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Successful People Read The Post

4000 RIEL

Garment rm to go public on May 8


Kiev wont use army to save Crimea


CNRP to walk away from talks

Meas Sokchea and Vong Sokheng

Scepticism over social land grants

May Titthara

NEGOTIATIONS between the opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party and ruling Cambodian Peoples Party looked like they might screech to an abrupt halt yesterday as opposition leaders visiting supporters in Tbong Khmum province said they will cut off talks. Speaking to about 1,000 supporters in the provinces ORaing Ov district yesterday, CNRP president Sam Rainsy and Kem Sokha said the talks were a useless attempt to dupe foreign countries into continuing to provide aid and called for renewed demonstrations. First, we stop negotiations. The talks are useless, because this [CPP working] group just delays [proceedings] to dupe foreign countries, Rainsy said. They said that the [Cambodia] National Rescue Party and [Cambodian] Peoples Party have already agreed to negotiate, so give us money. So we will cut off negotiations and Continues on page 2

Freedom isn't free

Men stroll through Phnom Penhs empty Freedom Park yesterday. Authorities yesterday said the park is off limits to protesters, despite Hun Sen last month hinting a ban on public gatherings was being lifted. PHA LINA


Connecting the dots . . .

Daniel Pye

WO of the countrys most powerful and politically connected business owners are on the board of governors of the company thought to have brokered a controversial deal between the worlds largest hydropower developer and the Cambodian government, documents obtained by the Post show. Cambodian Peoples Party senator Lao Meng Khin and his wife, Ching Sopheap owners of Boeung Kak lake developer Shukaku Inc and the Pheapimex group, respectively are listed as third-party governors of Sino-

Tycoons tied to hydropower deal

hydro (Cambodia) United Ltd. That firm is a local affiliate of Beijing-based Sinohydro Corp, according to the companys registration papers, which are dated April 4, 2006, and signed by Koem Sithorn, then-secretary of state at the Ministry of Commerce. Sinohydro took over the concession for the Stung Cheay Areng hydropower dam project about two months ago, the Post first reported last week. The Areng Valley at the edge of the Cardamom Mountain range, where the dam is planned, is one of Cambodias few remaining pristine natural habitats. The area is home to internationally protected Siamese crocodiles and a large wild elephant population, as well as numerous other endangered species. Alex Gonzalez-Davidson, founder of local NGO Mother Nature Cambodia, said while it was not clear if Meng Khin or Sopheap had directly brokered this deal, it was a logical conclusion given that they had engineered a similar deal for the Kamchay hydropower dam in Kampot province where Sopheap was born in 2006.

Theyre powerful brokers, which opens up all these doors for military, ministries, any other investors. The key thing is that youve got the largest hydropower company in the world, stock-listed in Shanghai . . . [but for] their cooperation, you could not choose a more [notorious] partner, he said. Neither Sinohydro United nor Sinohydro Corporation responded to emailed requests for comment and phone calls over more than a week. Meng Khin hung up on a reporter yesterday. Meng Khin and his wife are arguably Continues on page 6

NEARLY a million hectares of land has been granted to ordinary Cambodian citizens through social land concessions (SLC) since May 2012, the government has claimed, though civil society groups have cast doubt on that high figure and questioned how many landless or evicted poor have really benefited from the scheme as intended. The amount of land allegedly given away to families in a less than twoyear period is not far off the total 1.23 million hectares of land granted in economic land concessions (ELC) to private firms since 1993, per recent Ministry of Agriculture figures. According to a statement released by the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction in January and obtained by the Post yesterday, the government has given more than 930,000 hectares of land to villagers through SLCs since Prime Minister Hun Sen placed a moratorium on new ELCs in May 2012. Approximately a third of that land has come from existing ELCs. The ministry has the great honour of informing the public that the government has reclassified and cut a total of more than 930,000 hectares of land to offer to the people, the statement reads. Nearly 280,000 hectares has been cut out of 116 economic land concessions, more than 200,000 hectares of land has been cut out of 18 logging concessions and more than 450,000 hectares of land has been cut out of state land and forest land. As part of his ban on new ELCs, known as Directive 1, Hun Sen ordered authorities, in association with an army of youth volunteers, to measure and issue land titles to all villagers engaged in land disputes with concessionaires. Social land concessions which are meant to be distributed to poor and landless people, the disabled, the Continues on page 4


THE PHNOM PENH POST march 13, 2014

bery of ve gold-plated Buddha replicas, a copper urn and two elephant tusks from the popular tourist site near Phnom Penhs Riverside remained tight-lipped regarding their investigation yesterday, as locals called for the suspect or suspects arrest and prosecution. Our investigative team is hard at work on this case, said Mok Chito, director of the Ministry of Interiors central justice police department. However, we cannot say much about the investigation. Monks rst noticed the artefacts, which are hundreds of years old, missing from the pagoda at about 3am on Tuesday, Chito said that day. Timber, steel bars and thick glass stood between relics and viewers, Pheara said, adding that the difcult task of breaking into the window leads him to believe the job took more than two experienced thieves using modern tools. In nearly 10 years living on Wat Ounaloms grounds, Meng Phoumana, 53, said she had never heard of Buddhist relics being stolen from there. I hope they arrest the suspects, Phoumana said. But, she added, she feared police may falsely accuse people who could then be given a hefty sentence for a crime they did not commit. The Wat Ounalom case is the second in about three months in which items of religious signicance have been stolen from a pagoda. Keo Reaksmey, 24, was arrested last month for allegedly stealing an urn said to contain remnants of the Buddha from Kandal provinces Oudong Mountain in December. Spokesmen from the National Police Department, Ministry of Interior and Phnom Penh City Hall could not be reached yesterday.

Relic hunt continues

Khouth Sophak Chakrya and Sean Teehan

WITH police tape blocking people from the scene of the crime, Sear Pheara, secretary of Wat Ounalom, showed reporters photos on his iPhone of the bent metal bars and empty space once occupied by ancient Buddhist relics. The statues were smaller than this water bottle, Pheara said, gesturing towards a 12ounce bottle. But the statues were covered in two damleung of gold. Police investigating the early Tuesday morning rob-

Opposition to walk away from useless political talks

Continued from page 1

Cambodia National Rescue Party leaders Sam Rainsy (right) and Kem Sokha address opposition supporters in Tbong Khmum province yesterday. BEN WOODS/CNRP

Police tape yesterday blocks the entrance to one of the buildings at Wat Ounalom, where authorities are investigating the theft of religious relics. HENG CHIVOAN

Korean Air, with a eet of 148 aircrafts, is one of the worlds top 20 airlines, and operates more than 400 ights per day to 125 cities in 45 countries. It is a founding member of Sky Team, the global airlines alliance. Korean Air operates its service to Phnom Penh &Siem Reap in Cambodia. Korean Air is inviting applicants for the position of Airport Staff based in Phnom Penh. Job Responsibilities: - Handling all spectrum of aircraft operation - Customer Service, reservation & ticketing - Perform administration and other assigned tasks if required - Cooperation with ground handling company Qualications: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Strong commitment and accountabilities Bachelors degree required Fluent English both in speaking and business writing (Speaking Korean is an advantage) Able to work under pressure Willing to take up an extra responsibility and nighttime work Computer literacy (MS Word/Excel, Power point and Internet, E-mail) Experience in Airlines industry is preferable.

tell foreign countries not to give the money to [Prime Minister Hun Sen] the thief, Rainsy said. He added that dialogue would not restart until the CPP proved itself serious about National Election Committee reform namely, by agreeing to key CNRP demands that NEC members should require approval by two-thirds of parliament and that it should be a constitutionally mandated body. When the NEC [will be] changed, we will talk more, he said. This time, there is not any choice besides [holding another] demonstration. So please all [citizens] prepare yourselves to hold a mass demonstration . . . to have 2 million people. Cheam Yeap, a senior CPP lawmaker, yesterday called on the CNRP to continue the talks, adding that the CNRP cannot use demonstrations as a basis to resolve the problem. He said the government had

no plans to reform the NEC until the next mandate. The NEC could change in the next mandate. We will not change it now, he said. Despite the public announcement of an end to talks by the CNRP leadership, senior party officials in Phnom Penh yesterday could not confirm whether negotiations which include

Yim Sovann, a CNRP spokesman, also declined to comment, saying he had not heard the announcement. After CNRP lawmakers had consulted with Rainsy and Sokha following the rally, Chhay said he thought that Rainsy was merely trying to stress the importance of the reform of the NEC.

This time, there is not any choice . . . So please all [citizens] prepare yourselves to hold a mass demonstration
a planned Monday meeting of a joint election reform committee were actually being called off. As the leader of the negotiating team, I have not been informed about the response [to] the talks, the CNRPs Son Chhay said, adding that before we hear anything from the CPP , I think it would be too early to post this kind of decision. If the CPP rejects that, he was just saying its not worth continuing talking with the CPP about that. The Electoral Reform Alliance (ERA), a group of 20 election monitors, which has been highly criticised by the ruling party, yesterday urged the two sides to reach a consensus on electoral reform that would enable the CNRP to take its seats in the National Assembly. Koul Panha, executive director of the Committee for Free and Fair Elections in Cambodia, and Yong Kim Eng, president of the People Center for Development and Peace, called on representatives of the CPP and CNRP not to postpone political talks and for daily negotiations to be held on specific topics. The endless postponing of political negotiations is boring the Cambodian people, election watchdogs and the media, Eng said. If they fail to reach a consensus in one morning, they must continue in the afternoon and every day. The CNRPs Chhay confirmed yesterday evening that his party would wait for a response on NEC reform before making a decision to stop negotiations. I think we will wait for the response from the CPP until we officially decide, so I will write to [CPP negotiator] Mr Bin Chhin tomorrow, just to ask him how he responds to our proposal. [Well see] how he reacts to that, if he thinks our proposal is worth continuing to talk about. ADDITIONAL REPORTING

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Freedom Park off limits: city

Mom Kunthear

REEDOM Park will remain off limits indenitely for protesters, authorities said yesterday, despite Prime Minister Hun Sen suggesting last month that a ban on public assembly was being lifted. Pich Saroeun, chief of Russey Keo districts Chroy Changva commune, said Phnom Penh Governor Pa Socheatvong had announced during a road inauguration in his commune that he was placing a temporary ban on gatherings at the park. The governor, Saroeun added, had given no rm indication of when that ban would be lifted, other than to say it would not be before investigations into the deadly violence of early January and other clashes were nished. The governor decided to temporarily ban strikes or gatherings at Freedom Park because what they did last time seemed against the law, he said. We do not know when the ban will be lifted, but it wont be in place forever. Socheatvong could not be reached for comment. Groups wanting to protest

Cambodia National Rescue Party supporters and garment workers gather in Phnom Penhs Freedom Park during a demonstration in December. HONG MENEA

or gather could seek permission from the authorities, who would organise a venue for them elsewhere, Saroeun added. The governor appeals . . . to everybody to understand that this ban does not mean he discriminates against all gath-

erings we respect and abide by the law. Since the return to the country of opposition leader Sam Rainsy last July, the Cambodia National Rescue Party has held regular rallies at Freedom Park, some of which have drawn more than 10,000 people and

involved opposition supporters sleeping there overnight. After the CNRP began daily rallies at the park in December events that attracted many garment workers the authorities violently cracked down on a gathering on January 4, driving supporters

out and banning all public assembly. In a speech on February 25, Hun Sen suggested the ban would be lifted and that his supporters might also demonstrate in Freedom Park possibly with a brick wall or barbedwire fence between them and opposition supporters. Am Sam Ath, technical advisor for rights group Licadho, said the latest ban was effectively an attack on a constitutional right. I think this ban will affect the rights and freedoms of citizens and limit democracy in Cambodia, he said. I want the government and City Hall to reconsider this ban. Rong Chhun, president of the Cambodian Independent Teachers Association (CITA) and the Cambodian Confederation of Unions, said the ban would result only in protesters spending more time on the streets. I think its better for protesters if they stay in only one place such as Freedom Park, he said. But actually, protesters and citizens want to gather in front of the institutes that can help them such as the Supreme Court and the National Assembly.

Life in jail upheld for Yasith in US

Kevin Ponniah

CHHUN Yasith the Cambodian-American who tried to violently overthrow Prime Minister Hun Sens government in 2000 using a ragtag militia he commanded had his life sentence without parole upheld by a US appeals court on Tuesday. Yasith, founder of the USbased Cambodian Freedom Fighters (CFF), was arrested in 2005 for organising a November 2000 attack on government buildings in Phnom Penh that left eight dead and 14 injured. He was found guilty of violating the US Neutrality Act, which outlaws military operations against nations with which the US is at peace, in April 2008 at the US District Court in Los Angeles. He was sentenced to life without parole in 2010. According to the Californiabased Courthouse News Service, judges at the 9th Circuit Appeals Court upheld the conviction on Tuesday, saying it is not absurd for Congress to want to prevent people within the borders of the United States from plotting to commit murder in a foreign country.

THE PHNOM PENH POST march 13, 2014


Vocal villagers

Governor ambushed over dispute

BOUT 100 indigenous villagers from Ratanakkiris Veun Sai district took the opportunity at a public forum yesterday to demand a solution from the district governor, Chum Ngel, over a land dispute they are locked in with SK Plantation, after protesting several times without getting a response. Leang Doung, 45, a representative of the villagers, said that inhabitants of ve villages in Phnom Kuk commune last week removed 50 posts that the plantation company had allegedly placed in their land to divide it from their claim, he said. Three times they protested and led complaints to the governor, never receiving a reply. Doung said the forum had been held for other reasons, but for the inhabitants it posed an opportunity to address their unsolved issue directly to local authorities. Villager Lau Noy, 30, agreed. We have had the land dispute for a few years without getting an answer. We waited . . . but now we asked him directly at the public forum. We hope the authority will not ignore our problem, Noy said. In 2012, 8,000 hectares of land were granted to SK Plantation (Cambodia) Ltd in Veun Sai and Kon Mom districts. The company could not be reached yesterday. Ngel said yesterday he would have the land examined. We dont know exactly when, but I promised to send the ofcial to nd a solution, he said. Sen David

Clean water access improves Filmmaker absent from

Phak Seangly

AMBODIA is making steady headway towards its goal of providing universal clean water access. The 2013 population census shows that the percentage of people who now have clean water sources has climbed to 49 per cent. We will be able to achieve the 2015 Millennium Development Goal [of 50 per cent], Chreay Pom, director of the Department of Rural Health Care, said yesterday during the Ministry of Rural Developments annual report launch. In 2013, 450,000 rural residents, or just under four per cent of the population, were newly able to access a clean drinking supply. Cambodias clean water program began in 1993, according to Mao Saray, director of the Department of Rural Water Supply. Since then, clean water access has increased by

A young woman pumps water into containers at a well in Koh Kong province earlier this year. HENG CHIVOAN

about 1.5 per cent each year. Last year, the national budget allocated almost 3.7 billion riel ($927,000) to the campaign, building hundreds of new wells, 41 reservoirs and 60 new water treatment plants. In addition to the government funding, Asia Development Bank contributed

almost $679,000 for an array of projects supporting the clean water initiative. Infrastructure has really improved. The large increase in road coverage has meant being able to reach some of these more remote and less served areas, said Marc Hall, executive director of Resource

Development International Cambodia. The ministry built over 503 kilometres of new roads last year, and repaired 4,500 kilometres of roads that oods destroyed, according to San Visal, Under Secretary of State at the Rural Development Ministry. But large hurdles including lack of capital, contaminated water, sustainable projects and climate change remain before the kingdom can reach the more elusive target of universal access in just over a decade. An average of ve Cambodian children continue to die every day of preventable diarrheal diseases due in large part to a lack of clean water and sanitation facilities, according to a UNICEF report released last year. Ofcials yesterday ensured, however, that the government is committed to bringing clean water to all Cambodians. ADDITIONAL REPORTING BY

court case
Buth Reaksmey Kongkea

Airliner search brings Vietnam request

Eddie Morton

THE Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam (CAAV) yesterday requested to enter Cambodian airspace to search for missing Malaysia Airlines flight 370. In an email sent to the State Secretariat for Civil Aviation Cambodia (SSCA), Lai Xuan Thanh, director general at the CAAV, requested permission to enter the Kingdoms flight information region (FRI) in search of the missing Boeing 777. One Vietnamese Air Force 19-seater DeHavilland Twin Otter (DHC-6) aircraft

was asked to enter the area located to the west of Phu Quoc Island to conduct a search and rescue operation for MAS370 over a 30-kilometre stretch of sea. Cambodias aviation authority approved the request soon after in a return email. Keo Sivorn, director general at the SSCA, could not say if Vietnam believed the missing airplane was inside Cambodian waters. MAS370 was carrying 239 passengers when it disappeared from radar early on Saturday morning en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.

The Vietnamese government is making sure to search and scan all possible areas before they announce an end to their search, Sivorn said. Sivorn, at 6pm last night, said Vietnams search within Cambodian waters had not found anything. The email follows reports from Agence France-Presse suggesting Vietnam was scaling down its search and rescue operations while other search teams focused their eye on the West Peninsular of Malaysia and into the Andaman Sea above Indonesia. The CAAV could not be reached.

AN AUSTRALIAN filmmaker was charged in absentia yesterday by Phnom Penh Municipal Court over claims he threatened to defame a Christian group working in Cambodia. Municipal Court Judge Keo Mony said that 64-year-old James Ricketson was accused of threatening to damage the reputation of Citipointe Church, based in Brisbane, with accusations that it was selling Cambodian children abroad. He got angry with Citipointe Church for not allowing . . . two children who stayed [there to return to] their parents so that he would able to produce [a] film, Mony said yesterday. Cintipointes defence lawyer Kong Rady accused Ricketson of attempting to get two girls Chanthy Rosa, 11, and Chanthy Chita, 12 out of the churchs shelter so he could continue making a film about their family for his personal benefit. [H]e has sent messages to my client, and threatened to broadcast [accusations] defaming Citipointes reputation, Rady said. Ricketson could not be reached yesterday, but in a post on his blog says: My advocacy on behalf of [Rosas] parents to get her and her sister Chita returned to the family has resulted in charges being laid against me for which there is no evidence and which are demonstrable nonsense. If found guilty, Ricketson could be imprisoned for two to five years and be fined between $1,000 and $2,500. The verdict is due on April 2.

Minority of unions still strike

Mom Kunthear

Scepticism over social land grants

Continued from page 1

A SMALL number of workers from four union groups took part in a stay-at-home-strike yesterday, union leaders said, after mass industrial action was postponed the day before. Cambodian Confederation of Unions president Rong Chhun said members of his union from a small amount of factories had chosen to stay home as they continued calls for a $160 minimum monthly wage and the release of 21 men arrested during a strike in January. I think it is an effective way of appealing to the government and factories, he said. We told the workers to only do it for three days. Most of the 18 union groups involved in planning the strike agreed on Tuesday to postpone it until after Khmer New Year. But Lay Chamroeun, an employee of the Kin Tai Garment factory in Phnom Penhs Meanchey district, said yesterday that he and all his co-workers had been given until Monday off after an on-the-job strike. All the workers came into the factory, but they did not work, he said.

displaced, army veterans and victims of natural disasters for residential and farming purposes were expected to play a key part in this effort to resolve ongoing disputes. But activists, land rights groups and aggrieved villagers have argued that through SLCs, the government has instead caused new disputes, by giving away land that people already live on, and contributed to deforestation, by reclassifying state or protected forest in order for it to be given away. Vann Sophath, land reform project coordinator at the Cambodian Center for Human Rights, cited examples in Mondulkiri, Pursat and Battambang provinces where SLCs had been granted on land already occupied by villagers. In Bou Sra commune, Mondulkiri, the former provincial governor granted a land concession to a group of people, claiming this group was poor and needed a land concession. But this land affected the indigenous people there, who then had a conflict with the people who received the social

People from six villages in Pursat provinces Kbal Trach commune protest outside Pheapimex Groups Krakor district ofce in 2012 over a land dispute. PHOTO SUPPLIED

land concession [on their traditional land]. He added that while reclassifying state or forest land and giving it to villagers can be helpful, there was a lack of transparency, meaning that land often ends up in the hands of commercial interests. The focus [of directive 1] was supposed to be on disputed land [between villagers and companies], but this has been implemented only on land where no conflicts exist, so the disputes remain.

Recent CCHR data, while far from conclusive according to the organisation, found that 420 SLCs were granted in 2013 and 83 in 2012, though it did not report how many hectares this involved. According to rights group Adhoc, 38 SLCs were granted in 2012, amounting to 100,790 hectares, with 13 resulting in conflict. A social land concession can reach a maximum size of five hectares per family, meaning the new data suggests that, at

minimum, 186,000 families have been granted SLC land since 2012, assuming they were the only beneficiaries. Im not surprised [by the new data], but I dont believe, and I dont buy the numbers, Ou Virak, chair of CCHRs board of directors, said yesterday. Many private owners are actually legalising their forest land grabs through SLCs . . . valuable state land could also be offloaded on these schemes where officials pocket the money . . . This whole thing, there is

nothing true about anything in these schemes. Whatever they call it, its just land grabs. But Beng Hong Socheat Khemro, a spokesman at the Ministry of Land Management, insisted that SLCs were only granted to the poor, the landless, veterans and handicapped people. People have to have a certified letter that they are really poor so they can get the land, he said, before declining to comment further. Kuch Veng, who represents hundreds of villagers locked in a long-term land dispute with Pheaphimex Group in Pursat provinces Krokor district, said that social land concessions offered to his community have never materialised. The land is not given to the real landless. But it is given to people from other areas far away. The authorities conspire with the volunteer students to sell the land to business people. Some of our land has been measured, but we only got the papers, not the land, he said. Chan Saveth, a senior investigator at rights group Adhoc, also blamed the execution of the seemingly benevolent policy for failing to resolve disputes. Because SLCs are given through volunteers, its just an opportunity for the rich to have more and more land through bribes. But the landless and those locked in disputes are still there.



Pursat land dispute leads to destruction

May Titthara

Avian flu worst at borders

Amelia Woodside

VILLAGERS in Pursat provinces Veal Veng district, locked in an ongoing land dispute with local tycoon Try Pheaps MDS Import Export Co Ltd, claimed yesterday that security forces and environmental ofcers opened re and tried to burn down their houses and plantations on Tuesday after accusing them of living on state land. Police protecting Try Pheaps company and environmental ofcers came to burn our crops and houses, but they [successfully] burned only three plantations . . . they had not burned houses yet [because] people were stopping them, said Phan Channa, 50, whose farm was destroyed in the incident. Channa said the security forces and environmental ofcials clashed with villagers from 8am until noon on Tuesday, adding that they returned in the evening, ring three shots at the roofs of houses. About 1,000 rubber trees, 10 mango trees and some cashew and coconut trees [were destroyed], and they attempted to destroy our housing and plantations, but [their efforts] faltered, because the people protested against them, an-

other villager, Sok Da, 44, said. They accused [those of] us who have lived here since 1999 [with] legal plans of [illegally] living on state land, but they aimed to seize our land to give it to the company instead. According to a directive dated November 12, 2010, the government decided to give 4,420 hectares of economic land concessions to Pheaps MDS to develop a Special Economic Zone and grow rubber. People in the area were soldiers wives who were on duty at the Cambodian-Thai border, and the land had been given by the commune chiefs in 1999 and 2000, but now the village and commune chiefs no longer recognise us, saying [the land] belongs to Try Pheap, Da said. Phuong Sothea, a coordinator for rights group Adhoc in Pursat, said: It is the most unjust for them because the authorities do not seek a solution for them, instead they take sides with the company, using violence against them. Thmorda commune chief Prom Nhorn told reporters he was too busy to discuss the matter yesterday. Pursat provincial governor Khouch Sokha and representatives from MDS could not be reached.

AMBODIAs porous borders are creating one of several headaches for health ofcials working to minimise outbreaks of avian inuenza, ofcials revealed yesterday at a symposium on emerging infectious diseases in Southeast Asia. The border provinces of Takeo and Kampong Cham have been witness to the highest number of H5N1 poultry outbreaks since the disease was rst discovered in early 2004 in the capitals Russey Keo district, said Chhim Vutha, a representative of the National Veterinary Research Institute. We are worried that there seems to be so many sick birds this year, he told the Post. Public awareness campaigns and more surveillance in local villages need to increase. Farmers need to know where to go to report when birds fall sick. But monitoring illegal poultry border crossings is a government conundrum that was continuously characterised by government ofcials as challenging yesterday. And while there are border checks along the Cambodian-

Chickens transported from provinces sit at Orussey Market in Phnom Penh in January. Government ofcials said that 6,182 cases of infected birds had been tallied so far in 2014. PHA LINA

Vietnamese border to stop sick poultry from entering the country, a regular procedure for identifying and conscating sick birds is not in place. There are many illegal border crossings, Vutha said. So far, we dont have roving surveillance checks but ofcially we have legally banned movement of poultry across the border.

Adding to the difculty of controlling H5N1 outbreaks is that locals on this side of the border are not keen to report sick birds to provincial authorities if it means a primary meal source will be bound for an incinerator, said Ly Sovann, deputy director of the Ministry of Healths Communicable Diseases Control Department. Were seeing a gap between

what the public health messages are telling villagers to do . . .[They] say they understand but [they] are not following the instructions, Sovann said yesterday. Last year, a total of 14,897 poultry fell sick or were culled and the rst months of this year have already seen 6,182 infected birds in the Kingdom, government ofcials said.

THE PHNOM PENH POST march 13, 2014

National Powerful tycoons tied to hydropower deal

Continued from page 1

Femme fatale and cohorts caught by cops
A SLICK pair of moto thieves upped their game by adding a feminine wrinkle on Tuesday. Police said the duo worked in cahoots with a female partner who found a drunken mark ready for a good time at a Tuol Kork district nightclub. After agreeing shed accompany him home, she feigned a headache and asked him to pull his moto over as she was dizzy. Out sprung her partners, who quickly beat the man and stole his ride. Not quick enough as it turns out, however, as patrolling cops saw them in action and arrested all three. DEUM aMpil
A worker carries empty cement bags next to the 193.2 megawatt Kamchay dam the day it came online in 2011 in Kampot province. pHA LINA

the most powerful tycoons in Cambodia, regularly brokering deals between Chinese investors and the authorities. Both Meng Khin and Sopheap speak fluent mandarin and make regular visits to China. Meng Khins Shukaku Inc was granted the lease for a $79-million development of the Boeung Kak lake area of Phnom Penh in 2007, after which more than 1,500 families were forcibly evicted. As of 2007, Pheapimex controlled 7.4 per cent of Cambodias total land area, according to Cambodias Family Trees, published that year by Londonbased NGO Global Witness. Two joint ventures with Chinese company Wuzhishan LS and Kong Triv, another tycoon and CPP senator, for economic land concessions in Pursat and Mondulkiri, have led to serious human rights abuses, the report noted at the time. Whether in terms of taxes paid or jobs created, there is little evidence that handing over

declined to comment until he had time to review the details of the project. Last week, officials at the Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Environment confirmed that an environmental impact assessment, commissioned years ago, was still under consideration. Its not surprising, but alarm bells should be ringing, conservationist Marcus Hardtke said yesterday. If you have cronies like that involved, its a guarantee that projects will be approached without consideration for legal frameworks or social and environmental standards. If the cronies get their hands on it, everything goes out the window. He added that another concern with the Stung Cheay Areng dam concession was that two companies had already backed out because they considered the project economically unviable. The danger is that theres money to be made in constructing this dam. That might be enough for them. Many of these projects, you find black groups, cartels. A Chinese loan

Suspect busted for grand theft bovine

Sinohydro has its own environmental and social standards. They should think long and hard [about this investment]
enormously valuable public assets to Pheapimex has contributed in any way to Cambodias development, the report said. What is not in doubt is that the companys owners and their political patrons have profited handsomely. Ith Praing, secretary of state at the Ministry of Mines and Energy, said he did not know about the deal, despite reports that officials from the ministry had visited the area in recent weeks in preparation for building an access road into the site and preparing the ground for construction. Phay Siphan, spokesman for the Council of Ministers, goes to a company, and these guys are sitting in the middle, he said. Even the power lines are privatised. It looks like a licence to print money. Son Chhay, opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party whip, echoed conservationists concerns over the likely involvement of Meng Khin in the Areng project. Regarding power projects, this couple . . . they will have a secret deal with the government, grabbing everything. They have the power to reject any investigation on any problematic effects, he said yesterday. So many secret deals are made. Lao Meng Khin seems to

be a broker for so many Chinese companies in the country. We should have a warning about investing in Cambodia. We should be clear about these deals, especially for the Chinese investors, that these deals are corrupt. Its clear destruction of our natural environment, he said. Sinohydro Corporation has adopted the World Bank and International Finance Corporations standards for hydropower investment. According to its Environmental Protection Policy, its projects should best minimise the harm to the environment and biodiversity, provide full disclosure and consultation on the impact of the project to affected communities, and will not occur in a national park, habitat of threatened species or protected wetlands, which are no-go zones for project development. Khnhel Bora, director of local consultancy firm SBK Research and Development, said yesterday that a contract granted to SBK to assess the resettlement needs of about 5,000 villagers who will lose their land if the project goes ahead was signed with the Sinohydro Corporation in China. According to villagers and a commune chief in the area con-

AN ELDERLY woman was cow-jacked on Tuesday in Pursats Krakor district. Police said the woman and her great grandson had taken her heifer to a pond to wash it, when the 32-year-old suspect appeared and swiped the animal as she napped afterward. Despite what was no doubt a rather slow speed getaway, the cows owner was in no condition to give chase, so her great grandson shouted for help, drawing neighbours to their aid. KaMpUcHEa THMEy
A section of land in the Areng Valley in 2012 that will be ooded if the proposed Stung Cheay Areng dam is completed. RIVERS INTERNATIONAL

Duo detained after double-dip burglary

tacted earlier this week, the only information they have received from any of the companies involved in the project was notification that they would be relocated. Sinohydro has its own environmental and social standards. They should think long and hard [about this investment], Hardtke said. Maybe the companies themselves are not so happy about these deals. It would be a real tragedy, because people are filling their pockets with [money from] dams that turn out to be nonsense and a catastrophe for Cambodia.

Chhay, who has visited the area on several occasions to investigate the project in recent years, said that it was ridiculous that the project had been granted to Sinohydro after another firm, China Guodian, backed out last year. The destruction is so, so large, and compared to the benefits from the power produced by the dam . . . its quite ridiculous to allow these companies to change hands, because the forest has already been destroyed. We find no money has come to the country budget whatsoever, he said.

GREED got the best of a pair of burglars in Banteay Meachey this week. Police said the duo broke in to a Poipet town home on Tuesday while the owners were away on holiday. They successfully made off with a TV, laptop and other household treasures. Not content, they went back the next day. The fresh break-in coincided with the return of the homes owners. The duo ended up cowering in a back room until discovered and subsequently arrested. KaMpUcHEa THMEy

Surveillance key in bust of drug dealer

GL FINANCE PLC. is a subsidiary of the leading leasing company in Thailand Group Lease PCL., quoted on the Stock Exchange of Thailand. GL Finance is the first financial leasing service in Cambodia since 2012, and provides financing on motorcycles and agricultural machinery through partnerships with industry leaders (Honda, Kubota). Position: Legal Manager 1. RESPONSIBILITIES: Review and provide legal advice on all official documentation Liaise with relevant departments to ensure that where legal risks have been identified, appropriate courses of action have been taken Provide and interpret legal information, conduct training and disseminate appropriate legal requirements to staff Review and draft contracts, agreements and internal policies and ensure that they are in compliance with all statutory or legal requirements Provide continuous leadership, supervision, training and development of department staff ensuring an effective and motivated team. Liaise with the HR department in conducting performance appraisals and ensure competency and training gaps are addressed 2. QUALIFICATIONS: Minimum 5 years experiences in a legal field, corporate secretary or compliance manager Good writing skills in Khmer and English Detail oriented personality More detail please contact GL Finance HR and Admin Department: Tel: 066 669 327/ 098 505 559/ 097 500 5559 E-mail Address: Website:

Vacancy Announcement Announcement No: Location: Closing Date: EC-AN-14-0389 The Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC), Phnom Penh. March 21, 2014 @ 4.00 pm.

POLICE had their doubts about a 31-year-old womans rumoured sideline as a drug dealer but finally put the pieces together in Kampong Chhnang town. Cops said they were tailing the suspect when they saw her toting what they believed to be a package of pills to a customer. After making their move, the woman took off, only to be chased down and found carrying five packets of drugs. Shes since been sent to court. koH

The Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) is seeking highly qualied applicants for the position of Associate Legal Ocer (NO-B). For more details of the Job Description (JD), please visit the ECCC website at http: Submission of Applications Qualied candidates may submit their applications, including a letter of interest, Curriculum Vitae along with the duly completed and signed ECCC Application Form for Employment available in the above website to: Human Resources Section (National) National Road 4, Chaom Chau Commune Porsenchey District, Phnom Penh, Cambodia The ECCC gate B or Email: P.O Box No.71 Please note that incomplete applications or applications received after the closing date will not be considered. Only those candidates that are shortlisted for interviews will be notied. Applications from qualied female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.

Drunk to victim: Are you looking at me?

A hapless victim was walking down the road in Kampong Cham on Tuesday, when he came face to face with the suspect, who was stumbling home drunk from a party. Police say the drunk then decided he was being looked down on, took offence and stabbed the 36-year-old with a bottle. Watchful neighbours called police to the scene and a quick arrest was made, but the victim is now in hospital with serious injuries. koH santEpHEap
Translated by Sen David


Indicative Exchange Rates as of 12/3/2014. Please contact ANZ Royal Global Markets on 023 999 910 for real time rates.





















Turmoil in Thailand leads bank to cut rate

THE Bank of Thailand (BOT) has lowered its policy rate by 0.25 per centage points, to 2.00 per cent, a level last seen in January 2011. It is the second time since November that the central bank has lowered borrowing costs to cushion the blow of political turmoil. Downside risks to growth have risen in the wake of prolonged political situation, it said in a statement. The announcement came after BOT's Monetary Policy Committee voted 4-3 for the cut. Thailand's economic growth slowed sharply in the fourth quarter of 2013 to just 0.6 per cent year-on-year, from 2.7 per cent in the previous quarter, official figures showed last month. Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has faced months of street protests aimed at ousting her elected government and installing an unelected people's council to oversee reforms. Her administration has limited caretaker powers because opposition demonstrators disrupted a general election last month. Political violence and a state of emergency imposed in Bangkok and surrounding areas have dealt a blow to the kingdom's key tourism sector and raised fears of a drop in foreign investment. Prolonged political uncertainties would continue to impede the recovery of private consumption and investment, the central bank said in its statement. But the bank also predicted growth despite the unrest. Nonetheless, exports of goods should gradually improve on the back of a recovery in major economies, providing impetus to growth this year, it added. AFP

Workers at Grand Twins International garment factory sew material into garments in Phnom Penhs Dangkor district in January.


Grand Twins sets listing date

Eddie Morton

AIWANESE garment manufacturer Grand Twins International says it will ofcially list and start trading on the Cambodia Stock Exchange (CSX) on May 8 after spending several weeks whipping up interest from local investors, whose appetite remains on the low side so far. Stanley Shen, a spokesman for the garment maker, conrmed the listing date yesterday. Grand Twins will be the second company to go public on Cambodias relatively new bourse since the IPO of the Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority in 2012. The exchange was launched in 2011. According to investor information released by Grand Twins International this week,

the company will offer up to eight million shares to potential investors over the next two months in an effort to meet the self-imposed deadline. Now, the tentative buy-in price, which is expected to be conrmed by March 28, ranges from $1.85 to $3.50 per share. In total, the shares for sale will equate to a 20 per cent chunk of the company. With the assistance of underwriter Phnom Penh Securities, the rm starts rallying buyer interest today with a presentation at Phnom Penhs Sotel. Todays road show, as it's called in the industry, represents the second stage of Grand Twins Internationals effort to go public after receiving initial approval for the offering from the Securities and Exchange Commission

of Cambodia on January 16. Between now and the May 8 deadline, Grand Twins must establish the nal share price by considering private offers from large potential investors, a process called book building. After that, the rm will start sourcing and receiving non-binding commitments from all potential investors to purchase shares once they are made available at the set price in May. Funds raised through the IPO will be used to pay off debts, cover the costs of listing and fund the companys future expansion plans, according to the material presented to investors at todays presentation. Henry Chen, nancial controller of QMI Group Grand Twins Internationals Taiwanese parent company told the

Post in January the companys expansion plans include a factory that will cost $10 million, Grand Twins International employs 5,600 people at its factory in Por Sen Chey district, where 65 different production lines made up of 3,450 sewing machines produce apparel for sporting goods giants Adidas and Reebok, among others. Stephen Hsu, CEO of Phnom Penh Securities, said investor interest isn't as high as desired, but the listing date is still realistic. Currently we have just 200 interested investors in the IPO, with another 50 registering their interest at Thursdays [today's] road show. This is not enough, we are looking for 500, he said, adding that the listing date could shift one or two days either side, depending on conr-

mation from CSX officials. Soleil Lamun, deputy director for the market operations department at the exchange, said the deadline remains tentative and is dependent on their ability to drum up investor interest. We have not set a concrete date for the listing yet, Lamun said. They need to complete two stages, book building and subscriptions before they are eligible to list and commence trades. The deputy director was unable to speculate on where the nal share price might land, but said the garment makers listing is a good sign for the local bourse, and that CSX ofcials had been waiting a long time for it to happen. For 2014, we are optimistic that another company will list on the CSX, Lamun said.

Businesses need help ghting corruption: CAMFEBA

Daniel de Carteret

CORRUPTION is weighing on businesses, and the avenues to address it are limited, according to Cambodias leading employer association. At a joint conference with the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Cambodian Federation of Employers (CAMFEBA) in Phnom Penh yesterday, the employer representative called on the government to provide greater protection for company whistleblowers, and to spearhead a review into corruption within

the courts so companies feel they are operating on a level playing field. It is quite well known that there is quite a lot of corruption in the judicial system, said Matthew Rendall, a CAMFEBA board member who spoke at the conference. One of the areas of concern is that inequitable access to the judiciary is impeding business, he said. Cambodias Anti-Corruption Unit, a government body, is the only organisation that has the mandate to complete such a review of the judiciary, Rendall added.

The ACU, responsible for cracking down on government graft, has targeted some court officials in its investigations. A spokesman declined to comment about the proposed review. Ith Sam Heng, the Minister of Labour and Vocational Training, told reporters after the conference that the investment and business climate has to be transparent in order to ensure progress and development. CAMFEBA called for whistleblower protection provisions to be written into anti-corruption laws and for the broader promotion of the laws, which

would encourage people to come forward. In lieu of protections, CAMFEBA established its own mechanism last year for collecting confidential reports of corruption and bribery from businesses that they are then able to collate and send to the ACU. Using their own reports, the ILO and CAMFEBA yesterday both shared similar data from a business survey the groups carried out together. The employer representative then made its policy recommendations. The ILO estimate that 10 per cent of GDP is lost annually to corruption,

an issue they say is the largest constraint for businesses. And despite improvements over the past decade, 30 per cent of businesses believe that policy is set by those with powerful government connections. But, it takes two to tango, said ILO senior economist, Farid Hegazy. While there are some in the private sector creating their own codes of conduct or training employees on how to deal with corrupt officials, when faced with graft, most companies operating in Cambodia take no action, the survey revealed.



Fluctuations affecting Myanmar rice dealers

Zaw Htike and Su Phyo Win

Singapore brokerages shrink

Jonathan Burgos

CURRENCY uctuations have begun cutting into the prots of local rice traders in Myanmar, who are increasingly turning away from the countrys largest rice buyer, China, in favour of either exploring other foreign markets or storing their stocks until they can get a better price, experts say. With 60 per cent of all unprocessed rice exports sent to China, exporters have scaled back on shipments over the past month as the two currencies that traders are mostly paid in, the US dollar and the yuan, have depreciated against the kyat, said Myanmar Rice Federation (MRF) joint general secretary U Lu Maw Myint Maung. As foreign currency prices [against the kyat] are lower than those of one month ago, the prot margin for rice traders has become narrower, he said. In February, a dollar cost 987 kyat, and a yuan 160 kyat, though in the rst week of March exchange rates worsened to 966 kyat and 155 kyat respectively. As a result of the high trans-

actional toll as well as unstable price uctuations offered by Chinese importers, traders are looking elsewhere to sell their stock, said U Thauk Kyar, an executive member of a traders association on the border. Rice exports for the 2013-14 scal year will likely reach just 1.1 million tons, falling well short of the 2.1 million tons exported last year, Minister of Commerce U Win Myint said last week. The government had previously set an export goal of three million tons. As Myanmar has few trade partners, China makes up 60 per cent of rice exports, while 45 per cent is shipped to Africa and the rest to the EU. In an effort to bolster trade, the MRF last week announced a deal with various African countries, including Ivory Coast and Togo, to export 100,000 tons of rice to the countries this month. MRF secretary-general U Ye Min Aung said that the country needs to begin moving away from a national model focusing only on domestic food security and toward one that would position Myanmar as one of the regions largest traders. THE MYANMAR TIMES


Administrative Assistant
The U.S. Embassy in Phnom Penh is seeking an individual for the Administrative Assistant position for the Executive Ofce, USAID/Cambodia. The Administrative Assistant performs a variety of duties integral to the success of the Executive Ofce. The incumbent provides administrative support to the Executive Ofcer, makes all travel arrangements using an automated travel management system, is responsible for records and correspondence management, and serves as sub-cashier. The incumbent is under the direct supervision of the Administrative Specialist. Salary: The annual salary range for this position is USD 12,142 18,824. Required Qualications 1. A Bachelors degree in Administration, Management, Development Studies, English, Communications, Business, or Foreign/International Relations. 2. Three (3) years of experience in administrative management. At least two (2) years of this experience must have been with an international organization, local or international non-governmental organization, or development donor agency. 3. Level IV (uent) Speaking/Reading/Writing English and Khmer are required. Language prociency will be tested. Application Procedure The application deadline is March 27, 2014. Interested candidates must submit applications by email to RecruitmentPHP@state.go v using the Universal Application for Employment as a Locally Employed Staff or Family Member (DS-174) form. The application form and complete details on this position can be found at html. Note: All Ordinarily Resident (OR) applicants must have the required work and/or residency permits to be eligible for consideration.

INGAPORES shrinking brokerage industry is set to get even smaller as trading restrictions planned by regulators dent prots, according to a body that represents individual brokers. The average daily value of shares traded in the city, which slumped 40 per cent in the rst two months of 2014 from a year earlier, will decline further should rules be implemented that include requiring collateral for some trades and shortening the settlement period, said the Society of Remisiers, which represents dealers who work entirely on commission. Singapore Exchange Ltd and the Monetary Authority of Singapore proposed the changes after a penny-stock rout in October erased $6.9 billion in market value of three companies over three days. More people will leave the industry as theyll get less business, Jimmy Ho, president of the Society of Remisiers, said by phone. Once they cut the settlement period, there will be less speculative trading and it will drag overall volumes. The number of stockbrokers in Singapore fell 8.4 per cent to 3,973 at the end of last year from 4,336 in 2011, according to data from the bourse, as the industry was buffeted by declining trading volumes and commissions as well as competition from online trading platforms. The citys benchmark Straits Times Index trailed all its major developed-market peers in the past 12 months and slid 1.8 per cent this year. Even after Singapore Exchange teamed with Singapore Management University and CIMB Group Holdings Bhd in April 2012 to provide training programs for the industry, traders ranks continued to thin. This year, the bourse partnered with the National Trade Union Congresss Employment & Employability Institute to bolster interest in the profession. Brokerages are able to cope with fewer dealers because trading volumes are lower, Society of Remisiers Ho said.

Ofce workers chat outside the SGX Centre, which houses the Singapore Exchange headquarters, as evening falls in Singapore in January. BLOOMBERG

Thats a natural adjustment for the industry. It will be hard to draw young people, given the high risk and low commissions, said Yeo Aiqi, 28, who left Phillip Securities Pte, the citys biggest brokerage by clients, in 2011 after working three years there. Stockbroking appears to be a sunset industry, Yeo, who now sells womens apparel at her online store, said by email. The average value of shares traded on the Singapore bourse tumbled 40 per cent to about S$1.06 billion ($836 million) in the rst two months of 2014 from S$1.77 billion a year earlier, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Transactions in Hong Kong fell 11 per cent in the same period, while those on Japans Topix index increased 17 per cent. Blumont Group Ltd, Asiasons Capital Ltd and LionGold Corp tumbled at least 87 per cent over three days in October, prompting the city-states central bank and bourse to review its equity market structure. The companies said they didnt know what precipitated the plunges, which spurred at least a dozen lawsuits from

banks and brokers seeking to recover losses on collateral held against margin loans. SGX introduced circuit breakers last month to minimise volatility in share prices and is seeking feedback from the industry before it implements the collateral and settlement period changes. While the move is meant to revive investor condence, it wont improve the outlook for brokers, said Gabriel Yap, who left the industry in 2009 after 19 years as a trader. The casualties of the pennystock saga are the stockbrokers, Yap, who now manages his own investment advisory rm, said by phone. If the clients dont pay, the dealers or the remisiers will have to cover. To make the profession more appealing, SGX needs to address dwindling volumes to counter the decline in brokerage commission rates, which have fallen to 0.1 per cent of the value of shares traded from 1 per cent 10 years ago, according to Yap. Brokers have nothing exciting to recommend to their clients these days, Yap said. Trading was buoyant before I left the industry due to the

inux of Chinese listings and now investors are avoiding such companies after a number of them got embroiled in accounting or stock manipulation scandals. SGX promoted the listing of real estate investment trusts in the past decade but interest in them is starting to wane. Stockbrokers are also competing against online trading platforms for business. Retail investors in Singapore are increasingly using websites and apps to trade shares amid growing use of mobile gadgets, according to a report by researcher Investment Trends. About 51 per cent of the 460,000 brokerage clients in the city traded shares online in the 12 months through September compared with 49 per cent a year earlier, according to the report. On top of imposing minimum collateral requirements on investors and reducing the settlement period for stock transactions to two days from three by 2016, the city-state may also set up an independent listing committee and boost enforcement, SGX and MAS announced on February 8. BLOOMBERG

Ultra-wealthy on rise in Singapore

Sanat Vallikappen

SINGAPORE is poised to surpass Tokyo as the Asian city with the most ultra-high-networth individuals within a decade as its stature as a financial centre increases with the regions growth. Singapore will have 4,878 people with $30 million or more in assets excluding their principal residence by 2023, a 55 per cent gain from last year, and trailing only London globally, according to a report from Knight Frank LLP on Tuesday. The number of these millionaires in Tokyo will climb 8 per cent to 3,818, ranking the city fourth worldwide after New York. The main battleground is Asia, where a handful of loca-

tions are slugging it out in the hope of establishing a clear lead as the regions alpha urban hub, Nicholas Holt, Knight Franks Asia-Pacific head of research, said on Tuesday. Singapore has overtaken Tokyo as the worlds most expensive city, the Economist Intelligence Units Worldwide Cost of Living Survey showed last week. The city-state leapt five spots to top the ranking after its currency appreciated and the cost of car ownership and luxury apparel climbed, according to the EIUs report. The number of ultra-highnet-worth individuals in Vietnams Ho Chi Minh City will almost triple by 2023 to 246 from 90, the largest increase among the more than 80 cities

tracked by Knight Frank. That was followed by a 148 per cent advance in Jakarta to 857. Singapores business environment, tax regime, political stability and its growing status as a key regional financial hub have drawn wealthy people to the city, Alice Tan, head of consultancy and research at Knight Frank Singapore, said. Almost a quarter of Asias ultra-high-net-worth individuals are considering buying another home in the next 12 months, with Singapore following the UK as the top location for second-home ownership. The Southeast Asian countrys economy expanded by an annualised 6.1 per cent in the December quarter as manufacturing picked up, with the gov-

ernment predicting an improvement in overseas demand in 2014. London is expected to have 4,940 ultra-high net-worth individuals by 2023, while New York will take the No.3 spot with 3,825, according to Knight Frank. Hong Kongs total will rise 37 per cent to 3,502, helping the city retain its No.5 spot. Unfurnished high-end threebedroom apartments in Singapore cost an average $5,630 a month, a report from Employment Conditions Abroad Ltd showed yesterday. For similar apartments, Hong Kong remained the city with the highest rents in the world at $11,440 a month, according to ECA, which helps firms relocate employees. BLOOMBERG


Markets Business
Wage boost

hikes Cathay Pacific profits triple Toyota salaries as

Kyunghee Park

ATHAY Pacic Airways Ltd annual prot tripled as higher travel demand helped Asias biggest international carrier mask a decline in cargo revenue. Net income climbed to HK$2.62 billion ($338 million) last year from a restated HK$862 million a year ago, Cathay said in a stock exchange statement yesterday. That compares with the HK$2.77 billion average of 16 analyst estimates compiled by Bloomberg. Revenue rose 1.1 per cent to HK$100.5 billion. Incoming Chief Executive Ofcer Ivan Chu, 52, is set to take over this week amid a slump in the cargo business, which posted a revenue decline of 3.6 per cent last year on slowing economic growth in China. The drop coincides with an increase in cargo capacity at Cathay and some of its biggest rivals, while the Hong Kongbased carrier has reduced seats and phased out some planes in its passenger business. On the passenger side, there will be cyclical improvement and Cathay should be one of the airlines to benet,

A traveller walks past the Cathay Pacic Airways rst-class check-in area at Hong Kong International Airport in China on Monday. BLOOMBERG

said Andrew Orchard, a Hong Kong-based analyst at CIMB Group Holdings Ltd. Theres still a lot of cargo capacity in the market. There had been freighters taken out, but theres still a lot of belly space in passenger ights that will continue to increase. Cathay dropped 1.8 per cent to HK$15.50 as of 1:24pm in Hong Kong trading, compared with a 1.7 per cent decline in the benchmark Hang Seng Index. The carrier has fallen 5.5 per cent this year, compared

with a 6.1 per cent decline in the Hang Seng. Freight volumes dropped 1.5 per cent and cargo yields, which measure revenue per kilometre that goods are carried, tumbled 4.1 per cent last year, the airline said in the statement. Passenger yields increased 1.8. per cent. North America, Cathays biggest market, showed the steepest climb, followed by North Asia, according to the statement. Cathay and its afliate Hong

Kong Dragon Airlines Ltd, carried 29.9 million passengers last year, 3.3 per cent more than a year earlier. Freight declined amid weak demand from Europe and intensied competition from Gulf carriers such as Emirates. Cathay, the worlds biggest international air-cargo carrier after Emirates, started operating a HK$5.9 billion cargo terminal last year, its rst independently owned facility in Hong Kong. Our reshaped freighter eet and our new cargo terminal will allow us to compete successfully in the long term, Cathay Chairman Christopher Pratt said in yesterdays statement. The airline said in February that cargo demand late last year wasnt as strong as expected. The rush of freight before Chinese New Year holidays, which fell in late January, didnt materialise, it said. Chu, chief operating ofcer since March 2011, is taking over from John Slosar, who becomes chairman on March 14. Chu joined the airline in 1984 and has worked in China, Taiwan, Thailand and Australia. Carriers worldwide will earn a combined $19.7 billion in net income in 2014, up from a

September projection of $16.4 billion, the International Air Transport Association said in December. Of the total, AsiaPacic carriers should lift earnings to $4.1 billion, IATA said in December. Cathay extended fuel price hedging programs to 2016 to take advantage of the brief decline in prices, according to yesterdays statement. The airlines 2013 fuel bill, 39 per cent of total operating costs, dropped 4.6 per cent from a year earlier to HK$39.1 billion, according to the statement. The airline proposed to pay a nal dividend of 8 Hong Kong cents per share. Cathay, which is phasing out less fuel-efcient Boeing 747-400s, retired ve Boeing Co 747-400 passenger aircraft from its eet last year and took delivery of 19 aircraft. The company had a total of 140 planes in its eet at the end of December, according to the statement. The airline became the rst Asian buyer of Boeings new 777X jet for $7.5 billion in December. It ordered 21 of the larger -9 version to y them to North America and Europe when they are delivered from 2021 to 2024. BLOOMBERG

prots near

OYOTA Motor Corp agreed to increase base wages in Japan for the rst time since 2008 as the nations largest company heads for record prots. The average Toyota Motor Workers Union member will earn 2,700 yen ($26) more in base pay per month, Senior Managing Officer Naoki Miyazaki told reporters yesterday. Thats below the 4,000 yen the union was asking for. While a weaker yen has helped Toyota forecast a record 1.9 trillion yen profit for the year ending on March 31, the raise comes as Japanese companies brace for next months sales-tax increase, the first in 17 years. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has been pressing employers to increase pay for workers to help end more than 15 years of deflation. Toyotas union, which represents more than 50,000 workers for the worlds largest carmaker, was granted its request for the average bonus to rise to 2.44 million yen, the equivalent of 6.8 months of salary and the most in six years. BLOOMBERG



King Digital IPO

set on Few feel US stock surge: poll Prices Candy Crush

David J Lynch

ORE than threequarters of Americans say the veyear bull market in US stocks has had little or no effect on their nancial well-being, according to a Bloomberg National Poll. Seventy-seven per cent of respondents dismissed the 176 per cent rise in the Standard & Poors 500 Index since its March 9, 2009 nancial crisis low, according to the poll, taken March 7-10. Barely one in ve, or 21 per cent, said the markets gains have made them feel more nancially secure. I dont think theres anything real behind it, said David Skelly, 47, a policeman in Kankakee, Illinois. Its just an articial boom. The poll shows that most Americans still think the country is on the wrong track; fewer people than in Bloombergs December poll expect the economy or job market to strengthen over the next 12 months; and President Barack Obama gets little credit for what gains there have been. By 56 per cent to 23 per cent, respondents credit private companies rather than

Obamas economic policies for the stock markets rise. Skelly, who along with his wife, a community college counselor, has money in the market through retirement plans, mutual funds and individual stocks, objects to the asset-buying program carried out by the Federal Reserve since 2008. Were printing money like its going out of style, he said. The polls ndings reect the concentration of nancial assets among better-off Americans. About half of Americans own stock, either directly or through retirement accounts, according to the Feds 2010 Survey of Consumer Finances. Stock ownership that year fell to levels not seen since the late-1990s, the Fed said. Even those who participate in nancial markets through 401(k) retirement plans often have only modest sums invested. Half of Fidelity Investments customers have less than $25,600 in their 401(k) accounts, according to a spokesman. Wealthier Americans have a greater share of their assets invested in the stock market, while middle-income households have more of their wealth tied up in their homes. The wealthiest 10 per cent

Traders work at the New York Stock Exchange on Tuesday.


of families earn 11 per cent of their annual income from capital gains, interest and dividends, according to the Fed. The poorest three-quarters get less than 0.5 per cent of their income from such sources. Many moderate- and middle-income households have seen little benet from recent stock market gains and are still grappling with the implications of home prices that, despite recent progress, remain well below their previous highs, the White House economic team wrote in a March 10 blog post.

The Bloomberg poll offered little cheer for the White House on the economic mood: 42 per cent of respondents approve of Obamas efforts to make people feel more secure economically while 52 per cent disapprove. Hes done a very poor job, said Robin Walker, 41, a part-time executive assistant in Tucson, Arizona. Low-income people get all the blessings, while those of us who work our butts off, we get nothing. The poll also found continuing unhappiness with the direction of the country and

ebbing optimism about the recoverys staying power. By 62 per cent to 30 per cent, respondents say the nation is headed in the wrong direction. Just 30 per cent of poll respondents expect the economy to strengthen over the next 12 months compared with 22 per cent who say it will weaken. The largest group, or 47 per cent, expects conditions to stay the same. Thirty-eight per cent anticipate hiring prospects to pick up compared with 24 per cent who say jobs will be tougher to nd. A year ago, poll respondents by 43 per cent to 26 per cent predicted improvement. Housing remains a bright spot. By 42 per cent to 16 per cent, those surveyed expect the market to improve in the next year. Nationally, home prices in December rose 13.4 per cent compared with a year earlier, according to the S&P/ Case-Shiller Composite 20city home price index. Forty-six per cent of Americans say theyre better off than they were at the beginning of 2009, near the depths of the nancial crisis. Thirty-six per cent say they are worse off, while 17 per cent say they were about the same. BLOOMBERG.

Saga maker

ING Digital Entertainment Plc, maker of popular smartphone games including Candy Crush Saga and Pet Rescue Saga, said it will sell shares in its initial public offering for as much as $24 a share. King, whose owners include Apax Partners LLP and venture capital firm Index Ventures, will sell 22.2 million shares at a price of $21 to $24 a share, it said in a filing yesterday. Dublin-based King, which plans to use the funds for working capital and acquisitions, has applied to list its shares on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol KING. The company would raise about $532.8 million at the top end of the price range. It also said yesterday it has an over-allotment option to sell 3.33 million shares. The companys most popular game is Candy Crush Saga, which made up 78 per cent of cash spent by players at King last year. Demand for the puzzle game, which features different colored candies, drove an elevenfold surge in revenue in 2013 to $1.9 billion. BLOOMBERG

New York home to distillery revival

Juliette Michel

NEARLY a century after the United States imposed prohibition, small distilleries are finally making a comeback in Brooklyn and the Bronx, crafting batches of gin, rum, rye, bourbon and vodka. The made in New York spirits trend is part of a boom in the popularity of locally grown food, farm-to-table dining and craft products. Kings County Distillery in the Brooklyn Navy Yard was founded in 2010 by two friends who had been making moonshine in an apartment. It is the first whisky distillery to be licensed in New York since prohibition, a 1920 to 1933 countrywide ban on alcohol. When the ban was lifted the industry revived quickly, but many small players were lost as large groups consolidated and promoted national and international brands. Now, a dozen or more small spirits-makers have been launched since Kings County blazed the trail, helped by an evolution in New York state law. Brooklyn also drew the New York Distilling Company, which set up shop in a former textile plant in the hip Williamsburg neighbourhood. In the middle of the warehouse sit several stills holding American rye, which must be made from at least 51 per cent rye, as opposed to bourbon, which is mainly corn. The first batches should be ready to drink in around eight months. On one side, four workers fill and label bottles. On the other, a clear liquid runs from a cop-

per pipe and down into a large, grey vat. A taste confirms, without a doubt, that it is gin, powerful and fragrant with a mix of juniper, citrus zest and spices. New York Distilling cofounder and guru Allen Katz said the company wanted to be making products that would have a sense in the world of cocktails. Another co-founder, Tom Potter, was also part of the Brooklyn Brewery in 1988, capitalising on Americans growing thirst for craft beers. The firm now ships beer to more than 20 countries. While Katz insists the quality of New York Distilling rye and gin speaks for itself, he also admitted the Brooklyn brand is selling well. It is easy for people to know where we are from. The boom in small-batch distilleries is not limited to the Big Apple. The Distilled Spirits Council of the United States, a national trade association, counted 400 distilleries across the country in early 2014, compared with just 92 in 2010. In New Yorks urban jungle, the headwinds are tough. High property and operating costs can be daunting. But Brooklyn-born, Queensraised and Manhattanschooled Bridget Firtle cannot imagine working anywhere else. The 29-year-old abandoned her career as an analyst in a hedge fund to start a craft rum distillery, The Noble Experiment, in 2011. She converted a building in a graffiti-covered Brooklyn industrial zone into a distillery, using imported German

Bottles are lled with gin last month at the New York Distilling Company in Brooklyns ultra-hip Williamsburg neighbourhood. AFp

equipment to make small batches of rum. Its first product is called Owneys NYC Rum. When its time to label the bottles, I ask friends and family to come and help me. The rest of the time, its all by myself, Firtle said. She hopes to make a profit by year-end but remains cautious because of the heavy competition. The product, she explained, has to be more than just made In New York because we are so many and there are not that many shelf spaces. Rafael Barbosa is also trying to carve out his own niche in a market that is increasingly crowded. With his brother and a business partner, he had his uncle from Puerto Rico come to New

York, bringing the familys secret recipe for Pitorro, a fullbodied rum. Most of the ingredients they use are made in New York state and they put their Port Morris Distillery in the Bronx, which Barbosa admitted has a stigma compared to other boroughs. His firm has had to work hard to educate clients about its rum, but is getting good feedback from drinkers in the city and beyond. A new nonprofit organisation, the New York Distillers Guild, was launched in October to promote New York state craft spirits. No two producers are making something that tastes alike, said Nicole Austin, president of the fledgling group. AFP

THE PHNOm PENH POST march 13, 2014

Markets Business


US state votes against Tesla

Alan Ohnsman and Terrence Dopp

Thai Set 50 Index, Mar 11 1100

Ho Chi Minh Stock Index, Mar 11 600

1025 950 875 800

550 500 450 400

EW JERSEY Governor Chris Christies administration blocked Tesla Motors Inc, the electric-car maker that doesnt have franchised retail dealers, from direct auto sales in a move the company said could shutter its only two stores in the US state. The New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission, which includes members of Christies cabinet, unanimously approved the proposal on Tuesday in Trenton, delaying public comment on the matter until after the hearing. Tesla said it learned only a day earlier, after months of negotiations, that the rule change was coming to the most densely populated US state, which is important for reaching customers in the New York metro area. Christie has gone back on his word, Tesla chief executive ofcer Elon Musk said on Twitter prior to the vote. His administration, under pressure from auto dealers, may shut down Tesla in NJ as soon as today. Tesla is battling dealers state by state to secure or protect the right to sell its cars directly to consumers. Auto dealers in Ohio, New York, Minnesota, Georgia and elsewhere in the past year have sought to block Tesla from directly retailing its models, arguing that independent retailers are better for shoppers and owners of vehicles. Texas dealers successfully backed a law

A worker walks past a covered car at the booth of electric carmaker Tesla in Geneva, Switzerland earlier this month. AFP

setting the nations toughest restrictions on Tesla. Arizona, Colorado and Virginia also imposed limits. The New Jersey vote shouldnt have been a surprise to Palo Alto, California-based Tesla, a Christie spokesman said. Since Tesla rst began operating in New Jersey one year ago, it was made clear that the company would need to engage the Legislature on a bill to establish their new direct-sales operations under New Jersey law, Kevin Roberts, the spokesman, said. On the commission with the three

members of Christies cabinet are four gubernatorial appointees. The panel is led by non-voting chairman Raymond Martinez, who was appointed by Christie, a Republican, in February 2010. Tesla should either adjust its business model to conform with New Jersey law or seek changes to it, James Appleton, president of the states dealer association, said. New Jerseys statute is on the books to protect consumers, he said, while Teslas business model crushes competition. A decision was made rather

abruptly and certainly without any consultation with us, Diarmuid OConnell, Teslas vice-president of business development, said in a conference call before the commission met. There are probably a couple levels of bad faith and surreptitious behaviour. The New Jersey Commissions vote came the same day Tesla ofcials met in Ohio with representatives of auto dealers to seek a compromise on a bill in a Senate committee to force Tesla to use franchise dealers if it wants more sales points in the Buckeye State. The Senate panel accepted written testimony from General Motors Co opposing any additional dealer licences for Tesla beyond the two for stores located in Columbus and Cincinnati. Tesla is an automobile manufacturer, they compete with our vehicles in the market, and they should compete under the same laws we do, the Detroit-based rm said. The maker of Model S cars that start at $71,000 has already begun talks with New Jersey lawmakers about amending the states law and will also consider options including litigation, said Jonathan Chang, a lawyer for the carmaker. Teslas stores in the state are at the Mall at Short Hills and at the Garden State Plaza in Paramus. New Jersey is one of our larger markets for Model S and so its an important market for us, he said. But really, any market is an important market for us. BLOOMBERG



South Korea

KOSPI Index, Mar 11 2100 1975 1850 1725 1600


PSEI- Philippine Se Idx, Mar 11 7000 6625 6250 5875 5500



FTSE Straits Times Index, Mar 11 4000

FTSEBursa Malaysia KLCI, Mar 11 1900

3500 3000 2500 2000

1800 1700 1600 1500



Hong Kong
Hang Seng Index, Mar 11 25000

CSI 300 Index, Mar 11 3000

23250 21500 19750 18000

2750 2500 2250 2000




Nikkei 225, Mar 11 16000


Taiwan Taiex Index, Mar 11 9000

15500 15000 14500 14000

8500 8000 7500 7000


Jakarta Composite Index, Mar 11 5000 4625 4250 3875 3500


Laos Composite Index, Mar 11 1500 1350 1200 1050 900




International commodities

Cambodian commodities
(Base rate taken on January 1, 2012) (%) -0.71 % 3.64 % 2.22 % 1.25 % 4.00 % 5.50 % -40.00 % 1.82 % 7.06 % 3.33 % 15.56 % 0.77 %

BSE Sensex 30 Index, Mar 11 22000 21000

Karachi 100 Index, Mar 11 28000 27250 26500 25750 25000

Food -Cereals -Vegetables - Fruits

Item Rice 1 Rice 2 Paddy Peanuts Maize 2 Cashew nut Pepper Beef Pork Mud Fish Chicken Duck Unit
R/Kg R/Kg R/Kg R/Kg R/Kg R/Kg R/Kg R/Kg R/Kg R/Kg R/Kg R/Kg

Construction equipment
Average 2780 2280 1840 8100 2080 4220 24000 33600 18200 12400 20800 13100 Item Steel 12 Cement Unit R/Kg R/Sac Base 3000 19000 Average 3100 19500 (%) 3.33 % 2.63 %

Crude Oil (WTI) Crude Oil (Brent) RBOB Gasoline NYMEX Heating Oil ICE Gasoil

USD/bbl. USD/bbl. USd/gal. USd/gal. USD/MT

99.28 108.05 4.63 295.52 294.88 903.25

-1.84 -0.5 0.02 0.58 -1.86 -3.5

-1.82% -0.46% 0.43% 0.20% -0.63% -0.39%

3:02:39 3:01:51 3:02:00 3:01:53 3:01:53 3:01:25

2800 2200 1800 8000 2000 4000 40000 33000 17000 12000 18000 13000

20000 19000 18000

NYMEX Natural Gas USD/MMBtu



Item Gasoline Diesel Petroleum Gas Charcoal Unit
R R R Chi Baht

5250 5100 5500 86000 1200

5450 5200 5500 76000 1300

3.81 % 1.96 % 0.00 % -11.63 % 8.33 %

S&P/ASX 200 Index, Mar 11 5500 5250 5000 4750 4500

New Zealand
NZX 50 Index, Mar 11 5500 5250 5000 4750 4500


CBOT Rough Rice CME Lumber

USD/cwt USD/tbf

15.35 361

-0.04 0.2

-0.23% 0.06%

23:09:40 23:08:04



Employment Opportunity

Monitoring and Evaluation Team Leader

For Supporting Forests and Biodiversity Project
Winrock International is seeking a highly-qualied M & E Team Leader to join the USAID-funded Supporting Forests and Biodiversity Project (SFB) in Cambodia. The position is based in Phnom Penh. Winrock International is a non-prot organization leading the USAID Supporting Forests and Biodiversity Project. The goals of the Project include improved conservation and governance of the Eastern Plains and Prey Lang landscapes to mitigate climate change and conserve biodiversity. The M &E Team Leader will be responsible for overseeing the development of all M and E systems and ensuring coordination with all Project staff and eld teams, including Project Partners. This position is permanent and requires a self-starting, highperforming and highly-skilled, person. The M&E Team Leader is a member of the Projects senior management team. If you meet or exceed the following qualications, please apply. Education: A Masters Degree or higher in mathematics, economics, business, development, public policy or in related eld of study. Experience: Five or more years of experience in implementing monitoring and evaluation systems in technical assistance projects in a team environment. A thorough understanding of developing, maintaining, and using cloud-based systems is a plus and USAID M &E experience is highly desired. Languages: Excellent written and spoken Khmer and English language capabilities. To Apply: Applicants should send their CV and a cover letter to the SFB Project Ofce: Phnom Penh Center, Building F, Room 588, Sothearos Blvd, Phnom Penh, or by email to The closing date for the position is March 25, 2014. For a full copy of the Terms of Reference, please call Ms. Sotheavy, HR/Admin Ofcer at the Project ofce: 023 220 714 or email to Winrock International is an equal opportunity employer and women are encouraged to apply. We regret that only short-listed candidates will be contacted.



Malaysia blasted over chaotic search
Dan Martin

ALAYSIA yesterday denied that the hunt for a missing jet was in disarray, after the search veered far from the planned route and China said that conicting information about its course was pretty chaotic. Transport Minister Hishammuddin Hussein said Malaysia would never give up hope of nding the planes 239 passengers and crew, dismissing allegations that efforts were mired in confusion after a series of false alarms, rumours and contradictory statements. I dont think so. Its far from it. Its only confusion if you want it to be seen as confusion, he said at a press conference, where military and civilian ofcials faced a grilling from a combative crowd of journalists. I think its not a matter of chaos. There are a lot of speculations [sic] that we have answered in the last few days, he said. The hunt for Malaysia Airlines ight 370 now encompasses nearly 27,000 nautical miles (over 90,000 square kilometres) roughly the size of Portugal and involves the navies and air forces of multiple nations. The Post on page 4 today reports on Vietnam asking Phnom Penh for permission to extend their search into Cambodian air space . The search focus had been on an area off Vietnams South China Sea coast, where it last made contact Saturday on a journey from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. But Malaysian authorities said yesterday that they were expanding it to the Andaman Sea, north of Indonesia, hundreds of miles away. So right now there is a lot of information, and its pretty chaotic, so up to this point we too have had difculty conrming whether it is accurate or not, Chinas foreign ministry spokesman Qin Gang said of accounts of the jets course. There were 153 Chinese nationals on the ight. Indias coastguard joined the aerial search off the remote Andaman and Nicobar Islands yesterday and the Indian Air Force was put on standby. Malaysian air force chief General Rodzali Daud attempted to explain

why the search zone had been expanded, telling the press conference that military radar detected an unidentied object early Saturday north of the Malacca Strait off Malaysias west coast. He said that the reading, taken less than an hour after the plane lost contact over the South China Sea, was still being investigated and they were not able to conrm it was MH370. The confusion has fuelled perceptions that Malaysian authorities are unable to handle a crisis on this scale and infuriated relatives. Analysts said there were burning questions over what information if any Malaysia has gleaned from both military and civilian radar, and the Boeing 777s transponders, and over discounted reports it was later detected near Indonesia. Its bad enough for a wide-body jet to go missing with 239 people on board, but then for the responsible countrys government and aviation agencies to handle the associated information with total incompetence is unforgivable, said David Learmount from industry magazine Flightglobal. There are so many information sources that do not appear to have been used effectively in this case. As a result the families of the missing passengers and crew are being kept in the dark, said Learmount, Flightglobals operations and safety editor. One new detail did emerge the words of MH370s nal radio transmission. Malaysias ambassador to China, Iskandar Sarudin, said one of the pilots said alright, good night as the ight switched from Malaysian to Vietnamese airspace, according to Singapores Straits Times newspaper. Azharuddin Abdul Rahman, Malaysias civil aviation chief, later conrmed that those were the last words from the cockpit. Frustrations boiled over in Malaysia, with the countrys active social media and some press outlets turning from sympathy for the families of relatives to anger over the fruitless search. The mood among Malaysians now is moving from patience . . . to embarrassment and anger over discrepancies about passengers, of-

Search for Malaysia Airlines MH370

240 km THAILAND Flight MH370 vanished at 01.30 am local time March 8 (1730 GMT March 7)

CAMBODIA Confirmation yesterday that Malaysian searchers have entered this zone Andaman Sea

VIETNAM Phu Quoc island Gulf of Tho Chu island Thailand Ho Chi Minh City

Search zone E Approximate depth 300 - 1,500 m 70 - 200 m

South China Sea 30 - 70 m Last recorded position Malaysian officials said the plane may have inexplicably changed direction

Malacca Strait

Kuala Terengganu MALAYSIA Kuala Lumpur

Initial search Expanded search Monday

Map on the current search area for the missing Malaysia Airlines ight MH370.

oaded baggage and concealed in- comment said. The anger was comformation about its last known po- pounded by a report aired on Aussition, Malaysian Insider, a leading tralian television of a past cockpit news portal, said in a commentary. security breach involving the coTwitter users took aim at the web pilot of the missing jet. of contradictory information that Malaysia Airlines said it was Wingspan: has fuelled conspiracy theories. shocked over allegations that 60.9 m If the Malaysian military did not First Ofcer Fariq Abdul Hamid, Source: MalaysiaAirlines/Vietnam govt/Malaysia govt/NOAA see MH370 turn toward the Malacca 27, along with a fellow pilot violatStrait, then why the search? Who de- ed airline rules in 2011 by allowing cided to look there and why? one two young South African women

Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777-200


into their cockpit during a f light. Vietnam initially suspended its air and sea search yetsreday as it waited for Malaysia to clarify the new direction of the hunt. Army deputy chief of staff Vo Van Length: Tuan said that after Malaysia had 63.7 m denied reports the plane was picked up on radar in the Malacca Strait we decided to send two aircrafts and nine boats to search. AFP

Kiev will not use army to save Crimea: president

Nicholas Watt

UKRAINES acting president has said that the country will not use its army to stop Crimea from seceding, in the latest indication that a Russian annexation of the peninsula may be imminent. The interim leader said intervening on the south-eastern Black Sea peninsula, where Kremlin-backed forces have seized control, would leave Ukraine exposed on its eastern border, where he said Russia has massed significant tank units. We cannot launch a military operation in Crimea, as we would expose the eastern border and Ukraine would not be protected, Oleksandr Turchynov said. Theyre provoking us to have a pretext to intervene on the Ukrainian mainland . . . [but] we cannot follow the scenario written by the Kremlin.

Crimea is due to hold a referendum on joining Russia this Sunday, organised by the peninsulas self-appointed leaders. Turchynov described the secession referendum as a sham whose outcome would be decided in the offices of the Kremlin. The European Union is poised to impose travel bans and to freeze the assets of Russian officials and military officers involved in the occupation of Crimea by next Monday if Moscow declines to accept the formation of a contact group to establish some form of dialogue with Ukraine. But Russian leaders are currently refusing to communicate with Ukraine and refuse to accept Turchynovs legitimacy. Unfortunately, for now Russia is rejecting a diplomatic solution to the conflict, he said. A meeting of EU foreign ministers in Brussels on Monday is being seen as an unofficial deadline for the introduction of the sanctions,

which would exempt the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, and his foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, as the EU tries to keep open lines of communication. Ukraines parliament warned the regional assembly in Crimea on Tuesday that it faces dissolution unless it cancels the referendum, which has been condemned by the EU and the US as illegal. But the Russian foreign ministry said it would respect the result of the vote. Yesterday, a Russian court issued an arrest warrant for Ukrainian far-right leader Dmytro Yarosh in absentia on charges of inciting terrorism a symbolic move in support of Moscows argument that extremists stole power in neighbouring Ukraine. Russian news agencies said Moscows Basmanny district court ruled that Yarosh one of the most influential leaders of the protest movement which ousted former Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovich should be arrested for mak-

ing public calls for terrorist and extremist activities via the media. Ukraines new justice authorities have issued warrants for the arrest of pro-Russia leaders in the Crimea region. EU sanctions against Moscow are what leaders describe as phase II of a three-stage plan that would involve curbs on energy, trade and financial relations if Russian forces move beyond Crimea to the main part of eastern Ukraine. UK Prime Minister David Camerons spokesman said: The prime minister is very much linking phase II to the need for dialogue to start in the next few days. We are asking [the officials] to do preparatory work and we still believe there is an opportunity for the dialogue to start and we very much encourage [Russia] to start that. The focus [of the sanctions will] be on officials who are closely linked to infringements on Ukrainian sovereignty. THE GUaRDIaN The Wests do-somethings will do nothing for Ukraine: Opinion, page 16


Clashes are in Turkey over death of teenager
PROTESTORS clashed with police in Turkey yesterday as tens of thousands of people took to the streets to mourn a teenage boy who died from injuries suffered during last years antigovernment protests. Riot police red tear gas and water cannon at protestors in the capital Ankara, while in Istabanbul, crowds shouting anti-government slogans lit a huge re as they made their way to a cemetery for the burial of 15-year-old Berkin Elvan. Elvan, who died in an Istanbul hospital on Tuesday after 269 days in a coma, was hit on the head by a tear gas canister while going to buy bread during the demonstrations against Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan that gripped Turkey in June. Berkins murderers are the AKP police, protesters shouted in Istanbul, referring to Erdogans ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP). The rage of mothers will suffocate the killers, screamed others as they marched through the streets after Elvans funeral. His death prompted protests reminiscent of last years unrest, with thousands of people clashing with police on Tuesday in at least 32 cities, including Istanbul and Ankara, where the most violent clashes took place. The renewed unrest is likely to add to pressure on Erdogan, whose government has been rocked by an escalating corruption scandal ahead of elections that could decide his fate. How many young people have to die for Erdogan to resign? My only wish is this fascism to end without spilling more blood, said retired worker Atilla Izmirlioglu. Elvans story became a symbol of the heavy-handed police tactics against demonstrators in June, the biggest of Erdogans 11-year-rule. Erdogan has vowed to step down if the AKP , in power since 2002, loses local elections on March 30 that are seen as a key test of his popularity after last years unrest and the graft probe. Government spokesman Bulent Arinc said Turkey had been in mourning since Elvans death. It is very sad that a child has died in an incident that occurred on the street, he said. According to local media, some 20 demonstrators were injured and 150 arrests made after Tuesdays clashes. AFP HE Constitution Court yesterday ruled unanimously the governments legislative bill to empower the Finance Ministry to seek two trillion baht ($61.6 billion) in loans for infrastructure development projects is unconstitutional. The court also agreed by majority vote that the legislative procedures had violated the charters provisions. The judgement was made following a request that the court decide if the bill contravened Sections 160 and 170 of the constitution. The challenge was led by Democrat Party MPs through the House Speaker immediately after the Senate passed the bill in its nal reading in November last year. They alleged that it lacked details and accountability. The court unanimously agreed by a vote of 8-0 that the content of the bill violated provisions set down in Section 169 of the charter. It also voted 6-2 that the bills legislative procedures contravened Section 170 of the constitution. Charter court secretary Chaovana Traimat announced the judgement and said the legislation was voided by the ruling. The bill was introduced by the Pheu Thai Party with the


Thai infrastructure bill shot down

The promotion for Thailands high-speed train project under a borrowing bill is displayed on a reporters tablet screen. BANGKOK POST

explanation it was planned to use the money to make overdue improvements to infrastructure. It largely focused on massive spending on the construction of high-speed train lines to Chiang Mai, Rayong, Nong Khai and Padang Besar, on the Malaysian border, by building them in stages. The courts ruling followed a plea from caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra and caretaker Transport Minister Chadchat Sittipunt that it was important to boost the competitiveness of the countrys transport sector, given

the approaching launch of the Asean economic community at the end of 2015 . The prime ministers Pheu Thai Party dubbed the legislation a plan to shape the future of the country. The Democrats and other critics opposed it mainly due to the nature of the bill. They argued that, unlike the annual budget bill which must be passed by parliament, it would bypass scrutiny and inevitably lead to massive corruption. There was no situation requiring that the Pheu Thai-led government pass such a nan-

cial bill, normally reserved for emergency issues. The projects should be funded by the normal budgetary process. This certainly is not an emergency case, as the government has claimed. The government told the public a lie, Atavit Suwannapakdee, a co-leader of the Peoples Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) and former Democrat MP for Bangkok, told FM101 news program yesterday. The normal annual budget bill is subject to tight regulations on procurement, but the infrastructure bill forced through by the government would involve special procurement methods. The government intended to avoid normal procurement procedures, said Mr Atavit, who was a member of the House committee that scrutinised the bill before the House was dissolved. He said the voting procedure was illegal as at least one Pheu Thai MP at the time voted on behalf of colleagues who were not present on the oor, using their cards, to help push the bill through. The voting violation was lmed by the Democrats and presented as evidence to the court. The bill has also been a target of the PDRC. BANGKOK POST




UKs Cameron to map out two-state solution

UK PRIME Minister David Cameron used a set-piece speech to the Israeli parliament yesterday to try to map out a vision of how the fortunes of Israel and Palestine could be transformed if both sides could reach agreement on a two-state solution. In a two-day visit he will urge both sides to make compromises and say Israel can become a secure Jewish nation state. Cameron has been kept closely informed of the state of the framework talks being conducted by the US secretary of state, John Kerry, which are due to conclude in April. Cameron is making his first visit to Israel since becoming prime minister in 2010 and will visit Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas today. THE GUARdiaN

Kunming suspects held before attack Vigilante

HINESE authorities detained three terror suspects two days before this months gruesome knife attack at a southwestern Chinese train station, an independent Chinese magazine has reported, deepening the mystery surrounding the incident. On March 1, ve knifewielding assailants went on a rampage at a train station in Kunming, the capital of southern Chinas Yunnan province, killing 29 people and wounding more than 140 others. Police shot four of the attackers dead at the scene and captured one. Two days later, state media said that an eightmember terrorist group was behind the attack, and that police had apprehended the remaining three members. Yet according to a report in Caixin magazine, authorities arrested three suspects on 27 February in Yunnans Honghe prefecture, which borders Vietnam. The remaining ve group members drove to Kunming after failing to detonate an explosive device in Shadian township, a small community in the prefectures Gejiu city, the magazine reported, citing an unnamed source with ties to law enforcement. The article, which did not ex-

Chinese president set to make first EU visit

Chinese police stand guard outside the scene of the terror attack at the main train station in Kunming, Yunnan Province, on March 3. AFP

ChiNese President Xi Jinping will make his first visit to European Union headquarters in Brussels on March 31 as part of a trip to several EU countries, an EU statement said yesterday. Xi will be hosted by European Council head Hermann Van Rompuy and European Commission chief Jose Manuel Barroso, it said. Xis trip will be the first visit ever by a Chinese president to EU institutions, the statement added. AFP

plain the apparent contradiction, has since been removed from the magazines website, highlighting the sensitivity of the investigation. The Shadian police station, Gejiu city government, and provincial government could not be reached for comment. The Chinese government has blamed separatists from the ethnically riven northwestern Xinjiang region for the attack, suggesting that they were Uighurs, its largest native ethnic group.

Although Uighurs who are predominantly Muslim have long complained of religious restraints and economic marginalisation, authorities insist that regional policies are progressive and successful, and blame the regions intermittent spasms of unrest on interference from abroad. Aside from the name of the groups leader Abdurehim Kurban state media has offered almost no information about who the attackers were or what motivated them.

According to the provinces Communist party boss, Qin Guangrong, the group originally intended to ee the country to participate in jihad rst from Yunnan, and later from the southern province Guangdong. Yet Radio Free Asia (RFA), a broadcasting platform sponsored by the United States government, provided an alternative account: that the assailants had tried to ee China to escape persecution in Xinjiang, and that they lashed out in desperation after failing repeatedly. The suspects came from Hanerik township in Xinjiangs Hotan prefecture, RFA said, and ed after police opened re on a crowd of unarmed Uighur protesters. Uighurs in Beijing have been subject to tightened restrictions and police checks since the attack, according to the South China Morning Post. I was hoping the attackers were not from Xinjiang, said an unnamed Uighur student at the Central University for Nationalities, a school primarily for ethnic minorities. The next morning when Xinjiangs role was conrmed, I cried. Once again, Uighurs have been labelled and linked to a violent attack. THE GUARDIAN

boss held for killings

A LeADeR and founder of vigilante groups that arose to take on a powerful Mexican drug cartel was arrested on Tuesday over the killing of two members of a rival faction of his militia, ofcials said. The vigilantes emerged in early 2013 to protect villages from extortion, kidnapping, killings and other crimes by the Knights Templar cartel. They complain that police are doing nothing against the drug gang to stop them. The man arrested, Hipolito Mora, ran a so-called selfdefence group protecting the village of La Ruana in Michoacan state. He is suspected of taking part in the killing of two men loyal to another vigilante leader, Luis Antonio Torres, the state prosecutors ofce said in a statement. The two victims bodies were discovered burned beyond recognition in a truck on March 8. Mora had complained that Torress faction attacked the village just like the cartel does and that his self-defence militia was even made up of former members of it. AFP

( ) . ( ) - - - - - . ( ) - - - - - . ( ) - - - - -

Job Announcement
The Phnom Penh Post is an independent media company in Cambodia and is seeking qualied candidates to ll the position of reporter as follows: Khmer Reporter: 2 positions Job requirements: Bachelors degree in journalism or an equivalent degree At least 2 (two) years experience in media Very good in Khmer and English, speaking and writing Computer literacy (must be able to type Khmer Unicode well) Must be fully aware of and obey all the codes and ethics for journalism - Available to work in a high pressure environment Interested candidates should submit their cover letter and CV to the human resource ofce of The Phnom Penh Post at the below address: Post Media Co. Ltd, #888, Floor 8, Building F, Phnom Penh Center, Corner of Sothearos and Preah Sihanouk boulevards, Sangkat Tonle Bassac, Khan Chamkarmon, Phnom Penh or through email address:; Tel: 023 214 311-17 or Fax: 023 214 318 Deadline: March 14, 2014 Note: Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for interview.

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Haitians launch new lawsuit against UN over thousands of cholera deaths
THE United Nations is facing a huge new lawsuit over the outbreak of cholera in Haiti that has widely been blamed on its peacekeepers, after 1,500 Haitian victims and their family members sued the international body in a federal court in Brooklyn in a class action. The size of the suit substantially increases the stakes for the UN in this long-running saga. The plaintiffs seek to hold the UN responsible for the health catastrophe, as well as demanding compensation for victims and a UN-sponsored mission to help devastated Haitian communities. The UN has consistently refused to accept any role in the disaster, and has claimed immunity from legal actions such as the one just lodged in Brooklyn, and a similar class action filed on behalf of a sample group of ve Haitians last year. Latest gures suggest that more than 9,000 people have died in the outbreak, which has spread from Haiti to Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Cuba and Puerto Rico, with a total of about 700,000 having been sickened. There have also been at least confirmed cases of cholera in New York which is home to one of the largest communities of Haitians outside the Caribbean nation. The lawsuit alleges that the cholera outbreak resulted from the negligent, reckless, and tortious conduct of the . . . United Nations; its subsidiary, the United Nations Stablization Mission in Haiti; and its ofcers . . . The sickness, death and continual ongoing harm from cholera suffered by Haitis citizens are a direct result of the UNs multiple systematic failures. The legal action chronicles the mounting evidence that UN peacekeepers from Nepal carried with them the Asian strain of cholera when they arrived in Haiti after the January 2010 earthquake. The outbreak, which began in October of that year, was the rst instance of cholera in Haiti for at least 150 years. The lawsuit catalogues what it claims were the UNs negligent actions. UN troops coming from Nepal, where cholera is endemic, were not screened for the disease. The UN mission hired a private contractor to ensure sanitary conditions for its force in Haiti, but the contractor was poorly managed and failed to provide adequate infrastructure at the UN camp in Mirebalais. As a result, contaminated sewerage was deposited in the Meille river, a tributary of the Artibonite, Haitis longest and most important river. Crucially, the lawsuit argues that the UN is not immune from liability in such cases. It points out that acceptance of liability was an express condition agreed to by the United Nations when it created Status of Forces Agreements such as the one which permitted it to enter Haiti. The rst named plaintiff, Marie Laventure, is a Haitian living in Atlanta, Georgia, who has eight siblings still living in Haiti. She lost her father and stepmother to the cholera contagion. THE GUARDIAN


Funeral procession
A boy stands between Palestinian militants from the Islamic Jihads armed wing, the al-Quds Brigades, during the funeral on Tuesday of their three comrades in Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip, who were killed in an Israeli airstrike. The Israeli army conrmed the strike, saying the air force had targeted Islamic Jihad militants who had red at troops. AFP

Amazons defend island haven

Stephane Jourdain

Indian minister vows revenge Maoist attack

ollAndE Bravo wasted no time before joining a vigilante group after her brother was killed three months ago in the Central African Republics brutal inter-religious conict. She is among eight women who have shaved their heads and taken up arms along with three men to defend an island community in the middle of the Oubangui River near the capital Bangui. The women, dubbed the Amazons by a local farmer, take turns keeping watch from their earthen observation post on Monkey Island, whose population of 1,000 has swelled with refugees from the violence. After her brother was killed, I was compelled to join, said Bravo, 19, sporting khaki combat trousers and a mesh top revealing a turquoise bra. We are all victims of the Seleka one way or another, she said, noting that her 12-year-old nephew was beaten with the butt of a rie. The Seleka rebel movement in-

stalled the impoverished countrys rst minority Muslim president after mounting a coup in March 2013, then failed to disband, its ghters continuing a campaign of atrocities against civilians. In response, vigilante groups have sprung up around the largely lawless country, targeting Muslims in vicious reprisal attacks. While both sides brandish machetes, or balakas in the local Sango and Mandja languages, the mainly Christian vigilantes are known as anti-balakas. The rapid spiral of inter-religious violence led France to deploy troops in its chronically unstable former colony to back an African Union force already on the ground. The United Nations has launched a probe in response to warnings by relief agencies and foreign powers of the potential for genocide, and investigators set off on a two-week mission to the country on Monday. Joanna Indien, 20, wearing an orange tanktop and shorts, says the Seleka killed her husband, leaving her with their three children, whom she

has entrusted with her mother in the Bangui district of Bimbo. I miss them, but naturally I must defend my country. In Bimbo, its safe. Im here because its dangerous, Indien says as she makes her way through a ock of geese clustered on the dusty ground. Under the benign gaze of their chief, who has taken the name Golf and sports a red cap, the eight women ghters claim to be fearless. I want revenge against the Seleka. Im ready, Im determined, says Bravo, although she and her comrades have yet to see action. Jean-Anatole Koualet, a 59-year-old farmer living on the island, was very surprised when he saw the girls turn up a week ago. They do night patrols to protect us, he says. It was Koualet who nicknamed the women the Amazons and who argues that men or women, it makes no difference, since now we have peace. The farmer tells of the earlier terror, when the Seleka put Michel Djotodia in power for 10 months, before the international community forced him

to resign for failing to halt atrocities. The Seleka tied me up and beat me. They treated us like animals. They even stopped us from going shing, Koualet recalls. Like most inhabitants of Monkey Island, he believes that the rogue rebels still lurk on the shores of the river in disguise, though nearly all Seleka forces have ed Bangui. The anti-balaka ghters on the island are not paid, but locals provide them with cassava leaves and sh such as tilapia and sturgeon. The Amazons of Monkey Island are far from unique in the Central African Republic. There are women in each contingent, said Colonel 12 Powers, an anti-balaka chief. Some journeyed up to 400 kilometres (250 miles) to join up, he said. They are often women whose husbands were killed by the Seleka. Theyre determined to defend the population, he adds. Richard Bejouane, another vigilante chief, agrees. In every district we see women getting organised to defend themselves. AFP

IndiaS home minister yesterday vowed to exact revenge for a deadly ambush by Maoist rebels, as undercover agents tried to track down the attackers in their forest hideouts. The way our soldiers have lost their lives, we will definitely take revenge for this, Sushilkumar Shinde said, a day after the attack that left 16 dead. Shinde said members of Indias National Investigation Agency had taken up positions inside the thick forests where the rebels are believed to have taken refuge. On Tuesday morning, some 200 rebels in Chhattisgarh ambushed a security patrol which was on a mission to open a road in a heavily forested area, sparking a gun battle that lasted for three hours. Afp

Jordanian beats thief daughter to death

Six die after collision with elephants in Thailand

SiX people, including a Singaporean, were killed and two others injured in a road accident involving three vehicles and three wild elephants in Thailands Rayong province yesterday morning. One of the elephants, a male, was gravely injured. Police Captain Thanet Piumsorasak, duty officer at Wang Chan police station, said the accident happened about 5am. A white Mitsubishi Pajero hit one of the elephants as they were crossing the Ban Bung to Klaeng Road, between kilometre markers 71 and 72 in tambon Payubnai, Wang Chan district. The area is near the Khao Anglunai Wildlife Preserve, near Khao Chamao National Park and the heavily forested Cambodian border. The sports utility vehicle was carrying four people, including a Singaporean man. It hurtled off the road after the collision. The male driver and a fema le pa ssenger, d ied instantly. The other later succumbed to their injuries in Wang Chan Hospital. Shortly after, a six-wheel Isuzu truck approached the crash scene and the driver tried to steer around it, but a bronze Toyota Vigo pick-up then rammed into the back of the six-wheeler. The male pick-up driver died instantly. Three others, a man and two women, were injured. One died of her injuries in Wang Chan Hospital. The six-wheel truck driver, Singhyutthakarn Virophrom, was uninjured. He told police he was delivering fertiliser from Bangkok to Chanthaburi. He saw two elephants standing, agitated, in the middle of the road. Another was lying on the ground almost 100 metres from the crash site. It had been hit by the SUV. A team of veterinarians were dispatched to tend the elephant, which had a broken leg and was bleeding from its left ear. Initially, it tried to stand up and walk back into the forest, but fell down. The veterinarians had to shoot the animal with an anaesthetic dart, and then took it to an animal clinic for further treatment. Pitak Yingyong, a forestry officer, said the three elephants left the Khao Anglunai Wildlife Preserve Area many days ago and rangers were searching for them. The elephants were likely looking for food at nearby palm and pineapple plantations before returning to their habitat early in the morning, Pitak added. The names of the six people who died in the accidents were later released. They were Anuchit Bhumipuenpol, Saengkaew Vejjasit, Nitinai Panyabusayakul, Chinana Kasemsakdakorn, Gaysorn Wongpaiboon and Lim Bowen Jonathan. BANGKOK POST

An 11-Year-oLd girl was beaten to death by her father after teachers accused her of stealing from school, a security official said yesterday. The father, in his forties, brutally beat his daughter last night after teachers accused her of stealing things from school, in Zarqa, northeastern Amman, said. After he calmed down, he went to check on the girl. She was in coma. He rushed her to hospital but she died. The official said the suspect and his family initially claimed that the girl fell down the stairs. But investigations proved what really happened. The suspect was charged with beating the girl to death, he added. The man faces up to 15 years in prison if convicted. Official statistics last year showed that a third of Jordans three million schoolchildren had suffered sexual abuse and around 80 per cent had experienced some form of physical violence. AFP




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Ukraine and the do-somethings

Simon Jenkins

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T least the west is agreed on the Ukraine crisis. It agrees that something must be done to stop Russias re-occupation of Crimea, and it agrees that nothing can be done to stop it. Paradox is the stuff of foreign policy. It produces summits, holds conferences, forms and reforms contact groups. Leaders make interminable phone calls and think-tanks rush joyfully to club-class lounges. Everywhere, something must be done and nothing can be done. Must fights can. On Monday night I visited a Ukraine seminar in Westminster organised by Prospect magazine. It was crammed with diplomats, defence experts and Russian and Ukrainian pundits, and was a sombre occasion. The understand-Russia tribe argued with the understand-Ukraine tribe. Legal sticklers fought pragmatists. Stand-firmers fought realpolitikers. Putins bombast was pitted against Putins paranoia. The wests righteous indignation was pitted against its double standards. Yet all agreed on one thing. Something must be done. It was not a seminar on Ukraine, it was a meeting of the global trade union of professional something-must-be-dones. Participants were curiously liberated by the impossibility of driving Vladimir Putin out of Crimea by force. Since military hawks have had to take leave of absence from this crisis, diplomatic ones were having a field day. The masters of the velvet glove seemed not to mind they had no iron fist inside it. Hence we enjoyed the familiar cold buffet of messages, warnings, deterrents, red lines, sanctions, gestures, carrots and sticks. To the do-something persuasion appearance is crucial, because appearances are cheap. Thus Barack Obama must not appear weak, NATO must give a clear signal, the EU must appear united. The air is thick with unacceptables, inexcusables and intolerables. Gestures are stock in trade. The US secretary of state, John Kerry, must decline to meet his Russian counterpart. Lots of people must refuse to attend Olympics and conferences a sanction of peculiar savagery to any do-something. I am no Kremlinologist, but I find the idea that such gestures might leave Putin quaking in his boots as ludicrous as the idea that they terrified Osama bin Laden or the Taliban. Great emphasis is laid on making Putin and

A participant holds a sign reading in Polish Olympics 2014 For the jump on Crimea, during a demonstration in support of the people of Ukraine at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin on Sunday. AFp

those round him realise they have miscalculated the wests response. Yet every one of these gestures seems utterly predictable. Bombs and drones may break your bones but, when these thugs go to war, words will never hurt you. At which point, something escalates into our old friend, economic sanctions. As David Cameron and Obama say over and again, Putin must know that there is a price to pay for his actions. Some think visas should be withdrawn with blood-curdling screams: Your oligarchs will never darken the doors of Harvey Nicks again! Others think sanctions should be quietly imposed through border controls on bad guys. It is a strange world that equates invading Crimea with being banned from Kensington. Then comes the celebrated options the nuclear sanction of freezing bank balances, stopping credit lines, cancelling barter deals and suspending joint projects. An upward ratchet of supposed misery is to be imposed on Russians, somehow commensurate with Putins increasing lawlessness. It is the diplomats equivalent of bombing the enemy back to the stone age. This will teach them, they cry. This will deter them. The rationale is puzzling. It has always been doubtful that the maxim

Its the economy, stupid applies to international relations, especially those involving the economies of authoritarian regimes. Putin will have embarked on his Crimean adventure with some assessment of possible retaliation and, if not, with an acceptance that the retaliation was worth it. Pushing back at NATO and the EU after two decades of sustained advance along Russias eastern border has been hugely popular. National pride usually trumps cost. Besides, Russia is now a serious economic player, if not on the scale of China. It is not Iraq or Afghanistan or Burma, small poor countries that western governments can easily impoverish to suit their moral whims. I accept that there are conversations between states that sometimes require plain speaking. But the words must be fit for the purpose in hand. This would surely extend to an acceptance of what used to be called spheres of interest along the still new and sensitive borders in Europe and Asia. Putins rectifying of Nikita Khrushchevs 1954 donation of Crimea to Ukraine may be technically illegal. So was the wests war on Serbia over Kosovo. It is hardly on a par with Hitlers invasion of the Sudetenland, or the wests violent seizure of Iraq and

Afghanistan. In the catalogue of global outrage, it is no big deal. The current response to Crimea shows how easily misjudgment can emerge from such political machismo. Perhaps the better parallel is Sarajevo 1914. One leaders wounded pride triggers anothers pursuit of self-interest, a reckless treaty triggers a pre-emptive strike. Bluffs are called, prices thought worth paying. As pandemonium ensues, no one can recall how it all started. Todays reign of the do-somethings is oozing from the musty corridors of a once-imperial Foreign Office. It is seeping from under-employed defence lobbyists and think-tanks. It begs, weeps, screams that something must be done about Crimea. It derides doing nothing as so much wimpish, pseudo-pacifist appeasement. Russias occupation of Crimea may or may not reflect Putins paranoia at the wests muscle-flexing along its border. Kievs fight for independence may or may not reflect a justified fear of Russian revanchism. I do not know. I know only that neither country threatens us, and neither belongs to us. Some people just cannot bear to be left out of a fight. THE GUARDIAN

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Chinese instant messaging giant WeChat to go global W
Amanda Wang

In brief
THE Vietnamese creator of Flappy Bird says hes thinking of resurrecting the smash-hit free game that he abruptly took offline a month ago albeit with a warning about its addictive qualities. In his first interview since he pulled the app from the Apple and Android app stores, citing the pressure its success put on his simple life, Nguyen Ha Dong told Rolling Stone magazine he now feels a sense of relief. But asked if Flappy Bird will ever fly again on mobile devices, Nguyen responded: Im considering it. While he is not working on a new version, he said any sequel would come with a warning to users to please take a break. AFP

Creator of Flappy Bird considers its return

HEN condom maker Durex wants to send an intimatemessage to customers in China, it uses a homegrown instant messaging platform called WeChat which has taken the country by storm in just three years. WeChat known as weixin (micro-message) in Chinese has similarities to WhatsApp, the Silicon Valley startup that Facebook bought for $19 billion last month. Now the CEO of its parent company hopes the service can go global, branding it Chinas most hopeful product for internationalisation. WeChat is more versatile than WhatsApp, allowing its more than 300 million users to send text, photos, videos and voice messages over smartphones, nd each other by shaking their devices a common dating technique and even book and pay for taxis. Its popularity has gone beyond individuals, with corporations and even the government using the application developed by Chinese Internet giant Tencent for their internal and public communications. Since the WhatsApp deal was announced, Hong Kong-listed Tencents shares have risen 9.4 per cent, giving it a market capitalisation of $150 billion, approaching Facebooks monumental $180 billion. WeChat is an extremely people-friendly platform, something consumers frequently use every day, said Fay Zhao, senior brand manager for Durex, which has asked its 200,000

Musical We Will Rock You to end London end

WeChats CEO is hoping that the service will go global.


followers to transmit love stories over WeChat in its latest campaign. Analysts say WeChat has eroded the popularity of another form of Chinese social media microblogs or weibo, the equivalent of Twitter which have been hurt by a government crackdown on content and users. WeChat is now the countrys second most popular instant messaging tool on mobile devices, according to consultancy Analysys International

behind the venerable QQ platform, launched in 1999 and also owned by Tencent and is unlikely to be dislodged. WeChat, as a killer app of Tencent on mobile Internet, has experienced a rapid increase in its user base since it commercialised in 2013, consultancy Analysys International said in a research report in February, referring to when it started charging for some services. Killer app is technological terminology for a unique and wildly popular product.

WeChat is free to use, but charges for products such as emoticons and special features in games. To retain users, WeChat has introduced new services alongside basic communication, including gaming, online payments and the taxi-booking service. Tencent acquired a 20 per cent stake in Chinese restaurant listing platform in February and started offering dining coupons through WeChat. Its latest deal, announced

this week, sees Tencent take a 15 per cent stake in Chinese online direct sales rm, in a bid to better compete with e-commerce giant Alibaba. Founded in 1998, Tencent is one of Chinas largest Internet companies. Now the rms founder and CEO Pony Ma is putting high hopes on expanding WeChat abroad, budgeting $200 million for overseas marketing last year and hiring football superstar Lionel Messi for advertisements. afp

THE Queen musical We Will Rock You is to close in its London home after 12 straight years, producers said on Tuesday. The show, which has played to more than 6.5 million people at the Dominion Theatre, will close on May 31 after what will be more than 4,600 performances. The musical, set in a future where music is computer-generated and instruments banned, sees a group of rebels bringing rock back to life, inspired by surviving fragments of songs chiefly Queens masterpiece Bohemian Rhapsody. The story, penned by comedian and writer Ben Elton and co-produced by Robert De Niro, uses a barrage of Queen hits such as Another One Bites The Dust, Crazy Little Thing Called Love, We Are The Champions and the title track. Its actually quite heartbreaking to lose this great talented family, who have all given much more than the job demanded in terms of energy and devotion, Queens guitarist Brian May said on his website. afp

Women in Hollywood still marginalised: report

SANDRA BULLOCK and Jennifer Lawrence have shown that female leads can carry big-budget films, but Hollywood still marginalises women on screen to just 30 per cent of speaking roles, according to a new report. Women remained dramatically underrepresented in 2013 despite films such as Hunger Games 2 and Gravity heralding a supposed banner year for female actors, the study, titled Its a Mans (Celluloid) World, found. In the top 100 domestic US grossing films, females comprised 15 per cent of protagonists, 29 per cent of major characters and 30 per cent of speaking characters a degree of marginalisation largely unchanged since the 1940s. Its gender inertia. Were seeing very little change in the number of female characters that were seeing on screen, said the studys author, Martha Lauzen, executive director of the Center for the Study of Women in Television, Film & New Media at San Diego State University. Recent box office hits such as Gravity starring Bullock, Hunger Games with Lawrence, and the animated hit Frozen, featuring the voice of Kristen Bell, masked the remarkable stability of womens marginalisation over decades, she said. The Heat, starring Bullock and Melissa McCarthy, was another film that prompted buzz over supposedly widening roles for female actors. Many people think the number of female protagonists must be increasing which is why its important to look at the numbers. Its very easy to be misled by a few high-profile cases, Lauzen said. Only 13 per cent of last years top 100 films had equal numbers of major female and male characters, or more major female characters than male characters. Almost three quarters of all female characters were white, followed by black (14 per cent), Latina (5 per cent), Asian (3 per cent) and other worldly (3 per cent), according to the study. Moviegoers were as likely to see an other-worldly female as they were to see an Asian female character, it noted. the guardian

Were trapped!: Cat in US takes family hostage

Jennifer Lawrence, who has starred in blockbuster lms such as The Hunger Games, with her Golden Globe award last month. afp

A 10-KILOGRAM (22-pound) Himalayan cat attacked a baby boy and then took a US family hostage in their apartment, forcing them to call 911 to get police help. The ferocious feline first went for the sevenmonth-old baby, prompting owner Lee Palmer to kick the animal up the backside, but that served only to antagonize it further. Were trapped in the bedroom, he wont let us out of our door, Palmer told an emergency services dispatcher in Portland, in the western state of Oregon. I kicked the cat in the rear, and it has gone over the edge . . . Hes very, very, very, very hostile. Amid howling in the background, he asked the dispatcher: Do you hear him? Yeah, yeah, I hear him, said the female emergency call operator, in a calm voice. Police arrived and subdued the animal with a dog snare. afp


THE PHNOM PENH POST march 13, 2014


NEW car recently made an inconspicuous debut, not in Detroit but in Jena, Germany. With zero CO2 emissions and low energy consumption, the Colibri will be the greenest car on the market when it goes into commercial production this year, its makers say. But we dont market the Colibri as a green vehicle, says Thomas delos Santos, CEO of Innovative Mobility Automobile, the company behind the car. Who wants to buy a vehicle just because its green? Cost efciency is what people care about. At 10,000 ($13,900) plus a monthly battery fee, the Colibri is inexpensive. But perhaps more importantly, its design turns city driving on its head. What started out as basically a three-wheel bike, as Delos Santos describes it, now has a motor and a chassis. But though it seats a tall man and has space for shopping bags in the boot, the Colibri still measures just 2.75x1.30 metres. The seat functions much the same way as race-car seat:

Low costs driving green car sales A

Eiisabeth Braw

The cost efciency of models like the zero-emissions one-seater Hiriko are helping sell them.


it raises itself when the driver gets in and out of the car, then lowers itself when she or he starts driving. It doesnt full everyones needs, but it provides safety and comfort, Delos Santos explains. Its perfect for well-

dened one-person city trips like delivery services, utility companies, and home-care services. He has a point: many cars clogging city streets belong not to families, who might need the additional space for

other trips, but to businesses dispatching one employee plus equipment. Innovative Mobility Automobile is marketing the Colibri named after the worlds smallest bird to such rms as well as to car-sharing companies.

Early next year, the Colibri will be joined by the Hiriko, another zero-emissions oneseater. And the equally tiny (2.5x1.5 metre) car, developed by researchers at the City Science Initiative at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and manufactured by a Basque consortium, has an even more unorthodox feature: it can be folded, buggystyle, when parked. People in the auto industry say, Why would you want to fold a car? Its more expensive, reports Dr Ryan Chin, one of the MIT teams leaders. But it allows you to use less space for parking, and parking plays a huge role in cities today. Cars like the Hiriko can help cities reclaim parking space and use it for things like bikes, parks and sidewalk cafs. Three folded Hirikos t into one parking space, but Chins team isnt stopping at small: its envisioning a system where the Hirikos are parked at charging stations around the city and available to anyone in much the same way as city-run bike schemes. The market for shared vehicles is very small right now, less than 1 per cent of the to-

tal market, so auto-makers dont see a nancial reason to develop shared cars, Chin notes. But as the world grows denser, we have to have a new model for shared vehicles. According to Andrew Farah, chief engineer for Chevrolet Volt, GMs popular electric car, the market is seeing the rebirth of the electric car: We had them in the past, but they died out because gasoline was so cheap. Now theyre being brought back, but the question is, how do you gain customer acceptance? The Volt with its backup petrol option, he says, is a perfect bridging strategy. Were building a market. GM is planning on expanding its range of electric vehicles and is working with utility companies to build a recharging system. VW, meanwhile, recently unveiled Nils, a zero-emission one-seater similar to the Hiriko. The paradox, of course, is that the new, tiny, environmentally virtuous vehicles can easily lead to city streets being even more clogged. Cities will not just need new charging stations but also new policies.


Flighs K6 720 PG 938 PG 932 TG 581 PG 934 FD 3617 PG 936 TG 585 CZ 324 QR 965 QR 967 CZ 324 CZ 6060 VN 840 QR 965 QR 967 VN 841 VN 3856 KA 207 KA 207 KA 209 KA 209 KA 205 KE 690 OZ 740 AK 1473 MH 755 MH 763 AF 273 FM 833 MI 601 MI 622 3K 594 3K 592 3K 598 MI 607 2817 2817 2817 2817 BR 266 VN 840 QV 920
8M 402 8M 401


MH 765 5J 258
Arrival 03:30 09:05 09:05 14:40 16:20 18:40 19:40 21:50 20:50 14:30 20:50 13:45 20:50 13:00 14:30 20:50 16:30 18:45 10:25 16:05 17:00 17:25

3.5.7 2.4.7 1, 6, 7 2.4 5 7 3, 2 5

1. 5
Days 1-3-5

14:15 22:30 16:35 10:40 12:25 12:45 18:30 18:35 10:05

Dep 12:55

17:25 02:11 22:15 15:20 15:40 16:05 21:35 21:55 13:00

Arrival 13:55

MH 764 5J 257 MI 633 MI 622 MI 616 MI 636 MI 630 MI 618 QV 512

8M 401
Flighs K6 131

3.5.7 2.4.7 1, 6, 7 2.4 7 3, 2 5 5

1. 5
Days 1-3-5

12:10 19:45 14:35 08:40 10:40 13:55 07:55 16:35 06:30

Dep 11:20

13:15 21:30 15:45 09:50 11:50 17:40 11:35 17:45 09:25

Arrival 12:20

Arrival 01:10 08:15 11:10 11:10 16:40 18:15 20:40 21:45 16:05 22:45

8M 402


Days Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily ..34..7 12...6. Daily 2.4.7 Daily ..34..7 12...6. Daily Daily 6 1 3.5.7 2 Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily 2 2.4 .2.4..7 .2.4..7 Daily 1.3 2.4.5 6 7 Daily Daily Daily 1.3.6 1.3.6

Dep 12:05 06:40 09:55 10:05 15:30 17:05 19:30 20:40 08:00 16:10 22:40 08:00 14:45 17:30 16:10 22:40 14:00 19:20 11:25 11:45 18:30 17:25 19:00 23:40 23:50 08:35 11:10 17:10 20:05 19:50

Flighs K6 721 PG 931 TG 580 PG 933 FD 3616 PG 935 TG 584 PG 937 CZ 323 QR 964 QR 966 CZ 6059 CZ 323 VN 841 QR 604 QR 966 VN 920 VN 3857 KA 208 KA 206 KA 206 KA 206

Days Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily ..34..7 12...6. 2.4.7 Daily Daily ..34..7 12...6. Daily Daily

Dep 02:25 07:55 07:55 13:30 15:15 17:30 18:25 20:15 14:30 01:05 07:25 12:00 19:05 09:40 13:30 19:50 15:50 18:00









PHNOM PENH - GUANGZHOU 11:40 18:10 20:35 17:10 23:40 14:45 20:05 15:05 22:25 22:05 21:00 22:35




The New York mayor has backed a campaign against horse-drawn carriages in the city. AFP

NY tradition might be put out to pasture

Brigitte Dusseau


HONG KONG - PHNOM PENH 08:50 3.5.7 1 2 14:30 15:25 15:50

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1 Monday 2 Tuesday 3 Wednesday 4 Thursday 5 Friday 6 Saturday 7 Sunday

PHNOM PENH - INCHEON 06:40 06:50 11:20 14:00 20:00 06:05 23:05

INCHEON - PHNOM PENH KE 689 OZ 739 AK 1474 MH 754 MH 762 AF 273 FM 833 MI 602 MI 622 3K 593 3K 591 *3K 597 MI 608 2816 2816 2816 2816 BR 265 VN 841 QV 921 8M 401 Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily 2 18:30 19:10 15:15 09:30 3:20 20:05 22:20 22:50 16:00 10:20 4:10 06:05 22:40 08:40 11:25 14:25 20:20 15:15 17:15 15:50 08:10 14:00 12:30 11:35 13:00 13:15 10:45



TG - Thai Airways | VN - Vietnam Airlines

This ight schedule information is updated about once a month. Further information, please contact direct to airline or a travel agent for ight schedule information.

ANY American cities have quintessential sights and sounds: San Franciscos clanging cable cars, New Orleans and its raucous Mardi Gras, and Washingtons political mudslinging. New York has an abundance of them too, and the new mayor has ignited a restorm by announcing plans to nix one that is a century old the horse-drawn carriages in Central Park calling them inhumane. In their place, if he gets his way, get ready to kick back in electric cars. We are going to get rid of the horse carriages. Period, Democratic Mayor Bill de Blasio said in December, one month after being elected. We are going to quickly and aggressively move to make horse carriages no longer a part of the landscape in New York City. They are not humane. They are not appropriate to the year 2014. Its over. This month he hammered away further, calling his idea non-negotiable. He did however promise to discuss things with the people who make a living from this very Big Apple tourist attraction, which involves 220 horses, 170 drivers and 68 carriages. NYClass is one of the groups that are pressing to get rid of the carriages. New York is one of the most congested cities in the entire world. These horses are working in midtown trafc with their noses against the tail pipes, the groups Chelsie Schadt said. Horses dont belong in trafc, she added. The group donated $1.3 million to the campaigns of de

Blasio and other mayoral candidates opposed to this attraction which has been immortalised in romantic fashion in many movies. It is absolutely about defending animals, Schadt said, adding that the carriages had been involved in around 20 accidents in recent years. Horses are not like people. They need daily turning out, time every day to behave like a horse, pasture-grazing and socialising with other horses, she added. They go from the connes of their stalls to the streets of New York City, back to their stalls. So nerves are on edge at the stables housing the horses. Conor McHugh, the husky manager of the Clinton Park Stables on 52nd Street, gladly opens up the facility, built in 1860, for a tour. He explains that all the horses that take people for rides in Central Park must spend at least ve weeks a year on a farm and cannot work more than nine hours a day, from the time they leave the stable until they get back. Nor can they toil in temperatures above 32 degrees Celsius (90 degrees Fahrenheit) or below -7 degrees Celsius. People who are against our business keep insisting that our horses never see time on the farm, or never get to run in the elds and never get to be, according to them, a horse, McHugh said. But by law, they have to do all of those things, he added. Schadt counters that even if there are rules to protect the horses, there is simply no way you can regulate that industry to make it truly humane. The horses would be retired to sanctuaries and looked after by the people who drove the carriages, calling this a very fair alternative. AFP

PHNOM PENH- PARIS PHNOM PENH - SHANGHAI PHNOM PENH - SINGAPORE 09:30 12:30 12:20 15:10 21:05 16:00 18:10 16:40 09:10 14:50 13:20 12:45 17:30 17:50 13:30 11:45 15:20 18:10 0:05 19:25 21:10 19:40 12:00 17:50 16:10 17:05 18:50 19:10 14:55 12:30

PHNOM PENH - PARIS SHANGHAI - PHNOM PENH 19:30 07:40 2.4 .2.4..7 .2.4..7 Daily 1.3 2.4.5 6 7 Daily Daily Daily 1.3.6 08:40 13:20 19:15 13:50 16:20 15:00 07:20 13:00 11:30 09:10 11:30 11:45 08:20 SINGAPORE - PHNOM PENH - SIEM REAP *
Air Asia (AK) Room T6, PP International Airport. Tel: 023 6666 555 Fax: 023 890 071

Koreanair (KE) Room.F3-R03, Intelligent Ofce Myanmar Airways International Center, Monivong Blvd,PP Tel: (855) 23 224 047-9 #90+92+94Eo, St. 217, Sk. Orussey4, Kh. 7 Makara, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. T:023 881 178 | F:023 886 677 Cebu Pacic (5J) Phnom Penh: No. 333B Monivong Blvd. Tel: 023 219161 Siem Reap: No. 50,Sivatha Blvd. Tel: 063 965487 E-mail:

Cambodia Angkor Air (K6) PP Ofce, #90+92+94Eo, St.217, Sk.Orussey4, Kh. 7Makara, 023 881 178 /77718-333. Fax:+855 23-886-677 E:

Dragon Air (KA) #168, Monireth, PP Tel: 023 424 300 Fax: 023 424 304



Tiger airways G. oor, Regency square, Suare, Suite #68/79, St.205, Sk Chamkarmorn, PP Tel: (855) 95 969 888 (855) 23 5515 888/5525888 E:



Qatar Airways No. 296 Blvd. Mao Tse Toung (St. 245), Ground oor, Intercontinental Hotel PP Tel: +23 42 40 12/13/14

SilkAir (MI) Regency C,Unit 2-4,Tumnorb Teuk, Chamkarmorn Phnom Penh Tel:023 988 629


LINE CALLING SCHEDULES 1 Wed, 08:00 - Thu 16:00 RCL (12calls/moth) 2 Thu, 14:00 - Fri 22:00 3 Fri, 20:00 - Sat 23:59 MEARSK (MCC) (4 calls/moth) SITC (BEN LINE (4 calls/onth) ITL (ACL) (4 calls/month) APL (4 calls/month) COTS (2 calls/month) 1 Th, 08:00 - 20:00 2 Fri, 22:00- Sun 00:01 Sun 09:00-23:00 Sat 06:00 - Sun 08:00 Fri, 08:00 - Sun, 06:00 Irregula FREEQUENCY ROTATION PORTS 1 Call/week 1 Call/week 1 Call/week 1 Call/week 1 Call/week 1 Call/week 1 Call/week 1 call/week SIN-SHV-SGZ-SIN HKG-SHV-SGZ-HKG (HPH-TXGKEL) SIN-SHV-SGZ-SIN SGN-SHV-LZP-SGN - HKG-OSA-TYO-KOB - BUS-SGH-YAT-SGN - SIN-SHV-TPP-SIN HCM-SHV-LZP-HCMNBO-SGH-OSA-KOBBUS-SGH-HGK-CHM SGZ-SHV-SIN-SGZ SIN-SHV-SIN


K6 700





K6 701




PG 924 PG 906 PG 914 PG 908 PG 910 CZ 3054 CZ 3054

K6 850

Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily 2.4.6


09:45 13:15 15:20 18:50 20:30 11:25 19:25


11:10 14:40 16:45 20:15 21:55 15:35 23:20


PG 903 PG 905 PG 913 PG 907 PG 909 CZ 3053 CZ 3053

K6 851

Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily 2.4.6


08:00 11:35 13:35 17:00 18:45 08:45 16:35


09:00 12:45 14:35 18:10 19:55 10:30 18:30




SIEM REAP -HANOI VN 868 VN 842 VN 844 VN 800 VN 3818 VN 826 VN 3820 VN 828 VN 3822 KE 688 OZ 738 AK 281 Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily 12:40 18:05 19:45 21:00 11:10 13:30 17:45 18:20 21:35 23:15 23:40 08:35 15:35 19:45 21:25 22:40 12:30 14:40 18:45 19:20 22:35 06:10 07:10 11:35

HANOI - SIEM REAP VN 843 VN 845 VN 845 VN 801 VN 3809 VN 827 VN 3821 VN 829 VN 3823 KE 687 OZ 737 AK 280 Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily 15:25 17:05 17:45 18:20 09:15 11:35 15:55 16:20 19:45 18:30 19:20 06:50 17:10 18:50 19:30 20:00 10:35 12:35 16:55 17:40 20:45 22:15 22:40 07:50

2 calls/month BBK-SHV-BKK-(LZP)

34 call/month
SGZ= Songkhla, Thailand SHV= Sihanoukville Port Cambodia SIN= Singapore TPP= TanjungPelapas, Malaysia TYO= Tokyo, Japan TXG= Taichung, Taiwan YAT= Yantian, China YOK= Yokohama, Japan



BUS= Busan, Korea HKG= HongKong kao=Kaoshiung, Taiwan ROC Kob= Kebe, Japan KUN= Kuantan, Malaysia LZP= Leam Chabang, Thailand NBO= Ningbo, China OSA= Osaka, Japan SGN= Saigon, Vietnam





FLY DIRECT TO SIEM REAP MONDAY, WEDNESDAY & SATURDAY #90+92+94Eo, St. 217, Sk. Orussey4, Kh. 7 Makara, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel 023 881 178 | Fax 023 886 677 |





300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE Greek general Themistokles leads the charge against invading Persian forces led by mortal-turned-god Xerxes and Artemisia, vengeful commander of the Persian navy. Citymall: 11:25am, 1:25pm, 3:35pm, 5:45pm, 7:50pm, 9:55pm Toul Kork: 9:40am, 2pm, 4pm, 7:50pm, 9:55pm 3AM: PART 2 Thai horror movie. Citymall: 9:30am, 1:35pm, 7:45pm Toul Kork: 11:40am, 3:35pm, 5:40pm, 9:50pm THE MISSING PICTURE Rithy Panh uses clay figures, archival footage, and his narration to recreate the atrocities Cambodias Khmer Rouge committed between 1975 and 1979. Nominated for an Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film earlier this year. Citymall: 8pm Toul Kork: 5:50pm POMPEII A slave-turned-gladiator finds himself in a race against time to save his true love, who has been betrothed to a corrupt Roman Senator. As Mount Vesuvius erupts, he must fight to save his beloved as Pompeii crumbles around him. Starring Kit Harrington and Emily Browning. Citymall: 11:35am, 9:50pm Toul Kork: 1:45pm, 7:45pm

Vintage sale @ Street 306

The History of Things to Come boutique vintage clothing sale will oer a range of authentic vintage clothing to suit all tastes. The selection will include 1950s burlesque bikinis, 1940s second world war day dresses, and 1960s Mod shifts and blouses as well as 1980s jumpsuits and 1950s novelty skirts.

#21 Street 306, BKK1. Next to Coee Bean & Tealeaf. 8am - 8pm until Monday.

Concert @ Equinox
The French Submarine Brass Band is comprised of six brass instruments and a couple of drummers. They will play all kinds of music: from Michael Jackson to Mexico.

Equinox, #3A Street 278. 9pm

The History of Things to Come vintage sale offers a range of authentic vintage clothing charlotte pert

Discussion @ 12 Tables
Twelve Tables discussion group will consider dierent attitudes towards women. The discussion will cover the absence of women in key moments throughout history all over the world, from England to Japan to Cambodia.


11:50am - MIAMI VICE: This focuses on vice detectives Crockett and Tubbs as their respective personal and professional lives become dangerously intertwined. HBO 12:40pm - SALT: A CIA agent goes on the run after a defector accuses her of being a Russian spy. FOX MOVIES 2:20pm - THE SIMPSONS MOVIE: After Homer accidentally pollutes the towns water supply, Springfield is encased in a gigantic dome by the EPA and the Simpson family are declared fugitives. FOX MOVIES 5pm - TIN CUP: A washed up golf pro working at a driving range tries to qualify for the US Open in order to win the heart of his succesful rivals girlfriend. HBO 9pm - WAR HORSE: Young Albert enlists to serve in World War I after his beloved horse is sold to the cavalry. Alberts hopeful journey takes him out of England and to the front lines as the war rages on. HBO

300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (See above.) 11:10am, 3pm, 6:35pm, 8:30pm THE MISSING PICTURE (See above.) 11:10am, 8:20pm 3AM: PART 2 (See above.) 9:30am, 1:10pm, 3pm, 4:50pm, 8:20pm

Twelve Tables House, southwest corner of Kampuchea Krom and Street 109. 7pm,

Film @ Meta House

Enemies of Happiness is set during Afghanistans parliamentary elections in September 2005, focusing on female candidate Malalai Joya.

Jeremy Irvine stars in Steven Spielbergs War Horse.


Meta House, #37 Sothearos Boulevard. 4pm

Thinking caps
1 Electronic communication 6 Brava! elicitor 10 Flan need 14 Cowboys tool 15 Genies largesse 16 Undeniable 17 Reaching a turning point 20 Happy as a lark 21 High school health topic 22 Beaver State capital 25 Repertory member 26 Sharpness of voice 30 Egyptian goddess 32 Dead-end street 35 Glacial period 41 Make a beeline to 43 Be absorbed gradually 44 Daggers with slender blades 45 Shake hands for the first time 47 Get checkmated 48 Moroccan seaport 53 Theater necessity 56 Skimmer over frozen lakes 58 A disco move 63 Look perplexed 66 Energy output units 67 One getting a decoration 68 Official language of India 69 Freelance submission encl. 70 Flubs one 71 Atlas closeup

1 Hamburgers are at its mouth 2 Fertile soil 3 About a third of Earths land mass 4 Does not exist 5 Some balcony sections 6 Beard on grain 7 Drilling platform 8 Connecting strips of land 9 Hi! on the high seas 10 Body of moral values 11 Bid welcome to, as guests 12 Fertilizer from bats 13 Passover feast 18 Cretes highest mountain 19 General, to a Turk 23 Deceiver 24 Jailbreak participant 26 Unoriginal response 27 Union requirement 28 T. Rex and Roxy Musics genre 29 Taro root 31 Roadside reading 33 Useful Scrabble tile 34 Sunflower supporter 36 Ho ___ Minh City 37 And others, briefly 38 Frizzy coif 39 Impossibility for a monotheist 40 Language of Ireland 42 Very small amount 46 Rolle of Good Times 48 Starts a seventh-inning routine 49 West African capital 50 Arctic masses 51 Lower in reputation 52 Preschool attendee 54 Indexers generally ignore it 55 Roll thats served cold 57 Training-room complaint 59 Tibia setting 60 Some wallet bills 61 Put on board, as cargo 62 Cut-and-paste 64 Rink legend Bobby 65 Refusals

wednesdays solution

wednesdays solution




Kampuchea Balopp tackles lack of womens rugby teams I

H S Manjunath

Australias Harris facing long rehabilitation

N A signicant rst of its kind in Cambodia, a camp for women rugby players was organised in the coastal town of Kep recently, marking the start of a major initiative to create equal opportunities in a sport that is widely regarded as a male preserve. The brain behind this novel experiment is local rugby development charity Kampuchea Balopp, which works within the NGO Pour un Sourire dEnfant (PSE) for the development of rugby here. The camp, attended by as many as 20 girls, was directed by KBs program development manager Jean-Baptiste Suberbie, who organised a similar meet last July for the mens national team, the Koupreys, ahead of their HSBC Asian 5 Nations double-header against Brunei. The hectic two-day camp activities included a trek to Keps famous Little Buddha, walking in the forest and rugby training sessions on the beach to hone individual and team skills. We dealt with all aspects of rugby. We had a two-hour beach rugby tournament four teams of ve players each. It was intense and very rewarding, Suberbie told the Post in a post-camp interview. It was also a good experience for the local inhabitants, watching the girls play rugby. At the end of the camp, an interactive session with the participants showed that the two days had gone down very well and everyone was eagerly looking forward to the next. Asked by the Post whether he had any plans to organise a similar camp in the near future, Suberbie said it would depend on whether they could nd an international game for the team.

VETERAN Australian paceman Ryan Harris has undergone surgery on his knee, but faces a long rehabilitation and is likely to be sidelined until October, Cricket Australia said yesterday. Harris, acclaimed a hero after battling through the pain barrier to spearhead his country to a dramatic series victory over South Africa in Cape Town last week, went under the knife on Tuesday. Ryan underwent surgery yesterday on his right knee, which included a clean out of some loose bits of bone and removing bone spurs within the joint, team physiotherapist Alex Kountouris said. Ryan will be on crutches for a few weeks and we expect a long rehabilitation period. AFP

Windies beat England to take Twenty20 series

Girls from charity organisation PSE play beach rugby in Kep on February 22 as part of Kampuchea Balopps womens camp.


In Cambodia at the moment, you have only two places where you have womens teams PSE and French school [Rene Descartes]. Every month they play against each other. To improve they need to play different opponents, he said. Meanwhile, KB is in discussion with Chris Mastaglio from the Laos Rugby Federation on the possibility of holding a small triangular tournament involving Laos, Cambodia and Thailand. If this happens, then we will organise another camp like this to make sure the girls are well prepared to represent the country, Suberbie added. Now the key is to nd a sponsor who will help us to make this trip to Laos that is another story, another challenge. The KB program develop-

ment manager outlined some steps to help speed up the development of rugby in the Kingdom. The best way to develop rugby is to give the tools to the Cambodian people to do it. It has been almost 15 years that Cambodians have been playing rugby, but since the beginning it has always been expats who are coaching and trying to promote the game. That is not development. At Kampuchea Balopp, we believe that if we train some Cambodian players to be coaches, the development will be sustainable. At the moment, I am training four coaches, three boys and one girl, who are working full time for KB. My point of view is that the future rests with them. To achieve overall success, the Cambodian Federation of

Sam Chan Pheary (centre) teaches two girls rugby skills during a Kampuchea Balopp training session.


Rugby will have to seek out talent in public and private schools. As for the promotion of the sport, the key is to nd a way to show our monthly [Cambodian Federation of Rugby] tournament on television. Seven-a-side is easy to understand and it is more enjoyable for people who might not have seen rugby than the regular 15s. So the CFR should prioritise the sevens game. Suberbie noted that KBs main objective was not to develop rugby as such but to use the game as a tool of education and social inclusion for disadvantaged children. Our vision is to continue to do this for more and more kids, he said. Partnerships have been established with the rugby communities in Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia and France. We are in discussion with famous French team Stade Toulousain to be our main partners, he added. Suberbie also revealed they were currently looking for current and ex-professional players to be KB ambassadors. We have two French national team members, Brice Dulin and Maxime Machenaud, as ambassadors. They will help us to get in touch with other professional clubs, he said. We are also in partnership with another rugby association called Serge Betsen Academy, founded by former French anker Serge Betsen. SBA is doing in Cameroon what we are doing here. Last year they helped us with some funding and hopefully we [will] manage to bring Serge Betsen over to let him see what we are doing. Kampuchea Balopp also enjoys external technical support from the CFR. One of the CFR coaches, Pierres Yves Todeur, is helping me to improve skills of KB coaches, Suberbie said.

Tondeur has a lot of experience in this domain and his input has a big impact. Even though we are totally independent, we work closely with the CFR, mainly during junior tournaments where 70 per cent of players are under the KB program and the rest are from [Rene Descartes] school. KB have recently taken the step of appointing their rst female coach, 22-year-old Sam Chan Pheary, who has been playing rugby since 2009 and has an older brother who plays for the Garudas, the senior mens team at PSE. I have always trained at PSE once a week. This season, we train every Wednesday night, she told the Post, adding that her coaches were Philippe Monnin and Pich Ratana. Pheary admitted to a limited knowledge of international rugby, although shed got to know about France y-half Francois Trinh-Duc after he visited PSE in 2010. In Cambodia it is difcult to follow international rugby because there is no rugby on local TV. We need to go to expensive sports bars to watch far away from my home, Pheary said. Sometimes I watch videos of a beautiful try on YouTube. The only favourite team of mine are the Koupreys. The coach recognised that the formation of a womens national team is very important for the development of rugby here, while also expressing a desire to represent her country. At KB, we work with a lot of boys and girls. It is good for them to see that Cambodian women can play at international level, she said. I also hope that KB continues to work with more and more NGOs to help more and more kids. I am condent we will get stronger, but we need time. ADDITIONAL REPORTING BY

THE West Indies rallied from a middle-order wobble to romp to a series-clinching five-wicket victory over England in the second Twenty20 International of the three-match series at Kensington Oval in Barbados on Tuesday. Jos Buttlers careerbest 67 saw the tourists to a total of 152 for seven batting first with left-arm seamer Krishmar Santokie justifying his inclusion in place of injured spinner Sunil Narine by claiming four for 21 to earn the Man of the Match award. AFP

Jezki triumphs in Champion Hurdle race

IT WAS billed as the race of the festival, but the Champion Hurdle at Cheltenham on Tuesday was a reminder that it is possible to anticipate a jumps race too eagerly. Jezki and My Tent Or Yours fought out a brave finish all the way from the final flight to the line but, even as the pair did so, the screens were going up round the ill-fated Our Conor, last years brilliant Triumph Hurdle winner, who had suffered a fatal injury at the third hurdle. The New One, meanwhile, was running on strongly into third place, having been stopped in his tracks by the fall which cost Our Conor his life. A race which had held such promise ultimately dispensed as much sadness as joy. Such delight as there was belonged to JP McManus, the owner of both Jezki and My Tent Or Yours, and the backers of Jezki, whose stamina proved decisive against a rival who probably has a little more speed and class but has now succumbed to a grittier opponent on the hill at successive Festivals. THE GUARDIAN

Indian sports charity behind medal closes

A spoRTs charity set up by steel magnate Lakshmi Mittal that helped produce Indias only individual Olympic gold medallist has shut down, apparently due to a lack of funds, an official said yesterday. The Mittal Champions Trust, founded in 2005 to raise Indias sporting standards and produce Olympic medallists, was headed by Mittals son-inlaw Amit Bhatia. The charity backed shooter Abhinav Bindra, who won Indias first individual gold medal at the 2008 Beijing Olympics, and wrestler Yogeshwar Dutt who took bronze in London four years later. AFP




Holder Lin unmoved by windy Manila conditions

LIN Wen-tang of Chinese Taipei is prepared to overcome the blustery conditions at The Country Club when he defends his title at the US$300,000 Solaire Open, which starts today. The six-time Asian Tour winner hit over 1,000 golf balls a day for a month to practice on his low ball trajectory which will be extremely useful under the windy conditions at the 7206yard course in Manila. Im feeling a bit scared and happy because Im defending my title, said Lin. I didnt expect it to be so windy here. It is very windy in my country, so a young golfer wanted to learn how to hit low ball flights. I taught him how and now I will have to use it to my advantage, he added.

Tiger has lost his fangs, says ex-caddy Williams

UtSPoKEN caddy Steve Williams says former employer Tiger Woods has lost his intimidation factor, as the New Zealander revealed he will quit full-time golf this year. Williams, who was sacked by Woods in 2011 after helping him win all but one of his 14 major titles, added that he had yet to reconcile with the world number one, but hopes to one day. Theres just personal things and differences of opinion about how things went down. He thinks one thing and I think another, Williams, who now carries the bags of Australian world number two Adam Scott, told Fox Sports late on Tuesday. I need to sort that out with him. But I havent had the opportunity to sit down with him and iron out a few things, but it will happen at some stage" Williams said. Williams was red after Woods slide down the world rankings following the revelation that the American had a string of extra-marital affairs. Since then, Woods has failed to win another major and Williams said that it was because the intimidation factor is not there. He doesnt have the intimidation factor anymore. That was a big thing, guys were quite intimidated by him but there is no intimidation anymore. That counts for a lot, he said. Williams switched to Scott after his dismissal, and has helped transform him into a major champion and the heir apparent to Woods world number one ranking. But after a career that has also seen

Cowboys drop Ware, Browns recruit two

The Dallas Cowboys released team all-time sacks leader DeMarcus Ware while the Cleveland Browns signed two key players in their rebuilding effort as National Football League free agency began on Tuesday. The first major exit of the period when players seek hefty contracts with new clubs came when Dallas parted ways with linebacker Ware after nine seasons in which he made 117 sacks. A decision like this, involving a man who is a cornerstone player in the history of your franchise, is extremely difficult, said Cowboys owner and general manager Jerry Jones. But the move saved the Cowboys US$16 million under the NFL salary cap for the 2014 season and another $7 million off the Dallas salary limit for 2015. AFP

Caddy Steve Williams (left) says his former employer Tiger Woods doesn't have the intimidation factor at golf tournaments anymore.


Li sets up quarter-final rematch with Cibulkova

him caddy for Greg Norman and Raymond Floyd, Williams, he said it was now time to slow down. Adam knows my intentions. He knows that 2014 will be my last year of doing it full-time so he knows that if Im going to carry on in 2015 it will be on a limited basis, Williams said.

So were just trying to focus on having the best year that we can in 2014 and then well discuss it at the end of the year. Williams said three-and-a-half decades on tour was enough. I think its my 36th year of continuous caddying, so 36 is a number

thats sort of synonymous with golf, he said. Ive just turned 50 and I just thought it was the right time. "Ive not had enough of the job, but Ive certainly had enough of the travelling. So at the end of this year I might carry on on a part-time basis or I might quit altogether. AFP

LI Na needed 11 match points to put away Aleksandra Wozniak on Tuesday and book an Indian Wells clash today with Dominika Cibulkova, the woman she beat in the Australian Open final. Chinas Li, the world number two and top seed in the US$12 million combined ATP and WTA tournament, defeated Canadas Wozniak 6-1, 6-4 to secure her quarter-final berth. She steamed through the opening set in 32 minutes, but needed another hour to finally wrap up the second set against a player whose ranking has tumbled to 241st as she was sidelined by injury. All 11 of Lis match points came in the final game, with two break points for Wozniak mixed in. AFP

Hopkins seeks another age mark in bout

BERNARD Hopkins, already boxings oldest-ever world champion at 49, is looking to keep rewriting the record books when he faces Beibut Shumenov of Kazakhstan in April. First he wants to become the oldest unified champion, then the oldest undisputed champion and finally the first ever 50-year-old world champion. The age-defying light-heavyweight International Boxing Federation champion faces a unification title fight against World Boxing Association laureate Shumenov in Washington on April 19. Ive got a chance to do something very special, Hopkins said on Tuesday. Im not done yet. Thats where I draw my motivation, my inspiration. Im trying to make history write another book on me. The American, who defended the IBF middleweight crown 20 times from 1995-2005, was overlooking US President Barack Obamas residence at the White House as he pondered his ring legacy. It makes me feel just as important as Obama, Hopkins said. I understand the significance of this. I want to defend the title at 50. I believe Im the most feared fighter in the world despite my age. People know how dangerous I can be to a career. Hopkins, 54-6 with two drawn and 32 knockouts, wants to own two titles to force a showdown for an undisputed crown with Haitian-born Canadian southpaw Adonis Stevenson, the World Boxing Council champion who is 23-1 with 20 knockouts. Stevenson is the motivation to beat Shumenov, not just to win but to perform well, Hopkins said. I cant win and look old. Thats why Hopkins, who turns 50 next January, says that he wants his first knockout win since he stopped Oscar de la Hoya in 2004 to be against Shumenov, 14-1 with nine knockouts. Im not looking past him. Im looking through him, Hopkins said. He has something I need to be the undisputed champion of the world. Hes in my way. Im not selling him cheap. Im not selling him short. But Hopkins is already trying to play mind games, positioning Shumenov for photographs and a staredown at a news conference as he might lead a child. There is a way of not knowing they are playing into your dictatorship, Hopkins said. Ive got to translate that into the ring, to hypnotise them into not knowing they are under the spell. Shumenov dismissed any idea of mind game trickery. Not going to affect me for sure, Shumenov said. We were just posing for cameras. I didnt see anything, didnt try to show him anything. Then he answered Hopkins talk of unifying the crowns at the age of 50. A lot of people underestimate me, Shumenov went on to say. Soon theyll find out Im the best light-heavyweight in the world. Shumenov, 30, makes his sixth defence of the title he took from Spains Gabriel Campillo in 2010 but admits he has never faced a rival like Hopkins. I know I have never faced anyone at Bernards level. It will be the hardest fight of my life but Ill do everything possible and impossible to get this victory, said Shumenov. AFP

Injury forces Huck out of Larghetti Berlin bout

GermaNYs Marco Huck has been ruled out of his WBO cruiserweight world title bout against unbeaten challenger Italian Mirko Larghetti in Berlin on March 29 with a fractured thumb. Huck, who had been aiming to defend his title for a record 13th time, picked up the injury in sparring. His injury is the latest in a series of unfortunate events that has led to the bout being cancelled. The WBO Champion was a late addition, having stepped in for IBF cruiserweight champion Yoan Pablo Hernandez, who had originally topped the bill but withdrew with a viral infection. AFP

US boxer Bernard Hopkins (left) and Beibut Shumenov of Kazakhstan pose during a press conference in Washington DC on Tuesday ahead of their April 19 light heavyweight world championship unication bout.





Pardew gets record ban for touchline headbutt

NEWCASTLE United manager Alan Pardew has been given a record seven-match suspension and a 60,000 (US$99,800) fine for headbutting Hull City midfielder David Meyler, the Football Association announced on Tuesday. The 52-year-old will be banned from attending Newcastles games for the first three matches of the suspension, with the remaining four matches to be served as a touchline ban. It is the longest ban to be handed to a Premier League manager since the English top flight was rebranded in 1992. Pardew learnt of his suspension after appearing before an independent disciplinary commission at Wembley Stadium in London on Tuesday and later released a statement expressing regret for his behaviour. As I have made clear, I deeply regret the incident and again wholeheartedly apologise to all parties for my conduct, which I understand was not acceptable, he said.

Russian MPs want US kicked out of World Cup

Put your heads together

Naga Corps Teab Vathanak (right) and Boeung Ket Rubber Fields Touch Pancharong contest a header during their Samdech Hun Sen Cup third place play-off yesterday at the Olympic Stadium. The game had a farcical nish with Boeung Ket handed victory by the match ofcials after Naga players and staff staged a protest at a penalty awarded against them in the 95th minute. The referee had indicated for a spotkick after observing a handball in the area by a Naga defender. However, the team refused to accept the decision and a tense standoff ensued for around 15 minutes before both squads were pulled off the pitch. The scores had been locked at 3-3, with Meas Chhordaravuth, San Narith and Sun Sovannrithy (penalty) netting for Naga while Boeung Kets Khoun Laboravy bagged a brace and Ros Samoeun struck the other goal. The Hun Sen Cup nal is on Saturday. SRENG MENG SRUN

RSENALS Germany midelder Mesut Ozil faces a few weeks on the sidelines after suffering a hamstring injury during their Champions League exit at Bayern Munich. Ozil failed to come out for the second-half as Arsenal drew 1-1 at holders Bayern on Tuesday in the last 16, second-leg, as the Gunners bowed out 3-1 on aggregate. Gunners manager Arsene Wenger said Ozil will denitely miss their Premier League game at Tottenham Hotspur on Sunday. Ozil has a hamstring injury and it looks quite serious, said Wenger. He will miss the Tottenham game for sure, he needs a scan. Hes out for at least a few weeks. The Munich injury caps a miserable two legs for Ozil, who failed to convert a crucial penalty in the 2-0 rst-leg defeat in London and apologised to Gunners fans via Facebook.

Arsenals Ozil suffers injury, Atletico book quarters berth A

He is one of Germanys key players, with Joachim Loews side set to launch their World Cup campaign against Portugal on June 16.

TWO Russian lawmakers have called on FIFA supremo Sepp Blatter to expel the United States from the World Cup finals. Alexander Sidyakin and Mikhail Markelov sent their letter to Blatter a week after two US Republican lawmakers called on FIFA to take the 2018 World Cup finals away from Russia because of the military intervention in Crimea. We ask you to call an extraordinary FIFA meeting and suspend USAs FIFA membership and to expel their national side from playing in the 2014 World Cup, said the letter by the two State Duma deputies from President Vladimir Putins ruling United Russia party. The letter said action was needed after the US aggression against several sovereign states like Yugoslavia, Iraq and Libya and attempts to occupy Syria. AFP

West Broms Brunt due out for up to six weeks

Costa at the double

Meanwhile, Atletico Madrid booked their place in the quarter-nals for the rst time in 17 years as they beat AC Milan 4-1 at the Vicente Calderon to progress to the next stage 5-1 on aggregate. Diego Costa struck the winner in the rst leg three weeks ago and it took him just three minutes to double Atleticos advantage as he acrobatically turned home Kokes cross. Milan were given hope when Kaka headed home Andrea Polis cross on 27 minutes, but Arda Turan restored Atleticos lead on the night before halftime when his volley from the edge of the box deected past Christian Abbiati. Raul Garcias header made it 3-1 before Costa rounded off a ne individual display

with his seventh Champions League goal of the campaign six minutes from time. It is a great moment and we have to enjoy it, said Atletico boss Diego Simeone, who was playing for the club the last time they reached the quarter-nals. We know whoever we face next will be an extremely difcult opponent so now we have to rest and enjoy the fruits of our work. Costas two goals took his tally for the season to 29 and he hailed the impact made by the Atletico fans. The fans were great and they always support not only me, but everyone, Costa told Television Espanola. We have to congratulate ourselves for the game we played. Now we are in the quarter-nals you cannot choose who you face because they are all so good. We have to enjoy it, but also think about La Liga at the weekend. AFP

WEST Bromwich Albion captain Chris Brunt will be unavailable for around five to six weeks because of a knee injury, the relegation-threatened Premier League club announced on Wednesday. The Northern Ireland midfielder, 29, was forced off in the 65th minute of his sides 3-0 loss at home to Manchester United in the league on Saturday and subsequent scans revealed medial ligament damage. Albion have been dealt a blow with Chris Brunt being ruled out for five to six weeks due to a knee injury, read a statement on the club website. West Brom are currently in 17th place in the Premier League table, above the relegation zone on goal difference alone, and visit Swansea City on Saturday. Afp

Europa League Last 16
Basel v Salzburg 1am Porto v Napoli 1am Ludogorets v Valencia 1am AZ Alkmaar v Anzhi Makhachkala 3:05am Juventus v Fiorentina 3:05am Lyon v Viktoria Plzen 3:05am Sevilla v Real Betis 3:05am Tottenham v Benca 3:05am

Bayern Munichs Thiago Alcantara (right) and Arsenals Mesut Ozil vie for the ball during their UEFA Champions League last 16 second-leg. AFP




Carving out a living

Norways Kjetil Jansrud competes in the men downhill training session at the FIS alpine skiing World Cup nals on Tuesday in Lenzerheide, Switzerland. The event concludes all four of the major mens competitions downhill, super-G, giant slalom and super combined which have been held in 19 destinations across the globe since late October last year. Host countries include Austria, Finland, Canada, the US, France, Italy, Germany, Croatia, Switzerland, Norway and Slovenia. AFP

ED Bulls Sebastien Vettel has swept to four straight Formula One titles but a comprehensive shift in technical requirements threatens to leave him trailing when the season starts on Sunday. A disastrous pre-season has left even the upbeat Vettel fearing the worst at this weeks Australian Grand Prix, after the decades dominant driver was just 18th fastest over four days of testing in Bahrain. First of all, just getting to the nish would be a success, the 26-yearold German grumbled to Servus TV. If half the drivers fail to nish, then maybe we could take a few points. Chief among Red Bulls problems is the change from 2.4-litre V8 engines, whose distinctive high-pitched whine has been the soundtrack of Formula One, to turbo-charged 1.6-litre V6s. In another nod to eco-friendliness, cars are limited to 100 kilos of fuel per race, about two-thirds of the biggest loads carried previously. While all teams are grappling with the new rules, the overheating Red Bull has been one of the worst affected, logging just 1,705 kilometres in testing while Mercedes and Williams clocked nearly 5,000 kilometres. Lotus, which like Red Bull, Toro

Vettel up against it as season starts R

Abu Dhabi. But double points introduced after Vettel cruised to his fourth consecutive title, with three races to go could come to the Germans rescue if he gets off to a slow start this season. Mercedess Lewis Hamilton and a resurgent Williams, who last won drivers and constructors championships in 1997, will hope to make the early running after enjoying a positive session in Bahrain. Felipe Massa, discarded by Ferrari, topped the aggregate timings for Williams, ahead of Hamilton and Mercedes team-mate Nico Rosberg, with Valtteri Bottas fourth in the second Williams. I think were as ready as we can be for Melbourne and Im more red up than ever, said Hamilton, the 2008 world champion, according to the ofcial F1 website. With all the changes within the sport and the hard work thats been going on within the team, I believe this can be our year to really show what were capable of. McLaren, who have 20 drivers and constructors titles but failed to reach the podium last year, will expect a big improvement after partowner Ron Dennis returned to a more hands-on role.

Red Bull driver Sebastian Vettel (right) and mechanics push his car after a breakdown on March 1 during pre-season Formula One testing at Bahrain's Sakhir circuit. AFP

Rosso and Caterham have Renault engines, are also struggling badly, with one ofcial saying they would need luck just to cross the nish line at Melbournes Albert Park. But the predicament is more serious for the Red Bull team as it threatens to end their era of domi-

nance and torpedo Vettels bid to match Michael Schumacher by winning ve titles in a row. Vettel was initially a erce opponent of another innovation this year: the controversial decision, aimed at prolonging the title race, to award double points at the nal race in

McLaren, described by the bullish Dennis as Formula Ones Manchester United, also have a new driver with Danish rookie Kevin Magnussen partnering Jenson Button. But the most closely watched pairing will be Fernando Alonso and Kimi Raikkonen, after Ferrari took a gamble in bringing two strongwilled former world champions into the same garage. Swedens Marcus Ericsson will make his debut with Caterham, while Russias Daniil Kvyat is another rookie this year driving for Toro Rosso after Australian Daniel Ricciardo joined Vettel at Red Bull. The 19-race season will make a new stop in Russias Sochi and will return to Austria, Red Bulls home country, for the rst time in 11 years giving the champions even more incentive to x their current problems. Away from the track, a bribery trial in Germany involving F1 supremo Bernie Ecclestone, 83, will be closely watched as speculation builds about the sports future leadership. Also, enthusiasm over the new season will be mitigated by concerns over seven-time world champion Michael Schumacher, who remains in an induced coma following a skiing accident in late December. AFP

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