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Republic of the Philippines Polytechnic University of the Philippines Quezon City Campus

Initiation, Persistency Cooperative Behavior as Change Related Effort of San Jose National High School in K-12 Implementation
(Case Study)

In partial fulfillment to the requirements of the course subject Practicum II

Submitted to: Prof. Sheryl B. Morales Prof. Marilyn Isip

Submitted by: Bernardino R. Cruz Erika Jeremy G. Avorque

March 3, 2014

Case Study: Initiation, Persistency Cooperative Behavior as change related effort of SJNHS in K-12 Implementtion

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The K-12 program of Department of Education provides the enhancement of Philippine educational system which has the mandatory kindergarten and additional two more years in secondary level. The implementation of the K-12 education plan in the Philippine Basic Education Curriculum is the key to our nations development. Though the government will face many problems in the long run of the implementation of the program, there really is a need to implement it because the enhancement of the quality of our education is very urgent and critical. Filipinos are known to be competitive in the international community. While this may be true, our current education system hinders us in becoming more competitive among other countries. The K-12 education plan offers a great solution to that problem. However, it is undeniable that there seems to be problems arising as the Department of Education implement the program such as lack of government budget, classrooms and school supplies as well as the teachers. But, if we focus on the long- term effect of K- 12, we can conclude that it is very beneficial to us Filipinos. Therefore, we must have the strong will in supporting K-12 Educational Plan for the betterment of our education system and economy. Enhancing the quality of basic education in the Philippines is urgent and critical. Due to that, one of the discussions of DepEd which incurred last October 2010 is to enhance the basic education program of the country in a manner that is least disruptive to the current curriculum, most affordable to government and families, and aligned with international practice through the K-12 policy. The poor quality of basic education is reflected in the low achievement scores of Filipino students. Many students who finish basic education do not possess sufficient mastery of
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basic competencies. One reason is that students do not get adequate instructional time or time on task. This quality of education is reflected in the inadequate preparation of high school graduates for the world of work or entrepreneurship or higher education. High school graduates also do not possess the basic competencies or emotional maturity essential for the world of work.

While the availability of economic opportunities contributes to this, it also illustrates the mismatch in the labor and education markets. The World Bank Philippines Skills Report in 2009 reveals, based on a survey of employers, serious gaps in critical skills of graduates such as problem-solving, initiative and creativity, and, to a lesser extent, gaps in job specific technical skills. The enhanced K-12 program, or the Department of Educations(DepEd) proposal to

overhaul the basic and secondary education curriculum by adding two more years to the system is arguably one of the most drastic and controversial programs of the Aquino administration. The program is proposed to start in school year 2012-2013 for Grade 1 and first year high school students with the target of full implementation by SY 2018-2019. According to SEAMEO Innotech 2011, this is considered as the preferred education solutions provider in Southeast Asia and also an ISO9001: 2008 Certified, the Philippine is the last country in Asia and one of only three countries in the world with a 10-year pre-university program. The K-12 model to be implemented in the country is an educationalsystem for basic and secondary education patterned after the United States, Canada, and some parts of Australia. The current basic education system is also an archetype of American schooling but with a10-year cycle. DepEd reasons that it is high time to adopt a K-12 system, attributing the low achievement scores and poor quality of basic education to the present school setup. Following wide protests over the proposal, the department released its official position defending K-12.

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We need to add two years to our basic education, those who can afford pay up to fourteen years of schooling before university. Thus, their children are getting into the best universities and the best jobs after graduation. I want at least 12 years for our public school children to give them an even chance at succeeding. Quoted from the statement of His Excellency President Benigno S.
Aquino III.K-12 has been met with criticism from youth and student groups, teachers, parents and the academic community. The DepEd, for its part, appears determined to enact the program with its proposed budget catering mostly to preparing the grounds for its

eventual implementation. The DepEd argues that the K-12 program will be the solution to yearly basic education woes and the deteriorating quality of education critics, however, counteract that the education crisis needs to be addressed more fundamentally and adding more school years would only exacerbate the situation. With the proposed policy K-12 program, various arguments and criticisms were formulated. Different conditions generate different assumptions, which in turn create different policies. The success of any policy depends on the correctness of its policy assumptions. .

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Introduction Education is a process by which a person learns facts and skills and develops abilities and attitudes. More specifically, education denotes the methods by which a society hands down from one generation to the next its knowledge, culture and values. The individual being educated develops physically, mentally, emotionally, morally, and socially. The work of education may be accomplished by an individual teacher, the family, a church, or any other group in society. The Philippine Education has gone through a lot of reforms concerning the enhancement of the system of education. One of the reforms in education system is the implementation of K12 program. The K-12 program is not just created by DepEd, it is form through the cooperation of various agencies like TESDA, CHED and DepEd with the help of education stakeholders, DepEd coordinates with the Department of Labor, Local Government Units, business partners Parents and the most important, the Students. Through this cooperation and coordination by DepEd in the various sectors, a program is formed to enhance the quality of the entire system of education in the Philippines. DepEd is looking forward with this program to be sustainable and something that will be proud of for the next generation of Filipinos so that we could be on far in the rest of world. The imperative for reforms across the education sector is perhaps best shown in the 2011 Global Competitiveness Report of the World Economic Forum. While the Philippines moved up ten spots in 75th out of the 142 countries in the overall rankings the Philippines continue to log behind nearly all ASEAN countries except for Cambodia. In education, the Philippines ranked 5th out of eight ASEAN countries surveyed in terms of Quality of Education, and eight or last among ASEAN countries in Quality of Science & Math Education and Capacity for Innovation.

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In this view, looking for a solution to fill the gaps will go a long way towards improving education outcomes but that in itself is not enough. The Philippine Department of Education believes that we must transform the Basic Education System so that it adequately responds to local needs while allowing the graduates to maximize opportunities beyond our shores. Although the K-12 program was duly implemented for almost two years, there still some negatives reactions about the said program there are still arguments being implied to the government but still, the government believes that this program will solve the deflation, rather it will increase the quality of education in the Philippines. In studying the initiation, persistency cooperative behavior as change related effort in implementing the K-12 program we had chosen San Jose National High School as the locale of our research. San Jose National High School, formerly Gen. Licerio Geroniimo Memorial national High School- San Jose Annex, was established in June 2002. VISION San Jose National High Shall be the center of academic excellence producing nationalistic globally competitive and productive citizen. MISSION San Jose National High School aims to provide a quality education for the students' holistic development enhanced by well competitive committed teachers and effective administrators.

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Today, SJNHS presents quite a different picture since its foundation in2002. With the conjoined efforts of all the stakeholders, SJNHS is continuously improving to become, if not perfect, an ideal home to all San Josenians- an institution incessantly paving its way to excellence. DISCUSSION San Jose National High School in its first year of operation offered secondary level to the residents from Brgy. Saan Jose,Brgy. Manggahan, Brgy. Rosario, and even from nearby Barangays in Quezon City like Brgy. Payatas. Since SJNHS is the extension of Gen. Licerio Geronimo Memorial High School, they acquire Basic Education Curriculum as their education program. Basic Education Curriculum (BEC), this is a form of tool which will stand as one point of learning areas as adequate for the development of competencies starting from Basic education up to the second level of which is renounced as High School. This will focus more on developing knowledge, skills, habits and attitudes through the guidance of educationalist assigned. SJNHS continued using this curriculum until 2012 for acquiring new program implemented by Department of Education which is K-12. The K to 12 Program covers Kindergarten and 12 years of basic education (six years of primary education, four years of Junior High School, and two years of Senior High School [SHS]) to provide sufficient time for mastery of concepts and skills, develop lifelong learners, and prepare graduates for tertiary education, middle-level skills development, employment, and entrepreneurship.

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K-12 Program

Education for children in the early years lays the foundation for lifelong learning and for the total development of a child. The early years of a human being, from 0 to 6 years, are the most critical period when the brain grows to at least 60-70 percent of adult size. In Kindergarten, students learn the alphabet, numbers, shapes, and colors through games, songs, and dances, in their Mother Tongue. Subjects are taught from the simplest concepts to more complicated concepts through grade levels in spiral progression. As early as elementary, students gain knowledge in areas such as Biology, Geometry, Earth Science, Chemistry, and Algebra. This ensures a mastery of knowledge and skills after each level. For example, currently in High School, Biology is taught in 2nd Year, Chemistry in 3rd Year, and Physics in 4th Year. In K to 12, these subjects are

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connected and integrated from Grades 7 to 10. This same method is used in other Learning Areas like Math. Senior High School is two years of specialized upper secondary education; students may choose a specialization based on aptitude, interests, and school capacity. The choice of career track will define the content of the subjects a student will take in Grades 11 and 12. SHS subjects fall under either the Core Curriculum or specific Tracks. There are seven Learning Areas under the Core Curriculum. These are Languages, Literature, Communication, Mathematics, Philosophy, Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences. Current content from some General Education subjects are embedded in the SHS curriculum. Each student in Senior High School can choose among three tracks: Academic; Technical-Vocational-Livelihood; and Sports and Arts. The Academic track includes three strands: Business, Accountancy, Management (BAM); Humanities, Education, Social Sciences (HESS); and Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM). Students undergo immersion, which may include earn-while-you-learn opportunities, to provide them relevant exposure and actual experience in their chosen track. After finishing Grade 10, a student can obtain Certificates of Competency (COC) or a National Certificate Level I (NC I). After finishing a Technical-Vocational-Livelihood track in Grade 12, a student may obtain a National Certificate Level II (NC II), provided he/she passes the competency-based assessment of the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA). NC I and NC II improves employability of graduates in fields like Agriculture, Electronics, and Trade. Through the various modification made by the Department of Education ( DepEd) the K12 program was formed. The K-12 Basic Education Program aims to provide every Filipino child with the education s/he needs to compete in a global context. With the new 12-year
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curriculum in place, future Filipino students will be ready and better equipped to join overseas universities at the undergraduate level. And with a K-12 student population of 20.67 million, which will only increase over the next 20 years. The following questions were asked to the teachers of Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE teachers) in San Jose National High School to know and to get their own insights about Basic Education Curriculum and the new program which is the K-12: How do they find K+12 Program as a new way of education system? Are you in favor in taking up National Certificate (NC) as a requirement for teaching Technical Vocational subjects in K-12 program? What is your insight about having masters degree as prerequisite in teaching grade 9 12? Do you think Department of Education is prepared enough to implement K-12 program?

o We asked perceptions of TLE Teacher from the above questions. How do they find K+12 Program as a new way of education system? One of the teachers said

Ok naman, kasi mas nagiging competitive yung mga bata at mas nagiging prepared sila for college.
In line with this statement, the Department of Education

ensures that there will be a matching of competency requirements and standards so that 12-year basic education graduates will have the necessary skills needed to join the
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workforce and to match the College Readiness Standards for further education and future employment. Entrepreneurship will also be fostered in the enhanced curriculum ensuring graduates can venture into other opportunities beyond employment. The K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum will be sufficient to prepare students for work. The curriculum will enable students to acquire Certificates of Competency (COCs) and National Certifications (NCs). This will be in accordance with TESDA Training Regulations. This will allow graduates to have middle-level skills and will offer them better opportunities to be gainfully employed or become entrepreneurs. There will be a schoolindustry partnership for technicalvocational courses to allow students to gain work experience while studying and offer the opportunity to be absorbed by the companies. Are you in favor in taking up National Certificate (NC) as a requirement for teaching Technical Vocational subjects in K-12 program? One of the teachers said ok lang din, kaya lang sana provided ng school yung pagpapatake ng (NC) sa

mga sa teachers, at sana dun na din ganapin sa mismong school yung pagaaral ng (NC) para di na kami gagastos pa ng pamasahe etc. National Certificate (NC) is
a certification issued to individuals who achieve all the required units of competency for a national qualification defined under the Training Regulations. NCs are aligned to specific levels within the TESDA. TESDA Secretary Joel Villanueva said they are undertaking assessment and certification of over 34,000 trainers in a bid to improve the teaching quality in technical and vocational education and training (TVET). Villanueva said TESDA
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hopes to set a new standard for those who will teach technical vocational courses by requiring them to become holders of the National TVET Trainers Certificate (NTTC). Enhancing our present pool of trainers gives the students the best opportunity to learn and will help guarantee that we will produce quality graduates, Villanueva pointed out. Of the 34,007 TESDA trainers nationwide, Villanueva said, a total of 17,803 have already received the NTTC, while the balance of 16,204 trainers will still have to undergo the requirements. The competency assessment is embodied in the Philippine TVET Trainers Qualification Systems (PTTQS) that provides for the recognition of the competence of TVET trainers at different roles and qualification levels. More and more, TESDA education is becoming relevant to a number of industry sectors such as the information technology-business process outsourcing industry, tourism, construction among others who source their manpower from our graduates. The upgrade of our trainers just complements the enhancing we are doing on our courses and available infrastructure, he said, Applicants for NTTC, Villanueva said, would go through a panel of experts who will conduct the interview, evaluate the trainers demonstration of teaching skills, and assess their portfolio consisting of sample learning materials and teaching techniques. What is your insight about having masters degree as a prerequisite in teaching grade 9 12 in K-12 program? sa palagay ko maganda yan, kasi habang tumataas yung antas ng estudyante dapat mag grow

din yung teachers in terms of knowledge and skills for the students to be more competitive. At
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tsaka para masala yung maggiging teacher ng higher years. According to Amy RozanskiHarlach, earning a master's degree in education is beneficial to help add a deeper understanding of the material learned during a bachelor's degree program, in addition to what has been learned in the field. Advancing education to accomplish a master of education also helps with additional job opportunities by putting applicants a step above others without the advanced degree. A bachelor's degree is an accomplishment but today the bar has been raised and additional knowledge is necessary to compete in the workforce. With a new year approaching it might be time to take the initiative and start the year off right by beginning the process of furthering your education. The job opportunity horizon is vast with a master's degree. Limiting yourself to a bachelor's degree will keep you from being able to secure a teaching position at a higher learning facility. A master's will set you on the right path to remaining competitive in the job field while staying on par with your fellow staff members. For many teachers and administrators, going back to school to achieve a higher level of education is something that is desired but rarely gets put into motion because of already busy and full lives. In addition to working full time, having a family and home, going to school doesn't seem to fit in. Currently, completing a master's degree can be as quick as one additional year of studies that can be completed online from the convenience of home in areas where a master's is not required to apply for a teaching job. By this time next year, the process of achieving a master's degree could be completed without the stress of a daily commute or sitting through classes all evening after having spent the day at work. Applying to an online master's program involves a similar process as applying to the University for in-person Classes. Proof of undergraduate degree is required along with transcripts and letters of recommendation from past professors or current administration at the
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school you're teaching at. Some universities require a letter of intent from the person applying that details why furthering their education is important to them and what direction they plan on taking with their studies. Sometimes a minimum GPA is required to apply, especially for online programs. Decisions are usually made by the education department rather than the school as a whole. By completing an online master in education program, students typically decide to focus on one area of expertise that can include teaching curriculum and instruction, educational psychology, leadership on an educational level or special education. Coursework is generally designed to get students thinking about their own process of educating others and inspiring them to think outside their box. With classes focusing on the 400, 500 levels and above, involved research that is uniquely discovered by each student, exams and papers are all typically required. All of this can all be completed online from an accredited institution that is built on tradition from the comfort of your home at the time that is convenient for you. Teachers in all different positions should take a moment to consider advancing their education level and striving to achieve a master's degree in education. The process of pursuing this venture online is quick and easy when utilizing the current technology of taking classes online. A vast majority of quality universities are now offering online programs, especially for an online master in education. Options are not limited to local establishments. Do you think Department of Education is prepared enough to implement K-12 program? ok naman, pero sana yung modules kompleto and minake sure nila na sapat na yung


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The target of Department of Education in terms of achievements and plans in resources and facilities with the implementation of K-12 would be no shortages by the end of 2013 as what the table below shows.

It is not that difficult to understand why, despite the additional costs the program would entail, the public generally appears to take President Benigno Aquino III's K to 12 basic education program sitting down. That is if state-sponsored surveys are to be believed. The House Committee on Basic Education claims majority of the public surveyed during its consultations favored the K to 12 program, while separate consultations by the Department of Education (DepEd) showed 77 percent of the 1,417 people consulted nationwide supported Aquino's flagship education program. For one, DepEd tried to make the lengthening of the basic education cycle palatable by saying the additional junior and senior high school levels would make students ready for the world of work when they graduate in high school. Even as public elementary and high school
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education continues to be free under the new system, other expenses such as transportation, allowance, food, school projects and other school expenses would still burden families and take up a significant portion of the family budget. However, what apparently makes parents willing to shoulder such costs is the empty promise of employability after their children receive their hardearned diplomas. In the present scheme of things, the function of education is already reduced to the individual's mere employability. The K to 12 program reinforces this societal function of education. Society also continues to regard education as essential to social mobility, an investment worth undertaking as the costs do not outweigh the benefits. Owing to its highly commercialized character, tertiary education has also become inaccessible for many Filipinos. Dominated by the private sector, higher educational institutions charge students with sky-high tuition and miscellaneous fees that remain unregulated and unchecked. Even as college education gives the student an advantage in the vicious and highly-competitive search for job opportunities, many youths forgo college schooling simply because they cannot afford it. This makes the K to 12's employability factor more appealing and acceptable to the parents, who are made to believe that under the new education system, college education is a path which is not for everyone to tread. Lastly, any educational reform almost always appeals to many especially since there is a general consensus that our present state of education is in disarray. The word reform is always easy for the public to swallow because any move to veer away from the present arrangement of things is viewed as a welcome development. Government officials and other advocates who are so insistent in adding two more years in the school cycle should thus join the clamor for higher wages and the regulation of prices of basic commodities and services, push for the expansion and
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institutionalization of student financial support systems and scholarships, and more importantly, fight for greater state subsidy to education at all levels. Any education reform program that does not take into account economic and other social factors that affect a person's schooling is bound to fail especially when its supposed beneficiaries cannot keep pace. The public should not take the K to 12 program as a bitter pill to swallow. It should not pass judgment on the program based solely on its glittery promise of honing the student for employability, and the additional costs that parents have to shoulder. The heavy financial burden that comes with the implementation of the program is just one of the many issues on the surface. Basic problems such as lack of teacher training and the failure of the government to address input gaps are also considerations that if left unaddressed may imperil the full implementation of the program. But a fundamental flaw of the program that merits equal attention is its inability to address the problem of decreasing access to education. Aquino's K to 12 is anchored on improving the competencies of in-school youths but fails to consider the situation of the growing number of out-of-school youths in the country who should enjoy the universally-acknowledged right of access to educational services. Furthermore, school survival rates are not merely influenced by the student's mental and cognitive abilities. Poverty, the peace situation, and other societal factors all contribute to the increasing drop-out rates that cannot be remedied by mere curricular reforms and additional years of schooling. What use does a more enjoyable learning experience have when the student cannot even afford to go to school due to his or her financial woes? The K to 12 is marketed as a program wherein the student is given the option to pursue different paths upon graduation: employment, entrepreneurship, and higher education. This freedom of choice touted by the K to 12 proponents, however, is illusory since the student's
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choice is actually limited by the reality that higher education has become a privilege and that the worsening economic conditions in the country are pushing Filipinos to seek jobs instead of pursuing higher education. The program's objective to produce globally competitive graduates also run counter to the supposed freedom that the student possesses in choosing his or her career path. In reality, under the present economic set-up, the prescriptions of market dictates shape our choices and decisions, be it in the brands we purchase, the artists we subscribe to, the course we take in college, and even in the profession or occupation we wish to have. With the government systematically and aggressively promoting the export of labor and the dependence on external sources of jobs and economic growth through its economic policies, it can be expected that majority of the jobs and fields of learning that the students would be pursuing are those that are in tune with the demands of global marketcall center jobs, technical-vocational jobs abroad, etc. It is contemptible, how at a young age people are told to pursue whatever dreams they have but education agencies would be coming up with a list of courses that are highly discouraged simply because they are not what the global market demands. Thus, the observation that the real motive behind the K to 12 education reform program is to further intensify labor export by systematically targeting the country's young labor force, and further service the demands of multinational firms is not without basis. As seen from the K to 12 curriculum, there is a noticeable focus given to technology and livelihood education (TLE) during high school, with the learner even obtaining a certificate of competency required by industries. In Grades 7 and 8, TLE subjects are exploratory, which means that the learner is given the opportunity to learn 5 basic competencies: 1) mensuration and calculation, 2) use of tools and equipment, 3) interpretation of plans/drawing, 4) occupational health and safety in the
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workplace, and 5) maintenance of tools and equipment. In Grade 9, the learner chooses one course to specialize in from among the exploratory courses and in Grade 10, he/she pursues the TLE specialization that he/she has chosen in the previous grade in order for him/her to obtain at least a National Certificate Level I or Level II. There is completely nothing wrong with developing the technical and vocational skills of the citizens if these are oriented towards genuine economic development through national industrialization. However, the present economic orientation of the country shows that tech-voc courses supply either the demands abroad or the pool of skilled reserve labor servicing multinational firms which take advantage of the country's cheap skilled labor. While the intentions seem laudable at first glance, the underlying context of the implementation of the K to 12 program could be best understood by looking at the government's problematic general development framework that is the Philippine Development Plan, which seeks to reinforce the country's adherence to the flawed development paradigm of neoliberal globalization. The K to 12 program's thrust of producing 21st century graduates is nothing but an affirmation and a reinforcement of the country's role in the uneven world order where economies such are ours are molded according to the interests of the powers-that-be. Thus, the K to 12 education program can be considered a sine qua non for the fulfillment of the government's agenda of trawling the path of the globalization project, which has only made the country vulnerable to the world economic crisis and has yielded the very crisis that plagues Philippine education.

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SUMMARY The K-12 program is not entirely new, The Department of Education put in together all the experiences, all the entire pilot tested initiatives and all the other experiences of the different regions, divisions and schools. K-12 program tried to put together a program that brings in all the best practices of the teachers, administration and the curriculum writers. This paper provides further understanding about Initiation, Persistency Cooperative behavior as change related effort of San Jose National High School in K-12 Implementation. The change that brought by the implementation of the K-12 program gives the realization to us Filipinos that if we want to enhance our social status, our global competitiveness we must start by finding out a solution that will able to uplift our society and it will start in changing our educational system. This paper shows the whole organization of San Jose National High School develops adaptation to the new curriculum implemented by Department of Education which is K-12 program. This paper also tells about the readiness in committing to a new program brought by the change of curriculum and the efficacy of the teachers and the entire institution on how they will deal with the change. Likewise, it is hereby declared the policy of the State that every graduate of basic education shall be an empowered individual who has learned, through a program that is rooted on sound educational principles and geared towards excellence, the foundations for learning throughout life, the competence to engage in work and be productive, the ability to coexist in fruitful harmony with local and global communities, the capability to engage in autonomous, creative, and critical thinking, and the capacity and willingness to transform others and ones self.
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For this purpose, the Department of Education shall create a functional basic education system that will develop productive and responsible citizens equipped with the essential competencies, skills and values for both life-long learning and employment. In order to achieve this, the DepEd shall give every student an opportunity to receive quality education that is globally competitive based on a pedagogically sound curriculum that is at par with international standard, broaden the goals of high school education for college preparation, vocational and technical career opportunities as well as creative arts, sports and entrepreneurial employment in a rapidly changing and increasingly globalized environment and make education learner-oriented and responsive to the needs, cognitive and cultural capacity, the circumstances and diversity of learners, schools and communities through the appropriate languages of teaching and learning, including mother tongue as a learning resource. The implementation of the K-12 program of the Department of Education has the goal to improve the quality and uplift the standards of basic education we have in our country. In this paper we can see the insights of the affected respondents of the implemented program. There are some who had their negative perceptions but the government is still doing their part to give us the best type of educational system in our country. Most of Filipinos are not aware that Philippines is one of the three remaining countries in the world that has a ten-year basic education system. The primary intention of the Philippine Government wanted to implement this type educational system because they want to produce more competitive, skilled and productive Filipinos. According to global competitiveness report, Filipino graduates who are outside the country are not recognized as professionals due to our present education system, foreign countries view that ten-year education system is insufficient. What is intended to be taught in twelve years in which they are using is taught and learned in the Philippines in only ten years.
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This could be the factual statement that our educational system is very congested and the students or even professionals nowadays lack the competencies and skills required globally. In fulfilling the K-12 program, learners and the beneficiary of this can have the advantages offered by this education system. Having this type of education system, students could acquire mastery of basic competencies, be more emotionally mature, socially aware, pro-active, involved in public and civic affairs. Graduates are adequately prepared for working realm, legally employable and globally competitive. These are few of the benefits that an individual learner could have if educated under the program of K-12 education. Remember, if we want change in our society, we must start it with our education system.

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ABSTRACT I. Background of the Study The K-12 program of Department of Education provides the enhancement of Philippine educational system which has the mandatory kindergarten and additional two more years in secondary level. The implementation of the K-12 education plan in the Philippine Basic Education Curriculum is the key to our nations development. Though the government will face many problems in the long run of the implementation of the program, there really is a need to implement it because the enhancement of the quality of our education is very urgent and critical. Filipinos are known to be competitive in the international community. While this may be true, our current education system hinders us in becoming more competitive among other countries. The K-12 education plan offers a great solution to that problem. However, it is undeniable that there seems to be problems arising as the Department of Education implement the program such as lack of government budget, classrooms and school supplies as well as the teachers. But, if we focus on the longterm effect of K- 12, we can conclude that it is very beneficial to us Filipinos. II. Introduction Education is a process by which a person learns facts and skills and develops abilities and attitudes. More specifically, education denotes the methods by which a society hands down from one generation to the next its knowledge, culture and values. The individual being educated develops physically, mentally, emotionally,
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morally, and socially. The work of education may be accomplished by an individual teacher, the family, a church, or any other group in society. The Philippine Education has gone through a lot of reforms concerning the enhancement of the system of education. One of the reforms in education system is the implementation of K-12 program. The K-12 program is not just created by DepEd, it is form through the cooperation of various agencies like TESDA, CHED and DepEd with the help of education stakeholders, DepEd coordinates with the Department of Labor, Local Government Units, business partners Parents and the most important, the Students. Through this cooperation and coordination by DepEd in the various sectors, a program is formed to enhance the quality of the entire system of education in the Philippines. DepEd is looking forward with this program to be sustainable and something that will be proud of for the next generation of Filipinos so that we could be on far in the rest of world. The imperative for reforms across the education sector is perhaps best shown in the 2011 Global Competitiveness Report of the World Economic Forum. While the Philippines moved up ten spots in 75th out of the 142 countries in the overall rankings the Philippines continue to log behind nearly all ASEAN countries except for Cambodia. In education, the Philippines ranked 5th out of eight ASEAN countries surveyed in terms of Quality of Education, and eight or last among ASEAN countries in Quality of Science & Math Education and Capacity for Innovation.

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Discussion San Jose National High School in its first year of operation offered secondary level to the residents from Brgy. Saan Jose,Brgy. Manggahan, Brgy. Rosario, and even from nearby Barangays in Quezon City like Brgy. Payatas. Since SJNHS is the extension of Gen. Licerio Geronimo Memorial High School, they acquire Basic Education Curriculum as their education program. Basic Education Curriculum (BEC), this is a form of tool which will stand as one point of learning areas as adequate for the development of competencies starting from Basic education up to the second level of which is renounced as High School. This will focus more on developing knowledge, skills, habits and attitudes through the guidance of educationalist assigned. SJNHS continued using this curriculum until 2012 for acquiring new program implemented by Department of Education which is K-12. The following questions were asked to the teachers of Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE teachers) in San Jose National High School to know and to get their own insights about Basic Education Curriculum and the new program which is the K-12: o How do they find K+12 Program as a new way of education system? o Are you in favor in taking up National Certificate (NC) as a requirement for teaching Technical Vocational subjects in K-12 program? o What is your insight about having masters degree as prerequisite in teaching grade 9 -12?
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Do you think Department of Education is prepared enough to implement K-12 program?


Summary The K-12 program is not entirely new, The Department of Education put in together all the experiences, all the pilot tested initiatives and all the other experiences of the different regions, divisions and schools. K-12 program tried to put together a program that brings in all the best practices of the teachers, administration and the curriculum writers. This paper provides further understanding about Initiation, Persistency Cooperative behavior as change related effort of San Jose National High School in K12 Implementation. The change that brought by the implementation of the K-12 program gives the realization to us Filipinos that if we want to enhance our social status, our global competitiveness we must start by finding out a solution that will able to uplift our society and it will start in changing our educational system. This paper shows the whole organization of San Jose National High School develops adaptation to the new curriculum implemented by Department of Education which is K-12 program. This paper also tells about the readiness in committing to a new program brought by the change of curriculum and the efficacy of the teachers and the entire institution on how they will deal with the change.

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