(Working Title) Draft III

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(Working Title) Draft III By Emily Wilson

Emily Wilson University of Leeds Leeds LS2 9JT UK

Tel: 07720498830 email: emilywilson16@hotmail.co.uk

INT. OPEN LIVING ROOM / KITCHEN - DAY POV: Dirty mugs and plates litter the kitchen work tops. Mess accumulated from perhaps two weeks of indolence. A small breakfast counter covered in mugs, plates and cigarette butts separates the kitchen and equally messy, yet bare, living room. ISAAC, a man, in his early 20s, wearing jeans and a jacket, is closing the front door. He looks tired. He speaks directly to the camera. ISAAC So, long time no see. Isaac looks around the kitchen briefly before turning to the living room. ISAAC (CONTD) (Almost embarrassed) Yeah, um, Im sorry about the mess. Bit of a shithole isnt it? He sits on the living room sofa. ISAAC (CONTD) My heads not in a great place at the minute. Isaac stops and looks to his hands awkwardly before leaning back into the sofa. ISAAC (CONTD) Which is why youre here now, right? Isaac chuckles to himself and lights a cigarette. EXT. HOUSING ESTATE - EVENING Isaac walks through a relatively run down housing estate, its cold and he is wearing a thick coat. He walks quickly as though frustrated. ISAAC Shes not answering my phone calls. I mean, what the fuck does she want me to do? Its like shes acting as though nothing happened between us. (CONTINUED)

CONTINUED: Isaac stops and looks into the camera. ISAAC (CONTD) (Panicked) Im on the edge. INT. CHEAP DINER / CAFE - NIGHT


Isaac is sat at a table in silence staring out the window of a run down cafe. His expression is withdrawn and aggravated, his eyes heavy. ISAAC You know what? Fuck that bitch. She clearly had no idea. If I really meant that little to her then fuck it. Isaac looks down, he is saddened by his realisation. ISAAC (CONTD) Its just. [Beat] I loved her man. That cant be the last time I ever see her. Isaac looks back out the window, silent. A MAN approaches the table, he is wearing a trench coat. Standing sideways on, it is clear he does not know Isaac. He places a small tinfoil object on the table and Isaac quickly snatches it off. Without making eye contact with the man, Isaac hands him a napkin, the man flicks through and counts the money inside it before walking away from the table. ISAAC (CONTD) (Defensive) Dont give me that. Im not going there again, this will be the last time, promise. INT. BEDROOM - NIGHT The room is dark and dingy, the bed sheets are barely on properly and clothes are thrown around everywhere, the main light source is from fairy lights only just pinned to the wall. Sat cross legged on the bed, Isaac prepares a hit of heroin. ISAAC (Seemingly out of nowhere) Isnt it weird how meeting one person changes your entire sense of (MORE) (CONTINUED)

CONTINUED: ISAAC (contd) self-worth? Like you suddenly realise that what you did in the past no longer matters.


Isaac looks into the camera quizzically before carrying on with what he was doing. ISAAC (CONTD) I could never do any wrong because I knew I had her. Isaac taps the needle and tightens a belt round his arm. ISAAC (CONTD) I dont know what Ive done to deserve this though. This mental torture. She used to be the person I would think about when I felt myself slipping back. But now [Beat]. She makes me feel like Im drowning. He slowly injects the heroin. The effect is instant, he seems to melt into the bed. The atmosphere starts to distort and blur, shifting from side to side. ISAAC (CONTD) (Slurring slightly) But then again, so do you. EXT. ESTATE - NIGHT Isaac staggers down the street, he is walking too fast to keep up with. He stumbles and holds onto a wall and the camera catches up with him. Isaac stands back up and carries on walking. ISAAC I need to see her. Isaac stops in his tracks and turns to the camera. ISAAC (CONTD) (Furious) What did you just say? Isaac looks away briefly, he is so wound up he laughs slightly and turns back to the camera.


CONTINUED: ISAAC You know what? I dont know why youre even here! Isaac goes to punch the camera. EXT. HOUSE - NIGHT


Isaac creeps up the path towards a house. His cheek and eye socket is slightly reddened. All the lights are off inside, it appears as though no one is home. He looks through the letter box before peering in through the window. ISAAC (Frustrated) Come on! Suddenly the DOOR UNLOCKS. The camera tracks back as though trying to escape an awkward situation. TARA walks out the front door, she is wearing heels, an extremely short skirt, fishnet stockings and a fur coat. She looks haggared with red lipstick and heavy eye make up. She quickly notices Isaac stepping back from her window, she looks confused. TARA (Looking around) Urmmm. Who the fuck are you and why are you staring through my window? Isaac stares at her, his eyes reflecting his sudden heartbreak. She seems to suddenly recognise him. TARA (CONTD) Wait, I know who you are. Her face fills with anger as she walks down the stairs. She gets in his face aggressively. TARA (CONTD) You owe me money! [Beat] Wheres my money?! Isaac looks confused and speechless. He tries to reason with her. ISAAC ad lib. A large, bulky man appears from inside the house.




MAN (Aggressively) Tara? What you doin? The man quickly looks to Isaac. MAN (CONTD) Whos this prick? TARA (Angrily) This is the guy who stole my phone and ran off without paying me last month! The man walks up to an already shaken Isaac and starts shoving him. MAN Messin with another mans girl are ya? Bet you thought you was goin to get lucky tonight didnt ya? Who you think you are fucking Tara without payin? Isaac, in a sudden surge of rage tries to push the guy away from him. ISAAC NO! NO! NO! You fat twat! Tara is mine! You understand me? Shes mine. The man takes a step back. Just as is seems as though the pair may cool off. The man sudden lunges at Isaac. CUT INT. KITCHEN - NIGHT Isaac is frantically DIGGING THROUGH KITCHEN DRAWS. His eyes are teary and his face red. In anger he suddenly wipes the kitchen island of mugs and plates, they CRASH to the floor. ISAAC Im going to kill her. Isaac continues DIGGING THROUGH DRAWS. ISAAC (CONTD) Where is it?!




He barges into the living room, walking over the BROKEN CERAMIC. ISAAC (CONTD) I meant nothing to her! He falls to his knees, crying, and searches under the sofa. He grabs a pocket knife, stands up and marches towards the door but stops in front of the camera. ISAAC (CONTD) (Through gritted teeth) Move. Out. The. Way. [Beat] Move out the way! Isaac suddenly pushes the camera to the floor and stands over it, staring into it with crazed, teary eyes. ISAAC (CONTD) Why do you haunt me like this?! What are trying to do huh?! What are you doing in my head?! ISAAC (CONTD) (Cold) You want to kill me? Isaac backs off the camera. ISAAC (CONTD) Is that it? Isaac moves towards the door, the knife is still in his hand. He opens the door and turns to the camera. ISAAC (CONTD) Well congratulations. Isaac SLAMS the door. FADE OUT

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