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Jetting is suitable for (a) Very soft formation (b) Hard formation (c) Soft medium formation (d) None of the above 2. Coning tendencies in a hori ontal !ell in com"arison to a vertical !ell are (a) #ess (b) More (c) $ame d. None of the above %. &n directional drilling a imuth reading $ '( ) * can be !ritten as + (a) %1() (b) 245 (c) 1%() (d) None of the above ,. Highly deviated !ells are drilled to (a) &ncrease the hori ontal reach (b) &ncrease "enetration through the reservoir (c) Both (a) & (b) d. None of the above (. &n long radius !ell the -.../ is (a) 10 - 60 / 100 ft. ( 0m.) (b) 0) + 2)) 1 1)) ft. (%)m.) '. 2y"e+& (#+ty"e) "rofile is a""licable !here !ar"er+++++++++++++++++ hori ontal dis"lacement is re3uired at relatively #ha!!o$+++++++++++++++++++++++++target de"th. 4. 5ore tor3ue is e6"ected in drilling !ells7 having (a) 8#9 "rofile (b) 8S% &rofi!e (c) 8J9 "rofile d. None of the above 0. $uccessful drilling of hori ontal7 inclined and :/; !ells leads to (a) (b) :nhanced oil "roduction from thin "roducing beds. #o! cost 1

(c) (a)

#ess time '!! of the abo(e

<. . Ho! on :/; !ell may be characterised= (a) M) / *+) 2 (b) 2V; 1 5; 2 (c) 2V; > 5; d. None of the above 1). . &n a medium radius !ell -.../. lies in bet!een (a) 1) 1 1)) ft. to ') 1 1)) ft. (b) 0 ) 1 1)) ft. to 2)) 1 1)) ft. 0 (c) / ft. to 110 / ft d. None of the above 11 *hat are sources of #ong 2erm #oan = i) ?oreign :6change #oan ii) ;omestic #oan 12. *hich $ection at ;ehradun "re"ares Cash ?orecast = *rea#ur, 1%. 2o !hom decision on investment of $ur"lus funds has been delegated by -oard of ;irectors = )irector(finance) 1,. *hich is the ma@or source of ?unds &nflo! in Cash ?orecast = 1(. ?or &nvestment of $ur"lus funds of ANBC7 !hich is mode of tender floatation = a) b) c) d) -ub!ication in .e$#&a&er ?a6 Cublication in *eb+site Cublication in ANBC Notice -oard

1'. *hich banD has been selected by ANBC for "arallel banDing = /0/0/ 14.*hat is meant by /&- = 1e"iona! /n(e#tment Ban2

10. Et !hat rate ANBC e6tends loan to AV# = 63

1<. *hy ANBC has gone for Credit /ating = *o faci!itate borro$in" in dome#tic mar2et to fund it# "ro$th &!an#. *hi# ratin" #hou!d he!& in en#urin" ontime a(ai!abi!it, of the re4uired fund# inca#e #uch a need ari#e. 2). *hat are the name of Com"anies conducted /ating for ANBC = 01/S/5 / Mood, / /01' 21. *hich element is essential for fire to ha""enF a. b. c. d. ?uel A6ygen Heat '!! the abo(e

22. 8-9 class fires are fires caused inF a. $olids b. 5i4uid# c. Bases d. 5etals 2%. 2o control fire by cooling method7 the follo!ing is a""liedF a. *ater b. ?oam c. ;ry Chemical Co!der d. Both a & b. 2,. 2o control fire by smothering1blanDeting method7 the follo!ing is a""liedF a. -lanDet b. ?oam c. ;ry chemical "o!der d. '!! the abo(e 2(. $oda Ecid1 *ater1 CA2 e6tinguishers can be used on follo!ing ty"e of fireF a. b. c. d. 0!a## 6'9 Class 8-9 Class 8C9 Class 8;9

2'. Class 8-9 ha ards areF a. Ma7or b. 5inor c. $erious 3

d. None of the above 24. 2he most ha ardous chemical at site isF a. b. c. d. -entonite 0au#tic Soda C#$1 ?C#$ ;rilling detergent.

20. Noise levels are measured byF a. #u6meter b. Emmeter c. ;osimeter d. )ecibe! meter 2<. /eason for accident isF a. ;angerous $ituation b .;angerous Ect c. Non Conscious for $afety. d. '!! the abo(e %). Ha ard identification is done byF a. $cheduled ins"ections and surveys. b. Eccident1 incident analysis. 0 Both a & b. d. None of the above.

$l. No.

?ormation damage results in

A"tion (Cl 2icD !hichever is correct )

/educed "roduction1in@ection rates of oil1!ater and gas &ncreased dra!do!n or in@ection "ressure /eduction in ultimate economic recoverable reserves '!! of abo(e .nder balance drilling High drilling rate /n(a#ion of dri!!in" mud #o!id# &m"ermeable mud caDe


?ormation damage during drilling is due to


Bravel "acDing is done to

/emove formation damage &ncrease "roduction 0ontro! #and inf!u8 Croduce from consolidated sandstone reservoir Clugging by invading material from !ellbore Hydration and s!elling of clays :mulsion and !ater blocD due to lost !ellbore fluid '!! of the abo(e Ecidi ing $urfactant Sand con#o!idation ?racturing H? 90! HCl H H? Ecetic acid 0a0: Ca5g (CA%) CaCl2 5gCl2 Arganic acid ;e!!ed acid :mulsified acid 1( I HCl #o! "ermeability layer 2o" layer 9i"h &ermeabi!it, !a,er -ottom layer 5atri6 acid treatment "ressures are al!ays De"t above the fracturing "ressure of the formation. Matri8 acid treatment &re##ure# are a!$a,# 2e&t be!o$ the fracturin" &re##ure of the formation. None Hydrochloric acid $ul"huric acid 5


Cause1(s) of formation damage during !orDover o"eration is1are


*hich of these not a method of stimulation techni3ue


&n carbonate acidi ing generally follo!ing acid is used


#imestone is


5ost retarded carbonate acid system is


&n multi+layered reservoirs7 most of treating fluid !ill go in


*hich of the follo!ing is a correct statement



*hich acid is ca"able of dissolving the 3uart ($iA2) /ight candidate !ell for 5atri6 Ecid treatment

Nitric acid 9,drof!uoric 'cid. .ndamaged !ell #o! "roducer due to com"letion constraints -o#iti(e #2in dama"e None mud and acid h,droch!oric acid and h,drof!uoric acid hydrochloric acid and acetic acid $ul"huric acid and hydrochloric acid ?lo!ing *ell Ertificial #ift *ell ;ead *ell '!! of abo(e :6"loration *ell Ne!ly ;rilled *ell )e(e!o&ment <e!! Ell of above *ireline C2. Hydraulic *A/ig '!! of abo(e


5ud acid is a combination of


*orDover is done on


*orDover is done on


*ell &ntervention is done by


*orDover rig has

2raveling -locD Hydraulic $!ivel /otary ;rum '!! of abo(e $tationary 2y"e 5obile 5odular '!! of the abo(e Jee"ing /ig -usy 5oving to ne6t location '!! of abo(e Non of the above Helmet 6


*orDover rigs are


/ig 5ovement is an im"ortant element


Cersonal Crotective :3ui"ments are

Hand Bloves Boggles '!! of abo(e

(1. Common reservoir rocD ty"es are a. b. c. d. $andstone #imestone Both None of the above

(2. &m"ortant "ro"erties for a reservoir rocD a. $hould be "orous b. $hould have "ermeability c. Both d. None of the above (%. Core is a. 0,!indrica! !ar"e #am&!e reco(ered from bore ho!e b. $mall chi"s of rocDs collected during drilling c. None of the above. d. -oth (,. $tudy of cores hel"s in understanding a. ;e"ositional :nvironment b. Cetro"hysical "ro"erties c. Both d. None of the above ((. K+/ay diffractometer (K/;) studies very useful for the identification of a. b. c. d. Clay 5inerals Crystallinity of Clays Both None of the above

('. 5ost Common s!elling clays are a. b. c. d. Smectite Jaolinite Chlorite None of the above

(4. 5icro"aleontology is hel"ful in a. Credicting age of sediments b. -athymetry7 environment of de"osition 7

c. Both d. None of the above (0. 5ost common ty"e of "orosity in limestone reservoir a. Crimary b. Secondar, c. -oth (<. *hat controls the "orosity of sandstone= a. b. c. d. Brain si e7 sorting of grains CacDing of grains '!! abo(e None of the above

'). &n case of absence of flora and fauna7 the age of sediments can be inferred from a. b. c. d. /adiometric age Caleo+magnetic measurements Both None of the above

'1. ?ill in the blanDsF 5ethane rich gas !hich emanates from (a)LL0oa!bedLLLLLLLLLLLL due to reduction in (b) -re##ureLLLLLLLLLLLL is called coal bed methane (C-5) a. (i) (ii) (iii) $ource rocD /eservoir rocD Coalbed (b) (i) (ii) (iii) 2em"erature Cressure Volume

'2.2icD marD the right ans!erF a. b. c. d. CA27 CA7 N27 A27 H2$ CH,7 CA27 N2 M C2H' 094= 0296= 0 9>= 04910 None of the above

'%. 5ethane remains in coalbed inF a. b. c. d. Ebsorbed state ;esorbed state 'd#orbed #tate None of the above

',. 5ethane is "roduced from coalbed byF a. Cressuri ation 8

b. c. d.

2em"erature reduction )e&re##uri?ation None of the above

'(. &n C-5 "roduction three "hysical "henomena are involved. 2hey areF a. b. c. d. )iffu#ion= de#or&tion and )arc,%# f!o$ Chemisor"tion7 "hysical absor"tion M ;arcy9s flo! 2em"erature reduction7 desor"tion7 "ressure reduction None of the above

''. 2!o ty"es of fracture system net!orD "resent in coal are calledF a. b. c. d. @ace c!eat & but c!eat 5onolayer and duolayer fractures #ongitudinal M vertical fractures None of the above

'4. 2he t!o ty"es of fracture systems "resent in coals are inF a. b. c. d. :rtho"ona! re!ation#hi& $ith each other and beddin" &!ane ,(N angle !ith each other and <)N !ith the bedding "lane ,(N angle !ith each other and bedding "lane. None of the above

'0. ?or C-5 "roduction it is re3uired to "um" out !aterF a. b. c. d. *hrou"hout the !ifec,c!e of the $e!! Anly during initial "hase No !ater is re3uired to be "um"ed out None of the above

'<. 2he drilling of C-5 !ells re3uire drilling as "ractice forF a. b. c. d. Ail M Bas !ell drilling S&ecia! t,&e of dri!!in" not #imi!ar to oi! & "a# dri!!in" *ater !ell drilling None of the above

4). 2here e6ists a C-5 "olicy of BA& for C-5 e6"loration and e6"loitation liDeF a. b. c. d. 41. i. N:#C for hydrocarbons No "olicy7 anybody can do C-5 e6"loration any!here -o!ic, ,et to be framed None of the above $/C mode of Ertificial lift is not used in offshore because of F High cost 9

ii. iii. iv. 42.

#o! discharge S&ace !imitation# None of the above

*hat are the mode of Ertificial lift o"eration to lift the oil= a. $/C only c. Bas lift only b. :lectrical submersible "um" only d. '!! the abo(e


&n 5umbai offshore !hich is most economically viable mode of oil "roductionF a. $/C only c. ;a# !ift on!, b. :lectrical submersible "um" only d. Ell the above


&n BB$ (Brou" Bathering $tation) oil and !ater is being se"arated inF a. bath heater b. 9eater treater


$/C "um" is suitable to lo!er1 install to lift oil !hereF a. $and "roblem occurs b. <a8 &rob!em occur# c. in both cases


-efore Bas in@ection to !ell (in annulus) to lift oil through Bas lift valveF a. /t i# com&re##ed and then to be in7ected b. &t is in@ected as such "roduced from installation c. :ither of the case may a""ly d. None of the above

44. &n gas lift !ells u""er valves acts as 1. *o Anoc2 out of the brine %. 2o Dill the !ell 2.2o "roduce the oil ,. none of the above

40. $C5 in case of $/C can be understand as 1. Stro2e# &er minute 2. -oth are correct 2.Cycle "er minute ,. None of the above

4<. &n a running $ucDer /od Cum" unit the function of standing M traveling valve is 1.2o allo! li3uid to come in barrel M "lunger. 2. 2o act as N/V(Non return valve) turn !ise in each cycle. %. Both are correct. ,. None of the above 0). &n a Bas lift gas in@ection used as 1. Continuous %. Both 2. &ntermittent ,.None of the above 10

01. :lectrical submersible "um"s are basically 1. 0entrifu"a! -um& %. -oth ty"e 02. 2. /eci"rocating ,. None of the above

Ertificial lift methods are basically belongs to 1. Crimary recovery 1. 2ertiary recovery 2. Secondar, reco(er, 2. None of the above

0%. $ucDer /od Cum"s are basically 1. Centrifugal Cum" %. -oth ty"e 2. 1eci&rocatin" ,. None of the above

0,. ;ynamic level in a !ell is higher than the static level of li3uid. (2rue1@a!#e ) 0(. :lectrical submersible "um" is 1. $ingle stage Cum" %. Mu!ti#ta"e -um& 2. 2!o stage Cum" ,. None of the above

0'. &n Bas lift !ell 2!o "en recorder is used for measuring 1. 2he li3uid level of !ell 2. 2em"reture "rofile of the !ell . -re##ure &rofi!e durin" oi! f!o$ in *ubin" and of 9i"h &re##ure "a# durin" "a# in7ection in 'nnu!u# ,. Ell the above 04. 5a6imum "roduction of oil (say <<I) is contributed by Ertificial methods from ANBC fields ( *rue1?alse ) 00. Bas lift valves in gas lift system o"erates because of 1. 2. . ,. Bas in@ection "ressure only #i3uid level in tubing only B, both 1&2 None of the above

0<. :$C ( :lectrical submersible "um") is suitable for 1. 2. . ,. <). Caraffinic oil Highly Viscous oil :i! of "ood mobi!it, None of the above

*ell is "ut on gas lift system in case of


1. 2. %. ,. <1.

<here "a# i# a(ai!ab!e 4ua!it, Ail is "araffinic (*a6) $and "roblem occurs fre3uently None of the above

& oi! i# of "ood

:6"and the follo!ing abbreviationsF /0B C /.@:1M'*/:. 0:.S:5/)'*/:. @:1 B@@/0/B.0D

/MMS C /.*B;1'*B) M'*B1/'5 M;*. SDS*BM <2. Name t!o legacy :/C system in ANBCF S'- / S0')' (Su&er(i#or, 0ontro! 'nd )e(e!o&ment 'c4.) Name the $EC module !hich deals !ith functionalities related to :6cise7 2a6es etc related to &ndia= 0/.



*hich 5odule in $EC deals !ith "ro@ect "lanning7 Cro@ect costing etc= -ro7ect S,#tem


*hich "rogramming language is used to !rite Crograms in $EC= 'B'-


*rite three ob@ectives of Cro@ect &C:= '(ai!abi!it, of information on rea! time ba#i# *o brin" a!! the modu!e# under a #in"!e umbre!!a /nterfacin" of a!! re!e(ant data from a #in"!e #er(er


*hich $EC solution has ca"ability to tracD the asset cost throughout its lifecycle= 'M E '##et Mana"ement


*hich module in $EC deals !ith o"timi ation of store location and hel"s in tracDing material even at bin level= MM



*hich 5odule in $EC deals !ith ma""ing of "reventive and breaDdo!n maintenance activities= -!ant Maintenance


&n the "roduct $EC /% !hat does /% stands for= 1ea! *ime *ier ('&&!ication E )ataba#e E 0!ient)








'**BM-* '55 1F0 GHBS*/:.S e. 0orrect an#$er a"ain#t one 4ue#tion carrie# one mar2 . f. @or ne"ati(e an#$er 1/4th of one #in"!e mar2 $i!! be deducted.

1. *hich factor determines the de"th of -$/ in marine sediments= a) seafloor tem"erature b) de"th of seafloor c) geothermal gradient d) a!! of abo(e 2. &nflu6 of higher order hydrocarbon maDes the de"th of -$/ shallo!er. ( *rue 1 ?alse) %.2he "robable cause of am"litude blanDing above -$/ is a) macrosco"ic s3uirt flo! b) velocity of hydrate c) "olarity of reflection d) none of abo(e ,. Bas content in gas hydrate is a) thermogenic b) biogenic c) both d) none (. 2he "olarity of -$/ is a) same as that of seafloor b) o&&o#ite to that of #eaf!oor c) ero "hase d) none '. Beothermal gradient normally increases !ith de"th ( *rue1?alse) 14

4. 2he easiest !ay to recogni e a -$/ !hen a) it i# &ara!!e! to the bed# b) it cuts across the beds c) none d) both 0. $ubsistence grant may be enhanced u"to a ma6imum of F a) F53 b) %)I c) ,2I d) cannot be enhanced under any circumstances <. ;eemed sus"ension can be ordered by the a. any disci"linary authority b. a&&ointin" authorit, c. controlling officer d. none of the above 1). #eave can be granted to the em"loyee under sus"ension a. yes b. no c. may be d. don9t Dno! 11. ?or claiming subsistence grant the monthly certificate is re3uired as under a. non em&!o,ment e!#e$here b. medical fitness c. conduct certificate d. none of the above 12. $ubsistence grant is "ayable under deemed sus"ension on a. bein" re!ea#ed on bai! b. !hile continuing to be detained in "olice custody c. on recei"t of ?&/ d. none of the above 1%. sus"ension is dealt !ith under C;E rules defined in a. ru!e b. rule %0 c. rule %' d. rule %, 1,. Ceriodic revie! of sus"ension is re3uired to carried out every a. Si8 month# b. year c. month d. none of the above 15

1(. 5a@or "enalty action is initiated under rule a. %0 b. %, c. 6 d. %% 1'. 5inor "enalty action is initiated under rule a. > b. %, c. %' d. %% 14. Nature of "enalties are sti"ulated under rule a. %0 b. 4 c. %' d. %% 10. E""eal can be "referred only once a. 2rue b. @a!#e c. don9t Dno! d. none of the above 1<. C:E is admissible !hile under sus"ension a. *rue b. false c. don9t Dno! d. none of the above 2). &n3uiry may be held under minor "enalty action a. *rue b. false c. don9t Dno! d. none of the above 21. Croforma 8$9 to be filed by e6ecutives in case of the transactions e6ceeding a) 1#.25=000/+ b) /s.(7)))1+ c) /s.1)7)))1+ d) None of the above 22. &C/15C/ to be filed by em"loyee on 1st Jan.of every a) Add year b) Dear c) ;on9t Dno! d) None of the above 2%. 2he com"ulsory rate of contribution for the em"loyees for CC? isOO of salaryF a. <I b. 1)I c. 11I d. 123 16

2,. 2(. 2'. 24. 20. 2<.

2he em"loyee cannot contribute more than the com"ulsory amount to their Crovident ?und EccountF (2rue 1 @a!#e) Nominee of the em"loyee for Crovident ?und must be a family member onlyF (2rue1 @a!#e) 2he "resent rate of interest earned on Crovident ?und accumulations isF a. 0I b. >.53 c. <I d. <.(I $alary for Crovident ?und contribution "ur"oses means -asicH;EHH/E (2rue 1 @a!#e) Non+/efundable Edvance can be taDen by the em"loyee for treatment of serious medical ailmentsF (*rue 1 ?alse) Es "er guidelines of 5inistry of ?inance and Com"any Effairs7 the "ercentage of investment in Central Bovt. $ecurities must be atleastF a. 2)I b. 253 c. %)I d. %(I Es "er the guidelines of 5inistry of ?inance and Com"any Effairs7 ANBC :CC? can invest in 2;/s of Cublic $ector -anDs of duration less than one yearF (*rue 1 ?alse) Es "er guidelines of 5inistry of ?inance and Com"any Effairs7 ANBC :CC? can invest in e3uity shares of C$. of Central Bovernment. (*rue 1 ?alse) 2he -oard of 2rustees of ANBC :CC? consists of OO members including the ChairmanF a. , b. ( c. ' d. F(>) *hat is the hydrocarbon range of gasoline fraction= a. C1+C,("a#) b. 05 E010 c. C11+C1%(Aero#ene) d. C1,+C10 ()ie#e!)




%%. %,.

*hich is the formula to determine EC& gravity= a. I141.5/S.; 60J@K- 1 1.5 b. P1%1.(1$.B ')N?Q+ 1,1.( c. P1,1.(1$.B ')N?Q+ 1%1.) d. None of these EC& gravity of crude oils de"ends on the content ofF a. CGH b. .S: c. #arger molecules than C2A d. Ell the above Crude oil "rice de"ends on !hich factor= a. '-/ ;ra(it, b. Cour "oint c. ;istillation d. None of these *hat is called sour crude= a. Su!fur L 13 b. $ulfur R1I c. H2$ d. CA2



%4. %0.

*hat is called s!eet crude= a. $mall amount of H2$ b. $mall amount of CA2 c. Su!fur M0.53 d. Contains all of above 17

%<. ,).

2he "rice of s!eet crude is more than sour crude. *hy= a. High sulfur b. 5o$ #u!fur c. High EC&

d. #o! EC&

2he commercial value of crude oil is lo! for EC& of S ()N. *hy= a. High gasoline b. 5o$ "a#o!ine c. -oth of these d. None of these. 2he !ater content of crude oil acce"table by refinery. a. (+1)I b. )+(I c. S1I d. M13 2he !a6 content of the crude oil de"ends onF a. More &araffin b. #ess "araffin c. 5ore aromatics N$A 2he total life s"an of a C-5 "ro@ect is usuallyF a. 2) years b. %) years c. 40 ,ear# *hich of the follo!ing best describes Coal -ed 5ethaneF a. Natural gas b. Hncon(entiona! #ource of ener", c. -iogas d. 5ore

,1. ,2.

,%. ,,. ,(.

*hich of the follo!ing country is the leader in Coalbed 5ethane :6"loration and CroductionF a. .nited Jingdom b. Hnited State# of 'merica c. China 2he first !ell to flo! Coalbed 5ethane in &ndia is located inF a. /anigan@ Coalfield b. Nharia 0oa!fie!d c. -oDaro Coalfield 2he total number of C-5 -locDs "resently held by ANBC7 either @ointly or in stand+alone ca"acity including nomination+blocDs areF a. Se(en b. :ight c. Nine 5ethane gas !ithin coal dominantly occurs asF a. 'd#orbed "a# ;issolved gas c. ?ree gas 2he Cilot or a""raisal "hase (Chase+&&) of a C-5 "ro@ect establishes theF a. :6istence of coal b. -roducibi!it, of 0BM and 0u#tomer ba#e c. Guality of the gas "roduced C-5 gas is "roduced from a !ellF a. 2hrough tubing b. *hrou"h annu!u# arrangements c. -y other

,'. ,4.

,0. ,<.



2he C-5 gas "roduction in .$E constitute aboutF a. %+,I of the total gas "roduction b. (+'I of the "roduction c. 0-103 of the tota! "a# &roduction Coalbed 5ethane :6"loration in ANBC is forF a. E55 b. C55 c. +0BM






$/C mode of Ertificial lift is not used in offshore because of F iv. High cost v. #o! discharge (i. S&ace !imitation# iv. None of the above

(,. /aising of B/Vs are not necessary for "etty "urchases of consumables u" toF a. /s. ()) b. /s.1()) c. /s.2()) d. 1#.5000 ((. *hat are the mode of Ertificial lift o"eration to lift the oil= a. $/C only b. :lectrical submersible "um" only c. Bas lift only d. '!! the abo(e &n BB$ (Brou" Bathering $tation) oil and !ater is being se"arated inF a. bath heater b. 9eater treater c. in both $/C "um" is suitable to lo!er1 install to lift oil !hereF a. $and "roblem occurs b. <a8 &rob!em occur# c. in both cases

('. (4. (0.

-efore Bas in@ection to !ell (in annulus) to lift oil through Bas lift valveF a. /t i# com&re##ed and then to be in7ected b. &t is in@ected as such "roduced from installation c. :ither of the case may a""ly (<. &n oil !ells flo! rate is being regulatedF a. *hrou"h Bean (1e#triction) in f!o$ !ine in hi"h &roducin" $e!!#. b. by "utting orifice in flo! line c. both are incorrect.

'). *ater "roduced from !ells after se"aration in BB$1 Affshore installation is being used forF a. <ater in7ection b. &nsitu combustion c. in Bas in@ection '1. 2he "ur"ose of e6"ansion @oint in a tubing string !ith "acDer isF a. 2o "rovide means for !ire+line o"erations b. Se!ecti(e #timu!ation c. 2o nullify the stress on "acDer due to tubing movements


2he main disadvantage in using drilling mud as a com"letion fluid isF a. .nstable !ith tem"erature variation b. 9i"h!, dama"in" to formation due to in(a#ion b, fi!trate and/or #o!id &artic!e# c. Highly corrosive '%. 2he "ur"ose of sliding sleeves isF a. 2o establish communication bet!een annulus and tubing b. *o nu!!if, #tre##e# on the tubin" #trin" c. 2o "revent tubing leaDages *hich of the follo!ing is not a ty"e of artificial lift techni3ue= a. $/C b. Bas lift c. B:1 d. :$C


'(. *hich of the follo!ing is not a ty"e of com"letion e3ui"ment a. Croduction tubing b. K+mas tree c. B!o$ out -re(entor (B:-) 19

''. !ife

E healthy !ell does not a. 5a6imi e ultimate recovery

b. Ma8imi?e tota! co#t# o(er $e!!

c. /educed time and cost for maintenance. '4. *hich of the follo!ing is not a ty"e of !ell in oil industry a. $ub sea !ells b. Hori ontal !ells c. )rin2in" $ater $e!! d. &nsitu Combustion *ell. '0. '<. Cerforations in a !ell are not done byF a. -ullet "erforating gun b. Jet "erforating gun c. )oub!e barre! "un

*hich of the follo!ing cannot be a !ell com"letion fluid a. ;rilling mud b. -rine c. .itro"en

4). *hich of the follo!ing is not a 3uality of a healthy !ell a. Bood cementation b. &ntegrity of tubing and casing c. ;ood &roduction of $ater d. Bood condition of K+mas tree 41. ;emulsification is used in "rocessing of Ail1 Bas in BB$ forF a. /emoving sand from li3uid b. Evoiding the !a 6 de"osition in tubing1 "i"elines c. Se&aration of oi! & $ater 42. Ertificial lift methods are used in case ofF a. :i! -roduction on!, b. Bas "roduction only c. both

4%. Bas "roduced from gas field containsF a. Bas7 *ater7 condensate b. Bas7 *ater va"our7 condensate c. ;a#= <ater (a&our= conden#ate in (a&our &ha#e. 4,. 4(. !a2h# 4'. $ecurity de"osit1 Cerformance -ond is re3uired to be submitted by the firmsF a. ?or satisfactory e6ecution of the Contract. b. ?or ensuring the eamestness of honouring the bid commitment c. Both (a) and (b) d. None of the above. 44. these 40. &n term C:#15#7 5# stands forF 20 :6cise duty is levied byF a. 0entra! ;o(t. b. $tate Bovt. c. -oth (a) and (b) d. None of E "acDer is used inF a. ;a# !ift $e!!# b. $/C !ell c. :$C !ells d. 1#. 25

A"en tenders are invited for cases aboveF a. /s. ( laDhs b. /s. 1) laDhs c. /s. 1( laDhs

a. 5aterial lease these 4<.

b. Minin" !ea#e

c. 5aterial lost

d. None of

2he basics of tendering in C$.s areF a. #aid do!n "rocedure b. :3ual o""ortunity to all the bidders c. ?airness d. '!! of the abo(e

0). An the actions of 2endering by C$.s7 the @udiciary a""lies !hich of the follo!ing checDsF a. -onafide (No malafide) b. -ias or favour c. Both (a) and (b) d. None of the above 01. Bovernance is setting the a. guidelines and frame!orD for achieving results b. guidelines and frame!orD for achieving "rofits c. guidelines and frame!orD for em"loyees to follo!7 d. '!! of the abo(e. 2he guiding "rinci"les of Cor"orate Bovernance are a. $ocial res"onsibility7 communication M ;elegation of Co!er7 b. 2rans"arency7 Eccountability7 social res"onsibility7 communication and ethics c. Code of Conduct7 d. '!! of the abo(e. 2he term cor"orate governance !as coined by the7 a. 0adber, 0ommittee (H.A.) in it# re&ort (#ubmitted in )ecember= 1OO2) b. Cadbery Committee (.$E) in its re"ort (submitted in ;ecember7 1<<)) c. Com"any #a! -oard of .J7 d. H/5 e6"erts liDe $usan 5. ?ield. Cor"orate Bovernance is the reali ation on the "art of the ;irectors of the Com"any that they are accountable and this must be made a. !idely Dno!n to all the -oard of ;irectors b. !idely Dno!n to all the em"loyees c. !idely Dno!n to all the staDe holders d. '!! of the abo(e. 2he -oard of ;irectors of ANBC currently consists of a. ' :6ecutive ;irectorsH C5;1 < Non+:6ecutive ;irectors b. 0 :6ecutive ;irectorsH C5;1 < Non+:6ecutive ;irectors c. F B8ecuti(e )irector#P 0M)/ > .on-B8ecuti(e )irector# d. 4 :6ecutive ;irectorsH C5;1 1) Non+:6ecutive ;irectors *hich of the follo!ing are Committees formed in ANBC under Cor"orate BovernanceF a. b. c. d. Human /esources 5anagement Committee Cro@ect E""raisal Committee $hare 2ransfer Committee -usiness ;evelo"ment M Averseas A"erations Committee 21






e. 04.

'!! of the abo(e

?or governance to be effective7 a com"any needs to be sensitive to a. :m"loyee *elfare b. :m"loyee attitudes to cor"orate ethics c. Colicy Buidelines d. SBB/ "uide!ine#= 0om&an,%# 'ct and other #tatuar, &ro(i#ion#. 00. ANBC7 !as vested !ith enhanced autonomy1delegation of "o!ers in a. Nu!, 1OOF b. July 1<<< c. July 1<<0 d. July 2))1 Name any ?our 5a@or Cor"orate scams in the recent "ast in &ndia= Harshad Mehta Case; ITC; Shaw Walla e; !TI "!S 64 s a#$; Tata %&nan e 'td; I() s a#* *rite any 2 ma@or roles of -oard of ;irectors= +&s&,n- M&ss&,n and ,./e t&0e sett&n1; 23&ld&n1 ,#4eten &es; S3 ess&,n (lann&n1; C,nd3 &0e e5ternal 6,r es- 4,l&t& al en0&r,n#ent- s, &al and .3s&ness; In0est#ent and e54,s3re l&#&ts; Strate1& and .3s&ness 4lans and 4,l& &es; Ann3al ,4erat&n1 and Ca4&tal 23d1ets* *rite any , or ( main H/ functions= 7e r3&t#ent 8 Sele t&,n; Tra&n&n1 8 9e0el,4#ent; Career 4lann&n1 8 S3 ess&,n 4lann&n1; C,#4ensat&,n 8 2ene6&ts; Man4,wer 4lann&n1; Se4arat&,n *hich are the Ellied disci"lines of H/= (*rite any ?our). Ind3str&al 7elat&,ns; H7:; Ind3str&al <n11* :r,34; Med& al; C,r4,rate C,##3n& at&,n; +&1&lan e; Se 3r&t=; %&re; 'e1al; 7a/.hasha; '&.rar= S &en e; < ,n,#& s And Stat&st& s; )r1an&sat&,n 8 Meth,ds; H,rt& 3lt3re ;efine G+1 Gualification as "er /MC /egulations= Ind3 t&,n le0el >3al&6& at&,n at <;1 le0el* 2<?M2A?M*S * w&th %&rst 9&0&s&,n? *hich are critical H/ issues before the Com"any= (*rite any 2hree). 7etent&,n ,6 Talent; Sta1nat&,n at <;4 le0el; 7a&s&n1 #,t&0at&,n le0el; 9&st,rted (=ra#&d; )ld 1r&e0an es re#a&n&n1 al&0e; 3ndere#4l,=#ent; M&s#at h .etween le0el and ,#4eten &es*

0<. Ans:

<). Ans:

<1. Ans:

<2 Ans:

<% Ans: CA* <, Ans:



*hat measures can be taDen to im"rove H/ functions= (*rite any 2).

Ans: Tra&n&n1 ,6 H7 <5e 3t&0es; Ind3 t&,n ,6 4r,6ess&,nals; M,re and #,re 3se ,6 IT &n H7 63n t&,ns; Ins3lat&n1 the# 6r,# e5ternal 4ress3res; Al&1n H7 a t&0&t&es w&th )r1an&sat&,nal 1,als* <' *hat is the total 5an"o!er in ANBC as on )1.)%.2))'= Ans: <4 34810

*hat do you understand by the term Vision= Ar *hat is the Jey theme of H/ Vision of ANBC= EnsT
The key theme of HR vision is to attain organizational goals by tapping the human potential and at the same time provide opportunities for growth.


*hat is the theme of H/ 5ission of ANBC= Ens;


*hat do you understand by the term H/5= (*rite in Ane1 2!o sentences). EnsT Human Resourse management is to ensure availability of right man for the right job, at all times and to allow ex ellent growth opportunities for the manpower by !ob "nri hment, !ob "nlargement and su ession planning.

1)). Ans:

*rite H/ dimensions a""licable in all other functions of an organi ation= 7e r3&t#ent- S3 ess&,n 4lann&n1- C,#4ensat&,n M1t- M,t&0at&,n; Tra&n&n1 8 9e0el,4#ent- 7etren h#ent






*hich of the follo!ing statement is true about a JacD u" rigF a) &t can o"erate in any !ater de"th b) &t can o"erate u" to 1))) m !ater de"th c) /t# u#e i# !imited to 100 m $ater de&th *hich of the follo!ing statement is true about an &nde"endent #eg JacD u" rigF a) '!! three !e"# can be !o$ered and rai#ed inde&endent!, b) Ell three legs are lo!ered and raised together only c) #egs are fi6ed and can not be lo!ered or raised *hich of the follo!ing statement is true about a 5at ty"e JacD u" rigF a) Ell three legs can be lo!ered and raised inde"endently b) '!! three !e"# are connected to"ether and !o$ered and rai#ed to"ether c) #egs fi6ed and can not be lo!ered or raised ;ynamically Cositioned (;C) drill shi"s can o"erate in a) *ater de"th u" to 1)) m b) *ater de"th u" to 1()) m c) <ater de&th u& to 000 m 2he most sturdy rig for cyclonic !eather and rough sea area isF a) JacD u" rig b) Semi #ubmer#ib!e ri" c) ;rill shi" 2he rig suitable for a far off location and !ith a large ca"acity to hold consumables on decDF a) $emi submersible rig b) )ri!! #hi& c) JacD u" rig *hich of the follo!ing ty"e of rig e6"eriences lesser affect of rough sea and has much lo!er o"erational do!ntime due to rough sea and bad !eatherF a) ;rill shi" b) Semi #ubmer#ib!e ri" ;ee" !ater drilling "rogramme of ANBC is called a) $agar .nnati b) $agar $u"er .nnati c) $agar Vridhdhi d) Sa"ar Samridhi *hich of the follo!ing statement is true about a 5at ty"e JacD u" rigF a) &t is suitable for @acDing u" in hard sea bed b) /t i# #uitab!e for 7ac2in" u& in hi"h!, une(en #ea bed c) &t is suitable for @acDing u" in very soft and even sea bed d) &t is suitable for @acDing u" in sea bed congested !ith "i"elines M debris 2he t!o ty"es of system for "ositioning floaters on location isF a) &nde"endent leg and mat ty"e b) 'nchor moorin" and ),namica!!, &o#itionin" c) #egs along !ith anchors d) No system re3uired







111. &ndicate !hether e6"enditure on follo!ing activities is Clan e6"enditure or Non Clan e6"enditureF


a. B8&enditure incurred on B8&!orator, $e!!# $hich ha(e &ro(ed dr,. b. B8&enditure on Sur(e, acti(it, c. Curchase of Ne! #ogging unit for !hich no "rovision !as De"t at budget stage. d. :6"enditure on marDeting of oil M gas. 112.2otal Ca"e6 of ANBC for 2))(+)' !as F+ a. /s 1))) Cr b. /s ())) Cr c. /s 1)))) Cr d. /s 1())) Cr 11%. &n ANBC7 budget is "re"ared on F+ a. Cash -asis b. 'ccrua! Ba#i# 11,. Et !hat stage budget is utili edF a. Creation of Curchase /e3uisition b. -!acement of -urcha#e :rder c. A"ening of #etter of Credit. d. $u""ly of materials1 .tilisation of $ervices 11(. !rite the full forms of F+ a. -;C -ooD of ;elegated Co!ers b. /: /evised :stimates c. -: -udget :stimates d. C-: Ca"ital -udget :stimates e .?CN/ ?inancial Concurrence Not /e3uired 11'. ANBC has taDen credit rating from !hich of the follo!ing rating agenciesF+ a. 5oodys b. Crisil c. &C/E d.2(2(2(l above 114. &ndicate true or false for the follo!ing statements regarding re a""ro"riation "o!ersF a. /ea""ro"riation "o!ers are not delegated belo! ;irectors level -@ b. /ea""ro"riation from Clan to Non Clan e6"enditure is allo!ed.+ @ c..n utili ed funds of one year can be rea""ro"riated to meet the re3uirements of funds in ne6t year. + * d.?unds can be rea""ro"riated from one !orD center to another !ith the a""roval of com"etent authority. + @ e.Co!er of unbudgeted e6"enditure are the same as that for rea""ro"riation from one head to another + @. 110. *rite the full form of the follo!ingF+ a. NCV Net Cresent Value b. &// &nternal /ate of /eturns c. 2;/ 2erm ;e"osit /ecei"ts d. CEB Com"troller M Euditor Beneral e. ?-2 ?ringe -enefit 2a6 25

11<. *hat is the minimum &// for acce"tance of the "ro@ectsF+ a. 0I b.1)I c.123 d.1,I 12). 2otal $ubsidy (discount) shared by ANBC for under recoveries by Ail 5arDeting Com"anies during ?U 2))4+)0 is /s247)))LLLCr. 121. 2otal Caid u" ca"ital of ANBC is /s LLLLLLLLLLLLLCr. 122. No. of Navratna ;irectors on ANBC -oardLLL 14LLLLLLL. 12%. &n ne! -;C92)),7 "o!ers of e6"enditure sanction have been broadly vested !ith a. designation of em"loyee b. &o#ition in 010 #tructure 12,. *hile sanctioning e6"enditure7 sanctioning authority has to ensure certain rules of Cro"eriety. Name themF+ -'0

12(. ANBC accounts are audited by three different agencies. Name themF+ 1) CEB

12'. Es "er $:-& guidelines for listed com"anies7 ANBC is re3uired to declare its results a.monthly b.4uarter!, c.half yearly d.annual 124. .nder "acDage insurance "olicy of ANBC7 Essets are insured atF+ a. Ariginal Curchase value b. Boo2 (a!ue ()e&reciated net b!oc2) c. /e"lacement value d.An Essets De"t in $tocD (Ca"ital items on stocD) 26

120. :6"enditure on ;ry !ells is allo!ed as deductible e6"enditure from business income of ANBC onF+ a.An com"letion of target de"th of drilling b.:n dec!aration of $e!! a# dr, c.An surrender of C:# (Croduction :6"loration #icence) d.An conversion of C:# to 5ining #ease (5#) 12<. &nvestment "o!er delegated to CM5; and ;irector (?inance) is u"toF+ a. /s 1))) Cr b. /s ())) Cr c. 1# 10000 0r d. /s 2)))) Cr 1%). &ndividual -anDs e6"osure limit for investment of sur"lus funds by ANBC is F+ a. u"to 2I of Net *orth of each -anD b. u"to (I of Net *orth of each -anD c. u"to 1)I of Net *orth of each -anD d.u"to 2)I of Net *orth of each -anD 1%1. *hat is the ;ebt :3uity ratio for ANBCF+ a.M0.10 b.).2) c.).() d.1.)) 1%2. $ur"lus funds of ANBC are invested inF+ a.5utual ?unds b.&n $hares of E category com"anies c.Short term de&o#it# $ith the Ban2# d. Ell above. 1%%. *hich of the follo!ing is not an economic indicator= a) b) c) d) Net Cresent value Bconomic 1ent &nternal /ate of /eturn CaybacD Ceriod

1%,. $um of the "resent values of the annual net cash flo! is the a) .-+ (.et -re#ent +a!ue) b) NC? (Net Cash ?lo!) c) Net Ca"ital :6"enditure d) a) and c) both 1%(. &n the Cresent Value ?ormula 27

CV> ?Vn 1 (1Hr)n (1Hr)n is Dno!n as a) ;iscount /ate b) No. of years c) ?uture value of a "ayment d) )i#count @actor 1%'.2he NCV ++++++++++++++++ !hen discount rate increases a) b) c) d) &ncreases )ecrea#e# /emains same &s unaffected

1%4.*hen NCV V 12I discounting is .$W 1)) 557 it means "ro@ect earns a. R12I rate of return b. HS Q 100 MMQ P 123 c. .$ W 1)) 55W + 12I d. .$ W 1)) 55 1%0.&f the "ro@ect start is delayed a) b) c) d) .-+ $i!! decrea#e NCV !ill increase NCV !ill not be affected None of the above

1%<. &// is a) 2he discount rate for !hich all discounted negative cash flo!s are more than all discounted "ositive cash flo!s b) 2he discount rate for !hich all discounted negative cash flo!s are less than all discounted "ositive cash flo!s c) *he di#count rate at $hich the .-+ become# ?ero d) None of the above 1,). E discounted cash flo! is a) E cash flo! ad@usted for the time value of money b) E form of "resent value analysis c) Both a) and b) d) None of the above 1,1. .nder income ta6 act7 de"reciation benefit is allo!ed for reduction in ta6able income onF+ a. Curchase of Essets b.An actual "ayment on "urchase of Essets c.:n commi##ionin" of '##et# ('##et# &ut to u#e)


1,2. E ty"ical net cash flo! looDs liDe follo!ing7 the 2 nd "hase of negative cash flo! at the end of "ro@ect life is due to a) Ca"ital :6"enditure b) A"erating :6"enditure c) 'bandonment co#t d) Ell of the above


Net Cash Flow Time


1,%. Head3uarter of &nternational Argani ation for $tandardi ation is atF a. $!it erland b. #ondon c. ;ene(a d. Ne! UorD 1,,. 1,(. &$A <))) !as first introduced in the year a. 1<(1 b. 1O>F c. 1<<, d. 2))) &$A <))1 certification for an organi ation isF a. 5andatory by GC& b. +o!untar, c. :ssential for :6"ort d. :ssential for any business. 1,'. &n a com"etitive environment any Guality initiative !ill hel" in im"rovingF a. Credibility of Com"any b. Crofit 5argin c. /eduction in !astage1 scra" d. '!! the abo(e &$A <)))F2))) Guality 5anagement $ystem is based on certain "rinci"les. 2he number of such "rinci"les areF a. 4 b. ' c. ( d. > Aut of follo!ing !hich is not a 3uality 5anagement "rinci"leF a. Continual im"rovement b. $ystem E""roach to 5anagement




c. /m&ro(in" -rofit Mar"in /elationshi" 1,<.

d. 5utually beneficial su""lier

2he body !hich is res"onsible for Guality im"rovement in &ndia a. -1$ b. GC& c. &ndian $tandards d. the#e $urveillance audit is a ty"e ofF a. Ede3uacy audit b. *hird &art, audit "arty audit d. &nternal audit c.




151-155 G. .o. *ic2 the correct t,&e of #an"uine &er#ona!it, Cersonality !hich resists changes Cersonalities that gets easily de"ressed Cersonalities that is a com"ulsive !orDer Cersonality !hich can attract friends Cersonality that does not Dno! ho! to handle "eo"le 156-160 G. .o. 1. 2. %. ,. (.
&h!e"matic cho!eric me!ancho!,

)inin" and )re## ,e# ?ormal breaDfast is served in courses E"eritifs are served after dinner *hite socDs may be !orn !ith lounge suits *hen !earing a trouser7 their should be one breaD in the trouser above the shoe #adies may !ear very mild "erfumes to the "lace of !orD 0ommunication no

161-165 ?ill in the blanDs

1. 8-rain $"are 2ime9 !hich affects listening7 occurs because !e s"eaD at OOO.. to OO.. !ords "er minutes but the brain can "rocess ,)) to 0)) !ords "er minute. 2. :motional intelligence is the ability to "erceive7 "rocess and manage the OOOOO of self7 others and the grou". %. 2he "rocess of communication involves e6change of facts7 & OO.. o"inions and emotions. ,. 5oney s"ent on good clothes is an iOOO. (. E shabbily dressed "erson7 ho! so ever intelligent7 is not !OOO.


166-1F0 1. ?uture /esidential 2o!ers !ould be able to housenearly E. 2()))) -. 2())) "eo"le 2. Cassengers from one to!er to another !ould travel in sealed train liDe com"artments. E. 2rue -. ?alse %. 2he $un "ours do!n energy on to the :arth !hich is more than E. 2)7))) times -. 2))7))) times ,. *hat is the full form of V&C centre of $amsung in $u!on7 $outh Jorea Ens!erF VOOOOOOO&OOOOOO..COOOOOO.. (. ;uring session on Creative ;ecision 5aDing you !ere told that each color re"resents a function. 5atch Hat colours !ith the correct number in the right column. E. *hite Hat -. /ed Hat C. -lacD Hat ;. Uello! Hat :. Breen Hat ?. -lue Hat *rite matching number against each al"habet EO...-OO.COO..;OO..:O...?OO

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