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The 21st Century Learner

Distinguishing the 21st Century Learner There is little doubt that the 21st century learner is fundamentally different from the learner of yesterday. Some researchers are even suggesting that the neurological wiring of these learners is actually physiologically different from that of their predecessors. Following is an outline of the ey phenomena distinguishing the 21st century learner.1 !nli e other generations" these new learners have strong ties to their parents and families. #ven in adulthood" they will tend to maintain close contact with parents and family and are reliant on them for financial assistance and emotional support. Li ewise" the new learner$s heroes are generally close and familiar. %hen as ed to name someone they admire" they are more li ely to name a family member" teacher" or mentor. 21st century learners are increasingly comfortable with globali&ation and its influence on how we wor and sociali&e. The 'illennials are the most li ely of any age group to identify that there are benefits and limitations to an ever(changing global and technological environment. They readily admit that the realities of automation" the outsourcing of )obs" increased centrali&ation" immigration" and digital social networ s are proving to have both positive and negative implications. *n general" the 'illennials display a much more rela+ed and open attitude regarding the dynamic social mores around them. For instance" the family structure of these new learners is diverse ,i.e. single parents" same(se+ parents" common(law parents" etc-. Furthermore" attitudes towards the use of prescription drugs" underage alcohol consumption" se+" and gambling are rela+ing.2 .verall" amidst the changes" social tolerance has become the norm. *n turn" as much as 21st century learners tend to display increased tolerance and acceptance of others" they also e+pect in return an e/ual level of openness" options" and fle+ibility towards differing perspectives at school and at wor . For e+ample" the 'illennials are showing that they prefer to be motivated through positive encouragement" coaching" and well(articulated standards and e+pectations.

0lease be advised that the following characteristics are not meant to be considered as a definitive and e+clusive summary. 1ather" this section is meant to merely outline the ey characteristics that are broadly recogni&ed and discussed socially. 2 2lberta 2lcohol and Drug 2buse Commission" 3Summary 1eport4 in The 2lberta 5outh #+perience Survey 2667" 2667" 27" http899www.aadac.com9documents9T25#S67:summary:report.pdf" ,accessed ; <une 266=-.

March 2008

'oreover" the 21st century learner has high e+pectations regarding the relevance and meaning of their wor . They desire a sense of engagement in what they are doing. *n other words" as a group" they are not willing to subscribe to the idea of 3paying one$s dues4 and delaying career progression. *n addition" 21st century learners are most li ely to have a number of careers over their lifespan" versus one long(term career plan. 2s a result" most 21 st century learners will perceive what they do for a living as only part of their identity > they will not self(identify by their )obs. The 21st Century learner has an intimate relationship with the *nternet. For them" the *nternet is the gateway to their world > for communication" entertainment" relationship maintenance" social networ ing" and information gathering. Conse/uently" the demand for safe" timely" dependable" and accommodating technology is constant. Lastly" the 21st Century learner is learning 21st century s ills. The nowledge that students are increasingly e+pected to demonstrate is transforming. 21 st century s ills include8 information and communication technology ,*CTliteracy" the ability to thin and problem(solve" interpersonal and self( directional s ills" global awareness" and financial" economic" business" and civic literacy. 'ost importantly" students are learning 3how to keep learning continually throughout their lives.4?

0artnership for 21st Century S ills" 3Learning for the 21st Century8 2 1eport and 'ile @uide for 21st Century S ills"4 Tuscan" 2ri&ona" 2662" A" http899www.21stcenturys ills.org9images9stories9otherdocs9p21up:1eport.pdf" ,accessed 1 <une 266=-.

'arch 266B

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