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KET for Schools Paper 3 Part 2 Information exchange Notes for teachers

Description Students do a lead-in activity in which their teacher asks them about a school or local event. They then write questions from question prompts. They ask and answer these questions. Finally, students practise a Part 2 task, taking turns to ask and answer.

Time required: Materials required: Aims:

25 - 30 minutes Handout to familiarise students with the content and format of Paper 3, Part 2 to practise asking and answering questions about factual information

Procedure 1. As a lead in, choose a school or local event that students know about and ask them: When is .? What time / date? Where is it? How much is it? / Is it free? Add a few more questions relevant to the event. Point out that this is the kind of real life situation which is reflected in Part 2 speaking; people ask about and give information about a situation. 2. Explain (or elicit) that in Part 2 of the Speaking test, one student is given a card with some information on it. The other student has a card with some prompts for questions on it. The students ask and answer questions. Then students change roles are given new cards with different information and questions. 3. Give out the handout to show students an example, and ask them to look at the first set of cards. Elicit what is in the card on the left (information about skateboarding) and whats in the card on the right (prompts for questions). What does candidate B have to do? (Ask questions to Candidate A.) What does Candidate A have to do? (Listen to the questions and answer them from the information on the card.) 4. Ask students to work in pairs and to look at the first set of cards about skateboarding. Together the students should write the five questions suggested by the question prompts.

UCLES 2008. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom use provided no charge is made. It may not otherwise be altered, photocopied, reproduced, distributed, published, recorded, made available on another website, or otherwise transmitted by any means without the prior written permission of University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations.

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5. Monitor students as they write their questions. When everyone has finished, elicit correct questions and write them on the board. N.B. There are often several possible questions for each prompt. 6. Get students to practise the pronunciation and intonation of the questions by choral and/or individual drilling. Remind students of the assessment criteria: grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and interactive communication. Point out here that students are making grammatically correct sentences, understanding and using appropriate vocabulary, using appropriate pronunciation for questions and answers and are communicating by asking and answering questions. 7. Tell students that examiner gives instructions to set up the task for Part 2, then the students are expected to manage the interaction themselves. In order to practise this, ask students to work in pairs, one to ask and the other to answer the questions. Read the instructions to the whole class, then let them talk together for 3-4 minutes. Monitor as they work, checking that they have located the correct information and are communicating clearly.

8. Ask students to change roles, so if they were asking questions in step 7 they will now give answers. Tell them to look at the second set of cards in the worksheet about a theatre school. Monitor to make sure they are using correct question forms and answering clearly with correct information. As a final check, get a couple of students to demonstrate correct questions and answers in front of the whole class. 9. As a round up, ask students the following questions about Part 2 of the test: Who do you have to talk to? (your partner, not the examiner) Can you choose what to talk about? (no, you talk about the information on the cards) What sort of questions do you have to ask? (factual questions about the information on the cards) How long do you have for each set of cards? (3-4 minutes) Is accuracy the most important thing? (no, its more important to communicate together but you need to be understood)

Key to the sample task Where is the skateboarding competition? Is it for children? What date will it be on? Is there a website? What can you win? ( Its in/at) Green Park (Its for anyone/children) 11 to 15 years old. 20(th) June Yes. (You can win a new) skateboard.

Whats the name of the (theatre) school?

Its called /Its name is Lenny Grade.

UCLES 2008. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom use provided no charge is made. It may not otherwise be altered, photocopied, reproduced, distributed, published, recorded, made available on another website, or otherwise transmitted by any means without the prior written permission of University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations.

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What can you learn (there)? When are the classes? How much does it / do they cost? Whats the address?

(You can learn to ) act, sing and dance. (They are) from 3 to 5 (p.m.) every Saturday. (Its) 35 a month Its 22 High Street.

Suggested follow-up activities: In class provide plenty of opportunities for role plays. Information-gap activities are also useful practice for asking and answering questions.

UCLES 2008. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom use provided no charge is made. It may not otherwise be altered, photocopied, reproduced, distributed, published, recorded, made available on another website, or otherwise transmitted by any means without the prior written permission of University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations.

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KET for Schools Paper 3, Part 2

Information exchange

Candidate A, here is some information about a skateboarding competition. Candidate B, you don't know anything about the skateboarding competition, so ask A some questions about it.

Now B, ask A your questions about the skateboarding competition, and A you answer them.

Skateboarding Competition
for anyone 11 15 years old at Green Park 20 June

1st prize New Skateboard visit for more information

Skateboarding Competition where ? for children ? date ? website ? what / win ?

UCLES 2008. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom use provided no charge is made. It may not otherwise be altered, photocopied, reproduced, distributed, published, recorded, made available on another website, or otherwise transmitted by any means without the prior written permission of University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations.

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Candidate B, here is some information about a theatre school. Candidate A, you don't know anything about the theatre school, so ask A some questions about it. Now A, ask B your questions about the theatre school, and B you answer them.

The Lenny Grade School

Theatre School 22 High Street Well teach you to act, sing and dance! Classes 3 to 5 p.m. Every Saturday Fee: 35 a month Visit:

Theatre School name / school ? what / learn ? when / classes ? cost ? ? address ?

UCLES 2008. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom use provided no charge is made. It may not otherwise be altered, photocopied, reproduced, distributed, published, recorded, made available on another website, or otherwise transmitted by any means without the prior written permission of University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations.

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