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Name: ________________________________

Date: ____________________

Advanced Language Practice

Vocabulary Test 4 (Units 1620)
1 0 1 What is being defined? Write the word or words after the sentence. Storage place in a car where you put suitcases and bags. The sharp edge of a knife. ________________ boot

!ou might get this from touching faulty electrical e"uipment. ________________ # % ' + . / 10 $ pencil needs sharpening when it is this. ________________ This noun means that a pupil is forced to lea&e a school permanently for serious misconduct. ________________ (erb meaning to study for an e)am by looking o&er one*s coursework. ________________ $d,ecti&e describing handwriting that is so bad it is impossible to read it. ________________ $n ad,ecti&e which describes a ticket that hasn*t been stamped or authorised. ________________ Noun meaning an agreement between two armies to stop fighting for a specified period. ________________ This synonym of 0genius* could refer to a four year1old who can play a 2eetho&en symphony. ________________ $ piece of electrical e"uipment usually found on a wall3 into which you put a plug. ________________ Underline the word which forms a common collocation. This book is essential reading for anyone who has high stress levels/layers/rates at work. 4est assured that we ha&e taken e&ery possible safety protection/preparation/precaution. They sell all sorts of household machines/mechanisms/appliances: washing machines3 dishwashers and so on. # % ' + $fter ,ust ten minutes in the rain3 5 was damp/wet/soaked to the skin. $t my school you can do a work engagement/placement/arrangement in a local company in your final year. 6y two year1old son has a &ery short attention period/duration/span. 5 am &ery glad we no longer ha&e capital/corporal/bodily punishment in my country*s schools. 0Sorry 6rs $tkins. 5 wasn*t giving/paying/keeping attention3* said 2illy.

2 0 1

$d&anced 7anguage 8ractice (ocabulary Test % 9:nits 1+; 0<

. / 10 3 0 1

=&ery morning 5 see kids from the local school taking/enjoying/playing truant down by the ri&er. The >hairman described the pilot scheme as 0a part/partial/parting success*. Sorry madam3 but 5*m afraid your ticket is void/inoperative/invalid. Com lete each sentence with a word formed from the word in ca itals. ?ur city has some open spaces but they are not &ery accessible . $>>=SS

$t the moment3 5 fear3 we are ________________ to stop this epidemic from spreading. 8?@=4 Aude 8arsons will be gi&ing a ________________ on management techni"ues today at %.#0 in 4oom 2. 84=S=NT

# % ' + . / 10

6uch of the ________________ in the factory needs replacing o&er the ne)t year or two. 6$>B5N= ?ur local bus ser&ice has come in for a lot of ________________ recently. >45T5> The island boasts an amaCing ________________ of animal species. D5(=4S= She has such fantastic techni"ueD she makes swimming look absolutely ________________ . =EE?4T $ll ________________ should be careful to check the spelling and grammar on their forms. $887! !es3 5 know bo)ing is dangerous3 but 5 still think it*s ________________ to something like motor racing. 84=E=4 5 think he knows ________________ more than he*s letting on. >?NS5D=4 The &ery idea of coastal cities being in danger from sea le&els would ha&e been ________________ ,ust twenty years ago. TB5NF

$d&anced 7anguage 8ractice (ocabulary Test % 9:nits 1+; 0<

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