Observation Task Error Correction

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Observation Task Error Correction Learner Error He done it self corrects he did it Rays We have to make two questions

ons You are knowing-how can I call? Have you ever had Italian class Has been visited Has trip for Europe Has taken Spanish and Germany Class Has been on film Teacher Response Teacher echoes he did it in the past Teacher did not correct pronunciation Teacher did not correct Teacher did not correct Teacher corrected classes Teacher gives learner chance to reformulate Teacher asks other learner Can you correct that? learner self-corrects Teacher asks learner is that correct?- another learner corrects=peer correction Teacher asks learner is that right? Learner self corrects Lesson Phase Lead in Presentation Have you ever? Activity Feedback Life Circle Feedback Feedback Feedback Feedback

He go America


From my observation of this lesson it appeared that the teacher only corrected during the controlled written practice. He chose to ignore the errors during the fluency activities. The reason being that during the controlled written practice the teacher was working on accuracy, whereas during the fluency practice the students were expressing themselves, and if he had corrected it would have upset their chain of thought and would have destroyed the flow of the activity. However, he could have noted down errors , whilst discretely monitoring, and then written them up on the board and allowed the learners in pairs or groups to correct errors he had heard. At times during the lesson the teacher did not allow the learner time to self-correct. Very often all you need to do is give the learner a sign and they will back track and correct the error themselves. From my own experience I find that pointing behind you is a good way to indicate the past tense and often helps the learner to self-correct. Making mistakes when using new language should be seen as something positive as it is an indication that the learner is taking risks and should be encouraged. In my future lessons I intend to focus on improving my own way of error correction and try and keep the experience as positive as possible for the learner. I remember from my own experience of learning a language how being corrected constantly is very demotivating. I also intend to listen out for good uses of language and will highlight these to the learners as well, as I believe this will be motivating for them.

Linda Azzopardi 03

Centre Number MT/029 Centre Name IELTS Malta

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