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A ROSE FOR EMILY: Setting: Jefferson: a small town from the Southern USA.

The house is big, beautiful, with old furnitures, like a palace. Its in the main street. its run down.


Characters: Miss Emily Grierson: A fat woman. She seems to ha!e been a wealth" and smart woman, but now she and her house are #run down$. Colonel Sartoris: A ma"or in %&'(. )e edict that no egro person should appear on the street without an apron.. )e remitted *mil"s ta+es because *mil"s father had loaded mone" to the town. Homer Barron: A foreman of the compan" which pa!ed the sidewalks. )e was a northern person. )e used to date with *mil". Tobe (The Negro): #T, -*$ is used b" the author to predict a better future for black people. The mayor and aldermen. Tittle: #.oses$ means something romantic. The storie is tittled #A rose for *mil"$ because che wasnt luck" in lo!e. Class Review: *mil"s famil" was onl" her father. )e didnt want *mil" to married because of selfishness. She denied her father death, she wanted to keep the bod", but she couldnt. /onnection between house and *mil": both of them: 0are big1 0used to be beautiful and now are in bad conditions1 0are alone: *mil" is a lonel" person, without friends. The house is in the middle of nothing. 0are old. The author calls *mil" #a fallen monument$. She doesnt pa" ta+es and repare house. She wears old and dirt" clothes. She wanted to keep )omer with him. So she kill him. The ser!ant is belie!ed to be the narrator 2before he dessapears, the narrator use #3*$, after, #T)*4$5. Review: I The ne+t generation dont agree with /olonel Sartoris idea and mailed *mil" a ta+ notice. Then the" wrote her a formal letter, asking her to call at the sheriffs office. A

week later, the ma"or himself wrote her, offering to call or to send a car for her, and recei!ed in repla" a note on a paper of an archaic shape, in a thin calligraph", she no longer went out at all. The" called a special meeting of the -oard of Aldermen. The" were admitted b" the old egro. 3hen she appeared, she didnt asked them to sit. After listening the spokesman, she said #I ha!e no ta+es in Jefferson. /olonel Sartoris e+plaint to me$ 6#-ut there is nothing on the books to show that$ 7#See /olonel Sartoris. I ha!e no ta+es in Jefferson$ 2She didnt recogni8e the authorities, which could be a strateg" or the truth5. /olonel Sartoris had been dead almost ten "ears9 The egro appeared. 6#Show these gentlemen out.$ II After her fathers death, she went out !er" little. After her sweet heart went awa", people hardl" saw her at all. There was a smell. Some neighbours complain with the Judge about it. :eople thought that she was cra8". 23hen her father died, she said: #)e is not dead$5. III She had some kins but the" hadnt got on well with *mil"s father, so the" didnt use to !isit her. She met a man, )omer -arron. The" date each other for about one "ear. She was thirt" "ears old. She bought arsenic and she said it would be use for killing rats. I; :eople thought she wold kill herself, because )omer like men 2it was known that he drank with a "ounger man in the club5. Someda" )omer -arron left the town. :eople thought that he would come back. Actuall", he did. -ut that was the last time )omer -arron was seen. And the same for *mil". At forties she ga!e lessons in china6painting. She died a se!ent"6four. ; In an upstairs room, which hadnt been opened for fort" "ears, lied a man on a bed. ,n the bed there was a strand of gra" hair 2*mil"s hair5. As soon as the first !isitor arri!e at house when *mil" died, egro disappeared. 3e dont know wh", could be sh", he could know *mil"s secrets. 3hen people tried to talk with him, his !oice seemed to not be used to talking.

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