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Grade Level: 10th grade Unit: Engaging in Conversations Purpose: The purpose of this formative and summative assessment

is to provide information to the teacher on how well their students are able to organize and engage in Spanish conversations. Throughout this unit, students have engaged in Spanish conversions related to certain topics. Now by using that practice, students will create and plan a skit where they will engage in Spanish conversations and exchange opinions. Students will create a presentation where they will have their own radio station. Each student will have a specific role in the radio station. n addition, students will research a Spanish song to go along with the radio presentation. This creative presentation will be counted toward the third marking period grade. !urthermore, this formative and summative assessment will take a few class periods to complete, since students will need time to plan a good presentation with their group. Standards/Benchmarks: "." Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions. ".# Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics. ".#.N.S.a $resent songs, poems or stories in the target language. %eaning Targets can create a dialogue to engage in conversations and exchange opinions with my group members. tems & 'orksheets (ialogue )rganization 'orksheet, *etting +eady to $erform in Spanish,

can organize and research information to present it in Time for a Song, ,y +ole on the +adio Spanish. can select a Spanish song to present it in class. Time for a Song

Nameour: !ate: Spanish Group Pro"ect: Engaging in Conversations !irections: (uring the past few weeks, we have been working on how to engage in conversations in Spanish. t is important the you are able to engage in conversations and express your opinions over certain topics in Spanish. .ou have to learn how to apply your ideas in Spanish because learning Spanish involves learning to communicate with people who speak the language. n addition, you have to learn how to present information in Spanish in front of an audience. !or this reason, am assigning you a group pro/ect where you will develop a skit that involves having a conversation in a radio station. #his means that $ou %ill create a radio station %ith a partner and each mem&er %ill have a di''erent role in the radio station( !or example, one member will do the weather report in Spanish while the other member is the radio host. .ou will have to create a rich vocabulary dialogue because you will present it in class. .ou will be given time in class to work on the skit for your conversation. 0owever, this pro/ect will take several days to complete. 1 checklist is provided to guide you throughout the whole pro/ect. This group pro/ect will be counted toward your third marking period grade. #his pro"ect %ill &e %orth )0 points( *ou are &eing evaluated on: 1 rich dialogue conversation with your partner Each member is able to obtain and present information in Spanish $resent a Spanish song with my approval. Calender: !a$ 1: !ind a partner and turn in the 2rainstorming worksheet . !a$ +: *o to the library to research a Spanish song and get my approval. !a$ ,: Each member will work on their assigned role by doing research on the library. !a$ -: 'ork on the dialogue for the radio station conversation. !a$ .: $ractice performing the skit in Spanish !a$ /: $resentation- The presentation must be between 5-8 minutes(

0re $ou read$ to &egin1 Please2 'ind a partner and seat together &ecause $ou %ill do the Brainstorming %orksheet together( These directions will be read out aloud to the students before starting the project.
ere %e go(((

$resentation 3hecklist
$lease, refer to this checklist to assure that you are accomplishing the assignments to complete the pro/ect. Keep in mind that you need to follow each step in order to receive my initials.


(ay " (ay 4 (ay #

!ind a partner and 2rainstorm. #ime 3rame: -. minutes +esearch a song 5we will be going to the library6. #ime 3rame: /0 minutes Each member will work individually on their assigned role 5we will be going to the library6. #ime 3rame: /0 minutes *ather your information and start working on the radio dialogue. #ime 3rame: /0 minutes $ractice performing the radio presentation 5rubrics will be presented6 #ime 3rame: /0 minutes +adio $resentation

tem to 3omplete
2rainstorm 'orksheet

Time for a Song 'orksheet ,y +ole in the +adio 'orksheet

(ay 7 (ay 8 (ay 9

(ialogue )rganization 'orksheet

*etting +eadying to $erform in Spanish 'orksheet Student +eflection 'orksheet

4ameour: !ate:

Brainstorming 5orksheet
!irections: $lease answer the following :uestions with your partner. In addition, each student must turn in this worksheet, but you have to work together in order to answer each question. +emember to write down each members role on the radio station. f you have any :uestions, please raise your hand and will gladly help you. 'hen you are done with this worksheet, please come to me so could sign my initials. 5orth . points. 'ho is your partner ;

'e have decided to name our radio station


'ho are you playing; 1re you the +adio 0ost or the 'eather +eport; +adio 0ost'eather +eporter-

%ist "< =erbs in Spanish that will be included in the radio station. ". 4. #. 7. 8. 9. >. ?. @ "<.
Aeep going...

%ist 8 ad/ectives in Spanish that will be included in the radio station. ". 4. #. 7. 8.

choice to be the +adio 0ost or 'eather +eporter because

Now that you have finished, please bring me the 2rainstorming 'orksheet so can look over it and sign my initials for approval. ,rs. 2erlanga initials

*ood %uck and 0ave !un working togetherBBB (onCt forget to check the checklistBB

4ameour: !ate:

Time for a Song

!irections: Today, we are going to the library to use the computers because you will be searching for a Spanish song. know this could be :uite the change but will recommend you some artistsDbands. 2esides, selecting a song, you will need my approval and you have to translate the song to English. think it is important that you know the meaning of the song. !urthermore, each member must turn in this worksheet. On presentation day, you will upload the song from youtube to play for the class. 5orth 10 points( 0ave funBB ,aterials Time for a Song worksheet 3omputer $artner SpanishDEnglish (ictionary

1 list of Spanish artists +2( $rince +oyce Thalia 1licia =illareal Euanes Euan *arbiel Sin 2andera (ulce ,aria Selena Fuintanilla $aulina +ubio 3hayanne =icente !ernandez f you are having a difficult time selecting a song, please let me know. There are many options out there but please keep it appropriate for class.

.ou many beginBBB G 2uena SuerteB

Aeep going...
". 'hat is the name of the Song you selected; 'ho is the artist;

4. 'hy did you selected that song;

#. $lease list any familiar words in the song that you know; 7. Translate the Spanish song to English; 52efore translating the song to English, please get my approval of the song6. )n the space provided, translate the Spanish song to English.

,s. 2erlanga initials

Nameour: !ate:

My Role in the Radio

!irections: Today, you will be working on your role for the radio presentation. Each member will have to answer the :uestions assigned to each role. !or example, if you are the radio host, you will do the radio host section and skip the weather reporter section. f you have any :uestions, please raise your hand and will help you. 1lthough, this is an individual assignment, please check with your partner often to assure that both are on the right track. En/oy writing your dialogue. Presentation has to &e .6) minutes( 5orth 1. points( 7Buena Suerte8 9aterials: 3omputer (ialogue )rganization 'orksheet *et either +adio 0ost worksheet or 'eather +eporter worksheet 2efore you start, use this concept map to brainstorm on your own. .ou could write anything you want because this concept map will help you organize your ideas.

Radio Host
Search information about the artist who you are going to present their song. !or example, where is the artist from and if the song is either rock, pop, /azz,etc. ncorporate that in your dialogue .ou will present the artist, song, and the weather reporter )n the space provided, start writing your dialogue or key points you will like to address in your dialogue.

,s. 2erlanga initials

Weather Reporter
Search for the weather. ncorporate what you researched into your dialogue.

)n the space provided, start writing the dialogue or key points you would like to address.

,s. 2erlanga initials 4ame: our: !ate:

Dialogue Organization Worksheet

!irections: Today, you will be working with your partner to create the final draft of your dialogue. .ou will use the previous worksheets that you worked on yesterday to incorporate that information into your final dialogue. f you have any :uestions, please raise your hand and will gladly help you. n addition, SpanishDEnglish dictionaries will be provided to help write your dialogue. 'hen you have finished writing your dialogue, please show me your final draft. Hse the space provided to organize your dialogue. :' $ou need additional space to %rite2 paper %ill &e a&le in 'ront o' m$ desk( Worth 15 points. 0ave !unBBB 9aterials: (ialogue )rganization 'orksheet ,y +ole in the +adio 5either +adio 0ost or 'eather +eporter6 SpanishDEnglish dictionary

Nameour: !ate:

Getting Ready to Perform in Spanish

!irections: Today, will give you the whole hour to practice your +adio presentation. This worksheet is mostly a checklist to assure everything is in order to for tomorrow. n addition, have provided the rubrics for each worksheet and presentation. %ook over each rubric and answer the :uestions. 1fter answering this :uestions, start practicing your radio presentation. f you have any :uestions, please raise your hand and will help you. will be going around the room to check on your progress. Each student must turn in this worksheet. 5orth . points( *ood luck on your $resentationBBB The $resentation checklist below is what will be looking forward during your radio presentation. )ur radio station has a name. 'e have add the ma/ority of verbs and ad/ectives that we choice on (ay ". 'e have an appropriate Spanish song with the teacherCs approval. 'e have basic information of the artist whose song is going to be in the radio. 'e have the weather forecast. 'e are going to use a good speaking voice during our presentation. 'e have done all the worksheets in order to be prepared for our presentation. ,s. 2erlanga has initialed all our worksheets. 'e have all the worksheets in order to turn them in on $resentation day.

". 'e know we are ready for our radio presentation because

4. )ur class is going to en/oy the radio presentation because

Rubrics for Spanish Project

Brainstorming Worksheet 5 points ,y 2rainstorming worksheet is complete. 'e have a name for our radio station. Each member had a role in the radio station. 'e wrote "< possible verbs that might be in our radio presentation 'e wrote 8 possible ad/ectives that might be in our radio presentation. ,s. 2erlanga signed her initials in our worksheet. 3 points ,y 2rainstorming worksheet is complete. 'e have a name for our radio station. Each member had a role in the radio station. 'e wrote 8 possible verbs that might be in our radio presentation. 'e wrote # possible ad/ectives that might be in our radio presentation. ,s. 2erlanga do not sign her initials in our worksheet. 1 point ,y 2rainstorming worksheet is sort of complete. 'e forgot to name our radio station. 'e didnCt have assigned roles. 'e wrote less than # possible verbs that might be in our radio presentation. 'e wrote 4 ad/ectives that might be in our radio presentation. ,s. 2erlanga do not sign her initials in our worksheet.

believe deserve

D8 points because

Rubric !ime for a Song

10 points selected a song in Spanish. ,y song in Spanish is appropriate for the classroom. heard familiar words in the song and wrote them down in the worksheet. translated the whole Spanish song to English. 'e got approval of our song from the teacher. ,s. 2erlanga sign her initials in our worksheet. 5 points selected a song in Spanish. ,y song in Spanish is appropriate for the classroom heard familiar words in the song but didnCt wrote them down in the worksheet. translated half of the Spanish song to English. 'e forgot to get approval of the song from our teacher. ,s. 2erlanga did not sign her initials in our worksheet. 3 points selected a song in English. ,y song in English is appropriate for the classroom. wrote familiar words in my worksheet. translated the English song to Spanish. 'e forgot to get approval of the song from our teacher. ,s. 2erlanga did not signed her initials in our worksheet.

believe deserve

D"< points because

Rubric My Role in the Radio

15 points did research on my role. use the concept map to brainstorm for my role. wrote my dialogue or key points that will address in my radio presentation. ,s. 2erlanga signed her initials in the worksheet. 10 points did research on my role. used the concept map to brainstorm for my role. wrote part of my dialogue or key points that will address in my radio presentation. ,s. 2erlanga did not signed her initials in the worksheet. 5 points did research on my role. did not use the concept map to brainstorm for my role. didnCt wrote my dialogue or key points that will address in my radio presentation. ,s. 2erlanga did not signed her initials in the worksheet.

believe deserve

D"8 points because

Rubric Dialogue Organization Worksheet

15 points 'e wrote our final draft for our radio presentation. 'e add the basic information of the artist and the weather. 'e used the verbs and the ad/ectives from (ay ". )ur dialogue is well organized and easy to understand in Spanish. 'e checked spelling and grammar for our Spanish dialogue. ,s. 2erlanga signed her initials in our worksheet. 10 points 'e wrote our final draft for our radio presentation. 'e add the basic information of the artist and the weather. 'e used some of the verbs and ad/ectives from (ay". )ur dialogue is sort of well organized but easy to understand. 'e forgot to check spelling and grammar for our Spanish dialogue. ,s. 2erlanga signed her initials in our worksheet. 5 points 'e did half of our final draft for our radio presentation. 'e didnCt add the basic information or the weather report. 'e didnCt use enough verbs or ad/ectives from the (ay " worksheet. )ur dialogue is hard to understand but it is not well organized. 'e forgot to check spelling and grammar for our Spanish dialogue. ,s. 2erlanga did not sign her initials in our worksheet.

believe deserve

D"8 points because

Rubric "etting Ready to Perform in Spanish

5 points 'e reviewed the checklist and answer the following :uestions. 'e took advantage of the time to prepare for our radio presentation. ,s. 2erlanga signed our worksheet with her initials. 3 points 'e reviewed the checklist and answer the following :uestions. 'e didnCt really practice for our radio presentation. ,s. 2erlanga did not sign our worksheet with her initials. 1 point 'e didnCt reviewed the checklist or answer the following :uestions. 'e did not take advantage of the time to practice. ,s. 2erlanga did not sign our worksheet with her initials.

believe deserve

D8 points because

Rubric Presentation
#$ points 'e were prepared for our presentation because we showed confidence and clarity when speaking. t showed that we had practiced beforehand. 'e used a good speaking voice. 'e mentions the name of our radio station. )ur radio presentation was well organized and easy understand. 'e incorporated the verbs and ad/ectives from (ay ". 'e had the basic information of the artist and the weather for the week. 'e had a Spanish song that was appropriate and approved from the teacher, %$ points 'e were prepared for our presentation because we showed confidence and clarity when speaking. t showed the we had practiced beforehand. 'e used a good speaking voice. 'e forgot to mention the name of our radio station, )ur radio presentation was organized but not so easy to follow. 'e incorporated some verbs and ad/ectives from (ay ". 'e had the basic information of the artist and the weather for the week. 'e had a Spanish song that was appropriate and was not approved from the teacher. &$ points 'e were sort of prepared but it showed we needed more practice in order to achieve full points. 'e used a good speaking voice. 'e forgot to mention the name of our radio station. )ur radio presentation was not well organized and not easy to follow. 'e forgot to incorporate the verbs and ad/ective from (ay ". 'e had the basic information of the artist and the weather but it was not well organized. 'e had an English song that was appropriate but without the approval of the teacher.

believe deserve

D#< points because


Student Reflection
!irections: Now that you have finished the presentation, you will now answer the following :uestions to evaluate your overall performance. f you have any :uestions, please raise your hand and would gladly help you. 'hat are your thoughts on your radio performance;

f you could make any changes, what would you have done;

0ow did it felt presenting in Spanish; 'ere you confident or nervous;

%ist # reasons why you and your partner deserve a good grade.

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