Research Design

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TITLE OF THE STUDY A Profile of Union Bank with Special Reference to Various Loan Schemes in , Chikmagalur Cit !


esearch Design investigates the process of designing in all its many fields. t is

the the related to design methods in general or for particular disciplines. A primary interpretation of design research is that it is concerned with undertaking research into the design process. Secondary interpretations would refer to undertaking research within the process of design. The overall intention is to understand and to improve the design process. Research design is a statement or specification of the procedures for collecting and analyzing the information required for the solution of some specific problem. Research design is the basic plan that the data collection and analysis phases of the project. t is framework that specifics the type of information to be collected! the source of the data the collection procedure. So! "#arketing research is a systematic gathering! recording and analyzing the data about marketing problems to facilitate decision$making.%

Research design used for this project:

#arketing research to gather preliminary information that will marketing research to better describe marketing problems! situations or markets! such as the market potential for a product or the demographics and attitudes of consumers.



Apart from performing the main function of a accepting deposits! and granting advances! a banker performs a number of subsidiary services. 'y performing the subsidiary services! a banker will be able to earn the goodwill of his customer and altered fresh customer. The subsidiary services of a banker may divided into two classes. &. Agency service (. #iscellaneous service To day in the competitive world! service industry becoming very progress as the competition increases in the field of business! service industries are banking! insurances! transportation ware housing etc. As far as the banking is concerned! the banking system provides various facilities to general public) his customers! businessman and other people etc. from those most of all are not taking all these facilities of banking facilities. The facilities mayo subsidiary services or miscellaneous services due to following reasons! They are* &. +ue to may be ignoring of banking facilities. (. +ue it may be lack of knowledge about banking. ,. +ue to may be no marketing of banking services. -. +ue to may be no banks or bank branch in some areas. .. +ue to may be no trust on banking systems. /rom this we can say that the banking resources are not fully utilized or inefficient utilization of resources of banking.


&. To study the voyage of banking! (. To study the voyage of 0nion 'ank ,. To study the scope of 0nion 'ank -. To study the classification and importance of banks .. To study the lending of loans 1. To study details about various schemes of loans 2. To conduct a special research on professional! businessman and house wife regarding the loans requirement with special reference to 03 43 'A35


6e have chosen 7hikmagalur town as a platform for our survey. This city and educationally developed. t has population around &.,8 lakhs more than -89 of people depend upon business! nearly (.9 of the people ...g in plantation to earn their lively hood and -8$.89 of population ion job. This study covers businessmen! housewives and professionals! who in different areas of 7hikmaglur 7ity.


As at the present world there is a tremendous competition is going on to get financial facilities and cultivators or people are facing numerous problems in connection to getting facility. n today:s market various financial concerns are providing financial facilities to the people but there is huge percentage of interest will change on them and people are facing problems regarding it. ;owever! this interest charges level and to help the people to know the different loans scheme.

/or the purpose of conducting the study both primary and data have been considered

"ri(ar) Data
+ata collected from .8 random selected respondents! this includes belonging to lower income! middle income and upper income gains. These people represent different educational background in 7hikmagalur town The .8 respondents were surveyed with the help of questionnaire given and primary data has been collected. The persons belonging to different age were interviewed in an informal way

Secondar) data
The secondary data from the following* nternet 'ooks of banking and law practices 3ews papers <ournals 03 43 'A35 books +ate collected from 03 43 'A35 branch in 7hikmagalur town

n the age of electronic banking! the perception of bank marketing required a new vision. This is due to the facts that use of sophisticated technologies by the banking organization has made possible a major change in the quality of banking service. The word of mouth communication makes possible smoothers transmission and the customer using the service of manually adopted public sector commercial bank came to know about the quality of service their counterparts already avail

'ank marketing is a managerial approach to market the services t is social process to sub serve social interest t is a fair way of making profits t is an art to make possible performance $ orientation t is professionally tested skill to e=cel competition


The users>customers constitute a place of out standing significance. The line of service! the planning and development of survive the offering of service! the pricing strategies or the interest changed for the service made available and the promotions strategies depend substantially upon the nature and type of users using the services of an organization. it is against this background.

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