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Annual 47 C.F.R. 64.2009(e) CPNI Cer !"!#a !$n E% &$#'e 06()6 Annual 64.2009(e) CPNI Certification for 2013. Date filed: Marc 12! 2014 Na"e of co"#an$ co%ered for t i& certification: At'ood Ca(le )$&te"&! Inc. *or" 499 *iler ID: +2,1+Na"e of &i.nator$: /o(ert 0. Dun1er 2itle of &i.nator$: 3ice Pre&ident I! /o(ert 0. Dun1er! certif$ t at I a" an officer of t e co"#an$ na"ed a(o%e! and actin. a& an a.ent of t e co"#an$! t at I a%e #er&onal 1no'led.e t at t e co"#an$ a& e&ta(li& ed o#eratin. #rocedure& t at are ade4uate to en&ure co"#liance 'it t e Co""i&&ion5& CPNI rule&. )ee 4, C.*./. 6 64.2001 et seq. Attac ed to t i& certification i& an acco"#an$in. &tate"ent e7#lainin. o' t e co"#an$5& #rocedure& en&ure t at t e co"#an$ i& in co"#liance 'it t e re4uire"ent& &et fort in &ection 64.2001 et seq. of t e Co""i&&ion5& rule&. 2 e co"#an$ a& not ta1en an$ action& (#roceedin.& in&tituted or #etition& filed ($ a co"#an$ at eit er &tate co""i&&ion&! t e court &$&te"! or at t e Co""i&&ion a.ain&t data (ro1er&) a.ain&t data (ro1er& in t e #a&t $ear. 2 e co"#an$ a& not recei%ed an$ cu&to"er co"#laint& in t e #a&t $ear concernin. t e unaut ori8ed relea&e of CPNI.


/o(ert 0. Dun1er

9electronic &i.nature:


1. It i& t e #olic$ of At'ood Ca(le )$&te"&! Inc. (;AC)I<) not to u&e! di&clo&e! or #er"it acce&& to Cu&to"er Pro#rietar$ Net'or1 Infor"ation (;CPNI<)! a& defined in t e *CC5& rule&! for an$ #ur#o&e& ot er t an t e follo'in.! all of ' ic are #er"itted 'it out cu&to"er a##ro%al under *CC rule&: a. *or t e #ur#o&e of #ro%idin. or "ar1etin. AC)I &er%ice offerin.& a"on. cate.orie& of &er%ice (i.e.! local! intere7c an.e) to ' ic t e cu&to"er alread$ &u(&cri(e&. (. *or t e #ur#o&e of #ro%idin. in&ide 'irin. in&tallation! "aintenance! and re#air &er%ice&. c. *or t e #ur#o&e of "ar1etin. ;ad=unct>to>(a&ic< &er%ice&! &uc a& &#eed dialin.! call "onitorin.! call (loc1in.! call return! re#eat dialin.! %oice "ail! call 'aitin.! caller I.D.! call for'ardin.! and certain centre7 feature&. d. *or t e #ur#o&e of #rotectin. t e ri. t& or #ro#ert$ of AC)I! or to #rotect u&er& of it& &er%ice& and ot er carrier& fro" fraud! a(u&i%e! or unla'ful u&e of or &u(&cri#tion to &uc &er%ice&. 2. AC)I e&ta(li& ed a #ro.ra" to infor" and train #er&onnel t at t e$ "a$ not u&e! di&clo&e! or #er"it acce&& to CPNI for an$ #ur#o&e ot er t an t o&e &et fort a(o%e. At #re&ent! t e Co"#an$ doe& not en.a.e in out(ound "ar1etin. u&in. CPNI. 2 e Co"#an$ a& an e7#re&& di&ci#linar$ #roce&& in #lace to di&ci#line %iolation& of it& CPNI #olic$. 3. ?ecau&e AC)I doe& not u&e! di&clo&e or #er"it acce&& to CPNI e7ce#t a& de&cri(ed a(o%e! ($ definition! it doe& not need to "aintain a record of &ale& and "ar1etin. ca"#ai.n& t at u&e cu&to"er&5 CPNI or of in&tance& ' ere CPNI i& di&clo&ed to t ird #artie&! or ' ere t ird #artie& 'ere allo'ed acce&& to CPNI. 4. ?ecau&e AC)I doe& not u&e CPNI e7ce#t a& de&cri(ed a(o%e! AC)I doe& not utili8e a notification and cu&to"er a##ro%al #roce&& (i.e.! an o#t>out or o#t>in #roce&&). If t e Co"#an$ c an.e& it& "ar1etin. #rocedure&! an a##ro#riate cu&to"er notification #roce&& 'ill (e in&tituted.

-. AC)I offer& to cu&to"er&! online acce&& to cu&to"er # one feature&! %oice"ail and call detail. AC)I a& "ea&ure& to &ecure t e cu&to"er infor"ation 'it #ro#er aut entication! includin. t e u&e of #a&&'ord& and ot er "et od& t at co"#l$ 'it *CC rule& to #rotect CPNI. AC)I 'ill notif$ t e cu&to"er i""ediatel$ if t e cu&to"er5& #a&&'ord i& c an.ed. 2 i& notification i& "ade ($ "ail! &ent to t e cu&to"er5& #re>e7i&tin. addre&& of record! and doe& not re%eal t e c an.ed infor"ation. 6. Cu&to"er& ' o contact AC)I %ia in(ound call& are not a(le to acce&& t eir call detail infor"ation. If in t e future AC)I decide& to con%e$ call detail infor"ation to cu&to"er& &ee1in. &uc infor"ation %ia in(ound callin.! t en AC)I 'ill ta1e "ea&ure& to &ecure t e cu&to"er infor"ation 'it #ro#er aut entication! includin. t e u&e of #a&&'ord& and ot er "et od& t at co"#l$ 'it *CC rule& to #rotect call detail infor"ation. ,. Cu&to"er& ' o #re&ent t e"&el%e& at AC)I5& retail location and ' o re4ue&t CPNI are a&1ed for #ro#er # oto.ra# ic identification (i.e.! &tate i&&ued dri%er5& licen&e or t e e4ui%alent.) CPNI 'ill (e di&clo&ed onl$ if t e cu&to"er #re&ent& %alid # oto ID "atc in. t e cu&to"er5& account infor"ation. +. AC)I a& not detected an$ unaut ori8ed acce&& to CPNI! eit er ($ e"#lo$ee&! #rete7ter& or ot er t ird #artie&. AC)I did not recei%e an$ cu&to"er co"#laint& re.ardin. CPNI in 2013. 9. AC)I 'ill notif$ t e cu&to"er i""ediatel$ if t e cu&to"er5& addre&& of record i& created (e7ce#t at t e ti"e of &er%ice initiation) or c an.ed. 2 i& notification i& "ade ($ "ail 2o t e cu&to"er5& #re>e7i&tin. addre&& of record! and doe& not re%eal t e c an.ed infor"ation. 10. In t e e%ent of an$ (reac of a cu&to"er5& CPNI a& de&cri(ed in &ection 64.2011 of t e *CC rule&! AC)I 'ill! a& &oon a& #ractica(le and in all e%ent& 'it in &e%en (,) da$& of deter"ination of t e (reac ! notif$ la' enforce"ent t rou. tt#:@@'''.fcc..o%@e(@c#ni! and &u(&e4uentl$ notif$ t e cu&to"er(&)! in accordance 'it t e #rocedure& and in t e &e4uence #re&cri(ed ($ t at rule &ection. AC)I 'ill "aintain a record of an$ &uc (reac e& and notification& for at lea&t t'o (2) $ear&. 11. AC)I a& in #lace a &u#er%i&or$ re%ie' #roce&& re.ardin. co"#liance 'it it& CPNI #olic$. 12. AC)I a& CPNI and Pri%ac$ #olicie& a%aila(le in it& Pu(lic *ile! located at our office! and al&o a%aila(le on AC)I 'e(&ite.

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