Black Box Security System

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Synopsis On Black box For CAR

Submitted To: Submitted By: Bhutta college of ngg! " technology

#e are thankful to $rs! $anu Bharti for their %uidance to select this pro&ect!! This pro&ect 'ill help us a lot in practical training! (t)s the time to implement theoretical kno'ledge to practical implementation!


INTRODUCTION #e kno' the about Black box in aeroplane!#e are making same pro&ect for car! (n 'hich 'e 'ill use different type of sensors! #e 'ill use (R*+,%*+-R*'ater and Fire sensors! (n this pro&ect 'e 'ill make pro&ect on black box of car! #e 'ill make security system for car! (t 'ill detect the fire in car then it 'ill gi.e signal on indicator and 'e 'ill use /012 +C- for display fault on +C-! 3ere in this pro&ect 'e also sho' that ho' 'e detect a +,% gas or any type of gases and if 'e detect a gases then alarm is on* doors glasses 'ill open or doors 'ill open and the same time lcd display sho's the gas detection display ! lpg gas sensors are for future point of .ie'* because of increasing cost of petrol* most of car o'ner are using +,% gas car kit4 (f the gas is detected then relay is off and break the supply of gas applied to the .ehicle or 'e can control any type of electrical connection on or off by this relay operated logic!

$ain part of this pro&ect is gas sensor!

3ere 'e use T%S gas sensor! This sensor is a 0 pin sensor ! Top and bottom of the sensor is co.ered 'ith /55 mesh stainless stell 'ire cloth! The heart of the sensor is the cylindrical form in the middle of the unit! The cylinder is a ceramic material 'ith the SnO2 material deposited on its surface! The heater coil is located inside the ceramic cylinder! The heater has a resistance of 67 ohms!

Output of the gas sensor is connected to npn transistor and the ic 888 as a monostable trigger ic! Sensor high signal to npn transistor! Transistors emitter is connected 'ith ground! And collector connected 'ith 9 888 timer! Timer output to npn transitor! Second npn transistor lo' signal to mcrcontroller! #e kno' microcontroller default o4p is high!As the sensor is detect a gas then ic 888 acti.ate automatically and then output of the ic 888 is connected to the microcontroller circuit!

(n the microcontroller circuit 'e use ic 7:s8/ controller! ;se of this is is to control the one or many relay logic and at the same time sho' the message on the lcd display! (f no gas is detected then display sho's a e.erything is ok ! (f the gas is detected then sho' a 'arning message on the screen and at the same time relay off the supply unit!


i! "i#.

Fire detection circuit< (n Fire detection circuit 'e used thermocouple as a sensor! Thermocouple 'orks at nearly =5 deg to :5 deg! (f it detect high temperature in your car > that can be in engine?! Then thermocouple get expanded! And gi.e lo' signal to microcontroller! (t is connected 'ith the microcontroller at pin /!6 LDR i! "i#$ (n ldr circuit 'e used t'o transistors npn 8@7! 'e get t'o inputs at base of first npn transistor! A .ariable resistance of .alue 8k connected 'ith base of first tr! Second input to transistor is connected to .cc .ia +-R! +-R is of 85ohm 'hen get max! light at base of +-R! #hen npn 'ill get high signal at basethen it 'ill get acti.ated! Transoistors collector is connected 'ith ACC and emitter connected 'ith base of other npn transistor! 9o' other npn transistors collector connected 'ith microcontroller and emitter connected 'ith ground! (t connected 'ith pin /!@ of mcu! W%#&! '&('o!$ as there is no 'ater sensor a.ailable in the market! #e used t'ires for 'ater connecti.ity purpose! One 'ire is connected 'ith mcu at pin no p/!2

and other 'ire connected 'ith ground! (t gi.e lo' signal to mcu 'hen connected to each other .ia 'ater! (t can be used for moisture check in mats and rain detection! IR i! "i# $ There is one transmitter and other! Transmitter is (R + - of siBe 8mm! #e bias in for'ard bias! i!e! positi.e is connected 'ith ACC .ia @=5 resistance! And C.e is connected to ground!

(n side 'e used (R photodiode! (t 'orks in re.erse bias! 9egati.e of (R connected to positi.e and positi.e end is grounded !'e take output from negati.e pin of sensor! #e used /5k pull up resistor to make negati.e end

sensor high! #hen they are in front of each other theb it 'ill gi.e lo' signal to mcu!

%as sensor interface! Schimtt trigger circuit! $icrocontroller interface!

+cd interface! Alarm control Relay on4off control

(9 the gas sensor interface 'e use gas sensor as a input logic! #e attach one ic 888 as 'ith this sensor ! 3ere ic 888 'ork as a monostable timer! Sensor output is connected to the ic 888 pin no 2 .ia npn transistor! ,in no 2 is a negati.e trigger ic! #hen sensor acti.ate then positi.e output is a.ailable and this positi.e output is con.erted into negati.e 'ith the help of the 9,9 transistor! Output of the 9,9 transistor is no' connected to the pin no 2 of the ic 888! ,inno @ and 7 of the ic 888 is connected to the positi.e supply! ,in no / is connected to the ground pin! ,in no = is the output pin! ,in no 0 and = is the time constant pin! ,in no 0 and = pro.ide a time constant option! #hen ic 888 'orks then output is a.ailable on the pin no 6 ! 9o' this output is s'itching by the further 9,9 transistor!One led is also connected to the transistor circuit! Output of the npn transistor is a.ailable on the collector point! This output from the collector of 9,9 is no' connected to the microcontroller pin no / 'hich is port p/!5! ,in no @5

of the controller is connected to the positi.e supply! #e supply a 8 .olt regulated po'er supply on this pin! For regulated po'er supply 'e use one step do'n transformer ! Step do'n transformer step do'n the .oltage from 225 .olt ac to : .olt ac! This ac is con.erted into dc 'ith the help of the rectifier circuit! 3ere 'e use t'o diode as a full 'a.e rectifier! Output of the rectifier is no' con.erted into 8 .olt regulated supply 'ith the help of =758 regulator! (C =758 regulator pro.ide a 8 .olt constant supply to pin no @5 of the ic! ,in no 25 is connected to the ground pin! +C- is connected to the port 5! 3ere 'e use 2 by /0 lcd for display! 2 by /0 means 2 line and /0 character!

T'o output is a.ailable from the controller from port ,2! One output is buBBer and second output is relay output! BuBBer is on 'hen circuit sense

a gas and relay s'itch off the supply chain!

To control a relay 'e use t'o transistor circuit! Output from the controller is dri.e the pnp transistor through / k ohm resistor! Collector of the pnp transistor is connected to the npn transistor through / k ohm resistor! Collector of the 9,9 transistor is connected to the relay coil directly! !

3ere relay is for the s'itching purpose only ! As the transistor is on relay is on and relay break the contact of supply chain!

A$,+(F( R C(RC;(T $OTORS


(9TR;- R S 9S R

RA(9 - T CT(O9

AD)ANTAGES +o' cost Reliable CAR automation Flexible due to microcontroller asy to use< system is .ery easy to understand

*EATURES+ Sensors< %as* +-R*O.erheat*Rain*(R +C- display BuBBer H%!,-%!& !&."i!&,+ 758/ programmer uni.ersal kit CRO 25 $hB scre' kit Soldering (ron kit -igital multimeter So/#-%!& !&."i!&,$ Deil soft'are< $icro.ision 2 ORCA- for ,CB design /5!8 ,roteus for simulation =!@ .ersion

CO$,O9 9TS ;S -:
ST , -O#9 TRA9SFOR$ R -(O(9 @55=>2? 225 TO : AO+T AC

CA,AC(TOR */555 $F- >/?* 66 $F- >/?* 2= ,F >2?! 9,9 TRA9S(STOR BC 8@7>@? ,9, TRA9S(STOR BC 887>2? R S(STOR /55 D >2?* / D >@?* @=5 O3$ >/?* /5 D >6? ,;++ ;, R S(S(TOR ARRAE! /5 D >/?

AAR(AB+ R S(STOR @!= D >/? +! !- >6? R +AE /2 AO+T B;FF R -C B;+B 3O+- R

A001i %#io(' /! 2! 6! @! 8! (n car security (n kitchens in +,% godo'n (n security of home (n offices and industry
Component List
S.No. 1 2 $ * 5 % . 8 9 10 11 12 1$ 1* 15 1% 1. 18 19 20 21 22 2$ 2* 25 Item MCU 89C051 us! to "n S# S"L&'RIN( )IR' S"L&'RIN( IR"N +LU, C"NN'C-IN( )IR' -R5*8 -R558 R'SIS-'NC'S C/ /CI-"RS 100001 i2 sset *.001 &I"&'S L'& C2ysta3 12M45 IC 6/S' I+ set IC .805 7o3t. Re8 -R/NS+"RM'R 9 7 S"C9'-S R'L/: 97 MIL'R C/ CR:S-/L $.5.95*5 IC1$% Quantity 0 $ 1 1 1 1 2 0 20 2 1 * 8 8 2 $ 120 2 1 $ $ 5 2 2 Rate/Unit 80 12 25 120 10 50 2 2 0.5 10 120 5 1 1 25 5 1 15 $0 10 25 $ 20 15 Rate(Rs.) 0 $% 25 120 10 50 * 0 10 0 20 120 20 8 8 50 15 120 $0 $0 $0 .5 15 *0 $0

2% 2. 28 29 $0 $1 $2 $$

4"L&'R L: 6"/R& -/ ' R"LL Coppe2 C3a; 6oa2; +eC3$ <'N'R S=2e#s/>o3t 6etteies -"-/L C"S-

2 1 1 1 1 0 2 1

10 100 10 100 100 $ 2 15

20 100 10 100 100 0 * 15 109%

Bibliography: '''!ludhianapro&ects!com These 'ebsite helped us in searching idea of pro&ects '''!758/pro&ects!net Ricky 'orlds pro&ects '''! Atmel!com '''!mcupro&ects!com '''!elecronicfriends!com microcontroller based pro&ects ideas<

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