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.4 0 F N 0 R,;T;jj~

~c Edited and Introduced by


000 0 MORN


General Editors' Preface Acknowled e!ents Editor's Preface

!on'(an "rou) *K !i(ited+ !on'(an ,ou-e+ Burnt Mi..+ ,ar.o/+ E--e0 1M20 23E+ En'.and and Associated "o!#anies t$ro% $o%t t$e world. P%&lis$ed in t$e 'nited (tates of A!erica &) *on !an P%&lis$in , New +ork

,0 !on'(an "rou) *K !i(ited 1442

1ontentIntroduction5 Recon-tructionMa6in' it o.d5 7traditiona.i-t (oderni-(7 7,a8e a nice day+ M. Derrida+ M. Baudri..ard7 In-ider )o-t(oderni-(5 3a(e-on and To(orro/.and Bac6 to a Ne/ 9uturi-( P#RT ONE 1 "EOR" !u6ac-+ :ro( T$e -eanin of "onte!#orar) Realis! 2 %#!TER BEN3#MIN+ :ro( 7T;e %or6 o: #rt in t;e #'e o: Mec;anica. Re)roduction7 < T,EODOR #DORNO+ 7!etter to %a.ter Ben=a(in7 PETER B>R"ER+ 7#8ant-"arde and En'a'e(ent7 ? M#RS,#!! BERM#N+ 7T;e T/entiet; 1entury5 t;e ,a.o and t;e ,i';/ay7 @ R#&MOND %I!!I#MS+ 7T;e Metro)o.i- and t;e E(er'ence o: Moderni-(7 A 3E#N R#D9ORD+ :ro( 71o(in' to ter(-5 Dorot;y Ric;ard-on+ Moderni-( and %o(en7 B ,O*STON #. B#KER 3nr+ :ro( -odernis! and t$e .arle! Renaissance 4 !#!EEN 3#&#M#NNE+ "EET# K#P*R and &CONNE R#INER+ :ro( 7Di-cu--in' Modernity+ DT;ird %or.dD and T$e -an /$o En0ied /o!en' BERTO!T BRE1,T :ro( 7T;e Po) and t;e Rea.i-tic7 P#RT T%O 12< Post!odern Narrati0es 12? 10 3>R"EN ,#BERM#S+ 7Modernity - an Inco().ete Pro=ect7 11 3IE#N-9R#NEFoi- !&OT#RD+ 7#n-/erin' t;e Gue-tion5 %;at i- Po-t(oderni-(H7

12 3E#N B#*DRI!!#RD+ :ro( 7Si(u.acra and Si(u.ation-7 1< 9REDRI1 3#MESON+ 7Po-t(oderni-( and 1on-u(er Society7 1 D#CID ,#RCE&+ :ro( T$e "ondition of Post!odernit). An En1%ir) into t$e 2ri ins of (ocial "$an e 1? I#IN 1,#MBERS+ 71onta(ination+ 1oincidence and 1o..u-ion Po) Mu-ic+ *rban 1u.ture and t;e #8ant-"arde7 1@ 3*!I# KRISTEC#+ 7Po-t(oderni-(H7 1A !#*R# KiPNIS+ :ro( 79e(ini-(5 t;e Po.itica. 1on-cience o: Po-t(oderni-(H7 1B 1ORNE! %EST :ro( 7#n Inter8ie/ /it; 1orne.. %e-t Anders(te#$anson' 14 *MBERTO Eco+ 7Po-t(oderni-(+ Irony+ t;e En=oyab.e7 20 !IND# ,uT1,EON+' Storie-5 9iction and ,i-tory7 21 1#R!OS 9*ENTES+ 7%ord- #)art7

"enera. Editor-7 Pre:ace

T;e out.ine- o: conte()orary critica. t;eory are no/ o:ten tau';t a- a -tandard :eature o: a de'ree in .iterary -tudie-. T;e de8e.o)(ent o: ) t;eorie- ;a- -een a t;orou'; tran-:or(ation o: .iterary critici-(. 9or e0a().e+ Mar0i-t and 9oucau.dian t;eorie- ;a8e re8o.utioni-ed S;a6e-)eare -tudie-+ and 7decon-truction7 ;a- .ed to a co().ete rea--e--(ent o: Ro(antic )oetry. 9e(ini-t critici-( ;a.e:t -carce.y any )eriod o: .iterature una::ected by it- -earc;in' critiIue-. Teac;er- o: .iterary -tudie- can no .on'er :a.. bac6 on a -tandardi-ed+ recei8ed+ (et;odo.o'y. !ecture- and teac;er- are no/ ur'ent.y .oo6in' :or 'uidance in a ra)id.y c;an'in' critica. en8iron(ent. T;ey need ;e.) in under-tandin' t;e .ate-t re8i-ion- in .iterary t;eory+ and e-)ecia..y in 'ra-)in' t;e )ractica. e::ect- o: t;e ne/ t;eorie- in t;e :or( o: t;eortetica..y -en-itiJed ne/ readin'-. # nu(ber o: 8o.u(e- in t;e -erie- ant;o.o'i-e i()ortant e--ay- on ) t;eorie-. ,o/e8er+ in order to 'ra-) t;e :un i().ication- and )o--ib.e u-e- o: ) t;eorie- it i- e--entia. to -ee t;e( )ut to /or6. T;i- -erie- )ro8ide-ub-tantia. 8o.u(e- o: ne/ readin'-+ )re-ented in an acce--ib.e :or( and /it; a -i'ni:icant a(ount o: editoria. 'uidance. Eac; 8o.u(e inc.ude- a -ub-tantia. introduction /;ic; e0).ore- t;e t;eoretica. i--ue- and con:.ict- e(bodied in t;e e--ay- -e.ected and .ocate- area- o: di-a'ree(ent bet/een )o-ition-. T;e ).ura.i-( o: t;eorie- ;a- to be )ut on t;e a'enda o: .iterary -tudie-. %e can no .on'er )retend t;at /e a.. tacit.y acce)t t;e -a(e )ractice- in .iterary -tudie-. Neit;er i- a laisse34faire attitude any .on'er tenab.e. !iterature de)art(ent- need to 'o beyond t;e (ere to.eration o: t;eoretica. di::erence-5 it i- not enou'; (ere.y to a'ree to di::erF t;ey need actua..y to 7-ta'e7 t;e di::erence- o)en.y. T;e 8o.u(e- in t;i- -erie- a.. atte()t to dra(ati-e t;e di::erence-+ not nece--ari.y /it; a 8ie/ to re-o.8in' t;e( but in order to :ore'round t;e c;oice- )re-ented by di::erent t;eorie- or to ar'ue :or a ) route t;rou'; t;e i()a--e- t;e di::erence- )re-ent. T;e t;eory 7re8o.ution7 ;a- ;ad rea. e::ect-. It ;a- .oo-ened t;e 'ri) o: traditiona. e()irici-t and ro(antic a--u()tion- about .an'ua'e and .iterature. It i- not a./ay- c.ear /;at i- bein' )ro)o-ed a- t;e ne/ a'enda :or .iterary -tudie-+ and indeed t;e 8ery notion o: 7.iterature7 i- Iue-tioned by t;e )o-t--tructura.i-t -train in t;eory. ,o/e8er+ t;e uncertaintie- and ob-curitie- o: conte()orary t;eoriea))ear (uc; .e-- /orryin' /;en /e -ee /;at t;e be-t critic- ;a8e been ab.e to do /it; t;e( in )ractice. T;i- -erie- ai(- to di--e(inate t;e be-t o: recent 8i Cii re)re-ent t;e (any--ided cu.tura. ;i-tory in /;ic; t;e-e re.ation-;i)- ;a8e been acted out. T;e cro---current- in .iterary and cu.tura. critici-( to /;ic; in t;e (ain t;i- Reader con:ine- it-e.:+ t;e(-e.8e- run /ide and dee). I ;a8e a--u(ed t;at (o-t reader- /i.. a))reciate ;a8in' /e..-6no/n e--ay- on )o-t(oderni-( (ade a8ai.ab.e+ and ;a8e 'i8en (ore -)ace to t;e-e. On (oderni-(+ /;ere t;e ear.ier (ain debate- in #n'.o-#(erican and "er(an Mar0i-t critici-( are o: con-iderab.e intere-t but too e0ten-i8e :or eIua. inc.u-ion ;ere+ (y -o.ution ;a- been to 'i8e t;e :ir-t (ore attention in t;e Introduction and to )re-ent t;e -econd+ /it; co((entary+ in t;e boo67content-. T;e Introduction continue- t;i- e();a-i- in re.ation to )o-t(oderni-(F ba-ica..y becau-e I -ee )o-t(oderni-( a- c.o-e.y a--ociated /it; de8e.o)(ent- in )o-t.-%ar %e-tern ca)ita.i-t -ocietie- and becau-e t;e *nited State- re(ain- t;e )aradi'( ca-e :or t;e-e. It i- true too+ I be.ie8e+ t;at bot; (oderni-( and )o-t(oderni-( ;a8e been inter)reted accordin' to %e-tern inte..ectua.+ ideo.o'ica. and ae-t;etic (ode.-. T;ou'; it ;a- beco(e ea-ier to ac6no/.ed'e t;i- /it; re-)ect to (oderni-( - indeed t;i- (i';t co()ri-e a )o-t(odern )er-)ecti8e u)on (oderni-( - )o-t(oderni-t debate+ :or a.. it- to a ne/ ).ura.i-(+ ;a- a.-o e0erci-ed a ;e'e(onic )u.. to/ard- -e.ecti8e to)ic- and (ode- o: enIuiry. I ;a8e /anted to )re-ent t;e-e 7tradition-7+ a- t;ey (i';t be ter(ed+ in bot; (o8e(ent-+ in t;e co((entary and content- /;ic; :o..o/. But I ;a8e /anted a.-o to -et t;e( /it; e--ay- /;ic; broaden+ rede:ine and c;a..en'e t;eir a--u()tion-+ :ro( )o-ition- /it;in :e(ini-(+ or :ro( b.ac6 or T;ird %or.d )er-)ecti8e-. T;i- dua. )ur)o-e+ )re-entationa. and )o.e(ica.+ ;a- deter(ined t;e -e.ection o: e0tract- and t;e o8era.. -;a)e o: t;e 8o.u(e. 9or T;e %a.6er- - a band :or a.. i-(-. 0ii Introduction5 Recon-truction7So(ebody7 -aid 9ran6 Ker(ode in t;e (id--i0tie-+ 7-;ou.d /rite t;e ;i-tory o: t;e /ord D(odernD7. I ,e -u''e-t- it ;a- i().ied 7a -erioure.ation-;i) /it; t;e )a-t ... t;at reIuire- critici-( and indeed radica. re-i(a'inin'7 E). 2A$+ and a- -uc; i- a /ei';tier ter( t;an 7t;e ne/7 or e conte()orary7. Ste);en S)ender ;ad u-ed t;i- -econd ter( in T$e (tr% le of t$e -odern in 14@< to di-tin'ui-; one 'rou) o: 7(oderni-t7 /riter-+ co((itted to t;e ne/ and a brea6 /it; t;e )a-t+ :ro( anot;er+ t;e 7(odern-7 o: ;i- tit.e. Ker(ode ter(- t;i-

7traditiona.i-t (oderni-(7 but /arn- t;at it i- o)en to ideo.o'ica. di-tortion and can -ee( acadernici-t and out o: date in a /or.d /;ere -;o)- .abe. )o) .ine- in :urniture and curtain- 7conte()orary7. T;i- 7(odern7+ ;e )oint- out (oreo8er+ i- not t;e -a(e a- t;e 7a8ant-'arde7+ and ;e end- t;e e--ay+ 7But -o(ebody -;ou.d /rite a ;i-tory o: t;at /ord+ too7 E). <2$. Ker(ode rai-e- (any :a(i.iar )rob.e(- ;ereF o: )eriodi-ation+ o: acade(ic and )o) u-a'e+ o: ideo.o'ica. and critica. )o-ition and ta-te+ and -o o: de:inition. T;ere i- ).ain.y (ore t;an one (oderni-(+ and not a.. (oderni-(- are eIua.. Ker(ode7- e--ay i- indeed tit.ed 7Moderni-(-7+ and t;ou'; ;e ).ot- and Iuerie- -o(e o: it- 8er-ion-+ ;e i- ready to ta6e -o(e t;in'- :or 'ranted5 7On t;e /;o.e+ e8erybody 6no/- /;at i- (eant by (odern .iterature+ (odern art+ (odern (u-ic. T;e /ord- -u''e-t 3oyce+ Pica--o+ Sc;oenber'+ or Stra8in-6y - t;e e0)eri(ent- o: t/o or (ore 'eneration- bac67 E).2B$. *n:u--y and troub.e-:ree t;ou'; t;i- -ee(-+ it -ua8e.y di-'ui-e- t;e doub.e -.ei';t-o:;and by /;ic; a .iterary ort;odo0y+ at .ea-t+ ca(e into bein'F by -;' 7traditiona.i-t (oderni-(7 and 7t;e (odern7 to'et;er to )roduce /;at /a- ta6en a- t$e (oderni-t tradition. T;i- i- t;e (oderni-( o: Peter 9au.6ner7- (ore recent # -odernist Reader E14B@$. %it; en8iab.e con8iction 9au.6ner )e'- t;e date- :or (oderni-( in En'.and at 1410-<0 and .oo6- a'ain to S)ender :or a de:inition o: /;at it /a- E(oderni-( a))ear- a- interc;an'eab.e /it; 7(odern art7 in t;i- di-cu--ion$. Modern art+ -ay- S)ender+ 7re:.ect- a/arene-- o: an un)recedented (odern -ituation in it- :or( and idio(7 .2 T;i- -i().e and -odernis!5Post!odernis! b.and.y re:.ectioni-t :or(u.a -o(e;o/ aut;ori-e- t;e 8ie/ t;at t;e ear.y t/entiet; century )roduced a -erie- o: un)ara..e.ed 7(a-ter)iece-7 /;ic; -ti.. co((and attention. 9au.6ner na(e- Pica--o+ Stra8in-6y+ Prou-t+ and o: .iterary (oderni-t- in En'.and+ Pound+ E.iot+ !a/rence+ %oo.:+ 3oyce and &eat- Ea-ide :ro( ot;er Iuarre.- and co().ication-+ t;e :act t;at on.y t/o o: t;i- .i-t /ere En'.i-; by birt; decide- ;i- -ub-tit.e 7Moderni-( in En'.and7$. 9au.6ner7- a--u()tion- are re(ar6ab.y un:.u-tered and :or t;at rea-on no/ e0ce)tiona.+ at .ea-t in )rint. %;at i- (ore+ ;i- account i- /it;out t;e ten-ion -;a)in' (any o: t;e ear.ier -tudie-+ inc.udin' S)ender7-i'ni:icant.y tit.ed 8o.u(e. Ker(ode )re-ent- ;i- o/n di-cri(ination-+ bet/een 7neo7 and 7)a.eo -(oderni-(7+ by /ay o: a -erie- o: re8ie/- o: conte()orary -tudie-. ,i- t;ree-)art di-cu--ion brea6- in (id-decade E14@?-@@$ acro-- acce)ted ter(- and 9ou)in'- E/;at 7On t;e /;o.e+ e8erybody 6no/-7$ and -i'n- o: c;an'e in art and critici-(. I((ediate.y :o..o/in' t;e -tate(ent Iuoted abo8e+ ;e /rite-5 T;e :act t;at de:inin' t;e (ode( i- a ta-6 t;at no/ i()o-e- it-e.: on (any di-tin'ui-;ed -c; (ay be a -i'n t;at t;e (ode( )eriod io8er. %e need a .an'ua'e to ar'ue about it+ a- /e ar'ue about Renai--ance. T;e :or(u.a de8i-ed /i..+ in t;e -a(e /ay+ 8ary /it; ti(e. # docu(entary ;i-tory o: t;e (odern /ou.d ;a8e been di::erent t/enty year- a'o+ and /i.. be di::erent t/enty year- ;ence. EKer(ode+ 7Moderni-(-7+ ). 2B$ 2 Ker(ode7- i- -ti.. a re.a0ed+ co((on-roo( -en-e o: an endin'+ but ;e ri';t.y .in6- (atter- o: de:inition /it; broader ;i-torica. c;an'e. In #(erica /;ere t;e )o-t-/ar )eriod -a/ an ear.ier and acce.eratin' -;i:t into t;e :eature- o: 7(a-- cu.ture7+ t;ere /a- a (ore 8e0ed and (ore ca()ai'nin' -en-e o: cu.tura. c;an'e+ and ;ence a :.urry o: critica. acti8ity to (eet t;e ne/ )aradi'(. T;e ter(- 7)o-t(ode(7 and 7)o-t(oderni-(7 -ur:aced brie:.y in t;e :ortie- and :i:tie- and /ere t;en e().oyed+ -ti.. ear.ier t;an i- u-ua..y -u))o-ed+ in t;e ne0t decade a- or'ani-in' ter(- in critica. e--ay- re'i-terin' tre(or- in cu.tura. 8a.ue-. 9ro( t;e :ir-t+ )o-t(oderni-( )re-ented an ar'u(ent :or -en-uou- re-)on-e and t;e .an'ua'e- o: t;e body o8er inte..ectua. ana.y-i-. It dec.ared it-e.: :or o)en+ rando(i-ed+ and )o) :or(and .oo6ed to an a..iance /it; t;e counter-cu.ture o: yout;+ dru'-+ Roc6-and-Ro.. and a ne/ erotic- in a de.iberate a::ront to t;e decoru(- and ;ierarc;ie- o: t;e .iterary e-tab.i-;(ent. T;e broad and contrary direction- a-cribed to )o-t(oderni-( -ince t;i- ear.y )o-t -/ar )eriod in #(erica+ to/ard- an ae-t;etic- o: con-u()tion and -ty.i-tic ec.ectici-( or a )o.itic- o: cu.tura. -ub8er-ion ener'i-ed by t;e ne/ -ocia. (o8e(ent-+ (i';t be a.ready di-co8ered in 5ntrod%ction6 Reconstr%ctions e(bryo in t;i- ear.ier con-te..ation. #- /it; (oderni-(+ ;o/e8er+ t;e i()ortant Iue-tion i- .e-- /;at )o-t(oderni-( 7i-7 or 7(ean-7+ in any ab-o.ute -en-e+ t;an ;o/ and :or /;o( it ;a- :unctioned. T;ere i- a .e8e. o: under-tandin'+ no doubt+ at /;ic; 7e8erybody 6no/-7 /;at 7it7 i- - )o-t(oderni-(+ /e can -ay+ -).ice- ;i'; /it; .o/ cu.ture+ it raid- and )arodie- )a-t art+ it Iue-tion- a.. ab-o.ute-+ it -/a()rea.ity in a cu.ture o: recyc.ed i(a'e-+ it ;a- to do /it; decon-truction+ /it; con-u(eri-(+ /it; te.e8i-ion and t;e in:or(ation -ociety+ /it; t;e end o: co((uni-( - but a.ready t;i- -6etc;e- a Iuite di::erent 76no/.ed'e7 :ro( t;e /ay (oderni-( i- 76no/n7 t;rou'; t;e citation o: (a=or /or6- o: art or arti-t-. Rat;er t;an )ur-ue a de-cri)tion o: t;i- 6ind+ ;o/e8er+ /e need to -ee ;o/ )o-t(oderni-( i- :ir-t o: a.. a na(e :or t;e -erie- o: -ocia. and cu.tura. tendencie- )ro8o6in' t;e de:inition o: (oderni-(. Ker(ode ta.6- o: a docu(entary ;i-tory o: t;e 7(odern7 t/enty year- be:ore ;i- o/n e--ay. De:inition- t;en /ou.d ;a8e been 8ery t;in on t;e 'round+ ;o/e8er+ )reci-e.y becau-e+ a- Ker(ode i- a/are+ it /a- t;e -en-e t;at t;e (ode( )eriod /a- o0er /;ic; )roduced it- de:inition. T;e (ore u-ua. under-tandin' t;at )o-t(oderni-( ca(e into bein' a- a reaction to an in-titutiona.i-ed (oderni-( :o..o/- :ro( t;i-+ -ince it /a- t;i) con-truction o: (oderni-( /;ic; /a- t;en (ade e0).icit. Beyond t;i- )oint o: reci)roca. de:inition+ /;i.e traditiona. critic;a8e continued to de:ine and -tudy (oderni-( in traditiona. /ay-+ )o-t(oderni-( ;a- :unctioned to :urt;er 7unde:ine7 it- -u))o-ed unitary identity+ it-e.: o:ten co..aboratin' in t;e con-truction o: t;at 8ery identity a- :it on.y :or decon-truction. Ker(ode i- ri';t t;ere:ore to ca.. :or a 7;i-tory o: t;e /ord D(ode(D7 and o: t;e a8ant-'arde+ rat;er t;an :or t;eir de:inition. #nd t;e -a(e i- true o: (oderni-( o: cour-e+ and o: )o-t(oderni-(. T;eir (eanin'- ;e in t;eir u-e- and :unction+ t;eir ri-e and :a.. in a ;i-tory o: do(inant+ recedin'+ e(er'ent+ and a./ay- -e.ecti8e e8a.uation-. T;e-e (eanin'-+ a- I -u''e-t+ ;a8e ta6en -;a)e in re.ation to eac; ot;er+ in cu.tura..y -)eci:ic ;i-torie-+ e-)ecia..y in t;e (a=or e0a().e o: )o-t-/ar #(erica+ it-e.: increa-in'.y en'a'ed t;rou'; t;i)eriod in a co().e0 e0c;an'e and dia.o'ue /it; ot;er cu.ture-. It i- t;e :ir-t )ur)o-e o: t;i- Reader to )re-ent t;e broad (ateria.- o: t;i- inte..ectua. and cu.tura. ;i-tory. &et a boo6 -uc; a- t;icannot it-e.: be :ree :ro( t;e )rob.e(- o: de:inition and a))rai-a. it rai-e-. I- t;i- co((entary and -e.ection )o-t(odern becau-e it i-

)roduced in t;e )re-ent )o-t(odern )eriodH I- it )o-t(ode(i-t in it- a--u()tion-+ a))roac; and toneH 9redric 3a(e-on ;a- ar'ued t;at /e cannot 8ie/ )o-t(oderni-( a- an ;i-torica. -ituation and )re-ent a critiIue o: it :ro( a )o-ition on t;e out-ide - :or ;o/ can /e be out-ide ;i-toryH It :o..o/- t;at /e cannot 8ie/ (oderni-( :ro( out-ide )o-t(oderni-( eit;er. In /;ic; ca-e t;i- di-cu--ion+ .i6e e8ery ot;er+ i- on t;e in-ide .oo6in' in. -odernis!5Post!odernis! But doe- t;i- (ean it i- tra))ed t;ere+ a re).icant under a /' 'eode-ic do(e o: )o-t(oderni-(. /;ic; on.y -ound- .i6e or t;in6- it-e.: a :ree a'entH I- t;ere not;in' out-ide+ be:ore or a:ter+ t;e )o-t(odern bubb.eH #nd i: t;ere i-+ i- it (odernity and (oderni-(H My ar'u(ent i- initia..y t;at t;ere are )o-t(oderni-(- a- /e.. a- (oderni-(-+ t;at bet/een t;e( t;ere i- t;e dia.o'ic tra::ic o: co..a'e and ar'u(ent+ t;e bui.din' and unbui.din' o: ort;odo0ie-. T;ere i- no ab-o.ute -in' cu.tura. entity or ab-o.ute ;i-torica. brea6+ t;ere:ore+ and no ab-o.ute in-ide or out-ide )art :ro( t;e ideo.o'ica. con-truction- reIuirin' t;e(. #.ready to )ut t;in'- t;i- /ay i- to co(bine a (oderni-t di-cour-e Eo: 7co..a'e7+ do(inant and e(er'ent tendencie- and -o on$ /it; an antie--entia.i-(+ a -ce)tici-( to/ard- :i0ed )o-ition- and (eanin'- a--ociated /it; )o-t(oderni-(. #t t;e -a(e ti(e it i().ie- t;e re=ection o: a -econd )o-t(odern )er-)ecti8e in /;ic; di::erence i- end.e-- and un-to))ab.e+ t;e e8er-ne/ con:ir(in' t;e e8er--a(e. 9or (y )ur)o-e a better E)er;a)- (oderni-t$ i(a'e t;an t;i- recurrin' 8i-ion o: t;e )o-t(odern /or.d a- a bounti:u. ;e.. o: unre.ie8ed+ un;a()ered :.atne-- Et;e de-ert+ t;e )rairie+ t;e ;i';/ay+ t;e -;o))in' (an$ i- o: di::erent (a)-+ -;o/in' di::erent.y arran'ed -ea- and i-.and- and continent- /;ic; )ur)ort to be true re)re-entation- o: t;e -a(e /or.d. # (a) /;ic; -;o/- t;e Sout; o: En'.and+ t;e Ea-tern -eaboard o: Nort; #(erica+ and /;ic; (ar6- in Pari-+ Trie-te+ )er;a)- and Cienna but not Mo-co/+ Petro'rad or i- not an acce)tab.e (a) o: 7t;e7 /or.d+ but (i';t be t;e (a) o: a certain cu.tura. (enta.ity+ and i-+ a- it turn- out+ t;e 7(a)7 o: an #n'.o -#(erican con-truction o: (oderni-(. T;e -a(e 'enera. )oint a)).ie- to )o-t(oderni-(. ,o/e8er interna..y di::erent it- (ain 8er-ion-+ t;eir co((on 'eo'ra);y -tretc;e- to t;e #(erican %e-t+ 1anada and #u-tra.ia+ and unti. recent.y /ou.d -;o/ .itt.e e.-e+ e8en o: Euro)e+ beyond Pari- and 9ran6:urt. T;e-e (a)- /;ic; 7di-tort7 t;e /or.d+ centrin' )ortion- o: it t;rou'; t;e :i.ter o: ae-t;etic 8a.ue and t;e :orce o: -;eer cu.tura. do(inance+ a.-o :ocu- on ) )eriod- or year-. T;e boo6-end- o: 1410 and 14<0 :or e0a().e+ /;ic; 9au.6ner erect- on a 8ery narro/ -tretc; o: i-.and+ are /idened in ot;er 8er-ion- to any/;ere bet/een 1BB0 and 14?0+ t;ou'; t;e :ir-t Iuarter o: t;e t/entiet; century i- co((on.y re'arded a- t;e )eriod o: (o-t inten-e (oderni-t acti8ity. So(e critic- ES)ender+ "ra;a( ,ou';$ /ou.d t;en 'i8e )riority to t;e )re-/ar year-+ ot;er- to t;e )o-t-/ar )eriodF -o(e a'ain E,arry !e8in+ 3u.ian Sy(on-$ :a8our one year+ 1422+ a- t;e ann%s !ira&ilis o: (oderni-( .< #- :or )o-t(oderni-(+ #rno.d Toynbee detected it- be'innin'- in t;e 1BA0-F 1;ar.e- O.-on and Ir8in ,o/e+ t;ou'; t;ey (ean di::erent t;in'- by it+ -a/ it a- e(er'in' in t;e 14?0-F 9redric 3a(e-on+ in one account+ 7in t;e .ate 14 0- and ear.y 14?0-7+ in ot;er+ around 7t;e end o: t;e 14?0- or t;e ear.y 14@0-7F 1;ar.e5ntrod%ction6 Reconstr%ctions 3enc6-7- a- be'innin' on 1? 3u.y 14A2 at <.<2 ).(.7 9or ot;er-+ )o-t(oderni-( i- a );eno(enon o: t;e ei';tie-. T;e ;eroe- and 8i..aino: eit;er (o8e(ent can -i( -;i:t about and c;an'e ).ace-. T;e )oint i- an ob8iou- one. %;at you 'et i- /;at you -ee :ro( /;ere you -tand. %;at i- (ore+ t;e-e di::erent )er-)ecti8e- and in:or(in' criteria do not add u). T;ey do not to'et;er :or( a co().ete )icture -o (uc; a- cance.+ -ub-u(e or contend /it; eac; ot;er. # c;rono.o'y o: (oderni-( /ou.d identi:y a ran'e o: arti-tic (o8e(ent-+ deci-i8e (eetin'-+ indi8idua. /or6- and e8ent-+ and /ou.d+ :or a.. it- ine8itab.e -u)er:icia.itie-+ under.ine t;e-e di-)aritie-. To rea.i-e+ :or e0a().e+ t;at T.S. E.iot and ,.D. E,i.da Doo.itt.e$ and Maya6o8-6y and !an'-ton ,u';e- /ere conte()orarie-+ t;at !eon Trot-6y7- *iterat%re and Re0ol%tion and E.iot7- T$e /aste *and /ere )roduced /it;in a year o: eac; ot;er+ doe- not -o (uc; round out ort;odo0ie- a- un:i0 t;e(. # )icture /ou.d on.y con:ir( t;e ).ura.ity o: (oderni-(-+ acro-- t;eir -e8era. di8er'ent and contrary :or(ation-. T;e )ro)er a))roac; t;ere:ore (u-t be one /;ic; re8ea.- and Iue-tion- ;e'e(onic -tructure- by brin'in' (ar'ina.i-ed :i'ure- and (o8e(ent- into a dia.o'ue+ in a and (ore ar'u(entati8e arti-tic and cu.tura. ;i-tory. Ma6in' it o.d5 7Traditiona.i-t Moderni-(7 I Be;ind t;e -tartin' date o: 1410 and t;e 7c.ear cu.tura. identity7 9au.6ner a-cribe- to (oderni-( t;ere no doubt .ie- Cir'inia %oo.:7:a(ou- re(ar6 o: 142 t;at 7in or about Dece(ber+ 1410+ ;u(an c;aracter c;an'ed7.7 Cir'inia %oo.: /ent on to -u''e-t t;i- ;ad to do /it; a )erce)tion o: c;an'ed -ocia. re.ation- and attitude-+ but did not e0).ore t;i- :urt;er+ )er;a)- becau-e ;er concern /a- )reci-e.y /it; a ne/ interiori-in' treat(ent o: c;aracter and con-ciou-ne-- in t;e no8e.5 to )re-ent 7Mr- Bro/n7 7;er-e.:7+ not a- a :actorin' out o: c.a-- and en8iron(ent in t;e /ay o: an #rno.d Bennett or o: natura.i-(. By ;er o/n rec6onin'+ ;o/e8er+ ;er (et;od /a- not t;e (et;od o: (oderni-(+ :or in t;e -a(e e--ay -;e :ind- t;e 7(oderni-t-7 3oyce and E.iot indecent and ob-cure. %e (i';t c;oo-e to -ee ;er (etony(ic -ub-titution o: t;e )art :or t;e /;o.e+ o: indi8idua. con-ciou-ne-- :or 7.i:e it-e.:7 a- eIui8a.ent to 3oyce7- 7e)i);any7 or E.iot77ob=ecti8e corre.ati8e7 or t;e I(a'i-t 7doctrine or t;e. i(a'e7+ but %oo.: /a- not con-ciou-.y contributin' to a 7(oderni-t ae-t;etic7. Nor /ere t;e-e ot;er idea- reco'ni-ed a- ne/ out-ide a -(a.. circ.e+ and :ar .e-- a- do(inant unti. t;e .ate t/entie- and t;irtie-. None o: t;i- )oint- e-)ecia..y eit;er to 1410. I: t;ere /a- any rea-on :or t;i- date :or Cir'inia %oo.: it /a- )re-u(ab.y .e-- a (atter o: .i:e ? -odernis!5Post!odernis!

it-e.: in t;e round - /;ic; /ou.d ;a8e -o(et;in' to do+ -ay+ /it; t;e deat; o: .ibera. En'.and+ /it; -u::ra'e+ ,o(e Ru.e+ trade union (i.itancy+ a- /e.. a- c;an'in' do(e-tic re.ation- in t;e (idd.e-c.a-- ;ou-e;o.d - t;an o: t;e :ir-t Po-t-I()re--ioni-t e0;ibition o: t;at year at t;e "ra:ton "a..ery. #- inter)reted by Ro'er 9ry t;i- e0;ibition+ -;o/in' /or6 by Pica--o+ Mati--e+ BraIue and Derain+ -i'na..ed not -o (uc; a ne/ direct addre-- to t;e (ode( /or.d a- an a--ertion o: arti-tic autono(y. To co().icate (atter- it re8ea.ed 7a (ar6ed.y c.a--ic -)irit7+ and c.a--ici-( /a- 7co().ete.y :ree and )ure7F it recorded 7a )o-iti8e and di-intere-ted.y )a--ionate -tate o: (ind7 .@ T;ere /ere cro---re:erence- :or t;i- ne/ c.a--ici-( in .iterature+ in ,u.(e+ E.iot+ 3oyce+ a- /e.. a- Cir'inia %oo.:+ but a'ain t;e and tendencie- t;ey )ur-ued E:or non-re)re-entationa.i-(+ i()er-ona.ity o: :or( and de-i'n+ ana.o'ie- acro-- t;e art- or bet/een art and -cience$ /ere not in t;eir o/n ter(- 7(ode(i-: . T;e c.a--ici-t te()er o: t;i- (oderni-( /a- direct.y o))o-ed+ (oreo8er+ to t;e tradition o: 7(oderni-t7 .ibera. or radica. )o.itica. t;ou';t. E.iot+ :or e0a().e+ reco((ended T.E. ,u.(e a- 7c.a--ica.+ reactionary and re8o.utionary ... t;e anti)ode- o: t;e ec.ectic+ to.erant and de(ocratic (ind o: t;e .a-t century7 .A T;e -)ectru( o: reactionary ideaoccu)ied by Pound+ !e/i-+ E.iot+ &eat- and !a/rence i- /e.. 6no/n and a .on'-ti(e e(barra--(ent to (oderni-(7- .ibera. de:ender-. %;at t;e-e 7(oderni-t-7 ca(e to )re-cribe /a- a 7(odern7 art /;ic; /ou.d ad(ini-ter to and correct 7t;e (ode( /or.d7+ not co..aborate /it; it. T;i- i- t;e -u''e-tion in E.iot7- :a(ou- re(ar6 on 3oyce7- 7(yt;ica. (et;od7+ a noda. )oint in di-cu--ion- o: .iterary (oderni-(5 7It i- -i().y a /ay o:'+ o: orderin'+ o: 'i8in' a -;a)e and a -i'ni:icance to t;e i((en-e )anora(a o: :uti.ity and anarc;y /;ic; i- conte()orary ;i-tory . . . It i-+ I -eriou-.y be.ie8e+ a -te) to/ard (a6in' t;e (odern /or.d )o--ib.e :or art.D7 9o..o/in' S)ender+ 9au.6ner /rite- o: ;o/ (oderni-t art re:.ected a ra)id.y c;an'in' -ocia. /or.d+ but ;ere E.iot+ a- /e can -ee+ -a/ (odern art and t;e conte()orary /or.d a- dra-tica..y at odd-F re.ated Ea /ea6 ter( but .e-- /ea6 t;an t;e erroneou- 7re:.ect-7 or 7e0)re--e-7$ a- order i- to anarc;y. %;at t;i- ;i-tory a.-o te..- u- i- t;at t;e ter( 7(oderni-t7 /a- a con-truction a:ter t;e e8ent. It- :ir-t -u-tained but i-o.ated u-a'e in En'.i-; a))eared in "ra8e- and Ridin'7- A (%r0e) of -odernist Poetr) in 142A. ,ere (oderni-( -i'ni:ied an i()er-ona. attention to art a- co()o-ition E7in t;e intere-t- o: t;e )oe( it-e.:7$+ a u-e o: .an'ua'e and .e8e. o: ob-curity /e.. in ad8ance o: t;e e0)ectation- and -en-ibi.itie- o: ).ain reader-.4 7"enuine (oderni-(7 - contra-ted /it; t;e co((ercia..y (anu:actured ne/ne--+ t;e 7(ere.y (oderniJed ad8erti-e(ent-7 o: -uc; 7dead (o8e(ent-7 a- I(a'i-( and "eor'iani-( E). 11@$ - cou.d a))ear eIua..y at any a'e+ t;e 8e;ic.e o: creati8e in8ention and in-i';t not @ 5ntrod%ction6 Reconstr%ctions to)ica.ity. E8ident.y a'ain+ t;i- ;ad .itt.e to do /it; t;e ne/ or (odern a'e ot;er t;an in a neo-#(o.dian -en-e t;at it (i';t un-ett.e and u).i:t it. ,ere /a- a 7(oderni-t7 )oetry not -o (uc; of t;e (ode( a'e a- for t;at a'e and a.. ti(e+ an e();atica..y creati8e endea8our 'i8en to !akin it ne/ rat;er t;an (a6in' it new. E.iot /a- :air.y c.ear.y an in:.uence on "ra8e- and Ridin'7- a8ant'ardi-t :or(u.ation-+ t;ou'; t;ey -a/ ;i( too a- an e0a().e o: (oderni-(7- ine8itab.e :ate. 7#.ready it- (o-t DcorrectD /riter- -uc; a- T.S. E.iot7 t;ey -ay+ 7;a8e beco(e c.a--ic- o8er t;e ;ead- o: t;e ).ain reader7 E). 2@ $. E.iot co(e- to re)re-ent (oderni-(7- te.e-co)ed ;i'; )oint and end+ it- -e.: -creation and auto-de-tructionF )re(ature.y in-titutiona.i-ed and out o: reac;. In :act+ ;o/e8er+ t;e-e /ere t;e 8ery ter(- o: t;i- (oderni-(7- -e.ecti8e ab-or)tion and continued .i:e a- an .un-)o)u.ar7 !-.ite tradition+ a )roce-- to /;ic; E.iot7- ra)id e.e8ation /a- Iuite crucia.. In t;e t/entie- and t;irtie-+ I.#. Ric;ard-+ 9.R. !ea8i-+ and t;en t;rou'; t;e :ortie- t;e #(erican Ne/ 1ritic-+ Ran-o(+ Tate and Broo6- in-ta..ed an E;otic ae-t;etic o: -e.:-re:.e0i8e di-.ocation+ a..u-ion and i()er-ona.ity at t;e centre o: e-tab.i-;ed .iterary ta-te. 9or De.(ore Sc;/artJ in 14 ?+ E.iot /a- an internationa. 7cu.ture ;ero7+ /;o-e )oetry 7;a- a direct re.ation-;i) to (ode( .i:e ... concerned /it; t;e /;o.e /or.d and a.. ;i-tory7. 10 T;i-+ /;en ar'uab.y+ 3oyce7- indi-)en-ab.e 7(yt;ic (et;od7 ;ad .ed E.iot e8en :urt;er a/ay :ro( conte()orary ;i-tory+ to/ard- notion- o: t;e eterna. in art and re.i'ion. %;at Sc;/artJ7- 7direct re.ation-;i)7 and ;i-torica. re.e8ance entai.ed t;en+ /a-+ c;aracteri-tica..y+ a reaction a'ain-t (odernityF )oetic te-ti(ony o: it- cri-e- and tribu.ation- and o: t;eir tran-cendence. E.iot7- (ature )ro=ect o: cu.tura. and re.i'iou- rede()tion :urt;er -uited t;e anti-indu-tria.i-( and con-er8ati8e 1;ri-tianity o: t;e Sout;ern Ne/ 1ritic-+ i: it did not -uit a.. ;i- En'.i-; ad(irer-. T;e e::ect+ a- 9.R. !ea8i-+ one ear.y c;a()ion -ince )er-uaded to tran-:er ;i- a..e'iance to D. ,. !a/rence+ co((ented in 14?0+ /a- to (a6e E.iot 7a )ub.ic in-titution+ a )art o: t;e e-tab.i-;(ent.D T;u- t;e ) )o-t-y(bo.i-t tra=ectory E.iot ;ad di-co8ered :or ;i(-e.: ca(e to re)re-ent 7(oderni-t7+ and -i(u.taneou-.y 7(odern7 )oetry+ )' a carria'e o: critica. and )eda'o'ic )rotoco.- a:ter it. ! /a- a(on'-t t;e :ir-t to decide t;at t;i- 7#'e o: E.iot7 ;ad c.o-ed /it; t;e end o: t;e Second %or.d %ar.D It /a- in t;e )o-t/ar year- a:ter a.. t;at t;e Beat /riter- (et and be'an /ritin' Ei: t;ey /ere not )ub.i-;ed unti. t;e ear.y and (id -:i:tie-$ and in t;i)eriod too t;at 1;ar.e- O.-on /a- rector at B.ac6 Mountain 1o..e'e+ a:ter t;e year- o: it- direction under t;e (oderni-t eye o: 3o-e: #.ber-. O.-on be'an to re:er to t;e )o-t(odern a'e E7)o-t t;e (odern7 a- ;e )ut it$ in e--ay- :ro( t;e ear.y :i::ie-+ /;en -tudent- and -ta:: co()ri-ed a ro..-ca.. o: t;e :ir-t )o-t-/ar #(erican a8ant-'arde E3o;n 1a'e+ Merce 1unnin';a(+ A -odernis!lPost!odernis! Robert Rau-c;enber'+ Robert 1ree.ey+ Ed Do($. O.-on7- e--ay+ 7Pro=ecti8e 8er-e7+ /a- )ub.i-;ed in 14?0 and )ioneered a ne/ ae-t;etic tradition in A!erican )oetry+ -et no/ a.on' t;e a0i- o: EJra Pound -%i..ia( 1ar.o- %i..ia(- - !oui- Ku6o:-6y+ rat;er t;an o: E.iot Pound -#..en Tate. In #(erican /ritin'+ t;ere:ore+ 7)o-t(oderni-(7 /a- :ir-t o: a.. a nati8i-t rede:inition and re -routin' o: (oderni-(+ one /;ic;+ a- Da8id #ntin ar'ue-+ e0).ored a:re-; i--ue- and )o--ibi.itie- o)ened by E-o(e o:$ t;e ear.y (oderni-t-. 1< T;u- )oet-;i:ted+ ;e -ay-+ :ro( Iue-tion- o: )er-ona. e0)re--ion to (atter- o: con-truction and co()o-ition+ rein8entin' t;e tec;niIue- o: co..a'e centra. to Euro)ean (oderni-(F returnin' at t;e -a(e ti(e+ a- O.-on -ay-+ to t;e e0a().e o: Pound7- incor)oration o: 7non -)oetic7 narrati8e (ateria.- in t;e (a6in' o: t;e .on' )oe(. #.. t;e -a(e+ an endurin' (oderni-t ort;odo0y (eant t;at (uc; o: t;i- /ent unnoticed. In 14?B+ De.(ore Sc;/artJ+ once a'ain :or e0a().e+ -)o6e -ti.. o: t;e )oetic re8o.ution in-)ired by t;e critici-( o: E.iot a;a8in' -uc; aut;ority 7t;at it i- ta6en :or 'ranted not on.y in )oetry and t;e critici-( o: )oetry+ but in t;e teac;in' o: .iterature7.D

In En'.and (ean/;i.e+ in 14?2+ Dona.d Da8ie ;ad )ub.i-;ed P%rit) of 7iction in En lis$ 8erse, a te0t ;e t;ou';t o: a- a co((on (ani:e-to :or t;e En'.i-; Mo8e(ent )oet-. In t;i- ro.e+ .eadin' t;e )o-t-/ar En'.i-; reaction to (oderni-( Ea (oderni-( inc.udin' &eat- and # 7 uden$ Da8ie -ou';t in t;e .ate #u'u-tan- a (ode. o: 7aut;entic7 )ro-e -ynta0 to -et a'ain-t t;e )o-t --y(bo.i-t -ynta0-a--(u-ic o: E.iot and co()any. T;e Mo8e(ent )oet- (ay not ;a8e a.. reco'ni-ed t;i- )ro'ra((e a- t;eir o/n+ ;o/e8er+ and it io: cour-e P;i.i) !ar6in /;o i- t;ou';t o: a- t;e (ore re)re-entati8e :i'ure+ t;e uno::icia. .aureate indeed o: t;e un)a--ionate 'rey toneo: a ta/dry /e.:are--tate En'.and. To re(e(ber t;at !ar6in and O.-on+ #(i- and Kerouac+ /ere conte()orarie- -;ou.d )ut )aid to any -en-e t;at t;ere /a- a co((on #n'.o-#(erican re-)on-e to 7traditiona.i-t (oderni-(7 or any -in'.e road ta6en :ro( it. T;e En'.i-; reaction entai.ed a con-truction o: (oderni-( a- (uc; a- t;e #(erican did+ but in t;i- ca-e it /a- (ore co((on.y+ or (ore +re)re-entati8e.y7 a -i().i:ication and re=ection t;an eit;er a de:ence or re-e0).oration. 9or Da8ie+ /;o /a- certain.y a/are o: 7)ro=ecti8e 8er-e7+ 7(ode(7 ;ad -i().y 7ta6en o8er t;e :unction- o: t;e no/ out(oded ad=ecti8e D(oderni-tD7+ 1? /;erea- :or !ar6in 7(oderni-t7 or7(ode(7 E;e an-/er- a Iue-tion on t;e :ir-t a- i: it i- about t;e -econd$ i- 7a 6ind o: tec;niIue /ord7. T;e 7(ode(7 )oet- E.iot and Pound+ ;e -ay- -;a(e.e--.y+ /ere .i6e #(erican touri-t- around 1410 Ea'ain 1410$ doin' Euro)e+ /;o t;ou';t you cou.d 7order cu.ture /;o.e+ t;at it i- a -e)arate ite( on t;e (enu7 .1@ I: .iterary (oderni-( /a- t;ere:ore a ) #n'.o-#(erican con-truction+ it /a- cut to di::erent .en't;- and /idt;- in t;e-e cu.ture-+ e-)ecia..y in t;e )eriod o: it- -i(u.taneou- dec.ine and de:inition in t;e B 5ntrod%ction6 Reconstr%ctions )o-t-/ar year-. In En'.and 7(oderni-(7 ;ad .itt.e (ore t;an a /a.6-on )art a- a critica. ter(+ and cou.d be /ritten into t;e cate'ory 7(ode(7+ or di-n-d--ed by !ar6in7- 6ind o: -nobbi-; )ro8incia.i-(. T;e Euro)ean a.ternati8e- to 7traditiona.i-t (oderni-(7 e0).ored in 9uturi-(+ Dada+ Surrea.i-(+ and 1ubi-( ;ad .itt.e to no .i:e in En'.i-; cu.ture+ /;ere e8en Cortici-( and I(a'i-( ;ad been -;ort-.i8ed. #- t;i- -u''e-t-+ t;e di::erent.y in:.ected tendencie- and tone- o: .iterary cu.ture )artici)ated in t;e broader (a6in' and un(a6in' o: )o-t/ar nationa. identitie-. %;ere En'.and returned to an rea.i-(+ #(erica a/o6e in t;e )o-t-/ar )eriod to :ind it-e.: a /or.d )o/er+ uncertain o: it- nationa. and internationa. ro.e. It -ub-eIuent.y -/ayed+ e0)eri(enta..y+ t;rou'; t;e trau(a- o: t;e 1o.d %ar+ .i-tin' to/ard- con-u(eri-(+ con:or(ity+ cor)orate bureaucracy and anti-co((uni-t )aranoia on one -ide+ to 7un-#(erican7 di--ent and 7=u8eni.e de.inIuency7 on t;e ot;er. In t;e -i0tie- and -e8entie- it .urc;ed on t;rou'; t;e contradiction- o: ad8anced ca)ita.i-t -ocietie-+ 'i8in' t;e .ead to t;e ci8i. ri';t-+ 'ay and :e(ini-t )rote-t and .iberation (o8e(ent- a- /e.. a- to t;e ri';t -/in' bac6.a-; a'ain-t t;e-e. 1ritici-( Eand a ne/ 'eneration o: -ocio.o'i-t-$ recorded a- it enacted t;i- e)oc;a. .o-- o: con-en-u-+ and did -o+ a- En'.i-; .iterary and -ocia. critici-( did not+ 8ia de.iberation- u)on (oderni-(. #- .ate a- 14A@ #.:red KaJin+ :or e0a().e+ .oo6ed to (oderni-( a- 7our on.y rea. tradition7+ con-ciou- t;at t;i- cu.ture -te((ed :ro( a tec;nica.+ con-er8ati8e+ and 7u))er -c.a-- re8o.ution7+ /;ic; /a- no/ neit;er )o) be.ie8ed in nor acce--ib.e. ,e -a/ it- conte()orary )o.itica. rea.i-ation in t;e ordered 7(oderni-t7 re8o.ution- o: !enin and Mao7- 7tota.itarian -ocia.i-(7 at a ti(e e.-e/;ere o: tec;no.o'ica. do(ination+ di-ru)tion+ and uncontainab.e (a-- -ocietie-. Neit;er /ade-irab.e and yet t;e (oderni-t a.ternati8e ;o/e8er in'rained+ /ent un;eeded. #(erica /a- adri:t and at ri-6.D T;i- )er).e0ed and an0iou- .ibera. no-ta.'ia ;ad a))eared ear.ier+ notab.y in ,arry !e8in7- (uc; -cited and a.ready retro-)ecti8e e--ay 7%;at %a- Moderni-(H7 in 14@0. T;e ter(- o: !e8in7- o/n and ot;er ar'u(ent- antici)ated (uc; t;at /a- to co(e and to be t;ou';t ne/ .ater+ and /;i.e -)ace )re8ent- t;e inc.u-ion o: #(erican critica. debate :ro( t;i- )eriod in t;e content- /;ic; :o..o/+ t;e-e co((entarie- are /ort; -o(e attention ;ere. !e8in -ee- 7t;e (oderni-tic (o8e(ent7+ co()ri-in' 7one o: t;e (o-t re(ar6ab.e con-te..ation- o: 'eniu- in t;e ;i-tory o: t;e %e-t+ recedin' be:ore a tide o: unrea-on ;e a--ociate- /it; t;e )o-t(ode(. T;e in8ention+ 7-/ee) and ric;ne--7 o: (oderni-( ;ad been bot; enc;ained in t;e acade(y and co()ro(i-ed in a -ociety o: tec;nica. re)roduction and (ateria. con-u()tion. 9or !e8in 7t;e (ode(-7 e(itted a 7'.o/ o: et;ica. in-i';t7F t;ey 7created a con-cience :or a -cienti:ic a'e7. #nd a(odern- t;e(-e.8e-+ 7t;e c;i.dren o: ,u(ani-( and En.i';ten(ent7+ .iterary critic- re(ained t;e 'uardian- o: 4 -odernis!lPost!odernis! t;at con-cience. 1B T;ere i- a Iuite e0traordinary contri8ance to t;i- ordinary--een-tin' de-cri)tion. 9or ;ere an idea o: (oderni-( - a Euro)ean-ba-ed (o8e(ent in t;e ter(- in /;ic; it i- 8a.ued+ ;i-torica..y o))o-ed in it- 7c.a--ici-t7 8ein to t;e )ro're--i8e En.i';ten(ent tradition and to it- o/n 7(odern a'e7 - i- (obi.i-ed a- a -tab.e arti-tic and inte..ectua. 7(ode(7 tradition to counter a .ater 7)o-t(odern7 );a-e o: #(erican -ocia. and cu.tura. de8e.o)(ent. T;e-e contortion- cou.d )roduce t;e near-co(edy o: E..(ann and 9eide.-on7- 7untraditiona. tradition7 o: (oderni-t- /;o+ ;o/e8er ori'ina.+ /ere 7c.a--ici-t-+ cu-todian- o: .an'ua'e+ co((unicator-+ traditiona.i-t- in t;eir :a-;ion7+14 but a.-o t;e a'onie- o: Ir8in' ,o/e7co((it(ent to an unco()ro(i-in' (oderni-( i-o.ated in an uncon'enia. )o-t(odern /or.d. ,o/e7- 7T;e Idea o: t;e Mode(7+ /;ic; introduced t;e 8o.u(e *iterar) -odernis! ,9:;<=, is it-e.: an une8en+ (i(etica..y be.ea'uered (oderni-t di-cour-e o: :ra'(ent-+ in /;ic; ,o/e yo6e- to'et;er nine I(ode(i-t7 :eature- E8ia attribution- to t;e 7(ode(7+ t;e 7(oderni-tic7+ t;e 7-y(bo.i-e+ t;e 7a8ant-'arde7$+ and c.o-e- in note-+ a- i: o8erco(e by t;e doub.e i()o--ibi.ity o: ;i- o/n )o-ition and t;e ta-6 o: de:inition. 20 ,o/e7- di::icu.ty i- t;at ;e dec.are- ;i(-e.: on t;e -ide o: -ocia. con-cience and ;u(anity E.ater+ in 7T;e Ne/ &or6 Inte..ectua.-7 ;e ca..- :or a rene/a. o: 7t;e 8a.ue- o: .ibera.i-(+ :or t;e )o.itic- o: a de(ocratic radica.i-(7$D /;en 7co((it(ent7 ;ad )ro8ed )eri.ou- :or t;e arti-tic inte'rity o: ;i(ode(i-t a8ant-'arde. Rat;er t;an a 7tradition7+ ,o/e -ee- a concerted )rob.e(ati-in' and unc;ec6ed dyna(i-( in (oderni-(+ and rat;er t;an -ocia. con-cience ;e -ee- a di-dain :or 7t;e (a--+ t;e (ire+ t;e -treet7 E). 9>=. Moderni-( e0it- :ro( ;i-tory into t;e -e.:--u::iciency o: art+ into ;er(etic -i.ence and ni;i.i-(+ to be de)ri8ed in t;e )re-ent a'e o: e8en t;i- retreat by t;e e8er -a--i(i.atin' a))etite- o: an e8er-acco((odatin' )ub.ic. On.y 3oyce and )er;a)- Bec6ett e0;ibit t;e nece--ary ;eroi-( o: a )ure 7.iterary (ona-tici-(7 E). ?;=, and on.y 3oyce )enetrate- t;e de)t;- o: t;e city to e(er'e in t;e -treet- o: +on-'oin' co((on).ace .i:e7 E). <1$. ,o/e di-co8er- an e::ecti8e+ unco()ro(i-ed (oderni-( o: oneF t;e re-t i- doo(ed to .i8e on a- +8u.'ar re-inca(ation and )arodic (i(e-i-7 E). 40=. T;e )o.itic- o: ,o/e7- (oderni-t-+ /;et;er o: t;e Ri';t or !e:t+ -)oi.ed t;eir art+ or -o ;e i().ie-. ,e t;ere:ore

re-)ond- in a co((on ae-t;etici-in' (o8e to re)re-- t;e ideo.o'ica. entai.(ent- o: art. 9or on.y t;u-+ a- a narro/.y under-tood re8o.ution in art E;i- tit.e 7.iterary (oderni-(7 co(e- to carry a -)ecia. cuttin' ed'e$ cou.d t;i- (oderni-( be e-tee(ed. Ran'ed a'ain-t t;i- co(bined an st and no-ta.'ia+ critic- and cu.tura. co((entator- -uc; a- %i..ia( ,a(i.ton+ Su-an Sonta'+ ! Nor(an 0. Bro/n+ ,erbert Marcu-e and Mar-;a.. Mc!u;an ar'ued in di::erent /ay- :or a )o-iti8e acce)tance o: t;e ener'ie- o: (a-- cu.ture+ :or an ae-t;etic- o: 6it-c;+ ;a))enin'-+ and rando( co()o-ition+ :or 10 Ro(antici-(/Sy(bo.i-( 9or( Econ=uncti8e+ c.o-ed$ Pur)o-e De-i'n ,ierarc;y Ma-tery/!o'o#rt Ob=ect/9ini-;ed %or6 Di-tance 1reation/Tota.iJation/Synt;e-iPre-ence 1enterin' "enre/Boundary 5ntrod%ction6 Reconstr%ctions )o) #(erican .iterature to re).ace t;e c.oi-tra. (ode(i-t canon and :or t;e triba. ;edoni-( o: t;e ne/ 7under'round7. !eadin' e--ay:o..o/ed t;rou'; t;e -i0tie- in ra)id -ucce--ionF Sonta'7- 7Note- on 1a()7 ,9:;4=, A ainst 5nter#retation ,9:;<= and (t)les of Radical /ill ,9:;:=, 9ied.er7- 7Ne/ Mutant-7 ,9:;>= and 71ro-- t;e Border+ 1.o-e t;e "a)7 ,9:;:=. 9or Sonta' t;e )eriod introduced a ne/ )an-cu.tura. -en-ibi.ity+ a.i8e eIua..y to t;e beauty o: a (ac;ine or a (at;e(atica. -o.ution+ to 3a-)er 3o;n-+ =ean -!uc "odard and t;e Beat.e-.22 ,er- /a- a -o);i-ticated co-(o)o.itani-(. (ean/;i.e .it out :or a 'ut-y )ri(iti8i-( -;e.tered by a beni'n tec;no.o'y and -cience indebted to Mc!u;an and Buc6(in-ter ,i- ne/ a'e )o)u.ated by 7i(a'inary #(erican-7 /a- to be 7)o-t -;u(ani-t+ )o-t-(a.e+ )o-t-/;ite+ )o-t-;eroic ... )o-t-3e/i-;7 .2< Eit;er /ay ;u(an c;aracter -ee(ed c;an'ed once (ore. I: Sonta'7- /a- t;e )robe and 9ied.er7- t;e -cout -;i)+ t;en I;ab ,a--an7- /a- t;e Star 9.eet Po-t(oderni-(. In a -erie- o: -tudiet;rou'; t;e -e8entie- and ei';tie- ,a--an in-ta..ed )o-t(oderni-(. a- a ne/ e#iste!e and /ay o: critici-(. #(oeba-.i6e+ ;i)o-t(oderni-( ca(e to ab-orb B.a6e and de Sade+ .ate Pound and .ate 3oyce+ Dada+ Surrea.i-(+ t;e 9renc; ne/ no8e.+ "enet+ t;e Beat-+ )o) .iterature and t;e Ne/ =ourna.i-(+ a- /e.. a- a tea( o: )roto- and )o-t-tructura.i-t t;in6er-. Inter(ittent.y ,a--an ;a- a.-o ado)ted a (et;od o: )o-t(oderni-t co..a'e Eo: 7(onta'e and :ra(e7+ 7)er-)ecti8e and counter)oint7+ 7-cene+ te0t and e)ite0t7$ cro--in' border- and c.o-in' 'a)- in a tradition :ro( to Derrida /;ic; (a6e- 'ood t;e in 9ied.er7- /ord- t;at 7critici-( i- .iterature+ or it i- not;in'7.2 On a nu(ber o: occa-ion- ,a--an ;a- )re-ented a tab.e o: :eature- contra-tin' (oderni-( and )o-t(oderni-(. In t;e artic.e 7T;e cu.ture o: Po-t(oderni-(7 in 14B?+ t;i- ran a- :o..o%S52? Moderni-(. Po-t(oderni-( Pata);y-ic-/Dadai-( #nti:or( Edi-=uncti8e+ o)en$ P.ay 1;ance #narc;y E0;au-tion/Si.ence Proce--/Per:or(ance/,a))enin' Partici)ation Decreation/Decon-truction/#ntit;e-i#b-ence Di-)er-a. Te0t/Interte0t 11 Moderni-(IPo-t(oderni-( Se(anticParadi'( ,y)ota0iMeta);or Se.ection Root/De)t; R;etoric Synta'( Parata0iMetony(y 1o(bination R;iJo(e/Sur:ace

Inter)retation/Readin' Si'ni:ied !i-ib.e EReader.y$ Narrati8e/"rande ,i-toire Ma-ter 1ode Sy()to( Ty)e "enita./P;a..ic Paranoia Ori'in/1au-e "od t;e 9at;er Meta);y-icDeter(inacy Tran-cendence

#'ain-t Inter)retation/Mi-readin' Si'ni:ier Scri)tib.e E%riter.y$ #n:i-narra:i8e/Petite ,i-toire Idio.ect De-ire Mutant Po.y(or);ou-/#ndro'ynouSc;iJo);renia Di::erence - Di::@rance/Trace T;e ,o.y ";o-t Irony Indeter(inacy I((anence

T;i- -c;e(e ;a- been critici-ed+ notab.y by 1;ri-tine Broo6e-Ro-e and Su-an Rubin Su.ei(an :or it- cate'oria. and .oca. incon-i-tencieE:or e0a().e t;e o))o-ition o: (eta);or and (etony(y i- not con-i-tent /it; t;e o))o-ition o: narrati8e and anti -narrati8e+ nor t;e -a(e 6ind o: o))o-ition a- -i'ni:ier/-i'ni:ied or .i-ib.e.-cri)tib.e$.2@ ,a--an re(ain- co((itted a.. t;e -a(e to t;e 8ie/ o: (oderni-( a7centred7 and o: )o-t(oderni-( a- c;aracteri-ed by /;at ;e ter(- 7indeter(inacy7 and 7i((anence7. Bot; tendencie- are co()ri-ed o: -ub-tendencie-+ e8o6ed in t;e :ir-t+ :or e0a().e+ by -uc; ter(- a- 7;eterodo0y7+ 7).ura.i-(7+ +ec.ectici-(7+ 7de:or(ation7+ 7di::erence7+ and -o on. T;e-e are -aid to denote a dee) and /ide-)read .o-- o: .o'ica. and onto.o'ica. certainty+ /;i.e t;e -econd ter( 7i((anence7 ,a--an de-cribe- a- 7t;e ca)acity o: t;e (ind to 'enera.i-e it-e.: in t;e /or.d ... and -o beco(e (ore and (ore+ i(-(ediate.y+ it- o/n en8iron(ent7 .2A T;u- a :ir-t tendency o: un(a6in' i- inter:u-ed /it; a -econd o: -y(bo.ic (a6in' and re(a6in'. T;ere are )rob.e(- ty)ica. o: )o-t(oderni-t co((entary ;ere. Mo-t ob8iou-.y+ ,a--an7- -c;e(e i- :ounded on an Ei: anyt;in' -tructura.i-t$ binary ana.y-i- /;ic; a )o-t-tructura.i-t )o-t(oderni-( -;ou.d ;a8e (ade ob-o.ete. #.-o+ /;et;er t;i- -et o: contra-t- (ean- )o-t(oderni-( di-)o-e- o: or radica.i-e- (oderni-( i- uncertain. #t :ir-t -i';t t;e 7indeter(inacy7 o: )o-t(oderni-( -ound- c.o-e cou-in to t;e end.e-- inno8atory dri8e and )rob.e(ati-in' /;ic; Ir8in' ,o/e identi:ied a12 Introduction5 Recon-truction(oderni-t. %e (i';t t;in6 ,o/e /a- ta.6in' about t;e -a(e a8ant'arde ,a--an corra.- :or )o-t(oderni-(+ but a- ,a--an )oint- out+ )eriodi-in' t;e-e conce)t- entai.- 7rein8entin'7 our ance-tor-+2B and ;e and ,o/e in8ent Eor con-truct$ bot; t;e )a-t and )re-ent di::erent.y. ,o/e i- t;ro/n bet/een a )ure and ba-tardi-ed (oderni-( E;i- )o-t(oderni-($+ bet/een -aint.y i-o.ation and de'raded di::u-ion+ /;i.e ,a--an / di::u-ion a- )o-t(odern ).ura.i-(. Po.itica..y bot; 6ind- o: critic are in t;e end a.-o curiou-.y -tranded. %;erea- t;o-e /;o -a/ t;e(-e.8e- and (oderni-( a- t;e i'nored o::-)rin' o: En.i';ten(ent rea-on+ t;e con-cience o: a -ociety /;ic; c;ea)ened t;eir 8a.ue-+ cou.d on.y turn to t;e )a-t or to art7- -i.ent inte'rity+ ,a--an o))o-ed t;e En.i';ten(ent ;erita'e in t;e na(e o: a bra8e ne/ /or.d :ree o: 7t;e tyranny o: /;o.e-7. Decon-truction7- c;a..en'e to t;e 7traditiona. :u.. -ub=ect t;e co'ito o: %e-tern );i.o-o);y7 i().ie- a 7corre-)ondin' ideo.o'ica. co((it(ent to (inoritie- in )o.itic-+ -e0 and .an'ua'e7+ and t;i- brin'- ,a--an to an a-)iration :or cu.tura.+ and not on.y e)i-te(o.o'ica. re8o.ution+ 7)er;a)- e8en to ba-ic )o.itica. c;an'e7.24 #.on' t;e-e .ine-+ ;o/e8er+ )o-t(oderni-(+ t;e ene(y o: tota.i-in' 8i-ion+ contradictora..y )ro(i-e- a '.oba. onene--+ t;e 7one ;u(an uni8er-e7+ tran-cendin' )o-t(odern ;eterodo0y.<0 ,a--an7- cautiou- n-dcro-)obtic- i- tea(ed /it; a 8i-ion t;at -)eed- to/ard- t;e b.ac6 ;o.e o: an e()ty ;u(ani-(. Di::erence i- a--erted and t;en buried in an a--u()tion o: uni8er-a. ;ar(onyF a 'e-ture /;ic; no (ore t;an re)eatt;e centra.+ )arado0ica. -u))o-ition in )o-t(oderni-( o: radica..y decentred identitie- in a /or.d o: in-tant and un)recedented tec;nica. connection. T;e c;a..en'e :acin' a )ro're--i8e )o-t(oderni-( co((itted to t;e )o--ibi.ity and nece--ity o: 7ba-ic )o.itica. c;an'e7 i;o/ to articu.ate t;i- co(ndt(ent /it; )o-t(odern di-.ocation and di::erenceF ;o/ to ac;ie8e co((on )o.itica. ai(- co()atib.e /it; di8er-e -ocia. 'rou)- and a'encie-. T;e (y-tica. ;u(ani-( /;ic; (ar6- ,a--an7- t;in6in' and /;ic; i- indeed one )o-t(odern .e'acy o: t;e counter-cu.tura. (o8e(ent- and uto)iani-( o: t;e -i0tie- and -e8entie-+ -i().y o8er.oo6- t;e ne/ t;eoretica. and (ateria. co().e0itie- o: t;i- -ituation. 7,a8e a nice day+ M. Derrida+ M. Baudri..ard7 ,a--an7- /or6 rai-e- t;e additiona. Iue-tion o: t;e re.ation o: t;eorie- o: )o-t(oderni-( to )o-t-tructura.i-(. T;e .atter i- -aid to ;a8e arri8ed in t;e *S# in 14@@ at 3o;n- ,o)6in- *ni8er-ity+ Ba.ti(ore+ /it; t;e attendance o: !ucien "o.d(ann+ Todoro8+ Bart;e-+ !acan and Derrida at t;e con:erence 7T;e !an'ua'e- o: 1ritici-( and t;e Science- o: Man7+ 1< -odernis!5Post!odernis! 7 and in ) /it; t;e de.i8ery o: Derrida7- )a)er 7Structure+ Si'n and P.ay in t;e ,u(an Science-7. Derrida7- critiIue o: t;e a--u()tion o: a centred -y-te( o: .an'ua'e in Sau--ure7- -tructura.i-(+ and t;u- o: a 7(eta);y-ic- o: )re-ence7 Et;e idea t;at rea.ity i'i8en i((ediate.y to con-ciou-ne--$ and o: a 7tran-cendenta. -i'ni:ied7 Et;e a--u()tion o: a )oint o: ori'in+ :ir-t cau-e o: under.yin' e--ence$ in %e-tern );i.o-o);y ca(e t;u- to inau'urate #(erican decon-truction. T;e -i(u.taneou- a))earance o: ne/ t;eory and ne/ (o8e(ent- in art and cu.ture ;a-+ not une0)ected.y+ -u''e-ted t;at )o-t-tructura.i-( and )o-t(oderni-( are )artner- in t;e -a(e

)aradi'(. To'et;er t;ey are -een a- e0erci-in' a =oint critiIue o: idea- o: order and unity in .an'ua'e+ art and -ub=ecti8ity+ a- u)endin' o.d ;ierarc;ie- and' )o.itica. con8iction-. Bot; are -aid to -;are 7a )ro:ound -en-e o: ontolo ical %ncertaint)' 7<1 but to con:ir( t;i- radica. indeter(inacy in an attitude o: ).ay and reconci.iation+ outdatin' t;e a.ienated (oderni-t7- -tru''.e :or /;o.ene-- and autono(y. T;e Iue-tin' Beat ad8enturer- /;o -.i))ed bet/een .i:e and art to 7di' it7 no/+ :ind+ /e (i';t -ay+ a t;eoretica. ;o(e+ :ore8er on t;e road to (eanin' and t;e Ot;er+ in Derrida7- 7di::@rance7 and !acan7- 7de-ire7. T;e Beat-+ o: cour-e+ /ere on.y one (ani:e-tation o: a ne/ )o-t-/ar #(erican a8ant-'arde+ /;ic; t;e (ore centri:u'a. )o-t(oderni-(-+ -uc; a- ,a--an7-+ /ou.d )u.. into a co((on orbit /it; 9renc; t;eory. In ot;er account- t;e re.ation bet/een )o-t-tructura.i-(. and )o-t(oderni-( i- -een di::erent.y. #ndrea- ,uy--en+ :or e0a().e+ ar'ue- t;at )o-t-tructura.i-( ;a- been 7)ri(ari.y a di-cour-e o: and about (oderni-(7 t;at it can be -een 7to a -i'ni:icant de'ree+ a- a t;eory o: (oderni-(7.<2 T;i- re.ation ie8ident to be'in /it; in t;e re:erence to .iterary (oderni-( Eto Prou-t+ Batai..e+ #rtaud+ "enet+ 3oyce+ Bec6ett$ in )o-t-tructura.i-t /ritin'-+ inc.udin' t;e /ritin'- o: .eadin' 9renc; :e(ini-t- -uc; a- 3u.ia Kri-te8a and 1-1@6Lne 1i0ou-. T;eir co((on ene(ie-+ a- ,uy--en )oint- out+ ;a8e not been (oderni-(+ but rea.i-( and (a-- cu.ture - a- in Ro.and Bart;e-7- di-tinction- bet/een t;e 'lisi&le' Ereader.y+ rea.i-t te0t$ and t;e 'scri#ti&le' E/riter.y+ (oderni-t te0t$+ and .ater bet/een E.o/.y$ '#laisir and E;i';-c.a--$ 'jo%issance. #.e0 1a..inico- 'i8e- :urt;er -u))ort to t;i- 8ie/. T;e 9renc; )o-t-tructura.i-t- De.euJe7 Derrida and 9oucau.t+ ;e )oint- out+ ;a8e been con-ciou-.y indebted to NietJ-c;e+ and NietJ-c;e ;i(-e.: ad8anced 7in (any re-)ect- a );i.o-o);ica. articu.ation o: t;e (ain t;e(e- o: Moderni-(7. << 1a..inico- a.-o u-e:u..y di-tin'ui-;e- bet/een t/o trend- in )o-t-tructura.i-(. T;e :ir-t ;e na(e-+ a:ter t;e #(erican );i.o-o);er Ric;ard Rorty+ 7te0tua.i-(7 and a--ociate- e-)ecia..y /it; Derrida and ;i- Nort; #(erican :o..o/er-. T;i- -ee6- to ).ace .iterature at t;e centre o: cu.tureF or (ore )reci-e.y+ to e0tend t;e conce)t o: te0tua.ity in it- critiIue o: t;eorie- o: re)re-entation -o a- to -u''e-t t;at a.. /ritin' and 1 5ntrod%ction6 Reconstr%ctions 6no/.ed'e are :i'urati8e and r;etorica.. T;e -econd -trand 1a..inico- a--ociate- ) /it; Mic;e. 9oucau.t. T;i- i- a 7/or.d.y7 )o-t-tructura.i-( /;ic; reco'ni-e- a di-tinction bet/een te0tua.ity or di-cour-e and non-di-cur-i8e in-titutiona. -tructure- o: )o/er. Bot; t;e-e 8ariant- are o8er/;e.(in'.y indebted to NietJ-c;e and t;u- in t;eir dee) a::i.iation- to (oderni-(+ ;a8e co(e+ a1a..inico- -;o/-+ to rede).oy t;e -e.:-re:.e0i8e critiIue o: tota.ity and t;e uni:ied -ub=ect alread) )re-ent in t;e ear.ier (o8e(ent. ,e e0).ain- t;i- re8i8a. in )o-t-/ar 9rance a- a )roduct o: t;e con=uncture+ under de "au..e+ o: ra)id indu-tria.i-ation and )o.itica. con-er8ati-( /it; a critica. !e:t inte..i'ent-ia and a (a--+ i: Sta.ini-t+ 1o((uni-t Party. T;i- )roduced in t;e cine(a o: "odard+ :or e0a().e+ 7one o: t;e :e/ e0ce)tion- to Ea$ 'enera. dec.ine o: Moderni-(7< and in t;e interna. de8e.o)(ent o: 9renc; );i.o-o);y a )a--a'e :ro( );eno(eno.o'y and t;e a--u(ed con-tituti8e ro.e o: t;e indi8idua. ;u(an -ub=ect to it- critiIue in t;e na(e o: Mar0+ NietJ-c;e+ 9reud and Sau--ure. In )o-t 7@B );i.o-o);y t;e -ub=ect /a- -een in-tead a- con-tituted by t;e re.ation- o: )roduction+ t;e uncon-ciou-+ t;e /i.. to )o/er and .an'ua'e5 a -erie- o: inno8ation- :urt;er radica.i-ed under t;e )o-t-tructura.i-( o: #.t;u--er+ !acan+ 9oucau.t and Derrida. T;i- i- to abbre8iate an a.ready co()re--ed account. Mo-t i()ortant.y 1a..inico- introduce- t;e 6ind o: con=unctura. ana.y-i- needed to ).ot t;e :or(ation- o: art and idea- in 9rance+ or indeed any ot;er cu.ture. E8en -o+ t;ere are co().ication- to t;i-. To be'in /it;+ 1a..inico- a--u(e- t;at t;e arti-tic dra!atis #ersonae a))earin' in )o-t-tructura.i-t /ritin'- are a.. +(oderni-t7 E;e na(e- Ma'ritte+ Rou--e.+ !autrea(ont+ Batai..e+ B.anc;ot+ #rtaud and "odard$. T;i- ta6e- no account o: t;e /ide.y acce)ted di-tinction bet/een (oderni-( and t;e a8ant-'arde (ade by Peter Biir'er E-ee )). ?B-A1$+ or o: t;e di-)arate )ro=ect- and di::erent ear.ier con=unctura. ).acin' in 9rance o: Sy(bo.i-(+ Dada+ Surrea.i-(+ or o: 7t;e Ne/ %a8e7+ or 7Ne/ No8e.7. To de-cribe any o: t;e-e (o8e(ent- at a.. a- 7(oderni-t7 i- in :act Iue-tionab.e+ /;en+ a- Su-an Rubin Su.ei(an ;a- co((ented+ 7In 9rance ... t;ey don7t -)ea6 (uc; about Moderni-( in t;e art-. #bout (odernity or t;e (odern+ or t;e a8ant-'arde+ ye-F but Moderni-(+ no .1< -1 No (ore+ a)art :ro( -uc; ob8iou- e0ce)tion- a- !yotard+ do t;e 9renc; -)ea6 o: )o-t(oderni-( or )o-t(odernity E-ee 1orne. %e-t be.o/+ ). 21 $. T;e (ore co((on ter( and under-tandin'+ a- 3ardine con:ir(- i- a'ain o: 7(odernity7. <@ In 9renc; cu.ture and critici-( t;e )er-i-tent Iue-tion- concern t;e ri:t bet/een c.a--ica. rea.i-( and t;e non- or anti-rea.i-(- o: t;e )eriod o: (odernity. ,ence Bart;e-7- di-tinctionnoted ear.ierF ;ence t;e 'enera. in8ocation o: t;e a8ant-'arde in critiIue- o: rea.i-(F and ;ence too+ one (i';t t;in6+ t;e coina'e 7;y)er-rea.ity7 to de-cribe t;e )o-t(odern detac;(ent o: i(a'e :ro( re:erence. 1? -odernis!5Post!odernis! #t t;e -a(e ti(e+ i: /e are attendin' to t;e di::erent 8ocabu.arie- o: ) inte..ectua. and cu.tura. ;i-torie-+ /e need to note ;o/ (oderni-( ;a- a'ain been di::erent.y de:ined in t;e :urt;er (a=or tradition o: %e-tern Mar0i-( E-ee )). <A -?B$. In t;e "er(an .an'ua'e branc; o: t;i- tradition+ :or e0a().e+ (oderni-( ;a- been dia'no-ed E:o..o/in' !u6ic-$ a- a -y()to( o: a.ienation under ca)ita.i-(+ or i- t;ou';t to ;a8e retained it- ad8er-aria. :unctionF /;et;er in an a.. but ;o)e.e-- co(bat+ (o-t :a(ou-.y /it; t;e (a-- 7cu.ture indu-try7 Ein #dorno and ,or6;ei(er$+ or in t;e e0a().e- o: Ben=a(in and Brec;t a- t;e )re-a'e o: -ocia.i-t re.ation- o: )roduction and a )o) e0)eri(enta. -ocia.i-t rea.i-(. T;e detai.- o: e8en -uc; a cur-ory -6etc; /arn a'ain-t 'enera.itie-. In t;i- co()arati8e )er-)ecti8e+ t;e Iue-tion o: any brea6 or o))o-ition bet/een 7(oderni-(7 and 7)o-t(oderni-(7 co(e- to .oo6 .i6e a -o(e/;at )aroc;ia. to)ic in #n'.o -#(erican cu.ture. 9or it /a- ;ere+ in t;i- do(inant and do(inatin' cu.tura. arena t;at a 7(oderni-t7 tradition -tubborn.y e-tab.i-;ed it-e.:+ in arc;itecture and )aintin'+ a- /e.. a- .iterary critici-( and education. But e8en t;en+ t;i- )roce-- and t;e initia. c;a..en'e to it /ere di::erent.y accented+ aI ;a8e tried to indicate. #nd it /a-+ to re)eat+ on t;e #(erican -ide o: t;i- -)ecia. re.ation-;i)+ t;at 7)o-t(oderni-(7 (ade it- :ir-t a))earance a- an inde0 o: a.ternati8e- to t;e canon. 1a..inico- doe- not )ur-ue a :urt;er di-tinction ;e indicate- bet/een Nort; #(erican and 9renc; 8ariant- o: 7te0tua.i-t7

)o-t-tructura.i-(+ t;ou'; a- ,uy--en note-+ t;e 7inter/ea8in' and inter-ectin' o: )o-t-tructura.i-( /it; )o-t(oderni-( Ei-$ a );eno(enon t;at i- (uc; (ore re.e8ant in t;e *S t;an in 9rance7.D E8en -o+ t;e (o-t )ub.ici-ed :or( o: Nort; #(erican )o-t-tructura.i-t or decon-tructioni-t critici-( )ay- .itt.e or no attention to eit;er 7(oderni-t7 or 7)o-t(oderni-t+ /ritin'. T;o-e (o-t (ani:e-t.y in:.uenced by Derrida -ince t;e (id-i0tie- - 7t;e &a.e critic-7+ Pau. de Man+ "eo::rey ,art(an+ ,aro.d B.oo( and 3. , - ca(e to )o-t-tructura.i-( /it; di-tin'ui-;ed re)utation- a- -c; and critic- o: Ro(antic and Cictorian .iterature. #n attention to )o-t-/ar art and cu.ture doe- not (a6e a )o-t(oderni-t critic o: cour-e. Moreo8er+ t;e di-tin'ui-;in' :eature o: decon-truction i- not an ob=ect o: -tudy but a 'e-ture o: -i(u.taneou- in-cri)tion and era-ure+ t;e (ar6 o: )re-ence and it- di-ru)tion+ t;e de:erra. rat;er t;an t;e a::ir(ation or denia. o: (eanin'. #- De::ida /rite- 7t;e )a--a'e beyond );i.o-o);y doe- not con-i-t in turnin' t;e )a'e o: );i.o-o);y ... but in continuin' to read );i.o-o);er- in a certain wa)'.@A It i- t;i- attitude and a))roac; /;ic; (a6e- 9renc; )o-t-tructura.i-(+ at .ea-t+ a critiIue+ a re-enact(ent in t;eory and a ne8er-to-be-rea.i-ed )o-t)one(ent+ rat;er t;an a cance..ation o:'e.y 9renc;$ (oderni-(. #nd it i- t;i- too /;ic; a..o/- #(erican 1@ 5ntrod%ction6 Reconstr%ctions decon-tructioni-t- to continue to read )re-(oderni-t .iterature in a certain ne/ /ay+ -o a- in de Man7- /or6+ :or e0a().e+ to de(on-trate t;e -e.:-decon-tructi8e inner /or6in'- o: t;at .iterature. #.. .iterature i- t;ereby rendered e--entia..y (oderni-t. Or+ one (i';t a- /e.. -ay+ e--entia..y Ro(antic. &et /;i.e -uc; readin'- a))arent.y .e8er #(erican decon-truction a/ay :ro( t;e Ne/ 1ritica. )aradi'(+ itin;erent :or(a.i-(+ a- (any ;a8e ob-er8ed+ ;a- (eant t;at decon-tructi8e critici-( in :act e0tend- and dee)en- rat;er t;an de)art- :ro( t;i- (et;od. To ado)t t;e ter(ino.o'y o: ,aro.d B.oo(+ t;e -/er8e :ro( t;e aut;ority o: t;e canonic :at;er in act- o: (i-readin' and 7(i-)ri-ion7 e0tend- rat;er t;an -;a6e- t;e :a(i.y :oundation-. #(erican decon-truction t;ere:ore en.i-t- t;e decentrin'+ de-tabi.i-in' e::ect- o: t;e 9renc; e0a().e+ but doe- t;i- in a /ay t;at'e- t;e do(ain o: te0tua.ity+ encounterin' );i.o-o);y and ;i-tory not at;e Ot;er but a- t;e -a(eF tran-.atin' t;e(+ a- it tran-.ate- critici-(+ into t;e co((on ton'ue o: .iterature. T;e 'e-ture t;at'e- a.-o de.i(it-+ ;o/e8er+ :or t;e tradition o: Ro(antic and (oderni-t -e.:-re:.e0i8ity i- -;orn o: it- (o(ent- o: re8o.utionary brio and rede()ti8e idea- o: beauty and cu.ture. ,uy--en conc.ude- t;at t;e 7ae-t;etici-t trend /it;in )o-t-tructura.i-( it-e.: ;a- :aci.itated t;e )ecu.iar #(erican rece)tion7. @: In -o :ar a- )o-t-tructura.i-(+ t;e re)eat o: a Euro)ean -trand o: +(oderni-(7 in t;eory+ i- a )roduct o: t;e )o-t(odern (o(ent+ t;en 9ranco-#(erican )o-t(oderni-( can be -aid to :o..o/ t;i- -a(e ae-t;etici-t trend. T;i- i().ication i- :u..y de8e.o)ed in t;e )o-t(oderni-( o: 3ean Baudri..ard E-ee )). 1?1 -@2$. Baudri..ard7- ar'u(ent i- t;at t;e ne0uo: con-u()tion ;a- o8erta6en t;e e();a-i- on )roduction in c.a--ica. Mar0i-(+ t;at co((unication tec;no.o'ie- ;a8e era-ed a.. re:erence- to t;e 7rea.7 in any -en-e o: it- bein' anterior to or under.yin' t;e i(a'e. T;e -i'ni:ier -/a()- t;e Sau--urean -i'ni:ied+ di::erence i- e8ery/;ere and i- a.. t;e -a(e5 -ty.e i- a... It (i';t be t;ou';t t;at Mar-;a.. Mc!u;an and t;e anti -critici-( o: and Sonta' ;ad )re:i'ured t;i- trend. 71a()7+ :or e0a().e+ (o-t ob8iou-.y+ /a- a- Sonta' de-cribed it+ 7/;o..y ae-t;etic7F it /a- 7Dandyi-( in t;e a'e o: (a-- cu.ture7+ 0 .e-- di-dain:u. t;an it- nineteent;-century ori'ina.+ but e0c.u-i8e none t;e .e--. T;i- ta-te :or 7bad art7+ :or e0tra8a'ant -ty.i-ation+ :or t;e o8er-a(bitiou- and nai8e :ai.ure+ i- -ure.y re-u(ed in co((entarie- on #(erican ;y)errea.ity+ t;e con-u((ate e0)re--ion o: Baudri..ard7- )o-t(oderni-(. One cou.d di-co8er t;e be'innin'-+ and an in-tructi8e contra-t /it; t;i- )o-t(oderni-(+ e8en ear.ier+ ;o/e8er+ in Scott 9itJ'era.d7T$e Great Gats&). T;ere i- a /ay too o: -eein' 3ay "at-by+ t;e 'auc;e o8erreac;er+ a- 7ca()7+ t;ou'; it /a- not 9itJ'era.d7- )er-)ecti8e. 9or 9itJ'era.d and ;i- narrator Nic6 1arra/ay+ t;e tric6- and 'e-ture- /;ic; co()o-e t;e -e.: -created indi8idua. "at-by re(ain (eretriciou- :abrication-+ ;o/e8er 1 -odernis!5Post!odernis! 7'or'eou-7 or )re:erab.e t;ey -ee( to a cance..ed rea. )a-t. No/ in t;e a'e o: t;e 7aut;entic :a6e7 - t;e 'oa. o: *(berto Eco7- -ea-on in ;y)errea. #(erica - "at-by7- -;irt-+ )urc;a-ed at a di-tance :ro( !ondon+ "at-by7- uncut boo6- in a .ibrary (ode..ed a:ter Merton 1o..e'e !ibrary+ O0:ord+ "at-by7- ;ou-e+ a 7:actua. i(itation o: -o(e $otel de 0ille in Nor(andy7 beco(e t;e order o: t;e day. It i- a- i: a.. t;e ten-ion bet/een art and (oney+ :a(e and :a-;ion /;ic; dro8e a -ty.i-t .i6e 9itJ'era.d+ a.. t;e -tru''.e in t;e (oderni-t narrati8e o: -e.:-:or(ation+ ;ad -.ac6ened. I: one i- to be.ie8e Baudri..ard+ t;e #(erican drea( o: (ateria. ad8ance(ent and ro(antic -e.:-:u.:i.(ent+ o: 7-tartin' o8er7+ o: a )ub.ic :aIade bui.t :ro( t;e be-t o: e8eryt;in'+ :ro( e8ery/;ere+ out o: not;in'+ ;a- been ac;ie8ed ;ere and no/ in t;e -ub.i(e bana.ity o: a (edia-directed cu.ture. It- e0e().ary :or( i- Di-ney.and+ /;ere re' #(erican- can re)eat t;e )a-t E"at-by /a- ri';t$ in -aniti-ed ea-e. "at-by triu();- o8er ;i- narrator /e (i';t -ayF but on.y to be tru()ed in t;e )o-t(odern era by t;e -o);i-ticated+ care.e-- -ur8i8or Dai-y+ /;o dri:t- beyond ;i- nai8e Iue-t :or a :u..y uni:ied -e.:. 9or no/+ in )o-t(oderni-(+ t;ere can be no uni:ied -e.:+ no narrati8e )er-)ecti8e+ and no ;i-tory. To (i-read E.iot in a di-tortion true to t;i- -cenario+ 7,i-tory i- no/+ and in #(erica7+ at t;e end o: t;e /or.d. It /ou.d be :oo.i-; to -u''e-t t;at a.. )o-t-/ar #(erican .iterature ;a- =oined t;i- trend /;en in :act it ;a- re/or6ed t;e )rob.e(atico: -ty.e and -ociety+ o: autono(y and tran-:or(ation in art and -ub=ecti8ity in di::erent and co().e0 /ay-. %e can ne8ert;e.e-- identi:y t/o )o-t(odern 8ariant- corre-)ondin' to t;e a(bi'uitie- o: )o-t-tructura.i-( and a Baudri..ardian )o-t(oderni-(. In B.ac6 Mountain and Beat )oetic-+ :or e0a().e+ t;e ort;odo0 unitie- o: -e.: and )oe( /ere countered bot; by a ne/ centrin' at 'reater de)t;+ a Ro(antic rea--ertion Ein Robert Duncan+ 3o;n %einer-+ #..en "in-ber'$ o: )er-ona. -ty.e a:ter decade- o: Ne/ 1ritica. 7i()er-ona.ity7+ but a.-o+ /it;in t;e tenet- o: o)en :ie.d )oetry Ein O.-on and Ed Dorn$ by a ne/.y (obi.i-ed+ 7decon-tructed7 -en-e o: -e.: a- de:ined by t;e coordinate- o: .an'ua'e+ ).ace+ and ;i-tory. %or6 in t;i- -econd 8ein i- 7)o-t7 (oderni-t in t;e -en-e o: bein' ne/+ or .ate (oderni-t. In /;at i- t;en )art.y a continuation and )art.y a reaction to t;i- tradition t;e (ore recent 7!M#MNM"M*M#M"ME )oet-7 ;a8e under-cored t;e arbitrary re.ation o: /ord and /or.d to )roduce an ae-t;etic o: t;e 7ne/ -entence7 :ree o: cu-to(ary re:erence . 1 9or a.. it- a))ended Mar0i-t c.a-- ana.y-i-+ indeed becau-e o: t;e -e)arated e0i-tence o: t;i-+ !M#MNM"M*M#M"ME )oetry co(e-+ in it- (ore e0tre(e :or(-+ to ec;o Baudri..ard7- t;eori-ation- o: t;e 'ro/in' autono(y o: t;e -i'ni:ier.

Tendencie- in )o-t-/ar Nort; #(erican :iction ;a8e con:ir(ed t;i- doub.e tra=ectory. In an ear.y+ in:.uentia. -tate(ent+ 3o;n Bart; -)o6e in 7T;e .iterature o: e0;au-tion7 E14@A$ o: t;e 7u-ed-u)ne--7 o: t;e 1B 5ntrod%ction6 Reconstr%ctions con8ention- o: :ictiona. rea.i-(. T;e o.d :or(- ;e -aid cou.d on.y be e().oyed ironica..y+ in bur.e-Iue or )a-tic;e+ an ar'u(ent o)en.y de(on-trated in ;i- o/n -tory 7!o-t in t;e 9un;ou-e7. So :ar t;i- ec;oe- a 3anu- -:aced )o-t-tructura.i-( in /;ic; o.d :or(- and a--u()tion- are ;e.d 7under era-ure7+ -i(u.taneou-.y /ritten in and /ritten t;rou';. 9or (any it a.-o de-cribe- t;e do(inant tone o: )arody and )a-tic;e c;aracter-i-tic o: )o-t(oderni-(+ )enned bet/een te0tua.i-( and re:erence+ .icen-ed ).ay and -ub8er-ion. T;ere (ay be -o(e rea-on+ a'ain+ ;o/e8er+ :or de-cribin' t;i- .iterary (ode Eand )o-t-tructura.i-($ a- 7.ate (oderni-t+ 'i8en t;eir tie- /it; (oderni-( E3o;n Bart;7- e0).icit (ode. i- Bor'e-$+ t;eir ar'u(ent- /it; rea.i-(+ and 'i8en ot;er de8e.o)(ent- ta6in' #(erican :iction 7 .i6e -o(e o: t;e !M#MNM"M*M#M"ME )oet-+ beyond t;e t;ra.. o: (i(e-i-. 3ero(e K.in6o/itJ7 :or e0a().e+ in one o: t;e -tudie- o: t;i- tendency+ /rote o: t;e 7)o-t-conte()orary7 a- a ne/.y in8i'orated :iction 7beyond t;e deat; o: t;e deat; o: t;e no8e.7. ,e -a/ a deci-i8e brea6+ coincidin' /it; t;e -ocia. and cu.tura. di-ru)tion- o: 14@A-@B+ :ro( t;e 7e0;au-ted :iction7 o: Bart; and Pync;on into t;e 7i(a'inati8e.y tran-:or(ed7 :iction o: Robert 1oo8er+ Ric;ard Brauti'an+ Ste8e KatJ and+ (ore deci-i8e.y+ Cor(e'ut+ Bart;e.(e+ Ko-in-6i and ot;er-. T;i- i- t;e :iction o: 7a ).ura.i-tic+ re.ati8i-tic+ )o-t-(odern /or.d+ /;ere DSo(eti(e- it7- -o ;ard to te.. /;at ;area..y ;a))ened.D7 2 So t;i- :iction te..- 7unte..ab.e7 -torie-+ -torie- co(binin' /;at 7rea..y7 ;a))ened and a.. t;at (i';t )o--ib.y ;a))en7 Ea- in 1oo8er7- 7T;e Baby-itter7$+ -u''e-tin' Ea- in Brauti'an7- Trout Fis$in in #(erica$ 7;o/ .an'ua'e can e0i-t )ure.y a- it-e.: 7 /it; no re:erence at a.. to content7 . < Ray(ond 9eder(an+ /;o i- one o: K.in6o/itJ7- e0a().e-+ antici)ate- a.on' -i( .ine- t;at ... :iction /i.. no .on'er be re'arded a- a (irror o: .i:e+ a- a )-eudorea.i-tic docu(ent t;at in:or(- u- about .i:e+ nor /i.. it be =ud'ed on t;e ba-i- o: it- -ocia.+ (ora.+ )-yc;o.o'ica.+ (eta);y-ica.+ co((ercia. 8a.ue or /;ate8er+ but on t;e ba-i- o: /;at it i- and /;at it doea- an autono(ou- art :or( in it- o/n ri';t.D # credo o: t;i- 6ind -ee(- once (ore to :o..o/ t;e .o'ic o: a Baudri..ardian )o-t(oderni-( beyond re:erence+ o.d -:a-;ioned (ora.ity and )o.itic-. #t t;e -a(e ti(e t;ere i- not;in' rea..y ne/+ or ine8itab.e+ about t;i-. Prote-tation- o: arti-tic autono(y ;a8e been de).oyed :ro( t;e turn o: t;e century to o::-et bour'eoi- uti.itariani-( and t;e e0c;an'e 8a.ue- o: t;e (ar6et ).ace. %;erea- under (oderni-(+ ;o/e8er+ a retreat+ at it- e0tre(e-+ into t;e -ub.i(e indi::erence o: art coe0i-ted /it; a contra-tin' a8ant -'arde de:iance o: t;e )re-ent in t;e intere-t- o: a tran-:or(ed :uture+ a Baudri..ardian )o-t(oderni-(. 6no/- no -uc; contra-t. In a 14 -odernis!5Post!odernis! /or.d /;ere Surrea.i-t tec;niIue- -e.. ci'arette- and con-u(er durab.e-+ /;ere art i- :a-;ion+ t;e ori'ina. )o.itica. )ro=ect o: t;e ;i-torica. a8ant'arde a))ear- to ;a8e .o-t a.. credibi.ity. T;e :ir-t o)tion re(ain- a))arent.y+ a retreat into ae-t;etici-( /;ic; recyc.e- t;e .a-t century7- decadence+ and /;ic; can on.y deny t;i- c;ar'e on t;e 'round- t;at it Eor t;e )o-t(odern /or.d$ ;a- done a/ay /it; o.d di-tinction- .i6e 7art and .i:e7 Eor -i'ni:ier and -i'ni:ied$. #- /e ;a8e -een+ ;o/e8er+ not an )o-t-tructura.i-( or )o-t(oderni-( need ta6e t;e Baudri..ardian ;i'; road. # -econd Edecon-tructi8e+ .ate (oderni-t$ o)tion (i';t -ti.. e0).ore t;e 8ery ten-ion- o: te0t and /or.d in /;ic; it i- ;e.d+ o)enin' and recon-tructin' t;e )a-t rat;er t;an :.attenin' it. I: /e a-6 about t;e )o.itic- o: t;i- )ro=ect /e are .ed+ in ) to t;e debate- on )o-t(oderni-( and Mar0i-(. In-ider Po-t(oderni-(5 3a(e-on and To(orro/.and Baudri..ard7- re:.ection-+ tendin' (ore and (ore to a (andarin a8ant 'ardi-( o: no/ bo.d+ no/ 8a)orou- a#er1%s, ;a8e co()ri-ed a (a=or )ro)o-ition o: /;at )o-t(oderni-(. (ean-. T;at t;i- :ind- it- ;o(e in t;e 7ac;ie8ed uto)ia7 o: Nort; #(erica+ t;e cu.ture.e-.and-ca)e /;ere e8eryt;in' drea(ed in Euro)e 7;a- a c;ance o: bein' rea.i-ed 1 ? i- not a:ter a.. -ur)ri-in'. T;e =aded :orei'n )ro:e--or i- at once ent;ra..ed and a))a..ed by t;e #(erican !o.ita. T;e a))earance o: t;i- 9ranco #(erican )o-t(oderni-(' a (i-readin'7 o: )o-t-tructura.i-($ -u''e-t- a :urt;er ad=u-t(ent to any con=unctura. ana.y-i-. 9or i: t;e :eature- o: )o-t(oderni-(+ Ea- o: (oderni-($ are ;i-torica..y and cu.tura..y -)eci:ic+ t;ey are not cu.tura..y ;er(etic. Indeed one o: t;e (o-t con8incin' de-cri)tion- o: )o-t(oderni-( i- o: a -;i:t+ )ro()ted and enab.ed by -ocia.+ econo(ic and tec;no.o'ica. c;an'e+ into t;e ;etero'.o--ia. o: inter-cu.tura. e0c;an'e+ aidio(-+ di-cour-e acro-- t;e art- and acade(y+ and acro-- t;e-e and )o) or (a-- :or(-+ are (onta'ed+ b.ended or b.urred to'et;er. 7Po-t(oderni-(7 beco(e- it- o/n be-t -y()to( o: di--e(ination and di::erence. In /;at can -ound .i6e a con:u-in' Babe. o: t;e ne/+ t;e-e (any 8oice- are =oined dia.o'ica..y+ in con-en-u- and di-a'ree(ent. One -uc; debate+ acro-- inte..ectua. cu.ture-+ bet/een t;e 7%e-tern Mar0i-(7 o: t;e 9ran6:urt Sc;oo.+ re)re-ented by 3*r'en ,aber(a-+ and 9renc; )o-t-tructura.i-t )o-t(oderni-(+ e(er'ed a- )o-t-tructura.i-(7- debt to NietJ-c;e E:ir-t -i'na..ed by De.euJe7- Niet3sc$e and P$iloso#$) in 14@2$ beca(e c.earer. Po-t-tructura.i-(. ca(e t;en to )re-ent a c;a..en'e not on.y to t;e -tructura.i-t .an'ua'e )aradi'( and to a ran'e o: .oaded ;ierarc;iede)endent on a 7(eta);y-ic- o: )re-ence7 Eo: -)eec; o8er 1B 20 5ntrod%ction6 Reconstr%ctions /ritin'+ t;e aut;or o8er N;i-O te0t+ o: t;e );a..u- o8er t;e :e(inine+ o: nature o8er cu.ture+ e--ence o8er a))earance+ "od o8er a..$ but a )o.itica. c;a..en'e to t;e o: Rea-on and en.i';tened )ro're--. T;i- -;i:t :ro( Iue-tion- o: e)i-te(o.o'y E/ay- o: 6no/in'$ to Iue-tion- o: onto.o'y E/ay- o: bein' and actin' in t;e /or.d$ beco(e- t;en an e0)re--ion o: /;at -o(e -ee a- :unda(enta. in t;e 8ery

tran-ition to )o-t(oderni-(. T;i- doub.e articu.ation and critiIue /a- a))arent notab.y in !yotard7- T$e Post!odern "ondition ,9:<:=. In t;i- -econd (a=or t;e-i- o: /;at )o-t(oderni-(. (ean- E-ee )). 9@:4>0=, !yotard borro/- t;e conce)t o: t;e'ua'e 'a(e7 :ro( %itt'en-tein to ar'ue in )o-t-tructura.i-t and NietJ-c;ean :a-;ion a'ain-t any uni:yin' .an'ua'e -y-te( or under.yin' trut;. ,e -ee-cienti:ic 6no/.ed'e a- a (ode. o: inno8atory .an'ua'e 'a(e-+ a -trate'y be ter(- 7)ara.o'i-(7. Moreo8er+ ;e e0tend- ;i- critiIue to )ro)o-e Ein a contradictori.y '.oba. account$ t;at t;e c;aracteri-tica..y un-tab.e and di-)er-ed -ocia. rea.ity o: t;e )re-ent cannot be ca)tured in a tota.i-in' 7'rand narrati8e7 /;ic; ).ot- an ;i-torica. te.eo.o'y to/ard- eIua.ity and =u-tice. ,i- tar'et ;ere i- )rinci)a..y Mar0i-( and t;e En.i';ten(ent ;erita'e - -u))o-ed.y dar6ened by t;e )oi-oned :ruit- o: Sta.ini-(.+ t;e "u.a' and #u-c;/itJ credited to it - and in ) ,aber(a-7- atte()t to re:or(u.ate ;i-torica. (ateria.i-( a- a t;eory o: -ocia. )ro're-- in ;i- critici-( o: )o-t-tructura.i-(. ,aber(a- ;ad de-cribed t;e )o-t-tructura.i-t- Derrida and 9oucau.t a- 7youn' con-er8ati8e-7 /;o in en.i-tin' t;e .iberatin' a8ant'ardi-t -tre-- on e0)eri(ent+ inten-ity and de-ire a'ain-t t;e -trait=ac6et o: ad(ini-trati8e rea-on+ ;ad contradictora..y e().oyed 7(oderni-tic attitude- Eto$ =u-ti:y an irreconci.ab.e anti(oderni-(7 E-ee ). 1<A$. 9or ,aber(a-+ t;e )ro=ect o: t;e En.i';ten(ent i- not .iIuidated but rene/ab.e. ,u(an and ci8i. ri';t-+ and de(ocratic -e.:-deter(ination re(ain rea.i-ab.e 'oa.-+ t;e -tru''.e :or t;e( 'o8erned by t;e con8ention- o: co((unicati8e rea-on and con-en-u-. 9redric 3a(e-on+ in a -a.utary re(inder o: ;i-torica. and )o.itica. ) ;a- )ointed out ;o/ ,aber(a-7- co((it(ent i- :ra(ed in t;e ;i-torica. -;ado/ o: :a-ci-(. @It /ou.d be a (i-ta6e+ ;o/e8er+ to -ee t;i- a- re-tricted to a "er(an nationa. ;i-tory and c;aracter. T;e -ta6e- in t;i- debate are ;i';+ and o: 8ita. intere-t to Mar0i-t-+ :e(ini-t- and ot;er- in t;e 9ir-t+ Second and T;ird %or.d- /;o are co((itted to a narrati8e o: )o.itica. and cu.tura. c;an'e and better(ent+ e-)ecia..y no/ t;i- i- -aid to be redundant. EBut -ee %e-t be.o/+ )). 21 -1A.$ 3a(e-on7- e--ay- and -tate(ent- on )o-t(oderni-( ;a8e in :act done (uc; to 6ee) t;i- 'enera. narrati8e a.i8e E-ee )). 1@< -A4$. ,e de-cribe- )o-t(oderni-( a- a 7cu.tura. do(inant7F t;e co(bined re-u.t o: a reaction to in-titutiona.i-ed (oderni-( and o: a deci-i8e -;i:t :ro( (ono)o.y to (u.tinationa. ca)ita.i-(. T;i- :ace.e-- e0)an-ion o: t;e 21 -odernis!5Post!odernis! '.oba. (ar6et and t;e acco()anyin' de8e.o)(ent o: e.ectronic (edia ;a- )enetrated a.. .e8e.- o: e0i-tence+ -ay- 3a(e-on+ )roducin' a (a--i8e.y coded /or.d o: re.ent.e-- co((odi:ication and dra(atica..y a.tered -ocia. and )-yc;ic condition-. In t;i- 7de)t;.e--7 -ociety o: t;e i(a'e Ean ana.y-i- :ran6.y indebted to Baudri:.ard$+ o.d di-tinction- and orientation- are abo.i-;ed5 ob=ect- no .on'er re.ate at an to t;eir )roce--e- o: ;u(an )roduction+ t;ere i- a .o-- o: e(otiona. content and o: 7ob=ecti8e7 or critica. di-tance. T;e )a-t i- reco8erab.e no/ on.y a- )a-tic;e+ in t;e rando(i-ed ).ay by /;ic; te0t- and 6no/.ed'e- are canniba.i-ed and re-;u::.ed to )roduce 'le st)le retro', e8ident in :a-;ion+ (u-ic and t;e ,o..y/ood no-ta.'ia :i.(. T;e indi8idua.+ :or(er.y a.ienated under (ono)o.y ca)ita.i-(+ no/ beco(e7-c;iJo);renic7+ a.. -en-e e8en o: a .o-t aut;enticity 'one. 3a(e-on de-cribe- a- ende(ic t;ere:ore a condition in /;ic; t;e indi8idua. at;i- ne/.y ri8en and -c;iJoid )er-ona.ity i- ca-t adri:t in t;e )er)etua. )re-ent o: a -u)er:icia.+ centre.e-- /or.d+ re).ete /it; e8er ne/+ recyc.ed i(a'e- or re)re-entation-. De)ri8ed t;u- o: ;i-torica. con-ciou-ne-- t;e indi8idua. cannot ;o)e to 'ain t;e inter)retati8e 'ra-) /;ic; /i.. yie.d an e0).anation o: t;e -ocia. and cu.tura. tota.ity. 3a(e-on7- /ritin'- are a (a=or :ocu- in t;e debate on )o-t(oderni-( and t;e ob=ect o: do-e and -o(eti(e- un'enerou- -crutiny. ,i-)ecia. contribution .ie- in t;e connection ;e )re-ent- bet/een cu.ture and ca)ita. but ;i- (ode. ;a- been critici-ed :or it- 8a'ue )eriodi-ation+ it- a))arent.y reductioni-t 8ie/ o: cu.ture a- 7re).icatin'7 or -i().y +e0)re--in'7 t;e .o'ic o: ca)ita.+ :or a tota.i-in' a))roac; ;e ;a- ar'ued i- i()o--ib.e+ and :or a..o/in' no adeIuate di-tinction bet/een do(inant and o))o-itiona. (ode- or -ocia. a'encie- in )re-ent cu.ture . A 3a(e-on in-i-t- t;at )o-t(oderni-( i- a ;i-torica. -ituation and not (ere.y a cu.tura. -ty.e and ;i- de:ence o: ;i- ar'u(ent- ;i';.i';t- t;e 'enuine )rob.e(- t;i- )er-)ecti8e )re-ent-. ,e de:end- ;i- tota.i-in' a))roac;+ :or e0a().e+ at;eoretica..y and )o.itica..y nece--ary+ /;i.e ar'uin' t;at bein' wit$in )o-t(oderni-( i- )reci-e.y /;at :ru-trate- t;e dra/in' o: a co'niti8e (a) o: it- tota.ity :ro( a )o-ition o: critica. di-tance. #t t;e -a(e ti(e ;e c.ear.y -tate- t;at ;e intend- ;i- a))roc; to be 7dia.ectica.7F t;at -ince it i- :uti.e to (ora.i-e on a ;i-torica. -ituation+ /e need to under-tand )o-t(oderni-( a- Mar0 under-tood ca)ita.i-(+ in it- be-t and /or-t+ it- do(inant and re-i-tant a-)ect-. T;i- ec;oe- t;e idea o: 7doub.e codin'+ o: )a-tic;e and )arody+ o: t;e -)ecia.i-t and )o) /;ic; ot;er- E1;ar.e- 3enc6-+ 3i( !inda ,utc;eon$ a.-o -ee in )o-t(oderni-(. T;e )rob.e( :or a.. -uc; ana.y-e-+ ;o/e8er+ .ie- in di-tin'ui-;in' t;e critica. or -ub8er-i8e :ro( t;e co().icitou-+ /;en bot; are )roduced by t;e -y-te( it ide-ired to tran-:or(. ,ence t;e Iue-tion- /;ic; ;a8e occu)ied -o (uc; radica. critici-( in t;e ei';tie-5 i- Bor'e-+ are 1a.8ino+ Madonna+ 7Ea-tender-7 tran-'re--i8eH 9or /;en 22 5ntrod%ction6 Reconstr%ctions t;ere i- no 7out-ide7 critica. )o-ition or -ocia. a'ency t;i- can be (ore t;an a 7te0tua.7 (atter. Nor do 3a(e-on7- o/n :e/ e0a().e- o: t;e -ubordinate and re-i-tant ;e.) ;ere. One .iterary e0a().e ;e 'i8e- i- o: E.!. Doctoro/. Doctoro/7- :iction ado)t- t;e -c;iJoid narrati8e (ode- o: )o-t(oderni-( to undo or -6irt t;e -y-te(+ and e-)ecia..y to in8e-ti'ate t;e )rob.e( o: t;e .o-- o: ;i-tory t;i- induce-. T;i- i- a6in to 3a(e-on7- o/n in-ider )o-t(oderni-(+ )re-entin' a- ;e -ty.e- it+ a 7;o(eo)at;ic7 -o.ution to )o-t(odern i..-. B ,e di-cu--e- Doctoro/7- Ra ti!e, e-)ecia..y+ in t;e-e ter(- and no (ore t;an (ention- ;iot;er /or6. &et T$e Book of 7aniel, /;ic; co(bine- :act and :iction to e0a(ine t;e tria. and e0ecution o: t;e Ro-enber'- Et;e 7#to( Bo(b S)ie-7$ and it- a:ter-e::ect- on t;eir :ictiona.i-ed c;i.dren+ 8ery direct.y )re-ent- t;e )rob.e( o: )o.itica. ana.y-i- and inter)retation. T;rou'; t;e :i'ure o: t;e :ictiona. -on+ Danie. - -o na(ed becau-e o: t;e Bib.ica. Danie. /;o i- t;e inter)reter o: drea(-+ 8i-ion-+ a))arition- - Doctoro/ can -et t;e deter(ini-tic ana.y-i- o: t;e O.d !e:t re)re-ented by 3u.iu- I-aac-on/ Ro-enber' E.ecturin' ;i-on on t;e .ie- o: ca)ita.i-( encoded in a cerea. ad. or co(ic boo6 or radio broadca-t$ a'ain-t t;e -ub8er-i8e counter cu.tura. Eear.y )o-t(oderni-t$ ana.y-i- o: t;e Ne/ !e:t. T;i- i- re)re-ented by #rtie Ste(.ic;t+ /;o /ou.d u-e TC to -ub8ert t;e -tatu- Iuo and /ou.d ;a8e turned t;e Ro-enber' tria. u)on t;e accu-er- in a )iece o: )o.itica. t;eatre. T;e (e--a'e o: #rtie7- /a.. o: co..a'ed cu.tura. i(a'e-

i- 7E8eryt;in' t;at ca(e be:ore i- a.. t;e -a(e.7 Danie.7- o/n .ater ana.y-i-+ ;o/e8er+ -i'ni:icant.y o: t;e ;y)er-)ace o: Di-ney.and+ ione /;ic; e0)o-e- t;e -e.ecti8e+ co((ercia.i-ed cu.tura. (e(ory o: (idd.e #(erica+ a- /e.. a- it- acti8e )rinci).e- o: e0c.u-ion Eno un-a8oury ;i))ie-+ :e/ )oor b.ac6- or Me0ican- in Di-ney.and$. Danie.7- 7readin'7 i- a (ode. o: a ne/ )o-t(odern ideo.o'y -critiIue+ o: a 6ind 3a(e-on a))ear- to -ay+ and ot;er- certain.y do -ay+ i- i()o--ib.e. Danie.7- de(yt;o.o'i-in' inter)retation o: t;e #(erican Drea( de)end-+ o: cour-e+ on an a--u(ed di-tinction bet/een ideo.o'ica. -ur:ace and trut;:u. de)t; E-i'ni:ier and -i'ni:ied+ te0t and /or.d$ /e are to.d ;a- de-erted u-. But yet 3a(e-on+ :or one+ -)ea6- o: t;e 7dee)er .e8e.7 o: t;e econo(y and t;eori-e- t;e e0i-tence o: a 7)o.itica. uncon-ciou-7+ in a di-cour-e t;at i- :u.. o: E:or t;i- reader+ bri..iant$ inter)retati8e in-i';t. # :urt;er )rob.e( concern- t;e Iue-tion o: )eriodi-ation. #- Mi6e Da8i- and 1a..inico- ;a8e )ointed out+ 3a(e-on -ee)o-t(oderni-( a- occurrin' 7in t;e .ate :i:tie- and ear.y -i0tie-7+ /;erea- Erne-t Mande.+ /;o-e t;eory o: t;e de8e.o)(ent o: ca)ita. ;e dra/- u)on+ a--ociate- .ate+ (u.tinationa. ca)ita.i-( /it; t;e .on'er )o-t-/ar )eriod+ and -ee- a deci-i8e brea6 in 14A -A?. 4 1a..inico-ee- t;i- );a-e a- brin'in' an inten-i:ication in ca)ita.i-( Ea- doe- 3a(e-on$ but not a radica. brea6 2< -odernis!5Post!odernis! into )o-t(oderni-( Eor t;e (ode o: )roduction -ty.ed 7)o-t-9ordi-(7$. #.on' /it; ot;er co((entator- E-ee ,ar8ey+ )). 1B<-?+ and Da8i-+ S)rin6er and P:ei. Eed-$+ T$e +ear *eft, 14B?$ ;e 8ie/- )o-t(oderni-in a- t;e cu.ture o: a ne/ co()u.-i8e.y con-u(eri-t (idd.e c.a-- Et;e 7&u))ie-7 o: t;e ei';tie-$+ and an e0)re--ion o: t;e di-i..u-ion(ent o: !e:t inte..ectua.- a:ter t;e de:eat- o: 14@B. T;i- -u)).ie- a -ocia. anc;ora'e .ac6in' in 3a(e-on+ but i- not entire.y con8incin'. T;e -ocia. and cu.tura. de8e.o)(ent- di-cu--ed ear.ier+ :or e0a().e+ (a6e )o-t(oderni-( a broader a::air t;an e8ent- o: t;e ei';tie- or t;e )o.itica. tone o: )o-t-@B can e0).ain+ re.e8ant t;ou'; t;e-e are. #.-o it /ou.d be /ron' to -ee 3a(e-on and ot;er 7.ate7 or 7)o-t -Mar0i-t-7 a- ;a8in' abandoned c.a-- )o.itic- or Mar0i-t critiIue in Iue-tionin' c.a--ica. Mar0i-(. %;at i- true I t;in6 i- t;at 3a(e-on doe- not at a.. con-ider /;o ;i- )o-t(oderni-( i- a 7cu.tura. do(inant7 :or. T;i- i- brou';t out in Da8i-7- counter-ana.y-i- o: t;e Bona8enture ,ote. E-ee 3a(e-on e0tract+ ). 1A2-@ and Da8i- in Ka).an Eed.$+ 14B?$. %;ere 3a(e-on -ee- a ne/ a..-ab-orbin' )ub.ic ;y)er-)ace+ Da8i- -;o/- ;o/ t;e urban renai--ance o: do/nto/n !o- #n'e.eEa- e.-e/;ere$ i- in-)ired by a /a8e o: un)recedented :inancia. -)ecu.ation /;ic; ;a- en:orced ne/ );y-ica. and c.a-- )o.aritie-. T;e (ore 'enera. )oint i- t;at 3a(e-on a--u(e- t;at ;i- e0)erience and )erce)tion- are e(b.e(atic+ a- in ;i- t;ou';t- on ;o/ t;e e-ca.atorand e.e8ator- in t;e ;ote. re).ace and -e.:-re:.e0i8e.y de-i'nate (o8e(ent+ or t;e /ay' .o-t in t;e .obby encoura'e- ;i( to -ee di-orientation a- a 'enera. )-yc;ic condition o: t;e--uib.i(e.y unre)re-entab.e )o-t(odern ;y)er-)ace. %;at doe- it (ean+ Iuite -i().y+ i: 7/e7 do not reco'ni-e t;i- e0)erience a- 7our-7H T;e )rob.e( i- t;at 3a(e-on a- a /;ite+ (a.e+ #(erican E)o-t -$ Mar0i-t inte..ectua. Et;i- i- not an accu-ation$ )re-ent- a ;i';.y )ro:i.ed+ )er;a)- do(inant+ but )ri(ari.y %e-t 1oa-t #(erican e0)erience a- a cu.tura. uni8er-a.. Stuart ,a.. ;a- de-cribed )o-t(oderni-( a- t;e /ay 7t;e /or.d ;a- drea(ed it-e.: D#(ericanD7. ?0 To t;e de'ree t;at t;e /or.d ;a- antici)ated or en8ied t;e bounty o: (ode(i-ation+ t;e .iberty o: t;e 7.itt.e %e-t-7 a- )redicted+ e8en it- decadent '.a(our+ Nort; #(erica ;a- indeed been a ).ace+ a de-tiny in t;e /or.d7- uncon-ciou-. But yet /;i.e t;e /or.d ;a- been drea(in' #(erica+ #(erica ;a- in it- turn drea(ed t;e /or.d in it- o/n )o-t(odern (a-ter i(a'e. T;e o.d:a-;ioned )o.itica. trut; to t;e decentred ).entitude and ec.ectici-( o: )o-t(oderni-( i- t;at #(erica ;o.d- t;e centre and (o-t o: t;e o)tion-+ at t;e ;ub o: 9ir-t %or.d %e-tern do(ination. #- an ;i-torica. condition )o-t(oderni-( i- inti(ate.y connected to t;e b.unt :act- o: econo(ic+ )o.itica. and (i.itary )o/er+ and ;a- con:ir(ed #(erica and t;e %e-t7-' cu.tura. in:.uence - inc.udin' t;e (a'neti-( o: it- (yt;o.o'ie- and t;e contro. %e-tern inte..ectua.- e0erci-e o8er co((unication -y-te(- and re'i(e- o: trut;. 2 5ntrod%ction6 Reconstr%ctions Bac6 to a Ne/ 9uturi-( %;at i- out-ide or beyond )o-t(oderni-(H One t;in' -ee(- c.ear5 radica. critici-( need not+ indeed+ cannot return to c.a--ica. Mar0i-( a- i: )o-t(oderni-( /ere a brea6 :or ad8erti-e(ent-. T;e 6ey e::ect o: a )o.itici-ed+ 7/or.d.y7+ decon-tructi8e )o-t(oderni-( ;a- been to di-articu.ate do(inant narrati8e-+ tradition- and ideo.o'ie-. In t;i- /ay it ;a- Iue-tioned t;e uni8er-a.i-in' a--u()tion- o: t;e (a.e -e.:+ t;e -u)er (onoa'ency o: t;e traditiona. /or6in' c.a--+ t;e )o/er o: t;e *nited State- and t;e et;nocentrici-( o: %e-tern ca)ita.i-t nation-+ inte..ectua. debate and (edia. Po-t(odern tec;no.o'ie- and t;eory ;a8e ;e.)ed brin' t;e (ar'ina.+ t;e re)re--ed and un8oiced into 8ie/ and into ;earin'. T;u- 'rou)- a--ociated /it; t;e (a'aJine- (ocial TeCt Einc.udin' 3a(e-on$+ 2cto&er, and in En'.and+ -arCis! Toda), ;a8e /or6ed /it;in and a/ay :ro( c.a--ica. Mar0i-(+ .oo6in' to t;e "ra(-cian conce)t- o: ;e'e(ony and t;e .on'-ter( 7/ar o: )o-ition7 rat;er t;an t;e a..-or-not;in' con:rontation o: t;e 7/ar o: (anoeu8re7. T;ey ;a8e atte()ted to ta6e account o: ne/ -ocia. (o8e(ent-+ (obi.i-in' Iue-tion- o: race and 'ender a- /e.. a- -ocia. c.a--. Ne/ )o.itica. and ;u(anitarian (o8e(ent-+ )re--ure 'rou)-+ de(on-tration-+ and roc6 e8ent- e().oyin' )o-t(odern co((unication tec;no.o'ie- ;a8e contributed to t;iorientation. %;et;er o))re--ed and (ar'ina.i-ed 'rou)- are t;ereby e()o/ered or .o-t in a centre.e-- /or.d+ or /or-e+ neutra.i-ed in t;e :.attery o: )ub.icity and i(itation+ beco(e- a :urt;er t;eoretica. and )o.itica. Iue-tion. 1;anta. Mou::e+ ar'uin' :or a )o-t(ode(i-t critiIue o: t;e e--entia.i-t a--u()tion- o: t;e En.i';ten(ent )ro=ect+ -et- out one -trate'y5 Radica. de(ocracy de(and- t;at /e ac6no/.ed'e di::erence+ t;e ) t;e (u.ti).e+ t;e ;etero'eneou- - in e::ect e8eryt;in' t;at ;a- been e0c.uded by t;e conce)t o: Man in t;e ab-tract. *ni8er-a.i-( i- not re=ected but )articu.ariJed5 /;at i- needed i- a ne/ 6ind o: articu.ation bet/een t;e uni8er-a. and t;e ) To )ut t;i- :ro( a di::erent an'.e+ in attendin' to -in'.e-i--ue ca()ai'n- and -tru''.e-+ a critica. )o-t(oderni-( (eet- t;e (icro)o.itic- o: a 9oucau.dian )o-t-tructura.i-( and =oin-+ indeed .earn- :ro(+ t;e e();a-e- o: :eniini-(. 9eirdni-t account- o:

)o-t(oderni-( ;a8e (ade t;e (a.e do(ination o: t;e 7tradition7 E,aber(a-+ !yotard+ Rorty+ Baudri..ard+ 3a(e-on$ ob8iou-. Radica. (a.e critic- ;a8e ;ad t;e 'a..+ /;at i- (ore - a- Mea';an Morri- /a- a(on' t;e :ir-t to )oint out - to co((ent on t;e a))arent :ai.ure o: /o(en to contribute to t;e debate.?2 Morri- )re:er- to en.i-t t;e )o-tinoderni-t -trate'y o: 7rereadin'7 and Ire/ritin'7 te0t- to a--i-t t;e )o.itica. 'oa.- o: :e(ini-( rat;er t;an 2? -odernis!5Post!odernis! contri8e a :e(ini-t 7contribution7 to )o-t(oderni-(. 9or ot;er-+ t;e a--ociation o: :e(ini-( /it; 9renc; decon-truction ;a- (eant t;at :e(ini-( and )o-t(oderni-( are 7natura. 9e(ini-(7- a..e'iance to t;e En.i';ten(ent 'oa.- o: eIua.ity and =u-tice Ei: t;i- i- not it-e.: re=ected a- a (a.e tradition$ .ead- -ti.. ot;er- to re=ect )o-t(oderni-(.1 9e(ini-( t;ere:ore 8ery acute.y rai-e- t;e Iue-tion o: t;e co()atibi.ity o: t;e-e t/o (o8e(ent-+ a- /e.. a- t;e )o.itica. re.ation bet/een t;e decentred and .oca.+ and t;e uni:ied and '.oba.. #abo8e+ one can ;aJard t;at e::ecti8e )o.itica. action de)end- on a :.e0ib.e a))re;en-ion o: t;e ten-ion+ :riction and identity+ in -;ort t;e dia.o'ic re.ation bet/een t;e-e -ite-+ rat;er t;an t;e ab-or)tion o: one in t;e ot;er. In t;e .a-t decade t;i- cu.tura. dia.o'ic- ;a- co(e (ore e8ident.y to inc.ude re.ation- bet/een t;e 9ir-t+ Second and T;ird %or.d-+ a'ain .oca..y+ /it;in nationa. cu.ture-+ a- /e.. a- internationa..y. T;e c.a-; bet/een Sa.(an Ru-;die7- )o-t(oderni-t -atire T$e (atanic 8erses and 7)re(odern7 Mu-.i( do'(a Et;e I-.a(ic re8o.ution ;a- a.-o+ a-toni-;in'.y+ been de-cribed a- )o-t(oderni-t$ i- a dra(atic e0a().e o: t;i-+ a- are t;e /or.d-/ide c;a..en'e to a)art;eid+ and t;e :i--i)arou- de8e.o)(ent- in Ea-tern Euro)e and t;e So8iet *nion. ,u(an c;aracter -ee(- on t;e )oint o: c;an'in' yet a'ain. Per;a)-. 9or t;e-e 8ery rea. e8ent- ;a8e :orced t;e a(bi'uitie- o: t;e ter(7)o-t(odern7 and 7)o-t(oderni-t7 to t;e -ur:ace a- :eature- o: a 'enera. end-o:-century uncertainty. I /ant to o::er -o(e :ina.+ (ode-t c.ari:ication o: t;e-e ter(- and -o(e o)inion on a :uture cu.tura. )o.itic-. To be'in /it;+ -o(e di-tinction bet/een 7)o-t(oderni-(7 and 7)o-t(odernity7 -ee(- to (e nece--ary. I: /e re-er8e t;e :ir-t Ea- I be.ie8e t;e Ru-;die a::air con:ir(- /e -;ou.d$ :or a -et o: )articu.ari-ed arti-tic+ );i.o-o);ica. and cu.tura. (ode-+ -e.: -con-ciou-.y but not e0c.u-i8e.y ado)ted in t;e ;i-torica. )eriod o: )o-t(odernity+ and -ee t;e-e a- in one /ay or anot;er de:inin' t;e .i8ed rea.ity o: it-tructure- o: t;ou';t and'+ t;en it i- c.ear E/;ate8er i- ;a))enin' in detai. in t;e-e :ir-t -);ere-$ t;at t;e 'enera. -ocia.+ econo(ic and )o.itica. order- intended by t;e -econd ter( are under'oin' (o(entou-+ e8en re8o.utionary c;an'e. Di-cu--ion on t;e direction o: t;i- c;an'e re-e(b.e- t;e ar'u(ent- re:erred to ear.ier on 7)o-t(oderni-(7 E7)o-t(odernity7 i: you /i..$ a- an ;i-torica. )eriod+ acon-titutin' eit;er a radica. -ocia. and econo(ic brea6 or an inten-i:ication o: ca)ita.i-(. On t;e one ;and+ a- t;e 7(odernEi-t$7 /or.d- o: t;e Ea-tern b.oc+ and t;e -ocia.+ indu-tria. and )o.itica. (ode. a--ociated /it; t;e( are brou';t (ani:e-t.y to an end+ t;i- i- ) a- t;e 7end o: ;i-tory7 and t;e un:ettered triu(); o: %e-tern ca)ita.i-( and .ibera. de(ocracy Et;ou'; 9ranci- 9u6uya(a+ t;e c;ie: aut;or o: t;i- t;e-i-+ -)ea6- o: t;e -;oddine-- o: con-u(er cu.ture and o: 7an e()tine-- at t;e core o: .ibera.i-(7$.7 On t;e ot;er ;and+ t;e-e e8ent- ur'e t;e creation o: a ne/ 2@ 5ntrod%ction6 Reconstr%ctions ).ura.i-t order+ a 7de(ocratic radica.i-(7 a- abo8e+ or a ne/.y 'rounded conce)t o: rationa.ity /;ic; /i.. :ree t;e En.i';ten(ent )ro=ect o: it- t;eoretica. and ;i-torica. di-tortion- .?? 9or -o(e t;i- (ean- t;e era o: )o-t-anyt;in' i- o8er. But yet t;e )ro=ected -cenario- :or t;i- ne/ );a-e are tied -ti.. to Iue-tion- o: ca)ita.i-t econo(ic and cu.tura. )roduction+ /;et;er o: t;eir e0)an-ion or tran-:or(ation+ and ideo.o'ica..y to t;e o)tion- o: .ibera. indi8idua.i-( or radica. de(ocracy+ /it; I-.a(ic and 1o((uni-t :unda(enta.i-( and neo-:aci-( a- outrider-. T;e )o.itica. Iue-tion- o: )o-t(odernity deri8e t;ere:ore :ro( t;e )ro=ect o: (odernity+ brou';t to a ne/ t;re-;o.d but not -ur)a--ed. Muc; t;e -a(e i- true I t;in6 o: 7)o-t(oderni-(7 Et;ou'; I do not /ant to -u''e-t t;i- -ync;roni-e- /it; t;e cour-e o: )o.itica. (odernity/ )o-t(odernity$. My ar'u(ent in ear.ier -ection- ;a- been t;at t;e di8er-e 'rou)in'- o: 7(oderni-(7 /ere narro/ed in #n'.o-#(erican critici-( to a tradition o: )redo(inant.y (a.e+ )redo(inant.y con-er8ati8e+ ;i'; (oderni-t-+ t;at t;i- 7traditiona.i-t (oderni-(7 /a- 8a.ued :or it- :or(a. inno8ation and e0)re--ion o: a 7(odern7 -en-ibi.ity+ and a.(o-t -i(u.taneou-.y de:ined and de).oyed a'ain-t t;e encroac;(ent- o: (oderni-ation and (a-- E)o-t(ode($ -ociety. In a -econd+ and continuin'+ -i().i:ication t;ia.ready -e.ecti8e.radition /a- re=ected by critic- -y()at;etic to )o-t(oderni-( :or it- -u))o-ed 8ice- o: arti-tic autono(y+ @1i:i-( and denia. o: t;e )a-t.7 It i- on.y too c.ear+ ;o/e8er+ t;at t;e te0t- o: ;i'; (oderni-( e().oyed (yt; and (u-ica. :or(+ :or e0a().e+ in a -tru''.e to incor)orate and -o order t;e (ateria. o: 7c;ao-7+ to di-tance and tran-cend conte()orary ;i-tory certain.y+ but a.-o to re-u-citate and 7recyc.e7 t;e )a-t. It ;a- to be -aid too t;at t;ou'; t;i- tradition /a- .i6e.y to re=ect (a-- cu.ture it did e-tee( -trand- in )o) or :o.6 cu.ture. Pound7- "antos are a (a--i8e e0a().e o: t;e-e :eature-. !i6e ot;er 6ey (oderni-t te0t- it i- a 7record o: -tru''.e7+ and in t;e end a -e.:-con-ciou-.y ac6no/.ed'ed 7:ai.ure7 a- bot; arti-tic and ideo.o'ica. unity. To -ee t;e "antos a- a di-en'a'ed+ ;er(etica..y -ea.ed art ob=ect+ a- -o(e )o-t(oderni-t critic- c;oo-e to -ee t;e te0t- o: (oderni-(+ i-+ )er8er-e.y+ to endor-e t;e -e.ecti8e readin' /;ic; canoni-ed 7traditiona.i-t (oderni-(7. It /a- t;e rea. .ac6 o: co;erence and unity in (oderni-t /or6- /;ic; t;e ne/ #(erican a8ant-'arde reco'ni-ed and )ri-ed o)en. %it; t;e ad8ent o: #(erican (a-- cu.ture and t;e :ir-t );a-e o: -ocia. (odernity+ )o-t(oderni-( ca(e to -i'na. a )o-iti8e re8a.uation o: a di8er-i:ied (oderni-(. In one direction )oetry+ t;e no8e. and 9renc;i()orted t;eory continued t;i- rene/a.+ e0tendin' t;e in-i';t- and )ractice- o: t;e ;i-torica. a8ant-'arde in a -erie- o: decon-tructi8e E/;at I ;a8e been inc.ined to ca.. ne/ or .ate (oderni-t$ 'e-ture-. 9ro( t;e -i0tie- and -e8entie- t;i- ;a- (eant t;e )ub.ication and critica. re-readin' o: (ar'ina.i-ed (oderni-t- E%.1. %i..ia(-+ ,.D. Mina !oy$. 1ritici-(+ 2A -odernis!5Post!odernis!

.iterature+ and ot;er+ ne/er+ art :or(- ;a8e e().oyed (i0ed (ode- and (edia+ accentuatin' /;i.e re-ituatin' (oderni-t -e.:-re:.e0i8ene-- in a doub.e-codin' /;ic; atte()ted to (a6e 'ood a ne/ cu.tura. )o.itic-. In anot;er direction )o-t(oderni-( ;a(o8ed to/ard- a re-i'ned+ -e.:)arodic or -e.:-de.udin' ae-t;etici-(. %;i.e t;e -econd abandon- (i(e-i-+ t;e :ir-t - no .on'er -eriou-.y an a8ant-'arde -ince no one can be a;ead :or .on' - ;a- to do batt.e in t;e )o-t(odern arena /it; t;e (eta(or);ic 'iant o: t;e :ree (ar6et+ bobbin'+ /ea8in'+ 8entri.oIui-in'+ -ubdi8idin'+ -o a- to 'et a 'ri) on 7rea.ity7. T;i- i- t;e 7;o(eo)at;ic7 )o-t(oderni-( de-cribed by 3a(e-on. T;ere are ot;er tendencie- in #n'.o-#(erican /ritin'+ ;o/e8er+ and o: cour-e e.-e/;ere+ /;ic; do not con:or( to t;i- ty)e. #- /e.. a- t;e bu.6 )roduction o: con8entiona..y rea.i-t or 'enre :or(- in .iterature+ :i.( and te.e8i-ion+ #:ro-#(erican /ritin'+ :or e0a().e+ -;o/- a -tron' attac;(ent to autobio'ra);y+ to cu.tura..y rooted :anta-y+ and to t;e ;i-torica. record+ .o-t or (yt;o.o'i-ed :ro( cu.tura. (e(ory. Toni Morri-on7- Belo0ed i- a recent -tri6in' e0a().e o: -uc; a :ictiona. re-earc;. Doctoro/+ a- (entioned+ ;a- a.-o /i-;ed to re-tore )art- o: t;i- (e(ory. %e (i';t t;in6 o: t;i- /or6 a- a 7ne/ rea.i-(7+ ;a8in' -o(et;in' in co((on /it; !atin #(erican 7(a'ic rea.i-(7 and /it; Ea-t Euro)ean and #:rican )o.itica. rea.i-(. Rea.i-(+ ;o/e8er+ i- a notoriou-.y di::icu.t cate'ory. In En'.i-; critici-( Ray(ond %i..ia(- in a .ate e--ay 7%;en /a- (oderni-(H7 ca..ed :or t;e re-toration o: t;e 'reat nineteent;century rea.i-t- SA ,i- t;in6in' reca..- !u6ic-7ear.ier di-(i--a. o: 7e0)re--ioni-t (oderni-(7+ but in t;i- ne/ :or( 8oice- an i()atience /it; t;e co..ocation o: -tructura.i-t Mar0i-(+ !acanian )-yc;oana.y-i- and t;e Brec;tian critiIue o: 7c.a--ic rea.i-(7 /;ic; -;a)ed t;e career o: Briti-; )o-t-tructura.i-(. T;e 7Brec;tian 8oodoo7 i- -aid to ;a8e b.o/n it-e.: outF 'one t;e /ay o: t;e out(oded 7i-(-7 o: Mar0i-(+ (oderni-( and co((uni-(. My o/n 8ie/+ a- I ;a8e ar'ued e.-e/;ere+ i- t;at !e:t )o-t(oderni-( need- to t;e tradition o: /;ic; Brec;t i- a .eadin' e0a().e rat;er t;an -urrender or di-(i-- it.-1B Brec;t7- de-cri)tion o: a )o) :.e0ib.e and e0)eri(enta. rea.i-( /a- a.ready ).ura.i-t and de(ocratic+ and re(ain- o)en to re8i-ion+ no/ a- in ear.ier )eriod- E-ee )). <A- $. More 'enera..y+ t;e tradition /;ic; connect- Brec;t+ %a.ter Ben=a(in+ t;e arti-t and t;eatre 'rou)- o: %ei(ar "er(any+ and t;e Re8o.utionary So8iet a8ant-'arde ran in c.o-e counter)oint to #n'.o-#(erican traditiona.i-t (oderni-(. #nd %a.ter Ben=a(in+ t;e inter)reter o: Baude.aire+ o: Brec;t+ Prou-t and Ka:6a+ i- a -a.utary a.ternati8e to ;i- -o(eti(e conte()orary T.S. E.iot. %;erea- E.iot /i-;ed to ab-orb t;e :ra'(entary and contin'ent /;ic; Baude.aire ;ad identi:ied a- t;e -i'n o: (odernity into t;e unitie- o: a -e.:-correctin' tradition and t;e eterna.+ 2B 5ntrod%ction6 Reconstr%ctions Ben=a(in -ituated it- -;oc6- and brea6- in a ;i-tory -tructured by continuou- -tru''.e+ a -erie- o: con-te..ation- o: t;e ancient and conte()orary. ,i- conce)t o: t;e 'Det3t3eit' E7t;e ti(e o: t;e no/7 $+?4 /;en a reco8ered )a-t b.a-t- out o: t;e continuu( o: ;i-tory to re-;a)e t;e )re-ent+ -u''e-t- an a.ternati8e to traditiona.i-t (oderni-(7- 7(a6e it ne/7+ a- it doe- to an a8ant-'arde ne'ation o: t;e )a-t+ or to t;e )a-t7- -ty.i-ation in a )o-t(odern (ar6et-).ace /;ic; (a6e- anyt;in' ne/ :or no/. I: Brec;t i- t;ou';t to be tainted by t;e record o: 7a.ready e0i-tin' -ocia.i-(7+ and Ben=a(in7- t;ou';t- on t;e de(ocratic )otentia. o: t;e ne/ tec;no.o'ie- are -een a- at be-t nai8e+ t;e 7(ac;ine ae-t;etic7 o: t;e re8o.utionary So8iet a8ant-'arde can e0)ect to .o-e bad.y on bot; count-. %;at i- (ore+ .i6e Brec;t+ So8iet art i- -een a- t;e -ub=ect o: a )o.itica. :ad+ a )iece o: t;e (yt;o.o'y o: t;e 'eneration o: 14@B /;o.oo6 bac6 -i().i-tica..y t;rou'; "odard to DJi'a Certo8 and Ei-en-tein. @0 &ett;e )ro'ra((e :or a )o) u-e o: ne/ tec;no.o'ie-+ :or co..aborati8e /or6 and )o) contro. in :i.(+ t;eatre+ );oto'ra);y+ indu-tria. and do(e-tic de-i'n and :a-;ion o: t;e 1on-tructi8i-t 'rou)- a--ociated /it; *ef and No8y *ef re(ain+ to (y (ind+ an in8a.uab.e (ode.. T;ere i- e8ery rea-on in t;e a'e o: (e'a-con-u()tion to -u))ort t;e de(ocratic contro. o: ne/er arti-tic (ean- o: )roduction+ and a ;i-torica. record o: So8iet and %ei(ar art need- to teac; u- ;o/ to -eiJe t;e-e e0a().e- a'ain :or t;i- )ur)o-e. %e need too a record o: t;e )o-t -/ar :ortune- o: inde)endent 'rou)- in )ub.i-;in'+ t;eatre+ :i.( and 8ideo. ,a8e t;ey a.. been coo)tedH I- t;i- an ine8itab.e con-eIuence o: reac;in' beyond t;e .oca.H Increa-in'.y+ Iue-tion- o: t;i- 6ind+ about t;e inte'rity and connectedne-- o: .oca. and co((unity 8enture- or -tru''.e- ;a8e co(e to co((and t;e debate- on )o-t(oderni-(. T;ey are a.. t;e (ore co()' :or bein' Iue-tion- about t;e :uture+ a- /e.. a- about t;e )re-ent and recent )a-t. Note1. 9R#NK KERMOD9+ 7Moderni-(-7 in "ontin%ities E!ondon5 Rout.ed'e P Ke'an Pau.+ 14@B$+ ). 2A. Sub-eIuent Iuotation- :ro( t;ie--ay are acco()anied by )a'e nu(ber- in t;e te0t. Guoted in Peter 9au.6ner Eed.$+ A -odernist Reader, -odernis! in En land 1410-14<0 E!ondon5 Bat-:ord+ 14B@$+ ). 1<. <. See Bradbury and 3a(e- Mc9ar.ane Eed-.$+ -odernis! E,ar(ond-/ort;5 Pen'uin+ 14A@$+ )). <0- :or di-cu--ion o: t;e 8ariab.e )eriodi-ation o: (oderni-(. T;e e0a().e- 'i8en ;ere are o: STEP,EN SPENDER T$e (tr% le of t$e -odern E!ondon5 ,a(i-; ,a(i.ton+ 14@<$F "R#,#( ,O*",+ ?: -odernis!5Post!odernis! 5!a e and EC#erience6 (t%dies in a *iterar) Re0ol%tion E!ondon5 Duc6/ort;+ 14@0$F ,#RR& !ECIN 7%;at /a- Moderni-(H7 E14@0$ in Refractions6 Essa)s in "o!#arati0e *iterat%re ENe/ &or6 and !ondon5 O0:ord *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14@@$F and 3*!I#N S&MONS+ -akers of t$e New6 t$e Re0ol%tion in *iterat%re 9:9?49:@: E!ondon5 #ndre- Deut-c;+ 14BA$. . See #RNO!D TO&NBEE+ A (t%d) of .istor), 8ol i0 E!ondon5 O0:ord *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14? $F 1,#R!ES O!SON 7T;e Pre-ent iPro.o'ue7 E14??$ in Additional Prose EBo.ina-+ 1a.i:ornia5 9our Sea-on- 9oundation+ 14A $+ )). <4- 0F IRCIN" ,O%E+ 7Ma-Society and Po-t(odern 9iction7 E14?4$+ in T$e 7ecline of t$e New E!ondon5 Cictor "o.IancJ+ 14A1$+ )). 140-24AF 9REDRI1 3#MESON+ 7Po-t(oderni-( and 1on-u(er Society7 in ,a. 9o-ter Post!odern "%lt%re E!ondon and Sydney+ 14B?$+ ). 11< and

7Po-t(oden-d-(+ or t;e 1u.tura. !o'ic o: !ate 1a)ita.i-(7+ New *eft Re0iew, 1 @ E14B $+ ). ?<F 1,#R!ES 3EN1KS+ T$e *an %a e of Post4-odern Arc$itect%re t; edn. E!ondon5 #cade(y Edition-+ 14B $+ ). 4. T;e ti(e and date 'i8en by 3enc6- /ere /;en t;e Pruitt - I'oe ;ou-in' -c;e(e in St !oui-+ Mi--ouri+ /a- dynan-dted. T;e u-e o: t;e ter(- (oderni-( and )o-t(oderni-( can ;a8e a Iuite di::erent a)).ication in t;e 8i-ua. art- and in arc;itecture t;an in .iterary debate. See STECEN 1ONNOR Post!odernist "%lt%re ENe/ &or6 and O0:ord5 Ba-i. B.ac6/e..+ 14B4$ :or an account o: t;e-e di::erent -);ere-. CIR"INI# %OO!9+ 7Mr Bennett and Mr- Bro/n7 E142 $ in "ollected Essa)s, 8ol. 9 E!ondon5 ,o'art; Pre--+ 14A1$+ ). <20. @. RO"ER 9R&+ 7Pre:ace7 to 71ata.o'ue o: t;e Second Po-t-I()re--ioni-t E0;ibition7 o: 1412+ 8ision and 7esi n E!ondon5 1;atto and %indu-+ 1421$+ )). 2 1+ 211-12. . T.S. E!IOT+ T$e "riterion E#)ri. 142 $+ Iuoted in 3u.ian Sy(on-+ o). cit. ). @@. B. T. S. E!IOT+ ''l)sses, Order and Myt;7 in (elected Prose, ed. 9. Ker(ode E!ondon5 9aber and 9aber+ 14A?$+ )). 1AA-B. 4. ROBERT "R#CES #ND !#*R# RIDIN"+ A (%r0e) of -odernist Poetr) E142A+ re)rinted Mic;i'an5 Sc; Pre--+ 14A2$+ )). BB+ B . 9o..o/in' Iuotation- :ro( t;i- 8o.u(e are acco()anied$~y )a'e nu(ber- in t;e te0t. 10. DE!MORE S1,%#RTK+ 7T.S. E.iot a- t;e Inte(atona. ,ero7 in *iterar) -odernis!, ed. Ir8in' ,o/e E"reen/ic;+ 1onnecticut5 9a/cett Pub.ication- Inc. 14@A$+ )). 2AA+ 2A4. 11. 9.R. !E#8i-+ 7Retro-)ect 14?07 in New Bearin s in En lis$ Poetr) E14?0$+ ,ar(ond-/ort;5 Pen'uin+ 14@A$+ ). 1AA. 12. !ES!IE 9IED!ER+ 71ro-- t;e Border - 1.o-e t;e "a) E14@4$ in T$e "ollected Essa)s of *eslie Fiedler, Co.. 2 ENe/ &or65 Stein and Day+ 14A1$+ )). @1-B?. 1<. D#CID #NTIN+ 7Moderni-( and Po-t(oderni-(5 #))roac;in' t;e Pre-ent in #(erican Poetry+ Bo%ndar),?. 5 E9a..+ 14A2$5 4B-1<<. 1 . DE!MORE S1,%#RTK+ 7Tbe Pre-ent State o: Poetry+ Iuoted in #ntin+ ibid.+ P. 101. 1?. DON#!D D#CIE+ Artic%late Ener ) E!ondon5 Rout.ed'e P Ke'an Pau.+ 14??$+ ). 1 A. 1@. I#N ,#MI!TON+ 7Inter8ie/- /it; P;i.i) !ar6in and 1;ri-to);er Midd.eton7 in <0 5ntrod%ction6 Reconstr%ctions Twentiet$4 "ent%r) Poetr), ed. "ra;a( Martin and P. N. 9urban6 EMi.ton Keyne-5 O)en *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14A?$+ ). 2 <. 1A. #!9RED K#KIN+ 7On Moderni-(7+ T$e New Re#%&lic E1A 3anuary 14A@$5 24-<1. 1B. ,#RR& !ECIN 7%;at %a- Moderni-(H7 in Refractions, o#. cit.+ )). 2B + 2A<+ 24 -?. 14. RI1,#RD E!!M#NN and 1,#R!ES 9EIDE!SON 3r Eed-$+ Pre:ace to T$e -odern Tradition ENe/ &or6 and O0:ord5 O0:ord *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14@?$+ ). 8ii. 20. IRCIN" ,O%E+ 7T;e Idea o: t;e Mode(7 in *iterar) -odernis!, ed. Ir8in' ,o/e+ o). cit.+ )). 11- 0. 9urt;er re:erence- to t;ie--ay are acco()anied by )a'e nu(ber- in t;e te0t. # (ore )o.i-;ed 8er-ion a))eared a- 7T;e 1u.ture o: Moderni-(7 re)rinted in 7ecline of t$e New E!ondon5 "o..ancJ+ 14A1$+ )). <-<<. 21. IRCIN" ,O%E+ 7Ne/ &or6 Inte..ectua.-7 in ibid.+ ). 2@?. 22. S*S#N SONT#"+ A ainst 5nter#retation ENe/ &or65 De..+ 14@A$+ ). 24A. 2<. !ES!IE 9IED!ER+ 7T;e Ne/ Mutant-7 in "ollected Essa)s, o). cit.+ ). <A4. 2 . !ES!IE 9IED!ER+ 71ro-- t;e border - 1.o-e t;e "a)7 in ibid.+ ). @ . 2?. I,#B ,#SS#N+ 7T;e 1u.ture o: Po-t(oderni-(7 in T$eor), "%lt%re and (ociet), ?, < E14B?$512<. 2@. 1,RISTINE BROoKE-Ro-E+ A R$etoric of t$e 'nreal E1a(brid'e5 1a(brid'e *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14B1$+ )). < @-4F and Su-an Rubin Su.ei(an+ 7Na(in' and Di::erence+ Re:.ection- on DModerrd-(. 0ers%s Po-t(oderni-(D in !iterature7 in A##roac$in Post!odernis!, ed. Dou/e 9o66e(a and ,an- Berten- E#(-terda( and P;i.ade.);ia5 3o;n Ben=a(in-+ 14B@$+ e-)ecia..y )). 2?4 -@2. Su.ei(an7- critici-(- are directed -)eci:ica..y at t;e -c;e(a a- )re-ented in ,a--an7- 7Po-t:ace7 to T$e 7is!e!&er!ent of 2r#$e%s6 Toward a Post!odern *iterat%re, 2nd edn. ENe/ &or65 O0:ord *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14B2$. 2A. I,#B ,#SS#N+ 7Idea- o: 1u.tura. 1;an'e7 in 5nno0ationlReno0ation. New Pers#ecti0es on t$e .%!anities, ed. I;ab ,a--an and Sa..y ,a--an EMadi-on5 *ni8er-ity o: %i-con-in Pre--+ 14B<$+ ). 24. 2B. I,#B ,#SS#N+ 7T;e 1u.ture o: Po-t(oderni-(7+ o). cit.+ ). 122. 24. I,#B ,#SS#N+ 7T;e 1ritic a- Inno8ator7 in A!erikast%dien, ??, 1 EStutt'art5;e+ 14AA$5 ?@+ @1. <0. I,#B ,#SS#N+ 7Idea- o: 1u.tura. 1;an'e7 in ,a--an and ,a--an Eed-$+ o). cit.+ ). <1. <1. R#M#N SE!DEN+ A Reader's G%ide to "onte!#orar) *iterar) T$eor), 2nd edn EBri';ton5 ,ar8e-ter Pre--+ 14B4$+ ). A2. <2. #NDRE#S ,*&SSEN+ After t$e Great 7i0ide, -odernis!, -ass "%lt%re, Post!odernis! EB.oo(in'ton5 Indiana *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14B@$+ ). 20A. <<. #!EQ 1#!!INI1O-+ A ainst Post!odernis! E1a(brid'e5 Po.ity Pre--/Ba-i. B.ac6/e..+ 14B4$+ ). @A. < . Ibid.+ ). A1. <?. S*S#N R*BIN S*!EIM#N+ %arnin' and Di::erence7+ o). cit.+ ). 2??. <1 -odernis!5Post!odernis! <@. #!I1E 3#RDINE+ G)nesis6 "onfi %rations of /o!en and -odernit) EIt;aca and !ondon5 1orne.. *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14B?$+ ). 22. <A. ,u&SSEN+ o). cit.+ ). 20@. <B. 3#1G*ES DERRID#+ /ritin and 7ifference E14@A$ tran-. and /it; introduction by Ba-- E1;ica'o5 *ni8er-ity o: 1;ica'o Pre--+ 14AB$+ ). 2BB. <4. ,u&SSEN+ O). 1it.+ ). <0B. 0. S*S#N SONT#" 7Note- on 1a()7 E14@ $ in A (%san (onta Reader, Introduction by E.iJabet; ,ard/ic6 E,ar(ond-/ort;5 Pen'uin+ 14B<$+ )). 11?+ 11@.

1 9or an introduction to !M#MNM"M*M#M"ME )oetry+ -ee 1;ar.e- Bern-tein and Bruce #ndre/- Eed-$+ T$e *EAENEGE'EAEGEE Book E1arbonda.e5 Sout;ern I..inoi- Pre--+ 14B $+ and STECE Mc1#99ER&+ Nort$ of 5ntention. "ritical /ritin s 9:<@49:A; ENe/ &or65 Roo: Boo6-F Toronto5 Ni';t/ood Edition-+ E14B@$. #n e0ce..ent di-cu--ion o: t;i- /ritin' a))ear- in PETER NI1,O!!S7 7Di::erence S)readin'. 9ro( "etrude Stein to !M#MNM"M*M#M"ME Poetry7 in "onte!#orar) Poetr) -eets -odern T$eor), ed. #. Ea-t;o)e and 3. T;o()-on EBri';ton5 ,ar8e-ter Pre--+ 1441$. 2. 3EROME K!INKo/rTJ+ *iterar) 7isr%#tions6 t$e -akin of a Post4 "onte!#orar) A!erican Fiction, 2nd edn. E*rbana5 *ni8er-ity o: I..inoi- Pre--+ 14B0$+ ). 14. <. Ibid.+ ). 20. . R#&MOND 9EDERM#N Eed.$ (%rfiction6 Fiction Now ... And To!orrow E1;ica'o5 T;e S/a..o/ Pre--+ 14A?$+ )). B-4. ?. 3E#N B#*DRI!!#RD+ A!erica E14B@$ tran-. 1;ri- Turner E!ondon and Ne/ &or65 Cer-o+ 14BB$+ ). B . @. 9REDRI1 3#MESON/T;e Po.itic- o: T;eory5 Ideo.o'ica. Po-ition- in t;e Po-t(oden-d-( Debate7 in -odern "riticis! and T$eor). A Reader, ed. Da8id !od'e E!ondon and Ne/ &or65 !on'(an+ 14BB$+ )). <AA-B. A. See t;e di-cu--ion in STECEN 1ONNOR+ Post!odernist "%lt%re, o#. cit.+ )). <-?0F and e--ay- in Dou'.a- Ke..ner Eed.$ Post!odernis!5ja!esonl"riti1%e E%a-;in'ton5 Mai-onneu8e Pre--+ 1440$. B. #NDERS STEP,#NSON+ 7Re'ardin' Po-t(oderrd-( - a 1on8er-ation /it; 9redric 3a(e-on7 in 'ni0ersal A&andonF T$e Politics of Post!odernis!, ed. #ndre/ Ro-- EEdinbur';5 Edinbur'; *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14B4$+ ). 1A. 4. See MIKE D#CIS 7*rban Renai--ance and t;e S)irit o: Po-t(oderni-(7 in Post!odernis! and its 7iscontents, ed. E.#. Ka).an E!ondon and Ne/ &or65 Cer-o+ 14BB$+ e-)ecia..y )). B0-1F and #!E0 1#!!INI1OS+ A ainst Post!odernis!, o#. cit.+ )). 1<2- . ?0. E!&J#BET, BIRD et al., 7On Po-t(oderrd-( and #rticu.ation5 an Inter8ie/ /it; Stuart ,a..7+ ed. !a/rence "ro--ber'+ Do%rnal of "o!!%nication 5n1%ir), 90 ESu((er+ 14B@$5 @. ?1. 1,#NT#! MO*99E+ 7Radica. De(ocracy5 Mode( or Po-t(ode(T in 'ni0ersal A&andonF o#. cit.+ ). <@. ?2. ME#",#N MORRIS+ Introduction to T$e Pirate's Fianc;e. Fe!inis!, Readin , Post!odernis! E!ondon and Ne/ &or65 Cer-o+ 14BB$+ )). 1-1@. ?<. On t;e-e )o-ition- -ee t;e 7Introduction7 and e--ay- in Fe!inis!l <2 5ntrod%ction6 Reconstr%ctions Post!odernis!, ed. !inda 3. Nic;o.-on ENe/ &or6 and !ondon5 Rout.ed'e+ 1440$. See e-)ecia..y in t;i- 8o.u(e IRIS M#RION &O*N" 7T;e Idea. o: 1o((unity and t;e Po.itic- o: Di::erence7 on t;e re.e8ance o: decon-truction+ )). <00-2<+ and 1,RISTINE Di STE9#NO+ 7Di.e((a- o: Di::erence5 9e(ini-(+ Modernity+ and Po-t(oderni-(7 on t;e :e(ini-t ca-e a'ain-t )o-t(oderni-(+ )). @< -B2. # -tron' -tate(ent o: t;e a::initie- bet/een :e(ini-( and En.i';ten(ent idea.- i- (ade by S#BRIN# !OCIBOND+ 79en -dni-( and Po-t(oderni-(7 in Post!odernis! and (ociet), ed. Roy Boyne and #.i Rattan-i EBa-in'-to6e5 Mac( 1440$+ )). 1? -B@. ? . Guoted in t;e G%ardian, No8e(ber 14B4+ ). 2?. ??. In addition to t;e (a=or e0a().e o: 3i.r'en ,aber(a-+ -ee a.-o on t;i- t;e(e ERNESTO !#1!#* #ND 1,#NT#! MO*99E .e e!on) and (ocialist (tate ) E!ondon and Ne/ &or65 Cer-o 14B?$F #!BRE1,T %E!!M#R 7On t;e Dia.ectic o: Moderni-( and Po-t(oderni-(7+ PraCis 5nternational, + Part + E14B?$5 <<A-@2+ and ST#N!E& #RONO%ITK+ 7Po-t(oderni-(. and Po.itic-7 in 'ni0ersal A&andonF, ed. #ndre/ Ro--+ o). cit.+ )). @-@2. ?@. # 8ie/ ta6en by !IND# ,uTc,EON in A Poetics of Post!odernis!. .istor), T$eor), Fiction E!ondon and Ne/ &or65 Rout.ed'e+ 14BB$. See c;a)ter- 1-< and t;e cate'orica. -tate(ent- on )). <0+ <. R#&MOND %I!!I#MS+ 7%;en /a- Moderni-(H7 in T$e Politics of -odernis! E!ondon and Ne/ &or65 Cer-o+ 14B4$+ )). <1-?. See t;e introduction to t;i- 8o.u(e 7Moderni-( and 1u.tura. T;eory7 by Tony Pin6ney+ e-)ecia..y )). 14-2A+ and (y re8ie/ in TeCt%al Practice, @51+ 1442. ?B. See PETER BROOKER+ 7Introduction. %;y S;ou.d Brec;t7- Na(e be MentionedT in Bertolt Brec$t. 7ialectics, Poetr), Politics E!ondon and Ne/ &or65 1roo( ,e.(+ 14BB$+ and 7%;y Brec;t+ or I- t;ere En'.i-; a:ter 1u.tura. Studie-T in Broadenin t$e "onteCt, ed. Mic;ae. "reen E!ondon5 3o;n Murray+ 14B4$+ )). 20-<1. ?4. %#!TER BEN3#MIN+ 7T;e-e- on t;e P;i.o-o);y o: ,i-tory7 in 5ll%!inations E14??$+ ed. and /it; introduction by ,anna; #rendt+ tran-. ,arry Ko;n E!ondon5 9ontana+ 14A<$+ ). 2@<. @0. See Introduction to Ian 1;ri-tie and Ric;ard Tay.or Eed-$+ Fil! Factor)6 R%ssian and (o0iet "ine!a in 7oc%!ents E!ondon and Ne/ &or65 Rout.ed'e+ 14BB$. @@

Moderni-t Po-ition*nti. /e.. into t;e )o-t-/ar )eriod+ -tudie- o: (oderni-( :o..o/ed t/o (ain )at;-+ t;e :ir-t in #n'.o-#(erican critici-(+ t;e -econd in %e-tern Mar0i-(. T;e /ay- in /;ic; a (oderni-t ort;odo0y /a- a--e(b.ed and t;en de:ended+ re/ritten+ or di-carded in t;e :ir-t tradition are con-idered in t;e Introduction E)). ?-1<$. T;e -econd+ be'innin' in debate- in So8iet and Euro)ean critici-( and );i.o-o);y in t;e .ate nineteent; century+ reac;ed it- c.a--ic :or(u.ation- in t;e t/entie- and t;irtie-. *nti. t;e -i0tie-+ t;e-e tradition- -;o/ed .itt.e co'ni-ance o: eac; ot;er Eand are -ti.. rare.y di-cu--ed to'et;er$+ in -)ite o: t;e :act t;at t;e -econd ;ad a.ready (o8ed it- ba-e Ea.beit :orcib.y$ to t;e -cene o: #(erican critici-( in t;e t;irtie- and :ortie-+ /;en t;e 9ran6:urt In-titute :or Socia. Re-earc;+ ;eaded by Ma0 ,or6;ei(er and T;eodor #dorno+ /a- re.ocated in Ne/ &or6+ and /;en (any arti-t- o: t;e Euro)ean a8ant -'arde -ou';t /or6 and re:u'e in t;e *nited State-. T;e In-titute :or Socia. Re-earc; i- -aid to ;a8e e0)erienced t;e con-traint- o: 7t;e rabid.y

counter-re8o.utionary c.i(ate o: #(erican cu.ture at t;eRti(e7 ,Aest$etics and Politics E!ondon5 Ne/ !e:t Boo6-+ 14AA$+Cer-o Edition 14B0+ ). 10?$ and to ;a8e neutra.i-ed t;e )o.itic- o: it- )ub.ication- accordin'.y Einc.udin' a.teration- to %a.ter Ben=a(in7- 7%or6 o: #rt in t;e #'e o: Mec;anica. Re)roduction7 in 14<@$. # :i'ure .i6e Brec;t a.-o :ound .i:e and )o.itic- uncon'enia. in t;e *nited State-+ e-)ecia..y in ,o..y/ood. T;e ti(e- )er;a)- did not a..o/ :or dia.o'ue acro-- t;e inte..ectua. or arti-tic tradition- o: -ocietie- at /ar. &et t;e #(erican cine(a /a- (uc; in:.uenced by Euro)ean E0)re--ioni-(+ and #dorno in ) )ur-ued a -ubt.e and -o(e/;at a-cetic de:ence o: (oderni-( c.o-e to t;e ;eart- o: ear.ier #(erican critic-+ i: unreco'ni-ed by t;e( unti. /e.. into t;e )o-t -/ar )eriod. One (i';t t;in6 too t;at t;e debate- in /;ic; #dorno+ Brec;t+ !u6ic- and Ben=a(in /ere in8o.8ed ;ad a.ready 'i8en one -et o: an-/er- to ,arry !e8in7- Iue-tion 7%;at %a- Moderni-(H7 in 14@0. T;e to)ic- e0a(ined in 7%e-tern Mar0i-(7 Eon t;e u-e and e::ect- o: <A -odernist Positions ne/ tec;no.o'ie-+ on art and (a-- cu.ture+ on a8ant-'arde e0)eri(ent and rea.i-t con8ention$ ;a8e a.-o continued to be re.e8ant to di-cu--ion- o: )o-t(oderni-(. Ben=a(in and Brec;t re(ain in-tructi8e+ a- -u''e-ted in t;e Introduction+ E)). 2B -24$ and Brec;t7- u-e in ;i- 7e)ic t;eatre7 o: di-continuou- narrati8e+ ;i-torici-ed tab.eau and 'e-ture+ contra)unta. (u-ic and -ta'e de-i'n -ee(- -tri6in'.y in tune /it; t;e decentred -trate'ie- o: )o-t(oderni-(. ESee !inda ,utc;eon+ Poetics of Post!odernis!, ##. 21B-21$. #dorno7- /or6+ -econd.y+ -)an- t;e (o(ent- o: (oderni-t and )o-t(odern debate a- /e.. a- rai-in' Iue-tion- o: t;eir continuity and di::erence - a-+ :or e0a().e+ in ;i- ad(iration :or Sa(ue. Bec6ett+ a :i'ure ot;er/i-e by bot; ca()-. ,erbert Marcu-e+ a (e(ber o: t;e 9ran6:urt Sc;oo. /;o+ e0ce)tiona..y+ e0erted an in:.uence on t;e counter-cu.tura. (o8e(ent- o: t;e -i0tie-+ identi:ied in t;e conce)t- o: 7re)re--i8e to.erance7 and 7de-ub.i(ation7 - t;e a--i(i.ation o: di--ent and t;e -ati-:action o: need- in (a-- con-u(er -ociety - /;at (any -ee a- t;e di-tin'ui-;in' :eature- o: cu.tura. )o-t(oderni-(. #.-o+ e8en t;ou'; :e/ /ou.d no/ endor-e it in it- ori'ina. ter(-+ "eor' !u6Sc-7di-(i--a. o: (oderni-( a- a ni;i.i-tic and -ub=ecti8i-t -y()to( o: a.ienation under ca)ita.i-( ;a- returned a- a =ud'e(ent u)on t;e .ater )o-t(oderni-(. Many too /ou.d dra/ -ti.. on !u6dc-7- ar'u(ent- in :a8our o: rea.i-(. 9redric 3a(e-on+ :or e0a().e+ ;a8in' -u''e-ted t;at t;e no/ 7auto(ati-ed7 con8ention- o: (oderni-t di-ru)tion and :ra'(entation ;a8e beco(e a cu.tura. ;abit+ ar'ue- t;at t;ey t;e(-e.8e- reIuire t;e correcti8e =o.t o: rea.i-( - 7a (ore tota.i-in' /ay o: 8ie/in' );eno(ena7 ,Aest$etics and Politics, 14AA+ ). 211$. T;e inten-i:ied rei:ication and o)acity o: .ate ca)ita.i-t -ociety+ ;e ar'ue-+ i: t;ey are to be under-tood and re-i-tedi -tand in need o: a ne/ rea.i-(+ and 7It (ay be !u6ic- -/ron' a- ;e (i';t ;a8e been in t;e 14<0- - /;o ;a- -o(e )ro8i-iona. .a-t /ord :or u- today7 Eibid+ ). 212F -ee a.-o Introduction+ )). 21- $. T;i- i- not to -u''e-t t;at t;e debate- on (oderni-( )re-e()t t;o-e on )o-t(oderni-(. It doe-+ ;o/e8er+ -;o/+ in t;e in8ariab.y con=oined de-cri)tion o: t;e-e :or(ation-+ ;o/ ear.ier conce)t- and )er-)ecti8e- can beco(e redundant or a--u(e a ne/ a)).ication. T;e /or6 o: t;e :i'ure- cited abo8e i- readi.y a8ai.ab.e and (uc; di-cu--ed. T;e 8o.u(e Aest$etics and Politics is e-)ecia..y u-e:u. and contain- i()ortant /or6 by #dorno+ Brec;t+ !u6#c- and Ben=a(in+ a- /e.. a- e0ce..ent co((entarie-. T;e :o..o/in' e0tract- ;a8e been -e.ected bot; to introduce t;i- /or6 and becau-e o: t;eir intere-t in re.ation to .ater contribution- on )o-t(oderni-(. <B

1 "eor'e !u6ac-+ :ro( T$e -eanin of "onte!#orar) Realis! Berto.t Brec;t+ :ro( 7T;e Po) and t;e Rea.i-tic7
T;e debate bet/een !u6#c- and Brec;t in t;e t;irtie- on t;e :or(- and )o.itica. e::ect o: 7critica.7 or 7-ocia.i-t rea.i-(7 ;a- continued to ran6 a- a (a=or t;e(e in Mar0i-t critici-(. !u6ic- 8a.ued t;e .iterary rea.i-( o: no8e.i-t- -uc; a- Ba.Jac and T;o(a- Mann a- a correct re:.ection o: t;e i()ortant deter(inin' :actor- o: 7t;e :u.. )roce-- o: .i:e7. In t;e conden-ed unity o: t;e indi8idua. and uni8er-a. co()ri- in' it- 7inten-i8e tota.ity7+ t;e rea.i-t no8e. corre-)onded+ !u6ic- ar'ued+ to t;e 7e0ten-i8e tota.ity7 o: t;e -ocia.+ /;o.e+ :ait;:u..y recordin' it- )ro're--i8e (o8e(ent. In t;e t;irtie- ;e attac6ed (oderni-t E0)re--ioni-(+ ) :or it- :ai.ure to (eet t;e-e criteria+ and returned .ater to a -u-tained critiIue o: (oderni-( in ;i- T$e -eanin of "onte!#orar) Realis!. ,ere !u6ic- -ee- (oderni-( a- a -ub=ecti8i-t and decadent rein:orce(ent o: ca)ita.i-t a.ienation+ a 8ie/ o))o-ed in di::erent ter(- by bot; #dorno E/;o 8ie/ed (oderni-( a- t;e ne'ation o: t;at rea.ity$ and by Brec;t. In T$e -eanin of "onte!#orar) Realis!, !u6ic- )rai-ed t;e rea.i-( o: certain o: Brec;t7- ).ay- ,Galileo, -ot$er "o%ra e, "a%casian "$alk "ircle=, but ;i- ter(- /ere ne8er Brec;t7- o/n. Brec;t -ou';t to radica.i-e t;e inno8atory arti-tic de8ice- o: (oderni-(. In an-/er to !u6ic-7- 7:or(a.i-t7 (ode. o: rea.i-( ;e t;ere:ore )ro)o-ed a :.e0ib.e )o) rea.i-(+ o)en to e0)eri(ent and t;e u-e o: ne/ (edia and to c;an'ed circu(-tance-. T;e ob=ect o: t;i- dia.ectica..y concei8ed 7Mar0i-t (oderni-(7 /a- to )ro8o6e a critica. 6no/.ed'e o: -ociety7- 7.a/- o: de8e.o)(ent7 and t;u- (a6e a )o) contro. o: )re-ent rea.ity and o: t;e :uture )o--ib.e. R "eor' !u6Sc-+ :ro( T$e -eanin of "onte!#orar) Realis!, tran-. 3o;n and Nec6e Mander E!ondon5 Pre--+ 14@<$+ )). 2 -@. Berto.t Brec;t :ro( 7T;e Po) and t;e Rea.i-tic7 E14<B+ re)rinted :ro( Brec$t on T$eatre ed. and tran-. 3o;n
%i..ett+ Ne/ &or65 ,i.. and %an'+ and !ondon5 Eyre Met;uen+ 14@ $+ )). 10B-110+ 111+ 112. <4

-odernist Positions

De8e.o)(ent- in )o-t(oderni-t t;eory+ inc.udin' t;e in:.uence o: )-yc;oana.y-i- and decon-truction u)on Mar0i-t critici-( /ou.d -ee( to ;a8e .e:t !u6ic-7- re:.ectioni-( and ;i- idea- o: .iterary unity and t;e -ocia. tota.ity :ar be;ind+ (a6in' Brec;t once (ore our conte()orary. ,o/e8er+ t;e di-cu--ion- re:erred to abo8e E-ee a.-o t;e Introduction+ ). 2B$ -;o/ t;at t;ere i- no -i().e con-en-u- on t;e-e (atter-. 9or :urt;er di-cu--ion+ -ee Cb.6er Brec$t6 A Bio ra#$) E!ondon and Bo-ton5 Marion Boyar-+ 14A4$F and !unn -arCis! and -odernis! E14B2$.
"EoR"E *%)Acs,

fro! T$e -eanin of "onte!#orar) Realis!

T;e .iterature o: rea.i-(+ ai(in' at a trut;:u. re:.ection o: rea.ity+ (u-t de(on-trate bot; t;e concrete and ab-tract )otentia.itie- o: ;u(an bein'- in e0tre(e -ituation- o: t;i- 6ind. # c;aracter7- concrete )otentia.ity once re8ea.ed+ ;i- ab-tract )otentia.itie- /i.. a))ear e--entia..y inaut;entic. Mora8ia+ :or in-tance+ in ;i- no8e. T$e 5ndifferent 2nes, de-cribe- t;e youn' -on o: a decadent bour'eoi- :a(i.y+ Mic;e.+ /;o (a6e- u) ;i- (ind to 6i.. ;i- -i-ter7- -educer. %;i.e Mic;e.+ ;a8in' (ade ;i- deci-ion+ i- ).annin' t;e (urder+ a .ar'e nu(ber o: ab-tract -but ;i';.y -u''e-ti8e - )o--ib.itie- are .aid be:ore u-. *n:ortunate.y :or Mic;e. t;e (urder i- actua..y carried outF and+ :ro( t;e -ordid detai.- o: t;e action+ Mic;e.7- c;aracter e(er'e- a- /;at it i- - re)re-entati8e o: t;at bac6'round :ro( /;ic;+ in -ub=ecti8e :anta-y+ ;e ;ad i(a'ined ;e cou.d e-ca)e. #b-tract )otentia.ity be.on'- /;o..y to t;e rea.( o: -ub=ecti8ityF /;erea- concrete )otentia.ity i- concerned /it; t;e dia.ectic bet/een t;e indi8idua.7- -ub=ecti8ity and ob=ecti8e rea.ity. T;e .iterary )re-entation o: t;e .atter t;u- i().ie- a de-cri)tion o: actua. )er-onin;abitin' a )a.)ab.e+ identi:iab.e /or.d. On.y in t;e interaction o: c;aracter and en8iron(ent can t;e concrete )otentia.ity o: a ) indi8idua. be -in'.ed out :ro( t;e 7bad in:inity7 o: )ure.y ab-tract )otentia.itie-+ and e(er'e a- t;e deter(inin' )otentia.ity o: =u-t t;iindi8idua. at =u-t t;i- );a-e o: ;i- de8e.o)(ent. T;i- )rinci).e enab.e- t;e arti-t to di-tin'ui-; concrete )otentia.ity :ro( a (yriad ab-traction-. But t;e onto.o'y on /;ic; t;e i(a'e o: (an in (oderni-t .iterature i- ba-ed in8a.idate- t;i- )rinci).e. I: t;e 7;u(an condition7 - (an a- a -o.itary bein'+ inca)ab.e o: (eanin':u. re.ation-;i)- - i- identi:ied /it; rea.ity it-e.:+ t;e di-tinction bet/een ab-tract and concrete )otentia.ity beco(e- nu.. and 8oid. T;e cate'orie- tend to (er'e. T;u- 1e-are 0 Geor *%k4cs and Bertolt Brec$t Pa8e-e note- /it; 3o;n Do- Pa--o-+ and ;i- "er(an conte()orary+ #.:red a -;ar) o-ci..ation bet/een 7-u)er:icia. 0eris!e' and 7ab-tract E0)re--ioni-t -c;e(ati-(7. 1riticiJin' Do- Pa--o-+ Pa8e-e /rite- t;at :ictiona. c;aracter- 7ou';t to be created by de.iberate -e.ection and de-cri)tion o: indi8idua. :eature- - i().yin' t;at Do- Pa--o-7 c;aracteriJation- are tran-:erab.e :ro( one indi8idua. to anot;er. ,e de-cribe- t;e arti-tic con-eIuence-5 by e0a.tin' (an7- -ub=ecti8ity+ at t;e e0)en-e o: t;e ob=ecti8e rea.ity o: ;i- en8iron(ent+ (an7- -ub=ecti8ity it-e.: i- i()o8eri-;ed. T;e )rob.e(+ once a'ain+ i- ideo.o'ica.. T;i- i- not to -ay t;at t;e ideo.o'y under.yin' (oderni-t /ritin'- i- identica. in a.. ca-e-. On t;e contrary5 t;e ideo.o'y e0i-t- in e0tre(e.y 8ariou-+ e8en contradictory :or(-. T;e re=ection o: narrati8e ob=ecti8ity+ t;e -urrender to -ub=ecti8ity+ (ay ta6e t;e :or( o: 3oyce7- -trea( o: con-ciou-ne--+ or o: Mu-i.7- +acti8e )a--i8ity7+ ;i- 7e0i-tence /it;out Iua.ity7+ or o: "ide7- 'action rat%ite', /;ere ab-tract )otentia.ity ac;ie8e- )-eudo-rea.iJation. #- indi8idua. c;aracter (ani:e-t- it-e.: in .i:e7- (o(ento: deci-ion+ -o too in .iterature. I: t;e di-tinction bet/een ab-tract and concrete )otentia.ity 8ani-;e-+ i: (an7- in/ardne-- i- identi:ied /it; an ab-tract -ub=ecti8ity+ ;u(an )er-ona.ity (u-t nece--ari.y di-inte'rate. T.S. E.iot de-cribed t;i- );eno(enon+ t;i- (ode o: )ortrayin' ;u(an )er-ona.ity+ aS;a)e /it;out :or(+ -;ade /it;out co.our+ Para.y-ed :orce+ 'e-ture /it;out (otion. T;e di-inte'ration o: )er-ona.ity i- (atc;ed by a di-inte'ration o: t;e outer /or.d. In one -en-e+ t;i- i- -i().y a :urt;er con-eIuence o: our ar'u(ent. 9or t;e identi:ication o: ab-tract and concrete ;u(an )otentia.ity re-t- on t;e a--u()tion t;at t;e ob=ecti8e /or.d iin;erent.y ine0).icab.e. 1ertain .eadin' (oderni-t /riter-+ atte()tin' a t;eoretica. a)o.o'y+ ;a8e ad(itted t;i- Iuite :ran6.y. O:ten t;it;eoretica. i()o--ibi.ity o: under-tandin' rea.ity i- t;e )oint o: de)arture+ rat;er t;an t;e e0a.tation o: -ub=ecti8ity. But in any ca-e t;e connection bet/een t;e t/o i- ).ain. T;e "er(an )oet "ott:ried Ber(+ :or in-tance+ in:or(- u- t;at 7t;ere i- no outer rea.ity+ t;ere i- on.y ;u(an con-ciou-ne--+ con-tant.y bui.din'+ (odi:yin'+ rebui.din' ne/ /or.d- out o: it- o/n creati8ity7. Mu-i.+ a- a./ay-+ 'i8e- a (ora. t/i-t to t;i- .ine o: t;ou';t. *.ric;+ t;e ;ero o: ;i- T$e -an wit$o%t G%alities, /;en a-6ed /;at ;e /ou.d do i: ;e /ere in "od7- ).ace+ re).ie-5 7I -;ou.d be co()e..ed to abo.i-; rea.ity.7 Sub=ecti8e e0i-tence 7/it;out Iua.itie-7 i- t;e co().e(ent o: t;e ne'ation o: out/ard rea.ity. T;e ne'ation o: out/ard rea.ity i- not a./ay- de(anded /it; -uc; t;eoretica. ri'our. But it i- )re-ent in a.(o-t a.. (oderni-t .iterature. In 1 Moderni-t Po-itioncon8er-ation+ Mu-i. once 'a8e a- t;e )eriod o: ;i- 'reat no8e.+ 7bet/een 1412 and 141 7. But ;e /a- Iuic6 to (odi:y t;i- -tate(ent by addin'5 7I ;a8e not+ I (u-t in-i-t+ /ritten a ;i-torica. no8e.. I a( not concerned /it; actua. e8ent- ... E8ent-+ any;o/+ are interc;an'eab.e. I a( intere-ted in /;at i- ty)ica.+ in /;at one (i';t ca.. t;e ';o-t.y a-)ect o: rea.ity.7 T;e /ord 7';o-t.y7 i- intere-tin'. It )oint- to a (a=or tendency in (oderni-t .iterature5 t;e attenuation o: actua.ity. In Ka:6a+ t;e de-cri)ti8e detai. i- o: an e0traordinary i((ediacy and

aut;enticity. But Ka:6a7- in'enuity i- rea..y directed to/ard- -ub-titutin' ;i- an'-t-ridden 8i-ion o: t;e /or.d :or ob=ecti8e rea.ity. T;e rea.i-tic detai. i- t;e e0)re--ion o: a ';o-t.y un-rea.ity+ o: a ni';t(are /or.d+ /;o-e :unction i- to e8o6e an'-t. T;e -a(e );eno(enon can be -een in /riter- /;o atte()t to co(bine Ka:6a7- tec;niIue- /it; a critiIue o: -ociety - .i6e t;e "er(an /riter-+ %o.:'an' Koe))en+ in ;i- -atirica. no8e. about Bonn+ Da- Treib;au-. # -i( attenuation o: rea.ity 3oyce7- -trea( o: con-ciou-ne--. It i-+ o: cour-e+ inten-i:ied /;ere t;e -trea( o: con-ciou-ne-- i- it-e.: t;e (ediu( t;rou'; /;ic; rea.ity i- )re-ented. #nd it i- carried ad ab-urdu( /;ere t;e -trea( o: con-ciou-ne-- i- t;at o: an abnor(a. -ub=ect or o: an idiot - con-ider t;e :ir-t )art o: 9au.6ner7- Sound and 9ury or+ a -ti.. (ore e0tre(e ca-e+ Bec6ett7- Mo..oy. #ttenuation o: rea.ity and di--o.ution o: )er-ona.ity are t;u- interde)endent5 t;e -tron'er t;e one+ t;e -tron'er t;e ot;er. *nder.yin' bot; i- t;e .ac6 o: a con-i-tent 8ie/ o: ;u(an nature. Man i- reduced to a -eIuence o: unre.ated e0)erientia. :ra'(ent-.
BERTO!T BRE1,T+ :ro(

7T;e Po) and t;e Rea.i-tic7

%e no/ co(e to t;e conce)t o: 7Rea.i-(7. It i- an o.d conce)t /;ic; ;a- been (uc; u-ed by (any (en and :or (any )ur)o-e-+ and be:ore it can be a)).ied /e (u-t -)rin'-c.ean it too. T;i- i- nece--ary becau-e /;en t;e )eo).e ta6e- o8er it- in;eritance t;ere ;a- to be a )roce-- o: e0)ro)riation. !iterary /or6- cannot be ta6en o8er .i6e :actorie-+ or .iterary :or(- o: e0)re--ion .i6e indu-tria. (et;od-. Rea.i-t /ritin'+ o: /;ic; ;i-tory o::er- (any /ide.y 8aryin' e0a().e-+ i- .i6e/i-e conditioned by t;e Iue-tion o: ;o/+ /;en and :or /;at c.a-- it i- (ade u-e o:5 conditioned do/n to t;e .a-t -(a.. detai.. #- /e ;a8e in (ind a :i';tin' )eo).e t;at i- c;an'in' t;e rea. /or.d /e (u-t not' to 7/e..tried7 ru.e- :or' a -tory+ /ort;y (ode.- -et u) by .iterary ;i-tory+ eterna. ae-t;etic .a/-. %e (u-t not ab-tract t;e one and on.y rea.i-( :ro( certain 'i8en /or6-+ but -;a.. (a6e a .i8e.y u-e o: a.. (ean-+ o.d and ne/+ tried and untried+ deri8in' :ro( art and deri8in' :ro( ot;er -ource-+ in order to )ut .i8in' rea.ity in t;e ;and- o: .i8in' )eo).e in 2 "eor' *%kdcs and Berto.t Brec;t -uc; a /ay t;at it can be (a-tered. %e -;a.. ta6e care not to a-cribe rea.i-( to a ) ;i-torica. :or( o: no8e. be.on'in' to a ) )eriod+ Ba.Jac7- or To.-toy7-+ :or in-tance+ -o a- to -et u) )ure.y :or(a. and .iterary criteria o: rea.i-(. %e -;a.. not re-trict our-e.8e- to -)ea6in' o: rea.i-( in ca-e- /;ere one can Ee.'.$ -(e..+ .oo6+ :ee. /;ate8er i- de)icted+ /;ere 7at(o-);ere7 i- created and -torie- de8e.o) in -uc; a /ay t;at t;e c;aracter- are )-yc;o.o'ica..y -tri))ed do/n. Our conce)tion o: rea.i-( need- to be broad and )o.itica.+ :ree :ro( ae-t;etic re-triction- and inde)endent o: con8ention. Rea.i-t (ean-5 .ayin' bare -ociety7- cau-a. net/or6/-;o/in' u) t;e do(inant 8ie/-)oint a- t;e 8ie/)oint o: t;e do(inator-//ritin' :ro( t;e -tand)oint o: t;e c.a-- /;ic; ;a- )re)ared t;e broade-t -o.ution- :or t;e (o-t )re--in' )rob.e(- a::.ictin' ;u(an -ociety/e();a-iJin' t;e dyna(ic- o: de8e.o)(ent/concrete and -o a- to encoura'e ab-traction. It i- a ta.. order+ and it can be (ade #nd /e -;a.. .et t;e arti-t a)).y a.. ;i- i(a'ination+ a.. ;i- ori'ina.ity+ ;i- -en-e o: ;u(our and )o/er o: in8ention to it- :u.:i.(ent. %e /i.. not -tic6 to undu.y detai.ed .iterary (ode.- or :orce t;e arti-t to :o..o/ o8er -)reci-e ru.e- :or' a -tory. %e -;a.. e-tab.i-; t;at -o-ca..ed -en-uou- /ritin' Ein /;ic; e8eryt;in' can be -(e.t+ ta-ted+ :e.t$ i- not to be identi:ied auto(atica..y /it; rea.i-t /ritin'+ :or /e -;a.. -ee t;at t;ere are -en-uou-.y /ritten /or6- /;ic; are not rea.i-t+ and rea.i-t /or6- /;ic; are not -en-uou-.y /ritten. %e -;a.. ;a8e to 'o care:u..y into t;e Iue-tion /;et;er t;e -tory i- be-t de8e.o)ed by ai(in' at an e8entua. )-yc;o.o'ica. -tri))in'-do/n o: t;e c;aracter-. Our reader- (ay Iuite /e.. :ee. t;at t;ey ;a8e not been 'i8en t;e 6ey to /;at i;a))enin' i: t;ey are -i().y induced by a co(bination o: art- to ta6e )art in t;e inner e(otion- o: our boo6-7 ;eroe-. By ta6in' o8er t;e :or(- o: Ba.Jac and To.-toy /it;out a t;orou'; in-)ection /e (i';t )er;a)- e0;au-t our reader-+ t;e )eo).e+ =u-t a- t;e-e /riter- o:ten do. Rea.i-( i- not a )ure Iue-tion o: :or(. 1o)yin' t;e (et;od- o: t;e-e rea.i-t-+ /e -;ou.d cea-e to be rea.i-t- our-e.8e-. 9or ti(e :.o/- on+ and i: it did not it /ou.d be a )oor .oo6-out :or t;o-e /;o ;a8e no 'o.den tab.e- to -it at. Met;od- /ear out+ -ti(u.i :ai.. Ne/ )rob.e(- .oo( u) and de(and ne/ tec;niIue-. Rea.ity a.ter-F to re)re-ent it t;e (ean- o: re)re-entation (u-t a.ter too. Not;in' ari-e- :ro( not;in'F t;e ne/ -)rin'- :ro( t;e o.d+ but t;at i- =u-t /;at (a6e- it ne/. T;e o))re--or- do not a./ay- a))ear in t;e -a(e (a-6. T;e (a-6- cannot a./ay- be -tri))ed o:: in t;e -a(e /ay. T;ere are -o (any tric6- :or dod'in' t;e (irror t;at i- ;e.d out. T;eir (i.itary road- are ter(ed (otor road-. T;eir tan6- are )ainted to .oo6 .i6e Macc.u::7bu-;e-. T;eir a'ent- can -;o/ ;orny ;and- a- i: t;ey are /or6er-. &e-5 it ta6e-odernist Positions in'enuity to c;an'e t;e ;unter into t;e Iuarry. %;at /a- )o) ye-terday i- no .on'er -o today+ :or t;e )eo).e o: ye-terday /ere not t;e )eo).e a- it i- today. #nybody /;o i- not bound by :or(a. )re=udice- 6no/- t;at t;ere are (any /ay- o: -u))re--in' trut; and (any /ay- o: -tatin' it5 t;at indi'nation at in;u(an condition- can be -ti(u.ated in (any /ay-+ by direct de-cri)tion o: a )at;etic or (atter -o:-:act 6ind+ by narratin' -torie- and )arab.e-+ by =o6e-+ by o8er- and under-tate(ent. In t;e t;eatre rea.ity can be re)re-ented in a :actua. or a :anta-tic :or(. T;e actor- can do /it;out Eor /it; t;e (ini(u( o:$ (a6eu)+ a))earin' 7natura.7+ and t;e /;o.e t;in' can be a :a6eF t;ey can /ear 'rote-Iue (a-6- and re)re-ent t;e trut;. T;ere i- not (uc; to ar'ue about ;ere5 t;e (ean- (u-t be a-6ed /;at t;e end i-. T;e )eo).e 6no/- ;o/ to a-6 t;i-. Pi-cator7- 'reat e0)eri(ent- in t;e t;eatre Eand (y o/n$+ /;ic; re)eated.y in8o.8ed t;e e0).odin' o: con8entiona. :or(-+ :ound t;eir c;ie: -u))ort in t;e (o-t )ro're--i8e cadre- o: t;e /or6in' c.a--. T;e /or6er- =ud'ed e8eryt;in' by t;e a(ount o: trut; contained in itF t;ey / any inno8ation /;ic; ;e.)ed t;e re)re-entation o: trut;+ o: t;e rea. (ec;ani-( o: -ocietyF t;ey re=ected /;ate8er -ee(ed .i6e ).ayin'+ .i6e (ac;inery /or6in' :or it- o/n -a6e+ i.e. no .on'er+ or not yet+' a )ur)o-e. T;e /or6er-7 ar'u(ent/ere ne8er .iterary or )ure.y t;eatrica.. 7&ou can7t (i0 t;eatre and :i.(75 t;at -ort o: t;in' /a- ne8er -aid. I: t;e :i.( /a- not )ro)er.y u-ed t;e (o-t one ;eard /a-5 7t;at bit o: :i.( i- unnece--ary+ it7- di-tractin' ..... So t;e criteria :or t;e )o) and t;e rea.i-tic need to be c;o-en not on.y /it; 'reat care but a.-o /it; an o)en (ind. T;ey (u-t not be deduced :ro( e0i-tin' rea.i-t /or6- and e0i-tin' )o) /or6-+ a- i- o:ten t;e ca-e. Suc; an a))roac; /ou.d .ead to )ure.y :or(a.i-tic

criteria+ and Iue-tion- o: )o)u.arity and rea.i-( /ou.d be decided by :or(. One cannot decide i: a /or6 i- rea.i-t or not by :indin' out /;et;er it re-e(b.e- e0i-tin'+ re)uted.y rea.i-t /or6- /;ic; (u-t be counted rea.i-t :or t;eir ti(e. In eac; indi8idua. ca-e t;e )icture 'i8en o: .i:e (u-t be co()ared+ not /it; anot;er )icture+ but /it; t;e actua. .i:e )ortrayed. #nd .i6e/i-e /;ere )o)u.arity i- concerned t;ere i- a /;o..y :or(a.i-tic )rocedure t;at ;a- to be 'uarded a'ain-t. T;e inte..i'ibi.ity o: a /or6 o: .iterature i- not en-ured e0c.u-i8e.y by it- bein' /ritten in e0act.y t;e -a(e /ay a- ot;er /or6- /;ic; )eo).e ;a8e under-tood. T;e-e ot;er /or6- too /ere not in8ariab.y /ritten =u-t .i6e t;e /or6- be:ore t;e(. So(et;in' /a- done to/ardt;eir under-tandin'. In t;e -a(e /ay /e (u-t do -o(et;in' :or t;e under-tandin' o: t;e ne/ /or6-. Be-ide- &ein #o#%lar t;ere i- -uc; a t;in' a- &eco!in #o#%lar. 44

2 %a.ter Ben=a(in+ :ro( 7T;e %or6 o: #rt in t;e #'e o: Mec;anica. Re)roduction7
Ben=a(in7- acco().i-;(ent /a- to .in6 t;e ad8ent o: (oderni-( /it; t;e a.tered condition- o: (odernity. T;u- t;e ne/ (i.ieu introduced by t;e bou.e8ard- and arcade- o: .ate-nineteent;-century Pari- )roduced a ne/ urban ty)e+ t;e anony(ou- fldne%r Et;e or /indo/--;o))er$F a ty)e re'i-tered in t;e )er-ona and )oetry o: 1;ar.e- Baude.aire. Ben=a(in7- -tudy o: Baude.aire ar'ued t;at under ca)ita.i-( art it-e.: i- induced to beco(e a co((odity. &et to )re-er8e it- autono(y and /;o.ene-- in t;e doctrine o: art :or art- -a6e /a- on.y to di8orce it :ro( ne/ tec;no.o'ie- and -ocia. bein'. In t;e ce.ebrated e--ay 7T;e %or6 o: #rt in t;e #'e o: Mec;anica. Re)ro duction7+ Ben=a(in )re-ent- t;e re8er-e ca-e. ,i- ar'u(ent i- t;at t;e autono(ou- /or6 o: art .o-e- it- traditiona. -tatu- Eit- 7aura7$ a- an e::ect o: (ec;anica. re)roduction. #rt i- t;ereby re(o8ed :ro( t;e rea.( o: ritua. to t;at o: )o.itic-+ and a ne/+ di-tracted but critica. audience+ i- (obi.i-ed in t;e direction o: 'reater de(ocracy by t;e ne/ (a-- art-. Bot; ;ere and in t;e re.ated e--ay 7T;e #ut;or aProducer7+ /;ere ;e ar'ue- t;at t;e aut;or (u-t re8o.utioni-e arti-tic tec;niIue to 'i8e it a )o.itica. :unction /it;in conte()orary )roduc tion re.ation-+ Ben=a(in t;ere:ore con:ir(ed t;e )ro=ect o: a )o.itici-ed (oderni-( -u''e-ted by Brec;t. T;e )re-ent e--ay /a- :ir-t )ub.i-;ed in 14<@ E-ub-titutin' certain );ra-e-5 7tota.itarian de(ocracy7 :or 7:a-ci-(7F 7(odern /ar:are7 :or 7i()eria.i-t /ar:are7+ and /it;out Ben=an-dn7- )re:ace$ in t;e Heitsc$rift ffir (o3ialforsc$%n , t;e =ourna. o: t;e In-titute :or Socia. Re-earc; t;en e-tab.i-;ed in Ne/ &or6. T;eodor #dorno /a- critica. o: Ben=a(in7- ar'u(ent- and o: Brec;t7- in:.uence E-ee be.o/$+ and in t;e .ater 7So(e Moti:- in Baude.aire7 Ein 5ll%!inations, 9:<@=, and "$arles
R Re)rinted :ro( 5ll%!inations, ed. ,anna; #rendt E!ondon5 14A<$+ -ection- IC+ QII+ QIC. ?

-odernist Positions Ba%delaire6 A *)ric Poet in t$e Era of .i $ "a#italis!, 9:<@= Ben=a(in re-)onded by re8i-in' ;i- 8ie/- on t;e /or6 o: art7- .o-- o: 7aura7. 9or :urt;er di-cu--ion -ee !unn+ -arCis! and -odernis! ,9:A?= and Ea'.eton+ /alter Benja!in ,9:A9=. New Ger!an "riti1%e, @4 ,9:A>= and @: ,9:A;= are -)ecia. i--ue- on Ben=a(in. T;e (a'aJine B.oc6+ 94 E#utu(n 9:A:= e0a(ine- t;e re.e8ance o: ;i- 8ie/- :or an a'e o: 7e.ectronic re)roduction7. See a.-o 1;a(ber7- e--ay in t;e )re-ent 8o.u(e E). A9=. T;e uniIuene-- o: a /or6 o: art i- in-e)arab.e :ro( it- bein' i(bedded in t;e :abric o: tradition. T;i- tradition it-e.: i- t;orou';.y a.i8e and e0terne.y c;an'eab.e. #n ancient -tatue o: Cenu-+ :or e0a().e+ -tood in a di::erent traditiona. conte0t /it; t;e "ree6-+ /;o (ade it an ob=ect o: 8eneration+ t;an /it; t;e c.eric- o: t;e Midd.e #'e-+ /;o 8ie/ed it a- an o(inou- ido.. Bot; o: t;e(+ ;o/e8er /ere eIua..y con:ronted /it; it- uniIuene--+ t;at i-+ it- aura. Ori'ina..y t;e conte0tua. inte'ration o: art in tradition :ound it- e0)re--ion in t;e cu.t. %e 6no/ t;at t;e art /or6- ori'inated in t;e -er8ice o: a ritua. - :ir-t t;e (a'ica.+ t;en t;e re.i'iou- 6ind. It i- -i'ni:icant t;at t;e e0i-tence o: t;e /or6 o: art /it; re:erence to it- aura i- ne8er entire.y -e)arated :ro( it- ritua. :unction. In ot;er /ord-+ t;e uniIue 8a.ue o: t;e 7aut;entic7 /or6 o: art ;a- it- ba-i- in ritua.+ t;e .ocation o: it- ori'ina. u-e 8a.ue. T;i- ritua.i-tic ba-i-+ ;o/e8er re(ote+ i- -ti.. reco'niJab.e a- -ecu.ariJed ritua. e8en in t;e (o-t )ro:ane :or(- o: t;e cu.t o: beauty. T;e cu.t o: beauty+ de8e.o)ed durin' t;e Renai--ance and )' :or t;ree centurie-+ c.ear.y -;o/ed t;at ritua.i-tic ba-i- in it- dec.ine and t;e :ir-t dee) cri-i- /;ic; be:e.. it. %it; t;e ad8ent o: t;e :ir-t tru.y re8o.utionary (ean- o: re)roduction+ );oto'ra);y+ -i(u.taneou-.y /it; t;e ri-e o: -ocia.i-(+ art -en-ed t;e a))roac;in' cri-i- /;ic; ;a- beco(e e8ident a century .ater. #t t;e ti(e+ art reacted /it; t;e doctrine o: 5'art #o%r l'art, t;at i-+ /it; a t;eo.o'y o: art. T;i- 'a8e ri-e to /;at (i';t be ca..ed a ne'ati8e t;eo.o'y in t;e :or( o: t;e idea o: 7)ure7 art+ /;ic; not on.y denied any -ocia. :unction o: art but a.-o any cate'oriJin' by -ub=ect (atter. EIn )oetry+ @ /a- t;e :ir-t to ta6e t;i- )o-ition$. #n ana.y-i- o: art in t;e a'e o: (ec;anica. re)roduction (u-t do =u-tice to t;e-e re.ation-;i)-+ :or t;ey .ead u- to an a.. -i()ortant in-i';t5 :or t;e :ir-t ti(e in /or.d ;i-tory+ (ec;anica. re)roduction ernanci)ate- t;e /or6 o: art :ro( it- )ara-itica. de)endence on ritua.. To an e8er 'reater de'ree t;e /or6 o: art re)roduced beco(e- t;e /or6 o: art de-i'ned :or re)roducibi.ity. 9ro( a );oto'ra);ic ne'ati8e+ :or e0a().e+ one can (a6e any nu(ber o: )rint-F to a-6 :or t;e 7aut;entic7 )rint (a6e- no -en-e. But t;e in-tant t;e criterion o: aut;enticity cea-e- to be 4; /alter Benja!in

a)).icab.e to arti-tic )roduction+ t;e tota. :unction o: art i- re8er-ed. In-tead o: bein' ba-ed on ritua.+ it be'in- to be ba-ed on anot;er )ractice - )o.itic-. Mec;anica. re)roduction o: art c;an'e- t;e reaction o: t;e (a--e- to/ard art. T;e reactionary attitude to/ard a Pica--o )aintin' c;an'einto t;e )ro're--i8e reaction to/ard a 1;a).in (o8ie. T;e )ro're--i8e reaction i- c;aracteriJed by t;e direct+ inti(ate :u-ion o: 8i-ua. and e(otiona. en=oy(ent /it; t;e orientation o: t;e e0)ert. Suc; :u-ion i- o: 'reat -ocia. -i'ni:icance. T;e 'reater t;e decrea-e in t;e -ocia. -i'ni:icance o: an art :or(+ t;e -;ar)er t;e di-tinction bet/een critici-( and en=oy(ent by t;e )ub.ic. T;e con8entiona. iuncritica..y en=oyed+ and t;e tru.y ne/ i- criticiJed /it; a8er-ion. %it; re'ard to t;e -creen+ t;e critica. and t;e rece)ti8e attitude- o: t;e )ub.ic coincide. T;e deci-i8e rea-on :or t;i- i- t;at indi8idua. reaction- are )redeter(ined by t;e (a-- audience re-)on-e t;ey are about to )roduce+ and t;i- i- no/;ere (ore )ronounced t;an in t;e :i.(. T;e (o(ent t;e-e re-)on-e- beco(e (ani:e-t t;ey contro. eac; ot;er. #'ain+ t;e co()ari-on /it; )aintin' i- :ruit:u.. # )aintin' ;a- a./ay- ;ad an e0ce..ent c;ance to be 8ie/ed by one )er-on or by a :e/. T;e -i(u.taneou- conte().ation o: )aintin'- by a .ar'e )ub.ic+ -uc; a- de8e.o)ed in t;e nineteent; century+ i- an ear.y -y()to( o: t;e cri-i- o: )aintin'+ a cri-i- /;ic; /a- by no (ean- occa-ioned e0c.u-i8e.y by );oto'ra);y but rat;er in a re.ati8e.y inde)endent (anner by t;e a))ea. o: art /or6- to t;e (a--e-. Paintin' -i().y i- in no )o-ition to )re-ent an ob=ect :or -i(u.taneou- co..ecti8e e0)erience+ a- it /a- )o--ib.e :or arc;itecture at a.. ti(e-+ :or t;e e)ic )oe( in t;e )a-t+ and :or t;e (o8ie today. #.t;ou'; t;i- circu(-tance in it-e.: -;ou.d not .ead one to conc.u-ionabout t;e -ocia. ro.e o: )aintin'+ it doe- con-titute a -eriou- t;reat a- -oon a- )aintin'+ under -)ecia. condition- and+ a- it /ere+ a'ain-t itnature+ i- con:ronted direct.y by t;e (a--e-. In t;e c;urc;e- and (ona-terie- o: t;e Midd.e #'e- and at t;e )rince.y court- u) to t;e end o: t;e ei';teent; century+ a co..ecti8e rece)tion o: )aintin'- did not occur -i(u.taneou-.y+ but by 'raduated and ;ierarc;iJed (ediation. T;e c;an'e t;at ;a- co(e about i- an e0)re--ion o: t;e ) con:.ict in /;ic; )aintin' /a- i().icated by t;e (ec;anica. re)roducibi.ity o: )aintin'-. #.t;ou'; )aintin'- be'an to be )ub.ic.y e0;ibited in 'a..erie- and -a.on-+ t;ere /a- no /ay :or t;e (a--e- to or'aniJe and contro. t;e(-e.8e- in t;eir rece)tion. T;u- t;e -a(e )ub.ic /;ic; re-)ond- in a )ro're--i8e (anner to/ard a 'rote-Iue :i.( i- bound to re-)ond in a reactionary (anner to Surrea.i-(. One o: t;e :ore(o-t ta-6- o: art ;a- a./ay- been t;e creation o: a de(and /;ic; cou.d be :u..y -ati-:ied on.y .ater. T;e ;i-tory o: e8ery art A
-odernist Positions

:or( -;o/- critica. e)oc;- in /;ic; a certain art :or( a-)ire- to e::ect- /;ic; cou.d be :u..y obtained on.y /it; a c;an'ed tec;nica. -tandard+ t;at i- to -ay+ in a ne/ art :or(. T;e e0tra8a'ance- and cruditie- o: art /;ic; t;u- a))ear+ ) in t;e -o -ca..ed decadent e)oc;-+ actua..y ari-e :ro( t;e o: it- ric;e-t ;i-torica. ener'ie-. In recent year-+ -uc; barbari-(- /ere abundant in Dadai-(. It ion.y no/ t;at it- i()u.-e beco(e- di-cernib.e5 Dadai-( atte()ted to create by )ictoria. -and .iterary - (ean- t;e e::ect- /;ic; t;e )ub.ic today -ee6- in t;e :i.(. E8ery :unda(enta..y ne/+ )ioneerin' creation o: de(and- /i.. carry beyond it- 'oa.. Dadai-( did -o to t;e e0tent t;at it -acri:iced t;e (ar6et 8a.ue- /;ic; are -o c;aracteri-tic o: t;e :i.( in :a8or o: ;i';er a(bition- - t;ou'; o: cour-e it /a- not con-ciou- o: -uc; intention- a- ;ere de-cribed. T;e Dadai-t- attac;ed (uc; .e-- i()ortance to t;e -a.e- 8a.ue o: t;eir /or6 t;an to it- u-e.e--ne-- :or conte().ati8e i((er-ion. T;e -tudied de'radation o: t;eir (ateria. /a- not t;e .ea-t o: t;eir (ean- to ac;ie8e t;i- u-e.e--ne--. T;eir )oe(- are 7/ord -a.ad7 containin' ob-cenitie- and e8ery i(a'inab.e /a-te )roduce o: .an'ua'e. T;e -a(e i- true o: t;eir )aintin'-+ on /;ic; t;ey (ounted button- and tic6et-. %;at t;ey intended and ac;ie8ed /a- a re.ent.e-- de-truction o: t;e aura o: t;eir creation-+ /;ic; t;ey branded a- re)roduction- /it; t;e 8ery (ean- o: )roduction. Be:ore a )aintin' o: #r)7- or a )oe( by #u'u-t Stra(( it ii()o--ib.e to ta6e ti(e :or conte().ation and e8a.uation a- one /ou.d be:ore a can8a- o: Derain7- or a )oe( by Ri.6e. In t;e dec.ine o: n-ddd.e-c.a-- -ociety+ conte().ation beca(e a -c;oo. :or a-ocia. be;a8iorF it /a- countered by di-traction a- a 8ariant o: -ocia. conduct. Dadai-tic acti8itie- actua..y a--ured a rat;er 8e;e(ent di-traction by (a6in' /or6- o: art t;e center o: -canda.. One reIuire(ent /a:ore(o-t5 to outra'e t;e )ub.ic. 9ro( an a..urin' a))earance or )er-ua-i8e -tructure o: -ound t;e /or6 o: art o: t;e Dadai-t- beca(e an in-tru(ent o: ba..i-tic-. It ;it t;e -)ectator .i6e a it ;a))ened to ;i(+ t;u- acIuirin' a tacti.e Iua.ity. It )ro(oted a de(and :or t;e :i.(+ t;e di-tractin' e.e(ent o: /;ic; i- a.-o )ri(ari.y tacti.e+ bein' ba-ed on c;an'e- o: ).ace and :ocu- /;ic; )eriodica..y a--ai. t;e -)ectator. !et u- co()are t;e -creen on /;ic; a :i.( un:o.d- /it; t;e can8a- o: a )aintin'. T;e )aintin' in8ite- t;e -)ectator to conte().ationF be:ore it t;e -)ectator can abandon ;i(-e.: to ;i- a--ociation-. Be:ore t;e (o8ie :ra(e ;e cannot do -o. No -ooner ;a- ;i- eye 'ra-)ed a -cene t;at it i- a.ready c;an'ed. It cannot be arre-ted. Du;a(e.+ /;o dete-t- t;e :i.( and 6no/- not;in' o: it- -i'ni:icance+ t;ou'; -o(et;in' o: it- -tructure+ note- t;i- circu(-tance a- :o..o/-5 7I can no .on'er t;in6 /;at I /ant to t;in6. My t;ou';t- ;a8e been re).aced by (o8in' i(a'e-7.7 T;e -)ectator7- )roce-- o: a--ociation in 8ie/ o: t;e-e i(a'e- i- indeed interru)ted by t;eir con-tant+ -udden c;an'e. T;i- con-titute- t;e -;oc6 e::ect o: t;e :i.(+ /;ic;+ .i6e a.. B
/alter Benja!in

-;oc6-+ -;ou.d be cu-;ioned by ;ei';tened )re-ence o: (ind. By (ean- o: it- tec;nica. -tructure+ t;e :i.( ;a- ta6en t;e );y-ica. -;oc6 e::ect out o: t;e /ra))er- in /;ic; Dadai-( ;ad+ a- it /ere+ 6e)t it in-ide t;e (ora. -;oc6 e::ect.
1 . "EOR"E- D*,#ME!+

(dnes de la 0ie f%t%re ,Paris, 9:@0=, #. >?.

T$eodor Adorno


T;eodor #dorno+ 7!etter to %a.ter Ben=a(in7

9or #dorno t;e de:inin' a-)ect o: (odern art /a- it- autono(y and ;ence it- ca)acity to o)erate at a critica. re(o8e :ro( bot; tota.itarian and 7aut;oritarian7 ad8anced ca)ita.i-t -ocietie-F a 8ie/ in:.uenced by ,e'e.ian Mar0i-( and t;e co(bined e0)erience o: NaJi-( and t;e *S# in t;e 14<0- and 14 0-. In t;e :o..o/in' re-)on-e to Ben=a(in7- 7T;e %or6 o: #rt in t;e #'e o: Mec;anica. Re)roduction7 ;e di-)ute- Ben=a(in7- a--e--(ent o: t;e .o-- o: t;i- autono(y and o: t;e )ro're--i8e e::ect- o: tec;no.o'y and o: cine(a. Bot; autono(ou- and 7uti.itarian7 or 7de)endent art7+ #dorno -ay-+ are dia.ectica.. Bot; 7bear t;e -ti'(ata o: ca)ita.i-(+ bot; contain e.e(ent- o: c;an'e . . . Bot; are torn ;a.8e- o: a inte'ra. :reedo(+ to /;ic; ;o/e8er t;ey do not add u).7 *nder Brec;t7- in:.uence Ben=a(in ;ad -i().i:ied t;i- re.ation-;i). *n:ortunate.y+ #dorno did not at a.. ti(e- ob-er8e ;i- o/n )o-tu.ate :or 7(ore dia.ectic-7. ,i- 6ey e--ay on t;e cu.ture indu-try+ :or e0a().e+ coaut;ored /it; Ma0 ,or6;ei(er Ein T$e 7ialectic of Enli $ten!ent, 14A2$+ dra/- an unre.entin' .ine bet/een t;e di-ru)ti8e :or(a. ob-curity o: an a8ant-'arde (oderni-( and co((ercia..y )roduced and (ani)u.ati8e (a-- art. E.-e/;ere+ ;o/e8er+ and ) in t;e 8o.u(e Aest$etic T$eor), #dorno ar'ue- /it; 'reat dia.ectica. :ine--e ;o/ art bot; ta6e- t;e i()rint o: and re-i-t- t;e re::ication- o: (odern ca)ita.i-t -ociety. #rt+ ;e re).ied to "eor' !u6ic-+ doe- not re:.ectF it re8ea.-+ )roducin' 7a ne'ati8e 6no/.ed'e o: t;e actua. /or.d7 ,Aest$etics and Politics, #. 1@0$. %;i.e t;i- 7ne'ati8e dia.ectic-7 (i';t ea-i.y )ro8e )e--i(i-tic ESa(ue. Bec6ett /a- an e0e().ary (oderni-t :or #dorno$ it a.-o con:er- a critica. and uto)ian a-)ect u)on art5 7It i- to /or6- o: art7+ -aid #dorno+ 7t;at ;a- :a..en R Tran-. ,arry Ko;n re)rinted :ro( Ern-t B.oc; et. a..+ Aest$etics and Politics E!ondon and Ne/ &or65 Cer-o$+ )). 120-@. ?0 t;e burden o: /ord.e--.y a--ertin' /;at i- barred to )o.itic-7 Eibid.+ ). 14 $. T;e 7critica. t;eory7 o: t;e 9ran6:urt Sc;oo. Ea--ociated )rinci)a..y /it; #dorno+ ,or6;ei(er and Marcu-e$+ and it- account o: a 7tota..y ad(ini-tered7 (ana'eria. ca)ita.i-( E-ee Marcu-e7- 2ne47i!ensional -an, 14@ $+ ;a- in:.uenced a -econd 'eneration o: "er(an );i.o-o);er-+ inc.udin' 3dr'en ,aber(a- E-ee be.o/+ )). 12?-<B$ and continue- to in:.uence debate- on )o-t(oderni-(. ,aber(a/ou.d re=ect t;e a--ociation o: rationa.ity /it; tota.itariani-( /;ic; in:or(- 9ran6:urt -c;oo. t;eory+ /;i.e ot;er- :ind it- au-tere conde(nation o: (a-- art o8er--i().e. 9or (any+ ;o/e8er+ t;e a))arent.y unre.ie8ed ;e'e(ony o: ca)ita.i-( and it- neutra.i-ation o: critici-( ;a- -er8ed to con:ir( #dorno7- ana.y-i-+ and ;i- e();a-i- on art7- re-i-tant autono(y. 9or :urt;er di-cu--ion+ -ee EnJen-ber'er+ T$e "onscio%sness 5nd%str) E14A $F #ndre/ Ben=a(in Eed.$+ T$e Pro&le!s of -odernit). Adorno and Benja!in E14B4$F and a.-o 3a(e-on+ -arCis! and For! E14A1$ and *ate -arCis!6 Adorno or t$e Persistence of t$e 7ialectic E1440$. On t;e 9ran6:urt Sc;oo.+ -ee (o-t recent.y+ Ste8en Bronner and Dou'.a- Ke..ner Eed-$+ "ritical T$eor) and (ociet)6 A Reader E14B4$. !ondon+ 1B Marc; 14<@ Dear ,erT Ben=a(in+ I: today I )re)are to con8ey to you -o(e note- on your e0traordinary -tudy E7T;e %or6 o: #rt in t;e #'e o: Mec;anica. Re)roduction7$+ I certain.y ;a8e no intention o: o::erin' you critici-( or e8en an adeIuate re-)on-e. T;e terrib.e )re--ure o: /or6 on (e - t;e bi' boo6 on .o'ic+ I t;e co().etion o: (y contribution to t;e (ono'ra); on Ber'+2 /;ic; i- ready e0ce)t :or t/o ana.y-e-+ and t;e -tudy on =aKK< S (a6e- any -uc; endea8our ;o)e.e--. T;i- i- e-)ecia..y true o: a /or6 in t;e :ace o: /;ic; I a( 8ery -eriou-.y a/are o: t;e inadeIuacy o: /ritten co((unication+ :or t;ere i- not a -entence /;ic; I /ou.d not /i-; to di-cu-- /it; you in detai.. I' to t;e ;o)e t;at t;i- /i.. be )o--ib.e 8ery -oon+ but on t;e ot;er ;and I do not /ant to /ait -o .on' be:ore 'i8in' you -o(e 6ind o: re-)on-e+ ;o/e8er in-u::icient it (ay be. !et (e t;ere:ore con:ine (y-e.: to one (ain t;e(e. My ardent intere-t and (y co().ete a))ro8a. attac; to t;at a-)ect o: your -tudy /;ic; a))ear- to (e to carry out your ori'ina. intention - t;e dia.ectica. con-truction o: t;e re.ation-;i) bet/een (yt; and ;i-tory - /it;in t;e inte..ectua. :ie.d o: t;e (ateria.i-tic dia.ectic5 na(e.y+ t;e dia.ectica. -e.:di--o.ution o: (yt;+ /;ic; i- ;ere 8ie/ed a- t;e di-enc;ant(ent o: art. ?1 < -odernist Positions &ou 6no/ t;at t;e -ub=ect o: t;e 7.iIuidation o: art7 ;a- :or (any year- under.ain (y ae-t;etic -tudie- and t;at (y e();atic e-)ou-a. o: t;et. )ri(acy o: tec;no.o'y+ e-)ecia..y in (u-ic+ (u-t be under-tood -tric y in t;i- -en-e and in t;at o: your -econd tec;niIue. It doe- not -ur)ri-e (e i: /e :ind co((on 'round ;ereF it doe- not -ur)ri-e (e+ becau-e in your boo6 on t;e BaroIue you acco().i-;ed t;e di::erentiation o: t;e a..e'ory :ro( t;e -y(bo. Ein t;e ne/ ter(ino.o'y+ t;e 7aura.7 -y(bo.$ and in your Ein&a$nstrasse4 )o% di::erentiated t;e /or6 o: art :ro( (a'ica. docu(entation. It i- a -).endid con:ir(ation - I ;o)e it doe- not -ound i((ode-t i: I -ay5 :or bot; o: u- - t;at in an e--ay on Sc;@nber' /;ic; a))eared in a Festsc$rift t/o year- a'o7 and /it; /;ic; you are not :a(i.iar+ I )ro)o-ed :or(u.ation- about tec;no.o'y and dia.ectic- a- /e.. a- t;e a.teration o: re.ation-;i)- to tec;no.o'y+ /;ic; are in )er:ect accord /it; your o/n.

It i- t;i- accord /;ic; :or (e con-titute- t;e criterion :or t;e di::erence- t;at I (u-t no/ -tate+ /it; no ot;er ai( t;an to -er8e our 7'enera. .ine7+ /;ic; i- no/ -o c.ear.y di-cernib.e. In doin' -o+ )er;a)- I can -tart out by :o..o/in' our o.d (et;od o: i((anent critici-(. In your ear.ier /ritin'-+ o: /;ic; your )re-ent e--ay i- a continuation+ you di::erentiated t;e idea o: t;e /or6 o: art a- a -tructure :ro( t;e -y(bo. o: t;eo.o'y and :ro( t;e taboo o: (a'ic. I no/ :ind it di-Iuietin' - and ;ere I -ee a -ub.i(ated re(nant o: certain Brec;tian (oti:- - t;at you no/ ca-ua..y tran-:er t;e conce)t o: (a'ica. aura to t;e 7autono(ou- /or6 o: art7 and a--i'n to t;e .atter a counter-re8o.utionary :unction. I need not a--ure you t;at I a( :u..y a/are o: t;e (a'ica. e.e(ent in t;e bour'eoi- /or6 o: art E) -ince I con-tant.y atte()t to e0)o-e t;e bour'eoi- );i.o-o);y o: idea.i-(+ /;ic; i- a--ociated /it; t;e conce)t o: ae-t;etic autono(y+ a- (yt;ica. in t;e :u..e-t -en-e$. ,o/e8er+ it -ee(- to (e t;at t;e centre o: t;e autono(ou- /or6 o: art doe- not it-e.: be.on' on t;e -ide o: (yt; -e0cu-e (y to)ic )ar.ance - but i- in;erent.y dia.ectica.F /it;in it-e.: it =u0ta)o-e- t;e (a'ica. and t;e (ar6 o: :reedo(. I: I re(e(ber correct.y+ you once -aid -o(et;in' -i( in connection /it; and I cannot e0)re-- to you (y' about your entire e--ay (ore c.ear.y t;an by' you t;at I con-tant.y :ound (y-e.: /i-;in' :or a -tudy o: a- a counter)oint to your e--ay+ a -tudy /;ic;+ in (y e-ti(ation+ you o/e u- a- an i()ortant contribution to our 6no/.ed'e+ Dia.ectica. t;ou'; your e--ay (ay be+ it i- not -o in t;e ca-e o: t;e autono(ou- /or6 o: art it-e.:F it di-re'ard- an e.e(entary e0)erience /;ic; beco(e- (ore e8ident to (e e8ery day in (y o/n (u-ica. e0)erience - t;at )reci-e.y t;e utter(o-t con-i-tency in t;e )ur-uit o: t;e tec;nica. .a/- o: autono(ou- art c;an'e- t;i- art and in-tead o: renderin' it into a taboo or :eti-;+ brin'- it c.o-e to t;e -tate o: :reedo(+ o: -o(et;in' t;at can be con-ciou-.y )roduced and (ade. I 6no/ o: no ?2 T$eodor Adorno better (ateria.i-tic )ro'ra((e t;an t;at -tate(ent by in /;ic; ;e de:ine- /or6- o: .iterature a- -o(et;in' not in-)ired but (ade out o: /ord-F and t;e 'reate-t :i'ure- o: reaction+ -uc; a- Ca.@ry and Borc;ardt Et;e .atter /it; ;i- e--ay about 8i..aS@ /;ic;+ de-)ite an un-)ea6ab.e co((ent about /or6er-+ cou.d be ta6en o8er in a (ateria.i-tic -en-e in it- entirety$+ ;a8e t;i- e0).o-i8e )o/er in t;eir inner(o-t ce..-. I: you de:end t;e kitsc$ :i.( a'ain-t t;e 7Iua.ity7 :i.(+ no one can be (ore in a'ree(ent /it; you t;an I a(F but 8art #o%r 8art is =u-t a- (uc; in need o: a de:ence+ and t;e united :ront /;ic; e0i-t- a'ain-t it and /;ic; to (y 6no/.ed'e e0tend- :ro( Brec;t to t;e &out; Mo8e(ent+ /ou.d be encoura'e(ent enou'; to underta6e a re-cue. NIn your e--ay on T$e Electi0e AffinitiesI< )o% -)ea6 o: ).ay and a))earance a- t;e e.e(ent- o: artF but I do not -ee /;y ).ay -;ou.d be dia.ectica.+ and a))earance - t;e a))earance /;ic; you ;a8e (ana'ed to )re-er8e in /;o+ to'et;er /it; Mi'non and ,e.ena B no/ doe- not co(e o:: -o /e.. - -;ou.d not. #nd at t;i- )oint+ to be -ure+ t;e debate turn- )o.itica. Iuic6.y enou';. 9or i: you render ri';t.y tec;niciJation and a.ienation dia.ectica.+ but not in eIua. (ea-ure t;e /or.d o: ob=ecti:ied -ub=ecti8ity+ t;e )o.itica. e::ect i- to credit t;e )ro.etariat Ea- t;e cine(a7- -ub=ect$ direct.y /it; an ac;ie8e(ent /;ic;+ accordin' to !enin+ it can rea.iJe on.y t;rou'; a t;eory introduced by inte..ectua.- a- dia.ectica. -ub=ect-+ /;o t;e(-e.8e- be.on' to t;e -);ere o: /or6- o: art /;ic; you ;a8e con-i'ned to ,e... *nder-tand (e correct.y. I /ou.d not /ant to t;e autono(y o: t;e /or6 o: art a- a )rero'ati8e+ and I a'ree /it; you t;at t;e aura. e.e(ent o: t;e /or6 o: art i- dec.inin' - not on.y becau-e o: it- tec;nica. re)roducibi.ity+ incidenta..y+ but abo8e a.. becau-e o: t;e :u.:i.(ent o: it- o/n 7autono(ou-7 :or(a. .a/Et;i- i- t;e -ub=ect o: t;e t;eory o: (u-ica. re)roduction /;ic; Ko.i-c; and I ;a8e been ).annin' :or year-$. But t;e autono(y o: t;e /or6 o: art+ and t;ere:ore it- (ateria. :or(+ i- not identica. /it; t;e (a'ica. e.e(ent in it. T;e rei:ication o: a 'reat /or6 o: art i- not =u-t .o--+ any (ore t;an t;e rei:ication o: t;e cine(a i- a.. .o--. It /ou.d be bour'eoi- reaction to ne'ate t;e rei:ication o: t;e cine(a in t;e na(e o: t;e e'o+ and it /ou.d border on anarc;i-( to re8o6e t;e rei:ication o: a 'reat /or6 o: art in t;e -)irit o: i((ediate u-e 8a.ue-. '*es eC/!es !e to%c$ent' N"ide.+ =u-t a- t;ey touc; you - but on.y i: t;e dia.ectic o: t;e .o/e-t ;a- t;e -a(e 8a.ue a- t;e dia.ectic o: t;e ;i';e-t+ rat;er t;an t;e .atter -i().y decayin'. Bot; bear t;e -ti'(a o: ca)ita.i-(+ bot; contain e.e(ent- o: c;an'e Ebut ne8er+ o: cour-e+ t;e (idd.e-ter( bet/een Sc;@nber' and t;e #(erican :i.($. Bot; are torn ;a.8e- o: an inte'ra. :reedo(+ to /;ic; ;o/e8er t;ey do not add u). It /ou.d be ro(antic to -acri:ice one to t;e ot;er+ eit;er a- t;e bour'eoi- ro(antici-( o: t;e con-er8ation o: )er-ona.ity and a.. t;at -tu::+ or a- t;e anarc;i-tic ro(antici-( o: b.ind con:idence in t;e -)ontaneou- )o/er o: ?< -odernist Positions t;e )ro.etariat in t;e ;i-torica. )roce-- - a )ro.etariat /;ic; i- it-e.: a )roduct o: bour'eoi- -ociety. To a certain e0tent I (u-t accu-e your e--ay o: t;i- -econd ro(antici-(. &ou ;a8e -/e)t art out o: t;e corner- o: it- taboo- - but it ia- t;ou'; you :eared a con-eIuent inru-; o: barbari-( E/;o cou.d -;are your :ear (ore t;an .H$ and )rotected your-e.: by rai-in' /;at you :ear to a 6ind o: in8er-e taboo. T;e .au';ter o: t;e audience at a cine(a -I di-cu--ed t;i- /it; Ma0+ and ;e ;a- )robab.y to.d you about it a.ready - i- anyt;in' but 'ood and re8o.utionaryF in-tead+ it i- :u.. o: t;e /or-t bour'eoi- -adi-(. I 8ery (uc; doubt t;e e0)erti-e o: t;e ne/-)a)er boy- /;o di-cu-- -)ort-F and de-)ite it- -;oc6-.i6e -eduction+ I do not :ind your t;eory o: di-traction con8incin' - i: on.y :or t;e -i().e rea-on t;at in a co((uni-t -ociety /or6 /i.. be or'aniJed in -uc; a /ay t;at )eo).e /i.. no .on'er be -o tired and -o -tu.ti:ied t;at t;ey need di-traction. On t;e ot;er ;and+ certain conce)t- o: ca)ita.i-t )ractice+ .i6e t;at o: t;e te-t+ -ee( to (e a.(o-t onto.o'ica..y con'ea.ed and taboo-.i6e in :unction - /;erea- i: anyt;in' doe- ;a8e an aura. c;aracter+ it i- -ure.y t;e :i.( /;ic; )o--e--e- it to an e0tre(e and ;i';.y -u-)ect de'ree. To -e.ect on.y one (ore -(a.. ite(5 t;e idea t;at a reactionary i- turned into a (e(ber o: t;e a8ant-'arde by e0)ert 6no/.e'e o: 1;a);n~- :i.(- -tri6e- (e a- out-and-out ro(anticiJation. 9or I cannot count Kracaeur7-4 :a8ourite director+ e8en a:ter -odern Ti!es, a- an a8ant-'arde arti-t Et;e rea-on /i.. be )er:ect.y c.ear :ro( (y artic.e on =aJJ$+ nor do I be.ie8e t;at any o: t;e decent e.e(ent- in t;i- /or6 /i.. attract attention. One need on.y ;a8e ;eard t;e .au';ter o: t;e audience at t;e :i.( to 6no/ /;at i- actua..y ;a))enin'. &our di' at %er:e. 'a8e (e 'reat ).ea-ure. But i: you ta6e Mic6ey Mou-e in-tead+ t;in'- are :ar (ore co().icated+ and t;e -eriouIue-tion ari-e- a- to /;et;er t;e re)roduction o: e8ery )er-on rea..y con-titute- t;at a #riori o: t;e :i.( /;ic; you it to be+ or /;et;er in-tead t;i- re)roduction be.on'- )reci-e.y to t;at 7nai8e rea.i-(7 /;o-e bour'eoi- nature /e -o t;orou';.y a'reed u)on in Pari-. #:ter a..+ it i- ;ard.y an accident i: t;at (ode( art /;ic; you counter)o-e to tec;nica. art a- aura.+ i- o: -uc; in;erent.y dubiou- Iua.ity

a- C.a(inc610 and Ri.6e. T;e .o/er -);ere+ to be -ure+ can -core an ea-y 8ictory o8er t;i- -ort o: artF but i: in-tead t;ere /ere t;e na(eo:+ .et u- -ay+ Ka:6a and Sc;bnber'+ t;e )rob.e( /ou.d be )o-ed 8ery di::erent.y. 1ertain.y Sc;@nber'7- (u-ic i- not aura.. #ccordin'.y+ /;at I /ou.d )o-tu.ate i- !ore dia.ectic-. On t;e one ;and+ dia.ectica. )enetration o: t;e 7autono(ou-7 /or6 o: art /;ic; i- tran-cended by it- o/n tec;no.o'y into a ).anned /or6F on t;e ot;er+ an e8en -tron'er dia.ecticiJation o: uti.itarian art in it- ne'ati8ity+ /;ic; you certain.y do not :ai. to note but /;ic; you de-i'nate by re.ati8e.y ab-tract cate'orie- .i6e 7:i.( ca)ita.7+ /it;out trac6in' it do/n to it- u.ti(ate .air ? a- i((anent irrationa.ity. %;en I -)ent a day in t;e -tudio- o: Neubabe.-ber' t/o year- a'o+ /;at i()re--ed (e (o-t /a- ;o/ little (onta'e and a.. t;e ad8anced tec;niIue- t;at you e();a-iJe are actua..y u-edF rat;er+ rea.ity i- e8ery/;ere constr%cted /it; an in:anti.e (i(eti-( and t;en 7);oto'ra);ed7. &ou undere-ti(ate t;e tec;nica.ity o: autono(ou- art and o8ere-ti(ate t;at o: de)endent artF t;i-+ in ).ain ter(-+ /ou.d be (y (ain ob=ection. But t;i- ob=ection cou.d on.y be 'i8en e::ect a- a dia.ectic bet/een e0tre(e- /;ic; you tear a)art. In (y e-ti(ation+ t;i- /ou.d in8o.8e not;in' e.-e t;an t;e co().ete .iIuidation o: t;e Brec;tian (oti:- /;ic; ;a8e a.ready under'one an e0ten-i8e tran-:or(ation in your -tudy - abo8e a..+ t;e .iIuidation o: any a))ea. to t;e i((ediacy o: interconnected ae-t;etic e::ect-+ ;o/e8er :a-;ioned+ and to t;e actua. con-ciou-ne-- o: actua. /or6er- /;o ;a8e ab-o.ute.y no ad8anta'e o8er t;e bour'eoi- e0ce)t t;eir intere-t in t;e re8o.ution+ but ot;er/i-e bear a.. t;e (ar6- o: (uti.ation o: t;e ty)ica. boure'oi- c;aracter. T;i)re-cribe- our :unction :or u- c.ear.y enou'; - /;ic; I certain.y do not (ean in t;e -en-e o: an acti8i-t conce)tion o: 7inte..ectua.-7. But it cannot (ean eit;er t;at /e (ay on.y e-ca)e t;e o.d taboo- by enterin' into ne/ one- -7te-t-7+ -o to -)ea6. T;e 'oa. o: t;e re8o.ution i- t;e abo.ition o: :ear. T;ere:ore /e need ;a8e no :ear o: it+ nor need /e onto.o'iJe our :ear. It i- not bour'eoi- idea.i-( i:+ in :u.. 6no/.ed'e and /it;out (enta. )ro;ibition-+ /e (aintain our -o.idarity /it; t;e )ro.etariat in-tead o: (a6in' o: our o/n nece--ity a 8irtue o: t;e )ro.etariat+ a- /e are a./ay- te()ted to do - t;e )ro.etariat /;ic; it-e.: e0)erience- t;e -a(e nece--ity and need- u- :or 6no/.ed'e a(uc; a- /e need t;e )ro.etariat to (a6e t;e re8o.ution. I a( con8inced t;at t;e :urt;er de8e.o)(ent o: t;e ae-t;etic debate /;ic; you ;a8e -o (a'ni:icent.y inau'urated+ de)end- e--entia..y on a true accountin' o: t;e re.ation-;i) o: t;e inte..ectua.- to t;e /or6in'-c.a--. E0cu-e t;e ;a-te o: t;e-e note-. #.. t;i- cou.d be -eriou-.y -ett.ed on.y on t;e ba-i- o: t;e detai.- in /;ic; t;e "ood !ord - )o--ib.y not (a'ica. a:ter a.. - d/e..-.D On.y t;e -;orta'e o: ti(e .ead- (e to u-e t;e .ar'e cate'orie- /;ic; you ;a8e tau';t (e -trict.y to a8oid. In order at .ea-t to indicate to you t;e concrete )a--a'e- to /;ic; I re:er+ I ;a8e .e:t (y -)ontaneou- )enci..ed annotation- on t;e (anu-cri)t+ t;ou'; -o(e o: t;e( (ay be too -)ontaneou- to be co((unicated. I be' your indu.'ence :or t;i- a- /e.. a- :or t;e -6etc;y nature o: (y .etter. I a( 'oin' to "er(any on Sunday. It i- )o--ib.e t;at I -;a.. be ab.e to co().ete (y =aJJ -tudy t;ere+ -o(et;in' t;at I un:ortunate.y did not ;a8e ti(e to do in !ondon. In t;at ca-e I /ou.d -end it to you /it;out a co8erin' .etter and a-6 you to -end it on to Ma0 i((ediate.y a:ter readin' it Eit )robab.y /i.. a(ount to (ore t;an t/enty-:i8e )rinted )a'e-$. T;i- i- not certain+ becau-e I do not 6no/ /;et;er I -;a.. :ind t;e ti(e or+ e-)ecia..y+ /;et;er t;e nature o: t;i- -tudy /i.. )er(it (e to -end it ?? -odernist Positions :ro( "er(any /it;out con-iderab.e dan'er. Ma0 ;a- )robab.y to.d you t;at t;e idea o: t;e c.o/n i- it- :oca. )oint. I /ou.d be 8ery ).ea-ed i: it a))eared to'et;er /it; your -tudy. It- -ub=ect i- a 8ery (ode-t one+ but it )robab.y con8er'e- /it; your- in it- deci-i8e )oint-+ and /i.. atte()t to e0)re-- )o-iti8e.y -o(e o: t;e t;in'- t;at I ;a8e :or(u.ated ne'ati8e.y today. It arri8e- at a co().ete 8erdict on =aJJ+ in ) by' it- 7)ro're--i8e7 e.e(ent- E-e(b.ance o: (onta'e+ co..ecti8e /or6+ )ri(acy o: re)roduction o8er )roduction$ a- :aIade- o: -o(et;in' t;at i- in trut; Iuite reactionary. I be.ie8e t;at I ;a8e -ucceeded in rea..y decodin' =aJJ and de:inin' it- -ocia. :unction. Ma0 /a- Iuite ta6en /it; (y -tudy+ and I cou.d /e.. i(a'ine t;at you /i.. be+ too. Indeed I :ee. t;at our t;eoretica. di-a'ree(ent i- not rea..y a di-cord bet/een u- but rat;er+ t;at it i- (y ta-6 to ;o.d your ar( -teady unti. t;e -un o: Brec;t ;a- once (ore -un6 into e0otic /ater-. P.ea-e under-tand (y critici-(- on.y in t;i- -)irit. I cannot conc.ude+ ;o/e8er+ /it;out' you t;at your :e/ -entence- about t;e di-inte'ration o: t;e )ro.etariat a- 7(a--e-7 t;rou'; re8o.ution 12 are a(on' t;e )ro:ounde-t and (o-t )o/er:u. -tate(ent- o: )o.itica. t;eory t;at I ;a8e encountered -ince I read (tate and Re0ol%tion. &our o.d :riend+ Teddie %ie-en'rund 1< 1 -;ou.d a.-o .i6e to e0)re-- (y -)ecia. a'ree(ent /it; your t;eory o: Dadai-(. It :it- into t;e e--ay a- nice.y a- t;e 7bo(ba-t7 and t;e 7;orror-7 :it into your BaroIue boo6. Note1. T;i- /a- t;e );i.o-o);ica. /or6+ a critiIue o: );eno(eno.o'y+ on /;ic; #do(o /a- en'a'ed /;i.e at O0:ord. It /a- e8entua..y )ub.i-;ed in Stutt'art in 14?@ a- H%r -etakritik der Erkenntnist$eorie. (t%dien fi&er .%sserl and die #$dno!enolo isc$en Antino!ien. Inc.uded in %i..i Reic; Eed.$+ Al&an Ber , ECienna+ 14<A$. <. Pub.i-;ed a- 7IDber =aJJ7 in t;e Heitsc$rift ffir (o3ialforsc$%n , > E14<@$+ and .ater inc.uded in #do(o7- 8o.u(e -o!ents -%sica%C, E9ran6:urt+ 14@ $. 9or #do(o7- 8ie/- on =aJJ+ -ee a.-o ;i- e--ay 7Perennia. 9a-;ion - =aJJ+ Pris!s E!ondon 14@A$. . Ben=a(in7- 8o.u(e o: a);ori-(- Ein&a$nstrasse /a- )ub.i-;ed in in 142B and t;en .ater inc.uded in #do(o7- co..ection 5!#ro!#t%s E9ran6:urt+ 14@B$. T;i- e--ay+ 7Der dia.e6ti-c;e Ko()oni-t7+ /a- ori'ina..y )ub.i-;ed in Cienna in 14< .

@. R*DO!9 BOR1,#RDT E1BAA-14 ?$ /a- a )ro(inent .itterateur in "er(any+ ?@ I !i T$eodor Adorno /;o-e e--ay on Tu-can 8i..a- i- inc.uded in t;e edited 8o.u(e o: ;i- /ritin'-+ Prosa 555, EStutt'art+ 14@0$+ )). <B-A0. Ben=a(in7- e--ay+ Goet$es /a$l0en0andtsc$aften /a- )ub.i-;ed in ,o:(ann-t;a.7- =ourna. Ne%e 7e%tsc$e Beitrd e in 142 -?. B. 1;aracter- in "oet;e7- Electi0e Affinities, /il$el! -eister's A##rentices$i#, and Fa%st 55, re-)ecti8e.y. 4. S:E"9RIED KR#1#*ER+ .on' a :riend o: #do(o+ /a- t;e aut;or o: Fro! "ali ari to .itler, EPrinceton+ 14 A$+ an attac6 on "er(an e0)re--ioni-t cine(a. 10. 1;an'ed to Derain in t;e )ub.i-;ed 8er-ion o: Ben=a(in7- e--ay. 11. # re:erence to t;e )ro'ra((atic dictu( o: t;e art ;i-torian #by %arbur'5 7er lie&e Gott steckt i! 7etail ET;e "ood !ord d/e..- in detai.$. 12. T;i- )a--a'e doe- not a))ear in any o: t;e )ub.i-;ed 8er-ion- o: Ben=a(in7- e--ay. 1<. %ie-en'rund /a- #dorno7- )aterna. na(e. ?A A. Peter Bfir er

Peter B>r'er+ 7#8ant-"arde7 and En'a'e(ent7

#dorno7- /ritin'- (ade no di-tinction bet/een (odern art and (oderni-( and .itt.e bet/een 6ind- o: (oderni-( in di::erent art :or(-. E--entia..y ;e ;ad 'enera.i-ed a t;eory o: t;e a8ant-'arde to a.. art :ro( t;e (id-nineteent; century. EIn t;e ear.ier (a=or -tudy o: t;e a8ant-'arde+ Renato Po''.io.i E14@2$ -i( a-cribe- a 7cu.ture o: ne'ation7 to a broad -/ee) o: .iterature :ro( ro(antici-( to t;e )re-ent day.$ B*r'er7- /or6 ;a- brou';t a (ore ;i-torica..y )reci-e di-tinction bet/een (oderni-( and t;e 7a8ant-'arde7 to t;i- debate. In t;i- (ode. t;e a8ant-'arde i- di-tin'ui-;ed not (ere.y by -i'n- o: tec;nica. or -ty.i-tic rebe..ion+ but by it- re=ection o: t;e in-titution o: art a- -uc;. It- )ro=ect Ein /;ic; it :ai.ed+ -ay- B:ir'er$ /a- to re(o8e art :ro( it- o::icia. di-cour-e- and 8enue- and inte'rate it in to a re:or(ed -ocia. )ra0i-. B:ir'er7- di-cu--ion -u''e-t- t;at t;e ne'ation o: bour'eoi- rationa.ity /;ic; #dorno ;ad attributed to (odern or (oderni-t art i- a ) :eature o: ae-t;etici-(+ -ub-eIuent.y radica.i-ed by t;e ;i-torica. a8ant -'arde- o: t;e ear.y t/entiet; century. In t;e :o..o/in' -e.ection Biir'er e0a(ine- #dorno7- :or t;e aut;enticity o: a 7non -or'anic7 a8ant-'ardi-t art and !u6ic-7- di-(i--a. o: t;e a8ant-'arde in :a8our o: an 7or'anic7 rea.i-(. Neit;er )o-ition+ ;e -ay-+ i- true or :a.-e+ -o (uc; a- un/ittin'.y ;i-torica.. Bot; critic- accordin'.y (i-=ud'ed Brec;t+ a /riter /;o con:or(ed neit;er to t;e (ode. o: an or'anic rea.i-( nor to t;e a8ant -'arde re=ection o: art. Brec;t created an e::ecti8e )o.itica. art+ /it; a ne/ re.ation to rea.ity and to t;e in-titution o: art+ but ;e too+ /arn- B:ir'er+ (ind:u. o: a ne/ )o-t a8ant-'arde ).ura.i-(+ (u-t be under-tood ;i-torica..y and not a- a nor(. 9or :urt;er di-cu--ion -ee 3oc;en Sc;u.te-Sa--e7- :ore/ord to R Re)rinted :ro( t;e T$eor) of t$e A0ant4Garde, tran-. by Mic;ae. S;a/+ :ore/ord by 3oc;en Sc;u.te-Sa--e EManc;e-ter5 Manc;e-ter *ni8er-ity Pre--F Minnea)o:i-5 *ni8er-ity o: Minne-ota+ 14B $+ )). B<-4 . Bi.r'er7- 8o.u(e+ e-)ecia..y -ection ICF a.-o Ea'.eton 71a)ita.i-(+ Moderni-( and Po-t(oderni-(7 in Ea'.eton+ A ainst t$e Grain E14B@$. On t;e a8ant-'arde+ -ee Ru--e..+ Poets, Pro#$ets and Re0ol%tionaries E14B?$F Krau--+ T$e 2ri inalit) of t$e A0ant4Garde and 2t$er -odernist -)t$s E14B?$F Per.o::+ T$e F%t%rist -o!ent E14B@$F 1a.ine-cu+ Fi0e Faces of -odernit) E14BA$F and e--ay- in Ray(ond %i..ia(-+ T$e Politics of -odernis! E14B4$. T;e Debate bet/een #dorno and !u6icIn a t;eory o: t;e a8ant-'arde+ a -ection on en'a'e(ent i- =u-ti:ied on.y i: it can be -;o/n t;at t;e a8ant-'arde ;a- radica..y c;an'ed t;e ).ace 8a.ue o: )o.itica. en'a'e(ent in art+ t;at t;e conce)t o: en'a'e(ent )rior and -ub-eIuent to t;e a8ant-'arde (o8e(ent- i- not t;e -a(e. It i- our intent+ in /;at :o..o/-+ to -;o/ t;at t;i- i- t;e ca-e. T;i- (ean- t;at t;e di-cu--ion o: t;e Iue-tion /;et;er it i- nece--ary to dea. /it; en'a'e(ent /it;in t;e :ra(e/or6 o: a t;eory o: t;e a8ant-'arde cannot be -e)arated :ro( a di-cu--ion o: t;e )rob.e( it-e.:. So :ar+ t;e t;eory o: t;e a8ant-'arde ;a- been treated at t/o .e8e.-5 t;e .e8e. o: t;e intention o: t;e ;i-torica. a8ant -'arde (o8e(ent-+ and t;at o: t;e de-cri)tion o: t;e a8ant-'ardi-te /or6. T;e intention o: t;e ;i-torica. a8ant-'arde /or6 (o8e(ent- /a- de:ined a- t;e de-truction o: art a- an in-titution -et o:: :ro( t;e )ra0i- o: .i:e. T;e -i'ni:icance o: t;i- intention i- not t;at art a- an in-titution in bour'eoi- -ociety /a- in :act de-troyed and art t;ereby (ade a direct e.e(ent in t;e )ra0i- o: .i:e+ but t;at t;e /ei';t t;at art a- an in-titution ;a- in deter(inin' t;e rea. -ocia. e::ect o: indi8idua. /or6- beca(e reco'niJab.e. T;e a8ant -'ardi-te /or6 i- de:ined anonor'anic. %;erea- in t;e or'anic /or6 o: art+ t;e -tructura. )rinci).e 'o8ern- t;e )art- and =oin- t;e( in a uni:ied /;o.e+ in t;e a8ant-'ardi-te /or6+ t;e )art- ;a8e a -i'ni:icant.y .ar'er autono(y 8i--#-8i- t;e /;o.e. T;ey beco(e .e-- i()ortant a- con-tituent e.e(ent- o: a tota.ity o: (eanin' and -i(u.taneou-.y (ore i()ortant a- re.ati8e.y autono(ou- -i'n-. T;e contra-t bet/een or'anic and a8ant-'ardi-te /or6 bot; !u6ic-7- and #dorno7- t;eorie- o: t;e a8ant-'arde. T;ey di::er in

t;eir e8a.uation. %;erea- !uDc- ;o.d- onto t;e or'anic /or6 o: art E7rea.i-tic7 in ;i- ter(ino.o'y$ a- an ae-t;etic nor( and :ro( t;at )er-)ecti8e re=ect- a8ant-'ardi-te /or6- a- decadent+7 #dorno e.e8ate- t;e a8ant-'ardi-te+ nonor'anic /or6 to an - a.beit (ere.y ;i-torica. - nor( and conde(n- a- ae-t;etic re're--ion a.. e::ort- to create a rea.i-tic art in !u6ic-7- -en-e in our ti(e.7 In bot; ca-e-+ /e are' /it; a t;eory o: art t;at a.ready ad8ance- deci-i8e de:inition- at t;e t;eoretica. .e8e.. T;i- doe- not (ean+ ?B ?4 -odernist Positions o: cour-e+ t;at !u6Sc- and #dorno+ .i6e t;e aut;or- o: Renai--ance and BaroIue )oetic-+ con-truct 'enera.+ (eta;i-torica. .a/- by /;ic; to (ea-ure indi8idua. /or6-. T;eir t;eorie- are nor(ati8e on.y in t;e -en-e in /;ic; ,e'e.7- ae-t;etic-+ to /;ic; bot; t;eoretician- o/e a di8er-e debt+ contain- a nor(ati8e e.e(ent. ,e'e. ;i-toriciJe- ae-t;etic-. T;e :or(-content dia.ectic rea.iJe- it-e.: in di::erent /ay- in -y(bo.ic EOrienta.$+ c.a--ica. E"ree6$+ and ro(antic E1;ri-tian$ art. But :or ,e'e.+ t;i- ;i-toriciJin' doe- not (ean t;at t;e ro(antic art :or( i- a.-o t;e (o-t )er:ect. On t;e contrary+ ;e con-ider- t;e inter)enetration o: :or( and (atter in c.a--ica. "ree6 art a )ea6 t;at itied to a ) -ta'e in t;e de8e.o)(ent o: t;e /or.d -)irit and /i.. nece--ari.y )a-- a/ay /it; it. 1.a--ica. )er:ection /;o-e e--ence it i- t;at 7t;e -)iritua. /a- co().ete.y dra/n t;rou'; it- e0terna. a))earance 1< E,e'e.+ 8o.. I+ ).?1A$ can no .on'er be attained by t;e ro(antic /or6 o: art+ becau-e 7t;e e.e8ation o: t;e -)irit to it-e.:7 i- t;e :unda(enta. )rinci).e o: ro(antic art. #- -)irit /it;dra/- 7:ro( t;e e0terna. into it- o/n inti(acy /it; it-e.: and )o-it- e0terna. rea.ity a- an e0i-tence inadeIuate to it-e.:7 E).?1B$+ t;e inter)enetration o: t;e -)iritua. and (ateria. t;at c.a--ica. art attained di-inte'rate-. ,e'e. e8en 'oe- one -te) :urt;er and antici)ate- a +cu.(ination o: t;e ro(antic in 'enera.7 /;ic; ;e c;aracteriJe- a- :o..o/-5 7t;e contin'ency o: bot; outer and inner+ and t;e -e)aration o: t;e-e t/o -ide-+ /;ereby art annu.- N-ub.ate- ,a%ffie&t=I it-e.:7 E).?24$. %it; ro(antic art+ art co(e- to it- end and (a6e- /ay :or ;i';er :or(- o: con-ciou-ne--+ i.e.+ );i.o-o);y. !u6ic- ado)t- e--entia. e.e(ent- o: t;e ,e'e.ian conce)tion. ,e'e.7- con:rontation o: c.a--ica. and ro(antic return- in ;i- /or6 a- t;e o))o-ition bet/een rea.i-tic and a8ant-'ardi-te art. #nd .i6e ,e'e.+ !u6ic- a.-o de8e.o)- t;i- o))o-ition /it;in t;e :ra(e/or6 o: a );i.o-o);y o: ;i-tory. In !u6ic-+ o: cour-e+ t;at );i.o-o);y i- no .on'er t;e (o8e(ent o: t;e /or.d -)irit+ /;o /it;dra/- to it-e.: :ro( t;e . e0terna. /or.d and t;u- de-troy- t;e )o--ibi.ity o: a c.a--ica. ;ar(ony bet/een inte..ect and -en-uou-ne--. It i- (ateria.i-tic+ t;e ;i-tory o: bour'eoi- -ociety. %it; t;e end o: t;e bour'eoi- e(anci)ation (o8e(ent+ t;e 1B B 3une re8o.ution+ t;e bour'eoi- inte..ectua. a.-o .o-e- t;e abi.ity to )ortray bour'eoi- -ociety a- a c;an'in' -ociety in t;e tota.ity o: a rea.i-tic /or6 o: art. In t;e natura.i-tic ab-or)tion in detai. and t;e a--ociated .o-- o: an enco()a--in' )er-)ecti8e+ /e ;a8e t;e inti(ation o: t;e di--o.ution o: bour'eoirea.i-(+ /;ic; reac;e- it- c.i(a0 in t;e a8ant-'arde. T;i- de8e.o)(ent i- t;e de8e.o)(ent o: a ;i-torica..y nece--ary dec.ine .? !u6Sct;u- tran-:er- ,e'e.7- critiIue o: ro(antic art+ a- a ;i-torica..y nece--ary -y()to( o: decay+ to t;e art o: t;e a8ant -'arde. On t;e ot;er ;and+ ;e .ar'e.y ado)t- ,e'e.7- 8ie/ t;at t;e or'anic /or6 o: art con-titute- a ty)e o: ab-o.ute )er:ection+ e0ce)t t;at ;e -ee- t;e rea.iJation o: t;i- ty)e in t;e 'reat rea.i-tic no8e.- o: @0 Peter Bilr er "oet;e+ Ba.Jac+ and Stend;a. rat;er t;an in "ree6 art. T;i- -u''e-t- t;at :or !u6ic- a.-o+ t;e cu.(ination o: art .ie- in t;e )a-t+ t;ou'; it i- true t;at ;e di::er- :ro( ,e'e. in not' t;at )er:ection i- nece--ari.y unattainab.e in t;e )re-ent. Not on.y do t;e 'reat rea.i-tic /riter- o: t;e a-cent o: t;e bour'eoi-ie beco(e (ode.- o: -ocia.i-t rea.i-(+ accordin' to !u6ic-+ but ;e 'oe- :urt;er and trie- to attenuate t;e radica. con-eIuence- o: ;i- ;i-torica.-);i.o-o);ica. con-truct Et;e i()o--ibi.ity o: a bour'eoi- rea.i-( a:ter 1B B or 1BA1$ by a.-o a..o/in' :or a bour'eoi- rea.i-( in t;e t/entiet; century .@ #dorno i- (ore radica. on t;i- )oint5 :or ;i(+ t;e a8ant-'ardi-te /or6 i- t;e on.y )o--ib.e aut;entic e0)re--ion o: t;e conte()orary -tate o: t;e /or.d. #dorno7- t;eory i- a.-o ba-ed on ,e'e. but doe- not ado)t it- e8a.uation- Ene'ati8e 8ie/ o: ro(antic art 8er-u- ;i'; e-ti(ation o: c.a--ica. art$+ /;ic; !u6ic- tran-:erred to t;e )re-ent. #dorno atte()t- to t;in6 radica..y and to ta6e to it- conc.u-ion t;e ;i-toriciJin' o: t;e art :or(- t;at ,e'e. ;ad underta6en. T;i- (ean- t;at no ;i-torica. ty)e o: t;e :or(-content dia.ectic /i.. be 'i8en a ;i';er ran6 t;an any ot;er. In t;i- )er-)ecti8e+ t;e a8ant-'ardi-te /or6 o: art )re-ent- it-e.: a- t;e ;i-torica..y nece--ary e0)re--ion o: a.ienation in .ate-ca)ita.i-t -ociety. To )ro)o-e (ea-urin' it a'ain-t t;e or'anic co;erence o: t;e c.a--ica. or rea.i-tic /or6 /ou.d be i()ro)er. It -ee(- at :ir-t a- i: #dorno ;ad de:initi8e.y bro6en /it; any nor(ati8e t;eory. But it i- not di::icu.t to -ee ;o/+ by /ay o: a radica. ;i-toriciJin'+ t;e nor(ati8e a'ain enter- into t;eory and -ta()- it no .e-- (ar6ed.y t;an in !u6ic-7- ca-e. 9or !u6ic- a.-o+ t;e a8ant-'arde i- t;e e0)re--ion o: a.ienation in .ateca)ita.i-t -ociety+ but :or t;e -ocia.i-t it i- a.-o t;e e0)re--ion o: t;e b.indne-- o: bour'eoi- inte..ectua.- 8i--#-8i- t;e rea. ;i-torica. counter:orce- /or6in' to/ard a -ocia.i-t tran-:or(ation o: t;i-ociety. It i- on t;i- )o.itica. )er-)ecti8e t;at !u6Sc- ba-e- t;e )o--ibi.ity o: a rea.i-tic art in t;e )re-ent. #dorno doe- not ;a8e t;i)o.itica. )er-)ecti8eF t;ere:ore+ a8ant-'arde art beco(e- :or ;i( t;e on.y aut;entic art in .ate ca)ita.i-t -ociety. E8ery atte()t to create or'anic+ co;erent /or6- E/;ic; !u6#c- ca..- 7rea.i-t7$ i- not (ere.y a re're--ion beyond an a.ready attained .e8e. o: arti-tic tec;niIueS+A it i- ideo.o'ica..y -u-)ect. In-tead o: barin' t;e contradiction- o: -ociety in our ti(e+ t;e or'anic /or6 )ro(ote-+ by it- 8ery :or(+ t;e i..u-ion o: a /or.d t;at i- /;o.e+ e8en t;ou'; t;e e0).icit content- (ay -;o/ a /;o..y di::erent intent. T;i- i- not t;e ).ace to decide /;ic; o: t;e t/o a))roac;e- i- 7correct7F rat;er+ t;e intention o: t;e t;eory -6etc;ed ;ere i- to de(on-trate t;at t;e debate it-e.: i- ;i-torica.. To do -o+ it (u-t be -;o/n t;at t;e )re(i-e- o: t;e t/o aut;or- are a.ready ;i-torica. today and t;at it i- t;ere:ore i()o--ib.e to -i().y ado)t t;e(. One (ay :or(u.ate t;e :o..o/in' t;e-i-5 t;e di-)ute bet/een !u6Sc- and #dorno concernin' t;e @1 -odernist Positions .e'iti(acy o: a8ant-'ardi-te art a- out.ined abo8e i- con:ined to t;e -);ere o: arti-tic (ean- and t;e c;an'e in t;e 6ind o: /or6 t;i-

in8o.8e- Eor'anic 8er-u- a8ant-'ardi-te$. &et t;e t/o aut;or- do not t;ernatiJe t;e attac6 t;at t;e ;i-torica. a8ant -'arde (o8e(ent.aunc;ed a'ain-t art a- an in-titution. #ccordin' to t;e t;eory ;ere -et :ort;+ it i- t;i- attac6+ ;o/e8er+ t;at i- t;e deci-i8e e8ent in t;e de8e.o)(ent o: art in bour'eoi- -ociety+ becau-e t;at attac6 :ir-t (ade reco'niJab.e t;e in-titution t;at i- art+ a- it (ade reco'niJab.e t;at in-titution7- deter(inin' in:.uence on t;e e::ect indi8idua. /or6- /i.. ;a8e. %;ere t;e -i'ni:icance o: t;e brea6 in t;e de8e.o)(ent o: art a- cau-ed by t;e ;i-torica. a8ant-'arde (o8e(ent- i- not -een in t;e attac6 on art a- an in-titution+ t;e :or(a. )rob.e( Eor'anic 8er-unonor'anic /or6$ nece--ari.y co(e- to occu)y t;e center o: re:.ection. But once t;e ;i-torica. a8ant -'arde (o8e(ent- re8ea.ed art a- an in-titution a- t;e -o.ution to t;e (y-tery o: t;e e::ecti8ene-- or ine::ecti8ene-- o: art+ no :or( cou.d any .on'er t;at it ;ad eit;er eterna. or te()ora..y .i(ited 8a.idity. T;e ;i-torica. a8ant-'arde (o8e(ent- .iIuidated -uc; a Becau-e !u6ic- and #dorno (a6e it once (ore+ t;ey -;o/ t;at t;eir t;ou';t i- -ti.. do(inated by a )re-a8ant-'ardi-te )eriod t;at 6ne/ ;i-torica..y conditioned -ty.i-tic c;an'e. It i- certain.y true t;at #dorno brou';t out t;e -i'ni:icance o: t;e a8ant-'arde :or ae-t;etic t;eory in our ti(e. But in -o doin'+ ;e in-i-ted e0c.u-i8e.y on t;e ne/ ty)e o: /or6+ not on t;e intent o: t;e a8ant -'arde (o8e(ent- to reinte'rate art in t;e )ra0i- o: .i:e. In t;at /ay+ t;e a8ant'arde beco(e- t;e on.y ty)e o: art t;at i- a))ro)riate to our ti(e.11 T;i- 8ie/ i- true in t;e -en-e t;at today+ t;e :art;er-reac;in' intention- o: t;e a8ant-'arde (o8e(ent- can in :act be =ud'ed to ;a8e :ai.ed. It- untrut; .ie- in t;e :act t;at it i- )reci-e.y t;i- :ai.ure t;at ;ad certain con-eIuence-. T;e ;i-torica. a8ant-'arde (o8e(ent- /ere unab.e to de-troy art a- an in-titutionF but t;ey did de-troy t;e )o--ibi.ity t;at a 'i8en -c;oo. can )re-ent it-e.: /it; t;e to uni8er-a. 8a.idity. T;at 7rea.i-tic7 and 7a8ant -'ardi-te7 art e0i-t -ide by -ide today i- a :act t;at can no .on'er be ob=ected to .e'iti(ate.y. T;e (eanin' o: t;e brea6 in t;e ;i-tory o: art t;at t;e ;i-torica. a8ant-'arde (o8e(ent- )ro8o6ed doe- not con-i-t in t;e de-truction o: art a- an in-titution+ but in t;e de-truction o: t;e )o--ibi.ity o: )o-itin' ae-t;etic nor(- a- one-. T;i- ;a- con-eIuence- :or -c;'- /it; /or6- o: art5 t;e nor(ati8e e0a(ination i- re).aced by a :unctiona. ana.y-i-+ t;e ob=ect o: /;o-e in8e-ti'ation /ou.d be t;e -ocia. e::ect E:unction$ o: a /or6+ /;ic; i- t;e re-u.t o: t;e co(in' to'et;er o: -ti(u.i in-ide t;e /or6 and a -ocio.o'ica..y de:inab.e )ub.ic /it;in an a.ready e0i-tin' in-titutiona. :ra(e.4 !u6ic-7- and #do(o7- :ai.ure to dea. /it; art a- an in-titution /i.. ;a8e to be -een in connection /it; -o(et;in' e.-e t;e t/o t;eoretician@2 Peter Nir er -;are+ and t;at i- t;eir critica. attitude to/ard t;e /or6 o: Brec;t. In !u6ic-7- ca-e t;e re=ection o: Brec;t i- a direct re-u.t o: ;it;eoretica. a))roac;5 Brec;t7- /or6 :a..- under t;e -a(e 8erdict a- a.. nonor'anic /or6. In #dorno7- ca-e+t;e re=ection i- not a direct out:.o/ o: a centra. t;eoretica. )o-ition but o: a -ub-idiary t;eore(+ accordin' to /;ic; /or6- o: art are 7t;e uncon-ciou- ;i-torio'ra);y o: /;at i- nor( and /;at i- (on-trou- in ;i-tory7 ,des esc$ic$tlic$en /esens %nd 'nwesens=.90 %;ere t;e ne0u- bet/een t;e /or6 and t;e -ociety t;at condition- it i- )o-ited a- nece--ari.y uncon-ciou-+ Brec;t+ /;o endea8ored to 'i8e -;a)e to t;i- ne0u- /it; t;e ;i';e-t )o--ib.e de'ree o: con-ciou-ne--+ can ;ard.y be adeIuate.y recei8ed.D To -u((ariJe5 t;e !u6#c--#dorno debate+ /;ic; in (any re-)ect- re-u(e- t;e e0)re--ioni-( debate o: t;e (id-t;irtie-+ end- /it; an a)oria5 t/o t;eorie- o: cu.ture t;at under-tand t;e(-e.8e- a- (ateria.i-t con:ront eac; ot;er anta'oni-tica..y+ and bot; are tied to -)eci:ic )o.itica. )o-ition-. #dorno not on.y -ee- .ate ca)ita.i-( a- de:initi8e.y -tabi.iJed but a.-o :ee.- t;at ;i-torica. e0)erience ;a- -;o/n t;e ;o)e- ).aced in -ocia.i-( to be i..-:ounded. 9or ;i(+ a8ant-'ardi-te art i- a radica. )rote-t t;at re=ect- a.. :a.-e reconci.iation /it; /;at e0i-t- and t;u- t;e on.y art :or( t;at ;a- ;i-torica. .e'iti(acy. !u6Sc-+ on t;e ot;er ;and+ ac6no/.ed'e- it- c;aracter a- )rote-t but conde(n- a8ant-'ardi-te art becau-e t;at )rote-t re(ain- ab-tract+ /it;out ;i-torica. )er-)ecti8e+ b.ind to t;e rea. counter :orce- t;at are -ee6in' to o8erco(e ca)ita.i-(. # co((on e.e(ent in bot; a))roac;e- in /;ic; t;e a)oria i- not abo.i-;ed but inten-i:ied i- t;at :or rea-on- re.e8ant to t;eir t;eorie-+ bot; aut;or- are inca)ab.e o: under-tandin' t;e (o-t i()ortant (ateria.i-t /riter o: our ti(e EBrec;t$. In t;i- -ituation+ a /ay out -ee(- to o::er it-e.:+ and t;at /ou.d be to (a6e t;e t;eory o: t;i- (ateria.i-t /riter t;e yard-tic6 o: =ud'(ent. But t;i- -o.ution ;a- a con-iderab.e dra/bac65 it doe- not )er(it an %nderstandin o: Brec;t7- /or6. 9or Brec;t cannot beco(e t;e ;oriJon o: =ud'(ent and -i(u.taneou-.y be under-tood in ;i- di-tincti8ene--. I: one (a6e- Brec;t t;e yard-tic6 :or /;at .iterature can acco().i-; today+ Brec;t ;i(-e.: can no .on'er be =ud'ed and t;e Iue-tion /;et;er t;e -o.ution ;e :ound :or certain )rob.e(- i- tied to t;e )eriod o: it- creation or not can no .on'er be a-6ed. In ot;er /ord-5 it i- )reci-e.y /;en one atte()t- to 'ra-) Brec;t7- e)oc;a. -i'ni:icance t;at ;i- t;eory (u-t not be (ade t;e :ra(e/or6 o: t;e in8e-ti'ation. To re-o.8e t;i- a)oria+ I /ou.d )ro)o-e t;at t;e ;i-torica. a8ant-'arde (o8e(ent- be -een a- a brea6 in t;e de8e.o)(ent o: art in bour'eoi- -ociety+ and t;at .iterary t;eory be concei8ed on t;e ba-i- o: t;i- brea6. Brec;t7- /or6 and t;eory a.-o /ou.d ;a8e to be de:ined /it; re:erence to t;i- ;i-torica. di-continuity. T;e Iue-tion t;en /ou.d be5 /;at i- Brec;t7- re.ation to t;e ;i-torica. a8ant -'arde (o8e(ent-H So :ar+ t;i- Iue-tion ;a- not been a-6ed+ becau-e Brec;t /a- ta6en :or an a8ant-'ardi-te and a )reci-e @< -odernist Positions conce)t o: ;i-torica. a8ant-'arde (o8e(ent- did not e0i-t. T;i- co().e0 Iue-tion cannot be e0a(ined ;ere+ o: cour-e+ and /e /i.. ;a8e to content our-e.8e- /it; a :e/ -u''e-tion-. Brec;t ne8er -;ared t;e intention o: t;e re)re-entati8e- o: t;e ;i-torica. a8ant-'arde (o8e(ent- to de-troy art a- an in-titution. E8en t;e youn' Brec;t /;o de-)i-ed t;e t;eater o: t;e educated bour'eoi-ie ,Bild%n s&fir ert%!= did not conc.ude t;at t;e t;eater -;ou.d be abo.i-;ed'et;erF in-tead+ ;e )ro)o-ed to radica..y c;an'e it. In -)ort+ ;e :ound t;e (ode. :or a ne/ t;eater /;o-e centra. cate'ory i:un. 12 Not on.y doe- t;e youn' Brec;t de:ine art a- it- o/n end and t;u- retain a centra. cate'ory o: c.a--ica. ae-t;etic-5 ;e intend- to c;an'e rat;er t;an de-troy t;e t;eater a- an in-titution+ and t;u- (a6e- c.ear t;e di-tance t;at -e)arate- ;i( :ro( t;e re)re-entati8e- o: t;e ;i-torica. a8ant-'arde (o8e(ent-. %;at t;ey and Brec;t -;are i-+ :ir-t+ a conce)tion o: t;e /or6 in /;ic; t;e indi8idua. e.e(ent- attain

autono(y Et;i- bein' t;e condition t;at (u-t be (et i: a.ienation i- to beco(e e::ecti8e$ and+ -econd+ t;e attention ;e de8ote- to art a- an in-titution. But /;erea- t;e a8ant-'ardi-te- be.ie8e t;ey can direct.y attac6 and de-troy t;at in-titution+ Brec;t de8e.o)- a conce)t t;at entai.- a c;an'e o: :unction and -tic6- to /;at i- concrete.y ac;ie8ab.e. T;e-e :e/ co((ent- (ay ;a8e -;o/n t;at a t;eory o: t;e a8ant-'arde )er(it- one to -ituate Brec;t /it;in t;e conte0t o: (odern art and t;ereby to de:ine ;i- di-tincti8ene--. T;ere i- t;u- rea-on to a--u(e t;at a t;eory o: t;e a8ant-'arde can contribute to a re-o.ution o: t;e a)oria o: (ateria.i-t .iterary -c;;i) Ebet/een !u6Scand #dorno$ a- -6etc;ed abo8e+ and t;at t;i- can be done /it;out canoniJin' Brec;t7- t;eory and arti-tic )ractice. It 'oe- /it;out -ayin' t;at t;e t;e-i- bein' ad8anced ;ere re:er- not on.y to Brec;t7- /or6 but to t;e ).ace o: )o.itica. en'a'e(ent in art 'enera..y. It i- t;i-5 t;rou'; t;e ;i-torica. a8ant-'arde (o8e(ent-+ t;e ).ace o: )o.itica. en'a'e(ent in art /a- :unda(enta..y c;an'ed. In con-onance /it; t;e t/o:o.d de:inition o: t;e a8ant-'arde a- 'i8en abo8e Eattac6 on art a- in-titution and t;e co(in' into e0i-tence o: a nonor'anic /or6 o: art$+ t;e Iue-tion /i.. ;a8e to be di-cu--ed at bot; .e8e.-. T;at t;ere e0i-ted )o.itica. and (ora. en'a'e(ent in t;e art )recedin' t;e ;i-torica. a8ant-'arde (o8e(ent- i- beyond doubt. But t;e re.ation-;i) bet/een t;i- en'a'e(ent and t;e /or6 in /;ic; it articu.ated it-e.: i- -trained. In t;e or'anic /or6 o: art+ t;e )o.itica. and (ora. content- t;e aut;or /i-;e- to e0)re-are nece--ari.y -ubordinated to t;e or'anicity o: t;e /;o.e. T;i- (ean- t;at /;et;er t;e aut;or /ant- to or not+ t;ey beco(e )art- o: t;e /;o.e+ to /;o-e con-titution t;ey contribute. T;e en'a'ed /or6 can be -ucce--:u. on.y i: t;e en'a'e(ent it-e.: i- t;e uni:yin' )rinci).e t;at articu.ate- it-e.: t;rou';out t;e /or6 Eand t;i- inc.ude- it- :or($. But t;i- i- rare.y t;e ca-e. T;e de'ree to /;ic; a.ready @ Peter Biir er e0i-tin' tradition- in a 'enre can re-i-t bein' u-ed :or )ur)o-e- o: (ora. or )o.itica. en'a'e(ent can be ob-er8ed in Co.taire7- tra'edieand t;e :reedo( .yric o: t;e Re-toration. In t;e or'anic /or6 o: art+ t;e dan'er i- a./ay- )re-ent t;at en'a'e(ent re(ain- e0terna. to t;e :or(-content tota.ity and de-troy- it- -ub-tance. It i- at t;i- .e8e. o: ar'u(ent t;at (o-t critici-( o: en'a'ed art (o8e-. But t/o )re-u))o-ition- (u-t be (et i: t;i- ar'u(ent i- to 8a.idity5 it a)).ie- on.y to or'anic /or6- o: art+ and on.y /;en en'a'e(ent ;anot been (ade t;e uni:yin' )rinci).e o: t;e /or6. %;ere t;e aut;or i- -ucce--:u. in or'aniJin' t;e /or6 around t;e en'a'e(ent+ anot;er dan'er t;reaten- t;e )o.itica. tendency5 neutra.iJation t;rou'; t;e in-titution t;at i- art. Recei8ed in t;e conte0t o: arti:act- /;o-e -;ared c;aracteri-tic i- t;eir a)artne-- :ro( t;e )ra0i- o: .i:e+ t;e /or6 t;at -;a)e- en'a'e(ent accordin' to t;e ae-t;etic .a/ o: or'anicity tendto be )ercei8ed a- a 7(ere7 art )roduct. #rt a- an in-titution neutra.iJe- t;e )o.itica. content o: t;e indi8idua. /or6. T;e ;i-torica. a8ant-'arde (o8e(ent- (ade c.ear t;e -i'ni:icance art a- an in-titution ;a- :or t;e e::ect o: indi8idua. /or6-+ and t;ereby brou';t about a -;i:t in t;e )rob.e(. It beca(e a))arent t;at t;e -ocia. e::ect o: a /or6 o: art cannot -i().y be 'au'ed by con-iderin' t;e /or6 it-e.: but t;at it- e::ect i- deci-i8e.y deter(ined by t;e in-titution /it;in /;ic; t;e /or6 7:unction-7. ,ad t;ere ne8er been any a8ant-'arde (o8e(ent-+ Brec;t7- and Ben=a(in7- re:.ection- :ro( t;e t/entie- and t;irtie- re'ardin' a re-tructurin' o: t;e )roduction a))arat*S1< /ou.d not ;a8e been )o--ib.e. ,ere a.-o+ ;o/e8er+ one /i.. ;a8e to ta6e care not to ado)t Brec;t7- and Ben=a(in7- -o.ution- a.on' /it; t;eir reco'nition o: t;e )rob.e( and to tran-:er t;e( a;i-torica..y to t;e )re-ent. 1 9or t;e -;i:t in t;e )rob.e( o: en'a'e(ent+ t;e de8e.o)(ent o: a ty)e o: nonor'anic /or6 i- a- i()ortant a- t;e attac6 on art a- an in-titution. I:+ in t;e a8ant-'ardi-te /or6+ t;e indi8idua. e.e(ent i- no .on'er nece--ari.y -ubordinate to an or'aniJin' )rinci).e+ t;e Iue-tion concernin' t;e ).ace 8a.ue o: t;e )o.itica. content- o: t;e /or6 a.-o c;an'e-. In t;e a8ant -'ardi-te /or6+ t;ey are ae-t;etica..y .e'iti(ate e8en a- indi8idua. e.e(ent-. T;eir e::ect i- not nece--ari.y (ediated t;rou'; t;e /;o.e o: t;e /or6 but to be t;ou';t o: a-tandin' on it- o/n .1? In t;e a8ant-'ardi-te /or6+ t;e indi8idua. -i'n doe- not re:er )ri(ari.y to t;e /or6 a- a /;o.e but to rea.ity. T;e reci)ient i- :ree to re-)ond to t;e indi8idua. -i'n a- an i()ortant -tate(ent concernin' t;e )ra0i- o: .i:e+ or a- )o.itica. in-truction. T;i;a- (o(entou- con-eIuence- :or t;e ).ace o: en'a'e(ent /it;in t;e /or6. %;ere t;e /or6 i- no .on'er concei8ed a- or'anic tota.ity+ t;e indi8idua. )o.itica. (oti: a.-o i- no .on'er -ubordinate to t;e /or6 a- a /;o.e but can be e::ecti8e in i-o.ation. On t;e ba-i- o: t;e a8ant-'ardi-te ty)e o: /or6+ a @? -odernist Positions ne/ ty)e o: en'a'ed art beco(e- )o--ib.e. One (ay e8en 'o a -te) :urt;er and -ay t;at t;e a8ant-'ardi-te /or6 doe- a/ay /it; t;e o.d dic;oto(y bet/een 7)ure7 and 7)o.itica.7 art+ a.t;ou'; it /i.. ;a8e to be (ade c.ear /;at t;e -entence (ean-. 9o..o/in' #dorno+ it (ay (ean t;at t;e -tructura. )rinci).e o: t;e nonor'anic i- e(anci)atory in it-e.:+ becau-e it )er(it- t;e brea6u) o: an ideo.o'y t;at iincrea-in'.y con'' into a -y-te(. In -uc; a 8ie/+ a8ant-'arde and en'a'e(ent u.ti(ate.y coincide. But -ince t;e identity re-t/;o..y in t;e -tructura. )rinci).e+ it :o..o/- t;at en'a'ed art i- de:ined on.y :or(a..y+ not in it- -ub-tance. T;e tabooin' o: )o.itica. art in t;e a8ant-'ardi-te /or6 i- =u-t one -te) a/ay :ro( t;i-. But t;e abo.ition o: t;e dic;oto(y bet/een 7)ure7 and 7)o.itica.7 art can ta6e a di::erent :or(. In-tead o: dec.arin' t;e a8ant-'ardi-te -tructura. )rinci).e o: t;e nonor'anic it-e.: to be a )o.itica. -tate(ent+ it -;ou.d be re(e(bered t;at it enab.e- )o.itica. and non)o.itica. (oti:- to e0i-t -ide by -ide in a -in'.e /or6. On t;e ba-i- o: t;e nonor'anic /or6+ a ne/ ty)e o: en'a'ed art t;u- beco(e- )o--ib.e. 1@ To t;e e0tent t;at indi8idua. (oti:- in t;e a8ant-'ardi-te /or6 are .ar'e.y autono(ou-+ t;e )o.itica. (oti: a.-o can ;a8e a direct e::ect5 t;e -)ectator can con:ront it /it; .i:e a- ;e e0)erience- it. Brec;t reco'niJed and (ade u-e o: t;i- )o--ibi.ity. In ;i- Ar&eitsjo%rnal, ;e /rite-5 7in t;e #ri-tote.ian co()o-ition o: ).ay- and t;e actin' t;at 'oe- a.on' /it; it ... t;e de.u-ion o: t;e -)ectator concernin' t;e /ay e8ent- on t;e -ta'e ta6e ).ace in rea. .i:e and co(e about t;ere i- :urt;ered by t;e :act t;at t;e )re-entation o: t;e :ab.e con-titute- an ab-o.ute /;o.e. T;e detai.- cannot be indi8idua..y co()ared /it; t;o-e )art- /;ic; corre-)ond to t;e( in rea. .i:e. Not;in' (u-t be Dta6en out o: conte0tD to -et it into t;e conte0t o: rea.ity. T;i- i- c;an'ed by a )er:or(ance t;at )roduce- e-tran'e(ent. ,ere+ t;e )ro're-- o: t;e :ab.e i- di-continuou-+ t;e uni:ied /;o.e con-i-t- o: inde)endent )art- eac; o: /;ic; can and indeed (u-t be direct.y con:ronted /it; t;e corre-)ondin' )artia. e8ent- in rea.ity. 11A Brec;t i- a8ant-'ardi-te to t;e e0tent t;at t;e a8ant-'arde /or6 o: art (a6e- )o--ib.e a ne/ 6ind o: )o.itica. art becau-e it :ree- t;e )art- :ro( t;eir -ubordination to t;e /;o.e. Brec;t7- co((ent- (a6e c.ear t;at a.t;ou'; t;e a8ant-'arde /or6 o: art nece--ari.y :a..- -;ort o: attainin' t;e 'oa. o: t;e ;i-torica. a8ant-'arde (o8e(ent-+++/;ic; i-

t;e re8o.utioniJin' o: t;e )ra0i- o: .i:e+ it yet )re-er8e- t;eir intent. #.t;ou'; t;e. tota. return o: art to t;e )ra0i- o: .i:e (ay ;a8e :ai.ed+ t;e /or6 o: art entered into a ne/ re.ation-;i) to rea.ity. Not on.y doe- rea.ity in it- concrete 8ariety )enetrate t;e /or6 o: art but t;e /or6 no .on'er -ea.- it-e.: o:: :ro( it. It (u-t be re(e(bered+ ;o/e8er+ t;at it i- art a- an in-titution t;at deter(ine- t;e (ea-ure o: )o.itica. e::ect a8ant'arde /or6- can ;a8e+ and t;at art in bour'eoi- -ociety continue- to be a rea.( t;at i- di-tinct :ro( t;e )ra0i- o: .i:e. @@ Peter Biir er 1onc.udin' Re(ar6 and a 1o((ent on ,e'e. %e ;a8e -een t;at ,e'e. ;i-toriciJe- art but not t;e conce#t o: art. #.t;ou'; it ;a- it- ori'in- in "ree6 art+ ;e accord- (eta;i-torica. 8a.idity to it. SJondi i- correct in t;i- ob-er8ation5 7%;i.e in ,e'e. e8eryt;in' -tart- to (o8e and e8eryt;in' ;a- it- -)eci:ic ).ace 8a.ue in ;i-torica. de8e.o)(ent ... t;e conce)t o: art can ;ard.y de8e.o) :or it bear- t;e uniIue -ta() o: "ree6 art. 71B &et ,e'e. /a- )er:ect.y a/are t;at t;i- conce)t o: art /a- ina))ro)riate to t;e /or6- o: ;i- ti(e5 7I: in con-iderin' t;e( N/or6- o: artO /e 6ee) be:ore our eyet;e e--entia. nature o: /or6- o: art )ro)er Ei.e.+ t;e Idea.$ /;ere t;e i()ortant t;in' i- bot; a -ub=ect (atter not in;erent.y arbitrary and tran-ient and a.-o a (ode o: )ortraya. :u..y in corre-)ondence /it; -uc; a -ub=ect -(atter+ t;en in t;e :ace o: /or6- o: t;at 6ind t;e art )roduct- o: t;e -ta'e /e are no/ con-iderin' (u-t undoubted.y :a.. :ar -;ort.714 %e reca.. t;at :or ,e'e.+ ro(antic art E/;ic; ta6e- in t;e )eriod :ro( t;e Midd.e #'e- to ,e'e.7- ti(e$ i- a.ready t;e di--o.ution o: t;e inter)enetration o: :or( and content /;ic; /a- t;e c;aracteri-tic o: c.a--ica. E"ree6$ art. T;i- di--o.ution i- cau-ed by t;e di-co8ery o: autono(ou- -ub=ecti8ity.7 T;e )rinci).e o: ro(antic art i- t;e 7e.e8ation o: t;e -)irit to it-e.:7 ,Est$etics, 0ol.5, #.>9A=, /;ic; i- t;e re-u.t o: 1;ri-tianity. S)irit no .on'er i((er-e- it-e.: in t;e -en-uou- a- in c.a--ica. art but return- to it-e.: and t;u- )o-it- 7e0terna. rea.ity a- an e0i-tence inadeIuate to it7 Eibid.$. ,e'e. -ee- a connection bet/een t;e de8e.o)(ent o: t;e autono(ou- -ub=ecti8ity and t;e contin'ency o: e0terna. e0i-tence. 9or t;at rea-on+ ro(antic art i- bot; an art o: -ub=ecti8e in/ardne-- and one t;at )ortray- t;e /or.d o: );eno(ena in t;eir contin'ency5 E0terna. a))earance cannot any .on'er e0)re-- t;e inner .i:e+ and i: it i- -ti.. ca..ed to do -o+ it (ere.y ;a- t;e ta-6 o: )ro8in' t;at t;e e0terna. i- an un-ati-:yin' e0i-tence and (u-t )oint bac6 to t;e inner+ to t;e (ind and' a- t;e e--entia. e.e(ent. But =u-t :or t;irea-on ro(antic art .ea8e- e0terna.ity to 'o it- o/n /ay a'ain :or it- )art :ree.y and inde)endent.y+ and in t;i- re-)ect a..o/- any and e8ery (ateria. do/n to :.o/er-+ tree-+ and t;e co((one-t ;ou-e;o.d 'ear+ to enter t;e re)re-entation /it;out ;indrance e8en in itcontin'ent natura. condition E8o..1+ ).?2A$. 9or ,e'e.+ ro(antic art i- t;e )roduct o: t;e di--o.ution o: t;e inter)enetration o: -)irit and -en-uou-ne-- Ee0terna. a))earance$ c;aracteri-tic o: c.a--ica. art. But beyond t;at+ ;e concei8e- o: a :urt;er -ta'e /;ere ro(antic art a.-o di--o.8e-. T;i- i- brou';t about by t;e radica.iJation o: t;e o))o-ite- o: in/ardne-- and e0terna. rea.ity t;at @A -odernist Positions de:ine ro(antic art. #rt di-inte'rate- into 7t;e -ub=ecti8e i(itation o: t;e 'i8en7 Erea.i-( o: detai.$ and 7-ub=ecti8e ;u(or7. ,e'e.7ae-t;etic t;eory t;u- .ead- .o'ica..y to t;e idea o: t;e end o: art /;ere art i- under-tood to be /;at ,e'e. (eant by c.a--ici-(+ t;e )er:ect inter)enetration o: :or( and content. But out-ide ;i- -y-te(+ ,e'e. at .ea-t -6etc;ed t;e conce)t o: a )o-tro(antic art .21 *-in' Dutc; 'enre )aintin' a- ;i- e0a().e+ ;e /rite- t;at ;ere t;e intere-t in t;e ob=ect turn- into intere-t in t;e -6i.. o: )re-entation5 7%;at -;ou.d enc;ant u- i- not t;e -ub=ect o: t;e )aintin' and it- .i:e.i6ene--+ but t;e )ure a))earance ,interesseloses (c$einen= /;ic; i- /;o..y /it;out t;e -ort o: intere-t t;at t;e -ub=ect ;a-. T;e one t;in' certain about beauty i-+ a- it /ere+ a))earance N-e(b.ance ,(c$einen=I :or it- o/n -a6e+ and art i- (a-tery in t;e )ortraya. o: a.. t;e -ecret- o: t;i- e8er )ro:ounder )ure a))earance ,(c$einen= o: e0terna. rea.itie-7 E8o..I+).?4B$. %;at ,e'e. a..ude- to ;ere i- not;in' ot;er t;an /;at /e ca..ed t;e de8e.o)in' autono(y o: t;e ae-t;etic. ,e -ay- e0)re--.y 7t;at t;e arti-t7- -ub=ecti8e -6i.. and ;i- a)).ication o: t;e (ean- o: arti-tic )roduction are rai-ed to t;e -tatu- o: an ob=ecti8e (atter in /or6- o: art7 E8o..1+ ).?44$. T;iannounce- t;e -;i:t o: t;e :or(-content dia.ectic in :a8or o: :or(+ a de8e.o)(ent t;at c;aracteriJe- t;e :urt;er cour-e o: art. %;at /e deduced :or )o-t a8ant-'ardi-te art :ro( t;e :ai.ure o: a8ant'ardi-te intention-+ t;e .e'iti(ate -ide-by--ide e0i-tence o: -ty.eand :or(- o: /;ic; none can any .on'er to be t;e (o-t ad8anced+ i- a.ready ob-er8ed by ,e'e. /it; re:erence to t;e art o: ;iti(e. 7,ere/it; /e ;a8e arri8ed at t;e end o: ro(antic art+ at t;e -tand)oint o: (o-t recent ti(e-+ t;e )ecu.iarity o: /;ic; /e (ay :ind in t;e :act t;at t;e arti-t7- -ub=ecti8e -6i.. -ur(ount- ;i- (ateria. and it- )roduction becau-e ;e i- no .on'er do(inated by t;e 'i8en condition- o: a ran'e o: content and :or( a.ready in;erent.y deter(ined in ad8ance+ but retain- entire.y /it;in ;i- o/n )o/er and c;oice bot; t;e -ub=ect-(atter and t;e /ay o: )re-entin' it7 E8o.. 1+ ). @02$. ,e'e. 'ra-)- t;e de8e.o)(ent o: art /it; t;e )air o: conce)t7-ub=ecti8ity5e0terna. /or.d7 Eor -)irit5-en-uou-ne--$. T;e ana.y-i- ;ere )re-ented+ on t;e ot;er ;and+ i- ba-ed on t;e cry-ta..iJation o: -ocia. -ub-y-te(- and t;u- arri8e- at t;e antit;e-i- bet/een art and t;e )ra0i- o: .i:e. T;at a- ear.y a- t;e 1B20- ,e'e. -;ou.d ;a8e been ab.e to :ore-ee /;at did not de:initi8e.y occur unti. a:ter t;e :ai.ure o: t;e ;i-torica. a8ant -'arde (o8e(ent- de(on-trate- t;at -)ecu.ation i- a (ode o: co'nition. T;e -tandard :or any conte()orary t;eory o: ae-t;etic- i- #dorno7-+ /;o-e ; ;a- beco(e reco'niJab.e. No/ t;at t;e de8e.o)(ent o: art ;a- )a--ed beyond t;e ;i-torica. a8ant-'arde (o8e(ent-+ an ae-t;etic t;eory ba-ed on t;e( E-uc; a- #dorno7-$ i- a;i-torica. a- !u6ac-7-+ /;ic; reco'niJe- on.y or'anic /or6- a- /or6- o: art. T;e tota. a8ai.abi.ity o: (ateria. and :or(- c;aracteri-tic o: t;e )o-t a8ant-'ardi-te art o: bour'eoi- -ociety /i.. ;a8e to be in8e-ti'ated bot; @B

Peter Bfir er :or it- in;erent )o--ibi.itie- and t;e di::icu.tie- it create-+ and t;i- concrete.y+ by t;e ana.y-i- o: indi8idua. /or6-. %;et;er t;i- condition o: t;e a8ai.abi.ity o: a.. tradition- -ti.. )er(it- an ae-t;etic t;eory at a..+ in t;e -en-e in /;ic; ae-t;etic t;eory e0i-ted :ro( Kant to #dorno+ i- Iue-tionab.e+ becau-e a :ie.d (u-t ;a8e a -tructure i: it i- to be t;e -ub=ect o: -c; or -cienti:ic under-tandin'. %;ere t;e :or(a. )o--ibi.itie- ;a8e beco(e in:inite+ not on.y aut;entic creation but a.-o it- -c; ana.y-i- beco(e corre-)ondin'.y di::icu.t. #c.orno7- notion t;at .ate-ca)ita.i-t -ociety ;a- beco(e -o irrationa.22 t;at it (ay /e.. be t;at no t;eory can any .on'er ).u(b it a)).ie- )er;a)- /it;7e8en 'reater :orce to )o-t a8ant-'ardi-te art. Note1. See "EoR" !uK#c-+ T$e !eanin of "onte!#orar) Realis! E!ondon5 Pre--+ 14@2$. 2. See T,. %. #DORNO+ 7Er)re--te Cer-@;nun'+ Ku "eor' !u6dc-5 D%ider den n-d--8er-tandenen Rea.i-(u-D7+ in #do(o+ Noten 3%r *iterat%r II E9ran6:urt5 Su;r6a()+ 14@<$+ )). 1?2-BA. <. ". %. 9. ,E"E!+ Est$etics, tran-. T. M. Kno0 EO0:ord5 1.arendon Pre--+ 14A?$+ 8o.. 1+ ). ?1A. . See a.-o t;e 7conc.udin' co((ent7 in t;i- boo6. ?. T;e t/o e.e(ent- o: !u6#c-7- t;eory o: t;e a8ant-'arde+ i.e.+ ;i-torica. nece--ity o: t;e 'ene-i- o: a8ant-'ardi-te art and it- re=ection on ae-t;etic 'round-+ are a.-o reco'niJab.e in t;e e--ay+ 7Narrate or De-cribe7+ in #rt;ur D. Ka;n+ ed.+ tran-.+ /riter and "ritic and ot$er Essa)s ENe/ &or65 "ro--et and Dun.a)+ 14A0$+ )). 110- B. !u6Sc- contra-t- t;e de-cri)tion+ /;ic; i- :unctiona..y -ubordinate to t;e /;o.e in Ba.Jac+ and it- treat(ent in 9.aubert and Ko.a+ /;ere it e0i-t- :or it- o/n -a6e. ,e re:er- to t;i- a- 7t;e )roduct o: a -ocia. de8e.o)(ent7+ but a.-o criticiJe- it5 7nece--ity can a.-o be t;e nece--ity :or t;e arti-tica..y :a.-e+ di-torted+ and corru)t7. @. See ". !uK#c-+ T$e -eanin of "onte!#orar) Realis! E!ondon+ 14@2$. A. It (ay -ee( -ur)ri-in' t;at #do(o -;ou.d endor-e t;e conce)t o: tec;nica. )ro're-- in art+ con-iderin' t;at to'et;er /it; ,or6;ei(er Ein 7ialectic of Enli $ten!ent N,erder P ,erder+ 14A21$+ ;e -;o/ed t;e radica. di::icu.tie- in tec;nica. )ro're--5 a.t;ou'; tec;nica. )ro're-- o)enu) t;e )o--ibi.ity o: an e0i-tence (ore /ort;y o: (an+ t;at i- by no (ean- it- ine8itab.e re-u.t. T;e di8er-e attitude to/ard indu-tria. tec;niIue on t;e one ;and+ and arti-tic tec;niIue on t;e ot;er i- o/in' to #do(o7- -e)aration o: t;e t/o. See B. !INDNER+ 7Brec;t/Ben=a(in/#do(o. Ober Ceriinderun'en der Kun-t)rodu6tion i( /i--en-c;a:t.ic;tec;ni-c;en Keita.ter7+ in ,. !. #rno.d+ ed.+ Bertold Brec$t 5,;en5 Sonderband der Rei;e TeCt J Kritik, 14A2$+ )). 1 -<@. But one certain.y cannot re)roac; 1ritica. T;eory /it; identi:yin' 7t;e econo(ic )roduction re.ation/it; t;e tec;nica. -tructure o: t;e )roducti8e @4 -odernist Positions :orce-7 E!indner+ ). 2A$. 1ritica. T;eory re:.ect- t;e ;i-torica. e0)erience t;at t;e un:o.din' o: t;e )roducti8e :orce- doe- not nece--ari.y brea6 u) t;e )roduction re.ation-+ t;at+ on t;e contrary+ it (ay )er:ect.y /e.. (a6e a8ai.ab.e t;e (ean- :or t;e contro. o: (an. 7T;e -i'nature o: t;e a'e i- t;e )re)onderance o: )roduction re.ation- o8er t;e :orce- o: )roduction /;ic; ;a8e .on' -ince (ade a (oc6ery o: t;e(.7 ET,. %. #DORNO+ 7EinIeitun'-8ortra' Jurn 1@. deut-c;en SoJio.o'enta'+ in T;. %. #dorno+ ed.+ 8er$andl%n en des 9;. de%tsc$en (o3iolo enta es 0o! A. &is 99. A#ril 9:;A in Frankf%rt. (#fitka#italis!%s oder 5nd%strie esellsc$aftF, EStutt'art+ 14@4$+ ). 20. B. 7#rt :ind- it-e.: /it;in rea.ity+ ;a- it- :unction- in rea.ity+ and entertain- a re.ation-;i) o: (ani:o.d (ediation to it. T;at doe- not c;an'e t;e :act t;at a- art+ in it- 8ery conce)t+ it i- t;e antit;e-i- o: /;at i- t;e ca-e7 ET,. %. #DORNO+ DEr)re--te Cer-@;nun'+D in Noten 55, #. 1@<.$ T;i- -entence de:ine- /it; )reci-ion t;e di-tance -e)aratin' #dorno :ro( t;e (o-t radica. ai(- o: t;e Euro)ean a8ant-'arde (o8e(ent-5 t;e'in' to t;e autono(y o: art. 10 On :unctiona. ana.y-i-+ -ee c;a)ter one o: t;i- 8o.u(e. T,. %. #DORNO+ 7Se.b-tanJei'e7 :or 8ers%c$ ii&er /a ner E14?2$+ re)rinted in 7ie Heit, 4 EOct. 14@ $+ ). 2<. 11. In t;e Ast$etisc$e T$eorie, #dorno atte()ted an a))ro)riate =ud'(ent on and e8a.uation o: Brec;t. But t;at doe- not c;an'e t;e :act t;at #dorno7- t;eory .ea8e- no roo( :or a /riter -uc; a- Brec;t. 12. See B. BRE1,T+ 7E();a-i- on S)ort7+ in 3o;n %i..ett+ ed.+ tran-.+ Brec$t on T$eatre. T$e de0elo#!ent of an aest$etic ENe/ &or65 ,i.. and %an'+ 14@@$+ ). B. 1<. See B. BRE1,T+ 7Radiot;eorie7+ in Brec;t+ (c$riften 3%r *iterat%r %nd K%nst, 0ol. 5 14@@$+ )). 12?- AF /. BEN3#MIN+ 7T;e #ut;or a- Producer+ in /alter Benja!in, Reflections, tran-. Ed(und 3e);cott ENe/ &or65 ,arcourt Brace 3o8ano8ic;+ 14AB$+ and /. BEN3#MIN+ 7T;e %or6 o: #rt in t;e #'e o: Mec;anica. Re)roduction7+ in 5ll%!inations ENe/ &or65 Sc;oc6en+ 14@4$. 1 . T;i- occur- in ,. M. ENKENSBER"ER+ 7Bau6a-ten Ju einer T;eorie der Medien7+ in K%rs&%c$, no. 20 E14A0$+ )). 1?4-B@. Re)rinted in EnJen-ber'er+ Pala0er E9ran6:urt/Main+ 14A $. 1?. Seen :ro( t;i- )er-)ecti8e+ it /ou.d -ee( t;at (y inter)retation o: t;e o)enin' )a'e- o: #ra'on7- Pa)san de Paris -;ou.d be recon-idered. T;e co((ent ear.y in t;e ana.y-i- t;at de-cri)tion in t;e Pa)san 'is no .on'er :unctiona..y re.ated to -o(et;in' e.-e ... but t;e -ub=ect o: t;e -tory7 EP. Bdr'er+ 7er fran3;sisc$e (%rrealis!%s, #. 10 $ i- not adeIuate.y ta6en into account /;en t;e docu(entation re.atin' to t;e (i-ery o: t;e e0)ro)riated (erc;ant- i- e8a.uated E). 104$. T;e a8ant-'ardi-te /or6 i- no .on'er centered on a )rinci).e but can brin' di8er'ent a))roac;e- at one and t;e -a(e ti(e. Socia. conde(nation and a -en-e o: t;e end o: t;in'- are :ound -ide by -ide /it;out it- bein' ad(i--ib.e to (aintain t;at a 'i8en e.e(ent i- t;e do(inant one+ a- i- t;e ca-e in t;e or'anic /or6.

1@. T;e nonor'anic /or6 (a6e- it )o--ib.e to re);ra-e t;e Iue-tion concernin' t;e )o--ibi.ity o: en'a'e(ent. T;e critici-( t;at ;ao:ten been .e8e.ed a'ain-t en'a'ed art did not reco'niJe t;i-. It -ti.. treat- t;e )rob.e( a- i: it /ere a Iue-tion o: deter(inin' t;e ).ace o: )o.itica. content- in t;e or'anic /or6. In ot;er /ord-5 1ritici-( ;a- i'nored t;e c;an'e in t;e )rob.e( due to t;e ;i-torica. a8ant-'arde (o8e(ent-. A0 Peter Bfir er 1A. B. BRE1,T+ Ar&eitsjo%rnal, ed. %. ,ec;t E9ran6:urt+ 14A<$+ ). 1 0F entry o: #u'u-t <+ 14 0. 1B. P. SKONDI+ 7,e'e.- !e;re 8on der Dic;tun'7+ in SJondi+ Poetik %nd Gesc$ic$ts#$iloso#$ie E9ran6:urt5 Su;r6a()+ 14A $+ ). <0?. 14. ". %. ,E"E!+ Est$etics, 0ol. 9, #. ?4@. 20. I:+ :or "reece+ 7t;e i((ediate coa.e-cence o: t;e indi8idua. /it; t;e uni8er-a.ity o: )o.itic-7 ,Est$etics, 0ol. 9, #. ?10$ i- c;aracteri-tic+ 7t;e need :or ;i';er :reedo( o: t;e -ub=ect in ;i(-e.:7 ,Est$etics, 0ol. 9, #. ?10$ a/a6en- :or t;e :ir-t ti(e /it; Socrate-+ a need t;at -ub-eIuent.y beca(e do(inant in 1;ri-tianity. 1o()are t;e -ection de8oted to Socrate- in ,e'e.7- *ect%res on t$e P$iloso#$) of .istor). 21. See %. OE!Mt!!9R+ 7ie %n&efriedi te A%fkldr%n , Beitrd e 3% einer T$eorie der -oderne 0on *essin , Kant %nd .e el E9ran6:urt5 Su;r6a()+ 14@4$+ )). 2 0-@ . 22. See T,. %. #DORNo+ Ein.eitun'-8ortra' Jurn 1@. Deut-c;en SoJio.o'enta'+ ) 1A. Re)o-itionin' Moderni-( In a .ate e--ay Ray(ond %i..ia(- con:ir(ed t;at t;e t;eoretica. contour- and a--ociated aut;or- o: 7(oderni-(7 )ro(oted 7a ;i';.y -e.ected 8er-ion o: t;e (odern /;ic; t;en o::er- to a))ro)riate t;e /;o.e o: (odernity7. 7%e ;a8e on.y to re8ie/ t;e na(e- in t;e rea. ;i-tory7+ ;e add-+ 7to -ee t;e o)en ideo.o'iJin' /;ic; )er(it- t;e -e.ection.7 ,T$e Politics of -odernis! ,9:A:=, ). <<.$ T;e :o..o/in' e--ay- re)re-ent t;e acti8e atte()t to counter t;i- ort;odo0y and reco8er t;e 7rea. ;i-tory7F e8en to -;o/ t;at t;i- rea.ity i- co()ri-ed not o: a -in'.e ;i-tory but o: t;e non--ync;ronou- (o8e(ent o: di::erent ;i-torie- /it; di::erent u-e- :or 7(oderni-(7. Mar-;a.. Ber(an7- All t$at is (olid -elts into Air a))eared+ a))ro)riate.y enou';+ to ;a8e di--o.8ed a.. t;e -ett.ed cate'orie- o: a canonic (oderni-(. ,i- (oderni-t- inc.ude not on.y Baude.aire and 3oyce but "oet;e and Mar0+ and ;i- (oderni-t e)oc; -tretc;e- :ro( 1@00+ or in it- )eriod o: 'reate-t inten-ity+ :ro( t;e ei';teent; century to t;e )re-ent. T;i- i- a :u.. and )ro're--i8e (oderni-(+ e(bracin' );i.o-o);y+ arc;itecture and urban ).annin' a- /e.. a- .iterature+ a.. o: t;e( )o/ered by t;e 8i-ion o: a tran-:or(ed ;u(an -ociety. In an i()ortant re-)on-e to Ber(an7- -tudy+ Perry #nder-on returned (oderni-( to it- :a(i.iar )eriod ;o(e in t;e ear.y t/entiet; century E7Modernity and Re8o.ution7 in Ne.-on and "ro--ber' Eed-$+ -arCis! and t$e 5nter#retation of "%lt%re ,9:AA=, ##. <1A-<<$. To re).ace Ber(an7- e)oc;a. or 7).anar7 narrati8e #nder-on ur'ed a 7con=unctura. ana.y-i-7 /;ic; -et (oderni-( in a trian'u.ated inter-ection o: t;e c;an'in' econo(ic+ )o.itica. and c.a-- :actor- ari-in' be:ore 9:94. T;e-e coordinate- - -u((ari-ed a- 7a -e(i-ari-tocratic' order+ a -e(i-indu-tria.i-ed ca)ita.i-t econo(y+ and a -e(i-e(er'ent+ or in-ur'ent .abour (o8e(ent7 Eibid.+ ). <2@$ - co()ri-ed (oderni-(7- condition- o: )o--ibi.ity. Ray(ond %i..ia(-7- e--ay (a6e- a -)ecia. contribution to t;i- debate+ turnin' our attention to t;e )roce--e- o: (oderni-(7- :or(ation+ and to t;e arti-t7 - c;an'ed )o-ition in t;e (etro)o.itan (i.ieu. A2 -ars$all Ber!an T;e-e )er-)ecti8e- ;a8e brou';t a ne/ 8i'our and -)eci:icity+ and+ in %i..ia(-7- /ord+ a nece--ary 7-tran'ene--7+ to t;e -tudy o: (oderni-(. &et certain additiona. :actor-+ t;ou'; brou';t into 8ie/+ re(ain on t;e )eri);ery5 t;e Iue-tion- o: :e(a.e -u::ra'e and nationa. identity in t;e ear.y (odern )eriod+ :or e0a().e+ and t;e 'enera. i()ortance o: 'ender and race. #- =ean Rad:ord7- e--ay and t;e :o..o/in' -e.ection- ;ere -;o/+ Iue-tion- o: 'ender+ or race and cu.tura. identity do not -i().y add to+ but a.ter our -en-e o: (oderni-t coordinate-+ a::ectin' t;e :or(ation and+ i()ortant.y+ t;e re:or(ation- o: (oderni-(. T;e i().ication i- t;at +(oderni-(7 e(er'ed and ;a- (utated+ under de:inite condition-+ t;rou'; a -erie- o: con=uncture-. I: it -ee(- no/+ t;ere:ore+ in it- 7ideo.o'i-ed7 or (o-t ort;odo0 :or(-+ to be a :ini-;ed and e()ty cate'ory+ it can+ in ne/ readin'- and -ettin'-+ )re-ent a -ti.. radica. e0a().e and re-ource. A<

? Mar-;a.. Ber(an+ 7T;e T/entiet; 1entury5 t;e ,a.o and t;e ,i';/ay7
In an uncon8entiona..y broad )icture o: (oderni-(+ Mar-;a.. Ber(an 8ie/- cu.tura. (oderni-( a- (ediatin' bet/een t;e -ocia. and )o.itica. e0)erience o: (odernity and it- corre-)ondin' )roce--e- o: -cienti:ic and tec;nica. (oderni-ation. True ae-t;etic (odernity co(e- :u..y to re'i-ter t;e (any--idedne-- - t;e e0)an-ion- a- /e.. a- t;e con-triction- - o: econo(ic and -e.:-de8e.o)(ent in (odern urban .i:e. %;at :o..o/-+ ;o/e8er+ )er;a)- ine8itab.y+ i- a narrati8e o: .o--+ a- t;e tradition Ein Mar0+ "oet;e and Baude.aire$ o: tran-:or (ati8e ana.y-i-+ -e.:-di-co8ery and creation+ :or'ed in t;e (id-t o: ear.ier co().e0itie-+ i- -een to recede be:ore a tide o: 'reater

co().e0ity and di--o.ution. T;e ad8anta'e o: Ber(an7- )er-)ecti8e i- t;at it :ree- (oderni-( :ro( a narro/.y de:ined .iterary enc.a8e and in-)ire- a dyna(ic and ori'ina. readin' o: aut;or-+ te0t- and en8iron(ent-. T;e e8an'e.ica. Mar0i-t ;u(ani-(+ (oreo8er+ /;ic; .ead- ;i( to ur'e a conte()orary co..ecti8e rene/a. o: (oderni-(7- -ub(er'ed creati8e ener'ie-+ -tand- in -;ar) contra-t to t;e )e--i(i-( o: ot;er )o-ition-+ notab.y o: 9ran6:urt Sc;oo. 7critica. t;eory7. T;e re:erence to 7t;e ;a.o7 in t;e e0tract /;ic; :o..o/- a..ude- -i(u.taneou-.y to Mar07- in T$e "o!!%nist -anifesto t;at bour'eoi- -ociety ;a- -tri))ed :or(er.y ;onoured )ro:e--ion- Et;e doctor+ .a/yer+ )rie-t+ )oet$ o: t;eir ;a.o in (a6in' t;e( /a'e .abourer- and to 1;ar.e- Baude.aire7- )ro-e )oe( 7!o-- o: a ;a.o7+ /;ic; de)ict- t;e 7)ri(a. (ode( -cene7 o: t;e )oet7- .o-- o: ;i- ;a.o. Ber(an di-cu--e- bot; i(a'e and )oe( e.-e/;ere in ;i- -tudy E)). 11?-20+ 1??- @ $. T;i- centra. co((on t;e(e o: 7de-ancti:ication7 a.-o c.ear.y re.ate- to %a.ter Ben=a(in7- ar'u(ent on t;e autono(ou- /or6 o: art7- .o-- o: it- 7aura7 E-ee abo8e+ )). ?-4$. See Perry #nder-on7- 7Modernity and Re8o.ution7 and Ber(an7R Re)rinted :ro( All t$at is (olid -elts into Air. T$e EC#erience of -odernit) E!ondon5 Cer-o+ 14B<$+ )). 1@ -1A1. A -ars$all Ber!an re-)on-e in New *eft Re0iew, 944 EMarc;-#)rid 14B $F a.-o 3anet %o.::7- 7T;e In8i-ib.e Fldne%se' on t;e e0c.u-ion o: /o(en in t;e .iterature and critici-( o: (odernity Ein #. Ben=a(in Eed.$ T$e Pro&le!s of -odernit) E14B4$+ )). 1 1-?2$. O: re.ated intere-t i- #n'e.a 1arter7- -tory 7B.ac6 Cenu-7 E14B?$ /;ic; -ub8ert- Baude.aire7- (a.e erotici-( /it; a di-cour-e re)re-entin' ;i- (u.atto (i-tre--+ 3eanne Du8a.. In (any /ay-+ t;e (oderni-( o: Baude.aire7- )ri(a. (odern -cene- i- re(ar6ab.y :re-; and conte()orary. In ot;er /ay-+ ;i- -treet and ;i- -)irit -ee( a.(o-t e0otica..y arc;aic. T;i- i- not becau-e our e)oc; ;a- re-o.8ed t;e con:.ict- t;at 'i8e Paris (#leen it- .i:e and ener'y - c.a-- and ideo.o'ica. con:.ict-+ e(otiona. con:.ict- bet/een inti(ate-+ con:.ict- bet/een t;e indi8idua. and -ocia. :orce-+ -)iritua. con:.ict- /it;in t;e -e.: - but rat;er becau-e our e)oc; ;a- :ound ne/ /ay- to (a-6 and (y-ti:y con:.ict. One o: t;e 'reat di::erence- bet/een t;e nineteent; and t/entiet; centurie- i- t;at our century ;a- created a net/or6 o: ne/ ;a.oe- to re).ace t;e one- t;at Baude.aire7- and Mar07- century -tri))ed a/ay. No/;ere i- t;i- de8e.o)(ent c.earer t;an in t;e rea.( o: urban -)ace. I: /e )icture t;e ne/e-t urban -)atia. co().e0e- /e can t;in6 o: - a.. t;o-e t;at ;a8e been de8e.o)ed+ -ay+ -ince t;e end o: t;e Second %or.d %ar+ inc.udin' a.. our ne/er urban nei';bor;ood- and ne/ to/n- - /e -;ou.d :ind it ;ard to i(a'ine Baude.aire7- )ri(a. encounter- ;a))enin' ;ere. T;i- i- no accident5 in :act+ :or (o-t o: our century+ urban -)ace- ;a8e been -y-te(atica..y de-i'ned and or'aniJed to en-ure t;at co..i-ion- and con:rontation- /i.. not ta6e ).ace ;ere. T;e di-tincti8e -i'n o: nineteent;-century urbani-( /a- t;e bou.e8ard+ a (ediu( :or brin'in' e0).o-i8e (ateria. and ;u(an :orceto'et;erF t;e ;a..(ar6 o: t/entiet;-century urbani-( ;a- been t;e ;i';/ay+ a (ean- :or )uttin' t;e( a-under. %e -ee a -tran'e dia.ectic ;ere+ in /;ic; one (ode o: (oderni-( bot; ener'iJe- and e0;au-t- it-e.: tryin' to anni;i.ate anot;er+ a.. in (oderni-(7- na(e. %;at (a6e- t/entiet;-century (oderni-t arc;itecture e-)ecia..y intri'uin' to u- ;ere i- t;e 8ery )reci-e.y Baude.airean )oint :ro( /;ic; it -tart- out - a )oint t;at it -oon doe- it- be-t to b.ot out. ,ere i- !e 1orbu-ier+ )o--ib.y t;e 'reate-t t/entiet; -century arc;itect and certain.y t;e (o-t in:.uentia.+ in *''r&anis!e Etran-.ated a- T$e "it) of To!orrow=, ;i- 'reat (oderni-t (ani:e-to o: 142 . ,i- Pre:ace e8o6ed a concrete e0)erience :ro( /;ic;+ -o ;e te..- u-+ ;i- 'reat 8i-ion aro-e. %e -;ou.dn7t ta6e ;i( .itera..y+ but rat;er under-tand ;inarrati8e a- a (oderni-t )arab.e+ :or(a..y -i( to Baude.aire7-. It be'an on a bou.e8ard - -)eci:ica..y+ on t;e 1;a()- E.y-@e- - on an Indian -u((er A? Re#ositionin -odernis! e8enin' in 142 . ,e ;ad 'one :or a )eace:u. /a.6 in t;e e8enin' t/i.i';t+ on.y to :ind ;i(-e.: dri8en o:: t;e -treet by tra::ic. T;i- i- ;a.: a century a:ter Baude.aire+ and t;e auto(obi.e ;a- arri8ed on t;e bou.e8ard- :u.. :orce5 7it /a- a- i: t;e /or.d ;ad -udden.y 'one (ad7. 9ro( (o(ent to (o(ent+ ;e :e.t+ 7t;e :ury o: t;e tra::ic 're/. E8ery day increa-ed it- a'itation7. E,ere t;e ti(e :ra(e and t;e dra(atic inten-ity are -o(e/;at bro6en.$ !e 1orbu-ier :e.t ;i(-e.: t;reatened and 8u.nerab.e in t;e (o-t direct /ay5 7To .ea8e our ;ou-e (eant t;at+ once /e ;ad cro--ed our t;re-;o.d+ /e /ere in dan'er o: bein' 6i..ed by t;e )a--in' car-.7 S;oc6ed and di-oriented+ ;e contra-t- t;e -treet Eand t;e city$ o: ;i- (idd.e a'e /it; t;at o: ;i- yout; be:ore t;e "reat %ar5 7I t;in6 bac6 t/enty year-+ to (y yout; a- a -tudent5 t$e road &elon ed to %s t$en; /e -an' in it+ /e ar'ued in it+ /;i.e t;e ;or-e-bu- :.o/ed -o:t.y by.7 EE();a-i- (ine.$ ,e i- e0)re--in' a ).ainti8e -adne-- and bitterne-- a- o.d a- cu.ture it-e.:+ and one o: )oetry7- )erennia. t;e(e-F O:i sont les nei es d'antanF %;it;er ;at; :.ed t;e 8i-ionary '.ea(H But ;i-' :or t;e te0ture- o: urban -)ace and ;i-torica. ti(e (a6in' ;i- no-ta.'ic 8i-ion :ree and ne/. 7T;e road be.on'ed to u- t;en.7 T;e youn' -tudent-7 re.ation to t;e -treet /a- t;eir re.ation to t;e /or.d5 it /a- - at .ea-t it -ee(ed to be o)en to t;e(+ t;eir- to (o8e t;rou';+ at a )ace t;at cou.d acco((odate bot; ar'u(ent and -on'F (en+ ani(a.- and 8e;ic.e- cou.d coe0i-t )eaceab.y in a 6ind o: urban EdenF ,au--(ann7- enor(ou- 8i-ta- -)read out be:ore t;e( a..+ .eadin' to t;e #rc de Trio();e. But no/ t;e idy.. i- o8er+ t;e -treet- be.on' to t;e tra::ic+ and t;e 8i-ion (u-t :or it- .i:e. ,o/ can t;e -)irit -ur8i8e t;i- c;an'eH Baude.aire -;o/ed u- one /ay5 tran-:or( t;e !o%0e!ents &r%s1%es and so%&resa%ts o: (ode( city .i:e into t;e )aradi'(atic 'e-ture- o: a ne/ art t;at can brin' (ode( (en to'et;er. #t t;e ra''ed ed'e o: Baude.aire7- i(a'ination /e '.i()-ed anot;er )otentia. (oderni-(5 re8o.utionary )rote-t t;at tran-:or(- a (u.titude o: urban -o.itude- into a )eo).e+ and t;e city -treet :or ;u(an .i:e. !e 1orbu-ier /i.. )re-ent a t;ird -trate'y t;at /i.. .ead to a t;ird+ e0tre(e.y )o/er:u. (ode o: (oderni-(. #:ter :i';tin' ;i- /ay t;rou'; t;e tra::ic+ and =u-t bare.y -ur8i8in'+ ;e (a6e- a -udden darin' .ea)5 ;e identi:ie- ;i(-e.: tota..y /it; t;e :orce- t;at ;a8e been bearin' do/n on ;i(5 On t;at 1-t o: October+ 142 + 1 /a- a--i-tin' in t;e titanic rebirt; LrenaissanceI o: a ne/ );eno(enon ... tra::ic. 1ar-+ car-+ :a-t+ :a-tL

One i- -eiJed+ :i..ed /it; ent;u-ia-(+ /it; =oy ... t;e =oy o: )o/er. T;e -i().e and nai8e ).ea-ure o: bein' in t;e (id-t o: )o/er+ o: -tren't;. One )artici)ate- in it. One ta6e- )art in t;i- -ociety t;at i- =u-t da/nin'. One ;a- con:idence in t;i- ne/ -ociety5 it /i.. :ind a (a'ni:icent e0)re--ion o: it- )o/er. One be.ie8e- in it. A@ -ars$all Ber!an T;i- Or/e..ian .ea) o: :ait; i- -o :a-t and -o' E=u-t .i6e t;at tra::ic$ t;at !e 1orbu-ier ;ard.y -ee(- to notice t;at ;e ;a- (ade it. One (o(ent ;e i- t;e :a(i.iar Baude.airean (an in t;e -treet+ dod'in' and :i';tin' t;e tra::icF a (o(ent .ater ;i- )oint o: 8ie/ ;a-;i:ted radica..y+ -o t;at no/ ;e .i8e- and (o8e- and -)ea6- :ro( inside t;e tra::ic. One (o(ent ;e i- -)ea6in' about ;i(-e.:+ about ;io/n .i:e and e0)erience -7I t;in6 bac6 t/enty year- ... t;e road be.on'ed to u- t;en7F t;e ne0t (o(ent t;e )er-ona. 8oice utter.y di-a))ear-+ di--o.8ed in a :.ood o: /or.d-;i-torica. )roce--e-F t;e ne/ -ub=ect i- t;e ab-tract and i()er-ona. on, 7one7+ /;o i- :i..ed /it; .i:e by t;e ne/ /or.d )o/er. No/+ in-tead o: bein' (enaced by it+ ;e can be in t;e (id-t o: it+ a be.ie8er in it+ a )art o: it. In-tead o: t;e !o%0e!ents &r%s1%es and so%&resa%ts t;at Baude.aire -a/ a- t;e e--ence o: e8eryday (odern .i:e+ !e 1orbu-ier7- (ode( (an /i.. (a6e one bi' (o8e t;at /i.. (a6e :urt;er (o8e- unnece--ary+ one 'reat .ea) t;at /i.. be t;e .a-t. T;e (an in t;e -treet /i.. incor)orate ;i(-e.: into t;e ne/ )o/er by becon-tin' t;e (an in t;e car. T;e )er-)ecti8e o: t;e ne/ (an in t;e car /i.. 'enerate t;e )aradi'(- o: t/entiet;-century (oderni-t urban ).annin' and de-i'n. T;e ne/ (an+ !e 1orbu-ier -ay-+ need- 7a ne/ ty)e o: -treet7 t;at /i.. be 7a (ac;ine :or tra::ic7+ or+ to 8ary t;e ba-ic (eta);or+ 7a :actory :or )roducin' tra::ic7. # tru.y (odern -treet (u-t be 7a- /e.. eIui))ed a- a :act ry7. In t;i- -treet+ a- in t;e (odern :actory+ t;e be-t -eIui))ed (ode. i- t;e (o-t t;orou';.y auto(ated5 no )eo).e+ e0ce)t :or )eo).e o)eratin' (ac;ine-F no unar(oured and un(ec;aniJed )ede-trianto -.o/ t;e :.o/. 71a:@- and ).ace- o: recreation /i.. no .on'er be t;e :un'u- t;at eat- u) t;e )a8e(ent- o: Pari-.7 In t;e city o: t;e :uture+ t;e (acada( /i.. be.on' to t;e tra::ic 9ro( !e 1orbu-ier7- (a'ic (o(ent on t;e 1;a()- E.y-@e-+ a 8i-ion o: a ne/ /or.d i- bo(5 a :u..y inte'rated /or.d o: ;i'; -ri-e to/er- -urrounded by 8a-t e0)an-e- o: 'ra-- and o)en -)ace -7T;e to/er in t;e )ar67 - .in6ed by aeria. -u)er;i';/ay-+ -er8iced by -ubterranean 'ara'e- and -;o))in' arcade-. T;i- 8i-ion ;ad a c.ear )o.itica. )oint+ -tated a- t;e .a-t /ord- o: To/ard- a New Arc$itect%re6 7#rc;itecture or Re8o.ution. Re8o.ution can be a8oided.7 T;e )o.itica. connection- /ere not :u..y 'ra-)ed at t;e ti(e - it i- not c.ear /;et;er !e 1orbu-ier entire.y 'ra-)ed t;e( ;i(-e.: - but /e -;ou.d be ab.e to under-tand t;e( no/. T$esis, a t;e-i- a--erted by urban )eo).e -tartin' in 1AB4+ a.. t;rou'; t;e nineteent; century+ and in t;e 'reat re8o.utionary u)ri-in'- at t;e end o: %or.d %ar One5 t;e -treet- be.on' to t;e )eo).e. Antit$esis, and ;ere i- !e 1orbu-ier7- 'reat contribution5 no -treet-+ no Peo).e. In t;e )o-t-,au--(ann city -treet+ t;e :unda(enta. -ocia. and )-yc;ic contradictiono: (odern .i:e con8er'ed and )er)etua..y t;reatened to eru)t. But i: t;i- -treet cou.d on.y be /i)ed o:: t;e (a) - !e 1orbu-ier -aid it 8ery c.ear.y in 14245 7%e AA Re#ositionin -odernis! (u-t 6i.. t;e -treetL7 - t;en (aybe t;e-e contradiction- need ne8er co(e to a ;ead. T;u- (oderni-t arc;itecture and ).annin' created a (oderniJed 8er-ion o: )a-tora.5 a -)atia..y and -ocia..y -e'(ented /or.d - )eo).e ;ere+ tra::ic t;ereF /or6 ;ere+ ;o(e- t;ereF ric; ;ere+ )oor t;ereF barrier- o: 'ra-- and concrete in bet/een+ /;ere ;a.oe- cou.d be'in to 'ro/ around )eo).e7- ;ead- once a'ain.7 T;i- :or( o: (oderni-( ;a- .e:t dee) (ar6- on a.. our .i8e-. T;e city de8e.o)(ent o: t;e .a-t :orty year-+ in ca)ita.i-t and -ocia.i-t countrie- a.i6e+ ;a- -y-te(atica..y attac6ed+ and o:ten -ucce--:u..y ob.iterated+ t;e +(o8in' c;ao-7 o: nineteent; -century urban .i:e. In t;e ne/ urban en8iron(ent - :ro( !e:ra6 1ity to 1entury 1ity+ :ro( #t.anta7- Peac;tree P.aJa to Detroit7- Renai--ance 1enter - t;e o.d (odern -treet+ /it; it- 8o.ati.e (i0ture o: )eo).e and tra::ic+ bu-ine--e- and ;o(e-+ ric; and )oor+ i- -orted out and -).it u) into -e)arate co()art(ent-+ /it; entrance- and e0it- -trict.y (onitored and contro..ed+ .oadin' and un.oadin' be;ind t;e -cene-+ )ar6in' .ot- and under'round 'ara'e- t;e on.y (ediation. #.. t;e-e -)ace-+ and a.. t;e )eo).e /;o :i.. t;e(+ are :ar (ore ordered and )rotected t;an any ).ace or anybody in Baude.aire7- city cou.d be. T;e anarc;ic+ e0).o-i8e :orce- t;at urban (oderniJation once brou';t to'et;er+ a ne/ /a8e o: (oderniJation+ bac6ed by an ideo.o'y o: de8e.o)in' (oderni-(+ ;a- )u..ed a)art. Ne/ &or6 i- no/ one o: t;e 8ery :e/ #(erican citie- in /;ic; Baude.aire7- )ri(a. -cene- can -ti.. ta6e ).ace. #nd t;e-e o.d citie- or -e'(ent- o: citie- are under )re--ure- :ar (ore t;reatenin' t;an t;e one- t;at 'ri))ed t;e( in Baude.aire7- day. T;ey are econo(ica..y and )o.itica..y conde(ned a- ob-o.ete+ be-et by c;ronic b.i';t+ -a))ed by di-in8e-t(ent+ cut o:: :ro( o))ortunitie- :or 'ro/t;+ con-tant.y .o-in' 'round in co().etion /it; area- t;at are con-idered (ore 7(ode(7. T;e tra'ic irony o: (oderni-t urbani-( i- t;at it- triu(); ;a- ;e.)ed to de-troy t;e 8ery urban .i:e it ;o)ed to -et :ree .2 1orTe-)ondin' in a (o-t curiou- /ay to t;i- :.attenin' out o: t;e urban .and-ca)e+ t;e t/entiet; century ;a- a.-o )roduced a di-(a. :.attenin' out o: -ocia. t;ou';t. Seriou- t;in6in' about (odern .i:e ;a- )o.ariJed it-e.: into t/o -teri.e antit;e-e-+ /;ic; (ay be ca..ed+ aI -u''e-ted ear.ier+ 7(oderno.atry7 and 7cu.tura. de-)air7. 9or (oderno.ator-+ :ro( Marinetti and Maya6o8-6y and !e 1orbu-ier to Buc6(in-ter and t;e .ater Mar-;a.. Mc!u;an and ,er(an Ka;n+ a.. t;e )er-ona. and -ocia. di--onance- o: (ode( .i:e can be re-o.8ed by tec;no.o'ica. and ad(ini-trati8e (ean-F t;e (ean- are a.. at ;and+ and t;e on.y t;in' need:u. i- .eader- /it; t;e /i.. to u-e t;e(. 9or t;e 8i-ionarie- o: cu.tura. de-)air+ :ro( T.E. ,u.(e+ and EJra Pound and E.iot and Orte'a+ on/ard to E..u. and 9oucau.t+ #rendt and Marcu-e+ a.. o: (ode( .i:e -ee(- uni:or(.y ;o..o/+ -teri.e+ 7one-di(en-iona.7+ e()ty o: ;u(an )o--ibi.itie-5 anyt;in' t;at .oo6- or :ee.- .i6e :reedo( or AB -ars$all Ber!an beauty i- rea..y on.y a -creen :or (ore )ro:ound en-.a8e(ent and ;orror. %e -;ou.d note+ :ir-t o: a..+ t;at bot; t;e-e (ode- o: t;ou';t

cut acro-- t;e )o.itica. di8i-ion- o: .e:t and ri';tF -econd+ t;at (any )eo).e ;a8e c.un' to bot; t;e-e )o.e- at di::erent )oint- in t;eir .i8e-+ and -o(e ;a8e e8en tried to' to bot; at once. %e can :ind bot; )o.aritie- in Baude.aire+ /;o+ indeed (i';t .ay to ;a8in' in8ented bot;. But /e can a.-o :ind in Baude.aire -o(et;in' t;at i- (i--in' in (o-t o: ;i- -ucce--or-5 a /i.. to /re-t.e to t;e end o: ;iener'y /it; (ode( .i:e7- co().e0itie- and contradiction-+ to :ind and create ;i(-e.: in t;e (id-t o: t;e an'ui-; and beauty o: it- (o8in' c;ao-. It i- ironic t;at bot; in t;eory and in )ractice t;e (y-ti:ication o: (ode( .i:e and t;e de-truction o: -o(e o: it- (o-t e0citin' )o--ibi.itie- ;a8e 'one on in t;e na(e o: )ro're--i8e (oderni-( it-e.:. #nd yet in -)ite o: e8eryt;in'+ t;at o.d (o8in' c;ao- ;a- 6e)t or )er;a)- ;a- rene/ed - it- ;o.d on a 'reat (any o: u-. T;e urbani-( o: t;e )a-t t/o decade- ;a- conce)tua.iJed and con-o.idated t;i;o.d. 3ane 3acob- /rote t;e )ro);etic boo6 o: t;i- ne/ urbani-(5 T$e 7eat$ and *ife of Great A!erican "ities, )ub.i-;ed in 14@1. 3acob- ar'ued bri..iant.y+ :ir-t+ t;at t;e urban -)ace- created by (oderni-( /ere );y-ica..y c.ean and order.y+ but -ocia..y and -)iritua..y deadF -econd+ t;at it /a- on.y t;e 8e-ti'e- o: nineteent;-century con'e-tion+ noi-e and 'enera. di--onance t;at 6e)t conte()orary urban .i:e a.i8e+ t;ird+ t;at t;e o.d urban 7(o8in' c;ao-7 /a- in :act a (ar8e.ou-.y ric; and co().e0 ;u(an order+ unnoticed by (oderni-( on.y becau-e it- )aradi'(- o: order /ere (ec;anica.+ reducti8e and -;a..o/F and :ina..y+ t;at /;at -ti.. )a--ed :or (oderni-( in 14@0 (i';t turn out to be e8ane-cent and a.ready ob-o.ete .< In t;e .a-t t/o decade-+ t;i- )er-)ecti8e ;a- 'at;ered /ide-)read and ent;u-ia-tic a--ent+ and (a--e- o: #(erican- ;a8e /or6ed -tead:a-t.y to -a8e t;eir nei';bor;ood- and citie- :ro( t;e ra8a'e- o: (otoriJed (oderniJation. E8ery (o8e(ent to -to) t;e con-truction o: a ;i';/ay i- a (o8e(ent to 'i8e t;e o.d (o8in' c;ao- a ne/ .ea-e on .i:e. De-)ite -)oradic .oca. -ucce--e-+ no one ;a- ;ad t;e )o/er to brea6 t;e accu(u.ated )o/er o: t;e ;a.o and t;e ;i';/ay. But t;ere ;a8e been enou'; )eo).e /it; enou'; )a--ion and dedication to create a -tron' underto/+ to 'i8e city .i:e a ne/ ten-ion and e0cite(ent and )oi'nancy /;i.e it .a-t-. #nd t;ere are -i'n- t;at it (ay .a-t .on'er t;an anyone - e8en t;o-e /;o .o8ed it (o-t - /ou.d ;a8e t;ou';t. #(id t;e :ear- and an0ietie- o: t;e conte()orary ener'y cri-i-+ t;e (otoriJed )a-tora. a))ear- to be brea6in' do/n. #- it doe-+ t;e (o8in' c;ao- o: our nineteent;-century (ode( citie- .oo6- (ore order.y and (ore u)-to-date e8ery day. T;u- Baude.aire7- (oderni-(+ a- I ;a8e )ortrayed it ;ere+ (ay turn out to be e8en (ore re.e8ant in our ti(e t;an it /a- in ;i- o/nF t;e urban (en and /o(en o: today (ay be t;e one- to /;o( ;e /a- tru.y+ in ;i- i(a'e+ @)ou-@. Re#ositionin -odernis! #.. t;i- -u''e-t- t;at (oderni-( contain- it- o/n inner contradiction- and dia.ect-F t;at :or(- o: (oderni-t t;ou';t and 8i-ion (ay con'ea. into do'(atic ort;odo0ie- and beco(e arc;aicF t;at ot;er (ode- o: (oderni-( (ay be -ub(er'ed :or 'eneration-+ /it;out e8er bein' -u)er-ededF and t;at t;e dee)e-t -ocia. and )-yc;ic /ound- o: (odernity (ay be re)eated.y -ea.ed+ /it;out e8er bein' rea..y ;ea.ed. T;e conte()orary de-ire :or a city t;at is o)en.y troub.ed but inten-e.y a.i8e is a de-ire to o)en u) o.d but di-tincti8e.y (odern /ound- once (ore. It is a de-ire to .i8e o)en.y /it; t;e -).it and unreconci.ed c;aracter o: our .i8e-+ and to dra/ ener'y :ro( our inner -tru''.e-+ /;ere8er t;ey (ay .ead %s in t;e end. I: /e .earned t;rou'; one (oderni-( to con-truct ;a.oe- around our -)ace- and our-e.8e-+ /e can .earn :ro( anot;er (oderni-( - one o: t;e but a.-o+ /e can -ee no/+ one o: t;e ne/e-t - to .o-e our ;a.oe- and :ind our-e.8e- ane/. Note?. A0

1. !e 1orbu-ier /a- ne8er ab.e to (a6e (uc; ;ead/ay in ;i- unde:ati'ab.e -c;e(e- :or de-troyin' Pari-. But (any o: ;i- (o-t 'rote-Iue 8i-ion- /ere rea.iJed in t;e Po()idou era+ /;en e.e8ated ;i';/ay- c.e:t t;e Ri';t Ban6+ t;e 'reat (ar6et- o: !e- ,a..e- /ere de(o.i-;ed+ doJen- o: t;ri8in' -treet- /ere raJed and -ub-tantia. and 8enerab.e nei';bor;ood- /ere turned o8er to 'les #ro!ote%rs' and ob.iterated /it;out a trace. See Nor(a E8en-on+ Paris6 A "ent%r) of "$an e, 9A<A4 9:<A E&a.e+ 9:<:=; 3ane Kra(er+ 7# Re)orter In Euro)e5 Pari-7. T$e New +orker ,9: 3une 9:<A=; Ric;ard 1obb+ 7T;e #--a--ination o: Pari-7+ New +ork Re0iew of Books ,< 9ebruary 9:A0=; and -e8era. o: "odard7- .ater :i.(-+ ) T/o or T$ree T$in s 5 know A&o%t .er ,9:<@=. T;i- need- to be Iua.i:ied. !e 1orbu-ier drea(t o: an u.tra(ode(ity t;at cou.d ;ea. t;e city7- /ound-. More ty)ica. o: t;e (oderni-t (o8e(ent in arc;itecture /a- an inten-e and unIua.i:ied ;atred :or t;e city+ and a :er8ent ;o)e t;at (odern de-i'n and ).annin' cou.d /i)e it out. One o: t;e )ri(ary (oderni-t c;c;@- /a- t;e co()ari-on o: t;e (etro)o.i- to t;e -ta'ecoac; or Ea:ter %or.d %ar One$ to t;e ;or-e and bu''y. # ty)ica. (oderni-t orientation to/ard t;e city can be :ound in (#ace, Ti!e and Arc$itect%re, a (onu(enta. /or6 by !e 1orbu-ier7- (o-t articu.ate di-ci).e+ and t;e boo6 t;at+ (ore t;an any ot;er+ /a- u-ed :or t/o 'eneration- to de:ine t;e (oderni-t canon. T;e boo%- ori'ina. edition+ co()o-ed in 9:@A4 @:, conc.ude- /it; a ce.ebration o: Robert Mo-e-7 ne/ net/or6 o: urban ;i';/ay-+ /;ic; "iedion -ee- a- t;e idea. (ode. :or t;e ).annin' and con-truction o: t;e :uture. T;e ;i';/ay de(on-trate- t;at 7t;ere i- no .on'er any ).ace :or t;e city -treet+ /it; ;ea8y tra::ic runnin' bet/een ro/- o: ;ou-e-F it cannot )o--ib.y be )er(itted to )er-i-t7 E). A@?=. T;i- idea co(e- direct.y out o: T$e "it) of To!orrow; /;at i- di::erent+ and di-turbin'+ i- t;e tone. !e 1orbu-ier7- .yrica.+ 8i-ionary ent;u-ia-( ;a- been re).aced by t;e trucu.ent and t;reatenin' i()atience o: t;e co(n-d--ar. 71annot )o--ib.y be )er(itted to )er-i-t75 can t;e ) be :ar be;indH E8en (ore o(inou- i- /;at co(e- ne0t5 t;e urban ;i';/ay co().e0 .oo6- :or/ard to t;e ti(e /;en+ a:ter t;e nece--ary -ur'ery ;a- been )er:or(ed+ t;e arti:icia. city /i.. be reduced to it- natura. -iJe7. T;i- )a--a'e+ /;ic; ;a- t;e c;' e::ect o: a (ar'ina. note by MrKurtJ+ -u''e-t- ;o/+ :or t/o 'eneration- o: ).anner-+ t;e ca()ai'n a'ain-t t;e -treet /a- on.y one );a-e o: a /ider /ar a'ain-t t;e (ode( city it-e.:. T;e anta'oni-( bet/een (ode( arc;itecture and t;e city i- e0).ored -en-iti8e.y by Robert 9i-;(an+ 'r&an 'to#ias in t$e Twentiet$ "ent%r) EBa-ic Books, 9:<<=. @. 7It i- di-turbin' to t;in6 t;at (en /;o are youn' today+ (en /;o are bein' trained no/ :or t;eir career-+ -;ou.d acce)t+ on t$e ro%nds t$at t$e) s$o%ld &e !odern in t$eir t$inkin , conce)tion- about citie- and tra::ic /;ic; are not on.y un/or6ab.e+ but a.-o to /;ic; not;in' ne/ o: any -i'ni:icance ;a- been added -ince t;eir :at;er- /ere c;i.dren.7 7eat$ and *ife of Great A!erican "ities ERando( ,ou-e and Cinta'e+ 9:;9=, #. @<9; 3acob7- e();a-i-. T;e 3acob- )er-)ecti8e i- de8e.o)ed intere-tin'.y in Ric;ard Sennett+ T$e 'ses of 7isorder6 Personal 5dentit) and "it) *ife EKno):+ 9:<0=, and in Robert 1aro+ T$e Power Broker6 Ro&ert -oses and t$e Fall of New +ork EKno):+ 9:<4=. T;ere i- a.-o a ric; Euro)ean .iterature in t;i- 8ein. See+ :or in-tance+ 9e.iJita- !enJ-Ro(ei--+ T$e "it)6 New Town or .o!e Town ,9:<0=, tran-.ated :ro( t;e "er(an by Edit; Kue-tner and 3i( *nder/ood EPrae'er+ 9:<@=. %it;in t;e arc;itectura. )ro:e--ion+ t;e critiIue o: !e 1orbu-ier7- (ode o: (oderni-(+ and o: t;e -teri.itie- o: t;e Internationa. Sty.e a- a /;o.e+ be'in- /it; Robert Centuri+ "o!#leCit) and "ontradiction in Arc$itect%re, /it; an Introduction by Cincent Scu..y EMu-eu( o: Mode( #rt+ 14@@$. In t;e )a-t decade it ;a- co(e not on.y to be 'enera..y acce)ted but to 'enerate an ort;odo0y o: it- o/n. T;i- i- codi:ied (o-t c.ear.y in 1;ar.e- 3enc6-+ T$e *an %a e of Post4-odern Arc$itect%re ERiJJo;+ 14AA$.


@ Ray(ond %i..ia(-+ 7T;e Metro)o.i- and t;e E(er'ence o: Moderni-(D

Ray(ond %i..ia(- -u''e-t- t;at t;e 6ey -ocia. ba-i- o: (oderni-( .ie- in t;e e0)erience o: i((i'ration :ro( t;e )ro8ince- to t;e (etro)o.i-. T;i- centra. and' in-i';t (ean- t;at ;e can bot; )oint to continuitie- /it; an ear.ier e0)erience o: urban indu-tria. cu.ture and -ituate /;at /a- di-tincti8e+ -ocia..y and arti-tica..y+ in t;e ear.y t/entiet;-century (etro)o.i-. 9or i((i'ration+ %i..ia(ar'ue-+ inten-i:ied and -;i:ted t;e t;e(e- o: t;e cro/d and a.ienation+ o: unity and di8er-ity c;aracteri-in' )erce)tion- o: t;e urban or indu-tria. centre durin' t;e nineteent; century. In .ieu o: an in;erited -en-e o: co((unity+ t;i- e0)erience )roduced t;e (odern i-t attention to t;e arti-tic (ediu( it-e.:. T;e (uc; ob-er8ed 7autono(y7 and 7-e.:-con-ciou-ne--7 o: (oderni-t art i- t;ere:ore :re-;.y ;i-torici-ed. #ny uni8er-a.i-in' :or (oderni-( beco(e- untenab.e+ -ince it- ) condition- and :or(- are -een no/ to be.on' in t;e ear.y t/entiet; century+ to 7t;e i()eria. and ca)ita.i-t (etro)o.i-7. Moderni-(7- ;i-torica. )ara(eter- .ead %i..ia(- brie:.y to con-ider t;e 7de)ri8ed ;inter.and-7 and 7)oor /or.d7 out-ide t;e (etro)o.i-. %e (i';t re:.ect too on t;o-e /;o e0)erienced t;e (ode( city di::erent.y+ t;ou'; on t;e in-ide5 /o(en (oderni-t-+ :or e0a().e+ or #(erican (oderni-t- co((itted in t;eir o/n ter(- to a -tron' -en-e o: urban idio( and .oca.e. #nd /e (i';t a-6 ;o/ t;i- account /ou.d a.ter in re.ation to t;e e0)erience o: en:orced e0i.e in t;e t;irtie-+ -o(eti(e- :or t;e -a(e 'eneration o: deracinated+ but (ore :ree.y (obi.e+ arti-t- o: t;e 1410- and t/entie-. # :urt;er Iue-tion ine8itab.y ari-e-. %i..ia(- /rite- :ro( a .itera..y )o-t(oderni-t )o-ition+ beyond (oderni-(7- ;i-torica. (o(ent and R Re)rinted :ro( 'nreal "it). 'r&an EC#erience in -odern E%ro#ean *iterat%re and Art, ed. Ed/ard Ti((- and Da8id Ke..ey EManc;e-ter5 Manc;e-ter *ni8er-ity Pre-- and Ne/ &or65 St Martin7- Pre-- E14B?$+ )). 1<-2 . B2 Ra)!ond /illia!s it- canoni-ation+ yet i- di-dain:u. o: )o-t(oderni-(7- '.o--y con-u(eri-(. %;at t;en+ o: 8a.ue+ can -u)er-ede (oderni-(H I: %i..ia(-7/ritin' -ee(- to -u''e-t a return to rea.i-(+ ;i- .a-tin' intere-t in Ib-en7- 7(oderni-t natura.i-(7 and in t;e (i0ed (ode- o: :i.( and te.e8i-ion -u''e-t /;at a co().e0 a.te(ati8e t;i- /ou.d be. See %i..ia(-+ T$e Politics of -odernis! E14B4$F Bra 7 dbury and Mc9ar.ane Eed-$+ -odernis!, Part One5 < E14A@$+ and :urt;er e--ayin Ti((- and Ke..ey Eed-$+ 'nreal "it) E14B?$. Moderni-( a- a critica. conce)t It i- no/ c.ear t;at t;ere are deci-i8e .in6- bet/een t;e )ractice- and idea- o: t;e a8ant-'arde (o8e(ent- o: t;e t/entiet; century and t;e -)eci:ic condition- and re.ation-;i)- o: t;e t/entiet;-century (etro)o.i-. T;e e8idence ;a- been t;ere a.. a.on'+ and i- indeed in (any ca-e- ob8iou-. &et unti. recent.y it ;a- been di::icu.t to di-en'a'e t;i- -)eci:ic ;i-torica. and cu.tura. re.ation-;i) :ro( a .e-- -)eci:ic but /ide.y ce.ebrated Eand e0ecrated$ -en-e o: 7t;e (odern7. In t;e .ate t/entiet; century it ;a- beco(e increa-in'.y nece--ary to notice ;o/ re.ati8e.y :ar bac6 t;e (o-t i()ortant )eriod o: 7(odern art7 no/ a))ear- to be. T;e condition- and re.ation-;i)- o: t;e ear.y t/entiet;-century (etro)o.i- ;a8e in (any re-)ect- bot; inten-i:ied and been /ide.y e0tended. In t;e -i().e-t -en-e+ 'reat (etro)o.itan a''re'ation-+ continuin' t;e de8e.o)(ent o: citie- into 8a-t conurbation-+ are -ti.. ;i-torica..y increa-in' Eat an e8en (ore e0).o-i8e rate in t;e T;ird %or.d$. In t;e o.d indu-tria. countrie-+ a ne/ 6ind o: di8i-ion bet/een t;e cro/ded and o:ten dere.ict 7inner city7 and t;e e0)andin' -uburb- and co((uter de8e.o)(ent- ;a- been (ar6ed. Moreo8er+ /it;in t;e o.der 6ind- o: (etro)o.i-+ and :or (any o: t;e -a(e rea-on-+ 8ariou- 6ind- o: a8ant -'arde (o8e(ent -ti.. )er-i-t and e8en :.ouri-;. &et at a dee)er .e8e. t;e cu.tura. condition- o: t;e (etro)o.i- ;a8e deci-i8e.y c;an'ed. T;e (o-t in:.uentia. tec;no.o'ie- and in-titution- o: art+ t;ou'; t;ey are -ti.. centred in t;i- or t;at (etro)o.i-+ e0tend and indeed are directed beyond it+ to /;o.e di8er-e cu.tura. area-+ not by -.o/ in:.uence but by i((ediate tran-(i--ion. T;ere cou.d ;ard.y be a 'reater cu.tura. contra-t t;an t;at bet/een t;e tec;no.o'ie- and in-titution- o: /;at i- -ti.. (ain.y ca..ed 7(ode( art7 - /ritin'+ )aintin'+ -cu.)ture+ dra(a+ in (inority )re--e- and (a'aJine-+ -(a.. 'a..erie- and e0;ibition-+ city-centre t;eatre- - and t;e e::ecti8e out)ut o: t;e .ate t/entiet;-century (etro)o.i-+ in :i.(+ te.e8i-ion+ radio and recorded (u-ic. 1on-er8ati8e B< Re)o-itionin' Moderni-( #rt Pre Ray(ond %i..ia(ana.y-t- -ti.. re-er8e t;e cate'orie- continued attac;(ent t 0 t;e art7 or t;e art-7 to t;e ear.ier tec;no.o'ie- and in-titution-+ /it; (etro)o.i- a- t;e centre in /;ic; an enc.a8e can be :ound :or t;e( or in /;ic; t;ey can+ o:ten a- a 7nationa& ac;ie8e(ent+ be di-).ayed. But t;i- i- ;ard.y co()atib.e /it; a continued inte..ectua. e();a-i- on t;eir I(odernity7+ /;en t;e actua. (odern (edia are o: -o di::erent a 6ind. Second.y+ t;e (etro)o.i- ;a- ta6en on a (uc; /ider (eanin'+ in t;e e0ten-ion o: an or'ani-ed '.oba. (ar6et in t;e ne/ cu.tura. tec;no.o'ie-. at ca)ita. city+ /;ic;

it i- not e8ery 8a-t urban a''re'ation+ or e8en 're ;a- t;i- cu.tura. (etro)o.itan c;aracter. T;e e::ecti8e (etro)o.i- - a- i- -;o/n in t;e borro/in' o: t;e /ord to indicate re.ation- bet/een nation-+ in t;e neo-co.on=ai /or.d - i- no/ t;e (odern tran-(ittin' c;nica..y ad8anced and do(inant econo(ie-. (etro)o.i- o: t;e te 'orie- a- 7(odern~ and 7(oderni-(7 to de-cribe a-)ect- o: t;e art and t;ou century /or.d i- no/ at be-t anac;roni-tic+ at /or-t arc;aic. %;at T;u- t;e retention o: -uc; cate ';t o: an undi::erentiated t/entiet;er-i-tence i- a (atter :or co().e0 ana.y-i-+ but t;ree account- :or t;e 7~();a-i-ed. 9ir-t+ t;ere i- a :actua. )er-i-tence+ in t;e e.e(ent- can be e /it; -e.ected e0ten-ion- to -o(e o: t;e O.d tec;no.o'ie- and :or(- but rity art- and (etro)o.itan ne/+ o: t;e -)eci:ic re.ation- bet/een (ino . - a )er-i-tent inte..ectua. )ri8i.e'e- and o))ortunitie-. Second.y+ t;ere i ;e'e(ony o: t;e (etro)o.i-+ in it- co((an . d o: t;e (o-t -eriouub.i-;in' ;ou-e-+ ne/-)a)er- and (a'aJine-+ and inte..ectua. ) :or(a. and e-)ecia..y in:or(a.. Ironica..y+ in a (a=ority O: in-titution-+ re-)ect- re-idua.5 t;e ca-e-+ t;e-e :or(ation- are in -o(e i()ortant inte..ectua. and arti-tic :or(- in /;ic; t;ey ;a8e t;eir (ain ro I ot- are :or -ocia. rea-on- - e-)ecia..y in t;eir -u))ortin' :or(u.ation- o: (inority7 and 7(a--7+ 7Iua.ity7 and 7)o)u.ar7 - o: t;at o.der+ ear.y t/entiet;-century )eriod+ /;ic; :or t;e( i- t;e )erennia..y 7(odern7. T;ird.y+ and (o-t :unda(enta..y+ t;e centra. )roduct o: t;at ear.ier )eriod+ :or rea-on- /;ic; (u-t be e0).ored+ /a- a ne/ -et o: uni8er-a.-7+ ae-t;etic+ inte..ectua.- and )-yc;o.o'ica.+ /;ic; can be -;ar).y contra-ted /it; t;e der 7uni8er-a.- I or -)eci:ic cu.ture-+ )eriod- and :ait;-+ but /;ic; in 01 + o: ;i-torica. c;an'e or o: iu-t t;at Iua.ity re-i-t a.. :urt;er -)eci:icitie- 5 in t;e con8iction o: /;at i- beyond Iue-tion cu.tura. and -ocia. di8er-ity + (odern ab-o.ute7+ t;e de:ined uni8er-a.ity and :or a.. e::ecti8e ti(e t;e o: a ;u(an condition /;ic; i- e::ecti8e.y )er(anent. T;ere are -e8era. )o--ib.e /ay- out o: t;i- inte..ectua. dead.oc6+ /;ic; no/ ;a- -o (uc; )o/er o8er a /;o.e ran'e o: );i.o-o);ica.+ ae-t;etic and )o.itica. t;in6in'- T;e (o-t e::ecti8e in8o.8e conte()orary ana.y-id.y c;an'in' /or.d. But it i- a.-o u-e:u.+ /;en :aced by t;i- in a -ti.. ra)i - curiou- becau-e it i- a -ta-i- /;ic; icuriou- condition o: cu.tura. -ta-ientia..y )recariou- ter(- - to continua..y de:ined in dyna(ic and e0)en on5 -eein' a )re-ent beyond identi:y -o(e o: t;e )roce--e- o: it- :or(ati B 7t;e (odern7 by -eein' ;o/+ in t;e )a-t+ t;at -)eci:ica..y ab-o.ute +(odern7 /a- :or(ed. 9or t;i- indenti:ication+ t;e :act- o: t;e de8e.o)(ent o: t;e city into t;e (etro)o.i- are ba-ic. %e can -ee ;o/ certain t;e(e- in art and t;ou';t de8e.o)ed a- -)eci:ic re-)on-eto t;e ne/ and e0)andin' 6ind- o: nineteent;-century city and t;en+ a- t;e centra. )oint o: ana.y-i-+ -ee ;o/ t;e-e /ent t;rou'; a 8ariety o: actua. arti-tic tran-:or(ation-+ -u))orted by ne/.y o::ered Eand co()etiti8e$ ae-t;etic uni8er-a.-+ in certain (etro)o.itan condition- o: t;e ear.y t/entiet; century5 t;e (o(ent o: 7(odern art7. Nineteent;-century antecedent- to t;e t;e(e o: urban a.ienation It i- i()ortant to e();a-i-e ;o/ re.ati8e.y o.d -o(e o: t;e-e a))arent.y (ode( t;e(e- are. 9or t;at i- t;e in;erent ;i-tory o: t;e(e- at :ir-t contained /it;in 7)re-(odern7 :or(- o: art /;ic; t;en in certain condition- .ed to actua. and radica. c;an'e- o: :or(. It i- t;e .ar'e.y ;idden ;i-tory o: t;e condition- o: t;e-e )ro:ound interna. c;an'e- /;ic; /e ;a8e to e0).ore+ o:ten a'ain-t t;e c.a(our o: t;e 7uni8er-a.-7 t;e(-e.8e-. 9or con8enience I /i.. ta6e e0a().e- o: t;e t;e(e- :ro( En'.i-; .iterature+ /;ic; i- ) ric; in t;e(. Britain /ent t;rou'; t;e :ir-t -ta'e- o: indu-tria. and (etro)o.itan de8e.o)(ent 8ery ear.y+ and a.(o-t at once certain )er-i-tent t;e(e- /ere arri8ed at. T;u- t;e e::ect o: t;e (odern city a- a cro/d o: -tran'er- /a- identi:ied+ in a /ay t;at /a- to .a-t+ by %ord-/ort;5 0 9riendL one' /a- t;ere /;ic; be.on'ed to t;i- 'reat city+ by e0c.u-i8e ri';tF ,o/ o:ten+ in t;e o8er:.o/in' -treet-+ ,a8e I 'one :or/ard /it; t;e cro/d and -aid *nto (y-e.:+ 7T;e :ace o: e8ery one T;at )a--e- by (e i- a (y-teryL7 T;u- ;a8e I .oo6ed+ nor cea-ed to .oo6+ o))re--ed By t;ou';t- o: /;at and /;it;er+ /;en and ;o/+ *nti. t;e -;a)e- be:ore (y eyebeca(e # -econd--i';t )roce--ion+ -uc; a- '.ide- O8er -ti.. (ountain-+ or a))ear- in drea(-. #nd a.. t;e ba..a-t o: :a(i.iar .i:e+ T;e )re-ent+ and t;e )a-tF ;o)e and :earF a.. -tay- #.. .a/- o: actin'+ t;in6in'+ -)ea6in' (an %ent :ro( (e+ neit;er 6no/in' (e+ nor 6no/n.7 B? Re#ositionin -odernis! %;at i- e8ident ;ere i- t;e ra)id tran-ition :ro( t;e (undane :act t;at t;e )eo).e in t;e cro/ded -treet are un6no/n to t;e ob-er8er -

t;ou'; /e no/ :or'et /;at a no8e. e0)erience t;at (u-t in any ca-e ;a8e been to )eo).e u-ed to cu-to(ary -(a.. -ett.e(ent- - to t;e no/ c;aracteri-tic inter)retation o: -tran'ene-- a- 7(y-tery7. Ordinary (ode- o: )ercei8in' ot;er- are -een a- o8erborne by t;e co..a)-e o: nor(a. re.ation-;i)- and t;eir .a/-5 a .o-- o: 7t;e ba..a-t o: :a(i.iar .i:e7. Ot;er )eo).e are t;en -een a- i: in 7-econd -i';t7 or+ crucia..y+ a- in drea(-5 a (a=or )oint o: re:erence :or (any -ub-eIuent (odern arti-tic tec;niIue-. 1.o-e.y re.ated to t;i- :ir-t t;e(e o: t;e cro/d o: -tran'er- i- a -econd (a=or t;e(e+ o: an indi8idua. .one.y and i-o.ated /it;in t;e cro/d. %e can note -o(e continuity in eac; t;e(e :ro( (ore 'enera. Ro(antic (oti:-5 t;e 'enera. a))re;en-ion o: (y-tery and o: e0tre(e and )recariou- :or(- o: con-ciou-ne--F t;e inten-ity o: a )arado0ica. -e.:rea.i-ation in i-o.ation. But /;at ;a- ;a))ened+ in eac; ca-e+ i- t;at an a))arent.y ob=ecti8e (i.ieu+ :or eac; o: t;e-e condition-+ ;a- been identi:ied in t;e ne/.y e0)andin' and o8ercro/ded (ode( city. T;ere are a ;undred ca-e-+ :ro( 3a(e- T;o(-on to "eor'e "i--in' and beyond+ o: t;e re.ati8e.y -i().e tran-ition :ro( ear.ier :or(- o: i-o.ation and a.ienation to t;eir -)eci:ic .ocation in t;e city. T;o(-on7- )oe(+ 7T;e Doo( o: a 1ity7 E1B?A$+ addre--e- t;e t;e(e e0).icit.y+ a- 7So.itude in t;e (id-t o: a 'reat 1ity75 T;e cord- o: -y()at;y /;ic; -;ou.d ;a8e bound (e In -/eet co((unication /it; eart;7- brot;er;ood I dre/ in ti';t and ti';ter -ti.. around (e+ Stran'.in' (y .o-t e0i-tence :or a (ood.7 #'ain+ in t;e better-6no/n 71ity o: Dread:u. Ni';t7 E1BA0$+ a direct re.ation-;i) i- )ro)o-ed bet/een t;e city and a :or( o: a'oni-ed con-ciou-ne--5 T;e 1ity o: Ni';t+ but not o: T;ere -/eet i- not :or t;e /eary brainF T;e )iti.e-- ;our- .i6e year- and a'e- cree)+ # ni';t -ee(- ter(.e-- ;e... T;i- dread:u. -train O: t;ou';t and con-ciou-ne-- /;ic; ne8er cea-e-+ O: /;ic; -o(e (o(ent7- -tu)or but increa-e-+ T;i-+ /or-e t;an /oe+ (a6e- /retc;e- t;ere in-ane.7 T;ere i- direct in:.uence :ro( T;o(-on in E.iot7' ear.y city )oe(-. But (ore 'enera..y i()ortant i- t;e e0ten-ion o: t;e a--ociation bet/een i-o.ation and t;e city to a.ienation in it- (o-t -ub=ecti8e -en-e5 a ran'e :ro( drea( or ni';t(are Et;e :or(a. 8ector o: 7Doo( o: a 1ity7$+ t;rou'; B@ Ra)!ond /illia!s t;e di-tortion- o: o)iu( or;o.+ to actua. in-anity. T;e-e -tate- are bein' 'i8en a )er-ua-i8e and u.ti(ate.y con8entiona. -ocia. .ocation. On t;e ot;er ;and+ a.ienation in t;e city cou.d be 'i8en a -ocia. rat;er t;an a )-yc;o.o'ica. e();a-i-. T;i- i- e8ident in E.iJabet; "a-6e..7- inter)retation o: t;e -treet- o: Manc;e-ter in -ar) Barton, in (uc; o: Dic6en-+ e-)ecia..y in 7o!&e) and (on, and Et;ou'; ;ere /it; (ore e();a-i- on t;e i-o.ated and cru-;ed ob-er8er$ in "i--in'7- 7e!os and T$e Net$er /orld. It i- an e();a-idra/n out and :or(a..y ar'ued by En'e.-5 T;ey cro/d by one anot;er a- t;ou'; t;ey ;ad not;in' in co((on+ not;in' to do /it; one anot;er ... T;e bruta. indi::erence+ t;e' i-o.ation o: eac; in ;i- )ri8ate intere-t beco(e- t;e (ore re)e..ent and o::en-i8e+ t;e (ore t;e-e indi8idua.- are cro/ded to'et;er+ /it;in a .i(ited -)ace. #nd+ ;o/e8er (uc; one (ay be a/are t;at t;i- i-o.ation o: t;e indi8idua.+ t;i- narro/ -e.: --ee6in' it;e :unda(enta. )rinci).e o: our -ociety e8ery/;ere+ it i- no/;ere -o -;a(e.e--.y bare:aced+ -o -e.: -con-ciou- a- =u-t ;ere in t;e cro/din' o: t;e 'reat city. T;e di--o.ution o: (an6ind into (onad- ... i- ;ere carried out to it- ut(o-t e0tre(e- . T;e-e a.ternati8e e();a-e- o: a.ienation+ )ri(ari.y -ub=ecti8e or -ocia.+ are o:ten :u-ed or con:u-ed /it;in t;e 'enera. de8e.o)(ent o: t;e t;e(e. In a /ay t;eir doub.e .ocation /it;in t;e (odern city ;a;e.)ed to o8erride /;at i- ot;er/i-e a -;ar) di::erence o: e();a-i-. &et bot; t;e a.ternati8e- and t;eir :u-ion or con:u-ion )oint a;ead to ob-er8ab.e tendencie- in t/entiet;-century a8ant-'arde art+ /it; it- at ti(e- :u-ed+ at ti(e- di8idin'+ orientation- to/ard- e0tre(e -ub=ecti8ity Einc.udin' -ub=ecti8ity a- rede()tion or -ur8i8a.$ and -ocia. or -ocia./cu.tura. re8o.ution. T;ere i- a.-o a t;ird t;e(e+ o::erin' a 8ery di::erent inter)retation o: t;e -tran'ene-- and cro/din' and t;u- t;e 7i()enetrabi.ity7 o: t;e city. #.ready in 1A?1 9ie.din' ;ad ob-er8ed5 %;oe8er con-ider- t;e 1itie- o: !ondon and %e-t(in-ter+ /it; t;e .ate 8a-t increa-e- o: t;eir -uburb-+ t;e 'reat irre'u.arity o: t;eir bui.din'-+ t;e i((en-e nu(ber- o: .ane-+ a..ey-+ court- and bye).ace-+ (u-t t;in6 t;at ;ad t;ey been intended :or t;e 8ery )ur)o-e o: concea.(ent t;ey cou.d not ;a8e been better contri8ed. -I T;i- /a- a direct concern /it; t;e :act- o: urban cri(e+ and t;e e();a-i- )er-i-ted. T;e 7dar6 !ondon7 o: t;e .ate nineteent; century+ and ) t;e Ea-t End+ /ere o:ten -een a- /arren- o: cri(e+ and one i()ortant .iterary re-)on-e to t;i- /a- t;e ne/ :i'ure o: t;e urban BA Re#ositionin -odernis! detecti8e. In 1onan Doy.e7- ($erlock .ol!es -torie- t;ere i- a recurTent i(a'e o: t;e )enetration by an i-o.ated rationa. inte..i'ence o: a dar6 area o: cri(e /;ic; i- to be :ound in t;e ot;er/i-e E:or -)eci:ic );y-ica. rea-on-+ a- in t;e !ondon :o'-+ but a.-o :or -ocia. rea-on-+ in t;at tee(in'+ (aJe-.i6e+ o:ten a.ien area$ i()enetrab.e city. T;i- :i'ure ;a- )er-i-ted in t;e urban 7)ri8ate eye7 Ea- it ;a))en-+ an e0act idio( :or t;e ba-ic )o-ition in con-ciou-ne--$ in citie- /it;out t;e :o'-. On t;e ot;er ;and+ t;e idea o: 7dar6e-t !ondon7 cou.d be 'i8en a -ocia. e();a-i-. It i- a.ready -i'ni:icant t;at t;e u-e o: -tati-tic- to

under-tand an ot;er/i-e too co().e0 and too nu(erou- -ociety ;ad been )ioneered in Manc;e-ter :ro( t;e 1B<0-. Boot; in t;e 1BB0a)).ied -tati-tica. -ur8ey tec;niIue- to !ondon7- Ea-t End. T;ere i- -o(e re.ation bet/een t;e-e :or(- o: e0).oration and t;e 'enera.i-in' )anora(ic )er-)ecti8e- o: -o(e t/entiet;-century no8e.- EDo- Pa--o-+ Tre--e..$. T;ere /ere natura.i-tic account- :ro( /it;in t;e urban en8iron(ent+ a'ain /it; an e();a-i- on cri(e+ in -e8era. no8e.- o: t;e 1B40-+ :or e0a().e+ Morri-on7- Tale of -ean (treets E1B4 $. But in 'enera. it /a- a- .ate a- t;e 14<0-+ and t;en in (a=ority in rea.i-t (ode-+ be:ore any o: t;e actua. in;abitant- o: t;e-e dar6 area- /rote t;eir o/n )er-)ecti8e-+ /;ic; inc.uded t;e )o8erty and t;e -Iua.or but a.-o+ in -;ar) contradiction to t;e ear.ier account-+ t;e nei';bour.ine-- and co((unity /;ic; /ere actua. /or6in'-c.a-- re-)on-e-. # :ourt; 'enera. t;e(e can+ ;o/e8er+ be connected /it; t;i- e0).icit .ate re-)on-e. %ord-/ort;+ intere-tin'.y+ -a/ not on.y t;e a.ienated city but ne/ )o--ibi.itie- o: unity5 #(on' t;e (u.titude- O: t;at ;u'e city+ o:tenti(e- /a- -een #::ectin'.y -et :ort;+ (ore t;an e.-e/;ere I- )o--ib.e+ t;e unity o: (en.7 %;at cou.d be -een+ a- o:ten in Dic6en-+ a- a deadenin' uni:or(ity+ cou.d be -een a.-o+ a- a'ain in Dic6en- and indeed+ crucia..y+ in En'e.-+ a- t;e -ite o: ne/ 6ind- o: ;u(an -o.idarity. T;e a(bi'uity ;ad been t;ere :ro( t;e be'innin'+ in t;e inter)retation o: t;e urban cro/d a- +(a--7 or 7(a--e-7+ a -i'ni:icant c;an'e :ro( t;e ear.ier 7(ob7. T;e (a--e- cou.d indeed be -een+ a- in one o: %ord-/ort;7e();a-e-+ a-5 -.a8e- unre-)ited o: .o/ )ur-uit-+ !i8in' a(id t;e -a(e )er)etua. :.o/ O: tri8ia. ob=ect-+ (e.ted and reduced To one identity ... I BB Ra)!ond /illia!s But 7(a--7 and 7(a--e-7 /ere a.-o to beco(e t;e ;eroic+ or'ani-in' /ord- o: /or6in'-c.a-- and re8o.utionary -o.idarity. T;e :actua. de8e.o)(ent o: ne/ 6ind- o: radica. or'ani-ation /it;in bot; ca)ita. and indu-tria. citie- -u-tained t;i- )o-iti8e urban e();a-i-. # :i:t; t;e(e 'oe- beyond t;i-+ but in t;e -a(e )o-iti8e direction. Dic6en-7- !ondon can be dar6+ and ;i- 1o6eto/n dar6er. But a.t;ou';+ a- a.-o .ater in ,.". %e..-+ t;ere i- a con8entiona. t;e(e o: e-ca)e to a (ore )eace:u. and innocent rura. -)ot+ t;ere i- a -)eci:ic and un(i-ta6ab.e e();a-i- o: t;e 8ita.ity+ t;e 8ariety+ t;e .iberatin' di8er-ity and (obi.ity o: t;e city. #- t;e );y-ica. conditiono: t;e citie- /ere i()ro8ed+ t;i- -en-e ca(e t;rou'; (ore and (ore -tron'.y. T;e idea o: t;e )re-Indu-tria. and )re-(etro)o.itan city aa ).ace o: .i';t and .earnin'+ a- /e.. a- o: )o/er and (a'ni:icence+ /a- re-u(ed /it; a -)ecia. e();a-i- on );y-ica. .i';t5 t;e ne/ i..u(ination- o: t;e city. T;i- i- e8ident in 8ery -i().e :or( in !e "a..ienne in t;e 1B40-5 !ondon+ !ondon+ our de.i';t+ "reat :.o/er t;at o)en- but at ni';t+ "reat city o: t;e (idni';t -un+ %;o-e day be'in- /;en day i- done. !a() a:ter .a() a'ain-t t;e -6y O)en- a -udden bea(in' eye+ !ea)in' a .i';t on eit;er ;and T;e iron o: t;e Strand.7 T;e (etro)o.i- a- a (e.tin'-)ot5 ne/ attitude- to t;e (ediu( o: art It i- not on.y t;e co((unity+ it i- a.-o t;e di8er-ity o: t;e-e t;e(e-+ co()o-in' a- t;ey do -o (uc; o: t;e re)ertory o: (odern art+ /;ic; -;ou.d no/ be e();a-i-ed. #.t;ou'; (oderni-( can be c.ear.y identi:ied a- a di-tincti8e (o8e(ent+ in it- de.iberate di-tance :ro( and c;a..en'e to (ore traditiona. :or(- o: art and t;ou';t+ it i- a.-o -tron'.y c;aracteri-ed by it- interna. di8er-ity o: (et;od- and e();a-e-5 a re-t.e-- and o:ten direct.y co()etiti8e -eIuence o: inno8ation- and e0)eri(ent-+ a./ay- (ore i((ediate.y reco'ni-ed by /;at t;ey are brea6in' :ro( t;an by /;at+ in any -i().e /ay+ t;ey are brea6in' to/ard-. E8en t;e ran'e o: ba-ic cu.tura. )o-ition-+ /it;in (oderni-(+ -6etc;e- :ro( an ea'er e(brace o: (odernity+ eit;er in it- ne/ tec;nica. and (ec;anica. :or(- or in t;e eIua..y -i'ni:icant attac;(entto idea- o: -ocia. and )o.itica. re8o.ution+ to con-ciouB4 Re#ositionin -odernis! ana.y-t- -ti.. re-er8e t;e cate'orie- 7art7 or 7t;e art-7 to t;e ear.ier tec;no.o'ie- and in-titution-+ /it; continued attac;(ent to t;e (etro)o.i- a- t;e centre in /;ic; an enc.a8e can be :ound :or t;e( or in /;ic; t;ey can+ o:ten a- a 7nationa.7 ac;ie8e(ent+ be di-).ayed. But t;i- i- ;ard.y co()atib.e /it; a continued inte..ectua. e();a-i- on t;eir +(odernity7+ /;en t;e actua. (ode( (edia are o: -o di::erent a 6ind. Second.y+ t;e (etro)o.i- ;a- ta6en on a (uc; /ider (eanin'+ in t;e e0ten-ion o: an or'ani-ed '.oba. (ar6et in t;e ne/ cu.tura. tec;no.o'ie-. It i- not e8ery 8a-t urban a''re'ation+ or e8en 'reat ca)ita. city+ /;ic; ;a- t;i- cu.tura. (etro)o.itan c;aracter. T;e e::ecti8e (etro)o.i- - a- i- -;o/n in t;e borro/in' o: t;e /ord to indicate re.ation- bet/een nation-+ in t;e neo-co.onia. /or.d - i- no/ t;e (odern tran-(ittin' (etro)o.i- o: t;e tec;nica..y ad8anced and do(inant econo(ie-. T;u- t;e retention o: -uc; cate'orie- a- 7(ode(7 and 7(oderni-(7 to de-cribe a-)ect- o: t;e art and t;ou';t o: an undi::erentiated t/entiet;century /or.d i- no/ at be-t anac;roni-tic+ at /or-t arc;aic. %;at account- :or t;e )er-i-tence i- a (atter :or co().e0 ana.y-i-+ but t;ree e.e(ent- can be e();a-i-ed. 9ir-t+ t;ere i- a :actua. )er-i-tence+ in t;e o.d tec;no.o'ie- and :or(- but /it; -e.ected e0ten-ionto -o(e o: t;e ne/+ o: t;e -)eci:ic re.ation- bet/een (inority art- and (etro)o.itan )ri8i.e'e- and o))ortunitie-. Second.y+ t;ere i- a )er-i-tent inte..ectua. ;e'e(ony o: t;e (etro)o.i-+ in it- co((and o: t;e (o-t -eriou- )ub.i-;in' ;ou-e-+ ne/-)a)er- and (a'aJine-+ and inte..ectua. in-titution-+ :or(a. and e-)ecia..y in:or(a.. Ironica..y+ in a (a=ority o: ca-e-+ t;e-e :or(ation- are in -o(e i()ortant re-)ect- re-idua.5 t;e inte..ectua. and arti-tic :or(- in /;ic; t;ey ;a8e t;eir (ain root- are :or -ocia. rea-on- - e-)ecia..y in t;eir

-u))ortin' :or(u.ation- o: 7(inority7 and 7(a--7+ 7Iua.ity7 and 7)o)u.ar7 - o: t;at o.der+ ear.y t/entiet;-century )eriod+ /;ic; :or t;e( it;e )erennia..y 7(odern7. T;ird.y+ and (o-t :unda(enta..y+ t;e centra. )roduct o: t;at ear.ier )eriod+ :or rea-on- /;ic; (u-t be e0).ored+ /a- a ne/ -et o: 7uni8er-a.-7+ ae-t;etic+ inte..ectua.- and )-yc;o.o'ica.+ /;ic; can be -;ar).y contra-ted /it; t;e o.der 7uni8er-a.-7 or -)eci:ic cu.ture-+ )eriod- and :ait;-+ but /;ic; in =u-t t;at Iua.ity re-i-t a.. :urt;er -)eci:icitie-+ o: ;i-torica. c;an'e or o: cu.tura. and -ocia. di8er-ity5 in t;e con8iction o: /;at i- beyond Iue-tion and :or a.. e::ecti8e ti(e t;e 7(ode( ab-o.ute7+ t;e de:ined uni8er-a.ity o: a ;u(an condition /;ic; i- e::ecti8e.y )er(anent. T;ere are -e8era. )o--ib.e /ay- out o: t;i- inte..ectua. dead.oc6+ /;ic; no/ ;a- -o (uc; )o/er o8er a /;o.e ran'e o: );i.o-o);ica.+ ae-t;etic and )o.itica. t;in6in'. T;e (o-t e::ecti8e in8o.8e conte()orary ana.y-i- in a -ti.. ra)id.y c;an'in' /or.d. But it i- a.-o u-e:u.+ /;en :aced by t;i- curiou- condition o: cu.tura. -ta-i- - curiou- becau-e it i- a -ta-i- /;ic; i- continua..y de:ined in dyna(ic and e0)erientia..y )recariou- ter(- - to identi:y -o(e o: t;e )roce--e- o: it- :or(ation5 -eein' a )re-ent beyond B Ra)!ond /illia!s 7t;e (odern7 by -eein' ;o/+ in t;e )a-t+ t;at -)eci:ica..y ab-o.ute +(odern7 /a- :or(ed. 9or t;i- indenti:ication+ t;e :act- o: t;e de8e.o)(ent o: t;e city into t;e (etro)o.i- are ba-ic. %e can -ee ;o/ certain t;e(e- in art and t;ou';t de8e.o)ed a- -)eci:ic re-)on-eto t;e ne/ and e0)andin' 6ind- o: nineteent;-century city and t;en+ a- t;e centra. )oint o: ana.y-i-+ -ee ;o/ t;e-e /ent t;rou'; a 8ariety o: actua. arti-tic tran-:or(ation-+ -u))orted by ne/.y o::ered Eand co()etiti8e$ ae-t;etic uni8er-a.-+ in certain (etro)o.itan condition- o: t;e ear.y t/entiet; century5 t;e (o(ent o: 7(odern art7. Nineteent;-century antecedent- to t;e t;e(e o: urban a.ienation It i- i()ortant to e();a-i-e ;o/ re.ati8e.y o.d -o(e o: t;e-e a))arent.y (ode( t;e(e- are. 9or t;at i- t;e in;erent ;i-tory o: t;e(e- at :ir-t contained /it;in 7)re-(odern7 :or(- o: art /;ic; t;en in certain condition- .ed to actua. and radica. c;an'e- o: :or(. It i- t;e .ar'e.y ;idden ;i-tory o: t;e condition- o: t;e-e )ro:ound interna. c;an'e- /;ic; /e ;a8e to e0).ore+ o:ten a'ain-t t;e c.a(our o: t;e 7uni8er-a.-7 t;e(-e.8e-. 9or con8enience I /i.. ta6e e0a().e- o: t;e t;e(e- :ro( En'.i-; .iterature+ /;ic; i- ) ric; in t;e(. Britain /ent t;rou'; t;e :ir-t -ta'e- o: indu-tria. and (etro)o.itan de8e.o)(ent 8ery ear.y+ and a.(o-t at once certain )er-i-tent t;e(e- /ere arri8ed at. T;u- t;e e::ect o: t;e (odern city a- a cro/d o: -tran'er- /a- identi:ied+ in a /ay t;at /a- to .a-t+ by %ord-/ort;5 0 9riendL one' /a- t;ere /;ic; be.on'ed to t;i- 'reat city+ by e0c.u-i8e ri';tF ,o/ o:ten+ in t;e o8er:.o/in' -treet-+ ,a8e I 'one :or/ard /it; t;e cro/d and -aid *nto (y-e.:+ 7T;e :ace o: e8ery one T;at )a--e- by (e i- a (y-teryL7 T;u- ;a8e I .oo6ed+ nor cea-ed to .oo6+ o))re--ed By t;ou';t- o: /;at and /;it;er+ /;en and ;o/+ *nti. t;e -;a)e- be:ore (y eyebeca(e # -econd--i';t )roce--ion+ -uc; a- '.ide- O8er -ti.. (ountain-+ or a))ear- in drea(-. #nd a.. t;e ba..a-t o: :a(i.iar .i:e+ T;e )re-ent+ and t;e )a-tF ;o)e and :earF a.. -tay- #.. .a/- o: actin'+ t;in6in'+ -)ea6in' (an %ent :ro( (e+ neit;er 6no/in' (e+ nor 6no/n.7 B? Re#ositionin -odernis! o)tion- :or )a-t or e0otic cu.ture-+ a- -ource- or at .ea-t a- :ra'(ent- a ainst t;e (odern /or.d. Many e.e(ent- o: t;i- di8er-ity ;a8e to be re.ated to t;e -)eci:ic cu.ture- and -ituation- /it;in /;ic; di::erent 6ind- o: /or6 and )o-ition /ere to be de8e.o)ed+ t;ou'; /it;in t;e -i().er ideo.o'y o: (oderni-( t;i- i- o:ten re-i-ted5 t;e inno8ation- bein' direct.y re.ated on.y to t;e(-e.8e- Ea- t;e re.ated critica. )rocedure- o: :or(a.i-( and -tructura.i-( ca(e to in-i-t$. But t;e di8er-ity o: )o-ition and (et;od ;a - B anot;er 6ind o: -i'ni:icance. T;e t;e(e-+ in t;eir 8ariety+ inc.udin' a- /e ;a8e -een dia(etrica..y o))o-ite a- /e.. adi8er-e attitude- to t;e city and it- (odernity+ ;ad :or(er.y been inc.uded /it;in re.ati8e.y traditiona. :or(- o: art. %;at t;en -tand- out a- ne/+ and i- in t;i- de:inin' -en-e 7(odern7+ i- t;e -erie- Einc.udin' t;e co()etiti8e -eIuence$ o: brea6- in :or(. &et i: /e -ay on.y t;i/e are carried bac6 in-ide t;e ideo.o'y+ i'norin' t;e continuity o: t;e(e- :ro( t;e nineteent; century and i-o.atin' t;e brea6- o: :or(+ or /or-e+ a- o:ten in -ub-eIuent )-eudo-;i-torie-+ re.atin' t;e :or(a. brea6- to t;e t;e(e- a- i: bot; /ere co()arab.y inno8ati8e. 9or it inot t;e 'enera. t;e(e- o: re-)on-e to t;e city and it- (odernity /;ic; co()o-e anyt;in' t;at can be )ro)er.y ca..ed (oderni-(. It irat;er t;e ne/ and -)eci:ic .ocation o: t;e arti-t- and inte..ectua.- o: t;i- (o8e(ent /it;in t;e c;an'in' cu.tura. (i.ieu o: t;e (etro)o.i-. 9or a nu(ber o: -ocia. and ;i-torica. rea-on- t;e (etro)o.i- o: t;e -econd ;a.: o: t;e nineteent; century and o: t;e :ir-t ;a.: o: t;e t/entiet; century (o8ed into a Iuiet ne/ cu.tura. di(en-ion. It /a- no/ (uc; (ore t;an t;e 8ery .ar'e city+ or e8en t;e ca)ita. city o: an i()ortant nation. It /a- t;e ).ace /;ere ne/ -ocia. and econo(ic and cu.tura. re.ation-+ beyond bot; city and nation in t;eir o.der -en-e-+ /ere be'innin' to be :or(ed5 a di-tinct ;i-torica. );a-e /;ic; /a- in :act to be e0tended+ in t;e -econd ;a.: o: t;e t/entiet; century+ at .ea-t )otentia..y+ to t;e /;o.e /or.d. In t;e );a-e- t;i- de8e.o)(ent ;ad (uc; to do /it; i()eria.i-(5 /it; t;e (a'netic concentration o: /ea.t; and )o/er in i()eria. ca)ita.- and t;e -i(u.taneou- co-(o)o.itan acce-- to a /ide 8ariety o: -ubordinate cu.ture-. But it /a- a./ay- (ore t;an t;e ort;odo0 co.onia. -y-te(. %it;in Euro)e it-e.: t;ere /a- a 8ery (ar6ed une8enne-- o: de8e.o)(ent+ bot; /it;in ) countrie-+ /;ere t;e di-tance- bet/een ca)ita.- and )ro8ince- /idened+ -ocia..y and cu.tura..y+ in t;e une8en de8e.o)(ent- -o: indu-try and a'ricu.ture+ and o: a (onetary econo(y and -i().e -ub-i-tence o: (ar6et :or(-. E8en (ore crucia. di::erence- e(er'ed bet/een indi8idua. countrie-+ /;ic; ca(e to co()o-e a ne/ 6ind o: ;ierarc;y not -i().y+ a- in t;e o.d ter(-+ o: (i.itary )o/er+ but in ter(- o: de8e.o)(ent and t;ence o: )ercei8ed en.i';ten(ent and (odernity. 40 Ra)!ond /illia!s

Moreo8er+ bot; /it;in (any ca)ita. citie-+ and e-)ecia..y /it;in t;e (a=or (etro)o.i-e-+ t;ere /a- at once a co().e0ity and a -o);i-tication o: -ocia. re.ation-+ -u)).e(ented in t;e (o-t i()ortant ca-e- - Pari-+ abo8e a.. - by e0ce)tiona. .ibertie- o: e0)re--ion. T;ico().e0 and o)en (i.ieu contra-ted 8ery -;ar).y /it; t;e )er-i-tence o: traditiona. -ocia.+ cu.tura. and inte..ectua. :or(- in t;e )ro8inceand in t;e .e-- de8e.o)ed countrie-. #'ain+ in /;at /a- not on.y t;e co().e0ity but t;e (i-ce..aneity o: t;e (etro)o.i-+ -o di::erent in t;e-e re-)ect- :ro( traditiona. cu.ture- and -ocietie- beyond it+ t;e /;o.e ran'e o: cu.tura. acti8ity cou.d be acco((odated. T;e (etro)o.i- ;ou-ed t;e 'reat traditiona. acade(ie- and (u-eu(- and t;eir ort;odo0ie-F t;eir 8ery )ro0i(ity and )o/er- o: contro. /ere bot; a -tandard and a c;a..en'e. But a.-o+ /it;in t;e ne/ 6ind o: o)en+ co().e0 and (obi.e -ociety+ -(a.. 'rou)- in any :or( o: di8er'ence or di--ent cou.d :ind -o(e 6ind o: :oot;o.d+ in /ay- t;at /ou.d not ;a8e been )o--ib.e i: t;e arti-t- and t;in6er- co()o-in' t;e( ;ad been -cattered in (ore traditiona.+ c.o-ed -ocietie-. Moreo8er+ /it;in bot; t;e (i-ce..aneity o: t;e (etro)o.i- - /;ic; in t;e cour-e o: ca)ita.i-t and i()eria.i-t de8e.o)(ent ;ad c;aracteri-tica..y attracted a 8ery (i0ed )o)u.ation+ :ro( a 8ariety o: -ocia. and cu.tura. ori'in- - and it- concentration o: /ea.t; and t;u- o))ortunitie- o: )atrona'e+ -uc; 'rou)- cou.d ;o)e to attract+ indeed to :or(+ ne/ 6ind- o: audience. In t;e ear.y -ta'e- t;e :oot;o.d /a- u-ua..y )recariou-. T;ere i- a radica. contra-t bet/een t;e-e o:ten -tru''.in' Eand' and co()etiti8e$ 'rou)-+ /;o bet/een t;e( (ade /;at i- no/ 'enera..y re:erred to a- 7(odern art7+ and t;e :unded and tradin' in-titution-+ acade(ic and co((ercia.+ /;ic; /ere e8entua..y to 'enera.i-e and dea. in t;e(. T;e continuity i- one o: under.yin' ideo.o'y+ but t;ere i- -ti.. a radica. di::erence bet/een t;e t/o 'eneration-5 t;e -tru''.in' inno8ator- and t;e (oderni-t e-tab.i-;(ent /;ic; con-o.idated t;eir ac;ie8e(ent. T;u- t;e 6ey cu.tura. :actor o: t;e (oderni-t -;i:t i- t;e c;aracter o: t;e (etro)o.i-5 in t;e-e 'enera. condition- but t;en+ e8en (ore deci-i8e.y+ in it- direct e::ect- on :or(. T;e (o-t i()ortant 'enera. e.e(ent o: t;e inno8ation- in :or( i- t;e :act o: i((i'ration to t;e (etro)o.i-+ and it cannot too o:ten be e();a-i-ed ;o/ (any o: t;e (a=or inno8ator- /ere+ in t;i- )reci-e -en-e+ i((i'rant-. #t t;e .e8e. o: t;e(e+ t;i- in an ob8iou- /ay+ t;e e.e(ent- o: -tran'ene-- and di-tance+ indeed o: a.ienation+ /;ic; -o re' :or( )art o: t;e re)ertory. But t;e deci-i8e ae-t;etic e::ect i- at a dee)er .e8e.. !iberated or brea6in' :ro( t;eir nationa. or )ro8incia. cu.ture-+ ).aced in Iuite ne/ re.ation- to t;o-e ot;er nati8e .an'ua'e- or nati8e 8i-ua. tradition-+ encounterin' (ean/;i.e a no8e. and dyna(ic co((on en8iro(ent :ro( /;ic; (any o: t;e o.der :or(- /ere ob8iou-.y di-tant+ t;e arti-t- and 41 Re#ositionin -odernis! /riter- and t;in6er- o: t;i- );a-e :ound t;e on.y co((unity a8ai.ab.e to t;e(5 a co((unity o: t;e (ediu(F o: t;eir o/n )ractice-. T;u- .an'ua'e /a- )ercei8ed Iuite di::erent.y. It /a- no .on'er+ in t;e o.d -en-e+ cu-to(ary and natura.i-ed+ but in (any /ayarbitrary and con8entiona.. To t;e i((i'rant- e-)ecia..y+ /it; t;eir ne/ -econd co((on .an'ua'e+ .an'ua'e /a- (ore e8ident a- a (ediu( - a (ediu( t;at cou.d be -;a)ed and re-;a)ed - t;an a- a -ocia. cu-to(. E8en /it;in a nati8e .an'ua'e+ t;e ne/ re.ation-;i)- o: t;e (etro)o.i-+ and t;e ine-ca)ab.e ne/ u-e- in ne/-)a)er- and ad8erti-in' attuned to it+ :orced certain )roducti8e 6ind- o: -tran'ene-and di-tance5 a ne/ con-ciou-ne-- o: con8ention- and t;u- o: c;an'eab.e+ becau-e no/ o)en+ con8ention-. T;ere ;ad .on' been )re--ureto/ard- t;e /or6 o: art a- arte:act and co((odity+ but t;e-e no/ 'reat.y inten-i:ied+ and t;eir co(bined )re--ure- /ere 8ery co().e0 indeed. T;e )reoccu)yin' 8i-ua. i(a'e- and -ty.e- o: ) cu.ture- did not di-a))ear+ any (ore t;an t;e nati8e .an'ua'e-+ nati8e ta.e-+ t;e nati8e -ty.e- o: (u-ic and dance+ but a.. /ere no/ )a--ed t;rou'; t;i- crucib.e o: t;e (etro)o.i-+ /;ic; /a- in t;e i()ortant ca-e- no (ere (e.tin'-)ot but an inten-e and 8i-ua..y and .in'ui-tica..y e0citin' )roce-- in it- o/n .i';t+ :ro( /;ic; re(ar6ab.e ne/ :or(- e(er'ed. #t t;e -a(e ti(e+ /it;in t;e 8ery o)enne-- and co().e0ity o: t;e (etro)o.i-+ t;ere /a- no :or(ed and -ett.ed -ociety to /;ic; t;e ne/ 6ind- o: /or6 cou.d be re.ated. T;e re.ation-;i)- /ere to t;e o)en and co().e0 and dyna(ic -ocia. )roce-- it-e.:+ and t;e on.y acce--ib.e :or( o: t;i- )ractice /a- an e();a-i- on t;e (ediu(5 t;e (ediu( a- t;at /;ic;+ in an un)recedented /ay+ de:ined art. O8er a /ide and di8er-e ran'e o: )ractice t;i- e();a-i- on t;e (ediu(+ and on /;at can be done in t;e (ediu(+ beca(e do(inant. Moreo8er+ a.on'-ide t;e )ractice+ t;eoretica. )o-ition- o: t;e -a(e 6ind+ (o-t notab.y t;e ne/ .in'ui-tic-+ but a.-o t;e ne/ ae-t;etic- o: -i'ni:icant :or( and -tructure+ ro-e to direct+ to -u))ort+ to rein:orce and to reco((end. So near.y co().ete /a- t;i- 8a-t cu.tura. re:or(ation t;at+ at t;e .e8e.- direct.y concerned - t;e -ucceedin' (etro)o.itan :or(ation- o: .earnin' and )ractice - /;at ;ad once been de:iant.y (ar'ina. and o))o-itiona. beca(e+ in it- turn+ ort;odo0+ a.t;ou'; t;e di-tance o: bot; :ro( ot;er cu.ture- and )eo).e- re(ained /ide. T;e 6ey to t;i- )er-i-tence i- a'ain t;e -ocia. :or( o: t;e (etro)o.i-7 :or t;e :act- o: increa-in' (obi.ity and -ocia. di8er-ity+ )a--in' t;rou'; a continuin' do(inance o: certain (etro)o.itan centre- and a re.ated une8enne-- o: a.. ot;er -ocia. and cu.tura. de8e.o)(ent+ .ed to a (a=or e0)an-ion o: (etro)o.itan :or(- o: )erce)tion+ bot; interna. and i()o-ed. Many o: t;e direct :or(- and (edia -)roce--e- o: t;e (inority );a-e o: (ode( art t;u- beca(e /;at cou.d be -een a- t;e co((on currency o: (a=ority co((unication+ e-)ecia..y in :i.(Ean art :or( created+ in a.. i()ortant re-)ect-+ by t;e-e )erce)tion-$ and in ad8erti-in'. 42 Ra)!ond /illia!s I It i- t;en nece--ary to e0).ore+ in a.. it- co().e0ity o: detai.+ t;e (any 8ariation- in t;i- deci-i8e );a-e o: (odern )ractice and t;eory. But it i- a.-o ti(e to e0).ore it /it; -o(et;in' o: it- o/n -en-e o: -tran'ene-- and di-tance+ rat;er t;an /it; t;e co(:ortab.e and no/ interna..y acco((odated :or(- o: it- incor)oration and natura.i-(. T;i- (ean-+ abo8e a..+ -eein' t;e i()eria. and ca)ita.i-t (etro)o.ia- a -)eci:ic ;i-torica. :or(+ at di::erent -ta'e-5 Pari-+ !ondon+ Ne/ &or6. It in8o.8e- .oo6in'+ :ro( ti(e to ti(e+ :ro( out-ide t;e (etro)o.i-5 :ro( t;e de)ri8ed ;inter.and-+ /;ere di::erent :orce- are (o8in'+ and :ro( t;e )oor /or.d /;ic; ;a- a./ay- been )eri);era. to t;e (etro)o.itan -y-te(-. T;i- need in8o.8e no reduction o: t;e i()ortance o: t;e (a=or arti-tic and .iterary /or6- /;ic; /ere -;a)ed /it;in (etro)o.itan )erce)tion-. But one .e8e. ;a- certain.y to be c;a..en'ed5 t;e (etro)o.itan inter)retation o: it- o/n )roce--e- a-

uni8er-a.-. T;e )o/er o: (etro)o.itan de8e.o)(ent i- not to be denied. T;e e0cite(ent- and c;a..en'e- o: it- intricate )roce--e- o: .iberation and a.ienation+ contact and -tran'ene--+ -ti(u.ation and -tandardi-ation+ are -ti.. )o/er:u..y a8ai.ab.e. But it -;ou.d no .on'er be )o--ib.e to )re-ent t;e-e -)eci:ic and traceab.e )roce--e- a- i: t;ey /ere uni8er-a.-+ not on.y in ;i-tory but a- it /ere abo8e and beyond it. T;e :or(u.ation o: t;e (oderni-t uni8er-a.- i- in e8ery ca-e a )roducti8e but i()er:ect and in t;e end :a..aciou- re-)on-e to ) condition- o: c.o-ure+ brea6do/n+ :ai.ure and :ru-tration. 9ro( t;e nece--ary ne'ation- o: t;e-e condition-+ and :ro( t;e -ti(u.atin' -tran'ene-- o: a ne/ and Ea- it -ee(ed$ unbonded -ocia. :or(+ t;e creati8e .ea) to t;e on.y a8ai.ab.e uni8er-a.ity - o: ra/ (ateria.+ o: (ediu(+ o: )roce-- - /a- i()re--i8e.y and in:.uentia..y (ade. #t t;i- .e8e. a- at ot;er- - 7(oderni-ation7 :or e0a().e - t;e -u))o-ed uni8er-a.- be.on' to a );a-e o: ;i-tory /;ic; /a- bot; creati8e.y )receded and creati8e.y -ucceeded. %;i.e t;e uni8er-a.- are -ti.. acce)ted a- -tandard inte..ectua. )rocedure-+ t;e an-/er- co(e out ai()re--i8e.y a- t;e Iue-tion- deter(ine. But t;en it i- c;aracteri-tic o: any (a=or cu.ture );a-e t;at it ta6e- it- .oca. and traceab.e )o-ition- a- uni8er-a.. T;i-+ /;ic; (oderni-( -a/ -o c.ear.y in t;e )a-t /;ic; it /a- re=ectin'+ re(ain- true :or it-e.:. %;at i-ucceedin' it i- -ti.. uncertain and )recariou-+ a- in it- o/n initia. );a-e-. But it can be :ore-een t;at t;e )eriod in /;ic; -ocia. -tran'ene-- and e0)o-ure i-o.ated art a- on.y a (ediu( i- due to end+ e8en /it;in t;e (etro)o.i-+ .ea8in' :ro( it- (o-t acti8e );a-e- t;e ne/ cu.tura. (onu(ent- and t;eir acade(ie- /;ic; in t;eir turn are bein' c;a..en'ed. 4< Re#ositionin -odernis! Note9. ?. @. 4. >. ;. <. A. Prel%de, 855, /ordswort$6 Poetical /orks, ed. de Se:incourt and Darbi-;ireE!ondon+ 9:4:=, #. ?;9. RID!ER Eed.$ Poe!s and (o!e *etters of Da!es T$o!son, E!ondon+ 9:;@=, #. ?>. Ibid.+ ). 9A0. 9RIEDRI1, EN"E!S+ T$e "ondition of t$e /orkin "lass in En land in 9A44, tran-. 9.K. %i-c;ne/etJ6y E!ondon+ 9:@4=, #. ?4. ,ENR& 9IE!DIN"+ 5n1%ir) into t$e "a%se of t$e *ate 5ncrease of Ro&&ers ,9<>9=, #. <;. %ord-/ort;+ o). cit.+ ). ?A;. Ibid.+ ). ?:?. 1. TRENT+ Greater *ondon, !ondon ,9:;>=, #. ?00.

4 A =ean Rad:ord+ :ro( 71o(in' to ter(-5 Dorot;y Ric;ard-on+ Moderni-( and %o(en7
Boo6-.en't; :e(ini-t -tudie- o: (oderni-( on.y be'an to a))ear :ro( t;e .ate ei';tie- EBen-toc6+ /o!en of t$e *eft Bank, 14BAF ,an-co(be and S(yer-+ /ritin for t$eir *i0es, 14BAF "i.bert and "ubar+ No -an's *and, 0ols 9 and 2F 14B4F 1440$. In ;er e--ay 3ean Rad:ord trace- t;e a))roac;e- ta6en in 9renc; and #n'.o-#(erican :e(ini-(+ inc.udin' -o(e o: t;e abo8e. Bot;+ -;e -u''e-t-+ ;a8e ironica..y rein:orced t;e cu.tura. and ae-t;etic aut;ority o: t;e canonic (ode. o: (oderni-(. ,er o/n ar'u(ent i- t;at 7t;e :e(ini-t )ro=ect+ at it- (o-t radica.+ a::ect- w$at i- read+ $ow it i- read+ and )er;a)- e8en w$o read-7 and t;at t;ere:ore ret;in6in' (oderni-( entai.- a broader+ (ore :unda(enta. recon-truction o: 7En'.i-;7 in education. T;e-e con-ideration- deter(ine ;er di-cu--ion o: t;e -earc; :or 7a ne/ (ore :e(inine :or(7 and /ay- o: readin' t;i- in Dorot;y Ric;ard-on7- Pil ri!a e Ea- /e.. a- e0).ainin' /;y t;i- no8e. re(ain- -o unread$. T;e 'enera. )rocedure- and )rioritie- o: ;er e--ay+ e-)ecia..y t;e interte0tua. con=unctura. ana.y-i- /;ic; Rad:ord reco((end-+ -u''e-t a co()ari-on /it; #nder-on7- 7Modernity and Re8o.ution7 E14B $ re:erred to abo8e E). @@$. T;e narrati8e o: Ric;ard-on7- no8e. a.-o+ o: a /o(an7- bein' :orced out o: ;er c.a-- and into t;e (etro)o.itan =ob (ar6et+ -u''e-t a co()ari-on /it; t;e )oet and (a.e )ro:e--iona.7- 7.o-- o: a ;a.o7 di-cu--ed by Mar-;a.. Ber(an and %i..ia(-7- account o: t;e i((i'rant -ituation o: t;e (oderni-t arti-t in t;e )re8iou- e--ay. See t;e .ater contribution- by Kri-te8a. and Ki)ni- and t;e ;eadnote- to t;e-e E)). 14A-212$. #- /e.. a- t;e boo6-.en't; -tudie(entioned abo8e+ -ee Bonnie Ki(e Scott Eed.$+ T$e Gender of -odernis!, E1440$ and ,uy--en+ 7Ma-- cu.ture a- %o(an5 Moderni-(7Ot;er7 in After t$e Great 7i0ide E14B@$+ ##. -@2. T/o artic.e- /;ic; R Re)rinted :ro( News fro! Now$ere, < E%inter+ 9:A:=, ##. ?>4 @;. 4? Re#ositionin -odernis! con-ider 'ender and (oderni-( are Nao(i Se'a.+ 7Se0ua. Po.itic- and T;e #8ant-"arde7 in Ti((- and 1o..ier+ 8isions and Bl%e#rints

E14BB$+ )). 2<?- 4 and Peter Nic;o..- 79uturi-(+ "ender and T;eorie- o: Po-t(ode(ity7+ TeCt%al Practice, @6 2 ESu((er 14B4$+ )). 202-21. One o: t;e e::ect- o: t;e )o-t(oderni-( debate ;a- been to reo)en t;e ca-e o: 7(oderni-(7+ t;at u(bre..a ter( under /;ic; ear.y t/entiet;century cu.tura. ob=ect- /ere a--e(b.ed and -ett.ed into -y..abu-e- by 8ariou- acade(ic- in t;e :i:tie-. De-)ite -o(e e::ort-+ by Mar0i-t critic- and cu.tura. ;i-torian-+ to di-)en-e /it; t;e ter(+ En'. !it. continued to re:ine and rede:ine bot; 7(oderni-(7 and it(e(ber-;i). 3oyce+ Pound and E.iot - /it; %oo.: a- t;e to6en /o(an - /ere it- -enior (e(ber-+ but /a- ,enry 3a(e- a c.o-et rea.i-tH Did &eat- :ina..y (a6e itH Etc. etc.... O8er t;e .a-t ten year-+ t;e de8e.o)(ent o: critica. t;eory ;a- ;ad t;e )arado0ica. e::ect o: re8a.ori-in' or rein8i'oratin' certain :.a''in' cour-e- .i6e (oderni-(+ becau-e .iterature o: t;i- ty)e brin'- into t;e :ore'round Iue-tion- o: .an'ua'e and re)re-entation. T;e 7"reat #ut;or-7 o: t;e (oderni-t canon )ro8ide a con8enient -ta()in' 'round :or t;eoretica. debate-. One -trand o: :e(ini-t critici-( ;anoticeab.y contributed ;ere+ by )o-in' /o(en7- /ritin' Eor rat;er :crit%re f;!inine= a- a )ri(e e0a().e o: anti-rea.i-t con8ention-. Rea.i-(+ in t;i- 6ind o: ar'u(ent+ i- identi:ied a- 7(a-cu.ine7+ and di-ru)tion- or de)arture- :ro( it are+ in ter(- o: t;i- binary .o'ic+ eIuated /it; t;e :e(inine - t;e :e(inine i- ta6en a- an in-tance o: t;e -ub8er-i8e or di--ident+ t;e return o: /;at i- re)re--ed :ro( t;e do(inant cu.ture. 1i0ou- and Kri-te8a t;eori-e -uc; e.e(ent- in (a.e-aut;ored te0t- by 3oyce and ot;er-+ in di::erent /ay-F but in )ractice - I78e :ound in (y o/n teac;in' - t;e re-u.t ;a- o:ten been di-a))ointin'. #.t;ou'; t;e t;eorie- ;a8e c;an'ed+ t;e (ateria. t;eori-ed Et;e canon$ re(ain- in ).ace. It ;a- )ro8ed ea-ier to .oo6 :or t;e -e(inotic c;ora in 'l)sses t;an in+ -ay+ -u::ra'ette autobio'ra);ie- o: t;e )eriod. 9e(ini-t critici-( -tarted o: cour-e :ro( a critiIue o: (a.e /ritin'+ i: /e ta6e Kate Mi..ett7- (eC%al Politics a- one -uc; -tartin' )oint. ,er )o.e(ica. readin' o: D.,. !a/rence+ :or e0a().e+ o)ened u) t;e /;o.e Iue-tion o: 78a.ue7. It o::ered (e+ a- a -tudent in t;e ear.y -e8entie-+ a (ode. o: t;e re-i-tin' reader+ o: ;o/ one (i';t read canonica. te0t- a'ain-t t;e 'rain. It )ut Iue-tion- o: 'ender and reader acti8ity on t;e a'enda+ and t;e re-readin' o: t;e 'reat tradition and t;e (oderni-t canon a- it -tood in t;e ear.y -e8entie- /a- .aunc;ed. In t;e -o-ca..ed -econd-/a8e o: :e(ini-t critici-(+ t;e e();a-i- -;i:ted :ro( (en7- to /o(en7- /ritin'+ to t;e re-readin' o: /o(en-aut;ored 4@ Dean Radford te0t- and t;e redi-co8ery o: /;at E.aine S;o/a.ter ca..ed 7t;e .o-t continent7 o: /o(en7- /ritin'. T;e )o-iti8e e::ect- o: t;i- )ro=ect+ -u))orted by :e(ini-t )ub.i-;in' ;ou-e- and t;e /or6 o: -ocia. and cu.tura. ;i-torian-+ ;a8e been enor(ou- and on'oin'. It ;a- ;e.)ed to under(ine t;e #rt/)o) di8ide and to e0)o-e t;e .in6- bet/een critici-( and )eda'o'y by treatin' t;e .iterary te0t- a- 7:ie.d- o: e0).oration and critiIue rat;er t;an (ateria.- :or tran-(i--ion7.7 T;e in-i-tence t;at /o(en7- /ritin'- be read in ter(- o: t;e -ocia. and )o.itica. condition- in /;ic; t;ey are )roduced and re)roduced+ rec;ar'ed t;e o.d debate- about 7.iterature and ;i-tory7 by o::erin' concrete in-tance- o: /;at in (uc; Mar0i-t critici-( ;ad beco(e a rat;er ab-tract 7ca.. to ;i-tory7. "eneratin' ne/ Iue-tion- at eac; -te)+ t;e :e(ini-t )ro=ect+ at it- (o-t radica.+ a::ect- w$at is read+ $ow it i- read+ and )er;a)- e8en /;o read-. 9or t;e /o(en7- (o8e(ent ;a)roduced a ne/ reader-;i) out-ide or acro-- traditiona. di-ci).inary boundarie-+ a non-)ro:e--iona. 7a(ateur7 reader to /;o-e intere-t:erridni-t critici-( a.-o -)ea6-. #nd+ a- 3onat;an t;at (o-t ;i';.y re:erenced )ro:e--iona. reader+ -ay-5 7T;e ri';t- o: a(ateur-;ou.d be a--erted+ :or t;e a(ateur7- )er-)ecti8e ;a- -)ecia. 8a.ue. 12 Bac6 in t;e in-titutiona. :ra(e+ t;e :e(ini-t inter8ention ;a- ;ad t/o (ain e::ect- on t;e teac;in' o: 7(oderni-(7 /it;in En'.i-; -tudie-5 E1$ T;e uneIua. re)re-entation o: /o(en /riter- on (oderni-t cour-e- .ed into 7re)re-enti8ity7 ar'u(ent-+ to t;e de(and :or :air -;areo: t;e canonica. ca6e - a redi8i-ion o: -)oi.- -o t;at /riter- .i6e Kat;erine Man-:ie.d+ Dorot;y Ric;ard-on+ ,. D.+ "ertrude Stein+ etc.+ cou.d be 'i8en eIua. -)ea6in' ti(e on t;e -arne ).at:or(. T;i- -ee(- to (e )o-iti8e in-o:ar a- it /or6- a'ain-t t;e 7to6en7 /o(an /riter and t;e readin' )ractice- t;at 'o /it; t;at )o-ition. 9or t;e to6en /o(an /riter+ .i6e Cir'inia %oo.:+ i- a./ay- read a7%o(an7+ 7di::erent :ro( Man in -o(e ab-o.ute -en-e7+7 but /it; ;a.: a doJen /o(en /riter-+ -e0ua. di::erence ;a- to be re.ated to ot;er 6ind- o: di::erence5 c.a--+ et;nicity+ -e0ua. orientation. T;u- t;e di::erence- bet/een or /it;in /o(en /riter- co(e into 8ie/. ,o/e8er+ t;e -tru''.e to 'et t;e-e :i'ure- onto t;e -y..abu- ;a- too o:ten been ar'ued on t;e 'round- o: t;eir bein' 7'ood enou';7 to =oin t;e "reat #ut;or-+ t;u- ca)itu.atin' to t;e ter(- o: t;e 'reat tradition. In t;i- ca-e+ a::ir(ation a- a )o.itica. )ro=ect -.i)- into an ae-t;etic- o: a::ir(ation a- a (et;od o: readin' t;e .iterary te0t+ a- 3acIue.ine Ro-e -ay-5 7In t;i- conte0t t;e a::ir(ation o: t;e /o(an /riter - ;er retrie8a. :ro( one ;i-tory o: ineIua.ity and -ubordination - can )arado0ica..y )roduce a co().icity /it; anot;er N-y-te( o: ineIua.ity and -ubordinationO .1 T;u- t;e attac6 on t;e )ri8i.e'ed 'rou) i- tran-(uted into a de(and to =oin t;at 'rou) and t;e 4A Re#ositionin -odernis! :e(ini-t critic beco(e-+ in "ra(-ci7- ter(-+ =u-t anot;er 7e0)ort in .e'iti(ation7. E2$ T;e a.ternati8e -trate'y /a- to :ocu- on /o(en /riter- a- a counter;i-tory to t;e do(inant .iterary )aradi'(-. T;i- )ro8ed u-e:u. in )o-in' ne/ (ateria. a- t;e ob=ect o: -tudy or by readin' t;e -a(e (ateria. in di::erent conte0t- /it; di::erent Iue-tion-. In -o(e ca-e-+ ;o/e8er+ t;i- ;a- .ed to t;e con-truction o: ri8a. canon-+ to 'reat tradition- o: T$e -adwo!en of t$e Attic ty)e+ or to /o!en of t$e *eft Bank or -odernist /o!en bein' )o-ed aa.ternati8e- to T$e -en of 9:94. Bot; t;e-e de8e.o)(ent- -te( :ro( t;e )ro)o-ition 7t;at :e(ini-t critic- do not acce)t t;e 8ie/ t;at t;e canon re:.ect- t;e ob=ecti8e 8a.ue =ud'e(ent- o: ;i-tory and )o-terity+ but -ee it in-tead a- a cu.ture-bound )o.itica. con-tru1t.F? but neit;er o: t;e-e :e(ini-t

initiati8e- (ana'ed to -;i:t t;e )rob.e( o: t;e canon :ro( it- centra. )o-ition /it;in .iterary -tudie-. Di::erent but con8er'ent atte()t- by b.ac6 critic- and .e:t cu.tura. ;i-torian- at 7:irin' t;e canon7 ;a8e (et /it; -i( di::icu.tie-. #- Pierre Mac;erey noted -o(e year- a'o+ ta.6in' about t;e inc.u-ion o: co(ic -tri)- into cu.tura. ana.y-i-5 9ar :ro( c;an'in' t;e initia. conte0t by -tudyin' di::erent (ateria.+ t;e-e di::erent (ateria.- ;a8e in :act co().ete.y rein:orced t;e traditiona. cate'orie- and -y-te(- o: t;in6in'. EIn t;at -en-e not;in' ;a- c;an'ed - on t;e contrary a -u)).e(entary -y-te( o: ca(ou:.a'e ;a- been )roduced.$ It i- not -i().y a Iue-tion o: t;e (ec;anica. introduction and con-ideration o: ne/ (ateria. in .iterary -tudie-F /e (u-t a.-o co().ete.y c;an'e t;e -y-te( in /;ic; t;e cate'orie- o: .iterary -tudie- are t;ou';t O*t.@ Since t;en+ it ;a- beco(e e8en c.earer t;at a.t;ou'; t;e (ateria. Et;e readin' .i-t- :or Moderni-( cour-e-+ :or e0a().e$ ;a- c;an'ed+ t;e cate'orie- re(ain .ar'e.y in ).ace. Ne/ t;eorie- and ne/ (ateria. /i.. not in t$e!sel0es enab.e u- to c;an'e t;e cate'orie- o: .iterary -tudie-. Ret;in6in' 7Moderni-(7 in8o.8e- ret;in6in' 7En'.i-;7 a- a -ub=ect+ ret;in6in' t;e ,u(anitie- and /;at+ in t;e (id-t o: ar'u(entabout (ar6et :orce- and centre- o: e0ce..ence+ t;eir ro.e in t;e Education o: t;e ninetie- (i';t beco(e. Mo8in' bac6 :ro( t;e-e t;ou';tto 7Dorot;y Ric;ard-on7+ I /ant t;en not to (a6e a ca-e :or ;er on t;e Moderni-( tic6et+ but to a-6 /;y at )re-ent Pil ri!a e is not /ide.y read and in /;at /ay- it (i';t be. 9or at )re-ent+ it -ee(- to (e+ Pil ri!a e is not readF t;e :ir-t o: it- :our 8o.u(e- re)rinted by Cira'o in 14A4 i- no/ out o: )rint+A butt;e -ub-eIuent 8o.u(e- re(ain on t;e -;e.8e-. It re(ain- one o: t;o-e 4B Dean Radford boo6- 7t;at cu.tura..y .iterate )eo).e ;a8e read about but ;a8en7t read7.B T;e )rob.e(+ it i- -aid+ i- it- .en't;5 t;e t;irteen -eria. no8e.E7c;a)ter-7 a- Ric;ard-on ca..ed t;e($ nu(ber o8er t/o t;ou-and )a'e-. T;e body o: t;i- te0t i- too bi'+ too bu.6y to be 'ood canon :odderF a .oo-e ba''y (on-ter+ it e0a-)erate- it- reader- and critic- by it- e0ce--i8e .en't;+ it- -;a)e.e--ne--+ it- narici--i-(. 79e(inine /it;out t;e c;ar(7+ a- !ione.' ca..ed it. It 'oe- on and on+ ).eona-tic+ ).ot.e--+ .i6e -o(e inter(inab.e ana.y-i- /;ic; re:u-e- to co(e to an end. T;e t;irteent; no8e.+ -arc$ -oonli $t, is indeed an un:ini-;ed+ unre8i-ed dra:t+ /;ic; Dent inc.uded in t;e )o-t;u(ou14@A edition. On.y Ric;ard-on7- deat; and ;er )ub.i-;er-$ brou';t it to a c.o-e. Ric;ard-on7- re=ection o: .inear -tory-ba-ed narrati8e- and ;er di--ati-:action /it; current :or(- i- o: cour-e co((on to t;e )eriod. #-;e -tated in t;e Pre:ace to t;e 14<4 edition o: Pil ri!a e6 7T;e (ateria. t;at (o8ed (e to /rite /ou.d not :it t;e :ra(e/or6 o: any no8e. I ;ad e0)erienced ... I be.ie8ed (y-e.: into.erant o: t;e ro(antic and t;e rea.i-t no8e. a.i6e. Eac; . . . .e:t out certain e--entia.-.7 T;e -a(e )oint+ t;e -a(e );ra-e+ i- u-ed /it;in t;e no8e. by t;e ;eroine+ /;en di-cu--in' conte()orary no8e.i-t-5 7T;e tor(ent o: a.. no8e.i- /;at i- .e:t out ... Ban'+ ban'+ ban'+ on t;ey 'o+ t;e-e (en7- boo6-+ .i6e an !11 tra(+ yet unab.e to (a6e you :or'et t;e(+ t;e aut;or-+ :or a (o(ent.74 T;e an0iety about /;at i- 7.e:t out7 o: (a.e :iction (ay be one rea-on :or t;e inc.u-ion o: enor(ou- a(ount- o: de-cri)tion+ :or t;e re)etition o: narrati8e (o8e(ent- /;ic; (i';t ;a8e been conden-ed or co()o-ited. So t;e 7e0ce--i8e7 .en't;+ a- I read it+ i- a -y()to( o: t;e -earc; :or a ne/+ (ore :e(inine+ :or( and i- crucia. to Ric;ard-on7- )oetic- o: t;e no8e.. T;i- -earc; i(oti8ated /it;in t;e te0t by t;e ;eroine7- 'ro/in' -en-e t;at narrati8e con8ention- are -i().y an or'ani-ation. o: t;e :anta-ie- o: t;e do(inant cu.ture and are de)endent+ a- Ric;ard-on /rote e.-e/;ere+ 7on a /;o.e -et o: Iue-tionab.e a'ree(ent- and a--u()tionbet/een reader and /riter.10 %;ere 3oyce %ses t;e-e do(inant :anta-ie-+ ).ay:u..y+ )arodica..y+ Ric;ard-on atte()t- to e8ade t;e(+ to /rite round t;e(+ continua..y di-)er-in' any +-tory intere-t: into de-cri)tion- o: ;er ;eroine7- t;ou';t )roce--e- and -urroundin'-. T;e -i0-)a'e de-cri)tion o: Miria(7- roo( at t;e be'innin' o: T$e Tiinnel ,55, ##. 9949<= is one e0a().e o: t;i- (et;od in )ractice. "i8en t;e :act+ a- Rac;e. du P.e--i- ar'ue- in /ritin Be)ond t$e Endin , 7t;at D-toryD:or /o(en ty)ica..y (eant ).ot- o: -eduction+ court-;i)+ N/;ereO t;e ener'ie- o: Iue-t are de:.ected into ... t;e c;oice o: a (arria'e )artner7+D t;e enor(ou- .ac6 o: 7-tory7 in t;i- no8e. (ay be read a- a de:en-i8e -tructure+ a :or( o: re-i-tance /;ic; it-e.: te-ti:ie- to t;e )o/er o: t;e do(inant narrati8e :or(-. In a -i( /ay+ t;e de:erra. o: t;e endin' ERic;ard-on7- )ub.i-;er- con-tant.y )re--ured ;er to 44 Re#ositionin -odernis! )ro8ide one a- t;e no8e.- continued to a))ear t;rou'; t;e t/entie- and t;irtie-$+ (ay be read a- a re:u-a. o: t;e -ti.. ;e'e(onic c.o-ure de8ice- o: (arria'e and deat;+ a- an atte()t to 6ee) ;er narrati8e o)tion- o)en. =u-t a-+ -o(e/;at di::erent.y+ t;e enor(ou- and )rotracted c.o-e-u) o: Miria( ,ender-on7- 7con-ciou-ne--7 con-titute- a re-i-tance to 7c;aracter7 - to 7c;aracter7 a- t;e -et o: )o--ib.e re)re-entation- o: /o(en a8ai.ab.e in )re8iou- narrati8e di-cour-e-. T;ere i- (uc; (ore t;at cou.d be -aid about 'ender and t;e ideo.o'ica. -i'ni:icance o: :or( in Pil ri!a e but /;ic; I don7t ;a8e ti(e to 'o into ;ere. !et (e return :or a (o(ent to t;e )rob.e( o: readin' Pil ri!a e. I: not ba-ed on 7-tory7 intere-t+ /;at induce(ent doe- it o::er t;e reader to read on - and onH #- 3onat;an )oint- out+ one o: 7t;e ba-ic con8ention- 'o8ernin' t;e no8e. i- t;e e0)ectation t;at reader- /i.. be ab.e to reco'ni-e a /or.d /;ic; it )roduce- and to /;ic; it re:er-7 .12 T;e +reco'nition e::ect7 i- (aintained by t;e inc.u-ion o: de-cri)ti8e detai. Etri8ia. 'e-ture-+ in-i'ni:icant ob=ect-+ -u)er:.uou- dia.o'ue$. 7In a de-cri)tion o: a roo(+ :or e0a().e+ ite(/;ic; are not )ic6ed u) and inte'rated by -y(bo.ic or t;e(atic code- ... and /;ic; do not ;a8e a :unction in t;e ).ot )roduce /;at Bart;e- ca..- a Drea.ity e::ectD.7 T;eir :unction+ 'oe- on to ar'ue+ i- to con:ir( t;e (i(etic contract and a--ure t;e reader t;at ;e or -;e can inter)ret t;e te0t a- about a rea. /or.d+ and a:ter a )roce-- o: reco'nition and identi:ication t;e reader can (o8e on or bac6 7to co()o-e and 'i8e (eanin' to /;at ;a- been identi:ied7. T;e inter)reti8e acti8ity - t;e -econd (o8e in t;i- cyc.e o: readin' - can t;en ta6e ).ace. But 7i: t;e te0t underta6e- an e0ce--i8e )ro.i:eration o: e.e(ent- /;o-e :unction -ee(- )ure.y re:erentia.7 - a- I /ou.d ar'ue i- t;e ca-e /it; Pil ri!a e 4 t$e inter)reti8e acti8ity E(eanin'-con-truction$ i- )rob.e(ati-ed. 9or e0a().e+ it i- di::icu.t+ t;ou'; not i()o--ib.e+ to con-truct t;e t;e(atic )ur)o-e o: t;e de-cri)tion o: Miria(7- roo( at t;e be'innin' o: T$e T%nnel. De-cri)tion- .i6e t;e-e 7-ee( deter(ined on.y by a de-ire :or ob=ecti8ity7+ and t;u- t;e reader can con-truct t;e /or.d Eor roo($ but :ind- it di::icu.t to con-truct a

(eanin' :or it. 7# (ania o: )reci-ion )roduce- %ne t$;!ati1%e 0ide.' Pil ri!a e t;u- brea6- /it; t;e nineteent;-century contract a- de-cribed by Bart;e- and It u-e- );y-ica. de-cri)tion+ t;e de-cri)ti8e re-idue+ re)eated.y and at 'reat .en't; - not to en-ure t;e +rea.ity e::ect7+ but a- a (ean- to i()e. t;e reader on/ard to/ard t;e e8er-de:erred )oint /;ere it- -i'ni:icance /i.. beco(e reco'ni-ab.e. It i- a doub.e-ed'ed -trate'y in t;at it ri-6- .o-in' t;e reader un/' to de:er ;i- or ;er inter)reti8e ).ea-ure-. %it; t;i- ty)e o: /ritin' E3oyce i- a 6ey e0a().e$+ critici-( i- u-ed to )oint to t;e inter)reti8e o)tion-+ and t;e inter)reti8e )rob.e( i- -;i:ted :ro( reader to critic. T;e t/o (o8e- in 1u..er7- cyc.e o: readin' are t;u- -).it bet/een t;e a(ateur reader and 100 Dean Radford t;e )ro:e--iona. critic. Pil ri!a e, .ac6in' t;e 6ind o: inter)reti8e a))aratu- /;ic; -urround- 'l)sses or Finne ans /ake is .e:t to t;e tran-:erence- o: it- a(ateur reader-. 1< One /ay it (i';t beco(e an inter)retab.e te0t+ I /ant to ar'ue ne0t+ i- to read it a- a dia.o'ue /it; ot;er di-cour-e- o: t;e )eriod. %;at t;o-e di-cour-e- are i- 8ery c.ear.y -i'na..ed in Pil ri!a e 8ia re:erence- to t;e ;eroine7- o/n readin'5 o: Ci..ette in Pointed Roo:-+ o: Ouida in Backwater, o: Dar/in+ "edde-+ Sc;en6 in T$e T%nnel, o: t;e 9abian )a();.et- and t;e tit.e- :ro( -cience+ re.i'ion and );i.o-o);y /;ic; :eature in t;e -ub-eIuent 8o.u(e-F o: "oet;e and Sc; and t;e "er(an ro(antic-+ and t;e :iction o: %e..- and Bennett+ 1onrad and 3a(e-. T;e-e na(e- and t;e ita.ici-ed tit.e- o)erate a- -i'n)o-t-+ not on.y :or Miria( ,ender-on7- di-cur-i8e =ourney+ but :or a readin' o: Pil ri!a e a- a )o.e(ic -et /it;in and a'ain-t t;e .ate Cictorian/Ed/ardian di-cour-e- about c.a--+ 'ender and bein' En'.i-; in a -)eci:ic )eriod. I /ant t;ere:ore+ brie:.y+ to out.ine -o(e o: t;e /ay- in /;ic; Ric;ard-on -ta'e- ;er dia.o'ue and ;er di::erence- /it; t;e di-cour-e- o: ;er ti(e. Not to 'i8e t;e 0ide a content+ but to -u''e-t /ay- in /;ic; it (i';t be -tructured. 7Di::erence7 and 7bein' di::erent7 are 6ey ter(- /it;in t;e no8e. -eIuence+ bot; in t;e 'ender-ba-ed -en-e t;at Cir'inia %oo.: re:er- to in 7%o(en and 9iction7+ but a.-o in t;e -en-e t;at Ray(ond %i..ia(- re:er- to /;en ;e c;aracteri-e- t;e 7(oderni-t )ro=ect7 a- 7ta6in' not;in' a- it a))eared but .oo6in' :or dee) :or(-+ dee) -tructure- /it; t;e eye- o: a -tran'er7 .1 Ric;ard-on /a- not an e0i.e or an e(i'r@ in t;e .itera. -en-e t;at Pound+ E.iot+ 3oyce and 1onrad /ere+ but becau-e -;e .oo6- 7/it; t;e eye- o: a -tran'er7 at t;e .i:e o: a (idd.e-c.a-- En'.i-; /o(an. It i- ;er o/n .i:e in t;e )eriod 1B41-1412+ read :ro( anot;er )eriod+ 1412- @. # )a-t recreated a- an enor(ou- )re-ent+ t;e (inutiae o: dai.y .i:e o)erate a- a 7(a6in' -tran'e7+ a de:a(i.iari-ed i(a'e o: t;e /riter7- o/n c.a-- and t;e 8a.ueand condition- it created :or /o(en durin' a )eriod o: tran-ition. T;e 7b.o/-u)7 o: -ur:ace a))earance-+ can be read t;en+ not a- t;e natura.i-( de).ored by !u6ic-+ but a- a /ay o: .oo6in' :or t;e 7dee) :or(- and -;a)in' :orce-7 /;ic; )roduce t;o-e a))earance-. So+ :or e0a().e+ Pil ri!a e cou.d be -aid to re:.ect u)on /;at Eric ,ob-ba/( in A e of E!#ire de-cribe- a- 7t;e uncertaintie- o: t;e bour'eoi-ie7+7-7 t;rou'; t;e con-ciou-ne-- o: a c;aracter :orced out o: ;er c.a-- Eby t;e :at;er7- ban6ru)tcy$ and into t;e =ob-(ar6et untrained+ un-6i..ed+ /it;out ca)ita. or inco(e. #:ter a brie: anac;roni-tic 7i()er-onation7 o: t;e 'o8erne-- ro.e+ -;e beco(e- a c.erica. /or6er -)art o: t;e 'ro/in' tertiary -ector -ta::ed (ain.y by t;e .o/er ( and t;e u)/ard.y (obi.e /or6in' c.a--F an e().oyee o: t;e ty)e o: )ro:e--iona. (en -;e once (et -ocia..y at tenni- )artie- and (u-ica. e8enin'-. T;e )reci-ion o: detai. about accent+ 8oice and (anner 101 Re#ositionin -odernis! re'i-ter- t;i- c.a---di-).ace(ent a- bot; indi8idua. trau(a and a )re-entation o: t;e an0ietie- o8er de(arcation .ine- /it;in t;e bour'eoi-ie at t;e turn o: t;e century. Poi-ed be.o/ t;e 7-ecure7 rentier c.a-- o: ;er c;i.d;ood+ and abo8e t;e 7aby--7 o: t;e /or6in'-c.a--e-+ Miria( ,ender-on .oo6- 7/it; t;e eye- o: a -tran'er75 /it; ;atred and .on'in' at t;e :or(- o: c.a-- .i:e -;e ;a- .e:t+ /it; -;a(e and an0iety at t;e -;i:t- and de)ri8ation- o: t;e .o/er (idd.e-c.a-- /or.d -;e ;a- =oined. E0i-tin' in 'entee. )o8erty on ;er E. a /ee6+ eatin' :ru'a..y in t;e ne/ #B1 re-taurant- -er8in' t;e c.erica. /or.d o: !ondon+ ;er inte..ectua. de8e.o)(ent i- a con-ciou- )ro=ect to rea.i-e ;er condition and+ t;e te0t -u''e-t-+ .e-- con-ciou-.y a de-ire to redee( it. *n.i6e 9or-ter7- caricature o: t;e bour'eoi- /riter o: t;e )eriod - 7In ca(e t;e di8idend-+ u) /ent t;e .o:ty t;ou';t-7 - Dorot;y Ric;ard-on .ocate- ;er ;eroine7- 7.o:ty t;ou';t-7 a- bot; an atte()t to under-tand and di-'ui-e t;e -tru''.e :or -ur8i8a.. #tte()t- to 'et bac6 to t;e -a:ety o: bour'eoi- .i:e+ t;rou'; (arria'e :or e0a().e+ con:ir( Miria(7- 'ro/in' e-tran'e(ent5 7T;ere /ere ot;er eye.oo6in' at it. T;o-e eye- /ere in-ide ;er5 not carin' :or t;e t;in'- -;e ;ad cared :or+ dra''in' ;er a/ay :ro( t;e(7 EII+ ). 104$. T;e -yntactic oddity/irre'u.arity ;ere i-+ by t;e /ay+ ty)ica. o: Pil ri!a e. It (ar6- t;e di--o.ution o: t;e unitary 7-;e7 E/;o 7;ad cared :or7 certain t;in'-$+ and t;e )re-ence o: a ne/ 8i-ion or 8ie/)oint E7eye- in-ide ;er7$F but t;e-e 7ot;er eye-7 are not inte'rated into bein' $er eye-+ t;ey re(ain 7T;o-e eye-75 ot;er. Miria(+ one (i';t -ay+ i- .i6e a Monica Madden /it; t;e eye- o: a R;oda Nunn+ but un.i6e "i--in'7- odd /o(en+ in Ric;ard-on7- re/ritin'+ ;er c;aracter doe- not die in c;i.dbirt; Enor -uccu(b to drin6$+ -;e .i8e- to te.. t;e ta.e o: t;e-e interna. di::erence-. Enterin' a d;class; circ.e o: /riter- and inte..ectua.-+ centred around ,y)o %i.-on Ea :ictiona.i-ed ,. ". %e..-$+ -;e '.i()-e- t;e )o--ibi.ity o: a ne/ co((unity /;ic; /ou.d acce)t ;er /it; a.. ;er di::erence-5 7T;ey 6ne/ one /a- Ddi::erentD and .i6ed it. . . . It (ade t;e( a ;o(e and a re:u'e7 E11+ ). 1<1$. But once a'ain t;i- i- :o..o/ed by a -e)aratin'-out+ a de:inition o: ;er inco()atibi.ity /it; ot;er (e(ber- o: t;e 'rou)+ t;e (a.e 9abian- and t;e bo;e(ian /o(en. T;i- (o8e(ent o: identi:ication+ o: 7be.on'in'7+ :o..o/ed by re=ection or -e.:-i()o-ed e0i.e+ i- re)eated in eac; o: t;e t;irteen no8e.-. T;e (a=or 7e8ent-7 o: Pil ri!a e are a -erie- o: attraction- and /it;dra/a.-+ :ro( -ocia. 'rou)-+ :ro( -e0ua. re.ation-;i)-+ :ro( ne/ de:inition- o: -e.:. T;e te0t c;art- t;i- co()u.-i8e re)etition+ in /;ic; t;e dri8e to/ard an I(a'inary unity i- cance..ed by Miria(7- :ear o: en'u.:(ent+ ;er need to (ar6 ;er 7di::erence7. Pil ri!a e t;ute0tua.i-e- bot; t;e de-ire to be re.ie8ed o: t;i- di::erence and t;e :ear o: .o-in' it. In traditiona. 7(oderni-t7 102 Dean Radford

critici-(+ t;i- -en-e o: di::erence or e-tran'e(ent /ou.d be ta6en a- one (ore e0a().e o: 7a.ienation7 - a -)eci:ic in-tance o: t;e Heit eist 4 &%t t;i- -i().i:ie- and de-;i-torici-e- a 8ery )o/er:u. and co().e0 articu.ation o: c.a-- and 'ender di::erence- -ta'ed in t;iBild%n sro!an. Gue-tion- o: -e0ua. di::erence+ :or in-tance+ are )re-ented in ter(- o: )-yc;ic )o-ition- a- /e.. a- -ocia. ro.e-. T;e t;e(e o: 7bein' di::erent7 i- :ir-t introduced in t;e :a(i.y conte0t+ /;ere ;er identi:ication /it; t;e :at;er (ar6- ;er di-tance :ro( ;er (ot;er and -i-ter-. #t -e8enteen+ ;er -en-e o: bein' di::erent i- de-cribed a- a )aranoid re-i-tance+ a :ear o: bein' en'u.:ed in t;e ;e..i-; /or.d o: /o(en5 7#nd it /ou.d rea..y be t;o-e /o(en+ e0)ectin' t;in'- o: ;er. T;ey /ou.d be -o a::ab.e at :ir-t. S;e ;ad been t;rou'; it a (i..ion ti(e- a.. ;er .i:e - a.. eternity. T;ey /ou.d -(i.e t;o-e ;ate:u. /o(en7- -(i.e- - -(ir6- - -e.:--ati-:ied -(i.e- a- i: e8erybody /ere a'reed about e8eryt;in'7 Ei+ ). 21$. ,er (a.e identi:ication i-+ nece--ari.y+ a )recariou- one /;ic;+ in t;e no8e.+ doe- not -ur8i8e ;er (ot;er7- -uicide. "ui.t and re)aration to t;e (ot;er .ead ;er to )ro=ect 7t;e (a-cu.ine /it;in7 into a -erie- o: (en in t;e e0terna. /or.d /;o are t;en ener'etica..y denounced. 1annonin' 8io.ent.y bet/een (a-cu.ine and :e(inine identi:ication-+ :ro( 7I a( .i6e a (an7 En+ ). 2@1$ to 7I /ou.dn7t ;a8e a (an7- - con-ciou-ne--+ :or anyt;in'7 En+ ). 1 4$+ -;e enter- a .on' -tru''.e to con-truct a 'ender )o-ition /;ic; /i.. inc.ude ;er -en-e o: bein' di::erent :ro( eit;er 7Man7 or 7%o(an7F to -IueeJe t;e (yr -iad 7I a(-7 t;at ;er na(e -u''e-t- into a -tab.e )o-ition re)re-ented by a -in'.e 7I7. S;e ne8er -ucceed-. E8en t;e te()orary re-o.ution- -7I a( -o(et;in' bet/een a (an and a /o(an+ .oo6in' bot; /ay- . . .7 Eii+ ). 1BA$ - are con-tant.y brea6in' do/n. Ric;ard-on )in- t;e )-yc;ic to t;e -ocia. by (a))in' t;e-e )-yc;ic (o8e(ent- o8er a 'rid o: di-cour-e- about 'ender and -e0ua. di::erence. S;e -ta'e- ;er ;eroine7- -earc; :or a 'ender )o-ition t;rou'; 8i-it- to .ibrarie-+ a- %oo.: did .ater in A Roo! of 2ne's 2wn, and ;er ;eroine7- readin' beco(e- a Iue-t5 not a Iue-t to :ind 7%o(an7 and /;at -;e +rea..y /ant-7+ but a =ourney t;rou'; t;e di-cur-i8e con-truction- o: /o(en a- t;ey -tood in t;e 1B40-. %or6in' t;rou'; t;e-e+ -;e /or6- t;rou'; t;e contradiction- o: ;er o/n 7nature7+ /;ic;+ -;e di-co8er-+ cannot be 6no/n e0ce)t a- a :or( o: cu.ture5 'All t;at ;a- been -aid and 6no/n in t;e /or.d i- in lan %a e, in /ord- ... T;en no-one knows anyt;in' :or certain. E8eryt;in' de)end- u)on t;e /ay a t;in' i- )ut+ and t;at i- a Iue-tion o: -o(e ) ci8i.i-ation ... So t;e Bib.e i- not trueF it i- a cu.ture7 En+ ). 440$. In t;e .ater no8e. -c;a)ter-+ to cut a .on' -tory -;ort+ Miria( arri8e- at a ne/ identi:ication /it; t;e :e(inine+ de-)ite -o(e :aint.y )er-i-tin' Sc;o)en;auerian 8ie/-. %o(en are no .on'er -een a- an enc.o-ed+ (;ic 'rou) 7a'reed about e8eryt;in'7+ but .i6e ;er-e.: a- di8er-e+ ;etero'eneou-+ )o.y(or);ou-. 1@ T;eir ne/.y reco'ni-ed ca)acity :or to.eratin' 10< Re#ositionin -odernis! contradiction+ acce)tin' (u.ti).e and di8er'ent 8ie/)oint- i- /;at enab.e- t;e (yriad-(inded ;eroine to acce)t t;e :e(inine in ;er-e.: and ot;er-. T;i- (ay be read+ a- Rac;e. du P.e--i- i().icit.y doe-+ a- a return to -o(e 6ind o: e--entia.i-t 8ie/ o: /o(an a- das Ewi /ei&lic$e. But t;e te0t o::er- ot;er )o--ibi.itie-. Miria( ;a- (o8ed :ro( one ;i-torica..y -)eci:ic con-truction o: /o(en - a- /i8eand (ot;er- /it;in t;e bour'eoi- :a(i.y - to a )oint at /;ic; -;e can identi:y (any ot;er con-truction- o: /o(en+ a )oint /;ere -;e -eet;e( a- a co..ection o: )o--ibi.itie-. T;eir in:inite 8ariety E7a (i..ion -ide- to e8ery Iue-tion7$ re)re-ent- bot; /;at ;a- been (ade o: t;e( and /;at (i';t be. In t;i- /ay t;ey are .in6ed /it; t;e ce.e-tia. city 7;idden beyond t;e ;ard 8i-ib.e ;oriJon7 Eiii+ ). 14B$ to /;ic; -;e ;a- been =ourneyin' a.. ;er .i:e. T;i- i(a'e a.-o re.ate- to t;e !ondon t;at Miria( e.ect- to return to+ at t;e end o: t;e no8e.+ a:ter a -tay /it; a Gua6er co((unity in t;e countryF and I /ant to end by brie:.y (entionin' t;e ro.e o: t;e city in Pil ri!a e and Ric;ard-on7di::erent 8ie/- o: it. Pi.'ri(a'e- in -earc; o: t;e )a-t beca(e a :eature o: .iterary cu.ture in t;e .ate Cictorian/Ed/ardian )eriod+ in %i..ia( Morri-7 .ate /ritin'-+ in "i--in'+ 9or-ter+ Ma-ter(an+ Be..oc and ot;er-. 1ritiIue- o: indu-tria. ca)ita.i-( and it- e::ect- and 8a.ue- - :ro( ri';t+ .e:t and centre - too6 t;e city a- it- -y(bo.ic tar'et. #- %i..ia(- and ot;er- ;a8e ar'ued+ idea.i-ation. o: t;e country-ide ;a- a .on' ;i-tory+ but at t;e turn o: t;e century t;i- anti-urbani-( ).ayed a 6ey ro.e in t;e con-truction o: t;e idea o: 7En'.i-;ne--7+ t;e En'.i-; /ay o: .i:e+ t;e En'.i-; c;aracter. In brie:+ t;e be-t o: En'.i-; tradition- /a- dee(ed to be in t;e )a-t and t;e )a-t /a- to be :ound in t;e country-ide. T;e city -tood :or c;an'e+ t;e country :or continuity+ -tabi.ity and )er(anence. #- Ma-ter(an )ut it in T$e "ondition of En land E140 $5 7T;e .i:e o: o.d En'.and i- t;e .i:e o: t;e 8i..a'e7+ or a- t;e =ourna.i-t P;i.i) "ibb- .ater 7En'.and i- not to be =ud'ed on.y by t;e (on-trou- ant ;ea) ca..ed !ondon.... T;ere i- -ti.. t;e En'.i-; country-ide /;ere .i:e 'oe- on traditiona..y in o.d :ar(-tead-.7 T;icon-truction ;ad+ o: cour-e+ crucia. e::ect- /;ic; are /e.. c;arted e.-e/;ere on arc;itecture+ on de(o'ra);ic (o8e(ent-+ and on t;e :or(ation o: t;e nationa. cu.tura. identity. In canonica. En'.i-; (oderni-(+ /it; t;e notab.e e0ce)tion o: 3oyce+ t;i- con-truction o: t;e city i- do(inant. T;e city a- a /a-te.and+ t;e -ite o: u-ury Ea- in t;e 1ity o: !ondon$+ a ).ace o: debi.itatin' decadence. Ray(ond %i..ia(-+ in ;i- di-cu--ion o: t;e-e i--ue- in T$e "o%ntr) and t$e "it), -in'.e- out %e..- a- t;e /riter o: t;e )eriod /;o (o-t :orce:u..y c;a..en'e- t;i- con-truction+ (o8in' on to di-cu-!ondon a- t;e city o: .i';t+ in t;e );y-ica. -en-e o: it- ne/ -treet .i';tin'. In Pil ri!a e, ;o/e8er+ !ondon i- a city o: .i';t in anot;er -en-e+ a ).ace o: /or6 and :reedo(+ o: e0)erience and education :or t;e )i.'ri( /;o /ander- it- carni8a. -treet-. Miria( (o8e- :ro( -uburban ;o(e to centra. !ondon+ 10 lean Radford /;ere -e8en o: t;e no8e.- are -et+ and -i'ni:icant.y it i- to !ondon t;at -;e return- at t;e end o: t;e .a-t no8e.+ -arc$ -oonli $t, to continue ;er =ourney in /ritin'. !ondon :or ;er beco(e- 7t;i- (i';ty .o8er7 Ein+ ). 2A2$+:i'urin' not a- a 7/a-te.and7 but a- a 7)rairie7 En+ ). 1?@$.

%;at (oti8ate- t$is di::erence o: 8ie/H Bot; c.a-- and 'ender - but 'ender -)eci:ica..y. I: t;ere i- 8ery .itt.e -en-e 'enerated in t;e no8e.-eIuence o: a )a-t -)oi.t or co()ro(i-ed by urbani-(+ it (ay be :or t;e 8ery ba-ic rea-on t;at t;e 7En'.i-; /ay o: .i:e7 /a- a.ready -)oi.t :or t;e /o(an t;e ;eroine ;a- beco(e. T;e con-er8ati-( o: t;e En'.i-; )a-t+ t;e te0t indicate-+ (eant on.y re-triction+ de)endence+ i()ri-on(ent. In contra-t+ !ondon i- i(a'ed a- )o-iti8e+' -7a./ay- recei8in' ;er bac6+ en'u.:in' and .ea8in' ;er untouc;ed+ .iberated and e0)andin' to t;e /;o.e ran'e o: ;er bein'7 E(+ ). 2A2$. #- a '&atte%r de #a0;, ,ii, ). <42$+ !ondon i- t;e on.y co((unity o)en to ;er and -;e ).ant- ;er bean-ro/- on it- 'rey )a8e(ent- /it; neo-ro(antic e::u-ion- o: 'ratitude. So in t;i- re-)ect too+ Pil ri!a e .oo6- at t;e do(inant con-truction o: t;e city+ and t;e ideo.o'y o: 7En';-;ne--7 :or'ed :ro( it+ /it; 7t;e eye- o: a -tran'er7. By /ay o: conc.u-ion+ I -ee t;at I too ;a8e -.i))ed into t;e a::ir(ati8e readin' /arned a'ain-t ear.ier. But a- I ;o)e I78e (ade c.ear+ I /ant to -ee Pil ri!a e read not =u-t a.on'-ide 'l)sses, -rs 7allowa) and T$e /aste *and, but /it; Sc;reiner7- /o!an and *a&o%r, -u::ra'ette autobio'ra);ie-+ ro(ance :iction by 1.uida+ t;e 1o-o) "ui.d /ritin'-+ 9reud7- 7# 1a-e o: ,o(o-e0ua.ity in a %o(an7+ and ". R. Si(-7 *i0in *ondon, and -o on. #nd+ not to beco(e too ;i-torici-t+ in re.ation to Bart;e- and 3a(e-on+ Kri-te8a and 1i0ou-+ !acan and Derrida. 9or (e+ Pi.'ri(a'e need- to be read a- 3a(e-on ar'ue- 1onrad -;ou.d be read+ a- +a )ro=ected -o.ution+ on t;e ae-t;etic or i(a'inary .e8e.+ to a 'enuine.y contradictory -ituation in t;e concrete /or.d o: e8eryday -ocia. .i:e.11A In t;i- re-)ect+ Pi.'ri(a'e (ay be (ore u-e:u. on t;e (ar'in- o: t;e -y..abu- t;an in t;e canon )reci-e.y becau-e+ t;ere+ it continue- to 'enerate critica. Iue-tion- about t;e ter(- o: it- e0c.u-ion. 9or t;e ter( +(oderni-(7 (ay on.y (atter in con=unction /it; Iue-tion- .i6e 7and /o(enT Note1. 3ON#T,#N 1*!!ER+ 9ra(in' t;e Si'n5 1ritici-( and It- In-titution- EO0:ord5 Ba-i. B.ac6/e..+ 14BB$+ ). ??. 2. Ibid+ ). ? . continue-5 7Encoura'in' t;e a)).ication o: one di-cour-e to anot;er+ it Nt;e a(ateur )er-)ecti8eO )ro8ide- critica. correction- o: t;e 10? Re#ositionin -odernis! a--u()tion- o: di-ci).ine- and 'enerate- ne/ in-i';t-+ a- /e.. a- error- t;at can .ead -)ecia.i-t- to ret;in6 /;at need- to be -aid to )re8ent t;e(.7 R#1,E! BO%!B&+ 8ir inia /oolf EO0:ord5 Ba-i. B.ac6/e..+ 14BB$+ ). 11. . 3#1G*E!INE ROSE. 7T;e State o: t;e Sub=ect Eii$ T;e In-titution- o: 9e(ini-(7+ "ritical G%arterl), 24+ + ). 11. ?. E!#INE S,O%#!TER Eed.$+ 'T$e New Fe!inist "riticis! Essa)s on /o!en, *iterat%re and T$eor) ENe/ &or65 Pant;eon Boo6-+ 14B?F !ondon5 Cira'o+ 14B@$+ ). 11. @. P. M#1,ERE&+ Inter8ie/ in Red *etters, > Etran-. =ean Rad:ord and 1o;n Mercer$. A. Re)rinted (i 3une 14B4. B. E.D. ,IRS1,+ "%lt%ral *iterac), #. Ci0; cited in Fra!in t$e (i n, E14BB$+ #. A. 4. Pil ri!a e i0, #. 2<4. #.. -ub-eIuent re:erence- /i.. be cited in te0t a- 8o.u(e nu(ber :o..o/ed by )a'e nu(ber. 10. D. RI1,#RDSON+ *iterar) Essa)s, -e!or) of 9:0:, cited in du P.e--i-+ #. 1?1. 11. R#1,E! B!#* D* P!ESSIS+ /ritin Be)ond t$e Endin 6 Narrati0e (trate ies of Twentiet$ "ent%r) /o!en /riters EB.oo(in'ton+ Indiana5 Indiana *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14B?$+ #. 1?1. 12. 3ON#T,#N 1*!!ER+ (tr%ct%ralist Poetics6 (tr%ct%ralis!, *in %istics and t$e (t%d) of *iterat%re E!ondon5 Rout.ed'e+ 1440$+ #. 14<. In t;e :o..o/in' )ara'ra);- I Iuote :ree.y :ro( 1u..er7- di-cu--ion o: 7Narrati8e 1ontract-7 E)). 142-@$. 1<. 9or a di-cu--ion o: tran-:erence and inter)retation -ee 3ane "a..o)7- Readin *acan E1o(e..5 1o(e.. *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14B?$ and =ean Rad:ord+ 7orot$) Ric$ardson E:ort;co(in'$. 1 . R. %I!!I#MS+ /ritin in (ociet) E!ondon5 Cer-o+ 14B<$+ #. 22<. 1?. ERI1 ,OBSB#/( A e of E!#ire, 9A<>4 9:94 E!ondon5 %eiden:e.d and Nico.-on+ 14BA$+ #. 1@?. 1;a)ter A i- actua..y entit.ed 7%;o7- %;o+ or t;e *ncertaintie- o: t;e Bour'eoi-7. 1@. See Ric;ard-on7- o/n -tate(ent in 7!eader-;i) in Marria'e7+ New Adel#$i, 14245 7T;e c;aracteri-tic ... o: bein' a.. o8er t;e ).ace and in a.. ca()- at once+ account- :or ;er :a(ou- inabi.ity Dto (a6e u) ;er (indD and ;er una-;a(ed incon-i-tency. . . . It e0).ain- ;er ca)acity :or D.i8in' in t;e )re-entD.7 1A. 9REDRI1 3#MESON+ T$e Political 'nconscio%s6 Narrati0e as a (ociall) ()!&olic Act E!ondon5 Met;uen+ 14B< and Rout.ed'e+ 1440$+ #. 22?. 10@

B ,ou-ton #. Ba6er 3nr+ :ro( -odernis! and t$e .arle!

1ritici-( ;a- been -.o/ to reco'ni-e t;e inte'rity o: an #(erican (oderni-( and -.o/er -ti.. to con-ider t;e re.ation bet/een (odern i-( and B.ac6 /riter- and arti-t- in t;e 7,ar.e( Renai--ance7 o: t;e t/entie-. T;i- (o8e(ent inc.uded t;e /riter- !an'-ton ,u';e-+ 1.aude Mc6ay+ 3ean Too(er+ 1ountee 1u..en and+ (ore di-tant.y+ Kora; Nea.e ,ur-ton. It /a- / in #.ain !oc6e7- ant;o.o'y T$e New Ne ro E142?$ a- t;e -i'n o: 7-)iritua. e(anci)ation7+ re)re-entin' t;e Ne'ro7- )a--a'e 7:ro( (edie8a. #(erican to (odern7. ,ar.e(+ -aid !oc6e+ /a- a ne/ 7race ca)ita.7+ 7t;e )ro're--i8e Ne'ro co((unity o: t;e #(erican (etro)o.i-75 t;e au'ury o: 7a ne/ de(ocracy in #(erican cu.ture7 - a de-cri)tion /ort; co()arin' /it; account- o: t;e citie- o: Euro)ean (oderni-( E-ee Bradbury and Mc9ar.ance Eed-$+ -odernis! E14A@$F Ti((- and Ke..ey Eed-$+ 'nreal 1ity E14B?$F and Ray(ond %i..ia(-+ 1;a)ter @+ abo8e. &et a- ,ou-ton Ba6er7- boo6 )oint- out+ t;e /riter- o: t;e 7,ar.e( Renai--ance7 ;a8e been con-i-tent.y :au.ted in co()ari-on /it; #n'.o-#(erican (oderni-t-. T;i-+ ;e -ay-+ a--u(e- an irre.e8ant -tandardF ar'uin' t;at t;e ;i-torie- 'i8en to #n'.o -#(erican and Euro)ean (oderni-( 7are radica..y o))o-ed to any adeIuate and accurate account o: t;e ;i-tory o: #:ro -#(erican (oderni-(+ e-)ecia..y t;e disc%rsi0e ;i-tory o: -uc; (oderni-(7 E). 08i$. Ba6er identi:ie- t/o 8ita. di-cur-i8e -trate'ie- in t;i- ;i-tory5 a 7(a-tery o: :or(7 and a 7de:or(ation o: (a-tery7. T;e :ir-t de-cribe- t;e ne/+ ironic u-e+ or 7b.ac6enin'7 o: -tandard or -tereoty)ica. E#n'.o-#(erican$ -ocia. and .iterary :or(-+ t;e -econd a -trate'y o: a''re--i8e -e.:ad8erti-e(ent and )ro)rietoria. di-).ay u-in' 7a.ien7 E#:ro-#(erican$ :o.6 :or(-. Rat;er t;an a )eriodi-ation re-tricted to t;e 7,ar.e( Renai--ance7 o: t;e t/entie- or t;e con:ine(ent- o: a .iterary (odernR E1;ica'o and !ondon5 *ni8er-ity o: 1;ica'o Pre--+ 14BA$+ 1;a)ter 10+ )). 41-B. 10A Re#ositionin -odernis! i-(+ Ba6er -ee6- a ;i-tory o: 7renai--anci-(7 in #:ro-#(erican cu.ture a- a /;o.e+ :o..o/in' t;e con-te..ation- o: .iterature+ (u-ic+ art+ de-i'n+ )o.itica. -)eec;e- and /ritin'. T;i- brin'- ;i( to t;e e0a().e o: t;e t;irtie- )oet+' #. Bro/n and to a con-u((ate.y 7(ode(7 b.end o: inte..ectua. (a-tery and de:or(ati8e :o.6 -oundF o: 7c.a-- and (a--7+ )oetry and b.ue-. 9or :urt;er readin'+ -ee 3a(e- de 3on';+ Ciciou- -odernis!6 Black .arle! and t$e *iterar) 5!a ination ,9::0=, and a.-o 1o(e. %e-t+ be.o/+ c;a)ter 1B+ and 1;a(ber-+ c;a)ter 1?. T;e ready ac6no/.ed'(ent t;at T$e New Ne ro' is t;e :ir-t :u..y (ode( :i'uration o: a nation )redicated u)on (a-- ener'ie- return- uto t;e )re-ent di-cu--ion7- e0).oration o: de:inition- o: #:ro-#(erican 7(oderni-(7. !oc6e7- co..ection i- not+ ;o/e8er+ t;e c.eare-t in-tance o: a :u.. di-cur-i8e en'a'e(ent wit$ -uc; (a-- ener'ie-. #.t;ou'; ;i- /or6 -et t;e -ta'e :or -uc; an en'a'e(ent+ t;e editor .e:t t;e ta-6 it-e.: to a 7youn'er 'eneration75 7&out; -)ea6-+ and t;e 8oice o: t;e Ne/ Ne'ro i- ;eard. %;at -tir- inarticu.ate.y in t;e (a--e- i- a.ready 8oca. u)on t;e .i)- o: t;e ta.ented :e/+ and t;e :uture .i-ten-+ ;o/e8er t;e )re-ent (ay -;ut it- ear-7. I /ant to -u''e-t t;at a co().ete e0)re--i8e (ode(ity /a- ac;ie8ed on.y /;en t;e 7,ar.e( Renai--ance7 'a8e /ay to /;at (i';t be ca..ed - :o..o/in' t;e )ractice- o: #n'.o-#(erican and Briti-; (ode(- - 7renai--anci-(7. By t;i- ter(+ I /ant to -u''e-t a s#irit o: nationa.i-tic en'a'e(ent t;at be'in/it; inte..ectua.-+ arti-t-+ and -)o6e-)er-on- at t;e turn o: t;e century and recei8e- e0ten-i8e de:inition and e0)re--ion durin' t;e t/entie-. T;i- -)irit i- one t;at )ro()t- t;e b.ac6 arti-t7- a/arene-- t;at ;i- or ;er on.y )o--ib.e :oundation :or aut;entic and (ode( e0)re--i8ity re-ide- in a di-cur-i8e :ie.d (ar6ed by :or(a. (a-tery and -oundin' de:or(ation. 9urt;er+ I /ant to -u''e-t t;at 7renai--anci-(7 connote- -o(et;in' Iuite re(o8ed :ro( a -in'.e+ e0otic -et o: 7:ai.ed7 ;i'; =in6- con:ined to .e-- t;an a decade. It -i'na.- in :act a re-onant.y and continou-.y )roducti8e -et o: tactic-+ -trate'ie-+ and -y..ab.e- t;at ta6e- :or( at t;e turn o: t;e century and e0tend- to our o/n day. One o: t;e (o-t ob8iou-'- o: renai--anci-(7- :ruit- occur- in t;e t;irtie- and -ituate- it-e.: :ir(.y in accord /it; de:or(ati8e )o--ibi.itie- in;erent in T$e New Ne ros' 8a.idation o: t;e :o.6+ or+ t;e "one in t;e /or6 o: a )oet .i6e' Bro/n i- t;e :e.t nece--ity to )roduce on.y reco ni3a&l) -tandard :or(-. %;at re).ace- t;idri8e i- an una-;a(ed and bo.d dedication Ea dedication t;at re(ain-+ :or t;e (o-t )art+ i().icit in t;e sotto 0oce ur'in'- o: t;e ,ar.e( t/entie-$ to renderin' t;e actua. :o.6 8oice in it- -i().e+ )er:or(ati8e e.oIuence. I: a 90A .o%ston A. Baker b.ac6+ :o.6+ nationa. 8oice e0i-ted+ t;e t;irtie- -ee(ed to rea.iJe t;at it /a- not :ar to -ee6. "ertrude 7Ma7 Rainey+ Be--ie S(it;+ Ma(ie S(it;+ Cictoria S)i8ey+ Ida 1o0+ #.berta ,unter+ 3o;n E-te-+ Barbecue Bob+ Robert 3o;n-on+ B.ind Boy Bi' Bi.. BroonJy+ and ot;er -in'er- :ro( t;e 7Ne/ Or.ean- De.ta on Do/n7 ;ad ta6en t;e *nited State- - and t;e #:ro-#(erican (a--e- - by -tor(. Si( -)iritua.- and =aJJ+ #:ro-#(erican 7terrib.ene--7 and :.air ;ad recei8ed ra8e re8ie/- and -eriou- attention :ro( a -econd decade /;ite )o)u.ation -o(e;o/ 7de-o.ate and -ic6 o: an o.d )a--ion7. B.ue- re.ea-e- -o.d by t;e ten- o: t;ou-and- in t;e t/entie-+ and t;e :o.6 ener'y and ac;ie8e(ent t;at t;ey re)re-ented 'ained '.oba. reco'nition :or /;at can on.y be ca..ed a b.ac6 and c.a--ica. -ound o: t;e -e.:-in-(arrona'e .2 # co..e'e-bred b.ac6 (an .i6e' Bro/n+ -tandin' a- a (e(ber o: a -econd Eor e8en a t;ird$ t/entiet;-century #:ro-#(erican inte..ectua. 'eneration+ cou.d readi.y -et ;i(-e.: t;e ta-6 o: 6no/in' t;e -core /;ere t;e :o.6 nation

Eb.ue-$ 8oice /a- concerned. T;e inroad- on (yt;- and -;;-+ non-en-e and e0c.u-ion+ (ade by a :ir-t Eand )er;a)- -econd$ 'eneration en-ured Bro/n t;e nece--ary e(otiona. and inte..ectua. con:idence to (ine a -out;ern #:ro -#(erican tradition /it; dedicated 'eniu-. T;e indi-)utab.y (odern (o(ent in #:ro-#(erican di-cour-e arri8e-+ I be.ie8e+ /;en t;e intellect%al )oet Bro/n+ (a-ter:u..y (ant.ed in t;e /i-do( o: ;i- %i..ia(- 1o..e'e P;i Beta Ka))a education+ 'i8e- :ort; t;e de:or(ati8e -ound- o: Ma Rainey. ET;e actua. (eetin' bet/een t;e )oet and Ma Rainey occurred in Na-;8i..e in 9:?A, at a 1edar Street t;eater .< T;e (u-ico.o'i-t 3o;n %or6 )ro8ided /;at today (u-t -ee( a :ittin' t;ird in t;i- ;i-toric encounter.$ T;e b.endin'+ I /ant to -u''e-t+ o: c.a-- and (a-- - )oetic (a-tery di-co8ered a- a :unction o: de:or(ati8e folk -ound - con-titute- t;e e--ence o: b.ac6 di-cur-i8e (oderni-(. T;i- b.end iac;ie8ed /it;in a :.uid :ie.d. Indeed+ i: )o% ;a8e e8er ;eard t;e b.ue- ri';teou-.y -un'+ you 6no/ t;at it -ound- o: and :ro( :ie.dburnin' under tor)id Sout;ern -un-+ or .and- de-o.ate.y drenc;ed by too ;i'; ri8er-. T;e intended audience i- b.ac6 )eo).e t;e(-e.8ede:ined by t;e 8ery b.ue- tone- and .yric- a- -;arer- in a nation o: co((on concern and cu.tura..y -)eci:ic 8oice. Renai--anci-(7- -ucce-- con-i-t- in a :ruit:u..y re-oundin' (er'er. %e .i-ten a- /;at t;e critic Ste);en ,ender-on ca..- a re.i'iourite and cu.tura. )er:or(ance ta6e- ).ace in t;e -oundin'- o:' Bro/n5 -a Raine) 5 %;en Ma. Rainey 1o(e- to to/n+ 9o.6- :ro( any).ace Re#ositionin -odernis! Mi.e- aroun7+ 9ro( 1a)e "irardeau+ Po).ar B.u::+ 9.oc6- in to ;ear Ma do ;er -tu::F 1o(e- :.i88erin7 in+ Or ridin7 (u.e-+ Or )ac6ed in train-+ Pic6nic6in7 :oo.- ... T;at7- /;at it7- .i6e+ 9o7 (i.e- on do/n+ To Ne/ Or.ean- de.ta #n7 Mobi.e to/n+ %;en Ma ;it- #ny/;erearoun7. 11 Dey co(e- to ;ear Ma Rainey :ro( de .itt.e ri8er -ett.e(ent-+ 9ro( b.ac6botto( cornro/- and :ro( .u(ber ca()-F Dey -tu(b.e in de ;a..+ =e-';in7 an7a-cac6.in7+ 1;eerin7 .a6 roarin7 /ater+ .a6 /ind in ri8er -/a()-. #n7 -o(e =o6er- 6ee)- deir .au';- a-'oin7 in de cro/ded ai-.e-+ #n7 -o(e :o.6- -it- dere /aitin7 /id deir ac;e- an7 (i-erie-+ Ti.. Ma co(e- out be:ore de(+ a--(i.in7 'o.d-too:ed -(i.e- #n7 !on' Boy ri)).e- (inor- on de b.ac6 an7 ye..o/ 6ey-. 0 Ma Rainey+ Sin' yo7 -on'F No/ you7- bac6 %;a; you be.on' "it /ay in-ide u-+ Kee) u- -tron' 0 Ma Rainey+ !i7. an7 .o/F Sin' u- 7bout de ;ard .uc6 Roun7 our do7F Sin' u- 7bout de .one-o(e road %e (u-7 'o ... IC I ta.6ed to a :e..o/+ an7 t;e :e..o/ -ay+ 7S;e =e-7 catc; ;o.d o: u-7 -o(e6inda/ay. S;e -an' Bac6/ater B.ue- one day5 110 .o%ston A. Baker N5t rained :o7 da)s an' de skies was dark as ni $t, Tro%&le taken #lace in de lowlands at ni $t. NT$%ndered an' li $tened an' t$e stor! &e in to roll T$o%san's of #eo#le ain't ot no #lace to o. N7en 5 went an' stood %#on so!e $i $ ol' loneso!e $ill, An' looked down on t$e #lace w$ere 5 %sed to li0e.N #n7 den de :o.6-+ dey natc;a..y bo/ed dey ;ead- an7 cried+ Bo/ed dey ;ea8y ;ead-+ -;et dey (ou:- u) ti';t an7cried+ #n7 Ma .e:7 de -ta'e+ an7 :o..o/ed -o(e de :o.6- out-ide.7 Dere /a-n7t (uc; (ore de :e..o/ -ay5 S;e =e-7 'it- ;o.d o: u- data/ay.7 #nd+ indeed+ a:ter ;earin' a' Bro/n )er:or(ance o: 7Ma Rainey7 t;ere i- not (uc; a :e..o/ can -ay+ e0ce)t )er;a)- t;at Kora Nea.e ,ur-ton and Ric;ard %ri';t (o8e to t;e -a(e r;yt;(- /itne--ed in Bro/n7- ritua.. Or )er;a)- t;at Bro/n7- di-cur-i8e 'e-ture i().ie- t;at t;e (odernity and e::ecti8ene-- o: #:ro-#(erican e0)re--ion a./ay- -u((on to 8ie/ and to audition b.ac6 -u::erer- o: (ar'ina.iJation and di-)o--e--ion. T;e i(a'e o: renai--anci-( #ar eCcellence is a (a-- i(a'e. It -tand- o))o-ed to an econo(ic- o: -.a8ery t;at ;a- a./ay- atte()ted to :i'ure u- a- t;e (ind.e--.y de:or(ed+ :it on.y :or bruta. -er8itude. Renai--anci-( not on.y -u((on- a (a-- i(a'e but con8ert- it into a -a.8i:ic -ound t;at beco(e- a -)irit ;ou-e and -)ace o: b.ac6 ;abitation. 9or t;e 8ery -u::erer- i(a'ed are a )eo).e o: /i.. and -tren't; /;o con8ert !arrona e into -on'+ -tory+ art- o: .iberation+ and 'uerri..a /ar. T;ere i- Iuite :reIuent.y a(on' t;e( a co((unicatin' by ;orn-. #nd t;eir i(a'e tran-.ate- at .a-t into t;e (a-6 o: a re-oundin' and 8enerab.e ance-try o: :ie.d-. T;e ta-6 o: t;e -)o6e-)er-on /;o /ou.d en'a'e t;e -ound o: :o.6 con8er-ion i- to -ituate

;i(-e.: or ;er-e.: in )roducti8e re.ation-;i) to a :ie.d (ar6ed by a/e-o(e -trate'ie- o: de:or(ation and (a-tery. It i- t;i- di-cur-i8e :ie.d t;at .in6- u- bone o: t;e bone+ :.e-; o: t;e :.e-;+ and note by re-oundin' b.ue note to contour- o: t;o-e tran-:or(in' #:rican (a-6t;at con-titute our be'innin'-. Per;a)- a.. o: t;i- i- i().icit in t;e -tate(ent by Marcu- "ar8ey t;at Pro:e--or Robert ,i.. /a- 6ind enou'; to -;are /it; (e .@ In one o: ;i- !iberty ,a.. -)eec;e-+ t;e inde:ati'ab.e .eader o: t;e t/entie- /arned o))onent- t;at ;e cou.d not be ta()ered /it; or ;ar(ed becau-e+ a- ;e -aid+ 7I a( a !odern.' #nd i: /e o: t;e )re-ent 'eneration co()re;end t;e -ucce-- con-tituted by ,ar.e(7- )roduction o: a to(e -uc; a- T$e New Ne ro and are ;a))i.y -ucce--:u. in our o/n renai--anci-(+ /e (ay -;are t;e con:idence+ indeed+ t;e critica. in8u.nerabi.ity by "ar8ey. T$e New Ne ro con-titute- a nationa. re:erence )oint and trea-ure t;at /i.. be -u((oned E)er;a)- 7by ;orn-7$ /;ene8er t;ere i- a i.. Re)o-itionin' Moderni-( 'enuine.y nationa. -ur'e a(on' u-+ or /;ene8er /e re:.ect on our (i--ion o: #:rican .iberation+ or /;ene8er /e ac6no/.ed'e+ in bo.d ter(-+ t;at t;e (a--ed :o.6 are ran6 and :i.e .eader- o: any 'rou) (o8e(ent :or/ard t;at /e (i';t (a6e. It i- no -ur)ri-e t;at 14?? /itne--ed t;e )ub.ication at ,o/ard *ni8er-ity o: Ray:ord !o'an7- co..ection dedicated to #.ain !oc6e and entit.ed T;e Ne/ Ne'ro T;irty &ear- #:ter/ard+ nor i- it uncanny t;at #:ro-#(erican cu.tura. nationa.i-( and radica. acti8i-( o: t;e -i0tie- and -e8entie- -ty.ed it-e.: 7Renai--ance 117. Note1. T;e Ne/ Ne'ro+ ed. #.ain !oc6e ENe/ &or65 #t;eneu(+ 14@B$. 2. T;e -i'n 7-e::-in-(arrona'e7 co(e- :ro( t;e /or6 o: Ed/ard Brait;/aite o: 3a(aica /;o ;a- )roduced ;i- o/n -tudy o: t;e );eno(enon o: (arrona'e in t;e 1aribbean. I encountered t;e ter( (o-t recent.y in a -tudy by "ordon Ro;.e;r entit.ed 7#rticu.atin' a 1aribbean #e-t;etic. T;e )a)er /a- a ;andout at a .ecture on 1a.y)-o )re-ented by Pro:e--or Ro;.e;r at t;e *ni8er-ity o: Penn-y.8ania on 2? No8e(ber 14B?. %;at t;e ter( -ee(- to i().y i- t;e a./ay- a.ready #9RI1#N SE!9 t;at ;a- it- bein' in co((unity and cu.tura./racia./tribaI interiority. I a( indebted to t/o )eo).e :or in:or(ation on t;e encounter bet/een Bro/n and Ma Rainey - E.eanor 3one- Ba6er+ (y -i-ter-in a/+ /;o :ir-t brou';t t;e (atter to (y attention+ and Pro:e--or 3oanne C. "abbin+ Bro/n7- bio'ra);er+ /;o /ent to t;e -ource to con:ir( (y -i-ter-in-.a/7- (e(ory t;at -;e ;ad read about -uc; an encounter durin' ;er re-earc; on (in-tre.-y. 7,o/ did you :ind t;e in:or(ationT I a-6ed Pro:e--or "abbin. 7I ca..ed' u) and a-6ed ;i(7+ -;e re-)onded. My 'ratitude. See Ste);en E. ,ender-on+ 7T;e ;ea8y B.ue- o:' Bro/nF # Study o: 1ra:t and Tradition7+ B.ac6 #(erican !iterature 9oru(+ 1 ES)i.n' 14B0$5 <2- . ?. T;e 1o..ected Poe(- o:' #. Bro/n+ -e.ected by Mic;ae. S. ,ar)er ENe/ &or65 ,ar)er+ 14B0$+ )). @2-<. Pro:e--or ,i.. /rote o: ;i- o/n intere-t in b.ac6 (oderni-( a- :o..o/- in ;i- 2? 3u.y 14B? .etter5 In ter(- o: t;e .ar'er i--ue o: (oderni-(+ (y intere-t -te(- :ro( t;e :act t;at in one o: ;i- !iberty ,a.. -)eec;e- "ar8ey direct- a cautionary /ord at ;i- o))onent- and in:or(- t;e( t;at ;e can7t be ta()ered /it; becau-e+ a- ;e -ay-+ 7I a( a (odern.7 T;at intri'ued (e 'reat.y. %;at did ;e (ean by t;atH %;at+ in :act+ did it (ean in t;e conte0t o: t;e ear.y 1420- :or -o(eone to .ay to bein' 7a (odern7H I -;ared (y o/n idea- on t;e (atter /it; Pro:e--or ,i.. /;o-e a'ree(ent -ee(ed i().icit in ;i- notion t;at on.y an e0).oration o: 7:o.6 ty)e-7 and icono'ra);ie- Ee. ' .+ "ar8ey a- #nancy+ a tric6-ter in co()etition /it; %a-;in'ton a- Brer Rabbit+a tric6-ter o: a di::erent -ort$ cou.d re8ea. t;e nature o: t;e b.ac6 (odern to u-. Pro:e--or ,i.. i- t;e editor o: t;e "ar8ey )a)er-. 112

Po-t(odern Narrati8e-

10 3ur'en ,aber(a-+ 7Modernity - an Inco().ete Pro=ect7

,aber(a-7- e--ay /a- :ir-t 'i8en a- a .ecture in Se)te(ber 14B0 /;en ;e /a- a/arded t;e T;eodor %. #dorno )riJe by t;e city o: 9ran6:urt+ and :ir-t )rinted under t;e tit.e 7Modernity 8er-u- Po-t(odernity7 ,New Ger!an "riti1%e, ??, %inter 14B1$. T;e e--ay7- t/o tit.e- indicate t;e direction o: ,aber(a-7- )o.e(ic. 9ir-t.y+ ;e /a- re-)ondin' to t;e 7neo -con-er8ati-(7 o: t;e #(erican -ocio.o'i-t Danie. Be..+ /;o-e ta.6 o: a 7)o-t-indu-tria. or )o-t(odern -ociety ;ad+ ,aber(a- :e.t+ o8er-identi:ied t;e e::ect- o: ca)ita.i-t (oderni-ation /it; cu.tura. (oderni-(. Second.y ;e /a- re).yin' to t;e critiIue o: rationa.ity and -ocia. )ro're-- at t;e ;eart o: t;e En.i';ten(ent )ro=ect (ade by t;e 9renc; )o-t-tructura.i-t- 9oucau.t and Derrida. T;e .atter ,aber(a- de-cribe- a- 7youn' con-er8ati8e-7 and a- 7an:i-(oderni-t-7 Et;ey ne8ert;e.e-- de)ended+ ;e :e.t+ u)on bot; (oderni-( and rationa.ity$. 7Modernity7in t;e-e debate- de-i'nate- a co(bined ae-t;etic+ et;ica. and )o.itica. out.oo6+ uni:ied in ei';teent; century t;ou';t but -).intered in t;e -ub-eIuent de8e.o)(ent o: /e-tern -ocietie-. ,aber(a- ar'ue- t;at rea-on ;a- been /ron'.y identi:ied in t;i- tradition /it; t;e indi8idua. ;u(an -ub=ect. ,e -;are- t;i- critiIue o: a 7-ub=ectcentred7 );i.o-o);y /it; )o-t-tructura.i-( but ar'ue- t;at t;e En.i';ten(ent )ro=ect o: under-tandin'+ =u-tice and de(ocracy can be rea.i-ed t;rou'; t;e o)eration o: an inter-ub=ecti8e 7co((unicati8e rea-on7+ -ocia..y -ituated and under)inned by a co((on co((it(ent to t;e 'oa.- o: trut;+ ri';t and -incerity. T;it;eory ;e de8e.o)ed e-)ecia..y in *e iti!ation "risis ,9:<;=; T$e T$eor) of "o!!%nicati0e Action E2 8o.-+ 14B?+ 14BB$F and T$e P$iloso#$ical 7isco%rse of -odernit) E14BB$. T;e debate bet/een ,aber(a- and )o-t-tructura.i-t or )o-t(oderni-t t;eory i- at one .e8e. a debate about Mar0i-( a- a 8iab.e R Re)rinted :ro( ,a. 9o-ter Eed.$+ Post!odern "%lt%re E!ondon5 P.uto Pre--+ 14B?$+ tran-. Sey.a Ben-,abib+ )). <-1?. Note- to t;ie--ay are -u)).ied by ,a. 9o-ter. 12? Post!odern Narrati0es -ocia. and )o.itica. );i.o-o);y. In t;i- debate ,aber(a-7- e8o.utionary 8er-ion o: ;i-torica. (ateria.i-( i- o))o-ed by bot; t;e re8o.utionary c.a-- )o.itic- o: c.a--ica. Mar0i-( and t;e )o-t(oderni-t 7incredu.ity7 to/ard- a.. -uc;7(etanarrati8e-7o: ;u(an ;i-tory. See t;e Introduction+ )). 20-1+ and :or :urt;er di-cu--ion+ inc.udin' additiona. e--ay- by ,aber(a-5 3. Bern-tein Eed.$+ .a&er!as and -odernilt) ,9:A>=; B.S. Turner Eed.$+ T$eories of -odernit) and Post!odernit) ,9::0=; 1a..inico-+ A ainst Post!odernis! ,9:A:=; and !. Nic;o.-on Eed.$+ Fe!inis!lPost!odernis! ,9::0=. #.-o Nancy 9ra-er 7%;at7- 1ritica. about 1ritica. T;eoryH T;e 1a-e o: ,aber(aand "ender7+ New Ger!an "riti1%e, @> ,9:A>=6 90:4@@. In 9:A0, arc;itect- /ere ad(itted to t;e Biennia. in Cenice+ :o..o/in' )ainter- and :i.((a6er-. T;e note -ounded at t;i- :ir-t #rc;itecture Biennia. /a- one o: di-a))oint(ent. I /ou.d de-cribe it by -ayin' t;at t;o-e /;o e0;ibited in Cenice :or(ed an a8ant -'arde o: re8er-ed :ront-. I (ean t;at t;ey -acri:iced t;e tradition o: (odernity in order to (a6e roo( :or a ne/ ;i-torici-(. *)on t;i- occa-ion+ a critic o: t;e "er(an ne/-)a)er+ Frankf%rter All e!eine Heit%n , ad8anced a t;e-i- /;o-e -i'ni:icance reac;e- beyond t;i- ) e8entF it i- a dia'no-i- o: our ti(e-5 7Po-t(odernity de:inite.y )re-ent- it-e.: a- #nti(odernity.7 T;i- -tate(ent de-cribe- an e(otiona. current o: our ti(e- /;ic; ;a- )enetrated a.. -);ere- o: inte..ectua. .i:e. It ;a- ).aced on t;e a'enda t;eorie- o: )o-ten.i';ten(ent+ )o-t(odernity+ e8en o: )o-t;i-tory. 9ro( ;i-tory /e 6no/ t;e );ra-e+ 7T;e #ncient- and t;e Modern-7. !et (e be'in by de:inin' t;e-e conce)t-. T;e ter( 7(odern7 ;a- a .on' ;i-tory+ one /;ic; ;a- been in8e-ti'ated by ,an- Robert =au--.1 T;e /ord 7(odern7 in it- !atin :or( '!odern%s' /a- u-ed :or t;e :ir-t ti(e in t;e .ate :i:t; century in order to di-tin'ui-; t;e )re-ent+ /;ic; ;ad beco(e o::icia..y 1;ri-tian+ :ro( t;e Ro(an and )a'an )a-t. %it; 8aryin' content+ t;e ter( 7(odern7 a'ain and a'ain e0)re--e- t;e con-ciou-ne-- o: an e)oc; t;at re.ate- it-e.: to t;e )a-t o: antiIuity+ in order to 8ie/ it-e.: a- t;e re-u.t o: a tran-ition :ro( t;e o.d to t;e ne/. So(e /riter- re-trict t;i- conce)t o: 7(odernity7 to t;e Renai--ance+ but t;i- i- ;i-torica..y too narro/. Peo).e con-idered t;e(-e.8e(ode( durin' t;e )eriod o: 1;ar.e- t;e "reat in t;e t/e.:t; century+ a- /e.. a- in 9rance o: t;e .ate -e8enteent; century at t;e ti(e o: t;e :a(ou- 7Guere..e de- #ncien- et de- Moderne-7. T;at i- to -ay+ t;e ter( +(odern7 a))eared and rea))eared e0act.y durin' t;o-e )eriod- in Euro)e /;en t;e con-ciou-ne-- o: a ne/ e)oc; :or(ed it-e.: t;rou'; a rene/ed re.ation-;i) to t;e ancient- - /;ene8er+ (oreo8er+ antiIuity /a- con-idered a (ode. to be reco8ered t;rou'; -o(e 6ind o: i(itation. 12@ D%r en .a&er!as T;e -)e.. /;ic; t;e c.a--ic- o: t;e ancient /or.d ca-t u)on t;e -)irit o: .ater ti(e- /a- :ir-t di--o.8ed /it; t;e idea.- o: t;e 9renc; En.i';ten(ent. S)eci:ica..y+ t;e idea o: bein' 7(ode(7 by .oo6in' bac6 to t;e ancient- c;an'ed /it; t;e in-)ired by (odern -cience+ in t;e in:inite )ro're-- o: 6no/.ed'e and in t;e in:inite ad8ance to/ard- -ocia. and (ora. better(ent. #not;er :or( o: (oderni-t con-ciou-ne-- /a- :or(ed in t;e /a6e o: t;i- c;an'e. T;e ro(antic (oderni-t -ou';t to o))o-e t;e antiIue idea.- o: t;e c.a--ici-t-F ;e .oo6ed :or a ne/ ;i-torica. e)oc; and :ound it in t;e idea.i-ed Midd.e #'e-. ,o/e8er+ t;i- ne/ idea. a'e+ e-tab.i-;ed ear.y in t;e nineteent; century+ did not re(ain a :i0ed idea.. In t;e cour-e o: t;e nineteent; century+ t;ere e(er'ed out o: t;i- ro(antic -)irit t;at

radica.i-ed con-ciou-ne-- o: (odernity /;ic; :reed it-e.: :ro( a.. -)eci:ic ;i-torica. tie-. T;i- (o-t recent (oderni-( -i().y (a6e- an ab-tract o))o-ition bet/een tradition and t;e )re-entF and /e are+ in a /ay+ -ti.. t;e conte()orarie- o: t;at 6ind o: ae-t;etic (odernity /;ic; :ir-t a))eared in t;e (id-t o: t;e nineteent; century. Since t;en t;e di-tin'ui-;in' (ar6 o: /or6- /;ic; count a- (odern i- 7t;e ne/7 /;ic; /i.. be o8erco(e and (ade ob-o.ete t;rou'; t;e no8e.ty o: t;e ne0t -ty.e. But+ /;i.e t;at /;ic; i- (ere.y +-ty.i-;7 /i.. -oon beco(e out(oded+ t;at /;ic; i- (odern )re-er8e- a -ecret tie to t;e c.a--ica.. O: cour-e+ /;ate8er can -ur8i8e ti(e ;a- a./ay- been con-idered to be a c.a--ic. But t;e e();atica..y (odern docu(ent no .on'er borro/- t;i- )o/er o: bein' a c.a--ic :ro( t;e aut;ority o: a )a-t e)oc;F in-tead+ a (odern /or6 beco(e- a c.a--ic becau-e it ;a- once been aut;entica..y (ode(. Our -en-e o: (odernity create- ito/n -e.:-enc.o-ed canon- o: bein' c.a--ic. In t;i- -en-e /e -)ea6+ e.'.+ in 8ie/ o: t;e ;i-tory o: (odern art+ o: c.a--ica. (odernity. T;e re.ation bet/een 7(odern7 and 7c.a--ica.7 ;a- de:inite.y .o-t a :i0ed ;i-torica. re:erence. T;e di-ci).ine o: ae-t;etic (odernity T;e -)irit and di-ci).ine o: ae-t;etic (odernity a--u(ed c.ear contour- in t;e /or6 o: Baude.aire. Modernity t;en un:o.ded in 8arioua8ant'arde (o8e(ent- and :ina..y reac;ed it- c.i(a0 in t;e 1a:@ Co.taire o: t;e Dadai-t- and in Surrea.i-(. #e-t;etic (odernity ic;aracteri-ed by attitude- /;ic; :ind a co((on :ocu- in a c;an'ed con-ciou-ne-- o: ti(e. T;i- ti(e con-ciou-ne-- e0)re--e- it-e.: t;rou'; (eta);or- o: t;e 8an'uard and t;e a8ant-'arde. T;e a8ant-'arde under-tand- it-e.: a- in8adin' un6no/n territory+ e0)o-in' it-e.: to t;e dan'er- o: -udden+ -;oc6in' encounter-+ conIuerin' an a- yet unoccu)ied :uture. T;e 12A Post!odern Narrati0es a8ant-'arde (u-t :ind a direction in a .and-ca)e into /;ic; no one -ee(- to ;a8e yet 8entured. But t;e-e :or/ard 'ro)in'-+ t;i- antici)ation o: an unde:ined :uture and t;e cu.t o: t;e ne/ (ean in :act t;e e0a.tation o: t;e )re-ent. T;e ne/ ti(e con-ciou-ne--+ /;ic; enter- );i.o-o);y in t;e /ritin'- o: Ber'-on+ doe- (ore t;an e0)re-- t;e e0)erience o: (obi.ity in -ociety+ o: acce.eration in ;i-tory+ o: di-continuity in e8eryday :i:e. T;e ne/ 8a.ue ).aced on t;e tran-itory+ t;e e.u-i8e and t;e e);er(era.+ t;e 8ery ce.ebration o: dyna(i-(+ di-c.o-e- a .on'in' :or an unde:i.ed+ i((acu.ate and -tab.e )re-ent. T;i- e0).ain- t;e rat;er ab-tract .an'ua'e in /;ic; t;e (oderni-t te()er ;a- -)o6en o: t;e 7)a-t. Indi8idua. e)oc;- .o-e t;eir di-tinct :orce-. ,i-torica. (e(ory i- re).aced by t;e ;eroic a::inity o: t;e )re-ent /it; t;e e0tre(e- o: ;i-tory - a -en-e o: ti(e /;erein decadence i((ediate.y reco'ni-e- it-e.: in t;e barbaric+ t;e /i.d and t;e )ri(iti8e. %e ob-er8e t;e anarc;i-tic intention o: b.o/in' u) t;e continuu( o: ;i-tory+ and /e can account :or it in ter(- o: t;e -ub8er-i8e :orce o: t;i- ne/ ae-t;etic con-ciou-ne--. Modernity re8o.t- a'ain-t t;e nor(a.i-in' :unction- o: traditionF (odernity .i8e- on t;e e0)erience o:' a'ain-t a.. t;at i- nor(ati8e. T;ire8o.t i- one /ay to neutra.i-e t;e -tandard- o: bot; (ora.ity and uti.ity. T;i- ae-t;etic con-ciou-ne-- continuou-.y -ta'e- a dia.ectica. ).ay bet/een -ecrecy and )ub.ic -canda.F it i- addicted to a :a-cination /it; t;at ;orror /;ic; acco()anie- t;e act o: )ro:anin'+ and yet i- a./ay- in :.i';t :ro( t;e tri8ia. re-u.t- o: )ro:anation. On t;e ot;er ;and+ t;e ti(e con-ciou-ne-- articu.ated in a8ant-'arde art i- not -i().y a;i-torica.F it i- directed a'ain-t /;at (i';t be ca..ed a :a.-e nor(ati8ity in ;i-tory. T;e (ode(+ a8ant-'arde -)irit ;a- -ou';t to u-e t;e )a-t in a di::erent /ayF it di-)o-e- t;o-e )a-t/;ic; ;a8e been (ade a8ai.ab.e by t;e ob=ecti:yin' -c;;i) o: ;i-torici-(+ but it o))o-e- at t;e -a(e ti(e a neutra.i-ed ;i-tory /;ic; i- .oc6ed u) in t;e (u-eu( o: ;i-torici-(. Dra/in' u)on t;e -)irit o: Surrea.i-(+ %a.ter Ben=a(in con-truct- t;e re.ation-;i) o: (odernity to ;i-tory in /;at I /ou.d ca.. a )o-t;i-torici-t attitude. ,e re(ind- u- o: t;e -e.:-under-tandin' o: t;e 9renc; Re8o.ution5 7T;e Re8o.ution cited ancient Ro(e+ =u-t a:a-;ion cite- an antiIuated dre--. 9a-;ion ;a- a -cent :or /;at i- current+ /;ene8er t;i- (o8e- /it;in t;e t;ic6et o: /;at /a- once.7 T;ii- Ben=a(in7- conce)t o: t;e Det3t3eit, o: t;e )re-ent a- a (o(ent o: re8e.ationF a ti(e in /;ic; -).inter- o: a (e--ianic )re-ence are en(e-;ed. In t;i- -en-e+ :or Robe-)ierTe+ t;e antiIue Ro(e /a- a )a-t .aden /it; (o(entary re8e.ation-.2 No/+ t;i- -)irit o: ae-t;etic (odernity ;a- recent.y be'un to a'e. It ;a- been recited once (ore in t;e 14@0-F a:ter t;e 14A0-+ ;o/e8er+ /e 12B D%r en .a&er!as (u-t ad(it to our-e.8e- t;at t;i- (oderni-( arou-e- a (uc; :ainter re-)on-e today t;an it did :i:teen year- a'o. Octa8io PaJ+ a :e..o/ o: (odernity+ noted a.ready in t;e (idd.e o: t;e 14@0- t;at 7t;e a8ant -'arde o: 14@A re)eat- t;e deed- and 'e-ture- o: t;o-e o: 141A. %e are e0)eriencin' t;e end o: t;e idea o: (ode( art.7 T;e /or6 o: Peter Bdr'er ;a- -ince tau';t u- to -)ea6 o: 7)o-t -a8ant-'arde7 artF t;i- ter( i- c;o-en to indicate t;e :ai.ure o: t;e SurTea.i-t rebe..ion .< But /;at i- t;e (eanin' o: t;i- :ai.ureH Doe- it -i'na. a :are/e.. to (odernityH T;in6in' (ore 'enera..y+ doe- t;e e0i-tence o: a )o-t-a8ant-'arde (ean t;ere i- a tran-ition to t;at broader );eno(enon ca..ed )o-t(odernityH T;i- i- in :act ;o/ Danie. Be..+ t;e (o-t bri..iant o: t;e #(erican neocon-er8ati8e-+ inter)ret- (atter-. In ;i- boo6+ T$e "%lt%ral "ontradictions of "a#italis!, Be.. ar'ue- t;at t;e cri-e- o: t;e de8e.o)ed -ocietie- o: t;e %e-t are to be traced bac6 to a -).it bet/een cu.ture and -ociety. Moderni-t cu.ture ;a- co(e to )enetrate t;e 8a.ue- o: e8eryday .i:eF t;e .i:e -/or.d i- in:ected by (oderni-(. Becau-e o: t;e :orce- o: (oderni-(+ t;e )rinci).e o: un.i(ited -e.:-rea.i-ation+ t;e de(and :or aut;entic -e.:-e0)erience and t;e -ub=ecti8i-( o: a ;y)er-ti(u.ated -en-iti8ity ;a8e co(e to be do(inant. T;i- te()era(ent un.ea-;e- ;edoni-tic (oti8e- irreconci.ab.e /it; t;e di-ci).ine o: )ro:e--iona. .i:e in -ociety+ Be.. -ay-. Moreo8er+ (ode(i-t cu.ture i-'et;er inco()atib.e /it; t;e (ora. ba-io: a )ur)o-i8e+ rationa. conduct o: .i:e. In t;i- (anner+ Be.. ).ace- t;e burden o: re-)on-ibi.ity :or t;e di--o.ution o: t;e Prote-tant et;ic Ea );eno(enon /;ic; ;ad a.ready di-turbed Ma0 %eber$ on t;e 7ad8er-ary cu.ture7. 1u.ture in it- (ode( :or( -tir- u) ;atred a'ain-t t;e con8ention- and 8irtue- o: e8eryday .i:e+ /;ic; ;a- beco(e rationa.i-ed under t;e )re--ure- o: econo(ic and ad(ini-trati8e i()erati8e-. I /ou.d ca.. your attention to a co().e0 /rin6.e in t;i- 8ie/. T;e i()u.-e o: (odernity+ /e are to.d on t;e ot;er ;and+ i- e0;au-tedF

anyone /;o con-ider- ;i(-e.: a8ant-'arde can read ;i- o/n deat; /arrant. #.t;ou'; t;e a8ant-'arde i- -ti.. con-idered to be e0)andin'+ it i- -u))o-ed.y no .on'er creati8e. Moderni-( i- do(inant but dead. 9or t;e neocon-er8ati8e t;e Iue-tion t;en ari-e-5 ;o/ can nor(ari-e in -ociety /;ic; /i.. .i(it .ibertini-(+ ree-tab.i-; t;e et;ic o: di-ci).ine and /or6H %;at ne/ nor(- /i.. )ut a bra6e on t;e' cau-ed by t;e -ocia. /e.:are -tate -o t;at t;e 8irtue- o: indi8idua. co()etition :or ac;ie8e(ent can a'ain do(inateH Be.. -ee- a re.i'iou- re8i8a. to be t;e on.y -o.ution. Re.i'iou- :ait; tied to a :ait; in tradition /i.. )ro8ide indi8idua.- /it; c.ear.y de:ined identitieand e0i-tentia. -ecurity. 124 Post!odern Narrati0es 1u.tura. (odernity and -ocieta. (oderni-ation One can certain.y not con=ure u) by (a'ic t;e co()' /;ic; co((and aut;ority. #na.y-e- .i6e Be..7-+ t;ere:ore+ on.y re-u.t in an attitude /;ic; i- -)readin' in "er(any no .e-- t;an in t;e State-5 an inte..ectua. and )o.itica. con:rontation /it; t;e carrier- o: cu.tura. (odernity. I cite Peter Stein:e.-+ an ob-er8er o: t;e ne/ -ty.e /;ic; t;e neocon-er8ati8e- ;a8e i()o-ed u)on t;e inte..ectua. -cene in t;e 14A0-5 T;e -tru''.e ta6e- t;e :or( o: e0)o-in' e8ery (ani:e-tation o: /;at cou.d be con-idered an o))o-itioni-t (enta.ity and tracin' it- 7.o'ic7 -o a- to .in6 it to 8ariou- :or(- o: e0tre(i-(5 dra/in' t;e connection bet/een (oderni-( and ni;i.i-( ... bet/een 'o8ern(ent re'u.ation and tota.itariani-(+ bet/een critici-( o: ar(- e0)enditure- and -ub-er8ience to co((uni-(+ bet/een %o(en7- .iberation or ;o(o-e0ua. ri';t- and t;e de-truction o: t;e :a(i.y ... bet/een t;e !e:t 'enera..y and terrori-(+ anti--e(iti-(+ and :a-ci-(. . ..7 T;e ad $o!ine! a))roac; and t;e bitterne-- o: t;e-e inte..ectua. accu-ation- ;a8e a.-o been tru()eted .oud.y in "er(any. T;ey -;ou.d not be e0).ained -o (uc; in ter(- o: t;e )-yc;o.o'y o: neocon-er8ati8e /riter-F rat;er+ t;ey are rooted in t;e ana.ytica. /ea6ne--e- o: neocon-er8ati8e doctrine it-e.:. Neocon-er8ati-( -;i:t- onto cu.tura. (oderni-( t;e unco(:ortab.e burden- o: a (ore or .e-- -ucce--:u. ca)ita.i-t (oderni-ation o: t;e econo(y and -ociety. T;e neocon-er8ati8e doctrine b.ur- t;e re.ation-;i) bet/een t;e / )roce-o: -ocieta. (oderni-ation on t;e one ;and+ and t;e .a(ented cu.tura. de8e.o)(ent on t;e ot;er. T;e neocon-er8ati8e doe- not unco8er t;e econo(ic and -ocia. cau-e- :or t;e a.tered attitude- to/ard- /or6+ con-u()tion+ ac;ie8e(ent and .ei-ure. 1on-eIuent.y+ ;e attribute- a.. o: t;e :o..o/in' - ;edoni-(+ t;e .ac6 o: -ocia. identi:ication+ t;e .ac6 o: obedience+ narci--i-(+ t;e /it;dra/a. :ro( -tatu- and ac;ie8e(ent co()etition - to t;e do(ain o: 7cu.ture7. In :act+ ;o/e8er+ cu.ture i- inter8enin' in t;e creation o: a.. t;e-e )rob.e(- in on.y a 8ery indirect and (ediated :a-;ion. In t;e neocon-er8ati8e 8ie/+ t;o-e inte..ectua.- /;o -ti.. :ee. t;e(-e.8e- co((itted to t;e )ro=ect o: (odernity are t;en )re-ented a- ta6in' t;e ).ace o: t;o-e unana.y-ed cau-e-. T;e (ood /;ic; :eed- neocon-er8ati-( today in no /ay ori'inate- :ro( di-content about t;e antino(ian con-eIuence- o: a cu.ture brea6in' :ro( t;e (u-eu(- into t;e -trea( o: ordinary .i:e. T;i- di-content ;a- not been ca..ed into .i:e by (oderni-t inte..ectua.-. It i- rooted in dee)--eated reaction- a'ain-t t;e )roce-- o: societal (oderni-ation. *nder t;e )re--ure- o: t;e dyna(ic- o: econo(ic 'ro/t; and t;e or'ani-ationa. acco().i-;(ent- o: 1<0 D%r en .a&er!as t;e -tate+ t;i- -ocia. (ode(i-ation )enetrate- dee)er and dee)er into )re8iou- :or(- o: ;u(an e0i-tence. I /ou.d de-cribe t;i-ubordination o: t;e .i:e-/or.d- under t;e -y-te(7- i()erati8e- a- a (atter o: di-turbin' t;e co((unicati8e in:ra-tructure o: e8eryday .i:e. T;u-+ :or e0a().e+ neo)o)u.i-t )rote-t- on.y e0)re-- in )ointed :a-;ion a /ide-)read :ear re'ardin' t;e de-truction o: t;e urban and natura. en8iron(ent and o: :or(- o: ;u(an -ociabi.ity. T;ere i- a certain irony about t;e-e )rote-t- in ter(- o: neocon-er8ati-(. T;e ta-6- o: )a--in' on a cu.tura. tradition+ o: -ocia. inte'ration and o: -ocia.i-ation reIuire ad;erence to /;at I ca.. co((unicati8e rationa.ity. But t;e occa-ion- :or )rote-t and di-content ori'inate )reci-e.y /;en -);ere- o: co((unicati8e action+ centered on t;e re)roduction and tran-(i--ion o: 8a.ue- and nor(-+ are )enetrated by a :or( o: (oderni-ation 'uided by -tandard- o: econo(ic and ad(in-trati8e rationa.ity - in ot;er /ord-+ by -tandard- o: rationa.i-ation Iuite di::erent :ro( t;o-e o: co((unicati8e rationa.ity on /;ic; t;o-e -);ere- de)end. But neocon-er8ati8e doctrine- turn our attention )reci-e.y a/ay :ro( -uc; -ocieta. )roce--e-5 t;ey )ro=ect t;e cau-e-+ /;ic; t;ey do not brin' to .i';t+ onto t;e ).ane o: a -ub8er-i8e cu.ture and it- ad8ocate-. To be -ure+ cu.tura. (odernity 'enerate- it- o/n a)oria- a- /e... Inde)endent.y :ro( t;e con-eIuence- o: societal (oderni-ation and /it;in t;e )er-)ecti8e o: c%lt%ral de8e.o)(ent it-e.:+ t;ere ori'inate (oti8e- :or doubtin' t;e )ro=ect o: (odernity. ,a8in' dea.t /it; a :eeb.e 6ind o: critici-( o: (odernity - t;at o: neocon-er8ati-( - .et (e no/ (o8e our di-cu--ion o: (odernity and it- di-content- into a di::erent do(ain t;at touc;e- on t;e-e a)oria- o: cu.tura. (odernity - i--ue- t;at o:ten -er8e on.y a- a )reten-e :or t;o-e )o-ition- /;ic; eit;er ca.. :or a )o-t(odernity+ reco((end a return to -o(e :or( o: )re(odernity+ or t;ro/ (odernity radica..y o8erboard. T;e )ro=ect o: en.i';ten(ent T;e idea o: (odernity i- inti(ate.y tied to t;e de8e.o)(ent o: Euro)ean art+ but /;at I ca.. 7t;e )ro=ect o: (odernity7 co(e- on.y into :ocu- /;en /e di-)en-e /it; t;e u-ua. concentration u)on art. !et (e -tart a di::erent ana.y-i- by' an idea :ro( Ma0 %eber. ,e c;aracteri-ed cu.tura. (odernity a- t;e -e)aration o: t;e -ub-tanti8e rea-on e0)re--ed in re.i'ion and (eta);y-ic- into t;ree autono(ou-);ere-. T;ey are5-cience+ (ora.ity and art. T;e-e ca(e to be di::erentiated becau-e t;e uni:ied /or.d-8ie/- o: re.i'ion and (eta);y-ic:e.. a)art. Since t;e ei';teent; century+ t;e )rob.e(- in;erited :ro( t;e-e o.der /or.d -8ie/- cou.d be arran'ed -o a- to :a.. under -)eci:ic a-)ect- o: 8a.idityF trut;+

1<1 Post!odern Narrati0es nor(ati8e ri';tne--+ aut;enticity and beauty. T;ey cou.d t;en be ;and.ed a- Iue-tion- o: 6no/.ed'e+ or o: =u-tice and (ora.ity+ or o: ta-te. Scienti:ic di-cour-e+ t;eorie- o: (ora.ity+ =uri-)rudence+ and t;e )roduction and critici-( o: art cou.d in turn be in-titutiona.i-ed. Eac; do(ain o: cu.ture cou.d be (ade to corre-)ond to cu.tura. )ro:e--ion- in /;ic; )rob.e(- cou.d be dea.t /it; a- t;e concern o: -)ecia. e0)ert-. T;i- )ro:e--iona.i-ed treat(ent o: t;e cu.tura. tradition brin'- to t;e :ore t;e intrin-ic -tructure- o: eac; o: t;e t;ree di(en-ion- o: cu.ture. T;ere a))ear t;e -tructure- o: co'niti8e-in-tru(enta.+ or (ora.-)ractica. and o: ae-t;etic-e0)re--i8e rationa.ity+ eac; o: t;e-e under t;e contro. o: -)ecia.i-t- /;o -ee( (ore ade)t at bein' .o'ica. in t;e-e ) /ay- t;an ot;er )eo).e are. #- a re-u.t+ t;e di-tance 'ro/- bet/een t;e cu.ture o: t;e e0)ert- and t;at o: t;e .ar'er )ub.ic. %;at accrue- to cu.ture t;rou'; -)ecia.i-ed treat(ent and re:.ection doe- not i((ediate.y and nece--ari.y beco(e t;e )ro)erty o: e8eryday )ra0i-. %it; cu.tura. rationa.i-ation o: t;i- -ort+ t;e t;reat increa-e- t;at t;e .i:e/or.d+ /;o-e traditiona. -ub-tance ;a- a.ready been de8a.ued+ /i.. beco(e (ore and (ore i()o8eri-;ed. T;e )ro=ect o: (odernity :or(u.ated in t;e ei';teent; century by t;e );i.o-o);er- o: t;e En.i';ten(ent con-i-ted in t;eir e::ort- to de8e.o) ob=ecti8e -cience+ uni8er-a. (ora.ity and .a/+ and autono(ou- art accordin' to t;eir inner .o'ic. #t t;e -a(e ti(e+ t;i- )ro=ect intended to re.ea-e t;e co'niti8e )otentia.- o: eac; o: t;e-e do(ain- :ro( t;eir e-oteric :or(-. T;e En.i';ten(ent );i.o-o);er- /anted to uti;-e t;i- accu(u.ation o: -)ecia.i-ed cu.ture :or t;e enric;(ent o: e8eryday .i:e -t;at i- to -ay+ :or t;e rationa. or'ani-ation o: e8eryday -ocia. .i:e. En.i';ten(ent t;in6er- o: t;e ca-t o: (ind o: 1ondorcet -ti.. ;ad t;e e0tra8a'ant e0)ectation t;at t;e art- and -cience- /ou.d )ro(ote not on.y t;e contro. o: natura. :orce- but a.-o under-tandin' o: t;e /or.d and o: t;e -e.:+ (ora. )ro're--+ t;e =u-tice o: in-titution- and e8en t;e ;a))ine-- o: ;u(an bein'-. T;e t/entiet; century ;a- -;attered t;i- o)ti(i-(. T;e di::erentiation o: -cience+ (ora.ity and art ;a- co(e to (ean t;e autono(y o: t;e -e'(ent- treated by t;e -)ecia.i-t and t;eir -e)aration :ro( t;e ;er(eneutic- o: e8eryday co((unication. T;i- -).ittin' o:: i- t;e )rob.e( t;at ;a- 'i8en ri-e to e::ort- to 7ne'ate7 t;e cu.ture o: e0)erti-e. But t;e )rob.e( /on7t 'o a/ay5 -;ou.d /e try to ;o.d on to t;e intentions o: t;e En.i';ten(ent+ :eeb.e a- t;ey (ay be+ or -;ou.d /e dec.are t;e entire )ro=ect o: (odernity a .o-t cau-eH I no/ /ant to return to t;e )rob.e( o: arti-tic cu.ture+ ;a8in' e0).ained /;y+ ;i-torica..y+ ae-t;etic (odernity ion.y a )art o: cu.tura. (odernity in 'enera.. 1<2 D%r en .a&er!as T;e :a.-e )ro'ra(- o: t;e ne'ation o: cu.ture "reat.y o8er-i().i:yin'+ I /ou.d -ay t;at in t;e ;i-tory o: (odern art one can detect a trend to/ard- e8er 'reater autono(y in t;e de:inition and )ractice o: art. T;e cate'ory o: 7beauty7 and t;e do(ain o: beauti:u. ob=ect- /ere :ir-t con-tituted in t;e Renai--ance. In t;e cour-e o: t;e ei';teent; century+ .iterature+ t;e :ine art- and (u-ic /ere in-titutiona.i-ed a- acti8itie- inde)endent :ro( -acred and court.y :i:e. 9ina..y+ around t;e (idd.e o: t;e nineteent; century an ae-t;etici-t conce)tion o: art e(er'ed+ /;ic; encoura'ed t;e arti-t to )roduce ;i- /or6 accordin' to t;e di-tinct con-ciou-ne-- o: art :or art7- -a6e. T;e autono(y o: t;e ae-t;etic -);ere cou.d t;en beco(e a de.iberate )ro=ect5 t;e ta.ented arti-t cou.d .end aut;entic e0)re--ion to t;o-e e0)erience- ;e ;ad in encounterin' ;i- o/n decentered -ub=ecti8ity+ detac;ed :ro( t;e con-traint- o: routini-ed co'nition and e8eryday action. In t;e (id-nineteent; century+ in )aintin' and .iterature+ a (o8e(ent be'an /;ic; Octa8io PaJ :ind- e)ito(i-ed a.ready in t;e art critici-( o: Baude.aire. 1o.or+ .ine-+ -ound- and (o8e(ent cea-ed to -er8e )ri(ari.y t;e cau-e o: re)re-entationF t;e (edia o: e0)re--ion and t;e tec;niIue- o: )roduction t;e(-e.8e- beca(e t;e ae-t;etic ob=ect. T;eodor %. #dorno cou.d t;ere:ore be'in ;i- Aest$etic T$eor) /it; t;e :o..o/in' -entence5 7It i- no/ ta6en :or 'ranted t;at not;in' /;ic; concern- art can be ta6en :or 'ranted any (ore5 neit;er art it-e.:+ nor art in it- re.ation-;i) to t;e /;o.e+ nor e8en t;e ri';t o: art to e0i-t.7 #nd t;i- i- /;at Surrea.i-( t;en denied5 das ECisten3rec$t der K%nst als K%nst. To be -ure+ Surrea.i-( /ou.d not ;a8e c;a..en'ed t;e ri';t o: art to e0i-t+ i: (odern art no .on'er ;ad ad8anced a )ro(i-e o: ;a))ine-- concernin' it- o/n re.ation-;i) 7to t;e /;o.e7 o: .i:e. 9or Sc; -uc; a )ro(i-e /a- de.i8ered by ae-t;etic intuition+ but not :u.:i..ed by it. Sc;i..er7- *etters on t$e Aest$etic Ed%cation of -an -)ea6- to u- o: a uto)ia reac;in' beyond art it-e.:. But by t;e ti(e o: Beaude.aire+ /;o re)eated t;i- #ro!esse de &on$e%r 8ia art+ t;e uto)ia o: reconci.iation /it; -ociety ;ad 'one -our. # re.ation o: o))o-ite- ;ad co(e into bein'F art ;ad beco(e a critica. (irror+ -;o/in' t;e irreconci.ab.e nature o: t;e ae-t;etic and t;e -ocia. /or.d-. T;i- (oderni-t tran-:or(ation /a- a.. t;e (ore )ain:u..y rea.i-ed+ t;e (ore art a.ienated it-e.: :ro( .i:e and /it;dre/ into t;e untouc;ab.ene-- o: co().ete autono(y. Out o: -uc; e(otiona. current- :ina..y 'at;ered t;o-e e0).o-i8e ener'ie- /;ic; un.oaded in t;e Surrea.i-t atte()t to b.o/ u) t;e autar6ica. -);ere o: art and to :orce a reconci.iation o: art and .i:e. But a.. t;o-e atte()t- to .e8e. art and .i:e+ :iction and )ra0i-+ a))earance and rea.ity to one ).aneF t;e atte()t- to re(o8e t;e di-tinction bet/een arti:act and ob=ect o: u-e+ bet/een con-ciou- -ta'in' and -)ontaneou- e0cite(entF t;e atte()t- to dec.are e8eryt;in' to be art 1<< Post!odern Narrati0es and e8eryone to be an arti-t+ to retract a.. criteria and to eIuate ae-t;etic =ud'e(ent /it; t;e e0)re--ion o: -ub=ecti8e e0)erience- - an t;e-e underta6in'- ;a8e )ro8ed t;e(-e.8e- to be -ort o: non-en-e e0)eri(ent-. T;e-e e0)eri(ent- ;a8e -er8ed to brin' bac6 to .i:e+ and to i..u(inate a.. t;e (ore '.arin'.y+ e0act.y t;o-e -tructure- o: art /;ic; t;ey /ere (eant to di--o.8e. T;ey 'a8e a ne/ .e'iti(acy+ aend- in t;e(-e.8e-+ to a))earance a- t;e (ediu( o: :iction+ to t;e tran-cendence o: t;e art/or6 o8er -ociety+ to t;e concentrated and ).anned c;aracter o: arti-tic )roduction a- /e.. a- to t;e -)ecia. co'niti8e -tatu-+ o: =ud'(ent- o: ta-te. T;e radica. atte()t to ne'ate art ;a- ended u) ironica..y by 'i8in' due e0act.y to t;e-e cate'orie- t;rou'; /;ic; En.i';ten(ent ae-t;etic- ;ad circu(-cribed it- ob=ect

do(ain. T;e Surrea.i-t- /a'ed t;e (o-t e0tre(e /ar:are+ but t/o (i-ta6e- in ) de-troyed t;eir re8o.t. 9ir-t+ /;en t;e containero: an autono(ou-.y de8e.o)ed cu.tura. -);ere are -;attered+ t;e content- 'et di-)er-ed. Not;in' re(ain- :ro( a de-ub.i(ated (eanin' or a de-tructured :or(F an e(anci)atory e::ect doe- not :o..o/. T;eir -econd (i-ta6e ;a- (ore i()ortant con-eIuence-. In e8eryday co((unication+ co'niti8e (eanin'-+ (ora. e0)ectation-+ -ub=ecti8e e0)re--ion- and e8a.uation- (u-t re.ate to one anot;er. 1o((unication )roce--e- need a cu.tura. tradition co8erin' a.. -);ere- co'niti8e+ (ora.-)ractica. and e0)re--i8e. # rationa.i-ed e8eryday .i:e+ t;ere:ore+ cou.d ;ard.y be -a8ed :ro( cu.tura. i()o8eri-;(ent t;rou'; brea6in' o)en a -in'.e cu.tura. -);ere - art - and -o )ro8idin' acce-- to =u-t one o: t;e -)ecia.i-ed 6no/.ed'e co().e0e-. T;e Surrea.i-t re8o.t /ou.d ;a8e re).aced on.y one ab-traction. In t;e -);ere- o: t;eoretica. 6no/.ed'e and (ora.ity+ t;ere are )ara..e.- to t;i- :ai.ed atte()t o: /;at /e (i';t ca.. t;e :a.-e ne'ation o: cu.ture. On.y t;ey are .e-- )ronounced. Since t;e day- o: t;e &oun' ,e'e.ian-+ t;ere ;a- been ta.6 about t;e ne'ation o: );i.o-o);y. Since Mar0+ t;e Iue-tion o: t;e re.ation-;i) o: t;eory and )ractice ;a- been )o-ed. ,o/e8er+ Mar0i-t inte..ectua.- =oined a -ocia. (o8e(entF and on.y at it- )eri);erie- /ere t;ere -ectarian atte()t- to carry out a )ro'ra( o: t;e ne'ation o: );i.o-o);y -i( to t;e Surrea.i-t )ro'ra( to ne'ate art. # )ara..e. to t;e Surrea.i-t (i-ta6e- beco(e- 8i-ib.e in t;e-e )ro'ra(- /;en one ob-er8e- t;e con-eIuence- o: do'(ati-( and o: (ora. ri'ori-(. # rei:ied e8eryday )ra0i- can be cured on.y by creatin' uncon-trained interaction o: t;e co'niti8e /it; t;e (ora. -)ractica. and t;e ae-t;etice0)re--i8e e.e(ent-. Rei:ication cannot be o8erco(e by :orcin' =u-t one o: t;o-e ;i';.y -ty.i-ed cu.tura. -);ere- to o)en u) and beco(e (ore acce--ib.e. In-tead+ /e -ee under certain circu(-tance- a re.ation-;i) e(er'e bet/een terrori-tic acti8itie- and t;e o8er-e0ten-ion o: any one o: t;e-e -);ere- to ot;er do(ain-5 e0a().e- /ou.d be tendencie- to 1< Diir en .a&er!as ae-t;etici-e )o.itic-+ or to re).ace )o.itic- by (ora. ri'ori-( or to -ub(it it to t;e do'(ati-( o: a doctrine. T;e-e );eno(ena -;ou.d not .ead u-+ ;o/e8er+ into denouncin' t;e intention- o: t;e -ur8i8in' En.i';ten(ent tradition a- intention- rooted in a 7terrori-tic rea-on7. -+ T;o-e /;o .u() to'et;er t;e 8ery )ro=ect o: (odernity /it;+ t;e -tate o: con-cioune-- and t;e -) action o: t;e indi8idua. terrori-t are no .e-- -;ort--i';ted t;an t;o-e /;o /ou.d t;at t;e inco()arab.y (ore )er-i-tent and e0ten-i8e bureacratic terror )racticed in t;e dar6+ in t;e o: t;e (i.itary and -ecret ) and in ca()- and in-titution-+ i- t;e raison d'etre o: t;e (odern -tate+ on.y becau-e t;i- 6ind o: ad(in-trati8e terror (a6e- u-e o: t;e coerci8e (ean- o: (odern bureaucracie-. #.ternati8eI t;in6 t;at in-tead o: 'i8in' u) (odernity and it- )ro=ect a- a .o-t cau-e+ /e -;ou.d .earn :ro( t;e (i-ta6e- o: t;o-e e0tra8a'ant )ro'ra(- /;ic; ;a8e tried to ne'ate (odernity. Per;a)- t;e ty)e- o: rece)tion o: art (ay o::er an e0a().e /;ic; at .ea-t indicate- t;e direction o: a /ay out. Bour'eoi- art ;ad t/o e0)ectation- at once :ro( it- audience-. On t;e one ;and+ t;e .ay(an /;o en=oyed art -;ou.d educate ;i(-e.: to beco(e an e0)ert. On t;e ot;er ;and+ ;e -;ou.d a.-o be;a8e a- a co()etent con-u(er /;o u-e- art and re.ate- ae-t;etic e0)erience- to ;i- o/n .i:e )rob.e(-. T;i- -econd+ and -ee(in'.y ;ar(.e--+ (anner o: e0)eriencin' art ;a- .o-t it- radica. i().ication- e0act.y becau-e it ;ad a con:u-ed re.ation to t;e attitude o: bein' e0)ert and )ro:e--iona.. To be -ure+ arti-tic )roduction /ou.d dry u)+ i: it /ere not carried out in t;e :or( o: a -)ecia.i-ed treat(ent o: autono(ou- )rob.e(and i: it /ere to cea-e to be t;e concern o: e0)ert- /;o do not )ay -o (uc; attention to e0oteric Iue-tion-. Bot; arti-t- and critic- acce)t t;ereby t;e :act t;at -uc; )rob.e(- :a.. under t;e -)e.. o: /;at I ear.ier ca..ed t;e 7inner .o'ic7 o: a cu.tura. do(ain. But t;i- -;ar) de.ineation+ t;i- e0c.u-i8e concentration on one a-)ect o: 8a.idity and t;e e0c.u-ion o: a-)ect- o: trut; and =u-tice+ brea6 do/n a-oon a- ae-t;etic e0)erience i- dra/n into an indi8idua. .i:e ;i-tory and i- #b-orbed into ordinary .i:e. T;e rece)tion o: art by t;e .ay(an+ or by t;e 7e8eryday e0)ert7+ 'oe- in a rat;er di::erent direction t;an t;e rece)tion o: art by t;e )ro:e--iona. critic. #.brec;t %e..(er ;a- dra/n (y attention to one /ay t;at an ae-t;etic e0)erience /;ic; i- not :ra(ed around t;e e0)ert-7 critica. =ud'(ent- o: ta-te can ;a8e it- -i'ni:icance a.tered5 a- -oon a- -uc; an e0)erience i- u-ed to i..u(inate a .i:e -;i-torica. -ituation and ire.ated to .i:e )rob.e(-+ it enter- into a .an'ua'e 'a(e /;ic; i- no .on'er t;at o: t;e ae-t;etic 1<? Post!odern Narrati0es critic. T;e ae-t;etic e0)erience t;en not on.y rene/- t;e inter)retation o: our need- in /;o-e .i';t /e )ercei8e t;e /or.d. It )er(eate- a/e.. our co'niti8e -i'ni:ication- and our nor(ati8e e0)ectation- and c;an'e- t;e (anner in /;ic; a.. t;e-e (o(ent- re:er to one anot;er. !et (e 'i8e an e0a().e o: t;i- )roce--. T;i- (anner o: recei8in' and re.atin' to art i- -u''e-ted in t;e :ir-t 8o.u(e o: t;e /or6 T$e Aest$etics of Resistance by t;e "er(an-S/edi-; /riter Peter %ei--. %ei-- de-cribe- t i ;e )roce-- o: rea))ro)riatin' art by )re-entin' a 'rou) o: )o.itica..y (oti8ated+ 6no/.ed'e-;un'ry /or6er- in 14<A in .@ T;e-e /ere youn' )eo).e /;o+ t;rou'; an e8enin' ;i';--c;oo. education+ acIuired t;e inte..ectua. (ean- to :at;o( t;e 'enera. and -ocia. ;i-tory o: Euro)ean art. Out o: t;e re-i.ient edi:ice o: t;i- ob=ecti8e (ind+ e(bodied in /or6- o: art /;ic; t;ey -a/ a'ain and a'ain in t;e (u-eu(- in t;ey -tarted re(o8in' t;eir o/n c;i)- o: -tone+ /;ic; t;ey 'at;ered to'et;er and rea--e(b.ed in t;e conte0t o: t;eir o/n (i.ieu. T;i- (i.ieu /a- :ar re(o8ed :ro( t;at o: traditiona. education a/e.. a- :ro( t;e t;en e0i-tin' re'i(e. T;e-e youn' /or6er- /ent bac6 and :ort; bet/een t;e edi:ice o: Euro)ean art and t;eir o/n (i.ieu unti. t;ey /ere ab.e to i..u(inate bot;. In e0a().e- .i6e t;i- /;ic; i..u-trate t;e rea))ro)riation o: t;e e0)ert7- cu.ture :ro( t;e -tand)oint o: t;e .i:e-/or.d+ /e can di-cern an e.e(ent /;ic; doe- =u-tice to t;e intention- o: t;e ;o)e.e-- Surrea.i-t re8o.t-+ )er;a)- e8en (ore to Brec;t7- and Ben=a(in7- intere-t in ;o/ art /or6-+ /;ic; ;a8in' .o-t t;eir aura+ cou.d yet be recei8ed in i..u(inatin' /ay-. In -u(+ t;e )ro=ect o: (odernity ;a- not yet been

:u.:i..ed. #nd t;e rece)tion o: art i- on.y one o: at .ea-t t;ree o: it- a-)ect-. T;e )ro=ect ai(- at a di::erentiated re.in6in' o: (odern cu.ture /it; an e8eryday )ra0i- t;at -ti.. de)end- on 8ita. ;erita'e-+ but /ou.d be i()o8eri-;ed t;rou'; (ere traditiona.i-(. T;i- ne/ connection+ ;o/e8er+ can on.y be e-tab.i-;ed under t;e condition t;at -ocieta. (oderni-ation /i.. a.-o be -teered in a di::erent direction. T;e I::e-/or.d ;a- to beco(e ab.e to de8e.o) in-titution- out o: it-e.: /;ic; -et .i(it- to t;e interna. dyna(ic- and i()erati8e- o: an a.(o-t autono(ou- econo(ic -y-te( and it- ad(ini-trati8e co().e(ent-. I: I a( not (i-ta6en+ t;e c;ance- :or t;i- today are not 8ery 'ood. More or .e-- in t;e entire %e-tern /or.d a c.i(ate ;ad de8e.o)ed t;at :urt;er- ca)ita.i-t (oderni-ation )roce--e- a- /e.. a- trend- critica. o: cu.tura. (oderni-(. T;e di-i..u-ion(ent /it; t;e 8ery :ai.ureo: t;o-e )ro'ra(- t;at ca..ed :or t;e ne'ation o: art and );i.o-o);y ;a- co(e to -er8e a- a )reten-e :or con-er8ati8e )o-ition-. !et (e brie:.y di-tin'ui-; t;e anti-(oderni-( o: t;e 7youn' con-er8ati8e-7 :ro( t;e )re(oderni-( o: t;e 7o.d con-er8ati8e-7 and :ro( t;e )o-t(oderni-( o: t;e neocon-er8ati8e-. T;e 7youn' con-er8ati8e-7 reca)itu.ate t;e ba-ic e0)erience o: ae-t;etic 1<@ D%r en .a&er!as (odernity. T;ey a- t;eir o/n t;e re8e.ation- o: a decentered -ub=ecti8ity+ e(anci)ated :ro( t;e i()erati8e- o: /or6 and and /it; t;i- e0)erience t;ey -te) out-ide t;e (odern /or.d. On t;e ba-i- o: (oderni-tic attitude- t;ey =u-ti:y an irreconci.ab.e anti(oderni-(. T;ey re(o8e into t;e -);ere o: t;e :ar-a/ay and t;e arc;aic t;e -)ontaneou- )o/er- o: i(a'ination+ -e.:-e0)erience and e(otion. To in-tru(enta. rea-on t;ey =u0ta)o-e in Manic;ean :a-;ion a )rinci).e on.y acce--ib.e t;rou'; e8ocation+ be it t;e /i.. to )o/er or -o8erei'nty+ Bein' or t;e Diony-iac :orce o: t;e )oetica.. In 9rance t;i- .ine .ead- :ro( "eor'e- Batai..e 8ia Mic;e. 9oucau.t to 3acIue- Derrida. T;e 7o.d con-er8ati8e-7 do not a..o/ t;e(-e.8e- to be conta(inated by cu.tura. (oderni-(. T;ey ob-er8e t;e dec.ine o: -ub-tanti8e rea-on+ t;e di::erentiation o: -cience+ (ora.ity and art+ t;e (odern /or.d 8ie/ and it- (ere.y )rocedura. rationa.ity+ /it; -adne-- and reco((end a /it;dra/a. to a )o-ition anterior to (odernity. Neo-#ri-tote.iani-(+ in ) en=oy- a certain -ucce-- today. In 8ie/ o: t;e )rob.e(atic o: eco.o'y+ it a..o/- it-e.: to ca.. :or a co-(o.o'ica. et;ic. E#- be.on'in' to t;i- -c;oo.+ /;ic; ori'inate- /it; !eo Strau--+ one can count t;e intere-tin' /or6- o: ,an- 3ona- and Robert S)ae(ann.$ 9ina..y+ t;e neocon-er8ati8e- / t;e de8e.o)(ent o: (odern -cience+ a- .on' a- t;i- on.y 'oe- beyond it- -);ere to carry :or/ard tec;nica. )ro're--+ ca)ita.i-t 'ro/t; and rationa. ad(ini-tration. Moreo8er+ t;ey reco((end a )o.itic- o: de:u-in' t;e e0).o-i8e content o: cu.tura. (odernity. #ccordin' to one t;e-i-+ -cience+ /;en )ro)er.y under-tood+ ;a- beco(e irre8ocab.y (eanin'.e-- :or t;e orientation o: t;e .i:e-/or.d. # :urt;er t;e-i- i- t;at )o.itic- (u-t be 6e)t a- :ar a.oo: a- )o--ib.e :ro( t;e de(and- o: (ora. -)ractica. =u-ti:ication. #nd a t;ird t;e-i- a--ert- t;e )ure i((anence o: art+ di-)ute- t;at it ;a- a uto)ian content+ and )oint- to it- i..u-ory c;aracter in order to .i(it t;e ae-t;etic e0)erience to )ri8acy. EOne cou.d na(e ;ere t;e ear.y %itt'en-tein+ 1ar. Sc;(itt o: t;e (idd.e )eriod+ and "ott:ried Ber( o: t;e .ate )eriod.$ But /it; t;e deci-i8e con:ine(ent o: -cience+ (ora.ity and art to autono(ou- -);ere- -e)arated :ro( t;e .i:e-/or.d and ad(ini-tered by e0)ert-+ /;at re(ain- :ro( t;e )ro=ect o: cu.tura. (odernity i- on.y /;at /e /ou.d ;a8e i: /e /ere to 'i8e u) t;e )ro=ect o: (odernity'et;er. #- a re).ace(ent one )oint- to tradition- /;ic;+ ;o/e8er+ are ;e.d to be i((une to de(and- o: Enor(ati8e$ =u-ti:ication and 8a.idation. T;i- ty)o.o'y i- .i6e any ot;er+ o: cour-e+ a -i().i:ication+ but it (ay not )ro8e tota..y u-e.e-- :or t;e ana.y-i- o: conte()orary inte..ectua. and )o.itica. con:rontation-. I :ear t;at t;e idea- o: anti(odernity+ to'et;er /it; an additiona. touc; o: )re(odernity+ are beco(in' )o) in t;e circ.e- o: a.ternati8e cu.ture. %;en one ob-er8e- t;e tran-:or(ation- o: con-ciou-ne-- /it;in )o.itica. )artie- in "er(any+ a ne/ ideo.o'ica. -;i:t ,Tenden3wende= beco(e- 8i-ib.e. #nd t;i- i- t;e a..iance o: 9@< Post!odern Narrati0es )o-t(oderni-t- /it; )re(oderni-t-. It -ee(- to (e t;at t;ere i- no )arty in ) t;at (ono)o.i-e- t;e abu-e o: inte..ectua.- and t;e )b-ition o: neocon-er8ati-(. I t;ere:ore ;a8e 'ood rea-on to be t;an6:u. :or t;e .ibera. -)irit in /;ic; t;e city o: 9ran6:urt o::er- (e a )riJe bearin' t;e na(e o: T;eodor #dorno+ a (o-t -i'ni:icant -on o: t;i- city+ /;o a- );i.o-o);er and /riter ;a- -ta()ed t;e i(a'e o: t;e inte..ectua. in our country in inco()arab.e :a-;ion+ /;o+ e8en (ore+ ;a- beco(e t;e 8ery i(a'e o: e(u.ation :or t;e inte..ectua.. Note1. 37au-- i- a )ro(inent "er(an .iterary ;i-torian and critic in8o.8ed in 7t;e ae-t;etic- o: rece)tion7+ a ty)e o: critici-( re.ated to reader-re-)on-e critici-( in t;i- country. 9or a di-cu--ion o: 7(ode(7 -ee 3au--+ Ast$etisc$e Nor!en %nd esc$ic$tlic$e RefleCion in der G%erelle des Anciens et des -odernes EMunic;+ 14@ $. 9or a re:erence in En'.i-; -ee 3au--+ 7,i-tory o: #rt and Pra'(atic ,i-tory7+ Toward an Aest$etic of Rece#tion, tran-. Ti(ot;y Ba;ti EMinnea)o.i-5 *ni8er-ity o: Minne-ota Pre--+ 14B2$1+ )). @-B. 2. See BEN=#(iN+ 7T;e-e- on t;e P;i.o-o);y o: ,i-tory+ 5ll%!inations, tran-. ,arry Ko;n ENe/ &or65 Sc;oc6en+ 14@4$+ ). 2@1. <. 9or PaJ on t;e a8ant-'arde -ee in ) "$ildren of t$e -ire6 -odern Poetr) fro! Ro!anticis! to t$e A0ant4Garde E1a(brid'e5 ,ar8ard *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14A $+ )). 1 B-@ . 9or Bdr'er -ee T$eor) of t$e A0ant4Garde EMinnea)o.i-5 *ni8er-ity o: Minne-ota Pre--+ 9a.. 14B<$. . PETER STEIN9E!-+ T$e Neoconser0ati0es ENe/ &or65 Si(on and Sc;u-ter+ 14A4$+ ). @?. ?. T;e );ra-e 7to ae-t;etici-e )o.itic-7 ec;oe- Ben=a(in7- :a(ou- :or(u.ation o: t;e :a.-e -ocia. )ro'ra( o: t;e :a-ci-t- in 7T;e %or6 o: #rt in t;e #'e o: Mec;anica. Re)roduction7. ,aber(a-7- critici-( ;ere o: En.i';ten(ent critic- -ee(- directed .e-- at #do(o and Ma0 ,or6;ei(er t;an at t;e conte()orary no%0ea%C #$iloso#$es EBernard-,enri !~-8y+ etc.$ and t;eir "er(an and #(erican counter)art-. @. T;e re:erence i- to t;e no8e. 7ie Ast$etik des /iderstands E14A?-AB$ by t;e aut;or )er;a)- be-t 6no/n ;ere :or ;i- 14@? ).ay -aratl(ade. T;e /or6 o: art 7rea))ro)riated7 by t;e /or6er- i- t;e Per'a(on a.tar+ e(b.e( o: )o/er+ c.a--ici-( and rationa.ity.


11 3ean-9ranIoi- !yotard+ 7#n-/erin' t;e Gue-tion5 %;at i- Po-t(oderni-(H7R

T;e )re-ent e--ay a))eared in "riti1%e, 49: E#)ri. 14B2$+ t;en in+ tra..-.ation in ,a--an and ,a--an Eed-$ 5nno0ationlReno0ation E14B<$+ and -ub-eIuent.y a- an a))endi0 to t;e En'.i-; tran-.ation o: !yotard7- T$e Post!odern "ondition. T;i- te0t ;a- )ro8ed a (a=or :ocu- in debate- on cu.tura. )o-t(oderni-(. %;erea- ,aber(a- continue- t;e -earc; :or a -ocia. et;ic- ba-ed on rea-on+ !yotard dra/- on NietJ-c;e7- critiIue o: t;e tota.i-in' o: rea-on to ar'ue t;at t;i- 'oa. i- /it;out (ora. or );i.o-o);ica. 'round-+ or 7.e'iti(ation7. Second.y+ dra/in' u)on %itt'en-tein+ !yotard ar'ue- t;at t;e criteria re'u.atin' t;e 7trut; o: 6no/.ed'e deri8e :ro( di-crete+ conte0t-de)endent'ua'e 'a(e-7 not ab-o.ute ru.e- or -tandard-. ,i- (a=or e0a().e concern- t;e di::erent )rocedure- and e::ect(ar6in' -cienti:ic and narrati8e 6no/.ed'e. In it- 7(ode(7 );a-e+ -cience -ou';t .e'iti(ation :ro( eit;er o: t/o narrati8e ty)e-5 t;e narrati8e o: ;u(an .iberation a--ociated /it; t;e En.i';ten(ent and t;e re8o.utionary tradition+ or o: t;e )ro-)ecti8e unity o: an 6no/. ed'e a--ociated /it; ,e'e.iani-(. Neit;er o: t;e-e .e'iti(atin' 7(etanarrati8e-7 or ' rands r;cits', -ay- !yotard+ no/ ;a- credibi.ity. In-tead+ 7)o-t(odern7 -cience )ur-ue- t;e tec;nica. and co((ercia. ai(- o: o)ti(a. )er:or(anceF a c;an'e rein:orced by ne/ co()uteri-ed tec;no.o'ie- /;ic; (a6e in:or(ation a )o.itica. Iuantity. But yet t;i- tec;nocratic order i- at odd- /it; an interna. e0)eri(enta. dri8e /;ic; Iue-tion- t;e )aradi'(- o: 7nor(a. -cience7. %;at !yotard ca..- t;e acti8ity o: )ara.o'i-( - e0erci-ed in i..o'ica. or contradictory rea-onin' - )roducea brea6t;rou'; into R Tran-. %-'i- Durand+ re)rinted :ro( T$e Post!odern "ondition6 a Re#ort on Knowled e, tran-. ". Bennin'ton and B. Ma--u(i. 9ore/ord by 9. 3a(e-on EManc;e-ter5 Manc;e-ter *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14B $+ )). A1-B2. 1<4 Post!odern Narrati0es t;e un6no/n o: ne/ 6no/.ed'e. T;ere t;u- e(er'e- a ne/ -ource o: .e'iti(ation+ in8e-ted in (ore (ode-t '#etits r;cits' and indebted to t;e radica. a8ant-'arde i()erati8e to e0)eri(ent and 7(a6e it ne/7. T;e )o-t(odern ae-t;etic+ e0a(ined be.o/+ t;u- e(er'e- a- an in8e-ti'ati8e ae-t;etic o: t;e 7-ub.i(e7. It doe- not -eIuentia..y :o..o/ (oderni-( but de-cribe- it- :oundin' condition-. #- !yotard )utit+ t;e )o-t(odern 7i- undoubted.y a )art o: t;e (odern7+ it 7/ou.d be t;at /;ic;+ in t;e (odern+ )ut- :or/ard t;e un)re-entab.e in )re-entation it-e.:7 E)). 1 B+ 1 4$. T;e i().ication- o: t;i- are a(bi'uou-. T;u- !yotard+ a.on' /it; decon-truction 'enera..y+ can be -aid to ;a8e aut;ori-ed a con -ciou-.y decentred )o-t(oderni-( and (icro)o.itic-+ 6eyed to -ocia. ;etero'eneity+ t;e .oca.+ )ro8i-iona. and )ra'(aticF it- )o.itica. or et;ica. =ud'e(ent- undecided in ad8ance. On t;e ot;er ;and+ ;i- 8ie/- a))ear to -)on-or a ro(antic anarc;i-(+ .ar'e on r;etoric and .o/ on concrete -ocia. tran-:or(ation. 3a(e-on7- 79ore/ord7 to T$e Post!odern "ondition, ,onnet; Ein T$eor), "%lt%re and (ociet), ?, <+ 14B?$ and 1onnor ,Post!odernist "%lt%re, 14B4$ i--ue /arnin'- a.on' t;e-e .ine-. 9ra-er and Nic;o.-on a.-o Ein Nic;o.-on Eed.$+ Fe!inis!5Post!odernis!, 1440$+ /;i.e -y()at;etic to !yotard7- anti:oundationa.i-(+ note ;i- :ai.ure to identi:y (acro-tructure- o: ineIua.ity and in=u-tice+ ) concernin' 'ender. 9or a -y()at;etic e0).ication o: !yotard+ -ee Bennin'ton+ *)otard6 /ritin t$e E0ent, E14BB$. # de(and T;i- i- a )eriod o: -.ac6enin' - I re:er to t;e co.or o: t;e ti(e-. 9ro( e8ery direction /e are bein' ur'ed to )ut an end to e0)eri(entation+ in t;e art- and e.-e/;ere. I ;a8e read an art ;i-torian /;o e0to.- rea.i-( and i- n-d.itant :or t;e ad8ent o: a ne/ -ub=ecti8ity. I ;a8e read an art critic /;o )ac6a'e- and -e..- 7Tran-a8ant'ardi-(7 in t;e (ar6et).ace o: )aintin'. I ;a8e read t;at under t;e na(e o: )o-t(oderni-(+ arc;itect- are 'ettin' rid o: t;e Bau;au- )ro=ect+ t;ro/in' out t;e baby o: e0)eri(entation /it; t;e bat;/ater o: :unctiona.i-(. I ;a8e read t;at a ne/ );i.o-o);er i- di-co8erin' /;at ;e dro..y ca..- 3udaeo-1;ri-tiani-(+ and intend- by it to )ut an end to t;e i()iety /;ic; /e are -u))o-ed to ;a8e -)read. I ;a8e read in a 9renc; /ee6.y t;at -o(e are di-).ea-ed /it; -ille Platea%C ,&) De.euJe and "uattari$ becau-e t;ey e0)ect+ e-)ecia..y /;en readin' a /or6 o: );i.o-o);y+ to be 'rati:ied /it; a .itt.e 1 0 Dean4 Fran#is *)otard -en-e. I ;a8e read :ro( t;e )en o: a re)utab.e ;i-torian t;at /riter- and t;in6er- o: t;e 14@0 and 14A0 a8ant -'arde- -)read a rei'n o: terror in t;e u-e o: .an'ua'e+ and t;at t;e condition- :or a :ruit:u. e0c;an'e (u-t be re-tored by i()o-in' on t;e inte..ectua.- a co((on /ay o: -)ea6in'+ t;at o: t;e ;i-torian-. I ;a8e been readin' a youn' );i.o-o);er o: .an'ua'e /;o co().ain- t;at 1ontinenta. t;in6in'+ under t;e c;a..en'e o: -)ea6in' (ac;ine-+ ;a- -urrendered to t;e (ac;ine- t;e concern :or rea.ity+ t;at it ;a- -ub-tituted :or t;e re:erentia. )aradi'( t;at o:'ui-ticity7 Eone -)ea6- about -)eec;+ /rite- about /ritin'+ interte0tua.ity$+ and /;o t;in6- t;at t;e ti(e ;a- no/ co(e to re-tore a anc;ora'e o: .an'ua'e in t;e re:erent. I ;a8e read a ta.ented t;eatro.o'i-t :or /;o( )o-t(oderni-(+ /it; it- 'a(e- and :anta-ie-+ carried 8ery .itt.e /ei';t in :ront o: )o.itica. aut;ority+ e-)ecia..y /;en a /orried )ub.ic o)inion encoura'eaut;ority to a )o.itic- o: tota.itarian -ur8ei..ance in t;e :ace o: nuc.ear /ar:are t;reat-. I ;a8e read a t;in6er o: re)ute /;o de:end- (odernity a'ain-t t;o-e ;e ca..- t;e neocon-er8ati8e-. *nder t;e banner o: )o-t(oderni-(+ t;e .atter /ou.d .i6e+ ;e be.ie8e-+ to 'et rid o: t;e unco().eted )ro=ect o: (oderni-(+ t;at o: t;e En.i';ten(ent. E8en t;e .a-t ad8ocate- o: A%fkldr%n , -uc; a- Po))er or #dorno+ /ere on.y ab.e+ accordin' to ;i(+ to de:end t;e )ro=ect in a :e/ )

-);ere- o: .i:e - t;at o: )o.itic- :or t;e aut;or o: T$e 2#en (ociet), and t;at o: art :or t;e aut;or o: Ast$etisc$e T$eorie. 3i.r'en ,aber(aEe8eryone ;ad reco'ni-ed ;i($ t;in6- t;at i: (odernity ;a- :ai.ed+ it i- in a..o/in' t;e tota.ity o: .i:e to e -).intered into inde)endent -)ecia.itie- /;ic; are .e:t to t;e narro/ co()etence o: e0)ert-+ /;i.e t;e concrete indi8idua. e0)erience- 7de-ub.i(ated (eanin'7 and 7de-tructured :or(7+ not a- a .iberation but in t;e (ode o: t;at i((en-e enn%i /;ic; Baude.aire de-cribed o8er a century a'o. 9o..o/in' a )re-cri)tion o: #.brec;t %e..(er+ ,aber(a- con-ider- t;at t;e re(edy :or t;i- -).interin' o: cu.ture and it- -e)aration :ro( .i:e can on.y co(e :ro( 7c;an'in' t;e -tatu- o: ae-t;etic e0)erience /;en it i- no .on'er )ri(ari.y e0)re--ed in =ud'(ent- o: ta-te7+ but /;en it i- 7u-ed to e0).ore a .i8in' ;i-torica. -ituation7+ t;at i-+ /;en 7it i- )ut in re.ation /it; )rob.e(- o: e0i-tence7. 9or t;ie0)erience t;en 7beco(e- a )art o: a .an'ua'e 'a(e /;ic; i- no .on'er t;at o: ae-t;etic critici-(7F it ta6e- )art 7in co'niti8e )roce--e- and nor(ati8e e0)ectation-7F 7it a.ter- t;e (anner in /;ic; t;o-e di::erent (o(ent- re:er to one anot;er7. %;at ,aber(a- reIuire- :ro( t;e art- and t;e e0)erience- t;ey )ro8ide i-+ in -;ort+ to brid'e t;e 'a) bet/een co'niti8e+ et;ica.+ and )o.itica. di-cour-e+ t;u- o)enin' t;e /ay to a unity o: e0)erience. My Iue-tion i- to deter(ine /;at -ort o: unity ,aber(a- ;a- in (ind. I- t;e ai( o: t;e )ro=ect o: (odernity t;e con-itituion o: -ociocu.tura. unity /it;in /;ic; a.. t;e e.e(ent- o: dai.y .i:e and o: t;ou';t /ou.d 1 1 Post!odern Narrati0es ta6e t;eir ).ace- a- in an or'anic /;o.eH Or doe- t;e )a--a'e t;at ;a- to be c;arted bet/een ;etero'eneou- .an'ua'e 'a(e- - t;o-e o: co'nition+ o: et;ic-+ o: )o.itic- - be.on' to a di::erent order :ro( t;atH #nd i: -o+ /ou.d it be ca)ab.e o: e::ectin' a rea. -ynt;e-i- bet/een t;e(H T;e :ir-t ;y)ot;e-i-+ o: a ,e'e.ian in-)iration+ doe- not c;a..en'e t;e notion o: a dia.ectica..y tota.i-in' eC#erience; t;e -econd ic.o-er to t;e -)irit o: Kant7- "riti1%e of D%d !ent; but (u-t be -ub(itted+ .i6e t;e "riti1%e, to t;at -e8ere ree0a(ination /;ic; )o-t(odernity i()o-e- on t;e t;ou';t o: t;e En.i';ten(ent+ on t;e idea o: a unitary end o: ;i-tory and o: a -ub=ect. It i- t;i- critiIue /;ic; not on.y %itt'en-tein and #dorno ;a8e initiated+ but a.-o a :e/ ot;er t;in6er- E9renc; or ot;er$ /;o do not ;a8e t;e ;onor to be read by Pro:e--or ,aber(a- -/;ic; at .ea-t -a8e- t;e( :ro( 'ettin' a )oor 'rade :or t;eir neocon-er8ati-(. Rea.i-( T;e de(and- I be'an by citin' are not a.. eIui8a.ent. T;ey can e8en be contradictory. So(e are (ade in t;e na(e o: )o-t(oderni-(+ ot;er- in order to co(bat it. It i- not nece--ari.y t;e -a(e t;in' to :or(u.ate a de(and :or -o(e re:erent Eand ob=ecti8e rea.ity$+ :or -o(e -en-e Eand credib.e tran-cendence$+ :or an addre--ee Eand audience$+ or an addre--or Eand -ub=ecti8e e0)re--i8ene--$ or :or -o(e co((unicationa. con-en-u- Eand a 'enera. code o: e0c;an'e-+ -uc; a- t;e 'enre o: ;i-torica. di-cour-e$. But in t;e di8er-e in8itation- to -u-)end arti-tic e0)eri(entation+ t;ere i- an identica. ca.. :or order+ a de-ire :or unity+ :or identity+ :or -ecurity+ or )o)u.arity Ein t;e -en-e o: 2ffentlic$keit, o: 7:indin' a )ub.ic7$. #rti-t- and /riter- (u-t be brou';t bac6 into t;e bo-o( o: t;e co((unity+ or at .ea-t+ i: t;e .atter i- con-idered to be i..+ t;ey (u-t be a--i'ned t;e ta-6 o: ;' it. T;ere i- an irre:utab.e -i'n o: t;i- co((on di-)o-ition5 it i- t;at :or a.. t;o-e /riter- not;in' i- (ore ur'ent t;an to .iIuidate t;e ;erita'e o: t;e a8ant-'arde-. Suc; i- t;e ca-e+ in ) o: t;e -o-ca..ed tran-a8ant'ardi-(. T;e an-/er- 'i8en by #c;i..e Bonito O.i8a to t;e Iue-tion- a-6ed by Bernard !a(arc;e-Cade. and Mic;e. Enric .ea8e no roo( :or doubt about t;i-. By )uttin' t;e a8ant-'arde- t;rou'; a (i0in' )roce--+ t;e arti-t and critic :ee. (ore con:ident t;at t;ey can -u))re-- t;e( t;an by .aunc;in' a :ronta. attac6. 9or t;ey can )a-- o:: t;e (o-t cynica. ec.ectici-( a- a /ay o: 'oin' beyond t;e :ra'(entary c;aracter o: t;e )recedin' e0)eri(ent-F /;erea- i: t;ey o)en.y turned t;eir bac6- on t;e(+ t;ey /ou.d run t;e ri-6 o: a))earin' ridicu.ou-.y neoacade(ic. T;e (alons and t;e Acad;!ies, at t;e ti(e /;en t;e bour'eoi-ie /a1 2 Dean4 Fran#is *)otard e-tab.i-;in' it-e.: in ;i-tory+ /ere ab.e to :unction a- )ur'ation and to 'rant a/ard- :or 'ood ).a-tic and .iterary conduct under t;e co8er o: rea.i-(. But ca)ita.i-( in;erent.y )o--e--e- t;e )o/er to derea.i-e :a(i.iar ob=ect-+ -ocia. ro.e-+ and in-titution- to -uc; a de'ree t;at t;e -oca..ed rea.i-tic re)re-entation- can no .on'er e8o6e rea.ity e0ce)t a- no-ta.'ia or (oc6ery+ a- an occa-ion :or -u::erin' rat;er t;an :or -ati-:action. 1.a--ici-( -ee(- to be ru.ed out in a /or.d in /;ic; rea.ity i- -o de-tabi.i-ed t;at it o::er- no occa-ion :or e0)erience but one :or ratin'- and e0)eri(entation. T;i- t;e(e i- :a(i.iar to a.. reader- o: %a.ter Ben=a(in. But it i- nece--ary to a--e-- it- e0act reac;. P;oto'ra);y did not a))ear a- a c;a..en'e to )aintin' :ro( t;e out-ide+ any (ore t;an indu-tria. cine(a did to narrati8e .iterature. T;e :or(er /a- on.y )uttin' t;e :ina. touc; to t;e )ro'ra( o: orderin' t;e 8i-ib.e e.aborated by t;e IuattrocentoF /;i.e t;e .atter /a- t;e .a-t -te) in roundin' o:: diac;roniea- or'anic /;o.e-+ /;ic; ;ad been t;e idea. o: t;e 'reat no8e.- o: education -ince t;e ei';teent; century. T;at t;e (ec;anica. and t;e indu-tria. -;ou.d a))ear a- -ub-titute- :or ;and or cra:t /a- not in it-e.: a di-a-ter - e0ce)t i: one be.ie8e- t;at art i- in it- e--ence t;e e0)re--ion o: an indi8idua.ity o: 'eniu- a--i-ted by an e.ite cra:t-(an-;i). T;e c;a..en'e .ay e--entia..y in t;at );oto'ra);ic and cine(ato'ra);ic )roce--e- can acco().i-; better+ :a-ter+ and /it; a circu.ation a ;undred t;ou-and ti(e- .ar'er t;an narrati8e or )ictoria. rea.i-(+ t;e ta-6 /;ic; acade(ici-( ;ad a--i'ned to rea.i-(5 to )re-er8e 8ariou- con-ciou-ne--e- :ro( doubt. Indu-tria. );oto'ra);y and cine(a /i.. be -u)erior to )aintin' and t;e no8e. /;ene8er t;e ob=ecti8e i- to -tabi.i-e t;e re:erent+ to arran'e it accordin' to a )oint o: 8ie/ /;ic; endo/- it /it; a reco'ni-ab.e (eanin'+ to re)roduce t;e -ynta0 and 8ocabu.ary /;ic; enab.e t;e addre--ee to deci);er i(a'e- and -eIuence- Iuic6.y+ and -o to arri8e ea-i.y at t;e con-ciou-ne-o: ;i- o/n identity a- /e.. a- t;e a))ro8a. /;ic; ;e t;ereby recei8e- :ro( ot;er- - -ince -uc; -tructure- o: i(a'e- and -eIuencecon-titute a co((unication code a(on' a.. o: t;e(. T;i- i- t;e /ay t;e e::ect- o: rea.ity+ or i: one )re:er-+ t;e :anta-ie- o: rea.i-(+ (u.ti).y.

I: t;ey too do not /i-; to beco(e -u))orter- Eo: (inor i()ortance at t;at$ o: /;at e0i-t-+ t;e )ainter and no8e.i-t (u-t re:u-e to .end t;e(-e.8e- to -uc; t;era)eutic u-e-. T;ey (u-t Iue-tion t;e ru.e- o: t;e art o: )aintin' or o: narrati8e a- t;ey ;a8e .earned and recei8ed t;e( :ro( t;eir )redece--or-. Soon t;o-e ru.e- (u-t a))ear to t;e( a- a (ean- to decei8e+ to -educe and to rea--ure+ /;ic; (a6e- it i()o--ib.e :or t;e( to be 7true7. *nder t;e co((on na(e o: )aintin' and .iterature+ an un)recedented -).it i- ta6in' ).ace. T;o-e /;o re:u-e to re-e0a(ine t;e ru.e- o: art )ur-ue -ucce--:u. career- in (a-- con:or(i-( by co((unicatin'+ by (ean- o: t;e 7correct ru.e-7+ t;e ende(ic de-ire :or 1 < Post!odern Narrati0es rea.ity /it; ob=ect- and -ituation- ca)ab.e o: 'rati:yin' it. Porno'ra);y i- t;e u-e o: );oto'ra);y and :i.( to -uc; an end. It i- beco(in' a 'enera. (ode. :or t;e 8i-ua. or narrati8e art- /;ic; ;a8e not (et t;e c;a..en'e o: t;e (a-- (edia. #- :or t;e arti-t- and /riter- /;o Iue-tion t;e ru.e- o: ).a-tic and narrati8e art- and )o--ib.y -;are t;eir -u-)icion- by circu.atin' t;eir /or6+ t;ey are de-tined to ;a8e .itt.e credibi.ity in t;e eye- o: t;o-e concerned /it; 7rea.ity7 and 7identity7F t;ey ;a8e no 'uarantee o: an audience. T;u- it i- )o--ib.e to a-cribe t;e dia.ectic- o: t;e a8ant-'arde- to t;e c;a..en'e )o-ed by t;e rea.i-(- o: indu-try and (a-co((unication to )aintin' and t;e narrati8e art-. Duc;a()7- 7ready (ade7 doe- not;in' but acti8e.y and )arodi-tica..y -i'ni:y t;icon-tant )roce-- o: di-)o--e--ion o: t;e cra:t o: )aintin' or e8en o: bein' an arti-t. #- T;ierry de Du8e )enetratin'.y ob-er8e-+ t;e (odern ae-t;etic Iue-tion i- not 7%;at i- beauti:u.T but 7%;at can be -aid to be art Eand .iterature$H7 Rea.i-(+ /;o-e on.y de:inition i- t;at it intend- to a8oid t;e Iue-tion o: rea.ity i().icated in t;at o: art+ a./ay- -tand- -o(e/;ere bet/een acade(ici-( and 6it-c;. %;en )o/er a--u(e- t;e na(e o: a )arty+ rea.i-( and it- neoc.a--ica. co().e(ent triu(); o8er t;e e0)eri(enta. a8ant-'arde by -.anderin' and bannin' it - t;at i-+ )ro8ided t;e 7correct7 i(a'e-+ t;e 7correct7 narrati8e-+ t;e 7correct7 :or(/;ic; t;e )arty reIue-t-+ -e.ect-+ and )ro)a'ate- can :ind a )ub.ic to de-ire t;e( a- t;e a))ro)riate re(edy :or t;e an0iety and de)re--ion t;at )ub.ic e0)erience-. T;e de(and :or rea.ity - t;at i-+ :or unity+ -i().icity+ co((unicabi.ity+ etc. - did not ;a8e t;e -a i (e inten-ity nor t;e -a(e continuity in "er(an -ociety bet/een t;e t/o /or.d /ar- and in Ru--ian -ociety a:ter t;e Re8o.ution5 t;i)ro8ide- a ba-i- :or a di-tinction bet/een NaJi and Sta.ini-t rea.i-(. %;at i- c.ear+ ;o/e8er+ i- t;at /;en it i- .aunc;ed by t;e )o.itica. a))aratu-+ t;e attac6 on arti-tic e0)eri(entation i- -)eci:ica..y reactionary5 ae-t;etic =ud'(ent /ou.d on.y be reIuired to decide /;et;er -uc; or -uc; /or6 i- in con:or(ity /it; t;e e-tab.i-;ed ru.e- o: t;e beauti:u.. In-tead o: t;e /or6 o: art ;a8in' to in8e-ti'ate /;at (a6e- it an art ob=ect and /;et;er it /i.. be ab.e to :ind an audience+ )o.itica. acade(ici-( )o--e--e- and i()o-e- a #riori criteria o: t;e beauti:u.+ /;ic; de-i'nate -o(e /or6- and a )ub.ic at a -tro6e and :ore8er. T;e u-e o: cate'orie- in ae-t;etic =ud'(ent /ou.d t;u- be o: t;e -a(e nature a- in co'niti8e =ud'(ent. To -)ea6 .i6e Kant+ bot; /ou.d be deter(inin' =ud'(ent-5 t;e e0)re--ion i- 7/e.. :or(ed7 :ir-t in t;e under-tandin'+ t;en t;e on.y ca-e- retained in e0)erience are t;o-e /;ic; can be -ub-u(ed under t;i- e0)re--ion. %;en )o/er i- t;at o: ca)ita. and not t;at o: a )arty+ t;e 7tran-a8ant'ardi-t7 or 7)o-t(odern7 Ein 3enc6-7- -en-e$ -o.ution )ro8e- to 1 Dean4 Fran1ois *)otard be better ada)ted t;an t;e anti(odern -o.ution. Ec.ectici-( i- t;e de'ree Jero o: conte()orary 'enera. cu.ture5 one .i-ten- to re''ae+ /atc;e- a /e-tern+ eat- McDona.d7- :ood :or .unc; and .oca. cui-ine :or dinner+ /ear- Pari- )er:u(e in To6yo and 7retro7 c.ot;e- in ,on' Kon'F 6no/.ed'e i- a (atter :or TC 'a(e-. It i- ea-y to :ind a )ub.ic :or ec.ectic /or6-. By beco(in' 6it-c;+ art )ander- to t;e con:u-ion /;ic; rei'n- in t;e 7ta-te7 o: t;e )atron-. #rti-t-+ 'a..ery o/ner-+ critic- and )ub.ic /a..o/ to'et;er in t;e 7anyt;in' 'oe-7+ and t;e e)oc; i- one o: -.ac6enin'. But t;i- rea.i-( o: t;e 7anyt;in' 'oe-7 i- in :act t;at o: (oneyF in t;e ab-ence o: ae-t;etic criteria+ it re(ain- )o--ib.e and u-e:u. to a--e-- t;e 8a.ue o: /or6- o: art accordin' to t;e )ro:it- t;ey yie.d. Suc; rea.i-( acco((odate- a.. tendencie-+ =u-t a- ca)ita. acco((odate- a.. 7need-7+ )ro8idin' t;at t;e tendencie- and need- ;a8e )urc;a-in' )o/er. #- :or ta-te+ t;ere ino need to be de.icate /;en one -)ecu.ate- or entertain- one-e.:. #rti-tic and .iterary re-earc; i- doub.y t;reatened+ once by t;e 7cu.tura. )o.icy7 and once by t;e art and boo6 (ar6et. %;at i- ad8i-ed+ -o(eti(e- t;rou'; one c;anne.+ -o(eti(e- t;rou'; t;e ot;er+ i- to o::er /or6- /;ic;+ :ir-t+ are re.ati8e to -ub=ect- /;ic; e0i-t in t;e eye- o: t;e )ub.ic t;ey addre--+ and -econd+ /or6- -o (ade E7/e.. (ade7$ t;at t;e )ub.ic /i.. reco'ni-e /;at t;ey are about+ /i.. under-tand /;at i- -i'ni:ied+ /i.. be ab.e to 'i8e or re:u-e it- a))ro8a. 6no/in'.y+ and i: )o--ib.e+ e8en to deri8e :ro( -uc; /or6 a certain a(ount o: co(:ort. T;e inter)retation /;ic; ;a- =u-t been 'i8en o: t;e contact bet/een t;e indu-tria. and (ec;anica. art-+ and .iterature and t;e :ine art- icorrect in it- out.ine+ but it re(ain- narro/.y -ocio.o'i-in' and ;i-torici-in' - in ot;er /ord-+ one--ided. Ste))in' o8er Ben=a(in7- and #do(o7- reticence-+ it (u-t be reca..ed t;at -cience and indu-try are no (ore :ree o: t;e -u-)icion /;ic; concern- rea.ity t;an are art and /ritin'. To be.ie8e ot;er/i-e /ou.d be to entertain an e0ce--i8e.y ;u(ani-tic notion o: t;e (e);i-to);e.ian :unctiona.i-( o: -cienceand tec;no.o'ie-. T;ere i- no denyin' t;e do(inant e0i-tence today o: tec;no--cience+ t;at i-+ t;e (a--i8e -ubordination o: co'niti8e -tate(ent- to t;e :ina.ity o: t;e be-t )o--ib.e )er:or(ance+ /;ic; i- t;e tec;no.'ica. criterion. But t;e (ec;anica. and t;e indu-tria.+ e-)ecia..y /;en t;ey enter :ie.d- traditiona..y re-er8ed :or arti-t-+ are carryin' /it; t;e( (uc; (ore t;an )o/er e::ect-. T;e ob=ect- and t;e t;ou';t- /;ic; ori'inate in -cienti:ic 6no/.ed'e and t;e ca)ita.i-t econo(y con8ey /it; t;e( one o: t;e ru.e- /;ic; -u))ort- t;eir )o--ibi.i.ty5 t;e ru.e t;at t;ere i- no rea.ity un.e-- te-ti:ied by a con-en-u- bet/een )artner- o8er a certain 6no/.ed'e and certain co((it(ent-. T;i- ru.e i- o: no .itt.e con-eIuence. It i- t;e i()rint .e:t on t;e )o.itic- o: t;e -cienti-t and t;e tru-tee o: ca)ita. by a 6ind o: :.i';t o: rea.ity out o: t;e (eta);y-ica.+ re.i'iou-+ and )o.itica. certaintie- t;at t;e (ind 1 ? Post!odern Narrati0es

be.ie8ed it ;e.d. T;i- /it;dra/a. i- ab-o.ute.y nece--ary to t;e e(er'ence o: -cience and ca)ita.i-(. No indu-try i- )o--ib.e /it;out a -u-)icion o: t;e #ri-tote.ian t;eory o: (otion+ no indu-try /it;out a re:utation o: cor)orati-(+ o: (ercanti.i-(+ and );y-iocracy. Modernity+ in /;ate8er a'e it a))ear-+ cannot e0i-t /it;out a -;atterin' o: and /it;out di-co8ery o: t;e 7.ac6 o: rea.ity7 o: rea.ity+ to'et;er /it; t;e in8ention o: ot;er rea.itie-. %;at doe- t;i- 7.ac6 o: rea.ity7 -i'ni:y i: one trie- to :ree it :ro( a narro/.y ;i-torici-ed inte)retationH T;e );ra-e i- o: cour-e a6in to /;at NietJ-c;e ca..- ni;i.i-(. But I -ee a (uc; ear.ier (odu.ation o: NietJ-c;ean )er-)ecti8i-( in t;e Kantian t;e(e o: t;e -ub.i(e. I t;in6 in ) t;at it i- in t;e ae-t;etic o: t;e -ub.i(e t;at (ode( art Einc.udin' .iterature$ :ind- it- i()etu- and t;e .o'ic o: a8ant-'arde- :ind- it- a0io(-. T;e -ub.i(e -enti(ent+ /;ic; i- a.-o t;e -enti(ent o: t;e -ub.i(e+ i-+ accordin' to Kant+ a -tron' and eIui8oca. e(otion5 it carrie/it; it bot; ).ea-ure and )ain. Better -ti..+ in it ).ea-ure deri8e- :ro( )ain. %it;in t;e tradition o: t;e -ub=ect+ /;ic; co(e- :ro( #u'u-tine and De-carte- and /;ic; Kant doe- not radica..y c;a..en'e+ t;i- contradiction+ /;ic; -o(e /ou.d ca.. neuro-i- or (a-oc;i-(+ de8e.o)- a- a con:.ict bet/een t;e :acu.tie- o: a -ub=ect+ t;e :acu.ty to concei8e o: -o(et;in' and t;e :acu.ty to 7)re-ent7 -o(et;in'. Kno/.ed'e e0i-t- i:+ :ir-t+ t;e -tate(ent i- inte..i'ib.e+ and -econd+ i: 7ca-e-7 can be deri8ed :ro( t;e e0)erience /;ic; 7corre-)ond-7 to it. Beauty e0i-t- i: a certain 7ca-e7 Et;e /or6 o: art$+ 'i8en :ir-t by t;e -en-ibi.ity /it;out any conce)tua. deter(ination+ t;e -enti(ent o: ).ea-ure inde)endent o: any intere-t t;e /or6 (ay e.icit+ a))ea.- to t;e )rinci).e o: a uni8er-a. con-en-u- E/;ic; (ay ne8er be attained$. Ta-te+ t;ere:ore+ te-ti:ie- t;at bet/een t;e ca)acity to concei8e and t;e ca)acity to )re-ent an ob=ect corre-)ondin' to t;e conce)t+ an undeter(ined a'ree(ent+ /it;out ru.e-+ 'i8in' ri-e to a =ud'(ent /;ic; Kant ca..- re:.ecti8e+ (ay be e0)erienced a- ).ea-ure. T;e -ub.i(e i- a di::erent -enti(ent. It ta6e- ).ace+ on t;e contrary+ /;en t;e i(a'ination :ai.- to )re-ent an ob=ect /;ic; (i';t+ i: on.y in )rinci).e+ co(e to (atc; a conce)t. %e ;a8e t;e Idea o: t;e /or.d Et;e tota.ity o: /;at i-$+ but /e do not ;a8e t;e ca)acity to -;o/ an e0a().e o: it. %e ;a8e t;e Idea o: t;e -i().e Et;at /;ic; cannot be bro6en do/n+ deco()o-ed$+ but /e cannot i..u-trate it /it; a -en-ib.e ob=ect /;ic; /ou.d be a 7ca-e7 o: it. %e can concei8e t;e in:inite.y 'reat+ t;e in:inite.y )o/er:u.+ but e8ery )re-entation o: an ob=ect de-tined to 7(a6e 8i-ib.e7 t;i- ab-o.ute 'reatne-- or )o/er a))ear- to u- )ain:u..y inadeIuate. T;o-e are Idea- o: /;ic; no )re-entation i- )o--ib.e. T;ere:ore+ t;ey i()art no 6no/.ed'e about rea.ity Ee0)erience$F t;ey a.-o )re8ent t;e :ree union o: 1 @ Dean4 Fran~ois *)otard t;e :acu.tie- /;ic; 'i8e- ri-e to t;e -enti(ent o: t;e beauti:u.F and t;ey )re8ent t;e :or(ation and t;e -tabi.i-ation o: ta-te. T;ey can be -aid to be un)re-entab.e. I -;a.. ca.. (odern t;e art /;ic; de8ote- it- 7.itt.e tec;nica. e0)erti-e7 ,son '#etit tec$ni1%e'=, a- Diderot u-ed to -ay+ to )re-ent t;e :act t;at t;e un)re-entab.e e0i-t-. To (a6e 8i-ib.e t;at t;ere i- -o(et;in' /;ic; can be concei8ed and /;ic; can neit;er be -een nor (ade 8i-ib.e5 t;i- i- /;at i- at -ta6e in (odern )aintin'. But ;o/ to (a6e 8i-ib.e t;at t;ere i- -o(et;in' /;ic; cannot be -eenH Kant ;i(-e.: -;o/- t;e /ay /;en ;e na(e- 7:or(.e--ne--+ t;e ab-ence o: :or(7+ a- a )o--ib.e inde0 to t;e un)re-entab.e. ,e a.-o -ay- o: t;e e()ty 7ab-traction7 /;ic; t;e i(a'ination e0)erience- /;en in -earc; :or a )re-entation o: t;e in:inite Eanot;er un)re-entab.e$5 t;i- ab-traction it-e.: i- .i6e a )re-entation o: t;e in:inite+ it- 7ne'ati8e )re-entation7. ,e cite- t;e co((and(ent+ 7T;ou -;a.t not (a6e 'ra8en i(a'e-7 ,ECod%s=, a- t;e (o-t -ub.i(e )a--a'e in t;e Bib.e in t;at it :orbid- a.. )re-entation o: t;e #b-o.ute. !itt.e need- to be added to t;o-e ob-er8ation- to out.ine an ae-t;etic o: -ub.i(e )aintin'-. #- )aintin'+ it /i.. o: cour-e 7)re-ent7 -o(et;in' t;ou'; ne'ati8e.yF it /i.. t;ere:ore a8oid :i'uration or re)re-entation. It /i.. be 7/;ite7 .i6e one o: Ma.e8itc;7- -Iuare-F it /i.. enab.e u- to -ee on.y by (a6in' it i()o--ib.e to -eeF it /i.. ).ea-e on.y by cau-in' )ain. One reco'ni-e- in t;o-e in-truction- t;e a0io(- o: a8ant -'arde- in )aintin'+ ina-(uc; a- t;ey de8ote t;e(-e.8e- to (a6in' an a..u-ion to t;e un)re-entab.e by (ean- o: 8i-ib.e )re-entation-. T;e -y-te(- in t;e na(e o: /;ic;+ or /it; /;ic;+ t;i- ta-6 ;a- been ab.e to -u))ort or to =u-ti:y it-e.: de-er8e t;e 'reate-t attentionF but t;ey can ori'inate on.y in t;e 8ocation o: t;e -ub.i(e in order to .e'iti(i-e it+ t;at i-+ to concea. it. T;ey re(ain ine0).icab.e /it;out t;e inco((en-urabi.ity o: rea.ity to conce)t /;ic; i- i().ied in t;e Kantian );i.o-o);y o: t;e -ub.i(e. It i- not (y intention to ana.y-e ;ere in detai. t;e (anner in /;ic; t;e 8ariou- a8ant-'arde- ;a8e+ -o to -)ea6+ ;u(b.ed and di-Iua.i:ied rea.ity by e0a(inin' t;e )ictoria. tec;niIue- /;ic; are -o (any de8ice- to (a6e u- be.ie8e in it. !oca. tone+ dra/in'+ t;e (i0in' o: co.or-+ .inear )er-)ecti8e+ t;e nature o: t;e -u))ort and t;at o: t;e in-tru(ent+ t;e treat(ent+ t;e di-).ay+ t;e (u-eu(5 t;e a8ant-'arde- are )er)etua..y :.u-;in' out arti:ice- o: )re-entation /;ic; (a6e it )o--ib.e to -ubordinate t;ou';t to t;e 'aJe and to turn it a/ay :ro( t;e un)re-entab.e. I: ,aber(a-+ .i6e Marcu-e+ under-tand- t;i- ta-6 o: derea.i-ation a- an a-)ect o: t;e Ere)re--i8e$ 7de-ub.i(ation7 /;ic; c;aracteri-e- t;e a8ant-'arde+ it i- becau-e ;e con:u-e- t;e Kantian -ub.i(e /it; 9reudian -ub.i(ation+ and becau-e ae-t;etic- ;a- re(ained :or ;i( t;at o: t;e beauti:u.. 1 A Post!odern Narrati0es T;e )o-t(odern %;at+ t;en+ i- t;e )o-t(odernH %;at ).ace doe- it or doe- it not occu)y in t;e 8erti'inou- /or6 o: t;e Iue-tion- ;ur.ed at t;e ru.e- o: i(a'e and narrationH It i- undoubted.y a )art o: t;e (ode(. #.. t;at ;a- been recei8ed+ i: on.y ye-terday ,!odo, !odo, Petroniu- u-ed to -ay$+ (u-t be -u-)ected. %;at -)ace doe- 1@Janne c;a..en'eH T;e I()re--ioni-t-7. %;at ob=ect do Pica--o and BraIue attac6H 1@Janne7-. %;at )re-u))o-ition doe- Duc;a() brea6 /it; in 1412H T;at /;ic; -ay- one (u-t (a6e a )aintin'+ be it 1ubi-t. #nd Buren Iue-tion- t;at ot;er )re-u))o-ition /;ic; ;e be.ie8e- ;ad -ur8i8ed untouc;ed by t;e /or6 o: Duc;a()5 t;e ).ace o: )re-entation o: t;e /or6. In an a(aJin' acce.eration+ t;e 'eneration- )reci)itate t;e(-e.8e-. # /or6 can beco(e (odern on.y i: it i- :ir-t )o-t(odern. Po-t(oderni-( t;u- under-tood i- not (oderni-( at it- end but in t;e na-cent -tate+ and t;i- -tate i- con-tant. &et I /ou.d .i6e not to re(ain /it; t;i- -.i';t.y (ec;ani-tic (eanin' o: t;e /ord. I: it i- true t;at (odernity ta6e- ).ace in t;e

/it;dra/a. o: t;e rea. and accordin' to t;e -ub.i(e re.ation bet/een t;e )re-entab.e and t;e concei8ab.e+ it i- )o--ib.e+ /it;in t;ire.ation+ to di-tin'ui-; t/o (ode- Eto u-e t;e (u-ician7- .an'ua'e$. T;e e();a-i- can be ).aced on t;e )o/er.e--ne-- o: t;e :acu.ty o: )re-entation+ on t;e no-ta.'ia :or )re-ence :e.t by t;e ;u(an -ub=ect+ on t;e ob-cure and :uti.e /i.. /;ic; in;abit- ;i( in -)ite o: e8eryt;in'. T;e e();a-i- can be ).aced+ rat;er+ on t;e )o/er o: t;e :acu.ty to concei8e+ on it- 7in;u(anity7 -o to -)ea6 Eit /a- t;e Iua.ity #)o..inaire de(anded o: (odern arti-t-$+ -ince it i- not t;e bu-ine-- o: our under-tandin' /;et;er or not ;u(an -en-ibi.ity or i(a'ination can (atc; /;at it concei8e-. T;e e();a-i- can a.-o be ).aced on t;e increa-e o: bein' and t;e =ubi.ation /;ic; re-u.t :ro( t;e in8ention o: ne/ ru.e- o: t;e 'a(e+ be it )ictoria.+ arti-tic+ or any ot;er. %;at I ;a8e in (ind /i.. beco(e c.ear i: /e di-)o-e 8ery -c;e(atica..y a :e/ na(e- on t;e c;e--board o: t;e ;i-tory o: a8ant-'arde-5 on t;e -ide o: (e.anc;o.ia+ t;e "er(an E0)re--ioni-t-+ and on t;e -ide o: no0atio, BraIue and Pica--o+ on t;e :or(er Ma.e8itc; and on t;e .atter !i--it-6y+ on t;e one 1;irico and on t;e ot;er Duc;a(). T;e nuance /;ic; di-tin'ui-;e- t;e-e t/o (ode- (ay be in:inite-i(a.F t;ey o:ten coe0i-t in t;e -a(e )iece+ are a.(o-t indi-tin'ui-;ab.eF and yet t;ey te-ti:y to a di::erence ,%n diff;rend= on /;ic; t;e :ate o: t;ou';t de)end- and /i.. de)end :or a .on' ti(e+ bet/een re'ret and a--ay. T;e /or6 o: Prou-t and t;at o: 3oyce bot; a..ude to -o(et;in' /;ic; doe- not a..o/ it-e.: to be (ade )re-ent. #..u-ion+ to /;ic; Pao.o 9abbri recent.y ca..ed (y attention+ i- )er;a)- a :or( o: e0)re--ion indi-)en-ab.e to t;e /or6- /;ic; be.on' to an ae-t;etic o: t;e -ub.i(e. In Prou-t+ /;at i- bein' e.uded a- t;e )rice to )ay :or t;i- a..u-ion i- t;e 1 B Dean4 Fran ois *)otard identity o: con-ciou-ne--+ a 8icti( to t;e e0ce-- o: ti(e ,a% tro# de te!#s=. But in 3oyce+ it i- t;e identity o: /ritin' /;ic; i- t;e 8icti( o: an e0ce-- o: t;e boo6 ,a% tro# de li0re= or o: .iterature. Prou-t ca..- :ort; t;e un)re-entab.e by (ean- o: a .an'ua'e una.tered in it- -ynta0 and 8ocabu.ary and o: a /ritin' /;ic; in (any o: it- o)erator- -ti.. be.on'- to t;e 'enre o: no8e.i-tic narration. T;e .iterary in-titution+ a- Prou-t in;erit- it :ro( Ba.Jac and 9.aubert+ iad(itted.y -ub8erted in t;at t;e ;ero i- no .on'er a c;aracter but t;e inner con-ciou-ne-- o: ti(e+ and in t;at t;e die'etic diac;rony+ a.ready da(a'ed by 9.aubert+ i- ;ere )ut in Iue-tion becau-e o: t;e narrati8e 8oice. Ne8ert;e.e--+ t;e unity o: t;e boo6+ t;e ody--ey o: t;at con-ciou-ne--+ e8en i: it i- de:erred :ro( c;a)ter to c;a)ter+ i- not -eriou-.y c;a..en'ed5 t;e identity o: t;e /ritin' /it; it-e.: t;rou';out t;e .abyrint; o: t;e inter(inab.e narration i- enou'; to connote -uc; unity+ /;ic; ;a- been co()ared to t;at o: T$e P$eno!enolo ) of -ind. 3oyce a..o/- t;e un)re-entab.e to beco(e )erce)tib.e in ;i- /ritin' it-e.:+ in t;e -i'ni:ier. T;e /;o.e ran'e o: a8ai.ab.e narrati8e and e8en -ty.i-tic o)erator- i- )ut into ).ay /it;out concern :or t;e unity o: t;e /;o.e+ and ne/ o)erator- are tried. T;e 'ra((ar and 8ocabu.ary o: .iterary .an'ua'e are no .on'er acce)ted a- 'i8enF rat;er+ t;ey a))ear a- acade(ic :or(-+ a- ritua.- ori'inatin' in )iety EaNietJ-c;e -aid$ /;ic; )re8ent t;e un)re-entab.e :ro( bein' )ut :or/ard. ,ere+ t;en+ .ie- t;e di::erence5 (odern ae-t;etic- i- an ae-t;etic o: t;e -ub.i(e+ t;ou'; a no-ta.'ic one. It a..o/- t;e un)re-entab.e to be )ut :or/ard on.y a- t;e (i--in' content-F but t;e :or(+ becau-e o: it- reco'ni-ab.e con-i-tency+ continue- to o::er to t;e reader or 8ie/er (atter :or -o.ace and ).ea-ure. &et t;e-e -enti(ent- do not con-titute t;e rea. -ub.i(e -enti(ent+ /;ic; i- in an intrin-ic co(bination o: ).ea-ure and )ain5 t;e ).ea-ure t;at rea-on -;ou.d e0ceed a.. )re-entation+ t;e )ain t;at i(a'ination or -en-ibi.ity -;ou.d not be eIua. to t;e conce)t. T;e )o-t(odern /ou.d be t;at /;ic;+ in t;e (odern+ )ut- :or/ard t;e un)re-entab.e in )re-entation it-e.:F t;at /;ic; denie- it-e.: t;e -o.ace o: 'ood :or(-+ t;e con-en-u- o: a ta-te /;ic; /ou.d (a6e it )o--ib.e to -;are co..ecti8e.y t;e no-ta.'ia :or t;e unattainab.eF t;at /;ic; -earc;e- :or ne/ )re-entation-+ not in order to en=oy t;e( but in order to i()art a -tron'er -en-e o: t;e un)re-entab.e. # )o-t(odern arti-t or /riter i- in t;e )o-ition o: a );i.o-o);er5 t;e te0t ;e /rite-+ t;e /or6 ;e )roduce- are not in )rinci).e 'o8erned by )ree-tab.i-;ed ru.e-+ and t;ey cannot be =ud'ed accordin' to a deter(inin' =ud'(ent+ by a)).yin' :a(i.iar cate'orie- to t;e te0t or to t;e /or6. T;o-e ru.e- and cate'orie- are /;at t;e /or6 o: art it-e.: i- .oo6in' :or. T;e arti-t and t;e /riter+ t;en+ are /or6in' /it;out ru.e- in order to :or(u.ate t;e ru.e- o: /;at /i.. $a0e &een done. ,ence t;e :act t;at /or6 and te0t ;a8e t;e c;aracter- o: an e0ent; ;ence a.-o+ t;ey a./ay- co(e too .ate :or t;eir 1 4 Post!odern Narrati0es aut;or+ or+ /;at a(ount- to t;e -a(e t;in'+ t;eir bein' )ut into /or6+ t;eir rea.i-ation. ,!ise en oe%0re= a./ay- be'in too -oon. Post !odern /ou.d ;a8e to be under-tood accordin' to t;e )arado0 o: t;e :uture ,#ost= anterior ,!odo=. It -ee(- to (e t;at t;e e--ay EMontai'ne$ i- )o-t(ode(+ /;i.e t;e :ra'(ent ,T$e At$aene%!= is (ode(. 9ina..y+ it (u-t be c.ear t;at it i- our bu-ine-- not to -u)).y rea.ity but to in8ent a..u-ion- to t;e concei8ab.e /;ic; cannot be )re-ented. #nd it i- not to be e0)ected t;at t;i- ta-6 /i.. e::ect t;e .a-t reconci.iation bet/een .an'ua'e 'a(e- E/;ic;+ under t;e na(e o: :acu.tie-+ Kant 6ne/ to be -e)arated by a c;a-($+ and t;at on.y t;e tran-cendenta. i..u-ion Et;at o: ,e'e.$ can ;o)e to tota.i-e t;e( into a rea. unity. But Kant a.-o 6ne/ t;at t;e )rice to )ay :or -uc; an i..u-ion i- terror. T;e nineteent; and t/entiet; centurie- ;a8e 'i8en u- a(uc; terror a- /e can ta6e. %e ;a8e )aid a ;i'; enou'; )rice :or t;e no-ta.'ia o: t;e /;o.e and t;e one+ :or t;e reconci.iation o: t;e conce)t and t;e -en-ib.e+ o: t;e tran-)arent and t;e co((unicab.e e0)erience. *nder t;e 'enera. de(and :or -.ac6enin' and :or a))ea-e(ent+ /e can ;ear t;e (utterin'- o: t;e de-ire :or a return o: terror+ :or t;e rea.i-ation o: t;e :anta-y to -eiJe rea.ity. T;e an-/er i-5 !et u- /a'e a /ar on tota.ityF .et u- be /itne--e- to t;e un)re-entab.eF .et u- acti8ate t;e di::erence- and -a8e t;e ;onor o: t;e na(e. 1?0

12 3ean Baudri..ard+ :ro( 7Si(u.acra and

Baudri..ard7- /or6 ;a- Iue-tioned t;e tenet- o: Mar0i-( and -tructura.i-( to t;e )oint /;ere+ ;a8in' ar'ued :or t;e re.e8ance in (ode( ca)ita.i-t -ocietie- o: con-u()tion o8er )roduction and o: t;e -i'ni:ier o8er t;e -i'ni:ied+ ;e ;a- co(e to deny a.. (ode.- a--u(in' a di-tinction bet/een -ur:ace and de)t;. Po-t(odern co((unication tec;no.o'ie-+ )rinci)a..y te.e8i-ion+ are -aid to :.ood t;e /or.d /it; -e.:-'eneratin'+ -e.:-(irrorin' i(a'e-F and e0)erience+ no/ t;orou';.y ec.ectic and -u)er:icia.+ to ac;ie8e it- :ina.+ 7uto)ian7 :or( in t;e in-tantaneou- abundance and bana.ity o: a 7cu.ture.e--7 Nort; #(erica. Baudri..ard7- ear.ier+ )ro8ocati8e but acade(ica..y con8entiona.+ -tudie- re/or6ed t;e t;e(e- o: )o-t-tructura.i-( and t;e 9renc; -ituationi-t- Enotab.y t;e :indin'- o: "uy Debord7- (ociet) of t$e (#ectacle= in /ay- t;at -i'na..ed t;e 7retreat :ro( )o.itic-7 o: !e:t inte..ectua.- in t;e .ate -e8entie- and ei';tie- and (ade Baudri..ard a )o) 'uru. In 14BB t;e G%ardian de-cribed ;i( a- t;e 7;otte-t )ro)erty on t;e Ne/ &or6 inte..ectua. circuit7. One rea-on :or t;i-+ )er;a)-+ i- t;e increa-in'.y 'no(ic ;y)erbo.e+ at once coo. and a)oca.y)tic+ o: ;i- o/n and ;i- di-ci).e-7 utterance-. T;e -en-ationa. (e--a'e o: 7t;e .o-- o: t;e rea.7+ :or e0a().e+ E/;ere t;ere i- no de)t; t;ere can be no 7rea.ity7$ co(e- /it; -o(e o: t;e co(bined -;oc6 and con-o.ation o: a ;ead.ine or ad8erti-e(ent. Since+ /e are to.d+ rea.ity i- 'one :or 'ood t;ere can be no 'round- :or re(edia. action+ or :or /orry. Si( any an0ietie- o8er anony(ou- nationa. and (u.tinationa. -tructure- o: (edia and (oney )o/er are o::-et by t;e /ardrobe o: ne/ ro.e-+ i(a'e- and code- t;ey -u)).y. #t t;e R Re)rinted :ro( (elected /ritin s, ed. and /it; Introduction by Mar6 Po-ter E1a(brid'e5 Po.ity Pre--+ 14BB$+ )). 1A0- F 1AA-B . 1?1 Post!odern Narrati0es -a(e ti(e+ Rin an irony o: )o-t(oderni-( /;ic; :ore'round- t;e )o) Baudri..ard7- )o)u.arity cannot be di-(i--ed a- a (ere )a--in' -y()to(+ ) by t;o-e o: ;i- critic- co((itted to a rationa. ana.y-i- o: 7rea.7 ;i-torica. c;an'e. T;e )re-ent -e.ection con-o.idate- Baudri..ard7- ar'u(ent on t;e do(inance o: t;e i(a'e or ).ay o: -i'n- and inau'urate- ;i- 8ie/ o: #(erican ;y)er-rea.ity. 9.i- re(ar6- on Di-ney.and (i';t u-e:u..y be co()ared /it; *(berto Eco7- in Tra0els in .)#errealit) ,9:A<=. ESee Introduction+ )). 1A-20.$ T;e -erie- "%lt%re TeCts ;a- been ) in:.uenced by Baudri..ard. See tit.e- by Kro6er and 1oo6 under 9urt;er Readin'. O: -e8era. :urt;er di-cu--ion- -ee Dou'.a- Ke..ner+ jean Ba%drillard. Fro! -arCis! to Post4 -odernis! and Be)ond ,9:AA=; Mea';a( Morri- 7Roo( 101+ Or # 9e/ %or-t T;in'- in T;e %or.d7 in T$e Pirate's Fianc;e ,9:AA=; and 1;ri-to);er Norri-+ 7!o-t in t;e 9un;ou-e5 Baudri..ard and t;e Po.itic- o: Po-t(oderni-(7 in Boyne and Rattan-i Eed-$+ Post!odernis! and (ociet) ,9::0=, ##. 111-?<. #.. o: %e-tern :ait; and 'ood :ait; /a- en'a'ed in t;i- /a'er on re)re-entationF t;at a -i'n cou.d re:er to t;e de)t; o: (eanin'+ t;at a -i'n cou.d eCc$an e :or (eanin' and t;at -o(et;in' cou.d 'uarantee t;i- e0c;an'e - "od+ o: cour-e. But /;at i: "od ;i(-e.: can be -i(u.ated+ t;at i- to -ay+ reduced to t;e -i'n- /;ic; atte-t ;i- e0i-tenceH T;en t;e /;o.e -y-te( beco(e- /ei';t.e--F it i- no .on'er anyt;in' but a 'i'antic -i(u.acru(5 not unrea.+ but a -i(u.acru(+ ne8er a'ain e0c;an'in' :or /;at i- rea.+ but e0c;an'in' in it-e.:+ in an uninterru)ted circuit /it;out re:erence or circu(:erence. So it i- /it; -i(u.ation+ in -o :ar a- it i- o))o-ed to re)re-entation. Re)re-entation -tart- :ro( t;e )rinci).e t;at t;e -i'n and t;e rea. are eIui8a.ent Ee8en i: t;i- eIui8a.ence i- *to)ian+ it i- a :unda(enta. a0io($. 1on8er-e.y+ -i(u.ation -tart- :ro( t;e *to)ia o: t;i)rinci).e o: eIui8a.ence+ fro! t$e radical ne ation of t$e si n as 0al%e, :ro( t;e -i'n a- re8er-ion and deat; -entence o: e8ery re:erence. %;erea- re)re-entation trie- to ab-orb -i(u.ation by inter)retin' it a- :a.-e re)re-entation+ -i(u.ation en8e.o)- t;e /;o.e edi:ice o: re)re-entation a- it-e.: a -i(u.acru(. T;e-e /ou.d be t;e -ucce--i8e );a-e- o: t;e i(a'e5 E1$ It i- t;e re:.ection o: a ba-ic rea.ity. E2$ It (a-6- and )er8ert- a ba-ic rea.ity. E<$ It (a-6- t;e a&sence o: a ba-ic rea.ity. 1?2 E $ It bear- no re.ation to any rea.ity /;ate8er5 it i- it- o/n )ure -i(u.acru(. In t;e :ir-t ca-e+ t;e i(a'e i- a ood a))earance5 t;e re)re-entation i- o: t;e order o: -acra(ent. In t;e -econd+ it i- an e0il a))earance5 o: t;e order o: (a.e:ice. In t;e t;ird+ it #la)s at &ein an a))earance5 it i- o: t;e order o: -orcery. In t;e :ourt;+ it i- no .on'er in t;e order o: a))earance at a..+ but o: -i(u.ation. T;e tran-ition :ro( -i'n- /;ic; di--i(u.ate -o(et;in' to -i'n- /;ic; di--i(u.ate t;at t;ere i- not;in'+ (ar6- t;e deci-i8e turnin' )oint. T;e :ir-t i().ie- a t;eo.o'y o: trut; and -ecrecy Eto /;ic; t;e notion o: ideo.o'y -ti.. be.on'-$. T;e -econd inau'urate- an a'e o: -i(u.acra and -i(u.ation+ in /;ic; t;ere i- no .on'er any "od to reco'ni-e ;i- o/n+ nor any .a-t =ud'e(ent to -e)arate trut; :ro( :a.-e+ t;e rea. :ro( it- arti:icia. re-urrection+ -ince e8eryt;in' i- a.ready dead and ri-en in ad8ance. %;en t;e rea. i- no .on'er /;at it u-ed to be+ no-ta.'ia a--u(e- it- :u.. (eanin'. T;ere i- a )ro.i:eration o: (yt;- o: ori'in and -i'no: rea.ityF o: -econd-;and trut;+ ob=ecti8ity and aut;enticity. T;ere i- an e-ca.ation o: t;e true+ o: t;e .i8ed e0)erienceF a re-urrection o: t;e :i'urati8e /;ere t;e ob=ect and -ub-tance ;a8e di-a))eared. #nd t;ere i- a )anic--tric6en )roduction o: t;e rea. and t;e re:erentia.+ abo8e and )ara..e. to t;e )anic o: (ateria. )roduction. T;i- i- ;o/ -i(u.ation a))ear- in t;e );a-e t;at concern- u-5 a -trate'y o: t;e rea.+ neo-rea. and ;y)errea.+ /;o-e uni8er-a. doub.e i- a -trate'y o: deterrence. ,y)errea. and i(a'inary

Di-ney.and i- a )er:ect (ode. o: a.. t;e entan'.ed order- o: -i(u.ation. To be'in /it; it i- a ).ay o: i..u-ion- and );anta-(-5 )irate-+ t;e :rontier+ :uture /or.d+ etc. T;i- i(a'inary /or.d i- -u))o-ed to be /;at (a6e- t;e o)eration -ucce--:u.. But+ /;at dra/- t;e cro/d- iundoubted.y (uc; (ore t;e -ocia. (icroco-(+ t;e (iniaturi-ed and reli io%s' in rea. #(erica+ in it- de.i';t- and dra/bac6-. &ou )ar6 out-ide+ Iueue u) in-ide+ and are tota..y abandoned at t;e e0it. In t;i- i(a'inary /or.d t;e on.y );anta-(a'oria i- in t;e in;erent /ar(t; and a::ection o: t;e cro/d+ and in t;at -u::icient.y e0ce--i8e nu(ber o: 'ad'et- u-ed t;ere to -)eci:ica..y (aintain t;e (u.titudinou- a::ect. T;e contra-t /it; t;e ab-o.ute -o.itude o: t;e )ar6in' .ot - a 8eritab.e concentration ca() - i- tota.. Or rat;er5 in-ideF a /;o.e ran'e o: 'ad'et- (a'neti-e t;e cro/d into direct :.o/-F out-ide+ -o.itude i- directed onto a -in'.e 'ad'etF t;e auto(obi.e. By an e0traordinary coincidence Eone t;at undoubted.y 1?< Post!odern Narrati0es be.on'- to t;e )ecu.iar enc;ant(ent o: t;i- uni8er-e$+ t;i- dee)-:roJen in:anti.e /or.d ;a))en- to ;a8e been concei8ed and rea.i-ed by a (an /;o i- ;i(-e.: no/ cryo'eni-edF %a.t Di-ney+ /;o a/ait- ;i- re-urrection at (inu- 1B0 de'ree- centi'rade. T;e ob=ecti8e )ro:i.e o: t;e *nited State-+ t;en+ (ay be traced t;rou';out Di-ney.and+ e8en do/n to t;e (or);o.o'y o: indi8idua.and t;e cro/d. #.. it- 8a.ue- are e0a.ted ;ere+ in (iniature and co(ic-tri) :or(. E(ba.(ed and )aci:ied. %;ence t;e )o--ibi.ity o: an ideo.o'ica. ana.y-i- o: Di-ney.and E!. Marin doe- it /e.. in *lto#ies, je%C d'es#aces=6 di'e-t o: t;e #(erican /ay o: .i:e+ )ane'yric to #(erican 8a.ue-+ idea.i-ed tran-)o-ition o: a contradictory rea.ity. To be -ure. But t;i- concea.- -o(et;in' e.-e+ and t;at 7ideo.o'ica.7 b.an6et e0act.y -er8e- to co8er o8er a t$ird4order si!%lation6 Di-ney.and i- t;ere to concea. t;e :act t;at it i- t;e 7rea.7 country+ a.. o: 7rea.7 #(erica+ /;ic; i- Di-ney.and Ou-t a- )ri-on- are t;ere to concea. t;e :act t;at it i- t;e -ocia. in it- entirety+ in it- bana. o(ni)re-ence+ /;ic; i- carcera.$. Di-ney.and i- )re-ented a- i(a'inary in order to (a6e u- be.ie8e t;at t;e re-t i- rea.+ /;en in :act a.. o: !o- #n'e.e- and t;e #(erica -urroundin' it are no .on'er rea.+ but o: t;e order o: t;e ;y)errea. and o: -i(u.ation. It i- no .on'er a Iue-tion o: a :a.-e re)re-entation o: rea.ity Eideo.o'y$+ but o:' t;e :act t;at t;e rea. i- no .on'er rea.+ and t;u- o: -a8in' t;e rea.ity )rinci).e. T;e Di-ney.and i(a'inary i- neit;er true nor :a.-e5 it i- a deterrence (ac;ine -et u) in order to re=u8enate in re8er-e t;e :iction o: t;e rea.. %;ence t;e debi.ity+ t;e in:anti.e de'eneration o: t;i- i(a'inary. It i- (eant to be an in:anti.e /or.d+ in order to (a6e u- be.ie8e t;at t;e adu.t- are e.-e/;ere+ in t;e 7rea.7 /or.d+ and to concea. t;e :act t;at rea. c;i.di-;ne-- i- e8ery/;ere+ ) a(on' t;o-e adu.t- /;o 'o t;ere to act t;e c;i.d in order to :o-ter i..u-ion- o: t;eir rea. c;i.di-;ne--. Moreo8er+ Di-ney.and i- not t;e on.y one. Enc;anted Ci..a'e+ Ma'ic Mountain+ Marine %or.d5 !o- #n'e.e- i- encirc.ed by t;e-e 7i(a'inary -tation-7 /;ic; :eed rea.ity+ rea.ity-ener'y+ to a to/n /;o-e (y-tery i- )reci-e.y t;at it i- not;in' (ore t;an a net/or6 o: end.e--+ unrea. circu.ation5 a to/n o: :abu.ou- )ro)ortion-+ but /it;out -)ace or di(en-ion-. #- (uc; a- e.ectrica. and nuc.ear )o/er -tation-+ a- (uc; a- :i.( -tudio-+ t;i- to/n+ /;ic; i- not;in' (ore t;an an i((en-e -cri)t and a )er)etua. (otion )icture+ need- t;i- o.d i(a'inary (ade u) o: c;i.d;ood -i'na.- and :a6ed );anta-(- :or it- -y()at;etic ner8ou- -y-te(. 1? jean Ba%drillard Po.itica. incantation %ater'ate. Sa(e -cenario a- Di-ney.and Ean i(a'inary e::ect' t;at rea.ity no (ore e0i-t- out-ide t;an in-ide t;e bound- o: t;e arti:icia. )eri(eter$5 t;ou'; ;ere it i- a -canda.-e::ect' t;at t;ere i- no di::erence bet/een t;e :act- and t;eir denunciation Eidentica. (et;od- are e().oyed by t;e 1I# and t;e /as$in ton Post =ourna.i-t-$. Sa(e o)eration+ t;ou'; t;i- ti(e tendin' to/ard-canda. a- a (ean- to re'enerate a (ora. and )o.itica. )rinci).e+ to/ard- t;e i(a'inary a- a (ean- to re'enerate a rea.ity )rinci).e in di-tre--. +T;e denunciation o: -canda. a./ay- )ay- ;o(a'e to t;e .a/. #nd %ater'ate abo8e a.. -ucceeded in i()o-in' t;e idea t;at %ater'ate was a -canda. - in t;i- -en-e it /a- an e0traordinary o)eration o: into0ication5 t;e rein=ection o: a .ar'e do-e o: )o.itica. (ora.ity on a '.oba. -ca.e. It cou.d be -aid a.on' /it; Bourdieu t;at5 7T;e -)eci:ic c;aracter o: e8ery re.ation o: :orce i- to di--i(u.ate it-e.: a- -uc;+ and to acIuire a.. it- :orce on.y becau-e it i- -o di--i(u.ated7F under-tood a- :o..o/-5 ca)ita.+ /;ic; i- i((ora. and un-cru)u.ou-+ can on.y :unction be;ind a (ora. -u)er-tructure+ and /;oe8er re'enerate- t;i- )ub.ic (ora.ity Eby indi'nation+ denunciation+ etc.$ -)ontaneou-.y :urt;er- t;e order o: ca)ita.+ a- did t;e /as$in ton Post =ourna.i-t-. But t;i- i- -ti.. on.y t;e :or(u.a o: ideo.o'y+ and /;en Bourdieu enunciate- it+ ;e ta6e- 7re.ation o: :orce7 to (ean t;e tr%t$ o: ca)ita.i-t do(ination+ and ;e deno%nces t;i- re.ation o: :orce a- it-e.: a scandal6 ;e t;ere:ore occu)ie- t;e -a(e deter(ini-tic and (ora.i-tic )o-ition a- t;e /as$in ton Post =ourna.i-t-. ,e doe- t;e -a(e =ob o: )ur'in' and re8i8in' (ora. order+ an order o: trut; /;erein t;e 'enuine -y(bo.ic 8io.ence o: t;e -ocia. order i- en'endered+ /e.. beyond a.. re.ation- o: :orce+ /;ic; are on.y e.e(ent- o: it- indi::erent and -;i:tin' con:i'uration in t;e (ora. and )o.itica. con-ciou-ne--e- o: )eo).e. #.. t;at ca)ita. a-6- o: u- i- to recei8e it a- rationa. or to co(bat it in t;e na(e o: rationa.ity+ to recei8e it a- (ora. or to co(bat it in t;e na(e o: (ora.ity. 9or t;ey are identical, !eanin t$e) can &e read anot$er wa)6 be:ore+ t;e ta-6 /a- to di--i(u.ate -canda.F today+ t;e ta-6 i- to concea. t;e :act t;at t;ere i- none. /ater ate is not a scandal6 t;i- i- /;at (u-t be -aid at a.. co-t+ :or t;i- i- /;at e8eryone i- concerned to concea.+ t;i- di--i(u.ation (a-6in' a -tren't;enin' o: (ora.ity+ a (ora. )anic a- /e a))roac; t;e )ri(a. ,!iseen-$-cene o: ca)ita.5 it- in-tantaneou- crue.tyF itinco()re;en-ib.e :erocityF it- :unda(enta. i((ora.ity - t;e-e are /;at are -canda.ou-+ unaccountab.e :or in t;at -y-te( o: (ora. and econo(ic eIui8a.ence /;ic; re(ain- t;e a0io( o: !e:ti-t t;ou';t+ :ro( En.i';ten(ent t;eory to co((uni-(. 1a)ita. doe-n7t 'i8e a da(n about t;e idea o: t;e contract /;ic; i- i()uted to it5 it i- a (on-trou- un)rinci).ed

1?? Post!odern Narrati0es underta6in'+ not;in' (ore. Rat;er+ it i- 7en.i';tened7 t;ou';t /;ic; -ee6- to contro. ca)ita. by i()o-in' ru.e- on it. #nd a.. t;at recri(ination /;ic; re).aced re8o.utionary t;ou';t today co(e- do/n to re)roac;in' ca)ita. :or not :o..o/in' t;e ru.e- o: t;e 'a(e. 7Po/er i- un=u-tF it- =u-tice i- a c.a-- =u-ticeF ca)ita. e0).oit- u-F etc.7 - a- i: ca)ita. /ere .in6ed by a contract to t;e -ociety it ru.e-. It i- t;e !e:t /;ic; ;o.d- out t;e (irror o: eIui8a.ence+ ;o)in' t;at ca)ita. /i.. :a.. :or t;i- );anta-(a'oria o: t;e -ocia. contract and :u.:i.. itob.i'ation to/ard- t;e /;o.e o: -ociety Eat t;e -a(e ti(e+ no need :or re8o.ution5 it i- enou'; t;at ca)ita. acce)t t;e rationa. :or(u.a o: e0c;an'e$. 1a)ita. in :act ;a- ne8er been .in6ed by a contract to t;e -ociety it do(inate-. It i- a -orcery o: t;e -ocia. re.ation+ it i- a c$allen e to societ) and -;ou.d be re-)onded to a- -uc;. It i- not a -canda. to be denounced accordin' to (ora. and econo(ic rationa.ity+ but a c;a..en'e to ta6e u) accordin' to -y(bo.ic .a/. Strate'y o: t;e rea. O: t;e -a(e order a- t;e i()o--ibi.ity o: redi-co8erin' an ab-o.ute .e8e. o: t;e rea.+ i- t;e i()o--ibi.ity o: -ta'in' an i..u-ion. I..u-ion ino .on'er )o--ib.e+ becau-e t;e rea. i- no .on'er )o--ib.e. It i- t;e /;o.e #olitical )rob.e( o: t;e )arody+ o: ;y)er-i(u.ation or o::en-i8e -i(u.ation+ /;ic; i- )o-ed ;ere. 9or e0a().e5 it /ou.d be intere-tin' to -ee /;et;er t;e re)re--i8e a))aratu- /ou.d not react (ore 8io.ent.y to a -i(u.ated ;o.d-u) t;an to a rea. oneH 9or a rea. ;o.d-u) on.y u)-et- t;e order o: t;in'-+ t;e ri';t o: )ro)erty+ /;erea- a -i(u.ated ;o.d-u) inter:ere- /it; t;e 8ery )rinci).e o: rea.ity. Tran-'re--ion and 8io.ence are .e-- -eriou-+ :or t;ey on.y conte-t t;e distri&%tion o: t;e rea.. Si(u.ation iin:inite.y (ore dan'erou- -ince it a./ay- -u''e-t-+ o8er and abo8e it- ob=ect+ t;at law and order t$e!sel0es !i $t reall) &e not$in !ore t$an a si!%lation. But t;e di::icu.ty i- in )ro)ortion to t;e )eri.. ,o/ to :ei'n a 8io.ation and )ut it to t;e te-tH "o and -i(u.ate a t;e:t in a .ar'e de)art(ent -tore5 ;o/ do you con8ince t;e -ecurity 'uard- t;at it i- a -i(u.ated t;e:tH T;ere i- no 7ob=ecti8e7 di::erence5 t;e -a(e 'e-ture- and t;e -a(e -i'n- e0i-t a- :or a rea. t;e:tF in :act t;e -i'n- inc.ine neit;er to one -ide nor t;e ot;er. #- :ar a- t;e e-tab.i-;ed order i- concerned+ t;ey are a./ay- o: t;e order o: t;e rea.. "o and or'ani-e a :a6e ;o.d-u). Be -ure to c;ec6 t;at your /ea)on- are ;ar(.e--+ and ta6e t;e (o-t tru-t/ort;y ;o-ta'e+ -o t;at no .i:e i- in dan'er Eot;er/i-e you ri-6 co((ittin' an o::ence$. De(and ran-o(+ and arran'e it -o t;at t;e o)eration create- t;e 'reate-t co((otion 1?@ jean Ba%drillard )o--ib.e. In brie:+ -tay c.o-e to t;e 7trut;7+ -o a- to te-t t;e reaction o: t;e a))aratu- to a )er:ect -i(.u.ation. But you /on7t -ucceed5 t;e /eb o: arti:icia. -i'n- /i.. be ine0tricab.y (i0ed u) /it; rea. e.e(ent- Ea ) o::icer /i.. rea..y -;oot on -i';tF a ban6 cu-to(er /i.. :aint and die o: a ;eart attac6F t;ey /i.. rea..y turn t;e );oney ran-o( o8er to you$. In brie:+ you /i.. un/ittin'.y :ind your-e.: i((ediate.y in t;e rea.+ one o: /;o-e :unction- i- )reci-e.y to de8our e8ery atte()t at -i(u.ation+ to reduce e8eryt;in' to -o(e rea.ity5 t;at7- e0act.y ;o/ t;e e-tab.i-;ed order i-+ /e.. be:ore in-titution- and =u-tice co(e into ).ay. In t;i- i()o--ibi.ity o: i-o.atin' t;e )roce-- o: -i(u.ation (u-t be -een t;e /;o.e t;ru-t o: an order t;at can on.y -ee and under-tand in ter(- o: -o(e rea.ity+ becau-e it can :unction no/;ere e.-e. T;e -i(u.ation o: an o::ence+ i: it i- )atent+ /i.. eit;er be )uni-;ed (ore .i';t.y Ebecau-e it ;a- no 7con-eIuence-7$ or be )uni-;ed a- an o::ence to )ub.ic o::ice E:or e0a().e+ i: one tri''ered o:: a ) o)eration 7:or not;in'7$ - but ne0er as si!%lation, -ince it i- )reci-e.y a- -uc; t;at no eIui8a.ence /it; t;e rea. i- )o--ib.e+ and ;ence no re)re--ion eit;er. T;e c;a..en'e o: -i(u.ation i- irrecei8ab.e by )o/er. ,o/ can you )uni-; t;e -i(u.ation o: 8irtueH &et a- -uc; it i- a-eriou- a- t;e -i(u.ation o: cri(e. Parody (a6e- obedience and tran-'re--ion eIui8a.ent+ and t;at i- t;e (o-t -eriou- cri(e+ -ince it cancels o%t t$e difference %#on w$ic$ t$e law is &ased. T;e e-tab.i-;ed order can do not;in' a'ain-t it+ :or t;e .a/ i- a -econd-order -i(u.acru( /;erea- -i(u.ation i- a t;ird-order -i(u.acru(+ beyond true and :a.-e+ beyond eIui8a.ence-+ beyond t;e rationa. di-tinctionu)on /;ic; :unction a.. )o/er and t;e entire -ocia. -tratu(. ,ence+ failin t$e real, it i- ;ere t;at /e (u-t ai( at order. T;i- i- /;y order a./ay- o)t- :or t;e rea.. In a -tate o: uncertainty+ it a./ay- )re:er- t;i- a--u()tion Et;u- in t;e ar(y t;ey /ou.d rat;er ta6e t;e -i(u.ator a- a true (ad(an$. But t;i- beco(e- (ore and (ore di::icu.t+ :or it i- )ractica..y i()o--ib.e to i-o.ate t;e )roce-- o: -i(u.ationF t;rou'; t;e :orce o: inertia o: t;e rea. /;ic; -urround- u-+ t;e in8er-e i- a.-o true Eand t;i- 8ery re8er-ibi.ity :or()art o: t;e a))aratu- o: -i(u.ation and o: )o/er7- i()otency$5 na(e.y+ it is now i!#ossi&le to isolate t$e #rocess of t$e real, or to )ro8e t;e rea.. T;u- a.. ;o.d-u)-+ ;i=ac6- and t;e .i6e are no/+ a- it /ere+ -i(u.ation ;o.d-u)-+ in t;e -en-e t;at t;ey are in-cribed in ad8ance in t;e decodin' and orc;e-tration ritua.- o: t;e (edia+ antici)ated in t;eir (ode o: )re-entation and )o--ib.e con-eIuence-. In brie:+ /;ere t;ey :unction a- a -et o: -i'n- dedicated e0c.u-i8e.y to t;eir recurrence a- -i'n-+ and no .on'er to t;eir 7rea.7 'oa. at a... But t;i- doe- not (a6e t;e( ino::en-i8e. On t;e contrary+ it i- a- ;y)errea. e8ent-+ no .on'er ;a8in' any ) content- or ai(-+ but inde:inite.y re:racted by eac; ot;er E:or t;at (atter .i6e -o-ca..ed ;i-torica. e8ent-5 -tri6e-+ de(on-tration-+ cri-e-+ etc.$+ I t;at t;ey are )reci-e.y un8eri:iab.e by an order /;ic; can on.y 1?A Post!odern Narrati0es e0ert it-e.: on t;e rea. and t;e rationa.+ on end- and (ean-5 a re:erentia. order /;ic; can on.y do(inate re:erentia.-+ a deter(inate )o/er /;ic; can on.y do(inate a deter(ined /or.d+ but /;ic; can do not;in' about t;at inde:inite recurrence o: -i(u.ation+ about t;at

/ei';t.e-- nebu.a no .on'er obeyin' t;e .a/ o: 'ra8itation o: t;e rea. - )o/er it-e.: e8entua..y brea6in' a)art in t;i- -)ace and beco(in' a -i(u.ation o: )o/er Edi-connected :ro( it- ai(- and ob=ecti8e-+ and dedicated to #ower effects and (a-- -i(u.ation$. T;e on.y /ea)on o: )o/er+ it- on.y -trate'y a'ain-t t;i- de:ection+ i- to rein=ect and re:erentia.ity e8ery/;ere+ in order to con8ince u- o: t;e rea.ity o: t;e -ocia.+ o: t;e 'ra8ity o: t;e econo(y and t;e :ina.itie- o: )roduction. 9or t;at )ur)o-e it )re:er- t;e di-cour-e o: cri-i-+ but a.-o - /;y notH - t;e di-cour-e o: de-ire. 7Ta6e your de-ire- :or rea.ityL7 can be under-tood a- t;e u.ti(ate -.o'an o: )o/er+ :or in a nonre:erentia. /or.d e8en t;e con:u-ion o: t;e rea.ity )rinci).e /it; t;e de-ire )rinci).e i- .e-- dan'erou- t;an conta'iou- ;y)errea.ity. One re(ain- a(on' )rinci).e-+ and t;ere )o/er i- a./ay- ri';t. ,y)errea.ity and -i(u.ation are deterrent- o: e8ery )rinci).e and o: e8ery ob=ecti8eF t;ey turn a'ain-t )o/er t;i- deterrence /;ic; i-o /e.. uti.i-ed :or a .on' ti(e it-e.:. 9or+ :ina..y+ it /a- ca)ita. /;ic; /a- t;e :ir-t to :eed t;rou';out it- ;i-tory on t;e de-truction o: e8ery re:erentia.+ o: e8ery ;u(an 'oa.+ /;ic; -;attered e8ery idea. di-tinction bet/een true and :a.-e+ 'ood and e8i.+ in order to e-tab.i-; a radica. .a/ o: eIui8a.ence and e0c;an'e+ t;e iron .a/ o: it- )o/er. It /a- t;e :ir-t to )ractice deterrence+ ab-traction+ di-connection+ deterritoria.i-ation+ etc.F and i: it /a- ca)ita. /;ic; :o-tered rea.ity+ t;e rea.ity )rinci).e+ it /a- a.-o t;e :ir-t to .iIuidate it in t;e e0ter(ination o: e8ery u-e 8a.ue+ o: e8ery rea. eIui8a.ence+ o: )roduction and /ea.t;+ in t;e 8ery -en-ation /e ;a8e o: t;e unrea.ity o: t;e -ta6e- and t;e o(ni)otence o: (ani)u.ation. No/+ it i- t;i- 8ery .o'ic /;ic; i- today ;ardened e8en (ore a ainst it. #nd /;en it /ant- to :i';t t;i- cata-tro);ic -)ira. by -ecretin' one .a-t '.i((er o: rea.ity+ on /;ic; to :ound one .a-t '.i((er o: )o/er+ it on.y (u.ti).ie- t;e si ns and acce.erate- t;e ).ay o: -i(u.ation. #- .on' a- it /a- ;i-torica..y t;reatened by t;e rea.+ )o/er ri-6ed deterrence and -i(u.ation+ di-inte'ratin' e8ery contradiction by (ean- o: t;e )roduction o: eIui8a.ent -i'n-. %;en it i- t;reatened today by -i(u.ation Et;e t;reat o: 8ani-;in' in t;e ).ay o: -i'n-$+ )o/er ri-6- t;e rea.+ ri-6- cri-i-+ it 'a(b.e- on re(anu:acturin' arti:icia.+ -ocia.+ econo(ic+ )o.itica. -ta6e-. T;i- i- a Iue-tion o: .i:e or deat; :or it. But it i- too .ate. %;ence t;e c;aracteri-tic ;y-teria o: our ti(e5 t;e ;y-teria o: )roduction and re)roduction o: t;e rea.. T;e ot;er )roduction+ t;at o: 'ood- and co((oditie-+ t;at o: la &elle e#o1%e o: )o.itica. econo(y+ no 1?B lean Ba%drillard .on'er (a6e- any -en-e o: it- o/n+ and ;a- not :or -o(e ti(e. %;at -ociety -ee6- t;rou'; )roduction+ and o8er)roduction+ i- t;e re-toration o: t;e rea. /;ic; e-ca)e- it. T;at i- /;y conte!#orar) '!aterial' #rod%ction is itself $)#erreal. It retain- a.. t;e :eature-+ t;e /;o.e di-cour-e o: traditiona. )roduction+ but it i- not;in' (ore t;an it- -ca.ed-do/n re:raction Et;u- t;e ;y)errea.i-t- :a-ten in a -tri6in' re-e(b.ance a rea. :ro( /;ic; ;a- :.ed a.. (eanin' and c;ar(+ a.. t;e )ro:undity and ener'y o: re)re-entation$. T;u- t;e ;y)errea.i-( o: -i(u.ation i- e0)re--ed e8ery/;ere by t;e rea.7- -tri6in' re-e(b.ance to it-e.:. Po/er+ too+ :or -o(e ti(e no/ )roduce- not;in' but -i'n- o: it- re-e(b.ance. #nd at t;e -a(e ti(e+ anot;er :i'ure o: )o/er co(einto ).ay5 t;at o: a co..ecti8e de(and :or si ns o: )o/er - a ;o.y union /;ic; :or(- around t;e di-a))earance o: )o/er. E8erybody be.on'- to it (ore or .e-- in :ear o: t;e co..a)-e o: t;e )o.itica.. #nd in t;e end t;e 'a(e o: )o/er co(e- do/n to not;in' (ore t;an t;e critical ob-e--ion /it; )o/er5 an ob-e--ion /it; it- deat;F an ob-e--ion /it; it- -ur8i8a. /;ic; beco(e- 'reater t;e (ore it di-a))ear-. %;en it ;a- tota..y di-a))eared+ .o'ica..y /e /i.. be under t;e tota. -)e.. o: )o/er - a ;auntin' (e(ory a.ready :ore-;ado/ed e8ery/;ere+ (ani:e-tin' at one and t;e -a(e ti(e t;e -ati-:action o: ;a8in' 'ot rid o: it Enobody /ant- it any (ore+ e8erybody un.oad- it on ot;er-$ and 'rie8in' it- .o--. Me.anc;o.y :or -ocietie- /it;out )o/er5 t;i- ;a- a.ready 'i8en ri-e to :a-ci-(+ t;at o8erdo-e o: a )o/er:u. re:erentia. in a -ociety /;ic; cannot ter(inate it- (ournin'. But /e are -ti.. in t;e -a(e boat5 none o: our -ocietie- 6no/ ;o/ to (ana'e t;eir (ournin' :or t;e rea.+ :or )o/er+ :or t;e social itself, /;ic; i- i().icated in t;i- -a(e brea6do/n. #nd it i- by an arti:icia. re8ita.i-ation o: a.. t;i- t;at /e try to e-ca)e it. 'ndo%&tedl) t$is will e0en end %# in socialis!. By an un:ore-een t/i-t o: e8ent- and an irony /;ic; no .on'er be.on'- to ;i-tory+ it i- t;rou'; t;e deat; o: t;e -ocia. t;at -ocia.i-( /i.. e(er'e - a- it i- t;rou'; t;e deat; o: "od t;at re.i'ion- e(er'e. # t/i-ted co(in'+ a )er8er-e e8ent+ an uninte..i'ib.e re8er-ion to t;e .o'ic o: rea-on. #- i- t;e :act t;at )o/er i- no .on'er )re-ent e0ce)t to concea. t;at t;ere i- none. # -i(u.ation /;ic; can 'o on inde:inite.y+ -ince - un.i6e 7true7 )o/er /;ic; i-+ or /a-+ a -tructure+ a -trate'y+ a re.ation o: :orce+ a -ta6e t;i- i- not;in' but t;e ob=ect o: a -ocia. de!and, and ;ence -ub=ect to t;e .a/ o: -u)).y and de(and+ rat;er t;an to 8io.ence and deat;. 1o().ete.y e0)un'ed :ro( t;e #olitical di(en-ion+ it i- de)endent+ .i6e any ot;er co((odity+ on )roduction and (a-- con-u()tion. It-)ar6 ;a- di-a))earedF on.y t;e :iction o: a )o.itica. uni8er-e i- -a8ed. !i6e/i-e /it; /or6. T;e -)ar6 o: )roduction+ t;e 8io.ence o: it- -ta6e no .on'er e0i-t-. E8erybody -ti.. )roduce-+ and (ore and (ore+ but /or6 ;a- -ubt.y beco(e -o(et;in' e.-e5 a need Ea- Mar0 idea..y en8i-a'ed it+ 1?4 Post!odern Narrati0es but not at a.. in t;e -a(e -en-e$+ t;e ob=ect o: a -ocia. 7de(and7+ .i6e .ei-ure+ to /;ic; it i- eIui8a.ent in t;e 'enera. run o: :i:e7- o)tion-. # de(and e0act.y )ro)ortiona. to t;e .o-- o: -ta6e in t;e /or6 )roce-- .2 T;e -a(e c;an'e in :ortune a- :or )o/er5 t;e scenario o: /or6 it;ere to concea. t;e :act t;at t;e /or6-rea.+ t;e )roduction-rea.+ ;a- di-a))eared. #nd :or t;at (atter -o ;a- t;e -tri6e-rea. too+ /;ic; ino .on'er a -to))a'e o: /or6+ but it- a.ternati8e )o.e in t;e ritua. -can-ion o: t;e -ocia. ca.endar. It i- a- i: e8eryone ;a- 7occu)ied7 t;eir /or6 ).ace or /or6 )o-t+ a:ter dec.arin' t;e -tri6e+ and re-u(ed )roduction+ a- i- t;e cu-to( in a 7-e.:-(ana'ed7 =ob+ in e0act.y t;e -a(e ter(- a- be:ore+ by dec.arin' t;e(-e.8e- Eand 8irtua..y bein'$ in a -tate o: )er(anent -tri6e. T;i- i-n7t a -cience-:iction drea(5 e8ery/;ere it i- a Iue-tion o: a' o: t;e /or6 )roce--. #nd o: a doub.e or .ocu( :or t;e -tri6e )roce-- - -tri6e- /;ic; are incor)orated .i6e ob-o.e-cence in ob=ect-+ .i6e cri-e- in )roduction. T;en t;ere are no .on'er any -tri6eor /or6+ but bot; -i(u.taneou-.y+ t;at i- to -ay -o(et;in' e.-e entire.y5 a /iJardry o: /or6+ a tro!#e4l'oeil, a -cenodra(a Enot to -ay (e.odra(a$ o: )roduction+ co..ecti8e dra(atur'y u)on t;e e()ty -ta'e o: t;e -ocia.. It i- no .on'er a Iue-tion o: t;e ideolo ) o: /or6 - o: t;e traditiona. et;ic t;at ob-cure- t;e 7rea.7 .abour )roce-- and t;e 7ob=ecti8e7

)roce-- o: e0).oitation - but o: t;e -cenario o: /or6. !i6e/i-e+ it i- no .on'er a Iue-tion o: t;e ideo.o'y o: )o/er+ but o: t;e scenario o: )o/er. Ideo.o'y on.y corre-)ond- to a betraya. o: rea.ity by -i'n-F -i(u.ation corre-)ond- to a -;ort -circuit o: rea.ity and to itredu).ication by -i'n-. It i- a./ay- t;e ai( o: ideo.o'ica. ana.y-i- to re-tore t;e ob=ecti8e )roce--F it i- a./ay- a :a.-e )rob.e( to /ant to re-tore t;e trut; beneat; t;e -i(u.acru(. T;i- i- u.ti(ate.y /;y )o/er i- -o in accord /it; ideo.o'ica. di-cour-e- and di-cour-e- on ideo.o'y+ :or t;e-e are a.. di-cour-e- o: tr%t$ 4 alwa)s 'ood+ e8en and e-)ecia..y i: t;ey are re8o.utionary+ to counter t;e (orta. b.o/- o: -i(u.ation. Note1@0 jean Ba%drillard 1. T;e entire current 7)-yc;o.o'ica.7 -ituation i- c;aracteri-ed by t;i- -;ort circuit. Doe-n7t e(anci)ation o: c;i.dren and teena'er-+ once t;e initia. );a-e o: re8o.t i- )a--ed and once t;ere ;a- been e-tab.i-;ed t;e #rinci#le o: t;e ri $t to e(anci)ation+ -ee( .i6e t;e real e(anci)ation o: )arent-. #nd t;e youn' E-tudent-+ ;i';--c; ado.e-cent-$ -ee( to -en-e it in t;eir a./ay- (ore in-i-tent de(and Et;ou'; -ti.. a- )arado0ica.$ :or t;e )re-ence and ad8ice o: )arentor o: teac;er-. at .a-t+ :ree and re-)on-ib.e+ it -ee(ed to t;e( -udden.y t;at ot;er )eo).e )o--ib.y ;a8e ab-conded /it; t;eir true .iberty. T;ere:ore+ t;ere i- no Iue-tion o: 7.ea8in' t;e( be7. T;ey7re 'oin' to ;a--.e

t;e(+ not /it; any e(otiona. or (ateria. -)ontaneou- de(and+ but /it; an e0i'ency t;at ;a- been )re(editated and corrected by an i().icit oedi)a. 6no/.ed'e. ,y)erde)endence E(uc; 'reater t;an be:ore$ di-torted by irony and re:u-a.+ #arod) of li&idino%s ori inal !ec$anis!s. De(and /it;out content+ /it;out re:erent+ un=u-ti:ied+ but :or a.. t;at a.. t;e (ore -e8ere - na6ed de(and /it; no )o--ib.e an-/er. T;e content- o: 6no/.ed'e Eteac;in'$ or o: a::ecti8e re.ation-+ t;e )eda'o'ica. or :a(i.ia. re:erent ;a8in' been e.i(inated in t;e act o: e(anci)ation+ t;ere re(ain- on.y a de(and .in6ed to t;e e()ty :or( o: t;e in-titution - )er8er-e de(and+ and :or t;at rea-on a.. t;e (ore ob-tinate. 7Tran-:erab.e7 de-ire Et;at i- to -ay non-re:erentia.+ un-re:erentia.$+ de-ire t;at ;a- been :ed by .ac6+ by t;e ).ace .e:t 8acant+ 7.iberated7+ de-ire ca)tured in it- o/n 8erti'inou- i(a'e+ de-ire o: de-ire+ a- )ure :or(+ ;y)errea.. De)ri8ed o: -y(bo.ic -ub-tance+ it doub.e- bac6 u)on it-e.:+ dra/- it- ener'y :ro( it- o/n re:.ection and it- di-a))oint(ent /it; it-e.:. T;i- i- .itera..y today t;e de(and+ and it i- ob8iou- t;at un.i6e t;e 7c.a--ica.7 ob=ecti8e or tran-:erab.e re.ation- t;i- one ;ere i- in-o.ub.e and inter(inab.e. Si(u.ated Oedi)u-. 9ran~oi- Ric;ard5 Student- a-6ed to be -educed eit;er bodi.y or 8erba..y. But a.-o t;ey are a/are o: t;i- and t;ey ).ay t;e 'a(e+ ironica..y. 7"i8e u- your 6no/.ed'e+ your )re-ence+ you ;a8e t;e /ord+ -)ea6+ you are t;ere :or t;at.7 1onte-tation certain.y+ but not on.y5 t;e (ore aut;ority iconte-ted+ 8i.i:ied+ t;e 'reater t;e need :or aut;ority a- -uc;. T;ey ).ay at Oedi)u- a.-o+ to deny it a.. t;e (ore 8e;e(ent.y. T;e 7teac;7+ ;e7- Daddy+ t;ey -ayF it7- :un+ you ).ay at ince-t+ ( t;e untouc;ab.e+ at bein' a tea-e - in order to de--e0ua.i-e :ina..y. !i6e one under ana.y-i- /;o a-6- :or Oedi)u- bac6 a'ain+ /;o te..- t;e +oedi)a.7 -torie-+ /;o ;a- t;e 7ana.ytica.7 drea(- to -ati-:y t;e -u))o-ed reIue-t o: t;e ana.y-t+ or to re-i-t ;i(H In t;e -a(e /ay t;e -tudent 'oe- t;rou'; ;i- oedi)a. nu(ber+ ;i- -eduction nu(ber+ 'et- c;u((y+ c.o-e+ a))roac;e-+ do(inate- - but t;i- i-n7t de-ire+ i:- -i(u.ation. Oedi)a. )-yc;odra(a o: -i(u.ation Eneit;er .e-- rea. nor .e-- dra(atic :or a.. t;at$. Cery di::erent :ro( t;e rea. .ibidina. -ta6e- o: 6no/.ed'e and )o/er or e8en o: a rea. (oun -tin' :or t;e ab-ence o: -a(e Ea- cou.d ;a8e ;a))ened a:ter 14@B in t;e uni8er-itie-.$ No/ /e78e reac;ed t;e );a-e o: de-)erate re)roduction+ and /;ere t;e -ta6e- are ni.+ t;e -i(u.acru( i- (a0i(a. - e0acerbated and )arodied -i(u.ation at one and t;e -a(e ti(e - a- inter(inab.e a)-yc;oana.y-i- and :or t;e -a(e rea-on-. T;e inter(inab.e )-yc;oana.y-i-. T;ere i- a /;o.e c;a)ter to add to t;e ;i-tory o: tran-:erence and countertran-:erence5 t;at o: t;eir .iIuidation by -i(u.ation+ o: t;e i()o--ib.e )-yc;oana.y-i- becau-e it i- it-e.:+ :ro( no/ on+ t;at )roduce- and re)roduce- t;e uncon-ciou- a- it- in-titutiona. -ub-tance. P-yc;oana.y-i- die- a.-o o: t;e e0c;an'e o: t;e -i'n- o: t;e uncon-ciou-. =u-t a- re8o.ution die- o: t;e e0c;an'e o: t;e critica. -i'n- o: )o.itica. econo(y. T;i- -;ort-circuit /a- /e.. 6no/n to 9reud in t;e :or( o: t;e 'i:t o: t;e ana.ytic drea(+ or /it; t;e +unin:or(ed7 )atient-+ in t;e :or( o: t;e 'i:t o: t;eir ana.ytic 6no/.ed'e. But t;i/a- -ti.. inter)reted a- re-i-tance+ a- detour+ and did not )ut :unda(enta..y into Iue-tion eit;er t;e )roce-- o: ana.y-i- or t;e )rinci).e o: tran-:erence. It i- anot;er t;in' entire.y /;en t;e uncon-ciou- it-e.:+ t;e di-cour-e o: t;e uncon-ciou- beco(e- un:indab.e - accordin' to t;e -a(e -cenario o: -i(u.ati8e antici)ation t;at /e ;a8e -een at /or6 on a.. .e8e.- /it; 1@1 Post!odern Narrati0es t;e (ac;ine- o: t;e t;ird order. T;e ana.y-i- t;en can no .on'er end+ it beco(e- .o'ica..y and ;i-torica..y inter(inab.e+ -ince it -tabi.i-eon a )u))et-ub-tance o: re)roduction+ an uncon-ciou- )ro'ra((ed on de(and - an i()o--ib.e-to-brea6-t;rou'; )oint around /;ic; t;e /;o.e ana.y-i- i- rearran'ed. T;e (e--a'e- o: t;e uncon-ciou- ;a8e been -;ort-circuited by t;e )-yc;oana.y-i- 7(ediu(7. T;i- i.ibidina. ;y)errea.i-(. To t;e :a(ou- cate'orie- o: t;e rea.+ t;e -y(bo.ic and t;e i(a'inary+ it i- 'oin' to be nece--ary to add t;e ;y)errea.+ /;ic; ca)ture- and ob-truct- t;e :unctionin' o: t;e t;ree order-. 2. #t;enian de(ocracy+ (uc; (ore ad8anced t;an our o/n+ ;ad reac;ed t;e )oint /;ere t;e 8ote /a- con-idered a- )ay(ent :or a -er8ice+ a:ter an ot;er re)re--i8e -o.ution- ;ad been tried and :ound /antin' in order to in-ure a Iuoru(. 1@2

1< 9redric 3a(e-on+ 7Po-t(oderni-( and 1on-u(er SocietyD

9redric 3a(e-on ;a- con-i-tent.y dra/n attention to t;e Iue-tion- o: -ocia.+ econo(ic and cu.tura. c;an'e rai-ed by )o-t(oderni-(+ and t;u- to t;e c;an'in' nature o: ca)ita.i-( and t;e continued 8iabi.ity o: Mar0i-(. ,e ta6e- i--ue /it; t;e 8ie/+ ad8anced e-)ecia..y by t;e con-er8ati8e -ocio.o'i-t Danie. Be..+ t;at t/entiet;-century -ociety ;a- entered a 7)o-t-indu-tria.7 );a-e+ to ar'ue+ by /ay o: Erne-t Mande.7- *ate "a#italis!, t;at ca)ita.i-( ;a- in :act e0)anded and con-o.idated it- ;e'e(ony. ,e :urt;er a-6- ;o/ c;an'e- in ca)ita.i-(7- (ode o: )roduction and c.a-- re.ation- re.ate to ne/ :or(- o: cu.tura. )roduction. Bot; ,aber(a- and !yotard+ in 3a(e-on7- 8ie/+ are indebted to an ear.ier cu.tura. (oderni-( /;ic; ;e :ee.- ;a- :ai.ed+ ) on t;e e8idence o: it- arc;itecture. T;e ne/ :or(- and e::ect- o: )o-t(oderni-(+ in .iterature+ (u-ic+ :i.( and ne/ );y-ica. and )-yc;ic en8iron(ent-+ 3a(e-on c;aracteri-e- a- (atter- o: -ur:ace+ )a-tic;e and )aranoia. But yet t;i- de)t;.e-- dia-)ora :ru-trate- t;e ana.ytic and )o.itica. in-tinct- o: ;i- ,e'e.ian Mar0i-(. T;e centra. )rob.e( in 3a(e-on7- account- o: )o-t(oderni-( .ie- ;ere. It (ay be -u((ari-ed by -ayin' t;at /;i.e ;e acce)t- Baudri:.ard7- 8ie/ o: )re-ent -ociety a- a -ociety o: t;e -i(u.acru(+ :ree o: re:erence to 7rea.ity7+ and e8en acce)t!yotard7- 8ie/ o: Mar0i-( a- a no/ t;readbare (etanarrati8e+ ;e /ou.d retain a di-tinction bet/een -ur:ace and de)t;+ /it;in a dia.ectica. (ateria.i-( /;ic; e().oy- t;e conce)t- o: tota.ity and critica. di-tance a- nece--ary (ean- to -i'ni:icant -ocia. and cu.tura. tran-:or(ation. T;e-e Iue-tion- are ta6en u) (o-t 8i'orou-.y by %arren Monta' in E. #nn Ka).an Eed.$+ Post!odernis! and its 7iscontents E14BB$+ )). BB-10<. In addition to t;e )re-ent Introduction and :urt;er re:erence- t;ere E)). 20- $+ -ee t;e recent co..ection o: e--ay-+ R Re)rinted :ro( E. #nn Ka).an Eed.$+ Post!odernis! and its 7iscontents E!ondon and Ne/ &or65 Cer-o+ 14BB$+ )). 1<-24. 1@< Post!odern Narrati0es inc.udin' 3a(e-on7- re-)on-e to critici-(-+ in Dou'.a- Kenner Eed.$+ Post!odernis!5ja!esonl"riti1%e ,9::0=. T;e e--ay 7Po-t(oderni-( and 1on-u(er Society7 a))eared in an ear.ier :or( in 9o-ter Eed.$+ Post!odern "%lt%re ,9:A>=. T;e )re-ent 8er-ion co(bine- t;i- /it; (ateria. :ro( 3a(e-on7- (a=or .on'er e--ay 7Po-t(oderni-(+ or t;e 1u.tura. !o'ic o: !ate 1a)ita.i-(7 in New *eft Re0iew 94; ,9:A4=6 >@4 :?; re)rinted in t;e 8o.u(e o: t;at tit.e. T;e conce)t o: )o-t(oderni-( i- not /ide.y acce)ted or e8en under-tood today. So(e o: t;e re-i-tance to it (ay co(e :ro( t;e un:a(i.iarity o: t;e /or6- it co8er-+ /;ic; can be :ound in a.. t;e art-5 t;e )oetry o: 3o;n #-;bery+ :or in-tance+ but a.-o t;e (uc; -i().er ta.6 )oetry t;at ca(e out o: t;e reaction a'ain-t co().e0+ ironic+ acade(ic (oderni-t )oetry in t;e 9:;0s; t;e reaction a'ain-t (odern arc;itecture and in ) a'ain-t t;e (onu(enta. bui.din'- o: t;e Internationa. Sty.e+ t;e )o) bui.din'- and decorated -;edce.ebrated by Robert Centuri in ;i- (ani:e-to+ *earnin fro! *as 8e as; #ndy %ar;o. and Po) #rt+ but a.-o t;e (ore recent P;otorea.i-(F in (u-ic+ t;e (o(ent o: 3o;n 1a'e but a.-o t;e .ater -ynt;e-i- o: c.a--ica. and 7)o)u.ar7 -ty.e- :ound in co()o-er- .i6e P;i.i) ".a-- and Terry Ri.ey+ and a.-o )un6 and ne//a8e roc6 /it; -uc; 'rou)- a- t;e 1.a-;+ Ta.6in' ,ead- and t;e "an' o: 9ourF in :i.(+ e8eryt;in' t;at co(e- out o: "odard - conte()orary 8an'uard :i.( and 8ideo - but a.-o a /;o.e ne/ -ty.e o: co((ercia. or :iction :i.(-+ /;ic; ;a- it- eIui8a.ent in conte()orary no8e.- a- /e..+ /;ere t;e /or6- o: %i..ia( Burrou';-+ T;o(a- Pync;on and I-;(ae. Reed on t;e one ;and+ and t;e 9renc; ne/ no8e. on t;e ot;er+ are a.-o to be nu(bered a(on' t;e 8arietie- o: /;at can be ca..ed )o-t(oderni-(. T;i- .i-t /ou.d -ee( to (a6e t/o t;in'- c.ear at once5 :ir-t+ (o-t o: t;e )o-t(oderni-(- (entioned abo8e e(er'e a- -)eci:ic reactiona'ain-t t;e e-tab.i-;ed :or(- o: ;i'; (oderni-(+ a'ain-t t;i- or t;at do(inant ;i'; (oderni-( /;ic; conIuered t;e uni8er-ity+ t;e (u-eu(+ t;e art 'a..ery net/or6+ and t;e :oundation-. T;o-e :or(er.y -ub8er-i8e and e(batt.ed -ty.e- - #b-tract E0)re--ioni-(F t;e 'reat (oderni-t )oetry o: Pound+ E.iot or %a..ace Ste8en-F t;e Internationa. Sty.e E!e 1orbu-ier+ 9ran6 !.oyd %ri';t+ Mie-$F Stra8in-6yF 3oyce+ Prou-t and Mann - :e.t to be -canda.ou- or -;oc6in' by our 'rand)arent- are+ :or t;e 'eneration /;ic; arri8e- at t;e 'ate in t;e 9:;0s, :e.t to be t;e e-tab.i-;(ent and t;e ene(y - dead+'+ canonica.+ t;e rei:ied (onu(ent- one ;a- to de-troy to do anyt;in' ne/. T;i- (ean- t;at t;ere /i.. be a- (any di::erent :or(- o: )o-t(oderni-( a- t;ere /ere ;i'; (oderni-(- in ).ace+ -ince t;e :or(er are at .ea-t initia..y -)eci:ic and .oca. reaction9;4 Fredric Da!eson a ainst t;o-e (ode.-. T;at ob8iou-.y doe- not (a6e t;e =ob o: de-cribin' )o-t(oderni-( a- a co;erent t;in' any ea-ier+ -ince t;e unity o: t;i- ne/ i()u.-e - i: it ;a- one - i- 'i8en not in it-e.: but in t;e 8ery (oderni-( it -ee6- to di-).ace. T;e -econd :eature o: t;i- .i-t o: )o-t(oderni-(- i- t;e e::ace(ent in it o: -o(e 6ey boundarie- or -e)aration-+ (o-t notab.y t;e ero-ion o: t;e o.der di-tinction bet/een ;i'; cu.ture and -o-ca..ed (a-- or )o) cu.ture. T;i- i- )er;a)- t;e (o-t di-tre--in' de8e.o)(ent o: a.. :ro( an acade(ic -tand)oint+ /;ic; ;a- traditiona..y ;ad a 8e-ted intere-t in )re-er8in' a rea.( o: ;i'; or @1ite cu.ture a'ain-t t;e -urroundin' en8iron(ent o: );i.i-tini-(+ o: -c;.oc6 and 6it-c;+ o: TC -erie- and Reader's 7i est cu.ture+ and in tran-(ittin' di::icu.t and co().e0 -6i..- o: readin'+ .i-tenin' and -eein' to it- initiate-. But (any o: t;e ne/er )o-t(oderni-(- ;a8e been :a-cinated )reci-e.y by t;at /;o.e .and-ca)e o: ad8erti-in' and (ote.-+ o: t;e !a- Ce'a- -tri)+ o: t;e .ate -;o/ and "rade -B

,o..y/ood :i.(+ o: -o-ca..ed )ara.iterature /it; it- air)ort )a)erbac6 cate'orie- o: t;e 'ot;ic and t;e ro(ance+ t;e )o) bio'ra);y+ t;e (urder (y-tery and t;e -cience :iction or :anta-y no8e.. T;ey no .on'er 7Iuote7 -uc; 7te0t-7 a- a 3oyce (i';t ;a8e done+ or a Ma;.erF t;ey incor)orate t;e(+ to t;e )oint /;ere t;e .ine bet/een ;i'; art and co((ercia. :or(- -ee(- increa-in'.y di::icu.t to dra/. # rat;er di::erent indication o: t;i- e::ace(ent o: t;e o.der cate'orie- o: 'enre and di-cour-e can be :ound in /;at i- -o(eti(e- ca..ed conte()orary t;eory. # 'eneration a'o t;ere /a- -ti.. a tec;nica. di-cour-e o: )ro:e--iona. );i.o-o);y - t;e 'reat -y-te(- o: Sartre or t;e );eno(eno.o'i-t-+ t;e /or6 o: %itt'en-tein or ana.ytica. or co((on .an'ua'e );i.o-o);y - a.on'-ide /;ic; one cou.d -ti.. di-tin'ui-; t;at Iuite di::erent di-cour-e o: t;e ot;er acade(ic di-ci).ine- - o: )o.itica. -cience+ :or e0a().e+ or -ocio.o'y or .iterary critici-(. Today+ increa-in'.y+ /e ;a8e a 6ind o: /ritin' -i().y ca..ed 7t;eory7 /;ic; i- a.. or none o: t;o-e t;in'- at once. T;i- ne/ 6ind o: di-cour-e+ 'enera..y a--ociated /it; 9rance and -o-ca..ed 9renc; t;eory+ i- beco(in' /ide-)read and (ar6- t;e end o: );i.o-o);y a-uc;. I- t;e /or6 o: Mic;e. 9oucau.t+ :or e0a().e+ to be ca..ed );i.o-o);y+ ;i-tory+ -ocia. t;eory or )o.itica. -cienceH It7- undecidab.e+ at;ey -ay no/aday-F and I /i.. -u''e-t t;at -uc; 7t;eoretica. di-cour-e7 i- a.-o to be nu(bered a(on' t;e (ani:e-tation- o: )o-t(oderni-(. No/ I (u-t -ay a /ord about t;e )ro)er u-e o: t;i- conce)t5 it i- not =u-t anot;er /ord :or t;e de-cri)tion o: a ) -ty.e. It ia.-o+ at .ea-t in (y u-e+ a )eriodiJin' conce)t /;o-e :unction i- to corre.ate t;e e(er'ence o: ne/ :or(a. :eature- in cu.ture /it; t;e e(er'ence o: a ne/ ty)e o: -ocia. .i:e and a ne/ econon-dc order - /;at i- o:ten eu);e(i-tica..y ca..ed (oderniJation+ )o-tindu-tria. or con-u(er -ociety+ t;e -ociety o: t;e (edia or t;e -)ectac.e+ or (u.tinationa. 1@? Post!odern Narrati0es ca)ita.i-(. T;i- ne/ (o(ent o: ca)ita.i-( can be dated :ro( t;e )o-t/ar boo( in t;e *nited State- in t;e .ate 14 0S and ear.y 14?0- or+ in 9rance+ :ro( t;e e-tab.i-;(ent o: t;e 9i:t; Re)ub.ic in 14?B. T;e 14@0- are in (any /ay- t;e 6ey tran-itiona. )eriod+ a )eriod in /;ic; t;e ne/ internationa. order Eneoco.onia.i-(+ t;e "reen Re8o.ution+ co()uteriJation and e.ectronic in:or(ation$ i- at one and t;e -a(e ti(e -et in ).ace and i- -/e)t and -;a6en by it- o/n interna. contradiction- and by e0terna. re-i-tance. I /ant ;ere to -6etc; a :e/ o: t;e /ay- in /;ic; t;e ne/ )o-t(oderni-( e0)re--e- t;e inner trut; o: t;at ne/.y e(er'ent -ocia. order o: .ate ca)ita.i-(+ but /i.. ;a8e to .i(it t;e de-cri)tion to on.y t/o o: it- -i'ni:icant :eature-+ /;ic; I /i.. ca.. )a-tic;e and -c;iJo);reniaF t;ey /i.. 'i8e u- a c;ance to -en-e t;e -)eci:icity o: t;e )o-t(oderni-t e0)erience o: -)ace and ti(e re-)ecti8e.y. Pa-tic;e ec.i)-e- )arody One o: t;e (o-t -i'ni:icant :eature- or )ractice- in )o-t(oderni-( today i- )a-tic;e. I (u-t :ir-t e0).ain t;i- ter(+ /;ic; )eo).e 'enera..y tend to con:u-e /it; or a--i(i.ate to t;at re.ated 8erba. );eno(enon ca..ed )arody. Bot; )a-tic;e and )arody in8o.8e t;e i(itation or+ better -ti..+ t;e (i(icry o: ot;er -ty.e- and ) o: t;e (anneri-(- and -ty.i-tic t/itc;e- o: ot;er -ty.e-. It i- ob8iout;at (odern .iterature in 'enera. o::er- a 8ery ric; :ie.d :or )arody+ -ince t;e 'reat (odern /riter- ;a8e a.. been de:ined by t;e in8ention or )roduction o: rat;er uniIue -ty.e-5 t;in6 o: t;e 9au.6nerian .on' -entence or o: D.,. !a/rence7- c;aracteri-tic nature i(a'eryF t;in6 o: %a..ace Ste8en-7- )ecu.iar /ay o: u-in' ab-traction-F t;in6 a.-o o: t;e (anneri-(- o: t;e );i.o-o);er-+ o: ,eide''er :or e0a().e+ or SartreF t;in6 o: t;e (u-ica. -ty.e- o: Ma;.er or Pro6o:ie8. #.. o: t;e-e -ty.e-+ ;o/e8er+ di::erent :ro( eac; ot;er+ are co()arab.e in t;i-5 eac; i- Iuite un(i-ta6ab.eF once one i- .earned+ it i- not .i6e.y to be con:u-ed /it; -o(et;in' e.-e. No/ )arody ca)ita.i-e- on t;e uniIuene-- o: t;e-e -ty.e- and -eiJe- on t;eir idio-yncra-ie- and eccentricitie- to )roduce an i(itation /;ic; (oc6- t;e ori'ina.. I /on7t -ay t;at t;e -atiric i()u.-e i- con-ciou- in a.. :or(- o: )arody. In any ca-e+ a 'ood or 'reat )arodi-t ;ato ;a8e -o(e -ecret -y()at;y :or t;e ori'ina.+ =u-t a- a 'reat (i(ic ;a- to ;a8e t;e ca)acity to )ut ;i(-e.:/;er-e.: in t;e ).ace o: t;e )er-on i(itated. Sti..+ t;e 'enera. e::ect o: )arody i- - /;et;er in -y()at;y or /it; ( - to ca-t ridicu.e on t;e )ri8ate nature o: t;e-e -ty.i-tic (anneri-(- and t;eir e0ce--i8ene-- and eccentricity /it; re-)ect to t;e /ay )eo).e nor(a..y -)ea6 or /rite. So t;ere re(ain-o(e/;ere be;ind a.. )arody t;e 1@@ Fredric Da!eson' t;at t;ere i- a .in'ui-tic nor( in contra-t to /;ic; t;e -ty.e- o: t;e 'reat (oderni-t- can be (oc6ed. But /;at /ou.d ;a))en i: one no .on'er be.ie8ed in t;e e0i-tence o: nor(a. .an'ua'e+ or ordinary -)eec;+ o: t;e .in'ui-tic nor( Et;e 6ind o: c.arity and co((unicati8e )o/er ce.ebrated by Or/e.. in ;i- :a(ou- e--ay+ -ay$H One cou.d t;in6 o: it in t;i- /ayF )er;a)- t;e i((en-e :ra'(entation and )ri8atiJation o: (odern .iterature - it- e0).o-ion into a ;o-t o: di-tinct )ri8ate -ty.e- and (anneri-(- :ore-;ado/- dee)er and (ore 'enera. tendencie- in -ocia. .i:e a- a /;o.e. Su))o-in' t;at (ode( art and (oderni-( - :ar :ro( bein' a 6ind o: -)ecia.iJed ae-t;etic curio-ity - actua..y antici)ated -ocia. de8e.o)(ent- a.on' t;e-e .ine-F -u))o-in' t;at in t;e decade- -ince t;e e(er'ence o: t;e 'reat (odern -ty.e- -ociety ;a- it-e.: be'un to :ra'(ent in t;i- /ay+ eac; 'rou) co(in' to -)ea6 a curiou- )ri8ate .an'ua'e o: it- o/n+ eac; )ro:e--ion de8e.o)in' it- )ri8ate code or idio.ect+ and :ina..y eac; indi8idua. con -tin' to be a 6ind o: .in'ui-tic i-.and+ -e)arated :ro( e8eryone e.-eH But t;en in t;at ca-e+ t;e 8ery )o--ibi.ity o: any .in'ui-tic nor( in ter(- o: /;ic; one cou.d ridicu.e )ri8ate .an'ua'e- and idio-yncratic -ty.e- /ou.d 8ani-;+ and /e /ou.d ;a8e not;in' but -ty.i-tic di8er-ity and ;etero'eneity. T;at i- t;e (o(ent at /;ic; )a-tic;e a))ear- and )arody ;a- beco(e i()o--ib.e. Pa-tic;e i-+ .i6e )arody+ t;e i(itation o: a )ecu.iar or uniIue -ty.e+ t;e /earin' o: a -ty.i-tic (a-6+ -)eec; in a dead .an'au'e5 but it i- a neutra. )ractice o: -uc; (i(icry+ /it;out )arody7u.terior (oti8e+ /it;out t;e -atirica. i()u.-e+ /it;out .au';ter+ /it;out t;at -ti.. .atent' t;at t;ere e0i-t- -o(et;in' nor!al co()ared to /;ic; c;at i- bein' i(itated i- rat;er co(ic. Pa-tic;e i- b.an6 )arody+ )arody t;at ;a- .o-t it- -en-e o: ;u(or5 )a-tic;e i- to )arody /;at t;at curiou- t;in'+ t;e (odern )ractice o: a 6ind o: b.an6 irony+ i- to /;at %ayne Boot; ca..- t;e -tab.e and co(ic ironieo:+ -ay+ t;e ei';teent; century.

T;e deat; o: t;e -ub=ect But no/ /e need to introduce a ne/ )iece into t;i- )uJJ.e+ /;ic; (ay ;e.) to e0).ain /;y c.a--ica. (oderni-( i- a t;in' o: t;e )a-t and /;y )o-t(oderni-( -;ou.d ;a8e ta6en it- ).ace. T;i- ne/ co()onent i- /;at i- 'enera..y ca..ed t;e 7deat; o: t;e -ub=ect7 or+ to -ay it in (ore con8entiona. .an'ua'e+ t;e end o: indi8idua.i-( a- -uc;. T;e 'reat (oderni-(- /ere+ a- /e ;a8e -aid+ )redicated on t;e in8ention o: a )er-ona.+ )ri8ate -ty.e+ a- un(i-ta6ab.e a- your :in'er)rint+ a- i(co()arab.e a- your o/n body. But t;i- (ean- t;at t;e (oderni-t ae-t;etic i- in -o(e /ay or'anica..y .in6ed to t;e conce)tion o: a uniIue -e.: and )ri8ate identity+ a uniIue )er-ona.ity and indi8idua.ity+ /;ic; 1@A Post!odern Narrati0es can be e0)ected to 'enerate it- o/n uniIue 8i-ion o: t;e /or.d and to :or'e it- o/n uniIue+ un(i-ta6ab.e -ty.e. &et today+ :ro( any nu(ber o: di-tinct )er-)ecti8e-+ t;e -ocia. t;eori-t-+ t;e )-yc;oana.y-t-+ e8en t;e .in'ui-t-+ not to -)ea6 o: t;o-e o: u- /;o /or6 in t;e area o: cu.ture and cu.tura. and :or(a. c;an'e+ are a.. e0).orin' t;e notion t;at t;at 6ind o: indi8idua.i-( and )er-ona. identity i- a t;in' o: t;e )a-tF t;at t;e o.d indi8idua. or indi8idua.i-t -ub=ect i- 7dead7F and t;at one (i';t e8en de-cribe t;e conce)t o: t;e uniIue indi8idua. and t;e t;eoretica. ba-i- o: indi8idua.i-( a- ideo.o'ica.. T;ere are in :act t/o )o-ition- on a.. t;i-+ one o: /;ic; i- (ore radica. t;an t;e ot;er. T;e :ir-t one i- content to -ay5 ye-+ once u)on a ti(e+ in t;e c.a--ic a'e o: co()etiti8e ca)ita.i-(+ in t;e ;eyday o: t;e nuc.ear :a(i.y and t;e e(er'ence o: t;e bour'eoi-ie a- t;e ;e'e(onic -ocia. c.a--+ t;ere /a- -uc; a t;in' aindi8idua.i-(+ a- indi8idua. -ub=ect-. But today+ in t;e a'e o: cor)orate ca)ita.i-(+ o: t;e -o-ca..ed or'aniJation (an+ o: bureaucracie- in bu-ine-- a- /e.. a- in t;e -tate+ o: de(o'ra);ic e0).o-ion - today+ t;at o.der bour'eoi- indi8idua. -ub=ect no .on'er e0i-t-. T;en t;ere i- a -econd )o-ition+ t;e (ore radica. o: t;e t/o+ /;at one (i';t ca.. t;e )o-t-tructura.i-t )o-ition. It add-5 not on.y i- t;e bour'eoi- indi8idua. -ub=ect a t;in' o: t;e )a-t+ it i- a.-o a (yt;F it ne0er rea..y e0i-ted in t;e :ir-t ).aceF t;ere ;a8e ne8er been autono(ou- -ub=ect- o: t;at ty)e. Rat;er+ t;i- con-truct i- (ere.y a );i.o-o);ica. and cu.tura. (y-ti:ication /;ic; -ou';t to )er-uade )eo).e t;at t;ey 7;ad7 indi8idua. -ub=ect- and )o--e--ed t;i- uniIue )er-ona. identity. 9or our )ur)o-e-+ it i- not ) i()ortant to decide /;ic; o: t;e-e )o-ition- i- correct Eor rat;er+ /;ic; i- (ore intere-tin' and )roducti8e$. %;at /e ;a8e to retain :ro( a.. t;i- i- rat;er an ae-t;etic di.e((a5 becau-e i: t;e e0)erience and t;e ideo.o'y o: t;e uniIue -e.:+ an e0)erience and ideo.o'y /;ic; in:or(ed t;e -ty.i-tic )ractice o: c.a--ica. (oderni-(+ i- o8er and done /it;+ t;en it i- no .on'er c.ear /;at t;e arti-t- and /riter- o: t;e )re-ent )eriod are -u))o-ed to be doin'. %;at i- c.ear i- (ere.y t;at t;e o.der (ode.- - Pica--o+ Prou-t+ T.S. E.iot - do not /or6 any (ore Eor are )o-iti8e.y ;ar(:u.$+ -ince nobody ;a- t;at 6ind o: uniIue )ri8ate /or.d and -ty.e to e0)re-- any .on'er. #nd t;i- i- )er;a)- not (ere.y a 7)-yc;o.o'ica.7 (atter5 /e a.-o ;a8e to ta6e into account t;e i((en-e /ei';t o: -e8enty or ei';ty year- o: c.a--ica. (oderni-( it-e.:. T;ere i- anot;er -en-e in /;ic; t;e /riter- and arti-t- o: t;e )re-ent day /i.. no .on'er be ab.e to in8ent ne/ -ty.e- and /or.d- - t;ey78e a.ready been in8entedF on.y a .i(ited nu(ber o: co(bination- are )o--ib.eF t;e uniIue one- ;a8e been t;ou';t o: a.ready. So t;e /ei';t o: t;e /;o.e (oderni-t ae-t;etic tradition - no/ dead - a.-o 7/ei';- .i6e a ni';t(are on7t;e brain- o: t;e .i8in'7+ a- Mar0 -aid in anot;er conte0t. 1@B Fredric Da!eson ,ence+ once a'ain+ )a-tic;e5 in a /or.d in /;ic; -ty.i-tic inno8ation i- no .on'er )o--ib.e+ a.. t;at i- .e:t i- to i(itate dead -ty.e-+ to -)ea6 t;rou'; t;e (a-6- and /it; t;e 8oice- o: t;e -ty.e- in t;e i(a'inary (u-eu(. But t;i- (ean- t;at conte()orary or )o-t(oderni-t art i- 'oin' to be about art it-e.: in a ne/ 6ind o: /ayF e8en (ore+ it (ean- t;at one o: it- e--entia. (e--a'e- /i.. in8o.8e t;e nece--ary :ai.ure o: art and t;e ae-t;etic+ t;e :ai.ure o: t;e ne/+ t;e i()ri-on(ent in t;e )a-t. T;e no-ta.'ia (ode #- t;i- (ay -ee( 8ery ab-tract+ I /ant to 'i8e a :e/ e0a().e-+ one o: /;ic; i- -o o(ni)re-ent t;at /e rare.y .in6 it /it; t;e 6ind- o: de8e.o)(ent- in ;i'; art di-cu--ed ;ere. T;i- ) )ractice o: )a-tic;e i- not ;i';-cu.tura. but 8ery (uc; /it;in (a-- cu.ture+ and it i- 'enera..y 6no/n a- t;e 7no-ta.'ia :i.(7 E/;at t;e 9renc; neat.y can la !ode r;tro 4 retros#ecti0e'$. %e (u-t concei8e o: t;icate'ory in t;e broade-t /ay5 narTo/.y+ no doubt+ it con-i-t- (ere.y o: :i.(- about t;e )a-t and about -)eci:ic 'enerationa. (o(ent- o: t;at )a-t. T;u-+ one o: t;e inau'ura. :i.(- in t;i- ne/ 7'enre7 Ei: t;at7- /;at it i-$ /a- !uca-7- A!erican Graffiti, /;ic; in 14A< -et out to reca)ture a.. t;e at(o-);ere and -ty.i-tic )ecu.iaritie- o: t;e 14?0- *nited State-+ t;e *nited State- o: t;e Ei-en;o/er era.'reat :i.( "$inatown doe- -o(et;in' -i( :or t;e 14<0-+ a- doe- Berto.ucci7- T$e "onfor!ist :or t;e Ita.ian and Euro)ean conte0t o: t;e -a(e )eriod+ t;e :a-ci-t era in Ita.yF and -o :ort;. %e cou.d 'o on .i-tin' t;e-e :i.(- :or -o(e ti(e5 /;y ca.. t;e( )a-tic;eH #re t;ey not rat;er /or6 in t;e (ore traditiona. 'enre 6no/n a- t;e ;i-torica. :i.( - /or6 /;ic; can (ore -i().y be t;eori-ed by e0tra)o.atin' t;at ot;er /e..-6no/n :or( /;ic; i- t;e ;i-torica. no8e.H I ;a8e (y rea-on- :or t;in6in' t;at /e need ne/ cate'orie- :or -uc; :i.(-. But .et (e :ir-t add -o(e ano( -u))o-in' I -u''e-ted t;at Star %ar- i- a.-o a no-ta.'ic :i.(. %;at cou.d t;at (eanH I )re-u(e /e can a'ree t;at t;i- i- not a ;i-torica. :i.( about our o/n inter'a.actic )a-t. !et (e )ut it -o(e/;at di::erent.y5 one o: t;e (o-t i()ortant cu.tura. e0)erience- o: t;e 'eneration- t;at 're/ u) :ro( t;e 14<0- to t;e 14?0- /a- t;e Saturday a:ternoon -eria. o: t;e Buc6 Ro'er- ty)e - a.ien 8i..ain-+ true #(erican ;eroe-+ ;eroine- in di-tre--+ t;e deat; ray or t;e doo(-day bo0+ and t;e di::;an'er at t;e end /;o-e (iracu.ou- re-o.ution /a- to be /itne--ed ne0t Saturday a:ternoon. Star %ar- rein8ent- t;i- e0)erience in t;e :or( o: a )a-tic;e5 t;at i-+ t;ere i- no .on'er any )oint to a )arody o: -uc; -eria.-ince t;ey are .on' e0tinct. Star %ar-+ :ar :ro( bein' a )oint.e-- -atire o: -uc; no/ dead :or(-+ -ati-:ie- a dee) E(i';t I e8en -ay re)re--edH$ .on'in' to e0)erience t;e(

1@4 Post!odern Narrati0es a'ain5 it i- a co().e0 ob=ect in /;ic; on -o(e :ir-t .e8e. c;i.dren and ado.e-cent- can ta6e t;e ad8enture- -trai';t+ /;i.e t;e adu.t )ub.ic i- ab.e to 'rati:y a dee)er and (ore )ro)er.y no-ta.'ic de-ire to return to t;at o.der )eriod and to .i8e it- -tran'e o.d ae-t;etic arti:actt;rou'; once a'ain. T;i- :i.( i- t;u- !eton)!icall) a ;i-torica. or no-ta.'ia :i.(5 un.i6e A!erican Graffiti, it doe- not rein8ent a )icture o: t;e )a-t in it- .i8ed tota.ityF rat;er+ by in8entin' t;e :ee. and -;a)e o: c;aracteri-tic art ob=ect- o: an o.der )eriod Et;e -eria.-$+ it -ee6to rea/a6en a -en-e o: t;e )a-t a--ociated /it; t;o-e ob=ect-. Raiders of t$e *ost Ark, (ean/;i.e+ occu)ie- an inter(ediary )o-ition ;ere5 on -o(e .e8e. it i- a&o%t t;e 14<0- and 14 0-+ but in rea.ity it too con8ey- t;at )eriod (etony(ica..y t;rou'; it- o/n c;aracteri-tic ad8enture -torie- E/;ic; are no .on'er our-$. No/ .et (e di-cu-- anot;er intere-tin' ano(a.y /;ic; (ay ta6e u- :urt;er to/ard- under-tandin' no-ta.'ia :i.( in ) and )a-tic;e 'enera..y. T;i- one in8o.8e- a recent :i;n ca..ed Bod) .eat, /;ic;+ a- ;a- abundant.y been )ointed out by t;e critic-+ i- a 6ind o: di-tant re(a6e o: T$e Post!an Alwa)s Rin s Twice or 7o%&le 5nde!nit). ET;e a..u-i8e and e.u-i8e ).a'iari-( o: o.der ).ot- i-+ o: cour-e+ a.-o a :eature o: )a-tic;e.$ No/ Bod) .eat is tec;nica..y not a no-ta.'ia :i.(+ -ince it ta6e- ).ace in a conte()orary -ettin'+ in a .itt.e 9.orida 8i..a'e near Mia(i. On t;e ot;er ;and+ t;i- tec;nica. conte()oraneity i- (o-t a(bi'uou- indeed5 t;e credit- - a./ay- our :ir-t cue - are .ettered and -cri)ted in a 14<0- #rtDeco -ty.e /;ic; cannot but tri''er no-ta.'ic reaction- E:ir-t to "$inatown, no doubt+ and t;en beyond it to -o(e (ore ;i-torica. re:erent$. T;en t;e 8ery -ty.e o: t;e ;ero ;i(-e.: i- a(bi'uou-5 %i..ia( ,urt i- a ne/ -tar but ;a- not;in' o: t;e di-tincti8e -ty.e o: t;e )recedin' 'eneration o: (a.e -u)er-tar- .i6e Ste8e McGueen or e8en 3ac6 Nic;o.-on+ or rat;er+ ;i- )er-ona ;ere i- a 6ind o: (i0 o: t;eir c;aracteri-tic- /it; an o.der ro.e o: t;e ty)e 'enera..y a--ociated /it; 1.ar6 "ab.e. So ;ere too t;ere i- a :aint.y arc;aic :ee. to a.. t;i-. T;e -)ectator be'in- to /onder /;y t;i- -tory+ /;ic; cou.d ;a8e been -ituated any/;ere+ i- -et in a -(a.. 9.orida to/n+ in -)ite o: it- conte()orary re:erence. One be'in- to rea.i-e a:ter a /;i.e t;at t;e -(a.. to/n -ettin' ;a- a crucia. -trate'ic :unction5 it a..o/- t;e :i.( to do /it;out (o-t o: t;e -i'na.- and re:erence- /;ic; /e (i';t a--ociate /it; t;e conte()orary /or.d+ /it; con-u(er -ociety - t;e a)).iance- and arti:act-+ t;e ;i'; ri-e-+ t;e ob=ect /or.d o: .ate ca)ita.i-(. Tec;nica..y+ t;en+ itob=ect- Eit- car-+ :or in-tance$ are 14B0- )roduct-+ but e8eryt;in' in t;e :i.( con-)ire- to b.ur t;at i((ediate conte()orary re:erence and to (a6e it )o--ib.e to recei8e t;i- too a- no-ta.'ia /or6 - a- a narrati8e -et in -o(e inde:inab.e no-ta.'ic )a-t+ an eterna. 14<0-+ -ay+ beyond ;i-tory. It -ee(- to (e e0ceedin'.y -y()to(atic to :ind t;e 8ery -ty.e o: no-ta.'ia :i.(- in8adin' and co.oniJin' e8en t;o-e (o8ie- today 1A0 Fredric Da!eson /;ic; ;a8e conte()orary -ettin'-5 a- t;ou';+ :or -o(e rea-on+ /e /ere unab.e to :ocu- our o/n )re-ent+ a- t;ou'; /e ;a8e beco(e inca)ab.e o: ac;ie8in' ae-t;etic re)re-entation- o: our o/n current e0)erience. But i: t;at i- -o+ t;en it i- a terrib.e indict(ent o: con-u(er ca)ita.i-( it-e.: -or+ at t;e 8ery .ea-t+ an' and )at;o.o'ica. -y()to( o: a -ociety t;at ;a- beco(e inca)ab.e o:' /it; ti(e and ;i-tory. So no/ /e co(e bac6 to t;e Iue-tion o: /;y no-ta.'ia :i.( or )a-tic;e i- to be con-idered di::erent :ro( t;e o.der ;i-torica. no8e. or :i.(. EI -;ou.d a.-o inc.ude in t;i- di-cu--ion t;e (a=or .iterary e0a().e o: a.. t;i-+ to (y (ind5 t;e no8e.- o: E.!. Doctoro/ 4 Ra ti!e, /it; it- turn-o:-t;e-century at(o-);ere+ and *oon *ake, :or t;e (o-t )art about our 14<0-. But t;e-e are+ in (y o)inion+ ;i-torica. a))earance on.y. Doctoro/ i- a -eriou- arti-t and one o: t;e :e/ 'enuine.y .e:t or radica. no8e.i-t- at /or6 today. It i- no di--er8ice to ;i(+ ;o/e8er+ to -u''e-t t;at ;i- narrati8e- do not re)re-ent our ;i-torica. )a-t -o (uc; a- t;ey re)re-ent our idea- or cu.tura. -tereoty)e- about t;at )a-t.$ 1u.tura. )roduction ;a- been dri8en bac6 in-ide t;e (ind+ /it;in t;e (onadic -ub=ect5 it can no .on'er .oo6 direct.y out o: it- eye- at t;e rea. /or.d :or t;e re:erent but (u-t+ a- in P.ato7- ca8e+ trace it- (enta. i(a'e- o: t;e /or.d on it- con:inin' /a..-. I: t;ere i- any rea.i-( .e:t ;ere+ it i- a 7rea.i-(7 /;ic; -)rin'- :ro( t;e -;oc6 o: 'ra-)in' t;at con:ine(ent and o: rea.iJin' t;at+ :or /;ate8er )ecu.iar rea-on-+ /e -ee( conde(ned to -ee6 t;e ;i-torica. )a-t t;rou'; our o/n )o) i(a'e- and -tereoty)e- about t;at )a-t+ /;ic; it-e.: re(ain- :ore8er out o: reac;. Po-t(oderni-( and t;e city No/+ be:ore I try to o::er a -o(e/;at (ore )o-iti8e conc.u-ion+ I /ant to -6etc; t;e ana.y-i- o: a :u..-b.o/n )o-t(odern bui.din' - a /or6 /;ic; i- in (any /ay- unc;aracteri-tic o: t;at )o-t(odern arc;itecture /;o-e )rinci)a. na(e- are Robert Centuri+ 1;ar.e- Moore+ Mic;ae. "ra8e-+ and (ore recent.y 9ran6 "e;ry+ but /;ic; to (y (ind o::er- -o(e 8ery -tri6in' .e--on- about t;e ori'ina.ity o: )o-t(oderni-t -)ace. !et (e a().i:y t;e :i'ure /;ic; ;a- run t;rou'; t;e )recedin' re(ar6-+ and (a6e it e8en (ore e0).icit5 I a( )ro)o-in' t;e notion t;at /e are ;ere in t;e )re-ence o: -o(et;in' .i6e a (utation in bui.t -)ace it-e.:. My i().ication i- t;at /e our-e.8e-+ t;e ;u(an -ub=ect- /;o ;a))en into t;i- ne/ -)ace+ ;a8e not 6e)t )ace /it; t;at e8o.utionF t;ere ;a- been a (utation in t;e ob=ect+ unacco()anied a- yet by any eIui8a.ent (utation in t;e -ub=ectF /e do not yet )o--e-- )erce)tua. eIui)(ent to (atc; t;i- ne/ ;y)er-)ace+ a- I /i.. ca.. it+ in )art becau-e our )erce)tua. ;abitPost!odern Narrati0es /ere :or(ed in t;at o.der 6ind o: -)ace I ;a8e ca..ed t;e -)ace o: ;i'; (oderni-(. T;e ne/er arc;itecture t;ere:ore - .i6e (any o: t;e

ot;er cu.tura. )roduct- I ;a8e e8o6ed in t;e )recedin' re(ar6- - -tand- a- -o(et;in' .i6e an i()erati8e to 'ro/ ne/ or'an- to e0)and our -en-oriu( and our body to -o(e ne/+ a- yet uni(a'inab.e+ )er;a)- u.ti(ate.y i()o--ib.e+ di(en-ion-. <<ie Bona0ent%re .otel T;e bui.din' /;o-e :eature- I /i.. 8ery ra)id.y enu(erate in t;e ne0t :e/ (o(ent- i- t;e Bona8enture ,ote.+ bui.t in t;e ne/ !o#n'e.e- do/nto/n by t;e arc;itect and de8e.o)er 3o;n Port(an+ /;o-e ot;er /or6- inc.ude t;e 8ariou- ,yatt Re'encie-+ t;e Peac;tree 1enter in #t.anta+ and t;e Renai--ance 1enter in Detroit. I ;a8e (entioned t;e )o)u.i-t a-)ect o: t;e r;etorica. de:ence o: )o-t(oderni-( a'ain-t t;e @1ite Eand uto)ian$ au-teritie- o: t;e 'reat arc;itectura. (oderni-(-5 it i- 'enera..y a::ir(ed+ in ot;er /ord-+ t;at t;e-e ne/er bui.din' are )o) /or6- on t;e one ;andF and t;at t;ey re-)ect t;e o: t;e #(erican city :abric on t;e ot;er+ t;at i- to -ay+ t;at t;ey no .on'er atte()t+ a- did t;e (a-ter/or6- and (onu(ent- o: ;i'; (oderni-(+ to in-ert a di::erent+ a di-tinct+ an e.e8ated+ a ne/ uto)ian .an'ua'e into t;e ta/dry and co((ercia. -i'n--y-te( o: t;e -urroundin' city+ but rat;er+ on t;e contrary+ -ee6 to -)ea6 t;at 8ery .an'ua'e+ u-in' it- .e0icon and -ynta0 a- t;at ;a- been e(b.e(atica..y 7.earned :ro( !a- Ce'a-7. On t;e :ir-t o: t;e-e count-+ Port(an7- Bona8enture :u..y con:ir(- t;e it i- a )o) bui.din'+ 8i-ited /it; ent;u-ia-( by .oca.and touri-t- a.i6e Ea.t;ou'; Port(an7- ot;er bui.din'- are e8en (ore -ucce--:u. in t;i- re-)ect$. T;e )o)u.i-t in-ertion into t;e city :abric i-+ ;o/e8er+ anot;er (atter+ and it i- /it; t;i- t;at /e /i.. be'in. T;ere are t;ree entrance- to t;e Bona8enture+ one :ro( 9i'ueroa+ and t;e ot;er t/o by /ay o: e.e8ated 'arden- on t;e ot;er -ide o: t;e ;ote.+ /;ic; i- bui.t into t;e re(ainin' -.o)e o: t;e :or(er Beacon ,i... None o: t;e-e i- anyt;in' .i6e t;e o.d ;ote. (arIuee+ or t;e (onu(enta. #orte4coc/re /it; /;ic; t;e -u()tuou- bui.din'- o: ye-teryear /ere /ont to -ta'e your )a--a'e :ro( city -treet to t;e o.der interior. T;e entry/ay- o: t;e Bona8enture are a- it /ere .atera. and rat;er bac6door a::air-5 t;e 'arden- in t;e bac6 adn-dt you to t;e -i0t; :.oor o: t;e to/er-+ and e8en t;ere you (u-t /a.6 do/n one :.i';t to :ind t;e e.e8ator by /;ic; you 'ain acce-- to t;e .obby. Mean/;i.e+ /;at one i- -ti.. te()ted to t;in6 o: a- t;e :ront entry+ on 9i'ueroa+ ad(it- you+ ba''a'e and a..+ onto t;e -econd--tory ba.cony+ :ro( /;ic; you (u-t ta6e an e-ca.ator do/n to t;e (ain re'i-tration de-6. More about t;e-e e.e8ator- and e-ca.ator- in a 1A2 Fredric Da!eson (o(ent. %;at I :ir-t /ant to -u''e-t about t;e-e curiou-.y un(ar6ed /ay- -in i- t;at t;ey -ee( to ;a8e been i()o-ed by -o(e ne/ cate'ory o: c.o-ure 'o8ernin' t;e inner -)ace o: t;e ;ote. it-e.: Eand t;i- o8er and abo8e t;e (ateria. con-traint- under /;ic; Port(an ;ad to /or6$. I be.ie8e t;at+ /it; a certain nu(ber o: ot;er c;aracteri-tic )o-t(odern bui.din'-+ -uc; a- t;e Beaubour' in Pari-+ or t;e Eaton 1entre in Toronto+ t;e Bona8enture a-)ire- to bein' a tota. -)ace+ a co().ete /or.d+ a 6ind o: (iniature city Eand I /ou.d /ant to add t;at to t;i- ne/ tota. -)ace corre-)ond- a ne/ co..ecti8e )ractice+ a ne/ (ode in /;ic; indi8idua.- (o8e and con're'ate+ -o(et;in' .i6e t;e )ractice o: a ne/ and ;i-torica..y ori'ina. 6ind o: ;y)er-cro/d$. In t;i- -en-e+ t;en+ idea..y t;e (ini-city o: Port(an7Bona8enture ou';t not to ;a8e entrance- at a..+ -ince t;e entry/ay i- a./ay- t;e -ea( t;at .in6- t;e bui.din' to t;e re-t o: t;e city t;at -urround- it5 :or it doe- not /i-; to be )art o: t;e city+ but rat;er it- eIui8a.ent and it- re).ace(ent or -ub-titute. T;at i-+ ;o/e8er+ ob8iou-.y not )o--ib.e or )ractica.+ /;ence t;e de.iberate do/n).ayin' and reduction o: t;e entrance :unction to it- bare (ini(u(. But t;i- di-=unction :ro( t;e -urroundin' city i- 8ery di::erent :ro( t;at o: t;e 'reat (onu(ent- o: t;e Internationa. Sty.e5 t;ere+ t;e act o: di-=unction /a- 8io.ent+ 8i-ib.e+ and ;ad a 8ery rea. -y(bo.ic -i'ni:icance - a- in !e 1orbu-ier7- 'reat #ilotis /;o-e 'e-ture radica..y -e)arate- t;e ne/ uto)ian -)ace o: t;e (odern :ro( t;e de'raded and :a..en city :abric /;ic; it t;ereby e0).icit.y re)udiate- Ea.t;ou'; t;e 'a(b.e o: t;e (ode( /a- t;at t;i- uto)ian -)ace+ in t;e 8iru.ence o: it- No8u(+ /ou.d :an out and tran-:or( t;at e8entua..y by t;e )o/er o: it- ne/ -)atia. .an'ua'e$. T;e Bona8enture+ ;o/e8er+ i- content to t;e :a..en city :abric continue to be in it- bein'7 Eto )arody ,eide''er$F no :urt;er e::ect-+ no .ar'er )roto)o.itica. uto)ian tran-:or(ation+ i- eit;er e0)ected or de-ired. T;i- dia'no-i- i- to (y (ind con:ir(ed by t;e 'reat re:.ecti8e '.a-- -6in o: t;e Bona8enture+ /;o-e :unction I /i.. no/ inter)ret rat;er di::erent.y t;an I did a (o(ent a'o /;en I -a/ t;e );eno(enon o: re:.e0ion 'enera..y a- de8e.o)in' a t;e(atic- o: re)roducti8e tec;no.o'y Et;e t/o readin'- are ;o/e8er not inco()atib.e$. No/ one /ou.d /ant rat;er to -tre-- t;e /ay in /;ic; t;e '.a-- -6in re)e.t;e city out-ideF a re)u.-ion :or /;ic; /e ;a8e ana.o'ie- in t;o-e re:.ector -un'.a--e- /;ic; (a6e it i()o--ib.e :or your inter.ocutor to -ee your o/n eye- and t;ereby ac;ie8e a certain a''re--i8ity to/ard- and )o/er o8er t;e Ot;er. In a -i( /ay+ t;e '.a-- -6in ac;ie8ea )ecu.iar and ).ace.e-- di--ociation o: t;e Bona8enture :ro( it- nei';bour;ood5 it i- not e8en an e0terior+ ina-(uc; a- /;en you -ee6 to .oo6 at t;e ;ote.7- outer /a..- you cannot -ee t;e ;ote. it-e.:+ but on.y t;e di-torted i(a'e- o: e8eryt;in' t;at -urround- it. No/ I /ant to -ay a :e/ /ord- about e-ca.ator- and e.e8ator-5 'i8en 1A< Post!odern Narrati0es t;eir 8ery rea. ).ea-ure- in Port(an+ ) t;e-e .a-t+ /;ic; t;e arti-t ;a- ter(ed 7'i'antic 6inetic -cu.)ture-7 and /;ic; certain.y account :or (uc; o: t;e -)ectac.e and t;e e0cite(ent o: t;e ;ote. interior+ ) in t;e ,yatt-+ /;ere .i6e 'reat 3a)ane-e .antern- or 'ondo.a- t;ey cea-e.e--.y ri-e and :a.. - 'i8en -uc; a de.iberate (ar6in' and :ore'roundin' in t;eir o/n ri';t+ I be.ie8e one ;a- to -ee -uc; 7)eo).e (o8er-7 EPort(an7- o/n ter(+ ada)ted :ro( Di-ney$ a- -o(et;in' a .itt.e (ore t;an (ere :unction- and en'ineerin' co()onent-. %e 6no/ in any ca-e t;at recent arc;itectura. t;eory ;a- be'un to borro/ :ro( narrati8e ana.y-i- in ot;er :ie.d-+ and to atte()t to -ee our );y-ica. tra=ectorie- t;rou'; -uc; bui.din'- a- 8irtua. narrati8e- or -torie-+ a- dyna(ic )at;- and narrati8e )aradi'(/;ic; /e a- 8i-itor- are a-6ed to :u.:i. and to co().ete /it; our o/n bodie- and (o8e(ent-. In t;e Bona8enture+ ;o/e8er+ /e :ind a dia.ectica. ;ei';tenin' o: t;i- )roce--5 it -ee(- to (e t;at t;e e-ca.ator- and e.e8ator- ;ere ;ence:ort; re).ace (o8e(ent but a.-o and abo8e a.. de-i'nate t;e(-e.8e- a- ne/ re:.e0i8e -i'n- and e(b.e(- o: (o8e(ent )ro)er E-o(et;in' /;ic; /i.. beco(e e8ident /;en /e co(e to t;e /;o.e Iue-tion o: /;at re(ain- o: o.der :or(- o: (o8e(ent in t;i- bui.din'+ (o-t notab.y /a.6in' it-e.:$. ,ere t;e narrati8e -tro.. ;a- been under-cored+ -y(bo.iJed+ rei:ied and re).aced by a tran-)ortation (ac;ine /;ic; beco(e- t;e a..e'orica. -i'ni:ier o: t;at

o.der )ro(enade /e are no .on'er a..o/ed to conduct on our o/n5 and t;i- i- a dia.ectica. inten-i:ication o: t;e autore:erentia.ity o: a.. (ode( cu.ture+ /;ic; tend- to turn u)on it-e.: and de-i'nate it- o/n cu.tura. )roduction a- it- content. I a( (ore at a .o-- /;en it co(e- to con8eyin' t;e t;in' it-e.:+ t;e e0)erience o: -)ace you under'o /;en you -te) o:: -uc; a..e'orica. de8ice- into t;e .obby or atriu(+ /it; it- 'reat centra. co.u(n+ -urrounded by a (iniature .a6e+ t;e /;o.e )o-itioned bet/een t;e :our -y((etrica. re-identia. to/er- /it; t;eir e.e8ator-+ and -urrounded by ri-in' ba.conie- ca))ed by a 6ind o: 'reen;ou-e roo: at t;e -i0t; .e8e.. I a( te()ted to -ay t;at -uc; -)ace (a6e- it i()o--ib.e :or u- to u-e t;e .an'ua'e o: 8o.u(e or 8o.u(e- any .on'er+ -ince t;e-e .a-t are i()o--ib.e to -eiJe. ,an'in' -trea(er- indeed -u::u-e t;i- e()ty -)ace in -uc; a /ay a- to di-tract -y-te(atica..y and de.iberate.y :ro( /;ate8er :or( it (i';t be -u))o-ed to ;a8eF /;i.e a con-tant bu-yne-- 'i8e- t;e' t;at e()tine-- i- ;ere ab-o.ute.y )ac6ed+ t;at it i- an e.e(ent /it;in /;ic; you your-e.: are i((er-ed+ /it;out any o: t;at di-tance t;at :or(er.y enab.ed t;e )erce)tion o: )er-)ecti8e or 8o.u(e. &ou are in t;i- ;y)er-)ace u) to your eye- and your bodyF and i: it -ee(ed to you be:ore t;at t;at -u))re--ion o: de)t; I -)o6e o: in )o-t(odern )aintin' or .iterature /ou.d nece--ari.y be di::icu.t to ac;ie8e in arc;itecture it-e.:+ )er;a)- you (ay no/ be /' to -ee t;i- be/i.derin' i((er-ion a- t;e :or(a. eIui8a.ent in t;e ne/ (ediu(. 1A Fredric Da!eson &et e-ca.ator and e.e8ator are a.-o in t;i- conte0t dia.ectica. o))o-ite-F and /e (ay -u''e-t t;at t;e '.oriou- (o8e(ent o: t;e e.e8ator 'ondo.a- i- a.-o a dia.ectica. co()en-ation :or t;i- :i..ed -)ace o: t;e atriu( - it 'i8e- u- t;e c;ance at a radica..y di::erent+ but co().e(entary+ -)atia. e0)erience+ t;at o: ra)id.y -;ootin' u) t;rou'; t;e' and out-ide+ a.on' one o: t;e :our -y((etrica. to/er-+ /it; t;e re:erent+ !o- #n'e.e- it-e.:+ -)read out breat;ta6in'.y and e8en'.y be:ore u-. But e8en t;i- 8ertica. (o8e(ent icontained5 t;e e.e8ator .i:t- you to one o: t;o-e re8o.8in' coc6tai. .oun'e-+ in /;ic; you+ -eated+ are a'ain )a--i8e.y rotated about and o::ered a conte().ati8e -)ectac.e o: t;e city it-e.:+ no/ tran-:or(ed into it- o/n i(a'e- by t;e '.a-- /indo/- t;rou'; /;ic; you 8ie/ it. !et (e Iuic6.y conc.ude a.. t;i- by returnin' to t;e centra. -)ace o: t;e .obby it-e.: E/it; t;e )a--in' ob-er8ation t;at t;e ;ote. roo(are 8i-ib.y (ar'ina.i-edF t;e corridor- in t;e re-identia. -ection- are .o/'ed and dar6+ (o-t de)re--in'.y :unctiona. indeed5 /;i.e one under-tand- t;at t;e roo(- are in t;e /or-t o: ta-te$. T;e de-cent i- dra(atic enou';+ ).u((etin' bac6 do/n t;rou'; t;e roo: to -).a-; do/n in t;e .a6eF /;at ;a))en- /;en you 'et t;ere i- -o(et;in' .i6e t;e 8en'eance t;i- -)ace ta6e- on t;o-e /;o -ti.. -ee6 to /a.6 t;rou'; it. "i8en t;e ab-o.ute -y((etry o: t;e :our to/er-+ it i- Iuite i()o--ib.e to 'et your bearin'- in t;i- .obbyF recent.y+ co.our codin' and directiona. -i'na.- ;a8e been added in a )iti:u. and'+ rat;er de-)erate atte()t to re-tore t;e coordinate- o: an o.der -)ace. I /i.. ta6e a- t;e (o-t dra(atic )ractica. re-u.t o: t;i- -)atia. (utation t;e notoriou- di.e((a o: t;e -;o)6ee)er- on t;e 8ariouba.conie-5 it ;a- been ob8iou-+ -ince t;e 8ery o)enin' o: t;e ;ote. in 14AA+ t;at nobody cou.d e8er :ind any o: t;e-e -tore-+ and e8en i: you .ocated t;e a))ro)riate boutiIue+ you /ou.d be (o-t un.i6e.y to be a- :ortunate a -econd ti(eF con-eIuence+ t;e co((ercia. tenantare in de-)air and a.. t;e (erc;andi-e i- (ar6ed do/n to bar'ain )rice-. %;en you reca.. t;at Port(an i- a bu-ine--(an a- /e.. a- an arc;itect+ and a (i..ionaire de8e.o)er+ an arti-t /;o i- at one and t;e -a(e ti(e a ca)ita.i-t in ;i- o/n ri';t+ you cannot but :ee. t;at ;ere too -o(et;in' o: a 7return o: t;e re)re--ed7 i- in8o.8ed. So I co(e :ina..y to (y )rinci)a. )oint ;ere+ t;at t;i- .ate-t (utation in -)ace - )o-t(odern ;y)er-)ace - ;a- :ina..y -ucceeded in tran-cendin' t;e ca)acitie- o: t;e indi8idua. ;u(an body to .ocate it-e.:+ to or'ani-e it- i((ediate -urroundin'- )erce)tua..y+ and co'niti8e.y to (a) it- )o-ition in a (a))ab.e e0terna. /or.d. #nd I ;a8e a.ready -u''e-ted t;at t;i-' di-=unction )oint bet/een t;e body and it- bui.t en8iron(ent -/;ic; i- to t;e initia. be/i.der(ent o: t;e o.der (oderni-( a- t;e 8e.ocitie- o: -)acecra:t are to t;o-e o: t;e auto(obi.e - can it-e.: -tand a- t;e -y(bo. and ana.o' o: t;at e8en -;ar)er di.e((a /;ic; i- t;e 1A? Post!odern Narrati0es inca)acity o: our (ind-+ at .ea-t at )re-ent+ to (a) t;e 'reat '.oba. (u.tinationa. and decentered co((unicationa. net/or6 in /;ic; /e :ind our-e.8e- cau';t a- indi8idua. -ub=ect-. T$e New -ac$ine But a- I a( an0iou- t;at Port(an7- -)ace not be )ercei8ed a- -o(et;in' eit;er e0ce)tiona. or -ee(in'.y (ar'ina.i-ed and .ei-ure--)ecia.i-ed on t;e+ order o: Di-ney.and+ I /ou.d .i6e in )a--in' to =u0ta)o-e t;i- co().acent and entertainin' Ea.t;ou'; be/i.derin'$ .ei-ure-ti(e -)ace /it; it- ana.o' in a 8ery di::erent area+ na(e.y t;e -)ace o: )o-t(odern /ar:are+ in ) a- Mic;ae. ,err e8o6e- it in ;i- 'reat boo6 on t;e e0)erience o: Cietna(+ ca..ed 7is#atc$es. T;e e0traordinary .in'ui-tic inno8ation- o: t;i- /or6 (ay -ti.. be con-idered )o-t(odern+ in t;e ec.ectic /ay in /;ic; it- .an'ua'e i()er-ona..y :u-e- a /;o.e ran'e o: conte()orary co..ecti8e idio.ect-+ (o-t notab.y roc6 .an'ua'e and b.ac6 .an'ua'e5 but t;e :u-ion i- dictated by )rob.e(- o: content. T;i- :ir-t terrib.e )o-t(oderni-t /ar cannot be to.d in any o: t;e traditiona. )aradi'(- o: t;e /ar no8e. or (o8ie - indeed t;at brea6do/n o: a.. )re8iounarrati8e )aradi'(- i-+ a.on' /it; t;e brea6do/n o: any -;ared .an'ua'e t;rou'; /;ic; a 8eteran (i';t con8ey -uc; e0)erience+ a(on' t;e )rinci)a. -ub=ect- o: t;e boo6 and (ay be -aid to o)en u) t;e ).ace o: a /;o.e ne/ re:.e0i8ity. Ben=a(in7- account o: Baude.aire+ and o: t;e e(er'ence o: (oderni-( :ro( a ne/ e0)erience o: city tec;no.o'y /;ic; tran-cend- a.. t;e o.der ;abit- o: bodi.y )erce)tion+ ibot; -in' antiIuated+ in t;e .i';t o: t;i- ne/ and 8irtua..y uni(a'inab.e Iuantu( .ea) in t;e tec;no.o'ica. a.ienation5 ,e /a- a (o8in'-tar'et--ur8i8or -ub-criber+ a true c;i.d o: t;e /ar+ becau-e e0ce)t :or t;e rare ti(e- /;en you /ere )inned or -tranded t;e -y-te( /a- 'eared to 6ee) you (obi.e+ i: t;at /a- /;at you t;ou';t you /anted. #- a tec;niIue :or -tayin' a.i8e it -ee(ed to (a6e a- (uc; -en-e a- anyt;in'+ 'i8en natura..y t;at you /ere t;ere to be'in /it; and /anted to -ee it c.o-eF it -tarted out -ound and -trai';t but it :or(ed a cone a- it )ro're--ed+ becau-e t;e (ore you (o8ed t;e (ore you -a/+ t;e (ore you -a/ t;e (ore be-ide- deat; and

(uti.ation you ri-6ed+ and t;e (ore you ri-6ed o: t;at t;e (ore you /ou.d ;a8e to .et 'o o: one day a- a 7-ur8i8or7. So(e o: u- (o8ed around t;e /ar .i6e craJy )eo).e unti. /e cou.dn7t -ee /;ic; /ay t;e run /a- ta6in' u- any(ore+ on.y t;e /ar a.. o8er it- -ur:ace /it; occa-iona.+ une0)ected )enetration. #- .on' a- /e cou.d ;a8e c;o))er- .i6e ta0i- it too6 rea. e0;au-tion or de)re--ion near -;oc6 or a doJen )i)e- o: o)iu( to 6ee) u- e8en a))arent.y Iuiet+ /e7d -ti.. be 1A@ Fredric Da!eson runnin' around in-ide our -6in- .i6e -o(et;in' /a- a:ter u-+ ;a+ ;a+ !a Cida !oca. In t;e (ont;- a:ter I 'ot bac6 t;e ;undred- o: ;e.ico)ter- I7d :.o/n in be'an to dra/ to'et;er unti. t;ey7d :or(ed a co..ecti8e (eta -c;o))er and in (y (ind it /a- t;e -e0ie-t t;in' 'oin'5 -a8er-de-troyer+ )ro8ider-/a-ter+ ri';t ;and-.e:t ;and+ ni(b.e :.uent+ canny and ;u(anF ;ot -tee.+ 'rea-e+ =un'.e--aturated can8a/ebbin'+ -/eat' and /ar(in' u) a'ain+ ca--ette roc6 and ro.. in one ear and door -'un :ire in t;e ot;er+ :ue.+ ;eat+ 8ita.ity and deat;+ deat; it-e.:+ ;ard.y an intruder.7 In t;i- ne/ (ac;ine+ /;ic; doe- not+ .i6e t;e o.der (oderni-t (ac;inery o: t;e .oco(oti8e or t;e air).ane+ re)re-ent (otion+ but /;ic; can on.y be re)re-ented in !otion, -o(et;in' o: t;e (y-tery o: t;e ne/ )o-t(oderni-t -)ace i- concentrated. T;e ae-t;etic o: con-u(er -ociety No/ I (u-t try 8ery ra)id.y in conc.u-ion to c;aracteri-e t;e re.ation-;i) o: cu.tura. )roduction o: t;i- 6ind o: -ocia. .i:e in t;i- country today. T;i- /i.. a.-o be t;e (o(ent to addre-- t;e )rinci)a. ob=ection to conce)t- o: )o-t(oderni-( o: t;e ty)e I ;a8e -6etc;ed ;ere5 na(e.y t;at a.. t;e :eature- /e ;a8e enu(erated are not ne/ at a.. but abundant.y c;aracteri-ed (oderni-( )ro)er or /;at I ca.. ;i'; (oderni-(. %a- not T;o(a- Mann+ a:ter a..+ intere-ted in t;e idea o: )a-tic;e+ and are not certain c;a)ter- o: *.y--e- it- (o-t ob8iourea.i-ationH 1an 9.aubert+ and "ertrude Stein not be inc.uded in an account o: )o-t(oderni-t te()ora.ityH %;at i- -o ne/ about a.. o: t;i-H Do /e rea..y need t;e conce)t o: )o-t(oderni-(H One 6ind o: an-/er to t;i- Iue-tion /ou.d rai-e t;e /;o.e i--ue o: )eriodiJation and o: ;o/ a ;i-torian E.iterary or ot;er$ )o-it- a radica. brea6 bet/een t/o ;ence:ort; di-tinct )eriod-. I (u-t .i(it (y-e.: to t;e -u''e-tion t;at radica. brea6- bet/een )eriod- do not 'enera..y in8o.8e co().ete c;an'e- o: content but rat;er t;e re-tructurin' o: a certain nu(ber o: e.e(ent- a.ready 'i8en5 :eature- t;at in an ear.ier )eriod or -y-te( /ere -ubordinate no/ beco(e do(inant+ and :eature- t;at ;ad been do(inant a'ain beco(e -econdary. In t;i- -en-e+ e8eryt;in' /e ;a8e de-cribed ;ere can be :ound in ear.ier )eriodand (o-t notab.y /it;in (oderni-( )ro)er5 (y )oint i- t;at unti. t;e )re-ent day t;o-e t;in'- ;a8e been -econdary or (inor :eature- o: (oderni-t art+ (ar'ina. rat;er t;an centra.+ and t;at /e ;a8e -o(et;in' ne/ /;en t;ey beco(e t;e centra. :eature- o: cu.tura. )roduction. But I can ar'ue t;i- (ore concrete.y by turnin' to t;e re.ation-;i) 1AA Post!odern Narrati0es bet/een cu.tura. )roduction and -ocia. .i:e 'enera..y. T;e o.der or c.a--ica. (oderni-( /a- an o))o-itiona. artF it e(er'ed /it;in t;e bu-ine-- -ociety o: t;e 'i.ded a'e a- -canda.ou- and o::en-i8e to t;e (idd.e c.a-- )ub.ic - u'.y+ di--onant+ bo;e(ian+ -e0ua..y -;oc6in'. It /a- -o(et;in' to (a6e :un o: E/;en t;e ) /ere not ca..ed in to -eiJe t;e boo6- or c.o-e t;e e0;ibition-$5 an o::en-e to 'ood ta-te and to co((on -en-e+ or+ a- 9reud and Marcu-e /ou.d ;a8e )ut it+ a )ro8ocati8e c;a..en'e to t;e rei'nin' rea.ity - and )er:or(ance-)rinci).e- or ear.y t/entiet;-century (idd.e-c.a-- -ociety. Moderni-( in 'enera. did not 'o /e.. /it; o8er--tu::ed Cictorian :urniture+ /it; Cictorian (ora. taboo-+ or /it; t;e con8ention- o: )o.ite -ociety. T;i- i- to -ay t;at /;ate8er t;e e0).icit )o.itica. content o: t;e 'reat ;i'; (oderni-(-+ t;e .atter /ere a./ay- in -o(e (o-t.y i().icit /ay- dan'erou- and e0).o-i8e+ -ub8er-i8e /it;in t;e e-tab.i-;ed order. I: t;en /e -udden.y return to t;e )re-ent day+ /e can (ea-ure t;e i((en-ity o: t;e cu.tura. c;an'e- t;at ;a8e ta6en ).ace. Not on.y are 3oyce and Pica--o no .on'er /eird and re)u.-i8e+ t;ey ;a8e beco(e c.a--ic- and no/ .oo6 rat;er rea.i-tic to u-. Mean/;i.e+ t;ere i8ery .itt.e in eit;er t;e :or( or t;e content o: conte()orary art t;at conte()orary -ociety :ind- into.erab.e and -canda.ou-. T;e (o-t o::en-i8e :or(- o: t;i- art - )un6 roc6+ -ay+ or /;at i- ca..ed -e0ua..y e0).icit (ateria. - are a.. ta6en in -tride by -ociety+ and t;ey are co((ercia..y -ucce--:u.+ un.i6e t;e )roduction- o: t;e o.der ;i'; (oderni-(. But t;i- (ean- t;at e8en i: conte()orary art ;a- a.. t;e -a(e :or(a. :eature- a- t;e o.der (oderni-(+ it ;a- -ti.. -;i:ted it- )o-ition :unda(enta..y /it;in our cu.ture. 9or one t;in'+ co((odity )roduction and in ) our c.ot;in'+ :urniture+ bui.din'- and ot;er arti:act- are no/ inti(ate.y tied in /it;' c;an'e- /;ic; deri8e :ro( arti-tic e0)eri(entationF our ad8erti-in'+ :or e0a().e+ i- :ed by )o-t(oderni-( in a.. t;e art- and inconcei8ab.e /it;out it. 9or anot;er+ t;e c.a--ic- o: ;i'; (oderni-( are no/ )art o: t;e -o-ca..ed canon and are tau';t in -c;oo.- and uni8er-itie- - /;ic; at once e()tie- t;e( o: any o: t;eir o.der -ub8er-i8e )o/er. Indeed+ one /ay o: (ar6in' t;e brea6 bet/een t;e )eriod- and o: datin' t;e e(er'ence o: )o-t(oderni-( i- )reci-e.y to be :ound t;ere5 in t;e (o(ent Et;e ear.y 14@0-+ one /ou.d t;in6$ in /;ic; t;e )o-ition o: ;i'; (oderni-( and it- do(inant ae-t;etic- beco(e e-tab.i-;ed in t;e acade(y and are ;ence:ort; :e.t to be acade(ic by a /;o.e ne/ 'eneration o: )oet-+ )ainter- and (u-ician-. But one can a.-o co(e at t;e brea6 :ro( t;e ot;er -ide+ and de-cribe it in ter(- o: )eriod- o: recent -ocia. .i:e. #- I ;a8e -u''e-ted+ nonMar0i-t- and Mar0i-t- a.i6e ;a8e co(e around to t;e 'enera.' t;at at -o(e )oint :o..o/in' %or.d %ar II a ne/ 6ind o: -ociety be'an to e(er'e E8ariou-.y de-cribed a- )o-tindu-tria. -ociety+ (u.tinationa. ca)ita.i-(+ con-u(er -ociety+ (edia -ociety and -o :ort;$. Ne/ ty)e- o: 1AB Fredric Da!eson

con-u()tionF ).anned ob-o.e-cenceF an e8er (ore ra)id r;yt;( o: :a-;ion and' c;an'e-F t;e )enetration o: ad8erti-in'+ te.e8i-ion and t;e (edia 'enera..y to a ;it;erto un)ara..e.ed de'ree t;rou';out -ocietyF t;e re).ace(ent o: t;e o.d ten-ion bet/een city and country+ center and )ro8ince+ by t;e -uburb and by uni8er-a. -tandardiJationF t;e 'ro/t; o: t;e 'reat net/or6- o: -u)er;i';/ay- and t;e arri8a. o: auto(obi.e cu.ture - t;e-e are -o(e o: t;e :eature- /;ic; /ou.d -ee( to (ar6 a radica. brea6 /it; t;at o.der )re -/ar -ociety in /;ic; ;i'; (oderni-( /a- -ti.. an under'round :orce. I be.ie8e t;at t;e e(er'ence o: )o-t(oderni-( i- c.o-e.y re.ated to t;e e(er'ence o: t;i- ne/ (o(ent o: .ate+ con-u(er or (u.tinationa. ca)ita.i-(. I be.ie8e a.-o t;at it- :or(a. :eature- in (any /ay- e0)re-- t;e dee)er .o'ic o: t;at ) -ocia. -y-te(. I /in on.y be ab.e+ ;o/e8er+ to -;o/ t;i- :or one (a=or t;e(e5 na(e.y t;e di-a))earance o: a -en-e o: ;i-tory+ t;e /ay in /;ic; our entire conte()orary -ocia. -y-te( ;a- .itt.e by .itt.e be'un to .o-e it- ca)acity to retain it- o/n )a-t+ ;a- be'un to .i8e in a )er)etua. )re-ent and in a )er)etua. c;an'e t;at ob.iterate- tradition- o: t;e 6ind /;ic; a.. ear.ier -ocia. :or(ation- ;a8e ;ad in one /ay or anot;er to )re-er8e. T;in6 on.y o: t;e (edia e0;au-tion o: ne/-5 o: ;o/ Ni0on and+ e8en (ore -o+ Kennedy are :i'ure- :ro( a no/ di-tant )a-t. One ite()ted to -ay t;at t;e 8ery :unction o: t;e ne/- (edia i- to re.e'ate -uc; recent ;i-torica. e0)erience- a- ra)id.y a- )o--ib.e into t;e )a-t. T;e in:or(ationa. :unction o: t;e (edia /ou.d t;u- be to ;e.) u- :or'et+ to -er8e a- t;e 8ery a'ent- and (ec;ani-(- :or our ;i-toria. a(ne-ia. But in t;at ca-e t;e t/o :eature- o: )o-t(oderni-( on /;ic; I ;a8e d/e.t ;ere - t;e tran-:or(ation o: rea.ity into i(a'e-+ t;e :ra'(entation o: ti(e into a -erie- o: )er)etua. )re-ent- - are bot; e0traordinari.y con-onant /it; t;i- )roce--. My o/n conc.u-ion ;ere (u-t ta6e t;e :or( o: a Iue-tion about t;e critica. 8a.ue o: t;e ne/er art. T;ere i- -o(e a'ree(ent t;at t;e o.der (oderni-( :unctioned a'ain-t it- -ociety in /ay- /;ic; are 8ariou-.y de-cribed a- critica.+ ne'ati8e+ conte-tatory+ -ub8er-i8e+ o))o-itiona. and t;e .i6e. 1an anyt;in' o: t;e -ort be a::ir(ed about )o-t(oderni-( and it- -ocia. (o(entH %e ;a8e -een t;at t;ere i- a /ay in /;ic; )o-t(oderni-( re).icate- or re)roduce- -rein:orce- - t;e .o'ic o: con-u(er ca)ita.i-(F t;e (ore -i'ni:icant Iue-tion i- /;et;er t;ere i- a.-o a /ay in /;ic; it re-i-t- t;at .o'ic. But t;at i- a Iue-tion /e (u-t .ea8e o)en. Note 1. MI1,#E! ,ERR+ 7is#atc$es ENe/ &or65 Kno):+ 14AA$+ )). B-4. 1A4

Po) 1a)ita.i-( and Po) 1u.ture

1 Da8id ,ar8ey+ :ro( T$e "ondition of Post!odernit). An En1%ir) into t$e 2ri ins of (ocial "$an eM
#- -u''e-ted e.-e/;ere in t;i- 8o.u(e+ t;e debate on )o-t(odernity and )o-t(oderni-( rai-e- Iue-tion- about t;e de8e.o)(ent o: ca)i ta.i-( and o: cu.ture. Da8id ,ar8ey+ and in t;e :o..o/in' e--ay+ .ain 1;a(ber-+ brin' a ) ri'our and re:ine(ent to t;e-e to)icand are inc.uded to'et;er :or t;at rea-on. T;e -e.ection- :ro( ,ar8ey -u((ari-e ;i- -u-tained ana.y-i- in T$e "ondition of Post!odernit) o: a ne/ e0)erience in -)ace - ti(e co()re--ion )roduced under .ate ca)ita.i-(+ and )re-ent ;i- conc.u-ion t;at t;i- cu.tura. );a-e i- a))roac;in' an end. !i6e 3a(e-on+ t;ou'; /it; 'reater )reci-ion+ ,ar8ey treat- )o-t(odernity a- an ;i-torica. condition. *n.i6e 3a(e-on+ ;e :ee.- it i- )o--ib.e to ana.y-e it.e8e.- in -uc; a /ay a- to (o8e out-ide and beyond it. T;e (irrorin' -ur:ace o: )o-t(oderni-( i- crac6ed+ ;e conc.ude-+ and t;i- a..o/:or ne/ an'.e- and )er-)ecti8e-. #- a./ay-+ t;e Iue-tion i- /;o t;e-e ne/ )er-)ecti8e- re)re-ent. T;e in-)iration :or ,ar8ey7- ;o)e- :or a re'rounded et;ic- in t;e :uture ;e- /it; t;e ne/ -ocia. (o8e(ent- and c;an'ed attitude- to/ard- race+ )eace and eco.o'y. T;i- 'i8e;i( con:idence t;at a re8i-ed 7;i-torica.-'eo'ra);ica. (ateria.i-(7 /i.. ;e.) :u.:i. a reoriented En.i';ten(ent )ro=ect E-ee ;eadnote- on ,aber(a- and !yotard$. ,ar8ey7- (ain concern-+ a- t;i- -u''e-t-+ are /it; econo(ic and 'eo-)o.itica. t;e(e-. Ear.ier -ection- in ;i- boo6 di-cu-- t;e 7)o-t(oderni-t7 :i.(-+ Blade R%nner and /in s of 7esire. T;ou'; ;i- de-cri)tion o: t;e-e /or6- a- 7)ortrayin'7 )o-t(oderni-( and ;i- :ina. re-er8ation- on t;eir inadeIuate c.a-- ana.y-i- reca.. an o.der+ unrecon-tructed+ Mar0i-(+ ;i- -tudy a- a /;o.e de(on-trate- t;e c.o-e 6no/.ed'e and :.e0ib.e+ -)atia.-te()ora. ana.y-i- t;i- tran-itiona. )eriod reIuire- o: 7)o-t-Mar0i-(7. R EO0:ord5 Ba-i. B.ac6/e..+ 14B4$+ )). <2A-<?+ <?@-4. 1B0 7a0id .ar0e) Po-t(odernity a- a ;i-torica. condition #e-t;etic and cu.tura. )ractice- are )ecu.iar.y -u-ce)tib.e to t;e c;an'in' e0)erience o: -)ace and ti(e )reci-e.y becau-e t;ey entai. t;e

con-truction o: -)atia. re)re-entation- and arte:act- out o: t;e :.o/ o: ;u(an e0)erience. T;ey a./ay- bro6er bet/een Bein' and Beco(in'. It i- )o--ib.e to /rite t;e ;i-torica. 'eo'ra);y o: t;e e0)erience o: -)ace and ti(e in -ocia. .i:e+ and to under-tand t;e tran-:or(ationt;at bot; ;a8e under'one+ by re:erence to (ateria. and -ocia. condition-. NEar.ier 11 )ro)o-ed an ;i-torica. -6etc; o: ;o/ t;at (i';t be done /it; re-)ect to t;e )o-t-Renai--ance %e-tern /or.d. T;e di(en-ion- o: -)ace and ti(e ;a8e t;ere been -ub=ect to t;e )er-i-tent )re--ure o: ca)ita. circu.ation and accu(u.ation+ cu.(inatin' E) durin' t;e )eriodic cri-e- o: o8eraccu(u.ation t;at ;a8e ari-en -ince t;e (idnineteet; century$ in di-concertin' and di-ru)ti8e bout- o: ti(e - -)ace co()re--ion. T;e ae-t;etic re-)on-e- to condition- o: ti(e--)ace co()re--ion are i()ortant and ;a8e been -o e8er -ince t;e ei';teent; -century -e)aration o: -cienti:ic 6no/.ed'e :ro( (ora. =ud'e(ent o)ened u) a di-tincti8e ro.e :or t;e(. T;e con:idence o: an era can be a--e--ed by t;e /idt; o: t;e 'a) bet/een -cienti:ic and (ora. rea-onin'. In )eriod- o: con:u-ion and uncertainty+ t;e turn to ae-t;etic- Eo: /;ate8er :or($ beco(e- (ore )ronounced. Since );a-e- o: ti(e - -)ace co()re--ion are di-ru)ti8e+ /e can e0)ect t;e turn to ae-t;eticand to t;e :orce- o: cu.ture a- bot; e0).anation- and .oci o: acti8e -tru''.e to be ) acute at -uc; (o(ent-. Since cri-e- o: o8eraccu(u.ation ty)ica..y -)ar6 t;e -earc; :or -)atia. and te()ora. re-o.ution-+ /;ic; in turn create an o8er/;e.(in' -en-e o: ti(e -)ace co()re--ion+ /e can a.-o e0)ect cri-e- o: o8eraccu(u.ation to be :o..o/ed by -tron' ae-t;etic (o8e(ent-. T;e cri-i- o: o8eraccu(u.ation t;at be'an in t;e .ate 14@0- and /;ic; ca(e to a ;ead in 14A< ;a- 'enerated e0act.y -uc; a re-u.t. T;e e0)erience o: ti(e and -)ace ;a- c;an'ed+ t;e con:idence in t;e a--ociation bet/een -cienti:ic and (ora. =ud'e(ent- ;a- co..a)-ed+ ae-t;etic- ;a- triu();ed o8er et;ic- a- a )ri(e :ocu- o: -ocia. and inte..ectua. concern+ i(a'e- do(inate narrati8e-+ e);e(era.ity and :ra'(entation ta6e )recedence o8er eterna. trut;- and uni:ied )o.itic-+ and e0).anation- ;a8e -;i:ted :ro( t;e rea.( o: (ateria. and )o.itica. -econo(ic 'roundin'- to/ard- a con-ideration o: autono(ou- cu.tura. and )o.itica. )ractice-. T;e ;i-torica. -6etc; I ;a8e ;ere )ro)o-ed -u''e-t-+ ;o/e8er+ t;at -;i:t- o: t;i- -ort are by no (ean- ne/+ and t;at t;e (o-t recent 8er-ion o: it i- certain.y /it;in t;e 'ra-) o: ;i-torica. (ateria.i-t enIuiry+ e8en ca)ab.e o: t;eoriJation by /ay o: t;e (eta -narrati8e o: ca)ita.i-t de8e.o)(ent t;at Mar0 )ro)o-ed. 1B1 Po#%lar "a#italis! and Po#%lar "%lt%re Po-t(oderni-( can be re'arded+ in -;ort+ a- a ;i-torica. - 'eo'ra);ica. condition o: a certain -ort. But /;at -ort o: condition i- it and /;at -;ou.d /e (a6e o: itH I- it )at;o.o'ica. or )ortentou- o: a dee)er and e8en /ider re8o.ution in ;u(an a::air- t;an t;o-e a.ready /rou';t in t;e ;i-torica. 'eo'ra);y o: ca)ita.i-(H In t;i- conc.u-ion I -6etc; in -o(e )o--ib.e an-/er- to t;o-e Iue-tion-. Econo(ic- /it; (irror7Coodoo econo(ic-7 and 7econo(ic- /it; (irror-7 -aid "eor'e Bu-; and 3o;n #nder-on re-)ecti8e.y o: Rona.d Rea'an7- econo(ic )ro'ra((e to re8i8e a :.a''in' econo(y in t;e )ri(ary and )re-identia. e.ection ca()ai'n- o: 14B0. # -6etc; on t;e bac6 o: a na)6in by a .itt.e-6no/n econo(i-t ca..ed !a::er )ur)orted to -;o/ t;at ta0 cut- /ere bound to increa-e ta0 yie.d- Eat .ea-t u) to a certain )oint$ becau-e t;ey -ti(u.ated 'ro/t; and+ ;ence+ t;e ba-e u)on /;ic; ta0e- /ere a--e--ed. So /a- t;e econo(ic )o.icy o: t;e Rea'an year- to be =u-ti:ied+ a )o.icy t;at indeed /or6ed /onder- /it; (irror- e8en i: it brou';t t;e *nited State- -e8era. -te)- c.o-er to internationa. ban6ru)tcy and :i-ca. ruin. T;e -tran'e and )' t;in' i- t;at -uc; a -i().i-tic idea cou.d 'ain t;e )urc;a-e it did and -ee( to /or6 -o /e.. )o.itica..y :or -o .on'. E8en -tran'er+ i- t;e :act t;at Rea'an /a- re-e.ected /;en a.. t;e )o..- -;o/ed t;at t;e (a=ority o: t;e *S e.ectorate Eto -ay not;in' o: t;e (a=ority o: e.i'ib.e 8oter-+ /;o did not 8ote$ di-a'reed :unda(enta..y /it; ;i( on a.(o-t a.. (a=or i--ue- o: -ocia.+ )o.itica.+ and e8en :orei'n )o.icy. Stran'e-t o: a.. i- ;o/ -uc; a Pre-ident cou.d .ea8e o::ice ridin' -o ;i'; on t;e /a8e o: )ub.ic a::ection+ e8en t;ou'; (ore t;an a doJen -enior (e(ber- o: ;i- ad(ini-tration ;ad eit;er been accu-ed or been :ound 'ui.ty o: -eriou- in:rin'e(ent o: .e'a. )rocedure- and b.atant di-re'ard :or et;ica. )rinci).e-. T;e triu(); o: ae-t;etic- o8er et;ic- cou.d not be ).ainer. I(a'e-bui.din' in )o.itic- i- not;in' ne/. S)ectac.e+ )o() and circu(-tance+ de(eanour+ c;ari-(a+ )artrona'e and r;etoric ;a8e .on' been )art o: t;e aura o: )o.itica. )o/er. #nd t;e de'ree to /;ic; t;e-e cou.d be bou';t+ )roduced+ or ot;er/i-e acIuired ;a- a.-o .on' been i()ortant to t;e (aintenance o: t;at )o/er. But -o(et;in' ;a- c;an'ed Iua.itati8e.y about t;at in recent ti(e-. T;e (ediatiJation o: )o.itic- /a- 'i8en a ne/ direction in t;e Kennedy - Ni0on te.e8i-ion debate+ in /;ic; t;e .atter7- .o-- o: a )re-identia. e.ection /aattributed by (any to t;e untru-t/ort;y .oo6 o: ;i- :i8e o7c.oc6 -;ado/. T;e acti8e u-e o: )ub.ic re.ation- :ir(- to -;a)e and -e.. a )o.itica. i(a'e Iuic6.y :o..o/ed Et;e care:u. i(a'in' o: T;atc;eri-( by t;e no/ a..-)o/er:u. :ir( o: Saatc;i 1B2 7a0id .ar0e) and Saatc;i i- a recent e0a().e+ i..u-tratin' ;o/ #(ericaniJed in t;i- re'ard Euro)ean )o.itic- i- beco(in'$. T;e e.ection o: an e0-(o8ie actor+ Rona.d Rea'an+ to one o: t;e (o-t )o/er:u. )o-ition- in t;e /or.d )ut a ne/ '.o-- on t;e )o--ibi.itie- o: a (ediatiJed )o.itic- -;a)ed by i(a'e- ,i- i(a'e+ cu.ti8ated o8er (any year- o: )o.itica. )ractice+ and t;en care:u..y (ounted+ cra:ted+ and orc;e-trated /it; a.. t;e arti:ice t;at conte()orary i(a'e )roduction cou.d co((and+ a- a tou'; but /ar(+ and /e..-(eanin' )er-on /;o ;ad an abidin' :ait; in t;e 'reatne-- and 'oodne-- o: #(erica+ bui.t an aura o: c;ari-(atic )o.itic-. 1arey Mc%i..ia(-+ an e0)erienced )o.itica. co((entator and .on'-ti(e editor o: t;e Nation, de-cribed it a- 7t;e :riend.y :ace o: :a-ci-(7. T;e 7te:.on )re-ident+7 a- ;e ca(e to be 6no/n E-i().y becau-e no accu-ation t;ro/n at ;i(+ ;o/e8er true+ e8er -ee(ed to -tic6$+ cou.d (a6e (i-ta6e a:ter (i-ta6e but ne8er be ca..ed to account. ,i- i(a'e cou.d be de).oyed+'.y and in-tantaneou-.y+ to de(o.i-; any narrati8e o: critici-( t;at anyone cared to con-truct. But t;e i(a'e concea.ed a co;erent )o.itic-. 9ir-t+ to e0orci-e t;e de(on o: t;e de:eat in Cietna( by ta6in' a--erti8e action in -u))ort o: any no(ina..y anti -co((uni-t -tru''.e any/;ere in t;e /or.d ENicara'ua+ "renada+ #n'o.a+ MoJa(biIue+ #:';ani-tan+ etc.$. Second to e0)and t;e bud'et de:icit t;rou'; de:ence -)endin' and :orce a reca.citrant 1on're-- Eand nation$ to cut a'ain and a'ain into t;e -ocia. )ro'ra((e- t;at t;e redi-co8ery o: )o8erty

and o: racia. ineIua.ity in t;e *nited State- in t;e 14@0- ;ad -)a/ned. T;i- o)en )ro'ra((e o: c.a-- a''randiJe(ent /a- )artia..y -ucce--:u.. #ttac6- u)on union )o/er E.ed by t;e Rea'an';t u)on t;e air tra::ic$+ t;e e::ect- o: deindu-tria.iJation and re'iona. -;i:t- Eencoura'ed by ta0 brea6-$+ and o: ;i'; une().oy(ent E.e'iti(iJed a- )ro)er (edicine in t;e :i';t a'ain-t in:.ation$+ and a.. t;e accu(u.ated i()act- o: t;e -;i:t :ro( (anu:acturin' to -er8ice e().oy(ent+ /ea6ened traditiona. /or6in'-c.a-- in-titution- -u::icient.y to render (uc; o: t;e )o)u.ation 8u.nerab.e. # ri-in' tide o: -ocia. ineIua.ity en'u.:ed t;e *nited State- in t;e Rea'an year-+ reac;in' a )o-t-/ar ;i'; in 14B@F by t;en t;e )oore-t :i:t; o: t;e )o)u.ation+ /;ic; ;ad 'radua..y i()ro8ed it- -;are o: nationa. inco(e to a ;i'; )oint o: near.y A )er cent in t;e ear.y 14A0-+ :ound it-e.: /it; on.y .@ )er cent. Bet/een 14A4 and 14B@+ t;e nu(ber o: )oor :a( /it; c;i.dren increa-ed by <? )er cent+ and in -o(e .ar'e (etro)o.itan area-+ -uc; a- Ne/ &or6+ 1;ica'o+ Ba.ti(ore and Ne/ Or.ean-+ (ore t;an ;a.: t;e c;i.dren /ere .i8in' in :a( /it; inco(e- be.o/ t;e )o8erty .ine. In -)ite o: -ur'in' une().oy(ent Ecre-tin' at o8er 10 )er cent by o::icia. :i'ure- in 14B2$ t;e )ercenta'e o: une().oyed recei8in' any :edera. bene:it :e.. to on.y <2 )er cent+ t;e .o/e-t .e8e. in t;e ;i-tory o: -ocia. in-urance -ince it- ince)tion in t;e Ne/ Dea.. #n increa-e in ;o(e.e--ne-- -i'na..ed a 1B< Po#%lar "a#italis! and Po#%lar "%lt%re 'enera. -tate o: -ocia. di-.ocation+ (ar6ed by con:rontation- E(any o: t;e( /it; raci-t or et;nic o8ertone-$. T;e (enta..y in /ere returned to t;eir co((unitie- :or care+ /;ic; con-i-ted .ar'e.y o: re=ection and 8io.ence+ t;e ti) o: an iceber' o: ne'.ect /;ic; .e:t near.y 0 (i..ion citiJen- in one o: t;e ric;e-t nation- o: t;e /or.d /it; no (edica. in-urance co8er /;at-oe8er. %;i.e =ob- /ere indeed created durin' t;e Rea'an year-+ (any o: t;e( /ere .o/-/a'e and in-ecure -er8ice =ob-+ ;ard.y -u::icient to o::-et t;e 10 )er cent dec.ine in t;e rea. /a'e :ro( 14A2 to 14B@. I: :a(i.y inco(e- ro-e+ t;at -i().y -i'ni:ied t;at (ore and (ore /o(en /ere enterin' t;e /or6:orce. &et :or t;e youn' and t;e ric; and t;e educated and t;e )ri8i.e'ed t;in'- cou.d not ;a8e been better. T;e /or.d o: rea. e-tate+ :inance+ and bu-ine-- -er8ice- 're/+ a- did t;e 7cu.tura. (a--7 'i8en o8er to t;e )roduction o: i(a'e-+ 6no/.ed'e+ and cu.tura. and ae-t;etic :or(-. T;e )o.itica.-econo(ic ba-e and+ /it; it+ t;e /;o.e cu.ture o: citie- /ere tran-:or(ed. Ne/ &or6 .o-t it- traditiona. 'ar(ent trade and turned to t;e )roduction o: debt and :ictitiou- ca)ita. in-tead. 7In t;e .a-t -e8en year-7+ ran a re)ort by Scardino E14BA$ in t;e New +ork Ti!es, Ne/ &or6 ;a- con-tructed A? ne/ :actorie- to ;ou-e t;e debt )roduction and di-tribution (ac;ine. T;e-e to/er- o: 'ranite and '.a--;ine t;rou'; t;e ni';t a- -o(e o: t;i- 'eneration7- (o-t ta.ented )ro:e--iona.- in8ent ne/ in-tru(ent- o: debt to :it e8ery i(a'ined need5 Per)etua. 9.oatin' Rate Note-+ &ie.d 1ur8e Note- and Dua. 1urrency Note-+ to na(e a :e/+ no/ traded a- ca-ua..y a- t;e -toc6 o: t;e Standard Oi. 1o()any once /a-. T;e trade i- a- 8i'orou- a- t;at /;ic; once do(inated t;e ;arbour. But 7today+ t;e te.e);one .ine- de.i8er t;e /or.d7- ca-; to be re(i0ed a- i: in a' ).ant+ -Iuirted into di::erent container-+ ca))ed and -;i))ed bac6 out7. T;e bi''e-t );y-ica. e0)ort :ro( Ne/ &or6 1ity i- no/ /a-te )a)er. T;e city7- econo(y in :act re-t- on t;e )roduction o: :ictitiou- ca)ita. to .end to t;e rea. e-tate a'ent- /;o cut dea.:or t;e ;i';.y )aid )ro:e--iona.- /;o (anu:acture :ictitiou- ca)ita.. !i6e/i-e+ /;en t;e i(a'e )roduction (ac;ine o: !o- #n'e.e- ca(e to a 'rindin' ;a.t durin' t;e %riter-7 "ui.d -tri6e+ )eo).e -udden.y rea.i-ed 7;o/ (uc; o: it- econo(ic -tructure i- ba-ed on a /riter' a )roducer a -tory+ and t;at :ina..y it7- t;e /ea8in' o: t;e ta.e Einto i(a'e-$ t;at )ay- t;e /a'e- o: t;e (an /;o dri8e- t;e 8an t;at de.i8er- t;e :ood t;at7- eaten in t;e re-taurant t;at :eed- t;e :a(i.y /;o (a6e t;e deci-ion- t;at 6ee) t;e econo(y runnin'7 Ere)ort o: Scott Mee6 in T$e 5nde#endent, 1 3u.y 14BB$. T;e e(er'ence o: t;i- ca-ino econo(y+ /it; a.. o: it- :inancia. -)ecu.ation and :ictitiouca)ita. :or(ation E(uc; o: it unbac6ed by any 'ro/t; in rea. )roduction$ )ro8ided abundant o))ortunitie- :or )er-ona. 1B 7a0id .ar0e) a''randiJe(ent. 1a-ino ca)ita.i-( ;ad co(e to to/n+ and (any .ar'e citie- -udden.y :ound t;ey ;ad co((and o: a ne/ and )o/er:u. bu-ine--. On t;e bac6 o: t;i- boo( in bu-ine-- and :inancia. -er8ice-+ a /;o.e ne/ &u))ie cu.ture :or(ed+ /it; it- accoutre(ent- o: 'entri:ication+ do-e attention to -y(bo.ic ca)ita.+ :a-;ion+ de-i'n and Iua.ity o: urban .i:e. T;e ob8er-e -ide o: t;i- a::.uence /a- t;e ).a'ue o: ;o(e.e--ne--+ di-e()o/er(ent+ and i()o8eri-;(ent t;at en'u.:ed (any o: t;e centra. citie-. 7Ot;erne--7 /a- )roduced /it; a 8en'eance and a 8en' un)ara..e.ed in t;e )o-t-/ar era. T;e :or'otten 8oice- and un:or'ettab.e drea(- o: Ne/ &or67- ;o(e.e-/ere recorded t;i- /ay E1oa.ition 9or t;e ,o(e.e--+ 14BA$5 I a( <A year- o.d. I .oo6 .i6e ?2 year- o.d. So(e )eo).e -ay t;at -treet .i:e i- :ree and ea-y ... It7- not :ree and it7- not ea-y. &ou don7t )ut no (oney do/n. &our )ay(ent i- your ;ea.t; and (enta. -tabi.ity. My country7- na(e i- a)at;y. My .and i- -(eared /it; -;a(e. My -i';t-ca)e (o8e- it- ;o(e.e-- ;orde- t;rou'; /e.:are7- tur'id :.a(e. T;e -earc; 'oe- on :or roo(- and /ar(t;+ -o(e c.o-et ;oo6-+ a dra/erF a ;ot ).ace =u-t :or one7- -ou) - /;at .iberty i- :or. =u-t be:ore 1;ri-t(a- 14BA+ t;e *nited State- "o8ern(ent cut T<? (i..ion :ro( t;e bud'et :or e(er'ency ;e.) to t;e ;o(e.e--. Mean/;i.e )er-ona. indebtedne-- continued to acce.erate+ and )re-identia. candidate- be'an to :i';t o8er /;o cou.d enunciate t;e ).ed'e o: a..e'iance in (ore con8incin' tone-. T;e 8oice- o: t;e ;o(e.e-- -ad.y /ent un;eard in a /or.d 7c.uttered /it; i..u-ion+ :anta-y and )retence7. 1rac6- in t;e (irror-+ :u-ion- at t;e ed'e-

7%e :ee. t;at )o-t(oderni-( i- o8er7+ a (a=or *nited State- de8e.o)er to.d t;e arc;itect Mo-;e Sa:die ,New +ork Ti!es, ?: May 9:AA=. 79or )ro=ect- /;ic; are 'oin' to be ready in :i8e year-+ /e are no/ con-iderin' ne/ arc;itectura. a))oint(ent-.7 ,e -aid t;i-+ re)orted Sa:die+ 7/it; t;e o: a c.ot;in' (anu:acturer /;o te..- you t;at ;e doe- not /ant to be -tuc6 /it; a .ine o: b.ue coat- /;en red i- in7. Per;a)- :or t;i- 8ery rea-on+ P;i.i) 3o;n-on ;a- )ut ;i- con-iderab.e /ei';t be;ind t;e ne/ (o8e(ent o: 7decon-tructi8i-(7 /it; a.. it- ;i';bro/ a))ea. to t;eory. I: t;i- i- /;ere t;e de8e.o)er- are ;eadin'+ can t;e );i.o-o);er- and .iterary t;eori-t- be :ar be;indH On 9: October 9:A<, -o(eone )ee6ed be;ind t;e re:.ectin' (irror- o: 9A> Po#%lar "a#italis! and Po#%lar "%lt%re *S econo(ic )o.icy and+ :ri';tened at /;at t;ey -a/ t;ere+ ).un'ed t;e /or.d7- -toc6 (ar6et- into -uc; a :ear:u. cra-; t;at near.y a t;ird o: t;e )a)er 8a.ue o: a--et- /or.d/ide /a- /ritten o:: /it;in a :e/ day-. T;e e8ent )ro8o6ed u'.y (e(orie- o: 1424+ )u-;ed (o-t :inance ;ou-e- to draconian econo(ie-+ ot;er- into ;a-ty (er'er-. 9ortune- (ade o8erni';t by t;e youn'+ t;e a''re--i8e+ and t;e rut;.e-trader- in t;e ;y)er--)ace o: in-tant :inancia.' /ere .o-t e8en (ore -)eedi.y t;an t;ey ;ad been acIuired. T;e econo(y o: Ne/ &or6 1ity and ot;er (a=or :inancia. centre- /a- t;reatened by t;e ra)id :a.. in t;e 8o.u(e o: tradin'. &et t;e re-t o: t;e /or.d re(ained -tran'e.y un(o8ed. 7Di::erent /or.d-7 /a- t;e ;ead.ine in t;e /all (treet jo%rnal, a- it co()ared t;e 7eeri.y detac;ed7 8ie/ :ro( Main Street+ *S#+ /it; t;at o: %a.. Street. 7T;e cra-; a:ter(at; i- t;e ta.e o: t/o cu.ture- - )roce--in' di::erent in:or(ation+ o)eratin' on di::erent ti(e ;oriJon-+ drea(in' di::erent drea(-... T;e :inancia. co((unity - .i8in' by t;e (inute and tradin' by t;e co()uter o)erate- on one -et o: 8a.ue-7+ /;i.e 7t;e re-t o: #(erica - .i8in' by t;e decade+ buyin' and ;o.din' - ;a- a di::erent code7 /;ic; (i';t be ca..ed 7t;e et;ic o: t;o-e /;o ;a8e t;eir ;and- on -;o8e.-7. Main Street (ay :ee. =u-ti:ied in it- indi::erence becau-e t;e dire )rediction- in t;e a:ter(at; o: t;e cra-; ;a8e not a- yet (ateria.i-ed. But t;e (irror- o: acce.eratin' indebtedne-- E)er-ona.+ cor)orate+ 'o8ern(enta.$ continue to /or6 o8erti(e. 9ictitiou- ca)ita. i- e8en (ore ;e'e(onic t;an be:ore in it- in:.uence. It create- it- o/n :anta-tic /or.d o: boo(in' )a)er /ea.t; and a--et-. #--et in:.ation ta6eo8er /;ere t;e co((odity in:.ation o: t;e 14A0- .e:t o:: unti. t;e (a-- o: :und- t;ro/n into t;e (ar6et- to /ard o:: t;e cra-; in October 14BA /or6- it- /ay t;rou'; t;e econo(y to )roduce a re-ur'ence o: /a'e and co((odity in:.ation t/o year- .ater. Debt- 'et re-c;edu.ed and ro..ed o8er at e8er :a-ter rate-+ /it; t;e a''re'ate e::ect o: re-c;' t;e cri-i-tendencie- o: ca)ita.i-( into t;e t/enty-:ir-t century. &et crac6- in t;e re:.ectin' (irror- o: econo(ic )er:or(ance abound. *S ban6- /rite o:: bi..ion- o: o: bad .oan-+ 'o8ern(ent- de:au.t+ internationa. currency (ar6et- re(ain in )er)etua. tur(oi.. On t;e );i.o-o);ica. :ront+ decon-tructioni-( ;a- been )ut on t;e de:en-i8e by t;e contro8er-ie- o8er t;e NaJi -y()at;ie- o: ,eide''er and Pau. de Man. T;at ,eide''er+ t;e in-)iration o: decon-truction+ -;ou.d ;a8e ;ad -uc; an unre)entant attac;(ent to NaJi-(+ and t;at Pau. de Man+ one o: decon-tructioni-(7- (o-t acco().i-;ed )ractitioner-+ -;ou.d ;a8e ;ad -uc; a (ur6y )a-t o: anti--e(itic /ritin'+ ;a- )ro8ed a (a=or e(barra--(ent. T;e c;ar'e t;at decon-truction i- neo-:a-ci-t i- not in it-e.: intere-tin'+ but t;e (anner o: de:ence a'ain-t t;e c;ar'e i-. ,i..i- E7De Man7+ Ti!es *iterar) (%##le!ent 1A 3une 14BB$+ :or 1B@ 7a0id .ar0e) e0a().e+ a))ea.- to t;e 7:act-7 Ea )o-iti8i-t ar'u(ent$+ to )rinci).e- o: :airne-- and rea-onab.ene-- E.ibera. ;u(ani-t ar'u(ent$+ and to ;i-torica. conte0t Ean ;i-torica. (ateria.i-t ar'u(ent$ in ;i- de:ence o: de Man7- 7a))'7 inter8ention-. T;e irony+ o: cour-e+ i- t;at t;e-e are a.. /ay- o: ar'uin' t;at ,i..i- ;ad )u..ed a)art in t;e /or6 o: ot;er-. Rorty+ on t;e ot;er ;and+ ta6e- ;i- o/n )o-ition to it- .o'ica. conc.u-ion+ dec.arin' t;at t;e )o.itica. o)inion- o: a 'reat );i.o-o);er do not ;a8e to be ta6en any (ore -eriou-.y t;an );i.o-o);y it-e.: E/;ic; i- ;ard.y at a..$+ and t;at any re.ation-;i) bet/een idea- and rea.ity+ (ora. )o-ition- and );i.o-o);ica. /ritin'i- )ure.y contin'ent. T;e :.a'rant irre-)on-ibi.ity o: t;at )o-ition i- a.(o-t a- e(barra--in' a- t;e tran-'re--ion- t;at -et t;e /;o.e debate'. T;e crac6- in an inte..ectua. edi:ice t;at o)en- t;e /ay to t;e e()o/er(ent o: ae-t;etic- o8er et;ic- are i()ortant. Decon-tructioni-(+ .i6e any -y-te( o: t;ou';t and any de:inition o: an o8er/;e.(in' -y(bo.ic order+ interna.i-e- certain contradiction- /;ic; at a certain )oint beco(e (ore and (ore -e.:-e8ident. %;en !yotard+ :or e0a().e+ -ee6- to 6ee) ;i- radica. ;o)e- a.i8e by a))ea. to -o(e )ri-tine and un-u..ied conce)t o: =u-tice+ ;e )ro)o-e- a trut; -tate(ent t;at .ie- abo8e t;e rn~1@e o: intere-t 'rou)- and t;eir caco);ony o: .an'ua'e 'a(e-. %;en ,i..i- i- :orced to a))ea. to .ibera. and )o-iti8i-t 8a.ue- to de:end ;i- (entor+ Pau. de Man+ a'ain-t /;at ;e con-ider- t;e ca.u(ny o: :a.-e accu-ation-+ t;en ;e+ too+ in8o6e- uni8er-a.-. #nd at t;e ed'e- o: t;e-e trend- t;ere are a.. -ort- o: :u-ion- o: t;e :ra'(ent- in )ro're--. 3e--e 3ac6-on e().oy- c;ari-(atic )o.iticin a )o.itica. ca()ai'n /;ic; ne8ert;e.e-- be'in- to :u-e -o(e o: t;e -ocia. (o8e(ent- in t;e *nited State- t;at ;a8e .on' been a)at;etic to eac; ot;er. T;e 8ery )o--ibi.ity o: a 'enuine rainbo/ coa.ition de:ine- a uni:ied )o.itic- /;ic; ine8itab.y -)ea6- t;e tacit .an'ua'e o: c.a--+ becau-e t;i- i- )reci-e.y /;at de:ine- t;e co((on e0)erience /it;in t;e di::erence-. *S trade union .eader- :ina..y be'in to /orry t;at t;eir -u))ort :or :orei'n dictator-;i)- in t;e na(e o: anti-co((uni-( -ince 14?0+ ;a- )ro(oted t;e un:air .abour )ractice- and .o/ /a'e- in (any countrie- /;ic; no/ co()ete :or =ob- and in8e-t(ent. #nd /;en Briti-; 9ord car /or6er- -truc6 and -to))ed car )roduction in Be.'iu( and %e-t "er(any+ t;ey -udden.y rea.i-ed t;at -)atia. di-)er-a. in t;e di8i-ion o: .abour i- not entire.y to t;e ca)ita.i-t-7 ad8anta'e and internationa. -trate'ie- are :ea-ib.e a- /e.. a- de-irab.e. Si'n- o: a ne/ internationa.i-( in t;e eco.o'ica. -);ere E:orced by e8ent- :or t;e bour'eoi-ie+ -ou';t out acti8e.y by (any eco.o'ica. 'rou)-$ and in t;e :i';t a'ain-t raci-(+ a)art;eid+ /or.d ;un'er+ une8en 'eo'ra);ica. de8e.o)(ent+ are e8ery/;ere+ e8en i: (uc; o: it -ti.. .ie- in t;e rea.( o: )ure i(a'e -(a6in' E.i6e Band #id$ rat;er t;an in )o.itica. or'aniJation. T;e 'eo)o.itica. -tre-- bet/een Ea-t and %e-t a.-o under'oe- a notab.e 1BA Po#%lar "a#italis! and Po#%lar "%lt%re

a(e.ioration Ea'ain+ no t;an6- to t;e' c.a--e- in t;e %e-t+ but (ore becau-e o: an e8o.ution in t;e Ea-t$. T;e crac6- in t;e (i::or (ay not be too /ide+ and t;e :u-ion- at t;e ed'e- (ay not be too -tri6in'+ but t;e :act t;at a.. are t;ere -u''e-t- t;at t;e condition o: )o-t(odernity i- under'oin' a -ubt.e e8o.ution+ )er;a)- reac;in' a )oint o: -e.: -di--o.ution into -o(et;in' di::erent. But /;atH #n-/er- to t;at cannot be rendered in ab-traction :ro( t;e )o.itica. -econo(ic :orce- current.y tran-:or(in' t;e /or.d o: .abour+ :inance+ une8en 'eo'ra);ica. de8e.o)(ent+ and t;e .i6e. T;e .ine- o: ten-ion are c.ear enou';. "eo)o.itic- and econo(ic nationa.i-(+ .oca.i-( and t;e )o.itic- o: ).ace+ are a.. :i';tin' it out /it; a ne/ internationa.i-( in t;e (o-t contradictory o: /ay-. T;e :u-ion o: t;e Euro)ean Econon-dc 1o((unity a- a co((odity tradin' b.oc6 ta6e- ).ace in 1442F ta6eo8er- and (er'er (ania- /i.. -/ee) t;e continentF yet T;atc;eri-( -ti.. ) it-e.: a- a di-tincti8e nationa. )ro=ect re-tin' u)on t;e )ecu.iaritie- o: t;e Briti-; Ea )ro)o-ition /;ic; bot; !e:t and Ri';t )o.itic- tend to acce)t$. Internationa. contro. o8er :inance ca)ita. .oo6- ine8itab.e+ yet it -ee(- i()o--ib.e to arri8e at t;at t;rou'; t;e co..ecti8ity o: nationa. intere-t-. In t;e inte..ectua. and cu.tura. -);ere- -i( o))o-ition- can be identi:ied. %ender- -ee(- to )ro)o-e a ne/ ro(antici-(+ t;e e0).oration o: '.oba. (eanin'- and t;e )ro-)ect- :or Beco(in' t;rou'; t;e re.ea-e o: ro(antic de-ire out o: t;e -ta-i- o: Bein'. T;ere are dan'er- in re.ea-in' an un6no/n and )er;a)- uncontro..ab.e ae-t;etic )o/er into an un-tab.e -ituation. Brandon Tay.or :a8our- a return to rea.i-( a- a (ean- to brin' cu.tura. )ractice- bac6 into a rea.( /;ere -o(e 6ind o: e0).icit et;ica. content can be e0)re--ed. E8en -o(e o: t;e decon-tructioni-t- -ee( to be re8ertin' to et;ic-. Beyond t;at t;ere i- a rene/a. o: ;i-torica. (ateria.i-( and o: t;e En.i';ten(ent )ro=ect. T;rou'; t;e :ir-t /e can be'in to under-tand )o-t(odernity a- an ;i-torica. - 'eo'ra);ica. condition. On t;at critica. ba-i- it beco(e- )o--ib.e to .aunc; a counter -attac6 o: narrati8e a'ain-t t;e i(a'e+ o: et;ic- a'ain-t ae-t;etic-+ o: a )ro=ect o: Beco(in' rat;er t;an Bein'+ and to -earc; :or unity /it;in di::erence+ a.beit in a conte0t /;ere t;e )o/er o: t;e i(a'e and o: ae-t;etic-+ t;e )rob.e(- o: ti(e --)ace co()re--ion+ and t;e -i'ni:icance o: 'eo)o.iticand ot;erne-- are c.ear.y under-tood. # rene/a. o: ;i-torica. - 'eo'ra);ica. (ateria.i-( can indeed )ro(ote ad;erence to a ne/ 8er-ion o: t;e En.i';ten(ent )ro=ect. Po ioli,T$e T$eor) of t$e A0ant4Garde E1a(brid'e+ Ma--.6 Be.6na) Pre--/,ar8ard *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14@B+ ). A<$ ca)ture- t;e di::erence t;u-5 In t;e con-ciou-ne-- o: t;e c.a--ica. e)oc;+ it i- not t;e )re-ent t;at brin'- t;e )a-t into cu.(ination+ but t;e )a-t t;at cu.(inate- in t;e 1BB 7a0id .ar0e) )re-ent+ and t;e )re-ent i- in turn under-tood a- a ne/ triu(); o: ancient and eterna. 8a.ue-+ a- a return to t;e )rinci).e o: t;e true and t;e =u-t+ a- a re-toration or re-birt; o: t;o-e )rinci).e-. But :or t;e (ode(-+ t;e )re-ent i- on.y by 8irtue o: t;e )otentia.itie- o: t;e :uture+ a- t;e (atri0 o: t;e :uture+ in-o:ar a- it i- t;e :or'e o: ;i-tory in continued (eta(or);o-i-+ -een a- a )er(anent -)iritua. re8o.ution. T;ere are -o(e /;o /ou.d ;a8e u- return to c.a--ici-( and ot;er- /;o -ee6 to tread t;e )at; o: t;e (ode(-. 9ro( t;e -tand)oint o: t;e .atter+ e8ery a'e i- =ud'ed to attain 7t;e o: it- ti(e+ not by bein' but by beco(in'. I cou.d not a'ree (ore. 1B4

1? Iain 1;a(ber-+ 71onta(ination+ 1oincidence and 1o..u-ion5 Po) Mu-ic+ *rban 1u.ture and t;e #8ant-"ardeR
One o: t;e :e/ :ir(.y a'reed e::ect- o: )o-t(oderni-( ;a- been t;e to)).in' o: ;ierarc;ica. di-tinction- bet/een 7;i'; and .o/7 cu.ture. It ;a- t;ere:ore brou';t t;e a--u(ed -e)aration o: art and co((erce to an end - to t;e c;a'rin o: bot; .ibera. traditiona.i-t and radica. Mar0i-t critic-. 9or /;en e8en t;e unco()ro(i-in' and anti-bour'eoi- ae-t;etic- o: t;e a8ant-'arde ;a8e been Ea))arent.y$ neutra.i-ed or tran-.ated into ad8erti-in' co)y+ t;ere -ee(- .itt.e ;o)e o: cu.tura. or -ocia. tran:or(ation t;rou'; art. 1;a(ber- )re-ent- a :urt;er o)tion. ,e ar'ue- t;at )o) (u-ic+ t;e (o-t ;i';.y tec;no.o'i-ed and co((odi:ied o: )o-t-/ar art :or(-+ can retain an a8ant-'ardi-t ed'e and de(ocratic )otentia.+ )reci-e.y in t;e -ocia..y and racia..y di::erentiated urban concentration- /;ic; 'enerate and -u-tain it. ,e t;ere:ore e-c;e/- t;e tota.i-in' 'ra-) o: -u))orter- o: t;e traditiona. En.i';ten(ent )ro=ect and a8oid- bot; t;e r;a)-odi-in' on )ure c;an'e or t;e di-dain:u. ca() )o)u.i-( encoura'ed by !yotard and Baudri..ard. 1;a(ber-7 8ie/ t;at t;e ;i-torica. a8ant-'arde and urban dai.y .i:e co(bine in t;e co().e0ity and 7re-i'ni:ied7 (eanin'- o: roc6 (u-ic i- a.-o a re).y to t;e (ore :a(i.iar+ .e-- o)ti(i-tic+ 8ie/ t;at t;e .iberationi-t )otentia. o: t;i- (u-ic i- .i(ited+ and t;at t;e -ubordinated 8oice- o: /;ite and b.ac6 yout; it e0)re--e- are -/a()ed in a ;o(o'eni-ed '.oba. )roduct. 1;a(ber-7 e--ay /a- :ir-t de.i8ered at t;e *ni8er-ity o: I..inoi- in 14B<+ be:ore it- )ub.ication in Ne.-on and "ro--ber' /it; ot;er con:erence )a)er- and acco()anyin' di-cu--ion - /;ere -o(e o: t;e abo8e Iue-tion- are rai-ed. See a.-o 1;a(ber-+ Po#%lar "%lt%re. T$e -etro#olitan EC#erience E14B@$+ e-)ecia..y )). 21 -21F and Border 7ialo %es E1440$. 9or :urt;er R Re)rinted :ro( Ne.-on and "ro--ber' Eed-$+ -arCis! and t$e 5nter#retation of "%lt%re E!ondon5 Mac( 14BB$+ )). @0A-11$.

di-cu--ion o: )o-t(oderni-( and )o) cu.ture+ -ee tit.e- by McRobbie+ ,ebdi'e and under 9urt;er Readin'. It i- nece--ary to ta6e -eriou-.y t;e ;y)ot;e-i- accordin' to /;ic; on.y an e0ce-- o: i(a'ination -eiJe- t;e )ro:undity o: t;e rea.... E,enri !e:eb8re$ %;at (i';t !e:eb8re7- -tate(ent+ (ade in t;e conte0t o: a di-cu--ion o: Surrea.i-(+ (ean in t;e conte0t o: t;e triad )o) (u-ic+ )o) cu.ture+ and t;e a8ant-'ardeH In -ee6in' an an-/er+ I /i.. be ta.6in' about t;e re.ation-;i) bet/een an e0ce-- o: i(a'ination and )o) cu.tura. ta-te-. I /ant to identi:y /;ere t;e )ro=ect o: t;e ;i-torica. a8ant -'arde and i()ortant tendencie- in conte()orary urban )o) cu.ture (eet+ a- it /ere+ at t;e )eri);ery o: an e0i-tin' cu.tura. ;e'e(ony or cu.tura. b.oc6. T;i- in8o.8e- .oo6in' at t;e -tru''.e :or t;e -en-e and direction o: urban cu.ture t;at ta6e- ).ace in t;e 7dai.yne--7 o: routine-+ ;abit-+ and t;e -ubcon-ciou-.y e0erci-ed e0)ectation- o: co((on -en-e in order to -ee ;o/ an e0ce-- o: i(a'ination i- tran-.ated into a )ractica. =o.tin' o: co((on -en-e+ /;ic; )er(it)re8iou-.y (ute area- and re.ation- to be'in to -)ea6. To t;in6 (ore concrete.y about t;i- )otentia.ity+ /e need to con-ider t;e -)ace- in /;ic; di8er-e -ocia. :orce- are brou';t to'et;er :orce- t;at are 'endered+ racia.+ and :urt;er di::erentiated in bot; (a=or and (icro-co)ic :a-;ion. T;i- /i.. render+ one ;o)e-+ -.i';t.y (ore articu.ate /;at i- Iuite c.ear.y a .on'--tandin' critica. -i.ence in di-cu--ion- about bot; )o) (u-ic and conte()orary urban )o) cu.ture. %;i.e I /i.. be re:errin' ;ere to rea.itie- :ound in ad8anced ca)ita.i-t -ocietie-+ I /ou.d a.-o -u''e-t t;at t;e-e tendencie- ;a8e e::ect- in urban center- t;rou';out t;e /or.d. T;e e::ect- are di::erent+ but t;ey are+ in a 8ery co().e0 /ay+ re.ated to de8e.o)(ent/it;in ad8anced ca)ita.i-t urban cu.ture. In T$e Art of Noises, )ub.i-;ed in 141@+ t;e Ita.ian :uturi-t !ui'i Ru--o.o dre/ attention to t;e 78o.u)tuou-7 -onoritie- o: t;e ne/ (etro)o.itan en8iron(ent5 an in:inite co(bination o: -iren- and ;orn-+ cro/d- and tra(-+ en'ine- and (ac;inery. ,e )ro)o-ed a ne/ (u-ic to be )roduced by -)ecia..y con-tructed (ac;ine-+ con-idered ;i(-e.: to be a 7noi-e tuner7+ and /rote co()o-ition- :or t;e-e in-tru(ent- bearin' -uc; tit.e- a- 7# 1ity %a6e- *)7 and 7# 1on:erence :or 1ar- and P.ane-7. I T;i- :uturi-t )ro8ocation u-e:u..y -er8eto i-o.ate a -et o: -i'ni:icant t;e(e-5 t;e (ac;ine+ (ec;anica. re)roduction+ and /;at #ntonio "ra(-ci once ca..ed t;e 7directi8e :unction7 o: t;e city in nationa. .i:e. T;e a8ant-'arde7- 7e0).o-ion o: di--ent7 E#ndr@ Breton$ in t;e ear.y decade- o: t;e t/entiet; century -i'na.ed a di8ide bet/een a 140 141 Po) 1a)ita.i-( and Po) 1u.ture conte().ati8e attitude to/ard art EIart )our I7art$ and a radica. acti8i-( t;at -ou';t to o8erco(e t;e 7di8orce bet/een action and drea(7 EBreton$. 9uturi-(7- :rantic e(brace o: (odernity and t;e 7(ac;ine e)oc;/ Dada7- direct re:u-a. o: 7art7 and it- )roc.a(ation o: t;e 8ictory o: dai.y :i:e o8er ae-t;etic-+ and t;e Surrea.i-t )ro=ect to 'i8e :ree rein to t;e uncon-ciou- t;rou'; t;e .iberty o: 7auto(atic /ritin'7 )ro:ound.y under(ined t;e traditiona. de(and :or arti-tic 7aut;enticity.7 T;i- ;ad no/ beco(e a :a.-e reIue-t+ an irTe.e8ancyF not+ a#dorno /a- :ond o: re)eatin'+ becau-e t;e /or.d ;ad 'ro/n 7:a.-e7+ but becau-e t;e condition- o: )erce)tion+ rece)tion and arti-tic )roduction ;ad irre8er-ib.y c;an'ed. It /a- no/ t;e e)oc; o: t;e );oto'ra);+ t;e 'ra(o);one+ t;e radio+ and t;e cine(a5 t;e e)oc; o: (ec;anica. re)roduction. #- t;ou'; to dri8e t;i- .a-t )oint ;o(e+ -e8era. tendencie- in t;e a8ant -'arde+ ) in t;e 8i-ua. art-+ borro/ed ;u(b.e ob=ect:ro( e8eryday .i:e and -i().y co)ied t;e(+ or+ (ore )ro8ocati8e.y -ti..+ )re-ented t;e( unc;an'ed to t;e )ub.ic. Marce. Duc;a() ta6ea bicyc.e /;ee. and -i'n- it a- ;i- o/n 7/or67. ,a.: a century .ater+ #ndy %ar;o. u)date- t;i- 'e-ture /it; ;i- -i.6 --creen re)roductiono: 1oca1o.a bott.e- and E.8i- Pre-.ey+ 1a()be..7- -ou) can- and Mari.yn Monroe. In bot; ca-e-+ ironic Iuerie- /ere rai-ed about t;e -tatu- o: 7art7 and about t;e nature o: it- cu.tura. re)roduction in t;e conte0t o: t;e conte()orary urban /or.d. 1i'arette end-+ ne/-)a)er c.i))in'-+ and 7-)i.t7 )aint coa.e-ce on a can8a-F Ru--o.o7- 7noi-e (ac;ine-7F Duc;a()7- 7ready -(ade-7F t;e /;o.e (ani:e-to o: Po) #rt5 a.. :or( )art o: a t/entiet;-century co..a'e -u''e-ted and -u-tained by t;e (etro)o.i-. T;e (utua. 7conta(ination7 o: t;e ru)tura. )erce)tion o: t;e a8ant-'arde and t;e e0)an-ion o: dai.y urban cu.ture -teadi.y 'ro/-. It touc;e- it- .o'ica. conc.u-ion /;en -ub/ay 'ra::iti enter- t;e art 'a..ery and t;e )o) 8ideo reacti8ate- t;e Surrea.i-t cine(a Ei.e.+ Da8id Bo/ie7- 7#-;e- to #-;e-7 8ideo+ 14B0$. T;ere are no .on'er any :i0ed 7-ource-7+ no 7)ure7 -ound-+ no untainted 7aura7 E%a.ter Ben=a(in$ a'ain-t /;ic; to e8a.uate t;e continua. co(bination+ re)roduction+ and tran-(i--ion o: -ound-+ i(a'e-+ and ob=ect- t;at circu.ate in t;e ;etero'eneou- :.u0 o: t;e (odern city.2 T;e di-tance bet/een t;e 'e-ture- o: t;e di::erent arti-tic a8ant-'arde- and t;e -treet b.a-t o: a )a--in' )ortab.e ca--ette ).ayer ba.anced on a T--;irted -;ou.der i- today actua..y a .ot -( t;an /e (i';t+ t;in6. 9;e )ortab.e ca--ette ).ayer+ .i6e t;e e.ectric 'uitar+ t;e )ro'ra((ed -ynt;e-iJer+ and t;e dru( (ac;ine+ but+ abo8e a..+ t;e record+ under-core- t;e i()ortance o: (ec;anica. tran-:or(ation E(ac;ine-$ and re)roduction in t;e :or(ation o: )o) (u-ic. Po) Mu-ic i7de-i'ned :or re)roducibi.ity7 E%a.ter Ben=a(in$+ and one o: it- )o--ib.e 142 Iain 1;a(ber;i-torie- i- a ;i-tory o: t;e de8e.o)(ent and e::ect- o: it- tec;nica. re)roduction. To/ard t;e end o: 14 B+ recordin' ta)e /a- introducedF unti. t;en+ recordin' (u-ic ;ad in8o.8ed re'i-terin' t;e acou-tic -ound direct.y onto a .acIuer-coated di-c. T;i- e0tre(e.y ri'id -y-te( - :or in-tance+ an error in t;e (u-ica. e0ecution (eant di-cardin' t;e di-c and -tartin' a'ain -certain.y did not encoura'e t;e e0).oration o: t;e -onoria. e0ten-ion- )otentia..y a8ai.ab.e in t;e recordin' -ituation. But /it; t;e introduction o: ta)e+ (u-ic cou.d be co().ete.y con-tructed in-ide t;e -tudio. By editin'+ cuttin'+ and -).icin'+ a :ina. -ound cou.d be bui.t u) :ro( :ra'(ent- o: recordin'. # :i:ty--econd de(o-ta)e cou.d be turned into a record .a-tin' (ore t;an t/o (inute-5

t;i- i- ;o/ !itt.e Ric;ard7- 7Kee) #-Knoc6in7 /a- )roduced. T;e re-u.t /a- t;at 7recordin' ta)e -;i:ted t;e record :ro( t;e -tatu- o: a :roJen -na)-;ot to t;at o: a (u-ica. (onta'e7 .< Recordin' ta)e re)re-ented t;e :ir-t (a=or inno8ation in )o-t-/ar recordin' )rocedure-. T;e -econd+ occurrin' in t;e .ate 14@0-+ in8o.8ed t;e introduction o: (u.ti-trac6 recordin' :aci.itie-. T;e u-e o: ec;o and doub.e-trac6in' in t;e 14?0- and ear.y 14@0- in order to 7bee: u)7 t;e -ound ;ad a.ready )ointed in t;i- direction. But /it; t;e introduction o: -tereo record- and t;en+ in ra)id -ucce--ion+ :our -+ ei';t-+ -i0teen-+ t/enty-:our-+ and t;irty-t/o-trac6 recordin'+ t;e -onoria. :ra(e/or6 /a- 8a-t.y e0tended. #ddin' recorded trac6 to trac6+ )' u) di8er-e -ound-+ a :our-)er-on 'rou)+ :or e0a().e+ cou.d )roduce ei';t or -i0teen +8oice-7 to be -i(u.taneou-.y (i0ed in t;e :ina. recorded :or(. Mu.ti-trac6 recordin' )er(it- (any (u-ica. direction-+ -o(e -ee(in'.y dia(etrica..y o))o-ed. %;i.e t;e 7arti-tic7 a-)iration o: )arto: 7)ro're--i8e (u-ic7 no/ :ound t;e -)ace :or t;eir roc6 o)era- and -uite-+ in t;e 8ery di::erent rea.ity o: re''ae+ 7dub7 /a- ab.e to );a-e in-tru(ent- and 8oice- in and out+ -u-)end t;e )u.-e and t;en inten-i:y it+ c;o) u) t;e -ound and t;en enric; it /it; :urt;er e::ect-+ /;i.e -tretc;in' t;e /;o.e -/' )attern acro-- a -tutterin' 7root-7 ba--dru( 7ridi(.7 Tec;no.o'y ;a- been centra. to )o) :ro( it- be'innin'-. It i- i()o--ib.e to di-cu-- t;e (u-ic /it;out re:errin' to it5 /;et;er it i- E.8i/or6in' on ;i- -ound in t;e tiny Sun -tudio in t;e ear.y 14?0-+ or t;e (e-(en-in' dance :.oor -ucce-- o: di-co t/enty year- .ater. Po) (u-ic ;a- ne8er e0i-ted a)art :ro( tec;no.o'ica. inter8entionF t;i- on.y dra/- :urt;er attention to t;e dai.y ten-ion- in8o.8ed at t;e tec;no.o'ica. 7inter:ace /;ere t;e econo(ie- o: ca)ita. and .ibido inter.oc67 . T;e :act t;at t;e recordin' -tudio+ /it; it- tec;no.o'y and acco()anyin' :inancia. reIuire(ent-+ i- t;e centra. -ite o: )o)7- -onoria. )roduction by no (ean- i().ie- a -i().e tec;no.o'ica. deter(ini-(. T;e ;i-tory o: )o) re8ea.- ot;er+ o:ten un-u-)ected tendencie-+ a(on' t;e( 14< Po#%lar "a#italis! and Po#%lar "%lt%re t;e -tory o: a continua. a))ro)riation o: )o)7- tec;no.o'y and re)roducti8e ca)acitie-. T;i- ;a- re-u.ted in di8er-i:ied cu.tura. in8e-t(ent-+ in8o.8in' di::erent :raction- o: /;ite (etro)o.itan yout; ta6in' u) 'uitar- and -ynt;e-iJer- and ado)tin' 8ariou- i()orted -ound-+ a- /e.. a- b.ac6 yout; 7re-i'ni:yin'7 t;e u-e o: t;e (icro);one and t;e turntab.e Et;e dee=ay7- 7toa-t7 and 7ra)7$ and -tudio con-o.e E7dub7$. Bot; (aintain t;e :ruit:u. )arado0 o: -ubordinated+ :reIuent.y ora.-centered cu.ture- (a-terin' and e0tendin' t;e e.ectronic (ediu( o: POP+ and+ in t;e )roce--+ re-)re-entin' t;eir 7-e.8e-7 in t;e ;eart.and- o: conte()orary urban .i:e. In t;e e0c.u-i8e rea.ity o: t;e ;i-torica. a8ant-'arde+ t;e atte()t /a- underta6en to )roduce ne/ .an'ua'e- t;at -ubtracted t;e(-e.8e:ro( t;e du..ed continuity o: )a-t acce)tance and )re-ent e0)ectation. #n ana.o'ou- ca-e (i';t be (ade :or )o)5 roc6 7n7 ro.. and )un6 are bot; ob8iou- occa-ion- /;en ) (u-ica. )ro)o-a.- tore a)art an ear.ier -ynta0 and a--ociated cu.tura. attitude-. I /ant to add to t;e-e -tar6 e0a().e- t;e -u''e-tion t;at /;at -uc; eru)ti8e -y()to(- e0)o-e ;a- it- dai.y currency in (ec;anica. re)roduction+ in it- in're--ion into t;e /eb o: -onoria. rea.ity /;ere record-+ borro/in' an e0)re--ion :ro( Su-an Sonta'+ 7de(ocrati-e an e0)erience- by tran-.atin' t;e(7 into -ound-.-7 Today+ /e no .on'er con:ront 7or'anic7 e0)re--ion- but a cu.tura. 7cut-u)7+ a -erie- o: :ra'(ent- -Ne/ &or6 ra)+ !ondon )un6+ Ni'erian 7=u=u7+ -ou.+ countryand-/e-tern /;ite :un6. %e -ub-eIuent.y -e.ect :ro( t;e-e -ound- a (eanin':u. brico.a'e+ an en8iron(ent o: -en-e. T;e :ra'(entation o: t;e eye and ear+ -o -e.: -con-ciou-.y )ur-ued by t;e a8ant-'arde in it- de-ire to .iberate ne/ e0)erience-+ ne/ ;oriJon-+ i- o8erta6en by t;e )er(i--i8e circu.ation o: )o--ibi.itie- )er(itted by radio+ :i.(+ te.e8i-ion+ record-+ ca--ette-+ 8ideo. T;i- -ituation bot; au'(ent- and+ in an i()ortant -en-e+ di-ru)t- t;e (ore ob8iou- connection- bet/een )o) and t;e recent (u-ica. a8ant'arde. 9ro( t;e .ate 14@0- on/ard+ t;e (u-ic o: 9ran6 Ka))a+ o: -uc; "er(an 'rou)- a- 1an+ #(on Duu. 11+ and Tan'erine Drea(+ and in En'.and ,enry 1o/+ Brian Eno+ and e8en Da8id Bo/ie+ can be .in6ed to t;e e0)eri(ent- in -eria. co()o-ition+ re)etition+ and incidenta. 7noi-e7 :ound in t;e /or6 o: Car!--e+ Stoc6;au-en+ 1a'e+ Ri.ey+ !aMonte &oun'+ ".a--+ and ot;er-. But t;e 14A0- /ere a.-o c;aracteri-ed by an increa-in' attention to )o)7- o/n interna. .an'ua'e- and t;e -ub-eIuent ba-i- :or a -e.: -'enerated )o) a8ant-'ardi-(. T;e e.e(ent- o: t;i- -econd tendency can be :ound in t;e /;i(-ica. (u-ica. bric -a-brac o: Ro0y Mu-ic+ t;e neurotic :un6 e0)eri(ent- o: Da8id Bo/ie+ and t;e -tudied ru)tura. ae-t;etic- o: -uc; )o-t)un6 'rou)- a- Pub.ic I(a'e !td and t;e "an' o: 9our. In ) it /a- )un6 and it- a:ter(at; t;at c.ari:ied t;e 14 lain "$a!&ers )o--ibi.ity o: rea--e--in' )o)7- e0i-tin' (u-ica. .an'ua'e- and -u''e-ted a -onoria. co..a'e in /;ic; t;e =oin- /ere .e:t e0)o-ed a- t;e -i'ni:ier- o: +noi-e7 and 7-ound7 or 7din7 and 7(u-ic7+ /ere -;i:ted bac6 and :ort; a.on' t;e cu.tura. rece)tion o: t;e acou-tic -)ectru(. T;e (o-t intere-tin' re:.ection to be (ade ;ere i- t;e one I ;inted at abo8e - o: ;o/ (ec;anica. re)roduction -/ee)- a/ay t;e -e)arate -tatu- o: t;e ;i-torica. a8ant-'arde E/;ic; a.-o e0).ain- (y u-e o: t;e ad=ecti8e 7;i-torica.7 u) to t;i- )oint$. T;e )re8ioudi-tance bet/een t;e a8ant-'arde and dai.y urban cu.ture i- o8erco(e a- t;e :or(er beco(e- en8e.o)ed by t;e 8i-ua. and -onoria. .an'ua'e- o: t;e .atter. In-ide t;e (etro)o.itan ).a-(a o: today+ t;e concentrated (o(ent o: attention t;at once acco()anied t;e re-)on-e to bot; traditiona. and -ub8er-i8e art i- re).aced by Ben=a(in7- conce)t o: 7di-tracted rece)tion7. T;e :abric o: tradition iab-ent(inded.y un-titc;ed and a deritua.i-ed cu.ture+ in8aded by t;e )ro:anity o: di8er-e ta-te-F it i- 'radua..y (a-tered 7by ;abit under t;e 'uidance o: tacti.e a))ro)riation7 .@ In t;e ca-e o: )o) (u-ic+ tacti.e a))ro)riation - t;e );y-ica. rece)tion o: t;e tan'ib.e - i- concentrated in t;e di::erentiated )re-ence and -i'ni:ication o: t;e body. !et (e e0).ain. %;i.e t;e a))arent.y nebu.ou- Jone o: ro(ance i- t;e )ri8i.e'ed do(ain in )o)7- e(otiona. e()ire -and I a( re:errin' not on.y to t;at u-ua..y a--ociated /it; =u8eni.e 'ir.- bui.din' :anta-ie- around t;e )in -u)- and record- o: (a.e -tar- but+ in ) to t;e do(inant (a.e ro(antici-( o: an i(a'inary -treet .i:e -it i- t;e body t;at i- it- )rinci)a. :ocu- and

carrier. T;e (u-ica. .an'ua'e- o: )o) - t;e /renc;ed -enti(ent- o: -ou.+ t;e e0uberance o: roc6 7n7 ro..+ t;e 8erba. contortion- o: ra)+ t;e -creec;ed an'-t o: )un6 - a.. tend to )ro)e. t;e body t;rou'; t;e -en-oria. 7'rain7 ERo.and Bart;e-$ o: t;e (u-ic to t;e center o: t;e -ta'e. T;ere+ in dancin' and t;e i((ediacy o: )er:or(ance+ it i- t;i- );y-ica. -en-e o: t;e (u-ica. 7no/7 t;at i- )i8ota.+ :or it 7i- t;e body t;at u.ti(ate.y (a6e-+ recei8e- and re-)ond- to (u-icF and it i- t;e body t;at connect- -ound-+ dance+ :a-;ion and -ty.e to t;e -ubcon-ciouanc;ora'e o: -e0ua.ity and erotici-(7 .A It bein' ;ere+ /;ere ro(ance and 7rea.ity7 are :u-ed to'et;er+ t;at co((on -en-e i- o:ten taunted+ t/i-ted and torn a)art. So+ (y conc.udin' -u''e-tion i- t;at t;e a8ant-'arde )ro=ect o: )ur)o-e:u..y (i-(atc;in' )erce)tion and t;e ta6en-:or-'ranted in order to re.ea-e )er-)ecti8e- :ro( t;e :eti-; o: co((on -en-e tend- to :ind a conte()orary rea.i-ation in t;e dai.y cu.ture o: t;e (etro)o.i-. ,ere+ t;e once-re-earc;ed -;oc6 o: t;e ;i-torica. a8ant-'arde+ t;e tran-itory i((ediacy o: )er)etua. -onoria. and 8i-ua. re)roduction+ and t;e 7den-e and concrete .i:e7 o: -ubordinated cu.ture- -7a .i:e /;o-e (ain -tre-- i- on t;e inti(ate+ t;e -en-ory+ t;e detai.ed and t;e )er-ona.7 - are indi-cri(inate.y (i0ed to'et;er.B 14? Po#%lar "a#italis! and Po#%lar "%lt%re 9urt;er+ t;i- urban co().e0ity :orce- into an e0ten-i8e+ i: -ti.. :reIuent.y un-u-)ected+ dia.o'ue t;e once --e)arated e)i-ode- o: t;e a8ant-'arde+ o: )o) cu.ture+ and a )o.itic- ba-ed on t;e detai.ed )o--ibi.itie- o: t;e e8eryday5 on it- c.a--+ racia.+ -e0ua.+ .oca. and nationa. con-truction+ 8ariation+ )ecu.iarity. #- t;e-e tra=ectorie- cro-- eac; ot;er7- )at; and di--o.8e in t;e :er8ent :.u0 o: (etro)o.itan .i:e+ t;ey increa-in'.y 'e-ture to/ard a ne/ )ro=ect. %;ate8er it- e8entua. -;a)e+ t;at )ro=ect /i.. need to interro'ate e0i-tin' cu.tura. ;e'e(ony and -ubtract it-e.: :ro( t;e tired .o'ic o: t;e )redictab.e i: it i- to c;a..en'e -ucce--:u..y e0i-tin' de:inition- o: dai.y .i:e. But to do t;i- it /in ;a8e to be con-tructed inside t;i- )re-ent co().e0ity. NoteI. !ur"i Ru-SO!o *arte dei r%!ori EMi.an5 EdiJioni 9uturi-te di 7Poe-ia7+ 141@$. Re)ub.i-;ed a- a -u)).e(ent in Alfa&eta, 4@, EDece(ber 14B2$. %#!TER BEN3#MIN 7T;e %or6 o: #rt in t;e #'e o: Mec;anica. Re)roduction7+ 5ll%!inations, tran-. ,arry Ko.( E!ondon5 9ontana+ 14A<$. #.. re:erence- to t;e e--ay are to t;i- edition. <. I#IN 1,#MBERS+ 'r&an R$)t$!s E!ondon5 Mac( 14B $+ ). 1 . . PETER %O!!EN+ Readin s and /ritin s E!ondon5 Cer-o+ 14B2$+ ). 1A@. It i- /ort;/;i.e' a note o: Ben=a(in7- on t;e re.ation bet/een and tec;no.o'y5 7In t;e ca-e o: :i.(-+ (ec;anica. re)roduction i- not+ a- /it; .iterature and )aintin'+ an e0terna. condition :or (a-- di-tribution. Mec;anica. re)roduction i- in;erent in t;e 8ery tec;niIue o: :i.( )roduction. T;i- tec;niIue not on.y )er(it- in t;e (o-t direct /ay but 8irtua..y cau-e(a-- di-tribution7 EBen=a(in+ ). 2 @$. T;e -a(e can be -aid :or t;e conte()orary )roduction o: )o) (u-ic. T;e conte0t o: t;i- Iuotation i-+ 7T;e -ub-eIuent indu-tria.i-ation. o: ca(era tec;no.o'y on.y carried out a )ro(i-e in;erent in );oto'ra);y :ro( it8ery be'innin'-5 to de(ocrati-e a.. e0)erience- by tran-.atin' t;e( into i(a'e-7 ESu-an Sonta'. 2n P$oto ra#$) E,ar(ond-/ort;5 Pen'uin+ 14A4$+ ). A$. T;e ;i-tory o: recorded (u-ic+ /;ere /e a.. ;a8e t;e )o--ibi.ity o: indu.'in' our ta-te- and beco(in' 7e0)ert-7+ .ead- to/ard -i( conc.u-ion-. A. B. 14@ BEN3#MIN+ ). 2 2. 1,#MBERS+ ). 210. RI1,#RD ,O""#RT+ T$e 'ses of *iterac) E,ar(ond-/ort;5 Pen'uin+ 14?B$+

). B1.

# 9e(ini-t Po-t(oderni-(H

1@ 3u.ia Kri-te8a+ Po-t(oderni-(H7R

T;e u-e o: t;e ter( 7)o-t(oderni-(7 ;a- been -ur)ri-in'.y rare in 9renc; debate- E-ee Introduction+ ). 1?$. ,ence+ )er;a)-+ one rea-on :or t;e Iue-tion (ar6 acco()anyin' it- u-e a- t;e tit.e to Kri-te8a7- e--ay+ a )iece /ritten+ -i'ni:icant.y+ :or an #(erican )ub.ication. To add to t;i-+ t;e u-e o: t;e conce)t 7)o-t(oderni-(7 in re.ation to :e(ini-( ;a- o:ten been )rob.e(atic. 1rai' O/en- ob-er8ed in 14B< t;at 7t;e ab-ence o: di-cu--ion- o: -e0ua. di::erence7 and 7t;e :act t;at :e/ /o(en ;ad en'a'ed in t;e (oderni-(/)o-t(oderni-( debate -u''e-t t;at )o-t(oderni-(. (ay be anot;er (a-cu.ine in8ention en'ineered to e0c.ude /o(en7 E9o-ter Eed.$+ 14B?+ ). @1$. %it; -o(e =u-ti:ication+ Mea';an Morri- -a/ t;i- and .ater -i( co((ent- by ,uy--en E14B@$ and 3onat;an #rac E14B@$ a- =u-t -uc; an in8ention. ,er re).y+ in T$e Pirate's Ra!O E14BB$ /a- a -i0-)a'e'ra);y o: re.e8ant /or6- by /o(en+ inc.udin' 3u.ia Kri-te8a and ot;er 9renc; :e(ini-t-. But t;e rea-on- :or Kri-te8a7- inc.u-ion in -uc; a :i-t are not -e.:e8ident. ,er re:erence+ :ir-t o: a..+ to (oderni-t /riter- EPound+ 1@1ine+ Maya6o86-y+$ in t;e )re-ent e--ay and e.-e/;ere+ a.on' /it; ;er ad(iration :or t;e 7indi8iduatin'7 e0).oration- o: (ode( /ritin' a'ain-t t;e de'raded 7co..ecti8i-in'7 e::ect- o: t;e (a-- (edia -u''e-t a ne'ati8e attitude to/ard- )o-t(oderni-(. Second.y+ ;er re:erence to (a.e /riter- and ;er di-tance :ro( :or(- o: )o.itica. acti8i-( ;a8e brou';t (any to Iuery ;er contribution to :e(ini-(. E-ee Ki)ni- be.o/+ and 3oanna ,od'e in #. Ben=a(in Eed.$+ E14B4$+ )). B@-111.$ R Re)rinted :ro( ,arry "ar8in Eed.$+ Ro!anticis!, -odernis!, Post!odernis! EPenn-y.8ania5 Buc6ne.. Re8ie/+ 14B0$+ )). 1<@ - 1$. 14A A Fe!inist Post!odernis!F T;e e0).anation :or Kri-te8a7- )o-ition cou.d be -aid to ;e in a t;orou';-'oin' -ce)tici-( to/ard- (;ic -y-te(- and cate'orie-+ and ;er decon-tructi8e+ )-yc;o--erniotic t;eory o: .an'ua'e and identity. It i- t;e-e t;at -;e brin'- to )o-t(oderni-(. ,er an-/er to t;e Iuery o: ;er tit.e i- accordin'.y t;e -)ecu.ation t;at )o-t(oderni-t /ritin' e0)and- 7t;e .i(it- o: t;e -i'ni:iab.e7+ t;at t;i- 7/ri:iin' -a-e0)erience-o:-.i(it-7 Ein #rtaud+ Burrou';-+ and t;e art o: Robert %i.-on+ 3o;n 1a'e$ e0).ore- :or(- o: e0)re--ion in t;e 7i(a'inary7+ )re--y(bo.ic Eand )re-'endered$ rea.( o: an in:ant7- re.ation to it- (ot;er. Po-t(oderni-t /ritin' )roceed- t;ere:ore /it;out t;e -a:ety net o: re.i'iou- or )o.itica. =u-ti:ication -u))ortin' ear.ier /ritin'. T;e :act t;at Kri-te8a a--i'n- t;e e0).oration o: t;e 7un)re-entab.e7 to art (ean- t;at -;e a8oid- )o-itionin' /o(en a- t;i- 7un)re-entab.e7- a- t;e :i0ed ot;er and Iuinte--ence o: )o-t(oderni-( i().ied by ot;er account-. E8entua..y+ t;ere:ore+ ;er ar'u(ent connect- critica..y+ i: ob.iIue.y+ /it; t;e(e- de8e.o)ed e.-e/;ere in t;e debate on )o-t(oderni-(F /it; t;e 'ro/t; o: econo(ic rationa.i-ation and (edia -aturation+ t;e .o-- o: con:idence in 'rand narrati8e- and t;e ae-t;etic e0).oration o: t;e unna(eab.e and unt;in6ab.e. On :e(ini-( and )o-t(oderni-( -ee+ in addition to t;e abo8e re:erence-+ 3ardine+ G)nesis6 "onfi %rations of /o!an and -odernit) ,9:A>=; !inda 3. Nic;o.-on Eed.$+ Fe!inis!5Post!odernis! ,9::0=; Sara; !o8ibond+ 79e(ini-( and Po-t(oderni-(7 in Post!odernis! and (ociet), ed. Roy Boyne and #.i Rattan-i ,9::0=. 9red P:ei.7- 7Po-t(oderni-( a- a DStructure o:'D7 in Ne.-on and "ro--ber' Eed-$+ ,9:AA=, ##. @A94 40@, re.ate- intere-tin'.y to t;e )re-ent e--ay by Kri-te8a. *-in' !acan and Mar0+ P:ei. e0a(ine- a de-Oedi)a;-ation7 in #(erican (idd.e-c.a-- .i:e and t;e con-eIuent.y c;an'ed -ub=ecti8itie- e0)re--ed in e0a().e- :ro( conte()orary )o) and a8ant-'arde cu.ture. T;i- Iue-tion cou.d be re:or(u.ated to read5 :ir-t+ in /;at /ay can anyt;in' be /ritten in t;e t/entiet; century+ and -econd+ in /;at /ay can /e ta.6 about t;i- /ritin'H T;i- :or(u.ation o: t;e )rob.e( de(and- t;at /e :ir-t e.ucidate t;o-e )articu.aritie- o: t;e t/entiet; century ;a8in' a bearin' on .iterary acti8ity. %it; t;i- :oundation any .iterary inIuiry tran-:or(- it-e.: into :ir-t an e)i-te(o.o'ica.+ and t;en into a -ocio;i-torica. in8e-ti'ation. I -;a.. e();a-i-e t;e-e t/o a-)ect- o: t;e inIuiry. 9ir-t+ t;o-e -cience-' /it; -y(bo.ic ca)abi.itie-'ui-tic-+ -ernio.o'y+ )-yc;oana.y-i- and ant;ro)o.o'y$+ a- /e.. abioneuro.o'ica. 9:A D%lia Kriste0a re-earc;+ ;a8e c.ear.y de(on-trated t;at t;e )o-ition o: .an'ua'e /it;in ;u(an e0)erience i- deter(inant but :ra'i.e. !an'ua'e i- deter!inant becau-e a.. -ocia. );eno(ena are -y(bo.ic. T;e di-co8ery o: t;e uncon-ciou- -canda.i-e- u- not becau-e it )o-tu.ate- -e0ua. deter(ini-(+ but rat;er becau-e it re8ea.- t;at -e0 i- an uncon-ciou- and+ con-eIuent.y+ a -y(bo.ic arran'e(ent -tructured .i6e .an'ua'e. T;e continuin' e.ucidation o: -ocia. (ec;ani-(- by -tructura. ant;ro)o.o'y i- -i'ni:icant not becau-e o: ita--ertion+ annoyin' :ro( a :e(ini-t )er-)ecti8e+ t;at /o(en are ob=ect- o: e0c;an'e+ but rat;er by 8irtue o: it- re8e.ation+ o::en-i8e :ro( t;e )er-)ecti8e o: a.. ant;ro)o.o'ica. narci--i-(+ t;at indi8idua.- are no (ore t;an e);e(era. 8ariab.e- in an eterna..y re)eatin' (ac;ine o: identi:ication and re=ection+ o: ye- and no+ o: (i(e-i- and a''re--ion+ t;at c.ear.y )re-ide- o8er t;e );ono.o'ica. -tructure o: .an'ua'e. !an'ua'e i- fra ile becau-e any #artic%lar .an'ua'e a- t;e ob=ect o: .in'ui-tic -crutiny+ a.on' /it; t;e 8ariation- o: di-cour-e ) to .in'ui-tic co((unication in t;at .an'ua'e+ i- (ere.y an in:inite-i(a. yet (ini(a. )art o: t;e tota.ity o: -y(bo.ic e0)erience. T;e bio.o'ica. re-er8oir+ bot; in-tinctua. and e(otiona.+ t;reaten- not on.y t;e t;in :i.( o: .an'ua'e but a.-o t;e );eno(enon o: -y(bo.i-( it-e.:. It )roduce- -o(atic -y()to(-+ in;ibition+ and an'ui-; in /;ic; /;at i- inca)ab.e o: bein' -y(bo.i-ed ta6e- -;a)e a- a /ritin' /it; a c;an'ed ba-i- t;at no .on'er in-cribe- it-e.: in it- o/n -)ace+ t;at i-+ /it;in t;e -i'n. ,ence+ it no .on'er in-cribe- it-e.: at a.. but eit;er crie- out or -u::ocate-. !an'ua'e i- additiona..y :ra'i.e in it- -tatu- a- an ob=ecti8e.y rea. (ediu( o: co((unication+ )o-ited a- an ob=ect o: -tudy by t;o-e -cience- /;ic; in;erited t;e rationa.e o: t;e nineteent; century. %;en t;e bio.o'ica. re-er8oir t;reaten- t;e -y(bo.ic -y-te(+ t;e -)ea6in' bein' re8ea.- it-e.: ca)ab.e o: uni(a'inab.e re-tructurin' in .an'ua'e or di-cour-e o: it- cri-e- or brea6do/n-. #re /e not t;en cau';t u) in a 8erti'inou- creation o: .an'ua'e-+ -erniotic -y-te(-+ and innu(erab.e idio.ect- t;at radica..y and dra(atica..y atte()t not

(ere.y to -ur8i8e+ but e8en (ore a(bitiou-.y atte()t to )ro8ide u- /it; an ae-t;etic cor)u-H I: it i- true t;at t;e -cience- o: Man ;a8e u-ed .an'ua'e a- a .e8er to breac; t;e )rotecti8e -;ie.d and t;e neura.'ic .ocu- o: rationa.ity+ it i- a.-o true t;at t;i- e)i-te(o.o'ica. rein8e-ti'ation+ t;e ;a..(ar6 o: our century+ i- acco()anied by one o: t;e (o-t :or(idab.e atte()t- to eC#and t$e li!its of t$e si nifia&le t;at i-+ to e0)and t;e boundarie- o: ;u(an e0)erience t;rou'; t;e rea.i'n(ent o: it- (o-t c;aracteri-tic e.e(ent+ .an'ua'e. !et u- -ay t;at )o-t(oderni-( i- t;at .iterature /;ic; /rite- it-e.: /it; t;e (ore or .e-- con-ciou- intention o: e0)andin' t;e -i'ni:iab.e and t;u- ;u(an rea.(. %it; t;i- in (ind+ I -;ou.d ca.. t;i- )ractice o: 144 A Fe!inist Post!odernis!F /ritin' an 7e0)erience o: .i(it-7+ to u-e "eor'e- Batai..e7- :or(u.ation5 .i(it- o: .an'ua'e a- co((unicati8e -y-te(+ .i(it- o: t;e -ub=ecti8e and natura..y t;e -e0ua. identity+ .i(it- o: -ocia.ity. 1o()ared to t;e (edia+ /;o-e :unction it i- to co..ecti8i-e a.. -y-te(- o: -i'n-+ e8en t;o-e /;ic; are uncon-ciou-+ /ritin'-a--e0) indi0id%ates. T$is indi8iduation e0tend- dee) /it;in t;e con-tituent (ec;ani-(- o: ;u(an e0)erience a- an e0)erience o: (eanin'F it e0tend- a- :ar a- t;e 8ery ob-cure and )ri(ary narci--i-( /;erein t;e -ub=ect con-titute- it-e.: in order to o))o-e it-e.: to anot;er+ and to t;e e0tent t;at it doe- -o. In-o:ar a- t;e return to t;i) (ec;ani-( o: indi8iduation c;aracteri-e- )-yc;o-i-+ /ritin'-a--e0)erience-o:-.i(it- i- it- re).ace(ent. 9or )reci-e.y t;irea-on it i- t;e (o-t :a-cinatin' and biJarTe ri8a. o: )-yc;oana.y-i-. Since 9reud and t;e Gradi0a, it ;a- a))eared t;at )-yc;oana.y-i;a- ta6en t;e ).ace o: t;at ) .iterature /;ic; on+ or reduce- it-e.: to+ :anta-y. #nd yet+ )-yc;oana.y-i- ;a- =u-t bare.y and /it; 'reat di::icu.ty be'un to )ercei8e t;at t;i- .iterature-a--e0)erience-o:-.i(it- ;a-+ by 8irtue o: it- )ro)o-ed e.aboration o: t;e (ec;ani-(- o: )ri(ary narci--i-(+ robbed )-yc;oana.y-i- o: )-yc;o-i- and e8eryt;in' t;at entai.-. T;e -econd )oint t;at t;i- inIuiry e();a-i-e- i- t;at t;e ;i-tory o: t;e t/entiet; century entai.- a -erie- o: eru)tion- /it;in t;e a(bi8a.ence bet/een -tate and (ora.ity or re.i'ion. Since t;e ei'7;teent;-century -).it bet/een t;e )o.itica. and t;e -acred Ere.i'iou- a/e.. a- (ora.ity$+ t/o con-eIuence- ;a8e been e0)erienced in t/o di::erent -);ere-. 9ir-t+ in t;e -);ere o: )o.itic- t;ere ;a- been an o8ercodin' o: econo(ic rationa.i-( /;o-e a)o'ee i- tec;nocratic centra.i-(. Second+ in t;e -);ere o: (ora.ity+ a 'a) ;a- o)ened u) due not on.y to t;e :.a'rant .ac6 o: in-titution- E(ay t;e !ord )re-er8e u- :ro( t;e($+ but abo8e a.. to t;e .ac6 o: .an'ua'e- /it; /;ic; to -)ea6 o: t;e i()o--ibi.ity and ri-6 in8o.8ed. T;ere are t/o )o--ib.e re-)on-e- to t;e-e con-eIuence-5 eit;er t;e -tate reco'ni-e- it(ora. )rero'ati8e- and inte'rate- t;e( into it- econo(ic rationa.i-( - /;ic; /ou.d re-u.t in a :a-ci-t or Sta.ini-t tota.itariani-( - or t;e -tate abandon- t;i- ro.e and ).ay- it- )art indirect.y t;rou'; tec;nocratic .ibera.i-( - a cour-e t;at entai.- a )ro.i:eration o: ae-t;etic )ractice- on t;e .e8e. t;at concern- u-. In Euro)e+ :or e0a().e+ .iterature u-ed to occu)y it- once traditiona. )o-ition a- )o.itica. coun-e.or or critic+ but in t;e t/entiet; century it ;a- :ound it-e.: in t;e /a6e o: tota.itariani-( - ;ere I a( t;in6in' o: Pound+ 1@1ine+ or Maya6o8-6y. In t;e :or(a. cra:t-(an-;i) o: t;eir /or6 t;e-e /riter- touc; u)on t;e border.ine -tate- o: (eanin' and -ub=ecti8ity in order to e.aborate and -ub.i(ate t;e( and to (a6e t;e( .i8ab.e. 1on-eIuent.y+ in ot;er a-)ect- o: t;eir /or6 t;ey run u) a'ain-t /;at I ca.. t;e 7)o-iti8e tra)7+ t;e nece--ari.y );anta-(a'orica. de-ire to -ee a 200 D%lia Kriste0a ) -)irit - t;at a::ir(ati8e+ )o-iti8e+ uni:yin'+ con8ocationa.+ );a..ic -)irit /;ic; )re-ide- at any underta6in' - incor)orated into an ideo.o'y or e8en an in-titution .i6e a -tate or )arty. ,ence t;ey counterin8e-t t;i- de-ire+ and t;i- counterba.ance to t;e e0)erience o: deat; and re-urrection t;at i- /ritin'+ or (ore -)eci:ica..y a /ritin'-a-e0)erience-o:-.i(it-+ beco(e- a cru-;in' /ei';t on t;e(. %;en conte()orary /riter- o: 'eniu- /;o are con-ciou- o: t;i- .e--on o: ;i-tory re=ect )o.itica. te()tation+ it i- o:ten re.i'ion t;at :i..- t;e ro.e o: o::erin' caution+ rationa.ity+ rea--urance+ or =u-ti:ication o: t;eir :ran6.y 'ratuitou- and ri-6y acti8ityF t;u-+ So.J;enit-yn -tand- in contra-t to 1@1ine. T;e Iue-tion i- /;et;er or not t;i- border.ine /ritin' ;a- c;an'ed in a-)ect and econo(y -ince H and 3oyce+ /;o to'et;er re:.ect t;at conte()orary7radica. Iua.ity o: border.ine /ritin' /;ic; in ot;er ci8i.i-ation- and ti(e- ;ad ana.o'ie- in t;e (y-tica. tradition. I: /e ta6e #rtaud and Burrou';- a- e0a().e-+ it beco(e- c.ear t;at t;i- /ritin' con:ront- (ore direct.y t;an did it)redece--or- t;e as)!&olicit) )ecu.iar to )-yc;o-i- or t;e .o'ica. and );onetic dri:tin' t;at )u.8eri-e- and (u.ti).ie- (eanin' /;i.e )retendin' to ).ay /it; it or :ro( it. #.. t;e better doe- it t;ereby bot; e0)erience it- di-co(:iture and )ut u) /it; it+ :oundin' it(eanin' u)on #rtaud7- -erniotic '.o--o.a.ia- and Burrou';-7- cut-u) -ty.e un:o.din' and -u-)endin' di-cur-i8e .o'ic and t;e -)ea6in' -ub=ect. I: /e :ocu- on Batai..e or on ;i- (ore ab=ect but (ore (ode-t o))o-ite+ 1@1ine+ /e :ind t;at t;i- /ritin' -a--e0)erience-o: .i(iti- :ir-t -.andered+ t;en it re8o.t- and a--u(e- once (ore t;e cuttin' ed'e o: t;at 7co(edy7 /;ic; ,e'e. )ercei8ed a- t;e ba-i- o: t;e re.ation-;i) bet/een t;e Se.: and t;e anterior ob=ecti8e or co((on S)irit+ e0)re--in' t;eir indi--o.ub.e contradiction be:ore t;e a))earance o: re8ea.ed re.i'ion. T;e ab=ectne-- o: Batai..e and 1@1ine i- di-c;ar'ed into b.ac6 ;u(or+ and it -ee(- t;at no tran-cendence can )o--ib.y occur e0ce)t t;rou'; deri-i8e'-out7 ).ay- on .an'ua'e+ /;ic; t;e(-e.8e- are e::ecti8e on.y by an arbitrary 'ratuitou-ne--. #.. t;e-e tendencie-+ to /;ic; cou.d be added )o-t:uturi-t or )o-t-urrea.i-t /ritin'-+ de(on-trate a ba-ic rea.i'n(ent in -ty.e t;at can be inter)reted a- an e0).oration o: t;e ty)ica. i(a'inary re.ation-;i)+ t;at to t;e (ot;er+ t;rou'; t;e (o-t radica. and )rob.e(atic a-)ect o: t;i- re.ation-;i)+ .an'ua'e. T;i- re.ation-;i) return- to t;e )re-y(bo.ic+ to an arran'e(ent o: r;yt;(- and a..iteration- t;at eit;er -tandu) a'ain-t (eanin' or -;a)e- it. I-n7t t;i- /;at /e are .i-tenin' to on -ta'e+ a.. t;e /ay u) to Robert %i.-on and 3o;n 1a'eH T;e e()tyin' and circu(8entin' o: .an'ua'e and t;e t;eatrica.i-ation o: 'e-ture-+ -ound-+ and co.or are t;e -u))ort- a'ain-t /;ic; t;ibody-to-body -tru''.e /it; )-yc;o-i- ;a- co(e to re-t. It i- not -ur)ri-in' t;at certain 7:e(inine7 atte()t- at /ritin' t;eir :e(inine -)eci:icity by 8irtue o: t;e-e 'a)-

201 A Fe!inist Post!odernis!F in (eanin'+ bru-;in' u) a'ain-t eit;er eni'(a or 8oid. T;e-e :e(inine atte()t-+ )ro)e..ed to/ard t;e e0)eri(ent- o: and 3oyce+ ;a8e no -ty.i-tic and t;u- no .iterary no8e.tyF yet t;ey do ad8anta'eou-.y de(on-trate t;at /o(en+ too+ can atte()t to articu.ate t;eir o/n bodyto-body di-cour-e /it; t;e (ot;er. In addition+ )o-t(ode( /ritin' a- it a))ear-+ :or e0a().e+ in Tel G%el and in t;e /ritin'- o: in ) )ro8o6e- rene/ed+ 'ro/in'+ and o8er:.o/in' intere-t in si nificance, a- o))o-ed to t;e ) nineteent;-century a8ant-'arde notion o: (eanin'. #nd in a 6ind o: Dante-Iue )ro=ect incor)oratin' t;e :or(a. e0)erience o: it- )redece--or-+ )o-t(odern /ritin' redi-co8er- l)ricis! Ean ad(i--ion o: t;e -ub=ect7- ec-ta-y - =o%issance= a- /e.. a- e#ic &readt$ Ea r;etorica. )rocedure o: ;i-torica. tota.i-ation$. T;rou'; it)er(anent debate /it; t;e e8ent+ /it; )o.itic-+ /it; )o.itica.+ -e0ua. and )aranoid di.e((a-+ t;i- /ritin' i- t;e antidote to Ea ) o))o-ite o:H$ t;e Pto.e(aic uni8er-e and it- (ea-ure. 1o()are+ :or e0a().e+ So.J;enit-yn7- G%la /it; Paradise. %ritin' i- c.ear.y )ractica. 6no/.ed'e /it;in t;e i(a'inary+ a tec;niIue o: :anta-y. #- -uc; it i- a./ay- -i(u.ated and (i(ic6ed. %it;in :anta-y+ t;i- can be a co((una. e0)erienceF /ritin' )artici)ate- in t;e con-titution o: a co((unity a- a -ubt.e and -o(e/;at anarc;ica. a'ent+ but an a'ent o: a .ar'er 'rou) =u-t t;e -a(e. 1on:ronted /it; border.ine /ritin'+ ;o/e8er+ t;e i(a'inary i- brou';t to t;e )oint /;ere it .ea8e- t;e co((unity. T;i- /ritin' e0)re--e- into -i'n- /;at in t;e i(a'inary i- irreducib.e to ot;er-7 e0)erience - t;e (o-t -in' o: )roduct-+ e8en t;ou'; no one e-ca)e:ro( t;i- -in'u.arity. 1on-ider a ressi0it) and it- u.ti(ate ob=ect-+ /ord-. I: a''re--i8ity i- bot; anterior and )o-terior to .an'ua'e+ t;e on.y t;in' /e can -ay about it /it; any a--urance at a.. concern- t;at )art o: a''re--i8ity Eor t;e deat; dri8e$ /;ic; i-o.ate- ob=ect- in order to na(e t;e(+ /;ic; in ot;er(ord- :ound- -i'n-. T;u- )o-t-(odern /ritin' e0).ore- t;i- a.(o-t i()erce)tib.e e0c;an'e bet/een -i'n- and deat; by it- content- or r;etoric+ by it- :anta-ie- or .an'ua'e-de:yin' -ty.e+ by it- )o.itica. in8o.8e(ent en'u.:ed in ab=ectne-and .au';ter+ by it- -i.ence- )unctuated by a r;yt;( t;at 7co()o-e-7 a .o'ic out o: our :iber7+ to Iuote #t t;i- de'ree o: -in'u.arity+ /e are :aced /it; idio.ect-+ )ro.i:eratin' uncontro..ab.y /it; t;e enor(ou- ri-6 o: beco(in' -o.itary (onu(ent-+ 'i'antic but in8i-ib.e+ /it;in a -ociety /;o-e 'enera. tendency+ on t;e contrary+ i- to/ard uni:or(ity. Ob8iou-.y+ /e -;a.. ne8er ;a8e anot;er 1o-ette+ PPe "oriot+ or 3u.ian Sore. :ro( /ritin'F t;e ob-cure :anta-y bac6roo( ;a- beco(e t;e bri..iant TC -creen. #- :ar a- /ritin' i- concerned+ it ;a- -ince -et out to b.aJe a trai. a(id-t t;e unna(ab.e5 Bec6ett i- t;e be-t e0a().e /it; ;i- deri-ory and in:erna. te-ti(ony. 202 D%lia Kriste0a Su-)iciou- o: t;e (a---)roduced uncon-ciou- and o: e8eryone7- :a8ourite :anta-y+ /arned by t;e t/entiet;-century7- e0)erience t;at 'enera.i-in' :anta-ie- on.y .ead- (ore Iuic6.y to e8en (ore (a--i8e one-+ /ritin' i- not ;idin' it-e.: a/ay. De-)ite it- );obia-+ /ritin' i- nonet;e.e-- de:inite.y 8enturin' into t;e dar6e-t re'ion- /;ere :ear+ an'ui-; and a de:iance o: 8erba. c.arity ori'inate. Ne8er be:ore in t;e ;i-tory o: ;u(anity ;a- t;i- e0).oration o: t;e .i(it- o: (eanin' ta6en ).ace in -uc; an un)rotected (anner+ and by t;i- I (ean /it;out re.i'iou-+ (y-tica.+ or any ot;er =u-ti:ication. %i.. one o: t;e-e idio.ect- do(inateH %;ic; oneH I /ou.d bet on t;e c.o-e-t+ (o-t 8aried+ (u.ti).e+ ;eteroc.itic+ and unre)re-entab.e idio.ect. %;at i- unre)re-entabi.ityH T;at /;ic;+ t;rou'; .an'ua'e+ i- )art o: no ) .an'ua'e5 r;yt;(+ (u-ic+ in-tinctua. ba.(. T;at /;ic;+ t;rou'; (eanin'+ i- into.erab.e+ unt;in6ab.e5 t;e ;orrib.e+ t;e ab=ect. Modern /ritin' 6no/- ;o/ to I(u-icate7 be-t Eto u-e Diderot7- ter($ t;at /;ic; :or our (a-cara and -oa)-o)era a'e i- t;e (o-t ;orrib.e and ab=ect. #b=ect (u-ic in /;ic; /e can -ur8i8e /it;out -to))in' u) our eye- and ear-. T;i- i- t;e (ode(+ and I (ean nontran-cendent+ 8ariation o: t;e trut;. 20<

1A !aura Ki)ni- :ro( 79e(ini-(5 t;e Po.itica. 1on-cience o: Po-t(oderni-(H7R

# recent centra. concern :or :e(ini-t- ;a- been+ /;et;er :e(ini-(7- doub.e co((it(ent to t;e decon-truction o: -tructure- o: do(ination and to :reedo(+ eIua.ity and =u-tice :or /o(en ;a- (eant t;at it i- to be a.i'ned /it; )o-t(oderni-( or t;e )o.itica. )ro=ect o: t;e En.i';ten(ent E-ee !o8ibond in Boyne and Rattan-i+ 1440F and e--ay- in Nic;o.-on Eed.$+ 1440$. In addition+ t;ere are t;o-e /;o /ou.d /i-; to /or6 out-ide and a'ain-t t;e t;eoretica. -ource- and et;nocentrici-( o: bot; o: t;e-e tradition- E-ee Nancy ,art-toc6+ 7Ret;in6in' Moderni-(5 Minority 8er-u- Ma=ority T;eorie-7+ "%lt%ral "riti1%e, A E9a.. 14BA$5 1BA-20@$. In ;er e--ay+ !aura Ki)ni- u-e:u..y -u((ari-e- t;e di::erence- bet/een 9renc; and #(erican :e(ini-(- in ter(- /;ic; broad.y )ara..e. t;i- :ir-t di-tinction. In ;er 8ie/ 9renc; :e(ini-( i- )o-t(oderni-t but ;a- :ai.ed to :u.:i. it- )o.itica. )otentia.+ turnin' a/ay :ro( t;e 7)o)u.ar7 in (uc; t;e -a(e /ay a de:eated %e-tern Mar0i-( ;a- turned a/ay :ro( t;e 7(a--e-7. ,a8in' )roduced a cri-i- in (oderni-( it ;a- 8acated t;e :ie.d o: )o) :or(- and attitude- to t;e Ne/ Ri';t+ /;i.e it-e.: re're--in' to t;e @1iti-( o: a (oderni-t a8ant'arde. %;erea- ot;er co((entator- E1a..inico-+ P:ei.$ ;a8e -een )o-t(oderni-( a- t;e cu.tura. e0)re--ion o: a ne/ (idd.e c.a-- and ne/ con-er8ati-(+ Ki)ni- ar'ue- t;at !e:t :e(ini-t+ decon-tructi8e )o-t(oderni-(+ can and -;ou.d ri8a. t;i- ne/ )o)u.i-(. T;i- (ean-te))in' out-ide t;e .u0ury o: t;eoretica. and te0tua. concern- /;ic; on.y :urt;er -ecure 9ir-t %or.d ;e'e(ony and )ri8i.e'e. #n e0)re--.y 7)o.itica. decentrin'7 /ou.d :u.:i. t;e )o-t(oderni-t :e(ini-t )ro=ect and ;e.) c.o-e t;i- ) e)oc;. R Re)rinted :ro( #ndre/ Ro-- Eed.$+ 'ni0ersal A&andonF T$e Politics of Post!odernis! EEdinbur'; *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 9:A:=, ##. 9>< 4 ;;=. *a%ra Ki#nis 20 It i- c.ear t;at t;e Iue-tion o: -ub=ecti8ity ;e- at t;e e)icenter o: t;e current re:or(u.ation o: (oderni-(. %it;in /;at can broad.y be ca..ed current .e:t t;eory - Mar0i-(+ :e(ini-(+ .e:t )o-t-tructura.i-( -7t;e -ub=ect7 i- a rubric t;at no/ -ee(- to deter(ine =u-t /;at )o.itica. Iue-tion- /e (ay a-6. T;i- 7-ub=ect7 /e 6no/ by it- trait-5 it i- -).itF it -)ea6-F it i- 'enderedF it i- -ocia.+ or it i- a .in'ui-tic e::ectF it i- ca-trated+ and it t;in6- it 6no/- -o (uc;. #.ternati8e.y+ /e ;a8e it- obituary+ a- narrated by Baudri..ard a(on' ot;er-5 it ioccu.tated+ di-a))ear-+ and die-. "i8en t;at di-cour-e i- a.-o )roducti8e+ it i- ;ard not to -ee t;i- t;eoretica. )ro.i:eration o: t;e -ub=ect it- )roduction a- a -ite o: attention+ in8e-ti'ation+ and -)ecu.ation - a- -y()to(atic o: -o(e 6ind o: nece--ity. It- in-i-tent 8i-ibi.ity+ /;ic; )ro8ide- a certain bo.-terin' o: t;e cate'ory it-e.:+ )ro8o6e- t;e Iue-tion o: /;at e0act.y it i- t;at t;e -ub=ect need- bo.-terin' a'ain-t - it- :ra'(entation in t;e c;o) -;o) o: .ate ca)ita.i-(+ or )er;a)- -o(e '.i((er o: -e.:-6no/.ed'e t;at t;e nece--ary ;i-torica. )recondition :or a critiIue o: t;e -ub=ect i- t;e .o-- o: it- .e'it(atin' :unctionH %;at ot;er )o.itica. deter(ination- can account :or -uc; e0ce--i8e 8i-ibi.ity o: a cate'ory t;at o)erated )reci-e.y :ro( a b.indne-- to it- o/n deter(ination-+ /;o-e 'reate-t de-ire /a- to turn it-e.: into an e::ect o: natureH T;i- -ub=ect t;at dro)- it- 8ei.- one by one to re8ea. it- na6ed -tatu- a- con-truction+ rat;er t;an nature+ bare- e8eryt;in' eCce#t t;e an-/er to it- in-i-tent a))earance5 i: e8ery/;ere /e .oo6 t;e -ub=ect i- a.. t;at i- 8i-ib.e+ /;at i- it t;at i;iddenH Ina-(uc; a- t;e -ub=ect i- it-e.: an ideo.o'ica. cate'ory+ t;e Iue-tion o: it- current ;y)er8i-ibi.ity (u-t be )ro:ound.y )o.itica.F not/it;-tandin' t;at t;e :ie.d o: t;e 8i-ua.+ a- !acan (a6e- c.ear+ i- it-e.: bound u) /it; t;e con-titution o: -ub=ecti8ity. Ci-ibi.ity i- a co().e0 -y-te( o: )er(i--ion and )ro;ibition+ o: )re-ence and ab-ence+ )unctuated a.ternate.y by a))arition- and ;y-terica. b.indne--. !et u- -u))o-e+ initia..y+ t;at t;i- 8i-ibi.ity o: t;e -ub=ect+ -o nece--ari.y tied to t;e .o-- o: it- .e'iti(atin' :unction+ i- anot;er dyna(ic o: t;e c.o-in' o:: o: t;e )o.itica. -)ace o: (odernity+ in /;ic; con-o.idation o: )o.itica. )o/er too6 ).ace under t;e banner o: En.i';ten(ent rationa.ity and rea-on. In t;e 7centered -ub=ect7+ /it; it- -ynecdoc;ica. re.ation to t;e )o.itica. centra.ity o: t;e %e-t+ .ay a (andate to (a6e t;e re-t o: t;e /or.d it- ob=ect5 o: conIue-t+ 6no/.ed'e+ -ur).u--8a.ue. T;en+ in t;e recent a))earance o: t;e cate'ory o: t;e 7decentered -ub=ect7+ .ur6- t;e -ynecdoc;e o: t;e dec.ine o: t;e 'reat i()eria. )o/er- o: (odernity+ t;e trau(atic .o-- o: ;e'e(ony o: t;e %e-t+ /;ic; ;ere in t;e )-yc;ic econo(y o: t;e *nited State-+ /e ;a8e continua..y re:.ected bac6 to u- in co()en-atory :anta-ie.i6e Ra!&o, Red 7awn, and Rona.d Rea'an. %;at i- intere-tin' about t;i- /anin' (odernity i- t;e t;eoretica. cri-i- it en'ender-+ in /;ic; t;e traditiona. narrati8e- o: .iberation :a.. under -u-)icion+ o)enin' a t;eoretica. 8oid t;at t;e-e 8ariou- (oderni-(20? A Fe!inist Post!odernis!F atte()t+ but are unab.e+ to :i... %;at i- crucia..y .ac6in' i- a )o-t(odern )o.itica. di-cour-e. I /ant to atte()t to trace t;i- -y()to(atic 'a) a- it i- (ani:e-ted in 9ir-t-%or.d :e(ini-t t;eory+ /;ic; -ee(- to be -u-)ended bet/een an e(er'ent )o-t(odern )o.itica. .o'ic and a re-idua. (oderni-(. It i- no/ co((on+ in :e(ini-t t;eory+ to di-tin'ui-; broad.y bet/een #n'.o-#(erican :e(ini-( on t;e one ;and and continenta. :e(ini-( on t;e ot;er. T;i- i- c.ear.y an inadeIuate :or(u.ation+ yet t;e di-tinction t;at e(er'e- in t;i- bi:urcation i- one I /ant to (o(entari.y (aintain :or ;euri-tic )ur)o-e-5 it i- a di-tinction bet/een co()etin' t;eorie- o: re)re-entation+ deri8ed :ro( a )o-ture to/ard t;e -i'ni:ier. Terry Ea'.eton ;a- ob-er8ed t;at t;e ;i-tory o: Mar0i-( it-e.: :o..o/- t;e Sau--urean tra=ectory o: t;e .in'ui-tic -i'n5 79ir-t /e ;ad a re:erent+ t;en /e ;ad a -i'n+ no/ /e =u-t ;a8e a -i'ni:ier7+ and accordin' to Ea'.eton7- -c;e(a+ t;i- :ina. (o(ent+ t;e autono(y o: t;e -i'ni:ier+ i- identi:ied -/it; #.t;u--erian Mar0i-(.7 T;e-e -ucce--i8e (o(ent- o: t;e -i'n -ee( to occur -i(u.taneou-.y /it;in current :e(ini-t t;eory+ /it; t;e di8i-ion- dra/n no(ina..y accordin' to nation rat;er t;an c$ronos, and /it; t;e cu.(inatin' (o(ent o: t;e autono(y o: t;e -i'ni:ier a--ociated+ :or :e(ini-(+ /it; !acan+ rat;er t;an #.t;u--er.

%;at i- 'enera..y ca..ed #(erican :e(ini-( 'enera..y on a t;eory o: .an'ua'e a- tran-)arency. T;i- entai.- a in a reco8erab.e ;i-tory+ in aut;ored )roduction-+ in t;e :ocu- on -)eec; o8er .an'ua'e+ in t;e con-ciou- o8er t;e uncon-ciou-+ and in t;e );a..u- a- a bio.o'ica. + rat;er t;an a -y(bo.ic+ entity. In t;i- ca()+ it i- a -;ort tri) :ro( a -i'n to a re:erent+ and t;i- )roduce-+ a- -ite- o: )o.itica. en'a'e(ent+ t;e -tru''.e :or t;e terrain o: t;e rea.i-t no8e.+ t;e de(and :or acce-- to t;e di-cour-e o: -ub=ecti8ity+ t;e )o--ibi.ity o: an i-o.ated -i'n or i(a'e a- a )otentia. -ite :or )o.itica. action+ and in 'enera.+ a )o.itic- o: re:or(i-(. 1ontinenta.+ or )o-t-tructura.+ :e(ini-(+ in contra-t to #(erican :e(ini-(+ :o..o/- t;e Sau--urean di8i-ion o: t;e -i'nF e();a-i-e- t;e (ateria.ity o: t;e -i'ni:ierF )ri8i.e'e- t;e -ync;ronic o8er diac;ronic+ -tructure o8er -ub=ect+ and -i'ni:ication o8er (eanin'F and a--ertt;at /o(en ;a8e no )o-ition :ro( /;ic; to -)ea6. It- :ocu- on t;e )riority o: -y-te( (ar6- t;e uncon-ciou- a- t;e )ri8i.e'ed area o: e0).oration and (oderni-t ru)ture a- t;e )ri8i.e'ed ae-t;etic )ractice. 9ro( t;i- 8anta'e )oint+ t;e )riority o: bot; )-yc;oana.ytic t;eory and (oderni-t ae-t;etic- in )o-t-tructura. :e(ini-( can be -een a- a by-)roduct o: t;e Sau--urean .e'acy o: t;e -ync;ronic+ /;ic; runt;rou'; *8i-Strau-- to !acan. T;e contention o: )o-tructura. :e(ini-t- i- t;at na(in' t;e )o.itica. -ub=ect o: :e(ini-( t$e fe!ale seC re)roduce- t;e bio.o'ica. e--entia.i-( and t;e binary .o'ic t;at ;a8e re.e'ated /o(en to an in:erior ro.e. EKri-te8a5 7t;e t;at Done i- a /o(anD i- a.(o-t aab-urd and ob-cu. nti-t a- t;e t;at Done i- a anD .1$2 T;i- contention )roduce-+ a- a -ite o: )o.itica. attention and en'a'e(ent+ a 7-)ace7 rat;er t;an a -e05 t;e (ar'in+ t;e re)re--ed+ t;e ab-ence+ t;e uncon-ciou-+ t;e irrationa.+ t;e :e(inine - in a.. ca-e- t;e ne'ati8e or )o/er.e-- in-tance. %;erea- 7#(erican :e(ini-(7 i- a di-cour-e /;o-e )o.itica. -ub=ect i- bio.o'ica. /o(en+ 7continenta. :e(ini-(7 i- a )o.itica. di-cour-e /;o-e -ub=ect i- a -tructura. )o-ition - 8ariou-.y occu)ied by t;e :e(inine t;e bod8 t;e Ot;er. 9ro( t;e-e radica. in-i';t- o: continenta. :e(ini-( /e (o8e to t;e )ractice o: ;crit%ref:!inine, /;ic; in )o-in' a'ua'e a'ain-t t;e binary )atriarc;a. .o'ic o: );a..o'ocentri-(+ i- an atte()t to con-truct a .an'ua'e t;at enact- .iberation rat;er t;an (ere.y t;eori-in' it. 9or 1i0ou-+ it i- t;e i(a'inary con-truction o: t;e :e(a.e body a- t;e )ri8i.e'ed -ite o: /ritin'F :or Iri'aray+ a .an'ua'e o: /o(en7- .au';ter in t;e :ace o: );a..ocratic di-cour-eF :or bot;+ )ri8ate+ )reciou- .an'ua'e- t;at re.y on i(a'inary -)ace- ;e.d to be out-ide t;e rei'n o: t;e );a..u-5 t;e )re-Oedi)a.+ t;e :e(a.e body+ t;e (y-tica.+ /o(en7- re.ation to t;e 8oice :.uid- .< ,ere /e ;a8e+ once a'ain+ t;e a--ertion o: a )o.itica. )ra0i- t;rou'; e--entia..8 oder -t te0tua. )ractice- /;ic; re.e'ate- t;e ana.8-i- n: t;) -y(bo.ic con-truction o: a.terity into an ae-t;etici-( t;at do-e- o:: re:erentia.ity .i6e b.inder- on a ;or-e5 in t;i- notion o: .iterary 7)roducti8ity7+ t;e te0t it-e.: co(e- to o)erate a- a tran-cendenta. -i'ni:ied+ a- an u.ti(ate (eanin'. T;e atte()t to -trait=ac6et t;e-e de-i'nated -)ace- into t;e te0t -ee(- an e--entia..y de:en-i8e (aneu8er+ -a:e'uardin' a'ain-t t;eir e-ca)e beyond t;e con:ine- o: ;crit%re into /ider -ocia. )ra0i- by .i(itine t;e di--e(ination o: t;e-e :or(- o: 6no/.ed'e to t;e con-u(er- o: a8ant-'arde cu.ture. %;at /ou.d it ean to :ind t;e-e one tion- no/ in .iterary con:ine(ent+ t;e-e )rocedure- ;e.d to decon-truct binari-(-+ di-(ant.e );a..ocentri-(+ and decenter -ub=ect-+ o%tside /ritin'+ to -u-)end t;e current ort;odo0y t;at rea.ity and ;i-tory are -i().y te0t-+ /;i.e retainin' t;e radica. in-i';t- o: :e(ini-t decon-tructionH It i- /ort; notin' t;at anot;er t;eoretica. di-cour-e+ de)endency t;eory in econo(ic- Ea t;eory c.o-e.y .in6ed in ti(e :ra(e to )o-t-tructura.i-($+ in /;ic; t;e ob=ect o: attention i- not te0tua. but i-+ rat;er+ t;e connection bet/een econo(ic de8e.o)(ent and underde8e.o)(ent in t;e uneIua. e0c;an'e re.ation- o: 9ir-t to T;ird %or.d+ te..- a -tory 8ery -i( to t;at o: )o-t-tructura. :e(ini-(+ in it- account o: t;e (ec;ani-(- by /;ic; a do(inant ter( co(e- to re)re-- a -econdary ter(. #nd in t$is t;e decon-truction o: t;e-e binari-(- i- a t;in but a - b-.ic )ractice.? # narrati8e ;a- e(er'ed in )o-t(oderni-t t;eory t;at read- -o(et;in .i6e t;i-. 9e(ini-( i- t;e )aradi'(atic )o.itica. di-cour-e o: A Fe!inist Post!odernis!F )o-t(oderni-(.1 It- a::ir(ation o: t;e ab-ence+ t;e )eri);ery+ t;e Ot;er - -)ace- in /;ic; t;e )o-ition o: /o(en i- -tructrua..y and )o.itica..y in-cribed - ;a- (ore current )o.itica. credibi.ity t;an Mar0i-(+ a )atriarc;a. di-cour-e o: 7(a-tery/tran-)arency/rationa.i-(+7 a (a-ter code i--uin' :ro( a tran-cendent )oint o: 8ie/+ t;e )at; t;at .ead- :ro( +tota.ity to tota.itariani-(+7:ro( ,e'e. to t;e 'u.a'7. # -.i';t.y di::erent narrati8e can be )ieced to'et;er :ro( t;e-e e.e(ent-. I: Mar0i-( i- 8ie/ed a- t;e radica. )o.itica. di-cour-e o: (odernity+ and :e(ini-( a- t;e radica. )o.itica. di-cour-e o: )o-t(odernity+ it can be -een t;at eac; :unction- a- a do(inant articu.atin' )rinci).e t;rou'; /;ic; ot;er+ di-)arate )o.itica. -tru''.e- enunciate t;e )o--ibi.ity o: )o.itica. tran-:or(ation. #ccordin' to t;e cri-i--in-Mar0i-( t;eori-t-+ Mar0i-(7- )ri(ary and 8e-ti'ia. a(bition to uni:y i-o.ated /or6in'-c.a-- -tru''.e- into a (a-- (o8e(ent o: t;e )ro.etariat ;a- ;a()ered it- abi.ity today to )ro8ide articu.ation- :or ne/ and e(er'in' )o.itica. )o-ition- - 'i8en tran-:or(ation- in t;e nature o: .abor and in t;e ty)e- o: /or.d 'eo)o.itica. -tru''.e- o: )o-tco.onia.i-( -in addition to it- )ercei8ed inabi.ity to -eriou-.y t;eori-e t;e -uba.ternity o: /o(en. T;e e(er'ence in :e(ini-t t;eory o: t;e )eri);ery+ t;e ab-ence+ and t;e (ar'in i().ie- a t;eory o: /o(en not a- c.a-- or ca-te+ but aco.ony - and t;i- /a- in :act an ana.y-i- (ade ear.y on in #(erican :e(ini-( Eand ear.ier -ti.. in Si(one de Beau8oir7- de)iction o: /o(an a- Ot;er$ by /o(en in SDS ca-tin' t;eir contro8er-ia. brea6 /it; t;e (a.edo(inated !e:t in t;e )o.itica. r;etoric o: t;e day5 7#/e ana.yJe t;e )o-ition o: /o(en in ca)ita.i-t -ociety and e-)ecia..y in t;e *nited State- /e :ind t;at /o(en are in a co.onia. re.ation-;i) to (en and /e reco'ni-e our-e.8e- a- )art o: t;e T;ird %or.d7 E14@A$ .1A %;at t;i- ana.o'y E/;o-e 'enea.o'y can be traced bac6 t;rou'; t;e Ne/ !e:t to t;e b.ac6-)o/er (o8e(ent+ and t;e crucia. in:.uence on b.ac6 )o/er by #:rican deco.oni-ation (o8e(ent-$ -u''e-t- i- t;at t;e t;eoretica. e(er'ence o: t;e-e )o.itica. -)ace- no/ bein' de-cribed by continenta. :e(ini-t- )ara..e.- t;e narrati8e o: t;e dec.ine o: t;e 'reat i()eria. )o/er- o: (odernity+ t;e .iIuidation o: t;e Euro)ean e()ire- and t;e )o-tco.onia. rearran'e(ent- o: t;e traditiona. center- on a /or.d -ca.e. It i- 9rance+ a:ter a..+ t;at ;a- )roduced an in:.uentia. body o: t;eory ba-ed on t;e centra.ity o: ca-tration in t;e con-truction o: ;u(an -ub=ecti8ity. Per;a)- t;i- i- /;y t;e #(erican rece)tion o: !acan ;a- been )ri(ari.y a- a .iterary t;eory5 to con:ine t;i- di-turbin' 6no/.ed'e to t;e te0t and recyc.e it t;rou'; t;e recu)erati8e a))aratu- o: .iterary ;u(ani-(+ rat;er t;an a..o/in' t;e e(er'ence o: 9rance a- t;e /or.d ca)ita. o: t;eory to )er;a)- be read a- t;e -eIue. o: it- o/n )o.itica. decenterin' and .o-- o: (a-tery - in t;e /ar+ in Indo-1;ina+ in Nort; #:rica. &et+ (uc; o: Euro)ean )o-t/ar deco.oni-ation too6 ).ace out o:

20B *a%ra Ki#nis )ractica. and econo(ic nece--ity (ore -o t;an out o: ideo.o'ica. con8iction5 t;e co.onia. (ind )er-i-t- .on' a:ter it- )o.itica. and econo(ic -tructure- ;a8e been di-(ant.ed. 1ontinenta. :e(ini-( o::er- a radica. -tructura. ana.y-i- o: o)eration- it )re:er- to ca.. );a..o'ocentri-(+ but t;en retreat- :ro( t;e i().ication- o: it- o/n ana.y-i- into t;e autono(y o: t;e te0t+ -eiJin' on a (oderni-t re:u-a. o: re:erence to enact it- a(bi8a.ence. 1ontinenta. :e(ini-( /ou.d -ee( to be t;e (o-t )otentia..y radica. current in conte()orary )o.itica. t;eory+ :reein' it-e.: :ro( t;e e--entia.i-( and t;e .ibera. tradition o: #(erican :e(ini-(. &et+ it a.-o -ee(- be-et by t;e -a(e con=unctura. e.e(ent- a--ociated /it; t;e de)o.itici-ation o: %e-tern Mar0i-(+ )rone to ae-t;etici-ation+ t;eoretica. autono(y+ and a de.iberate di-tance :ro( )o.itica. )ra0i-. It identi:ie- t;e -tructura. )o-ition o: a ne/ )o.itica. -ub=ect+ in-cribin' it-e.: into t;at (o(ent+ and i- t;en )ara.yJed by t;i- 6no/.ed'e and by it- o/n 9ir-t-%or.d -tatu-+ ;y-terica..y b.ind to t;e 'eo)o.itica. i().ication- o: it- o/n )ro'ra(. #nd .e'iti(ate.y -o+ becau-e t;e 6no/.ed'e o::ered ;ere i- not beni'n. It i- t;at rea. -;i:t- in /or.d )o/er and econo(ic di-tribution ;a8e .itt.e to do /it; jo%issance, t;e )reOedi)a.+ or :.uid-+ and t;at t;e .u0ury o: 9ir-t-%or.d :e(ini-( to d/e.. on -uc; i--ue- de)end- on t;e )re-er8ation o: 9ir-t-%or.d abundance 'uaranteed by -y-te(atic underde8e.o)(ent e.-e/;ere and by t;e )o-t)one(ent+ by /;ate8er (ean-+ o: t;e )o.itica. decenterin' t;at /i.. (ean t;e c.o-e o: t;at ;i-torica. e)oc;. T;i- )a)er /a- :ir-t /ritten durin' t;e /ee6 o: t;e *S bo(bin' o: !ibya+ -o eu);e(i-tica..y )re-ented to u- by our' )o/er- aa +-ur'ica. -tri6e7. T;i- );ra-e+ a.on' /it; Rea'an7- (e(orab.e dia'no-i- o: Gadda:i a- 7:.a6y7+ brin'- to (ind anot;er :or( o: -ur'ica. -tri6e+ t;e .oboto(y+ -o o:ten )er:or(ed /it; ice-)ic6- and on /o(en+ :o..o/in' t;e dia'no-i- o: irrationa.ity. ,ere /e ;a8e Gadda:i+ ca-t in t;e ro.e o: 9rance- 9ar(er+ /it; t;e *S in t;e ro.e o: )-yc;iatric -ur'eon. E7T;at t;e co.onia. i- coded :e(a.e ;a- been c.ear enou'; e8en /it;out t;e New &or6 Po-t7- arti-t7- renderin' o: Gadda:i a- a /o(an.$ Our net/or6 ne/- t;e-e day- i- :u.. o: irrationa. !ibyan- and irrationa. Pa.e-tinian-+ needin' a .itt.e :ronta.-.obe =ob+ and it- o/n ideo.o'ica. (i--ion i- no/ ad(itted -o :ree.y t;at 1BS7.ate-t -.o'an :or it- ne/- i- 7%e 6ee) #(erica on to) o: t;e /or.d.7 T;e dia'no-i- o: nationa. a-)iration- t;at don7t coincide /it; t;e (a-ter ).an o: t;e %e-t i- 7)-yc;o)at;o.o'y7+ /;ic; de(and- a +cure7 - t;e :u.. array o: -tate-re)re--i8e a))aratu-e-5 :or !ibyan-+ bo(b-F in t;e ca-e o: /o(en+ ra)e+ battery+ con:ine(ent+ and (edica. and )-yc;iatric abu-e - re)re--i8e a))aratu-e- in a :a(i.ia. 'ui-e. #- i- -;o/n in t;e current ;y-teria o8er 7internationa. terrori-(7 - t;e u.ti(ate con-)iracy t;eory into /;ic; our 'o8ern(ent ;a(ana'ed to :u-e t;e So8iet *nion+ I-.a(ic :unda(enta.i-(+ t;e Sandini-ta-+ and Pa.e-tinian nationa.i-( - t;e reaction to any decenterin' telos is 204 A Fe!inist Post!odernis!F -y()to(atic b.indne-- rat;er t;an in-i';t5 t;ere i- an un/'ne-- and inabi.ity to :u..y co()re;end t;i- );eno(enon o: -;i:t- in )o/er and -);ere- o: in:.uence+ and o: ne/ :or(- o: )o.itica. -tru''.e in /;ic; ci8i.ian touri-t- are ;e.d re-)on-ib.e :or t;e action- o: t;eir 'o8ern(ent-. %;en reta.iation i- ta6en+ a- ;a- been announced+ :or 7#(erican arro'ance7+ t$is is t;e )o-t(odern critiIue o: t;e En.i';ten(entF it i-+ in :act+ a decenterin'F it i- t;e (ar'in+ t;e ab-ence+ t;e )eri);ery+ re/ritin' t;e ru.e- :ro( it- o/n intere-t. By a--ociatin' :e(ini-( /it; t;e-e ot;er )o.itica. -tru''.e- and /it; a ) ;i-torica. -)ace+ I do not (ean to e::ace 'endered o))re--ion or actua. ;i-torica. /o(en in t;e na(e o: -o(e )utati8e.y 'reat o))re--ion. T;e ri-e o: t;e current /o(en7- (o8e(ent )ara..e.ed Eand+ accordin' to -o(e (ore unrecon-tructed e.e(ent-+ cau-ed$ t;e dec.ine o: t;e b.ac6-)o/er (o8e(ent in t;e *nited State-+ -u''e-tin' a (etony(y o: -tru''.e /it;in t;i- ;i-torica. -)ace. I: :e(ini-( i- read a- a deco.oni-in' (o8e(ent+ a..ied /it; ot;er deco.oni-in' (o8e(ent-+ t;i- i-+ in a -en-e+ to -ay t;at t;e Ri';t i- ri';t /;en it identi:ie- :e(ini-( a- a t;reat to t;e 7#(erican /ay o: .i:e7. &et+ t;i- .atent 6no/.ed'e o: t;e )o.itica. -ta6e- )roduce- t;e i()a--e t;at I t;in6 /e current.y -ee in :e(ini-t t;eory5 a:ter t;e critiIue o: .ibera. re:or(i-(+ a:ter t;e di-(' o: t;e bio.o'i-tic+ but u).i:tin'+ :ab.e t;at /o(en /i..+ 'i8en t;e c;ance+ con-truct a non;ierarc;ica. )o.itica. uto)ia+ t;e )o.itica. o)tion- are indeed narro/er. It i- eit;er 7out o: t;e (ain-trea( and into t;e re8o.ution7+ or out o: t;e re8o.ution and into t;e te0t. On t;e .oca. .e8e.+ t;e dec.ine o: t;e narrati8e- o: .iberation o: (odernity and t;e retreat :ro( t;e )o.itica. i().ication- o: )o-t(odernity ;a8e .e:t t;e :ie.d /ide o)en :or t;e Ri';t+ /;ic; ;a- -ucce--:u..y :ou';t on t;e terrain o: )o) inter)e..ation5' t;e ter(- o: )o) di-cour-e+ arro'atin' t;e terrain o: nature+ :a(i.y+ co((unity+ and t;e :etu-F not ;e-itatin' to a))ro)riate and rearticu.ate a traditiona..y .e:t r;etoric o: .iberation and e()o/er(ent. It i- -tri6in' t;at P;y..i- Sc;.a:.y7- anti:e(ini-t (ani:e-to+ T$e Power of t$e Positi0e /o!an ,9:<<=, o)en- /it; t;e Iue-tion+ 7,o/ are /o(en to acIuire )o/er in t;e /or.dH1B and in :act+ Sc;.a:.y (ode.ed ;er-e.: into one o: t;e (o-t e::ecti8e )o.itica. :i'ure- out-ide e.ectora. )o.itic- in t;e *nited State- by u-in' t;e r;etoric o: di-en:ranc;i-e(ent to (obi.i-e radica. :e(ini-(7- Ot;er - -uburban ;ou-e/i8e- - into an e::ecti8e )o.itica. :orce. By (ani)u.atin' t;e e0c.u-ion- ad(itted.y o)eratin' in :e(ini-t di-cour-e o: t;e -e8entie- to (ar-;a. :ear and ressenti!ent a(on' /o(en /;o -a/ :e(ini-( a- 0iti-t and c.a--i-t and t;e ER# EEIua. Ri';t- #(end(ent$ a- a t;reat to t;eir tenuou- ;o.d on any co(er o: e()o/er(ent in t;e /or.d+ Sc;.a:.y created a 'ra---root- (o8e(ent t;at turned t;e e0)ected rati:ication o: t;e ER# by .ibera. :e(ini-tinto a cra-;in' de:eat. %;at t;i- -u''e-t- i- t;at t;e in-i';t- o: a .e:t )o-t(oderni-(7210 *a%ra Ki#nis rene'otiation o: t;e )o) are re.e8ant to a :e(ini-t t;eory t;at i- increa-in'.y unab.e to inter)e..ate a )o) audience or ca)ture a )o) i(a'ination. In-tead+ a8ant-'ardi-t -trate'ie- o: ne'ation -)ro::ered a- a counter:orce to t;e tec;nic- o: a )o) cu.ture dedicated to t;e )roduction o: t;e -)uriou-.y -e.:-identi:ied -ub=ect - end u) )roducin' t;eir o/n Ot;er5 t;e 7(a--7 o: (a-- cu.ture t;at re-ide- out-ide t;e 8an'uard 1-.ite+ out-ide t;e inte..i'ent-ia+ and out-ide t;e uni8er-ity. I: t;e )o) i- -een a- an acce-- to ;e'e(ony rat;er t;an an in-tru(ent o: do(ination+ /;at :o..o/- i- a )o-t(odern -trate'y o: -tru''.e o8er t;e terrain o: )o) inter)e..ation+ an ac6no/.ed'(ent t;at ;e'e(ony i- /on rat;er t;an i()o-ed.

But t;i- a'ain )re-u(e- t;at /e are on.y t;e -ub=ect o: )o.itica. tran-:or(ation+ rat;er t;an t;e ob=ect. T;e ;y)er8i-ibi.ity o: t;e -ub=ect+ t;e -y()to( t;at introduced t;i- etio.o'y o: current t;eory+ )ara..e.- it- decon-truction on t;e /or.d -ta'e. T;e neo(oderni-t de-ire to .ocate t;e -)ace o: t;e (ar'in and t;e ab-ence /it;in t;e te0t - to ;o.d t;at t;eory ;a- autono(ou-.y arri8ed at t;e )oint at /;ic; it ac;ie8e- reco'nition o: t;e )eri);ery - i- -i().y to t;eori-e a'ain :ro( :ir-t-/or.d intere-t+ to di-).ay a ;y-terica. b.indne-- to t;e :act t;at t;e )eri);ery ;a- :orced it-e.: u)on t;e attention o: t;e center. To t;e e0tent t;at any decon-tructi8e t;eory )rioriti-e- t;e autono(ou- te0t+ it (aintain- t;i- b.indne--F it rein8ent- and rein8e-t- in t;e centra.ity o: t;at center. To t;e e0tent t;at a :e(ini-t t;eory di-co8er- t;e-e crucia. -)ace- in te0tua. rat;er t;an in )o.itica. )ractice+ it indicate- t;e re-i-tance o: 9ir-t -%or.d :e(ini-t- to t;e dan'erou- 6no/.ed'e t;at in a world -y-te( o: )atriarc;y+ u);e.d by an internationa. di8i-ion o: .abor7 uneIua. e0c;an'e and t;e Internationa. Monetary 9und+ /e 9ir-t-%or.d :e(ini-t- are a.-o t;e bene:iciarie-. Note1. TERR& E#"!ETON+ 7T;e End o: En'.i-;7 EPa)er de.i8ered at t;e Sc;oo. o: t;e #rt In-titute o: 1;ica'o+ #)ri. 14B@$. 2. 3*!I# KRiSTEC#+ 7%o(en 1an Ne8er Be De:ined7+ in New Frenc$ Fe!inis!s, ed. E.aine Mar6- and I-abe..e de 1ourti8ron ENe/ &or65 S;oc6en Boo6-+ 14B1$+ ). 1<A. <. See TORI! MOI7S (eC%allTeCt%al Politics ENe/ &or65 Met;uen+ 14B?$ :or a co()ari-on o: t;e #n'.o-#(erican and continenta. tradition- and a critiIue o: t;e )o.itic- o: @criture :@(inine. . 9REDRI1 3#MESON+ T$e Prison .o%se of *an %a e EPrinceton5 Princeton *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14A2$+ ). 1B2. 3a(e-on i- /ritin' about Tel G%el ;ere Einc.udin' 211 A Fe!inist Post!odernis!F Kri-te8a$+ and about Derrida+ /;o ;a- in8ented a ne/ tran-cendenta. -i'ni:ied+ 7na(e.y t;at o: -cri)t it-e.:7. On de)endency t;eory -ee #ND9# "*NDER 9R#NiK+ "a#italis! and 'nderde0elo#!ent in *atin A!erica ENe/ &or65 Mont;.y Re8ie/ Pre--+ 14@4$. @. T/o recent e0a().e- in ae-t;etic t;eory are 1rai' O/en7- 7T;e Di-cour-e o: Ot;er-5 9e(ini-t- and Po-t(oderni-(7+ in T$e Anti4Aest$etic6 Essa)s on Post!odern "%lt%re, ed. ,a. 9o-ter EPort To/n-end+ %a-;.5 Bay Pre--+ 14B<$+ and ,uy--en7- 7Ma-1u.ture a- %o(an7. A. Guoted in #!I1E E1,O!S+ T$e Radical Fe!inist -o0e!ent in t$e 'nited (tates, 14@A - A? Eun)ub.i-;ed doctora. di--ertation+ *ni8er-ity o: Mic;i'an+ 14B@$+ ). <2. P,&!!IS S1,!#9!&+ T$e Power of t$e Positi0e /o!an ENe/ &or65 3o8e+ 14AA$. 212

B.ac6 1u.ture and Po-t(oderni-(

1B 1orne. %e-t+ 9ro( 7#n Inter8ie/ /it; 1orne. %e-t7 Anders (te#$ansonM

T;e decentrin' )roce--e- o: )o-t(oderni-( ;a8e Iue-tioned et;nocentric+ e)i-te(o.o'ica. and cu.tura. (ode.-+ :ore'roundin' -ubordinated or (ar'ina.i-ed di-cour-e- and tradition-. T;e )er-)ecti8e o: #:ro-#(erican inte..ectua.- and arti-t- in;abitin' co(bined /;ite and b.ac6 ;i-torie- i- t;ere:ore o: ) t;eoretica. and )ractica. intere-t. T;e B.ac6 #(erican no8e.i-t Toni Morri-on ;a- co((ented t;at :or b.ac6- t;e a.ienated )-yc;o.o'ica. and -ocia. condition a--ociated /it; (oderni-( and )o-t(oderni-(. coincided /it; -.a8ery5 7(odern .i:e be'in- /it; -.a8ery. 9ro( a /o(an7- )oint o: 8ie/+ in ter(- o: con:rontin' t;e )rob.e(- o: /;ere t;e /or.d i- no/+ b.ac6 /o(en ;ad to dea. /it; 7)o-t(odern7 )rob.e(- in t;e nineteent; century and ear.ier ... certain 6ind- o: di--o.ution+ t;e .o-- o: and t;e need to recon-truct certain 6ind- o: -tabi.ity7 ,"it) *i!its, <1 Marc;-A #)ri.+ 14BB$. In t;e :o..o/in' e0tract 1orne. %e-t -i( identi:ie- a di-tincti8e.y b.ac6 cu.tura. )o-t(oderni-(. Ebot; %e-t and Toni Morri-on )oint to t;e in-)iration o: b.ue- and =aJJF -ee a.-o t;e -e.ection and ;eadnote to ,ou-ton #. Ba6er abo8e+ Ec;a)ter B$F a doub.e counter to t;e )o-t(oderni-( /;ic; -)e..- 7t;e #rnericani-ation o: t;e /or.d7 and to t;e .e-- )ro're--i8e Euro)ean (ode.-. T;e -erie- o: di::erence- and di8i-ion-+ in cu.ture+ c.a--+ in-titution+ race and r;etoric+ /;ic; %e-t identi:ie- ;ere+ )ro8ide t;e e0)erientia. -ource :or a -o);i-ticated neo-"ra(-cian )o.itic- in ;i- /or6. ,e de-cribe- t;i- e.-e/;ere a- )rec.udin' 7t;e .o'ocentric econo(i-( o: )re-"ra(-cian Mar0i-(- and t;e .abyrint;ine aby-- o: )o-t-tructura.i-(-7. It (ean- -tayin' a.ert to 7t;e con=unctura. o))ortunitie-7 )re-ented /it;in t;e econo(ic+ cu.tura. and ideo.o'ica. con-traint- co()ri-in' 7t;e (u.ti.e8e.ed o))re--ion o: #:rican- in t;e *nited R Re)rinted :ro( #ndre/ Ro-- Eed.$+ 'ni0ersal A&andonF T$e Politics of Post!odernis! EEdinbur';5 Edinbur'; *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14B4$+ )). 2A2-B2. 21< Black "%lt%re and Post!odernis! State- o: #(erica and e.-e/;ere7. E7Mar0i-t T;eory and t;e S)eci:icity o: #:ro-#(erican O))re--ion7 in Ne.-on and "ro--ber'+ -arCis! and t$e 5nter#retation of "%lt%re ,9:AA=, ##. ?4, ?>=. O: re.ated intere-t are Ti(ot;y Ma.iIa.i( Si(one7- A&o%t Face. Race in Post!odern A!erica ,9:A:=, and be.. ;oo6-+ +earnin . Race Gender and "%lt%ral Politics ENe/ &or6 and !ondon5 Turnaround+ 9::9=. Anders (te#$anson6 T;e )o-t-tructura.i-t )rob.e(atic -ee(- no/ to ;a8e been en'u.:ed by t;e 'enera. debate on )o-t(oderni-(. # certain con:u-ion o: ter(ino.o'y (ar6- t;i- debate. 1once)tua. )air- .i6e (odernity/)o-t(odernity and (oderni-(/)o-t(oderni-( (ean 8ery di::erent t;in'- de)endin' on country and cu.tura. )ractice. /est6 T;ree t;in'- are crucia. in c.earin' t;at u)5 ;i-torica. )eriodi-ation+ de(arcation o: cu.tura. arc;i8e- and )ractice-+ and )o.itic-/ideo.o'y. Ta6e ;i-tory and de(arcation :or e0a().e. It i- c.ear t;at 7(odern7 );i.o-o);y be'in- in t;e -e8enteent; century+ /e.. be:ore t;e En.i';ten(ent+ /it; t;e turn to/ard t;e -ub=ect and t;e ne/ aut;ority+ t;e in-titutiona.i-ation+ o: -cienti:ic rea-on. %;at /e ca.. )o-t(odern );i.o-o);y today i- )reci-e.y about Iue-tionin' t;e :oundationa. aut;ority o: -cience. T;i- tra=ectory i- 8ery di::erent :ro( t;at o: (oderni-t .iterary )ractice-+ /;ic; in turn i- Iuite di::erent :ro( t;at o: arc;itecture5 t;e :or(er+ to -i().i:y+ attac6- rea-on in t;e na(e o: (yt;+ /;erea- t;e .atter 8a.ori-e- it to'et;er /it; tec;niIue and :or(. T;e-e )rob.e(- o: )eriodi-ation and de(arcation are o:ten i'nored. 9or in-tance+ Porto';e-i7- /or6 on )o-t(odern arc;itecture -ee(- to a--u(e t;at ;i- ;i-torica. :ra(e/or6 i- an uncontro8er-ia. 'i8en. (te#$anson6 In t;i- -en-e+ !yotard7- initia. t;eori-ation o: t;e )o-t(odern condition i- )ro:ound.y (ar6ed by it- 9renc; )ro8enance. /est6 &e-. ,i- boo6+ in (any /ay- an o8erce.ebrated one+ i- rea..y a 9renc; re:.ection on t;e tran-'re--ion- o: !odernis! t;at ;a- .itt.e to do /it; #ost!odernis! in t;e #(erican conte0t. In 9rance+ (oderni-( -ti.. a))ear- to be t;e centerin );eno(enon. 9i'ure- .i6e #rtaud+ 3oyce+ and Batai..e continue to ).ay a :unda(enta. ro.e. In t;e *nited State-+ a- #ndrea- ,uy--en ;a- e();a-i-ed+ )o-t(oderni-( i- an a8ant'arde - .i6e rebe..ion a'ain-t t;e (oderni-( o: t;e (u-eu(+ a'ain-t t;e (oderni-( o: t;e .iterary and acade(ic e-tab.i-;(ent. Note+ too+ t;e di-=unction ;ere bet/een cu.tura. )o-t(oderni-( and )o-t(odern )o.itic-. 9or #(erican- are )o.itica..y a./ay- a.ready in a condition o: )o-t(odern :ra'(entation and ;etero'eneity in a /ay t;at Euro)ean- ;a8e not beenF and t;e re8o.t a'ain-t t;e center by t;o-e con-tituted a- (ar'ina.- i- an o##ositional di::erence in a /ay t;at )o-t-tructura.i-t 21 "ornel /est notion- o: di::erence are not. T;e-e #(erican attac6- on uni8er-a.ity in t;e na(e o: di::erence+ t;e-e 7)o-t(odern7 i--ue- o: Ot;erne-E#:ro#(erican-+ Nati8e #(erican-+ /o(en+ 'ay-$ are in :act an i().icit critiIue o: certain 9renc; )o-t(odern di-cour-e- about Ot;erne-- t;at rea..y -er8e to ;ide and concea. t;e )o/er o: t;e 8oice- and (o8e(ent- o: Ot;er-. (te#$anson6 9ro( an #(erican 8ie/)oint+ t;e debate bet/een !yotard and ,aber(a- i- t;u- rat;er o::-t;e-(ar6. /est6 Intere-tin' #$iloso#$ical t;in'- are at -ta6e t;ere+ but t;e )o.itic- i- a :a(i.y a::air+ a 8ery narro/ :a(i.y a::air at t;at. ,aber(a-tand- :or t;e 'rand o.d tradition o: t;e En.i';ten(ent )ro=ect o: 8ern%nft. 5 ;a8e -o(e a::initie- /it; t;at tradition+ but t;ere i- not;in' ne/ about /;at ;e ;a- to -ay. !yotard7- attac6 on ,aber(a- co(e- out o: 8a.ori-ation o: t;e tran-'re--ion o: (oderni-( 8i- -d-8i- an o.d ;i';bro/+ En.i';ten(ent )er-)ecti8e. #.. t;i- i- 8ery di-tant :ro( t;e 6ind o: debate- about )o-t(oderni-( /e ;a8e in t;e State-+ t;ou'; o: cour-e one ;a- to read it+ be acIuainted /it; it.

(te#$anson6 #'reed+ but t;e debate ;a- not been /it;out e::ect ;ere eit;er. 9or in-tance+ it i- no/ o:ten :e.t nece--ary in arc;itectura. di-cu--ion- to (a6e re:erence- to !yotard. /est6 It ;a- beco(e :a-;ionab.e to do -o becau-e ;e i- no/ a (a=or :i'ure+ but I a( ta.6in' about serio%s readin'- o: ;i(. #nyone /;o 6no/- anyt;in' about Kant and %itt'en-tein a.-o 6no/- t;at !yotard7- readin'- o: t;e( are 8ery Iue-tionab.e and /renc;ed out o: conte0t. %;en t;e-e readin'- t;en tra8e. to t;e *nited State-+ t;ey o:ten a--u(e an aut;ority t;at re(ain- %ninterro ated. (te#$anson6 # ca-e in )oint i- t;e conce)t o: 7.i:e-/or.d7+ no/ :ree.y bandied about and (o-t i((ediate.y ori'inatin' in ,u--er.. In t;e .ater ,aber(a- it :u.:i..- an i()ortant :unction a- t;e -ite o: co.oni-ation :or t;e 7-y-te(- -/or.d7. T;i-+ rou';.y+ -ee(- to co(bine %eber /it; ,u--er.+ but t;e re-u.t i- in :act not;in' -o (uc; a- c.a--ic #(erican -ocio.o'y. %e-t5 %;en ,aber(a- =u0ta)o-e- t;e .i:e-/or.d /it; t;e co.oni-in' -y-te(-+ it -tri6e- (e a- a rat;er c.u(-y Par-onian /ay o: t;in6in' about t;e incor)oration o: cu.ture into ad8anced ca)ita.i-t cyc.e- o: )roduction and con-u()tion. On t;e one ;and+ ,aber(a- ;a- in (ind t;e :unda(enta. ro.e t;at cu.ture ;a- co(e to ).ay+ no/ t;at t;e co((odi:ication )roce-- ;a- )enetrated cu.tura. )ractice- /;ic; /ere )re8iou-.y re.ati8e.y autono(ou-F on t;e ot;er ;and+ ;e i- t;in6in' o: ;o/ o))o-itiona. :orce- and re-i-tance to t;e -y-te( E/;at I ca.. t;e )roce-- o: co((odi:ication$ are on t;e /ane. T;i- i- -i().y a .e-21? B.ac6 1u.ture and Po-t(oderni-( e::ecti8e /ay o: ta.6in' about -o(et;in' t;at Mar0i-t- ;a8e been ta.6in' about :or year-. Ste);an-on5 &et+ it i- ob8iou- t;at bot; !yotard and ,aber(a- (u-t ;a8e done -o(et;in' to :i.. a 6ind o: .ac6 -o(e/;ere5 ot;er/i-e t;eir rece)tion ;ere /ou.d be ine0).icab.e. %e-t5True. T;e-e re(ar6- do not e0).ain /;y ,aber(a- and !yotard ;a8e 'ained t;e attention t;ey ;a8e. ,aber(a-+ o: cour-e+ -)ea6/it; t;e -tatu- o: a -econd-'eneration 9ran6:urt -c;oo. t;eori-tF and ;e ;a- beco(e -uc; a ce.ebrity t;at ;e can dro) a nu(ber o: ter(:ro( a nu(ber o: di::erent tradition- and t;ey ta6e on a -a.ience t;ey o:ten do not de-er8e. More :unda(enta..y+ ;i- encyc.o)edic 6no/.ed'e and ;i- ob-e--ion /it; t;e );i.o-o);ica. :oundation- o: de(ocratic nor(- a.-o -ati-:y a )er8a-i8e need :or .e:t -acade(ic inte..ectua.- - a need :or t;e )ro:e--iona. re-)ectabi.ity and ri'or t;at di-).ace )o.itica. en'a'e(ent and t;i- -/or.d.y in8o.8e(ent. #t t;e -a(e ti(e+ ;i- /e..-6no/n+ but rea..y tenuou-+ re.ation to Mar0i-( )ro8ide- t;e( /it; an innocuou- bad'e o: radica.i-(. #.. o: t;ita6e- ).ace at t;e e0)en-e o: an encounter /it; t;e Mar0i-t tradition+ e-)ecia..y /it; "ra(-ci and t;e .ater !u6#c- o: t;e Onto.o'y /or6-. In t;i- -en-e+ ,aber(a- un/ittin'.y -er8e- a- a 6ind o: o)iu( :or -o(e o: t;e #(erican .e:t-acade(ic inte..i'ent-ia. T;e i()act o: !yotard+ on t;e ot;er ;and+ i- )robab.y t;e re-u.t o: t;e :act t;at ;e /a- t;e :ir-t -eriou- Euro)ean t;in6er to addre-- t;e i()ortant Iue-tion o: )o-t(oderni-( in a co()re;en-i8e /ay. De.euJe+ to ta6e a re.ated );i.o-o);er+ ne8er didF t;ou'; ;e i- u.ti(ate.y a (ore )ro:ound )o-t-tructura.i-t /;o -;ou.d 'et (ore attention t;an ;e doe- in t;e *nited State-. ,i- ear.y boo6 on NietJ-c;e i- actua..y an ori'inary te0t. Ste);an-on5 %;yH %e-t5 Becau-e De.euJe /a- t;e :ir-t to t;in6 t;rou'; t;e notion o: di::erence inde)endent o: ,e'e.ian idea- o: o))o-ition+ and t;at /at;e -tart o: t;e radica. anti-,e'e;ani-( /;ic; ;a- c;aracteri-ed 9renc; inte..ectua. .i:e in t;e .a-t decade-. T;i- )o-ition - t;e tra-;in' o: tota.ity+ t;e tra-;in' o: (ediation+ t;e 8a.ori-ation o: di::erence out-ide t;e -ub=ect - ob=ect o))o-ition+ t;e decenterin' o: t;e -ub=ect - a.. t;e-e :eature- /e no/ a--ociate /it; )o-t(oderni-( and )o-t-tructua.i-( 'o bac6 to De.euJe7- re-urrection o: NietJ-c;e a'ain-t ,e'e.. 9oucau.t+ a.ready a--u(in' t;i- De.euJian critiIue+ /a- t;e :ir-t i()ortant 9renc; inte..ectua. /;o cou.d circu(8ent+ rat;er t;an con:ront+ ,e'e.+ /;ic; i- /;y ;e -ay- t;at /e .i8e in a 7De.euJian a'e7. To .i8e in a De.euJian a'e i- to .i8e in an anti -,e'e.ian a'e -o t;at one doe- not ;a8e to co(e to ter(- /it; !u6ic-+ #dorno or any ot;er ,e'e.ian Mar0i-t-. 21@ 1orne. %e-t Ste);an-on5 NietJ-c;e7- a-cendancy /a- not /it;out (a.e:icent e::ect- /;en 9renc; t;eory /a- i()orted into t;e *nited State-. %e-t5 It /a- un:ortunate :or #(erican inte..ectua. .i:e+ becau-e /e ne8er ;ad t;e Mar0i-t cu.ture a'ain-t /;ic; t;e 9renc; /ere reactin'. Nor /a- it a cu.ture t;at too6 ,e'e. -eriou-.y5 t;e ear.y 3o;n De/ey /a- t;e on.y .e:t ,e'e.ian /e e8er ;ad. NietJ-c;e /a- recei8ed+ t;ere:ore+ in t;e conte0t o: ana.ytic );i.o-o);y+ and you can i(a'ine t;e 'a)- and ;iatu-e-+ t;e b.indne-- t;at re-u.ted /;en NietJ-c;e entered narro/ #n'.o-#(erican )o-iti8i-(. In .iterary critici-(+ on t;e ot;er ;and+ NietJ-c;e /a- )art o: t;e Derridean ba''a'e t;at t;e 7Ne/ 1ritic-7 /ere ab.e ea-i.y Eand o:ten uncritica..y$ to a--i(i.ate into t;eir c.o-e readin'-. #- a re-u.t+ /e no/ ;a8e a 7To/er o: Babe.7 in #(erican .iterary critici-(. Ste);an-on5 T;e current+ ;o/e8er+ doe- not run in on.y one direction. I- t;e )re-ent 9renc; intere-t in 7)o-tana.ytic7 );i.o-o);y an indication t;at inte..ectua. .i:e i- bein' reorientated to/ard t;e *nited State-+ at .ea-t in ter(- o: ob=ect- o: inIuiryH %e-t5No doubt. 9renc; -ociety ;a- c.ear.y co(e under t;e in:.uence o: #(ericani-ation+ and %e-t "er(any+ a./ay- -o(e/;at o: a

:i:ty-:ir-t -tate+ ;a- (o8ed in t;i- direction a- /e... More i((ediate.y+ no/ t;at t;e uni8er-ity -y-te(- in Euro)e no .on'er ;a8e t;e -tatu- or :inancia. -u))ort t;ey once ;ad+ #(erican uni8er-itie- are )' in t;e Euro)ean inte..ectua.-+ o::erin' (oney and ce.ebrity -tatu- but a.-o a :air.y ;i'; .e8e. o: con8er-ation. Ste);an-on5 9eature- o: /;at /e a--ociate /it; t;e conce)t o: )o-t(oderni-( ;a8e been )art o: #(erican .i:e :or a .on' ti(e5 :ra'(entation+ ;etero'eneity+ -ur:ace- /it;out ;i-tory. I- )o-t(oderni-( in -o(e -en-e rea..y t;e codi:ication o: :i:e in !o- #n'e.e-H %e-t5 On.y in one :or( and -)eci:ica..y at t;e .e8e. o: (idd.ebro/ cu.ture. T;e ot;er -ide i- t;e )otentia..y o))o-itiona. a-)ect o: t;e notion. Po-t(oderni-(. ou';t ne8er to be 8ie/ed a- a ;o(o'enou- );eno(enon+ but rat;er a- one in /;ic; )o.itica. conte-tation icentra.. E8en i: /e .oo6 at it )rinci)a..y a- a :or( o: #(ericani-ation o: t;e /or.d+ it i- c.ear t;at /it;in t;e *S t;ere are 8ariou- :or(o: ideo.o'ica. and )o.itica. con:.ict 'oin' on. (te#$anson6 T;e b.ac6 co((unity+ :or e0a().e i- (ore 7conte-tationa.7 t;an a8era'e #(erica. /est6 T;e b.ac6 )o.itica. con-tituency -ti.. ;a- -o(e -en-e o: t;e rea.ity o: t;e /or.d+ -o(e -en-e o: /;at i- 'oin' on in t;e t;ird /or.d. !oo6 at t;e 21A Black "%lt%re and Post!odernis! i--ue- 3e--e 3ac6-on )re--ed in 14B and no/ in 14BB+ and you :ind t;at t;ey /ere i--ue- nor(a..y re-er8ed :or t;e -a.on- o: .e:ti-t inte..ectua.-. Brin'in' t;at on te.e8i-ion ;ad a 'reat i()act. (te#$anson6 &et+ t;e b.ac6 #(erican condition+ -o to -)ea6+ i- not an u).i:tin' -i';t at t;e (o(ent. /est6 Not at a... T;ere i- increa-in' c.a-- di8i-ion and di::erentiation+ creatin' on t;e one ;and a -i'ni:icant b.ac6 (idd.e c.a--+ ;i';.y an0ietyridden+ in-ecure+ /' to be co-o)ted and incor)orated into t;e )o/er- t;at be+ concerned /it; raci-( to t;e de'ree t;at it )o-econ-traint- on u)/ard -ocia. (obi.ityF and+ on t;e ot;er+ a 8a-t and 'ro/in' b.ac6 underc.a--+ an underc.a-- t;at e(bodie- a 6ind o: walkin ni$ilis! o: )er8a-i8e dru' addiction+ )er8a-i8e;o.i-(+ )er8a-i8e ;orrticide+ and an e0)onentia. ri-e in -uicide. No/+ becau-e o: t;e deindu-tria.i-ation+ /e a.-o ;a8e a de8a-tated b.ac6 indu-tria. /or6in' c.a--. %e are ta.6in' ;ere about tre(endou;o)e.e--ne--. (te#$anson6 Suicide ;a- increa-ed enor(ou-.yH /est6 It ;a- increa-ed -i0 ti(e- in t;e .a-t decade- :or b.ac6 (a.e- .i6e (y-e.: /;o are bet/een ei';teen and t;irty -:i8e. T;i- iun)recedented. #:ro-#(erican- ;a8e a./ay- 6i..ed t;e(-e.8e- .e-- t;an ot;er #(erican-+ but t;i- i- no .on'er true. (te#$anson6 %;at doe- a b.ac6 o))o-itiona. inte..ectua. do in t;e-e 'enera..y dire circu(-tance-H /est6 One :a..- bac6 on t;o-e b.ac6 in-titution- t;at ;a8e atte()ted to -er8e a- re-ource- :or -u-tenance and -ur8i8a.+ t;e b.ac6 c;urc;ebein' one -uc; in-titution+ e-)ecia..y t;eir )ro're--i8e and )ro);etic /in'. One trie- to root one-e.: or'anica..y in t;e-e in-titution- -o t;at one can -)ea6 to a b.ac6 con-tituency+ /;i.e (aintainin' a con8er-ation /it; t;e (o-t en'a'in' )o.itica. and )o-t(oderni-t debateon t;e out-ide -o t;at t;e in-i';t- t;ey )ro8ide can be brou';t in. (te#$anson6 T;at e0).ain- /;y you are+ a(on' ot;er t;in'-+ a 6ind o: .ay )reac;er. It7doe- not e0).ain /;y you are a 1;ri-tian. /est6 -) o/n .e:t 1;ri-tianity i- not -i().y in-tru(enta.i-t. It i- in )art a re-)on-e to t;o-e di(en-ion- o: .i:e t;at ;a8e been :.attened out+ to t;e -ur:ace.i6e c;aracter o: a )o-t(odern cu.ture t;at re:u-e- to -)ea6 to i--ue- o: de-)air+ t;at re:u-e- to -)ea6 to i--ue- o: t;e ab-urd. To t;at e0tent I -ti.. :ind 1;ri-tian narrati8e- and -torie- e!#owerin and ena&lin . (te#$anson6 %;at doe- it (ean to a b.ac6 #(erican to ;ear t;at+ in Baudri..ard7- .an'ua'e+ /e are in a -i(u.ated -)ace o: ;y)errea.ity+ t;at /e ;a8e .o-t t;e rea.H 21B "ornel /est /est6 5 read t;at -y()to(atica..y. Baudri..ard -ee(- to be articu.atin' a -en-e o: /;at it i- to be a 9renc;+ (idd.e -c.a-- inte..ectua.+ or )er;a)- /;at it i- to be (idd.e c.a-- 'enera..y. !et (e )ut it in ter(- o: a :or(u.ation :ro( ,enry 3a(e- t;at 9redric 3a(e-on ;aa))ro)riated5 t;ere i- a rea.ity t$at one cannot not know. T;e ra''ed ed'e- o: t;e Rea.+ o: Necessit), not bein' ab.e to eat+ not ;a8in' -;e.ter+ not ;a8in' ;ea.t; care+ a.. t;i- i- -o(et;in' t;at one cannot not 6no/. T;e b.ac6 condition ac6no/.ed'e- t;at. It i- -o (uc; (ore acute.y :e.t becau-e t;i- i- a -ociety /;ere a .ot o: )eo).e .i8e a Te:.on e0i-tence+ /;ere a .ot o: )eo).e ;a8e no -en-e o: t;e ra''ed ed'eo: nece--ity+ o: /;at it (ean- to be i()in'ed u)on by -tructure- o: o))re--ion. To be an u))er-(idd.e-c.a-- #(erican i- actua..y to .i8e a .i:e o: uni(a'inab.e co(:ort+ con8enience+ and .u0ury. ,a.: o: t;e b.ac6 )o)u.ation i- denied t;i-+ /;ic; i- /;y t;ey ;a8e a -tron' -en-e o: rea.ity.

(te#$anson6 Doe- t;at (a6e notion- o: )o-t(oderni-( (eanin'.e-- :ro( a b.ac6 )er-)ecti8eH /est6 It (u-t be concei8ed 8ery di::erent.y at .ea-t. Ta6e I-;(ae. Reed+ an e0e().ary )o-t(odern /riter. De-)ite ;i- con-er8ati8e )o.itic-+ ;e cannot deny t;e b.ac6 ac6no/.ed'(ent o: t;e rea.ity one cannot not 6no/. In /ritin' about b.ac6 #(erican ;i-tory+ :or in-tance+ ;e ;a- to co(e to ter(- /it; t;e -tate--)on-ored terrori-( o: .ync;in' b.ac6- and -o on. T;i- i- ine-ca)ab.e in b.ac6 )o-t(oderni-t )ractice-. (te#$anson6 ,o/ i- one in :act to under-tand b.ac6 )o-t(oderni-t )ractice-H /est6 To ta.6 about b.ac6 )o-t(oderni-t )ractice- i- to 'o bac6 to bebo) (u-ic and -ee ;o/ it re.ate- to .iterary e0)re--ion- .i6e Reed7and 1;ar.e- %ri';t7-. It i- to 'o bac6+ in ot;er /ord-+ to t;e 'eniu- o: 1; Par6er+ 3o;n 1o.trane and Mi.e- Da8i-. Bebo) /a-+ a:ter a..+ a re8o.t a'ain-t t;e (idd.e-c.a-- 7=aJJ o: t;e (u-eu(7+ a'ain-t -/in' and /;ite (u-ician- .i6e Benny "ood(an+ /;o ;ad beco(e ;e'e(onic by co.oni-in' a b.ac6 art :or(. %;at Par6er did+ o: cour-e+ /a- to #:ricani-e =aJJ radica..y5 to acce)t t;e )o.yr;yt;(-+ to co(bine t;e-e r;yt;(- /it; un)recedented 8irtuou-ity on t;e -a0. ,e -aid e0).icit.y t;at ;i- (u-ic /a- not )roduced to be acce)ted by /;ite #(erican-. ,e /ou.d be -u-)iciou- i: it /ere. T;i- -en-e o: re8o.t /a- to be )art and )arce. o: t;e )o-t(odern rebe..ion a'ain-t t;e (oderni-( o: t;e (u-eu(. (te#$anson6 To (e+ bebo) -ee(- .i6e a b.ac6 cu.tura. a8ant-'arde t;at corre-)ond- ;i-torica..y to ab-tract e0)re--ioni-( in )aintin' - t;e .a-t 'a-) o: (oderni-( - on /;ic; indeed it ;ad -o(e con-iderab.e in:.uence. 214 Black "%lt%re and Post!odernis! /est6 1ertain.y t;ey e(er'e to'et;er+ and )eo).e do tend to )ara..e. t;e( a- t;ou'; t;ey /ere t;e -a(eF but ab-tract e0)re--ioni-( /anot a re8o.t in t;e /ay bebo) /a-. In :act+ it /a- an in-tance o: (oderni-( it-e.:. Bebo) a.-o ;ad (uc; to do /it; :ra'(entation+ /it; ;etero'eneity+ /it; t;e articu.ation o: di::erence and (ar'ina.ity+ a-)ect- o: /;at /e a--ociate /it; )o-t(oderni-( today. (te#$anson6 #-)ect- o: t;e cu.tura. do(inant+ ye-F but t;e-e e.e(ent- are a.-o )art o: (oderni-(. Sure.y one can -ti.. ta.6 about 1; Par6er a- a uni:ied -ub=ect e0)re--in' inner an st or /;ate8er+ an arc;ety)a. c;aracteri-tic o: (oderni-(. /est6 True+ but t;in6 too o: anot;er ba-ic :eature o: )o-t(oderni-(+ t;e brea6do/n o: ;i';bro/ and )o) cu.ture. Par6er /ou.d u-e /;' o:: t;e -treet- o: co((on b.ac6 .i:e5 71;ero6ee7+ :or in-tance+ /a- actua..y a -on' t;at b.ac6 c;i.dren u-ed to -in' /;en =u()in' ro)e or+ a- I did+ ).ayin' (arb.e-. Par6er too6 t;at (e.ody o: t;e b.ac6 (a--e- and :i.tered it t;rou'; ;i- )o.yr;yt;(- and tec;nica. 8irtuo-ity+ turnin' it into a ;i';bro/ =aJJ :eature t;at /a- not Iuite ;i';bro/ any(ore. ,e /a- a.ready' into Iue-tion t;e di-tinction bet/een ;i'; and .o/ cu.ture+ )' :ro( a brico.a'e+ a- it /ere+ /;at /a- -ee(in'.y )o) and re.atin' it to /;at /at;en ;i';. &et+ I /ou.d not deny t;e (oderni-t i()u.-e+ nor /ou.d I deny t;at t;ey /ere re-i-tin' =aJJ a- co((odity+ 8ery (uc; .i6e 3oyce and Ka:6a re-i-ted .iterary )roduction a- co((odity. In t;at -en-e bebo) -tradd.e- t;e :ence. (te#$anson6 T;e u.ti(ate )rob.e(+ ;o/e8er+ i- /;et;er it i- actua..y u-e:u. to ta.6 about -o(eone .i6e 1; Par6er in t;e-e ter(-. /est6 It i- u-e:u. to t;e de'ree t;at it conte-t- t;e )' i(a'e o: ;i( a- a (oderni-t. #- you i().y+ on t;e ot;er ;and+ t;ere i- a (uc; dee)er Iue-tion a- to /;et;er t;e-e ter(- !odernis!9#ost!odernis! re.ate to #:ro-#(erican cu.tura. )ractice- in any i..u(inatin' /ay at an. %e are on.y at t;e be'innin' o: t;at inIuiry. (te#$anson6 %a- t;ere e8er actua..y a (a-- b.ac6 audience :or bebo)H /est6 &e-+ Par6er7- /a- t;e -ort o: (u-ic b.ac6 )eo).e danced to in t;e 14 0-. Mi.e-7- 7coo.7 -ta'e /a- a.-o bi' in t;e 14?0- /it; a.bu(.i6e 7Kinda B.ue7+ t;ou'; it /ent ;and in ;and /it; t;e )o)u.arity o: Nat Kin' 1o.e and Dina; %a-;in'ton. (te#$anson6 %;at ;a))ened to t;i- a8ant-'arde b.ac6 (u-ic /;en Moto/n and #ret;a ca(e a.on'H /est6 It /a- (ade a :eti-; :or t;e educated (idd.e-c.a--+ )rinci)a..y+ but not -o.e.y+ t;e /;ite (idd.e c.a--. In ab-o.ute ter(-+ it- do(ain actua..y e0)anded becau-e t;e b.ac6 audience o: n-ddd.e-c.a-- ori'in a.-o 220 "ornel /est e0)anded. But t;e 'reat di.e((a o: b.ac6 (u-ician- /;o try to )re-er8e a tradition :ro( (ain-trea( do(e-tication and di.ution i- in :act t;at t;ey .o-e contact /it; t;e b.ac6 (a--e-. In t;i- ca-e+ t;ere /a- e8entua..y a (o8e to/ard 7:u-ion7+ =aJJ arti-t- atte()tin' to )roduce ob=ect- intended :or broader b.ac6-and-/;ite con-u()tion. (te#$anson6 Mi.e- Da8i- i- t;e centra. :i'ure o: t;at a8ant-'arde -tory. /est6 #nd ;e cro--ed o8er /it; t;e -e(ina. record Bitc$es Brew in 14A0+ accentin' ;i- =aJJ ori'in- /;i.e borro/in' :ro( 3a(e- Bro/n7)o.yr;yt;(- and S.y Stone7- -ynco)ation. Bitc$es BreH8 brou';t ;i( a b.ac6 (a-- audience t;at ;e ;ad .o-t in t;e 14@0- - certain.y one

t;at 1o.trane ;ad .o-t co().ete.y. (te#$anson6 1ro--o8er arti-t-+ in t;e -en-e o: ;a8in' a racia..y (i0ed (a-- audience+ are not 8ery nu(erou- today. /est6 No+ but t;ere are (ore t;an e8er5 %;itney ,ou-ton+ Dionne %ar/ic6+ !ione. Ric;ie+ Diana Ro-- and #nita Ba6er. Ba6er i- a 8ery di::erent cro--o8er arti-t becau-e -;e i- -ti.. dee).y rooted in t;e b.ac6 conte0t. Mic;ae. 3ac6-on and Prince are cro--o8er in anot;er -en-e5 t;eir (u-ic i- .e-- rooted in b.ac6 (u-ica. tradition- and (uc; (ore o)en to /;ite roc6 and -o :ort;. (te#$anson6 In Prince7- ca-e it ;a- to do /it; t;e :act t;at ;e i- not entire.y :ro( a b.ac6 bac6'round. /est6 Sti..+ ;e 're/ u) in a b.ac6 :o-ter ;o(e and a b.ac6 Se8ent; Day #d8enti-t c;urc;+ but in Minnea)o.i-+ /;ic; i- 8ery di::erent :ro( 'ro/in' u) .i6e Mic;ae. 3ac6-on in a b.ac6 )art o: "ary+ Indiana. Minnea)o.i- ;a- a./ay- been a ).ace o: cu.tura. cro---:erti.i-ation+ o: interracia. (arria'e- and re.ation-;i)-. T;e ear.y 3ac6-on 9i8e+ on t;e ot;er ;and+ /ere t;orou';.y en-conced in a b.ac6 tradition+ and Mic;ae. be'an ;i- career dancin' .i6e 3a(e- Bro/n. No/+ ;e i- at t;e center o: t;e b.ac6-/;ite inter:ace. (te#$anson6 Prince ne8er rea..y ).ayed 7b.ac67 (u-ic a- one t;in6- o: it. ,i- (u-ic i- 7:u-ed7 :ro( t;e -tart. /est6 To be in a b.ac6 conte0t in Minnea)o.i- i- a.ready to be in a -ituation o: :u-ion+ becau-e t;e b.ac6- t;e(-e.8e- ;a8e (uc; broader acce-- to (ain-trea( /;ite cu.ture in 'enera.. &ou 'et t;e -a(e t;in' /it; ot;er b.ac6 -tar- /;o ;a8e co(e out o: t;at ).ace. (te#$anson6 Mic;ae. 3ac6-on+ by contra-t+ i- no/ a )ac6a'ed (idd.e#(erican )roduct. /est6 A nono))o-itiona.. in-tance o: co((odi:ication in b.ac6 -6in t;at i- becon-tin' (ore and (ore .i6e candy+ (ore radica. t;an McDona.d7-+ but 221 Black "%lt%re and Post!odernis! not by (uc;. It i- /atered-do/n b.ac6 (u-ic+ but -ti.. /it; a .ot o: t;e a''re--i8ene-- and )o/er o: t;at tradition. (te#$anson6-%sic is t$e b.ac6 (ean- o: cu.tura. e0)re--ion+ i- it notH /est6 -%sic and )reac;in'. ,ere+ ra) i- uniIue becau-e it co(bine- t;e b.ac6 )reac;er and t;e b.ac6 (u-ic tradition+ re).acin' t;e .itur'ica. -ecc.e-ia-tica. -ettin' /it; t;e #:rican )o.yr;yt;(- o: t;e -treet. # tre(endou- artic%lateness is -ynco)ated /it; t;e #:rican dru(beat+ t;e #:rican :un6+ into an #(erican )o-t(oderni-t )roduct5 t;ere i- no -ub=ect e0)re--in' ori'inary an'ui-; ;ere but a :ra'(ented -ub=ect+ )' :ro( )a-t and )re-ent+ inno8ati8e.y )roducin' a ;etero'eneou- )roduct. T;e -ty.i-tic co(bination o: t;e ora.+ t;e .iterate+ and t;e (u-ica. i- e0e().ary a- /e... Ot;er/i-e+ it i- )art and )arce. o: t;e -ub8er-i8e ener'ie- o: b.ac6 underc.a-- yout;+ ener'ie- t;at are :orced to ta6e a cu.tura. (ode o: articu.ation becau-e o: t;e )o.itica. .et;ar'y o: #(erican -ociety. T;e (u-ic o: "rand(a-ter 9.a-; and t;e 9uriou- 9i8e+ Kurti- B.o/ and Su'ar ,i.. "an' ;a- to ta6e on a dee).y )o.itica. c;aracter becau-e+ a'ain+ t;ey are in t;e rea.ity t;at t;e b.ac6 underc.a-- cannot not know6 t;e bruta. -ide o: t;e #(erican ca)ita.+ t;e bruta. -ide o: #(erican raci-(+ t;e bruta. -ide o: -e0i-( a'ain-t b.ac6 /o(en. (te#$anson6 5 a./ay- t;ou';t ra) /a- too indi'enou- a b.ac6 :or( o: e0)re--ion to (a6e it in t;e 'enera. (ar6et).ace. Run/DM1 ;a)ro8en (e /ron' on t;i-. /est6 Indeed. Run/DM1 i- a- indi'enou- a- you can 'et. *))er-(idd.e-c.a-- /;ite -tudent- at &a.e con-u(e a .ot o: Run/DM1. Ste);an-on5 &et+ t;e con-tituti8e e.e(ent- o: ra) -ee(ed to (e too :i0ed :or it to beco(e a )er(anent )re-ence on t;e cro--o8er -cene5 (ore anony(ou- and .e-- ea-i.y a--i(i.ated into e0i-tin' /;ite conce)t- o: (e.ody and -tructure. T;i-+ too+ i- )robab.y /ron'. /est6 Peo).e -aid t;e -a(e t;in' about Moto/n in 14@1+ t;e -a(e t;in' about #ret;a /;o i- about a- or'anic a- you can 'et. S;e i- not a- acce)ted by (ain-trea( /;ite -ociety a- t;e -(oot;er and (ore di.uted %ar/ic6 and Ro--+ but -;e i- acce)ted. T;at+ :ro( t;e )er-)ecti8e o: 14@ -@?+ i- unbe.ie8ab.e. T;e -a(e t;in' cou.d ;a))en /it; ra) (u-ic+ -ince t;e boundarie- are actua..y rat;er :.uid. But it /on7t re(ain t;e -a(e. (te#$anson6 %;ere /i.. ra) end u)H /est6 %;ere (o-t #(erican )o-t(odern )roduct- end u)5 ;i';.y )ac6a'ed+ re'u.ated+ di-tributed+ circu.ated and con-u(ed. 222 "ornel /est (te#$anson6 Preac;in'+ a- you -aid+ i- ob8iou-.y a cu.tura. :or( o: e0)re--ionF but i- it a -)eci:ica..y artistic :or(H /est6 Sure. T;e be-t )reac;er- are out-tandin' ora. arti-t-+ )er:or(ance arti-t-. Martin !ut;er Kin'+ 3r 'a8e /;ite #(erica =u-t a -(a..

ta-te o: /;at it i- to be an arti-tic r;etorician in t;e b.ac6 c;urc;e-. Tre(endou- 'ra8ity and /ei';t are 'i8en to t;e-e arti-tic )er:or(ance- becau-e )eo).e7- li0es ;an' on t;e(. T;ey )ro8ide -o(e ;o)e :ro( /ee6 to /ee6 -o t;at t;e-e :o.6 /on7t :a.. into ;o)e.e--ne-- and (eanin'.e--ne--+ -o t;at t;ey /on7t 6i.. t;e(-e.8e-. T;e re-)on-ibi.ity o: t;e b.ac6 )reac;er -arti-t i-+ in t;at -en-e+ dee).y :unctiona.+ but at t;e -a(e ti(e it entai.- a refine!ent of a for! beIueat;ed to ;i( by t;o-e /;o ca(e be:ore. B.ac6 )reac;in' iin-e)arab.e ;ere :ro( b.ac6 -in'in'. Mo-t b.ac6 -in'er- co(e out o: t;e c;oir+ and t;e .i8e- o: t;e con're'ation ;an' on ;o/ t;ey -in' t;e -on'+ /;at t;ey )ut into t;e -on'+ ;o/ )a--ionate+ ;o/ -e.:-in8e-ted t;ey are. Preac;in' i- =u-t .e-- 8i-ib.e to t;e out-ide aan art :or( becau-e /ord- uttered once don7t ;a8e t;e -a(e -tatu- a- cu.tura. )roduct-F but t;e b.ac6 )reac;er- are arti-t- /it; a 8ery .on' tradition. (te#$anson6 Since it doe- not .end it-e.: to (ec;anica. re)roduction+ )reac;in' i- a.-o ;ard to de-troy by turnin' it into a bu-ine--. ,o/ i- t;i- arti-tic :or( o: e0)re--ion actua..y e8a.uatedH /est6 In ter(- o: t;e i()act t;e )reac;er ;a- on t;e con're'ation. T;i- i()act can ta6e t;e :or( o: contan6erou- re-)on-e+ or t;e :or( o: e0i-tentia. e()o/er(ent+ t;e con8incin' o: )eo).e to 6ee) on 6ee)in' on+ to 6ee) on+ -tru''.in'+ conte-tin' and re-i-tin'. (te#$anson6 It i- Kant7- acrobat /;o inter8ene- con-tant.y to tran-:or( an ot;er/i-e un-tab.e eIui.ibriu( into anot;er eIui.ibriu(. /est6 %e.. )ut. B.ac6 -er(onic )ractice- ;a8e not recei8ed t;e attention t;ey de-er8e. #- a (atter o: :act+ b.ac6 .in'ui-tic )ractice- a-uc; need to be e0a(ined better becau-e t;ey add a .ot to t;e #(erican .an'ua'e. (te#$anson6 B.ac6 .an'ua'e create- a /ea.t; o: ne/ /ord-+ /;ic; are t;en Iuic6.y )ic6ed u) by t;e (ain-trea(. /est6 *-ua..y /it; -i'ni:icant -e(antic c;an'e-. Ste8ie %onder7- 7E8eryt;in' i- a.ri';t+ u)ti';t+ out o: -i';t7 i- a -trin' o: -ynony(-. '#ti $t, /;en I /a- 'ro/in' u)+ (eant -(oot;+ coo.+ e8eryt;in' i- :ine. By t;e ti(e it 'ot to (idd.e #(erica+ %#ti $t (eant an0iety-ridden+ t;e inabi.ity o: e8eryt;in' to be :ine. Si( -e(antic -;i:t-+ t;ou'; )er;a)- .e-- dra-tic+ ta6e ).ace /it; c$illin o%t, !ellowin o%t, and ot;er b.ac6 e0)re--ion-. "$illin o%t (eant .ettin' t;in'- be+ a -ort o: ,eide''erian 22< Black "%lt%re and Post!odernis! notion o: alet$eia, .ettin' t;e trut; re8ea. it-e.:+ .ettin' it -;ine+ .ettin' it co(e :ort;. (te#$anson6 "i8en t;e -ocia. circu(-tance- o: /;ic; it i- a )roduct+ b.ac6 #(erican .an'ua'e -ee(- to (e+ on t;e out-ide+ not to a..o/ 8ery ea-i.y :or )re8a.ent /;ite order- o: t;eoretica. re:.ection. /est6 It i- a ;' cu.ture+ and a ;' cu.ture tend- to be radicall) 7)ractica.i-t7+ dee).y )ra'(atic+ becau-e t;e i--ue i- a./ay- one o: -ur8i8in'+ 'ettin' o8er. (te#$anson6 T;i-+ I i(a'ine+ de(and- -o(e -;ar) .in'ui-tic t/i-t- :or )o%. /est6 5 a( continua..y cau';t in a 6ind o: 7;etero'.o--ia7+ -)ea6in' a nu(ber o: En'.i-; .an'ua'e- in radica..y di::erent conte0t-. %;en it co(e- to ab-tract t;eoretica. re:.ection+ I e().oy Mar0+ %eber+ 9ran6:urt t;eori-t-+ 9oucau.t+ and -o on. %;en it co(e- to -)ea6in' /it; t;e b.ac6 (a--e-+ I u-e 1;ri-tian narrati8e- and -torie-+ a .an'ua'e (eanin':u. to t;e( but :i.tered t;rou'; and in:or(ed by inte..ectua. de8e.o)(ent- :ro( de TocIue8i..e to Derrida. %;en it co(e- to t;e acade(y it-e.: t;ere i- yet anot;er 6ind o: .an'ua'e+ ab-tract but o:ten at;eoretica.+ -ince -ocia. t;eori-in' i- (o-t.y -;unned. P;i.o-o);er- are -i().y i..eIui))ed to ta.6 about -ocia. t;eory5 t;ey 6no/ %itt'en-tein but not %eber+ t;ey 6no/ 3.!. #u-tin but not Mar0. 22

Po-t(oderni-t 9iction

14 *(berto Eco+ 7Po-t(oderni-(+ Irony+ t;e En=oyab.e7

*(berto Eco7- /ritin'-+ in -e(iotic t;eory+ :iction and occa-iona. =ourna.i-(+ -;o/ a breadt; and (obi.ity E;i- e--ay- di-cu-- :a-;ion+ -)ort+ :i.(+ :ine art+ )o) :iction+ ;i'; (oderni-(+ t;e (edie8a. /or.d 7 and conte()orary )o.itic-$ /;ic; (a6e ;i( a .i8in' e0a().e o: t;e (u.ti-accented -i(u.taneity c;aracteri-in' )o-t(oderni-(. ,i- T$e Na!e of t$e Rose ,9:A9= /a- a' e0a().e o: t;iinterani(ation o: )re8iou-.y -e)arated cate'orie- o: :iction and non:iction5 a detecti8e t; Ein it- c.a--ic :or(+ t;e (o-t con8entiona.i-ed and c.o-ed o: )o) narrati8e-$ /;ic; co(bine- 'ot;ic -u-)en-e /it; c;ronic.e and -c;;i)+ /;ic; 6nit- t;e (edie8a. /it; t;e (odern+ and bo0e- narrati8e /it;in narrati8e to )roduce a co(ic (y-tery 7about7 t;e -u))re--ion and re-cue o: t;e -ub8er-i8e )o/er o: t;e co(ic it-e.:. T;e )re-ent e--ay i- ta6en :ro( Eco7- -u)).e(entary re:.ection- on t;e no8e.. Not t;e .ea-t intere-tin' a-)ect o: t;i- i- ;i- re:erence to t;e aut;ority o: #(erican e0a().e- Et;e )re-ent Introduction ar'ue- t;at )o-t(oderni-( i- in t;e :ir-t in-tance an #(erican );eno( enon$. Po-t(oderni-(+ Eco de:ine- by it- interte0tua.ity and 6no/in'ne-- and by it- re.ation to t;e )a-t. %;erea- (oderni-( /i-;ed but :ai.ed to abo.i-; t;e )a-t+ )o-t(oderni-( re8i-it- it+ at any ;i-torica. ti(e+ /it; irony - a )er-)ecti8e /ort; co()arin' /it; t;e a)oca.y)tic tone- and -ou.:u. ni;i.i-( :ound in ot;er account-. See a.-o+ in ) Ec;o7- 8o.u(e Fait$ in Fakes ,9:A;=, )ubR Re)rinted :ro( Reflections on 'T$e Na!e of t$e Rose', tran-. %i..ia( %ea8er E!ondon5 Sec6er and %arbur'+ 14B?$+ )). @?-A2. 22? Post!odernist Fiction .i-;ed in t;e *nited State- and in )a)erbac6 in "reat Britain a- Tra0els in .)#errealit) ,9:A<=. 9or -o(e di-cu--ion o: T$e Na!e of t$e Rose in t;e )re-ent conte0t+ -ee 3i( 'nco!!on "%lt%res. Po#%lar "%lt%re and Post!odernis! ,9:A:=, ##. ;044. Bet/een 9:;> and today+ t/o idea- ;a8e been de:initi8e.y c.ari:ied5 t;at ).ot cou.d be :ound a.-o in t;e :or( o: Iuotation o: ot;er ).ot-+ and t;at t;e Iuotation cou.d be .e-- e-ca)i-t t;an t;e ).ot Iuoted. In 9:<? 9 edited t;e Al!anacco Bo!#iani, ce.ebratin' 7T;e Return to t;e P.ot7+ t;ou'; t;i- return /a- 8ia an ironic re-e0a(ination Enot /it;out ad(iration$ o: Pon-on de Terrai. and Eu'~Lne Sue+ and ad(iration E/it; 8ery .itt.e irony$ o: -o(e o: t;e 'reat )a'e- o: Du(a-. T;e rea. )rob.e( at -ta6e t;en /a-+ cou.d t;ere be a no8e. t;at /a- not e-ca)i-t and+ ne8ert;e.e--+ -ti.. en=oyab.eH T;i- .in6+ and t;e redi-co8ery not on.y o: ).ot but a.-o o: en=oyabi.ity+ /a- to be rea.i-ed by t;e #(erican t;eori-t- o: )o-t(oderni-(. *n:ortunate.y+ 7)o-t(ode(7 i- a ter( &on a to%t faire. 5 ;a8e t;e i()re--ion t;at it i- a)).ied today to anyt;in' t;e u-er o: t;e ter( ;a))en- to .i6e. 9urt;er+ t;ere -ee(- to be an atte()t to (a6e it increa-in'.y retroacti8e5 :ir-t it /a- a))arent.y a)).ied to certain /riteror arti-t- acti8e in t;e .a-t t/enty year-+ t;en 'radua..y it reac;ed t;e be'innin' o: t;e century+ t;en -ti.. :urt;er bac6. #nd t;i- re8er-e )rocedure continue-F -oon t;e )o-t(odern cate'ory /i.. inc.ude ,o(er. #ctua..y+ I be.ie8e t;at )o-t(oderni-( i- not a trend to be c;rono.o'ica..y de:ined+ but+ rat;er+ an idea. cate'ory - or+ better -ti..+ a K%nstwollen, a /ay o: o)eratin'. %e cou.d -ay t;at e8ery )eriod ;a- it- o/n )o-t(oderni-(+ =u-t a- e8ery )eriod /ou.d ;a8e it- o/n (anneri-( Eand+ in :act+ I /onder i: )o-t(oderni-( i- not t;e (odern na(e :or (anneri-( a- (eta;i-torica. cate'ory$. I be.ie8e t;at in e8ery )eriod t;ere are (o(ent- o: cri-i- .i6e t;o-e de-cribed by NietJ-c;e in ;i- T$o% $ts 2%t of (eason, in /;ic; ;e /rote about t;e ;ar( done by ;i-torica. -tudie-. T;e )a-t condition- u-+ ;arrie- u-+ b.ac6(ai.- u-. T;e ;i-toric a8ant -'arde Ebut ;ere I /ou.d a.-o con-ider a8ant-'arde a (eta;i-torica. cate'ory$ trie- to -ett.e -core- /it; t;e )a-t. 7Do/n /it; (oon.i';t7 - a :uturi-t -.o'an - i- a ).at:or( ty)ica. o: e8ery a8ant-'ardeF you ;a8e on.y to re).ace 7(oon.i';t7 /it; /;ate8er noun i- -uitab.e. T;e a8ant -'arde de-troy-+ de:ace- t;e )a-t5 *es 7e!oiselles dA0i non is a ty)ica. a8ant-'arde act. T;en t;e a8ant-'arde 'oe- :urt;er+ de-troy- t;e :i'ure+ cance.- it+ arri8e- at t;e ab-tract+ t;e in:or(a.+ t;e /;ite can8a-+ t;e -.a-;ed can8a- t;e c;arred can8a-. In arc;itecture and t;e 8i-ua. art- it /i.. be t;e curtain /a..+ t;e bui.din' a- -te.e+ )ure )ara..e.e)i)ed+ (ini(a. artF in .iterature+ t;e de-truction o: t;e :.o/ o: di-cour-e+ t;e ??; '!&erto Eco Burrou';--.i6e co..a'e+ -i.ence+ t;e /;ite )a'eF in (u-ic+ t;e )a--a'e :ro( atona.ity to noi-e to ab-o.ute -i.ence Ein t;i- -en-e+ t;e ear.y 1a'e i- (ode($. But t;e (o(ent co(e- /;en t;e a8ant-'arde Et;e (ode($ can 'o no :urt;er+ becau-e it ;a- )roduced a ('ua'e t;at -)ea6- o: iti()o--ib.e te0t- Econce)tua. art$. T;e )o-t(odern re).y to t;e (odern con-i-t- o: reco'ni-in' t;at t;e )a-t+ -ince it cannot rea..y be de-troyed+ becau-e it- de-truction .ead- to -i.ence+ (u-t be re8i-ited5 but /it; irony+ not innocent.y. I t;in6 o: t;e )o-t(odern attitude at;at o: a (an /;o .o8e- a 8ery cu.ti8ated /o(an and 6no/- ;e cannot -ay to ;er+ 7I .o8e you (ad.y7+ becau-e ;e 6no/- t;at -;e 6no/Eand t;at -;e 6no/- t;at ;e 6no/-$ t;at t;e-e /ord- ;a8e a.ready been /ritten by Barbara 1art.and. Sti..+ t;ere i- a -o.ution. ,e can -ay+ 7#- Barbara 1art.and /ou.d )ut it+ I .o8e you (ad.y.7 #t t;i- )oint+ ;a8in' a8oided :a.-e innocence+ ;a8in' -aid c.ear.y t;at it i- no .on'er )o--ib.e to -)ea6 innocent.y+ ;e /i.. ne8ert;e.e-- ;a8e -aid /;at ;e /anted to -ay to t;e /o(an5 t;at ;e .o8e- ;er+ but ;e .o8e- ;er in an a'e o: .o-t innocence. I: t;e /o(an 'oe- a.on' /it; t;i-+ -;e /i.. ;a8e recei8ed a dec.aration o: .o8e a.. t;e -a(e. Neit;er o: t;e t/o -)ea6er- /i.. :ee. innocent+ bot; /i.. ;a8e acce)ted t;e c;a..en'e o: t;e )a-t+ o: t;e a.ready -aid+ /;ic; cannot be e.i(inatedF bot; /i.. con-ciou-.y and /it; ).ea-ure ).ay t;e 'a(e o: irony ... But bot; /i.. ;a8e -ucceeded+ once a'ain+ in -)ea6in' o: .o8e. Irony+ ('ui-tic ).ay+ enunciation -Iuared. T;u-+ /it; t;e (odern+ anyone /;o doe- not under-tand t;e 'a(e can on.y re=ect it+ but /it; t;e )o-t(odern+ it i- )o--ib.e not to under-tand t;e 'a(e and yet to ta6e it -eriou-.y. %;ic; i-+ a:ter a..+ t;e Iua.ity Et;e ri-6$ o: irony. T;ere i- a./ay- -o(eone /;o ta6e- ironic di-cour-e -eriou-.y. I t;in6 t;at t;e co..a'e- o: Pica--o+ 3uan "ri- and BraIue /ere (odern5 t;i- i- /;y nor(a. )eo).e /ou.d not acce)t t;e(. On t;e ot;er ;and+ t;e co..a'e- o: Ma0 Ern-t+ /;o )a-ted to'et;er bit- o: nineteent;-century en'ra8in'-+ /ere )o-t(odern5 t;ey can be read a- :anta-tic -torie-+ a- t;e' o: drea(-+ /it;out any a/arene-t;at t;ey a(ount to a di-cu--ion o: t;e nature o: en'ra8in'+ and )er;a)- e8en o: co..a'e. I: 7)o-t(odern7 (ean- t;i-+ it i- c.ear /;y Sterne and /ere )o-t(odern+ /;y Bor'e- -ure.y i-+ and /;y in t;e -a(e arti-t t;e (ode( (o(ent and t;e )o-t(odern (o(ent can

coe0i-t+ or a.ternate+ or :o..o/ eac; ot;er c.o-e.y. !oo6 at 3oyce. T;e Portrait is t;e -tory o: an atte()t at t;e (odern. 7%&liners, e8en i: it co(e- be:ore+ i- (ore (odern t;an Portrait. 'l)sses is on t;e border.ine. Finne ans /ake is a.ready )o-t(odern+ or at .ea-t it initiatet;e )o-t(odern di-cour-e5 it de(and-+ in order to be under-tood+ not t;e ne'ation o: t;e a.ready -aid+ but it- ironic ret;in6in'. On t;e -ub=ect o: t;e )o-t(odern near.y e8eryt;in' ;a- been -aid+ 22A Post!odernist Fiction :ro( t;e 8ery be'innin' Ena(e.y+ in e--ay- .i6e 7T;e !iterature o: E0;au-tion7 by 3o;n Bart;+ /;ic; date- :ro( 14@A$. Not t;at I a( entire.y in a'ree(ent /it; t;e 'rade- t;at t;e t;eoretician- o: )o-t(oderni-( EBart; inc.uded$ 'i8e to /riter- and arti-t-+ e-tab.i-;in' /;o i- )o-t(odern and /;o ;a- not yet (ade it. But I a( intere-ted in t;e t;eore( t;at t;e trend7- t;eoretician- deri8e :ro( t;eir )re(i-e-5 My idea. )o-t(oderni-t aut;or neit;er (ere.y re)udiate- nor (ere.y i(itate- eit;er ;i- t/entiet; -century (oderni-t )arent- or ;inineteent;-century )re(oderni-t 'rand)arent-. ,e ;a- t;e :ir-t ;a.: o: our century under ;i- be.t+ but not on ;i- bac6 ... ,e (ay not ;o)e to reac; and (o8e t;e de8otee- o: 3a(e- Mic;ener and Ir8in' %a..ace - not to (ention t;e .oboto(i-ed (a---(edia i..iterate-. But ;e s$o%ld ;o)e to reac; and de.i';t+ at .ea-t )art o: t;e ti(e+ beyond t;e circ.e o: /;at Mann u-ed to ca.. t;e Ear.y 1;ri-tian-5 )ro:e--iona. de8otee- o: ;i'; art ... T;e idea. )o-t(oderni-t no8e. /i.. -o(e;o/ ri-e abo8e t;e Iuarre. bet/een rea.i-( and irrea.i-(+ :or(a.i-( and 7contenti-(7+ )ure and co((itted .iterature+ coterie :iction and =un6 :iction ... My o/n ana.o'y /ou.d be /it; 'ood =aJJ or c.a--ica. (u-ic5 one :ind- (uc; on -ucce--i8e .i-tenin'- or c.o-e e0a(ination o: t;e -core t;at one didn7t catc; t;e :ir-t ti(e t;rou';F but t;e :ir-t ti(e t;rou'; -;ou.d be -o ra8i-;in' - and not =u-t to -)ecia.i-t- - t;at one de.i';t- in t;e re).ay. T;i- i- /;at Bart; /rote in 14B0+ re-u(in' t;e di-cu--ion+ but t;i- ti(e under t;e tit.e 7T;e !iterature o: Re).eni-;(ent5 Po-t(oderni-t 9iction7. Natura..y+ t;e -ub=ect can be di-cu--ed :urt;er+ /it; a 'reater ta-te :or )arado0F and t;i- i- /;at ! doe-. In 14B0 (al!a %ndi Eno. ?0-1$ )ub.i-;ed a debate bet/een and ot;er #(erican aut;or-. ob8iou-.y+ i- out to )ro8o6e. ,e )rai-e- T$e *ast of t$e -o$icans, ad8enture -torie-+ "ot;ic no8e.-+ =un6 -corned by critic- t;at /a- ne8ert;e.e-- ab.e to create (yt;- and ca)ture t;e i(a'ination o: (ore t;an one 'eneration. ,e /onder- i: -o(et;in' .i6e 'ncle To!'s "a&in will e8er a))ear a'ain+ a boo6 t;at can be read /it; eIua. )a--ion in t;e 6itc;en+ t;e .i8in' roo(+ and t;e nur-ery. ,e inc.ude- S;a6e-)eare a(on' t;o-e /;o 6ne/ ;o/ to a(u-e+ a.on' /it; Gone wit$ t$e /ind. %e a.. 6no/ ;e i- too 6een a critic to be.ie8e t;e-e t;in'-. ,e -i().y /ant- to brea6 do/n t;e barrier t;at ;a- been erected bet/een art and en=oyabi.ity. ,e :ee.- t;at today reac;in' a 8a-t )ub.ic and ca)turin' itdrea(- )er;a)- (ean- actin' a- t;e a8ant-'arde+ and ;e -ti.. .ea8e- u- :ree to -ay t;at ca)turin' reader-7 drea(- doe- not nece--ari.y (ean encoura'in' e-ca)e5 it can a.-o (ean ;auntin' t;e(. 22B

20 !inda ,utc;eon+' Storie-5 9iction and ,i-tory7

9or *(berto Eco E-ee abo8e$+ )o-t(oderni-( i- c;ie:.y a (atter o: tec;niIue and toneF it- (ain e::ect t;e t;ri.. /;ic; -i(u.taneou-.y di-turb- and de.i';t-. 9or !inda ,utc;eon )o-t(oderni-( i- (ore interro'ati8e and in-tructi8e. In a -erie- o: re.ated -tudie- - o: +narci--i-tic7 narrati8e+ )arody+ and t;e )oetic- o: )o-t(oderni-( --;e ;a- co(e to identi:y )o-t(oderni-t :iction )re-e(inent.y /it; /;at -;e de-cribe- a- 7;i-torio'ra);ic (eta:iction7F a (ode Einc.udin' 5a no8e. -uc; a- Eco7- T$e Na!e of t$e Rose= /;ic; -e.:-con-ciou-.y )+rob.e(ati-e- t;e (a6in' o: :iction and ;i-tory. Po-t(oderni-t interte0tua.ity neit;er re)udiate- nor -i().y ironi-e- t;e )a-tF nor doe- it (ere.y re)roduce t;e )a-t a- no-ta.'ia+ a- ,utc;eon be.ie8e9redric 3a(e-on and Terry Ea'.eton ar'ue it doe-. In-tead+ )o-t(oderni-:.t :iction re8ea.- t;e )a-t+ -;e -ay-+ a- a./ay- ideo.o'ica..y and di-curd -i8e.y con-tructed. It- irony and u-e o: )arado0 -i'na. a critica. di-tance /it;in t;i- /or.d o: re)re-entation-+ )ro()tin' Iue-tionnot about 7t;e7 trut;+ but 7/;o-e7 trut; )re8ai.-. T;e )o.itica. e::ect o: t;i- :iction t;ere:ore .ie- in t;e doub.e action by /;ic; it in-cribeand inter8ene- in a 'i8en di-cur-i8e order. In t;e :o..o/in' -e.ection+ ,utc;eon re).ie- to Ea'.eton+ ironica..y+ by /ay o: t;e e8idence o: ;i- o/n ;i-torica. :iction+ (aints and (c$olars. See Terry Ea'.eton7- 71a)ita.i-(+ Moderni-( and Po-t(oderni-(7 in A ainst t$e Grain E14B@$+ )). 1<B- A. On )o-t(oderni-t :iction -ee+ :or e0a().e+ Brian Mc,a.e+ Post!odernist Fiction E14BA$F Patricia %au';+ Fe!inine Fictions. Re0isitin t$e Post!odern E14B4$F and Mar'uerite #.e0ander+ Fli $ts fro! Realis!; E1440$. #.i-on !ee7- Realis! and Power. Post!odern Britis$ Fiction E1440$ -;are,utc;eon7- conce)tion o: )o-t(oderni-(. Re)rinted :ro( T$e Politics of Post!odernis! E!ondon and Ne/ &or65 Rout.ed'e+ 14B4$+ )). A-@1. 224 Post!odernist Fiction In Post!odernist Fiction, Brian Mc,a.e ;a- noted t;at bot; (oderni-t and )o-t(oderni-t :iction -;o/ an a::inity :or cine(atic (ode.-+ and certain.y t;e /or6 o: Manue. Pui' or Sa.(an Ru-;die /ou.d -u))ort -uc; a But ;i-torio'ra);ic (eta:iction+ ob-e--ed /it; t;e Iue-tion o: ;o/ /e can co(e to 6no/ t;e )a-t today+ a.-o -;o/- an attraction to );oto'ra);ic (ode.- - and to );oto'ra);- - eit;er a);y-ica..y )re-ent Ein Mic;ae. Ondaat=e7- "o!in T$ro% $ (la% $ter= or a- t;e narrati8i-ed tra))in'- o: t;e ;i-torica. arc;i8e Ein

Ti(ot;y 9ind.ey7- T$e /ars, Ma0ine ,on' Kin'-ton7- "$ina -en, or "ay. 3one-7- "orre idora=. In rai-in' Eand (a6in' )rob.e(atic$ t;e i--ue o: );oto'ra);ic re)re-entation+ )o-t(odern :iction o:ten )oint- (eta);orica..y to t;e re.ated i--ue o: narrati8e re)re-entation it- )o/er- and it- .i(itation-. ,ere+ too+ t;ere i- no tran-)arency+ on.y o)acity. T;e narrator in 3o;n Ber'er7- no8e. ". trie- to de-cribe an actua. ;i-torica. and )o.itica. e8ent+ but end- u) in de-)air5 7%rite anyt;in'. Trut; or untrut;+ it i- uni()ortant. S)ea6 but -)ea6 /it; tenderne--+ :or t;at i- a.. t;at you can do t;at (ay ;e.) a .itt.e. Bui.d a barricade o: /ord-+ no (atter /;at t;ey (ean7 E3o;n Ber'er+ " ENe/ &or65 Pant;eon+ 14A2$+ ). A?$. T;e )o.itic- o: narrati8e re)re-entation can a))arent.y -o(eti(e- be .i(ited e::icacy /;en it co(eto t;e re)re-entation o: )o.itic-. It i- not -ur)ri-in' t;at t;i- -;ou.d be t;e ca-e+ e-)ecia..y /it; ;i-torica. re)re-entation+ :or t;e Iue-tion o: ;i-torio'ra);y7re)re-entationa. )o/er- i- a (atter o: current concern in a nu(ber o: di-cour-e- but (o-t ob8iou-.y+ )er;a)-+ in ;i-torio'ra);ic (eta:iction. Roa Ba-to-7- I t$e (%#re!e is a ty)ica.+ i: e0tre(e+ e0a().e o: t;i-. E. Su)re(o E3o-@ "a-)ar Rodri'ueJ 9rancia$ did e0i-t and did ru.e Para'uay :ro( 1B1 to 1B 0+ but t;e no8e. /e read o)en- /it; a -tory about t;e in-tabi.ity o: e8en a dictator7- )o/er o8er ;i- -e.:re)re-entation in t;e docu(ent- o: ;i-tory5 ;e di-co8er- t;at ;i- decree- are :reIuent.y )arodied -o /e.. and -o t;orou';.y t;at 7e8en t;e trut; a))ear- to be a .ie7 E#u'u-to Roa Ba-to-+ I t$e (%#re!e, tran-. ,e.en !ane ENe/ &or65 #8entura+ 14B@$+ ). ?$+ and t;e co()etence o: t;e -cribe to /;o( t;e dictator 7dictate-7 ;i- te0t i- -u-)ect. T;i- no8e. di-orient- it- reader- on t;e .e8e. o: it- narration E%;o -)ea6-H I- t;e te0t /rittenH Ora.H Tran-cribedH$+ it- ).ot and te()ora. -tructure-+ and e8en it- (ateria. e0i-tence E)art- o: t;e te0t are -aid to ;a8e been burned$5 79or(- di-a))ear+ /ord- re(ain+ to -i'ni:y t;e i()o--ib.e. No -tory can e8er be to.d7 E). 11$+ e-)ecia..y+ )er;a)-+ t;e -tory o: ab-o.ute )o/er. 7I t;e Su)re(e7 and I t$e (%#re!e eIua..y di-tru-t ;i-tory7- abi.ity and /i.. to con8ey 7trut;75 7T;e /ord- o: )o/er+ o: aut;ority+ /ordabo8e /ord-+ /i.. be tran-:or(ed into c.e8er /ord-+ .yin' /ord-. %ord- be.o/ /ord-7 ERoa Ba-to-+ I t$e (%#re!e, #. 24$. ,i-torian-+ .i6e no8e.i-t-+ are -aid to be intere-ted not in 7recountin' t;e :act- but NinO recountin' t;at t;ey are recountin' t;e(7 E). <2$. &et t;e te0t doe)ro8ide a narrati8e o: 2<0 *inda .%tc$eon t;e ;i-torica. )a-t o: Para'uay+ a.beit one recounted in anac;roni-tic /ordin' t;at under.ine- t;e )re-ent ti(e o: t;e recountin' to t;e Edoub.y dictated-to$ -cribe /;o /rite- do/n /;at ;e i- to.d to. Or doe- ;eH ,e o)en.y ad(it- to not under-tandin' t;e (eanin' o: /;at ;e tran-cribe-+ and+ t;ere:ore+ to (i-).acin' /ord-+ to /ritin' 7bac6/ard-7 E). <?$. T;e te0t (eta:ictiona..y inc.ude- e8en a re:erence to Roa Ba-to- and ;i- no8e.5 7One or anot;er o: t;o-e '(i'r' /i.. doubt.e-- ta6e ad8anta'e o: t;e i()unity o: di-tance and be -o bo.d a- to cynica..y a::i0 ;i- -i'nature7 to t;e te0t /e read E). <?$. #nd -o ;e doe-. 5 t$e (%#re!e is a no8e. about )o/er+ about ;i-tory-/ritin'+ and about t;e ora. tradition o:'. It t;e(ati-e- t;e )o-t(odern concern /it; t;e radica..y indeter(inate and un-tab.e nature o: te0tua.ity and -ub=ecti8ity+ t/o notion- -een a- in-e)arab.e5 7I (u-t dictate//riteF note it do/n -o(e/;ere. T;at i- t;e on.y /ay I ;a8e o: )ro8in' t;at I -ti.. e0i-t7 ,5 t$e (%#re!e, #. ?$. %ritin' ;ere i- not 7t;e art o: tracin' :.o/ery :i'ure-7 but t;at o: 7de:.o/erin' -i'n-7 E). ?B$. Or+ a- t;e te0t e0).icit.y -tate-5 7T;i- i- re)re-entation. !iterature. Re)re-entation o: /ritin' a- re)re-entation7 E). @0$. ,o/e8er+ t;e )o/er o: .iterary re)re-entation i- a- )ro8i-iona. a- t;at o: ;i-torio'ra);y5 7reader- do not 6no/ i: t;ey NDon Gui0ote and Sanc;o PanJa. are :ab.e-+ true -torie-+ )retended trut;-. T;e -a(e /i.. co(e to )a-- /it; u-. %e too /i.. )a-- :or rea. unrea. bein'-7 E). @0$. T;e entire no8e. i- :u.. o: -uc; re(ar6- about re)re-entation - in t;e narrati8e- o: bot; :iction and ;i-tory. T;e 79ina. 1o()i.er7- Note7 -tate-5 T;e reader /i.. a.ready ;a8e noted t;at+ un.i6e ordinary te0t-+ t;i- one /a- read :ir-t and /ritten .ater. In-tead o: -ayin' and /ritin' -o(et;in' ne/+ it (ere.y :ait;:u..y co)ie- /;at ;a- a.ready been -aid and co()o-ed by ot;er- ... NTO;e re--cri)tor dec.are-+ in t;e /ordo: a conte()orary aut;or+ t;at t;e ;i-tory contained in t;e-e Notes is reduced to t;e :act t;at t;e -tory t;at -;ou.d ;a8e been to.d in t;e( ;a- not been to.d. #- a con-eIuence+ t;e c;aracter- and :act- t;at :i'ure in t;e( ;a8e earned+ t;rou'; t;e :ata.ity o: t;e /ritten .an'ua'e+ t;e ri';t to a :ictitiou- and autono(ou- e0i-tence in t;e -er8ice o: t;e no .e-- :ictitiou- and autono(ou- reader. ,5 t$e (%#re!e, #. 4@>= T;i- i- )o-t(odern de-natura.i-in' - t;e -i(u.taneou- in-cribin' and -ub8ertin' o: t;e con8ention- o: narrati8e. 1oincidin' /it; t;i- 6ind o: c;a..en'e in t;e no8e.- t;e(-e.8e-+ t;ere ;a8e been (any t;eoretica. e0a(ination- o: t;e nature o: narrati8e a- a (a=or ;u(an -y-te( o: under-tandin' - in :iction+ but a.-o in ;i-tory+ );i.o-o);y+ ant;ro)o.o'y+ and -o on. Peter Broo6- ,Readin for t$e Plot ENe/ &or65 Rando( ,ou-e+ 9:A4=, #. 0ii$ ;a- t;at /it; t;e ?@9 Post!odernist Fiction ad8ent o: ro(antici-(+ narrati8e beca(e a do(inant (ode o: re)re-entation+ t;ou'; one (i';t /onder /;at t;e -tatu- o: t;e c.a--ica. e)ic and t;e Bib.e (i';t be. ,e i- .i6e.y ri';t to -ay+ ;o/e8er+ t;at in t;e t/entiet; century t;ere ;a- been an increa-in' -u-)icion o: narrati8e ).ot and it- arti:ice+ yet no di(ini-;in' o: our re.iance on ).ottin'+ ;o/e8er ironi-ed or )arodied E). A$. %e (ay no .on'er ;a8e recour-e to t;e 'rand narrati8e- t;at once (ade -en-e o: .i:e :or u-+ but /e -ti.. ;a8e recour-e to narrati8e re)re-entation- o: -o(e 6ind in (o-t o: our 8erba. di-cour-e-+ and one o: t;e rea-on- (ay be )o.itica.. !er(ard Da8i- de-cribe- t;e )o.itic- o: no8e.i-tic narrati8e re)re-entation in t;i- /ay5 7No8e.- do not de)ict .i:e+ t;ey de)ict .i:e a- it ire)re-ented by ideo.o'y7 E!ennard Da8i-+ Resistin No0els6 5deolo ) and Fiction ENe/ &or6 and !ondon5 Met;uen+ 14BA$+ ). 2 $. Ideo.o'y - ;o/ a cu.ture re)re-ent- it-e.: to it-e.: - 7do0i:ie-7 or natura.i-e- narrati8e re)re-entation+ (a6in' it a))ear a- natura. or co((on--en-ica. E). 2?$F it )re-ent- /;at i- rea..y constr%cted (eanin' a- -o(et;in' in$erent in t;at /;ic; i- bein' re)re-ented. But t;i- i- )reci-e.y /;at )o-t(odern no8e.- .i6e Peter #c6royd7- "$atterton or Roa Ba-to-7- I t$e (%#re!e or "ra;a( (wift's /aterland are about. #nd in none o: t;e-e ca-e- i- t;ere e8er /;at 3a(e-on a--ociate- /it; t;e )o-t(odern5 7a re)udiation o: re)re-entation+ a

Dre8o.utionaryD brea6 /it; t;e Ere)re--i8e$ ideo.o'y o:' 'enera..y7 E9redric 3a(e-on+ E14B $ ). ? $. T;i- (i-conce)tion -;o/- t;e dan'er o: de:inin' t;e )o-t(odern in ter(- o: E9renc; or #(erican$ anti-re)re-entationa. .ate (oderni-(+ a- -o (any do. In t;e-e no8e.-+ t;ere i- no di--o.ution or re)udiation o: re)re-entationF but t;ere i- a )rob.e(ati-in' o: it. ,i-torio'ra);ic (eta:iction i- /ritten today in t;e conte0t o: a -eriou- conte()orary interro'atin' o: t;e nature o: re)re-entation in ;i-torio'ra);y. T;ere ;a- been (uc; intere-t recent.y in narrati8e - it- :or(-+ it- :unction-+ it- )o/er-+ and it- .i(itation- - in (any :ie.d-+ but e-)ecia..y in ;i-tory. ,ayden %;ite ;a- e8en a--erted t;at t;e )o-t(odern i- 7in:or(ed by a )ro'ra((atic+ i: ironic+ co((it(ent to t;e return to narrati8e a- one o: it-' )re-u))o-ition-7 E,ayden %;ite+ T$e "ontent of t$e For!6 Narrati0e 7isco%rse and .istorical Re#resentation, Ba.ti(ore+ Mary.and and !ondon5 3o;n- ,o)6in- *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14BA$+ ). 0i$. I: t;i- i- t;e ca-e+ ;i- o/n /or6 ;a- done (uc; to (a6e it -o. #rtic.e- .i6e 7T;e 8a.ue o: narrati8ity in t;e re)re-entation o: rea.ity7 ;a8e been in:.uentia. in rai-in' Iue-tion- about narrati8e re)re-entation and it- )o.itic- in bot; ;i-tory and .iterature. 9ro( a di::erent an'.e+ t;e /or6 o: Do(inic6 !a1a)ra ;a- acted to denatura.i-e notion- o: ;i-torica. docu(ent- a- re)re-entation- o: t;e )a-t and o: t;e /ay -uc; arc;i8a. trace- o: ;i-torica. e8ent- are u-ed /it;in ;i-torio'ra);ic and :icti8e re)re-entation-. Docu(ent- are not inert or innocent+ but (ay indeed ;a8e 7critica. or e8en )otentia..y tran-:or(ati8e 2<2 *inda .%tc$eon re.ation- to );eno(ena Dre)re-entedD in t;e(7 EDo(inic6 !a1a)ra+ .istor) and "riticis! EIt;aca+ Ne/ &or65 1orne.. *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14B?$ ). <B$. O: cour-e+ it i- not =u-t ;i-torio'ra);ic t;eory t;at ;a- decon-tructed narrati8e re)re-entation. 9e(ini-t t;ou';t+ -uc; a- t;at o: Tere-a de !aureti-+ ;a- done (uc; to decon-truct it a- /e... It ;a- e0).ored ;o/ +narrati8e and narrati8ity ... are (ec;ani-(- to be e().oyed -trate'ica..y and tactica..y in t;e e::ort to con-truct ot;er :or(- o: co;erence+ to -;i:t t;e ter(- o: re)re-entation+ to )roduce t;e condition- o: re)re-entabi.ity o: anot;er - and 'endered - -ocia. -ub=ect7 ETere-a de !aureti-+ Tec$nolo ies of Gender. Essa)s on T$eor), Fil!, and Fiction EB.oo(in'ton+ Ind.5 Indiana *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14BA$ ). 104$. Narrati8e i- indeed a 7-ocia..y -y(bo.ic act+7 a- 3a(e-on but it i- a.-o t;e outco(e o: -ocia. interaction. In t;e /or6 o: Ma0ine ,on' Kin'-ton or "ay. 3one-+ -tory' i- not )re-ented a- a )ri8ati-ed :or( o: e0)erience but a- a--ertin' a co((unicationa. bond bet/een t;e and t;e to.d /it;in a conte0t t;at i;i-torica.+ -ocia.+ and )o.itica.+ a- /e.. a- interte0tua.. T;e -a(e i- true in t;e )o-t(odern :iction o: Sa.(an Ru-;die or "abrie. "arcia MirIueJ. It i- not -i().y a ca-e o: no8e.(eta:ictiona..y' in t;eir o/n narrati8ity or :abu.ationF ;ere narrati8e re)re-entation -' - i- a ;i-torica. and a )o.itica. act. Per;a)- it a./ay- i-. Peter Broo6- ar'ue-5 7%e .i8e i((er-ed in narrati8e+ recountin' and rea--e--in' t;e (eanin' o: our )a-t action-+ antici)atin' t;e outco(e o: our :uture )ro=ect-+ -ituatin' our-e.8e- at t;e inter-ection o: -e8era. -torie- not yet co().eted7 ,Readin for t$e Plot, #. @=. In 9o/.e-7- T$e Frenc$ *ie%tenant's /o!an t;e ;ero doe- =u-t t;i- - at 'reat .en't; - and t;e conte()orary narrator interru)t- to :ore-ta.. our ob=ection- in t;e na(e o: a 6ind o: )o-t(odern (i(e-i- o: )roce--+ re(indin' u- t;at /e too do t;icon-tant.y. %;i.e it i- undoubted.y true t;at (oderni-( ;a- a.ready c;a..en'ed t;e con8ention- o: /;at cou.d/ -;ou.d be narrated and ;ad a.ready e0).ored t;e .i(it- o: narrati8e7- abi.ity to re)re-ent 7.i:e/ it i- )o-t(odern cu.ture at .ar'e t;at (ay ;a8e beco(e 7no8e.i-tic.7 #- Ste);en ,eat; ;a- ar'ued+ it (a---)roduce- narrati8e- E:or te.e8i-ion+ radio+ :i.(+ 8ideo+ (a'aJine-+ co(ic boo6-+ no8e.-$+ t;ereby creatin' a -ituation in /;ic; /e (u-t con-u(e 7t;e con-tant narration o: t;e -ocia. re.ation- o: indi8idua.-+ t;e orderin' o: (eanin'- :or t;e indi8idua. in -ociety7 ESte);en ,eat;+ T$e (eC%al FiC E!ondon5 Mac(i..anF 9:A?=, #. A>=. Per;a)- t;i- i- /;y' ;areturned - but a- a )rob.e(+ not a- a 'i8en. It i- -ti.. a trui-( o: anti-)o-t(oderni-t critici-( t;at t;i- return ;a- been at t;e e0)en-e o: a -en-e o: ;i-tory. But )er;a)- it =u-t de)end- on your de:inition o: ;i-tory - or ,i-tory. %e (ay indeed 'et :e/ )o-t(odern narrati8e re)re-entation- o: t;e ;eroic 8ictor- /;o ;ad ?@@ Post!odernist Fiction traditiona..y de:ined /;o and /;at (ade it into ,i-tory. O:ten /e 'et in-tead bot; t;e -tory and t;e' o: t;e non-co(batantor t;e .o-er-5 t;e 1anadian Indian- o: Ruby %iebe7- T$e Te!#tations of Bi Bear or !eonard 1o;en7- Bea%tif%l *osers; t;e /o(en o: Troy in 1;ri-ta %o.:7- "assandra; t;e b.ac6- o: Sout; #:rica or #(erica in t;e /or6 o: 3.M. 1oetJee+ #ndr@ Brin6+ Toni Morri-on+ or I-;(ae. Reed. EIua..y intere-tin' are t;e )o-t(odern atte()t- to 'o beyond t;e traditiona. re)re-entationa. :or(- o: bot; :ictiona. and ;i-torica. narration5 Patric6 S*-6ind7- Per:u(e o::er- t;e :ictiona.i-ed ;i-tory o: ei';teent;century 9rance in a.. it- olfactor) '.ory+ t;ou'; it (u-t do -o t;rou'; 8erba. re)re-entation- o: t;e );y-ica. -en-e t;at narrati8e -o rare.y record-. T;e no8e. o::er- t;e -en-e o: -(e.. a- t;e 8e;ic.e not on.y :or it- ;i-torica. and -ocia. conte0tua.i-in' but a.-o :or it- (eta:ictiona. co((entary+ -ince t;i- i- t;e ta.e o: 3ean-Ba)ti-te "renoui..e+ t;e )roduct o: 9renc; )ea-ant (i-ery /;o i- born an 7abo(ination7 - /it; no bodi.y odor ;i(-e.:+ but /it; t;e (o-t di-cernin' no-e in t;e /or.d. T;e -tory7- narrator i- o(ni-cient and'+ a- /e.. a- bein' our conte()orary and in co().icity /it; u- a- reader-. ,e u-e- t;i- )o/er and )o-ition to e();a-i-e :ro( t;e -tart t;e .i(it- o: ;i- Eand our$ .an'ua'e. #- a boy "renoui..e ;a- troub.e .earnin' t;e /ord- o: t;in'- t;at ;a8e no -(e..5 7,e cou.d not retain t;e(+ con:u-ed t;e( /it; one anot;er+ and e8en a- an adu.t u-ed t;e( un/'.y and o:ten incorrect.y5 =u-tice+ con-cience+ "od+ =oy+ re-)on-ibi.ity+ ;u(i.ity+ 'ratitude+ etc. - /;at t;e-e /ere (eant to e0)re-- re(ained a (y-tery to ;i(7 EPatric6 Sd-6ind+ Per:u(e5 T$e (tor) of a -%rderer, tran-. 3o;n E. %ood- ENe/ &or65 Kno):+ 14B@$+ ). 2?$. T;i- (ay not be -ur)ri-in'+ )er;a)-+ :or t;e )rota'oni-t o: a no8e. -ubtit.ed5 T$e (tor) of a -%rderer. "renoui..e i- con-tant.y a/are o: t;e di-cre)ancy bet/een t;e +ric;ne-- o: t;e /or.d )ercei8ab.e by -(e..7 and 7t;e )o8erty o: .an'ua'e7 ESi.-6ind+ Per:u(e+ #. 2@$. T;e narrator -u''e-t- t;at t;i- .in'ui-tic i()o8eri-;(ent account- :or our nor(a. inabi.ity to (a6e anyt;in'

ot;er t;an 'ro-- di-tinction- in t;e 7-(e..ab.e /or.d7 E). 12?$. T;e te0t .in6- t;e :ai.ure o: .an'ua'e to "renoui..e7- creati8ity a- t;e and creator o: t;e 'reate-t )er:u(e- in t;e /or.d+ and yet+ a- reader-+ /e can ne8er :or'et t;at /e 6no/ o: t;i- on.y t;rou'; t;e 8ery .an'ua'e o: t;e no8e.. T;e )o-t(odern )arado0 o: in-cri)tion and -ub8er-ion 'o8ern- t;e (eta:icti8e re:.e0i8ity. It a.-o -tructuret;e ).ot+ :or t;i- i- a no8e. about )o/er5 t;e )o/er t;e )oor )ea-ant /a- not born intoF t;e )o/er ;e acIuire- in -er8in' ot;er- /it; ;i'i:t- Ea- a (a-ter o: -cent-$F t;e )o/er to 6i.. E:or t;e )er:ect -cent$F t;e )o/er t;at )er:ect -cent /ie.d- o8er ot;er-. ,i- e0ecutioner- and t;e cro/d 'at;ered to /itne-- =u-tice done to t;i- (u.ti).e (urderer -udden.y :a.. into an ec-tatic or'y o: .o8e :or t;eir 8icti( - /;en ;e a)).ie- t;e 7)er:u(e7 di-ti..ed :ro( t;e (urdered 'ir. /;o ;ad )o--e--ed t;e (o-t )o/er:u. -(e.. in t;e /or.d5 2< *inda .%tc$eon 7# )o/er -tron'er t;an t;e )o/er o: (oney or t;e )o/er o: terror or t;e )o/er o: deat;5 t;e in8incib.e )o/er to co((and t;e .o8e o: (an6ind7 E). 2?2$. Perf%!e )oint- to t;e ab-ence o: t;e re)re-entation o: t;e -en-e o: -(e.. in ;i-torica.+ -ocia.+ or :ictiona. narrati8e-. T;e o.:actory den-ity o: t;e no8e. - recounted t;rou'; 8erba. re)re-entation+ o: cour-e - i- ;i-torica..y -)eci:ic and accurate and a.-o -ocia..y -i'ni:icant. T;ii- ;i-torio'ra);ic (eta:iction+ :ictiona.i-ed ;i-tory /it; a )arodic t/i-t. T;e :or( t;i- t/i-t ta6e- (ay 8ary :ro( no8e. to no8e.+ but it ia./ay- )re-ent5 Mario Car'a- !.o-a7- T$e /ar of t$e End of t$e /orld re)re-ent- t;e ;i-tory o: t;e 1B4@ 1anudo- %ar in nort;ea-tern BraJi.+ but it- )arody -;o/- ;o/ traditiona. narrati8e (ode.- - bot; ;i-torio'ra);ica. and :ictiona. - t;at are ba-ed on Euro)ean (ode.o: continuou- c;rono.o'y and cau-e-and-e::ect re.ation- are utter.y inadeIuate to t;e ta-6 o: narratin' t;e ;i-tory o: t;e Ne/ %or.d. Suc; a c.a-;in' o: 8ariou- )o--ib.e di-cour-e- o: narrati8e re)re-entation i- one /ay o: -i'' t;e )o-t(odern u-e and abu-e o: con8ention t;at /or6- to 7de-do0i:y7 any -en-e o: t;e -ea(.e--ne-- o: t;e =oin bet/een t;e natura. and t;e cu.tura.+ t;e /or.d and t;e te0t+ t;ereby (a6in' u- a/are o: t;e irreducib.e ideo.o'ica. nature o: e8ery re)re-entation - o: )a-t or )re-ent. T;i- co().e0ity o: c.a-;in' di-cour-e- can be -een in (any ;i-torio'ra);ic (eta:iction-. In #n'e.a 1arter7- 7B.ac6 Cenu-7+ a- /e -;a.. -ee in t;e .a-t c;a)ter+ t;e di-cour-e- o: (a.e erotic re)re-entation o: /o(an and t;o-e o: :e(a.e and co.onia. -e.:-re)re-entation- are =u0ta)o-ed /it; a certain )o.itica. e::icacy. Si( con:rontation- bet/een conte()orary narrator- and t;eir narrated ;i-torica. conte0t- occur in no8e.- adi8er-e a- Ban8i..e7- 7octor "o#ernic%s and 9o/.e-7- T$e Frenc$ *ie%tenant's /o!an or # -a ot. In c;a..en'in' t;e -ea(.e-- Iua.ity o: t;e ;i-tory/:iction Eor /or.d/art$ =oin i().ied by rea.i-t narrati8e+ )o-t(odern :iction doe- not+ ;o/e8er+ di-connect it-e.: :ro( ;i-tory or t;e /or.d. It :ore'round- and t;u- conte-t- t;e con8entiona.ity and unac6no/.ed'ed ideo.o'y o: t;at a--u()tion o: -ea(.e--ne-- and a-6- it- reader- to Iue-tion t;e )roce-- by /;ic; /e re)re-ent our -e.8e- and our /or.d to our-e.8e- and to beco(e a/are o: t;e (ean- by /;ic; /e !ake -en-e o: and constr%ct order out o: e0)erience in our ) cu.ture. %e cannot a8oid re)re-entation. %e can try to a8oid :i0in' our notion o: it and a--u(in' it to be tran-;i-torica. and tran-cu.tura.. %e can a.-o -tudy ;o/ re)re-entation .e'iti(i-e- and )ri8i.e'e- certain 6ind- o: 6no/.ed'e inc.udin' certain 6ind- o: ;i-torica. 6no/.ed'e. #Perf%!e i().ie-+ our acce-- t;rou'; narrati8e to t;e /or.d o: e0)erience - )a-t or )re-ent - i- a./ay- (ediated by t;e )o/er- and .i(ito: our re)re-entation- o: it. T;i- i- a- true o: ;i-torio'ra);ica. narrati8e a- it i- o: :ictiona.. In ;i- re8ie/ artic.e+ 7T;e Iue-tion o: narrati8e in conte()orary 2<? Post!odernist Fiction ;i-torica. t;eory7+ ,ayden %;ite out.ine- t;e ro.e a--i'ned to narrati8e re)re-entation in t;e 8ariou- -c;oo.- o: t;ou';t about t;e t;eory o: ;i-tory. "i8en t;at narrati8e ;a- beco(e )rob.e(atic in ;i-torio'ra);y a- /e.. a- :iction+ /;at i- intere-tin' i- t;at t;e -a(e i--ueari-e5 narrati8e re)re-entation a- a (ode o: 6no/.ed'e and e0).anation+ a- una8oidab.y ideo.o'ica.+ a- a .oca.i-ab.e code. One /ay o: out.inin' -o(e o: t;e-e )ara..e. concern- /ou.d be to .oo6 at ;i-torio'ra);ic (eta:iction t;at direct.y addre--e- t;e inter-ection o: t;e debate- about re)re-entation in bot; t;e no8e. and ;i-tory5 "ra;a( S/i:t7- /aterland, a didactic :icti8e .e--on or a (editation on ;i-tory - or bot;. No ;i-torica. c;aracter- )o)u.ate t;i- boo6+ but it i- a )ro:ound.y ;i-torica. /or6 none t;e .e--+ in bot; :or( and content. It- :ir-t Eunattributed$ e)i'ra); condition- our entry into t;e no8e. and )re)are- u- :or t;e 7de -do0i:yin'7 o: narrati8e re)re-entation t;at it )roceed- to enact5 '.istoria ae+ :. i inIuiry+ in8e-ti'ation+ .earnin' 2. a$ a narrati8e o: )a-t e8ent-+ ;i-tory. b$ any 6ind o: narrati8e5 account+ ta.e+ -tory.7 T;e no8e.7- action o)en- in t;e 7:airy-ta.e7 .and-ca)e o: t;e :en country o: En'.and+ a .and -o t;at it dri8e- itin;abitant- eit;er to +unIuiet7 or to' -torie-+ e-)ecia..y to ca.( t;e :ear- o: c;i.dren. T;i- i- a .and 7bot; )a.)ab.e and unrea.7 E"ra;a( S/i:t+ /aterland E!ondon5 ,eine(ann+ 14B<$ ). @$+ an a)t+ -e.:-re:.e0i8e -ettin' :or any :iction. T;e narrator+ To( 1ric6+ co(e- :ro( a :a(i.y t;at ;a- t;e 76nac6 :or' -torie-7 o: a.. 6ind-5 true or (ade u)+ be.ie8ab.e or unbe.ie8ab.e - 7-torie- /;ic; /ere neit;er one t;in' nor anot;er7 E)). 1-2$. T;i- i- a :ittin' de-cri)tion+ too+ o: /aterland it-e.:. ,o/e8er+ t;e -econd c;a)ter i- ca..ed 7#bout t;e end o: ;i-tory7. It i- addre--ed to t;e -econd -)er-on ).ura. 71;i.dren7 by 1ric6+ t;eir ;i-tory teac;er+ /;o ;a- -)ent ;i- .i:e tryin' to 7unra8e. t;e (y-terie- o: t;e )a-t7 ES/i:t+ /aterland #. $+ but /;o i- no/ to be retired becau-e o: -o(e )er-ona. e(barra--(ent+ t;ou'; t;e o::icia. rea-on i- t;at ;i- -c;oo. i- 7cuttin' bac6 on ;i-tory.7 1ric%- re-)on-e i- to de:end ;i- di-ci).ine - and ;i- )er-ona. )a-t5 7-ac6 !e, don7t di-(i-- /;at I -tand :or. Don7t bani-; (y ;i-tory7 E). 1B$. But ;i- -tudent-ee( .itt.e intere-ted in ;i- -ub=ectF :or t;e( ;i-tory i- a 7:airy ta.e7 E). ?$ and t;ey )re:er to .earn o: t;e 7;ere and no/7 o: a /or.d t;reatened by nuc.ear anni;i.ation. 9ro( t;e o)enin' )a'e- o: t;e no8e.+ bot; ;' and' are t;u- .in6ed to :ear.

T;ey are a.-o connected to t;e (ar-;y+ .and o: t;e :en country+ )ri(ari.y t;rou'; t;e (a=or ;i-torica. (eta);or o: t;e no8e.5 7Si.t5 /;ic; -;a)e- and under(ine- continent-F /;ic; de(o.i-;e- a- it bui.d-F /;ic; i- -i(u.taneou- accretion and ero-ionF neit;er )ro're-- nor decay7 ,/aterland #. <=. # (ore )er:ect i(a'e o: )o-t(odern )arado0 /ou.d be ;ard to :ind. In ter(- o: ;i-tory+ t;e a..e'orica.+ -.o/ 7)roce-- o: ;u(an -i.tation7 i- contra-ted /it; t;at o: re8o.ution and o: 7'rand 2<@ (eta(or);o-e-.7 To 1ric6+ rea.ity i- /;at t;e (onotonou- :en- )ro8ide5 rea.ity i- 7t;at not;in' ;a))en-7. 9.i-torio'ra);y7- cau-a.ity ion.y a con-truct5 7,o/ (any o: t;e e8ent- o: ;i-tory ;a8e occurred ... :or t;i- or :or t;at rea-on+ but :or no ot;er rea-on+ :unda(enta..y+ t;an t;e de-ire to (a6e t;in'- ;a))enH I )re-ent to you ,i-tory+ t;e :abrication+ t;e di8er-ion+ t;e rea.ity-ob-curin' dra(a. ,i-tory+ and it- near re.ati8e+ ,i-trionic-7 E). < $. ,e /ou.d .i6e to re).ace t;e ;eroe- o: ;i-tory /it; t;e -i.enced cro/d- /;o do t;e 7don6ey -/or6 o: co)in' /it; rea.ity7 E). < $. Ne8ert;e.e--+ 1ric6 rea.i-e- t;at /e a.. i(itate 7t;e 'rand re)ertoire o: ;i-tory7 in (iniature and endor-e 7it- .on'in' :or )re-ence+ :or :eature+ :or )ur)o-e+ :or content7 ,/aterland ##. < -?$ in order to con8ince our-e.8e- t;at rea.ity (ean- -o(et;in'. ,e ;i(-e.: attribute;i- beco(in' a ;i-tory teac;er to t;e ta.e- ;i- (ot;er to.d ;i( /;en ;e /a- a:raid o: t;e dar6 a- a c;i.d. !ater+ /;en ;e /anted 7an E0).anation7+ ;e -tudied ;i-tory a- an acade(ic di-ci).ine+ on.y to 7unco8er in t;i- dedicated -earc; (ore (y-terie-+ (ore :anta-tica.itie-+ (ore /onder- and 'round- :or a-toni-;(ent7 E). ?<$. In ot;er /ord-+ a- it ;ad be'un :or ;i(+ ;i-tory continue- to be 7a yarn75 7,i-tory it-e.:+ t;e "rand Narrati8e+ t;e o: 8acuu(-+ t;e di-) o: :ear- o: t;e dar67 E). ?<$. T;e -tory 1ric6 actua..y te..- u- and t;e 71;i.dren7 i- one t;at i- o8ert.y :icti8e ;i-tory+ and /e 'et to /atc; t;e :ictiona.i-in' )roce-- at /or6. #t one )oint /e are to.d5 7,i-tory doe- not record /;et;er t;e day o: T;o(a-7- :unera. /a- one o: t;o-e' (id -/inter 9en.and day-7 ,/aterland #. <0=, but :ourteen )a'e- .ater+ T;o(a-7- :unera. ta6e- ).ace under a de:inite.y' -6y. 1ric6 i- a/are o: t;i- creati8e+ con-tructi8e )roce--. #t one )oint ;e -to)-5 71;i.dren+ you are ri';t. T;ere are ti(e- /;en /e ;a8e to di-entan'.e ;i-tory :ro( :airy-ta.e ... ,i-tory+ bein' an accredited -ub--cience+ on.y /ant- to 6no/ :act-. ,i-tory+ i: it i- to 6ee) on con-tructin' it- road into t;e :uture+ (u-t do -o on 'round7 E). A $ - -o(et;in' ;i- -.i))ery :en-country ta.e o:ten -ee(- to .ac6. S/i:t (ana'e- to rai-e t;e i--ue o: narrati8e e().ot(ent and it- re.ation to bot; :ictiona.ity and ;i-torio'ra);y at t;e -a(e ti(e a- ;e be'in- ;i- )rob.e(ati-ation o: t;e notion o: ;i-torica. 6no/.ed'e. 1ric6 te..- ;i- -tudent-5 7%;en you a-6ed+ a- a.. ;i-tory c.a--e- a-6+ a- a.. ;i-tory c.a--e- -;ou.d a-6+ /;at i- t;e )oint o: ;i-toryH %;y ;i-toryH %;y t;e )a-tT ;e :ee.- ;e can re).y5 7I-n7t t;i- -ee6in' o: rea-on- it-e.: ine8itab.y an ;i-torica. )roce--+ -ince it (u-t a./ay- /or6 bac6/ard- :ro( /;at ca(e a:ter to /;at ca(e be:oreT E). :?=. T;e -tudy o: ;i-tory - t;at 7cu(ber-o(e but )reciou- ba' o: c.ue-7 in8o.8e- inIuiry t;at atte()t- to 7unco8er t;e (y-terie- o: cau-e and e::ect7 ,/aterland #. :?=, but (o-t o: a.. it teac;e- u- 7to acce)t t;e burden o: our need to a-6 /;y7 E). :@=. T;at )roce-- o: a-6in' beco(e- (ore i()ortant t;an t;e detai.- o: ;i-torio'ra);y5 7t;e atte()t to 'i8e an ?@< Post!odernist Fiction account+ /it; inco().ete 6no/.ed'e+ o: action- t;e(-e.8e- underta6en /it; inco().ete 6no/.ed'e7 E). 4 $. #- ;e .ater -ay-+ 7,i-tory5 a .uc6y di) o: (eanin'-. E8ent- e.ude (eanin'+ but /e .oo6 :or (eanin'-7 E). 122$ and /e create t;e(. To( 1ric6 i- in -o(e /ay- an a..e'orica. re)re-entation o: t;e )o-t(odern ;i-torian /;o (i';t /e.. ;a8e read+ not =u-t'/ood+ /it; ;i- 8ie/ o: t;e ;i-torian a- and detecti8e+ but a.-o ,ayden %;ite+ Do(inic6 !a1a)ra+ Ray(ond %i..ia(-+ Mic;e. 9oucau.t and 3ean-9ranIoi- !yotard. T;e debate- about t;e nature and -tatu- o: narrati8e re)re-entation in ;i-torica. di-cour-e coincide and are ine0tricab.y intert/ined /it; t;e c;a..en'e- o::ered by ;i-torio'ra);ic (eta:iction. &et /e ;a8e -een t;at )o-t(odern :iction ity)ica..y denounced a- de;i-torici-ed+ i: not a;i-torica.+ e-)ecia..y by Mar0i-t critic-. In t;e .i';t o: :iction .i6e /aterland or -idni $t's "$ildren or Ra ti!e t;i- )o-ition /ou.d -ee( di::icu.t to (aintain. O: cour-e+ t;e )rob.e(ati-ed ;i-torie- o: )o-t(oderni-( ;a8e .itt.e to do /it; t;e -in'.e tota.i-in' ,i-tory o: Mar0i-(+ but t;ey cannot be accu-ed o: ne'.ectin' or re:u-in' en'a'e(ent /it; t;e i--ue- o: ;i-torica. re)re-entation and 6no/.ed'e. #(on' t;e con-eIuence- o: t;e )o-t(odern de-ire to denatura.i-e ;i-tory i- a ne/ -e.:-con-ciou-ne-- about t;e di-tinction bet/een t;e brute e0ents o: t;e )a-t and t;e ;i-toria. facts /e con-truct out o: t;e(. 9act- are e8ent- to /;ic; /e ;a8e 'i8en (eanin'. Di::erent ;i-torica. )er-)ecti8e- t;ere:ore deri8e di::erent :act- :ro( t;e -a(e e8ent-. Ta6e Pau. Ceyne7- e0a().e o: !oui- QIC7- co.d5 e8en t;ou'; t;e co.d /a- a roya. one+ it /a- not a )o.itica. e8ent and t;ere:ore it /ou.d be o: no intere-t to a ;i-tory o: )o.itic-+ but it cou.d be o: con-iderab.e intere-t :or a ;i-tory o: ;ea.t; and -anitation in 9rance EPau. Ceyne+ "o!!ent on Orit 8$istoire EPari-5 Seui.+ 14A1$ ). <?$. Po-t(odern :iction o:ten t;ernati-e- t;i- )roce-- o: turnin' e8ent- into :act- t;rou'; t;e :i.terin' and inter)retin' o: arc;i8a. docu(ent-. Roa Ba-to-7- I t$e (%#re!e )re-ent- a narrator /;o ad(it- to bein' a co() o: di-cour-e- and /;o-e te0t i- /o8en out o: t;ou-and- o: docu(ent- re-earc;ed by t;e aut;or. O: cour-e+ docu(ent- ;a8e a./ay- :unctioned in t;i- /ay in ;i-torica. :iction o: any 6ind. But in ;i-torio'ra);ic (eta:iction t;e 8ery )roce-- o: turnin' e8ent- into :act- t;rou'; t;e inter)retation o: arc;i8a. e8idence i-;o/n to be a )roce-- o: turnin' t;e trace- o: t;e )a-t Eour on.y acce-- to t;o-e e8ent- today$ into ;i-torica. re)re-entation. In -o doin'+ -uc; )o-t(odern :iction under.ine- t;e rea.i-ation t;at 7t;e )a-t i- not an DitD in t;e -en-e o: an ob=ecti:ied entity t;at (ay eit;er be neutra..y re)re-ented in and :or it-e.: or )ro=ecti8e.y re)roce--ed in ter(- o: our o/n narro/.y D)re-enti-tD intere-t-7 EDo(inic6 !a1a)ra+ .istor), Politics and t$e No0el EIt;aca+ Ne/ &or65 1orne.. *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14BA$+ ). 10$. %;i.e t;e-e are t;e /ord- o: a ;i-torian /ritin' about ;i-torica. 2<B *inda .%tc$eon

re)re-entation+ t;ey a.-o de-cribe /e.. t;e )o-t(odern .e--on- about :ictiona.i-ed ;i-torica. re)re-entation. T;e i--ue o: re)re-entation in bot; :iction and ;i-tory ;a- u-ua..y been dea.t /it; in e)i-te(o.o'ica. ter(-+ in ter(- o: ;o/ /e 6no/ t;e )a-t. T;e )a-t i- not -o(et;in' to be e-ca)ed+ a8oided+ or contro..ed - a- 8ariou- :or(- o: (oderni-t art -u''e-t t;rou'; t;eir i().icit 8ie/ o: t;e 7ni';t(are7 o: ;i-tory. T;e )a-t i- -o(et;in' /it; /;ic; /e (u-t co(e to ter(- and -uc; a con:rontation in8o.8e- an ac6no/.ed'e(ent o: .i(itation a- /e.. a- )o/er. %e on.y ;a8e acce-- to t;e )a-t today t;rou'; it- trace- - it- docu(ent-+ t;e te-ti(ony o: /itne--e-+ and ot;er arc;i8a. (ateria.-. In ot;er /ord-+ /e on.y ;a8e re)re-entation- o: t;e )a-t :ro( /;ic; to con-truct our narrati8eor e0).anation-. In a 8ery rea. -en-e+ )o-t(oderni-( re8ea.- a de-ire to under-tand )re-ent cu.ture a- t;e )roduct o: )re8ioure)re-entation-. T;e re)re-entation o: ;i-tory beco(e- t;e ;i-tory o: re)re-entation. %;at t;i- (ean- i- t;at )o-t(odern art ac6no/.ed'e- and acce)t- t;e c;a..en'e o: tradition5 t;e ;i-tory o: re)re-entation cannot be e-ca)ed but it can be bot; e0).oited and co((ented on critica..y t;rou'; irony and )arody. T;e :or(- o: re)re-entation u-ed and abu-ed by t;i- )arado0ica. )o-t(odern -trate'y can 8ary - :ro( t;e )arodic and ;i-toric arc;itectura. :or(- in Peter #c6royd7- .awks!oor t;at (irror and -tructure t;e no8e.7- intricate narrati8e re)re-entation Eit-e.: )arodic and ;i-toric$ to t;e -tran'e.y tran-cribed ora. ;i-torie- o: t;e )o-t-nuc.ear-;o.ocau-t /or.d o: Ru--e.. ,oban7- Riddle) /alker, /;ere t;e narrati8e- o: t;e )a-t e0i-t but are+ in t;e te0t7- /ord-+ 7c;an'et -o (uc; t;ru t;e year- t;eyre a.. bit- and b.i)- and a.. (i0t u)7 ERu--e.. ,oban+ Riddle) /alker E!ondon5 Picador+ 14B0$+ ). 20$. #- t;i- 6ind o: no8e. (a6e- c.ear+ t;ere are i()ortant )ara..e.- bet/een t;e )roce--e- o: ;i-tory-/ritin' and :iction-/ritin' and a(on' t;e (o-t )rob.e(atic o: t;e-e are t;eir co((on a--u()tion- about narrati8e and about t;e nature o: (i(etic re)re-entation. T;e )o-t(odern -ituation i- t;at a 7trut; i- bein' to.d+ /it; D:act-D to bac6 it u)+ but a con-truct- t;at trut; and c;oo-e- t;o-e :act-7 EBarbara 9o.ey+ Tellin t$e Tr%t$6 T$e T$eor) and Practice of 7oc%!entar) Fiction EIt;aca+ Ne/ &or6 and !ondon5 1orne.. *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14B@$+ ). @A$. In :act+ t;at - o: -tory or ;i-tory - a.-o con-truct- t;o-e 8ery :act- by 'i8in' a ) (eanin' to e8ent-. 9act- do not -)ea6 :or t;e(-e.8e- in eit;er :or( o: narrati8e5 t;e -)ea6 :or t;e(+ (a6in' t;e-e :ra'(ent- o: t;e )a-t into a di-cur-i8e /;o.e. T;e 7true7 -tory o: t;e ;i-torica. 'an'-ter+ 3ac6 Dia(ond+ t;at /e read in %i..ia( Kennedy7- *e s is -;o/n to be a )o-t(odern co()ro(i-ed one :ro( it- 8ery tit.e5 7!e'-7 i- t;e )rota'oni-t7- )ub.ic .abe.+ t;e na(e t;e ne/-)a)er- 'i8e ;i(. In 3ac67/ord-5 7#.. t;e 'arba'e t;ey e8er /rote about (e i- true to )eo).e /;o don7t 6no/ (e7 E%i..ia( Kennedy+ *e s E,ar(ond-/ort;5 2<4 Post!odernist Fiction Pen'uin+ 14A?$+ ). 2 ?$ - t;at i- to -ay+ to )eo).e .i6e u-. Brian Mc,a.e ca..- t;i- 6ind o: /or6 a 7re8i-ioni-t ;i-torica. no8e.7 EBrian Mc,a.e+ Post!odernist Fiction E!ondon and Ne/ &or65 Met;uen+ 14BA$+ P. 40$ becau-e ;e :ee.- it re8i-e- and reinter)ret- t;e o::icia. ;i-torica. record and tran-:or(- t;e con8ention- o: ;i-torica. :iction. I /ou.d rat;er )ut t;i- c;a..en'e in ter(- o: a de -natura.i-in' o: t;e con8ention- o: re)re-entin' t;e )a-t in narrati8e - ;i-torica. and :ictiona. - t;at i- done in -uc; a /ay t;at t;e )o.itic- o: t;e act o: re)re-entin' are (ade (ani:e-t. One o: t;e c.eare-t e0a().e- o: t;i- )roce-- -e.:-con-ciou-.y at /or6 i- Eironica..y$ a no8e. by a Mar0i-t critic /;o ;a- accu-ed )o-t(odern :iction o: bein' a;i-torica.5 Terry Ea'.eton7- (aints and (c$olars. T;e introductory note to t;e no8e. a--ert- t;at t;e -tory i- 7not entire.y :anta-y7. So(e o: t;e c;aracter- are rea.+ a- are -o(e o: t;e e8ent-+ but (o-t o: t;e re-t i- in8ented. T;i- beco(e- e8ident in t;e :ir-t c;a)ter+ a :ictiona.i-ed ;i-torica. account o: t;e .a-t ;our- o: Iri-; re8o.utionary 3a(e- 1onno..y be:ore ;e i- e0ecuted in Ki.(ain;a( 'ao. on 12 May 141@. But t;e account end- /it; a re(ar6 t;at en'ender- t;e re-t o: t;e :iction to :o..o/5 But ;i-tory doe- not a./ay- 'et t;e :act- in t;e (o-t -i'ni:icant order+ or arran'e t;e( in t;e (o-t ae-t;etica..y ).ea-in' )attern. Na)o.eon -ur8i8ed t;e batt.e o: %ater.oo+ but it /ou.d ;a8e been -y(bo.ica..y a))ro)riate i: ;e ;ad been 6i..ed t;ere. 9.orence Ni';tin'a.e .in'ered on unti. 1410+ but t;i- /a- an o8er-i';t on ;i-tory7- )art. ETerry Ea'.eton+ (aints and (c$olars E!ondon and Ne/ &or65 Cer-o+ 14BA$ ). 10$ So t;e narrator arre-t- t;e o: t;e :irin' -Iuad in (id -air in order to 7)ri-e o)en a -)ace in t;e-e c.o-e-)ac6ed e8ent- t;rou'; /;ic; 3i((y (ay -ca()er+ b.a-t ;i( out o: t;e dreary continuu( o: ;i-tory into a di::erent ).ace'et;er7 E). 10$. T;e ).ot action e8entua..y co(e- to -ett.e around a cotta'e on t;e /e-t coa-t o: Ire.and /;ere 'at;er+ t;an6- to irony and c;ance+ a /ondrou- co..ection o: ;i-torica. and :ictiona. eccentric-5 7# Scotti-; Iri-;(an N1onno..yO+ an Iri-; ,un'arian N!eo)o.d B.oo(O+ an an'.ici-ed #u-trian N!ud/i' %itt'en-teinO+ and a Ru--ian Ba6;tin+ Mi6;ai.7- brot;erO+ ,(aints and (c$olars, ##. 1<1-2$. T;ou'; -o(e are rea. and ot;er:ictiona.+ a.. c;aracter- /or6 to )rob.e(ati-e t;e 8ery di-tinction5 Ba6;tin i- -aid to be e0ceedin'.y e0tra8a'ant but ne8ert;e.e-;i-torica..y rea.+ and t;e ot;er- t;in6 ;e i- 7an entire.y :ictiona. c;aracter+ and t;e on.y rea. t;in' about ;i( /a- t;at ;e 6ne/ it7 E). <0$. %;en ;e .ater te..- t;e :icti8e !eo)o.d B.oo( t;at t;e notion o: indi8idua.ity i- a +-u)re(e :iction7+ 3oyce7- c;aracter re).ie-5 7&ou (i';t be a b.eedin' 2 0 *inda .%tc$eon :iction ... &ou .oo6 )retty (uc; .i6e one to (e. I ;a))en to be rea.. I t;in6 I7( =u-t about t;e on.y rea. )er-on ;ere7 E). 1<?$. T;e no8e.7- (eta:ictiona.ity o)erate- t;rou'; (any -uc; )arodic interte0tua. ec;oe-. To o::er anot;er in-tance5 Ba6;tin a-6- 1onno..y about t;e -ucce-- o: t;e Ea-ter Ri-in' becau-e ;e i- ea'er to 6no/ /;et;er ;e i- 7in t;e )re-ence o: a /or.d-;i-torica. :i'ure7 ,(aints and (c$olars, #. 4 $ - !u6ic-7- ter( :or t;e rea. )er-ona'e- :ound /it;in ;i-torica. :iction. T;e te0t7- -e.: -re:.e0i8ity a.-o :unction- on t;e .e8e. o: .an'ua'e and t;i- i- /;ere %itt'en-tein :it- in. But /;at i- a.-o (ade c.ear i- t;at %itt'en-tein7- :a(ou- .in'ui-tic t;eorie- are t;e direct )roduct o: ;i- )er-ona. ;i-tory+ and ) o: ;i- nationa. ;i-tory a- a Cienne-e and ;i- racia. ;i-tory a- a 3e/. %;en ;e Ec;aracteri-tica..y$ trie- to con8ince 1onno..y t;at t;e .i(it- o: ;i- .an'ua'e are t;e .i(it- o: ;i- /or.d+ t;e orator and (an o: action re).ie-5 7%;at do you )ro)o-e in-teadH T;at /e -;ou.d .an'ui-; in t;e )ri-on-;ou-e o: .an'ua'e ... T E). 11 $. T;e ec;o o: t;e tit.e o: 3a(e-on7- boo6+ T$e Prison4.o%se of *an %a e, is not =u-t a c.e8er (o8e in -o(e .iterary-critica. reco'nition 'a(e5 it in8o6e- t;e entire

conte0t o: Mar0i-t critici-(7- Eand Ea'.eton7- o/n$ -tand a'ain-t t;e re:.e0i8ity o: .an'ua'e and narrati8e in t;e na(e o: )o.itic-. T;i- ii()ortant becau-e (aints and (c$olars atte()t- to reconci.e t;e-e -ee(in'.y o))o-in' )o-ition- - a- indeed doe- (uc; ;i-torio'ra);ic (eta:iction. Ea'.eton7- no8e. end- /it; anot;er de:erra. o: t;o-e :irin'--Iuad ;eadin' :or 1onno..y7- body5 7%;en t;e reac;ed ;i( ;e /ou.d di-a))ear entire.y into (yt;+ ;i- body not;in' but a )iece o: .an'ua'e+ t;e :ir-t cry o: t;e ne/ re)ub.ic7 ,(aints and (c$olars, #. 1 ?$. O: cour-e+ /e do on.y 6no/ 1onno..y today )ri(ari.y :ro( )iece- o: .an'ua'e+ t;e trace- and te0t- o: t;e )a-t -Ea'.eton /ant- to do (ore t;an )rob.e(ati-e t;i- e)i-te(o.o'ica. rea.ity+ t;ou';. ,e o::er- a- /e.. a ne/ /ay o: re)re-entin' ;i-tory - not deri8ed :ro( t;e o::icia. account- o: t;e 8ictor-+ but ta6en :ro( t;e uno::icia.+ u-ua..y unrecorded )er-)ecti8e o: t;e 8icti(- o: ;i-tory. T;e no8e.7den-e.y detai.ed de-cri)tion- o: t;e .i:e o: t;e )oor and t;e /or6in' c.a-- in are acco()anied by ana.y-e- o: t;e cau-e- o: t;e (i-ery5 t;e econo(ic and )o.itica. (aneu8erin'- o: i()eria.i-t Britain. T;e ).ot contra-t- a Cienne-e 3e/7- de-ire to be 7;idin' :rorn. ;i-tory7 E). B $ /it; an Iri-; re8o.utionary .eader7- 8ie/ t;at to be :ree 7you ;a8e to re(e(ber7 E). 12B$+ te.. your o/n -tory+ and re)re-ent your-e.:5 7# co.onia. territory /a- a .and /;ere not;in' ;a))ened+ /;ere you reacted to t;e narrati8e o: your rat;er t;an created one o: your o/n7 E). 10 $. Ta.6 i- a.. t;at i- .e:t to 7a race bere:t o: it- ;i-tory7 E). 10 $ but ta.6 - di-cour-e - i- a 6ind o: action5 7Di-cour-e /a- -o(et;in' you did ... T;e Iri-; ;ad ne8er :a..en :or t;e En'.i-; (yt; t;at .an'ua'e /a- a -econd-;and re:.ection o: rea.ity7 E). 10?$. Ob8iou-.y+ neit;er did t;e )o-t(odern. 2 1 Post!odernist Fiction T;i- i- t;e 6ind o: no8e. t;at /or6- to/ard- a critica. return to ;i-tory and )o.itic- t$ro% $ - not de-)ite - (eta:ictiona. -e.:-con-ciou-ne-- and )arodic interte0tua.ity. T;i- i- t;e )o-t(oderni-t )arado0+ a 7u-e and abu-e7 o: ;i-tory t;at NietJ-c;e+ /;en con-iderin' t;at -ub=ect+ ne8er conte().ated. In Ro.and Bart;e-7- ter(-+ /e are -;o/n t;at t;ere i- +not;in' natura. any/;ere+ not;in' but t;e ;i-torica.7 any/;ere EBart;e- 14AA+ ). 1<4$. 2 2

21 1ar.o- 9uente-+ 7%ord- #)art7

Sa.(an Ru-;die7- T$e (atanic 8erses ;a- (et /it; t;e (o-t e0traordinary re-)on-e o: any t/entiet;-century :iction in En'.i-;. T;i- ;ainc.uded de(on-tration-+ riot-+ boo6-burnin'+ an a))ea. to t;e .a/- o: b.a-);e(y+ and t;e un)recedented (obi.i-ation o: t;e %e-tern .iterary and arti-tic co((unity in t;e boo6 and aut;or7- de:ence. T;e deat; t;reat )ronounced by t;e #yato..a; K;o(eini in 9ebruary 14B4+ /;ic; :orced Ru-;die into an e0tended )eriod o: ;idin'+ i- 'rote-Iue )roo: o: t;e rea. ri-6- and dan'er- )o-t(oderni-t :iction (i';t run. T;e .ater t;at in re=ectin' 7%e-terni-ation7+ or (odernity+ I-.a(ic -ociety i- it-e.: 7)o-t(oderni-t7 E#6bar #;(ed+ T$e G%ardian > D%l), 1440+ )). 21-2$ on.y -er8ed to e0)o-e :urt;er t;e biJarre 'u.: in under-tandin' and t;i- e)i-ode re8ea.ed. 1en-or-;i)+ boo6-burnin' and (urder a.. occur in *(berto Eco7- T$e Na!e of t$e Rose. .is detecti8e+ %i..ia( o: Ba-6er8i..e+ -tand:or a broad to.erance /;ic; /ou.d a..o/ -acred and -ub8er-i8e te0t- to coe0i-t5 a triu(); :or (odern ;u(ani-( o8er (edie8a. -u)er-tition and do'(a. T;e 7Ru-;die a::air7 (ay yet :o..o/ a -i( cour-e. It be'an ;o/e8er by =o.tin' t;e (et;od- o: critiIue and -atire into dra(atic con:.ict /it; a :unda(enta.i-( /ort;y o: Eco7- InIui-ition. 1ar.o- 9uente- /ritin' -;ort.y a:ter t;e i--ue o: t;e fatwa dre/ on t;e Ru--ian .in'ui-t and critic Mi6;ai. Ba6;tin7- conce)t o: 7dia.o'ic-7 to de-cribe t;i- -ituation+ in8o6in' a (ode. /;ic; reco'ni-e- t;at (o(ent- o: cri-i- -tretc; beyond to.erance to -tar6 o))o-ition. Ru-;die7- deci-ion to -ee6 a (ore :.e0ib.e 7dia.o'ue7+ /it;in I-.a(+ ta6e- t;e i--ue-+ one (i';t t;in6+ :ina..y beyond (atter- o: (ere :iction or interte0tua.ity. 9uente- ;ad -u''e-ted ot;er/i-e+ ;o/e8er. 9or t;i- e)i-ode+ ;e -ay-+ )ro8ed t;e continuin' in:.uence o: /ordR Re)rinted :ro( T$e G%ardian, 2 9ebruary 14B4+ and inc.uded in T$e R%s$die File, ed. !i-a #))i'nane-i and Sara Mait.and E!ondon5 I1# 9ourt; E-tate !td.+ 14B4$+ )). 2 ?-4. 2 < Post!odernist Fiction not t;eir i()otence+ con:ir(in' t;e ;u(an need :or a .iterature o: )arado0+ doubt and co().e0ity. In addition to t;e docu(entation and e--ay- in T$e R%s$die File, -ee 7Beyond t;e Ru-;die #::air7+ T$ird TeCt, 99 ESu((er 1440$. Mar'uerite #.e0ander7- Fli $ts fro! Realis! E1440$ contain- -o(e di-cu--ion o: t;e de-tabi.i-in' ironie- in t;e te0t o: Ru-;die7- no8e. a- /e.. a- in -urroundin' e8ent- in t;e %e-t and I-.a( E)). 200-@$. Mi6;ai. Ba6;tin /a-+ )robab.y+ t;e 'reate-t t;eori-t o: t;e no8e. in our century. ,i- .i:e+ in a /ay+ i- a- e0e().ary a- ;i- boo6-. S;unted o:: to re(ote area- o: t;e So8iet *nion by t;e (inion- o: Sta.ini-( :or ;i- unort;odo0 idea-+ Ba6;tin cou.d not )ro:it :ro( re;abi.itation /;en it ca(e under BreJ;ne8+ -i().y becau-e ;e ;ad ne8er been accu-ed o: anyt;in'. # 8icti( o: :ace.e-- into.erance+ ;i- )o.itica. ne(e-i- /a- but ;i- .iterary -y(bo. /a- Ka:6a. ,i- ca-e /a- and i- not uniIue. I ;a8e t;ou';t a .ot about Ba6;tin /;i.e t;in6in' about Sa.(an Ru-;die durin' t;e-e )a-t :e/ /ee6-. Ru-;die7- /or6 )er:ect.y :it- t;e Ba6;tinian contention t;at our- i- an a'e o:. co()etiti8e .an'ua'e-. T;e no8e. i- t;e )ri8i.e'ed arena /;ere .an'ua'e- in con:.ict can (eet+ brin'in' to'et;er+ in ten-ion and dia.o'ue+ not on.y o))o-in' c;aracter-+ but a.-o di::erent ;i-torica. a'e-+ -ocia. .e8e.-+ ci8i.i-ation and ot;er+ da/nin' rea.itie- o: ;u(an .i:e. In t;e no8e.+ rea.itie- t;at are nor(a..y -e)arated can (eet+ e-tab.i-;in' a dia.o'ic encounter+ a (eetin' /it; t;e ot;er.

T;i- i- no 'ratuitou- e0erci-e. It re8ea.- a nu(ber o: t;in'-. T;e :ir-t i- t;at+ in dia.o'ue+ no one i- ab-o.ute.y ri';tF neit;er -)ea6er ;o.d- an ab-o.ute trut; or+ indeed+ ;a- an ab-o.ute ;o.d o8er ;i-tory. My-e.: and t;e ot;er+ a- /e.. a- t;e ;i-tory t;at bot; o: u- are (a6in'+ -ti.. are not. Bot; are un:ini-;ed and -o can on.y continue to be. By it- 8ery nature+ t;e no8e. indicate- t;at /e are beco(in'. T;ere i- no :ina. -o.ution. T;ere i- no .a-t /ord. T;i- i- /;at Kundera (ean- /;en ;e )ro)o-e- t;at t;e no8e. i- a con-tant rede:inition o: (en and /o(en a- )rob.e(-+ ne8er a-ea.ed+ conc.uded trut;-. But t;i- i- )reci-e.y /;at t;e #yato..a;- o: t;i- /or.d cannot -u::er. 9or t;e #yato..a;- rea.ity i- do'(atica..y de:ined once and :or a.. in a -acred te0t. But a -acred te0t i-+ by de:inition+ a co().eted and e0c.u-i8e te0t. &ou can add not;in' to it. It doe- not con8er-e /it; anyone. It i- it- o/n .oud-)ea6er. It o::er- )er:ect re:u'e :or t;e in-ecure /;o t;en+ ;a8in' t;e )rotection o: a do'(atic te0t o8er t;eir ;ead-+ )roceed to e0co((unicate t;o-e /;o-e -ecurity .ie- in -earc; :or t;e trut;. I re(e(ber !ui- Bu:tue. con-tant.y -ayin'5 7I /ou.d 'i8e (y .i:e :or a (an /;o i- .oo6in' :or t;e trut;. But I /ou.d '.adiy 6i.. a (an /;o t;in6- t;at ;e ;a:ound t;e trut;.7 2 "arlos F%entes T;i- Bu:iue.ian+ -urrea.i-t -a..y i- no/ bein' dra(atica..y acted out in re8er-a.. #n aut;or /;o i- .oo6in' :or t;e trut;+ ;a- been conde(ned to deat; by a )rie-t.y ;ierarc;y+ /;o-e dee) in-ecurity i- di-'ui-ed by t;eir )reten-ion to ;o.din' t;e trut;. T;e #yato..a;-+ ne8ert;e.e--+ ;a8e done a 'reat -er8ice to .iterature+ i: not to I-.a(. T;ey ;a8e deba-ed and caricatured t;eir o/n :ait;. But t;ey ;a8e -;i:ted t;e /anderin' attention o: t;e /or.d to t;e )o/er o: /ord-+ .iterature and t;e i(a'ination+ in /ay- tota..y un:ore-een in t;eir );i.o-o);y. 9or t;e into.erance o: t;e #yato..a;- not on.y -;ed- .i';t on Sa.(an Ru-;die and ;i- u-e- o: t;e .iterary i(a'ination. By (a6in' t;ii(a'ination -o dan'erou- t;at it de-er8e- ca)ita. )uni-;(ent+ t;e -ectarian- ;a8e (ade )eo).e e8ery/;ere /onder /;at it i- t;at .iterature can -ay t;at can be -o )o/er:u. and+ indeed+ -o dan'erou-. In a de-er8ed.y :a(ou- co((entary+ P;i.i) Rot; once di-tin'ui-;ed bet/een reaction- to .iterature Ea-t and %e-t. In tota.itarian re'i(e-+ Rot; -aid+ e8eryt;in' (atter- and not;in' 'oe-. In t;e .ibera. de(ocracie-+ not;in' (atter- and e8eryt;in' 'oe-. Sudden.y+ T$e (atanic 8erses ;a8e )u-;ed t;e 7not;in' 'oe-7 o: into.erance ri';t out into t;e )ub.ic -Iuare- o: indi::erence. Sudden.y+ /e a.. rea.i-e t;at e8eryt;in' (atter-+ /;et;er it 'oe- or not. I do not tru.y be.ie8e t;at t;ere i- a -in'.e inte..i'ent /riter in eit;er Euro)e+ bot; #(erica-+ #:rica+ #-ia or Do/n *nder+ /;o doenot :ee. t;reatened by t;e )o--ibi.itie- -o (e.odra(atica..y o)ened by t;e #yato..a;7- cru-ade a'ain-t t;e :reedo( o: t;e i(a'ination. It can7t ;a))en ;ereH &ou can bet your botto( )e-o+ :ranc or )ound t;at it can. Sayin' t;e -a(e t;in' a- Rot;+ Ita.o 1a.8ino once /rote t;at /;en )o.itic- )ay- too (uc; attention to .iterature+ t;i- i- a bad -i'n+ (o-t.y :or .iterature. But+ ;e added+ it i- a.-o a bad -i'n /;en )o.itic- doe-n7t /ant to ;ear t;e /ord 7.iterature7 (entioned. It (ean- t;at t;e -ociety ;a- beco(e a:raid o: any u-e o: .an'ua'e t;at ca..- into Iue-tion t;e certitude- it ;o.d- about it-e.:. I ;a8e a./ay- concei8ed t;e no8e. Eat .ea-t t;o-e I try to /rite$ a- a cro--road- bet/een t;e indi8idua. and t;e co..ecti8e de-tinie- o: (en and /o(en. Bot; tentati8e+ bot; un:ini-;ed+ but bot; on.y -ayab.e and (ini(a..y under-tandab.e i: it i- )re8iou-.y -aid and under-tood t;at+ in :iction+ trut; i- t;e -earc; :or trut;+ not;in' i- )re-e-tab.i-;ed and 6no/.ed'e i- on.y /;at bot; o: u- - reader and /riter - can i(a'ine. T;ere i- no ot;er /ay to :ree.y and :ruit:u..y e0).ore t;e )o--ibi.itie- o: our un:ini-;ed ;u(anity. No ot;er /ay to re:u-e t;e deat; o: t;e )a-t+ (a6in' it )re-ent t;rou'; (e(ory. No ot;er /ay o: e::ecti8e.y 'i8in' .i:e to t;e :uture+ t;rou'; t;e (ani:e-tation o: our de-ire. T;at t;e-e e--entia. acti8itie- o: t;e ;u(an -)irit -;ou.d be denied in t;e na(e o: a b.ind yet o(ni-cient+ )ara.ytica. yet acti8e.y ;o(icida. 2 ? Post!odernist Fiction do'(ati-( i- bot; a :arce and a cri(e in it-e.:. Sa.(an Ru-;die ;a- done t;e true re.i'iou- -)irit a -er8ice by bri..iant.y i(a'inin' t;e ten-ion- and co().i(ent- t;at it e-tab.i-;e- /it; t;e -)irit. ,u(our+ certain.y+ cannot be ab-ent+ -ince t;ere i- no conte()orary .an'ua'e t;at can utter it-e.: /it;out a -en-e o: t;e di8er-i:ication o: t;at -a(e .an'ua'e. %;en /e a.. under-tood e8eryt;in'+ t;e e)ic /a- )o--ib.e. But not :iction. T;e no8e. i- born :ro( t;e 8ery :act t;at /e do not under-tand one anot;er any .on'er+ becau-e unitary+ ort;odo0 .an'ua'e ;a- bro6en do/n. Gui0ote and Sanc;o+ t;e S;andy brot;er-+ Mr and Mr- Karenin5 t;eir no8e.- are t;e co(edy Eor t;e dra(a$ o: t;eir (i-under-tandin'-. I()o-e a unitary .an'ua'e5 you 6i.. t;e no8e.+ but you a.-o 6i.. t;e -ociety. I ;o)e t;at e8eryone+ a:ter /;at ;a- ;a))ened to Sa.(an Ru-;die and T$e (atanic 8erses, no/ under-tand- t;i-. 9iction i- not a =o6e. It i- but an e0)re--ion o: t;e cu.tura.+ )er-ona. and -)iritua. di8er-ity o: (an6ind. 9iction i- a ;arbin'er o: a (u.ti) and (u.ticu.tura. /or.d+ /;ere no -in'.e );i.o-o);y+ no -in'.e no -in'.e -o.ution+ can -;unt a-ide t;e e0tre(e /ea.t; o: (an6ind7- cu.tura. ;erita'e. Our :uture de)end- on t;e'ed :reedo( :or t;e (u.tiracia. and t;e )o.ycu.tura. to e0)re-- it-e.: in a /or.d o: -;i:tin'+ decayin' and e(er'in' )o/er centre-. Sa.(an Ru-;die ;a- 'i8en :or( to a di.e((a )re8iou-.y e(bodied+ at di8er-e .e8e.-+ in t;e %e-t+ by t;e no8e.- o: ,ernaru-+ Mauriac and 1a(u-+ a- /e.. a- t;e :i.(- o: Ber'(an+ 9e..ini and Bu:iue.. #nd t;at i-5 1an t;e re.i'iou- (enta.ity t;ri8e out-ide o: re.i'ioudo'(a and ;ierarc;yH T;e-e are Iue-tion- e--entia. to any idea- o: :reedo(. But t;e burden- o: :reedo(+ a- Do-toye8-6y7- "rand InIui-itor /e.. 6ne/+ can be ;ea8ier t;an t;e c;ain- o: .iberty. 7!on' .i8e (y c;ain-L7 t;e S)ani-; )atriot- )ainted by "oya at;eir re8o.utionary .iberator-+ t;e Na)o.eonic troo)-+ (o/ed t;e( do/n. #nd+ in anot;er direction+ "eor' Buc6ner ) in 7anton's 7eat$, t;at -ince "od no .on'er e0i-ted+ (an6ind /a- no/ re-)on-ib.e :or it- o/n de-tiny and cou.d not -;i:t t;e b.a(e any (ore. T;e (odern a'e+ by .iberatin' bot; t;e :reedo( :or 'ood and t;e :reedo( :or e8i.+ ;a- ).aced u)on u- a.. t;e ob.i'ation to re.ati8i-e bot;. #b-o.ute 'ood i- ca..ed )o.yanna. #b-o.ute e8i. i- ca..ed Re.ati8e 'ood i- ca..ed Si(one %ei.. Re.ati8e e8i. i- ca..ed de

Sade. But t;e na(e o: re.ati8ity i- no .on'er 8irtueF it i- 8a.ue. Bad .iterature -tay- at t;e .e8e. o: 8irtueF it )it- 'ood 'uy- a'ain-t bad boy-. "ood .iterature ri-e- to t;e .e8e. o: 8a.ue- in con:.ict /it; one anot;er. T;i- i- /;at Sa.(an Ru-;die ;a- done in a.. o: ;i- no8e.-. T;at ;e ;a- draniti-ed t;e con:.ict /it;in I-.a( doe- not+ ;o/e8er+ e0e()t t;e re-t o: u-+ /it;in t;e 3udeo -1;ri-tian tradition+ :ro( .oo6in' at our o/n -ource- o: into.erance or at our o/n .i(it- /;en our o/n 2 @ "arlos F%entes -y(bo.- are -et into con:.icti8e (otion. #rti-t- ;a8e been -i.enced or 7di-a))eared7 in !atin #(erica :or not -)outin' t;e o::icia. trut; o: our .oca.+ (o-t.y (i.itary+ #yato..a;-. =ean-!uc "odard in Euro)e and Martin Scor-e-e in t;e *nited State- ;a8e been attac6ed :or -eriou-.y e0).orin' in t;e 1at;o.ic :ait; /;at Ru-;die i- e0).orin' in t;e I-.a(ic :ait;+ t;at i-+ t;e co(bination-+ t;e )o--ibi.itie-+ t;e ';o-t- beyond t;e do'(a-. # nu(ber o: 3e/i-; /riter- and co(edian- ;a8e )o6ed :un at 3udai-(. %;at are t;e .i(it-.H %;at i: a 3e/i-; /riter i(a'ined #nne 9ran6 a- a youn' /;oreH %;at i: a 1at;o.ic /riter de)icted 3o-e);+ t;e =ea.ou- );i.icide+ a- t;e true betrayer o: 1;ri-tH T;e' t;in' about Sa.(an Ru-;die7- e0)erience in into.erance i- t;at it ;a- re8ea.ed a -eet;in' a..iance o: co((erica. co/ardice and :unda(enta.i-t into.erance -urroundin' t;e -e.:-) i-.and o: rationa.ity in any 'i8en -ociety. Sect- coe0i-t /it; co((erica.i-( in "eor'ia and "uate(a.a. #..o/ t;e-e t/o :actor- - and )ub.i-;er- -uccu(bin' to terrori-t t;reat-+ and Jea.ot- o: a.. :ait;- di-co8erin' t;eir -ectarian brot;er;ood+ be it Mu-.i(+ 1;ri-tian or 3e/i-; - and t;e (ar'in- o: :reedo( in our /or.d /i.. Iuic6.y and :ri';tenin'.y -;rin6. T;e de:ence o: Sa.(an Ru-;die i- a de:ence o: our-e.8e-. It i- a (atter o: )ride to -ay t;at Ru-;die ;a- 'i8en u- a.. a better rea-on to under-tand and )rotect t;e )ro:e--ion o: .etter- at t;e ;i';e-t .e8e. o: creati8ity+ i(a'ination+ inte..i'ence and -ocia. re-)on-ibi.ity.

Note- on #ut;orE9u.. )ub.ication detai.- are not 'i8en /;ere te0t- a.-o a))ear under 9urt;er Readin'.$ T,EODOR %IESEN"R*ND #DORNO E140<-@4$ /a- born in 9ran6:urt o: 3e/i-;-Ita.ian )arent-. ,e -tudied );i.o-o);y and (u-ic in Cienna and tau';t brie:.y at O0:ord be:ore de)artin' :or t;e *nited State- in 14<B. T;ere ;e beca(e a .eadin' (e(ber o: t;e In-titute :or Socia. Re-earc; in Ne/ &or6. In 14?0 ;e returned to t;e *ni8er-ity o: 9ran6:urt to re-e-tab.i-; t;e In-titute t;ere /it; Ma0 ,or6;ei(er. ,i- /or6- in tran-.ation inc.ude Pris!s E14@A$F T$e 7ialectic of Enli $ten!ent, /it; Ma0 ,or6;ei(er+ 14A2$F T$e P$iloso#$) of -odern -%sic E14A<$F Ne ati0e 7ialectics ENe/ &or65 Seabury Pre--+ 14A<$F and Aest$etic T$eor) E14B $. 3E#N B#*DRI!!#RD E1424-$ i- a .eadin' and contro8er-ia. co((entator on )o-t(oderni-(+ bot; an undoubted in:.uence and t;e -ub=ect o: -e8ere critiIue. ,i- e0ten-i8e /ritin'-+ (any no/ in tran-.ation+ inc.ude T$e -irror of Prod%ction E14A?$F (i!%lations E14B<$F A!erica E14BB$F and Fatal (trate ies E1440$. # 8o.u(e o: (elected /ritin s Eed. Mar6 Po-ter$ a))eared in 14BB. Baudri..ard /a- Pro:e--or o: Socio.o'y at t;e *ni8er-ity o: Pari-+ Q+ Nanterre+ bet/een 14@@ and 14BB. ,O*STON #. B#KER 3R. E14 <-$ i- t;e #.bert M. "reen:ie.d Pro:e--or o: ,u(an Re.ation- and Director o: t;e 1enter :or t;e Study o: B.ac6 !iterature and 1u.ture at t;e *ni8er-ity o: Penn-y.8ania. ,e ;a- /ritten /ide.y in t;e area o: #:ro #(erican .iterary and cu.tura. -tudy+ and i- a.-o a )oet. In addition to t;e 8o.u(e -odernis! and t$e .arle! Renaissance E14BA$+ ;i- )ub.ication- inc.ude *on Black (on 6 Essa)s in Black A!erican *iterat%re and "%lt%re ECir'inia5 *ni8er-ity Pre-- o: Cir'inia+ 14A2$F and Bl%es, 5deolo ) and Afro4A!erican *iterat%re E1;ica'o5 *ni8er-ity o: 1;ica'o Pre--+ 14BA$. %#!TER BEN3#MIN E1B42-14 0$+ -tudied );i.o-o);y and .iterature in "er(any and S/itJer.and be:ore t;e 9ir-t %or.d %ar+ and /a- t;en e().oyed a- a =ourna.i-t and tran-.ator+ /or6in' inter(ittent.y :ro( 142B on ;i- 7#rcade-7 )ro=ect+ a )ro-)ecti8e (a=or /or6 on 1;ar.e- Baude.aire and (odernity. In t;e t/entie- ;e (et #do(o and Brec;t+ t;e (ain but contradictory in:.uence- on ;i- o/n ;i';.y ori'ina. Mar0i-(. ,e .e:t "er(any :or Pari- a:ter 14<< and recei8ed a -ti)end :ro( t;e In-titute :or Socia. Re-earc; /;ic; )ub.i-;ed -o(e o: ;i- e--ay-. In Se)te(ber 14 0+ con:ronted by t;e "e-ta)o at Port Bou on ;i- /ay to t;e *nited State-+ ;e co((itted -uicide. Ben=a(in7- re)utation i- a.(o-t entire.y )o-t;u(ou-+ 'ained by t;e e--ay- co..ected in tran-.ation a- 5ll%!inations E14A0$F 'nderstandin Brec$t E14A<$F and t;e -tudy "$arles Ba%delaire6 A *)ric Poet in t$e Era of .i $ "a#italis! E14A<$. M#RS,#!! BERM#N ;a- /or6ed a- a :ree.ance /riter and critic+ and tau';t at t;e *ni8er-itie- o: Stan:ord and Ne/ Me0ico+ and at t;e 1ity 1o..e'e and 1ity Notes on A%t$ors ?4A *ni8er-ity o: Ne/ &or6. ,e i- t;e aut;or o: T$e Politics of A%t$enticit), Radical 5ndi0id%alis! and t$e E!er ence of -odern (ociet) ENe/ &or65 #t;eneu(+ 14A0$. BERTO!T BRE1,T E1B4@-14?@$ )oet+ ).ay/ri';t and t;eatre director /a- born in #u'-bur' and+ a:ter ear.y -ucce--+ (o8ed to and t;ere -ta'ed t;e ce.ebrated T$ree#enn) 2#era E142B$. In t;e .ate t/entie-+ Mar0i-t t;eory+ So8iet re8o.utionary art+ No; t;eatre+ (u-ic ;a.. and cabaret co(bined to in:.uence Brec;t7- conce)tion o: an anti-i..u-ioni-t 7e)ic t;eatre7 and it- a..ied 7a.ienation e::ect-7. #:ter 14<< ;e .i8ed in Scandina8ia and in 14 1 tra8e..ed to t;e *nited State- to /or6 in ,o..y/ood. T;e ).ay- Galileo, T$e "a%casian "$alk "ircle and -ot$er "o%ra e be.on' to t;i- )eriod. #:ter an a))earance be:ore t;e ,ou-e *n#(erican #cti8itie- 1o((ittee in 14 A+ Brec;t returned to Euro)e and to Ea-t /;ere ;e e-tab.i-;ed t;e Ber.iner En-e(b.e. Brec;t7- ).ay- are a8ai.ab.e in tran-.ation in Britain by Eyre Met;uen+ a- are Poe!s 9:9@49:>; Eed. 3o;n %i..ett and Ra.); Man;ei(+ 14A4$F and Brec$t on T$eatre Eed. and tran-. 3o;n %i..ett+ 14@ $. PETER BOR"ER i- Pro:e--or o: 9renc; and 1o()arati8e !iterature at t;e *ni8er-ity o: Bre(en. ,e ;a- /ritten on 9renc; -urrea.i-( and t;e 9renc; En.i';ten(ent and i- aut;or o: a co..ection o: t;eoretica. e--ay- 8er!ittl%n 4 Re3e#tion 4 F%nktion E9ran6:urt5 Su;r6a()+ 14B<$ and editor o: t;e -erie.e%te ffir kritisc$e *iterat%n0issensc$aft. # co..ection o: e--ay-+ T$e 7ecline of -odernis!, tran-. Nic;o.a- %a.6er E1a(brid'e5 Po.ity Pre--+ 1442$. I#IN 1,#MBERS E14 4-$ i- Pro:e--or in t;e De)art(ent :or t;e Study o: !iterature and !an'ua'e+ t;e Orienta. In-titute+ t;e *ni8er-ity o: Na).e-. ,e i-

t;e aut;or o: 'r&an R$)t$!s6 Po# -%sic and Po#%lar "%lt%re E!ondon5 Mac(i..anF Ne/ &or65 St Martin7- Pre--+ 14B?$F Po#%lar "%lt%re. T$e -etro#olitan EC#erience E14B@$F and Border 7ialo %es6 Do%rne)s in Post!odernit) E1440$. *MBERTO Eco E1424-$ i- a di-tin'ui-;ed -e(iotician+ cu.tura. critic and no8e.i-t. Eco7- /or6- inc.ude A T$eor) of (e!iotics EB.oo(in'ton+ Indiana5 Indiana *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14A@$F T$e Role of t$e Reader E!ondon5 ,utc;in-on+ 14B1$F Fait$ in Fakes, a.-o )ub.i-;ed a- Tra0els in .)#errealit) E14BA$F and t;e be-t' no8e.- T$e Na!e of t$e Rose E14B0+ !ondon5 Sec6er and %arbur'+ 14B<F Pan 14B $F and Fo%ca%lt's Pend%l%! E!ondon5 Sec6er and %arbur'+ 14B4F Pan 1440$. Eco i- Pro:e--or o: Se(iotic- at t;e *ni8er-ity o: Bo.o'na and Ci-itin' Pro:e--or at 1o.u(bia *ni8er-ity+ *S#. 1#R!OS 9*ENTES E1424- $ i- a Me0ican no8e.i-t+ di).o(at and )o.itica. e--ayi-t. 9uente- /a- Me0ican #(ba--ador to Pari- in 14A? and ;e.d )ro:e--or-;i)- at ,ar8ard and 1a(brid'e in 14B@-BA. ,i- no8e.- inc.ude T$e 7eat$ of Arte!io "r%3 ENe/ &or65 9arrar+ Strau- P "irou0+ E14@ $F Terra Nostra ENe/ &or65 9arrar+ Strau- P "irou0+ 14A@$F and T$e 2ld Grin o ENe/ &or65 9arrar+ Strau- P "irou0+ 14B?$. #- /e.. a- artic.e- and e--ay- on !atin #(erican :iction ;e ;a- )ub.i-;ed t;e -tudy Ga&riel Garcia -dr1%e3 and t$e 5n0ention of A!erica E!i8er)oo.5 !i8er)oo. *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14BA$. 3tR"EN ,#BERM#S E1424-$ i- a /ide.y e-tee(ed -ocia. t;eori-t+ /;o-e -u-tained de:ence o: rationa.ity and t;e En.i';ten(ent )ro=ect ;a- -i'ni:icant.y -;a)ed debate- on (odernity and )o-t(ode(ity. ,aber(a- /a- a))ointed a--i-tant to #dorno at t;e 9ran6:urt In-titute o: Socia. Re-earc; in 14?@+ and .ater beca(e Director o: t;e Ma0 P.anc6 In-titute. ,e i- current.y Pro:e--or o: Socio.o'y and P;i.o-o);y at t;e 3o;ann %o.:'an' "oet;e *ni8er-ity in 9ran6:urt. ,i- /or6- in tran-.ation inc.ude *e iti!ation "risis E14A@$F T$e P$iloso#$ical 7isco%rse of -odernit) E14BB$F and T$e (tr%ct%ral Transfor!ation of t$e P%&lic (#$ere E14B4$. D#CID ,#RCE& E14<?- $ ;a- tau';t at 3o;n- ,o)6in- *ni8er-ity and -ince 14BA at t;e *ni8er-ity o: O0:ord+ /;ere ;e i- ,a.:ord Mac6inder Pro:e--or o: "eo'ra);y. ,e i- t;e aut;or o: T$e *i!its to "a#ital EO0:ord5 Ba-i. B.ac6/e..+ 14B2$F T$e 'r&an 2 4 -odernis!lPost!odernis! EC#erience EO0:ord5 Ba-i. B.ac6/e..+ 14B?$F and (ocial j%stice and t$e "it) EO0:ord5 Ba-i. B.ac6/e..$. # 8o.u(e entit.ed Post!odernis! and t$e "it) is :ort;co(in'. !IND# ,*T1,EON E14 A-$ i- Pro:e--or o: En'.i-; and 1o()arati8e !iterature at t;e *ni8er-ity o: Toronto. S;e i- t;e aut;or o: a -erie- o: -tudie- o: )o-t(oderni-t :iction+ inc.udin' Narcissistic Narrati0e6 t$e -etafictional ParadoC E14B0$F A Poetics of Post!odernis! E14BB$F and T$e Politics of Post!odernis! E14B4$. # ne/ -tudy+ 5ron) and t$e Power of t$e 'nsaid, is :ort;co(in'. 9REDRI1 3#MESON E14< - $ i- an #(erican Mar0i-t critic+ /;o-e inter)retation o: de8e.o)(ent- in Euro)ean t;eory and conte()orary cu.ture ;a8e (ade ;i- /ritin'- o: centra.+i()ortance to .iterary and cu.tura. -tudie-. ,i- )ub.ication- inc.ude -arCis! and For! E14A1$F T$e Prison .o%se of *an %a e EPrinceton+ Ne/ 3er-ey5 Princeton *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14A2$F and T$e Political 'nconscio%s. Narrati0e as a (ociall) ()!&olic Act ENe/ &or6 and !ondon5 Met;uen+ 14B1$. ,i- (o-t recent /or6- are *ate -arCis!6 Adorno or t$e Persistence of t$e 7ialectic E1440$F Post!odernis!, 2r t$e "%lt%ral *o ic of *ate "a#italis! E1441$F and a -tudy on :i.(+ (i nat%res of t$e 8isi&le ENe/ &or6 and !ondon5 Rout.ed'e+ 1441$. 3a(e-on ;a- tau';t at -e8era. #(erican *ni8er-itie- and i- at )re-ent Pro:e--or o: 1o()arati8e !iterature and Director o: t;e "raduate Pro'ra( in .iterature and t;eory at Du6e *ni8er-ity. ,e i- a co-:ounder o: t;e =ourna. (ocial TeCt. "EET# K#P*R i- a )ro(inent art ;i-torian and critic. S;e i- Senior 9e..o/ at t;e Ne;ru Me(oria. Mu-eu( and !ibrary in Ne/ De.;i and aut;or o: "onte!#orar) 5ndian Artists ECi..a-+ India and !ondon5 Ci6a-/San'a( Boo6-+ 14AB$. S;e i- a re' contributor to t;e =ourna. T$ird TeCt, and a (e(ber o: it- Internationa. 1ounci.. !#*R# KiPNIS E14?@- $ i- a 8ideo arti-t and #--i-tant Pro:e--or in t;e De)art(ent o: Radio+ TC and 9i.( at Nort;/e-tern *ni8er-ity. ,er 8ideo ta)einc.ude A -an's /o!an, )roduced in a--ociation /it; 1;anne. 9our Te.e8i-ion+ and (o-t recent.y 7Mar05 t;e Cideo7. # co..ection o: e--ay- and 8ideo-cri)t-+ ()!#to!s, is :ort;co(in' :ro( t;e *ni8er-ity o: Minne-ota Pre--. 3*!I# KRi-TE8# E14 1-$ /a- born in Bu.'aria+ and 'ained a di-tin'ui-;ed re)utation a- a .in'ui-t and -erniotician in a--ociation /it; t;e Tel G%el 'rou) in Pari- in t;e .ate -i0tie- and -e8entie-. ,er /or6 on .an'ua'e+ -ub=ecti8ity and -e0ua.ity+ dra/in' e-)ecia..y u)on !acanian )-yc;oana.y-i-+ ;a- been at t;e centre o: conte()orary :e(ini-t debate. Kri-te8a i- Pro:e--or o: !in'ui-tic- at t;e *ni8er-ity o: Pari- CIII+ and a )-yc;oana.y-t. ,er /or6- in tran-.ation inc.ude Re0ol%tion in Poetic *an %a e E14B $F 7esire in *an %a e EO0:ord5 Ba-i. B.ac6/e..F Ne/ &or6F 1o.u(bia *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14B0$F and+ (o-t recent.y+ Black (%n. 7e#ression and -elanc$olia ENe/ &or65 1o.u(bia *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14B4$F and t;e a/ard-/innin' (tran ers to 2%rsel0es EBri';ton5 ,ar8e-ter %;eat-;ea:+ 1441$. T$e Kriste0a Reader, ed. Tori. Moi EO0:ord5 Ba-i. B.ac6/e..$ /a- )ub.i-;ed in 14B@$. "EORr+ !uK#c- E1BB?-14A1$ t;e ,un'arian-born Mar0i-t );i.o-o);er and critic+ i- be-t 6no/n :or ;i- de:ence o: 7critica. rea.i-(7 and ;i- -tricturea'ain-t .iterary (oderni-(. !u6dc- -tudied in "er(any and .ater -ett.ed in Cienna E1414-24$+ /;ere ;e /rote .istor) and "lass "onscio%sness E142<+ !ondon5 14A1$+ a (a=or e0)o-ition o: Mar0i-t dia.ectic :ro( a ,e'e.ian )er-)ecti8e. ,e /or6ed at t;e So8iet #cade(y o: Science in Mo-co/ and a:ter Sta.in7- deat; /a- a))ointed ,un'arian Mini-ter o: 1u.ture but de)orted at t;e ti(e o: t;e So8iet in8a-ion and on.y read(itted to t;e 1o((uni-t Party in 14@A. ,i- /ide in:.uence can be detected in t;e /or6 o: t;e 9ran6:urt Sc;oo.+ t;e critici-( o: !ucian "o.d(ann+ Ray(ond %i..ia(- and 9redric 3a(e-on. Ot;er /or6- inc.ude T$e T$eor) of t$e No0el E141@F !ondon5 14A1$F T$e .istorical No0el E:ir-t )ub.i-;ed 14 AF !ondon5 Pre--+ 14@2$F and T$e -eanin of "onte!#orar) Realis! E14@<$. 2?0 3E#N-9R#N'oi- !&OT#RD /a- :or :i:teen year- a (e(ber o: t;e re8o.utionary Mar0i-t 'rou) 7Socia.i-(e ou Barbarie7. In t;e -i0tie- ;e ca(e to Iue-tion Mar0i-t e0).anation and be'an ;i- a.ternati8e 7)o-t-Mar0i-t7 in8e-ti'ation- in );i.o-o);y+ .an'ua'e+ and t;e art-F a de8e.o)(ent recounted in Pere rinations ENe/ &or65 1o.u(bia *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14BB$. In addition to T$e Post!odern "ondition E14B $+ !yotard7- /ritin'- in tran-.ation inc.ude+ D%st Ga!in E14B?$ and T$e '7ifferend' E14BB$. !yotard i- Pro:e--or E(eritu- o: P;i.o-o);y at t;e *ni8er-ity o: Pari- CIII and Pro:e--or at t;e *ni8er-ity o: 1a.i:on-tia+ Ir8ine. 3E#N R#D9ORD i- Senior !ecturer in ,u(anitie- at ,at:ie.d Po.ytec;nic and aut;or o: Nor!an -ailer6 a "ritical (t%d) E!ondon5 Mac( 14A@$ and 7orot$) Ric$ardson EBri';ton5 ,ar8e-ter %;eat-;ea:+ 1441$. S;e ;a- a.-o edited T$e Pro ress of Ro!ance E!ondon5 Rout.ed'e P Ke'an Pau.+ 14B@$ and /ritten introduction- to t;ree no8e.- by May Sinc.air.

&CONNE R#INER E14< - $ i- an #(erican dancer+ c;oreo'ra);er and :i.(-(a6er /;o teac;e- on t;e Inde)endent Study Pro'ra( at t;e %;itney Mu-eu( o: Mode( #rt+ Ne/ &or6. # :ounder (e(ber o: t;e e0)eri(enta. 3ud-on Dance T;eatre -;e be'an e0).orin' -ub=ecti8ity and -e0ua.ity in -;ort non-rea.i-t :i.(- in t;e .ate -i0tie-. ,er c;oreo'ra);ic /or6 inc.ude- -) Bod)'s .o%se E14@ $F T$e -ind is a -%scle E14@@-@B$F and ;er :i.(-+ Do%rne)s fro! Berlin E14A1$F *i0es of Perfor!ers E14A2$F Kristina Talkin Pict%res E14A@$F and T$e -an /$o En0ied /o!en ,9:A>=. T$e Fil!s of +0onne Rainer EB.oo(in'ton5 Indiana *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14B4$ contain- :i.( -cri)t-+ inter8ie/- and critica. e--ay-. 1ORNE! %EST E14?<-$ i- Pro:e--or o: Re.i'ion and Director o: t;e #:ro-#(erican Studie- Pro'ra((e at Princeton *ni8er-ity. In 14B4 ;e /a- Ci-itin' 9e..o/ at t;e Briti-; 9i.( In-titute+ !ondon. ,i- /ritin'- inc.ude Pro#$etic Fra !ents E"rand Ra)id-+ Mic;i'an5 Eerd(an-+ 14BB$F T$e A!erican E0asion of P$iloso#$). A Genealo ) of Pra !atis! EMadi-on5 *ni8er-ity o: %i-con-in Pre--+ 14B4$F and T$e Et$ical 7i!ensions of -arCist T$o% $t ENe/ &or65 Mont;.y Re8ie/ Pre--+ 1441$. ,e i- coeditor o: 2%t T$ere6 -ar inalisation and "onte!#orar) "%lt%res E1a(brid'e+ Ma--.5 MIT Pre--+ 1440$ and a (e(ber o: t;e editoria. board o: t;e =ourna. (ocial TeCt. R#&MOND %I!!I#MS E1421-BB$ /a- born in Pandy+ #ber'a8enny+ "/ent+ and educated at 1a(brid'e+ /;ere ;e /a- .ater !ecturer in En'.i-; and Pro:e--or o: Dra(a E14A -B<$. ,e ;a- ;ad an enor(ou- internationa. in:.uence u)on .iterary critici-(+ (edia -tudie- and !e:t cu.tura. )o.itic-. ,inu(erou- /ritin'- inc.ude "%lt%re and (ociet) E!ondon5 1;atto and %indu-+ 14?B$F T$e "o%ntr) and T$e "it) E!ondon5 1;atto and %indu-+ 14A<$F Pro&le!s in -aterialis! and "%lt%re E!ondon5 Cer-o+ 14B0$ and Reso%rces of .o#e E!ondon and Ne/ &or65 Cer-o+ 14B4$. %i..ia(- i- a.-o t;e aut;or o: ;a.: a doJen no8e.-+ inc.udin' t;e )o-t;u(ou-.y )ub.i-;ed Peo#le of t$e Black -o%ntains. Per;a)- t;e be-t introduction to ;i- /or6 and t;in6in' re(aint;e inter8ie/- co..ected a- Politics and *etters E!ondon5 Cer-o+ 14A4$. !#!EEN &#&#M#NNE E14 A-$ i- a Sri !an6an-bo( :i.(-(a6er and :i.(-.ecturer /;o teac;e- at t;e Po/er In-titute o: 9ine #rt-+ T;e *ni8er-ity o: Sydney+ #u-tra.ia. S;e ;a- directed A (on of "e)lon E14B?$ and /ritten e--ay- on D71ey.onD+ a c.a-; o: cu.ture-7 and 7Myt;- o: :e(ininity in Sri !an6an cine(a7. 9urt;er Readin' T;e :o..o/in' are -e.ect'ra);ie- o: t;eoretica. and 'enera. critica. -tudie-. T;e reader /i.. :ind additiona. readin' in t;e ,eadnote- to re.e8ant -ection-+ a- /e.. a- in t;e Note- on #ut;or-. 9or (ore e0ten-i8e'ra);ie- on (oderni-( -ee Bradbury and Mc9ar.ane Eed-$+ -odernis! E14A@$ and Eu'ene !unn+ -arCis! and -odernis! E14B?$. 9or'ra);ie- on )o-t(oderni-( -ee Ste8en 1onnor+ Post!odernist "%lt%re E14B4$ and !inda ,utc;eon+ T$e Politics of Post!odernis! E14B4$.%;ere boo6- and. artic.e- di-cu-- bot; (oderni-( and )o-t(oderni-(t;ey ;a8e 'enera..y been inc.uded under t;e .atter. Modernity and Moderni-( #DORNO+ T,EODOR and M#0 ,ORK,EIMER 7ialectic of Enli $ten!ent, tran-. 3o;n 1u((in' E!ondon5 #..en !ane+ 14A2$. #NDERSON+ PERR+ '-oden4tit) and Re8o.ution7 in -arCis! and t$e 5nter#retation of "%lt%re, ed. Ne.-on and "ro--ber' E!ondon5 Mac( 14BB$+ )). <1A-<<. BEN3#MIN+ #NDRE% Eed.$ T$e Pro&le!s of -odernit). Ado!o and Benja!in E!ondon and Ne/ &or65 Rout.ed'e+ 14B4$. BEN3#MIN+ %#!TER 5ll%!inations, ed. ,anna; #rendt E!ondon5 14A<$. BERM#N+ M#RS,#!! All T$at is (olid -elts 5nto Air. T$e EC#erience of -odernit) E!ondon5 Cer-o+ 14B<$. BENSTO1K+ S,#RI /o!en of t$e *eft Bank. Paris 1400-14 0 E!ondon5 Cira'o+ 14BA$. B!O1,+ ERNST .erita e of 2%r Ti!es, E14<?$ tran-. Ne8i..e P.aice and Ste);en P.aice EBer6e.ey5 *ni8er-ity o: 1a.i:on-da Pre--+ 1441$. B!O1,+ ERNST et a.. Aest$etics and Politics E!ondon5 Cer-o+ 14AA$. BR#DB*R&+ M#!1O!M T$e (ocial "onteCt of -odern En lis$ *iterat%re ENe/ &or65 Sc;oc6en+ 14A1$. BRA7B'R+, -A*"2*- and 3#MES Mc9#R!#NE Eed-$+ -odernis! 1B40-14<0 E,ar(ond-/ort;5 Pen'uin+ 14A@$. BR2NNER, (TE8EN and DO*"!#S KE!!NER Eed-$+ "ritical T$eor) and (ociet)6 a Reader E!ondon5 Rout.ed'e+ 14B4$. 9RISB&+ D#CID Fra !ents of -odernit). T$eories of -odernit) in t$e /ork of (i!!el, Kraca%er and Benja!in E1a(brid'e5 Po.ity Pre--/Ba-iI B.ac6/e..+ 14BB$. 2?2 F%rt$er Readin 3#MIESON+ FRE7R5" -arCis! and For! EPrinceton+ Ne/ 3er-ey5 Princeton *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14A1$. *ate -arCis!6 Adorno or t$e Persistence of t$e 7ialectic E!ondon and Ne/ &or65 Cer-o+ 1440$. !*NN+ E*"ENE -arCis! and -odernis! EBer6e.ey5 *ni8er-ity o: 1a.i:ornia Pre--+ 14B2+ !ondon5 Cer-o+ 14B?$. MORETTI+ 9R#N1O 7T;e S)e.. o: Indeci-ion7 in -arCis! and t$e 5nter#retation of "%lt%re, ed. Ne.-on and "ro--ber' E!ondon5 Mac( 14BB$+ )). <<4- @. ROBINSON+ !I!!I#N and !IS# CO"E!+ 7Moderni-( and ,i-tory7+ New *iterar) .istor), @, 9 E#utu(n 14A1$5 1AA-44. STEINER+ "EOR"E 5n Bl%e&eard's "astle6 (o!e Notes Towards t$e Redefinition of "%lt%re E!ondon5 9aber and 9aberF Ne/ ,a8en5 &a.e *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14A1$. %I!!ETT+ 3O,N T$e New (o&riet). Art and Politics in t$e /ei!ar Period, 141A-14<< E!ondon5 T;a(e- and ,ud-on+ 14AB$. T$e /ei!ar +ears. A "%lt%re "%t ($ort E!ondon5 T;a(e- and ,ud-on+ 14B $. Moderni-(+ !iterature and 1u.ture #DoRNo+ T,EODOR Pris!s, tran-. S and S. %eber E!ondon5 Ne8i..e S)ear(an+ 14@A$. Aest$etic T$eor), tran-. 1. !en;ardt+ ed. ". #dorno and R. Tied(ann E!ondon5 Rout.ed'e+ 14B $. #NTIN+ D#CID 7So(e Gue-tion- #bout Moderni-(7+ 2ccident, B ES)rin' 14A $5 A-<B. B#KER+ ,O*STON #. -odernis! and t$e .arle! Renaissance E1;ica'o and !ondon5 *ni8er-ity o: 1;ica'o Pre--+ 14BA$. B#K,TIN+ MIK,#I! T$e 7ialo ic 5!a ination, ed. M. ,o.Iui-t+ tran-. 1. E(er-on and M. ,o.Iui-t E#u-tin5 *ni8er-ity o: Te0a- Pre--+ 14B1$. BEEBE+ M#*RI1E 7%;at Moderni-( %a-7 Do%rnal of -odern *iterat%re, @ E14A $5 10@?-B . BE!!+ MI1,#E! T$e "onteCt of En lis$ *iterat%re 1400-14<0 E!ondon5 Met;uen+ 14B0$. BEN3#MIN+ %#!TER 'nderstandin Brec$t, tran-. #nna Bo-toc6+ Introduction by Stan.ey Mitc;e.. E!ondon5 Ne/ !e:t Boo6-+ 14A<$.

4 "$arles Ba%delaire6 a *)ric Poet in t$e Era of .i $ "a#italis! tran-. ,arry Ko;n E!ondon5 Ne/ !e:t Boo6-+ 14A<$. BER"ONKI+ BERN#RD 7T;e #d8ent o: Moderni-( 1400-14207+ in T$e Twentiet$ "ent%r), ed. B. Ber'onJi E!ondon5 Barrie and 3en6in-+ 14A0$+ )). 1A- B. 4 T$e -)t$ of -odernis! and Twentiet$4"ent%r) *iterat%re ENe/ &or65 St Martin7- Pre--+ 14BB$. BRE1,T+ BERTO!T Brec$t on T$eatre, ed. and tran-. 3o;n %i..ett ENe/ &or65 ,i.. and %an'F !ondon5 Eyre Met;uen+ 14@ $. BRO%N+ DENNIS T$e -odernist (elf in Twentiet$4"ent%r) En lis$ *iterat%re E!ondon5 Mac( 14B4$. 1,I#RI+ 3OSEP, T$e Aest$etics of -odernis! E!ondon5 Ci-ion Pre--+ 14A0$. 1O!!IER+ PETER and 3*D& D#CIES Eed-$ -odernis! and t$e E%ro#ean 'nconscio%s ENe/ &or65 St Martin- Pre--F 1a(brid'e5 Po.ity Pre--NBa-i. B.ac6/e..+ 1440$. 1R#I"+ D#CID 7!one.ine-- and #narc;y5 #-)ect- o: Moderni-(7 in T$e Real Fo%ndations. *iterat%re and (ocial "$an e E!ondon5 O0:ord *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 9:<4=, ##. 9<94:4. 1RONIN+ #NT,ON& # G%estion of -odernit) E!ondon5 Sec6er and %arbur'+ 9:;;=. -odernis!PPost!odernis! DE 3ON",+ 3#MES 8icio%s -odernis!6 Black .arle! and t$e *iterar) 5!a ination E1a(brid'e5 1a(brid'e *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 1440$. DIE M#N+ P#*! 7!iterary ,i-tory and !iterary Modernity7 and 7!yric and Modernity7 in Blindness and 5nsi $t ENe/ &or6 and !ondon5 O0:ord *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14A1$+ )). 1 2-B@. E#"!ETON+ TERR& ECiles and E!i res6 (t%dies in -odern *iterat%re E!ondon5 1;atto and %indu-+ 14A0$. /alter Benja!in. 2r Towards a Re0ol%tionar) "riticis! E!ondon5 Cer-o+ 14B1$. A ainst T$e Grain. Essa)s 14A?-14B? E!ondon5 Cer-o+ 14B@$. E!!M#N+ RI1,#RD and 1,#R!ES 9EIDE!SON 3R Eed-$ T$e -odern Tradition, Back ro%nds of -ode! *iterat%re ENe/ &or6 and !ondon5 O0:ord *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14@?$. 9#*!KNER+ PETER -odernis! E!ondon5 Met;uen+ 14AA$. - Eed.$ A -odernist Reader. -odernis! in En land 1410-14<0 E!ondon5 Bat-:ord+ 14B@$. "#RCIN+ ,#RR& R. Eed.$ Ro!anticis!, -odernis!, Post!odernis! E!e/i-bur'+ O;io5 Buc6ne.. *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14B0$. "I!BERT+ S#NDR# and S*S#N "uB#R No -an's *and. T$e Place of t$e /o!an /riter in t$e Twentiet$ "ent%r) 2 8o.- ENe/ ,a8en and !ondon5 &a.e *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14BB+ 14B4$. "R#CES+ ROBERT and !#*R# RIDIN" A (%r0e) of -odernist Poetr) E142AF re)r. Mic;i'an5 Sc; Pre--+ 14A2$. ,#MB*R"ER+ MI1,#E! T$e Tr%t$ of Poetr) E!ondon5 %eiden:e.d and Nico.-on+ 14@4F ,ar(ond-/ort;5 Pen'uin+ 14A2$. ,#NSco(BE+ "I!!I#N and CIR"INI# !. SM&ERS /ritin For T$eir *i0es. T$e -odernist /o!en 1410-14 0 E!ondon5 T;e %o(en7- Pre--+ 14BA$. ,#ST&+ O!"# PETERS and S*S#NNE 9u--o A!erica T$ro% $ R%ssian E)es, 1BA -142@ ENe/ ,a8en5 &a.e *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14BB$. ,O99M#N+ "ER,#RD+ #!9RED ,ORN*N" and RtTDI"ER K*NO% 7DMode(D+ DPo-t(ode(D and D1onte()oraryD a- 1riteria :or #na.y-i- o: 20t;-1entury !iterature7+ A!erikast%dien, 22 E14AA$5 14- @. ,O%E+ IRCIN" ,ed.=*iterar) -odernis! E"reen/ic;+ 1onnecticut5 9a/cett Pub.ication- Inc.+ 14@A$. 4 T$e 7ecline of t$e New ENe/ &or65 ,arcourt BraceF !ondon5 Cictor "o..ancJ+ 14A1$. ,u&-SEN+ #NDRE#S and D#CID B#T,RI1K Eed-$ -odernit) and t$e TeCt. Re0isions of Ger!an -odernis! ENe/ &or65 1o.u(bia *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14B4$. 3#MESON+ 9REDRI1 Fa&les of A ression6 /)nd$a! *ewis, t$e -odernist as Fascist EBer6e.ey+ 1a.i:ornia and !ondon5 *ni8er-ity o: 1a.i:ornia Pre--+ 14A4$. 3o-o)o8ici+ "#BRIE! T$e *essons of -odernis! and 2t$er Essa)s E!ondon5 Mac( 14AA$. K#(P9+ !oui- 2n -odernis!6 t$e Pros#ects for *iterat%re and Freedo! E1a(brid'e+ Ma--5 MIT Pre--+ 14@A$. K#KIN+ #!9RED 7On Moderni-(7+ New Re#%&lic E1A 3anuary 14A@$5 24-<1. KENNER+ ,*", T$e Po%nd Era E!ondon5 9aber and 9aber+ 14A2$. 4 A .o!e!ade /orld6 t$e A!erican -odernist /riters ENe/ &or65 #.:red #. Kno):+ 14A?F !ondon5 Marion Boyar-+ 14AA$. KER(ODE+ 9R#NK T$e (ense of An Endin 6 (t%dies in t$e T$eor) of Fiction E!ondon and Ne/ &or65 O0:ord *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14@A$. 4 "ontin%ities E!ondon5 Rout.ed'e P Ke'an Pau.F Ne/ &or65 Rando( ,ou-e+ 14@B$. KRiSTEC#+ 3*!I# Re0ol%tion in Poetic *an %a e E14A $+ tran-. Mar'aret ENe/ &or65 1o.u(bia *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14B $. KR*T1,+ 3OSEP, %OOD '-odernis!' in -odern 7ra!a6 a 7efinition and an Esti!ate EIt;aca5 1orne.. *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14?<$. 2? F%rt$er Readin !#N"B#*M+ ROBERT T$e -odern (#irit6 Essa)s on t$e "ontin%it) of Nineteent$4 and Twentiet$4"ent%r) *iterat%re= Ne/ &or65 O0:ord *ni8er-ity Pre--F !ondon5 1;atto and %indu-+ 14A0$. !ECIN+ ,#RR& 7%;at /a- Moderni-(7 in Refractions6 Essa)s in "o!#arati0e *iterat%re ENe/ &or65 O0:ord *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14@@$ )). 2A1-4?. 4 -e!ories of t$e -oderns ENe/ &or65 Ne/ Direction-+ 14B0$. !OD"E+ D#CID T$e -odes of -odern /ritin E!ondon5 Ed/ard #rno.d+ 14AA$. !uK#c-+ "EOR" T$e -eanin of "onte!#orar) Realis! tran-. 3o;n and Nec6e Mander E!ondon5 Pre--+ 14@<$. M*RDO1,+ IRIS 7#'ain-t Dryne--7+ Enco%nter, 1@+ 1 E3anuary+ 14@1$5 1@-20. NI1,O!!S+ PETER -odernis!s. A *iterar) G%ide E!ondon5 Mac( 1441$. PERKINS+ D#CID A .istor) of -odern Poetr) fro! t$e 1B40- to t$e .i $ -odernist -ode E1a(brid'e+ Ma--.F and !ondon5 Be.6na) Pre--/,ar8ard *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14A@$. PER!O99+ M#R3ORIE T$e 7ance of t$e 5ntellect. (t%dies in t$e Poetr) of t$e Po%nd Tradition E1a(brid'e5 1a(brid'e *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14B?$. ROSENBER"+ ,#RO!D T$e Tradition of t$e New ENe/ &or65 Mc"ra/-,i..+ 14@?$. SPENDER+ STEP,EN T$e (tr% le of t$e -odern E!ondon5 ,a(i-; ,a(i.tonF Ber6e.ey *ni8er-ity o: 1a.i:ornia Pre--+ 14@<$. STE#D+ 1. K. T$e New Poetic E!ondon5 ,utc;in-on+ 14@ F ,ar(ond-/ort;5 Pen'uin+ 14A4$. STEINM#N+ !IS# M. -ade in A!erica. (cience, Tec$nolo ) and -odern A!erican Poets ENe/ ,a8en5 &a.e *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14BA$. SC#RN&+ ERIK 'T$e -en of 9:94'6 T. (. Eliot and Earl) -odernis! EMi.ton Keyne-5 O)en *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14B4$. S&MONS+ 3*!I#N -akers of t$e New. T$e Re0ol%tion in *iterat%re 9:9?49:@: E!ondon5 #ndr@ Deut-c;+ 14BA$. TRI!!IN"+ !IONE! 7On t;e Modern E.e(ent in !iterature7+ 14@1+ re)rinted a- 7On t;e Teac;in' o: Mode( !iterature7 in Be)ond "%lt%re6 Essa)s on *iterat%re and *earnin ENe/ &or65 Ci6in'+ 14@?F !ondon5 Sec6er and %arbur'+ 14@@$. %I!!I#MS+ R#&MOND 7ra!a Fro! 5&sen to Brec$t E!ondon5 1;atto and %indu-+ 14@4$. 4 T$e Politics of -odernis!, ed. and /it; Introduction by Tony Pin6ney E!ondon and Ne/ &or65 Cer-o+ 14B4$. %I!SON+ EDM*ND ACel's "astle. A (t%d) in t$e 5!a inati0e *iterat%re of 9A<049:@0 ENe/ &or65 1;ar.e- Scribner7- Son-+ 14<1$.

Moderni-( and t;e ot;er art- Einc.udin' -tudie- o: t;e a8ant'arde$ #DORNO+ T,EODOR T$e P$iloso#$) of -odern -%sic E!ondon5 S;eed and %ard+ 14A<$. B#*DE!#IRE+ 1,#R!ES T$e Painter of -odern *ife and 2t$er Essa)s, tran-. and ed. 3onat;an Mayne E!ondon5 P;aidon+ 14@ $. BtR"ER+ PETER T$e T$eor) of t$e A0ant4Garde tran-. M. S;a/ EMinnea)o.i-5 *ni8er-ity o: Minne-otaF Manc;e-ter5 *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14B $. 4 T$e 7ecline of -odernis!, tran-. Nic;o.a- %a.6er E1a(brid'e5 Ba-i. B.ac6/e../ Po.ity Pre--+ 1442$. BOR"ER+ PETER and 1,RIST# BtR"ER Eed-$ Post!oderne6 Allta , Alle orie %nd A0ant arde E9ran6:urt a( Main5 Su;r6a()+ 14BA$. -odernis!5Post!odernis! B*T!ER+ 1,RISTOP,ER After t$e /ake6 an Essa) on t$e "onte!#orar) A0ant4Garde EO0:ord and Ne/ &or65 O0:ord *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14B0$. 1#!INES1*+ M#TEi Fi0e Faces of -odernit)6 -odernis!, A0ant4Garde, 7ecadence, Kitsc$, Post!odernis! EDur;a(+ Nort; 1aro.ina5 Du6e *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14BA$. 1,tNIE*Q-"ENDRON+ 3#1G*E!INE (%rrealis! ENe/ &or65 1o.u(bia *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 1440$. 1,RISTIE+ I#N and RI1,#RD T#&!OR Eed-$ Fil! Factor). R%ssian and (o0iet "ine!a in 7oc%!ents E!ondon and Ne/ &or65 Rout.ed'e+ 14BB$. E!!IOT+ D#CID New /orlds, R%ssian Art and (ociet) 1400-14<A E!ondon5 T;a(e- and ,ud-on+ 14B@$. 9R#S1IN#+ 9R#N1IS and 1,#R!ES ,#RRISON Eed-$ -odern Art and -odernis!. A "ritical Ant$olo ) E!ondon5 T;e O)en *ni8er-ity/Pau. 1;a)(an Pub.i-;in' !td+ 14B2$. "REENBER1+ 1!EMENT 7Moderni-t Paintin'7 E14@?$ in 9ra-cina and ,arri-on Eed-$ ibid.+ )). ?-10. KE!!&+ M#R& 7Re-8ie/in' Moderni-t 1ritici-(7+ (creen 22+ < E14B1$5 1-@2. KR#MER+ ,I!TON T$e A e of t$e A0ant4Garde. An Art "$ronicle of 14?@-14A2 ENe/ &or65 9arrar+ Strau-- and "irou0+ 14A<$. KR#*SS+ ROS#!IND E. T$e 2ri inalit) of t$e A0ant4Garde and 2t$er -odernist -)t$s E1a(brid'e Ma--.5 MIT Pre--+ 14B?$. !ODDER+ 1,RISTIN# R%ssian "onstr%cti0is! ENe/ ,a8en and !ondon5 &a.e *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14B<$. PER!O99+ M#R3ORIE T$e F%t%rist -o!ent. A0ant4Garde, A0ant G%erre, and t$e *an %a e of R%#t%re E1;ica'o and !ondon5 *ni8er-ity o: 1;ica'o Pre--+ 14B@$. PO""IO!i+ REN#TO T$e T$eor) of t$e A0ant Garde, tran-. ". 9itJ'era.d E1a(brid'e+ Ma--.5 Be.6na) Pre--/,ar8ard *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14@B$. R*SSE!!+ 1,#R!ES Eed.$ T$e A0ant4Garde Toda). An 5nternational Ant$olo ) E*rbana5 *ni8er-ity o: I..inoi- Pre--+ 14B1$. 4 Poets, Pro#$ets and Re0ol%tionaries. T$e *iterar) A0ant4Garde fro! Ri!&a%d t$ro% $ Post!odernis! ENe/ &or65 O0:ord *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14B?$. S1OTT+ BONNIE KiME Eed.$ T$e Gender of -odernis! EB.oo(in'ton5 Indiana *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 1440$. S,#TT*1K+ RO"ER T$e Ban1%et +ears. T$e 2ri ins of t$e A0ant4Garde in France, 1BB? to /orld /ar 2ne6 Alfred larr), .enri Ro%ssea%, Erik (atie, G%illa%!e A#ollinaire re8. ed. ENe/ &or65 Rando( ,ou-e+ 14@B$. S*!EIM#N+ S*S#N R*BIN (%&0ersi0e 5ntent. Gender, Politics and t$e A0ant4Garde 1a(brid'e+ Ma--.5 ,ar8ard *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 1440$. T#S,3I#N+ DicKR#N /illia! "arlos /illia!s and t$e A!erican (cene 1420-14 0 ENe/ &or65 %;itney Mu-eu( o: Modern #rt/*ni8er-ity o: 1a.i:ornia Pre--+ 14AB$. TI!!&#RD+ S. K. T$e 5!#act of -odernis!. T$e 8is%al Arts in Edwardian En land !ondon5 Rout.ed'e+ 14BB$. Ti((-+ ED%#RD and D#CID KE!!E& Eed-$ 'nreal "it)6 'r&an EC#erience in -odern E%ro#ean *iterat%re and Art ENe/ &or65 St Martin7- Pre--F Manc;e-ter5 *ni8er-ity o: Manc;e-ter Pre--+ 14B?$. Ti((-+ ED%#RD and PETER 1O!!IER Eed-$ 8isions and Bl%e#rints. A0ant4Garde "%lt%re and Radical Politics in Earl) Twentiet$4"ent%r) E%ro#e ENe/ &or65 St Martin7- Pre--F Manc;e-ter5 *ni8er-ity o: Manc;e-ter Pre--+ 14BB$. %#!S,+ M#RTIN T$e Brec$tian As#ect of Radical "ine!a, ed. Keit; M. Ric;ard E!ondon5 B91+ 14B1$. %EES+ %I!!I#M ". 8orticis! and t$e En lis$ A0ant4Garde EToronto5 *ni8er-ity o: Toronto Pre--F Manc;e-ter5 *ni8er-ity o: Manc;e-ter Pre--+ 14A2$. %EI",TM#N+ 3O,N T$e "once#t of t$e A0ant4Garde6 EC#lorations in -odernis! ENe/ &or65 !ibrary Pre--F !ondon5 #.co8e Pre-- 14A<$. %,ITE+ 3O,N D. *iterar) F%t%ris!. As#ects of t$e First A0ant4Garde EO0:ord5 1.arendon Pre--+ 1440$. &O*N"+ #!#N 7ada and After EManc;e-ter5 *ni8er-ity o: Manc;e-ter Pre--+ 14B<$. 2?@ F%rt$er Readin Po-t(odernity and Po-t(oderni-( #D#M+ I#N and ,E!EN TI99IN+ Past t$e *ast Post. T$eori3in Post4"olonialis! and Post4-odernis! E!ondon5 ,ar8e-ter %;eat-;ea:+ 1441$. #R#1+ 3ON#T,#N Eed.$ Post!odernis! and Politics EManc;e-ter5 Manc;e-ter *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14B@$. B#*DRI!!#RD+ 3E#N T$e -irror of Prod%ction E14A<$ tran-. Mar6 Po-ter ESt !oui-5 Te.o- Pre--+ 14A?$. For A "riti1%e of t$e Political Econo!) 2f t$e (i n E14A@$+ tran-. 1;ar.e- !e8in ESt !oui-5 Te.o- Pre--+ 14B1$. 4 For et Fo%ca%lt E14AA$+ tran-. Nico.e Du:re-ne ENe/ &or65 Se(iote0tEe$+ 14BA$. 4 (ed%ction E14A4$ tran-. Brian Sin'er E!ondon5 Mac( 1440$. 4 (i!%lations E14B1$ tran-. Pau. 9o--+ Pau. Patton and P;i.i) Beitc;(an ENe/ &or65 Se(iote0tEe$+ 14B<$. 4 5n t$e ($adow of t$e (ilent -ajorities ... E14B<$ tran-. Pau. 9o--+ Pau. Patton and 3o;n 3o;n-ton ENe/ &or65 Se(iote0tEe$+ 14B<$. 4 A!erica E14B@$ tran-. 1;ri- Turner E!ondon and Ne/ &or65 Cer-o+ 14BB$. 4 (elected /ritin s, ed. Mar6 Po-ter EO0:ord5 Po.ity Pre--+ 14BB$. 4 "ool -e!ories ,9:A<=, tran-. 1;ri- Turner E!ondon and Ne/ &or65 Cer-o+ 9::0=. Fatal (trate ies ,9:A@=, tran-. P;i.i) Beitc;(an and /. G. 3. Nie.uc;o/-6-i+ ed. 3i( 9.e(in' ENe/ &or65 Se(iote0tEe$F !ondon5 P.uto+ 9::0=. B#*M#N+ K&"M*NT *e islators and 5nter#reters6 2n -odernit), Post4-odernit) and 5ntellect%als EIt;aca5 1orne.. *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 9:A<=. BE!!+ D#NIE! T$e "o!in of Post45nd%strial (ociet) Ne/ &or65 Ba-ic Boo6-+ 9:<@=. BE!!+ D#CID T$e "%lt%ral "ontradictions of "a#italis! ENe/ &or65 Ba-ic Boo6-+ 9:<;=. BENNIN"TON+ "EO99 *)otard6 /ritin t$e E0ent EManc;e-ter5 Manc;e-ter *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 9:AA=. BERM#N+ R. #. 7T;e RoutiniJation o: 1;ari-(atic Moderni-( and t;e Prob.e( o: Po-t(odernity "%lt%ral "riti1%e, > ,9:A<=6 4:4;A. BERNSTEIN+ RI1,#RD D. Eed.$ .a&er!as and -odernit) E1a(brid'e5 Po.ity Pre--/Ba-i. B.ac6/e.. 9:A>=. BO&NE+ Roy and #!I R#TT#NSI Eed-$ Post!odernis! and (ociet) E!ondon5 Mac( 9::0=. BRoOKEM#N+ 1,RISTOP,ER A!erican (ociet) and "%lt%re (ince t$e 9:@0s E!ondon5 Mac( 9:A4=. 1#!!INico-+ #!E0 A ainst Post!odernis! E1a(brid'e5 Po.ity/Ba-i. B.ac6/e..+ 9:A:=.

1ONNOR+ STECEN Post!odernist "%lt%re. An 5ntrod%ction to T$eories of t$e "onte!#orar) EO0:ord5 Ba-i. B.ac6/e..+ 9:A:=. 1OOK+ D#CID and #RT,*R KROKER T$e Post!odern (cene, ECcre!ental "%lt%re and .)#er4Aest$etics ENe/ &or65 St Martin- Pre--+ 9:A;=; !ondon5 Mac( 9:AA= 1OOKE+ P,I!IP Back to t$e F%t%re, -odernit), Post!odernit) and *ocalit) E!ondon5 *n/in ,y(an+ 9::0=. DEBoRD+ G%) (ociet) of t$e (#ectacle ,9:;<, Detroit5 B.ac6 and Red+ 9:<<=. DE%S+ PETER *o ics of 7isinte ration E!ondon5 Cer-o+ 9:A<=. Do1,ERT&+ T,OM#S After T$eor), Post -odernis!lPost -arCis! E!ondon and Ne/ &or65 Rout.ed'e+ 9::0=. D*RIN"+ SIMON 7Po-t(oderni-( or Po-t-1o.onia.i-( Today7 TeCt%al Practice, 9, 9 ,9:A<=6 @?44<. E#"!ETON+ TERR& 71a)ita.i-(+ Moderni-( and Po-t(oderni-(7 in A ainst T$e Grain E!ondon5 Cer-o+ 9:A;=, ##. 9@944A. 9E#T,ERSTONE+ MIKE Post!odernis! 4 A T$eor) and (ociet) s#ecial do%&le iss%e E!ondon5 Sa'e+ 9:AA=. 9EKETE+ 3O,N Eed.$ *ife After Post!odernis!. Essa)s on 8al%e and "%lt%re E!ondon5 Mac( 9:AA=. -odernis!5Post!odernis! 9!#Q+ 3#NE T$inkin Fra !ents, Ps)c$oanal)sis, Fe!inis! and Post!odernis! in t$e "onte!#orar) /est EBer6e.ey5 *ni8er-ity o: 1a.i:ornia Pre--+ 1440$. 9OSTER+ ,#! Eed.$ T$e Anti4Aest$etic6 Essa)s on Post!odern "%lt%re EPort To/n-end5 Bay Pre--+ 14B?F re)rinted a- Post!odern "%lt%re E!ondon and Sydney5 P.uto Pre--+ 14B?$. 9R#NKOCIT- #NDRt Eed.$ (ed%ced and A&andoned6 t$e Ba%drillard (cene E".ebe+ #u-tra.ia5 Stone(o-- Ser8ice-F Ne/ &or65 Se(iote0tEe$+ 14B $. 9R#KER+ N#N1& 7T;e 9renc; Derridean-5 Po.itici-in' Decon-truction or Decon-tructin' Po.itic-7+ New Ger!an "riti1%e << E14B $5 12A-? . "IDDENS+ #NT,ON& 7Moderni-( and Po-t-Moderni-(7+ New Ger!an "riti1%e ?? E14B1$51?-1B. "ROSK E. #. et a.. Eed-$ F%t%rMfall6 ECc%rsions into Post!odernit) ESydney5 Po/er In-titute o: 9ine #rt+ 14B@$. ,#BERM#S+ 3*R"EN *e iti!ation "risis, tran-. T;o(a- Mc1art;y E!ondon5 ,eine(ann+ 14A@$. 4 T$e T$eor) of "o!!%nicati0e Action, 2 8o.-+ E1a(brid'e5 Po.ity/B.ac6/e..+ 14B?+ 14BB$. 4 T$e P$iloso#$ical 7isco%rse of -odernit), tran-. 9rederic6 !a/rence E1a(brid'e5 Po.ity/B.ac6/e..+ 14BB$. 4 T$e (tr%ct%ral Transfor!ation of t$e P%&lic (#$ere, tran-. T;o(a- Bur'er in a--ociation /it; 9rederic6 !a/rence E1a(brid'e5 Po.ity/B.ac6/e..+ 14B4$. ,#RCE&+ D#CID T$e "ondition of Post!odernit) EO0:ord5 Ba-i. B.ac6/e..+ 14B4$. ,#SS#N+ I,#B T$e Ri $t Pro!et$ean Fire6 5!a ination, (cience and "%lt%ral "$an e E*rbana+ I..inoi-5 *ni8er-ity o: I..inoi- Pre--+ 14B0$. T$e Post!odern T%rn. Essa)s in Post!odern T$eor) and "%lt%re E1o.u(bu-5 O;io State *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14BA$. ,#SS#N+ I,#B and S#!!& ,#SS#N Eed-$ 5nno0ationlReno0ation6 New Pers#ecti0es on t$e .%!anities EMadi-on5 *ni8er-ity o: %i-con-in Pre--+ 14B<$. ,ONNET,+ #QE! 7#n #8er-ion #'ain-t t;e *ni8er-a.5 a 1o((entary on !yotard7- Post!odern "ondition' in T$eor), "%lt%re and (ociet), 2+ < E14B?$5 1 A-1?A. ,u&SSEN+ #NDRE#S After T$e Great 7i0ide6 -odernis!, -ass "%lt%re, Post!odernis! EB.oo(in'ton5 Indiana *ni8er-ity Pre-- 14B@F !ondon5 Mac( 14BB$. 3#1OBS+ 3#NE 7eat$ and *ife of Great A!erican "ities ENe/ &or65 Cinta'e+ 14@1$. 3#MESON+ 9REDRI17Po-t(oderni-(+ or t;e 1u.tura. !o'ic o: !ate 1a)ita.i-(7+ New *eft Re0iew, 1 @ E14B $5 ?<-42+ in Post!odernis! or t$e "%lt%ral *o ic of *ate "a#italis! E!ondon5 Cer-o+ 1441$. -7T;e Po.itic- o: T;eory5 Ideo.o'ica. Po-ition- in t;e Po-t(oderni-( Debate7+ New Ger!an "riti1%e, << E14B $5 ??-@@F re)rinted in -odern "riticis! and T$eor); a Reader, ed. Da8id !od'e E!ondon and Ne/ &or65 !on'(an+ 14BB$+ )). <A<-B<. - 7Po-t(oderni-( and 1on-u(er Society7 in Post!odern "%lt%re. ed. ,a. 9o-ter E!ondon and Sydney5 P.uto+ 14B?$+ )). 111-2?. 4 Post!odernis! or t$e "%lt%ral *o ic of *ate "a#italis! E!ondon5 Cer-o+ 1441$. 3#RDINE+ #!I1E G)nesis6 "onfi %rations of /o!an and -odernit) EIt;aca and !ondon5 1o(e.. *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14B?$. K#P!#N+ E. ##NN Eed.$ Post!odernis! and its 7iscontents6 T$eories, Practices E!ondon and Ne/ &or6+ 14BB$. KE!!NER+ DO*"!#S jean Ba%drillard, Fro! -arCis! to Post!odernis! and Be)ond E1a(brid'e5 Po.ity Pre--/Ba-i. B.ac6/e..+ 14BB$. 4 Post!odernis!5ja!esonl"riti1%e E%a-;in'ton5 Mai-onneu8e Pre--+ 1440$. KRoKER+ #RT,*R and M#RI!O*I-E KROKER Eed-$ Bod) 5n0aders6 (eC%alit) and t$e Post!odern "ondition E!ondon5 Mac( 14BB$. !#1!#*+ ERNESTO New Reflections on t$e Re0ol%tion of 2%r Ti!e E!ondon and Ne/ &or65 Cer-o+ 1440$. !#c!#u+ ERNESTO and 1,#NT#! Mou99E+ .e e!on) and (ocialist (trate ). Towards a Radical 7e!ocratic Politics E!ondon and Ne/ &or65 Cer-o+ 14B?$. ?>A F%rt$er Readin !#S,+ S1OTT (ociolo ) of Post!odernis! E!ondon5 Rout.ed'e+ 1440$. !o8iBOND+ S#R#, 79e(ini-( and Po-t(oderni-(7 in Post!odernis! and (ociet) ed. Roy Boyne and #.i Rattan-i E!ondon5 Mac( 1440$. )). 1? -B@. !yoT#RD+ 3E#N-9R#NiFoi- j%st Ga!in , tran-. "odJic; and Brian Ma--u(i EMinnea)o.i-5 *ni8er-ity o: Minne-ota Pre--+ 14B?$. 4 T$e Post!odern "ondition6 a Re#ort on Knowled e E14A4$+ tran-. "eo:: Bennin'ton and Brian Ma--u(i+ :ore/ord by 9redric 3a(e-on EMinnea)o.i-5 *ni8er-ity o: Minne-ota Pre--F Manc;e-ter5 *ni8er-ity o: Manc;e-ter Pre--+ 14B $. 4 *e Post!oderne eC#li1%; a%C enfants EPari-5 "a.i.@e+ 14B@$. 4 T$e '7iff;rend', P$rases in 7is#%te E14B<$+ tran-. ". Can Den #bbee.e EManc;e-ter5 *ni8er-ity o: Manc;e-ter Pre--+ 14BB$. 4 Pere rinations. *aw, For!, E0ent ENe/ &or6 and O0:ord5 1o.u(bia *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14BB$. 4 5n$%!an, tran-. ". Bennin'ton and Rac;e. Bo/.by E1a(brid'e5 B.ac6/e../ Po.ity Pre--+ 1441$. M#NDE!+ ERNEST *ate "a#italis! E!ondon5 Cer-o+ 14A?$. ME!CI!!E+ STEP,EN P$iloso#$) Beside 5tself. 2n 7econstr%ction and -odernis! EManc;e-ter5 Manc;e-ter *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 9:A;=. Moi+ ToRI! 79e(ini-(+ Po-t(oderni-( and Sty.e5 Recent 9e(ini-t 1ritici-( in t;e *nited State-7+ "%lt%ral "riti1%e, : ,9:AA=6 @4??. MO*KE!I-+ Nico- Post4-arCist Alternati0es E!ondon5 Mac( 9::0=. NE!SON+ 1#R& and !#%REN1E "Ro--BER"+ -arCis! and t$e 5nter#retation of "%lt%re E!ondon5 Mac( 9:AA=. NI1,O!SON+ !IND# 3. Eed.$ Fe!inis!lPost!odernis! E!ondon and Ne/ &or65 Rout.ed'e+ 9::0=. NORRIS+ 1,RISTOP,ER /$at's /ron wit$ Post!odernis!. "ritical T$eor) and t$e Ends of P$iloso#$) EToronto5 ,ar8e-ter %;eat-;ea:+ 9::0=. O%ENS+ 1R#I" 79e(ini-( and Po-t(oderni-(7 in Post!odern "%lt%re, ed. ,a. 9o-ter E!ondon and Sydney5 P.uto+ 9:A>=, ##. ><4A?.

RoRT&+ RI1,#RD 7,aber(a- and !yotard on Po-t(odernity7 in .a&er!as and -odernit) ed. Ric;ard Bern-tein E1a(brid'e5 Po.ityNB.ac6/e..+ 9:A>, ##. 9;94<;. Ro--+ #NDRE% Eed.$ 'ni0ersal A&andonF T$e Politics of Post!odernis! EEdinbur';5 T;e *ni8er-ity o: Edinbur'; Pre--+ 9:AA=. R&#N+ MI1,#E! 7Po-t(ode( Po.itic-7 T$eor), "%lt%re and (ociet) >, ?4@ ,9:AA=6 >>:4<;. S#R*P+ M#D#N An 5ntrod%ctor) G%ide to Post4(tr%ct%ralis! and Post!odernis! E!ondon5 ,ar8e-ter %;eat-;ea:+ 9:AA=. S1,*!TE-S#SSE+ 3O1,EN 7Modernity and Po-t(oderni-(5 9ra(in' t;e I--ue7+ "%lt%ral "riti1%e, > ,9:A<=6 >4??. Second o: 3anuary "rou)+ After Tr%t$. A Post4-odern -anifesto E!ondonF In8ention- Pre--+ 9:A;=. S,ECTSOC#+ M#RI# 7Inte..ectua.-+ 1o((it(ent and Po.itica. Po/er5 Inter8ie/ /i I =ean Baudri..ard7+ T$esis Ele0en, 90499 ,9:A4P>=6 9;;4<>. SI!CERM#N+ ,*", 3. Eed.$ Post!odernis! 4 P$iloso#$) and t$e Arts ENe/ &or6 and !ondon5 Rout.ed'e+ 9::0=. SIMONE M#!IG#!I(+ TIMOT,& A&o%t Face. Race in Post!odern A!erica ENe/ &or65 #uto(edia+ 9:A:=. T*RNER+ BR&#N (. Eed.$ T$eories of -odernit) and Post!odernit) E!ondon5 Sa'e+ 9::0=. %#KE9IE!D+ NECI!!E Post!odernis!6 t$e Twili $t of t$e Real E!ondon and %inc;e-ter+ Ma--.5 P.uto Pre--+ 9::0=. %E!!MER+ #!BRE1,T 7On t;e Dia.ectic o: Moderni-( and Po-t(oderni-(7+ PraCis 5nternational, 4 ,9:A>=6 @@<4;?. -odernis!5Post!odernis! 4 T$e Persistence of -odernit) E1a(brid'e+ Ma--.5 MIT Pre--5 1a(brid'e5 Po.ity Pre--/Ba-i. B.ac6/e..+ 1441$. %O!IN+ RI1,#RD 7Moderni-( 8- Po-t(oderni-(7+ Te.o-+ @2 E14B /?$5 4-24. Po-t(oderni-( and !iterature #!EQ#ND9R+ M#R"*ERITE Fli $ts fro! Realis!. T$e!es and (trate ies in Post!odernist Britis$ and A!erican Fiction E!ondon5 Ed/ard #rno.d+ 1440$. #!!EN+ DON#!D and "EOR"E B*TTERIcK T$e Post!oderns6 t$e New A!erican Poetr) Re0ised ENe/ &or65 "ro8e Pre--+ 14B2$. #!TIERT+ 1,#R!ES 79ro( Sy(bo.i-t T;ou';t to I((anence5 t;e "round o: Po-t(ode( #(erican Poetic-7 Bo%ndar) 2+ 1 E14A<$5 @0?- 1. 7Po-t(oderni-(5 a Gue-tion o: De:inition7+ Par Ra##ort, 2 E14A4$5 BA-100. #NDRE%S+ BR*1E and 1,#R!ES BERNSTEIN Eed-$ T;e !M#MNM"M*M#M"ME Boo6 E1arbonda.e and Ed/ard8i..e+ Sout;ern I..inoi- Pre--+ 14B $. #NTIN+ D#CID 7Moderni-( and Po-t(oderni-(. #))roac;in' t;e Pre-ent in #(erican Poetry7+ Bo%ndar) 2+ 1 E9a..+ 14A2$ 4B-1<<. #R#1+ 3ON#T,#N "ritical Genealo ies. .istorical (it%ations for Post!odern *iterar) (t%dies ENe/ &or65 1o.u(bia *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14BA$. B#RT,+ 3O,N 7T;e !iterature o: E0;au-tion7 E14@@$ in T$e No0el Toda)6 "onte!#orar) /riters on -odern Fiction, ed. Bradbury E".a-'o/5 14AA$+ )). A0-B<. - 7T;e !iterature o: Re).eni-;(ent5 Po-t(oderni-t 9iction7+ Atlantic -ont$l), 2 ?+ 1 E14B0$5 @?-A1. BERTEN-+ ,#NS 7T;e Po-t(ode( /eltansc$a%n and it- Re.ation /it; Moderni-(an Introductory Sur8ey7 in A##roac$in Post!odernis!, ed. 9o66e(a and Berten- E14B@$+ )). 4-?1. + BR#DB*R&+ M#!1O!M+ 7Moderni-(-/Po-t(oderni-(-7 in 5nno0ationlReno0ation, ed. ,a--an and ,a--an E14B<$+ )). <11-2B. ENKENSBER"ER+ ,#NS M#"N*S T$e "onscio%sness 5nd%str)6 2n *iterat%re, Politics and t$e -edia ENe/ &or65 Seabury Pre--+ 14A $. 9EDERM#N+ R#&MOND Eed.$ (%rfiction6 Fiction Now and To!orrow E1;ica'o5 S/a..o/ Pre-- 14A?+ 2nd edn+ 14B1$. 9IED!ER+ !ES!IE 7T;e Ne/ Mutant-7 and 71ro-- t;e Border+ 1.o-e t;e "a)7 in T$e "ollected Essa)s of *eslie Fiedler, 8ol. 2 ENe/ &or65 Stein and Day+ 14A1$+ )). <A4- 00+ @1-B?. - 7T;e Deat; and Rebirt;- o: t;e No8e.5 t;e Cie/ :ro( 7B27 in I;ab and Sa..y ,a--an Eed-$ o). cit.+ )). 22?- 2. 9oKKEM#+ Dou/E and ,#NS BERTENS Eed-$ A##roac$in Post!odernis! E#(-terda( and P;i.ade.);ia5 3o;n Ben=a(in-+ 14B@$. 9oKKEM#+ Dou/E and M#TEI 1#!INES1* Eed-$ EC#lorin Post!odernis! E#(-terda(5 3o;n Ben=a(in-+ 14BB$. "R#99+ "ER#!D 7T;e Myt; o: t;e Po-t(oderni-t Brea6t;rou';7 in T$e No0el Toda), ed. Bradbury E".a-'o/5 14AA$ )). 21A- 4. ,#SS#N+ I,#B Paracriticis!s6 (e0en (#ec%lations of t$e Ti!es E*rbana5 *ni8er-ity o: I..inoi- Pre--+ 14A?$. 4 T$e 7is!e!&er!ent of 2r#$e%s. Toward a Post!odern *iterat%re ENe/ &or65 O0:ord *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14B2$. ,uT1,EON+ !IND# Narcissistic Narrati0e6 t$e -etafictional ParadoC ENe/ &or6 and !ondon5 Met;uen+ 14B0$. 4 A Poetics of Post!odernis!. .istor), T$eor), Fiction ENe/ &or6 and !ondon5 Rout.ed'e+ 14BB$. 2@0 F%rt$er Readin 4 T$e Politics of Post!odernis! ENe/ &or6 and !ondon5 Rout.ed'e+ 14B4$. K!INKO%ITK+ 3EROME *iterar) 7isr%#tions6 t$e -akin of a Post4"onte!#orar) A!erican Fiction E*rbana5 *ni8er-ity o: I..inoi- Pre--+ 14A?+ 2nd edn+ 14B0$. !E 1!#IR+ To( and !#RR& M11#99ER& Eed-$ An)t$in "an .a##en. 5nter0iews wit$ A!erican No0elists E*rbana5 *ni8er-ity o: I..inoi- Pre--+ 14B<$. !EE+ #!ISON Realis! and Power. Post!odern Britis$ Fiction E!ondon and Ne/ &or65 Rout.ed'e+ 1440$. !OD"E+ D#CID 7Moderni-(+ #nti-Moderni-(+ Po-t(oderni-(7 in /orkin /it$ (tr%ct%ralis! E!ondon5 Rout.ed'e+ 14B1$+ )). <-1@. M#!M"REN+ 1#R! D#RR&! Fictional (#ace in t$e -odernist and Post!odernist A!erican No0el E!e/i-bur'+ Penn-y.8ania5 Buc6ne.. *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14B?$. M#KK#RO+ 3EROME Post!odern A!erican Poetr) E*rbana5 *ni8er-ity o: I..inoi- Pre--+ 14B0$. M11#99ER&+ !#RR& Eed.$ Post!odern Fiction6 a Bio4Bi&lio ra#$) E%e-t)ort+ 1onnecticut5 "reen/ood Pre--+ 14B@$. Mc,#!E+ BRI#N Post!odernist Fiction E!ondon and Ne/ &or65 Met;uen+ 14BA$. NE%M#N+ 1,#R!ES T$e Post!odern A%ra6 t$e Act of Fiction in an A e of 5nflation EE8an-ton+ I..inoi-5 Nort;/e-tern *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14B?$. O!SON+ 1,#R!ES Additional Prose EBo.ina-+ 1a.i:ornia5 9our Sea-on- 9oundation+ 14A $. -7T;e #ct o: %ritin' in t;e 1onte0t o: Po-t-Mode( Man7 in 2lson6.t$e jo%rnal of t$e "$arles 2lson Arc$i0es, 2 E14A $5 2B. POTK+ M#N9RED and PETER 9REESE Eed-$ Post!odernis! in A!erican *iterat%re6 a "ritical Ant$olo ) EDar(-tadt5 T;e-en+ 14B $. S1,O!E-+ ROBERT (tr%ct%ral Fa&%lation6 an Essa) on t$e Fiction of t$e F%t%re ENotre Da(e+ Indiana5 *ni8er-ity o: Notre Da(e Pre--+ 14A?$. - 9abu.ation and Meta:iction E*rbana5 *ni8er-ity o: I..inoi- Pre--+ 14A4$.

SI!!IM#N+ RON D7Po-tTnoden-d-(D5 Si'n :or a Stru''.e+ t;e Stru''.e :or t;e Si'n7+ Poetic- =ourna. A E14BA$5 1B-<4. SONT#"+ S*S#N #'ain-t Inter)retation ENe/ &or65 De..+ 14@A$. # Su-an Sonta' Reader+ Introduction by E.iJabet; ,ard/ic6 E,ar(ond-/ort;5 Pen'uin+ 14B<$. aP#NOS+ %I!!I#M C. Eed.$ Martin ,eide''er and t;e Gue-tion of !iterature. To/ard a Po-t(odern !iterary ,er(eneutic- EB.oo(in'ton5 Indiana *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14A4$. Re)etition-5 T;e Po-t(odern Occa-ion in !iterature and 1u.ture EBaton Rou'e5 !oui-iana State *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14BA$. S*KENI1K+ RON#!D In 9or(5 Di're--ion- on t;e #rt of 9iction E1arbonda.e and Ed/ard-8i..e+ I..inoi-5 Sout;ern I..inoi- *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14B?$. %#*",+ P#TRI1I# Meta:iction5 t;e T;eory and Practice of Se.:-1on-ciou- 9iction E!ondon and Ne/ &or65 Met;uen+ 14B $. - 9e(inine 9iction-+ Re8i-itin' t;e Po-t(odern E!ondon and Ne/ &or65 RoutIed'e+ 14B4$. %I!DE+ #!#N ,oriJon- of #--ent5 Moderni-(+ Po-t(oderni-( and t;e Ironic I(a'ination EBa.ti(ore and !ondon5 3o;n- ,o)6in- *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14B1$. Po-t(oderni-(+ Po) 1u.ture and t;e Ot;er #rt#PPI"N#NE-i+ !IS# Eed.$ Po-t(oderni-(. I1# Docu(ent- E!ondon5 In-titute o: 1onte()orary #rt-+ 14B@$. B#NES+ S#!!& Ter)-ic;ore in Snea6er-5 Po-t(odern Dance EMidd.eto/n+ 1onnecticut5 %e-.eyan *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14B@$. 2@1 -odernis!lPost!odernis! B!#*+ ,ERBERT T$e E)e of t$e Pre)6 (%&0ersions of t$e Post!odern EB.oo(in'ton5 Indiana *ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14BA$. B*R"IN+ CI1TOR Eed.$ T$inkin P$oto ra#$) E!ondon5 Mac( 14B2$. 4 T$e End of Art T$eor)6 "riticis! and Post!odernit) E!ondon5 Mac( 14B@$. 1,#MBERS I#IN Po#%lar "%lt%re6 T$e -etro#olitan EC#erience E!ondon and Ne/ &or65 Met;uen+ 14B@$. 4 Border 7ialo %es. Do%rne)s in Post!odernit) E!ondon and Ne/ &or65 1o(edia/ Rout.ed'e+ 1440$. 1O!!INS+ 3i( 'nco!!on "%lt%res. Po#%lar "%lt%re and Post!odernis! E!ondon and Ne/ &or65 Rout.ed'e+ 14B4$. 1O!!INS+ MI1,#E! Towards Post4-odernis!. 7esi n since 9A>9 E!ondon5 Briti-; Mu-eu(+ 14BA$. 1REED+ B#RB#R# 79ro( ,ere to Modernity5 9e(ini-( and Po-t(oderni-(7+ (creen, 2B+ 2 E14BA$5 A-@B. D#CIS+ MIKE "it) of G%art3. E0ac%atin t$e F%t%re of *os An eles ENe/ &or6 and !ondon5 Cer-o+ 1440$. D#CIS+ MIKE+ MI1,#E! SPRINKER and 9RED P9EI!+ T$e +ear *eft E!ondon5 Cer-o+ 14B?$. DERRID#+ 3#1G*ES 7T;e T;eatre o: 1rue.ty and t;e 1.o-ure o: Re)re-entation7 in /ritin and 7ifference, tran-. Ba-- E!ondon5 Rout.ed'e+ 14AB$+ )). 1@4-A?. T$e Tr%t$ in Paintin , tran-. "eo:: Bennin'ton and Ian Mc!eod E1;ica'o5 *ni8er-ity o: 1;ica'o Pre--+ 14BA$. D*R#ND+ Rt"IS 7T;eatre/Si'n-/Per:or(ance5 On -o(e Tran-:or(ation- o: t;e T;eatrica. and t;e T;eoretica.7 in 5nno0ationlReno0ation, ed. I;ab and Sa..y ,a--an EMadi-on5 *ni8er-ity o: %i-con-in Pre--+ 14B<$+ )). 211-2 . Eco+ *MBERTO Tra0els in .)#errealit), tran-. %i..ia( %ea8er E!ondon5 Picador+ 14BA$. 9ER"*SON+ R*SSE!! et a.. Eed-$ 7isco%rses. "on0ersations in Post!odern Art and "%lt%re ENe/ &or65 Ne/ Mu-eu( o: Mode( #rt/MIT Pre--+ 1440$. 9ORTE 3E#NIE 7%o(en7- Per:or(ance #rt5 9e(ini-( and Po-t(oderni-(7+ T$eatre jo%rnal 0+ 2 E14BB$5 21A- ?. 9OSTER+ ,#! Recodin s6 Art, (#ectacle, "%lt%ral Politics EPort To/n-;end+ %a-;in'ton5 Bay Pre--+ 14B?$. 9*1,S+ E!INOR 7T;e T;eatre a:ter Derrida7 Perfor!in Arts jo%rnal, 2@/A E14B?$5 1@<-A<. "REENBER"+ 1!EMENT 7Mode( and Po-t(ode(7+ Arts -a a3ine, ? + @ E14B0$5 @ -@. ,EBDI"E+ DI1K .idin in t$e *i $t E!ondon and Ne/ &or65 Rout.ed'e/1o(edia+ 14BB$. ,*",ES+ ROBERT T$e ($ock of t$e New6 Art and t$e "ent%r) of "$an e ENe/ &or65 Kno):+ 14B1$. ,*T1,EON+ !IND# A T$eor) of Parod). T$e Teac$in s of Twentiet$4"ent%r) Art For!s ENe/ &or6 and !ondon5 Met;uen+ 14B?$. 3#MESON+ 9REDRI1 7On Ma'ic Rea.i-( in 9i.(7+ "ritical 5n1%ir), 12+ 25 <01-2?. -7Readin' %it;out Inter)retation5 Po-t(oderni-( and t;e Cideo-Te0t7 in T$e *in %istics of /ritin , ed. Dere6 #ttrid'e et a.. EManc;e-ter5 *ni8er-ity o: Manc;e-ter Pre--+ 14BA$+ )). 144-2<<. 3EN1KS+ 1,#R!ES T$e *an %a e of Post4-odern Arc$itect%re t; edn E!ondon5 #cade(y Edition-F Ne/ &or65 RiJJo.i+ 14B $. 4 /$at is Post!odernis!F E!ondon5 #cade(y Edition-F Ne/ &or65 St Martin7- Pre--+ 14B@$. K#P!#N+ E. #NN Rockin Aro%nd t$e "lock6 -%sic, Tele0ision, Post4-odernis! and "ons%!er "%lt%re E!ondon and Ne/ &or65 Met;uen+ 14BA$. KR#MER+ ,I!TON T$e Re0en e of t$e P$ilistines6 Art and "%lt%re, 9:<?49:A4 ENe/ &or65 9ree Pre--+ 14B?$. 2@2 F%rt$er Readin M#11#BE 1O!IN Eed.$ .i $ T$eor)l*ow "%lt%re EManc;e-ter5 *ni8er-ity o: Manc~e-ter Pre--+ 14B@$. McRoBBIE+ #N"E!# 7Po-t(oderni-( and Po) 1u.ture7 in Post!odernis!, ed. !i-a #))i'nane-i+ o). cit.+ )). ? -B. MORRIS+ ME#",#N T$e Pirate's Fianc;e E!ondon5 Cer-o+ 14BB$. N#iRNE+ S#ND& /it; "EO99 D*N!OP and 3O,N %&CER+ (tate of t$e Art; 5deas and 5!a es in t$e 9:A0s E!ondon5 1;atto and %indu-+ 14BA$. NoRRi-+ 1,RISTOP,ER and #NDRE% BEN3#MIN /$at is 7econstr%ctionF ENe/ &or65 St Martin7- Pre--F !ondon5 #cade(y Edition-+ 14BB$. P9EI!+ 9RED 7Po-t(oderni-( a- a DStructure o:'D7 in -arCis! and t$e 5nter#retation of "%lt%re, ed. Ne.-on and "ro--ber' E14BB$+ )). <B1- 0<. ROBERTS+ D#CID Eed.$ T$e 5nde#endent Gro%#. Postwar Britain and t$e Aest$etics 2f Plent), Introduction by 3acIue.ynn Baa- E1a(brid'e5 Ma--.5 MIT Pre--+ 1440$. ROBERTS+ 3O,N Post!odernis!, Politics and Art EManc;e-ter5 *ni8er-ity o: Manc;e-ter Pre--+ 1440$. SIM#RD+ RODNE& Post!odern 7ra!a. "onte!#orar) Pla)wri $ts in A!erica and Britain E!and;a(+ Mary.and5 *ni8er-ity Pre-- o: #(erica/#(erican T;eatre #--ociation+ 14B $. PORTO",ESI+ P#O!O Post!odern6 t$e Arc$itect%re of t$e Postind%strial (ociet), tran-. E..en S;a)iro ENe/ &or65 RiJJo.i+ 14B<$. *!MER+ "RE"OR& A##lied Gra!!atolo )6 Post,e=4Peda o ) fro! Dac1%es 7errida to Dose#$ Be%)s EBa.ti(ore and !ondon5 3o;n- ,o)6in*ni8er-ity Pre--+ 14B?$. CENT*RI+ ROBERT "o!#leCit) and "ontradiction in Arc$itect%re, 2nd edn ENe/ &or65 Mu-eu( o: Modern #rt and "ra;a( 9oundation-+ 14A2$. CENT*RI+ ROBERT+ DENISE S1OTT BRO%N and STECEN IKENO*R *earnin fro! *as 8e as E1a(brid'e+ Ma--.5 MIT Pre--+ 14AA$. %#!!IS+ BRI#N Eed.$ Blasted Alle ories6 an Ant$olo ) of /ritin s &) "onte!#orar) Artists E1a(brid'e+ Ma--.5 Ne/ Mu-eu( o: 1onte()orary #rt/MIT Pre--+ 14BA$. %I!SON+ E!IK#BET, Adorned in 7rea!s. Fas$ion and -odernit) E!ondon5 Cira'o+ 14B?$. 4 .all%cinations. *ife in t$e Post4-odern "it) E!ondon5 ,utc;in-on Radiu-+14B4$.

%I!1o0 !EON#RD 7Moderni-( 8-F Po-t(oderni-(5 S;e)ard7- T$e Toot$ of "ri!e and i.~e Di-cour-e- o: Po) 1u.ture7 -odern 7ra!a, CCC no. EDec 14BA$5 ?@0-A< %RI",T+ E!IK#BET, Post!odern Brec$t E!ondon and Ne/ &or65 Rout.ed'e+ 14BB$. %&CER+ 3O,N 7Te.e8i-ion and Po-t(oderni-(7 in Post!odernis! ed. !i-a #))i'nane-i E!ondon5 I1#$+ )). ?2- . S)ecia. I--ue- on Modernity+ Moderni-(+ Po-t(oderni-( A!erikast%dien, ??, 9 E14AA$+ Po-t(oderni-(. Arc$itect%ral 7esi n, >A, <- E14BB$+ Decon-truction in #rc;itecture. Art and 7esi n, 4, <- E14BB$+ T;e Ne/ Moderni-(. Block, 94 E#utu(n+ 14BB$+ 7T;e %or6 o: #rt in t;e E.ectronic #'e7. "$ica o Re0iew, @@, 2-< E14B<$+ Po-t(oderni-t !iterature and 1ritici-(. "%lt%ral "riti1%e, > E%inter+ 14BA$+ 7Modernity+ Moderni-(F Po-t(odernity+ Po-t(oderni-(7. T$e 7ra!a Re0iew, 9:, 9 E14A?$+ Po-t-Mode( Dance. Do%rnal of -odern *iterat%re, @, ? E14A $+ 79ro( Moderni-( to Po-t(oderni-(7. Krisis, ? E14B $F <- E14B?$+ Po-t(oderni-(. -innesota Re0iew, ?@ E9a..+ 14B $+ 7T;e Po.itic- o: Po-t(oderni-(7. -odernis!lPost!odernis! New For!ations, A E14B4$+ 7Moderni-(/Ma-oc;i-(7. New For!ations, 99 E1440$+ 7T;e 1ity7. New Ger!an "riti1%e, ?? E14B1$+ 7,aber(a- and Po-t(oderni-(7. New Ger!an "riti1%e, @@ E14B $+ 7Modernity and Po-t(odernity7. New Ger!an "riti1%e, @4 E14B?$F @: E14B@$+ On %a.ter Ben=a(in. New *iterar) .istor), @, 9 E14A1$+ Moderni-( and Po-t(oderni-(. New Fro! Now$ere, A E%inter+ 14B4$+ 7T;e Po.itic- o: Moderni-(7. Par Ra##ort, ?, 2 E14A4$+ Po-t(oderni-(. (creen, ?A, 2 E14BA$+ Po-t(ode( 9i.(. T$eor), "%lt%re and (ociet), ?, < E14B?$+ 7T;e 9ate o: Modernity7. T$eor) "%lt%re and (ociet), >6 2-< E14BB$+ Po-t(oderni-(. Tri1%arterl), ?; E14A<$F @0 E14A $F @? E14A $F @@ E14A?$+ Po-t(oderni-(. Re.e8ant di-cu--ion a.-o a))ear- re' in New *eft Re0iew; 2cto&er; (ocial TeCt; TeCt%al Practice; T$ird TeCt. ?;4

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