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A Creative Problem solving Approac

By Sat!en"ra #$mar %re&a Research Scholar

'$(tes C an"er Research Scholar

Dr) #iran($mar 'oma!a Associate Professor


The traffic in all metros in ndia! includin" #elhi! is dense! hetero"eneous and con"ested. There are fre$uent cases of traffic jam! road ra"e and accidents. Bein" users of #elhi roads and concerned about the abo%e situation! a research study of traffic &roblem 'as taken u& in 200( by the authors! at #e&artment of mana"ement Studies )#*S+! T!

#elhi. #es&ite many ne' initiati%es! the &roblem of traffic mana"ement defies solution, hence it 'as decided to take u& this %e-in" &roblem and attem&t to "enerate some no%el solutions! ada&tin" a creati%e a&&roach. #urin" the study &rocess! &roblem definition and structurin" itself 'as a challen"e. A combination of creati%e techni$ues. brainstormin"! idea en"ineerin"! /sborn Parnes techni$ue! fle-ible systems methodolo"y )0S*+! and synectics 'ere identified from e-tensi%e literature re%ie'! and used in the study. The effort has led to the de%elo&ment of ne' &ers&ecti%es and some no%el solutions! as is e-&ected from the creati%e &rocess. This case &resents creati%e &rocess in action. Learning ob&ectives The case aims to. #emonstrate the emer"in" creati%e a&&roach to &roblem sol%in", *ake the readers a'are about %arious creati%e techni$ues and their utili1ation at %arious sta"es of creati%e &roblem sol%in" )2PS+! and *oti%ate the readers to use 2PS in business and real 'orld situations.

The traffic situation in #elhi is a cause of concern for all citi1ens. The &roblem has been isolated! from multitude of traffic related &roblems and issues. Basically! /sborn Parnes a&&roach has been ada&ted in &roblem definition and clarification! 'ith brainstormin"

and idea "eneration at %arious sta"es. 0le-ible systems methodolo"y )0S*+ has been used for situation analysis and &roblem clarification! fishbone dia"ram for cause and effect analysis and tree dia"ram for action &lannin". 0inally! out3of the3bo-3thinkin"! cou&led 'ith e-&ert o&inions! ha%e further au"mented the out&ut. #e!3or"s4 Tra55ic6 Congestion6 Roa" $sers6 Roa" rage6 Problem solving)


ndia is the second fastest "ro'in" economy and has re"istered o%er 45 6#P "ro'th in 200630(. This "ro'th is leadin" to the risin" income le%els! "ro'th of middle class and increased sale of automobiles. Passen"er %ehicles are seein" a "ro'th of 785 &er year. The rise in number of %ehicles on roads is resultin" in. con"estion! traffic snarls and chaos in different 1ones at different times, &roblems for the road users! and &ollution and mountin" health costs. There are more than 90 modes of trans&ort in #elhi includin" autos! cycles! carts! ricksha's etc. The &roblem is serious in metros! &articularly in #elhi! 'here bluelines re&ortedly caused o%er 700 deaths in 200(. The traffic remains con"ested des&ite the construction of so many flyo%ers and the introduction of *etro ser%ice and mo%es at snail:s &ace at &eak hours on im&ortant roads. The situation is "ra%e! "i%en the e%er3 increasin" &o&ulation and the a&&roachin" common 'ealth "ames. The situation affects the health and efficiency of the &eo&le and leads to considerable economic loss. This study deals 'ith traffic &roblem in #elhi and attem&ts to tackle it ado&tin" 2reati%e Problem Sol%in" )2PS+ a&&roach. Some data and sym&toms of the &roblem 'hich moti%ated to take u& the study are "i%en in ;-hibit 7.

E1HI%IT .4 PRO%LE' S+'PTO'S Traffic density is %ery hea%y in #elhi. #eaths due to accidents are on the rise. 2ases of traffic %iolations are hi"h. /f late! bikers ha%e also been causin" ha%oc on roads. nfrastructure is &oor and ca&acity creation is not matchin" 'ith the demand. <early 2000 &eo&le died due to accidents in 2006. Bluelines are al'ays in the ne's for accidents. 6ro'th of satellite to'ns has &ut additional burden on infrastructure There is shorta"e of &arkin" s&ace. 2ourts ha%e to inter%ene a"ain and a"ain in traffic matters. Road ra"e has become a serious &roblem, e%en elite are in%ol%ed. 2ases of road ra"e increase in summer months Political rallies and = P security add to citi1en:s 'oes.


The abo%e sym&toms led to see the &roblem as an o&&ortunity for im&ro%ement and attem&t its solution! ada&tin" creati%e a&&roach. nitially! literature re%ie' in the field of 2PS )A&&endi- + to aid de%elo&ment of fresh &ers&ecti%e into the seemin" chaotic situation 'as conducted. This 'as follo'ed by data collection on road accidents and traffic %iolations. Automatic Area Traffic 2ontrol )AT2+ system of the #elhi traffic de&artment at the control centre in 2hanakya&uri 'as %isited. Problem structurin" 'as done and &roblem stated for analysis and "eneratin" solution.

Problem Conte7t The number of traffic accidents are on the rise in #elhi. There are jams! traffic snarls and cases of road ra"e. Traffic density and di%ersity are both hi"h. 2iti1ens of #elhi are concerned! "o%ernment is im&lementin" %arious schemes! flyo%ers are bein" constructed and ne' means of trans&ort &ro%ided. But chaos on #elhi roads continues.

Problem Str$ct$ring 8Osborn Parnes approac 9 0or definin" the &roblem in the abo%e conte-t! /sborne Parnes a&&roach incor&oratin" the techni$ue of con%er"ence and di%er"ence has been ada&ted )Table 7+. TA%LE .4 PRO%LE' STR*CT*RING Divergence 83is , In 3 at 3a!s mess statements9 mig t 8I--'9 somebo"! "o somet ing >e 'ish. >e 'ish. 'e could reach there 'as office in time, sufficient 'e did not ha%e to s&ace for all 'ait at traffic %ehicles, si"nals, road users 'e did not see any follo'ed traffic %iolations traffic rules, 'hile commutin", there 'ere hi3 'e reached our tech solutions, destination safely, there 'ere blueline &roblem better dri%ers, did not e-ist in there 'ere no #elhi, jams at any there 'ere no &oint and traffic jams, &lace, there 'ere no &eo&le had traffic accidents, better traffic sense, &edestrian had a #elhi had a ri"ht of 'ay in &ractice, better traffic mana"ement dri%in" 'as smooth model, and &leasant! #elhites had 'ithout jerks, better control &eo&le dro%e 'ith on their calm and did not tem&er and "et enra"ed. beha%iour. Data 5in"ing Convergence

=ehicle density )&er km+. ?4 in 74(2 and 762 in 2006 )@.895 annual "ro'th and 29 times increase+. Auman &o&ulation "ro'th. :);< *odes of trans&ort. 90. Road net'ork increase. ?.( times since 7462. =ehicles challaned in 2006. 2( lakh. Beadin" offenders. Scooter motor cycles )S2*2s+ and cars in 9? ty&es of co"ni1able offences. Accidents. (000 )7880 fatal+ in 2006! &eo&le killed 2764! 765 of the deaths on rin" road and outer rin" road. Ran"e of deaths. 7(2( to 2?67 e%ery year durin" the last 7@ years. =ictims. 9(.@5 of %ictims &edestrian and ?05 t'o3'heeler dri%ers.

Traffic situation in #elhi is chaotic. The main areas of concern. Traffic is hea%ily con"ested. There is &aucity of road s&ace but &eo&le &refer &ersonal means of trans&ort. There is &aucity of &arkin" s&ace. =iolations are $uite common. Peo&le lack road sense and are not la' abidin". There are cultural issues and traffic mana"ement is difficult in #elhi.

Problem Statement Bein" the ca&ital of ndia! #elhi has better urban &lan! hi"her &ercenta"e road s&ace and in%estment in infrastructure. ;%ents such as AS A# hel&ed stren"then the infrastructure throu"h mechanisms such as rin" roads and flyo%ers. The city boasts of one of the hi"hest car density. #es&ite such back"round and fast e-&andin" *etro! the city has started e-&eriencin" massi%e traffic &roblems and resultin" chaos. The challen"e. To decon"est the traffic and ensure its smooth flo'. The "lim&se of &art of "ra&hical &roblem structure )main causes C sym&toms+ is schematically sho'n in 0i". 7.

=ehicular &o&ulation increased by 29 times in &ast ?@ years )no' o%er @0 lakh %ehicles+

Slo'ed mo%ement

Road net'ork increased by ?.( times only

Tra55ic congestion

Road ra"e

0ast &ace of life

=iolations and accidents


Problem Clari5ication,Sit$ation Anal!sis 8Fle7ible S!stems 'et o"olog!9 SAP-LAP Analysis 0le-ibility study of the &roblem and SAP3BAP )Situation! Actor! Process3SAP and Bearnin"! Action! Performance3BAP+ analysis utili1in" 0S* methodolo"y )Sushil! 2000+

&ro%ed to be of "reat hel& in clarification of the &roblem. The SAP model of analysis is &resented in Table 2. TA%LE =4 SAP 'ODEL OF THE PRO%LE' Sit$ation Actor Process The &resent traffic situation 6o%ernment. Policy The main com&onents of basically a&&ears to be a &lanners! Trans&ort the &rocess initiated by result of "ro'th and de&artment! Bicensin" abo%e actors 'ith cross urbani1ation! and o'in" to a"ency! 2i%ic a"encies links. follo'in" main factors. )Road *aintenance+! creation and maintenance economic "ro'th and Traffic Police! Pollution of infrastructure, "ro'th in urbani1ation, control board ntroduction of mass increased demand for Road Esers. trans&ort, system! trans&ort, Pedestrians! 2yclists! includin" *etro and *otor %ehicle users! A2BS, multi&le modes of trans&ort <on3 motori1ed A&&lication of technolo"y ncreased traffic density, %ehicles users )Actuated Traffic == P mo%ements! /thers. <6/s! ;-&ert 2ontrol3AT2 and &rocessionsDrallies a"encies! *otor %ehicle ntelli"ent Traffic resultin" in disru&tions! manufacturers! *otor System3 TS+ in traffic di%ersions! delays and dri%in" trainin" schools mana"ement. traffic snarls. Learning from SAP Analysis The &resent situation of traffic in #elhi is the result of increased traffic density! multi&le modes of trans&ort and ad3hoc a&&roach of the "o%ernment. 6o%ernment is takin" initiati%es like area traffic control )AT2+ and intelli"ent trans&ort system ) TS+ but there is lack of coordination bet'een its %arious or"ans. The result. only short term "ains. Root Ca$se Anal!sis The causes of the &resent situation dia"nosed by brainstormin" and dee& thinkin"! %ie's in literature! o&inion of &ublic as re&orted in ne's&a&ers! discussion 'ith traffic officials ha%e been clustered under %arious heads and &resented in 0i". ? )t'o &arts+.

P;/PB; Stress Poor dri%in" skills Entrained dri%ers ndisci&line

TRA00 2 Heterogeneo$s

<0RASTRE2ETR; Ina"e?$ate roa" net3or( Gro3t in personal ve icles Shorta"e of enforcement staff Poor $uality Parkin" s&ace shorta"e Poor 'ass Transport S!stem

Increase" "ensit!
Poor road sense



nade$uate le"islation Balicensin" <o national Re"ister of dri%ers B;6AB

0ast &ace of life

Enchecked "ro'th of Encroac ments %ehicles Stray cattle Increase" total $sers

- ! tra55ic is congeste" in Del i

Commerciali>ation o5 resi"ential areas nade$uate coordination

6ro'th of Satellite to'ns

Aoardin" C bill boards


2 = 2 A6;<2 ;S

R/A# 0ER< TER;


P/B 2F C PR/2;#ER;


== P mo%ements Pliance of ricksha's on busy roads

Multiplicity of agencies

*ajor trade corridors

Govt)As gro3t priorities Press$re 5rom a$tomobile ma(ers Corr$ption in p$blic li5e

- ! tra55ic is congeste" in Del i

Roa" geometry

Road surface Rotary

SFST;* C 6/=;R<A<2;

R/A# ;<6 <;;R <6


Root Causes and key findings 2on%er"ence of the abo%e ideas leads to main causes 'hich are sho'n in Table ? belo'. TA%LE @4 ROOT CA*SES OF CONGESTION ON DELHI ROADS Ca$se Traffic Peo&le Road System and "o%ernance Contrib$ting Factors Aetero"eneous! ncreased density! 6ro'th in &ersonal %ehicles Poor road sense! ndisci&line and %iolations Guality! 6eometry 6o%t.:s mis&laced "ro'th &riorities, Authori1ation of HH clusters and colonies, 2ommerciali1ation, Pressure "rou&s and corru&tion in &ublic life, =ote bank &olitics


The real &roblem of traffic situation is the mismatch bet'een the needs of the fast de%elo&in" city and the reality )0i". 9+. Result. Restricted mo%ement! slo' &ace! traffic jam! disru&tions and di%ersions! indisci&line! %iolations and road ra"e. Nee"s B Aspirations )A"e of s&eed, desired clear and smooth traffic flo'+

Realit! )Aa&ha1ard mo%ement! &oor road sense! indisci&line+ Fig):4 'IS'ATCH

Problem structurin" and analysis has resulted in findin"s summari1ed in ;-hibit 2. E1HI%IT =4 #E+ FINDINGS #elhi is a city 'ith hetero"eneous and dense traffic. t has the best road net'ork in the country and uses modern technolo"y. 6ro'th leads to increased demand for trans&ort and the a%ailability of trans&ort leads to further con"estion. Peo&le de&end mainly on &ersonal trans&ort. Ra&id *ass Trans&ort is a ne' &henomenon. Peo&le ha%e scant res&ect for la' and this seems to be a cultural malady. The measures bein" ado&ted by the 6o%t. ser%e short term needs only.

To tackle the situation of mismatch! ideas 'ere "enerated by idea en"ineerin" to strike at the root causes listed in the &re%ious section to dra' action &lan on four dimensions. traffic! road! &eo&le and system )related to Table ?+ as sho'n in 0i".@ )tree dia"ram+.

Pu$lic transport

Decrease density


#ncourage $icycles Metro Su$ way

Mass transport Infrastructure Furniture

!oad space
%uality Signals Signages !oad shape &ctagonal infrastructure ('C system I'S S ills training


Better geometry Intelligent roads


Discipline Caution Discipline !espect others" rights Discipline Pu$lic transport


Pedestrians Culture

Balanced growth Long term planning

Service sector Infrastructure 'ransport Pu$lic agencies People Mass transport Bicycles


Honesty Clean development



<ot'ithstandin" the enormous efforts to make sense of the &roblem usin" se%eral techni$ues o%er months! the %e-in" &roblem can not be understood &erfectly. Aence! it is not desirable to "i%e recommendations! but attem&t is made to synthesi1e su""estions. deas emer"in" from %arious a&&roaches. /sborn Parnes a&&roach! 0S*! synectics and out3of3the3bo-3thinkin" are synthesi1ed to e%ol%e su""estions for addressin" the %e-in" &roblems and are listed belo'. 2reate better road infrastructure! road furniture! &arkin" facilities. ;nsure coordination bet'een trans&ort! traffic! ci%ic and enforcement a"encies. 2reate *etroDSub'ay net'ork in he-a"onalDocta"onal form on outer and inner rin" roads. *aintain better road "eometry. ;ncoura"e use of bicycles. Pro%ide state3of3the3art controls like TS. >ork to'ards a ne' model inte"rated trans&ortation system 'ith mass trans&ort system and a&&ro&riate feeder ser%ice. Treat enforcement and education as the main &illars of orderliness. >ork to'ards cultural transformation.

The &roblem of traffic in #elhi is really com&le- for se%eral reasons. 6i%en the e%er3 increasin" &o&ulation and the a&&roachin" common 'ealth "ames! the situation is "ra%e. The root cause seems to be strate"ic. less ability of key stakeholders to e%ol%e collecti%e understandin" of the &roblem! its root causes and then act on them in effecti%e manner. Till such ca&ability to 'ork collecti%ely e%ol%es! 'hich can take years! if not decades, concerned indi%iduals should not 'ait for actions at their end. ;%eryone is in hurry. *ore than the &aucity of road s&ace! the &roblem is. &eo&le:s &reference for o'nin" t'o 'heelers and four 'heelers! o%ercro'din" in buses! and total lack of disci&line. The issue

of 'eaknesses in education! one that &uts duties and collecti%e "ood hi"her than indi%idual ri"hts! also needs to be addressed. Ad3hoc a&&roach to &lannin" and commerciali1ation of residential areas has led to further com&oundin" of the &roblem. t is time "o%ernments and the &eo&le 'ake u& to the "ra%ity of the situation! do their job honestly and take care of #elhi! if #elhi is at all to become a 'orld class city. ha%e smooth flo' of traffic and &ro%ide &leasant e-&erience to dri%ers! commuters! &edestrians and all road users. AC#NO-LEDGE'ENTS The authors thank #e&artment of *ana"ement Studies )#*S+! T #elhi! for conductin" the course on 2reati%e Problem Sol%in" )2PS+. They thank #elhi Traffic Police for facilitatin" the study and Sh. 6. S. A'ana )A.2.P.+! #elhi Traffic Police! for his %aluable o&inions! and hel&in" de%elo& a dee&er insi"ht into the issues related to traffic &roblem in #elhi. They also thank Professor #. I. Ban'et )Professor! #*S! T #elhi+ and #r. I. 2. yer )Associate Professor! #*S! T #elhi+ for their su&&ort in the 'ork.

Ad'ani! *. C Ti'ari 6. )2006+! JRe%ie' of ca&acity im&ro%ement and strate"ies for bus transit ser%iceK! Indian Journal of Transport Management, /ct.3#ec. 2006. Ad'ani! *. C Ti'ari 6. )2006+! JBicycle as a feeder mode of bus ser%iceK! =elo *ondial 2onference! S.A. Ad'ani! *. C Ti'ari 6. )200(+! JErban trans&ort for a $uality cityK! Delhi Traffic Police Journal (March-April 2007 ! Banks!H.A.)7448+! J ntroduction to Trans&ortation ;n"ineerin"K! *c6ra' Aill! Bondon. Bamber"! S.! Auneck! *. C BlLbaum! A. )200(+! J "ocial conte#t, personal norms and the use of pu$lic transportation% t&o field studiesK! Eni%ersity of 6iessen! 6ermany )a%ailable online 22 *ay 200(+. Barron! 0. )7464+! J2reati%e Person and 2reati%e ProcessK! Aolt! Rinhart and >inston! <e' Fork. #elhi Traffic Police Hournal )*arch3A&ril 200(+. #elhi Traffic #e&artment)200(+! JEse of modern technolo"y in traffic enforcementK! #elhi Traffic #e&artment &resentation.

Bono! ;.#. )7440+! JBateral thinkin"K! Pen"uin Books Btd.! Bondon! ;n"land. 6arrison! >. B. C >ard! H.#. )2009+! JTomorro'Ms Trans&ortationK! Artech house! Bondon. 6riffith! T.H. )748(+! JAn e-&loration of creati%ity trainin" for mana"ement studentsK )#octoral dissertation! Boston Eni%ersity! 748(+! #issertation Abstracts nternational! 94 )?3A+! 977. 6laeser! ;.B.! Iahn! *.! ;. C Ra&&a&ort! H. )200(+! J>hy do the &oor li%e in citiesN The role of &ublic trans&ortationK, Aar%ard Eni%ersity! ESA )a%ailable online 74 Hanuary 200(+. 6ordon! >.H. H. )7467+! JSynectics . The #e%elo&ment of 2reati%e 2a&acityK! Aar&er C Ro'! <e' Fork. Aeil&orn! 6. 6io%anni! B.#. and BabbO! *. )200(+! J/&timi1ation models for the sin"le delay mana"ement &roblem in &ublic trans&ortationK! Eni%ersitO Bibre de Bru-elles! Bel"ium )a%ailable online 20 A&ril 200(+. Aummer! H.;. and <elson! #.2. )7449+ *anual of trans&ortation en"ineerin" studies! nstitute of Trans&ortation ;n"ineers! Prentice Aall! ;n"le'ood 2liffs! <.H. *alhotra! T.I.)7444+! J#ri%er trainin" and road use in #elhiK! *ana"in" Traffic 2on"estion in #elhi )Seminar Proceedin"s+! <e' #elhi. *ohan! #. C Ti'ari! 6.)7444+! JSustainable trans&ort systems P linka"es bet'een en%ironmental issues! &ublic trans&ort and safetyK! 'conomic and Political (ee)l*! Bombay. Ihand'alla! P. )2000+! J0ourth ;yeK! Tata *c6ra'3Aill! #e' #elhi. Ihand'alla! P. )2009+! J2or&orate 2reati%ityK! Tata *c6ra'3Aill! #e' #elhi. Ihanna! S.I. )7448+! JAi"h'ay ;n"ineerin"K! <em 2hand C Brothers! Roorkee. Iostoff! R.<. )200?+! JStimulation inno%ationK! n. B.=.Sha%inina );d.+ nternational Aandbook on nno%ation! /-ford. ;lse%ier Science. Iadiyali! B.R. )200(+! JTraffic ;n"ineerin" and Trans&ortation Plannin"+, Ihanna Publishers! <e' #elhi. *omaya! I. )200(+! JAn introduction to Synectics )&&t.+K! #*S! T3#elhi. /sborn ! A. 0. )74@?+! A&&lied ma"ination! Scribner:s! <e' Fork. Reddy! T.S.)7444+! JPotential a&&lications of TS in mana"in" traffic con"estion in metro&olitan cities3 some thou"htsK! *ana"in" Traffic 2on"estion in #elhi )Seminar Proceedin"s+! <e' #elhi. Sa-ena! H.P. Sushil C =rat! P. )2006+! JPolicy and Strate"y 0ormulation. An a&&lication of 0S*K! 6ift Publishin"! <e' #elhi. Sushil! )2000+! JSystemic fle-ibilityK! ,lo$al Journal of -le#i$le "*stems Management! 2)7+! &". @73@@. Sushil! )2007+! JSAP3BAP frame'orkK! ,lo$al Journal of -le#i$le "*stems Management! 7)7+! &". ((380. Srini%asan! <.S. )7440+! JErban trans&ortation &roblems and &ers&ecti%esK! Proceedin"s of <ational >orksho& on Traffic *ana"ement! #elhi. Srini%asan! <.S. )7440+! JRoad safety educationK! Proceedin"s of <ational >orksho& on *ana"ement! #elhi.


>achs! *. )2002+! J0i"htin" traffic con"estion 'ith information technolo"yK! Issues in "cience and Technolog*. /aught in traffic! >allas! 6. )7426+! JThe Art of Thou"htK! Aarcourt Brace! <e' Fork. >ickel"ren! >.A. )74(9+! JAo' to Sol%e ProblemsK! 0reeman and 2om&any! San 0rancisco.

Creativit! *any ha%e s&eculated on creati%ity. Ao'e%er! e-&erts ha%e su""ested that the essence of 'hat 'e consider creati%e is the element of freshness! ori"inality! and no%elty that is also a&&ro&riate to the conte-t. (0hand&alla, 2001 Creative Problem Solving 8CPS9 The creati%e &roblem sol%in" &rocess )2PS+! es&ecially the 'ay ;urekas occur! seems mysterious to many. The research has re%ealed that at least in science related &roblems! the creati%e &rocess is marked by alternatin" &hases of con%er"ent and di%er"ent thinkin"! inters&ersed by incubation. 2ycles of four o%erla&&in" sta"es characteri1e most creati%e &roblem3sol%in", the sta"es of &re&aration! incubation! illumination! and %erification. ((allas, 2324 CPS abilit! 0rom a &ractical stand&oint! the ability to define or structure &roblems )as &art of the &re&aration &hase+! and the ability to seek creati%e solutions throu"h di%er"ent thinkin"! are %ery im&ortant. ((ic)elgren, 2371 'ec anisms o5 t in(ing *echanisms of di%er"ent thinkin" consist of 'ays by 'hich the mind "enerates no%el! ima"inati%e! off3beat! and unusual alternati%es. Bistin" of alternati%es 'ithout e%aluatin" them is a &o'erful mechanism of di%er"ent thinkin". 2on%er"ent thinkin" consists of those mechanisms of thinkin" that hel& the &erson "et a "ri& on an ambi"uous or com&le&roblem and other mechanisms that enable him or her to find a solution and refine it. (0hand&alla, 2001 Osborn Parnes CPS 'o"el The model su""ested by /sborn Parnes for 2PS com&rises of si- sta"es. /bjecti%e findin", 0act findin", Problem findin", dea findin", Solution findin", Acce&tance findin"! 'ith di%er"ent and con%er"ent thinkin" in%ol%ed at each sta"e. Fle7ible s!stems met o"olog! 8FS'9 0le-ibility is defined as creatin" more Qo&tions:! $uicker Qchan"e3mechanisms: to shift from one o&tion to the other or to dynamically synthesi1e multi&le o&tions! and enhanced Qfreedom of choice: to the actors. 0le-ible systems methodolo"y )0S*+ &ro&oses SAP3 BAP frame'ork. study of the &roblem situation and influence of actors on the situation and the &rocess )SAP+! dra'in" out learnin"s from this! and formulatin" recommendations and underlinin" e-&ected &erformance )BAP+. ("ushil, 2000, 20029 S!nectics The techni$ue of Synectics &ro%ides another creati%e a&&roach to &roblem sol%in". The techni$ue! in%ented by 6ordon! >.H.H )7467+ addresses all sta"es of 2PS. Synectics means joinin" to"ether of unrelated elements. t re$uires makin" the familiar stran"e and stran"e familiar! for "eneratin" no%el solution to the %e-in" &roblem.

0hand&alla (P!5 2000

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