis sion. This enables the Mission to mail the

bulletin at 1/12 the cost charged if it is not

sent as second class subscription.
Send all contributions to:

Wm. A. Cook, Box 386, Guymon, Oklahoma.

Missionaries in Brazil:

ed upon personal and close relationships between the mis.sionaries and the .supi)orlers. We are but your hands and youi' voice on the foreign field. We want you to be inquisitive about what

ed Muskogee, Oklahoinu from to 'J'exas' (-'I'O California,

J. Richard Ewing

Caixa Postal 201, Goiania Goiaz, Brazil

Carolee J, Ewing

Ruth M. Spui'Bcon : Lloyd David and Ruth Sanders,

c/0 iliiriiv Snodsiuss; iClC Met

ropolitan, Kansas City, Kansas.

Recruits: Kenneth and Clarice Mathis, 616 Franklin Ave., Council Bluffs,

Oklahoma, -$80.00 per month; Woi'lhliow evangelistic work is first intro inglon, Minn. (Mrs. Knowles' home duced in air unevangelize"d'area Avmud" "ciiurclr)- $100.00 permontlii and- the probably prove enlightening to hun cluirches of the western slope of Golodreds of other readers as well. ra<lo, about $200.00 per month. The Pal
Because of the close association willi

you are doing through us. The question you liave in mind may seem insignifi cant, but many others' may be wonder ing the same thing. Your question about


Ed Knowles

Tliey announced the following pled





Edwin and Luin Knowles. 1016 9th

Ave. So. Great Falls, Montana

isade cluirch, where lliey ministered


the work, your editor may fail to clari fy a matter because she cannot sec it



Concerning contributions to:

Wm. A. Cook, Box 386, Guymon, Oklnhomu

Concerning R.C.M. Publication to:

Mrs. Vicky Hanson, 1664 Poplar,

Denver 20, Colorado Concerning Promotional Materials:

fi'om your distance. Asik the questions that come to you as you read and your editor will do her best to an.swer you promptly and with as much detail as possible. While your editor does not pretend to be another Eleanor Roose

velt witli a column entitled "My Day",

Dale McAfee, Straight Christian Church,

RFD #4 Guymon. Oklahoma

If you are not sure to whom your correspondence

should be directed send it to Mr. Cook and he will be glad to forward it to the correct address.

it has been felt that a column of ques tions and answers might prove helpful to tlie readers and supporters

ha've '])a'id' r'o mK

fund.s, tli'e $1000.00
"emergency fund" (recall guarantee bonds) and are
Lula Knowles with j John (12 '/2) and

Missionaries Receive Salary

Because of rising living cost.s in Bra zil and fluctuating value of the dollar,
niissionarie.s of the Brazil Crhistian IMission have felt the need of an in

Write to: Cay Ewing, Caixa 'Poslal 201, Goiania, Goias, Brazil.

, ,


Missionary Vision
In her recent letter to your editor 'Mrs. Lula Knowles' (recruit) writes:
'T noticed an article in one of the

rest of their needed $500.00 monthly minimal link support and approximate ly $2500.00 for passage, shipping and customs cost for equipment and sus
tenance until funds can be transferred
to Brazil.

now seeking the

Kathy '8/2). (8 '/2 ).


crease in salary. A proportion-ate in crease was decided upon during the re cent business meeting of tlie mission representatives after carefully consid
er the requests of the niissionarie.s.

last issues of B.CM concerning the mis

sion church of Cherry 'Creek. (Denver) That is great to have a missionary vision right from the beginning and it
made me think of the new mission






Knowles family to the mission treasur er, Wm. A. Cook, Box 386, Guymon, Ok
lahoma, and you may write to them at

Where former .salaries were $100.00 per

month for each adiilt and $50.00,extra to couples with cliildren, the new sal ary plan will allow each missionary adult .?100.00 per month salary, couples

church in Grand Junction, Colo. The

N. E. Christian Church was organized

about a year ago. Erskine Scales is tire
minister and I don't believe the mem

lOK) 9th Ave. So., Great Falls, Montana.

The November issue of "The Fore-

a $50.00 per month housing allowance, single missionaries $25.00 per montJi housing allowance, and coiiple.s will be awarded an extra $25.00 monthly sal
ary allotment for each child. The raise

bership is much more than a dozen familiesthey pledged $25.00 a month to our support. With a missionary vi

ced tiie following link support pledged,

totaling $570.00 per month: E. 49th St.

runnci-", publicity folder piihlished bv missionary recruit Ken Mathis, announ

sion like that, how can they help but


became effective January first.

Additional Funds Needed

Talking to men for iGod is a great

thing, but talking to iGod for men is

Christian Church, Indianapolis, 8100.00 per hionth; Fountain Square Civristian Church, Indianapolis, $100.00; First Christian Church, iCouncil Bluffs, Iowa. $50; Burlington (Indiana) 'Cihristian
'Church, $50; Plum' 'Greek Christian

The Sanders'family, now on furlough, are seeking the extra $75.00 per month
needed to cover this raise. On the field are Ruth Spurgeon, in need of an addi

greater still. He will never talk well and with real success to man for God,
who has not learned well how to talk to iGod for men.
From the American Soul Clinic Publication

Churcli, Rush County, Indiana, $25; Brick Christiani Church, Watauga,

Tcnn., $25; Lonsdale Christian Church, Knoxville, Tenn $10; Valley Center Christian 'Church, Valley Center, Kan sas, $25; Diamond (Missouri) Christian Churcli, $25; Westside Christian Church, Wichita, Kansas, $100; Valley Christian Church, Pocoinia, California, $10; and
Church, $100.
(Continued on Page 3)

tional $25.00 per month, and the Ewing

family also $25.00 short of the new al lotment, We ask your consideration particularly of on the field who are unable to campaign personally for pledges to cover the raise. If the full salary amount is taken from funds now pledged, it will not leave missionaries with adequate service-link funds on

It is not the elevation of place, nor the pride of race, nor the beauty of face, but the calling of grace which
makes the man.
From the American Soul Clinic Publication

Junction City (Kansas) '(Christian

"The rod and reproof give wisdom;

But a child left to himself causeth

"whicli to operate the mission program.

Your immediate attention to this mat

ter is earnestly sought.

shame to his mother. . . . Correct thy son, and he will give thee rest; Yea, he will give delight unto thv soul."

To neglect the present opportunity

for service, is to miss the service and

Proverbs'" 29: 17, 19

reward which the opportunity gives.

From the American Soul Clinic Publication





New Year's Prayer Watch

On New Year's Eve ten young people
from the Vila Nova Christian Endeavor

Society, sponsored by'ionarics Cay

Ewing and Ruth Spurgeon, held a pray er vigil in the newly constructed build ing of the Christian Institute. The program began at 9:00 p.m. with everyone gathered in (he Institute din ing hail for a fifteen minute hymn sing. This was followed by a .short devo tional led by Teodoro Lacerda on the subject: Our Personal Livesthe Year

Past and the Year Ahead. This was fol lowed with a period of silent prayer. The second devotional, "Our C. E. SocietyThe Year -Past and the Year

Ahead" was led by past president Valdori Pena. In developing his subject he used an imaginary album of the events of C. E. in the past year, re viewing our . E. Worship, the Easter Sunrise service, mid-winter C. E. con-

fcrence, ntc- Them he pointcfl to the fntiire with a new hope and many oppoi*tunilies of service for our Lord. Tliis too was followed with a period of silent prayea".

"'Christ Shall Reign", the now inter

national 'Christian Endeavor theme for

Dick Ewing and the Cessna 170

KcnneMi'Malliis roporled to tiie H.C.'M. Board of Representatives on 'December IG, that the mission 'Cessna 17(1 airplane was damaged while taking off from a wet field in Riishville, Indiana. The right wing, aileron, struts and cabin were seriously damaged. The date of
the accident an<l further details are

gave the money for this project once; if it didn't work the first time, we

the year 1956, the topic of the third devotional led by C. E. sponsor Cay Ewing. In her talk Mrs. Ewing intro duced the Christian Endeavor emphasis for the coming year and suggested how it might be developed in our individual
lives, in our C. E. Society, our church, our community, our country and unto the uttermost parts of the earth.

certainly won't put up the money for another 'crack up'!" It surely was no less than Satan who has so long held up permit for the plane to enter the country and who lias hin
dered the issuance of a Brazilian pilot's license to Dick Ewing. Could it not

Following the third period of silent

prayer tlie last devotional was led by Jose Borgos on the theme, "Christ Shall Return". Giving each Christian Endeavorer some valuable "food for

not available to your editor

at this

time. It apparently happened sometime

in September and personal injury to the pilot or passengers' was not indi cated in the report. iMr. Mathis reported tJ\e extent of damage to the plane did not make rejjair advisable and so it was decided at the December meeting to sell the plane for salvage. .\n A&E mechanic in In dianapolis has offered to dismantle and
sell it free of labor costs.
Whose Fault?

"Tough luck!" it might be labeled, es-pcciully-by-thuse-who arc familiar with the tricky job of taking a plane off from a wet fieldil could have hap pened to anyone! And yet, there is an other way to look at it. Those w]\o believe in a per.sonal, act ive iGod (and certainly iQod must have been with llie pilot to Qiave avoided personal injury!) also believe that Sa

have also been Satan lurking in the mud on thai Rushville landing strip? But Satan cannot always win! With a new adminisli-ation taking office the prospects arc much brighter in favor of importing needed mission equipment, inelu<Ung an airplane. It seems prob able that a second attempt at applying for pilot's license will meet with suc cess, for, former Air Minister Eduardo Gomez (see December issue, page 4) is no longer in power. And even this di rect attempt to destroy the mis.sion phuie "nia\~" not he^ces.sarily spell de feat. Tiie mission has an oijportiinity

thought", Jose suggested that we live during the coming year ready for His

return and working toward accompHsiliing iHis work in order that he may re

.\s the New Year was ushered into

to purchase a plane in Brazil, already

regi.S'tcrcd. 'i'liis may be our answer. "Operation Victory" .\re we asking too much of friends of the mission to suggest that you cast

Goiania with horns, bells and the gen eral bedlam of the world, the Christian Endeavorers, retreated from the city, meditated upon the four subject's of their directed prayers. Following the last period of silent prayer, the En deavorers joined-in the ljt friendship circle of the old year 1955 and tlie first of the new year 1956.






silence as the young people went quiet ly to their previously prepared beds on straw mattresses arranged on the

your lot in favor of this gospel project

rather tiian to let your attitude toward this unfortunate event assist in Satan'vS

tan is just as active. The fallen angel and prince of darkness knows only too
well what a powerful tool for the Lord the plane would be here in Brazil. He also knows that without the plane Dick Ewing will be extremely limited in his area of service. Because of a spinal in jury of long standing, iMr. Ewing can not take the rough travel by other modes of transportation in the primi tive interior of iGoia.<5 where the gospel is needed so desperately. In fact, travel in these areas is not practical by other means than air, for anyone, with or without a back injury! Satan is also aware of the tendency of "the folks back home" to say, "we

floors. The boys slept in the dormitory area and the girls occupied the Sanders apartment in the same building.

attempt to destroy a ])owerful tool that may one day be used in the hand of
the Lord? Tlie Ewings have Uie faith
tliat this is not the eiwl of their dream

Recruits Report
(Continued from Page 2)

for taking tlic gospel into many villages otherwise it might never go. Will you back them up with a special offering designated "Operation Victory" for the airplane fund? And will you add your prayers to the many now offered

in behalf of this important gospel min

istry? Rather than letting this accident discourage us to the point of abandon ing hope, let us become more determin ed than ever to put the "gospel on

The Mathisi' November report stated "The Lord willing, he and his family will sail after the first of the year!" We will let you know as soon as the Mathis family report more definite plans in this regard. Funds to their support should also be sent to Mr. Cook at his Guymon address and mail to them may be ad
dressed to 616 Franklin Ave., Council Bluffs, Iowa.


iV. E May, Chanute, Ks Virgil Marshall, Wymore, Neb.

5.00 60.00

December Contribuifons

Sanders To Brazil
(Continued from Page 1)

Clifton Christian Church,

Grand Junittibn, Colo.

Home Builders S.S. Class, Palisade, Colo

5.00 2.00 40.00

...$ 25.66
24.86 10.00

Mrs. Grace W. Potter, Waynoka, Okla

Mra. DeBamey, Mutual, Okla

Northeast Christian Church,

Grand Junction, Colo Donald Yates, Okla. City, Okla^ Paseo St. Church of'Christ, Colo. Sprihss,- Colo.

Frank Gregg, Grand Junction, Colo Mr. & Mrs. Bubgardner, Grand Valley, Colo Rangely Christian Church, Rangely, Colo.

Furlough Account

During Brother Sanders furlough in the U. -S, he has visited the following
churches, or has scheduled to visit them before leaving the country:
Church Minister
Robert Vorse Bill Shewman

Christian Church, Craig. Colo. Delta Christian Missionary, Delta, Colo. ....
Christian Church Missionary,
Montrose^ Colo.

36.57 43.46

19.42 60.00

C.W.F. First. Christian Church,

Scottsbluff, Neb. 8 Ridseway 'rSunday School, Edgerton, Mo. .... Nell Van Dorn, Craig, Colo. .... Lulu Blender Hill, Okeene, Okla. Elsie Shipley, Deer'Creek, Okla

MrJ & Mrs. Thad Bailey, Grand Valley; Colo.

25.00 238.35

5.00 2.00 10.00 10.00


Western Slope'Fellowship,
Palisade, Colo. Church of Christ Missionary Society, '

Worihington; Minn.
Church of Church of Forest Church of Christ Missionary, Hampton Christ Missionary, Lakb, Minn Christ Missionary, Truman. Minn


Mrs: J. B. McDowell, Baker, Oregon

Misa Rose Brown, Denver, Colo buiiAiing Noble A. Miller, Edgerton, Mo. '



Ii^iana Jerome Christian Church Macedonia Christian Church Bethany C. C., Anderson Indianapolis, Ben Davis Michigan Baily Christian Church Sturgis

Kermit Pugh Henry Hill

Herbert Watkins Jim Htinter


Vinton (County Meeting)

Liscomb, C. C.
Oak Grove Missouri Bill Hill

Nora^Miller, Edgerton. Mo. Mr. Charles Crow, Kansas City, Ks Mrs. Zephyr Pugh, Coffey, Mo.
Alavid Barker, Miami, Okla. A. T. Wheeler, Clinton. Okla

10.00 1.00 10.00

1.00 60.00

Church of Christ, Circle Pines, Minn Clifton Christian Church,

Grand Junction, Colo. ......... Mrs. Raymond Peeples; Palisade, Colo. ........ Christian Church Mission, Clay Center, Nebraska Northeast Christian Church, Grand Junction, Colo. Mrs. Bub Latham; Fox, Okla.

56.60 70.40

Chester Cramer
T. Arnold Davis P. A. Gross

Crysler Ave.
De Kalb

Pleasant Home Church, Edson, Ks

Ainsworth Chapman, Joplin, Mo.


19.66 47.20 -l.QO

Dale McAfee, Guymon, Okla

Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Housh,' Manhattan, Ks.
Chi Rho Fellowship, Northeast Christian Church, Okla. City, Okla.
Y.M.P.C. Christian Church, Ridgeway, Mo


Fairmont, Kansas City Ridgely


Christian A. Wright
Rex James Rex James Cecil Swinehart

First Christian Church, Clinton, Okla. 166.20

26.00 7.21


Christian Church, Palisade, Colo.


First Christian Church, Russell; Ks

Edith L. Owens, Russell, Ks First Christian Church. Stockton. Ks. .J Olin Atwood, Minister, Stockton, Ks Floyd- Dietz, Minister, Nortonville, Ks. Christian Church, Plainville, Ks Church of Christ, Pueblo, Colo. Christian Church, Hill City, Ks

2.00 18.07 15.00 15.60 50.00 37.75 42.60 30.00

Ivanhoe Park, Kansas City South Side, Kansas CityDexter

Tom Peak, Jr.

Pat Johnson Walter Smith

Ozark Bible College


Mrs. Claude V. Craig,-Bonner

Springs, Ks


Paonia Christian Church, Paonia, Colo

Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Burkct,

'Worthington, Minn

Liberty Wymore Scottsbluff, First C. (


Dan Brossman

Kenneth Houschouer James H. Barthalomeu Bryant


Montrose Christian Church,

Montrose, Colo
9th Ave. Cbuich of Christ,

3.60 26 25 1.00 26 1.00

Mra. Ruth R. Turner, Great Falls, Mont

Mr. & Mra. E. C. Knowles, Sr., - Great Falls, Mont. C.W.F. Guild, Christian Church,


First Christian, Kansas City

Osawatamie Princeton

Arloe Snodgrass
Howard Bussell Robert Todd

-. Stillwater, Okla Mrs. Guy Owens, Abilene. Ks Donald Maley, Logan, Ks H. J. Walker, McCracken, Ks. Raleigh Sciance,- Toronto, Ohio Call .Cumley, Wray, Colo
Roy C. Ferguson, Elizabethtown, Ind

Paonia, Colo.
C.W.F. Christian Church, Guymon, Okla


Kansas State Convention Abilene

(To Be Continued in March Issue)

Manhattan Bible College


Willis Schnele

Wilford Lown, Pres.

Jim Webb Harlie Snodgrass
Dale Rider

Charles E. Cather, Jr., Monissen, Pa


Joint Women's Meeting

(Continued from Page 1)

Emerson Park, Kansas City

Valley Falls
Havensville Belleville

Warren Stone, Mitchell, Neb. . .25 Elda Coulter, Kansas City, Mp ; . .26 W. B. Ambler, San Diego, Calif. 1.00 Mrs. Harry Lyons, Lock Haven, Pa .26 Mrs. Marie Chowning, Sullivan, Ind. 1.00
Lucian Hamilton, Chehalis, Washington .... Mr. & Mrs. Forrest Hamilton, Overland Park. Ks. 1.00

Donald Young
Charles Cook Jim Keefer

Mra. Jop. Spurgeon., Scottsblu^ Neb


Mrs. Dale Burch, Seekirk, Ks Glenn Baker, Bluff City, Ks. Mrs. C. J. Wright, Cincinnati, Ohio Mra. J. G. Bailey, Waunita, Ks. ...., Mrs.-lola'Arthaud, 'Woodward, Okla.

1.00 1.00 26 1.00 26 2.00

at all typical of the magnificent spirit of. [Christian fellowship shared within. As these women studied and prayed together in the church, and then broke bread and conversed together in the neighbors' h6me, a feeling of a new Christian strength being born within was strongly sensed by all who- at tended. It was truly a lovely "send off"

Junction City
La Cross

Goodland (Five day meeting) Broadway Christian. Wichita

Annual 6.C.M. Meeting, Wichita

Ting Champie

El Dorado
Bluff City Anthony
Norwich Sharon

Clayton Hildebrand
Richard Snell

Leonard Morrison Roy Cartee


Lenita Steward,. Oklahoma City, Okla Mr. & Mrs.- Forr^t Haggard, Overland Park, Ks. Normaruth Jacobs, Council Bluffs, la Virgil. Marshall, 'Wymore,. Neb Christia'h Church*, Clay Center, Ks.

3.00 6.00 5.00 60.00 10,00

for the new wdnieh's society of the Vila Operaria Church of Christ.

Medicine Lodge Caney

Wonsevu Courtland Norton Burr Oak

Lester Meyers
Neal Lovell

Paul Davenport
Ray Kerateader
Rex Harmon

Attendance Averages:

Oct. Nov. Dec.

Deer Creek

Vila Nova (congregation of 55 active

members 1


First Christian Church, Scottsbluff, Neb.

Laura & Elizabeth Everett, Arovillo, Calif...


S. S Eve. Preaching Sr. C. E Jr. C. E

71 56 16 14

131 64 19 15

76 88 17 15

Harry Jones Glen Cowperthwaite

Joe Gibson


Davis Park, Enid (5 day meeting)


Floyd Strater
Russell Martin

Westside Christian Church, Denver, Colo

Lentia Steward,-Oklai .City, Okla

3.00 60.00 5.00

No. Miami

Tri e. ClasSiVBroadway Ave. Christian

- Church, Wichita, Ks. Mr. & Mra. Earl N. Sroof, Palisade, Colo. LaFontainc, Christian Church,
Fredonia, ' Anonymous Ks

Women's meeting Prayer meeting

. Market-open , air. services C. E. Prayer watch

12 49
25 :. 29 34

19 41
28 50

13 46
10 26

Muskogee, Boulevard Muskogee, First


Lloyd McMillan Ralph Domette

Botofogo (Preaching Point)

S. S.

N. E

Church, Oklahoma City

Virgil 'Daugherty

West Point, Yukon

West Side, Denver 36

Vila Operaria (congregation of 10 10.00


R. L. Hansen, Denver, Colo

active members)

E. W. Keifer

S. S

Chcarry Creek

David Dyer

'Mrs. P. A. Stroman, Trinidad, Colo Will Gordon, Caney, Ks Hillside PresbyteHan Church, Bible
School, Denver, Colo.

6.00 6.00


Christian Church Benevolent Fund,

- Greensburg, Ind.

Prayer service 18 Tues. Preaching 15 Baptisnial service ' 60 Christmas drama Silvania (congregation of 8'active

16 12 90

50 15 10 150

Toronto (River Park)

Ralph Cope


Knoxville, Johnson Bible College Telford, Johnson City

Milligan College


G.W:F. Christian'-Cburch,
:. Laughlinton,' Penn

S. S. Week day Preaching




Mr. &rMra. V. D. Kin'caid, Washington, Ks.

Mary E. Williams, Enid, Okla. ... ......


(twice monthly) .i
Christmas drama





Kentucky Christian College



'Christian Bible School, Girard, Ks

Alice May Va'wter^ Englewood, Colo. ...
Mrs. Melba M. Loney, Hiawatha, Ks. Mr. ;& Mra. R. J. Wadsack, Wichita, Ks. ....

2.00 60.00 36.00 6;00

Colonia Agricula (congregation of 28 active members)

S. S ;

Lincoln Bible College

Herrin Arkansas

Frank S. Smith
Delno Brown

Week day Preaching

Central Christian Church,

New Castle, Penn, Doyle Soverns, Anderson, Ind.

(twice monthly)
Special Services Leper Colony Chapel



Mountain Home

Robinson Christian Church,

Robinson, Ks June Melendy, Denver, Colo 15.00 6.00

(Christmas Drama)
Total Contacts Through Services
Total Active Members

1357 2398 2348

Pennsylvania Waynesburg Monham, Johnstown

Lock Haven New Castle McKees Rocks

Earl B. King
E. W. Gearhart

Wm. Thompson
John Mostoller Edward M. Hahn


Enfared in Post Office et Denver, Colo, ds second class matter under Act of March 8, 1879.

Harold McFarland
BOX 963



Vol. VII


Number 3



dTv. b. s. and week of evangelism held in silvania

A total of approximately 466 persons
were reached in a week of evangelism

held in Silvania, January 21 to 29. The

evangelistic efforts was combined with a Daily Vacation Bible School with Missionary Ruth Spurgeon supervising
the weeks meetings. She was assisted bv national evangelist Valdori Pena,

tliree young ladies from the Vila Nova

Church of Christ in Goiania (two of
them students in the Bible Institute

and the otlier professor of sewing and superintendent of the trade school for girls) and the Ewings' nine year old
daughter, Carol.

The opening meeting was a birtlulay

service held in the home of the hon

ored guest. 36 j)ersons attended. Eve

ning evangelistic meetings were con ducted in the Silvania Church of Christ, Sunday through Suntiay. with an average attendance of 32. Evangelist

1. For a safe journey for the Sanders family in returning to Brazil.

2. For needed funds; a. For mission recruits support, e-

quipment, travel and baggage


"Everybody Happy? Say AMEN! " D. V. B. S. Class in Silvania the sehooL Prizes were given to theValdori Pena brought tlie evening mes three children who brought the most sages. A .short service for children in-eceded the evening session with visitors to the scliool during the week.

b. To complete financial obliga

tions on the first bui/d/ng of the
Goiania Christian Institute.

choruses an<i a sermonette especially, for them. The adults participated in

First place winner invited 6 children.

prayer sessions before the evangelistic

service each evening.

c. For scholarships for fifteen Bible


d. For salary raises for missionaries to meet rising cost of living in


sponse of the children merited the ef fort and of the .school and will be another important step in the slow 'i'wo open ail' services were held dur process of evangelizing this ancient ing the week with 15 attending the first stronghold of Roman Catholicism. evening and about 25 the second. There . As a part of the week of evangelism were undoubtedly many others listen den in the shadows who were not counted. Assisting Sr. Valdori in

Director Ruth Spurgeon felt the re

ing from doorways, windows and hid

e. For mission plane. f. For second building of the Chris

tian Institute.

meetings and in making the many other arrangements necessary for the week of evangelism, was Sr. Artur of the
Silvania Church of Christ.

the women of the Silvania Church of Christ were organized into a .society for a more active service to the Lord ami to His church. The initial meeting was lield with Miss Spurgeon and five of the women present. Three other

3. For health for the missionaries on

the field.

4. For dedicated leadership among

the Brazilian Christians.

A daily average of 21 children at tended the Dailv Vacation Bible School held in the church building each morn

ing, despite the warnings of the "pad

5. For proper documents to allow importation of mission plane.

res" to stay away from the school. The theme, "Men To Wliom God S|)oke"
was carried out in all the activities of

women have expressed their desire to cooperate with the women's program but were unable to attend the initial meeting. They will have weekly meet ings in the church and have chosen Friilay evenings to meet in order that
their husbands may stay at home with (Continued on Page 2, Col. 2)


(Continued from Page 1)

Knowles To Sail March 16
The Edwin C. Knowles family have

D. V. B. S. and Evangelistic Meeting


tlie children. During their study period

Christian Mission
Entered in Post Office at Denver. Colo, as second class matter under Act of March 8, 1879.
Office of Publication

they are using a (Christian book on how to effectively raise >our clilldren for

secure<l a March 10 sailing date and plan to leave at that time for their first
term of sei'vice with the Brazil (2hri.s-

tiie Lord, "Lcni and Her (Children". The

only two women of the .society who are

tion Mission. The tri[) is expected to lake from 10 to 20 days. The couple will land at Santos, Brazil where ttie

1664 Poplar, Denver. Colorado

Published Monthly Subscription rate25c per year

Sanders ai-e expected to meet them and holp Iheni with clearing baggage through customs and the many other legal matters pertaining to their en

year's subscription to the Brazil Christian Mis sion. This enables the Mission to mail the bulletin at 1/12 the cost charged if it is not
sent as second class subscription.
Send all contributions to:

fering shall be considered payment _of one

Twenty-five cents of the regular annual of

They will then contimie their trlj)

by air to Goiania where they will visit as guests of the Ewings until the Au gust term of language .school opens. Entering the school in August, the Knowles will complete one year of language study as a final iireparation
for their Brazil. service as missionaries to

Win. A. Cook, Box 386, Gnymon, Oklahoma.

Missionaries in Brazil:

Caixa Postal 201, Goiania, Goias, Brazil

L. David and Ruth Sanders J.- Richard and Carolee Ewing

The Record Day for Sunday School able to read have been placed in charge

_Ru'h Spurgeon
' ^VTn C. and Liila Knowiea


Kenneth and Clarice Mathis, 616 j Franklin Ave., Council Bluffs, Iowa, j

Concerning contributions to:

Wm. A. Cook. Box 386, Guymon, Oklahoma

Concerning B.C.M. Publication to: Mrs. Vicky Hansen, 1664 Poplar,
Denver 20, Colorado

of the study period. Tliese women will need our many prayers in their behalf. Perhaps the liigh point of the week was Sunday morning, .January 28, when a record attendance of 55 persons was recorded for the Silvania Sunday School. Greatly animated and encour aged by tlie success of the week, it is
felt tliat the Silvania work will go for

In Mr. Knowles letter to your editors he slated that the Mathis family plan on the Marcli Ifi sailing date also, but definite word has not yet been receved from them. Keep these two families in your prayers both for a safe journey
and a fruitful term of service for their Lord.

Letter From A Reader

Brazil Christian Mission I attended the Kansas convention last

ward in a finer way because of the

efforts of tliesc Goiania Christians and

fall and 1 tiicked up a packet from your

mi.ssion. I was much interested as I

Concerning Promotional Materials:

Dale McAfee, Straight Christian Church,

KFD #4
Guymon- Oklahoma

If you are not sure to whom your correspondence

should be directed send it to Mr. Cook and he

will be glad to forward it to the correct address.

hadn't heard of your mission before. I talked to the missionary committee and we decided to put you in our budget. . . . ! just want to let you know wc are interested in you. May God bless

Information Bureau

Miss Helen Mason

In last months issue of this publica

tion we invited your questions about any phase of the workabout the mis
sion about the missionaries about

Note from lid: If friends of the mi.ssion will contact Dale McAfee for more of

Brazilanything at all you would like to know. Your questions have not yet come flooding in, but we are quite sure many of you are wondering:
(Continued on Piiffc 4, Col. 3)

these packets many others may become inlerestcil in the Brazil work in just this way. Will you serve as our repre
sentative at your area or state conven

tion, your week of missions, etc.?

D.V.B.S. In Vila Nova A Daily Vacation Bible School was
held in the Vila Nova Church of Christ
Charter Members of the Silvania

Women's Society tlie mission program of fiekl evangel ism which paid the expenses for tlie week. We want to tliank you wlio

the week of February 5. Superintend ent Ruth Si)urgeon reported a tlaily av erage attendance of 42 and a fine spirit among stiulents and teachers during tlic

helped to make it possible by your gifts to the Brazil Christian Mission.

Last year, this is what traffic acci
dents did in the United States: Killed

Assisting Miss Spurgeon in the school were (Christian Day School and Sunday
School teachers of the Vila Nova

church. This school reijeated the theme

used in the .Silvania D.V.B.S.

3(),()<)0 jjcopic . . . Injured somebody

S'r. Valdori and Sr. Artur who directed the week of evangelism in Silvania.

Student Scholarship
Fifteen worthy young men and wom
en will be admitted to tlie Bible Insti tute of Goiania March first to train for the Lords' work. Ten young men and

every 25 seconds. A total of 1,250,000 persons were disabled beyond the day
of the accident . . . Cost an estimated .$4.4 billion in medical bills, property loss and other expense.

"1 am pleased to endorse tlie project ed missionary service of Ken Mathis and family. Mr. Mathis has shown him self capable and energetic in prosecut ing his work in this country.

Hve young women, dedicated and sin

cere in their tiesire to serve the Lord

"My knowledge of Kenneth L. iMatliis a good preacher who preaches the Gos pel in full and is consecrated. We be speak for him success in his mis.sionary
work." First Christian Church

is that he is a fine Gliri.stian gentleman,

qualities will stand liim in good stead

in Brazil. He is one on whom you can rely in all respects." Dean E. Walker, President Milligan College

will prepare themselves to go out as preachers, teachers and evangelists to their own people. Each of these fifteen students needs $15.00 per month pledg ed by friends in the United Slates to cover their scholarships.
They Help Themselves Each student will work one lialf (la>'
(Continued on I'ugc 3, Col. 1)

P. H. Welsliimer, Minister
Canton, Ohio

Student Scholarship
(Continued from Page 2)




for the mission to earn a portion of

liis way. One iialf day lie will spend in classes" and each evening in study per iods and chapel. Each student must have a 15.1)0 per month scholarsliip
or he cannot continue in his study. HOW SCHOLAFtSHIPS CAN YOU OH YOUR CHURCH PROVIDE? Manv voting men and women would

youi- missionaries are making the re quirements such that only the best are
chosen for training. As more and more

like to'study in the Bible Institute, but

worthy young people desire to study to

serve the Lord, more scholarships will

WILL BE WAITING TO USE THEM! Send notice of all pledges and pay ments to the mission treasurer, WnL A. Cook. Box 38G, Giiymon, Oklahoma.

Details Of Plane Crash Known

Further details of the Oct. 2. 1955 ac

cident involving the mission owned Cessna 170 airplane were recently
made available to your editor.

Missionary recruit and pilot Kenneth

Mathis had flown the plane to Rushville, Indiana in his promotion work in
Returning to Brazil for a third term
of service with the Brazil Christian Mission the L. David Sanders family-

sec for the first time the newly con

preparation for service with the Brazil

Christian Mission. He landed at a field which was not an airport but which he had surveyed from the air and deem safe for the Cessna landing. His

structed chapel of the Vila Operaria

congregation and the newly construct ed Bible College building in which we will have an apartment in which to

reported the following final plans:

An Open Letter From The Sanders

Dear Friends:

landing was without event. A little later, however, he attempted to take

off with the Rushville minister, Gra ham Marsh and his two children, Paul antl Beth. The field was wet (which

We are now looking into the future of our return to Brazil and our third term of service in Goiania, Goiaz.

always retards speed and airlift and

makes take off difficult) and with the

Though we had planned our departure for the latter part of February we were delayed until March 8th. It is our joy
that we will have one new member added to our crew5 month old Daryl
Bruce Sanders.

We hate to say goodbye. There are many with whom we would like to visit but the call for help is forever ringing in our ears. We certainly appreciate the many churches and homes that have been open to us during this fur lough period. We repeat the call to

extra weight in the plane, Mr. Mathis saw that he was going to be unable to

prayer, the call to lift up all hands on

the field, the call to share for the ex tension of the Kingdom in Brazil. We
seek the fi-uit of our mutual labor to

gain sufficient altitude to clear the

fence at the end of the field. He had al

The Mission work in Brazil has prog

ready given up his take off attempt but had gained too much speed to stop short of the fence. The plane crashed
into the fence seriously damaging the

ressed rapidly under the leadership of the Ewing family and Miss Spurgeon during our 10 month furlough here in
the States. We look forward to seeing our friends in Christ once more, to see

gether in Brazil. We rejoice how you have held up this cause in the past. We rejoice in

your labor of love with us. We rejoice,

in your friendship. May the Lord make His face to shine upon you all, Sincerely, _ . Lloyd and Ruth-Sanders _ promotion of the Masters' work." Think how much more of a blessing a plane would be in Brazil where there are often no roads or at best very crude ones where not even cars often attempt the trip; where there are no railroads, but wliere there are useable landing .strii)s! (It costs less to build a landing stri]) than a highway and less to main tain airplanes than to maintain a caton these primitive and often impossible roads!) In the city of Goiania where the mission has its headquarters and its
Bible Institute, there are excellent air

right wing, aileron, struts and cabin. None of the passengers nor the pilot were reported injured.
What Now?

ing the newly wedded couples, the new

babies of members of the congregations,

the newly baptized converts. We will

worlds best highways are available: According to an article "Plane Facts"
in their October, 1955 bulletin, in four

"Well, that is the end of that!" would be an easy attitude to take concerning

originator of the airplane project, mis sionary pilot Dick Ewing who has spent over three years in promotion
and training for a ministry by air to backwoods communities in central

this most unfortunate accident. But the

teen months of promotional travel, Midwests' 1953 Piper Tri-Pacer saved the college 858.83 over what they
would have spent in making the same trips by automobile! In additional comment their editor

Brazil, is not willing to take that atti

tude. Mr. Ewing has found these com





"These figuics do not tell the entire

other means of travel and for this rea

son uiievangelized. We feel certain the

Lord would not want us to give uj) a task so well begun because of this one unfortunate incident. Testimony BRAZIL WAITS TO BE EVANGELIZ

storv, however, for they do not include

the "amount of time saved in traveling.

No attempt has been made to show the number of trips made possible by air past fourteen months have .shown that

that could not have been made by car because of time and distance. . . . The Bess II (as they fondly call the TriPacer in honor of the donor of the or

ED and an airplane is a very valuable and necessary tool in this undertaking,

.lust consider with us the testimony of the Midwest Ghristian Gollege in the United Stales where all the modes

iginal investment) is a valuable and profitable part of the equipment of

Midwest Christian College and can certainlv be used advantageously in the

plane mechanics and all the mainten ance facilities needed to keep a plane in good con(lition. Remember "Operation Victory" in your contributions this month and help to put the airplane project back in op eration! Designate your extra offering to the airplane fund and send it to the
mission treasurer.








January Contributions

December Contributions cont.


C.W.F. Christian Church,

Laughlintown. Penn


Brick Christian Church, Wauauga. TeM Mr. & Mrs. Harry Phillips, Wichita, Ks Leona Kehl, Valley Cen^, Ks. Mr. Orvel'Morgan, Wichita, Ks.

60.00 1-50
8.00 l.oO

Pleasant Home Church, Brewster, Ks Lenita Steward


Christian Church, Clay Center, Ks.

300.00 8.60 1-99 -26 1-99 1-99 -^6 19-99



Christian Bible School, Savonburg. Ks

Mr. & Mrs. Howard Hayes


Mrs. Margaret Shank

S. Fisher Lenita Steward

19.00 3.50

Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Waggoner, Wichita, Ks. Mr^ & Mrs. A. C^ Harrison, Wichita, Ks;
Mr. & Mrs. Durward Mathis,

Mr. & Mrs. Bob Stone, Valley Center, p.

Valley CentCT, Ks.

Mr. & Mrs. Carl Gamer, Topeka, Ks.


3.00 8.00
3.00 3.00 3.00

Adeline E. Balf Mr, Jim B. McKinney Mrs. Edith Back

Glen Wheeler

Glen E. Ewing


Mr. & Mrs. Virgil Stepp,

-Mr. & Mrs. Pat Johnston,

Valley Center, Ks Mrs.. Alma Dalrymple, Valley Center, Ks

Valley Center, Ks. Mr. & Mrs. L. E. Enterline,

Mr. & Mrs. W. C. Jasper, Wichita, Ks. . 18.00 Mr. & Mrs. Wm. T:Johnson, Wichita, Ks .... 3.00 Loyal Workers Christian Church, Columbus, Ind. 92.00
Committee. Council Bluffs, Iowa -Wm. H. Goens, El Monte, Calif Murell G. Sith, Joplin, Mo. Ladies Class, MarsMill Church of Christ,
First Christian Church Missionary

Valley Center, Ks


3.00 nn

Charles Hoefle John F. Schrcdt, Jr

Mrs. R. H. Petrie Christian Church, Ottawa, Ks Mrs. J. J. Hamre

Ben Davis Christian Church,


Mr. & Mrs. L. M. Colder Lloyd Gardner

B. C. M.

1-90 '-99


Indianapolis, Ind Keystone Class, Christian Church, LaCrosse, bb Bethany Christian Church, Anderson, Ind. ..
Women's Council, First Christian Church,

60.00 15.00 60.00

'Waynesburg, Penn
David Cone Emerson Park Christian Church,


John Rails

Clifton Christian Church

Don Yatcs

Christian Church, Deer Creek, Okla

Christian Church, Wasco, Ore Phoenix Christian Church, Phoenix, Aris. Women's Missionary Soc., Valley Falls, Ks. Firet Christian Church, Shelby, Ohio C.W.F., Mountain Home, Ark., Liberty Chapel Christian Church,




Kansas City, Ks H. A. Cochran

First Christian Church Sunday School,

18.00 20.00 38.66 160.00 10.00 6.00

62.98 63.45 5.00 5.00 10.00 60.00

10.41 35.60 17.16 30.00 24.00 .


160.00 2.00 26.00

LaCrosse, Ks Davis Park Church, Enid, Okla First Christian Church, Dexter, Mo. Mrs. E. Gearhart
First Christian Church, McKee's Rocks, Penn Christian Church, Norton, Ks Mr. & Mrs. J. F. Clovis First Christian Church, Rushville, Mo,

Indianapolis, Ind.. Diamond Christian Church, .'Diamond, Mo. .. West Morris-St. Christian Church; Indianapolis. Ind, Anonymous "v Burlington Chrbtian Church, Missionary Society. Burlington. Ind.
Church, Knoxville, Tenn

49.00 66.80 _ 26.90 19.00 ^ 90.00

12.60 12.00
11-26 19-00 9-30

Chula, Missouri First Church of Christ, Findlay^ Ohio Ralph G. Culler Elsie Shipley
Mrs. Rosa L. Vance
Juanita Dixon

61.00 62.00 40.00 19-00


Victory Cl-ass, Church of Christ,

Toronto, Ohio Christian Church,'Wasco, Ore
Hettie Flint

First Church of Christ, Owosso. Mich. ........ 38.91 Women's Miss. -Sole.. Lonsdale Christian

Mrs. Claude V. Craig



Missionary Soc., Church of Christ, Mill Hall, Penn Hobbs Christian Church, Hobbs, Ind Christian Church, Vici, Okla
Warren Cilchist

16.00 6.00 80.00


Hobbs Christian Missionary, Tipton, Ind

Christian Church, Anthony, Ks C; E. Poston, Anthony, Ks Christian- Church, Sharon, Ks . C;W.P., Christian Church, Medicine Lodge, Ks. Christian Endeavor, Burr Oak, Ks Christiian Church, Burr Oak, Ks. . H. B. Brown, Odessa, Texas Christian Church, Byron, Okla.

Christian Church, Wasco, Ore

Nora Miller

First Christian Church, Caney. Ks




First Church of Christ, Lock Haven, Penn.


Mrs. D. A. Shepard
Moxham Christian Church, Johnstown, Pa.



Mrs. S. C. Blower
Mrs. Carl Shade



16.00 9-00

The "Mile Society", Christian Church,

Mrs. W. F. Young

19-00 10.00 30.00



Craig, Colo Christian Sunday School, Paonia, Colo

Christian Church, Rangely, Colo
Northeast Christian Church.

Harvey Alexander Church of Christ, Flemington, Pa Church of Christ, Howard, Pa

Shellsburg Federated Missionary

10.00 13.00 80.00 26.00


Mr. & Mrs. Olin D. Atwood

f 00

Church, X.W.F.,

Program, Shellsburg, la
Bible School Missionary Fund, Anthony, Ks. Missionary Soc., Church of Christ, Toronto, Ohio Central Christian Church, New Castle, Penn.

Liscomb Church of Christ, Liscomb, la

Norwich, Ks


Nedra Mayo, Kansas City, Kansas

Victory .Class, Church of Christ,

Mission Fund Ben Davis Christian Church,

36.00 19-90

Grand Junction, Colo Worthington Church, of Christ, Brewster, Minn


38.75 187.01

40.00 26.00

Indianapolis, Ind


First Christian Church, Fort Benton.

Mrs. Katherine Key First Christian Church, Waynesburg, Penn.

1.00 66.75

Toronto, Ohio
; Missibhary Society, Pansey Christian Church,
Central Missionary Council, Cemtral

Cincinnati Ave. Christian Church,

Hill Side Christian Church, Nowata, Okla. .. 31.70 Tulsa, Okla 26.00

Primary & Junior Pepts., Waynesburg, Pa.

Ida S. Thomas H. T. Brown

6.00 6.00

, Gulston, Kentucky 19-90 Toronto- Church of Christ, Toronto, Ohio .... 80.00
Christian Church, Pittsburg 24, Pa

World Work Dept., First Christian

Virgil Marshall, Wymorc, Neb

Y.M;P.C., Christian Church, Ridgway, Mo.

Mission Fund Crysler Ave. Christian First Christian Church,



Church, Guymon, Okla Christian Church, Logan, Ks

33.70 10.21
15.90 25.00

What Happened To Ellen Case

It gives us the greatest of pleasure to
answer that question with this fine


30.00 6.00 16.84

Christian Church, Burlington, Ind

Men's Fellowship, Central Christian,

Church, Independence, Mo Mr. & Mrs. J. -T. Clover, Mutual, Okla

S.-W. Christian Convention,

McKee's Rock, Ponn

Lebanon, Ind Golden Rule Chr. Ch.. Indianapolis, Ind Plum Creek Christian Church,
Falmouth, Ind

Alhuqueitlue,. New Mex . - C.W.F. Christian Church, Vinton, Iowa ML Bethel Church Mission Fund, ,. Limestone, Tenn Bethany Christian Church, Mission Fund,
Anderson, Ind

6-26 26.00

Christian Church, Indianapolis, Ind

picture of what hit Ellen! The young people of the Vila Nova congregation
remarked when they saw this picture, "Is he a Hollywood star?"

Mrs. Wm. Evans

Dondsale Christian Church,



Kimberlin Heights, Tenn 6.00 First Christian Church, Council Bluff, la. .. 150.00 Don Yates 1-99

Perhaps not a 'Hollywood star, but Eugene Hughes is playing a major roll
in- the life of former missionary Ellen -Case. -He is her farmer husband and the father of the recently arrived David Hughes.

First Christian Church, Kansas City, Ks

Emerson Park Christian Church,

Kansas City, Ks.


C.W.F., Northeast Christian Church, Okla. City, Okla


Emerson Park Christian Church

(Individual) Kansas City, Ks

33.66 10.00

E. Les Pagnac, Burns, Ks

Prairie Creek Church, Vinton, Iowa Mr. & Mrs. R. M; Erwin, Des Moines, Iowa

Kansas City, Mo Christian Church, Robinson, Ks

Tri C. Class. Broadway Christian

Fairmount Christian Church,

Alice May Vawter

160.00 15.00

As you can see, Ellen has taken on a

mission of her own and from the con

C; E;: Hingsby,' Denver, Colo.

Paul Davenport, Manhattan, Ks Christian, Church, Caney, Ks

Westside Christian Church, Denver, Colo; .... Christian Church, Norton, Ks

8.00 9.00 26.00

9.10 22.68

Doyle Soverns
Y.M.P. Class, Fairmount Christian

W. E. May

Church, Wichita. Ks

tented expression' on -her face I'rn sure

we can all conclude that she is ex

f 90

Mrs.,.Eyia Dixpn, Meno, Okla

Glen . Cbperthwaite, Deer Creek, Okla 10.00 Davis Park Christian Church, Enid, Okla .... 100.00


First Christian' Church, Miami, Okla Boulevard Christian Church,

Church, Independence, Mo Mrs. M. M. Loney Mr. & Mrs. David B, Moore % Christian Church, Grecnsburg, Ind Central Christian Church. New Castle, Penn.
Women's Council, Christian Church,

30.00 2.00 25-00 3.00 35.00

9-00 38.00 1.00

tremely happy in her work! If you would like further details,

write to her: Mrs. Eugene Hughes,

Route 3, 'Pattonsburg, iMo; Incidentally, Ellen recently sold her

Brazilian home (in Silvania) to the mis^

Muskogee, Okla


First Christian Church, Muskogee, Okla. ....

Neal M. Lovell, Caney, Ks

Southside Christian Church,

26.00 26.00 16.00 1.00 20

Kansas City, Mo
Deer-Creek Christian Church,

..DMr,Creek, Okla. Meno Christian Church, Meno, Okla Mrs. W. C.. Martin, Medicine Lodge, Ks D. L. Leeley III, Oklahoma City, Okla

Deer Creek, Okla Central Ave. Christian Church, Parsons. Ks. Chester Powers Broadway Ave. Christian Church, Wichita, Ks West Side Christian Church, Denver, Colo. Nellie J. AmWer Mr. & Mrs. R. H. Fair
First Christian Church, Berean Class,

sion, on time payments and at a con

siderable personal loss, for $800.00. We

do want to express our appreciation

to Ellen for this sacrifice in behalf of the mission work. iHer former home how serves as the church building for the Church of Christ in Silvania and

75.00 25.00 25.00 10.00

13.66 -15.00 100.00

Fort Cobb, Okla Christian Bible School, Girard, Ks.Lois Jackson

missionary Dick Ewing is in charge of

the work there on an itinerate basis.

Entered in Post Office at Denver, Colo, as second closs matter under Act of Morchfl. 1879.

HaroLd McFarland
BOX 052



APRIL, 1956
Number 4


Sanders Arrive

Goiania March 10
10 at 4:00 p.m. Tlianlcl'ul heart.s prais(?d God for His watchcare during the oOOO mile airplane journey from Kansas Lily, U.S.A. to Anapolis. Brazil. The cold, wind driven snow in the heart of America was quite a change from warin Miami, Florida and sultry Belem, Brazil, just a few short hours apart. Sanders rushed through last minute
The Lloyd David Sander.s family ar rived in Goiania, Goias, Brazil on March

|)acking Monday and Tuesday, March o and 6, and arose at 4:00 a.m. March /th to prepare to go to the airport. At o:00
am. Harlie Snodgrass (Ruths father),

loaded family and 200 pounds of bag

to attend the dedication of the first building of the Christian Institute ot Goiania (preacher training) in an im

Over 80 persons walked or rode bicycles, many from four to five miles,

need to be replaced with something more suitable) were covered with

spreads in the school colors, dark blue and light gray. All beds are uniform
uniforms of dark blue skirls or trousers

gage in his Chevrolet and headed for

pressive service iield Marcli 11. Direc

with bedding and towels furnished by the Institute. Students will also receive

the farewell occasion. Within a few minutes Flight number 58 was called and the five Sanders (Lloyd David, Ruth, Amancio, Starla and Daryl) were braving the gusty wind to board the

tor Dick Ewiiig officiated and offered

the dedicatory message. Missionary Llovd David Sanders, returned from furlough only the previous day, gave the main address. The Institute a cap-

and light grav blouses or shirts when they iiave completed the first semester
with satisfactory grades and conduct. The dedication of the Institute

pclla choir under the direction of big four motored TWA flight to St. Carolce Ewing, brought the special Louis. .
ern Airlines flight at SI. Louis. Ihe children slept well and the baby took iiis first thousand mile trip Idee a veteran. Miami was different. Starla

building was a highlight for the Sanders

welcome back to the field. After years

pouring rain as they boarded the East

Tlie trip to Brazil liad begun. It was

music: "A Mighty Fortress", "Beloved Savior" and, ."S])irit,_ofJ,hjj_IJving G_pd.

The service was held in the com

bination dining-study hall and was fol lowed by a concluctotl tour of the biulcl-

of dreaming and planning and working toward the establishmcnt.oLJijireach-er."training school, they were to first see the fruits of their labor at the dedi

expressed it for all of them: "The cold

is getting hot!" Heavy coats were laid
aside. ..

lines office was Ihe next stop of the

missionaries. Reservations were con

In Miami the National Brazilian Air

firmed, passports and visas examined,

9 00 a.m. flight to Caracas, Port of Spam and Belem. Brazil. While wailing two hours for confirmation of flight and tickets, Lloyd David was invited into the inner office of the Brazilian line where he was served coffee and dis cussed politics and religion. One of the clerks was formerly of Goiania and discussed with L. David their mutual acquaintances there.
From Introduction to .4ctuaUty

baggage weighed and tagged for the

attractive deslis and tables of light, natural finish peroba (a native Brazil ian hardwood somewliat the quality of walnut but the color of pine). Beds in the dormitories (double-deck bunks built of rougli lumber that will one day

ing. Guests were impressed with the

A simple but attractive building, the

Institute has been constructed for a

dual purpose. With the long range pro

gram calling for three more buildings

to house the dormitories, classrooms,

librarv and administration, the first building was constructed for ultimate use as the technical school of trades and crafts. Now serving the many needs of the school, the building has been easily adapted. It now contains an

1. Praise for ihe safe arrival of the

Sanders and for two new mission

apariment of three rooms and bath for

the director, dining hall and kitchen, dormitory and bath for the boys, mis
sion office and three classrooms. At

ary fami/ies ready for orientation.

2. For funds to complete the first In stitute building and ten student

present the director's quarters are not occupied and classes are meeting there
while student workmen finish dividing

3. For permission to import needed

form equipment.)

the large work room into three tem

porary classrooms.

On Friday morning at 9:3(1 a.m. the Samlers family boarded the "plane flyfT.ontinued PaRc 2. Col. 2)

mission equipment (cars, plane, and

The yellow 37 feet by 10 feet build(Conlimied Page 3, Col. 2)




ti'y of labor again?" Customs was a surprisingly quick process so that by 7:00 a.m. the overloaded taxi was carry ing the "strangers" to a downtown

Sanders Arrive Goiania

Brazil Christian Mission

Entered in Post Office at Denver, Colo, as second class matter under Act of March 8, 1879.
Office of Publication

(Continued from Page 1)

ing down to Rio" and began with full force their readjustment to the language and Brazilian customs. Although the family could not find seats together upon departure, strangers of
fered seats and as a result Lloyd con
versed with a fellow traveler who ex

Brazilian coffee and milk (with buns and butter balls) was the Sanders' first meal on Brazilian soil again. In Belem the beautiful and familiar song of the "Bein-le-vi" bird was another reminder

1664 Poplar, Denver, Colorado

Published Monthly Subscription rate25c per year

plained that he was accompanying Rocky Marciano and his wife to Brazil
for vacation and boxing exhibition.

of the fact they had returned to their

mission field. Belem wa.s full of,

Twenty-five cents of the regular annual of

Though the

Sanders hardly


fering shall be considered payment of ope

year's subscription to the Brazil Christian Mis
sion. This enables the Mission to mall the

close friends of the Marcianos, they considered it a privilege to share the

bulletin at 1/12 the cost charged if it is not

sent as second class subscription. Send all contributions to:

trip with such a famous man. They

seem to make a habit of traveling with

Wm. A. Cook, Box 386. Guymon, Oklahoma.

Missionaries in Brazil:

Caixa Postal 201, Goiania, Goias, Brazil

Lloyd David and Ruth Sanders

J. Richard and Carolee Ewing
Ruth M. Spurgeon

celebrities, for on their ti'ip to the States last May tliey found tliemselves on the same plane with "Miss Brazil" on her way to New York for the ' Miss Universe" contest. You ma>' recall that slic won second place. Although the seven hour plane trip
over the Caribbean was a beautiful and

Edwin C. and Lula Knowles Kenneth and Clarice Mnthis

quiet trip Starla again expressed their

feelings: "When are we going to get there? It just looks like we are not

Concerning contributions to:

going any place!"

"Fasten your seat belt" was soon warning them that they were approach ing Caracas, Venzuela. Three hours later they landed in Port of Spain and
from there settled down for an all

Wm. A. Cook, Box 386, Guymon, Oklahoma

Concerning B.C.M. Publication to: Mrs. Vicky Hansen, 1664 Poplar,
Denver 20, Colorado

Concerning Promotional Materials: Dale McAfee, Straight Christian Church,

RED #4 Guymon. Oklahoma

night trip to Belem, Brazil.

Brazil At Last!

If you are not sure to whom your correspondence

should be directed send it to Mr. Cook and he

As the heavens began to turn grey with the light of dawn, the giant skyliner settled onto Brazilian soil. "Was

Carol Ewing (center) and a little neigh bor girl (right) welcome Starla and Daryl Sanders back to Brazil, green tropical foliage, stately palms,
the famous hand laid sidewalks of

will be glad to forward it to the correct address.

it possible back in the chosen counonly that is believed which is con venient. The governor of the feast at
Cana of Galilee was hired to remain

figures (outlined by dark stones) de signing flowers, trees, scorpions, an

chors, etc. Sidewalk cafes, houses built on the street with little or no sidewalk, no front yard and built one against the other, the overloaded buses careening,

A Letter From A Reader

Well, what do you think of this?
Lackland Air Force Base

sober so that the guests would not be

poisoned by

bad alcohol or become





San Antonio, Texas Dear Christian Friends;

hurt in the festivities and why else would the governor ask "Why, the best
has been saved to the last?" because

narrow streets, water cut off in

hotel, hot, sticky weather all helped

to refresh their clouded memories of

I am a Phillips grad '54. Having begun my work in the Bible College there. Because of diligent study and research it became increasingly evident that a man made church as the Disciples of
Christ has no evidence in history ex

frankly (and 1 do not endorse drunken ness) every one else was so polluted that they couldn't enjoy this FIRST
miracle which Our Blessed Lord chose

cept in the later years of the Christian Kra, and therefore roiild not be a real part of the true Church of Our Lord. I
became convinced of the remarkable

historicity and validity of the Catholic

faith. Neither can I accept the flagrant abuses of Rome, which too are man made! I became a part of the Anglican Communion where the motto of "Catho lic for every truth of God, and proteslant against every error of man." places it in the enviable position of maintain ing both warp and woof of the Church The letter on page two (BCM-July,
1955-Letters to the Editorsa letter

to perform! If only the so called Christian Tem perance Unions would practice their name I wuuld be among the very finsl to join their forces. The fallacy of the prohibition move ment is like saying that because thoiisand.s die anuually of the complications caused by excess eating that we should

this tropical city. Homecoming Three o'clock Saturday morning was arising time for the last leg of their journey. At five o'clock they found them.selves once again winging their way iiomeward, this time over the thick carpet of .Aniaznn jungle, over the
mountains of northern Brazil to the

prohibit tlie sale of food. And those

deaths are far in excess of the fantastic

high j^laiiis of Anapolis, Goias. The plane was delayed and they missed their flight from Anapolis to Goiania and the waiting crowd of friends at the airi)ort to welcome their return. A
rented car brought them into Goiania
two hours late but nonetheless welcome

from Dick Ewing concerning the liquor problem in Brazil) is typical of the
blind thinking of men-made churches. It is impossible for a diligent student of Holy Scripture to find recommenda tions for total abstaining. Even our
Blessed Lord used "wine" to consecrate

figures promulgated by the "dry" forces. This acceptance of one fact and rejec tion of anotiier is a kind of logic which is typical of their ilk: Impossible, de finitely un-Chrisllike, and pliarisaic to .say the least! Re-evaluatc your thinking! Study the WHOLE history of the Church! Our Lord's guidance of His Church began

and a .ioyful reunion occurred at the Ewing home where Miss Spurgeon also
awaited their arrival.

witli the calling of the first disciple and

continued and continues today. Why

ignore' the period from about A.D. 100

until the early decades of the nine teenth century? The incredible situa tion of having sprung "fully clothed, even as the goddess Minerva from the pain wracked head of .Tupiter" without (Continued Page 4, Col. 3)

lhat first great feast of His Body and His Blood. The hypocritical view, be cause of the spiritual weakness of "Christians" unable to use this gift of

A special service of welcome was held Sunday morning in the Vila Nova church with the Vila Operaria and Botofogo congregntion.s assisting. The warm welcome from all, the special music of welcome by the choir (direct ed by Carolee), the prayers of praise, all played a part to put emotions at a high pitch welcome by brethren in Christ is a joyous occasion. Dick brought wortls of welcome and present ed L. David as morning speaker.
At noon tlie missionaries went to the

God, that it was "only grape juice" is

typical of totalitarian blindness where

Institute campus where the dedication of the first building was to be held.


page 3

Sanders Arrive Gomnia

There thcv hud dinner with the students and at two o'clock David preached his second message in Portuguese as a part of llie dedication services. Later he

KNOWLES-MflTHIS FAMILIES SAIL MARCH 16 their ship is delayed beyond the April
.\s this issue leaves the editors desk

for press the Edwin C. Knowles and

Kenneth K. Malhis families are setting

spoke for the third lime at the evening

services of the Vila Nova church.

sail aboard the freighter Del Alba of the Delta Lines, bound for South America and their first term of service with the
Brazil Christian Mission.

11 deadline, the families will visit in Goiania as guests of the Ewings until the August term opens in language
school. In that event they will not finish their course of study until the following April.

again. A visit was made to his grand

Starla, having forgotten

Amancio is happy in his homeland

mother's home, to the river to try out liis American fishing pole, and a .swim.


made noble but vain attempts to make lierself understood to friends of less

than a year ago. Though welcome in tlie Ewing home, Starla felt she had not reached "home" yet. She wanted to go
to the old house where Ruth Spurgeon
lives and acts as housemother to the four Institute boarding girls. Slie didn't

Accortling to a letter from Mr. Blow ers dated March (5, B.C.M. board mem bers Russell F. Blowers and Warren Mathis (Brother to Kenneth) were to have accompanied the departing missionai-ies to their port of embarkation in New Orleans. They will be met in Santos bv Llovd David Sanders and orientation school in Campinas, Sao Paulo for nine months of study. The Sanders will help them with legal docu ments and to gel settled in school where
L. David and Ruth will also be studying

For a report of their trip see the May issue of this publication.
"J have known Kenneth iMathis for

a number of years, and it is with gen

uine appreciation of him as a man and

as a Christian that 1 commend him to the brethren as he prepares to go to South America for missionary work. Brother Mathis is a true Christian gen tleman who has dedicated his life com

will go directb' to the language and

pletely to the Lord Jesus (llhrist. iHe is

also a man quite capable in many ways, and I am sure that he will fit into the

like the thought of having her home invaded bv young women, but was comfoid.eil-_al_lhe_Ewings. when their dog, 'Doc', a long time friend of hers, lay bv her bed until she went to sleep. Baby Daryl, a good traveler, is getting accus
tomed to a new climate (no clotlics

in a three months refre.shcr course af ter ten months of furlough in the

United Slates.

life of the people whom he seeks to

serve as a representative of the Lord.

If their ship docks in time for them to enter .school by April II, the Knowles
and Mathis families will complete lan

Sharing in tnis work with "BroHier Matiiis through gifts will be a rich investment in the building of Christ's

needed!), new foods (dried milk), new customs (rugs on the floor in place of

guage and orientation school in Decem

ber and will then proceed to Goiania
to enter their mission field. In the event

T. K. Smith, Minister
Christian Church

a i)lay pen, flies and mosquito netting)

his new home!

Columbus, Indiana

Your missionaries, the Sanders, are in Brazil again they solicit your con tinued prayers for the ongoing of the

(Continued from Page 1)

"If people back home could only see this!" he sighed as he shook his head
almost in disbelief. Truly a menace are the droves of flies that threaten health and comfort the year round.

ing is constructed of baked native brick large, steel frame, glass windows allow in Seidember, 1954, and student work
men laid the foundation during that school year. In ,Ianuary, 1955, construc with stucco finish and tile roof. The a maximum of light and air. Ground was broken for the building

The next project in the completion

of llie first building will be ceilings and screens. It will cost approximately

HOW TO SEND MONEY TO YOUR MISSIONARIES "May we send money directly to you?" is a question often asked of the
missionaries. Their answer: "Please

2.00 per square yard to put in ceilings, with 9() square yards in all. The ap proximate cost of putting ceilings in
the various sections will be as follows:

send it through the mission treasurer." Missionaries request that money,

either in cash or check, NOT be sent to

tion was halte<l for lack of funds and

resumed .Tulv 8 of the .same year.

Dining hall, 80.00, Kitchen, 32.00,

Classrooms (2), 80.00. Screens will be more expensive. It is
estimated that it will cost 25.00 to

Brazil through the mail. Neither do they advise International money orders.
Reasons; Brazilian mails arc not pro

Among Brother Sanders first impres sions at the dedication of the new

screen Itie average window, or 200.00 for the kilclicn and dining hall. Your
contributions to the building fund may

money included in letters. Once dis

tected. Professional thieves can detect

that address and to cover up the crime

help in providing tliis very necessary

equipment. You might care to make the

covered they watch all mail going to

screening of one or more windows, or the ceilings in a portion of the building

destroy the letters from which money

was taken.

as your special project. Designate it for

Study-Work Plan Institute schedule includes

the building fund and specify your deTtie a

International money
free market rate.



much lower rate of exchange than the Do send your money through the
mission treasurer. He will send you a

receipt and will honor your wish. You mav designate offerings to any missionarv or project and personal gifts will
be" sent over and above regular mission funds. He will then forward your con

workprngram in the mornings, making it po.s.sible for the student to earn his wav through school as he studies. Male
.students are currently employed on construction, completing work on the
first building. The four young women



the field



are employed in making ready-to-wear garments to be sold on local market,

learning the trade as they go. Classes are offered in the afternoon

sending it through competent banks

where it will receive the free market rate of exciiange. This speeds your gift to the field, assures liiat it will not. be lost and records it in the mission books in an orderly and businesslike manner. Mission treasurer: Wm. A. Cook, Box 381), Guymon, Oklahoma.

on the "intensive" plan with two hours of a secular subject and two hours of
Bible in six weeks sessions. An hour of

active recreation is provided before the dinner hour and the evening is occupied with supervised .study and a chapel

Keep others thinking that you think they think - they will be your friends. Keep in mind all most worthwhile things in life increase by giving and

building was his remark, "I didn't re member there were so many flies!" He
made tills comment as lie waved his haiul at a black cloud of intruders ap

Ten Students Enrolled

Tiie Institute opened its fall term Kebruarv 28th with six boys and four

girls enrolled. Seven of these students

(Continued Page 4, Col. 2)

propriating the student dining table.



.5.00 5.00

February Contributions

Mrs. Claude V. Cralg ChrlsUan Churches. Havensvllle, Westmoreland, Clrclevllle, Kans

Mr*. Ruth Lewi*

Houlevard ChrlBllan Church, Htuhoeee, Ohln East Christian Church, McKlnney, Tejta*

31.90 25.00





.SO 1.00

Hatton City Christian Church, Ft. Worth, Texas.

Missionary Soc.. Worthlnffton Church of Christ,


Brewster, Minn

>44.05 67.00

Mrs. Jesse Ishmacl .Mrs. E. H. Leach


Harold Bettger
a c M


World Work Dept., First Christian Church,

Edwin C. Knowles

Cuymon, Ijiwndale Church of Christ, Lawndalo, Calif

P. Howard Snow


The Mile Society, Christian Church, Cralu, Colo

Mrs. W. F. Younif

Rexland Christian Church, Bakersflold, Calif


F. T.

Howard Snow S. Carmhers

2.25 7.00

A Rio newspaper recently reported a

high official of the Roman Catholic Church as stating that there is a serious shortage of priests in Brazil. He com


Atlanta Christian Church, Atlanta, Kans

Donald Yates


Christian Church, Palisade, Colo

N. E. Christian Church, Grand Junction, Colo


Christian Church, Bangely, Colo

William H. Goens




First Chrlstlsn Church, Clinton, Okla Missionary Society, Hazelwood Christian Church, Pittsburgh, Penn
Bcechcr Sisters



The Ladles Class, Mars Hill Christian Church,

Indianapolis, Ind

Activity Progress Report

Attendance Avcra^s:

Mathls Missionary Service Link, Christian Church,

Burlington, Ind


Vila Nova (congregation of 55 active rncmbera)

Dec. Jan. Pcb.

Brick Christian Church, Watauga, Tenn. Fairfax Christian Church, IndlanaiwHa, Ind Central Christian Church, Toledo, OHJ" .

25.00 oo.oo

pares Brazil's one priest to every 6,600 Catholics to Canada's one to every 418, United States' one to every 600, Frances' one to every 2,000 and Portugal's one to every 5,000.
A LETTER FROM A READER (Continued from Page 2)

Sunday School Eve. Preaching

Jr. C. E Sr. C. E Mld*Weelt

70 88
15 17 40

70 54
7 i:i 40

70 51
10 11 5*J

Jackson Christian Church, JaekMn,

of Christ, Lebanon, Ind.

Fair Haven Christian Church, Trafalgar, Ind First Christian Church, Jtinctlon City, Kans Missionary Fund New Brunswick Church

-l OO J5.0



Women's Meeting
Botofogo (Preaching Point)

15 20

13 20 8

0 34 10

_.Cum Join Us Class, Onward, Ind "Mrs. Leona Kohl Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Harrison Mr. and Mrs. Bill Johnson
Mrs. Alma Dalymplo Mr. and Mrs. Durwood Malhls

E. 49th St. Christian Church, Indianapolis, Ind

J'gn ^
' "

inn 00

Sunday School Wotuon'a Meeting

Vila Operaria (Congregation of 10 Active Members} Sunday School 35 40

Eve. Service

ties, without foundation, without doc trine is not only impossible but dis honest. Messrs. Campbell used an Angli can (King James) Bible with which, to









Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Stepp

Silvania (Congregation of 8 active nieinbera)

selfishly developed to meet their own idlosyncracies and even we are first
to admit that it is belabored with rank
errors of translation.

Mr. and Mrs. Ceell Waggoner

Sunday School
Mld*Weck Services




Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Enterlino Mr. and Mrs. Harry Phillips

Mr. and Mrs. Orvel Morgan

Women's leleoslng


Agricula (Ctmgregatiuii





The cry of "return to the primitive

48 35

Loyal Daughters Class, Washington, Ind. Mars Hill Church of Christ, Indianapolis, Ind

Mr. and Mrs. Pat Johnson





Special Services
Fazeiula Tlu Alfredo 30

Baptisinal Services

Services 2348



church" is impossible to rationalize with a genuine faith in the work of the Holy Spirit. Did Our Lord create a
static ciuirch, or did He create a church

Missionary Fund, Mt. Bethel Church,

Limestone, Tenn





Sdles^ld'chrtstliin C^
Barbara Seymour

Missionary Society, Haxelwood Christian

Church. PItttburgh, Pa

Bushvliie, Miss


to grow and develope, to accommodate itself to the spiritual drought and

mystical insights of His faithful fol lowers? If you wish to return to the ancient order don vestments and

Missionary Fund, Ben Davis Christian Church,

IndUnapolU, Ind Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Clovls
Anderson, Ind

(Continued from Page 3)

worship in caves! don't use electricity

Missionary Fund, Bethany Christian Church,

Moscow ChrlsUan Mission, Mllroy, Ind

Em^n Park ChrUtlsn Church, Kansas ci^, ics

Davis Park Church. Enid, Okia
Oak Grove Church, Vlnton,

"3-70 S"-""

Keystone Class, LaCrosse, Kans

James D. Maxwell
Mrs. Culah Evans

Salem Church, Bottonburg, Ky First Christian Church, Aurora, HI

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Staybaugh



are boarding in and the others live off campus. The three male boarding stu dents live in the dormitory quarters of the new building and the girls live in the Sanders home in Botofogo com muting by hired car for the afternoon and evening sessions at the Institute. Dormitory facilities will presently ac
commodate 15 students. New students

or pipe organs, don't use automobiles!

Tlie analogy is real and honest, unless

go part w^ and turn around and reject

another? The selfishness of men! The
Anglican faith i.s difficult because it is

you close your eyes to the truth. Why

Robert SIgler

ChrlsUan Church, Dexter, Mo

Mr. Bethel Church. Limestone, Tenn

SS ,1;

NOT cut and dried it's growing as its peoples grow, expanding to meet their needs, not stagnating in the worm
eaten archives of an outmoded skeletal


will be admitted at the end of each six

Carl Lueck

First Christian Church, McKees Rocks, Penna Christian Church, MounUIn Home, Ark

2.00 16.00


weeks session. Entrance requirements are rigid and students are admitted only
as funds are made available to cover

I didn't begin to write a sermon, hut

feel so strongly about this indecision and flagrant violations of all that the Catholic Churches hold dear it is im

Kolsa Bean

Willing Workers Prayer Links, Mountain Home, Ark. C.W.F. Mountain Homo, Ark Mrs. 3. L. Clemens Mr. and Mrs. Hiitj* wir'hei-tnn . . . Christian Church, Willis, Kans
Christian Churches, Havensvllle, Westmoreland,

Bill Bartwoll

Earl Bobbins

11.55 40.00 10.00 25.00 20.00

, -O

the cost of their education. All students


Clrclevllle, Kans Paul Davenport Christian Church, Valley Falls, Kans

Alpha Beta Chi, Manhattan Bible College, Manhattan, Kans Hobbs Christian Church, TIpton, Ind Church of Christ, Blanchard, Penna

43.56 2- 22.27
75.21 8.00 20.00

are in preparation for full time service as evangelists, preachers and teachers lu lake the gospel to their own people. They are taking an active part in the evangelistic program of the mission as they study. Two young men serve as student evangelists and all the others are actively engaged in teaching in Sunday Bible Schools. Scholarships Needed
AH ten students now enrolled are

possible to keep silent. Re-evaluate your thinking, study the WHOLE history of the Church you too may find the
more perfect truth of the Catholic faith.

Others have done it and wept (as I did)

that they remained so selfish and .so blind for so long.

In His service, and bles.sed by the

grace of His Most Blessed Sacrament of

Pleasant Dale Community Sunday School, Enid, Ok. C.W.F. Christian Church, Apache, Okla Mr. and Mrs. S. Fisher, Peru, Kans
West Side ChrlsUan Church, Denver, Colo
Mrs. Leona C. Lux

12.00 30.50 10.00


the Altar, I pray that you too may find

M. M. Loney


currently in need of scholarships of $15.00 per month. During his recent promotion work for the Institute wliile
on furlough. Brother Sanders found several interested persons who are con sidering taking one or more of these scholarships, but definite commitments need to be made and the funds sent immediately to the treasurer, Wm. A.

the peace and assurance of His more perfect earthly revelation.

Bobbie 0. Britton, AFD


Central Christian Church, New Castle, Penn Christian Bible School, GIrard, Kana TrI C Class, Broadway Ave. Christian CImrch,

45.00 18.50



Robinson Christian Church, Robinson, Kans W. E. May Broadway Ave. Christian Church, Wichita, Kans..... Alice May Vawtcr Doyle Sovcms
A Friend

15.00 5.00 20.00 15.00 2.00


There is a great story to the effect that a certain .society in South Africa once wrote to David Livingstone: "Have

you found a good road to where you

ChrlsUan Church, Clay Center Kans Plessant Home Sunday School, Brewster, Kans
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ravenscroft Lenlta Steward

10.00 75.00
30.00 3.50

Cook, Box 386, Guymon, Oklahoma. On a month by month basis pledges arc requested for a ten months period or in one gift of $250.00 per student.
Have faith in the future - where there

send other men to join you." Living

are? If so, we want to know how to

will come only if they know there is a good road, I don't want them. I want
men who will come if there is no road
at all."

stone replied: "If you have men who

Ruth Spurgeon Fund, First Christian

Church, Scottsbluff, Mrs. Harold Gettger


1 OO.OO 1.75

is no hope for the future, there is no

power for the present.

The Church Herald February 25, 1955

Entered in

Post Office at Denver, Colo, as

second class matter under Act of March 8,1879.

Harold HbB^rlazid Box 968

JUNE, 1956

Joliet, 111,

Number 5



?. Praise for the safe arrival of the Knowles and Mathis families.

2. Praise for approval of application for Brazilian pilot's license for Dick

3. For permission to import needed mission equipment (cars, plane and

farm equipment.) 4. For funds to complete the first In stitute building and ten student scholarships. 5. for dedicated students to prepare themselves for the ministry among their own people.

The freighter S. S. Del Oro which took

the Knowles and Mathis families to

With feet on solid earth once again the

Mathis family display happy smiles as they realize they are at last in Brazil.
As the Edwin C. Knowles and Ken neth L. Mathis families stepped ashore


The real vicloi-y in the proposotl

program of evangelism by air was rccenlly won when missionary pilot Dick Ewing received notice that his ai)])lication for Brazilian pilot's license was reconsidered and approved by the Bra zilian air authorities. It had previously been rehised by the staunch Roman Catholic air minister Eduardo Gomez,

ren missionary Wesley Archibald of .Anapolis. He modestly reports that his

plane enables him to do the work it

without the plane. He finds the modest
cost of operation one of its most at
tractive features.

in Santos April 9 from a 25 day ocean voyage, the Brazil Christian Mission looked hopefully to the day, but a year away, when it can boast a field staff
of nine missionaries.

would take at least three men to do

The two new missionary families em

barked from New Orleans, Louisiana,

March 18th aboard the freighter S. S.

A thrilling account of the "mission

bv air" of Max Ward Randall of the South African Church of Christ Mission

Del Oro in place of the formerly sched

uled Del Alba and by this last minute

who was replaced in the recent elec

tions. Other American missionaries

appeared in their publication recently,


change were assigned the finest of quarters for their journey. Excellent
weather favored the vessel on her trip to the land of the Southern Cross. The first taste of Brazil was offered






licenses also and tlie new trend would indicate that the way may soon open

entitled "Wings Over South Africa". The following is reprinte<l from that
"Mission Plane saves valuable time,

up for importing planes for mission

use. The Gospel may soon be borne on wings! Mr. Ewings enthusiasm of the pro

the two families as they stopped March

2()th in Belem. Unfortunately they were unable to contact the missionaries of

as well as money for Mission, and makes visits possible to otherwise in

accessible or remote areas.

posed evangelistic program with the aid of a plane is heightened each time he
hears the testimony of one who has tried it, It is interesting to note that he

. . . Tliis is the record of flight for Stinson ZS-DEV from May Isl, 1954

has not yet received a discouraging report from a flying missionary!

Much to the contrary, those who

through April 30th, 1955. From this record you can judge for yourself con cerning the practicability of the Mission
Stinson Station Wagon.

the Amazon Valley Christian Mission as they had planned, but guided by fellow passenger Hankins, a veteran missionary of the Baptist church, they
were introduced to one of the most

famous of Brazilian sea ports. There

thev visited the open market, tasted

their first Brazilian coffee, boifght Brazil nuts ami pineaijple, saw their first sidewalk cafes, open-front shops (Continued on Page 3, Col. 1)

"During the year the plane was in

the air 90 liours and 24 minutes. Ninetyfour hours and 12 minutes of that time

know because they have actually used a plane in their work come up with an answer much like that of United Breth

(Continued on Page (i, Col. 1)





Brazil Christian Mission

Entered In Post Office at Denver, Colo, as second class matter under Act of March 8,1879.
Office of Publication

Robert M. Bell, president of Johnson Bible College amswers two timely ques tions in a recent issue of the school

tant. The important thing i.s that he accomplish the work which his master

paper. Blue and White, a portion of

which is here reprinted:
1. What is the Brotherhood? and

Our Master has told us to go into all the world and make disciples of every

nation, "baptizing them into the name

of the Father and of the Son and of the

1664 Poplar, Denver, Colorado

Published Monthly Subscription rate25c per year

2. What is an agency of the brother


Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have command
ed you." He allows us to choose the tools, in strumentalities or agencies, which we wish to use in carrying out His com mand. Some tools are simple; others are more complicated. Some tools are inexpensive to operate; others consume
much fuel and oil. But tools thcm-

. . . Perhaps we should begin by stat

Twenty-five cents of the resular annual of fering shall be considered payment of one year's subscription to the Brazil Christian Mis
sion. This enables the Mission to
sent as second class subscription.
Send all contributions to:

ing what "the brotherhood" is not. It i.s not a corporation. It is not a particular
kind of organization. In fact, it is not an organization at all. It has no charter, no president, no by-laws, and no board
of directors.

mail the bulletin at 1/12 the cost charged if it is not

Wm. A. Cook, Box 386, Guymon, Oklahoma.

Caixa Postal 201, Goiania, Goias, Brazil
J. Richard and Carolee Ewing Ruth Ml Spurgeon Missionaries in language school: Escola de Portugues c Orientacao
Caixa Postal 15

Brotherhood is a relationship. A bro therhood is made up, not of organiza tions, but of individuals who are in fact or in a figure bound together by
fraternal ties. Brothers in fact are those

.selves are unimportant. They are but

a means to an end. The end not the

Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil

L. David and Ruth Sanders Edwin C. and Lula Knowles

who have a common parentage. Bro thers in a figurative sense are who are bound together by a common
faith or a common task.

means is important. When the work ers stop to fight over the tools, they are failing to do the Master's work.

Our brotherhood is made up of in

dividuals who have both a common

Kenneth L. and Clarice Mathis

When one worker disfellowships an other because of a disagreement over tools, he is hindering the work. Jolmson Bible College is merely a tool an agency. It has served the
brotherhood the whole brotherhood

Conieerhing contributions to:

faith and a common task. Our faith is in Christ. He is our creed. Our task

for sixty-two years. Yet, there are

churches within the brotherhood which

. Wm. A. Cook, Box 886, Guymon, Oklahoma

Concerning B.C.M. Publication to: Mrs. Vicky Haiuen, 1664 Poplar, Denver 20, Colorado Concerning Promotional Materials:

Dale McAfee, Straight Christian Church,

'RFD #4
Guymon. Oklahoma

to make Him and His Gospel known the uttermost parts of the earth and persuade as many people as possible accept His Way of Life. The word agency has many meanings. As used here, it simply means an in strumentality. An agency is merely an
instrument or a tool which is used as

is to to to

have never contributed a penny to the

support of Johnson Bible College. Shall I say that these churches which do not support my pet agency are not of the
brotherhood? Such an attitude would

be utterly absurd, and should raise serious questions concerning my men

tal and moral condition.

If you are not sure to whom your correspondence

an aid in performing our task.

The master commands his servants

should be directed ;send it to Mr. Cook and he

will be glad to forward it to the correct address.

Any agency which demands support

of the churches and tries to read out of

No May Issue
- The May issue of the BRAZIL CHRIS
TIAN MISSION has been combined

with the June issue and published as "June, 1956, No. 5" in accordance with

to go into the field, plant and culti vate the crop. The servants may use a great variety of tools in carrying out the command, especially if they are al lowed free choice. The particular tool wliich a servant chooses is unimpor

the brotherhood any church which does not comply with its demands, is a dan gerous agency and should be allowed to die for lack of support.
R. M. B.

postal regulations. This was made necessary due to an over crowded

schedule in the editorial office in Goiania and in the circulation depart

Savage and Scientiststopped by the other day to borrow our

A denominational missionary friend camera to take with him on a trip up the Araguia river. He returned with a whole roll of excellent pictures in color of the Xavante Indians until recently
one of Brazil's most treacherous tribes

ment in Denver, Colorado where we are converting to a new and simplified mailing system. Your patience and un derstanding are deeply appreciated. Carolee Ewing, editor Vicky Hansen, circulation

and today one of the most primitive

cultures on earth.

jungle? And have you ever wondered why it should be that people in one spot of the world would develop a highly civilized culture and in another, after centuries upon centuries, remain in the same state as primitive man, liv ing little above the level of animals? With all this to ponder we return to the great commission, realizing that both need Christ, and that it is our task
to preach Christ crucified unto the uttermost parts of the world. Neither
civilization or the lack of it can save man and either of them without the blood of Jesus Christ is worse than

Scottsbluff Church Dedicated

New ButFding
The First Christian Church of Scotts

Our friend was extremely disappoint ed, for, as he pointed out, the pictures could not be shown in public. You see,
the well dressed Xavante Indian is not
dressed at all!

bluff, Nebraska, living-link and home church of missionary Ruth Spurgeon, dedicated a new $230,000.00 building on Sunday, January 29. Brazil Christian Mission board of representatives chair man, W. 0. French, is an elder of the
Scottsblufr church. James H. Bartholo
mew is minister.

void. Let us rise up and preach to both

the .savage and the godless scientist!

The pictures he had taken of some of the most primitive men in the world made me do some serious meditating. What a contract between these simple
creatures who have not been educated

Gospel Arithmetic
We either add up or multiply, sub
tract or divide.

The beautiful brick building has a seating capacity of 410 with overflow .seating in the narthex and balcony of

200. The kitchen and fellowship hall will serve up to 300 at tables. There are
16 Bible School rooms with a seating capacity of 500. Including halls and
closets there are 50 rooms in the build

to recognize the naked condition of their bodies, and godless scientists but a few jet-age hours away whose know ledge threatens the annihilation of all civilization, yet who have not learned to recognize the naked condition of their souls. Both are equally lost. But does it not strike you as almost

We will count on you to help us

multiply our power in Brazil and add to the Bible College fund. "A pint can't hold a quart if it

holds a pint it is doing all that can be expected of it." Margaret Deland.
"God has placed no limits to the exercise of the intellect He has given
us." Bacon.
"Write down the advice of him who

The Brazil Christian Mission con

impossible that the two could live side by side in this shrunken world of to day? With superior means of transpor
tation and communication does it not

gratulates the Scottsbluff church on its new building and wishes it many years of activity in the service of the Kind.

seem strange that civilization has bare ly touched these savage peoples of the

loves you, though you like it not at present." Selected.

Knowles-Mathis Arrive (Continiicci from Page 1) and learned the complicated process of mailing letters in Brazil. (Stamps do not have glue due to the moist climate and must be glued individualh'. It takes an average of four stamps to mail each




birthday by going ashore with his father and Mr. Mathis via small launch,
to be the first to set foot on shore at

New Work Opened In Bela Vista

The Brazil Christian Mi.ssion opened
work in a fourth area of greater

The missionaries were not particular

the post of disembarkation for llieir first term of missionary service iti Bra zil. Later, still anchored in the harbor and unable to dock, both families left the Del Oro via small ferry which took them and their hand luggage into jmrt
where L. David Sanders awaited them.

Goiania Ai)ril 15th with the inaugura tion of a Sunday Bible School at the
Goiania Christian Institute in the new

section, Bela Vista. 25 persons attended

the first Bible School session on Sun

ly impressed with the hot, steamy cli

mate of Belem but enjoyed the bits of art work, decorative hedges, tiesigned

day afternoon and attendance since that

(late has been between 20 and 30. Mr. and Mrs. J. Richard Ewing are in

sidewalks in mosaic, attractive parks and modern buildings whicli Lula Knowles called "oases of beauty here
and there." Thev felt the "color" of

The comjdicated baggage and customs process was the only mar on their de lightful arrival in their new ado|Dted

country. Leaving the larger pieces of baggage to clear customs later, they
luirried on to meet the deadline for

charge of the new work and are assist ed by students of the Bible Institute.
This new section of Goiania is sparce-

entering language school.

ly settled. The Institute itself lias no iinmcdiate neighbors and it is nearly

a mile to tlie nearest "outskirt" village.

After dashing through heavy traffic

in a rainstorm via open trolley, (.lohn Knowles particularly enjoyed hanging on the outside of the open trolley Bra zilian style) the missionaries were on their way by bus to Sao Paulo and

CamjDinas, arriving in their new liome

al midnight. Their trij), though at night,
took them into one of the most scenic areas of Brazil. As their bus climbed

However, there are sufficient neighbors living in the vicinity to warrant the Bible School. No other evangelical work is being done in this locality though Die new Baptist primary school and future Presbyterian highschool are also
located in this area. The denominations

will undoubtedly soon move into this area and it is hoped that the Bela Vista
Church of Christ will be well establish

high into the Sao Paulo mountains they

enjo>'ed the beautiful view of the port city of Santos at night. In less than two hours they had climbed from sea
The Mathis and Knowies families at the dinner table aboard the S. S. Del Ore.

ed in the "groundwork" of settling this new section. We ask your special pray ers for this new undertaking.

level to the 3000 ft. altitude city of Sao Paulo. With a change there they were soon on their way to Campinas and

Botofogo S. S. To AM
The first step in creating a separate

Belem was heightened by the large number of men slumbering or loafing in the ijarks and on the streets and the
many, many street venders selling tlieir

congregation of the Botofogo work was taken the 15th of April when the week

wai'es which included everything from lottery tickets and cliairs to ice cream
and coffee.

ly Bible School session was moved from Sunday afternoon to Sunday

morning. Since that date attendance

there has averaged over 50, a consider

able growth over former averages in
the 30's.

In describing Belem they spoke of the huge, decorative iron gates, high adobe walls tiiat surround each home, thatch ed roofs of the poor Inits with a back drop of nearby modern architecture of

apartment buildings.
It was in Belem that Carol Mathis

received her first Brazilian present from the chief steward on ship she re ceived a Marmoset (small South Ameri can monkey whose height rarely ex ceeds five inches).

A harbor scene U. S. consumption.

loading coffee for

The women's work has been divided, meeting as a circle of the Vila Nova Church of Christ, for some time. They will continue to cooperate in the monthly general meetings until July when the final step will be taken to create a separate Botofogo Church of

Over another week was spent aboard

ship as they rounded the great eastern hump of Brazil to dock in Rio de .laneiro, one of the worlds most beau tiful and famous port cities, on April 5th. They were much imijressed with the higher standards of living in the national capital over what they had experienced in Belem. They described its skyscrapers, tasteful dress of Rio citizens, new cars and great 12 lane liighway running through the heart of the city, famous Copacabana beach and its hustle of business activity as "the picture of prosperity." They were parlicidarly impressed with its compara
tive cleanliness and newness.

their new home where they found their baggage had arrivetl just ahead of them. The next moi-ning Ken an<l Ed were in class at 8:00 off to a good start in a busy and important new under taking for the Lord, and the first step of which is extremely important learning the Brazilian language and customs well! The men study in morn ing classes and the women in after
noon sessions. The children have also

Building Loaned

The Botofogo work has been conduct ed in the home of a Christian until

April 22nd when a large building was

offered for use of the new congregation. 'I'he owner of the building asks no rent
and the Christians of that area have

.secured its use for an indefinite period of time. It should greatly facilitate the Botofogo work until such time as the congregation is able to secure land and
construct its own church building. Re member to pray for this new congrega

been placed in school during this year of orientation. The Sanders family is taking a three month "brush up" course at the school also. They are sharing a
rented house with the Kenneth Mathis

Of Course We Give!...

family. The full

But So Did They

1. The Willing Giver Abraham in the offering of his son. 2. The Big Little Giver the widow who in giving two mites gave most
of all.




Their visit to Rio included not only the downtown section, wharf and lovely
seashore drive along its famous beach es. but also "Cristo Rendentor" statue
of Christ on Corcova<lo mountain and

course in which the Knowles and Mathis families are enrolled lasts one

famous Sugar Loaf Mountain in Rio


year in place of the nine months for merly announced. They will have one month of vacation in July. The new couples will be ready to join the field staff of the mission in April, 1957. Until July all three families may be addressed at the Escola de Portugues e Orientacao
Caixa Postal 15

But the highlight of their trip was solid ground in Santos, their poid of disembarkation. Here, on Sunday, .\prll 8, John Knowles celebrated his 13th

Camijinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil After July first the Sanders family may
be reached at the Goiania address.

3. The Givers Who Were Not Nig gardly the Macedonians, who gave up to their ability and beyond. 4. The Unpretentious Giver the Good Samaritan, who made no show of his giving. 5. The Sacrificial Giver David, who in buying the threshing floor of (Continued on Page 6, Col. 2)



Christian Church, DelU, Colo
CWF Guild, Paonla, Colo

March-April Contributions


Secular Magazine Reveals "The

So. Bdwy. C. of C., 1.08 Angeles, Calif

5 J''"
Bob Bumgardner, Grand Valley, Colo
Virgil Bcal, Cralg, Colo
Mile Society, Cralg, Colo.

Unknown, Verona. Pa


Big Lie About Moderate Drinking"

Through our column "Letters From Our Readers" the subject of alcoholic beverages and their use has been di.scusscd pro and con. (See B.C.M. 1955 and April, 1956) A very enlighten
the secular magazine PAGEAiNl

Jerome Church, Greenstown, Ind

Fay Evans, Marlon, Ind."
Anderson, Ind
Bethany C. C., Anderson, Ind

Wesley Fellowship S.S.. VInton, la



'2nd yr. Jr. Class, Bethany C. C., Anderson, Ind

2hd yr. Primary Class, Bethany C. C.,


Flgueroa Blvd. C. C., Inglewood, Calif Dumas C. C., Dumas, Ark. Mrs. A. M. Chauiicy. Great Falls, Mont
Mrs. Ruth Lewis, Carlsbad, Calif

o-o 5.00

b do

5.00 2-" l.
l"-"" IS.

Christian Church, Stockton, Ks. .

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fuller, TIpton, Ind Hobbs, C. C., TIpton, Ind Mr. and Mrs. A. Laser, Indianapolis, Ind
Ernest Cramer, Indianapolis, Ind Mr. and Mrs. Frank Adams, El Dorado, Kb

tiarlow Robinson, Minneapolis, Minn

ing article on the subject appeared in

Februarv, 1956 in which the editors call the modern propaganda in favor of
alcoholic beverages "the Big Lie and reveal some startling facts about moder
ate or "social" drinking.

A friend, Bridgeport. Ind


Fountain Square C. C., Indianapolis, Ind

First C. C., Canton. Ohio

'SSS oo


Christian Church, McKees Rocks, Pa


First C. C., Council Bluffs. la

Mrs. J. F. Clovls, Mutual, Okia West Amarlllo Women's Council, Amarlllo, Texas .. Jean Brockett, Hubbard, Ohio Christian S. S., Abilene, Ladles Miss. Sock, Pnasy C. C., Gulston, Ky Mrs. S. L. Clemens, Kansas City, Ks

5-" ll.o *- 5- l-" 2o.OO

E. T. Bonham. Indianapolis, Ind Christian Church, Columbus, Ind.

Englewood C. C.. Chicago, 111. Mars Hill C. of C., Indianapolis. Ind

E. 40th St. C. C., Indianapolis, Ind Herb Wilson, Cleveland, Ohio West Side C. C., WlchlU, Kans Walter Ross Dorcus Club, D. O.. Greenwood, Ind
First C. C., Knox. Ind Christian Church. Burlington, Ind. Crusader S. S. Class, Mt. Lebanon C. C., Pittsburgh, PS Ml. Lebanon C. C., Pittsburgh, Pa
First C. C., Sturgls, Michigan Hanging Rock. Christian Youth Assembly, Ladoga, Ind J. R. Crandell, Sprlngport, Ind
Plum Creek C. C., Falmoulh, Ind.
Brick C. C., Wauuga, Tenn.


252.01 277.00
25. 200.00

Christian Church at Hobbs, TIpton, Ind First C. C., Buckner, Mo

Mrs. Anna Fayo Weaver, Kansas City, Ks

66.00 62.00

Mr. and Mrs. Abram Hoover, Independence, Mo

Christian Church, Montrose, Colo Mildred Covlngton, Cincinnati, Ohio

Enjjpradn Park C. C., Kansas City, Ks

Mt. Bethel Church, Limestone, Tenn Ben Davis C. C., Indianapolis, Ind Christian B. S., Courtlsnd, Ks
Nora Miller, Edgerton, Mo Christian Church,;.Sharon, Ks. First'C." C. S. S., La Crosse, Ks. Christian t^urcfa, Hartford, Ks Christian Church, Norton, Ks

Davis Park C. C., Enid,'Okla



Central C. C., Pltubur^, Pa First C. C., Mattoon, III. Christian Church, Mays, Ind

200.00 J- '00.63 lofs oo '25.0

'- 100.0 '? ?

J" j""" J

Say the editors of PAGEANT: "There is only one kind of person who does
not have to worry about the facts in this article. He is the man who has never drunk alcohol in any form at all beer, wine or hard liquor and the man who never intends to drink alco hol." This editor disagrees with the editors of PAGEANT. We believe that

S-O 20.oo

IS-SO 180.00 20.00 20.00 I-'' 55.88 42.00


35.30 la no 'o.oo

Berean Class, Control C. C., Toledo, Ohio



First C. C., Dexter, Mo Church of Christ, Blanchard, Pa Mrs. A. P. Ashton, Leawood, Ks First C. C., Miami. Okla

Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Clovls, Mutual, Okla.

15.00 20.00 2.00 50.00

all men need to worry about the facts in their article as long as anyone

First C. C., Junction City, Ks

Northeast C. C., Okla. City, Okla First C. of C., Lock Haven, Pa

58.30 5O.00 10.00 lO-O 30.00 40.00 10.00

61.66 25.00


First C. C., Valley Center, Ks. Ben Davis C. C., Indianapolis. Ind
Christian. Church, Owaaso, Michigan Mrs. l,eRoy A. Runyon, Carland, Mich Indianapolis, Ind

Mrs. Elbert Walters, WlchlU, Ks

oo.oo '2.0


drinks! We particularly feel that as

people of God, we should be concerned

when a so called religious man will write a letter to the editbr such as the one that appeared in last months issue according to PAGEANT:

Christian Church,- Rldgcway, Mo

Mrs. Ralph Seymour, El Dorado, Ks Bible Class, Taloga, Okla Crysler Ave. C. C., Independence, Mo W.C.S.C., West Side C. C., Wichita, Ks Jean Brockett. Hubbard, Ohio
Christian Church, Bluff City, Ks

Willing Workers Class, Mars Hill C. C.,

Hansing Park C. C., Indianapolis. Ind

".uu lo.oo .; f;;-""


Cum Join Us Class. Onward C. C., Walton, Ind

Mr. and Mrs. Bart Pollock, Waveland, Ind
A. B. Holly, Shreveport, La First C. C., Clinton, Okla



of this paper. Let's look at the facts

a ten billion dollar a year business far more than we spend on education!

Mrs. E. Seheffsky, Kaskell, Okla



64% of American adults drink. It is

75.00 73.25

Falrmount C. C., Kansas City, Mo . Trl C., Bdwy. C. C., Wichita, Ks Central C. C., Nevr Castle, Pa

West Side C. C., Denver, Colo Bdwy. Ave. C. C., WlchlU, Ks

150.00 lOO.OO 90.00

CWF, C. C., MounUln Home, Ark

Church of Christ, Palmer, Nob Maddle Hinckley, Ashland, Ks John Rails, Cincinnati, Ohio First C. C., Bomcnt, III

I^ontalne C. C., Fredonla, Ks CWF, C. C., Laughllntown, Pa CWF, Northeast C. C., Okla. City, Okla Christian Church, Elbert, Colo
Falrmotmt C. C. YMP Class, Kansas City, Mo Mr. and Mrs. James Vawter, Englewood, Colo

Central Ave. C. C., Parsons, Ks

30.00 75.00

24.00 20.00 15.00 15.00 13.00

10.00 10.00 2.00 5.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 5.75 20.00 5.00 1.00

Beer leads in sales followed by liquor in all forms and then wine. The main answer to "why" people drink is be


A 8.30 35.00 30.00

Claude V. Cralg. Bonncr Springs, Ks Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Palmer, WlchlU, Ks

cause they enjoy it. Social customs and

advertising both exert tremendous in

Flgueroa Blvd. C. C., Inglewood, Calif

Donald Yates, Enid, Okla

fluence. One social drinker out of every

Glen E. Bwing, Indianapolis, Ind

Marian Cllne, Wheatrldgc, Colo First C. C., Berryvllle, Ark

30.00 30.00

Mrs. Gene Smith, Enid, Okla

20.00 18.27

Mrs. Ethel Carlson, Custer, So. Dak Clifton C. C., Grand Junction, Colo Elsie Shipley, Deer Creek, Okla
II. T. Brown, Odessa, Texas Mrs. Paul McGoun, McCunc, Ks

15 will wind up as an alcoholic. A girl cannot drink and remain virtuous. Al

cohol is regarded as the greatest cause

Cay Ewlng Bible Study. Apache. Okla.

Nellie J. Ambler. Denver. Colo Christian Church, Laughllntown, Pa Christian Church. Olrard, Ks Christian Church, Robinson, Ks Laura M.' Yost, Inglewood, Calif
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dudley. Apache. Okla

30.00 2O.O0


of insanity in the U. S. Drinking can lead to sexual promiscuity and crimes

cells are the first to be affected by
of violence. Brain and nervous system

18.25 18.50 30.00

W. E. May, Chanute. Ks A friend, Sidney, Neb

Anonymous AnU-Kant Class, Cralg, Colo Women's Council, C. C., Deer Creek, Okta LenlU Steward, Okla. City, Okla

10.00 lO.OO '2.00

Doyle Sovems, Anderson, Ind M- M. Loney. Hiawatha, Ks Mr. and Mrs. Warren Allison, Wichita, Ks Women's Group, C. of C. S.E., Minneapolis, Minn. .. Mrs. Berths Reed, Cralg, tk>lo
Mr. and Mrs. Boy Powers, Thayer, Ks

0.5O 4.00 10.00 12.00 3-00

'4.00 '2-00 9.00 T-S

First C. C., Clinton, Okla AInsworth Chapman, Joplln, Mo Davis Park C. C., Enid. Okta Mrs. L. A. Stilt, Pratt, Ks.

Bethany C. C., Anderson, Ind

Mrs. Hugh D. Ransom. Froeport, Ks


50.00 at-"" '0 0 5.50


alcohol. After destruction by alcohol,

Mr. and Mrs. Vernal Johnson, Tonganoxle, Ks


they are lost forever and unlike most other body cells, cannot be regenerated.

Mr. and Mrs. Claude V. Cralg, Bonner Springs, Ks.

Dr. and Mrs. Homer F. Nell, Parsons, Ks Mrs. Evelyn Hank, Nortonvlllc, Ks.
Mrs. Leslie Skinner, Portland, Ore

5.00 5.00

system, blood, the

Drinking effects all the vital organs: liver and kidneys, heart and circulatory
cars and sense of touch and skin.

throat, esophagus and stomach, eyes,

glands, moutli,



Mrs. Nancy Cain, Apache, Okla

Mrs. P. A. Stroroan, Trinidad, Colo



Ilia Mullins, Manhattan, Kansas



PAGEANT quotes two eminent auth

psvchiatrist and neurologist, "Alcohol

is a habit forming drug and should be

orities: Dr. Frederick Lemerc, a Seattle

Pleasant Home Church, Brewster. Ks First C. C., Scottsbluff, Neb CWF, First C. C., Scottsbluff, Neb

Normaruth Jacobs, Council Bluffs, la. Christian Church, Clay Center, Ks LenlU Steward, Okla." City, Okla

375.00 323.15 50.00

Mr. and Mrs. Veric Sanders


grouped with the narcotics and barbit

10.00 20.00 '5

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd B. Miller, St. Paul, Minn


urates, for it can produce physical as well as psychological habituation." and

Dr. William F. Boos, toxicologist, "Al

Dorothy Stankc, Ashland, Neb



Miss. Soc. C. of C., Worthlngton, Minn

Christian Church, Palisade, Colo


Clifton C. C., Grand Junction, Colo First C. C., Guymon, Okla Northeast C. C., Grand Junction, Colo Christian Church, Rangely, Colo
Christian Church, Montrose, Colo

lOO.OO 70.10 64.00 50.00


E. C. Knowlcs James Maxwell, Three Hills, Alberto, Canada Verta Gordon, Denver, Colo Dorotliy Sunke, Ashland, Nob

R. D. Lowdcn, Brighton, Colo

l-oO 1.00 25 -25

cohol is a poison classed among the

benzol. It acts as poisons act."

chloride, choloroform, ether, toluol and

narcotic drugs along with chloral, ethyl The article points out that besides moment, "alcohol damage can't be re
the terrible effects of alcohol at the

Doyle Sovems, Anderson, Ind


Mrs. Coo. Dudley, Apache, Okta Mrs. Ernest Seheffsky, Haskell, Okta Mrs. Brewer Robertson, Mt. Home, Ark

25 -23 1.

Missionary C. of C., Mapton, la Ropeholder Missionary Club, Boulevard C. C., Muskogee, Okla. Church of Christ, Hampton, la East Side C. C., Pine Bluff, Ark S. S., First C. C., Paonla, Colo


30.00 30.00
40.00 57.05

Always keep in mind that our rights

end where other's rights begin.

Bethany C. C., Anderson, Ind

West Side C. C.,-Denver, Colo Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Young, Hennessey, Okla

25.00 20.00

paired." The effects upon society arc equally as dangerous and perhaps just as difficult to repair. Alcohol leads only
like to point out that it leads even more
often to destruction of the soul.

Christian Church, Elbert, Colo

C. of C., Anaheim, Calif

Parker HelghU C. C., Odessa, Texas



dinary man and an extraordinary man

is the extraordinary man does the or dinary thing in an extraordinary way.

The only difference between an or

too often to death and this editor would

Ben Davis C. C., Indianapolis, Ind.

Mr. and Mrs. Melvln J. Groves, Arvada, Colo


(Continued on Page 6, Col. 3)

Insf-itute In 2nd Six Weeks The first six weeks period of the
Christian Institute of Goiania cIose<l




Api-il 13th with nine students complet ing the course. Twelve students had en
rolled at the first of the period; one
student left because of the death of her

bear by both legal and illegal means. Homes have been burned, many have been intimidated by beatings and threats, some have died. Ignorant and brutal police operating almost inde pendently from the state officials (it may take a week or more for an order







Bloody Land War

As in every "new territory", trouble is erupting in the northern reaches of the state of Goias. For all practical purposes it miglit be said that a "vest pocket" war is taking place between "homesteaders" and tiie state police. Until the last several years Goias
has been considered "back country" with land offered for sale at absurd]>-

from Goiania to reach the area) have in most cases sided witli those who ap

parently have the "law" on their side

and this is invariably the big avaracious land owner or the city slicker so that the police appear in the role of ])ersecutors of the poor, ignorant "homesteaders" who opened and settled

low prices. Onl)' takers were the foreign immigrants channeled tliere
through the national colonization pro

the land by braving wild animals, malaria, yellow fever, Indians and ter rible isolation from anything that re motely resembled schools, medicine and
otiier fruits of civilization.

jects (such as Colonia Agricula near

Ceres where we have a church), the

The natural result lias been the band

First six weeks Bible Institute faculty: James Tipple, Zauqueo Costa, J. Rich ard Ewing, Cay Ewing and Ruth Spurgeon health and the other because of outside





ing togetlier of the "homesteaders" in "vigilante" bands to protect themselves by force if necessary against the claims
of the absentee land lords. Occasional

stricken states in the North and a few

a(lventurou.s souls seeking valuable minerals. By and large the land lay un claimed and to a large extent even

ly a platoon of the police (state police

are organized as a militia) have been ambushed by, or ambushed themselves, groups of vigilantes. In either case the offended side is quick to take revenge
and not too careful in choice of method. The result is stark terror with beatings,

l)ressures. All but one student complet ed all subjects with a grade above 70. Tlie second six weeks period opened April IGth with ten students enrolled; three boys and five girls boarding on campus and two boys living off campus. Several have applied for admittance for the next period beginning May 28 and it is hoped that student scholarships will
be available for them by that time.

unexplored. Slowly, during the last ten years, interest has expanded in Goias and more and more people have moved to the land of "promise" most of them moving into unpopulated areas, clearing the land and thereby acquiring "squat ters rights". But as the land was cleared and brought into production, as interest
and enthusiasm mounted for moving

knifings and murder the order of the

day. The end is not in

the nation's capital to Goias reached new heights, greed and corruption en
tered the picture.

sight. Dr. Jose Ludvico, state governor, has declared that he will uphold the homesteaders so that they will either not lose the property they now have, or will receive other property of equal value, but that
final decision of who owns what must

(15.00 per student per month.) Missionary Dick Ewing heads the I.C.G. faculty and teaches Bible sub jects. He is a.ssisted by two missionaries and an outside professor. Miss Ruth Spurgeon serves as school nurse, girls dormitory housemother and assistant in Bible. Cay Ewing is in charge of the music department. James Tipple, son of a retired English missionary (under an
interdenominational board of England and Ireland) teaches all secular subjects

Most of the squatters are illiterate or

semi-illiterates who have no idea that

simply moving in on the land does not,

per si", give them legal right to it. Those

be decided by the state supreme court and that could take years. Meanwhile the fighting intensifies because no one trusts even the courts and possession is
nine tenths of the law.

who had some notion of legal proceed ings understood that the only thing needed was to submit a request to the land office of the state in Goiania and that this accomplished, the land was automatically theirs. This ignorance

Prayer is esjjecially requested for the

several Church of Christ families who have settled in the war area. Many are in the area of the fighting and have not been heard of for several months.
Celebrities Move to Goias Promised Land" has been

was exploited by the city slicks of

Goiania and the larger cities such as Rio who also began legal proceedings for vast areas of the country and by
"The a

except mathematics which was taught

the six weeks by Brazilian pro

fessor Zauqueo Costa and which is now being taught by Mr. Ewing. Mr. Tipple will complete, his doctorate this year
from a Goiania university.

at times bribing officials, acquired legal

title to land already settled by others. Titles have been forged, etc., so that

phrase much used in American litera

ture of late describing the rich land of Goias and the excellent-climate north east of Goiania. A well read American

"Reverend" "Is it in accordance with the teaching of the head of the Church, for her Elders or Evangelists to assume the honorary title of Reverend? Answer: The Christian Church has no

a terribly confusion exists even as to how many claims are being made to the same land. In many cases one plot of land may have a squatter plus three or
four absentee "owners" each of whom

may have some document ])roving the

land is his.

honorary titles to confer upon any of

her members. Her titles are all official, and refer to a work, or class of duties

Now as tlie. land values are increas

ing bv leaps and bounds and the nation has definitely committed itself to moving the national capital into the area,
all these claims are being brought to

author, as well as various U. S. visitors to the state of Goias, has publicized this part of the country so well that it is fast becoming the vacation residence of many well known American celebrities. Film actresses Mary Martin and Janet Gavnor and families have recently bought chacaras (small farms) close to Anapolis, about thirty miles northeast of Goiania. It is further reported that
a number of rich farmer-cattle men

to be performed.
The titles of Reverend, Right Rever

end, Most Reverend, Reverent Eather in God, Reverend and Holy Father,
Most Reverend and Holy Father, Lord

and distinctions amongst his followers. "Call no man Rabbi, or Father, for all saints at Corinth;" "To the saints at

from Texas are buying huge plots of ground in the same area to seek their fortune in this proverbial "land of milk
and iioney." With film actresses and Texas "cow

God the Pope, are all titles of tlie same category, and we liave placed them in
the ascending series, from the positive

yc are brethren." Matt. 23:8 and 9. You sdl are, professedly, alike holy. "To the

of spiritual pride to the superlative of

city of our God, but very saleable and

blasphemy. Tiiese are all contraband wares in the

Philippi." Nor arc they without titles and honors; which, unlike those im pious assumptions above named, are
worthilv conferred by Him who know-

boys", the Brazilians are looking to the region around Anapolis as the "Holly
wood" of Brazil! So far,
western movie!


still re

sembles the typical scenery in a cowboy

desirable in Babylon the Great, where the articles are manufactured. The Great Teacher inhibits all such titles

eth the'hearts. They are styled Kings and Royal Priesthood-and are co-heirs with tlie Lord of the uni verse. Alexander Campbell"

We are what we think and not what

we think wc are.





(Continued from Page 1) the Stinson was flying for the mission. Two hours and 12 minutes of flying
local flying. ... , . "Brother Randall . . . found tiiat in 94 hours and 12 minutes 12,673 lan<l miles had been covered. . . . The above
number of miles would have cost a

Pilot License Approved


time was spent in lest flights and in

total of 422.8.0 for the year as against 371.14.6, the total cost for the opera tion of the plane, and this total cost includes all insurance, all landing fees, all hangerage, all repair bills, all gaso line and oil bills, and all incidental e.v-

penses relating to tlie operation of the


"Considerable time was saved by fly

ing. At an average of 50 miles per hour driving, the above number of miles
would have taken 253 hours against the 94 hours taken to fly the same distance.

Eight hours of either flying or driving is a good (lay's work in any land. On

this basis, which is a fair one, about would have taken by car. In other words there was a saving in time of

12 days were spent in flying during the year as against about 32 days which it
20 days which is considerable saving
in the rush of so much to do. It costs


the Mission about one pound per day

for hotel and meals also while one of the missionaries is away from home so

that the saving in time also meant a

considerable saving in money. "This is not all. Some of tlie country

traveled by the plane could not have been covered at all by automobile. With

Students of tlie Christian Institute of Goiania during the first six weeks per

the second six weeks session, having dropiied out of the first session because
of the death of her father. Other stu dents will be admitted in the third

its aid, Brother Randall covered hund

reds of miles of trackless jungle in tlie Rhodesias in the final phases of the Zambezi survey.

iod. Eight of these students, jjosiiig with

two of tlieir professors, are in need of

a $15.00 per month scholarslup to help them in training for full time service
for their Master. Here are Brazil's fu

week period beginning May 28th. Will sufficient scholarships be available?

M.B.C. Student Underwrites

"However, in the final analysis, the advantage of the Stinson Station Wagon
is not to be found either in the saving

ture preachers, evangelists, Christian

teachers and missionaries to tlie un reached Indian tribes. Won't you share

First Scholarstiip Miss 111a Mullins, student of Man hattan Bible College has underwritten the first student scholarship of 15.00 per montli. She has been assigned .Srta. Adalina Rodrigues Borges, one of the most promising students and one of the
first converts in the work of the Brazil

of time, or the saving of money, but it

is much rather to be found in the work

accomplished through its assistance. This is the acid test, and ZS-DEV can meet that test for anyone who will honestly face the facts. Much of the credit for Brother Randall being called to Cape Town must be given to the Aircraft, for it enabled Brother Randall to be at Gape Town whenever he was needed there, and made it possible for him to be in Cape Town oftimes when
he could not have been there at all otherwise. All of the credit for the ob

in helihng to educate these dedicated voung people for the Lord's work in
Brazil? Contributions and pledges should be sent to Win. .\. Cook, Box 386,

Guymon, Oklahoma.
Students are, back row: .lose Mereles, Florisvaldo Santos, lldevar Ramos, Valdori Pena, Odilon Goncalves; front row: Valdelice Silva, Dorvalina Pereira, Adalina Borges and Didir Santos. With them are jirofessors .lames Tipple on the left and Zecou Costa on the right.
Not shown is Alice Ribeiro who entered

Christian Mission. Ten otlier students

await word that you will make it pos

sible for them to continue their studies for the Lcird's work.

We congratulate Miss Mullins for her vision and generosity and we challenge you to follow her example.

taining of the Zambezi field must go to ZS-DEV. Without the help of the

plane in the survey of this new field, the job simply could not have been done. The only reason Brother Randall could survey this vast area while other mission organizations, many of them long established in the Rhodesias, could
not do it was because Brother Randall

Of Course We Give!...
(Continued from Page 3) Araunali would not give to the Lord that which had cost him nothing. 6. The Voluntary Giver Zaccheus,

Secular Magazine Reveals

(Continued from Page 4) From the Word of God wc (juote,
Matthew 7:15 - 18:

the man wlio did not wait to be asked

to give. 7. Givers Who Had Nothing to Give Peter and John: "Silver and gold have I none," but gave themselves.
8. The Covetous Givers Ananias

"Beware of false prophets, who come to you in .shec|)'s clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves. By their fruits ye

shall know them. Do men gather grapes

of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but the cori'upt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit." Excuse us, but in our "totalitarian blindness", according to Mr. Britton, the editors of this jommal prefer to be lieve that alcohol had no iilace in the
church of our Lord .lesus Christ and

liad the great advantage of being able to travel by air." Truly the PLANE FACTS indicate

that this proposed project of the Brazil

Christian Mission is well worth your

and Sapphira, who held back a part and

suffered dire penalty. 9. The First Givers the Wise Men,
who came from the heathen world! 10. Tlie Giver Who Did Not Count

prayers and your support! We become like that upon which our
hearts are fixed.

the Cost Mary, wlio gave lavishly of the gifts of love. Roy F. Miller in
Watchman-Examiner. From BLUE AND WHITE

Stumbling blocks properly placed be

come stepping stones.

has no place in the church or the live.s

of its members todav!

Entered in Post Office at Denver, Colo, as

second doss mottar under Act of AAorcfi 8,1679.

yyi 30

Vol. VII

ROX 9 -ri-L


Number 6



]. For Student Scholarships.

2. For funds for mission projectssee story this page.

The last payiment on the debt.of the nii.ssaon preacher training soliool build ing, Goiania Christian Institute, was made in May. Now debt free, the mis
sion looks forward to the ground break

to the Goiania work, Rosa Page Welch, remarked when she noted tlie droves of

Hies, "Surely some good churcih back home will send money for screens I", your missionaries silently bent their
heads and made her remark a prayer.

ing for the second and badly needed

Institute building. However, first, of all come further improvements on the completed building.
Screens Scheduled Next

If eaqh of our contributing churches

could send a representative to look over the work (an excellent idea, incidental ly!) they would surely go home re solved to send back funds for screening and ceilings!
Screens for the kitchen and dining hall will cost $200.00, ceiling for the dining hall $80.00, for the kitchen $32.00 and for two classrooms $80.00. This will make a total of $392.00 in

3. For permission to imporf m/ss/on

cars and p/ane.

4. Health and strength, both physical and spiritual, for missionaries on

the field.

Friends interested in sending funds earmarked "building" will help to pro







kitchen and dining hall and ceilings for two classrooms. As a recent visitor

C. E. MEMBERS COMPLETE RANKS rizing chosen facts and scriptural pass

"stamps", the Christian Endeavor So
others for having completed the exten sive memory work of the training pro


a unique program of earning

ages and by telling stories from both

the Old and New Testaments. The

building improvements as the next "building project" of tlie mission. Student Scholarships Urgently Needed Only one student scholarship has
been underwritten to date. Ten more

ciety of the Vila Nova Church of Uhrist recently recognized two members for having completed the "ranks" and two

stamps, .symbolic of the work com pleted, are painted onto a neckerchief
which the candidate receives when he becomes a member of the society. The

program includes a total of 29 stamps,

three of which arc "rank" stamps. The first rank is earned when the member becomes a Christian, the second, when someone lie has invited to C. E. be comes a member of the society and the
lliirtl when Christian. that friend becomes a

student scholarships of $15.00 per month are urgently needed. Students help to earn their way through school by working for the mission (boys on

ground docs not lend easily to the tree discussion" study method of the Inter

Suite<l particularly to the needs of Brazilian youth %vhosc cultural back

national Christian Endeavor lessons, this Cliristian training program written

building construction and girls on makr ing ready-to-wear clothing foir sale) but an additional $13.00 per month per

student i.s- needed to cover the many^ex-'penses connected with their -education. The future of the gospel program in Brazil lies in training thesie young men and women to go as missionaries, preachers, teachers and evangelists to their own people. Your missionary dol
lars could not be better invested than

and developed by Arloe Snodgrass (brother to missionary Ruth Sanders)

hasi proved extremely effective. Begin

ning with Genesis and


with the doctrine of the New Testa ment, the "stamps" are won by memo

Nearly three years of effort were represented in completing the training program. Over forty young people iuive partcipated in the training pro gram during this period. Only two completed all the work including the
three ranks but several others lack only one or two stamps. Pictured are the four young people who were recognized in a special .ser vice held in the Vila Nova church Sat

in this training program.

Further Needs

Teachers salaries need to be under






$30.00 per month each and one primary sciiool teacher at $15.00 per month. Lot payments must be made monthly

urday evening, May 5. They have be

come Jr. counselors or sponsors. After

the .service they were honored at a

social held in the youth room adjoining the churcli. Left to right they are: Ada-

for the land adjoining the Institute which will be needed in our expansion program. These cost the mission $50.00 per month. Additional lots need to be
purchased for the erection of chnrches in the new areas of greater Goiania where we need to Qiave a gospel wit ness. Prices of these lots vary with the locality and size of the lot. Language and Orientation study for. new missionaries is presently costing (Continued on Page 4, Col. 3)






Pena and Teodoro Lacerda. Adalina and

Teodoro are the two who completed all

the ranks. All four are students in Goiania Christian Institute though Val dori left in early June for nine months

of compulsory army training.



May Contributions
June Contributions
Fli-.Ht Christian Church, Dcxtcr, Mo., 810,00; Emcraoil

Brazil Christian Mission

Office of Publication

llro-n, Ocle. TM-. 55.00: Huchelor Creeh.^on.ry Society. WrtBh. Inc.. 525.00: Flr Chrl.tlen Church.
$50.00; Den Bavls Christian Church, Indianapolis, Tnd.,

Ml Bclhul Church, Umcslonc, Tcnii., $12.30; II. T.

Toronto. O.. $1.00: First Chrlsllan Church, McKees Hocks, renn., 518.00; Bethany Christian Church. Anderson, Tnd.. 588.00; Davis Park Church, Enid. Okla,, 5200,00; Emerson Park Christian Church. Kansas City, Ks.. 542.Jl; firet Christian Church. Buckner, Missouri, 570.00: Hohbs Chrisliun Church, TIplon, Hid., $12.00; Keystone Claas, l.aCross. Ks,. $1.5.00; Barbara Seymour, EIDorado, Kans.. First Christian Church, Caney, Ks.. $82.00; Estelle Rose, Yunia Aril., $10.00: Mildred Covlnet'm. Cincinnati. O..
way, .Mu., $23.00.

Miami. Okla., 550.00; VIclory Class, Church of Christ.

Park Chriatlan Church, Kansas City, Ks., 861.02: D.V.B.S.. Christian Church. Mountain Home, Ark.. 815.00; First Chriatlan Church, Miami, Okla.. 850.00; Mt. Bethel Church,

Limealone. Tenn., 812.50; Joan Brockelt, Hubbard, Ohio, 810.00: Central Christian Church, Belleville, Kan., 840.32;

$10.00; First Christian Church,


EIDorado, Jians..

Davia Park Church. Enid. Okla.. $200.00; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Adams, EIDorado. Kan., 820.00; Barbara Seymour.

$15.00; Nora Mlllor. Edgorton. Mo.,

McKecs Rocks, Pcnna.,

1664 Poplar, Denver, Colorado

Muriel M. Dniby, Fort Colllna, Colo., 820.00; VIclory Class,

Church of Christ, Toronto, Ohio. 510.00.

Pansy Christian Church, Culston, Kon.,

$10.00; Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Ciovls, Mutual, Okla., $10.00;

Subscription rate2Bc per year

Twenty.five cents of the regular feriug shall be considered

Published Monthly

$10.00: Haielwood Chrlsllan Church, pmsburgh. 1'enn.. $20.00; Y.i'.S.S. Class. Rldgeway Christian Church. Rldgc-

ard. Oklahoma City, Okla., 33.50; Christian Church, Clay

Center, Kana.. $10.00.

Mrs. Joe Spurgeon, ScolUbluff, Nob.. $100.00: First ChrlBlian Church, Scoctabiuff. Neb,, $100.00; Lenita Slew,

iion. This enables the Mission to mal the

bulletin at 1/12 the cost charged If it is not
AcUng Editor. Carolee Ewing
Send all contributions to: v__-

year's subscription to the Brawl


sent as second class subscription.

Church, Scottsbluff, Neb., 5100.00; LenlU Steward. Okla homa City, Okla., $4.00; Normaruth Jacobs, Council Bluffs,
Iowa, $10.00.

First Chrlatian Church, Council Bluffs. Iowa, 5.5.00; Chriatlan Church, Clay Center. Ks., 510.00; First Christian

Christian Church, Rangcly, Colo., $25.00; Christian Sunday School, Pnonia, Colo., $30.00; Mr. and Mrs. W. F.
Young, Honneasy, Okla., $10.00.

Wm. A. Cook. Box 386. Gnymon. Oklahoma.

Miasionarios-in-Braail: Goiania, Goias, Brazil
Ruth M. Spurgeon

Chriatlan Church.






E. 40th St. Chriatlan Church, Indianapolis, Ind., $100.00;

Cum Join Ua Ciaaa, onward Chrlatian Church, Walton. Ind.,

:.ewi, Carlsbsd, Cal., 55.00: Hampton Church of Christ,

Caixa Postal 201.

Hampton, In,, $80.00; Christian Sunday School, Delta, Colo.. $10,2U; Chrlsllan Church. Palisade, Colo,, $150.00; East
Side Christian Church. Pine Bluff, Ark., $40.00: First Christian Church. Cuymon, Okla.. $126.80; Virgil Beal,

$10.00: Brick Clirlstlan Church. WaUuga, Tenn., $25.00;

William H, Goena, El Mnnlc, Calif., $5.00; West Side Chrlatian Church. Wichita, Ka., 5100.00; Willing Workers

L. David and Ruth San^rs J. Richard and Carolee Ewlng

Ed-win C. and Lula Knowles Kenneth and Clarice Mathis


Junction, Colo., $52.43; Clifton Chrlatian Churcli, Grand

Junction. Colo.. $100.00: Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Young. Hen-



Norlheaat Christian



Claas. Mars Hill Chrlatian Church, Indianapolis, Indiana, $20.88; Dorcas Club, Greenxvood. Ind.. 550.00.

Missionaries in Language School:


Okla., $10.00; The Mite Society,

T. T. Kelly, Elbert, Colo..





Robinson Christian Church, Robinson, Ks., 515.00; First

Chrlatian Church, Muskogee, Okli,, $50.00; 3rd Year Jun

iors, Church of Christ, Worlhington, Minn., $4.53: Mission

ary Society, Worlhlngton, Minn,, 5100.00,

way A Ave., Christian Ctmrch, Wichita, Ka., 850.00; Melba

City, Okla., 83.50; Doyle Sovorns, Anderson. Ind., 82,00:
M. Long. Hiawatha, Ka., 82.00; Lenita Steward, Oklahoma Alice May Vawter, Englowood, Colo., $15.00; Mrs. Sam A. iLural Yost, Inglewood, Calif., 810.00; W, E. May. Chanute,
Konu., 85.00.

Christian Church. Apache, Okla., $20.00; Broadway Ave. Chrlsllan Church. Wlchlle, Ks., 85.00; Trl C Class, Broad

Concerning contributions to:
Weal Side Christian Church, Wichita, Ks., $100.00; First

Wm. A. Cook. Box 386, Guymon. Oklahoma

Concerning B.C.M, Publication to: Mrs. Vicky Hansen, 1564 Poplar, Denver 20, Colorado Concerning Promotional Materials:
Dale McAfee,

Christian Church, Valley Center, Ks., $14.00; Mars Hill

Cbristlan Church, Willing Workers Class, Indianapolis, Ind.,

$25.12: Brick Christian Church, Watauga. Tvnn., $25.00;

K 40th St. Christian Church, Indianapolis. Ind., $100,00;

Dorcas Club. Greenwood, Ind., $50.00; Mars Hill Church of Christ. Indianapolis, Ind., $25.00; First Christian Church, Junction City, Ks., $45.00: Burlington Chriatlan Church,
Bluffs, Iowa, $150.00.

Mrs. Claude V, Craig, Bonner Springs, Ka,, 510.00; W.

E, May, Chanute, Kans., 85-00.

Burlington. Ind., $60.00; First Christian Churcb, Council Christian Church. Clinton, Okla., $21.25; Westwood Chcvlot Church of Christ. Cincinnati, Ohio, $50,00; DVUS

2210 E. Elm,

Enid, Oklahoma

If you arc not sure to whom your correspondence should be directed send it to Mr. Cook and he will be glad to forward it to the correct address.


Sovcms, Anderson,

Ind., $2.00;

PICBsant Vale

Christian Church, Adrian, Mo., $18.10; Christian Church, names, Kansas. $34.13: C. E.. First Church of Christ,
Owasao, Michigan, $0.00.

1956-57 Brazil Christian

Mission Budget
(Adopted Nov. 1955 - WichiU)
Salary. Missionaries

Community .Sunday School, Enid, Okla., $12.00; Broadway Avo. Chrialinn Church, Wichita. Ks,, 815.00; Central Chris, tian Church, New Castle, Penna., $45,00; Robinson Christisn Church. Robinson. Ks., $15,00; Sirs. P. A. Slroman, Trinidad. Colo.. 510.00; Mrs. Victor H. Fair, Denver, Colo.,

How To Express Christianity

$35.00; Mrs. Ncilio J. Ambler, Denver. Colo.. 520.00; Y.M.P. Class, Fairmount Christian Church, Kansas City, Mo., 561.00: W. E. May. Chanute. Ks., 55.00; Tri G Class. Broadway Avc. Chrlatian Church. Wichita, Kans., 500.00;
I.enita Stcwai-d. Oklahoma City, Okla., $4.00; West Side I-afontainC Kelly, ElIowa,

Travel To and From Field

U. S. Travel by Missionaries

Mission Supplies



I'snfi no

Christian Church. Denver, Colo., $25.00; Alice May Vawter.

In the Jiomebyi love and ivnselfi.shn' In businessby honesty and diligence. In societyby purity, courtesy, and

Englewood. Colo., $15.00: A Friend. $10.00; Christian Church, Fredonla, Ks., $50.00; T. T.
hert. Colo.. $12.50: Mrs. C. E. Shauver,


Toward the unfortunateby sympathy

and mercy.


$0.00: Christian Bible School. Glrard. Ks.. $31.00: C.W.F. LauEhlintown Christian Ch,, Laughlintown, Tcnn $0.13.



Toward the weak-by helpfulness and

patience. Toward the wicked)by overcoming evil without compromise.



Davis Park Christian Church, Enid, Okla., $5.00; Ridgley

Sunday School, Edgcrton, Mo., $15.00.

Mrs, Claude V. Cralg. Bunner Springs, Ks.. $10.00; Trl C

"He who receives a good turn should never forget it; he who does one should never remember it," Charron. soaring up to heaven and bearing our

Class, Broadway Avc. Christian Ch., Wichita, Ks. $100.00.


Toward nou'-OlTristiansby witnes.sing of Christ and His gospel. Toward the penitentby forgiveness
and restoration.

Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Walters, Wichita, Ks., $5.00; 51rs. J, J. Ambler, Denver, Colo., $1.00.

Toward the fortunateby rejoicing with th-em without envy.

"Hope is like the wing of an angel,

Figuerua Blvd. Chrlsltau Church. Inglvwoud, Cal. $10.OO:
Dunald Vatcs. Oklahoma City. Okla,, $5,00: Murriel M. Dal-

Toward Godby faitli, ircverence, love, aiui obedience.

"Our Hope"
"Let not kindness and truUi forsake

prayers to the throne of God."Taylor.

"He that despiseth his neighbor is void of wisdom; But a man of undersitanding holdeth his peace." Proverbs

Junction. Colo., 50.25: Chrlsllan Church. Clinton, Okls., 870.70; C.W.F. Christian Church. Mountain Homo, Ark., 80.00: Elsie Shipley, Deer Creek, Okla., $20,001 First
Christian Church. Sidney, Nob., 820,00; Trait Blazers Class, First Church of Christ, Owssso, Mich.. 820.00: Ilia Mutllns,
Manhattan RIbIc College, Manhattan, Ks., 815.00.

by, Goodland, Ks., 520.00; Clifton Christian Church, Grand


thee; Bind them about thy neck; Write them upon the tablet of thy heart: So
shalt thou find favor and good un derstanding in the sight of God and Man."Proverbsi 3:3,4. "Honor .Tehovah with thy substance,
and with the first-fruits of all thine in^crease," Proverbs 3:9.

Missionary wives Clarice Mathis, Ruth

Sanders and Lula Knowles spend a Sunday

afternoon together with "time out" from

language studies at the orientation school in Campinas, Sao Paulo. The wives too, each
have a field of specialty in the Lord's work.

Already an authority in children's work on

the field, Ruth Sanders also uses her artistic abilities in many ways for the Lord. Clarice Mathis will take over the majority of office
work load when she arrives on the field and

Lula Knowles is an experienced music teach

er in both vocal and instrumental fields.

"Happy is the man that findcth wis dom, and the man that getteth under standing. For the gaining of it is bet ter than the gaining of silver, and the profit thereof than fine gold." Proverbs 3:13,14.


discussion of length, and "unusual

The wcat'her usually enters into any

NOTES FBOM ganization THE FIELD is engaged in social or plulwith uncommon electrical
if tiie aircraft to be imported represents a donation from a legally organized mis sion in the U. S. of which the Mission in Brazil is an affiliate. This import license will be granted "without ex change coverage", eliminating the pro hibitive charges and taxes levied
Rio (Ic Janeiro to represent the mission
red tape.

anthropic work within the country and

Christian Mission were favored with a visit May 25-26 from the well known
South America Mrs. Welch was spon

Rosa Page Welch Visits Goiania Goiania, and pai-ticulary Ulie Brazil

and world traveled singer, Rosa Page

weather is the usual topic of conversa

Welch. During her singing tour of

sored in Brazil by
Federation and the P r e s'*b y t e ri a n

tion. Goiania too can boast her "unusual weather". June is usually the middle of the dry season, but early June^vas still

the Evangelical

finding the rains coming frequently,

violently, in abundance and accom



against most imported equipment. It

will be necessary to secure someone in

Half Way Between

Half way between "the home frO'iit" and "the field" are missionary couples Ed and Lula Knowles and Ken and Clarice Mathis. Now busily engaged in the important task of language and orientation study, they nevertheless find many avenues of service to both

in "pushing" the papers through legal

Prav with us (1) that proper import license will be granted the mission,

churcii, but, a member of the Christian church, Mrs. Welch was a particular guest of the Brazil Christian Mission while in Goiania, making her head quarters in the Ewing homeRosa sang to a capacity crowd in the
auditorium of the Goiania College of

Law Friday evening, May 25, sponsored by the local Brazil^U. S. cultural club.
At the close of the program the direc tor, a strong Roman Catholic, thanked I3rother Ewing for having brought the evangelical emphasis to tlic college. After the concert_eyangelical inissacuib aries and national pastors attended a reception in her honor at the Ewing home. She sang a second time on Satur day evening in a special service for all evangelical churches held at the Presby
terian church.

and (2) that the airplane will be made available for import. The old mission
owned Cessna is being sold for parts.

in Campinas of Sao Paulo, some 600

miles from the base of mission' opera

the mission and the Lord's work in the immediate area of the school. Located

These receipts along with funds de

signated for the airplane "fund will go

toward the purciiase of another plane. Missionarv pilots Ewing and Mathis are considering both Cessna and Piper.
Cars Too!

tions, they have not yet seen their fu ture field of labor. Having completed three months of the course, they have

yet nine months in this extremely im portant preparation period. Keep them on your prayer list and remember that
funds sent to them not only assist in their orientation expenses but funds over and above their school needs go
their training.

Campinas report new hope from word

The missionary families in school in

received recently regarding importa tion of miss'ion vehicles left behind in the United States for lack of official

While in Goiania Mrs. Welch took a lour of the work of the Brazil Chris

tian Mission and was impressed with

the work established but seven years ago in Goiania. The acappella choir of
the Goiania Christian Institute held a

directly into the work they will be engaged in when they have completed

permission for their entrance into Bra zil. These couples, coming to the field for the first time, should have been al lowed to bring at least one vehicle each
downs" aimed at black markets which

but government red tape and "crack

it necessary to leave the cars on the "States side" while battling with Brazlian officials for the documents to

seriously hinder Brazil's economy, made

.special audition for her and she com plemented them upon the fine way they have learned to read and interpret music, the fine blend of their voices and their cooperation with Mrs. Ewing in the music program of the Institute.
She also visited the "fabrlca" or fac

tory where Institute girls make readyto-wear clothing for sale and thrilled them by purchasing four garments to take with her back to the U. S. in early

permit their entry. Continue to pray for opened doors for entrance of this much
necdeil mission equipment.

During a recent tour of the U.C.M.S.

work in South America, Mrs. Mac Yoho Ward of tiiat society visited the inde

pendent work of the Brazil Christian

Mission in Goiania. With only time for

a bii-ds eye view of the work (from Sunday afternoon to early Monday morniiig) Mrs. Ward visited briefly
with the missionaries, attended Chris tian Emleavor and evening church ser vices at the Vila Nova Church of Christ and glimpsed the rest of the work on an automobile tour of the various areas
of encieaver.

Pictured are Ken Mathis (left) and Ed Knowles (right) in front of the langu
age school building.
Sanders to Goiania

Coining and Going The movement among national mis

Mrs. Welch was deeply touched by the poverty of the Goiania Christians and particularly the Institute students. As one young man hugged himself to minimize the brisk evening chill on his arms, Rosa turned to Cay Ewing and asked, "Why isn't that boy wearing a coat?" When Cay explained that lie hadn't any, Rosa reached into - her purse and handed Cay some money with instructions to buy him one. When the jacket was given to him the day after Mrs. Welch's departure, the student nearly cried in gratitude for her interest and generosity.
Mrs. Welch (center) with Missionaries

sion personnel is rather rapid among

these mobile iieople. Evangelist Jose Nascimenlo reported to have left the Goiana work last November to work in the northern jiart of the state, has now returned and enrolled in the May 28 term of school. His experiment "up north" did not prove as 'profitable in cither money or souls as lie had anti cipated.

Cay Ewing (left) and Ruth Spurgeon (right) ,

Carol Ewing (in front of Ruth), Institute Sewing Instructor Ernestine Borges and adopted sister (extreme left) and three of
the Instilute girls in the background.

The L David Sanders family are back on the field in Goiania after eleven months of furlough and three months of language brush-up in-, the Campinas school for missionary orient ation. Among other respon-sibihties tlieyi will resume their work with the Goiania Christian Institute and Vila
Nova Church of Christ. Looking Up On Importations A letter from Brazilian Piper repre

A great loss is fell as Vaklori Pen'a (Dick Ewing's national a.ssistant and
most advanced student in the Institute) leaves for nine inonth.s' of compulsory armv training. The Vila Nova Christian

sentatives (Companhia Carnasciah) to Dick Ewing dated May 30, gives new hope for the importation of a mission Trade Bureau) as saying that any for

plane. They quote CACEX (Foreign eign Mission in Brazil is able to import airplanes under existing law if the or

Endeavor gave a farewell party in his honor in the youth room of the Vila Nova Cinirch of Christ on Saturday evening, June 2nd.



Divide To Multiply Activity Progress Report
VILA NOVA (congregation of


School has proved a ratlier unusual theorythat to divide can often mean to multiply. Once a part of Wte Vila Nova Sunday School, the Christians who lived in upper Botofogo found it
difficult often to attend services so far from home. Also, hoping to witness to




65 active members)

Attendance Average:



Sunday School


Eve. Worship
Sr. C. E Jr. C. E Midweek Worship
10 acting members)

ilS 13 34

13 6 31

Women's Society 6 VILA OPBRARIA (congregation of Sunday School 40

Remarkable Development of Aviation

in Brazil

under the direction of missionary L. David Sanders. For the past year the work has beeu under the supervision of Miss Ruth Spurgeon and she has felt a

the people of that village, services were begun there se\'eral years ago mainly by student preachers from the Institute


Eve. Worship



SpecialBaptismal Services..
SILVANIA (congregation
of 8 active members)

Midweek Worship

20 15 6


According to a recent article in a Brazilian new.spaper there is a com-

prehensiive program of aviation' deve

lopment in Brazil. The paper reports more that 1,500 airports in Brazil; 973 of these government registered, 530 open to public air traffic, 106 open to night traffic and 26 international airbases. There are 65 government oper ated radio beacons in Brazil, 89 radio stations and 85 meteorological stations.

growing need for a more concentrated

effort in that arcaj

Sunday School Midweek Worship Women's Society

of 28 active members)

20 16 8

COLONIA AGRICULA '(congregation Sunday School

Midweek Worship



ing the past year the women of Bulofogo were farmed into a separate circle
of the Vila Nova women's society.

Services: had been held Sunday after noons and on a week night with an at tendance averaging from 20 to' 30. Dur

BOTOFOGO (preaching point) Sunday School 86

Midweek Worship Women's Meeting 34 8

Private enterprises operate another 169

32 8

radio beacons and 362 radio stations.

Special Easter Service

BELA VISTA (Sunday School Organized April 15) Sunday School
Total Contacts


The Brazilian government is putting forth a great deal of effort to develop aviation in Brazil, making more and
belter facilities available to both com mercial and private aircraft and in

Then, in a field association confer ence, the missionaries decided that botli the Vila Nova and the Botof9go

Through Services


developing a practical program of air

safety. They plan soon to in'augurate a

congregations might profit by a divi sion, creating a new congregation in


the Botofogo area. While the final organization of the new congregation is awaiting Uie return of L. David Sand
School was moved fromi afternoon ses

ers, the first step in dividing tlie work

was taken on April 15 when tlie Sunday

.since the first of the year. The decline is partly due to the simultaneous re moving of young people to the Institute loo far for regular attendance at Vila
Nova. The Vila Nova attendance is ex

federal organizat'ion to meet the various problems of civil aviation and an inten sive plan of financing an "airways" program comparable to that already in
effect for highways and railways. The Brazilian newspaper states, "In Brazilian skies today move hundreds upon liundrecls of aircraft, circulatin'g tiie riches of the country and trans

pected to climb considerably when

Brother Sanders returns this month and can give it more personalized at

sions io morning. Attendance in the school jumped from the former average of 20 to 30 to over 50 in the first two
weeks and leveled off at 44 for the en tire month of May<

tention than' Brother Ewing has been

able to give it with the entire load of

the work during the Sanders absence. In the long run it is felt that the Vila Nova congregation has also profited from the division even though it cost it many of its teachers and faithful

porting millions of passengers to all points of national l>erritory, creating a movement that places our land beside the larger countries of the world."

Before the dhision an average of

only 10 persons were attending the Botofogo Sunday School who had not previously attended the morning ser
vice in Vila Nova. The Sunday School
now reaches over 30 otherwise unchurcJied people.

Institute Building
(Continued from Page 1) the mission $164.00 per month, ar |41.00 per missionary (4 in school at present). 51,750.00 Customs Tax is one of the more pressing needs of the mission at the present time. This tax covers in

Pictured below is the Botofogo Sun

day School one May morning after the

division. They pose in front of the large building which has been' loaned for use by tlie congregation for an in definite period of time, rent free. The message these have to send: "Through dividing we are multiplying."

The Vila Nova congregation suffered a shairp decline the first Sunday of the division but then began climbing until its average in the month of May was down only 23 over the overall average

coming baggage and mission equipment arriving with the Sanders, Knowlcs and Mathw families. Tito $1,750.00 covers customs tax only and is over and above The cost of .shipping. Which Project Will You Underwrite? East of these projects may be easily assumed by a chundi, Sunday School class, organization or individual:
Unit Projects

Screens for kitchen and dinging hall

$ 200.0(1

Ceiling for dining hail Ceiling for kitchen. Ceiling for classroom
(2 needed)

80.00 32.00 40.00

Customs tax on baggage

Monthly Projects

1,750.00 $ 15.00 30.00 15.00

50.00 41.00

Stiideiil Scholarship
(10 needed)

In.stitiite teachcr'.s salary

(2 needed)

Primary school teacher's salary Lot payments Language School tuition

(4 needed)

All contributions and pledges slioiilcl be -sent to mission agenl, Win. A. Cook,
Box 386, Guymon, Oklahoma.

Entered in Pest Office ot Denver. Colo, oi

second class matter under Act of Morch 1879.


AUGUST, 1956
Number 7



]. For sfuden/ scholarships.

2. For the evangelistic services to be

held in Vila Operaria and Colonia


3. Thof odequafe fransporfafion may

be obtained.

4. For funds to finish t/ie first institute


5. For the new missionaries that they

may learn the language and ways of the people of Brazil in order to
do an effective work.

MISSIONARY REUNION meeting and look over the field of their

United on Hie field July 2nd for the

It is' with thankful hearts that we in troduce Merlin L. and -Gertrude Shields who have dedicated their lives to the

first time, B. C. M. missionaries L. joined Dick and Cay Ewing and Ruth Spurgeon for a two weeks field asswiation conference in Goiania. Clarice

David and Ruth Sanders, Edwin and Lula Knowles and Kenneth Matins

pleted a "brush up" course, returned to

Goiania to resume their labors om the
field. , j , j I. Witli daily meetings scheduled for the review and study of mission prob lems and the mapping out of future

future labors. The Sanders', having com

strengthen the forces of the Brazil

Christian Mission in 1957.

work of Christ in Brazil and plan to

Merlin L. Shields was born 27 years

ago in Sanders' County, Nebraska. He

attended f^infield College for two years

Matins and children stayed behind in

Campinas to keep the home fires burn ing and get' in extra language studies.
The Knowles' and Ken Mathis took a

plans, I'he missionaries also found time

for a much needed fellowship and

spiritual recharging. The new couples

were introduced to the strenuousi sched ule of the field work and had opportu
action from a "close up" view. At this writing the Knowles

part of their. July vacation froni language studies to attend the Goiania

with physical education as his major. After three added years of study at Northwest Christian College, Merlin received his BTH degree with a major in Bible and Pastoral psychology and a minor in psychology of religious edu
cation. Merlin has also had one year

nity to study the field association in planning to return to Campinas by the

middle of July and Ken Mathis is sched





three years experience as a boy scout leader, his training in Red CrosS' first

aid, the five years he worked" in a junior camp for boys and with the

uled to stav on to assist Dick Ewing

with a week's evangelistic effort in Colonia Agricula. Back RowLula Knowles, Ruth Spur

intermediate and high school Bible classes will be a great asset to him as he works to win s'ouls for Christ in Brazil. Not only has he been a leader

geon, Ruth Sanders, Cay Ewing. Front Row

Ed Knowles, L. David Sanders, Ken
Mathis, Dick Ewing.

of voung people and children's groups

but' also was student pastor of the (Continued on Page 3)





Spiritualism is growing faster m Brazil than eitlier the Roman Catholic faith or Protestantism. This is a fact
I choose to" but declined to elaborate on tlie reason for ids choice. The

Christian Mission
Entered in Poat Office at Denver. Colo, as second class matter under Act of March 8. 1879.
Office of Publication

neighbor suggested that it N\'as "in the

semblance of Christ."

proclaimed and proved by many religi

ous studies within the past

years. It' is an alarming fact which has


caused much concern among evangeli

cal leaders) in Brazil and stands as one

1664 Poplar, Denver, Colorado

Published Monthly

of the largest detriments to the work of

the Brazil Clirislian Mission.

Subscription rate25c per year

Twenty-five cents of the reeular annual ofteriiis shall be considered payment _of one year's subscription to the Brazil Christian MisActing Editor, Carolee Ewing

There arc many forms of Spiritual ism, (more properly termed "spirit ism") ranging from, the voo doo cults brought over from darkest Africa to

Send all contributions to:

The Brazilian Spiritualist Federation is the organization rei>rescnting the majority of spiritist bodies in Brazil and its members often refute the claim that there are other spiritist bodies. They denounce the "Africanist's" or more primitive spiritist cults from Africa, as being foreign to tlieir faith. They are called "Lower Spiritists" by most Brazilians because they worship evil spirits, often commanding tlicm to do harm to their enemies. They do, however, have alters of worship and
small images of Mary and the various
"saints" of the Roman Catholic dluirch.

;Wm; A. Cook, Box 409, Guymon, Oklahoma.

Missionaries in Brazil:
Caixa Postal 201,

Goiania, Goias, Brazil

L. David and Ruth Sanders .

J. Richard and Carolee Ewing

Ruth M. Spurgeon

Their religion is actually a strange mixture of the African voo doo cult, the Spiritualism of Allen Kardek and
Roman Catholicism.

Missionaries in Language School:

Edwin C. and Lula Knowles Kenneth and Clarice Mathis

Concerning contribntions to:

Many people believe the practice of these religions merely fraud but the evidence in Brazil, wliere these mys tery and magic religions are rampant, is overwhelmingly convincing that the supernatural powers of satan are ac

Wm. A. Cook, Box 409, Guymon, Oklahoma

Concerning B.C.M. Publication to:

Ed Knowles tells an interesting ac count of his first encounter with spirit

ism. "In the company of Lloyd Sanders and Cury, Ken Mathis and I were on our way to a 'street meeting' in one

Mrs. Vicky Hansen, 1664 Poplar,

Denver 20, Colorado

Concerning Promotional Materials:

of the beautiful parks in the city of Sao Paulo. After taking a picture of the statue which represented the liberty and freedom of the working

bale McAfee,
22ilO E. Elm.


Enid. Oklahoma

man wc walked across the street and down the Idock and found evidence that the man of work was still en slavedto the forces of evil which

If you are not sure to whom your correspondence should be directed send !t to Mr. Cook and he will be glad to forward it to the correct address.

With the Brazilian statue of liberty in the background, Abraao S. Cury of the

work tlirough superstition in Spiritism (commonly called spiritualism). Nearly half a dozen vendors were
di.splaying their wares on the sidewalk. The large cloths that held the articles

From The Mission Agent's Desk

Tlie Lord has richly blessed the work
of Brazil Christian Mission. We arc

Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ welcomes

Kenneth Mathis and Ed Knowles to the

city of Sao Paulo.

sure that you rejoiced with us and we once again want to tha,nk each of you for your, part in tills great work.
. The July issue of our paper con

the teachings of Allan Kardec, foimder of the spiritualism known in the U.S.
All of the divisions have these in com

tained a copy of the 1956-57 budget.

You will see that it is rouch larger than

mon; they believe in and practice com munion with spirits of anollier world,

they believe that outside of good works

there is no salvation, they do not' be lieve in hades' and they believe in reincarnation. They do not believe that Jesus Christ is God, but merely the highest spirit and governor of the world. They believe He lived merely as a perfect example and that His death on the cross was simply a symbol of suffering. Living neighbors to Dick and Cay Ewing is a spiritist family who are of the "Karrlecistas" or spiritists follow ing the teaohings of Allan Kardek. Re cently they were hosts to a gathering

the previous budget, but the work is


If you can, will you please increase in order that the budget may be met and the work conyour contribution
tinuesi to grow.

The September copy of the paper is

to be a study book and will contain a copy of the audit for the past year. Should you have any question concorning any phase of- Brazil Christian Mission, we would be very happy to hear from you. In order to give better mail service, the Guymon Post Office has issued me a larger box. The number of the box is

409. Will you please note this change

and use the new number 409 on your next correspondence? Againi we thank all of you who make

this great work possible. Pray for us.

of "eclectics)" or spiritists missionaries; Brazilian men Who wear long hair, beards and clerical robes. They were here for the purpose of laying the ground work for a colony of '50() spiritist fmnilies to be founded near the new federal capital district. When asked the -reason for wearing long hair one of the eclectics said, "because

A spiritualist vendor displays a tiger headvery effective in involking spirits from beyond! Behind him is displayed a
backdrop of a huge snake skin and an animal pelt, and in front bits of hair, animal teeth, herbs, etc. for use in spirit ualist worship.

of evil were covered with a variety of bones, toenails of various animals, hair
of all kinds, skins from various -ani

mals' that lived in the dark depths of

the forests and are feared by nios't nor



V. 0. Church Stoned 5th Time

The Church of Christ of Vila Opera-

mal persons. Also displayed were little images carved from wood and small pendants and tiny medals which were covered with mysterious pictures and writings. Stretched along the wall in back of the cloth was a giant snake
.skin. Below the snake skin there were

ria, Goiania, was stoned July 11th, the

fifth time within recent months. Win dows were broken out, roof tiles bro

Missionaries Declare Only Form Of Mission Transportation Completely inadequate

ken and the door forced and damaged in an attempt to enter the churdi for
further mutilation of the Lord's house.

all kinds of herbs that could be used in a number of "witches brews"; there were herbs for all kinds of needs: cur

Nearby Christians came to the rescue and recognized the vandal as the same boy who seriously perturbed recent baptis'nial services by bathing his dogs
in the immediate area of the baptism,

ing sickness, seeing visions, the facili tation of visiting with the spirits', and for making evil against an object of enmity. The head of a leapard was held by one of the vendors so we could sec its beauty and note that it
would be excellent for any kind of black magic we might wish to perform. The articles themselves did not give me a twinge of repulsion (they were interesting to me), but when I thought of what they represented to men and women who possessed the image of
God it was then that a blackness caused

making derogatory remarks, openly ridiculing the baptismal candidates and missionary Dick Ewing, and making as
much noise and confusion as possible.

The boy comes from a strong Roman

Catholic family in the village and seems to be quite proud of the havoc he
has' created. It is believed that he has

led or particiijatcd in gangs of vandals

who have attacked the cluirch upon four ol'her_Pccasions,_ and who consist ently perturb baptismal services held in the village creek. Pray for this boy and his companions that they may find the truth and the light for their sin burdened souls that lead them to persecute tlie work of
their Savior. B. C. M. missionaries' in Goiania

- Send your contributions for, a mission -.^ vehicle to mission agent Wm. A. Cook, Box 409, Guymon, Okla.

me to shiver inside my heart. We walked less than a block away where we joined a circle of people who were listening to a man of God preaching the unsearchable riches of the Lord Jesus Christ. He was telling US' (in the Portugese language which

New Quarters
The four co-eds of the Bible Institute and Miss Ruth Spurgeon are comfort

we r^ow can follow somewhat)


celebrated the 4t'h of July with a picnic io the city park near the Ewings home.

in Christ there is Everlasting life; and that His life is the light of men. It just (loesn't seem possible that
this could existlEternal Life and

On the 7th they celebrated the Ewings

12lh wedding anniversary with dinner
in the new hotel Presidente in Goiania.
Tliese were the first social occasions

ably and happily settled in their new quarters in the firs'l' Institute building. They are occupying the quarters originally intended for the director. They were formerly quartered in the
Sanders home while they were on

furlough. Until tlie second Institute building is ready, they will need to use
the small three room apartment for
dormitory purposes.

death for the soul, being presented side by sidebut it's' here in Brazil today."
Shields Recruits To Brazil (Continued from Page 1)

enjoyed by tlic field staff for many


churcli at Ingrams Island for one and a half years. Merlin has been pastor of the Church of Christ, Wasco, Oregon for the past four years, leaving there
to enter the service of B. C. M.

mission agent. Funds for their outgoing should be sent to agent Wm. A. Cook, Box 409, Guymon, Oklahoma designated
for the Shields.

Language School
One of the first and most important

Miss Spurgeon has attractively furn ished her room with green as the main theme. She chose printed pull drapes for her windows: and a green and white spread enhances her bed. The four girls share the other bed room, using double-deck bunks to save space. Attractive wardrobes are a re cent addition to the dormitory furn

Merlin was very wise in his choice of a wife and helpmate, for not only did he marry the daughter of a minister
but one wlio is well educated and tal ented. Gertrude Ellen Reasoner Shields has had four and a half years of col

jobs of the new missionary to a foreign field is to learn well the language and customs of the people with whom he
is to work. Now busily engaged in this

lege work and holds a BTH degree with Btblc and religious education as her
major and music as a. minor. Gertrude lias taught' Bible to school children on released lime, tauglil Daily Vacation
Bible School, worked in Junior camps as teacher and cook and organized a

introductory pliasc of the mission work,

Mr. ami Mrs. Kenneth Mathis and Mr.

ishings and beautify both boys and girls quarters. Eadi student has a separate compartment with space for lianging clothes and three shelves for shoes, books and underwear. Each can be separately locked. Each wardrobe
contains three lockers with a large mirror in the middle door; Theyarc^ of

and Mrs. Edwin Knowles are preparing themselves in tlie Porthguese and Ori
entation' School for missionaries in

light peroba wood. The reception room is furnished with Miss Spurgcon's own personal furni
ture and she chose beautiful blue pull

Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

youth ohoir and study groups. Gertrude

Unique in its program and of ex tremely high quality, the school ad

mits students' of every evangelical mis^ sion who wish to study the language

hot only worked in evangelistic efforts

as song leader, choir director and soloi.S't but was cburch secretary as well. This fine couple first became inter
ested in the work of the Brazil Christ ian Mission in March of 1955. Since then their only desire has been to eqiiiii themselves in all ways so as to

dispensary occupies one corner of the small room and a connecting hall con tains a sink, cupboard and space for

drapes for the windows. Her medical

effectively and will fit into their pro gram of training. It is a co-operative project of the Southern Baptist and Presbyterian missions in Brazil. Over
50 students are enrolled in the school at all limes. Of tliese the major por

a small stove. A small but adequate

lialh serves the dormitory area. New Baby

The only married student in the mis sion preacher training institute, Florisvaldo Santos, and his wife, Jos'cflna, became the proud parents of a baby boy, born July 10th. They named him
"Roberto" and already have hi^ 'hopes
that lie will follow liis fathers' 'high calling. Florisvaido is one of the more ad vanced Bible students and work boss

more effectively .serve their Lord in this most opportune and needy land. Pray with the Shields that many Chris
tians will want to be Co-Missionaries with them in Brazil and that it will be

tion are Baptist, Presbyterian, and at

present, Mennonitc. The Southern Bapt

ists alone have an average of 3 couples

possible for them to begin their work

in South America within the next year. Mr. and Mrs. Shields are currently

engaged in raising their support. For speaking engagements write to them at Box 307, Wasco, Oregon or contact the

coming into the school each quarter. Tlie teaching staff includes a special ist in plionetics from the United States as well as many Brazilian teachers trained specifically for teaching Portu guese to missionaries. One of the
teachers is from Portugal. (Continued on Page 4)

on student construction projects. His

wife is also a former student of the

In a recent campaign to coiinteract



in tlie state of uoias and particularly

tiae fast spreading evangelical emphasis

was tired of standing so long inside the cliiirch and wanted to take a walk.

Many of the devout gatliered t'o hoist

her to their .sliouldersi and forming a

the capital city of Goianra, the Roman

Catholic Ohufeh recently conducted several weeks of concentrated effort

procession, took her for a stroll

meetings of the "heretical Protestant

faitlisi" whose influence they sought to

which they labeled "Holy Missions'." It was patterned after the evangelistic
As' a part of the emphasis a houseto-house visitation campaign was con

through the streets of Goiania. Before long the priest consulted Mary again

and found her to be weary from her unaccustomed journey and ready to return to her place in the cathedral. Many colorful and elaborate parades and processions gave color to the meet

Recent years have brought a definite iiulustrial progress to Brazil. In the city of Campinas, Sao Paulo where your

missionaries study in the "language and Orientation school", there are

ing, exciting the people to occasional

ducted in which Roman Catholic work ers sought to obtain promises from
Protestants to confess and return to the "Mother Church" and t'o confiscate

One young Christian was severely beat en in the public square of Vila Nova (a village of Goiania area) as a re
sult of distributing evangelical litera

acts of destruction and even violence.

101,746 inhabitants. Here the Singer Sewing Machine company now has' a factory and both Wilson and Armour companies have meat packing plants,
lust a Short distance away in the larger

city of Sao Paulo, capital of the state

there are t-wo Scars-Roebuck stores and

Bibles and evangelical literature. Sev eral incidences were reported where workersJ engaged Protestants in dis cussion of tlieir faith until they will

several new supennarkets. It is said

that the state of Sao Paulo could be self-sufficient for many years to come


ingly lent the apparently interested

worker their Bible to examine for themselves. The Bibles were then turned in at the mass meetings as evid

Effects of the meeting were immedi

ately felt in the village work of the

Brazil Christian' Mission. Attendances

in the production of all needed sup plies for living.

Within two months there should be

ence of repentence and it was reported that they were to be burned publically.
Over 300 private automobiles were "blessed^' by tlie visiting priest as a

at evangelical meetings dropped sliarply, some of the newer and weaker

members faltered and one returned to

part of the month long meetings in

Greater Goiania area. In Campinas, suburb of Goiania, a new image of Mary was dedicated and declared to be many times more po\yerfuI than the image in Trinidade which had former
ly been acclaimed as the most power ful in the s-tale. The Trinidade image was described as "little coffee" (a

chapel was stoned for the fourth time during the meeting and stoned and
few weeks afterward. Baptismal ser

the Catholic faith. The Vila Operarla

a marble factory established and functioning in the city of Goiania, Goiaz with the hope of exporting large quantities of this product. In one year 80 new schools have be gun to function, giving elementary in struction to 2400 children. A group of capitalists have taken it upon them
selves to found these schools. Each one

seriously assaulted for a fifth time a

vices during the meeting were dis turbed by young boys undoubte<lly en

couraged in their activity by the "Holy

But in spite of the immediate effects

will provide for 30 children at an esti mated $130.00 initial cost. The schools


live (iiatholic



are located in hoines, garages, clubs

or factories and teachers are volun

Brazilian expression comparable to our

"small time stuff") in comparison. Also over public address' systeni, a

Christians were strengthened by the

persecution and only a few weeks after

it was over found attendance restored

teers, serving without pay. Any highschool graduate is eligible to direct this

priest made an appeal to worshippers

to come in answer to a distress signal from tlie image of Mary in one of the

and surpassing former averages and

the one member who returned to

Catholicism repentant again and seek

Goiania cath^rals. He said that Mary

ing her only true Savior in His cluiroh.

Classes consist of phonetics, conver sational dialogue, "groups" or a sys-

literary campaign. The $1'3().00 grant provides 30 chairs, one blackboard, pencils, paper, chalk and a "learner's guide". The goal is to establish 3800 in
the federal district of Rio de Janeiro alone.

Language School
(Continued from Page 3)

Arranged to allow both husband and wife to .study and still maintain their home, classes for men are held in the mormngs and for the women in tlie afternoons. Special classes may be ar-

tcinitized vocabulary drill with timed recitation. They also have a daily stu dent conducted chapel period. First quarter students direct Chapel in Eng lish and subsequent quarters in Portu

Various cities in Brazil arc establish

ing traveling librarie.s which books to the popular classes.


j-anged for any hour. Ken and Ed are studying -/erbs in an evening class in which tiiey exchange English lessons
for Portuguese.

The full course lasts one year with the month of July in vacation and an other vacation of one week at Christ mas time. The Mathis and Knowles families entered school tlie first of

Brazil has an average population of 4 inhabitants for each square mile.

Activity Progress Report

Attendance Averages
Vila Nova IS. S -



April and will complete tlicir course

next March. They each have rented
liomcs some distance from the school,

'Eve, Worship
IC. E, Sre
C. E. Jrs



but comfortably arranged. The ideal climate of Sao Paulo gives them an

Midweek worship
Women's meeting



added advantage in helping them to

adjust to Brazil gradually. Remember your missionaries who are new in language school. Their training is expensive but it is extreme


80 44. S4

, S. S Midweek Worship
Women's meeting

44 84

Vila Opcraria S. S .Evening Worship

'145 16 37 16

ly important for a good foundation for their gospel ministry to these people.
Funds over and above their expenses in school go directly into the field pro jects in which they will be participat

Midweek Worship
Beta Vista IS. S.

46 21)

27. 22

ing upon completion of tlieir sdiooling.

Ed Knowles with his teachers; left to


Eve. Worship Women's Meeting -

14 7

14 6

Colonia Agricula
S. S



right: Eunice, Portuguese; Miss Cummings, American phonetics specialist; and


Evening Worship



Entered in Post Office at Denver, Colo, at second class matter under Act of March 8,1879.

Vemon Sewland

National Historical Society

Vol. VII



St. A^t Mo*


Number 9


PRAYER REQUESTS 1. For link funds a)td outffoiiig expenses for the iS/iit'/rfs familij. 2. For sliidcnl scholnrships (seven need
ed iininedialcl!/).

Left: Student engineers Diogo Borges and Tcodoro Lacerda jokingly give a demonstration of how to start the en

gine on the new Institute light plant. They stand in froyit of the utility build ing which houses the dynamo and they
hold the crank between them.

3. For screening and ceilings for first Inslilutc huilding and funds to begin second building. For adequate mission <rniis;)or/a/ioi. o. tiirength (both physical and spirit ual) for missionaries oi the field and in language training. (L .4. speedy recovery for accident victim Vicky Hanseii. (See story, page 2.) 7. h^or dedicated young ttictt and tcomcn in lirazil to carry on a national niiw istry. Don't forget to God for the many blessings he has sent: For the funds to

Goiania Christian Institute now has elec

tric power supplied by a newly installed ten h.p. dicsel engine running a four kw
generator. Students rejoice as adequate

light is now available for evening study sessions and power makes possible the use
of much needed electrical equipment. When the heavier equipment such as the Shopsmith woodworking tools and Multilith printing press are put into operation upon the arrival of the Knowles and Mathis fa milies on the field, the 4 kw. generator will be sold and a 7 kw. generator installed in its place. Spurgeon Gift

on the work\ for nine missionaries and two recruits; for many dedicated
Christians in Brazil.

Student Uniforms

The purchase of the light plant was made possible through a generous gift from mis sionary Ruth Spurgeon who donated Students Adalina Borges and Odilon GonS300.00 toward the purchase price of c.tlves model the new Institute uniforms Wliich they eariTcd' by coinpletifigffiori" -8600.00. Miss -Spn rgeon= has.'R habit of-mk ing generous personal contributions toward Ih.Tii twelve weeks of study with grades
above 70.

mission projects and her latest gift has

As the last six weeks period of school

endeared her to students and missionaries

closed August 12, all students had passed with grades of 70 or above and all but two of the boys h:)ve completed at least two
six weeks sessions. These students are

alike, all of whom benefit greatly from the

light plant.

A general celebration period was declar

ed on Saturday evening, August 4, when
the main switch was thrown for the first

either wearing their uniforms now or will

be issued uniforms as soon as the Institute sewing department has completed them. The uniforms consist of light gra5' blouses and shirts, dark blue skirts and trousers with a light gray stripe on both


Students inaugurated the new in

stallation with their own "festa" of ac

tivity games and folk music.

Student Engineers

sides, and dark l)lue ties. They are fur nished as a part of the student's scholar ship and are recjuired at all limes except
to attend Sunday worship services. As a mark of accomplishment, the uni form is denied to any student whose grades fall below 70, and must serve a pro

Two Institute students, Tcodoro Lacerda and Diogo Borges, have been trained to start and stop the motor. It operates only a few hours each morning and evening when power is most needed. The students
will continue to learn more of maintenance

bation period of six weeks to regain the

right to wear the uniform. Failure to prove oneself in the prol)ation period means de
nial of student scholarship also.

and operation of the motor, taking the major la])or load of this responsibility from the busy schedule of the missionaries, and at the same time, developing a useful
skill for themselves.



How Do I Like Brazil?

Vicky Hansen Accident Victim

Brazil Christian Mission

Entered in Post Office at Denver, Colo, as second class matter under Act of March 8. 1879.
Office of Publication

Brazil Christian Mission circulation man

ager, Mr.s. Vicky Hansen, sustained a trippie leg fracture, shock, cuts and bruises
in a freak accident near her home iu Den

ver, Colo., August 16th.

Mrs. Hansen and her three year old son, Steven, were on their way to a grocery

1664 Poplar, Denver. Colorado

Published Monthly
Subscription rate26c per year

Twenty-five cents of the resular annual of

fering shall be considered payment of one year's subscription to the Brazil Christian MisField Editor, Carolee Ewing
Send all contribuiions to:

Wm. A. Cook, Box 409, Guymon, Oklahoma.

Missionaries in Brazil:
Caixa Postal 201,





Goiania, Goios, Brazil

J. David and Ruth Sanders

tree 15 feet from the ground.

j. Richard and Carolee Ewing

(Ruth M. Spurgeon Missionaries in Language School:
lElscola de Portuguese Oricntacao
Caixa Postal 16

Little Stevie suffered only shock and

minor cuts and bruises but Mrs. Hansen

will be in a cast for some time. Vicky was

Campinas, Est. de Sao Paulo, Brazil

Edwin C. and Lula Knowles

Kenneth and Clarice Mathis

Cenceming contribntions to:

expecting her navy husband, Bob, home in only four more days, returning from sea duly to take his family hack with him to San Diego. He docked, only to learn of Vicky's unfortunate accident and rushed to her side in Fitzsimmons General Hospital
in Denver.

I am Daryl Bruce Sanders. I am al most one. As you can see, Brazil agrees

with me just fine! I've had a few sick days, but I haven't lost any weight nor any of my sunny disposition. I iove to play in our front yard. You can see it is full of lovely trees and flow ers and some of the most interesting bugs
and rocks and things. But mama keeps me in a play pen so I can only explore what bits of nature I can reach through the

Wm. A. Cook, Box 409, Guymon, Oklahoma

Concerning B.C.M. Pnblication to:


of the mission



Vicky for

her more than two years of

faithful and sacrificial labor of love for

Mrs. Vicky Hansen, 1664 Poplar,

Denver 20, Colorado

Concerning Promotional Materials:

Dale McAfee,
2210 E. Elm.

Enid, Oklahoma
If you are not sure to whom your correspondence should be directed send it to Mr. Cook and he will be glad to forward it to the correct address.

the Brazil Christian Mission in addressing and mailing over 6000 copies of this publi cation each month. Her mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Victor H. Fair, and her sister, Mrs. Juue Melendy, are filling the vacancy left by her absence. If you would care to send your greetings to Mrs. Hansen they may be addressed to 1664 Poplar St., Denver 20, Colo.
Springs, S, Dnk,. $2.00; Mr. and Mrs. Itomcr P. Nell Par.

But this prisoner's life won't last long because I'm almost confident enough to strike out on my own, on foot! And then I'll win lots of races with my sister, Staria, and go on many expeditions that have long been my fondest desire. In another few months I should be able to tell you a lot more about Brazil from personal ob
Flral Chriacian Church, AmcH, la., $25.00; Mr. and Mrs.
Frank J. Christian Williams, Michlganlown, Church, Ablicna, Kans., init., 87,75; First 840.00; Christian

July and August Contributions





Lcona C,





$10.00: Mrs. Gruber, Denver, Colo., 8.5.00.






Lincoln, S6.00:



Church, Colo., 810.00;





Frank Schuch,

First Christian Church, Burlington, Ind., SSO.OO; Lonsdalo

Christian Church, Knoxvtllc, Tenn., First Christian







Moorcland. Okla., 810.00.


Church, Valley Center, Kans. SSO.OO; Mars Hill Church of Christ, Indianapolis, Ind., 9134.10; The First Christian Church, Greenwood, Ind., S142.S0; Plum Creek Christian Church, Palmouth, Ind., 800.7S; E. 40i& SC. Christian Church, Indianapolis, Ind,, $250.00; First Church ol Christ, OwasBO Mich., 810.00. First Chrisliati Church, rouncil Tluffs, Iowa, StSn.OO; Driek Christian Church, Watauga, Tenn., SSO.OO: William
H. Goens, El MonU, CallL, $7.00; Mr. and Mrs. Elbcrt

Northeast Christian Church, Grand Junction, Colo. 880.05: Church or Christ, Hampton, la., 880.00; Main St. Christian Church, Stockton, Kans., 810.00; Boulevard Christian Church, Muskogee, Okla., 8100.74: East Side Christian Church, Pino Ulurra, Ark., 801.25; Clifton Christian Church. Grand Junction Colo., 8147.-17; Christian Church,








Church, Huavenur, Okla,, $15,00.


Mrs. Mable Gibson. Parsons, Kana., $1.00: Mr. and Mrs.










Crnlg, Colo., 815.00; Mr. and Mrs. W, F. Young, Hennes sey, Okla., 830.00; Ojrlstiau Ciiurcn, l*aoniu. Colo.,
880.00; .Mrs. Ruth Lewis Carlsbad, Calif., 85.00; Chrisllnn Church, Monlrosc, Colo., 807,00; Mra. Melvin Graves, Arvada, Colo., 825.00; Christian Cluircli, Rangely,

ScolUbluff, Neb., 54.25; Gerritl De Bries. Allndena. Calif.. $u.25; Wallace Mcnzic Liueuin, Nvh., 81.00.

Walter, Wichita, Kans., $5.00; West Side Christian Church, WlchlU, Kans., 8300.00: Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Williams Ulchlganlown, Ind., 87.75.

West Point Christian Church, Yukon. Okla.

Park ' cnri.stiaii Church, Indianapolis, Ind.,

825.00: Mr.
$75.00: First








and Mrs. Kenneth Fox. Hot Springs, 8. Dak.,* 55.00; West

Christian Church, iu-munt, in,, $23.00; Christian Church. Cambria. Va.. 8.50.1)0; Bethel Christian Ciiui'ch, Eugene Ore., 530.00; Moscow Christian Mission, Meiroy, InJ.,










Christian Church, Rifle, Colo,, 523,38; Mrs, Bertha Gunckce, Great Falls, Mont., 85.00; Den Davis Christian
Church, Cuio., Indianapolis, Ind., 8125.00; Church of Christ,

827.00; Broadway Avo. Christian Church, Wichita, Kans., 8205.00; Mrs. It. H. Pctrle, Bakersfleld, Cnlir., 830,00;









First Christian









Christian Cliurcii Niisslon Fund, Clinton, Okla., $02.60;

Muriel Uniby, Port Collins, Cnlo.. 820.00; Christian Church

Kans., $45.61; Central Christian Church, New Castle, Peim. 8135,00; Northeast Christian Church, Oklahoma City, Okia,,

CaJlf., 838.45; Christian Church, Elbcrt, Colo., 830.00.













870.43; Mrs. P. G. Myers, Apache, Okla., 820.00. Mrs. Nancy Cain, Apache, Okla., 85.00; Mrs. A. J. McMahan, Apache Okla,, 810.00; Falrmount Christian Church, Kansas City, Mo., 5280.00; Christian Church, Elbert, Colo., 830.00; Central Avo. Christian Church, Parsons, Kan.,
834.00; Deer Creek Christian Church, Nardcn, Okla., SO.00; West Side Chrlstlsn Church, Denver. Colo., 870.00: North Broadway Christian Church, Grccnsburs, Ind., 835.00.

Christian Church. Liberty, Neh., $50.00; First Christian Church. Kansas City, Kans., 822.00; Barbara Seymour, El

Klquuroa Blvd. Chvlsllaii Church, Ingluwood, Calif., 810.00:











Emerson Park



Christian Church, Guymon, Okla., $5.00.












Christian Church. Havcnsvlile, Kans,, 815,00; West Side

Nellie J.



P. A.





Mutual, Okla., 810.00; Christian' Church, Ouckner, Mo., $108.00; Christian Church. Rushville, Mo., 835.00; Chris tian Church, Hnitforil, Kans., 8)8.37; Northuast Christian CJiurch, Oklahoma City, Okla., $26.00; First Christian
Church, Miami, Okla. 8150.00.

Christian Church, Wichita, Kans.. 840.00; Christian Church,

BIythcdaie. Mo., 860.00: First Christian Church. Scotti-





bluff. Neb., 8200.00; Pleasant Home Sunday School, Brew. slt-v, La., 8IU5.00; Christian Churrh. Clay Center, Kuns., 520.00; Chrislian Church, Vici, Okla., 527.55: Thomas
Large. Elm Creek, .Neb.. 835.00; LL-nlla Steward. Oklahoma

Colo., 810.00; W. E. May, Chanutc, Kans., 810.00; Chris tian Church. LnCygne, Kans,, 825,25; Robinson Christian

Mission, l<oblnson_ Kans., 830.00; Glen







Lenila Steward, Oklahoma City,

Ctiurch, Anderson,




8100.00; First Christian Church, Bcrryvllle, Ark., 618.25:

Lois Jackson, Donver, Colo., 875.00.

Church of Christ, Toronto, O., 820.00; Mt. Bethel Church, Limcslone, Tenn., 825,00; Oavia Park Church, Enid, Okia,, 8-100.00; Nora Miller, Edgerton, Mo., 820.00; First Christian Church. Dexter, Mo,, 815.00; Virgil Real. Crulg, Colo., 55.00; Crysler Ave. Clirlstlan Church, Inde pendence, Mo., 530.00; Hobhs Christian Mission, Tlpton,

City. Ckln., 84.00; Norniaruth Jacobs, Council Bluffs, la.,


Mrs. Claude V.

Crnlg. Buiincr Springs. Kans., 820.00;






Church, Wash.,


Alice May Vawter, Englcwood, Colo., 830.00; Doyle Sovema, Anderson, Ind., 84.00; Christian Blblo School, Glrard, Kans., 846.50; Fountain Siiuare Christian Church.
Indianapolis, Ind., 8100.00; Mra. 0. H. Golf, Apache,




Junior Church, Christian Church, V.-illcy Falls, Kan. 88.41; Or, and Mrs. Homer F. Nell, Parsons, Kans., $15.00; First Christian Church, Hennessey, Okla., 85,00.








Haven Cliurch of Christ, Lock Haven, Penn., 850,00; First Christian Church, Yuma, Ariz., 810.00; First Christian

Northeast Christian Church, Okla. City, Okla., 850,00;

Mrs. Elhel llow'v, Wheatland, Wyo., 850,00; Lcnlta Stew
ard, Oktu. City, Okla. 84.00.

Okla., 618.25: M. M. Loney, Hiawatha, Kana. 82.00; Cen tral Christian Church, Shreveport, La,, SSO.OO; South Val ley Chapel, Erie, Kans., 822.50: Pleasant Vale Community Sunday School, Enid, Okla., 817.16; E. R. Lesher, Hot

Churchy La Crosse, Kans., 852.85: First Christian Church,

Anthony. Kans., 824.42; Mrs. Garland Polley, Rldgeway, Mo., 553.00; Christian Church, Meno, Okia., $50.00; First Christian Church, McKee's Rocks, Penn. 813.58.

'screen FUND

John Schrodt, Franklin, Ind., 84.00; A Friend, Goodland,

Kans., 825.00.

Churches Show New Animation
Vila Nova



tian Endeavor Societies and a Jr. choir.

With the L. David Sanders family well re-established on the field and once again in charge of the Vila Nova work, much per sonal attention is showing desired results in llie first congregation established by
the Drnzil Christian Mission. Attendance averages have climbed from a low suffered

The Jr. endeavor lacks formal organization but has from ten to twenty youngsters attending each Sunday evening. Mr. Ewing is in charge of the Jr. societj'.
For lack of sponsors, the Intermediate and Sr. societies are meeting together un der Mrs. Ewing's direction. The senior society has six members and the Inter mediate, though not yet well organized, will probably have as many members within a few weeks. They are using the same leadership training program em ployed by the Vila Nova C. E. for the past two years and will ])cgin the Intermediate course, also designed by Arloe Snodgrass (author of the Sr. course) and until now,
not introduced in Brazil.
Women's Work

NCC Commends Shields

Eugene, Oregon To Whom it May Concern:

Wc at Northwest Christian College are

pleased to hear of the announcement of







Shields to mission service in South Amer

after the division of the congregation into Vila Nova-Botofogo groups, and has sur
passed former averages. A new animation

is felt in the work even though it lias lost most of its most talented youth to the Bible Institute and to work in the younger congregations established in nearby "vilas".

ica with the Brazilian Chrlstim Mission. As recent graduates of NCC both have records of good academic achievement and can be given the highest commcndatirn for their character. We look forward to hear ing about their contributions to the






Sincerely yours,
William J. Richardson

Men's Work Begun

For the first time in the history of the church, a men's work has been organized.
Meeting before the mid-week sendees on Wednesday evenings, the "Irmaos do Igreja" (Brothers of the Church) unite for a spccial~)lrayei*-circle~~aTid~rodiscussthe" prolilems of the church. An average of six

Northwest Christian CoMegv

The women's work has been activated after several months of discontinuance due to an overcrowded schedule in the ab


sence of the Sanders. They meet for a prayer circle and study period before the

mid-week services on Tuesday evenings.

Ahead in S. S. Race

men have attended the first few meetings. At tile same time tlie men are meeting, the "Irmas de Igreja" (Sisters of the Church) also conduct a prayer circle and
study period.
Workers' Conference

As a part of the religious education pro

gram of the church a workers' conference

is held each Saturday evening. Mr. Sanders

is in charge of the teachers for the adult

department with two men participating,

and Mrs. Sanders heads the five leachers of the children's work. The adult confer ence is studying tlie book, "The New Tes

The four congrcgation.s, Vila Nova, Botofogo, Setor Bucno and Vila Operaria. are conducting a race in Sunday School at tendance during the month of September. It is figured on attendance averages for the previous quarter and the winner will he liost to a general meeting in October at which the losing Sunday Schools will provide the entertainment. The first Sun day in September found the Vila Operaria congregation ahead by 18 percent over the closest runner up. Excited over the results of the first round, the Vila Operaria mem
bers are "out to win!"
New Name For Bela Vista

tament and the Apostolic Age" and the children's workers have a laboratory train ing session. Both conferences participate in a general discussion of Sunday School problems and plans for the future. At pres ent they are making extensive plans for Sunday School Day, September 16th.
Christian Endeavor An advanced course for Senior Christian

Due to the newness of the section where the Bible Institute is built and the result


Mafhis takes time out from

Endeavor graduates of the leadership training program used in Brazil, has been inaugurated in the Vila Nova Church of
Christ. Students do further Bible research

ant confusion of settling it, the name "Bela Vista" which was originally given the area, has been changed to "Setor Bueno" after Geronimo Combro Bueno, the orig inal owner of the section and popular sen ator and former governor of the state. When you read of the work in Setor Bueno you will know that it is the Sunday
School established in the new Institute

language study to pick limes from the tree in his back yard. It looks like some limeaid coming up!
Rough Going Recent letters from missionary language
students Mathis and Knowles indicate "the

and memory work, making a notebook of their accomplishments as they advance. The course is entitled, "Know Your Bible Ali^a^Otrlrtc^tnr ' Worship". Four students are enrolled in the course, one by cor respondence. Valdori Pcna, serving his year of army training, sends his work in written form to the C. E. sponsor in

building and formerly referred to as "Bela Visla". Sunday School in that section continues to maintain a surprising high considering the scarcity of population. It is helping to lay a-good foundation for the building of a future congregation.

going is getting rough I" Now plunging into the real meat of the language and orieulution course, they are finding re quirements stiffer all the time and more and more time necessary to prepare les
sons. With stubborn determination to

really learn the Portuguese language well, both couples arc devoting-themselves com pletely to the task ahead of them. Be sure to remember them in your prayers and your support.

Vila Operaria A four day evangelistic meeting hrouglit new life to the j-ear-old Vila Operaria con gregation, .1. Richard Ewing, pastor. Evan gelistic speaker L. David Sanders designed his sermons to plant seed in that spiritual ly destitute suburb of greater Goianla. .Assisting in the meeting was the Rassniussen family of the interdenominational
New Tribes >Iission. The team consists of

Friends of the Lloyd David Sanders will

he saddened to learn of the death of

Lloyd's father, Claud Sanders, at his home in Vinton, Iowa on August 13th, of a heart

John Knowles in School

While in Goinnia for the mission confer

a father and his four sons who play the

accordion, marimba, cow hells, sleigh bells

and saw. The novelty music, superbly per

formed, brought capacity crowds to the

church nearly every night of the meeting. Youth Program

ence in July, John Knowles, 13 year old son of Ed and Lula Knowles, accompanied Amancio Sanders to the Vianopoiis (60 miles from Goiania) English boarding school for American Missionary children run by the interdenominational New

There is more than one way to haul wood. This gentleman finds his goat cart

Tribes Mission.

Amancio interned for his

Within the past two months the Ewings liave inaugurated a youth program which includes Jr., Intermediate and Sr. Chris

very practical. He passes our Bible Insti tute nearly every day with his cargo and unique beasts of burden.

third year in the school and John spent a few days visiting. Upon his return to Go iania John was not only enthusiastic about (Continued on Page 4)


We Need You


to take the story of Christ to those who

have never heard? Teodoro I..accrda, (back row extreme right, next to Jose Meirelles) one of the most intelligent of the students

and, though the most playful of all, one

of the best workers and sincere Christians, dedicated to his task? Or Ildevar (extreme

right, front row) who is completing his primary education in the nearby Baptist primary school but living at the Institute
and participating in the work-program looking forward to his acceptance into the
Institute next March?

Frontier Goes Modern

When the L. David Sanders family ar rived in Goiania seven years ago to found the first work of our brotherhood in

Brazil, this was a truly frontier city, it

self less than 20 years old. Being a new

Would you prefer to sponsor a girl? Per haps you would like to help Valdelice (first girl on left) with her rich contralto
voice and natural ability with children. Or

city, its few buildings were all of modern design, but the city had few paved streets,
was relatively undeveloped as far as mod ern conveniences are concerned, and had little to offer in the way of manufactured items and canned goods for sale.

\l"c arc the eleven students of Goiania Christian Institute, a Bible training

Didir, (next) who sings tenor in the girls' quartet, is the mission's only marimba ar
tist (trained by Ellen Case Hughes when she was on the field) and an extremely ambitious and industrious young lady. Or
erican brand canned~-and manufactured

center for preparing a national Brazil

Today the city is still on the frontier,

for to the west and north still lie much

ian ministry. iVc all come from poor fa

milies and are unable to finance our

own schooling, but we are all dedicated young people with a will to serve Jesus
Christ and to tell our people the "Good
News." Only four of us have sponsors

if you are interested in a medical ministry, you will want to sponsor Dorvalina Santos (last girl on the right). Dorvalina, trained by missionary nurse Ruth Spurgeon, as
sists in the many medical responsibilities

virgin territory and even large, unexplored areas including mountains, plains and

jungles. But the frontier has gone modern

in Goiania!

who are paying $15.00 a month to cover our student scholarship. The rest of us

are appealing to you, our Christian

brethren in the United States, for this

financial aid to make it possible for us

to continue in this important training

for the future of Christ's church and

Brazil. You will be investing in our

of Miss Spurgeon's ministry. Already an apt nurse's aid, she plans to complete her Bible course and possibly a course in nurs ing at the hospital in Anapolis. She is also very talented with children. Send your pledge and your offerings for this project to Wm. A. Cook, Box 409, Guymon, Oklahoma, and designate your
choice of students.

This capital city lead interior Brazil in the amount of paved roads, electricity and other public utilities, educational, social, medical and commercial facilities and, hap pily, evangelical churches. Each day finds your missionaries able to buy more and more of the delicacies they once enjoyed only on furlough: Am
erican brand canned and manufactured

future, in a future national rninistry for Brazil and, since we are working for the mission, in co7istruction of In stitute buildings, you ^oill be investing
also tn an cducatiomil institution to in sure that many others will follow us tn this high callBig. May we count on youi Heavener, Okla. Church Underwrites

The Heavener, Oklahoma Christian Church, Delmar Poe, minister, has under taken to provide a monthly scholarship for Jose Nascimento, the most advanced and experienced of the ministerial stu dents. Jose (first student on the left, front row) is 28 years old, has served in responsible positions in the Vila Nova Church of Christ, served as evangelist re sponsible for tile work in Silvania for near ly a year and is currently assisting misaiui'iaiy Dick Esvlug with the infant church in Vila Operaria. An able preacher and worthy student, Jose is extremely thankful for the opportunity which the First Chris
tian Church of Heavener is providing.
Three Others Sponsored

goods; products by Nestle, Swift, Wilson, Dorothy Gray and Coty cosmetics, Toni home permanents, processed cheese, can dies, pickles, etc. There is a handsome price on all such items and one can by no means buy "everything" in Goiania, but your missionaries no longer say "We can't buy that in Goiania", for i)erhaps they slipped it onto the market last night and we just haven't discovered it yet! Your missionaries only pray that the gospel can keep pace with the many social,
educational and material advances Goiania

is enjoying in the process of modernizing

the frontier.

An aerial view of downtown Goiania as

Activity Progress Report

Attendance AversKes
Vila Nova

it appears today. See article, "Facts from Brazil" on the modern frontier city of



Aug:. 79 29 HO 50 9

Doctor, or Doctor's Mother?

During a battle a wounded Catliolic sol dier was approached by a Protestant chap

Sunday School 56 Eve. Worship 4S 48 .Christian Endeavor, Sr 23 Q6 Christian Endeavor, Jr HO M Zilidweek worship 55 55 Women's Meeting 7 il5
Men's Meeting *

Teacher Training
Choir Vila Operuria


"I do not want to talk with you," said the Catholic; "you haven't the right atti
tude toward the mother of God."

Other students whose scholarships have been underwritten are Adalina Borgcs

"I believe God chose Marj' to be the mo ther of Jesus," answered the chaplain.
"But she is not the one we need. You are

(front row, third from right) who is spon

sored by Miss Ilia Mullins, herself a Bible College student at Manhattan, Kansas; Florisvaldo Santos, (hack row, first student

sick; do you need the doctor, or the doc

tor's mother?" The wounded soldier -understood. not His mother. The Review Our

Sunday School Eve. worship Midwk worship Special meetings (1) (Evangelistic meetings (3).... (Daily Vacation Bible fichool i(-6 days) Women's meeting
Jr. Choir Botofogo

8S il8 tti5 '

46 32 25 ~ 34

40 60 80 85 103 8

on left) a married student whom the J. Richard Ewings have taken as their per sonal project, and Odilon Goncalvcs (back row, second from left) whom the Vici, Oklahoma church have indicated thej' will

sin-sick souls need the Great Physician

Sunday School Midweek worship

Women's meeting

42 23

43 26

87 26


28 23 15

36 24 17

33 25 19

Setor Bueno (formerly called

Bela Vista) Sunday School

John Knowles in School

And You?

(Continued from Page 3)

the school hut determined to enroll him

Sunday School Eve. worship

Which student will you sponsor? Diogo Borges (back row, center) whose deep, rich baritone voice may one day preach the gospel to thousands? Jose Mclrelles who is slightly handicapped as a result of polio in his youth, but nonetheless determined

Women's meeting
Special meetings Midweek worship


20 28

19 25

self. Since the latter part of July he has been studying in the school, 600 miles from his parents, hut apparently extremely con tent and doing well. He will join his par ents in Campinas, Sao Paulo in November.

Colonia Agricuin
Sunday School






Evangelistic meetings (il2)..

Total contacts through




Entered in Post Office at Denver, Cole, as

second class matter under Act of March 8,1879..

Harold Ho^rland

(JoX^abf 3s3h1>'

Box 968

Number 10

Botafono Wins Sunday School Contest

Sr. Tercnco had 47

Institute, Florisvaldo and Dorvalina,

and the man in whose home the school was conducted until recently, Sr. Ter-

enco. Miss Spurgeon herself was ill the major portion of the month and many
times was not even able to attend the services. She is extremely grateful for the wonderful co-operation of the Bra zilian brethren and commends them highly for a job well done.

present during the month and for tak ing first place in the Botafogo contest,
won a Scriptural wall plaque. The contest has helped to pull the four Sunday Schools out of a spring slump and put them well on the way
to a new enthusiasm for the summer

invited guests


Thanks Be To God

Thanksgiving is an American tnulition not yet shared by our South American nciglibors. But the Brazil Christian Mis sion, while giving daily thanks to God for His goodness, would like to dedicate
the montli of November to praise and

thanksgiving. Our prayer requests for

tliis month are:
1. For the vlany friends and supporters

With nearly a 100% increase in at tendance during the recent Sunday

School attendance percentage contest,

Botafogo broke all records since its in ception. Sunday School attendance,

Top attendance recorded hit 99 on Sep

soared from low 37 average in August to an all time high of 72 in September.

former averages. And Setor Bueno came in last, ashamed not only to ad mit defeat but showing a slight de crease. This was due to other evangel ical activities during the month which claimed the attention of the few faith ful in this newly established Sunday

of the Brazil Ohi-istian Mission through whom the work has been
made jwssiblethose who have pray ed, those who have contributed to ward the financial support of the
icork and those who have given many

hours of labor to the "home front"

work without pay.

tember 16, national Sunday School Ob servance Day. They established three records for their four year old Sunday School; highest attendance in one Sun

day, highest monthly average and high

age was raise{\ by the contest from 175 in August to 245 in September. A fol
to help establish the new norms.
Nationals Responsible

Over-All Results Good Total Sunday School attendance aver

2. For many new Christiana who have

strengthened the forces for Christ in


Second place in the contest went to Vila Nova which upped attendance

est average increase.

low-up contest is being conducted now

3. For dedicated young Brazilian men and women who are preparing them selves for a gospel ministry among their own people.

average to 92 from 65 for August. Highest attendance recorded there during the contest was 107 on Septem
ber 30.

Quite often the credit for outstand ing' victories such as the remarkable
Spurgeon, missionary in charge of the Botafogo Sunday School, gives all the
record of the Botafogo Sunday School in this contest, goes to the work of a missionary. In this case Miss Ruth credit to the nationals. Particularly active were two students of the Bible

Jf. For two new missionary families to Brazil this year and a rea'uit family preparing for departure in 1957. 5. For the first building of the Qoiania
Christian Institute and for a light lilant for the school, a. For the Father's tender care of His missionary servants on the field.

Like the proverbial tortoise, Vila Operaria started out ahead in the race but soon dropped behind to rest and ended up in third place with an aver age attendance of 50, up only 10 over




For the sixth consecutive year the Christmas Pageant "The Meaning of Christmas" is available free upon re


Brazil Christian Mission

' Entered in Post Office at Denver, Colo, as

Tlie Brazil Chri,stian Mi.s.sion had a full two months in September and October with Sunday School contests,

evangelistic meeting at Vila Nova and

second class matter under Act of March 8, 1879.

Office of Publication

quest to any group desiring to present it. The drama is traditionally presented
in the cimrches in Brazil and friends

1664 Poplar, Denver, Colorado

Published Monthly

of the mission are invited to present offerings


the same program in English with love designated for the Brazil The story takes the Christmas mes

Subscription rate25c per year

Twenty-five cents of the regular annual of

fering shall be considered payment of one S'ear's subscription to the Brazil Christian Mis>

FieM Editor, Carolee Ewlng

Send all contributions to:

Wm. A. Cook, Box 409, Guymon, Oklahoma. * Missionaries in Brazil:

Caixa Postal 201,

the last six weeks of school in session for the Bible Institute, preparing for the summer holidays which begin
November 9.
Students Swim

Goiania, Goias, Brazil

L. David and Ruth Sanders

sage fi'om the earliest phophecies of the coming of Christ to the revelation to John on the Isle of Patmos. It may be made as simple or as elaborate as your particular situation demands. It can use as many as thirty people or more tlian one part may be issued to a person cutting the cast to as little as twelve. Music may easily be inserted to make tlie drama more interesting. Cos

J. Richard and Gsrolec Swing

Ruth M. Spurgeon

Bible Institute students and faculty ]\ave recently been invited to use the

tuming and scenery may be extremely

simple or as elaborate as the director

Missionaries in Language School:

Escola de Portuguese e Orientacao
Caixa Postal 15

private swimming pool of a Baptist

minister and professor who lives on a small farm near the campus. Saturday mornings are now frequently desig nated for swimming and students look forward to tlie day when we may even

Be sure to send for your copy today:

Dale McAfee, 2210 E. Elm, Enid, Okla homa. Love offerings taken at the dra ma presentation should be sent to Wm. A. Cook, Treasurer for Brazil Christian

Campinas, Est. de Sao Paulo, Brazil

Edwin 0. and Lula Knowles

Kenneth and Clarice Mathis


Merlin L. and Gertrude Shields

Box 375, Wasco, Oregon

possibly have a pool of our own on campus!

Polka Dot Pox

Mission, Box 409, Guymon, Oklahoma,

ADDRESS CORRESPONDENCE: Concerning contributions to:

Nine year old Carol Ewing sported a novel complexion the latter part of
October. She can't understand where the "Chicken" comes in because it looks like "Polka Dot Pox" to her! She was recovering nicely at press time.
On The Farm


Circulation manager Vicky Hansen is improving nicely from her triple leg fracture sustained August 16 in an accident. After having her leg re-set in September, she improved rapidly
and was allowed to be moved from the

Wm. A. Cook, Box 409, Guymon, Oklahoma

Concerning B.C.M. Publication to:

Mrs. Vicky Hanson, 1664 Poplar,

Denver 20. Colorado Concerning Promotional Materials:
Dale McAfee,
2210 E. Elm.

Ruth Spurgeon and Cay Ewing re

hospital October 1st. Though she will

Enid, Oklahoma If you are not sure to whom your correspondence

should be directed send it to Mr. Cook and he

cently spent a week on the farm of a

Christian near Silvania wliere the

still spend many weeks in a cast, she is happy to be at home with her chil
dren. Husband Bob had to make his

will be glad to forward it to the correct address.

Christian Service (iamp will be held the first week in December. They had

trip back to San Diego alone. We all join in prayer that Mrs. Hansen will


soon be well enough to make the trip to San Diego to join her husband.
"I will praise the name of God with
a song.

By Edgar A. Guest For all the beauties of the day, For innocence of childliood's play. For health and strength and laughter

And will magnify Him with thanks giving."

Ps. 69:30

Dear Lord, our thanks we now repeat.

For Ihis our daily gift of food, We offer now our gratitude; For all the blessings we have known Our debt of gratefulness we own.


Attendance Averagres
Vila Nova

.. .. 60 48

66 79 29 16 30
9 4 8

92 63 23 10 24
10 6

Here at the table now we pray, Keep us together down the way,
Maj' this our family circle be

Sunday School Eve. Worship

Christian Endeavor, Sr. .. ..

Christian Endeavor, Jr. .. .. Midweek Worship .. Women's Meeting ..

35 15

Held fast by love and unity. Grant, when the shade.s of night
shall fall,

a delightful rest as well as making all the necessary arrangements for the

Men's Meeting


Teacher Training
Class for New Converts ..

7 3 60 35 80 7 4

youth conference. The picture shows

them in the horse cart that took them

Vila Opcraria
Sunday School

Sweet be the dreams of one and all; And when another day shall break. Unto Thy service may we wake.

D'Oin the main higliway into the farm.

"Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, And into His courts with praise: Give thanks unto Him, and bless His

Eve. Woi-ship Midweek Worship Women's Meeting

Jr. Choir

.. .. ..

46 32 26

40 50 30

Christian Endeavor. Sr. ..

6 6

23 3 72

Christian Endeavor, Jr. .

Christian Endeavor, Int. ..

The clean vessel God uses; the surrender

ed instrument God employs; the believing soul God honors. If your life is low and indifferent and unlike the life of Christ, and if your possession of God is partial and interrupted in its consciousness, and
if your service is weak and paralyzed and nerveless, it is ])ccause you are not filled with the Spirit of God. G. Campbell Morgan

For Jehovah is good; His loving kind ness endureth forever, And His faithfulness unto all genera

Sunday School Midweek Worship Women's Meeting

Setor Bueno

... ... ... ...

43 25 9 35

37 26

33 26
19 19

10 31 23 18 20 16 15 2825

Sunday School

Sunday School



Ps. 100:4,5 "Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving."

Ps. 95:2

Eve. Worship

Midweek Worship Culonia Agricula

Sunday School




Evening Worship ... 21 Total Contacts Through Services 3164 Baptisms



Entered In Post Office at Denver, Colo, cat ..

second class matter under Act of Morch 8, 1879;

f .
vr- -^

Harold Jto^rland


Box 968

jQllet, m
Number 11


Recent word from the Merlin Shields an

nounces tliat they hope to be ready to sail for Brazil by .lune first iu order to visit the Goiania work and get settled in lan guage school in Campinas, Sao P.aulo for (lie .August 1st term. They plan' to make their initial voyage by ocean liner in order
to accompany their baggage. As soon as definite, passage is arl-angcd (hey will an nounce tlicir final plans regarding depart

On West Coast

The Shjelds' most recent letter to the

field, dated October 25th, reported them in the mid-west, litfaded back to Oregon and the west coast where they would be most
nf the winter. West coast brethren who are

interested in engaging the Shields should address requests to them at Box .S75, Wasco, Oregon. Other speaking engage

ments may he arranged in May as they

travel south and east on their way to depa rture.
Farewell Dinner

The church at Wasco, Oregon where the Shields ministered four years gave them a farewell potluck dinner as they left to en ter full lime deputation. There they were presented with a money-tree which was ex changed for a handsome and extreineljuseful set of Samsonite luggage.
" Prayers and Funds Realizing their plans call for many

''And it came to puss, when the tint/cls went away from thevi into

We, like the shepherds of Bethlehem, arc Itlesscd with the Divine an
nunciation that the Christ has been

prayers and the raising of considerable (Continued on Page 3, Col. 3) PRAYER REQUESTS

hcdt'Cn. the shepherds said ^ne to

another. Let us now go even unto

Itcthlchem, and see this thing that is come to pass, which the Lord hath
made knoicn unto us. .-IjuI they canic

irilh haste, and found loth Mary and Joseph-, and the hahe lying iu the manger. And when they saw it, they made hnoinn concerning the saying which was spoken to ihcm about this
Child, .dnd all that hca^-d it wondered

born. Though two thous.and years have passed since that blessed day, (he importanec of that Holy child remains as much a i)romisc for each nf us as it was for Uie shepherds of whom Luke tells us. And so, we too

h Funds for outgoing expenses of the

Shields family. 2. Funds to begin construction on sec ond Institute Building.

glorify and praise God for the gift

of His only begotten Son.

3. Student sc/io/arships (six needed at

$15.00 per mo.)
4. Consecrated Brazilian Christians to

at the things \chich were spoken unto them by the shepherds. Hut Mary kept all these .saying.s in her heart. .IjkI the shepherds returned, glorify ing and praising Hod for all the things that they had heard and seen, ereii as it iciis spoken unto them."
Liik! 2:l.')-20

The staff of the Brazil Christian

Mission and your Brazilian brethren

in Christ extend to you a cordial wish for a most blessed holiday sea-

the ministry.

5. Sfrengf/i, both physical and spiri

tual, for the missionaries on the field and in language study. Remember to always begin your prayer in praise to God for the many wonderful blessings and victories granted.

Nativity scene by students of the

Cioiania Christian Institute.




PersonaitHes "One that i-uleth well his own house" (I Tim. 3:4) aptly describes Sandoval de Lyra

cal work. Himself a deacon in the Indepen dent Presbyterian church and a second

generation Christian, Netinho gives of his

lime, talent and material goods freely in the work of the Lord. He has invited the Christian Endeavor Service Camp to his
furnish the vegetables, fruit, milk and eggs from his farm, free of cost to the mission, and the meat he will furnish at cost. His wife has volunteered to help in the kitchen and he will serve as an instructor, teaching a course in personal problems. He is re building a dam in the stream that runs through his property for swimming pur poses and is purchasing used straw ma-

Christian Mission
Entered in Post Office nt Denver. Colo as second class matter under Act of March 8. 18/a.
Office of Publication

targe "fazenda" near Silvania and will

1664 Poplar, Denver. Colorado

Piiblishotl Monthly Siibsc-ripiion raio2jc i-er year

year's subscription to the Druzil CUrislian Mis


fcrlnu shall be conBldcrcd payment of one

Twenty-five cents of the retrular Jinnual of-

trosses for the camp on his own expense. Bui this Is not an unusual offer for

Field Editor, Carolce Ewlnff

Netinho, as lie is host to at least 80 mis sionaries each year. His farm is a popular

- * "Wm. A. Cook, Box 409, Guyroon, Oklaboina.

Missionaries in Brazil;
Caixn Postal 201,

Send all contributions to;

rest camp and vacation spot with its abun

dance of fish and game, including .small
deer. Yet he would be insulted if someone

Goiania. Goias, Brazil

L. David and Ruth Sanders

insisted on paying him for his hospitality. Though Netinho is a man of modest


J. Richard and Caiolee Ewing

Ruth M. Spurgeoii

Gouvea, a Chrislian who will be host to

the Sr. Christian Endeavor Service Camp
this month.

Missionaries in Language School: Escola de Portuguese e Orientncao

Caixa Postal 15

"Netinho" (pronounced Net-Checn-yo), as

he is culled I)y his abundant friends, lives the Christianity he has professed since childhood. His most exceptional witness is his well governed household. His seven

Campinas. Est. de Sao Paulo, Brazil

means, living in extreme simplicity, God has truly blessed him, for,.his goodness. As a man in his early thirties he has acquired au extremely large and valuable piece, of land, built his own modest home, installed
his own electric light plant , and is pur

Edwin C. and Lula Knowles Kenneth and Clarke Matbis

^^"^'Merlin L. and Gertrude Shields

Box 375, 'Wasco, Oregon

inlelligcnt and lively children ranging in age from 3 to 12, are all true examples of
how a large family can be well mannered without curbing initiative. It is a home where love, obedience and respect reign

chasing a truck. He has a remarkable truck garden with many vegetables not common ly known among the Brazilians. His
orchard includes manga, orange, tangarlne, lime, avncado, caju and even peach trees. He has a large tract of land in pineapple, raises chickens and up to 800 bead of beef

Concerning contributions to;

Wm. A. Cook. Box 409. Guymon. Oklahoma

Concerning B.C.M. Publication to; Mrs. Vicky Hansen, 1664 Poplar,
Denver 20. Colorado

supreme and make observers aware that

such a home is not only possible but re

In the picture, taken recently when Ruth

Spurgeon and Cay Ewing were guests on

Concerning Promotional Materlalss

Dale McAfee,
22.10 E. Elm,

quired of all believers. His lovely wife, Geralda, though coming from a home of
non-believers, is a true "help-meet" and wonderful companion to her remarkable

their farm, Netinho displays a fine bunch of tarigarines for Ruth's inspection and
his wife and four of his seven children sample the choice fruit.

Enid, Oklahoma

If you are not sure to whom your correspondence

ihould be directed send it to Mr. Cook and he

His second most outstanding testimony

will be glad to forward it to the correct address.

is liis generosity and interest in cvangeliNorlon, Ks., $48.00; Jean Bpockelt, Hubbard, Ohio, $5.00; H. T. Brown, Odessa, Texna. SS.OO; Ben DavU Christian Church, Indlnnnpolis, Ind.. 5100.00; Mr. and Mrs. J. F.
ClovU, Mutual, Okla.. $5.00; First Christian Frederick. Okln., $5,00; Cryster Ave. Christian Church. Church,
Iiidcpoiidinice, Mo.. 5;i0,00. Christian Church. Grccnlown, Tnd., 510.00; First Chris

A Story For Juniors

A True Story From Brazil Mr- David found him fighting on the

Sepf-ember & Oct-ober Contributions


Christian Church, Pallsnde, Culo.,. S225.00; Mra. A- L. Dlancharil, Porrosl Lake. Minn., 85.00; Mra. Cora Young, Hennessey, Okie.. $20.00; Mrs. V. Bei'Trgren, Yorcst Lake,

little bridge over the Botafogo creek. He

said his name was Aloyslo and that his
mother had run off and that he did not
know where his father' and little sister


550.00; Cast Side Christian Church, Pine Bluff,

Ark., $-10.00.

Clifton Christian Church. Grant Junction, Colo, $100.00; Missionary Church of Christ, Hampton, la., S80.00; Christian Church. Delia, Colo., 5J0.00; Mr. and Mrs. Prank Bunten.


tian Church. Miami, Okl.i., $100.00; Nedra .Mnyo. Kansas Clly, Ks., $135,00; First Christian Church. Dexter, Mo.,






Fli-st Christian


La Crossc,



were. He was only six and as dirty as ouljsuch a little waif could be.

Colo., $25.00; Mrs. Ruth Lewis. Carlsbad, Calif., $10.00.

Northeast Christian Church. Grand Junction, Colo.,

Cssa Orande,






Cuvlngtun, Cincinnati, Ohhi. $10.00; Mrs. Ella Goarhart, Englcwooil, Ka.. $30.00: Don Yatos, Okla. City, Okla., $5.00; Christian Church, Bluff City, Kk., 573.10; Barbara

$40.00; The


Society, Cralg,




Seymour, El Dorado, Ks., $25.00; Keroielh Stoncr, Abilene,

Christian Church, Guymon, Okla., $57.05; Mclvln H. Graves, Arvada, Colo.. $25.00; Church of Clirlat. Worthing ECc, OkU., 850.00; Church of. Christ, Little Sioux.
$20.34; T,

Ks.. 55.00; First Church of Christ, Lock Haven, Pcim.. $30.00; First ChrlBlian Churcli, Canoy, Ks., $24,02:
Christian Sunday School, lUdgeway, Mo., $23-00.

Mrs. David was preparing to leave for teacher's meeting at the church %vhen Mr.
David came in announcing a present. "What can it be?" asked Mrs. David. What

ton, Minn., $100.t>0; Boulevard ChrUtlnn Church. MuskO-


Edward Johnson, Palisade, Colo., $31.00.

Merrill Hatcher. Junoau. Alaska, $45,00; Mrs. Orvllle

Button. Globe, Ariz,. $30.00; Christian Church,. Kearney,

a surprise slie had when she found poor

little, dirty Aloysio, hair as stiff as a board with sand and dirt. Out came the wash-husiii and some good hot water. In a little while .\loysio fell much betterclean from head to toe, dressed in clean clothes and snuggled down to sleep on a cot. The next day was Sunday and Aloysio at tended his first Sunday School with Mr. and Mr.s. David. "Oh, Mr. David!" said Aloysio that afternoon, "I'd like always to

E. dOtb St. Christian Church, Indianapolis, Ind., 5100.00;

Mars Hill Christluh Church. Indianapolis,


Ilid,, SI02.8B;

Neb., $10.68; A Friend, $15.00: Ilia Mullins. Manhattan, Ksi, $30.00; Parkrosc Church, Portland, Oregon,

llngton Christian Church. Burlington,

and I-frs. Elbcrt Walters. Wichita, Ks.. $10.00; Bur-

Ind., $15.00; West

Owasso, Mich., $47.52; Kirst Clirlstlun Church, Frederick, Okla., S5.0i>: Christian Chtirch, Greenwood, Ind,, $100.00;
Onward Christian Church, Walton, Christian Church. Watauga, Ind,. 815.00.

Point Church, Yukon, Okla., $5.00: Plrst Church of Christ.

Verle Sanders, Vlnlon, la.. $130.00; Goo.


Van Wagner,

StiBlhy, tlhlo, $5.00: Christian Church. Tongatioxle. Ks., $13.<10; Emma Weber and Ada Pomhwrion, Vinton. la,,
Alice ilay Vnwtcr, Englvivoud, Colo., $30.00; Roblnaou

Plum Cruok Christian Church, Fnlmouth,

Teim., $50.00:

Ind., $73.53;
Mrs. Lcona

West Side "Phrjstlan Church, Wichita, Ks., $100.00; Brick

Keht, Valley Center, Ks., $3.00; Mrs. Alma Dalrymplo,
ValUy Center, Ka.. $3.00; Mr. and Mra. Bill Jolmaoit,

Chclsti.m Church, Iloblnsoii. Ka., $00.00; W, E. May, Chanute. Ks,, SS.OO: Broadway Ave. Christian Church,
Wichita. Ks., $220.00; Mra. Claude Sanders, Vlnlon. la.,










Center, Ks., $4.50.

Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Waggoner, Wichita, I<.. $3.00; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Phillips, Wichita, Ks.. $1^50; Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Enterllite, Valley Center, Ks.. $1.50; Mr. and Mrs. Orvel Morgan, Wichita. Ks., $3.00: C.Y.P. Youth Group, Indianapolis. Ind,. $70,00; First Christian Church, Junc

SS.OO: M. M. Lonoy, Hiawatha, Ks., $4.00; Denver Dis trict C.E.. Denver, Colo., $20.00: LciilU Steward, Okla. City. Okla., $15.00; Mra. Nancy Cain, Apache. Okla.. $5.00; Mrs. P. A. Stroman. Trinidad, Colo., $10.00; First
Chtistlnn Church, Crntg, Colo,,. $15.00; N. J, Rciisoner,

go to Sunday School!"
That evening Aloysio's curiosity led
to discover a billfold which liad been left

Turner, Ore., $1.00; E. D, Sovenis, Anilerson. Ind., $4.00.

West Point Church, Yukon. Okla., S-'i.OO: Ccnlra! Chris

tion City, Ks., $40.OS; Don Vates, Oklahoma City, Okla.,


Shelby. Ohio, SlO.OO: A friend, $20.00; Christian Bible

lian Church, Now Castle, Penn.. 893.00; I.n Fontaine Christian Church, Frotlonln, Ks., $50.00; West Sldu Chris tian Church, Denver, Colo., $70.00; Goo. W. Van Wagner,

on top of a barrel. What a temptation for

so small a boy who had known so little

Mrs. Claude V. Cralg, Bonncr Springs, Ks., 520.00; First

Christian Church, Hennessey, Okla., 55.00.

Schoul. Olrard, Ka.. $31.00; First Christian Church, Fredcrick. Okla., $3.00; Christian Church, BeriyvHIo. Kozulwoorl ChrlslLaii Church, Pittsburg. Peon., $10.00,









$17.44; Northeast C.W.F., Oklahoma City, Okla., $37.25; Deer Creek Christian Church. Deer Creek, Okla.. 89.00; . Lois Jiickson, Denver, Colo.. $75.00; Falrmount CUrlsUaii

Christian Church, Snld. Ave, Okla., Church


Ken.,' $10.00;

First Christian la., Nora

Church. McKees Rocks,

$400.00; of Christ,

Pa.. $7.00;

Davis Park Church,


Mrs. Claude Sanders. Vihlon, Ohio,

SIS.00; Christian Church, Rushvllle, Mo., 810.00; River Miller, Xdjerton, Mo., $30.00: Bethany Christian Church, Anderson, Ind., $100.00: West Point Church, Yukon, Okla.,
$5.00; Christian Church, Uudkner, Mo.,' $70.07.
Mr. and Mra. Arthur Closaner. Lock Haven.

Church, Kansas City. Mo.. $180.00; Don Yalcs, Okln. City. Okla.. $5.00; Central .Ave. Chiiatinn Church, Parsons, Ks.. 807.00; Mr, iitid Mrs. K. J. Wadsiick. Wichita, Ka.. $50,00;
*1.00. SHtELOS

good in his life! Yes, lie took the liillfold and sliiiped out the door, still dressed in his borrowed pajamas. Up town he went. "Look what I got!" he boasted to some boys in the street. And the bigger boys
were in immediate pursuitit wa.s also a temptation for them! But God was watching over .Aloysio and a neighbor of Mr. David's recognized

Chrislian Church. iJiughliUowii, Penn., SlO.OO; Mrs. Nellie



Denvui', Colo,. $10.00; Mrs. Myles I'mnber. Parsonii, Ka.. $IO.Ol; Mr. .S. J. Heasoncr. Turner. Ore., Sl.UO.
A Friend, 85.00: Coffcy Chrislian Church. Cotfe.e, Mo..






Victor 11. Fair,

Sa.OO; Mr, and Mra. R. M. Ervin, Dcs Molnes, la., $20.00;

Park Christian Church, Ks. City,

Hcibhs Chrlatlan Missionary, Tlpton, Ind., $11.00: Emerson

Aloysio and took him home to Mrs. David.

(Continued on Page 4, Col. 1)

(Continued on Page 4, Gol.






Ten confessions of faith in Jesus Christ as Savior climaxed the October Bible Con

Mission Schools Close Year

The school year for 1956 ended in
November for Goiania Christian Institute

ference of the Church of Christ of Vila

Nova, Goiania, through '21.





"Wliat's The Difference?" was the theme

only rule of faith and practice?", "Be baptized as a child or as a responsible per son?", "Agree that Jesus is an advanced spirit or the only begotten Son of God?", "Mass, or the Lord's Supper?",'. "Purgatory or Paradise?", and "Re-incarnalious or Re

(Preacher Training) and "Escola Biblica" (Primary). South of the equator, Brazil celebrates Christmas in mid-summer and
so school lets out for summer vacation in

of the eight day inccling in which evange list J. Richard Ewing compared the gospel
lo the erroneous doctrines of Uie Itoman

Missionary pastor L. David Sanders re ported capacity crowds at nearly every service of the meeting

time for the busy holiday season. November 9 was the last day of classes for the Institute students and a recogni-.
lion service and recital Cor Institute choir and instrumental students was held in the

Nova church on Sunday evening, November II. Eleven sludent.s completed tile year, four other students having en rolled at the first of the year but drop


ping out before the end of school.

Good Year ..

The missionaries feel that the past year

Enthusiasm was increased

has been a real step forward in the pre paration of Brazilian workers for the

:issortiTiciit of instruments
Catholic and Spiritualist religions. Topics were: "Believe in Christ or accept Him as your Lord?", "Use images in %vorship or adore God in spirit?", "Accept the Bible on a par with tradition or accept it as the The a cappella choir of the Goiania Cliristian Institute presented special music on four nights of the conference. Other

special music was furnished by the regular

church choir.

Lord's vineyard. Most students showed rcr markable improvement over last year's records,and it. is. felt .that _the .boarding-., working program of the school is largely responsible, for it makes it possible for students to work their way through school without overburdening them. A fine spirit of cooperation and excellent discipline marked the year as the finest one yet in the short history of the Bible Training In stitute, closing its third year of operation.
Primary School Of more maturit3', the primary school,


In Campinas

The third (luarter of Uic language and orientation course is traditionally the
worst of the four. The MATHIS and

major problems of this fast growing capital city. For this reason the only practical
answer is to own property. It is for this
reason that the Knowlcs and Mathis fami

closing its eighth year November 23rd, is now completely under the direction of the Vila Nova Church of Christ. Begun in 1949, the school was- the first project of the
Brazil Christian Mission. When it first

KNOWLES are now in the middle of that

term which began in October and will fin ish shortly before Christmas. Then a
whole month of vacation will be a welcome

lies decided to follow the example of the Sanders and Ewing families and purchase

relief and refreshing breather for them before entering into the final bout with the Portuguese course. The last session is from February to April. During the month vacation the Campinas
missionaries arc scheduled for a visit from

STEVJE MATHIS is recuperating from a fractured left arm at the wrist suffered the first of October in an unfortunate fall.

opened its doors it was the only primary school in the village and had high enroll ments reaching over one hundred one year. In- recent years the state and other church groups have opened schools in the same community and Escola Bihlica now serves mainly to provide primary education with a Christian background for members of
the Vila Nova church. There were 16 stu

Shortly .afterward a medical check-up of

all the Mathis children revealed all in good

dents enrolled this j'ear.

Goiania Christian Institute, will recon

RUTH SPURGEON and CAROL EWING; the latter to celebrate her tenth birthday with the Campinas missionaries. There Is also a possibility that Kcii Mathis may go to Goiania to set the mission press in motion on some very important printing 'the misslon'hopes to do "SOOItt" " Surprise Visit ED KNOWLES and KEN M.'^THIS paid a


health except for the wrist. Parents too .seem lo be enjoying excellent health.
More Motorcycles!

vene early in February and Escola Biblica

the first of March.

In ilie absence of preferred travel by automobile, yotir missionaries have taken to "motorcycles and' motorbikes. " Three inotoi-bikcs and one motorcycle keep the
missionaries in Goiania on the road and

Shields Set Date

(Continued from Page 1)

surprise visit to Goiania November 10 lo 14 on unexpected mission business and to complete plans for the construetiou of
their homes.

recently the missionaries in language school have also equipped themselves with

outgoing expenses, equipment and link pledges, the Shields call upon friends and brethren lo join them in this wonderful
undertaking. It is their privilege to go as

both purchased motorcycles in October and

have rebuilt sidecars to fit them. Ken has a "Java" and has outfitted motorcycle and sidecar with a total of five seats lo ac-

ambassadors of the Lord, Jesus Christ to

the people of Braziland YOUR privilege

to send them.

Land Cleared for Missionary Homes

The MATHIS and KNOWLES families

comniodalc the whole family! Ed's "Ces-












Christian Inslilulc and students are clear

cypel" is being fitted for sidecar now and he hopes to have it in use soon. They find
the sidecars not only enable them to take the whole family but serve as safety mea
sures as well.

ing the lots for initial construction to hegin soon. Wells have already been dug, al so by student labor. Mr. Mathis plans to do the major portion of the construction him
self during a period of time the mission has set aside especially for that important

should be so designated and sent to the mission treasurer, Wm. A. Cook, Box 409, Guymon, Oklahoma.

Meantime, in Goiania DICK EWING liappily turned over the motorcycle to D.AVID
SANDERS and both seem happy al)out the arrangement. Dick finds travel by foot a
bit slower but much easier on nerves, pati

evangelistic trips and Bible conferences practices for the Christmas dramaall make for a heavy sclicdule and busy .mis

The Knowlcs property adjoins the caml)us on the nortliwest and the Mathis lot
is the street from the campus on
llic norlheasl.

ence, clothes, his injured vertebral disc and

Ills wife!
In Goiania


and .Amancio

were scheduled


finish classes in VianopoHs the of

November. JOHN KNOWLES was to return

Missionaries of the Brazil Christian Mis

sion furnish their own salaries. Bent in Goiania

housing from is one of the

School closing for summer holidays spring housecleaiiingyouth camp plans

to Campinas to be with his parents until .April and .AM.ANCIO SANDERS to join his
foster parents in Goiania.

Whose Birthday?
Christmas is the most celebrated birth

state planning commission which did most
of the "Brazilian School of Architecture",

day of anyone who ever lived. Yet how

may of those who observe it really remem ber the One whose birth we celcbrateV Millions of dollars are spent in gifts for everyone EXCEPT Christ.

appropriated the land for the new capital. In the picture, Dr, Alliiniro Pacheco (pointing) explains details of a Hydrographic map of the federal district to Gen

Will you remember this year to put HIM FIRST on your birthday list? "Iiiasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these, my brethren, ye have done it unto me." In
remembering Him, would you like to make

Building of New Capital Begun

stepping down from the .4ir Force plane
which brought the important government officials from Rio to the highlands of Goias recently, President Kubitscliek shouted a loud "Long live the new capital!"

eral Lott (to his right). President Kubits ehck ton his left with glasses in hand). Dr. Camargo Jr, (l)ack to camera), head of "Centrals Rlectricas", tlic company charged with the responsibility of providing elcctri-

a gift to the work of the Brazil Christian

Mission in His name? Perhaps a year's

scholarship for a worthy student in the

Bible Institute, or a contribution on the second building of the school. Maybe yo\i have a pet project in the mission you would like to support as your Christmas

toward" mo\'ing the fe<ieral capital from

overcrowded and humid hot Rio de Janeiro,

to delighted officials who have long worked

gift to Christ. Or perhaps you would like to make a pledge or gift toward the support and outgoing expenses of the
new missionary couple, the Merlin L.

Will you look at the money represented around your Christmas tree this year and feel the guilt of having left Christ out of
Clirislmas? Putting Christ first on your Chi'istmas list will make it a much more

to the cool highlands of central Brazil. His first words at the press conference given at the capital site were "We are beginning to construct the new capital". While visiting the locale, President Kuhilschek signed the appointment of his new Secretary of .Agriculture, affirmed

that, the capital would he moved to Goiiis

within three years and ten months, and that the next President of the Republic would he inaugurated in the new Presi dential Palace at "Brasilia" as Ihe new cai)ital has l)ecn named. In signing the act appointing the new cabinet mcmher, Mr. Kubitsehck was syinholicaliy showing that the capital has al

meaningful and a merrier Christmas for

the entire family.

Story For Juniors

,?; ; (Continued from Page 2)

Aloj'sio was unhappy and ashamed and

told Mrs. David he was sorry. He gave back he billfold with all of its contents and
wciit right to bed.

ready begun to fuuctimi even though it

still lacked its first building. The president also admitted the possibility that as soon as Ihc residentia! facilities .are comi)leted,

cal power for the new capital, and Dr. Israel Pinheiro (hehiini Dr. Camargo with hand on face), president of "Compania
U rha nizadora".

The next day Mr. David helped him find his parents, which, happilj', had not gone
off at ail. He had invented a situation

September & October Contributions

(Continued from Page 2)

lie will l)Cgin to divide his time etiually be

tween Rio and Brasilia until all public
Mr. ancJ

buildings are erected and the complete

transfer made. What elated the "Mudancislas" (those








which led to a wonderful adventure, which he had been seekingbut it also led to a

glimpse of God! A glimpse of honesty and love. Will you pray with us that the brief glimpse may have planted seed of. truth in Aloysio's heart that will not only lead
him to Ihc Savior, but his family as well!

lllundvr Hlli, Ukccnu, Okia,. SlU.UU; AInswurih Clinptnan. Jupliii, Mo.. SIO.OO: Ctiristlau Ctiurch, ClliiLun, Okla.. John Halls, Cliiclnnnll, Ohio, Sin.00; nclmonc Adult lllblu Class, CnmUrla. Vn., SSO.OO; Chrisllan lliblc .School,
Goudlantl. Ks.. S3.1.H2; rjeasnnl Kninv Church, Eson. Ks.. SIS.DO; Christian Church. Mountain Home. Ark.. SIB.SO;

advocating the move) most, however, was the amiounceincnl that within 4(1 months

all public buildings and facilities would i)e

completed and the Federal Government functioning in central Brazil. This declara
tion was further strengthened by the un-

First Clirlstlan Church, Huineiit, 111,, Sl.S.OO; Airs. T. E. llcusiicr. Wiclilla, Hs,. SIO.OO; Chrlallnu Church, Huaveiicr, Okla.. sao.uo; Christian Church Si-hool. i.amont, Okla., 508.70; C.W.F., l-oUKhlinlown, l"a.. 511.00; E. E. nrlilwell. Miami. Tex.-ia, 53.00,








The cross is an "I" crossed outand the

Cross of Christ means death to self. A man

e(iuh 'cal commitment of General Lott that

as soon as liic planning commission gave

.Steward. Okla. City, Okla.. 515.00; Thoniaa latrne. Elm Creek. .Vcbr.. 52 1.00; West I'olnl Church. Yukon, Okla.. 53.00; First Christian Church, Scuttsliluff. Nebr,. 4200.00; ricnsaul Hume Church. Drewsu-r. Kn.. 5375.00: Dcui Yates,

who was afraid to testify in public said, "I'd die first;" That is what we must do! It means conflict, struggle, agony, for we die

the go ahead signal, .Army engineers would

move in over 1,000 men strong to help in Ihe terrific task of creating a modern na tional capital city in less than four years. According to announcements made, the


















hard. It may mean being mismiderslood in school, in business, at home. The world will think us queer and our conduct strange (I Peter 4:4). We have read of two girls, ~niteTy converted from a life of woridliness, wlio answered an invitation to a dance by

lIcrKKreti, Forest Lake, Atiiiu.. 50.2.7; Mrs. K. C. Knowles, Great Falls. Mont., 51.75; .Mrs. Orsille liulton. (ilobc. Ariz.. $0.30; Ceo. \V. Van Wagner. Sheltsy. Ohio. 50.23;

Hazel Dorothy Jniuos, Jupllu,



First Christian

first group of buildings to he erected will include the presidential palace, tlic presidcnti:il residence, .Army Guard headquar

Church. RautuoiKlvllle, Texas 50.50; First I'hr'.s.laii Church. Sand Springs. Okla., 51.00; Kev. i.ucllc K. Shaffur. Cleiidnle. Call!.. SI.00; Mr. and Mrs. Earl lliown. .MilloreJ. 111.. 50.50; Mrs. Juo .Spurgeon. SoltsbluCr. Nchr.. 50,50,

ters, and the airport facilities. It is inter

saying, "We are dead and can't come!" It

was a Scriptural answer!
Vance Havner

esting to note that less than a month after

the announcement, construction of the

Attendance Averages
Vila Nova

.. 65

92 53 23
10 24


presidential residence has begun and con

struction companies are recruiting workers. Among the authorities who accompanied the president in his inspection of the locale and inauguration of the work, were General 'I'eixeira Lott, Minister of War; Com
mander Lueio Meira, Minister of Transport, General Nelson de Melo, chief of the Presi

Sunday School Eve. Worship

Sr. Christian Endeavor
Jr. Christian Endeavor



124 36

"Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son. And they shall call his name Immanuel; which is, being interpreted, God with us."
Matthew 1:23

Midweek Worship
Women's Meotinpc


15 30
9 4

S 3 0 54 37

6 7 8


Teacher Training Vila Operaria Sunday School Eve. Worship

.. .. ..

"And thou Bethlehem, land of .Judah, Art in no wise least among the princes of Judah: For out of thee shall come forth a

dential Guard, Israel Pinheiro, President of

governor, Who shall he shepherd of my

people Israel."

Matthew 2:6

"Compania Urbanizadora", the federal company con.stituted by congress to build the capital, Dr, Regis Bittcncourl, director of the Federal DepaiTmenl of Roads and Highways, Dr. Oscar Nie-Meyer, professor
of the "Brazilian School of Architecture", Geueral Araripc Macedo of the Brazilian

Midweek Worshij)
Women's Meeting Sr. Christian Endeavor Jr. Christian Endeavor Int. ChvLstian Endeavor

40 60 30

50 35 30

.32 5


6 22

23 3


Sunday School
Midweek Worship Women's Meeting Sunday School





"And she brought forth her firstborn son; and she wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn."
Luke 2:7

.. ...

33 25

10 31 23

9 28


' "You begin to reign," someone says, "the moment you begin to suffer well."
C. H. Spurgeon

Airforce, various officials of the Army En gineers, Governors Antonio Balhino (state of Bahia) and Jose Ludovico (state of Goias"), and the Hxecutlve Director of "Compania Urbanizadora", former ViccGovernor of Goias, Dr. Bernardo Sayao. and Dr. AUamiro Pacheco, president of the

Suiiiiny School Eve. Worship

Midweek Worship



15 14

16 15 10 10 2974 2

Ctilonia Agricula .. 25 Sunday School .. 20 Eve. Worship Total Contacts Throttgh Services;..2892 Biiplisms


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