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Gerishom Wafula Manase January !"#


Kakamega County Blueprint

Through the initiative of Kakamega County Forum (KACOF) members, the proposed B ueprint for Kakamega County !as deve oped. "t is a # uster$based p an that !i provide not on y the %eadership, but a stakeho ders !ith so#ia $e#onomi# and po iti#a deve opment future p an and guide for the County. The do#ument is not #on# usive& there is room for more ideas, proposa s and improvement. Kakamega County Forum (KACOF) !as #on#eived immediate y upon the promu gation of the 'e! Constitution on August ()th (*+* to bring together a non$state a#tors !ithin the County in order to #hart their so#ia , e#onomi# and po iti#a future. KACOF supports an initiative that !i raise the !e $being of a residents !here the greatest e,tent possib e o#a needs are met effi#ient y and effe#tive y. Kakamega County is in the -estern region of Kenya. "ts #apita to!n is Kakamega. "t has a popu ation of +,..*,./+ ((**0 Census), !ith the se#ond highest popu ation in Kenya and an area of 1, *1*+.2 s3uare ki ometers. Kakamega to!n is in -estern Kenya ies about 1* km north of the 43uator. %o#a inhabitants are most y the %uhya tribe, !hose e#onomi# a#tivities are main y farming and fishing. The # uster p ans are5 Agri#u ture and Cooperatives& 6ea th& 4du#ation& "nfrastru#ture& "ndustria i7ation "nvestment and 8esour#e 9obi i7ation and Finan#ia :ervi#es& "nfrastru#ture& %and and 6ousing& C imate Change. 4a#h of the # usters gives an introdu#tion, #ha enges and re#ommendations on !hat is to be done to a eviate the #ha enges. -e hope this paper !i be a !ake$up #a and #ha enge t o a stakeho ders. The paper indi#ates a ot of optimism and hope for the County. The #ha enge is to the eadership and #iti7ens to make Kakamega the best #ounty in Kenya.

%r& Ma'han(a )i*a+o ;h< (=urispruden#e)& %%9 (6on), <ip oma Cooperatives Gerishom Wafula Manase 9BA(Finan#e), B.4d (9aths, B>:tudies)

Kakamega County Blueprint Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)

Kakamega County Blueprint

-e appre#iate the #ontribution of the fo o!ing # uster #oordinators5$ 9r. -ese#here, 9r. Omutanyi, 9r. 'ab!era 9akokha, <r. ?abrie 9ukoya, 9r. Angu e, <an 9ur!a, 9r. @i#tor :hiveka, 9rs. =a#k ine Okanya, <r. 9a#hanAa %igabo, 8ev. ;atri#k 9aina, 9r. Fran#is %utomia, =eremiah :unguti, 9r. 9angBu a A fred, <r. Omani Odongo, Tom :hiva#hi, 9auria 9udeheri, ;atri#k '7ay!a, ;rof :ammy Kubasu. :pe#ia appre#iation goes to ?erishom -afu a and <r. 9a#hanAa %igabo for making the initiative to have the b ue print rea i7ed. Above a , !e appre#iate ?od for giving us the strength and !isdom to a##omp ish this nob e task.


Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)

Kakamega County Blueprint

Contents PREFACE i ACK'O-%4<?494'T ............................................................................................................. ii "'T8O<CCT"O'........................................................................................................................*+ KAKA94?A COC'TD FO8C9 (KACOF) ...........................................................................*+ 8egistration .......................................................................................................................*+ 9andate .............................................................................................................................*+ @ision ...................................................................................................................................*+ 9ission ................................................................................................................................*+ @a ue :tatement ..............................................................................................................*+ ;hi osophy .........................................................................................................................*+ 9embership and Offi#e Bearers ................................................................................*( Organi7ation :tru#ture..................................................................................................*( KAKA94?A COC'TD ;8OF"%4....................................................................................*1 %o#ation ..............................................................................................................................*1 Area and administrative units ....................................................................................*2 %and .....................................................................................................................................*2 C6A;T48 O'45 .........................................................................................................................*. A?8"CC%TC84 A'< COO;48AT"@4:..................................................................................*. +.+ "ntrodu#tion and the Cha enge. ........................................................................*. +.( ;ossib e "nterventions>8e#ommendations ....................................................*. +.1 Cooperative 9ovement in Kakamega County ..............................................*) +.1. + Cha enges .............................................................................................................*0 +.1.( 8e#ommendations ...............................................................................................*0 C6A;T48 T-O ..........................................................................................................................++ (.* 64A%T6 ........................................................................................................................++ (.+ "ntrodu#tion ...............................................................................................................++ (.( 8e#ommendations ..................................................................................................++ 8eferra 6ospita ......................................................................................................++ <istri#t 6ospita s ....................................................................................................+( <ispensaries..............................................................................................................+( ;harma#euti#a Fa#tory ........................................................................................+1 ;rodu#tion of 6erba 9edi#ines........................................................................+1 C6A;T48 T6844 .......................................................................................................................+2 1.*5 4<CCAT"O' A'< 6C9A' 84:OC8C4 <4@4%O;94'T ............................+2 1.+ "ntrodu#tion ...............................................................................................................+2 1.( 6istory of Kenyan 4du#ation...............................................................................+/ 1.(.+. The 4ar iest :#hoo s in Kenya ..................................................................+/ 1.(.(. ;re and ;ost#o onia edu#ation..............................................................+. 1.1 Forma 4du#ation (;ub i# and ;rivate "nstitutions of %earning)..............+) 1.1.+ 4ar y Chi d <eve opment 4du#ation (4C<4) .......................................+) 1.(.( ;rimary 4du#ation........................................................................................+E 1.(.2 :e#ondary 4du#ation ..................................................................................+0 1.(./ %ife :ki s and @o#ationa 4du#ation .....................................................(*
Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)


Kakamega County Blueprint

1.(.. Cniversity 4du#ation ...................................................................................(* 1.1. Other "ssues in 4du#ation.....................................................................................(( 1.1.+ :pe#ia 'eeds 4du#ation ...........................................................................(( 1.1.( "nstitutions ......................................................................................................(1 1.1.1 8e#ommendation.........................................................................................(1 1.2 'on Forma 4du#ation............................................................................................(1 1.2.+ 8e#ommendations.......................................................................................(1 1./ Adu t and Continued 4du#ation .........................................................................(2 1./.+ "n#entives ........................................................................................................(2 1./.( :uggestions ....................................................................................................(2 1./.1 8e#ommendation.........................................................................................(2 1... Open and Continued 4du#ation........................................................................(/ 1...+ :uggestions and 8e#ommendations ............................................................(/ 1.) 8esear#h and :T" ......................................................................................................(/ 1.).+ 8e#ommendation.................................................................................................(/ C6A;T48 FOC8 ........................................................................................................................() 2.*. "'F8A:T8CCTC84 ...................................................................................................() 2.+ "ntrodu#tion ...............................................................................................................() 2.+.+. 8e#ommendations......................................................................................() C6A;T48 F"@4 ...........................................................................................................................(0 /.* "'@4:T94'T, 9A'CFACTC8"'? A'< "'<C:T8"A%"FAT"O' ............................(0 /.+ "'@4:T94'T ..............................................................................................................(0 /.+.+ "ntrodu#tion ...................................................................................................(0 /.+.( ObAe#tives and ?oa s...........................................................................................(0 /.+.(.+. 9anufa#turing :e#tor ............................................................................(0 /.+.(.( Tourism :e#tor ...........................................................................................1* /.+.(.1 Transport and "nfrastru#ture :e#tor ..................................................1* /.+.(.2 Agri#u tura :e#tor....................................................................................1* /.+.(./ %ivesto#k :e#tor.........................................................................................1* /.+.(.. Fisheries :e#tor ..........................................................................................1* /.+.(.) 4du#ation :e#tor .......................................................................................1* /.+.(.E 9inera 8esour#es.....................................................................................1+ /.+.(.0 Bui ding and Constru#tion "ndustry...................................................1+ /.+.(.+* Cooperative <eve opment..................................................................1+ /.+.1 %eve of "nvestments in Kakamega County .................................................1+ /.+.2. Cha enges Fa#ing he County in Attra#ting 'e! "nvestments............1+ /.+./ "n#entives to Attra#t "nvestments in Kakamega County ........................1( /.+.. ;riority Areas !ith %ike y 9u tip ier 4ffe#t in the County.......................1( /.+...+ Constru#tion of a 8eferra and Training 6ea th "nstitution ................1( /.+...( Constru#tion of a Five :tar 6ote G 6ospita ity Co ege..............1( /.+...1 "mport :ubstitution @entures (;ou try, Fishing and <airy) ........11 /.+.) Finan#ia :ervi#es..................................................................................................11 /.+.).+ :etting Cp Bank.........................................................................................12 /.+.).( :trengthening of Finan#ia :ervi#e Asso#iations ..........................12


Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)

Kakamega County Blueprint

/.+.).1 Formation of :a##os.................................................................................12 /.( "ntrodu#tion to 9anufa#turing...........................................................................12 @ision5 ..................................................................................................................................1/ 9ission ................................................................................................................................1/ ObAe#tives of the "ndustria i7ation ; ans5 ...............................................................1/ /.(.+ 8e#ommendations.......................................................................................1. /.1.+ ;roposed "ndustria @entures ..................................................................1) C6A;T48 :"H .............................................................................................................................2+ ..* %A'< A'< 6OC:"'? ..............................................................................................2+ ..+ %A'< ............................................................................................................................2+ ..( 6OC:"'? .....................................................................................................................2+ C6A;T48 :4@4'.......................................................................................................................21 ). O C%"9AT4 C6A'?4 4FF4CT:, 9"T"?AT"O' A'< A<A;TAT"O' ...............21 ).+ "ntrodu#tion ...............................................................................................................21 ).(.+ :-OT Ana ysis ...............................................................................................22 ).(.( ;4:T4% Ana ysis .............................................................................................22 ).1 9ain "ndi#ators of C imate in the 8egion ........................................................2/ ).2.+ ;roposed :hort term :trategies ......................................................................2. ).2. ( ;roAe#t 9ode .......................................................................................................2. C6A;T48 4"?6T .......................................................................................................................2) DOCT6 A'< -O94' "' KAKA94?A COC'TD.............................................................2) E.+ "ntrodu#tion ...............................................................................................................2) E.( Douth ............................................................................................................................2) E.1 -omen.........................................................................................................................2E E.1.+ -omen in 4du#ation !ork and 4#onomi# 4mpo!erment ...........20 E.1.( 4#onomi# 4mpo!erment..........................................................................20 E.1.1 -omen and 6"@>A"<: ................................................................................./* E.2 Con# usion ................................................................................................................../* About The Author .........................................................................................................../+

Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)

Kakamega County Blueprint

Kakamega County Forum (KACOF) !as #on#eived immediate y upon the promu gation of the 'e! Constitution on August ()th (*+* to bring together a non$state a#tors !ithin the County in order to #hart their so#ia , e#onomi# and po iti#a future. This initiative !as premised on the rea i7ation that the su##ess of the <evo ved system of ?overnan#e !as hinged on an informed and vibrant #ivi so#iety. "t is instru#tive to note that the fai ure of the 9aAimbo system soon after independen#e !as main y attributed to poor preparation and the a#k of #apa#ity by the peop e to manage their affairs. KACOF founders rea i7ed that in order to enAoy the fu benefits of devo ution, it is paramount that the peop e are ade3uate y prepared and proper y organi7ed. This defines the mandate of KACOF.

KACOF !as registered on (/th 9ar#h (*++ under the :o#ieties A#t (CA; +*E). A #opy of the #onstitution is avai ab e. KACOFBs registered offi#e is o#ated on the +st f oor of Cooperative 6ouse on Kenyatta Avenue in Kakamega To!n.

To enhan#e ?overnan#e and inf uen#e #hange that !i up ift the 3ua ity of ife and the so#io$e#onomi# status of the peop e of Kakamega County.

To be the best devo ved ?overnment in Afri#a

To harness the fu potentia of the human and natura resour#es of Kakamega County through empo!erment, #apa#ity bui ding programmes and proAe#ts, fostering unity, fa#i itating #ontinuous dia ogue, #onsu tation and se f eva uation amongst its stakeho ders.

/alue 0-a-emen-e sha be ?od fearing, friend y, transparent, respe#tfu , time y, and of highest integrity in everything !e do.
Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)


Kakamega County Blueprint

4mphati# and spirited governan#e and #ommunity servi#e.

Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)

Kakamega County Blueprint

F e,ib e and re#eptive to ne! ideas 8esu ts driven, strategi# in #onverting opportunities into de iverab es. 9ode of ethi#a va ues and #orporate business behaviour. The above four po utes summaries the 9"%49B4 phi osophy

Mem+ershi1 an. Offi'e 2earers

KACOF membership is in the #ategories of ordinary, ife, Asso#iate and Corporate. KACOF he d its ?enera meeting on =u y +)th, (*++ during !hi#h its offi#e bearers and members of various organs of the forum !ere e e#ted.

Or*ani3a-ion 0-ru'-ure
KACOF is stru#tured on a 2$tier hierar#hi#a basis #omprising the ?enera meeting at the ape,, the ?overning #oun#i , the 4,e#utive Committee and the :e#retariat !hi#h hand es the day$to$day affairs. <etai s about the #omposition of the various #ommittees are #ontained in the ForumBs #onstitution.

Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)

Kakamega County Blueprint


Kakamega County is in the -estern region of Kenya. "ts #apita to!n is Kakamega. "t has a popu ation of +,..*,./+ ((**0 Census), !ith the se#ond highest popu ation in Kenya and an area of 1*1*+.2 s3uare ki ometres. Kakamega to!n is in -estern Kenya ies about 1*km north of the 43uator. %o#a inhabitants are most y the %uhya tribe, !hose e#onomi# a#tivities are main y farming and fishing. Kakamega serves as the head3uarters of KenyaBs argest sugar produ#ing firm, 9umias sugar, o#ated in the vi age of 9umias. Kakamega !as the s#ene of the Kakamega go d rush in the ear y +01*s, fue ed part y by the reports of the geo ogist A bert 4rnest Kitson. 9asinde 9u iro Cniversity of :#ien#e and Te#hno ogy is a ne! institution of higher earning #reated by A#t of par iament in <e#ember (**. !hi#h is in the heart of Kakamega to!n on the Kakamega$-ebuye road. "t is e,pe#ted to spur gro!th in this #apita of -estern Kenya. Kakamega forest is the main tourist destination in the area. Another attra#tion is the #rying stone of " esi o#ated a ong the high!ay to!ards Kisumu. "t is a 2*meters high ro#k dome resemb ing a human figure !hose IeyesJ drop !ater. Kakamega area re#eives a very high amount of annua pre#ipitation and #ontains Kakamega Forest, a preserve !hi#h is a remnant of a rainforest. The many song birds fi the air !ith various bird#a s. Kakamega is a so a home to Afri#aBs argest and most aggressive #obra, the Kakamega forest #obra. 8eputed by o#a s to spend a ot of time in the trees, stories abound of fearsome atta#ks on unsuspe#ting passers$by. Other snakes in the area in# ude the forest adder, b a#k mamba and the green mamba.

Kakamega County is one of the 2) #ounties in the #ountry and is situated in the !estern region. "t boarders @ihiga County to the south, :iaya to the :outh -est, Busia to the -est, Bungoma to the 'orth and Casin ?ishu and 'andi to the 4ast. The #ounty #overs an area of 1*/*.2km(.

Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)

Kakamega County Blueprint

Area an. a.minis-ra-i4e uni-s

Kakamega County has +( distri#ts, (/ divisions and )) o#ations as indi#ated in tab e +. Table 1: Countys administrative unites and areas :>' +. (. 1. 2. /. .. ). E. 0. +*. ++. +(. +1. <":T8"CT Kakamega #entra 'avakho o Kakamega south Kakamega east Kakamega north Butere Kh!isero 9umias 9atungu %ugari 9atete %ukuyani Kakamega #ounty A84A (22.* +)1.2 +21.. 22/./ 2().2 (+*./ +2/.. 1+2.2 ()/.E (...1 +*+.0 1*(.* 1*/*.2

The and use in the #ounty depends main y on the ferti ity of the and sin#e a greater per#entage is used for agri#u tura farming. The main farming e#onomi# a#tivities are sugar#ane farming as the eading fo o!ed by mai7e and beans.

Mean holding size

The average and ho ding si7e in Kakamega County is +.2 a#res. The and has been subdivided into sma une#onomi# portions due to the high popu ation in the #ounty.

Percentage o land !ith title deeds

"t is estimated that 1E..K of the popu ation in the #ounty have tit e deeds for the and that they ho d. The ong and adAudi#ation pro#edures and #u tura be iefs have hampered the in#rease of the and tit es among the residents.

"ncidence o landlessness
There are not many #ases of and essness !ithin the #ounty sin#e sett ers are on an#estra and. 6o!ever there are fe! #ases of interna y disp a#ed persons.

#ettlement $atterns
The County sett ement patterns are varied in the +( sub$#ounties. 9aAority of the popu ation are rura based. 6o!ever, there are a fe! to!ns ike Kakamega, 9umias,
Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)

Kakamega County Blueprint

Butere, 9a ava, 'avakho o, Khayega, and 9atunda !ith higher #on#entrations. C imate, ;hysiographi# and 'atura #onditions The #ounty has high rainfa a most a year round. 6o!ever, the rainfa is ess in intensity bet!een <e#ember and February. The annua rainfa ranges from ++++mm to 1+++mm per year. The temperatures range from +ELC to (0LC. :oi s in Kakamega County are a#idi# and nutrient poor. :oi #hemi#a ana ysis sho!s that most parts of Kakamega north and Butere, the soi s are a#idi#. The rest of the #ounty, the soi s are heterogeneous in nature, a#idi#, strong y !eathered and o! in minera s espe#ia y nitrogen and phosphorous. 6o!ever the soi s do !e !ith the app i#ation ferti i7ers. Kakamega County has a tropi#a rain forest type of vegetation. There are t!o main e#o ogi#a 7ones in the #ounty i.e the Cpper 9edium (C9) and the %o!er 9edium (%9)5 the Cpper 9edium #overs #entra and southern parts of the #ounty su#h as %urambi, 9a ava, %ugari, :hinya u and "ko omani. 6ere intensive mai7e, beans and horti#u tura produ#tion is main y by sma s#a e farmers. The se#ond e#o ogi#a 7one, the %o!er 9edium (%9), #overs a maAor portion of the northern part of the #ounty, !here the main e#onomi# a#tivity is sugar#ane produ#tion !ith sma er area pra#ti#ing mai7e, s!eet potatoes and #assava gro!ing. The a titudes of the #ounty range from +(/*m to (***m above sea eve . The southern part of the #ounty is hi y and is made up of rugged granites rising in p a#es to +0/*m above sea eve . The 'andi 4s#arpment forms a prominent feature on the #ounty 4astern border, !ith its main s#arp rising from the genera e evation of +)**m to (***m. The 'orth 4astern #orner !here 8iver '7oia #uts the s#arp, the e evation is +2.*m !hi e do!nstream near 9umias, 2/km from the s#arp. There are five main rivers in the #ounty, 8iver '7oia, %usumu, :asa a, @iratsi and "siukhu.

Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)

Kakamega County Blueprint

"&" ,n-ro.u'-ion an. -he Challen*e&
Kakamega County is an agri#u tura #ounty. The E/K of the +.) mi ion peop e depend on agri#u ture. Kakamega County has a high poverty inde, of .2K. "t means .2K of the popu ation does not earn kshs. E*>M per day so the ive be o! poverty ine$ o! in#ome. "t is a so observed that be iever the month of February to =u y N IirothoJ is a !e kno!n period of 6unger. The popu ation is a !ays a!are of this fa#t. This is food inse#urity. The above state of affairs in the #ounty is #aused by5 O Cnder uti i7ation of and O ;oor farming methods O 'one va ue added approa#h to the produ#e>produ#ts>poor entrepreneurship #u ture O ;oor diversifi#ation of #rops and husbandry O ;oor after harvest storage O %o! investment O %imited sour#e of #redits O "nse#urity O ;oor infrastru#ture O 'egative #u tura pra#ti#es

"& $ossi+le ,n-er4en-ions7Re'ommen.a-ions

The #ounty ?overnment !i have to dra! up a #ounty agri#u ture po i#y for / years, +* years, /* years. KACOF does propose the fo o!ing as possib e interventions5$ O At east 1/K of the #ounty budget shou d be a o#ated to Agri#u ture. O Farmers be en#ouraged to use a their and to dis#ourage the under uti i7ation of and. O 'e! methods of farming be introdu#ed and ne! #rops. O Farmers and a #iti7ens of the #ounty be re3uired>re3uested to pra#ti#e proper after harvest storage O Farmers>#iti7ens be en#ouraged to diversify #rops and keep good>great amounts O Farming shou d be taught in a our s#hoo s O Farmers>#iti7en be en#ouraged to take oans and invest in agri#u tura > husbandry se#tors O "nfrastru#ture be improved as proposed by the "nfrastru#ture # uster. O The #iti7en>farmers shou d assist the se#urity organs to improve the se#urity
Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)

Kakamega County Blueprint

of the #ounty. There #ertain negative #u tura pra#ti#es !hi#h shou d be identified by #ounty e ders and shou d be abo ished forth!ith. Cooperatives be en#ouraged and formed to assist the farmers market to assist the farmers market and re#eive #redit for farming. Farmers to #a o#a training # ubs to be formed under #ooperatives so#ieties to re#eive kno! edge from the agri#u ture e,tension offi#ers. County ?overnment to en#ourage the provision of agri#u tura e, %and uti i7ation N @a ue addition The farmers>#ooperatives be en#ouraged to form ight industries to pro#ess the ra! agri#u ture produ#e. ; ease refer to the re#ommendation given under sub # uster of manufa#turing.

"&# Coo1era-i4e Mo4emen- in Ka8ame*a Coun-y

Cooperatives are a key pi ar of nationa and internationa e#onomi# and so#io deve opment. As unders#ored by the "nternationa %abour Organi7ation #onferen#e of (**( in its re#ommendation number +01, paragraph )(+), #ooperatives have the fo o!ing g oba importan#e5$ O Creation of Aobs O 9obi i7ation of resour#es for in#ome N generation O 4nhan#ing parti#ipation in e#onomi# and so#ia deve opment O Contributing to e3uitab e distribution of g oba i7ation benefits O Contribution to sustainab e human deve opment O Combating so#ia e,# usion After independen#e, the government of Kenya set Afri#ani7ation of the e#onomy as one of its obAe#tives. To!ards this end, the government gave a ot of support and # ose supervision to #ooperative movement in the #ountry. This support and supervision !itnessed greater e,pansion and diversifi#ation of #ooperative so#ieties in Kenya in the years pre#eding +00). "n +00) the government in ine !ith re#ommendations of the -or d Bank and "9F #hanged the po i#y to!ards #ooperative deve opment, redu#ing the support and #ontro of #ooperative so#ieties. These deve opments ead to genera de# ine in #ooperative movement in Kenya. Cooperative so#ieties p ay a eading ro e in so#io$e#onomi# deve opment of a #ountry. They #reate emp oyment& #ontribute in #reation of !ea th and produ#tion and supp y of goods and servi#es needed by the popu ation at #heaper rates. A de# ine in #ooperative movement #ontributes to in#rease in unemp oyment, deepening poverty, and inse#urity, !hi#h hampers rea i7ation of the mi ennium deve opment goa s and pose a threat to a#hievement of KenyaBs @ision (*+*.

Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)

County Blueprint As !ay of reviving the de# ining of #ooperative se#tor in Kakamega Kenya, the 9inistry of

Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)

Kakamega County Blueprint

Cooperative <eve opment and 9arketing through the (**2 $(**E :trategi# ; an p edged to stream ine #ooperative so#ieties in Kenya through estab ishing appropriate pro#edures and standards, in# uding #ooperative edu#ation and training, !hi#h are ike y to in#rease government #ontro s and supervision of #ooperative so#ieties. Thus, it is important to eva uate the ro e of government in #ooperative so#ieties in Kenya and ho! the members of the #ooperative so#ieties per#eive the invo vement of the government in #ooperative a#tivities to assist in future po i#y formu ation. "t !as in vie! of this that the resear#h studied ro e of the government in deve opment of #ooperative so#ieties in Kenya !ith spe#ia fo#us on -estern ;rovin#e of Kenya to provide information to guide po i#y revie! on government parti#ipation in #ooperative movement. The de#ade of +00*$+000 marked a !atershed in the history of #ooperative deve opment in Afri#a in response to stru#tura adAustment programmes. The #hanges put in p a#e, in ine !ith stru#tura adAustment programmes, paved the !ay to ibera i7ation of the #ooperatives !as effe#ted through the Cooperative :o#ieties A#t Chapter +( pg +00). The reforms #ontained in this A#t sought to redu#e the stri#t state supervision of #ooperatives, in order to support the ibera i7ation of #ooperative enterprise (-anyama, (**0). -anyama further notes that the +00) A#t empo!ered the members to be responsib e for the running of their o!n #ooperatives, through e e#ted management #ommittees. 6e points out that #ooperative in Kenya had not been prepared for this freedom. The #ooperatives !ere eft !ithout a regu atory me#hanism to p ay the ro e that the government had previous y p ayed. -anyama ((**) noted that the immediate #onse3uen#es of ibera i7ation on #ooperatives !ere prin#ipa y negative as the ne! y a#3uired freedom !as dangerous y abused by e e#ted eaders. :imi ar y, ?amba and Komo ((**E) reported poor performan#e for #ooperatives in Kenya in the ibera i7ation era, !hi#h !as the mergers and sp its of various #ooperative so#ieties into sma une#onomi# units, the sp it fue ed by high eve s of mismanagement, f u#tuating pri#es and po iti#a inf uen#e>. 9anyara ((**2) a so noted the ?overnmentBs !ithdra!a from dire#t invo vement in the management of the #ooperative so#ieties after ibera i7ation to have made the #ooperative movement to e,perien#e many #ha enges. -hi e 9anyara ((**2), ?amba and Komo ((**E), and -anyama ((**0) reported poor performan#e by #ooperatives in Kenya, "%O ((*+*) noted that in other parts of the !or d, #ooperatives had survived the market for#es of ibera i7ation and had #ontinued to gro! in number, membership and in#ome. As noted by "%O, the market for#es triggered a stru#tura transformation that sa! the fading a!ay of the ineffi#ient #ooperatives, in# uding the 'ationa Federation and some #ooperative unions, as primary #ooperatives sought better servi#e provision, as #ooperatives in#reasing y diversified their a#tivities and introdu#ed innovative ventures in order to respond to their membersB needs. "%O noted that the !e $adapted #ooperatives had re#orded better performan#e than they did in the era of state #ontro of


Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)


Kakamega County Blueprint

Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)


Kakamega County Blueprint

The government of Kenya in response to the diffi#u ties by the #ooperative movement in the ibera i7ation era ena#ted t!o key egis ations, !hi#h re$ introdu#ed some eve of government #ontro and supervision of #ooperative movement in the #ountry. "n (**2, the government ena#ted the Cooperative :o#ieties (Amendment) A#t of (**2, !hi#h re$enfor#es state regu ation of the #ooperative movement through the offi#e of the Commissioner for Cooperative <eve opment. As noted by ?amba and Komo ((**E), the (**2 A#t !idened the CommissionersB po!ers and s#ope of regu ation over the #ooperative movement to in# ude promotion, inspe#tion, in3uiries, auditing, sur#harge, debt #o e#tion, i3uidation and provision of te#hni#a e,tension servi#es. "n (**E the government further passed another a#t, the :AACO :o#ieties A#t of (**E !hi#h provided for the i#ensing, regu ation, supervision and promotion of saving and #redit #ooperatives by the :ACCO :o#ieties 8egu atory Authority. The (**E A#t provided for the estab ishment of the :ACCO :o#ieties 8egu atory Authority !hose fun#tions in# uded i#ensing :ACCOs to #arry out deposit$taking business as !e as regu ating and :upervising :ACCOs. Kakamega County #overs the fo o!ing distri#ts5$ Kakamega Centra , Kakamega 'orth, Kakamega 4ast, Kakamega :outh, %arger %ugari, %arger 9umias and %arger Butere "n this #ountry !e have the fo o!ing types of #ooperatives5 These #ooperative (A#tive) are distributed a##ording to their types as fo o!s5$ O TD;4 'C9B48 O Crban :a##os (. O 8ura :a##os / O <airy Cooperatives / O Coffee Cooperatives 0 O 6ousing Cooperatives ) O Transport (9atatu) Cooperatives ++ O <eve opment Cooperatives ( O Other Farmers Cooperative 2 O 9u tipurpose Cooperatives ) :hare #apita of Cooperatives in the #ounty stands at Kshs. (,/*),+0E,*)2

"&#& " Challen*es

The #ounty has not fu y uti i7ed its potentia in this se#tor& it on y has +*),(+0 peop e as a#tive so#iety members in tota #urrent y. This eaves a huge se#tion of the #ountyBs popu ation sti not dire#t y invo ved in #ooperatives a#tivities. There is inade3uate #apita !hi#h hampers #ooperative edu#ation and training

"&#& Re'ommen.a-ions


Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)

County Blueprint Cooperative so#ieties shou d target improving #apita Kakamega base and this re3uires o#a resour#es of C<F o#a governing bodies.

Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)


Kakamega County Blueprint




The ?overnment shou d seek !ays of avai ing #heap #redit to members of #ooperatives to!ards this end, the government shou d use #ooperatives as agen#ies though !hi#h funds ike Douth 4nterprises fund and -omen 4nterprises funds #an be used to benefit #ommunities !here the Cooperative operate. The %a! on Cooperative deve opment shou d be revie!ed to enab e !omen> youth to p ay a bigger ro e in Cooperative 9ovement Committees. Cooperative so#ieties shou d be en#ouraged to embra#e information #ommuni#ation te#hno ogy to moderni7e their operation and to keep abreast !ith the g oba i7ation. -hi e a#kno! edging a vita ro e of government in #reating an enab ing and supportive po i#y and ega frame !ork, and in fa#i itating a##ess to support servi#es and finan#e #ooperative so#ieties shou d not be subAe#ted to #ounty government doub e ta,ation and i#ensing by government and o#a authorities. The #ounty government shou d #ontinue to !ork !ith #ooperative and on y eave #ooperatives on their o!n gradua y after putting in p a#e an enab ing environment and stru#tures that !ou d #ushion #ooperatives from abuse. Kakamega County shou d emp oy high y 3ua ified staff and a#3uire too s and e3uipment for effe#tive supervision and guidan#e of the modern #ooperative movement. 4n#ourage the formation of ne! #ooperatives i.e transport N bodaboda, !ho esa e #ooperatives, #onsumer #ooperatives, fisheries #ooperative, air broad#ast :ACCO and =ua ka i :ACCO:. 4n#ourage the mat#hing of !eaker #ooperatives into one arge strong #ooperative 4a#h #ounty sha have a! in p a#e to a o! it register #ooperative !ithin Aurisdi#tion. To set$up a #ommission to study and make re#ommendation on the !ay for!ard and spe#ifi#a y estab ish a Kakamega County Cooperative Cnion. ; ease note that this Kakamega Cooperative Cnion has many assets in e,isten#e. To #reate a Kakamega County #ooperative Cnion, that !i embra#e a types of the Cooperatives, and !i inherit of the assets of the !eak Kakamega Cooperative Cnion. To take sto#k of a #ooperative properties, !ith a vie! of restoring them to Cooperatives. To start ne! #ooperatives or strengthen the e,isting one in the fo o!ing se#tors5$ O Fisheries O Transport(9atatu>bodaboda) O 6ousing>#onstru#tion O 9ining O 9anufa#turing(posho mi s) O <airy and anima husbandry


Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)

Kakamega County Blueprint

&! 5EA)T5
&" ,n-ro.u'-ion
Kakamega County is the se#ond argest #ounty in Kenya and during the ast #ensus (:eptember (**0), it proAe#ted to have risen to about ( mi ion. The #ounty is o#ated !ithin the %ake @i#toria Basin. :in#e the # imate #onditions favour mos3uito breeding (the anophe es among others) ma aria is bound to be a maAor pub i# hea th prob em. Other diseases !hi#h are signifi#ant in# ude !ater$ borne diseases su#h as ba#teria and amoebi# dysentery, typhoid fever and !orm infestation (round !orm, !hip !orm, thread !orm an pin !orm) issues re ating to fami y p anning and materna hea th are a so important. The 6"@>A"<: pandemi# is a so signifi#ant pub i# hea th prob em in the #ounty. ?iven the high preva en#e of 6"@ in the County, (...K in -estern provin#e, K<6: (**E N (**0), it must be a##orded the attention it deserves. "n the provision of hea th servi#es to our peop e, !e e,pe#t to !ork in # ose #o aboration !ith the 9inistry of 6ea th as !e as -6O. The fo o!ing is the proposed 6ea th Care <e ivery :ystem for the #ounty5$ "nfant morta ity rate in the #ounty stands at ./>+***. This is above the nationa average of /(>+***. %ess than five morta ity rate ies at +(+ per +**,*** ive births. The nationa average of )2 per +*** ive births. 9aterna morta ity stands at +() per +**,*** births. ;roportion of !omen de ivering at hea th fa#i ities is (0.1K. The proportion of !omen at their reprodu#tive age a##essing #ontra#eptives is ()K !hi e EEK if the #hi dren are immuni7ed. The proportion of mother !ho de ivers in the hands of trained personne is /(.EK.

& Re'ommen.a-ions
Referral 5os1i-al
O O O Kakamega ;rovin#ia ?enera 6ospita upgraded to the #ounty referra hospita . The re3uisite personne (medi#a offi#ers in various spe#ia ties of # ini#a pra#ti#e), diagnosti# aboratories and a !e sto#ked pharma#y. To be e3uipped !ith high te#hno ogy diagnosti# e3uipment su#h as Computeri7ed A,ia Tomography (CAT) and 9agneti# 8esonan#e "maging (98") ma#hines. 8ena dia ysis e3uipment and an ambu an#e shou d be avai ab e. To be tea#hing hospita by the Fa#u ty of 9edi#ine, s#hoo of hea th s#ien#es, 9asinde 9u iro Cniversity of :#ien#e and Te#hno ogy (99:T) and #entre for training <o#tors in #onAun#tion !ith the 99:T 9edi#a :#hoo .
Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)


Kakamega County Blueprint

6igh s#hoo to be en#ouraged to #onsider taking up #areers in 9edi#ine, ;harma#y, <entistry and 'ursing and #o aborate !ith the various 9edi#a s#hoo s in the #ountry for purposes of manpo!er training.

%is-ri'- 5os1i-als6
O <istri#t 6ospita s to be !e $#onstru#ted and e3uipped in ea#h of the t!e ve (+() #onstituen#ies !ith a medi#a training #entre (9TC) for the purpose of training nursing staff as !e as paramedi#s su#h as 9edi#a %aboratory Te#hno ogists, C ini#a Offi#ers and 'utritionists. . To have spe#ia ist medi#a offi#ers, be e3uipped !ith an H$ray ma#hine. ?iven that H$ray te#hno ogy is today a basi# too of radio ogi#a diagnosti# te#hno ogy, it is an essentia too at this eve of hea th#are de ivery. 4a#h <istri#t 6ospita shou d have a ;ediatri#ian and ?yne#o ogist. 4a#h <istri#t 6ospita shou d have about +** beds, (/K of these of !hi#h shou d be reserved for #hi dren ess than / years of age and (/K for the maternity !ing. :ub distri#t 6ospita s may #omp ement servi#es provided by <istri#t 6ospita s. To have at east three su#h sub distri#t hospita s. To have ambu an#es for ease of patient transfers, de ivery of medi#a supp ies and other hea th$se#tor re ated a#tivities that may re3uire transport. 6ea th Centres At east one to be in ea#h divisiona administrative unit or to be shared bet!een administrative o#ations. To have a medi#a offi#er as !e as a number of # ini#a offi#ers !orking !ith him>her. 4mphasis shou d be aid on aboratory diagnosti# servi#es and ade3uate drug supp ies in the pharma#y.



O To be in ea#h o#ation. The dispensary is the most basi# fa#i ity for hea th servi#e de ivery. O To have at east one # ini#a offi#er and nursing staff under his>her supervision.

5eal-h ,nsuran'e Co4er

O O To have #omprehensive hea th insuran#e #over for the #iti7ens. This shou d be #ontributory, premium payment of !hi#h #ou d be made month y or year y by a adu t #iti7ens (anybody aged +E and above). To be imp emented in #o aboration !ith "nsuran#e #ompanies in the Country !hi#h provide hea th insuran#e #over su#h as AA8, 8eso ution 6ea th "nsuran#e et#.


Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)

Kakamega County Blueprint

01e'ial 5omes
O To be estab ished to #ater for the vu nerab e& orphaned #hi dren, the e der y !ith no one to take #are of them and the disab ed. Or traditiona so#ia se#urity me#hanisms have #o apsed and #an no onger be re ied upon to take #are of the vu nerab e. The Kenya ?overnment, on the other hand, had no institutiona me#hanism to #ater for the vu nerab e. Being #ogni7ant of these rea ities, it is in#umbent upon us to #ome up !ith su#h institutiona stru#tures to take #are of the e#onomi#a y disadvantaged in the #ounty.

$harma'eu-i'al Fa'-ory
The #ounty to estab ish a pharma#euti#a fa#tory for the purpose of manufa#turing #onventiona medi#ines. ?iven the arge popu ation of the #ounty, !e are better off manufa#turing a ot of our basi# medi#ina re3uirements su#h as painki ers (ana gesis), antibioti#, anti amoebi# and antihe minti# drugs among others.

$ro.u'-ion of 5er+al Me.i'ines

O O O A fa#tory for produ#tion of herba medi#ina produ#ts #ou d be estab ished to make use of the abundan#e of p ants that are a sour#e of medi#ina #ompounds in the Kakamega To partner !ith China for herba medi#ation and produ#tion of viab e herba medi#ina . 8esear#h geared to!ards dis#overy of medi#ina #ompounds from p ant materia s to be en#ouraged. :#ientists in the Cniversities and 9edi#a 8esear#h "nstitutes su#h as K498" shou d be en#ouraged to undertake su#h resear#h.

Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)


Kakamega County Blueprint

#&" ,n-ro.u'-ion
4du#ation has been defined as the pro#ess through !hi#h kno! edge5 ski s, attitudes and va ues are imparted for the purpose of integrating the individua in a given so#iety, or #hanging the va ues and norms of a so#iety. This is done through #ognitive mapping of re iab e a##ess to optima state of mind. For individua s, this pro#ess is ife$ ong. "t begins at birth and ends !ith death. "t is determined by the eve of kno! edge, ski s and dis#ip ine of #hara#ter a#3uired in the pro#ess of training for #areer, ive ihoods and profession. The C'4:CO "nternationa :tandard # assified of edu#ation defines edu#ation as #omprising organi7ed and sustained #ommuni#ation designed to bring about earning (C'4:CO, +0)/). "nternationa 4du#ation for :ustainab e <eve opment ("4:<) is an edu#ation that55 O 4very person benefits from sin#e it promotes deve opment that is environmenta y sound, so#ia y e3uitab e, #u tura y sensitive and e#onomi#a y Aust. O 4nsures earning about kno! edge and a so about doing, being, intera#ting !ith others and #hanging the !or d for the better of a . O 9akes forma earning enAoyab e, hands$on and re evant to ife outside s#hoo !hi e addressing the prob ems of our !or d. O 4very person benefits from genuine earning opportunities throughout ife, in the !orkp a#e, and !ithin the #ommunity. O 6as systems !hi#h prepare earners to enter the !orkfor#e as !e as hand e a #risis, be resi ient, be#ome responsib e #iti7ens, adapt to #hange, re#ogni7e and so ve o#a prob ems !ith g oba roots, meet other #u tures !ith respe#t, and #reate a pea#efu and sustainab e so#iety. "n Kenya, as in any other #ountry, this sustained #ommuni#ation is organi7ed and managed through a #oherent system put in p a#e by the ?overnment. O :in#e independen#e, the ?overnment of Kenya has been #ommitted to the provision of edu#ation to her #iti7ens. 4du#ation is seen as the primary means of e#onomi# and so#ia mobi ity, nationa #ohesion and so#ia and e#onomi# deve opment. At various times in is history the government has mandated the 4du#ation :e#tor to address maAor #hanges to ensure that through the provision of edu#ation the


Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)

#ountryBs so#ia

Kakamega County Blueprint

Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)


Kakamega County Blueprint

and e#onomi# goa s are rea i7ed. :in#e the ast maAor set of reforms in +0E+, the !or d and Kenya has e,perien#ed the impa#t of g oba ism, in#reasing inter$dependen#e bet!een and !ithin states and the need for peop e to be#ome responsib e #iti7ens both nationa y and internationa y. Trade and #ommuni#ations have been revo utioni7ed, !hi st human #apita re3uirements, espe#ia y as a resu t of the "CT revo ution have #hanged out of a re#ognition.


5is-ory of Kenyan E.u'a-ion

6istori#a re#ords from the trave s of =ohan %ud!ig Krapf and =ohannes 8ebmann revea that Kenyans had a##ess to edu#ation as far ba#k as +)(E !ith a :!ahi i manus#ript Utendi wa Tambuka (book of 6era# ius) attesting to the fa#t. The C9: missionaries intera#ted !ith o#a s in the #oasta to!n of 9ombasa and set up one of the ear iest mission s#hoo s in the #ountry at 8abai in +E2.. -ith the e,pansion of the rai !ay from 9ombasa to Cganda, the missionaries e,panded their !ork into KenyaBs interior. An attempt to set up a s#hoo and mission at Datta in +E02 !as resisted by the Kamba tribe. The missionaries then penetrated into !estern Kenya and set up s#hoo s and missions. The first s#hoo in !estern Kenya !as estab ished in Kaimosi in +0*(. <uring the #o onia era, the number of Kenyans !ith e,posure to edu#ation steadi y in#reased and a good number of them !ere privi eged to pro#eed abroad for further edu#ation. Among those !ho furthered their edu#ation abroad in the #o onia era !ere =omo Kenyatta, !ho attended -oodbrooke Co ege and %ondon :#hoo of 4#onomi#s, Char es 'AonAo, !ho attended ?rays "nn %a! :#hoo , ;eter 9biyu Koinange, !ho attended Co umbia Cniversity, 9!ai Kibaki !ho attended %ondon :#hoo of 4#onomi#s, 8. 9ugo ?atheru !ho attended 8ooseve t Cniversity , Tom 9boya, !ho attended 8uskin Co ege, O,ford, 9asinde 9u iro, !ho attended Cniversity of Cape To!n, =u ius ?ikonyo Kiano !ho attended :tanford Cniversity, ;au 'gei and Bara#k Obama :r., !ho attended the Cniversity of 6a!aii at 9anoa. =u ius ?ikonyo !as the first Kenyan to obtain a ;h.<. 6e returned to Kenya and !as instrumenta in estab ishing a s#hoo in ?ithunguri. The trend steadi y rose over the years and by the time of independen#e in +0.1, E2*,*** Afri#an #hi dren !ere attending e ementary s#hoo .

#& &"& The Earlies- 0'hools in Kenya

:#hoo at 8abai nea 9ombasa N estab ished +E2. Friends s#hoo Kaimosi, no! Kaimosi Friends ;rimary :#hoo , estab ished +0*1 9aseno s#hoo estab ished +0*1 ?evernment "ndian :#hoo or The <uke of ? ou#ester :#hoo , no! =amhuri 6igh


Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)

:#hoo , estab ished +0*.

Kakamega County Blueprint

Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)


Kakamega County Blueprint

Tumutumu 9ission :#hoo , no! Tumutumu ?ir sB 6igh :#hoo estab ished in +0*E 4uropean ?ir sB :#hoo , no! Kenya 6igh :#hoo estab ished in +0*E. Thogoto :#hoo , no! Thogoto Tea#hersB Training Co ege estab ished +0+* Kaimosi ?ir s 6igh :#hoo , estab ished +0(* Kaimosi Boys 6igh :#hoo , estab ished +0(+ 9angBu 6igh :#hoo , estab ished +0(/ A ian#e :#hoo , no! A ian#e 6igh :#hoo (Kenya) estab ished in +0(. :t. 9aryBs Da a, estab ished +0() 6igh ands 6igh :#hoo , no! 9oi ?ir sB 6igh :#hoo N 4 doret estab ished +0(E Kisii :#hoo , estab ished in +01(

#& & & $re an. $os-'olonial e.u'a-ion

Kenya began a #ampaign for free primary edu#ation after independen#e in +0.1. :in#e then, the system of edu#ation has undergone transformation t!i#e. Before independen#e e ementary edu#ation !as based on the #o onia system of edu#ation. "n +0.), Kenya, !ith Cganda and Tan7ania, formed the 4ast Afri#an Community. The three #ountries adopted a sing e system of edu#ation, the )$2$($1, !hi#h #onsisted of ) years of primary edu#ation, 2 years of se#ondary edu#ation, ( years of high s#hoo and 1$/ years of university edu#ation. Cnder the system, !hi#h !as simi ar to the British system of edu#ation, #hi dren began their e ementary (primary) edu#ation at the age of ) and #omp eted at the age of +1 after sitting for a regiona e,amination kno!n as the 4ast Afri#an Certifi#ate of ;rimary 4du#ation (4AC;4). After primary edu#ation those !ho passed very !e pro#eeded to se#ondary s#hoo ended four years ater !ith the !riting of the 4ast Afri#an Certifi#ate of 4du#ation 4,amination (4AC4) the highest eve of edu#ation that 3ua ified one to attend university !as attained after t!o years of high s#hoo at that time distin#t from se#ondary s#hoo !ith students sitting for the 4ast Afri#an advan#ed #ertifi#ate of 4du#ation (4AAC4). -ith the #o apse of the 4ast Afri#an Community in +0)), Kenya #ontinued !ith the same system of edu#ation but #hanged the e,amination names from their regiona identity to a nationa identity. The 4ast Afri#an Certifi#ate of ;rimary 4du#ation be#ame the Certifi#ate of ;rimary 4du#ation (C;4), the 4ast Afri#an Certifi#ate of 4du#ation be#ame the Kenya Certifi#ate of 4du#ation (KC4) and the 4ast Afri#an Advan#ed Certifi#ate of 4du#ation be#ame the Kenya Advan#ed Certifi#ate of 4du#ation.(KAC4).


Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)

Kakamega County Blueprint "n +0E/ ;resident <anie Arap 9oi, introdu#ed the E$2$2 system of edu#ation, !hi#h adopted E years of primary edu#ation, 2 years of se#ondary edu#ation and 2 years of university edu#ation. -ith the introdu#tion of the E$2$2 system C;4 be#ame KC;4 (Kenya Certifi#ate of ;rimary 4du#ation) !hi e KC4 be#ame the Kenya Certifi#ate of :e#ondary 4du#ation (KC:4). :in#e +0E/, pub i# edu#ation in Kenya has been based on an E$2$2 system, !ith eight years of primary edu#ation fo o!ed by four years of

Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)


Kakamega County Blueprint

se#ondary s#hoo and four years of #o ege or university. :ome private s#hoo s, ho!ever, offer a system of edu#ation simi ar to the British system of edu#ation !ith ordinary eve e,ams, I*$ eve sJ taken at the end of 2 years of se#ondary s#hoo and advan#ed eve s IA$ eve sJ, taken after t!o years of high s#hoo . Out of a #hi dren in Kenya about E/ per#ent attend primary s#hoo . )/ per#ent of those !ho #omp eted primary edu#ation pro#eed to se#ondary s#hoo s and .* per#ent of those !ho #omp ete se#ondary s#hoo pro#eed to higher institutions of edu#ation !hi#h in# ude business and vo#ationa institutions, nationa po yte#hni#s, pub i# and private universities !ithin the #ountry. Over 0/*,*** Kenyans have furthered their edu#ation abroad !ith a maAority of graduates from "ndia, CK, Canada, the Cnited :tates, 8ussia, and Cganda.

#&# Formal E.u'a-ion ($u+li' an. $ri4a-e ,ns-i-u-ions of )earnin*)

4C<4 (Coun-y Go4ernmen-) ;rimary :e#ondary Douth ;o yte#hni#s (Coun-y Go4ernmen-) "nstitutes of Te#hno ogy Other ;rofessiona Co eges (Tea#hers, 9edi#a and Agri#u tura ) Cniversities :pe#ia 'eeds 4du#ation 'on Forma 4du#ation "nforma 4du#ation (Open and Continued 4du#ation)

#&#&" Early Chil. %e4elo1men- E.u'a-ion (EC%E)

This has been the most neg e#ted eve of edu#ation in spite of being the foundation of 3ua ity earning for a humanity. "t has been in the hands of parents and fe! benefa#tors to run 4C<4 programmes making it subAe#t to many forms of e,p oitation. ?ross enro ment rate at this eve has been about /2K. %earning #ompeten#y eva uation, #hi d #are support servi#es, medi#a servi#es and nutritiona re3uirement for effe#tive earning are taken #are of at this eve of edu#ation. The government has in the re#ent past designed a #urri#u um to be used for training edu#ators at this eve and for use in tea#hing fo o!ing funding from partners. The ne! #onstitution puts 4C<4 in the hands of the County ?overnment. The forum re#ommends that Kakamega County ?overnment to5 O 6ave an e,panded a##ess to 3ua ity ear y #hi d deve opment edu#ation fu y paid for by the #ounty government (su+si.i3e for -hose in $ri4a-e s'hools). O 9ake enro ment and #omp etion of 4C<4 #ompu sory for registration in


Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)

Kakamega County Blueprint


;rimary. ;rovide 4C<4 fa#i ities, mea s and earning>tea#hing materia s 4mp oy a tea#hers in pub i# 4C<4 #entres An 4C<4 #entre for every ;rimary s#hoo be mandatory 4ar y e,posure to some "CT ski s and too s at this eve

#& & $rimary E.u'a-ion

The #onstitution a o#ates the responsibi ity of ;rimary edu#ation to the #entra government. "t sha sti be the duty of stakeho ders and the Go4ernmen- to ensure stainabi ity in the provision of free 3ua ity primary edu#ation. The avai ab e ;rimary 0/* s#hoo s enab e the gross enro ment rate to be about )*K having dropped from over +**K !hen Free ;rimary 4du#ation (F;4) !as announ#ed. 6igh poverty inde, ed to o! retention of earners in primary s#hoo s of Kakamega County. 9ost eft due to5 O Other evies not #onsidered under the Free ;rimary 4du#ation. O 9eagre Free ;rimary 4du#ation resour#es that #ou d not ast a year e.g. e,er#ise books O %a#k of s#hoo uniform O 6unger after enAoying the feeding programme in the 4C<4 #entres. O Over enro ment in the # asses making it impossib e for the tea#her t o give individua attention. "t is re#ommended that5 O On y those re#ommended from 4C<4 Centres be intervie!ed and a o!ed to Aoin primary O The #ounty ?overnment to t a k e t h e r e s p o n s i b i i t y o f ensuring 3ua ity performan#e by a at this eve . O 9ea s and other earning materia s be provided for in primary edu#ation. O :upport bursary for the poor to buy uniform and food. O There be e3uity, 3ua ity and enough tea#her dep oyment in a pub i# primary s#hoo s O Opportunities for 3ua ified vo unteers be avai ed. O The #ounty ?overnment to set measures that !ou d ensure a##ess, #omp etion and #ontinuity O 4mp oy more tea#hers to serve in the primary s#hoo s O Bui d more # asses in addition to other materia s provision and use of -9o s'hools .ay O <esign systems that monitor to ensure 3ua ity earning that is a##ountab e O 4mp oy "nformation Communi#ation Te#hno ogy ("CT) to redu#e on tea#her dependen#y and defray #osts. O ;roper a! be instituted to guard against5 O Chi d abour O 'egative #u tura pra#ti#es
Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)


Kakamega County Blueprint


9argina i7ation 6o iday tuition be on private basis bet!een parents and tea#hers to ensure 3ua ity use of time in the s#hoo s shou d be abo ished Conne#t e e#tri#a po!er and !ater to a primary s#hoo s.

#& &: 0e'on.ary E.u'a-ion

This is no! the eve from !here one #ou d be assured of 3ua ity training for effe#tive servi#e to se f and #ommunity. Kakamega County has a gross enro ment rate of (/K. And a dropout rate of +*K. :takeho ders and the Ka8ame*a Coun-y Go4ernmen- shou d estab ish sustainabi ity in the provision of free 3ua ity se#ondary edu#ation to #ombat o! enro ments at this eve . The #urrent #ounty and nationa s#hoo s in the #ounty be #ha enged to operate at the mean grade rate of above ;&<2, a minimum of ! students !ith grade A in KC:4 and <!= 3ua ifi#ation to university. Those !ith imited supp y of resour#es be #ha enged to operate at mean grade >C, minimum of < students !ith As in KC:4 and #!= 3ua ifi#ation to university. This shou d form the basis of agreement bet!een the s#hoo s BO?s and s-a8ehol.ers in e.u'a-ion -e re#ommend5 O Ade3uate staffing and e3uitab e tea#her distribution to a s#hoo s in a subAe#ts. O 9aking of se#ondary edu#ation free as basi# edu#ation for a in the #ounty O The estab ishment of a t!o s#hoo s day !ith additiona a o!an#e to the tea#hers to improve on the transition rate. O Constrains to a##ess and 3ua ity edu#ation to be firm y addressed. This are5 O Chi d abour and ear y marriage O 6"@ and A"<: O <rugs and substan#e abuse O :treet ur#hins in#rease O <ropout stigma O ?uarding against appointments and disappointments that are not professiona y vetted for 3ua ity de#ision making O "n servi#ing of tea#hers to enab e the use of proAe#t based earning or themati# tea#hing in ine !ith the C'O (C'4:CO) and the designs of 4du#ation for :ustainab e <eve opment (4:<). O 4stab ishment of one 3ua ity se#ondary s#hoo to serve ea#h vi age starting !ith the !ard O 4stab ishing of "CT hubs in every se#ondary s#hoo and resour#e #entres to enhan#e te#hno ogi#a edu#ation O There be #onstru#ted institutions that !ou d serve as s#ien#e a#ademies in ea#h !ard of #onstituen#y to address the fear of s#ien#es


Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)

Kakamega County Blueprint

4very ne! management in a s#hoo be mandated to design, share and !ork on it vision !ithin si, months of appointment

#& &< )ife 08ills an. /o'a-ional E.u'a-ion

To be used to #reate 3ua ity human resour#e for se f$emp oyment and Aob market. %ife ski and vo#ation edu#ation !i redu#e on resour#e !astage& enab e further a##ess and #ontinuity in edu#ation. The Coun-y Go4ernmen- -o ensure fu use of the resour#es isted be o! by designing #ourses that respond to o#a and g oba needs. O @i age ;o yte#hni#s (Douth ;o yte#hni#s 'B one in ea#h vi age) (responsibi ity of County governments) O Douth %earning, #u tura and empo!erment #entres O Community earning and information #entres (C%"C) O :ma s#a e produ#tion units that address entrepreneurship and biodiversity (;ottery and 9ukombero) O 4nvironmenta sustainabi ity edu#ation #entre in Kakamega forest and tourism training O Open training points at industria , !orking and #onstru#tion stations. O =ua Ka i -orkshops O :ugar "ndustries and #ooperative ski s O <emonstration farms O Banks O 6ote s, tourism and hospita s O ;ub i# -orks O Fish farms O 8esear#h ski s units and #entres in the university, KA8" and K4F8" O Kakamega County ?overnment to fa#i itate upgrading of many youth po yte#hni#s to te#hni#a institutes, te#hni#a institutes to po yte#hni#s and po yte#hni#s to university through mentorship programmes. Target having a university #ampus and a po yte#hni# in ea#h #onstituen#y, a te#hni#a institute in ea#h !ard and a vi age po yte#hni# in ea#h vi age of Kakamega County. O A earning institutions be used to runs !orkshop on ethi#s, #ommunity servi#e, vo unteerism, eti3uette and internationa a!ard s#hemes e.g. ;residents A!ard :#heme (this is not presidentia a!ard s#heme)

#& &> Uni4ersi-y E.u'a-ion

There is a strong yearning for university edu#ation that #a s upon a to ensure e,pansion of opportunities to Cniversity 4du#ation

Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)


Kakamega County Blueprint in Kakamega County. ?ross enro ment rate and


Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)

Kakamega County Blueprint

transition rates no! stand at *.*1K as ref e#ted in the <eve opment p ans. A number of universities have opened #ampuses !ithin the #ounty and a number are due to #ome. %ong distan#e earning opportunities may be provided if te#hno ogy is improved and memoranda signed !ith strategi# Cniversities guided by the Kakamega County ?overnment Masin.e Muliro Uni4ersi-y of 0'ien'e an. Te'hnolo*y :hou d open its doors !ider to take ead in ensuring proper use of the #apab e human resour#e !ithin Kakamega County in the #reation of an e,emp ary kno! edge #ounty as a vision of KACOF. :ome short #ourses shou d be designed to respond to the o#a needs (t!o !eeks to severa months or years). O Open a##ess #entres !ithin earning institutions or room #an be obtained. O 9entor :iga aga a and Bukura Agri#u tura "nstitutes into universities offering spe#ia #ourses. O @entures into provision of virtua #ourses as it strengthens inkage !ith C'4:CO and The Common!ea th of earning. O 4very ;rofessor to !ork !ith at east three asso#iate professors. 4a#h asso#iate professor to !ork !ith at east five <o#tors. O 4a#h do#tor to mentors +* s#ho ars !ith masters. 4a#h masters s#ho ar to mentor (* graduates and et the pro#ess f o! as ea#h bui d another in the kno! edge system.

#&#& O-her ,ssues in E.u'a-ion

#&#&" 01e'ial Nee.s E.u'a-ion
"t invo ves peop e !ith disabi ities e.g. menta y handi#apped, the deaf, the b ind, the ame and the spee#h ess peop e. The ?overnment has a department of :.'.4 in the 9inistry of 4du#ation and funds are a o#ated for the same to run the institutions. Tea#hers are trained to hand e these #hi dren from 4C< to any eve they #an go. The institutions are #ategori7ed a##ording to the disabi ities. The deaf earn together !ith their tea#her spe#ia i7ed in sign anguage. The b ind earn together using brai er ma#hines to do the brai er !riting that is enab ing the #hi dren !ith su#h disabi ities to !rite and read the information in brai er. The ma#hines are provided by the ministry of edu#ation through the :'4 edu#ation fund.


Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)

Kakamega County Blueprint The deaf are provided !ith hearing gadgets and at the same time taught sign

Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)


Kakamega County Blueprint


anguage so that they are ab e to #ommuni#ate !ith the rest of the !or d. The instruments are provided for by the :'4 4<CCAT"O' FC'<:. The ame and the menta y handi#apped are a so provided various apparatus to enab e them to earn e.g. -hee #hairs, earning materia s to enab e the menta y #ha enged to ame and #omprehend faster The b ind fe o!s, apart from earning brai ers, they are a so provided !ith !a king !hi e sti#ks to he p them get dire#tion and be identified 3ui#k y by the road users.

#&#& ,ns-i-u-ions
"n Kakamega County ike any other part of Kenya, every primary s#hoo has been dire#ted to have the :'4 se#tion to hand e the re3uirements of this nature of peop e. "nitia y it !as diffi#u t to start the programme in some s#hoo s due to parentsB a#k of sensiti7ation be#ause of that fear of e,posing their #hi dren !ith disabi ities.

#&#&# Re'ommen.a-ion
The Kakamega County ?overnment on its inspe#tion must take greater #onsideration of a o#ating funds for :.'.4 4du#ation. The s#hoo s are not !e estab ished and most parents sti hide #hi dren at home for fear of e,posure. :ensiti7ation shou d be done to parents so that more #hi dren !ho have various disabi ities to be enro ed in this s#hoo s so that the County ?overnment #an provide funds for the same.

#&: Non Formal E.u'a-ion

This one app ies to the #hi dren !ho have dropped out of s#hoo s due to5 O 4ar y pregnan#y O %a#k of basi# needs O Frustrations>poverty O <eath of both parents This type of edu#ation has not taken root due to a#k of enfor#ement and sensiti7ation. "n Kakamega genera y there are many boys and gir s !ho have dropped our of s#hoo due to the above$mentioned reasons. Taking a survey !ithin Kakamega to!n one is ab e to identify on y one unit (this is at :hitaho) and may be a fe! p a#es in BCT:OT:O other!ise there is need for non forma edu#ation and this re3uires a Aoint effort by the ?overnment '?OBs, the #hur#h and any other organi7ation !hi#h #an sensiti7e the fe o!s #onvin#e to #ome and #ontinue their earning after dropping out of s#hoo . 6ere is !here the County has to a o#ate funds to fa#i itate the formation of non$ forma edu#ation earning #entres.


Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)

Kakamega County Blueprint

#&:&" Re'ommen.a-ions
A department to hand e this se#tion shou d be estab ished in the County ?overnment in order to fa#i itate and #ome up !ith a programme for the same. Funds have to be set aside so that many of these fe o!s #an be brought for!ard.

#&< A.ul- an. Con-inue. E.u'a-ion

8esear#h and statisti#s sho! that there are sti a number of peop e !ho are either i iterate or semi$ iterate. The ?overnment may be trying its best to #ondu#t Adu t edu#ation # asses in various #hur#h #entres but on a very sma s#a e as #ompared to the number of peop e !ho need to earn. This is be#ause most peop e !ho #ome to attend these # asses are most y !omen, !ith !hom men fear to mi, and earn. :ensiti7ation shou d be #arried out and separation of earning to be done, so that men have their # asses and !omen separate. This !i en#ourage men to #ome in arge numbers than it is at present.

#&<&" ,n'en-i4es
"n#entives to be introdu#ed in order to en#ourage attendan#e. The in#entives shou d be brought in as a #ompetition to fast tru#k the earning abi ity of ea#h individua . " may suggest that in Adu t and Continued 4du#ation, the earning shou d be diversified in a !ay that it geared to earning vo#ations>ski s N e,amp es #an be5 O Tai oring O 9asonry O Carpentry O Bakery O :o#ia !orkers et#. "t is be ieved this #an #hange the mood and the sty e of earning than #on#entrating on a#ademi#s. The same #an be e,tended to even 'on Forma 4du#ation. This is eading to peop e a#3uiring kno! edge that #an be app ied dire#t y or indire#t y in =CA KA%" A8T":A':. This is in itse f empo!ering peop e in the #ounty !ith !ider kno! edge. They #an read, !rite and do arithmeti# and app y the same to pra#ti#a a#tivities. 4mphasis to be put on adu t and #ontinued edu#ation and money be a o#ated to #ater for this.

#&<& 0u**es-ions
6o!ever, #urrent y peop e of this #ategory are taking initiative to sponsor themse ves for degree !ork but this is on a minima s#a e. " suggest that !hen the #ounty ?overnment #omes in for#e, shou d do something tangib e to ensure that a dip oma ho ders in respe#tive fie ds are trained to a higher eve in order to ensure trained manpo!er in p enty in our #ountry.
Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)


Kakamega County Blueprint

#&<&# Re'ommen.a-ion
The County ?overnment shou d be ab e to have a department and a o#ate funds for the same. :#hoo s and vi age po yte#hni#s #an be used to fa#i itate the earning of Adu ts and #ontinued 4du#ation. The 6ead of this se#tion shou d be re#ruited to oversee the department in the County.

#&>& O1en an. Con-inue. E.u'a-ion

This app ies to peop e !ho have gone to s#hoo and have a#3uired #ertain professions at #ertifi#ate eve or dip oma for that matter. They need to be given opportunity to #arry on their 4du#ation to Cniversity eve . This #an be done through oan funding be#ause most of these peop e are !orking # ass fe o!s, but they need to be given a boost in their finan#es in order to earn.

#&>&" 0u**es-ions an. Re'ommen.a-ions

Kakamega County ?overnment shou d set aside a revo ving fund to fa#i itate and enab e this peop e in spe#ia i7ed fie ds to further their edu#ation to a higher eve . @ery many peop e are denied su#h #han#es due to a#k of funds and yet they #ou d make usefu members of the so#iety. Current y !e have many peop e !ith dip omas in various fie ds N e e#tri#a , # ini#a medi#ines, p umbing, a##ounts, tea#hers, et#, !hom if given an opportunity #an be high y 3ua ified.

#&? Resear'h an. 0T,

This is a very important se#tion of a the above dis#ussed topi#s on :'4, 'F4, Adu t Continued 4du#ation and Open Continued 4du#ation. -ith resear#h one #an #ome up !ith many innovative ideas. -ith resear#h our institution of higher earning are ab e to #ome up !ith atest findings in various fie ds. Our County (Kakamega) re3uires resear#h in C ini#a 9edi#ine, @eterinary 9edi#ine, Agri#u ture, 4du#ation :#ien#e Te#hno ogy "nnovation, !ithout !hi#h then the County ?overnment !i not be fun#tiona .


Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)

Kakamega County Blueprint

#&?&" Re'ommen.a-ion
The fo o!ing institutions in Kakamega County re3uire and need a resear#h fund to be set aside to fa#i itate resear#h in them as fo o!s5 O Agri#u ture O C ini#a medi#ine O 4du#ation O :#ien#e O Douth <eve opment O 4.C.< 4du#ation O Tourism O Cooperatives G 9arketing O 4ngineering (#ivi and 9e#hani#a 4ngineering) et# This se#tion re3uires a substantia amount of funds to run resear#h departments.

Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)


Kakamega County Blueprint

:&" ,n-ro.u'-ion
9aAor modes of transport are roads, air transport and rai !ay transport and rai !ay net!orks. 9otor vehi# es, tri#y# es, motor #y# es, and bi#y# es are the predominant means of transport on the roads. The Kakamega airstrip a so !as refurbished !ith regu ar f ights by f y /2*. 8ai transport is rare y used !ith a sma #overage in Butere sub$#ounty. The #ounty is !e served !ith re iab e !ater for domesti# use, ivesto#k and irrigations. 9ost househo ds in the #ounty are a##essib e to !ater and the average nearest distan#e to !ater point is about /** m. The sour#es of !ater for the residents in the #ounty are main y from the sha o! !e s, roof #at#hments and the prote#ted and unprote#ted springs. /.0K have a##ess to piped !ater !hi e (0./K have a##ess to portab e !ater. This makes a arger popu ation vu nerab e to !ater borne diseases. On average it takes 22.(K and (E.+K of the popu ation /$+2 and +$2 minutes respe#tive y to fet#h !ater. +..)K of the popu ation takes bet!een +/$(0 minutes The maAority of the peop e in the County re y main y on biomass as a sour#e of energy for #ooking and ighting. 8ene!ab e energy sour#es su#h as so ar, !ind, and river> dam !ater have not been optima y e,p oited

:&"&"& Re'ommen.a-ions
O The County government to hire #onsu tants to dra! up #ounty master p an. Highway s O Kakamega #ity to have by$passes stret#hing from %ubao$:hikusa$9uranda and #onne#t to the main road to Khayega O :iga aga a do!n to shimanyiro #onne#ted to 9umias road. O Kakaunga$%ukume$"ngotse$9akunga #onne#t to 9umias road O :treet ighting in the entire #ounty. ink!roads to "onne"t all sub!"ounties O 8ura (grave roads) to be #onstru#ted in a #ounties. O A !eather roads to #onne#t a sub$#ounties in# uding bridges, bi, #u verts and drainage !orks. O TouristsB roads to be #onstru#ted. O Tea roads to be #onstru#ted !here tea is gro!n. O :ugar#ane roads to be #onstru#ted !here #ane is gro!n.


Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)


Kakamega County Blueprint #odern roads "onstru"tion and maintenan"e o$ e%uipment to be a&ailed' 9otor graders, Bu do7ers, 4,#avators, Compa#tors, 8o ers, Con#rete mi,ers,

Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)


Kakamega County Blueprint

-ater boo7ers, ;oker vibrators, Tippers, F at beds, ;i#kups ( and #ruisers, station !agons, sa on #ars, motor bikes), Compressors, 9obi e !orkshop fu y e3uipped for maintenan#e et#. (ersonnel $or )oad #aintenan"e5 O The #ounty to hire suitab e>3ua ified 8oad #onstru#tion and maintenan#e staff. O The #ounty to set up maintenan#e yards at sub$#ounties. Airports O Current airstrip at 9uranda to be upgraded to "nternationa status. -ater supp y>"rrigation O A residents in Kakamega County to be #onne#ted !ith piped !ater supp y as there are enormous rivers f o!ing do!n to %ake @i#toria and "rrigation proAe#ts to be #onstru#ted !here rainfa is not suffi#ient to a o! sustainab e food for the #ounty and for e,port )ain *ater Har&esting+ O To be introdu#ed and en#ouraged. ,ewerage O :e!erage system to be #onstru#ted in Kakamega to!n and "n sub$#ounties. -nergy.Hydro power O 6ydro$po!er station to be #onstru#ted on '7ioa O Biogas to be introdu#ed in a #ounties O Cti i7ation of !ind and sun O ;o!er :upp y O 4 e#tri#ity shou d be #onne#ted to a residents in the #ounty. O Firefighting e3uipment and vehi# es to be e3uipped in a #ounties. O 9ining O 9inera s ike go d and others to be e,p oited in the entire #ounty by private entities.


Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)

Kakamega County Blueprint

<&" ,N/E0TMENT
<&"&" ,n-ro.u'-ion
"nvestment refers to money #ommitted or property a#3uired for future in#ome. "t #an a so be ooked at as trade$off bet!een risk and re!ard aiming for in#rementa gain and preservation of the invested amount (prin#ipa ). The t!o main # asses of investment are5 O Fi,ed in#ome investment su#h as5$ O Bonds O Fi,ed deposits O ;referen#e share O @ariab e in#ome investment su#h as5 O Business o!nership O ;roperty o!nership

<&"& O+(e'-i4es an. Goals

O To ist key areas !hi#h offer investment opportunities in the County. O To determine the eve of investment in the County. O To estab ish the #ha enges fa#ing the County in attra#ting ne! investments. O To #ome up !ith key in#entives to attra#t investments in the County. Kakamega County o##upies a vast area and has favourab e #ondition !ith both ong and short rain seasons. The vast natura resour#es and a popu ation of +../ mi ion in the County #an provide many investment opportunities. The fo o!ing are the investment opportunities in the County5

%&1&'&1& Manu acturing #ector

O O O <eve opment of :ma and 9edium 4nterprises ;arks (due to pro,imity to high potentia agri#u tura area. Agro$pro#essing industry e.g pro#essing of !hite refined industria sugar, pro#essing of fruit #on#entrates vegetab e oi pro#essing industry. Chemi#a industry e.g manufa#turing of ferti i7ers, dyes for te,ti es industries,
Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)


Kakamega County Blueprint

sheet g ass produ#tion


Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)

Kakamega County Blueprint


9otor vehi# e #omponents manufa#turing N there is a big market for vehi# es in the 4AC and CO94:A regions. "ron and stee industry$Kakamega County is endo!ed !ith une,p oited iron and stee for #ommer#ia ventures. 9anufa#ture of a uminum #ans N !e need a p ant to #ater for the #ountry, Cganda, Tan7ania, 8!anda and Burundi. ;harma#euti#a p ants

%&1&'&' Tourism #ector

O O O O <eve opment of 8esort Centres Constru#tion of "nternationa 6ote Chains "nvestment in Conferen#e Fa#i ities 4ntertainment Options N Amusement ;arks, C ubs, Casinos, Theatres and spe#ifi#a y 8estaurants.

%&1&'&( Trans$ort and "n rastructure #ector

O O O O <eve opment of airport infrastru#ture and servi#es <eve opment of road sub se#tor Con#essioning N Kenya 8oads A#t ((**)) a o!s for private se#tor parti#ipation in road se#tor improvements. C osed Cir#uit Te evision (CCT@)

%&1&'&) Agricultural #ector

O O O O O :ugar#ane <eve opment @a ue addition industries 9arketing infrastru#ture 6orti#u tura <eve opment ;ou try farming

%&1&'&% *ivestoc+ #ector

O O O O O <eve opment of <isease free Fones 9eat industry Anima feeds <airy "ndustry 6ides, :kins and %eather "ndustries

%&1&'&, Fisheries #ector

O County residents need to be en#ouraged to take up fish farming.

%&1&'&- Education #ector

O Constru#tion of ne! s#hoo s and universities $ an e,isting #o ege ike Bukura
Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)


Kakamega County Blueprint

Agri#u tura Co ege #an be upgraded to offer degrees.

%&1&'&. Mineral Resources

Kakamega County has untapped go d, iron and stee . -e need investors !ho #an undertake e,p oration and mining.

%&1&'&/ 0uilding and Construction "ndustry

Kakamega County has a shortage of housing units and therefore both o#a and foreign investment in this se#tor is !e #ome.

%&1&'&11 Coo$erative 2evelo$ment

8esidents of this #ounty shou d be en#ouraged to form #ooperative movement !hi#h !i ensure that e#onomies of s#a es are enAoyed in pur#hase of inputs and enhan#e bargaining po!er in marketing the outputs.

<&"&# )e4el of ,n4es-men-s in Ka8ame*a Coun-y

The eve of investment in the County is sti very o!. This has #ontributed to the high poverty eve s and unemp oyment in the #ounty. Con#erted efforts are re3uired to make the County attra#tive for both o#a and foreign investors. -e need investments !hi#h #an #reate both ba#k!ard and for!ard inkages !hi#h in turn !i #reate mu tip ier effe#t in the County.

<&"&:& Challen*es Fa'in* he Coun-y in A--ra'-in* Ne9 ,n4es-men-s

O O ;oor roads and a#k of infrastru#ture N 9ost of the roads in the County are in poor #ondition and the infrastru#ture is not !e deve oped. ;o iti#a interferen#e N ;o iti#s in the various #onstituen#ies has p ayed a negative ro e in attra#tion of investors. A good e,amp e on ho! po iti#s has affe#ted investor #onfiden#e is found in the Buta i N -est Kenya Fa#tories fias#o. 6igh eve of Bureau#ra#y N The #urrent government approva pro#edures for ne! investments are not investor friend y. 'e! investors are subAe#ted to stringent i#ensing pro#ess !hi#h amount to !hat is #ommon y referred to as red tape. ;oor ;ur#hasing ;o!er $ Though the County has the se#ond argest popu ation numbers, the maAority of it sti ive be o! the poverty ine. There is a#k of market for some industria goods. ;oor deve opment manpo!er N "nvestors !ish to o#ate themse ves in areas !here there is #heap ski ed abour. The County a#ks ade3uate ski ed



Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)

Kakamega County Blueprint


manpo!er for some industries. ;oor art of :avings N The eve o# investment is dire#t y re ated to the eve of savings. The #u ture of savings is not !e deve oped among the residents of the County and hen#e o! eve of investment by the o#a s. %a#k of transparen#y and a##ountabi ity N Foreign investors go to #ountries !hi#h #arry on business above board. Our #urrent nationa government has not eradi#ated #orruption and therefore !e a#k transparen#y and a##ountabi ity in our dea ings.

<&"&< ,n'en-i4es -o A--ra'- ,n4es-men-s in Ka8ame*a Coun-y

O O O O "mprove our road net!ork and revamp our infrastru#ture "mprove on our po iti#s su#h that it shou d be issue based and not hi##up to deve opment. %i#ensing pro#edures need to be revie!ed to #ut do!n on red tape. 'e! investments in the County !i resu t into #reation of emp oyment opportunities !hi#h !i improve the pur#hasing po!er of the o#a #ommunity. -e need to ook for market opportunity beyond the boundaries of the County. There is need to in#rease midd e eve #o eges to rain a poo of ski ed manpo!er !hi#h #an be re ied upon in the o#a industries. The #u ture of savings needs to be in#u #ated into the County residents through seminars and bara7as in order to #reate o#a resour#es for investment. Kakamega County shou d be de# ared #orruption free 7one and must #u tivate the #u ture of transparen#y and a##ountabi ity.


<&"&> $riori-y Areas 9i-h )i8ely Mul-i1lier Effe'- in -he Coun-y %&1&,&1 Construction o a Re erral and Training 3ealth "nstitution
Kakamega County has a popu ation of over +../ mi ion !hi#h remain untapped. -ith estab ishment of a referra and training institution in the County, !e e,pe#t to train hea th professiona s !ho !i be uti i7ed !ithin the #ounty and the e,#ess e,ported either to other #ounties or abroad. 8e#ent survey, indi#ate that there is a shortage of hea th personne !or d!ide and therefore !e need to take advantage by training peop e to fi this gap. -ith estab ishment of su#h institution !e anti#ipate a ot of emp oyment opportunities to be generated either dire#t y or indire#t y. The institution !i emp oy staff and !i #reate need for housing and food. This kind of institution !i #reate mu tip ier effe#t in the e#onomy of the County.

Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)


Kakamega County Blueprint

%&1&,&' Construction o a Five #tar 3otel 4 3os$itality College

O Kakamega County is ri#h !ith various tourist attra#tions. This is a home of origina e3uatoria forest !ith over 2** spe#ies of birds. The forest is a so ri#h !ith #obra snakes !hi#h are tourist attra#tion. -e have uni3ue features su#h as the #rying stone and various pastimes su#h as bu fighting, #o#kfighting and isukuti dan#ers. Constru#tion of a five star hote !ith fa#i ities that go !ith it !i make the #ounty tourist attra#tion destination and this !i earn the #ounty foreign e,#hange. The institution !i #reate emp oyment opportunities by dire#t emp oyment and indire#t y by #reating a market for farm produ#e. This !i a so #reate need for housing !hi#h the County residents #an take advantage of. The hospita ity #o ege !i #reate manpo!er to be uti i7ed !ithin the #ounty and for e,port.

%&1&,&( "m$ort #ubstitution 5entures 6Poultry7 Fishing and 2airy8

Kakamega County is net importer of pou try, fish and dairy produ#ts. There is urgent need to assist the residents to go into a#tive produ#tion. -e need to reverse the trend of re ying on the other #ounties on goods !hi#h #an be produ#ed o#a y. -e therefore need to partner !ith mi#ro finan#e institutions su#h Finan#ia :ervi#es Asso#iations to disburse o! interest finan#e to our entrepreneurs. O "n$#ase of pou try farming, a farmer !i be supp ied !ith #hi#ks and foodstuffs ti su#h time the farmer is stab e and ab e to start repayment. For farmers !ho !ish to venture in fis farming, !e get the ponds made, fish supp ied and foodstuff for fish. For dairy farmers a !e need is to en#ourage the farmers to put up the she ter for the #o! and the F:A then finan#es the pur#hase of the anima . O -ith the produ#tion in the three fie ds !e sha aim to be se f suffi#ient and to e,port the e,#ess. As the position stands, !e re y on eggs from 'akuru and even :outh Afri#a and yet this #an be produ#ed o#a y. The three a#tivities !i #reate emp oyment, spur e#onomi# gro!th and he p redu#e or eradi#ate poverty. From the above, !e urgent y need to strengthen the Finan#ia :ervi#e Asso#iations by #arrying out an audit of their operations and management #apa#ity. -e sha therefore need to ensure that every #onstituen#y has put in p a#e an F:A. O

<&"&? Finan'ial 0er4i'es

A##ess to rura finan#ia servi#es has a potentia to make a differen#e in agri#u tura produ#tivity, food se#urity and poverty redu#tion. "n Kakamega County, a#ks of an effi#ient, sustainab e and !ide y a##essib e rura finan#ia system remain a


Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)

Kakamega County Blueprint

deve opment #ha enge. Kakamega County has arge popu ation that is not a##essib e to finan#ia servi#es. Banking servi#es for e,amp e, is #on#entrated in Kakamega to!n in %urambi #onstituen#y and 9umias to!n in 9umias #onstituen#y. The other seven #onstituen#ies name y Butere, Kh!isero, "ko omani, :hinya u, 9atungu, 9a ava and %ugari do not have banking institutions. Finan#ia servi#e asso#iations have emerged in some #onstituen#ies su#h as 9umias,Butere, Kh!isero and 9a ava !hi#h offer minimum finan#ia servi#es. A re#ent survey indi#ates that the region re#eives a ot of money through 9$pesa servi#es and the fe! banks in the area hand e arge deposits. The area re#eives a ot if funds su#h as C<F, %ATF, Douth <eve opment Fund, :#hoo funds for free edu#ation !hi#h are a hand ed through mainstream banking institution. Kakamega County must therefore move !ith speed to #onsider the fo o!ing5

%&1&-&1 #etting 9$ 0an+

The Kakamega County Forum had hat#hed an idea to start a regiona Bank through sa e of shares to members. As Kakamega #ounty government !i need to e,p ore further on possibi ity of starting a regiona bank in tandem !ith the !ishes of the #oun#i of e ders. -e sha therefore e,amine the ne! a! frame!ork to ensure that !e #omp y !ith it on formation of a bank.

%&1&-&' #trengthening o Financial #ervice Associations

Kakamega County !i need to strengthen finan#ia servi#es asso#iations by supporting them. 4very #onstituen#y has to put up an F:A in p a#e and the County government !i disburse proAe#t funds for poverty eradi#ation through F:As. These !i in# ude funds for pou try, fish, dairy and other produ#tive a#tivities aimed at making the County se f suffi#ient in food and to be a net e,porter.

%&1&-&( Formation o #accos

Kakamega County !i need to sensiti7e the residents to form :a##os in various sub se#tors. This !i ensure that e#onomies of s#a es are enAoyed in buying inputs and se ing the output.

<& ,n-ro.u'-ion -o Manufa'-urin*

There are no heavy$duty manufa#turing fa#i ities in the County. 6o!ever, industria i7ation of a given area #an be very invo ving sin#e it depends upon many varying fa#tors !hi#h in# ude avai abi ity of the re evant ra! materia s for the p anned industry in its vi#inity, e,isting and potentia markets (marketing strategy) for the e,pe#ted produ#ts, p ant #apa#ity, et#. "n the absen#e of heavy duty manufa#turing industries in the area, it is impossib e to pro#ess the most !ide y used ferrous engineering ra! materia s for the further manufa#ture into
Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)


Kakamega County Blueprint industria goods.


Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)

Kakamega County Blueprint

The various ight duty manufa#turing p ants avai ab e are spread over the to!ns, to!n #oun#i s>to!nships and trading #entres o f the #ounty. Among these produ#tion fa#i ities are mi#ro$to$sma !orkshops at !hi#h diverse produ#ts from stee , timber, ;@C materia s, et# are manufa#tured. ;redominant among the manufa#turing pro#esses most #ommon y app ied are the !e ding and fabri#ation pro#esses that are !ide y emp oyed in the informa manufa#turing se#tor, popu ar y kno!n as =ua Ka i. 9eta $#utting pro#esses su#h as ma#hinery, dri ing, grinding, et# are not as !idespread in the informa se#tor as the heat$Aoining pro#esses. 6o!ever, meta $ #utting, fitting& and assemb y pro#esses are !ide y #arried out at the fe! e,isting forma se#tor !orkshops. The above mentioned manufa#turing fa#i ities are simp y inade3uate for the produ#tion of suffi#ient industria goods for sa e in order to effe#t e#onomi# gro!th for this e,pansive and popu ous #ounty. Therefore, further industria i7ation of the manufa#turing industry is essentia for faster deve opment of the area. "n many manufa#turing ight industries of the #ounty there is no dire#t re ationship bet!een marketing and p ant #apa#ity of the same enterprise. This is basi#a y due to the fa#t that su#h industria proAe#ts !ere #reated !ithout prior professiona p anning. As a resu t manufa#turing a#tivities are usua y #arried out and goods produ#ed !ithout tangib e marketing p ans and sa es programmes. "f the entrepreneurs running su#h enterprises !ant to boost their sa es in#ome, then they !i have to a##ept some professiona #orre#tive measures. An e,isting enterprise is e,pe#ted to have estab ished re iab e markets for its produ#ts, so that the promotion of the sa es in#ome #an be #on#entrated on demand and market study for future manufa#turing operations. Fie d resear#h findings indi#ate that some p ant o!ners>managers do not even keep up to date re#ords of their business transa#tions. "t is vita to maintain su#h re#ords for future referen#e and resear#h into possib e market penetration for a parti#u ar produ#t(s).

To identify and ana y7e e,isting manufa#turing enterprises in the #ounty to enab e further p anning for the promotion of sa es programmes of the p ants, p an for short$ term upgrading and e,pansion of some of them, and dra! up ong$term p ans for the #reation of ne! additiona ones for possib e diversifi#ation of produ#tion programmes.

To estab ish the e,a#t data in# uding numbers, types, si7es, et# p ants, design short$term p ans for the promotion and e,pansion organi7ed among these p ants, and fina y dra! up ong$term p ans of ne! additiona manufa#turing fa#i ities for possib e introdu#tion produ#tion programmes.
Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)

of the e,isting of a fe! better for the #reation of diversified of


Kakamega County Blueprint

:b;ectives o the "ndustrialization Plans:

The obAe#tives and the goa s they are intended to a#hieve #an be very #ha enging in a deve oping #ounty>state su#h as Kakamega>Kenya if not ade3uate y p anned. "t is therefore ne#essary to sp it the goa s into the fo o!ing t!o units of genera obAe#tives and a spe#ifi# obAe#tive for the purpose of a more effe#tives and a spe#ifi# obAe#tive for the purpose of a more effe#tive ana ysis of the industria i7ation agenda. ?enera obAe#tives5$ O To p an for the imp ementation of more intensive manufa#turing a#tivities at a e,isting produ#tion fa#i ities of the #ounty for the purpose of higher produ#tivity and the #orresponding improved sa es in#ome& O To prepare short$term p ans under !hi#h some of the enterprises mentioned above #an be promoted and>or e,panded in the foreseeab e future in order to upgrade their manufa#turing output for better returns on their investment& O To dra! up ong$term p ans affe#ting the industria i7ation pro#ess throughout the #ounty.

<& &" Re'ommen.a-ions

O O "n order to over#ome the stiff #ompetition that is evident at the !e ding and fabri#ation sheds of the informa manufa#turing industry, it is adviseab e for this #ategory of manufa#turers to adAust the #urrent produ#tion programmes. To a#hieve high returns on investment in the shortest time possib e, the produ#tion manager of a given manufa#turing enterprise have to introdu#e intensified programmes for the manufa#ture of popu ar produ#ts, thus in#reasing the produ#tion rate and redu#ing do!ntime. ; an for the introdu#tion of manufa#turing programmes that !i enab e the manufa#ture of diverse produ#ts in both the forma and informa produ#tion industries. This re3uirement #a s for the e,pansion of some of the e,isting p ants and the #reation of ne! ones a#ross the #ounty. <ra! a #omprehensive ong$tem p an for the transformation of Kakamega to!n from a re ative y itt e deve oped poor area to a medium N to N high y deve oped I!e fare #ountyJ #omparab e to #ertain #ountries in #ontinenta 4urope !hi#h in the +0.*s and +0)*s !ere popu ar y referred to as -4%FA84 :TAT4: o!ing to their strong e#onomi# performan#e then. To app y #orre#tive measures by introdu#ing modern marketing and sa es programs into some of the e,isting manufa#turing enterprises& To mat#h up the marketing strategies of individua produ#tion fa#i ities !ith the #orresponding p ant #apa#ities& To in# ude the #on#eptua p ans stated under vision, mission and obAe#tives into the industria i7ation pro#ess for the #ounty& To se e#t an effe#tive resear#h methodo ogy for the preparation of industria feasibi ity studies for purposes of industria i7ation& <eve op infrastru#ture su#h as a $!eather road net!orks&, three$phase po!er



Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)

County Blueprint supp y, !ater supp y systems, rai !ay et# shou d be Kakamega #onsidered and put in

Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)


Kakamega County Blueprint


p a#e before any meaningfu industria i7ation pro#ess #an be effe#ted. <eve op effe#tive and re iab e te#hni3ues of manufa#turing, modern te#hno ogy, suitab e #ivi engineering !orks and !e 3ua ified and e,perien#ed manpo!er. <etai ed resear#hes have to be #arried out to determine the avai abi ity of ra! materia s in different areas. Feasib e and viab e proAe#ts to be imp emented in a##ordan#e !ith the systemati#a y pre$p anned s#hedu es. The fo o!ing are some of the more obvious potentia areas of industria i7ation !ithin the County. O O O O O O O O O ? ass manufa#turing p ant N 9useno N :hinya u :tee manufa#turing from iron ore N :himanyiro Of "ko omani Ferti i7er manufa#turing :ign stones (ti es) N " esi ;osho mi ers N %ugari :un f o!er>pa m trees #ooking oi N %ugari Anima feeds Avo#adoes (for diese ) 9o assess pro#essing p ant (Kakamega) areas of industria i7ation that re3uire immediate resear#hes are the ? ass manufa#turing industry :tee pro#essing industry 9o asses pro#essing industry 9otor vehi# e #omponent manufa#turing. The po yte#hni#s $ :iga aga a, :hamberere, and Bushianga a have the ne#essary e3uipments to produ#e the motor vehi# e #omponents.

'ote5 The three fo o!ing5$ O O O O O

<&#&" $ro1ose. , /en-ures Fruit and 5egetable Plant

The proposed edib e Oi ; ant !i produ#e refined oi for human #onsumption from ground nuts, #otton seed, sunf o!ers and simsim. By$produ#ts !i a so be produ#ed from the p ant, i.e oi #ake and fatty a#ids to be used by the anima feed industry. The #onstru#tion of the proposed industry !i promote the #u tivation of sunf o!ers, simsim and ground nuts and !i in#rease in#ome earning opportunities in the region. :ma and medium s#a e pro#essing p ants #an a so be estab ished to produ#e preserved fruits and #ordia s, dried vegetab es, and tomatoes and #hi y sau#es. <ehydration !i e,tend the she f ife of vegetab es !ithout affe#ting its taste and nutritiona va ue. The p ant !i so ve the produ#e fruit Aui#es from mangoes, pa!pa!, avo#ado, passion, oranges, guavas, pineapp e, banana, et#.


Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)

Kakamega County Blueprint

Tannery Plant
Both # imate and #u ture pra#ti#es !ithin the #ounty favour the rearing of #att e, sheep and goats. The arge number of hides and skins produ#ed ensures ade3ua#y and viabi ity of a tannery p ant in the main obAe#tive of the p ant !i be to pro#ess hides and skins to #reate in#ome earning opportunities and emp oyment to the #ommunity. The p ant !i produ#e eather and sp it eather from hides and skins for making of be ts, bags and shoes. Current y the hides and skins produ#ed in the provin#e are taken to distant tanneries in# uding Kita e, 'akuru and 'airobi.

Maize milling $lant&

9ai7e is the main foodstuff as !e one of the maAor #ash #rops for the peop e in Kakamega County. The one of the maAor produ#ers of mai7e in the #ountry. -ith good marketing system, farmers !i be en#ouraged to gro! more mai7e. The #urrent produ#tion eve s in the #ounty #an support a mai7e mi ing p ant. From the p ant, sifted mai7e mea !i be produ#ed. The by$produ#ts, mai7e germ and mai7e bran #an be used in oi pro#essing and anima feeds fa#tory, respe#tive y.

Animal eeds
One prob em !hi#h has hampered the rapid e,p oitation of the regionBs ivesto#k and fishery resour#es has been shortage of ivesto#k and fish feeds. The anima feed avai ab e is itt e and e,pensive. The anima feed p ant !i use mai7e, sunf o!er, simsim and #otton #akes as base materia s. The feed p ant !i a so manufa#ture feeds for a other types of ivesto#k that are reared in the region. The !ho e of Kakamega County depends on #ommer#ia ivesto#k feeds from outside the provin#e, yet there are o#a ra! materia s that #an be used to produ#e the feeds. The sugar fa#tories in the #ounty produ#e mo asses and bagasse !hi#h #an supp ement to other avai ab e materia s ike mai7e, sunf o!er, simsim, et#.

Poultry 2evelo$ment Plant

The proAe#t is intended to in#rease produ#tion and #onsumption of pou try and en#ourage pou try keeping by providing broi ers and day o d #hi#ks. The proAe#t !i in# ude the estab ishment of a hat#hery, a s aughter house, and anima feed p ant.

Con ectionery "ndustry

KenyaBs #onfe#tionery p ants produ#ing different kind s!eets are main y
Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)


Kakamega Blueprint o#ated in County 'airobi. Besides the regiona opportunities

demand in Pthere are #onsiderab e


Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)

Kakamega County Blueprint

for regiona e,port. :ugar as the main ra! materia for the #onfe#tionery industry a##ounts for about 0/K of the tota ra! materia input re3uirements. The proposed industry !i further improve the e#onomi# situation of the sugar se#tor in the #ounty.

0uilding materials Plant

8o#k and soi formation in the provin#e are idea for e,tra#tion of bui ding materia s. 4,posed ro#ks of different kinds are #ommon in the provin#e. A p ant ba ast on arge s#a e in the #ounty #an generate emp oyment and in#omes to the e,panding abour for#e. 8o#k out#rop formations are !ide spread. Apart from produ#ing ba ast, b asted ro#ks #an a so be #ut and po ished and used as ornamenta s abs in the bui ding industry. The #rushed stones #an a so be used to make #ement b o#ks !ith #ement and ba ast as the ra! materia s. The red # ay in the provin#e #an a so be used to prepare bri#ks and roof$ti es. The estab ishment of sma $s#a e bri#k p ants is proposed to initiate industria promotion in the provin#e. 8ed # ay for bri#k produ#tion is avai ab e at many p a#es in -estern provin#e. :evera bri#k making te#hno ogies e,ist but one that !i be appropriate for the provin#e !i be a simp e, abour intensive te#hno ogy. C ay$ bri#k pressing ma#hines are appropriate, as they are abour$intensive. They !i in#rease emp oyment and in#omes. The manufa#ture of roof ti es !ou d be an additiona ine for the bri#keries. There is an in#reasing demand of roof ti es espe#ia y in the maAor market #enters. A third produ#tion ine !ou d be the manufa#ture of air$#ured, fired and g a7ed f oor ti es a so made from red # ay. -ngineering and ,er&i"e Centre The estab ishment of Te#hni#a :ervi#e Centre in Kakamega County is #onsidered important for a broader e#onomi# deve opment. A though some repair fa#i ities, e.g for motors, pumps and e e#tri#a e3uipment, are avai ab e in maAor urban #entres in the provin#e they are re ative y ess te#hno ogi#a than the ones found in maAor to!ns ike 'airobi, 'akuru and 4 doret. For superior and advan#ed repairs the provin#e turns primari y to !orkshops in Kisumu, 'akuru, 4 doret and 'airobi. The te#hni#a servi#e #entre !i need to be estab ished to #ater for the servi#e demand in the area. The :ervi#e Centre !i provide va uab e support to repair se#tor espe#ia y radio and !at#h repair, bi#y# e repair, and garages. :in#e the too s and e3uipment are unfortunate y poor the maAority of the shops do on y simp e repair !ork. :ervi#es are fre3uent y #ombined !ith some kind of retai ing. The p ant #an a so produ#e simp e ma#hines that are usua y used in the sma $ s#a e enterprises in the maAor urban and market #entres. :ome of these ma#hines in# ude !e ding ma#hines. This !ou d redu#e produ#tion #osts in the =ua Ka i se#tor as most of their e3uipment are bought from distant areas outside the provin#e. The
Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)


Kakamega County Blueprint

engineering !orkshop #ou d a so assemb e bi#y# es. The demand for bi#y# es is very high in the provin#e and su#h investment #ou d #ontribute signifi#ant y to improve transportation. The servi#e #entre !i provide servi#es ike the produ#tion of high 3ua ity stee !indo!s, doors and tabu ar stee furniture for the o#a market. The sheet meta !orkers #ou d make bu#kets, oi burners, #har#oa stoves and other simp e househo d goods. The servi#e #entre !ou d not phase out the #urrent =ua Ka i se#tor& rather it !i stimu ate, #omp ement and enhan#e the ro e p ayed by the se#tor in the e#onomi# deve opment of the region.

Pig Com$le< Plant

The proAe#ts !i invo ve the estab ishment of breeding Centres for distributing pigs to #ontra#t farmers and the provision of e,tension servi#es. 9eat pro#essing, b ood, and bone mea s fa#tories !i be in# uded in this #omp e, to pro#ess pigs. This !i stimu ate the produ#tion of more pigs in the provin#e. ;ro#essing p ants for fish meat and fi ets #an be estab ished at se e#ted areas. The resear#h>training fa#i ities !i be #ombined !ith the operation of fish ponds, some of !hi#h !i serve as finger ings produ#tion. Artifi#ia feed p ants !i be estab ished not on y for these demonstration ponds but a so for en#ouraging various forms of fish #u ture by individua s. ?ro!n in @ihiga. The produ#tion of the #rop is eviden#ed espe#ia y during may

0ody Care Plant

The #ounty has a ot of potentia for a body otion p ant. Avo#ado !i be a maAor ra! materia . The #rop is e,tensive y market days in the distri#t. The fema e popu ation, the maAor users of body otions, is a so 3uite high in the provin#e. The age group +/ N .* years (fema e) is #onsidered as the most a#tive in body otion use. The tota popu ation in this age group is estimated at +1(,/*+ in +00). "t is estimated that the popu ation !hi#h is !i ing and ab e to use body otion is about ./K of the tota fema e popu ation in the age group +/ N .*. This trans ates to a popu ation of about .*,*** in +00).


Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)

Kakamega County Blueprint

>&! )AN% AN% 5OU0,NG
>&" )AN%
For the onger term, demo#rati# dia ogue shou d be en#ouraged on su#h #riti#a matters as repossession and a o#ation of ands #urrent y under uti i7ed and mere y kept for spe#u ative purposes and the possib e introdu#tion a #ei ing to the amount of and any one individua may o!n. :u#h fundamenta de#isions !i in#reasing y be#ome #riti#a if Kenya>#ounty is to manage this so#ia s#ourge #a ed and essness.

>& 5OU0,NG
O O O O For staff to be #onstru#ted in every sub #ounty N head 3uarters. Tourists # ass hote s five star to be #onstru#ted at Bukhakunga>Buyangu> Kuvasa i hi s respe#tive y ?o f 6ote ?o f 6ote to be pro#ured and be upgraded to / :tar 6ote s !ith / presidentia suits to attra#t tourists.

#tate 3ouse
O O O :tate house to be #onverted into governorBs residen#e. ;ension s#heme to be provided to the o d age and a o!an#es paid per month "nsuran#e s#heme for o d age to be provided to #ater medi#ation

O O Kakamega ;rovin#ia 6ospita to be rehabi itated and #onstru#ted to #ater for a referra status. A bran#h high rise bui ding be #onstru#ted and atta#hed to 9asinde 9u iro Cniversity !ith resear#h fa#i ities and medi#a training. 6ospita s to be #onstru#ted in every sub #ounty.

=a+amega Prison
O O O O To be re o#ated to :hikusa and same to be used as Commer#ia enterprise. Kakamega #hi dren home>remand to be re o#ated to :hikusa and same to be #onverted to 9asinde 9u iro Cniversity. %a! Courts To be improved and e,panded to #ater for more Audges and magistrates by bui dings high$rise stru#tures and de#entra i7e, by #onstru#ting a! #ourts to every sub #ounties.
Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)


Kakamega County Blueprint

O O O 4a#h sub #ounty sha have a bran#h of 9asinde 9u iro Cniversity #ampus> #o ege. The Cniversity to e,pand to :hikusa. ;o yte#hni# Cniversity to be #onstru#ted at :iga aga a ;o yte#hni#. ;o yte#hni#s to be #onstru#ted in ea#h sub #ounty.

#econdary #chools
O 4a#h sub #ounty to #onstru#t a nationa s#hoo e3uiva ent to A ian#e 6igh s#hoo .

4a#h sub #ounty to #onstru#t5$ O Te#hni#a institute O Agri#u tura institute O 9edi#a institute O Tourism institute O Others

O O %urambi, 8osterman, 9araba, Ama emba, %ubao, Khayegam :hinya u 'B5 ?enera y, a markets to be upgraded to urban #entres. 4a#h to dra! up a master p an that !i in# ude se!age, roads, p ayground, markets et#.

4a#h sub #ounty to #onstru#t a modern stadium. O The #urrent stadium at Kakamega to be re o#ated to :hikusa 'yayo Tea Fone and be up graded to "nternationa eve .

Electric Rail!ay #ystem

8ai !ay ine to be #onstru#ted from Butere and #onne#ted to a sub #ounties.

O O O O The 4;F :hou d be at #ounty head 3uarter N near the airport Tea fa#tory to be #onstru#ted in :hinya u. Ferti i7er fa#tory be #onstru#ted at 9atungu using soi . To #onstru#t mentho fa#tory using mo asses from -est Kenya, Buta i :ugar fa#tories et# to be a o#ated in Kakamega to!n. O Constru#t #ei ing boards using baggus materia s from the above fa#tories in Kakamega to!n.


Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)

Kakamega County Blueprint


Constru#t anima feeds fa#tory N Kakamega 6>Q. Constru#t edib e oi fa#tory in %ugari Constru#t pork fa#tory N an investor to be sort. Constru#t #hi#ken hat#hing fa#tory in Kakamega Constru#t mushroom fa#tory in Kakamega 4n#ourage bee keeping farming in the entire #ounty. Ba ast 3uarry p ant to be set at Kuvasa i 6i for #ommer#ia purposes. Cemeteries Cemeteries and shou d be set aside in the entire #ounty for those !ho depart in a urban #entres.

Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)


Kakamega County Blueprint

?&" ,n-ro.u'-ion
Kakamega County is the se#ond argest #ounty in Kenya. One of the main e#onomi# a#tivities in the #ounty are Tourist attra#tion sites ike Kakamega Forest, Caves and The #rying stone. Kakamega County has arge s#a e :ugar#ane farming 9i,ed !ith three sugar produ#ing fa#tories. Tea is a so p anted in Kakamega County but pro#essed in the neighboring @ihiga County. There is potentia for #u tivation of :oya beans, :un f o!er and ;rodu#tion of <airy ;rodu#ts.. :in#e the adoption and ratifi#ation of Kyoto ;roto#o on # imate #hange in <e#ember +00), g oba !arming has #ontinued to be a big #ha enge. <eve oping #ountries have #ontinued to e,#eed their emission re3uirements. The outer areas the forest is being fe ed to burn #har#oa and farm in the area. 4n#roa#hment into the forest for farming and anima keeping o#a #ommunities. Commer#ia isation of tree p anting has ed to p anting of e,oti# tree spe#ies redu#ing indigenous tree spe#ies. <ep etion of forest has in#reased human !i d ife #onf i#t in the affe#ted areas 9igration of !i d ife to other e#osystems. <estru#tion of s#eneries by human a#tivities ike the #rying stone. <estru#tion of natura e#osystems and !et ands for farming and #onstru#tion a#tivities. ;ri#es of #ommon #ommodities going high due to s#ar#ity eading to high #ost of iving. 4,tin#tion of some traditiona food #rops and #ash #rops e evating famine and poverty. e. 9i et, Beans, Tea (A##ording to #a/ent #odel, in the year (*/*, there !i be no tea gro!ing in Keri#ho, Bomet and ?u#ha if the #urrent trend of # ima#ti# #onditions #ontinues. %ong spe s of drought eading to o! produ#tivity in the manufa#turing se#tor ike 9umias sugar #ompany. 9assive do!nsi7ing of staff due to high #ost of produ#tion and a#k of ra! materia e.g. 9umias. "mpassab e roads #aused by f ooding making transportation of #ommodities impossib e and eading to massive osses. -e have high preva en#e rates of diseases ike ma aria in the #ounty asso#iated !ith in#rease in temperatures and errati# f ooding. "ntrodu#tion of ne! diseases and #onditions ike #an#ers, typhoid !hi#h due to the #hanges in the environment and #ompetition for imited resour#es. Our medi#a fa#i ities are over stret#hed and a ot of resour#es diverted to hand e strange hea th #ondition. "n#rease of !ater borne diseases su#h as #ho era due to in#rease in ma aria be#ause of in#rease in temperature and "n#rease in respiratory diseases due to in#reased movement of humid and !arm air masses. Over$stret#hing of hea th fa#i ities due to in#rease of diseases. "n#rease in temperature due to g oba !arming has ed to dusty #onditions !hi#h have ed to the in#rease of the Aigger mena#e and eye infe#tions in some areas !ithin the #ounty. <e#rease in food produ#tion be#ause of de ayed rainfa . %ands ides


Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)

#aused by f ooding in

Kakamega County Blueprint

Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)


Kakamega County Blueprint

Khubasa i in 9a ava have interfered !ith human sett ement. 6arsh # imati#a y #onditions that ead to o! agri#u tura produ#e have resu ted to peop e migrating from rura areas to urban areas making peop e move to urban areas. This has strained the infrastru#tura fa#i ities in the to!ns. 4n#roa#hment of forests for sett ement in sear#h of produ#tive and has ed to redu#tion in forest #over e.g. Kakamega Forest. 6uman N !i d ife #onf i#t. :ome !i d anima s su#h as monkeys and 6ippos have been for#ed to invade farms be#ause of destru#tion of their natura habitat. 8oads be#ome impassab e during f oods e.g. :iga aga a N Butere road. 4,isting road net!orks have been destroyed due to strong !inds and storms e.g. roads in %ugari and 9atete. Cntime y de ivery of farm produ#e to the markets be#ause of poor roads. Fre3uent me#hani#a breakdo!n of #ars due to bad roads #aused by # imate #hange effe#ts !hi#h in#reases #osts of maintenan#e making transport #ost high. Over re ian#e on !ood fue for energy has ed to redu#ed forest #over. ;o!er b a#kouts #aused by effe#ts of heavy rains and storms impa#ting negative y of produ#tion se#tor and other institutions.

?& &" 0WOT Analysis

:T84'?T6 Favorab e # imate 6igh %and ferti ity 6igh number of edu#ated professiona s. %arge number of initiatives %arge number of natura rivers. 8i#h #u ture. "gnoran#e of the popu ation %arger of a #oordination of a#tivities. "ndividua ism %arge attra#tion touristi# attra#tion sites <iversity of agri$produ#ts for e,port %arge area for e,pansion ;o iti#s <ep etion of natura resour#es. Corruption




?& & $E0TE) Analysis

;O%"T"CA% ;o iti#a interferen#e 6igh po iti#a b o#ks


Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)

Kakamega County Blueprint


6igh number of readi y avai ab e human resour#es. 6as diversity of ;rodu#ts. 6as fe! number of industries 4,pansive area for #arrying out e#onomi# a#tivities. <iversity of re igious be ieves. <iversity of #u tura a#tivities 6igh number #u tura festivities :ett ement into # usters of vi ages and a ike #ommunities. %arge #overage of e e#tri#ity #onne#tivity. 9obi e phone possession is high. %o! eve of itera#y in "CT Centers of te#hno ogy most y o#ated in urban #enters. %o! po ution eve s %arge number of fresh !ater sour#es. ;oor !aste disposa methods. 6igh diversity of both f ora and fauna. Favorab e # imati# #onditions for p ant gro!th and anima s




?&# Main ,n.i'a-ors of Clima-e in -he Re*ion

8ainfa , Temperatures, O##urren#es of 'atura <isasters, <isease @e#tors, Change spatia distribution of p ant and anima spe#ies 4stab ish a!areness and #apa#ity bui ding programmes. Carry out a forestation !ith the right spe#ies of vegetation. ;roper data on the indi#ators shou d be kept to aid in p anning and tra#king of environmenta trends. 8egu ation of #ommon y used resour#es to avoid over e,p oitation. <eve op a ternative sour#es of energy e.g. biogas, :o ar 8o#ket stoves, !ind, fire ess #ookers. 8ehabi itation of degraded areas. <eve op an ear y !arning system e.g. Community radios. -aste re#y# ing of muni#ipa !aste to avoid the re ease of 9ethane in open !aste dumps. 4nfor#ement of #onservation po i#ies 9ainstreaming of # imate #hange #on#ept into a offi#ia government po i#ies and various earning #urri#u ums. ;ra#ti#ing of organi# farming for sustainab e farming. 4stab ish Carbon Credit partnership proAe#ts e.g. 9umias :ugar Co. !ith 6yundai in the use of Baggasse in #ogeneration of 4 e#tri#ity, ;roposed partnership of Carbon Credit proAe#t in Kakamega Forest.


Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)

Kakamega County Blueprint

?&:&" $ro1ose. 0hor- -erm 0-ra-e*ies

O O O O O O O O O O O O ; anting of drought resistant and ear y maturing varieties. Creation of dams and reservoirs to #o e#t over f o! !ater for future use. 8ain !ater harvesting Changing of eating habits. Keeping of drought resistan#e anima s "ntrodu#e the #on#ept of P# eaner produ#tionB to #urb on high #ost of produ#tion. "nvest in !ater purifi#ation p ants. :#a e up immuni7ation programmes and estab ish more hea th fa#i ities. Bui ding of Tarma# roads to ease transportation. 4stab ish gene banks for endangered spe#ies(Fauna>F ora) <iversify touristi# attra#tion sites other than the estab ished ones. 4stab ish green houses to raise endangered #rops.

-&)& ' Pro;ect Model

The proAe#t !i be e,e#uted using5$ O Awareness and Training5 This !i invo ve identifying and se e#ting estab ished groups training and #reating a!areness. O -stablishment o$ ead 0roups+ These groups !i be the #onta#t groups !ithin the #ommunity to provide information and spearhead the imp ementation of the a#tivities. O -stablish $ield training and 1emonstration Centres+ "dentify #enters dea ing !ith spe#ifi# #omponents of the interventions. O -stablish more a"ti&ities in the $ield2 1ata "olle"tion2 #onitoring and )eporting+ These !i ensure o!nership of the a#tivities and their #ontinuity. O *orking with (artners+ These !i provide the ne#essary resour#es.

Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)


Kakamega County Blueprint

;&" ,n-ro.u'-ion
The state sha take measures, in# uding affirmative a#tion Douth programmes, to ensure that the youth5$ A##ess re evant edu#ation and training. 6ave opportunities to asso#iate, be represented and parti#ipate in po iti#a , so#ia , e#onomi# and other spheres of ife. A##ess emp oyment and are prote#ted from harmfu #u tura pra#ti#es and e,p oitation. Anyone bet!een +E years and 1/ years of age is a youth. The above information is as 3uoted in the Kenyan #onstitution #on#erning the youth in Kenya a##ording to #hapter t!o of the #onstitution. "n #hapter one, it states that a po!er be ongs to the peop e of Kenya and sha be e,er#ised on y in a##ordan#e !ith this #onstitution. The peop e may e,er#ise their sovereign po!er either dire#t y or through their demo#rati#a y e e#ted representatives.

;& You-h
"n Kakamega #ounty, the youth #arry .*K of the popu ation and most of them being fema e !ho are getting married at a tender age making them oose out on high s#hoo edu#ation eading to a#k of fema e professiona s from the area and thus making the #ounty poverty eve in#rease for one to operate and do business !e and #ontribute to the #ountyBs e#onomi# gro!th, edu#ation is very important. The #ountyBs gross domesti# produ#tion is very sma yet it is rated of having the highest popu ation after 'airobi #ounty. The youth in the #ounty engage in footba !hi#h a#ks sponsors thus a#hieving very itt e if not nothing. They a so marry at an ear y stage !ith both the teenage #oup e a#king in#ome. They engage in boda boda as a means of transport thus a sour#e of in#ome though most of them have not trained on motor#y# e thus in#reasing the a##idents eve in the #ounty. Wha- shoul. +e .one6C The teenage #oup e shou d be en#ouraged to go ba#k to s#hoo through the adu t edu#ation system so that they #an fit into the first pa#ed #ountry. ;o yte#hni#s shou d be e3uipped to a##ommodate the youths !ho are not ab e to Aoin the universities The motor#y# ing as boda boda se#tor shou d be regu ari7ed so as before a #y# ist takes off to the road is vetted so as to de#rease the morta ity rates on our roads and a so safe guard our youths.


Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)

County Blueprint Cottage industries shou d be en#ouraged so as to uti i7e Kakamega the manpo!er>human

Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)


Kakamega County Blueprint

resour#e that is ying id e in the #ounty. ;o iti#a parties shou d be restri#ted from oppressing the youth in the po iti#a a#tivities of the #ounty so that the #ounty #an have youth e e#ted as eaders to he p make po i#ies that !i favour or are friend y to the youths in the #ounty

;&# Women
As per the Kenyan Constitution !omen are margina i7ed in the so#iety they are ess represented in the governan#e of the nation. The fo o!ing are the provision as per the Kenyan #onstitution ;arti#ipate and are represented in governan#e and other spheres of ife Are provided spe#ia opportunities in edu#ationa and e#onomi# fie ds Are provided spe#ia opportunities for a##ess to emp oyment <eve op their #u tura va ues, anguages and pra#ti#es and 6ave reasonab e a##ess to !ater, hea th servi#es and infrastru#ture The !omen in Kakamega #ounty make up to 1*K of the popu ation making them the se#ond argest group in the #ounty. -omen are fema e members of the #ommunity both youth adies up to o d age are !omen. Current y, the Kakamega #ounty !omen are not re#ogni7ed in different se#tors of the #ommunity due to the itera#y eve s the #ounty amongst !omen. They are poor y edu#ated thus imiting their #onfiden#e and invo vement in different a#tivities in the #ommunity. "n po iti#a parti#ipation and de#ision making men dominate the po iti#a stage and set the ru es of the po iti#a game and !omen a#k #onfiden#e in vying for po iti#a eadership. The inabi ity to use the !omen voting po!er and numeri#a strength eads to !omen being ignored in the po iti#a fie d& (**1 8A'K 'ationa Assemb y Ambassadors>6igh Commissioners ;ermanent :e#retaries ;rovin#ia Commissioner <istri#t Commissioner <eputy :e#retary Coun#i ors <istri#t Offi#ers Chief =usti#e -O94' 94' +E ) 1 * 1 +0 1)) .E * (*2 () (+ E .E )/ (,2.* 1// + TOTA% ((( 12 (2 E )+ 02 (,E1) 2(1 + K E.+ (*.. +(./ * 2.( (*.( +1.1 +..+ * -O94' +E ++ . * ( (+ 1)) EE + 94' (*2 (0 (/ E .0 )) 1/E + TOTA% ((( 2* 1+ E )+ 0E 22. * (**/ K E.+ ()./ +0.2 * (.E (+.2 +1.1 +0.) *

(,2.* (,E1)


Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)

=udges of Appea 6igh Court =udges Commissioners of Assi7e

+ * +

+( * (

+1 * 1

).) * 11.1

* +( (

Kakamega County Blueprint

+2 2) 1

+2 /0 /

(*.1 2*

Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)


Kakamega County Blueprint

Chief magistrates :enior prin#ipa 9agistrates :enior resident magistrates 8esident 9agistrates <istri#t magistrates Chief Kadhi>Kadhi

. 0 1( /1 E/ *

E+2 +1 // )+ +(+ +)

E(* (( E) +(2 (*. +)

*.)1 2*.0 1..E 2(.) 2+.1 *

. ++ 1E .2 0( *

0 +/ .1 E( +(. +)

+/ (. +*+ +2. (+E +)

2* 2(.1 1).. 21.E 2(.( *

Tota .E( 2,1(2 /,**. )2E 1,.*) 2,1// These figures give the impression of a s o! but steady improvement in !omenBs parti#ipation in po iti#s. A # oser e,amination sho!s, ho!ever, that this is not ne#essari y the #ase. A simi ar trend #an be seen in the eve of !omenBs parti#ipation in %o#a Authorities. 6ere, their eve of parti#ipation in#reased from (.)K in +00( to E.+K and +1.1K in +00) and (**( respe#tive y. These figures do not sho! the number of !omen heading inf uentia #ommittees in %o#a Authorities. -omen are human beings !ith human rights and uni3ue needs affe#ted by po iti#s. -omen have ta ents Aust ike men in eadership and hen#e to be given e3ua opportunity to ead. Therefore !e demand that the government must take pra#ti#a measures to put in pra#ti#e the re#ommendations adopted both at the Fifth Afri#an 8egiona Conferen#e on -omen (<akar, :enega in +002) and the Fourth -or d Conferen#e on -omen (BeiAing, China in +00/). That de#ision making bodies (mi itary, po i#e, Audi#iary, the #ivi servi#e #ommission and other de#ision making bodies) must set #on#rete targets and spe#ifi# time frames for in#reasing the proportion of !omen in eadership and de#ision making positions by (*+(.

;&#&" Women in E.u'a-ion 9or8 an. E'onomi' Em1o9ermenKenyaBs #urrent edu#ation system puts !omen at a greater disadvantage despite edu#ation being e#onomi#, so#ia and even po iti#a deve opment. 6undreds of gir s are sti missing out on free edu#ation system be#ause of so#ia and #u tura fa#tors ike ear y and for#ed marriages, ear y pregnan#y, mu tip e !ork oads, poverty and traditiona gender attitudes. But spe#ifi# programs must be introdu#ed in margina disparities in edu#ation that gender spe#ifi# po iti#s su#h as bursaries for gir s must be put in p a#e to address #ha enges fa#ing gir s in enro ing and staying in primary s#hoo s su#h as the a#k of uniform and sanitary to!e s.

;&#& E'onomi' Em1o9ermen-omen have been a#tive in !age abour subsisten#e farming and the informa se#tor ho!ever ega and #ustomari y barriers to o!nership of and a##ess to and,


Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)

Kakamega County Blueprint use of natura resour#es, a##ess to #apita and #redit, #ompounded !ith the a#k of

Kakamega County Forum (KACOF)




opportunities, resour#es, training and ski s. A##ess to and use of te#hno ogy and !age differentia s a standing the !ay of !omen e#onomi# progress. Therefore the government must promote and guarantee !omen e#onomi# rights and e#onomi# independen#e. They must a so ena#t and enfor#e egis ation to ensure e3ua payment for e3ua !ork for !omen and men. The government !orking Aoint y !ith deve opment partners must support !omen groups through #apa#ity bui ding and ski s deve opment for appropriate te#hno ogy.

;&#&# Women an. 5,/7A,%0

The #urrent nationa preva en#e rate of 6"@>A"<: is ..)K. statisti#s indi#ate that 6"@> A"<: . statisti#s indi#ate that 6"@>A"<: a##ounts for up to )** deaths dai y. :ession paper 'o. 2 of +00) on A"<: in Kenya !as the #ountryBs first frame!ork for dea ing !ith the pandemi#. Fo o!ing the de# aration in +000 that 6"@>A"<: is a nationa disaster, a strategi# p an !as deve oped to guide and #oordinate a nationa response to the pandemi#. The p an noted the gender dimensions of the epidemi#. The #urrent /$year strategi# p an for the 'ationa Aids Contro Coun#i ('ACC) shou d be given the ne#essary support, espe#ia y in the imp ementation of 6ome$based Care (6BC) and Orphans and @u nerab e Chi dren (O@C) #omponents. The !omen fa#e a trip e gender re ated threats from the pandemi# first y as infe#ted persons se#ond y as hea th#are provide and ast y as potentia ong term disposed survivors. "n ine !ith their traditiona ro es, !omen a !ays assume the ro e of househo d and #are givers for aids patients. This task #oup ed !ith an,iety about their physi#a and e#onomi#a surviva fo o!ing the oss of a husband eads to severe stress disorder in !omen. The peop e de iberate y infe#ting others !ith 6"@>A"<: must fa#e #rimina #harges and any infe#tion resu ting from rape and defi ement shou d attra#t a ma,imum #rimina pena ty. The government shou d put in p a#e an appropriate intervention pa#kage to ink medi#a fa#i ities to the #ommunity and home based #are servi#es for peop e iving !ith 6"@>A"<:.

;&: Con'lusion
The government shou d ibera i7e the information se#tor to enab e !omen to a##ess KAKAMEGA 2)UE$R,NT re evant and appropriate information COUNTY on matters mentioned above and more that KAKAMEGA COUNTY FORUM (KACOF) affe#t them. "t shou d a so respe#t and prote#t and promote the fundamenta rights of !omen. The government shou d a so raise a!areness on !omen rights and gender e3uity in the media through spee#hes by offi#ia s and dis#ussion forum.

%esi*ne. an. $rin-e. 2y6C %ou+le 0hasa )imi-e. 8a8ame*a Cell& !? ;## ;

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