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Life of a common kid

Everyones life is like hills climbing up and then down but as observed by me the one who remains at the top of the peak always wins. So starting from my childhood, I was a very conservative boy who neither liked playing too much nor studying but I was fascinated towards knowing about human origin and also had the curiosity hidden within me to know more about others but couldnt express myself due to my shy attitude.It was due to this thinking of mine I chose history to be one of my favorite subjects as it dealt with stories of old man and the apes.While my friends just like any other intelligent kid would answer that that their favourite subject was science and mathematics when they were asked to.Since the load that that I had to shoulder was negligibly small so I never studied hard to come first in my class although luckily the 3rd position was gifted to me when I was in class one . Adolescence the time when we confront the forks of life leading us to the different paths of good and evil. Just like everyone I was also mesmerized by the beauty of a girl and fell in love with her but after walking a long distance to win over her heart I deviated and saw that I had again arrived at that forked pathway where I had begun my journey. It was my inclination towards physics which had brought me back and made me dream to discover something great in life.While on the other side I had not only my girlfriend but had also changed my favourite subject to physics as history had turned political then. The curiosity hidden within me was ignited and it was due to this spirit burning within me I scored 95% marks in my class 10 board exam. It was a great achievement for me as well as for my parents and they had celebrated my result out day with tremendous joy and proudness. Although the burning desire within me promised me to be satisfied only when I score a good percentage in my class 12 board exam I never understood when it went off due to the increased pressure of going to useless tution classes, doing some household works and enjoying with my friends. Class eleven had passed like a tornado without giving me a chance to understand a bit of science and mathematics and the 95% scorer was standing with only79% marks. Finally I was in class 12,I realized the warm air of seriousness around me due to which I again started to read my study materials all by myself before it was taught in my tution. My serious studies had made me realize the uselessness of the tution class as they were black holes which promises to create a shortcut in space but is actually a well which yields foolish students. Although being alerted of the harmful effects of studying in tution, I continued studying there as I feared if my seriousness would leave me again as it was very much fluctuating due to my repeated unreasonable illness.

One month before the exams I had not only left the tutions but also my seriousness .I studied like an average student during the holidays and was no more a hardworking physicist, the condition had become worser when my exams begun and my first English exam went bad as I was unable to complete the paper. My next exam was physics and my deterimination told me that the time time to keep my promise had come, but unfortunately the paper was again so much lengthy that I was not only able to complete it but had also made a lot of silly mistakes.The frustration had disheartened me due to which my next chemistry exam went intermediate as although I completed it but made many silly mistakes. My next exam is after 8 days and its maths which is also a part of my promise.I really dont know what the heavens have planned for me but just like a super hero I again need to activate the fire within me to win over my unfinished race.

DATE:13 Mar 2014 Location:India,West Bengal

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