International Marketing

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International marketing- and sales consultancy, mar- keting support in/for Europe and ...

(practical implementation)
International marketing / export marketing - ... marketing is ...
'EVER !"I#$ is marketing' and I would like/offer to support/assist your company

!%ere is no discipline like 'experience' ... you %a&e to gat%er it

'et me asssit you in reac%ing more clients, resulting in a %ig%er turno&er/profit, a general sta(ili)ation of your company and more - (y international (or simply more) customers/market segments) ... For example by using all (*orld*ide - especially Europe, *it% its +,-. million in%a(itants in /, countries) marketing- and sales chances, i. e.

the successful, strategic and targeted marketing of your products nationally as well as on all fi e continents (information a(out countries I did (usiness in) to t%e clients reac%a(le for you, whether selling directly, ia own representati es, distributors. or te I!"#$!#", or ia local partners (% synergies, strategic alliances and more) and support this by internal lectures or trainings or e en management/marketing audits in order to impro e personal and/or organisational parameters (unfortunately the audits are only a ailable in &erman language, but when handled through me their are auto- matically translated)

"he basis for such support is laid by more t%an 0, years practical (and of course added t%eoretical) marketing and sales experience as well as lecturing for a &ariety of institutes (e. g. uni&ersities of cooperati&e education and institute for marketing and trade at t%e uni&ersity of 1t. $allen 1*it)erland) ... ... because ery often the tasks within a business are so manifold and compre%ensi&e that trained external support (for a certain time) is neeeded to make use of t%e a&aila(le c%ances and/or to support t%e o*n staff. From market research, through planning and implementation - where er in the world - I

am a ailable for you. 'lease look at some references. (f course all of that - and whate er I explain on these pages - cannot really s%o* t%e experience collected. Insofar a phone-call ()*+-,-,.-+-/.0) or a mail shortly dexcribing your needs would help faster. 2y clients so far came - besides of &ermany - from1 3ra)il, 4%ina, 5u(ai, 6ordan, #et%erlands, 'iec%tenstein, 1out% 7frica, 1pain, !urkey, 817, 89, and more

------------------------"o* can I assist you in reac%ing :8R goals -- in Europe or any*%ere else ; - please << mail - or call .+=->0>?- =0/?- - @ 1end page to a friend

Alexi(ility for :8R international marketing tasks

In cooperation *it%/or separately from your marketing-/exportteam I can assist in t%e fast de&elopment and implementation (i.e. also t%e operational management) of important marketing tasks. ou profit from my international experience *%ic% is B toget%er *it% my Cmarketing connectionsD - at your dis- posal (.pdf-&ersion)

!%e ad&antagesE

Alexi(le marketing capacity 2 a ailable for the marketing-/sales-/exportmanagement and its full range of respecti e tasks 1ystematic, speedy, and targeted support - for your international marketing pro3ects Implementation and profit-orientated proFect *ork - (i. e. targeting your needs and those of your clientele 4)

#o permanent load of your pay-roll, but flexible arrangement

#specially the following tasks are perfectly suitable for my assistance in preparation and prac-tical implementation1

2arket- and country selection (definition1 5arket-/5arketingpriorities) 2arket assessment for the preparation of a market organi6ation, i. e. selection of potential clients and/or all kinds of sales partners 2 from 7direct clients8 to licensees or cooperation partners, from 7simple8 distributors to a perfect partnership 5e&elop and implement export-, sales- and marketing strategies, market care concepts and much more 2 if needed/re9uested also in your name :rgani)ation and examination of new and/or existing marketing structures 7nalyses of t%e marketing potential 2 e. g. for the management of already existing marketing channels

Greparation and implementation of international marketing tasks

Greparation tasks

Greparation and organi)ation of international marketing pro3ects, exhibitions and the like 2arket and country selection (portfolios)

2arket selection

Grocurement and e&aluation of important market information (normally executed in / 2 - steps1 ?. H E&aluation of marketing-45s which are a ailable with and official databases accessible by me with se eral million #uropean company profiles, /. H Internet 2 # aluation of the a ailable data banks 2 especially from the different local organi6ations as well as further country information, 0. H partly partners from my international network)

5efinition of market c%ances for you 2e. g. taking also into consideration technical needs 5etailled market analyses (acc. to the parameters made a ailable by you)

7nalyses of t%e potential Gotential-analyses in order to manage and care for the sales channels (existing and new 4)

4alculation of market/sales potentials in key-/target markets (based on your existing experience with different sales channesl 2 also hybrid marketing organi6a- tions % use of different sales channels parallely to one another, depending on the country/mentality referred to) 4ritical examination of t%e performance of existing marekting organi6ations resp. partners 5efinition of success potentials for sales targets for the arious sales channels

E&aluation and processing of t%e market information collected 2arketing strategy as a preparation for t%e market entranceE

5e&elopment of a consistent marketing strategy Re&ie* and/or adaptation of an existing marketing strategy

Examples of a marketing and sales strategy to be defined

:istribution strategy (rgani6ation and taking care of sales partners 5arketing- and sales support/ser ices ;lways << maximum concentration on your clients 2 and their 7final8 clients 44

Implementation of t%e strategies ;ll proposals and solutions defined on the le el of conceptual work can (e implemeted under my proFect management 2 or, if re9uested, by myself. Examples for implementation of marketing management proFects

<election and e aluation of marketing/sales partners (rgani6ation of sales networks (if need be - including contractual agreements and definition of sales targets to be reached 2 based on the analyses made abo e) :e elopment of concepts for the management of sales partners :e elopment of concepts in order to reach/care for clients 2 based on the different #uropean countries and their mentalities

3asis of cooperation (et*een us

.. 5y international 2arketing- and sales experience /. 5y (usiness experience (see also abo e =>) -. "here exist different possibilities of cooperation between us1

2arketing assistance Con demandD

:epending on the task-structure we can agree on a few days per month 2 also e. g. in order to accompany permanently your acti ities in #urope and de eloping new ideas/ways from time to time

4ooperation in t%e frame of a defined proFect

?ou call for my assistance on a pro3ect-by-pro3ect basis based on separate contracts

2ixture of t%ese t*o, including a Isuccess portionD

For pro3ects including an implementation portion (e. g. for the organi6ation and implementa- tion of a sales network - based on my suggestions) we can agree on a @success portion8 of the remune-ration.

Reasons for a cooperation *it% me J

2y international marketing and sales-kno*ledge

is a ailable (more or less) immediately < speed, concentration on you/your clientele, targeted *ork, staying po*er is, although based on daily fees, less costly compared with a well-/internationallytrained employee offers additional B flexi(le B ressources which don8t load you pay-roll permanently, howe er, are reliableA bases on permanently kept Iup-to-dateD-marketing kno*ledge from international data sources, respecti e newsletters, etc. offers the abo e mentioned competence in international markets and the local mentalities pro ides *orld*ide references

... really not 'too difficult' - ... *it% a (it of experience ...
(t%e 'remarks' in t%e 2ind2ap open *%en dou(leclicking)
Glease regard my *e(site as a 'construction kit' - growing permanently - containing some marketing modules tested in practice. It will not show ways or e en BtheoriesB *%ic% %a&e not yet %ad positi&e results in t%eir 'trials (y fire'. 3ut ... all of t%ese modules %a&e to (e constructed/arranged A:R :8 (depending on your company, its organi6ation, the products, the sales regions national/international ... and more) - *it% good kno*ledge of t%e facts (ut also 'imagination' (see below 4) ... more after t%e 2indmap ... C

<ubstantially marketing is a perpetual and consistent dealing with data and markets, as well as the ideas and re9uirements of t%e clients in the different markets and marketsegments. In order to elaborate A:R :8 the most promising ways to markets and clients data dept%s and kno*ledge management are - especially during the phase of conception and/or reorgani6ation - of outstanding importance. "he '*ay to success' will take - as per my experience in management and consultancy and for really Bplanned acti itiesB - abt. / years, whereas first positi&e results *ill (e a&aila(le after a(t. K mont%s (please see also t%e references). I will be a ailable for assistance e. g. as shown %ere and %ere or like t%at ... and of course as :8 need it L '<1 'rofessor Dotler/E<; said1 M2arketing takes a day to learn. 8nfortunately it takes a lifetime to masterM or ;lbert #instein1 MImagination is (etter t%an kno*ledgeM. Fprint pageG

E&eryt%ing is ... marketing ... is e&eryt%ing

E&eryt%ing is marketing ...,
because whate er we do as indi iduals especially also when acting for a company -, it *ill c%aracteri)e us in t%e pu(lic/*it% our clients. Hhether it is

the receptionist on the phone, the production manager, the dri er of a company car, a field representati e, or the owner/=#( himself ...

... all that BimpressesB the public - e&en a &ery good ad&ertising campaign can not (e really successful against t%is 4 (whereas Bad ertisingB is often misunderstood/misinterpreted as being BmarketingB). ExamplesE .. "he receptionist - or whoe er talks on the phone - is polite or unpolite - t%e client/ caller *ill (e impressed /. "he manager of the production department is arrogant, or not - the supplier possibly talks about it during %is cracker (arrel or may (e e&en (eing *it% a compe- titor -. "he dri er of a labelled company car takes the priority from someone - possi(ly it *as t%e (est client L; *. 7 slo&enly dressed and arrogant field representati&e - who doesnBt identify with the problems of the client (or e en makes unbearable promises) - wants to be successful with a client - I canBt belie e this, e en if the client urgently needs a pro- duct comparable to ours I. Jappened today1 ;n arrogant editor in chief doesnBt answer a 9uestion correctly during a panel discussion but insists on his Bpolitical iewB - if t%is influences %is readers L; and much more.

... marketing is e&eryt%ing

I like this example1 Imagine you could produce gold (artificial and not to be used for 3ewelry but a perfect replacement for industrial purposes) at t%e price of copper and you *ant to sell it *it% a &ery good profit - at t%e price of sil&er. ou *ould not sell it if no(ody kne* it LL Kig ad ertising campaigns or similar action would lead in this case possibly only to some kind of unbelief or would initiate a BrunB (of unwanted and not suitable clients) respecti ely which we could not li e with/reply orderly to. 4onseNuently it *ould (e necessary to sell t%is gold especially to suc% clients *%o (arely need it for t%eir products. 7nd ... all t%e *ays to t%em - ideally in whate er region of this world - are kno*n (y t%e marketing department (see CC B2arketing OPO salesB)

from market analysis/market segmentation, ia the choice of the selling route accepted by such clients and the BrightB pricing, to talking to the customer, knowing/acknowledging JI< problems

and much more. (f course this is impossible *it%out t%e de&elopment department (descri(ing t%e possi(ilities to use 't%e artificial gold'), and the production department ((eing responsi(le for a permanently perfect Nuality) and of course all such things are ery much depending on the company itself as we cannot generali6e them, but pro ided e erything is in order, to get t%e 'rig%t' client, in t%e 'suita(le' market segment/s, and t%e 'rig%t' reNuirements, *%ic% can (e fulfilled (y us ... you need 5arketing I2":E

E&eryt%ing is ... marketing ... is e&eryt%ing

!%e *orld is a &illage ... - and I kno* a fe* mentalities

... and one should know the inhabitants and their mentalities/habits in order to get on with them and to support each other. ... and - ideally - one has a strategic marketing concept/marketing plan, which I would like to elaborate and implement for/with you The following pages give you some important information and links which are needed to elaborate such a successful marketing concept, however, only for those countries in which I personally could collect experiences in the past. Yes, there is by far more information available in the Internet regarding a lot more countries - and you may find them easily via the links given -, however, I concentretad on the countries which are known to me and thus I collected links which - in my opinion contain valuable information and can be helpful to you. During the implementation of all tasks important for you, especially regarding marketing/sales and its related organisational !uestions , I am available to assist in these and other countries, from market research to practical implementation in your company and/or abroad wordlwide and wheresoever ... please ask for more " If you come across any link, not working or not containing the information you are looking for I would be grateful for a hint "

2indmaps for marketing and sales purposes

2ind 2aps are 'one' *ay to structure and &isuali)e any task
Jereafter please find a few maps regarding the marketing department of a company whereas, howe er, they are pretty general, as each and e ery company needs to be iewed at separately and thoroughly. Further details ha e to be elaborated from case to case 44 - (practical support) 'lease use the links to see more or 3ust ask please 4 ?. 2arketing-1ales portion /. 2arketing-4oordination tasks 0. 1ome aspects regarding t%e future of a company *. :ur *orld ,. Qinning ne* customers Fprint pageG

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from 'absatzwirtschaft 5/2003' - best German marketing periodical:

Cultural Individualists: In these countries there is a strongly marked stole on the national culture together with strong individual values. This needs as well a localisation as an individual linking to the local clients,

Countries, People, Marketing

Global Individualists: In these countries there is lesss interest in the own culture or a less marked stole in this regard and an openness towards the world. The need to locali!e is relatively small. The users in

whereas the individual linking seems to be even more important than the cultural. Typical representatives are the USA and UK """"""""""""""""""" """" Cultural #ensitives: In these collectivistic markets the users are stole on the local culture. It is e$pected that global labels understand and respect the cultures and as well the communication as the product are adapted to the local situation. Typical representatives are Mexico and India.

these cultures have a strong wish to identi%y with labels on an individual level. Typical representatives = Belgiu and !er any """"""""""""""""""" """"" Global #ensitives: These are collectivis" tic societies which are open to the world. The connection to a global label and its availability very o%ten is more important than the local culture. The need to locali!e is medium strong in these countries. More important is the origin o% the label and the place o% production. Typical representatives are Argentina and Colu "ia Close window

Qinning ne* customers - ... marketing is ...

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