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Part 2A of Form ADV: Firm Brochure Item 1 Cover Page

Legacy Innovations, Inc. 157 N Chambers, Unit 1 Galesburg, IL 61401 Branch Office: 7001 16th Street Berwyn, IL 60402 Telephone: 708-668-5971 309-351-9638 Website:

This brochure provides information about the qualifications and business practices of Legacy Innovations, Inc. If you have any questions about the contents of this brochure, please contact us at 708-668-5971 or 309-351-9638 or by e-mail to for Mike; 847-606-9842 or for Dave. The information in this brochure has not been approved or verified by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission or by any state securities authority. Additional information about Legacy Innovations, Inc. also is available on the SEC's website at Registration as a "Registered Investment Advisor" or "Investment Advisor Representative" does not imply any certain level of skill or training.

Brochure dated March 11, 2014

Item 2

Material Changes

No material changes.

Item 3

Table of Contents

Cover Page Material Changes Table of Contents Advisory Business Fees and Compensation Performance Based Fees Types of Clients Methods of Analysis Disciplinary Information Other Affiliations Code of Ethics, Personal Trading Participation or interest Client Transactions Brokerage Practices Review of Accounts Client Referrals Custody of Client Assets Investment Discretion Voting of Client Securities Financial Information Executive Officer Information

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Item 4

Advisory Business

Legacy Innovations, Inc. is a financial services company which offers fee for service, asset based fees for management and commission based products depending upon our clients wants and needs. The firm was founded in November of 2009 and became a Registered Investment Advisor in March of 2010. Currently, the only owner is Michael Ramage. Michael and David Mattea are currently the only Investment Advisor Representatives at the firm. Fee based services are offered in several different formats. Flat fee services are charged for several types of single topic financial plans, i.e. college expense planning, retirement planning, survivor needs planning, etc. The flat fee will be quoted after the initial data gathering session (which is free of charge) is completed. This is necessary to allow the Investment Advisor Representative the opportunity to determine the extent of the clients needs and estimate the time that will be involved to produce the desired financial plan. In addition, comprehensive financial plans are available. Fee based services are also available for research and opinion on any permitted financial products or services, or for consulting work regarding any and all financial issues. The fee for these services is $250 per hour. Our practice is driven to the needs of our clients. Our financial plans are customized to each individual client and reflect their needs and desires. We will follow any restrictions that are placed upon us by our clients in regards to industries in which they will not invest for whatever reason or products that they will not utilize. We currently also have client assets under management on an asset based fee, such fees are put forth in the following schedules.

Item 5

Fees and Compensation

Investment Advisory services and Portfolio management services are provided to all clients with no minimum asset size or net worth requirement and charged as follows:

Individual Securities Portfolio Client Level Asset Level 1 Below $250,000 $250,000 - $499,999 2 $500,000 - $999,999 $1,000,000 - $2,500,000 3 $2,500,000 - $4,999,999 4 $5,000,000+ Mutual Fund/ETF Portfolio Client Level Asset Level 1 Below $250,000 $250,000 - $499,999 2 $500,000 - $999,999 $1,000,000 - $2,500,000 3 $2,500,000 +

Fee Structure $2,500 1% $5,000 plus .9% of assets over $500,000 $9,500 plus .8% of assets over $1,000,000 $21,500 plus .7% of assets over $2,500,000 $39,000 plus .5% of assets over $5,000,000 Fee Structure $2,000 .8% $4,000 plus .7% of assets over $500,000 $7,500 plus .6% of assets over $1,000,000 $16,500 plus .5% of assets over $2,500,000

These fees are for advisory/management services only. Custody fees and transaction fees are separate and

disclosed prior to transactions being performed or contained in fund prospectuses, if applicable. Fees are negotiable.

Asset based fees include the following based on client level: (1) portfolio allocation and monitoring including quarterly/threshold rebalancing with annual client review; (2) same with quarterly client review; (3) same with monthly/threshold rebalancing with monthly client review; (4) same with anytime client review. The first fee may be prorated based on date of Advisory Services Agreement and based upon value agreed upon by client. The client has a right to terminate the contract without penalty within five (5) business days after entering into the contract, thereafter, Advisory Services agreements may be cancelled by 30 days written notice before its expiration date, fees are not refundable. Our firm bills our clients for the fees which they incur. We bill on a quarterly basis beginning with the date we have a signed advisory agreement using an agreed upon figure for your "assets under management. For example if your agreement is dated January 13, we will bill you on the following dates: January 13, April 13, July 13, and October 13. The bills for your ongoing asset under management fees will be based upon the most recent statement available. Our firm does sell insurance products for commissions. This may represent a conflict of interest due to the different amounts of compensation that may be received for different financial products. Our firm discloses the commissions which we earn from the sale of any financial products that we recommend along with the reasons for our recommendation of a certain financial product over another. Sometimes the best product may pay the most commission, sometimes it may pay the least. We offer a variety of products from

Item 6

Performance-Based Fees and Side-By-Side Management

Our firm does not charge performance based fees.

Item 7

Types of Clients

Legacy Innovations, Inc. provides investment advisory and financial planning services to a wide variety of individuals, companies and trustees. Our practice focuses upon personal financial planning (college funding, retirement, survivor needs, long term care, etc.), business financial planning (business succession, fringe benefits, buy/sell agreements, etc.) and investment management for all our clients.

We do not have a minimum account size. We do not hold our clients assets, therefore, we do not have control over whether the custodian of our clients assets has a minimum account size or their requirements for opening or maintaining accounts.

Item 8

Methods of Analysis, Investment Strategies and Risk of Loss

The firm utilizes NaviPlan for its comprehensive and single issue financial plans. The methods of analysis for making Investment recommendations is based upon research provided from various news sources, Bloomberg News, CNBC, CNN, etc on television. Also, the firm conducts research on the internet including the use of information from company websites, news organization websites, SEC disclosure documents, etc. All investment strategies are the proprietary property of the firm. Clients are given the opportunity to choose from a variety of investment products, securities, insurance, etc. that will be utilized to achieve the client's desired goals and objectives while attempting to limit the clients risk of loss through the use of portfolio diversification (holding investments from different investment classes). Advanced strategies for minimizing the risk of loss may consist of the use of hedging strategies to minimize risk in portfolio positions that cannot be diversified, i.e., options to cover downside risk in large positions of employer stock is the best example of when this would occur. All investment strategies are fully disclosed to and approved by the client before they are used.

Item 9

Disciplinary Information

There have never been nor are there currently pending any disciplinary actions against the firm or any of its investment advisory representatives.

Item 10

Other Financial Industry Activities and Affiliations

The firm's sole shareholder, Michael Ramage, is the sole proprietor of a law firm and real estate brokerage firm as well as an investor and member of several Real Estate Investment Groups. This relationship is disclosed to all clients prior to their engagement of services. These relationships do not create conflicts of interests between the firm and its clients.

Item 11

Code of Ethics, Participation or Interest in Client Transactions and Personal Trading

The firm places the needs of our clients first. We do not engage as parties in transactions with our clients. For example, we are not the buyer of the securities that you are selling in the transaction. Due to divergent needs, the firm or one of its affiliates may be selling a particular security that you are buying or buying a security that you are selling. This could occur due to an over exposure to a single security (typically employer stock). A reason for the divergent actions is given whenever this occurs. The firm will always disseminate recommendations to clients and execute client transactions, giving a minimum of one hour to respond to recommendations, before acting on its or its officers, employees, and independent contractors (affiliated entities) behalf. The client's interests always come first. The firm and its affiliated entities will not be allowed to sell anything they are recommending to clients to buy or buy anything they are recommending for clients to sell without contacting all clients and informing them of a reversal in the firms position and waiting for a period of 24 hours to perform such a transaction. Unless the transaction is a buy recommendation and adverse information about the subject security becomes known to the general public causing a loss greater than 10% in the security. Under such circumstances the firm and its affiliated entities may act to minimize their losses after disseminating the information to all affected clients and eliminating client positions, if desired, unless the client perceives such a move in the stock to be a buying opportunity and acts contrary to the firm's reversal. The firm may not have control over certain transactions in its own or a clients account that may reflect a conflict. For example, the firm may be recommending a client sell a security while the firm is buying the security due to a person affiliated with the firm having a spouse that is exercising a stock award or employee stock purchase plan from their employer. Also, a client may sell or buy stock by the exercise of a stock award or employee stock purchase program of their employer which results in a transaction that is against the position of the firm in the given security. If anyone in the firm trades on a personal basis, the individual will disseminate their trade to client's before executing their personal trade. This dissemination may be done by e-mail, telephone call or posting to the company website. The firm obeys all laws related to securities transactions and insider trading.

Item 12

Brokerage Practices

The firm is not a broker/dealer and does not maintain a relationship with a broker/dealer. When needed by advisory clients, the firm utilizes the services of a broker/dealer chosen by the client. If the client does not currently have a relationship with a broker/dealer, the firm will make a recommendation of at least 3 broker/dealers for the client to consider. The firm does not receive any compensation from broker/dealers in any form.

Item 13

Review of Accounts

Reviews are conducted on a basis as determined by the client: monthly, quarterly or annually. The levels vary from maintaining asset allocation to measuring financial plan goals. The triggering factors are the passage of time or asset allocation hitting the clients predetermined allocation cap. Reviews are prepared by the Investment Adviser Representative and approved by the CCO Michael Ramage to ensure compliance with client contract, financial plan and/or account questionnaire and corporate policies and procedures on all accounts. Clients receive a review letter on the basis of their selected review cycle documenting their situation and corresponding goals, the client has the option of discussing their review over the telephone or scheduling an in-person meeting.

Item 14

Client Referrals and Other Compensation

The firm does not accept referrals from other firms for compensation. The firm also does not refer clients to other service providers for compensation.

Item 15


The firm does not have custody over client assets or funds. The firm may have third party authority over accounts that are held in the name of the client at other financial firms and/or banks, if given to the firm by the client.

Item 16

Investment Discretion

The firm may exercise discretion over a clients account in accordance with the clients' engagement agreement. It is the firms practice to get client approval for any and all transactions. However, under certain circumstances, i.e. the client is traveling and unavailable, the firm may exercise its discretionary authority after a failure of the client to respond to the recommendation of the firm if the market is reacting adversely to the clients' interests.

Item 17

Voting Client Securities

The firm does not vote client securities.

Item 18

Financial Information

The firm has no financial conditions that are reasonably likely to impair our ability to meet contractual commitments to clients.

Item 19

Requirements for State-Registered Advisers

Michael R Ramage, Sole Owner, Pres/CEO/CCO, Bachelor's Degree in Political Science with minor in Economics (Western Illinois University), Juris Doctor Degree from Northern Illinois University. For the past five (15) years Michael has been engaged in the following endeavors: extensive experience preparing and implementing financial plans for retirees, entrepreneurs and young professionals. Financial planning focused upon long-term investing, asset protection, college education funding, asset allocation, retirement planning, estate tax planning, real estate investing, business succession planning, and fringe benefit plans. Investment advisory services focused upon investment selection and asset management. As a manager/Registered Principal, Michael was responsible for training and supervising registered representative and insurance agents in all aspects of their activities. Michael maintains an IL real estate managing broker's license, he spends minimal time related to this activity (20 hours per month). Michael is also actively engaged in the practice of law, in Illinois. He handles estate planning, real estate, corporate and family law matters. Michael spends approximately 60 hours per month on these activities. Michael works approximately 60 to 70 hours per week.

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companies that allows us to make the best recommendations for our clients. These recommendations will be based upon the clients needs and desires regarding their overall portfolio as well as the strengths of the products that we recommend. Clients always have the option to utilize the services of another firm to purchase any financial product that they believe they need to achieve their financial goals or that was recommended in one of our financial plans. Our firm is not affiliated with any Broker/Dealer and does not receive commissions, marketing fees, markups or any other compensation from any Broker/Dealer or sponsor of any investment product. The commissions referenced above are solely from the sale of insurance products. If a client desires a level of access that is higher than their asset level, the firm may accommodate the clients wish on an hourly fee basis for the additional meetings or reviews. The firm also maintains a time of services based fee arrangement for individuals that take an active involvement in the management of their assets but want to have access to our advisers to evaluate their portfolios and discuss their decisions and plans. The fee for these arrangements is as follows: Level 1: Comprehensive financial plan with portfolio allocation and annual client review Level 2: Comprehensive financial plan with portfolio allocation and semiannual client review Level 3: Comprehensive financial plan with portfolio allocation and quarterly client review Level 4: Comprehensive financial plan with portfolio allocation and monthly client review Level 5: Comprehensive financial plan with portfolio allocation and anytime client review

These services are based upon a retainer plus time expended basis as follows: Level 1: $2000 Level 2: $3000 Level 3: $5000 Level 4: $8000 Level 5: $10,000 The retainer applies to the following items: Comprehensive financial plan and the corresponding review to include two hours of preparation and one hour of review both at the frequency determined by the client level chosen by the client. Additional time is billed at the hourly rate of $250 per hour.

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